HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 18, 1972 MINUTES
MINUTI:S OF Tin- SPJ','CI/: [, !Œ'J<,'T IHC
0 F' '['liE
August 18, 1.972
A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of vtrginia Becœl1, ViY'gin1:a 1Jas
he7-d ú¡ the Council chorrJJers of the Admtm:sty'atícn BuU,ding, in the J3ol'ough of
Princess Amw, on Friday, August 18, 1972, at 10:00 a.m., fO1' the purpose of
discussing the ?Jater si, tuat1:on.
Counci lmen p21esent.' John A. Bourn, Robert II. CalUs, Jr., F1',C3 Mayor F. Re1:d Er7)'in,
George R. Fey'reU, Chay'les ~l. Gardner, Clarence A. TJollafid, D, Murray Malbon,
J. C"œtis Payne, and Mayor Donald Il. Rhodes.
Councilmen Robert B. CromùeU, ~Tr., and Floyd
E. Waterf:ield, Jr.
MY), Hichard J. vlebbon,
The purpose of the called meeting ¡Jas read by the Ci~y Clerk,
as follo1Js:
The city Clerk advised that al, l C'ounci hnen had acknoù)7.edged reeeipt of tt?C notice
of the SpeciaL Meeting.
, In accm'dance 1Ji th t7w Code of the Ci ty of
Virginia Beach, Seetion 2-9, noi;ice Ü3 hereon
given that a SpeciaL Mcct'ing of ttw Council
of the City of ViY¡çrinia Beach ü:riU be held in
,[;he Counc'i l C'hcmilJeNJ, AdJ?rinis tra f;'ton Bw: Tding,
MunieipaL Ce¡¡[;e1', PrÍ-nC'!?ss Anne station, Vil"gÍiì,ia
Beaeh, Virginia, at 10.' 00 a. m" on Fr-i day,
August 18, 1.972, for the puY'pose of disc:ussing the
Cou-nci lman charles W. Gardner, seconded by Counm:ZmoY! John fl. BauJn, moved to
adjO1u~r¡ into E:reeut1:ve Session,.
Ayes: Counc1:lmen ,John A. Ba:um, Robey't H. Callis, ¿Ir., Vice Mayor F. Rei,d ErJin,
Geol'ge R. Ferrell, C11.crles fl, Gardner~ CLarence A. Holland, D. NUT'ray Malbon,
J. Curt~¿8 Payne, and Mœ~/or Donata H. Rhode.';.
Na:Y8 :
C'ounC1:lmen Robert B. Crom.JeZl~ ,12'., and proyd E. ~lal;eY'fie1.d, ,Jr.
vice Mayor F. Reid /!,'rvin, seconded by CowwiZman ,1. CuY.'tis Payne, pY'oposed an
amenÒnenf" uhich ù)ol.Úd py>o1.n',de thlJ,t COlA/leU. y'cconvCY1/3 at the end of' the Exeeutive
SeBBÙx"/,, foY'[;he pIa-pose of makinç¡ a statement regarcHng the CitY'[5 poliey to the
nelùspopCY'S a:y¡d the pubLÙ;. The vote on the arnendmen [; to the motion ?Jas as foI7~01Js:
Ayes; Councilmen ,John A. BalAm, Robe2>t lI. Cal.7Js, JY'., W,ee llayoy' F. Rc'id EY'1.)'l:n,
Geor(Je R. FeY'1>eLL, CharLep, r-/, Ganbwl', CZm'Crwe A. JlnUand, D, MW'J1(J)J Malbon,
,1. C¡.œ tÍ-s Payne, and ¿èJ(J7J02' DonaLd n. Rhode8.
COZ{)1.e'U.m3íi Robc1't IJ. Cl>oní1)(~lL, ,r)1. -' and Floyd E, f-la-i-t3y'f'íeZd, ,11>.
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Ci ty Council -then adjourned in the Coune-i 7 Confc2~el1ce F?oom. Aftep due and cay'eful
cof1.t3i.cley'ati,or1, Cowwil reconvened and authOl'i:!'cd the j'oUolJing public statement,
ùJhich ¡¡JaB endOl'Dcd unanimmA.Dl.y by all Counc'd,men:
Upon motion by Co un C1: 7.man Gal'c1ner, seconded by Counc:i lma:r¡ Callis, and by unanimous
vote, the meeting adjourned.
'The VireinÙt Beach city Council reinforces its
stand 'in favor of a regional ü)ater au,thority.
We üJoulcl Uke to have a Joint meeL-ing?Ji th the
Noy¡fO lk C1:[;y Cowwi I jeYI the -{;u)o- fo Zd purrpose
of negotÙlting a ü)ater contract ¡,(I1Hl a regional
authorit¡; ean be impLemented, and to encourage
Norfolk to doh-¡ the other politieaI entities in
the formation of a regional authOl'i ty. In this
sp1:r1: t, vW hope that üJC can conMnue to ùwrk ?JI, th
aU o-they' member subcEm:wimw üJithin the Planning
Distri,ct 20 toü.Jard a Ylcg'ional 1Jater authority'.
A ;//~ /l-ó ¿J! ,.-
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Donald H. Rhodes, Mœjor
City of virginia Beach,
August 18, 1972
Special Meeting