HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 21, 1972 MINUTES
0 F 1'1 IE
August 21, 1972
...Ihe regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia was
3ld in the Council Chambers ill the Administration Building in the Borough of
rincèss Anne, on Monday, August 21, 1972, at 10:00 a.m.
The invocation was given by the Reverend William Hedrick, First Presbyterian
Church, Vitginia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen present: John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid
Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
MalLon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman absent:
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
ITEM #4953
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert II. Callis~ Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid
Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield,
1)' S :
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 1972,
and the reading of said Minutes dispensed with inasmuch as each Councilman
had a copy of the subject Minutes before him.
ITEM #4954
Mr. Johnny Ball appeared on behulf of the Virginia Beach Pile Drivers, "World
Champions" in slow-pitch softbalJP, stating the accomplishments of the team.
Mayor Rhodes presented the following Resolution of Commendation to the team-
¡llel'lb er s of the Vi rgini a Be ach Pi Ie Dri vcrs:
J< '-"j <;""",
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v L.,
in September, 1971, the Virginia Beach riledrivers,
a slow-pitch softball team, was the first southern team to become
the National Champions of slbw-pitch softball, and
WHEREAS, winning this Championship qualified the team to
play in the World Series of slow-pitch softball, and
the Virginia Beach Piledrivers, having played in
and won the World Series in McAddinville, North Carolina, on July 22,
1972, are now the HORLD CHAiv1PIONS OF SLO\oI-PITCH SOFTBALL, and
NOH,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councïl of the
City of Vi1~ginia Beach, Virginia, vlishes to extend sincere congratu-
lations and appreciation to the VIRf,¡INIA BEACH PILEDRIVERS, for the
honor that this outstanding team has brought to the City of Virginia Beach,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to
spread a copy of this resolution on the minutes of this day's meeting.
GIVEN under my hand and seal this 14th day of August, 1972.
Donald H. Rhodes, Mayor
- '.
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Ù\l E 1"~1(\tinq to to'.l,:houses.
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G i",;,d the r\,s \' Zon1!:n r'
Vin;dnia Ik¡:ch) ct'¡c,¡. I (ild
[',on,) deta1ied informaUon
Pl anrd ng.
The P1 ann1 nq ComHil 55; on r¡;Cer¡Yí1(lm)S H:,,:wova 1 of thi S aJl}',:mdnlunt to the exi $ ti ng
zŒr¡ I1g ordi n;:mcr~.
un motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recordE
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gard~er, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, ~
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the application of the City of Virginia Beach to amend
and reordain Master Zoning Ordinance to Princess Anne County, Virginia, Append~
B, Section 1 and Section 6 and the Master Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Virginia Beach (Borough of Virginia Beach) Section I and Section III, Subsecti<
E relating to townhouses as follows:
, "'--
AN O::CEY"Î>JCE ".'0 /\:L:::~D A~;rJ I~:::Cr::m},ni 11f~STC:R
ZO~;P:~'; OJ.DI;,:¡\;:C:;,: OF F~'~I ;;r; C::,S A~;i';::: COrrSTf
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:rhat Section 1 of ~I3stcr Zoning ,Ordin.::1DCe of Princess Anne
County) Virginia 8nd See tion_l of the Haster Zoning Ordin~r:zce of
th~ City of Virgini'! Besch. (D~roLIgh of Virginia &~ach) is hereby
'Dmended 8nd reord~in~d to read as £oll~~8:
, (
'TOW-NHOUSE: A 'single f~mily d\ilBlling constructed as
part of a series of dw211ihgs, each yith a sel~rate'
ground entr~nce .:c1nd with its O'wÅ1 base 2.ttached to '
the ground) .all of which 2rc eith~Ì:' attached t:o' the
adjacent du211in~ or &rellings by party ~alls_pr
. locêtec1 i.r.n2:::diately adjncent; thereto \,¡ith no vlsibre
separntìon oE ~'¡211s or roofs..
That:. Section 6 of the Haster Zoning Ordinance of PrincEss
'Anne County, Virginia ::1n¿ Section III, Subsection E of the
-Master Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virgicia Beach (Borough
'---- of V1Tgini~, Beach) is ~nded ¡¡nd reorda:!.ned to read 8S follows:
- .Add the 't-T..:J::-d IItownbol!se.. H
Area Regulations
lviinirnurn lot SIzes
In addition, the rninimum allowable lot of record for a
townhóuse unit shall contain 1400 square feet and the
-rninim,urn lot width shall be 14 feet.'
'The aVeTë>,ge lot size for all lots in anyone townhouse
project shall equal 2500 square feet.
The maximum nurnb~r of townhouse units that n:1ay be
att2.cned in anyone group and without the required side
yard is 9 uni~s. -'
The front yard setback for townhol¡sc units shall be
30 feet. A side yzerd area is not required for individual
att~lc}l\;:c1 townhouse units; however, a 10 loot side yard
s*~::'~?ck is required íor a11. ct,d units and a 20 foot side
y:::,,:'d ~;.~~t:b;~.d; i:; L<::qu1.-r:'ed OIl ;:~11. CI:¡-CrLer lots. ß~ 15 foot
r',~:l:ì: \j,è--j ,;..dbélCk j,:; req':.lirc~d for c"lch tu'.\li',hon~:;e units.
.<\n f.:¡:19.rgenc:y E;~,,::Lst: tlr.d tbi.s orc1in;:Jnc.e is e£fecti~v!.:~ from da't;~
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ITE~,¡ 1'4956 (.a)
f\ '¡~',;t1Ç:n of' Lv:n,htwcm [;trndinQ '~V C:w'poi'ðt'icn fot" aU;'..: PiO'¡'dt to CCì1-
('.T,";,! r.'.,,""3 ,!,('"",;,(~,.:\,-.",rY '/"r.1' ., 0,.; '-I ,-,',';,' 'f"c,f,"l';"", 'J'"]," l,"'-=?>';':--;:':'--':"':':;",-';-':r' r""","','"'¡-t'\!
,,>"', 'f,! ."""...",...:>(.1: ,Ó(,,1,"';;',\'{: ""'.""C~'!'" .,1,..1"'\'-"""',.,.'.\1.,"""'\-' ,/
loc;¡i>::J em tk' ::Ci'ih bnd :~I)uth :;'¡dcs \'c:s't;::!nstu' L?nG~ ¡;c::?t of ¡~cqcncy
e""":,,;(,,,¡~,.. ..."or"., ;"",1 1"',,' "!(>d ",,",d ':,n"r!, J,){.' 1~\.',:r¡'1.,,¡,~t-C'ì ':"'j "" 1"" l'r,.J"""""':o!l.'(~" <::~i>¡d
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pre. ,,~d to'nd¡',u:,c':; cnntil1!l !:f~.1 iJ::.rn:: 1,0'(:; or 1::::>, é;,nd :;aid m;oD(~sc:d ðrmrtm::~nts
{" "'{'n .' '" ~", >.t.. "'1-1>'" '"
COih;:nn 1:0.0 i:)C;-".'~:; n',)}"::~ or' ¡'::;S. fJ,;n:s \':1::fì i'~m'c C."1.:[;1 c\,. "In,Ü]';).'1t1on af'(~
<tV¡l'Ì L:bl'~ 'In the Off'! c.~ of ;':' iC~péll"tnciìt of City f'1 <:.mring. U~o~'ency-t'¡ashi nqton
~('u"""n {ì"""'O::) ¡ \'/':""1"11(,:11 'l)(',,-,n'1(.è1.¡'
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The Plmming Cc~;:¡;ri~S¡Ol1 t'ccQr;n;~nds anprov:"l of this \'eqm"!st subJect to City
\'a'tcï' ¡,md SCVIN' r,:~(:uit'ød by th3 Heal th D¿'p:n'tment. ¡¡Ie EnqinccY"inc] Division
rcqtdY'c's sta11(ht"d site p1:.n 'rc'ltdr'3'K.'.nts: if nroposcd streets a\~c to be
dedic¡:tE:d, publ'::c dc;ht$ 0;' \':,;1 dc'lelo¡:;..t~nt p'¡ans s.h~n conforr:ì to the
Subdivision Or'dÜiZ\n~;c:~ !,jO-foot. drail1aq::, Ci:,;t;;':1,[;,nt sh;:;\1ï be requÜ'cd along the
sout!¡::èrn proper(;y 1'/ rws 0 The ¡y)ti on fen' é:rtrc;Va 1 ~;~,({¡':'!(~sts part:ici pat; on in
schoo 'I sHe a(.Ç¡u'¡ 5 i ti on 0 Th\3 ¡nod on 'I ct~;d thr: ~>'J~fc.ot ~;etback ft~om the
marsh or toe of UiO sìopc ljn:; by th(~ Soi"1 Conservation Office.
Mr. Wayne McLeskey appeared on behalf of his own application.
Mr. Sam Houston, Sr. appeared on behalf of the Council of Civic Organizations
in opposition to the above application.
Councilman BaUIll made a motion~ which was seconded by Councilman Gardner to
approve the above application of Lynnhaven Building Supply Corporation for
a Use Permi~ to construct 12 apartment units per acre and 9 townhouse units
per acre on certain property located on the North and South side of WestministE
Lane, West of Regency Sections III and IV and East and South of Washington
Square Townhouses; plats with more detailed information are available in the
....Q.ffice of the Department of Ci ty Planning, (H,egency-Washington Square Areas)
ynnhaven Borough; subject to six (6) acres recreation as set forth on site
Ian; subject to a 50-foot ~et back from the marsh or toe of the slope as
rGcommended by the Soil Conservation Office; subject to City water and sewer
as re4uired by the Health Department; subject to standard site plan r~quire~
ments as required by the Engineering Division-Department of Community SeTvices
if proposed streets are to be dedicated, approval is subject to public rights
of way development plans conforming to the Subdivision Ordinance; subject to
a 50-foot drainage easement along the southern property lines and further sub-
ject to participation in school site' acquisition.
ITE>I f:~956 (h)
Vice Mayor Ervin made a motion, wh:i ch was seconded by Councilman BaUJn, to
amend the previous motion by the incl11sion of a maximum density of 466 units.
Recorded vote on the amended motion as follows:
Councilman John A. Baum and Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin.
Nays: Councilmen Robert II. Callis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Cl1arles W. Gardner
Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Ihe motion to amend was lost,
ITEM it4956 (c)
Recorded vote on the original motion made by Councilman Baum and seconded by
Councilman Gardner as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baunt, Robert H, Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid
Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Ma1bon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Lynnhaven Building Supply
Corporation for a Use Permit to construct l2 apartment units per acre and
9 townhouse units per acre on certain property located on the North and
South side of Westminister Lane, West of Regency Sections III and IV and
East and South of Washington Square Townhouses; plats with more detailed
information are available in the Office of the Department of City Planning
-Regency - ìVashing ton Square Areas) Lynnhaven Borough; sub j ec t to six (6) acres
ecreation as set forth on .site plan; subject to a 50-foot set back from the
larsh or toe of the slope as recommended by the Soil Conservation Office;
subject to City water and sewer as required by the Health Department; subject
to standard site plan requirements as required by the Engineering Division-
Departmerlt of Community Services; if proposed streets arc to be dedicated,
approval is subject to public rights of way development plans conforming to
the Subdivision Ordinance; subject to a SO-foot drainage easement along the
southern property lines and further subject to participation in school site
. .
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fTEM ii4957
Þ. 11 ':' t 7 on of ,'¡ n. Pè\'!"'!~ fm' ð 7,ifì: frDi!1 p~~s lcL'7;'::(~ Subui"'!::'n
f' ,". ;,_!, -, ( "\ "(} ",,~', ,,"n f"I""'<'- \ ' I," ~.".),) (')n (,f','¡'(,~i'.:i',ì Ir")""'",..,<:~'1t:,',\"f
~":"!",.l,.,,: "',L,¡',',;;'¡' -"'~"'""I"", ' ' (':',
'I (>:;::~ on the ¡ D,st CCI\":!:'~' of ! (;\,;",7'1\.1::,- i., /\t1 al1t.¡ c i\/f::;'1U? ~ t'unn-
1~;;:;,::; ;~y ;:E)C(¡"/;~~ :}.1c.;~~~h:~'! ~'::;,t;~!I~ ~ ~tO'i (?f ~\¡~~~:)~~:~n:! :::~:::~:í~;¡¡~ ~~\~~¡:':~~'~t~r¡r'~~1~~~:~;;~~c~i s-
of '..in T(;(:T~ (1.10:1\1 t;¡C~ t;l::;t:,\"'n p'onc:n;y I'"ì(' ;:;1',(1 t'í.mrnnn i'J. C11stðnce of r..15 T('I~t
£llano th;~ r¡orc,;j;'¡~n pr'on(~¥' linc:. Sajd P'iì"C 1 i:::. Lc,;; ü:; Lots 1 (Ind 11, ~:1ock
17-r,,-'Creatan '(;!Ì, S~dd ¡i<iÌ~c(~'1 cont~dn~; 10,1":50 square fr~et. (Ci"Gatan BeaGh
Area) . L,(:~;;H:\"'F:: [::mOUGH.
The Planning CC¡]'¡ls(',;on recm..::~\lnds deni;}l of Vris r'.::'quC'st as this change of
zoninq \':ould constitutø spot zmrjng. UpposHion of H¡~~ r€!siden~s of the
arc¡:), \,'a~ presfmtr,;d.
Mr. Gomez indicated that he had received a communication from Mr. Parker
reques ting, deferral of the above appl i cation.
Mr. Edward Caton, representing Croatan Beach Civic League, appeared in oppositj
to the above application.
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid ErviJ
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Ma1bon, L
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council denied the above application of John N. Parker for a Change of
Zoning from Residence Suburban District 3 (R-S 3) to Residence Duplex--bistrict
2(R-D 2) on certain property located on the Northeast corner of Maryland
..-!lvenue and Atlantic Avenue, running a distance of 50 feet along the East side
f Atlantic Avenue (Croatan Beach Area).
ITEM 414958
J\pplicry,t'iGil of Vin;inia Beach Cc,i1uunîty Ch for ù ~¡.<~" .~,?}"IT~t~ for an addition'
to the c.ds;ting Vii-q-ilda Beach Cc:,"x::t.m1ty CLurch orl ctTt"'i'În pt\)ilC:¡'ty beqinninq
at a p!JÚìt 203.25 f¡.:~t ì-!i::st of Lcd r:.ùbin í'o:d" rllnnin'1 a di~~tance of 3~4.5g
fec:t nlonn the Scuth s'¡dr.; of L::~5kÜ¡ Foad ~ nF¡~dnq a (]'¡:;a,!n(>~ of 16'7 fc(~t alone¡
-:-1'1"" \i"..: " Pl"'{;f'\, I',""",.!' 1 :I-'~l '~l7"',~;"J'¡'a i~ ¡1;,1','~"'('I", O,t: ':'Il{1 f,:;,' ''::'(.,;~'t :,\"1""",(1 thn ÇOU~'f\íd^T;
~f.. ""I "":;""<"., .¡~.""-" """""""""" v,r.....! ,'- ~'-/,' .."" ~,-,.
P""'.' ")1'""""',"\, _1';1"'\ ,,":'11'.1 ¡"P"'\"~IO""',T ~I (/¡',:o:, f',,'"" nf' r,d '¡?ff':"t- ~1 1+'0 tT'."n P1'O',';er'~\f
"""',,,"'.. I",.",. ""',~~, ""'" .....,.."L', ~..... ",-'" VI
1 in~. S::d d ;len'C'?! cGí~tains 1.3 vC-tCS !1'¡'Ol"e:: m' le$s. ( ~'dnt~ck Acr'cs Arc;a). .
L Y¡E;iJ!\ nCi~,:CUC¡¡.
The P'¡;::nninq Comrniss1on recommenCiS approval of th'Îs ¡"c('¡UQst sub,íect to stttndal~d
$itc pL,:1 n::qt{in:::'::nts.
,j ,
C, ,-,;::(IJ h\ CrdlHcil":,iJl C;irdril'!, c,c::.:un cu
,VO ~_C :l(C fol1m<:s:
:' C ';" 1':, ; J
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:' ;
,i 11~,
Ayes: Councilmen John 1\. naum, Robert}!, C¡^~IJis, Jr,., Vice M:-lyor F. Rci,d Enri
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. (;anlncr, CJarence A, Holland, D. Hurray (;:l1bon, .
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. WaterfieJd, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council a~proved the above applicatiol1 of Virginia Beach Community Chapel
for a Us e Pc rml t for an addi ti 011 to the exi s ti ng Vi rg i ni a Be ach Commun i ty Chur(
on certain property beginning at a point 203.25 feet West of Red Robin Road
-running a ~istanc~ a distance of 344.58 feet along the South sicle of Laskin'
oa~, runnlng a dlsta~ce of 167 feet along the Western property line, running
dlstance of 344.58 teet along tJlC Southern property line and running a dis-
-ance of l71.12 feet along the Eastern property line. Said parcel contains
1.3 ~cres more or less. (Birdneck Acres Area); subject to standard site plan
ITEM #4959
f,ppl1cation of ray c,:H;\p'¡ng for a L -. F"\']:lJJ f~H' recreat'ional and maLor' vf'hicle
sales and 5toraqc at'Cà on cc:rtain :'ty ìocò,tc'd on the Scuth side of Bonney
Road between Chestnut SttYi~ t and euttm'nut Lane.
P éiì"'CØ 1 1: On ccrtain P¡"c:)(~rty 1 oc¿\trd Oil the SouthC:BS t cor!1~r of Bonney Road
and Ct.c:stmrt SiTC:ct, ¥'iJ¡¡¡dn~1 a d-¡;;"l,c~nc~ of 1/[3 feet al!}n~¡ tile South !.dt;e of
Bonney Road, nmnÜtg a Ôi5tance of l1U fE'Qt alcng the L<lst sidc! of Ch"stnut
S~,Tcet, runninq a d-ist,:tncc of 140 feet (110119 the Souther'l! nroperty '¡in[~ é.md
t'tmrrfng a distancp. of 9.1, fc:~et alone¡ thf: Ew;t:J::;¥'n pr'npert.v Hnc:. S¡J,id lGt,~ ('.\re
knm.m as lots 1 J 2, :3, Block h, Plat of J¿tcksondaìr: and contains 14~(~CO square
PaY'c~el 2: On certain p'opr:rty loc!\ti::d on the Southllest conK'" of SE:cond Street
i:md Buttet"nut Lane ~ runni ng a di s tRnC';;.; of 1/10 feet 11" ant} the South:;, 'I d(~ of
Second Street, r~nning B distance of 150 feet alcnn V12 W~st ~ide of Butternut
lanf'~ ¡'unninq a distance' flf 140 f'ç;-;t ;:'1ong tho ,'th:::rn PI'()p~?d:y lit¡'" fInd t'imn-
ine¡ ð dis ' of 1~:;O t. <:11011(¡ tb:~ ~~~~:)t'::'tn pn\TV¡~.ty l'¡n":. 'lei ~];:;rc;è:'¡ Ü;
k!ii)!¡1 as Lot~~ 21, ;~~~þ 23. 2,<,}, 25 ¡;nd ?Ç;~ Block C~ P¡ë:.t of ~!i.ic:k;::.Dnd(ì.'fc ,md ccn-
tzdns 22,,503 square 'feet..
n" """1 ':>. On r>r.....t"d:l "'r""",-"'t" 'to'C",~'"rf '.-i' tl'r> ~'f"¡,.,+t.,r,:>s"" C('.".",,~ O'~ (-'h("...~(,¡...t
r intI..; ,'. ,/ ",,:, '.AI, :.1 \".1,71 ,Y ¡"LLO',' ~~... ,II.;. Ih.. vl".-..... L ".n .I~/ " I ." -, ,It,\
C":"",,,.,.,t """d .r.'he;' "r'"'('i"1":" ¡:'Pí,"'h-"')r./:f'.'¡r. "V.""-,~-<:,\,r;"i ~'"ld '~'(.H;';r:r¡, ".dl""Ý"'.I"'"" "'f' 15
,)l,¡~....',¡¡ b-.,,!"Of,..,(I;.;..h( t..¡"t.."¡lIl..""""""",..,\J'",.",,l. .;:;,,~,h_,.,.1
feet along tiw [¡Jst :3ÎfL~ (\'~' C1V,:5tnut ~;tnjet, 1'!.trmin'1 ;¡ d"¡~:t,;:ncC' of If5 f(:(~t '
é~.lonq the f'\1rrh side of the V'!t'gin'1a L;r>;¡ci¡"ì/orÙ¡lk [xprns (jnd nmr1"Ìf1(1 a
rH".'l<""re of' '¡~'('r.",'t "1(""."" ,~.¡,.~, I.ln'i"'{<hn"'!.~,";"""',(.'r"h' 1,',""'" <:"":(~ :"""'1"',",1 .¡"~ ~""'i'1n()1'1"r
-""""'!"'~ '" I""'..,í"'",.........",.¡"¡",-;,--¥",,,,,. """"1"..1..,.. ¥,,-,,(':.""A
,t.~ ("1>-",£:> ..,(i <"'(""t;¡"¡)'" ';,1' (""'~\"q '(,., '.," !..".,...... "'" .',o'~ (',{
¡'I...."ùr""<:\¡i..",.I!¡.();i.C'.)I;)..',';.:,,,~.. I, ~I.',I',H",,¡((),.)U .'..':;,1,
. ,...:, ~I-I' ""¡'O",¡, 't' \:'1"'" 0":. '¡",-., ."(,,,.,(1.,-,,« " ¡".y""')
LIJ¡,. .°,,.",-",(.[. t\..CAI."";,,.'¡'l;..,... <.,,;,,'.:l.
Thr,< p'liJnnin~¡ Ccnir:rissiCIf1 reC(JITa'1€!lds apl)¡,o'1dl of this reQuc:st subjClct to G:
(!;:ðkation (1f drrht of \'!i';Y 30 feet fn:rr1 th.;~ ce~rLcriií1:; o¡' t¡!(~ c;:1stinr¡
';'1,..fcot t'1nj:t Of i11cinr¡ 111 IW)Y'P' m' 'ins:=, front;-(;(~ C!1 [immey
[~~k:d (;1 :)-f~¡~t ;;r~dícat.¡;)n) i'nd ~. to the: c!r:v¿:ìc¡JQr ri.;;~:;:1.'inq a b\m~.t'
,,¡','" "'ì'~,,~ L'"",.,-.,n'":.-'f""'" 0, ,ç ('("'-:,".'¡")"I"~,y '~".'~".."'I;'f'i'.'" 'l~",....;..¡';"',. nr""',","-:S"H"V rlpr,;,"'~r.¡¡"'j
'f'"",,, \,..d<,:- '1""",,,..01, I ,""',,"',', ", -!"I', ..,.:> ". \'... """""""'., ,.~-.¡,;,
Mr. Andrew Fine appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
-res: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H, Callis, Jr. ~ Vice Mayor F. Reid, Ervir
eorgc IZ. FerreLL, Charles Ì'l. Garùner, Clarence J:~' ~~ollaI:~l, D. ~1urray r,laluon, .
urtis Payne, Haycn Donald E. Rhodes, and J.'loyd l~. IvaterLleld, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Croll1\\'cll, J1',
Ci ty Council approved the above <lpplication of Bay Camping for a Use Pcnn-¡ t
for recreational and motor vehicle sales and storage area on certafilÍ:J-¡:¿;i')crty
located on the South side of Bonney Road l)etween Chestnut Street and Butternut
Lane, Lynnhaven Borough; subject to a dedication of right of \vay 30 feet from
the center line of the existing SO-foot right of way along the 143-foot more 0]
less frontage on Bonney Road (a 5-foot dedication); subject to the developer
posting a recognizance bond with the Department of Community Services for the
necessary engineering improvements aTld recording same in the Office of the
Circuit Court Clerk; approval is further subject to site plan review.
ITEM 114960
t\ppl1cat'(on of N;:¡tional SoC'lety of Volunteer's of !\r:;cY'ica for a Use Pe~~;-:;it to
op"'rc"'t'e a r'oM-r).t~('~'¡:it' l'f,,~;.Jt"lr";f'¡n (I ¡'f".',"': '-, ';C,'vi"lc\'"""r,"'¡' C:"¡"lt"Q~I') tr.,! -l",c-l'u"-;;,;"i¡c.,"'",
-" "" ,"" ".,.",...1", I""'"-",...,',I>,,,.v....,-- "" "..,......',-
ca."'(1< '"',"'rv':c" C' 1"1'1"'<1 c:c,o.¡c,',' ::""'.+ ';;""ï"':,""'~ ?r'¡!Jl'¡.' !r-'t~lc\'l <"""t~\t1'\n,.,,- ;,f't,-".... c:'c!ìo.ol
¡-~'" 1"-, >0 . ..,,- ....I~-",....',L,"" ""b,I,,< ",' ..c,~ -- ..,.1
ca'~-. VOC;'lt'l.O~I-~1 col'n"p'¡"'¡"C '~""'~v~c'" +:':'~1<".,;,,1 C"""'sr'l'"f'q ""r"';ce """'lr""""nt
IC, ;;. Ie! ",,:;.. '\"~'v! ;"(,~~,'I!L!;_""J'¡ "",All... ,:"t..,. ..'.!j";I,J,Y':¡',:"
counseling sc\~vic~~ (),nd srrdm~ cit'í7.\,m~; s:¿:rvìcG on cc:r'tain propm'ty loc;Ð,ted on
the South sidï:~ of Atl:>nt'is ¡¡,,"¡ve in t!ii:' (H'C'('. knO'.m &5 tha Cor;:qmity Bu"1lcHn,'
of +!.~f'.. L'\tl"ntl"" '\¡J"r,'¡p"".,¡'i'è: ~rlr I)'I"'¡-" ""1'"\,:-, r"".""" r,\,(o+~l'lE'CJI "l'n'f"')"""'la'tl'o"" "."""" .
\..'A'~'" "";""""'~'4'",1..~. .,..,.",...",,1.......,..1..'... . ',", 11(""
available in the Office of the Dep3r~~nt of City Planning. (Seatack Area).
The Planning Cop~!rlssion recG:ì¡¡~;::mds ñnprnva) of this request subject to
standard site plan requirenmnts.
Mr. Fredrick H. Hodges appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
. ,b s en t :
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the above application ,of National Society of Volunteers
of America for a Use Permit to operate a non-profit institution (human develop-
ment center) to include home care service, child development service, adult
education service, after school care, vocational co~nseling service, financial
counseling service, employment counseling service and senior citizens service
on certain property located on the South side of Atlantis Drive in the area
known as the Community Building of the Atlantis Apartments, Inc. (Seatack Area)
Lynnhaven Borough; subject to standard site plan requirements.
ITE~1 t'4961
Ap~,li(.ç;tí(m of lct; ^. Giffotd fo';'" i'1. P"1T,it to ct'n':;h'uct 3~, tm"mhous(':, on
cert(lifì'pl'O~jCyty Icc.:ttcd '::t and '-'.:,¡m~ ;:'.1Vt:.
Parcc:l 1: Usc. ì'c'l'n1t to cot,str!.Jct 11 tu,tn1:ous('-:.-: On certain prop(~rty located
at th:' ¡¡ortheðst, corner of ["¡i¡.:-;t'ìon f~r:'!(' (?,nd r:n':~1 Cb~:tle Court, runniwl a
dist,ance of 3E; f(et Fiore- Oi' h}ss ¡;d;)\1q '~,h:: ¡¡Q'¡"th s'id,,\ of Cì'lWl C&st'le CGtH"t,
runn'in~j a db cc' of 13!:; alonç¡ tL~' L~l:;t ~~,¡ [\¡¡¡aUon r-~'ivQ, ü""u;Jning
a distance of ::<1;:; f:,;üt alüi!(¡ '(,he f:O~.tJ¡UT! proper"!;Y l-jrd.:! and nmrdnç a d'jstance
of 147 fQc~t al0¡19 the Eastern !ìroi"¡(~rt'y!Ü:e. Sí.dd ¡¡:treel cont,¡Ü1S 0.929 acres.
P arcc 1 2: Use Pn'mi t to construct 1 D tm'inhou$e~: On certai n propcl"ty 1 ocated
at tht~ Northwe~t co:~ner of f\mation Dri\!(:' zmd Eé!st Honcygrove Poad, running i\
distancè of 1?~; 'fect r¡;)re m' 1;:3$ alon'i ti¡c;: ~;çst sid(~ of Donation Drive, runn-
ing a distance of t?i?C feet 1f);)('E: Oì'" h;,S5 t¡>¡cmq the :;o1"tll sidE; of East HoncY9rove
Road, í'.unning a dL~t,:ncc of H:5 feet a1o¡;r¡ the l:cstr~"n property Hnø and t'lmn-
ing a distanr.:e of 3D feat rl1ong the ¡;or-thc;rn prop~:!r'ty line. ~;aid parcel contains
0.829 acres.
P ai"'cel 3: Use P~:'rmi t to cC'n::tn¡::.:t 13 tm':nhou$Cs: On certain pr11pet'"ty locateci
at the Southwest CQì"'1i:::ì~ of ,Jtion 0\"'('.:(': JIJd East Ho;::'."/':1Tove !;ofìd t runninG i't
distancc:: of 2/;9 a¡on'} ¡I~st ,>1 u¡ ¡:iC!}; Ldvc:, nmrd iJ distance
of 2¡JO fc:et ah};¡n ~';::~ StJ~i::h s'¡,1,~ of t !:::-¡¡¡{':'Y~)\"o\'_~ ! runrlÍn¡ ~¡ d'h;tc,,:1C~~ of
329 fe(>t all-me! 'i: :'; '!:~SLCTll P'('(:jiCì"'Ly 'dr: tLmrriw, (! (h5t~~ncc uP f:,>¡,;t ¡:,lonc¡
the Southern pt.o!'( 1'íne. ::::¡id prn'(;(?~ conta.1r:S 1.1 acres. (Cid Donation
ilaHar Ar¿::',i7,). t],ì"~; 1 mnGIJe:: ~ .
The Planning CO!i1:ni::s;ol1 reCO';ln~f'nds appr'ova'l of this I'cnw::st subject to a
modification to inc1ud~ a totc:1 of 31 trc/;hz)iJ;r;s, d(!ì '¡nq one townhouse
fro:1i f~'.1ch of the t;irç~¡;: p,:lrceb. En<:rÎ\'v::;~H"'inry D'ivis'¡'Jn n"qiJir(~s st¡:mdard
subdiv'¡::don rcquin'r.:::nts and t;¡t~ ]:t'ct'ea'i:irm D'partr<:nt l'f'::COf1Tf:(;nd:;~ cnen
$pac(~ t:nd )"ecrcation (,rea be pnivídcd. Th'1 motion hII' approvù.l fuí"ther
"".,r,rg"""'c'<' P""-ti.Cl'.,-".""¡""f\ ';'1 $'+¡("O"/' (l<t'o ac.,..1r"(;':¿'ì"f,"¡~
po.""'~J,....;:,.7,al ~)tII.IJ".. '-He' .>.... ',:>,;-.-\".';'.
Lee Gifford appeared on 'behalf of his own application.
Mrs. Pàul Brown appeared on behalf of the Witchduck Civic League opposing the
requested density.
Mrs. June Myers from the Witchduck Civic League appeared in opposition to the
requested,density. ~
Mr, Sam Houston, Sr., representing the Council of Civic Organizations, appeared
in opposition to the requested density.
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorde
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin
George R. Ferrell, Charles W: 'Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H, Rhodes) and F¡oyd E. Waterfield) Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr,
City Council approved the above application of Lee A. Gifford for a Use Permit
to construct 28 townhouses on certain property located East and West of Donatil
Parcell: Use Permit to construct 9 townhouses: On certain property
located at the Northeast corner of Donation Drive and Drum Castle Court,
running a distance of 135 feet along the East side of Donation Drive,
running a distance of 218 feet along the Northern property line and
running a distance of 147 feet along the Eastern property line; said
parcel contains 0.929 acres.
Parce12: Use Permit to construct 8 townhouses: On certain property
located at the Northwest corner of Donation Drive and East Honeygrove
Road, running a distance of 125 feet more or less along the West side
of Donation Drive, running a distance of 226 feet more or less along
the North side of East Honeygrove Road, running a distance of 185 feet
along the Western property line and running a distance of 313 feet along
the Northern property line; said parcel contains 0.829 acres.
Parcel 3: Use Permit to construct II townhouses: °h certain property
located at the Southwest corner of Donation Drive an~ East Honeygrove
Road, running a distance of 249 feet along the West ~ide of Donation
Drive, running a distance of 200 feet along the South side of East
Honeygrove Road, running a distance of 329 feet along the Western propert~
line and running a distance of 222 feet along the So~thern property line.
said parcel contains 1.102 acres (Old Donation Manor Area) Bayside BorougJ
Approval of the above application is subject to standard subdivisIon require-
ments as required by the Engineering Division; subject to open space and
recreati,on area being provided as required by the Recreation Department; and
approval is further subject to participation in school site acquisition
ITEM #4962
{q;pHc¿ltion of ¡'L(H'garet R, Lies for' 11 Pt'~'Ywit for a nurser'v (bElby s1ttinq
setV'i¡::I:) 0:1 c('rtain prop-::rty k:r¡inninq" 'a" ::t 130 f~c:t E(:~;;i: of níJ,lt:ic '
{Nn¡'!!(>. n.:nTinr,1 a d"¡"',t'f'ì"'-Ç,' {)f GfJ ft;f'~' :~lnn{' 1';',1'1 C;"",¡!t.t¡ C"'¡"({!" ,')F ~j1~"'¡" (">fy'e,":"t-
".."., <on,.",." ~"~",.J.....,-,.,.,~f..;."."..,.."",..."...,.,
r'l!iininq a (Hst:jnce of ì f,-~(;t (!1cm(] the rt'l~;tc¡~n ¡¡rcperty 'I'in":, t~unninCj a d'is-
t¿-;r:cc of GO r','t::t (!hmc¡ ~:o'.!thern P'-\,'DC:ì'tV¡"¡ne ~::nd nmrrinq ¡J, dist;,mcE: of
",,)-,," , 1,," ,,".. 1 'I" '(-" 'if " ',.. d
,~,'.j ) '~;'.:' a CF¡~¡ rile \JC'1i UYn p'('{)¡j(~r ,~y 'I n'~. ,)¿¡H.I pEIrce ", s rnc/:'m as Lots ;:(' ;:o,n.i
':,'1' \"'1""'11 tl1, \;"';""01"'11"'" !""':(:C" ¡'k""""lol".".".,¡"t Cn""'" ",!;".. r; "'""'d ""t""~'-"'ìC' 7".1'-'" ~'nu--rt'<
,-,~ )\~... r., ',¡",' '.1"""-,,,.'<,0 ¡""¡'.., V¥ii"tiid¡l\',,(:d, """i¡..ûll~ '-".i,-',:n'i'¡'"
feet. VIRGWIA eEl'¡CH [;Cm,~}UGn. ~,
Tb~! PL¡nning Cü::nrission ì"ccon¡;nends ¿1!1prOval of this request subject to standal'd
$. i te p 1 ¿'t\'ì reqllH'cr;élt!t~;. Tilt) ~~Ld! ,¡I :.q ¡:nspector" ¡'Ceil! lr'QS th¿¡t the sub.iëet
I",,~'¡";¡r'f' ""It""" t"""f'o""m t.,.. p"/ìH C-,",.. ""H; '¡"""""",., '
~,;, 0.'. ':1"""'1.. ".11 " ",.' ,.)'.1 Il.. ,~,A'" ~\I..',:.t.! {""'l,.L,.
. Mr. Gomez indicated that he had received a letter from Mr. Joe Canada request-
Ing withdrawal of the above application.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervi]
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, .
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II, Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilmml Robert B. Cr()I!1\~cd 1, Jr.
City Council approved the "j' ;ì(lra'\ýal of the above application of Margaret B.
Lic~ for a !J.~~_~'-X~;r}I1..L!:. for; .j'~;('ry (baby si tting service) on ccTtain property
beglnning at a point un f('r; 12:15t of BaltÏl: !\vcnuc~; ::;did parcel is known :is
Lot::; :22 and 24, BJock i~¡¡, Virginia Bc,j(:h )evelopment Corp., /11(111 (¡, and con-
t:I'tns 7B()() St!u;¡re f{'et, Vin;ini:¡ Bc:lcJJ r;orcJ1..1>,h.
, "
ITEM Ii 4963
Þ.p;;/ic;,tiC,¡! of PL~:~a';) of : , hie. ~ for a U",,:; P~'~'.:it fm' (hndng and livl~
(",0",<,:"",+..".,')' (','\ r",;",.",t,:',,¡-1,'," ;-"":""""","'" '¡-' "'~'~~"" .,:",--ìT:"o .t"""~- [:'...~ 0.11' (;:""""'¡~"!
",', ,,~,..J '1.'1(,,\,(\ :'...,h\.."'C.~~)" ..",...,.,,'(,.
/.v;\~:.. n:(¡i;Üj~i ,<, d¡-:;t,anc:(~ .37 j':,:L .don'} th" ::DUtΡ s'ld£': cf Indian ::1V(:,'"
RO¿1df !'t~nnin(! (1 di:~t;:nc:: n';' 1 f:c"c t¡¡C,~,IJ 'L}¡(: F>c;td'¡¡ rWCl1crtv line, ru:mh~("f
a c;;<:,ti1;)ce o.t' <j~;iL3í' fc;c:t (lie;;"} u'¡;:! 50U'i..::d'n prr;¡,,¡:r-ty lhv; ("'~({ t~unning ëI distance
of F;:J feet "lC¡¡~ì th~ \ .. nr.'op(~rL'/ '!in~. Si'fd niJrCe'{ c:'\;! in5 23~~~50 square
f~',"t. ""')I~"" or '1'""""5" (II'ìA{.:",¡ ".'¡"""r r.~, t'h" '"\"'^a) l'r,:~iJS"VILLJ..' f¡t¡'")rtlt'¡'J
..;.",;,,;; ,1.:':,;>,. ,;,¡.:",j,.v,-- '.'<J ",,~ ¡<';'. ,._"" ,.,t;',\JV.,l.
The Pl,}nn'ing Cor:"11ss100 r'('con:;i,~ì"\ds di.~rd<.'tl of this request due to the opposition
of th3 residents of the area.
Mrs. Mildred Thomas, representing Sherry Park Women's Club, appeared in
opposition, to the above application.
Mr. Gomez indicated that they had received a letter from the applicant
requesting withdrawal of the above application.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recordc
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
George R. Ferrell, Cl1arles W. Gardner, Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council denied the above application of Pizza's of Hampton, Inc., for
a Use Permit for dancing and live entertainment on certain property beginning
at a point 150 feet East of Sandra Lane, running a distance of 154.37 feet
~ong the South side of Indian River Road, running a distance of l50 feet
long the Eastern propcTty line, running él distance of lS4.37 feet along the
outhern property line and runnil1g a distance of 150 feet along the Western
~roperty line. Said parcel contains 23,250 square feet more or less (Indian
River Estates Area) Kempsville Borough. The above application was denied due
to the traffic that would be generated from ,the place of entertainment in an
area already heavily traveled by cars and children on foot.
ITEM #4964
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert II. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervil
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, L
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
In conjunction with the proposal of Public Administration Services for a study
of the revenue structure and the financial planning of the City of Virginia
.....J;¡.cach as they relate to the development of the City and provision of municipal
':.--rviccs accepted by City Coullcil on !\ugust 14,1972, City Council approved on
Dc-ond reading an appro[H'iation in the ,nnount of $16,000. as the maximum cost
of services to be performed by Public ^dlninistrotion Services in the proposed
Cost Benefit Study,
ITEr,! 114965
On motion by Vice Mayor hrvin, secollded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervi¡
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Garc1ner~ Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, <
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
.....AJJ 5 e n t :
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
ity Council approved on second reading an appropriation in the amount of
~2,200. from the Reserve for Contingencies to purchase from Mr. John W. Nelson
the right of way for the curve at 58th Street and Holly Avenue which presently
encroaches on Mr. Nelson's private property.
ITEM it4966
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gard~er, and by recordc
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Vice r-,!ayor F, Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr, and Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
At the close of business on June 30, 1972, the City had outstanding purchase
-rders totaling $466,386. This represents purchases which had been contracted
or, but for which bills had not yet been received at the close of the fiscal
leaI'. Since these contracts will be paid in the Fiscal Year 1973 budget, City
Council approved on second reading the reappropriation of the unexpended
budgetary balances from the Fiscal Year 1972 as follows:
General Fund
Water & Sewer Fund
Data Processing Working Capital Fu~d
Virginia Beach Special Revenue Fund
Total appropriation
$~6 6 2.~~-6 . -0 Õ
---- -------
ITEM 414967
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Vice Mayor Ervin, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald II, Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, .Jr.
Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr. and Robert B, Cromwell, Jr,
it)' Council approved on second reé1cling a contl'ibution to the Drug Focus
C:oJlll!littcc in the amount of $350.00 to cover certain clcTical expenses
11 C C (' S S ~11 Y for the i r con tin u e d 0 per a t ion. Th i s co 11 t rib H t i () n is fun c1 c cl a s a
"contrihution to the Drug Focus Committee"'in budget Account fl10l0-S21, and
is s¡¡]J,icct to year end audit.
ITEf'.1 114968
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recordt-'(
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baunl, Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W, Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr. and Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
ity Council approved a correction to the Minutes of August 7, 1972, Item No.
~892. The corrected motion reads as follows:
City Council unanimously approved Phase III, Oceana West Industrial
Park and granted permission to the Virginia Beach Industrial Develop-
ment Authority to sign agreem~nts in its behalf for property; subject
to the approval of the City Attorney. In addition the City Council
approved a loan commitment by the City for the sum of $812,000 to the
Virginia Beach Industria] Authority, of which $2S0,00Q must be met by
the end of the calender year 1972 and $562,000 by January I, 1974, the
loan is to be made from excess capital funds. The loan carries an
interest rate similar to current market interest rates on City Bonds,
plus 1/2 of 1 percent.
ITEM #4969
On moti-on by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
-'¡res: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
~orge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, ~
urtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council appointed the following,to the Board o~ Electrical Examiners
for a three (3) year term beginning July l, 1972 and expiring June 30, 1975:
Joseph M. Dodd - Electrical Contractor
H. D. Smith - Electrical Contractor
E. H. Bowman - Electrical Engineer
W. O. Faison - VEPCO Engineer
Royden Snuffin - Electrical Inspector
ITEM N4~70 -
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by record(
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, I~obert H. Callis, .II'., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervil
...L.c~rge R. Ferrell, Charles 1Ý. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, ]), Murray ~1albon, ,
:lrUs Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B, Cromwell, Jr~,
City Council author; zed the
Mental ReLlrdaUon Services
the DepartJ1ì,-'nt of ¡ÝelLlre fì
Fund regarding service's 10r
mcntally retarded childrcn,
Chaí rm:lIl of the Viq:inia Beach ~¡cnt(]l Health é1nd
Board to ('.1\tcrinto t\.,-o (I) contracts; one ¡dth
r n :.; tit uti 011 S ;w d 011 C 1<1 i t h the Un i, t c d C 0 11m i u nj tic ~
c1C'v('lopm(,llt~!l training and ancíll:¡ry services for
ITEf\l #4971
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid ErviI
George R, Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Ma1bon, L
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Cäuncilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
in accordance with the request of the Building Advisory Committee, City Counci:
approved an appropriation not to exceed $8,000. to provide for architectural
services and preliminary feasibility designs of additions to the offices of th(
City Treasbrer, the Commissioner of Revenue, the Clerk of Circuit Court and th(
Health Department Building.
ITÐ1 #4972
Mr. Donald 11. Spitz1i, Jr, appeared on behalf of the YWCA~ p~titioners for
the subject street closure.
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervi]
George R, Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, ,
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
ity Council approved the following Ordinance relative to closing a portion
f Ocean Avenue in Lynnhaven Borough:
. ,
.,j .
,) / '7 L/
LYN~l!32-Y~N I}_9_RQ~S;!}iL-Çl'LY OF VIRÇ~[NIA ~~A~tL!- VIßQ.~~)A-
WHEREAS, proper notice that the Young \~omen's Christian
Association of Tidewater Areas of Virginia (forn:1.erly Young Women's
Christian Association of Norfolh:), would Inake application to the City
Council of the City of VirgÜtÌa Beach, Virginia, to have the hereinafter
portion of Ocean Avenue clos ed, vacated and dis contirued as a public street
of the City of Virginia Beach, was duly posted; and
WHEREAS, the land proprietors affected thereby have been duly
notified; and
WHEIU':::AS, said application was made to the City Planning Con:urlissio
and to the City Council and pursuant to the statutes in such cases made and
provided, the Council appointed viewers who have reported to the Council tha~
no inconvenience to the public or to private individuals would result fro11.'1
sucll closing, vacation and discontinuance; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Coll'1mission after proper notice and
hearing, has reported thereon to th~ Council; ànd
WHEREAS, it is the judgm,ent of the Council that said portion of Ocean i
Avenue should be closed, vacated and discontinued; now, therefore,
Section 1.
That the certain portion of said street described as follows
lD the Lynnh¡'\ven Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is hereby
closed, vacated and discontinued as a public street of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, said certain portion of said street not heing needed for
public use and travel:
ALL that certain portion of Ocean Avenue, lying immediately
north of Lots 1 through 6 incl uf.,ive, Block A as shown on the
pIa t entitled" Lynnbaven -13 each Anîended Map of Pro perty of
Lynnhavcn Beach and Park Princess Anne County, Virginia",
dated 1913, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's
Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, in Map Book 5 at Page 71, situate and being in the
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and being more particularly
bounded and described as follow~):
BEGINNING at a stone at the southeast intersection of
Avenue A with Ocean Avenue, the same being the northwest
corner of Lot 1, Block A, on the aforementioned plat,
running thence in a northerly direction N SO 21' W 100 feet
to a point in the northern side of Ocean Avenue where the
eastern side of Avenue A, if extended, would intersect the
northern line of Ocean A venue; thence turning and running
in an easterly dire ction N 840 39' E 300 feet to a point in the
northern side of Ocean Avenue where the western side of
what was forrnerly Seventh Street, if extended, would intersect
the northern line of Ocean Avenue; thence turning and running
in a southerly direction S 50 21' E 100 feet to a point, the same
being the northeast corner of Lot 6, Block A on the aforemen-
tioned plat; thence turning and running in a westerly direction
along the southern side of Ocean Avenue S 840 39' W 300 feet
to a stone, the point of beginning aforesaid.
Section 2.
That thirty (30) days after this date a copy of this
Ordinance, certified by the Clerk, be spread upon the public records in the
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this City and indexed in like manner
as a Deed to Lands.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on
, 1972.
day of
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IT Ef,1 ¡; 49 73
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen .John A. BaUln, Robert II. Callis, Jr" Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervil
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A, Holland, D. Murray Malbon, ,
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr,
Councilman Robert B, Cromwell) Jr.
City Council adopted the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
to make connections and to furnish water through a proposed water system
located at Windsor Oaks West Apartments, Kempsville Borough:
and furnish ';'later through a proposed \\1ater system located at
Windsor Oaks \'Jest Apart~Tlents in the City of Virgjnia Beach, further
described below.
WHEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Virginia Beach, at the
reques t of the hTindsor Holland Company, to extend proposed v:ater
mains in accordance with the existing contract betwecIl the City
of Virginia Beach and the City of N rfolk, in Windsor Oaks West
Apartments, lÜted as follovls:
if: of Rvdrants
Size of Tjye
Lineal Feet
All as described and shO\vn on plans entitled "Site development.
plans of Windsor Oaks ¡vest apartments" as prepared by Talbot,
Werlllers, and Associates, Ltd., Virginia Beach, Virginia.
" '~
NOW, THEREFOEE, BE IT H.ESOLVl'~D, that the City Ó[ Norfolk be and it
hereby is requested to rnake a connection of the proposed water rnains ""'lith the
present rnains of said City at the s;Üd designation, and upon cornplehon of the
..- installation of the proposed Dlains, to supply W.3ter to cnnSUDlers residing thereon,
it being expressly \ulder~:;tood and agreed that the supplying, of said v/ater by the
City of Norfolk shall be upon and sub.icct to the follov/ing terrns and conditions:
1. That the said water mains shall be installed in accordance with the
specifications of the said City of Norfolk and to the satisfaction 9f the Director of
Public Works of said City, at no cost to the City of Norfolk.
2. That the water so supplied through said IT1ains to consu!nlers shall be at
the sarne rate no\v, or hereafter, c11J.rged by the City of Norfolk to consumers
beyond the Emits of said City sirnilarly situated.
3. That all ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and regulations of
the Division of vVater Supply of said City> no\v or hereafter adopted and put into
effect, relating to the furnishing of v/ater shall.apply to the supplying of water
through the said proposed rnains.
4. That the said City of Norfolk shall be under no obligation to furnish more
water than its distribution system as now laid, with the pressure carried, will
deliver into ~:;ajd rnains, and if the said supplying of water shall not be in accordance
with the standard service, the said City of Norfolk shall not be held responsible in
any way.
5. That in supplying water to consumers along the said proposed ITlains, the
City of Norfolk will supply the same only from its surplus supply, and that in no
event shall there be any obligation on the part of said City to supply water to any
consunlers along the proposed Dlains at any time when, in the judgernent of the
Council of the said City of Norfolk, the said City shall not have sufficient supply
for use within its corporate lirnits, or whenever the suppl,ying of said water shall
interfere with the discharge of the duty of said'City ~o supply ""vater to its own
6. That from and after the installation of the water n'lains and hydrants they
shall beconle the prape rty of the C ily of Vir ginia Beach. The City of Vir gin ia Beach
shall grant to the City of Norfolk the right to use such m.ains and hydrants for the
supply of water, and further grants to the City of Norfolk ready and reasonable
access to theIn.
7. That for any fire hydrant installed at the request of the City of Virginia
Beach, a r ental pa~nnent of One Hunc1 red Dollar s ($100. 00) a year for eac~'l h yd rant
shall be paid to th'2 City of Norfolk.
ADOPTEJ) BY TI.Ü!: COIJNCIL of the City of.Nirginia Beach, Virginia this
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ITE1,! !!497i1
On motion by Councilman Ilolland, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recordè¿
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John l\, Ballin, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice ~1ayor F. Reid Ervir
George R, Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Ilo11and, D. Murray Malbon, J
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
_ty Council noted its intention to hold a closed meeting on Monday, August 28,
J..:J72, Tuesday, August 29, 1972, and Friday, September 1, 1972, for the purpose
of discussing items permitted for discussion under the Freedom of Information
Act of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
ITEM #4975
Mayor Rhodes reminded the Councilmen of the Special Meeting on Tuesday,
August 29, 1972, at 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of receiving bids on the
proposed bond issue and the Special Meeting on Friday, September I, 1972,
at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of reorganization of the Council.
ITEM #4976
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, the meeting
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ichard J. Webbon, City
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DOn'alâ¡:r-:-Rhodes, Mayor
City of Virginia Beach,
August 2l, 1972
.~...,.~., "'-~'~"'~'~".'."~""'-,-". -- ,-_.
August 28, 1972
he regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia was
eld in the Council Chambers in the Administration Building in the Borough of
Princess Anne, on Monday, August 28, 1972, at 2:00 p.m.
The invoc~tion was given by Reverend Malcolm F. Yaple, Saint Andrew's Methodist
Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen present: John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell,
Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilmen absent:
ITEM #4977
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
-:)lland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 21, 1972,
and the reading of said Minutes dispensed with inasmuch as each Councilman
had a copy of the subject Minutes before him.
ITEM il4978
On motion by Councilman Malbon, ~econded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorde
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. FGr~ell,Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr. '
ity Council approved on second readillg an appropriation not ~o exceed $8,000,0
~J provide for architectural services and prelimillary feasibility designs of
additions to the Offices of the City Treasurer, the Commissioner of Revenue,
the Clerk of Circuit Court and tIle Health Department Building.
ITEM 1t4979
Councilman Baum requested that Ht'm iI¡¡956 (c) r~linutcs of August 21, ]972]
be placed on the agenda of tilL' HcguLlr Council :\[C'ctillfl, of September 1], 1~J7_),
for reconsideration. I[e furrhcJ indicated that he had r,'quC':-::tcd ;.,!r. ;-:l'ct1 [0
(j r c c t t 11 (' P LJ n n i n g s t ;1 f f 1. 0 hT 0 r k \\.i t 11 t h (' deli c J 0 p (' r to t1 (' t 'è' r r:¡ i n (' the :Œ 0 1m t
()J' :IVdi ]ablc land f'or con~;tru(tí('n ;11](¡ to c'\'pl;.¡ìn' the fo¡'J~lulafor th.lS
,I",t"'rminatiu)] to the appJi\è;:nt.
ITB,; f,' 4980 (a)
Mr. Bruce Murphy, Attorney, appeared before City Council and submitted petitiol
requestillg City Council to reconsider their 'action of July 5, 1972, at which
time Council failed to appoint Mr. R, R. McChesney to serve as High Constable.
Reconsideration was requested as Mr, R. R. McChesney has served 26 years as
an employee of the City. It was indicated that Council failure to ~ppoint
Mr. McCllesney resulted from his policical activities during work hours which
were considered to be a violation of the City Code of Ethics which prohibit
such activities.
Mr. James Fant, representing the Citizens Against Political Retaliation,
appeared before City Council and submitted petitions on behalf of Mr. R. R.
--::Chesney and requested his appointment to the position of High Constable
> his length of satisfactory service appeared to warrant his appointment.
t was noted that he would apparently suffer a loss of income from his
retirement as a result of the Council action. Upon direction from City
Council the following letter prepared by the Director of Finance was read
indicating the effect on the State Retirement in the matter of Mr. R. R.
McChesney:, [City Council directed the inclusion of the subject letter in the
permanent records.]
~-{ , " '" ',"'g:" -r "'~i
u ';: ,"';;
* -=--- ~,,; """"~1.
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Q . ).¡,""...
\...:P OUR N~~\':..,¿ ,
. """""'.....-v--'
City e>f Virgi:L1ia
August 23, 1972
427 - 4681
Mre Roger M. Scott
City Hanager
Municipal Center
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
Dear Mr. Scott:
In accordance with the request of, City' Council at the last meeting"
we have investigated th'e status of Nre Ro R. HcChesney's retirement
benefits. Our records indicate that Hr. HcChesney began employment on
Nay 1, 1946 and through August 31, 1972) he ,.¡ill have a total of 26 years
4 months credit in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System.
The following options are available for Mre HcChesney:
He can ",ithdraw his total contributions in the system
at any time and he Hill be refunded these contributions
plus interest. In this event) he ",ill not be eligible
for any retirement allm.¡ances at retirement age.
He may leave his contributions in the system and he
may draw a retirement al1m"ance at any age between
60 and 65 e ' ~
Based on an average annual salary of -$12,382, and should he not
withdraw his accumulated contributions, Hr. NcChesney Hill be eligible
for the follmving retirement allowances should he retire at: anyone of
the 8r,es indicated belm". These alloHances Hill be paid in addition to
any sums he may receive from Social Secllrityo
Age at
Annual Retirement
-$(1 ,'S90. 27
l~ , 5 %.85
l~ , en 0 . 07.
Should you have [my questions, pleac;(~ givc' us a call.
Sincc;'r'ely Y(Hlr~{,
, i,
,Cilt':; C. iit.),ld
!,:.,':!:;L.ill! L' ¡ L;' c:ii / ,,' '!t.:.,',"[ " ;'],1],:111<'('
. "-'-'---'-'T',"""""
The following appeared in support of the Council action appointing Mr. Horace
Shirley, instead of Mr. McChesney, as High Constable of Virginia Beach:
Mr. R. Wilson Chaplain
Mrs. Evelyn Hitchcock
ITEM #4980 (b)
After discussion regarding Mr. R. R. McChesney, Councilman Ferrell made a
motion, which was seconded by Councilman Callis, that Mr. R. R. McChesney
be reemployed as High Constable.
Vice Mayor Ervin said that the motion was improper as Councilman Ferrell
had not been a party to the prevailing side. ~¡ayor Rhodes referred the
question on parlimentary procedure to the City Attorney, Mr. Dale Bimson,
who ruled that the Inotion was out of order as Councilman Ferrell had not
voted on the prevailing side in the original action of July 5, 1972.
ITEM # 49 80 (c)
Councilman Ferrell made a motion, which was seconded by Councilman Callis,
that Mr. McChesney be hired as High Constable of the City of Virginia Beach.
The City Attorney, Mr. Bimson, ruled that the motion was out-of-order as a
vacancy for that position did not exist.
ITEM #4980 (d)
ouncilman Ferrell made a motion, which 'was seconded by Councilman Callis,
to discharge Mr. Horace Shirley, who presently holds the position of High
Constable, on a recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Clarence A,
Holland, ~1ayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robelt B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid
Ervin, Charles W. Gardner, D. Murray Malbon, and J. Curtis Payne.
The motion was defeated.
.J '
ITEM #4981
Mayor Rhodes, on behalf of the City Council, presented certificates of complet
to the following Virginia Beach Municipal Fellows:
Kathleen A. Guion, Project Director, assigned to the Department of
Helen E. Weems, assigned to the Department of Economic Development
Linda K. Stone, assigned to the Department of Public Libraries
W. David Singletary, assigned to the Department, of Public Utilities
Elliott Light, assigned to the Office of the City Manager
Chri~ Taylor, assigned to the Office of the City Manager
T. Meade Kampfmueller, Jr., assigned to the Department of Community
ITEM #4982
Mr. R. W. Miller, President of Kings Forest Civic League, apþeared before
City Council regarding the possible use of polyethlene containers for the
collection and disposal of solid waste material.
Mr. Scott, City Manager, indicated that they had considered the use of these
bags, but were concerned with several unresolved problems relative to the use
of these containers; one of which is the problem of polyethlene bags not de-
composing in the ground.
Mayor Rhodes, on behalf of the City Council, thanked Mr. Miller for his time
and effort in extensive research to bring this matter to the attention of the
ITEM #4983
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell,
Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, 'Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council appointed Mr. Roger Scott, C~ty Manager, to fill the expired term
of Mr. Dewey Simmons on the Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission
for a three (3) year term beginning July I, 1972 and ending June 30, 1975.
V ITEM #4984
...Qn motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recordec
ote as follows:
"yes: Councilmen John A, Hawn, Robert II. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, ,]1'.
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Ccorge R. Ferrell, Ch~lrles W. GaTClner, Clarence j\.
lIolland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, ~1ayor Donald 11. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. W~terficld, Jr.
City Council reappointed ¡.[r. Rich:lrd Kline to the Industrial lJevelo]Jl1cnt
¡\lItho!' i tv Cor ;1 term of four (A) ycar~; bc,£~iJ1!lillf', July J, ] 972 and cndinf~
,lUll(> :)0,' 1~)lÚ,
, -, ,". .,..-'"....".., '" -.".--,., , "
1TE]\1 #4985
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows: .
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A,
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council appointed Councilman John A. Baum as chairman, Councilman Robert
H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, and Mr. Robert M. Buchanan, Sr. to
the Steering Committee for Beach Erosion and Rudee Inlet for a one (I) year
term from 'the date of appointment unless the term is extended by the Council.
ITEM #4986
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Nalbon, and by record€
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. Wat~rfie1d, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Ordinance to appoint Viewers relative to
-losing a portion of Arctic Avenue in Virginia Beach, Borough:
Jc,~'/",;~,'" ';, '¡"" 'v/"'¡e"'"
I ...' ~'-' ,:,y~~-- ~ f .)
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a municipal
corporation, has given due and proper notice in accordance
the statutes for such cases made and provided, that it would, on
August 28, 1972, apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, for the appointment of Viewers to view the below
described property and report in writing to the Council whether,
in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any, what inconvenienc
would result from the discontinuing of the hereinafter described
portion of Arctic Avenue, Virginia Beach Borough, in the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, and have filed such application with
the said Council.
Mr, Charles C. Carrington, Mr. William W. Fleming,
and Mr. George L. Hanbury
, are hereby appointed to view
the below described property and report in writing to the Council,
on September 18, 1972, whether in their opinion, any, and if any,
inconvenience would result from the discontinuing, closing and
vacating of that certain portion of Arctic Avenue, located in
Virginia Beach Borough, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and
described as follows~
That portion of Arctic Avenue, south of Winston-
Salem Avenue extending to Lake Rudee, as shown
on a certain plat entitled, "Shore Acres, property
of Shore Acres, Inc., dated September 1925, made
by John M. Baldwin, C. E." recorded in the Clerk's
Office of the Circuit Court of the City of
Virginia Beach, in Hap Book 7, Part 2,' Page 137.
Said street extending south approximately 150 feet
of the southwest and southeast corners of the
intersection of Arctic Avenue and Winston-Salem
lTEN #4987
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by rccorde
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CrOm\H'J], Jr.
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A,
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, an(l 'lo>d
E. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Ordinance appointing viewers relative ~o
closing a portion of Burton Drive in Lynnhaven Borough:
~- '¡ /.."',
given due and proper notice, in accordance with the statutes
for such cases made and provided, that it will, on this day,
apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, for the appointment of Viewers to view the below-
described property and report in writing to the Council whether,
in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any, what, incon-
the hereinafter
venience would result from the discontinuing of
described portion of Burton Drive, in Lynnhaven Borough, of
the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and has filed such V9-
plication with the said Council:
and Mr. GeorgeL.Hanbury
That, Mr. CharlesC. Carrington, Mr. William W. Fleming,
---. ---- I
are hereby appointed to view the below-described property and
report in writing to the Council on or before September 11,
1972, whether in their opinion any, and if any, what, inco:1-
venience would result from the discontinuing, closing and
vacating of that certain portion of Burton Drive, located.
Lynnhaven Borough, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and
described as follows:
POBOX 224\
VA: BEACH, VA. 23452
. 'on of Burton Drive be-
ALL THAT certal~ portlthe Southemside of
ginning a~ a polnt ?~ dead ends with the
Burton Drlve where 1 d by Turner and
r formerly owne ,
property now 0 "130 21\ West, a dlstance
Hogge; thence North 'nt. ~hence North 67° .
of 40.56 feet to a polf 235 10 feet to a polnt;
06' East, a distance 0 t . dJ'stance of 40.0
h 22° 54' Eas ,a '
thence Sout , South 67° 06' West,
feet to a polnt~ thence t to the point of be-
a distance of ~41.83 feet' of Burton Drive as
't belng a por lon " b
ginning,l d lat entitled Su-
shown on the surv~y an P, Lynnhaven District,
. .. f Melfalr Acres, , 1954
dlvlslon o. " dated Apr11 1, ,
Princess Anne County 'county Surveyor, ~nd .
made by W. B. GallUPk', Off'l'ce of the Clrcult
. th Cler s , ,.
recorded ln ~ Virinia Beach, Vlrglnla,
Court of' the Clty of ~8 to which reference
in Map Book 31, at pag~, uía; and accurate
is made for a more par lC
~. ~s~ ~le, M~m~ ~ llie petit~~n, ~eaud befuu Ci~ CO~iJ
requesting a deferral.
ITEM #4988
~ -tiM by ~~i~R ~llis, SKM~d by ~~i~R ~~~r ~ by nearer.
vote as follows:
~s: C~Kilun ~n A. B~, ~ert H, ~llis, b., ~e" B, ~~"]1.,
-:e Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferre.l1, Char les W. Gardner, Clarence '.
¡ 1.1 and, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II. Rhodes ,aand Fie
1 Waterfield, Jr.
~~ ~~il deh=~ =sideration of ~~" ~ortsrelati" ~ closing"
20-foot alley in Virginia Beach Borough until September 11, 1972.
."."- -" ..'. .. -.~,.' - .--
ITEM #4989
Councilman Cromwell requested the City Attorney to draft an amendment tc the
"Gun Ordinance" to allow turkey shoots.
ITEM #4990
The following persons appeared before City Council supporting the proposed
leash law:
Mrs. Clark -presented petitions requesting that a leash law be enacted
in the City of Virginia Beach [a copy of subject petitions are on file
in the Office of the City Clerk]
Mrs. Cecily Macdonald
Supt: Reed from the Animal Control Bureau
City Council requested the City Attorney to draw up a leash ordinance relating
to dogs running at large and further requested that said ordinance be presenteé
at the September 11, 1972 Council Meeting.
ITEM #4991
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council extended the "Zoning Moratorium" until November 30, 1972 for the
purpose of allowing the Planning Department enough time to complete the
Comprehensive Master Zoning Ordinance and the Master Zoning Maps.
ITEr-f #4992
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recordE
vote as follows:
A~es: Councilme~ John.A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
VIce Mayor F. ReId ErvIn, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A,
l~ol~and, I? Murray Malbon, ,J., Curtis Payne, Hayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. haterfleld, Jr.
Cit~ ~ouncil a~proved t~e app~i~ation of Bayside Taxi Company for eight (8)
---d?l~lon:,tl taxIcab per~llts:, ~h~s makes a total of twenty--five (25) taxicab
ermIts Issued to Bayslde laxl Company.
. ""'".,-"-."-"'" "",",: """=-'~:'~"""'_~-""_~~'-~""""-~."""~,,.,",",,.,.."-'_,'0',',._.",-"""."""...".",
ITEM #4993
On motion by Councilman
vote as follows:
Gardner, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by recor¿
A~es: Councilme~ JohnoA, Baum, Robert II. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell Jr.
VIce Mayor F. ReId ErvIn, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner Clarence'A '
~lland, ~. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes and Floy'd
, Waterfl~ld, Jr. '
C~ty Council,approved the following Resolution relative to the expansion of
lIbrary serVIces to the City's Juvenile Holding Facilities under a federal
gran t program: I
WHEREAS, the Crime Omnibus and Safe Streets Act ~f 1968, as
amended, provides federal funds to assist political ,subdivisions
of the various states in improving their respective criminal
Justice Systems in order to reduce or eliminate inadequacies;
WHEREAS, there exists a need to expand library services to the
city's Juvenile Holding Facilities so as to provide a constructive
and meaningful use of residence time; and
W1ŒREAS, such a program, designed to aid in the self-discovery
and behavior modification of the facility's residents, will
cos t $24,04.4 or \,kdcll the city! 8 in-kincl cont.ribution "viII
amount to $6,151.
That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to
cause such information or materials as may be necessary to be
provided to the appropriate state agencies to permit the for-
mulation, approval and funding of the aforementioned program.
AND DE IT PUR'J'HER llliSOLVED, that the Council of .the' City of
Virginia Beach gives its assurance that the matching funds or
in-kind contributions needed as the city's proportional share
of the cost of the approved program will be provided.
ITEM #4994
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vot
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
.JLice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R, Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
)lland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
. Waterfield, Jr.
As Mr. Charles Kiley, Sanitary Engineer, has indicated that it will be necessar
to increase the amount of cover material at Mt. Trashmore in order to properly
complete the project, City Council authorized the extension of the existing
contract for 20,000 additional cubic yards of fill material. The cost, $2.00
per cubic yard ($40,000) will be covered with bond funds previously authorized.
ITEM #4995
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, D. Murray Ma1bon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council authorized the City Manager to execute the following State-Local
Hospitalization Contracts:
General Hospital of Virginia
Medical College of Virginia
University of Virginia
Portsmouth General
Norfolk Community
King's Daughters
Leigh Memorial
Daily Rate
for 72-73
63.78 .
Daily Rate
for 71-72
ITEM #4996
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by record
vote as follows:
..A>res: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crom"'ell, Jr"
ice Mayor F, Reid Ervin, George R, Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
)lland, D, ¡"'!urray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, and Floyd
b. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract covering the
collection of water utility taxes for the City of Virginia Beach by the City
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ITEM #4997
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Malbon., and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W, Gardner, Clarence A. '
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
-- Waterfield, Jr.
As the City has received signed sewer agreements from 51% of the residents in
Southern Points and Brittany Estate5 requesting that the City install public
sewers in this area, City Council approved this project for design and con-
struction when funds become available.
ITEM #4998
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarehce A.
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne', Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr.
ity Council authorized the City Manager to sign a sewer agreement and lease
for the Pecan Gardens sewer project.
On motion by Couricilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin
George R. Ferre~l, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D, Murray Malbon, J
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
to make connections and furnish water through a proposed water system at
...S-..tratford Chase, Section 1, Part 1;
ITEM #5000
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and'
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H, Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F,
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murr3:
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
; ,~; 1:r
]~) on
- Absent:
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the following Resolution requesting the City °"
to make connections and furnish wa tel' through a proposed water sys to':
Kings Grant, Part 2, Section l2B:
Form No.
P'.U.. 36-2a
Section 12B, Lynnhaven Borough, IN THE CITY OF
~fEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Vixcinia Beach, Virginia, at
the requeDt of Kings Grant West , to extend a proposed ,.
main in accordance \11th the existing contract bet"reen the City of Vire~hL
Bench and the City of Norfolk, in Kings Gr~nt, Part 2, Sect~on 12B
., in the atreeta listed as follows:
Name or
South Villier COUI.t
North Shire Court
North Shire Court
Size of Linear
P~pe Feet
8" 490
6" 940
6" 535
4" 300
6" 1,100
4" 450
4" 500
4" 370
4" 90
4" 420
6t1 130
4" 240
H~:::~ "
Kings Grant Road
Kings Grant Road
Sheraton Drive
Sheraton Court
Coverdale Lane
Coverdale Lane
Coverdale Circle
Coverdale Court
North Villier Court
C>,U as daocrfood and ahoVl1 on plan entitled, _~itarv SCF.~' anc!. Wate~'. "
KinFS CraIl':;. I'¿n"t 2, ~:;cction 12:t3 . n... lDT'¡:'parecl "
...--H'~M__~~_'- ; '"
..ß:-l].cl\lin and Crcgg~ - 121Gineera, ~cl April ,11, J.~~?:
""-'C"',. ,."""...,.,-,...,...,._,..._-..~.".",._-_._,.......,.._o..-,""""""""'--"""
Form No, P.U, 36-2b
NOW, THmlliFORE, BE IT RESOLVP1J, thxt the City of Norfolk he and it
hereby la, rcque3tcd to 'Jake a connoction of the proposed \.rD:ter mains
vith the pre90nt mains of said City at the said desiGnation, and upon
completion of the im'!tnllo.tion of the proposed rmins, to supply water to
. conaUInera residinG thereon, it being expressly understood and agreed
that the supplying of otlid wo.ter by the City of Norfolk shall be upon and
subject to the followinG terms and conditions:
1. That the Baid water mains ahall be installed in accordance with
the specifications of the eaid City of Norfolk and to the satiafaction
of the Director of Public Works of aaid City, at no cost to the City of
.. 2. That the water so supplied throuGh said mains ,to consumers shall
be at the sarne rate now, or hereafter, charged by the City of Norfolk to
consumers beyond the limits of said City similarly situated.
3. That all ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regúlations of the Divjsion of Water Supply of said City, now or hereafter
adopted and put into effect, rcIntinG to the furni:;hing of water shall
apply to the supplying of water through the said proposed mains.
4. That the said City of Norfolk shall be under no oblfgation to
furnish more water than its distribution system as now laid,iwith the
pressure carried, will deliver into said mains, and if the said supplying
of water shall not be in accordance wi.th the standard service, the said
City of Norfolk shall not be held resl~nsible in any way.
5. That in supplying Yater to cons~ers along the said proposed mains,
the City of Norfolk will supply the snIDe only from its surplus supply" and
that in no event shall there be any obligation on the part of said City to
oupply water to any consumers along the proposed mains at any time when,
in the judgement of the Council of the said City of Norfolk, the said City
shall not have sufficient supply fQr use within its corporate limits, or
whenever the supplying of said water shall interfere with the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to its own inhabitants.
6. That from and after the installation of the water nmins and
hydrants they shall become the property' of the City of Virginia Beach.
The City of Virginia Beach shall grant to the City of Norfolk the right
,to use such mains and hydrants for the supply of water, and further grants
to the City of Norfolk ready and reasonable access to them.
7. That for any fire hydrnnt installed pt the request of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rental payment of One Hundred Dollara ($100.00) a yea:r
tor each hydrant shall be paid to the City. of Norfolk.
AOOPrED BY THf1'}OU€~,\IJ of the City o/ljirg~l, ~1Bãach, Vlrl¡+n.,~ this
¡ j -. day of r {,1C¡/iA,{ // , 19 I L .
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Clark of the Gouncjj,
ITEM #5001
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorde(
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H.Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray ~lalbon, ~
Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Lty Council approved the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
) make connections and furnish water through a proposed water system at
Woodland Condominium Apartments, Lynnhaven Borough:
Form No.
Lvnnhaven Borough IN THE CITY OF
WHEREAS, it ia proposed by the City of VirGinia Beach, Virginia, at
the requeÐt of ~_nt Development, Inc. , to extend a proposed water
main in accordance \lith the existine cùntrl1ct betwen the City of Vire1nia
Bench and the City of Norfolk, in VloodlaniL~Apartments
, in the otreets listed fiB follows:
Name of
24th Street
Woodland Apts.
Size of Linear No. of
PJ.pe Feet H.vdrant~
8" 40 1
4" 375 0
nil 89 described w1d t:!how on plRn entitled, Ç";rading. Drainage. Water and Sevler
.ilan , as prepared by
.»a1ch.¡in..ß.ud..._Grec~ Engineers, þJav 19,- 1972 . .
...-..--------- .. .. ----",-
. ...-..., - -
--..-. ---..._--------
Form No. P.U. 36-2b
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th.:rt. the City of Norfolk he and it
hereby 18, reque3tcd to make a connection of the proposed water mains
uith the present mains of said City at the said desiGnation, and upon
completion of the installation of the proposed mnins, to supply water to
. COl1numera residing thereon, it be:l.ng exprcsGly underDtood fwd agreed
that the Bupplyine of said water by the City of Norfolk shnll1~ upon and
8ubject to the following te'rm9 and conditions:
1. That the said water fikQins ahall be instDlled in accordance with
the specifications of tho said City of Norfolk and to tho satlafaction
of the Director of Public Works of 9aià City, at no cost to tho City of
2. That tho wllter so supplied through Raid mnins to consumorA shall.
be at the sarno rate now, or hercnStor, chflrgod by the City of Norfolk to
consumers beyond tho limits of said City oim:llnrly fJituatûc1.
3. That all ordinnncos of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
roeu1ntions of thfJ Divhdon of Wntnr ~)l.1pply of [1C\id City, no\.1 or hereafter
adopted nnå put into nffect, rclntinr. to the furni;;ldnc of vzltcr Shélll
apply to tho fJupp1ying of water throur,h the ë.r11d propoced mninn.
1+0 That the Da:ld City of lIorfolk shn 11 1~ undør no ohllr:ation to
fllmish morn w.:ltC'-r thnn 1t~1 d1~.tribut:Lon :-;y;;tnr1 nn now 1rdd, ulth tlw
prcllsuro cnrrlcd, wiLl drllvor in:'()~;:! j d nnj n~; J [¡nd :1 r tile ~;[).id suppl;dug
of ".<fltor ot:nll not. be in flcC'ordf¡DC'O vit.h the r.t;¡ndnr"] sendce, tho srd.d
Glt,Y oi' lIor['olk :JI;i111 not h~ J¡~'ld rc;lponr;jl,h' in nny \.1,1:;.
5. ThElt in supplying water to con::;urner:J 1l1on~ the ~wid propo3ed l118.inB,
the City of Norfolk \-Till supply the so.mc on1y from it~> Gurplus supply, nnd
that in no event shall there be any obligation on the part of said City to
Dupp1y water to any consumers along the propo;;ed m:lÌns at any time when,
in the judGement of the Council of the said City of NorfoDc, the oaid City
shall not have sufficient supply fpr use within its corporate limits, or
, \lhenever the Dupplying of said water sholl intùrfere with the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to its. own inhabitants.
6. That from and aft~r the installation of the water mains and
. hydrants the:y shall become the property of the City of Virginia Beach.
The City of Virginia Roach shall grant to the City of Norfolk the right
to use such mains and hydrants for the supply of water, and further grants
to tho City of Norfolk ready and rensonable accoss to them.
7. That for any fire hydrant installed pt the request of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rental payment of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) a year
for each hydrant shall be paid to the City of Norfolk.
ADOPTED BY T~ .CPUHlfIL of the City /o-t Virginia Beach, Virginia this
}t ~J - ~ day of Lt~L:~if.vj ,19 '¡}.,...
k~ d¿f/ ßßd~ 4~.-
t} f ' .
.-) / ~~ CuI c ( .'\J l"~, ('- [,1\-/
Clerk of the Council
ITEM #5002
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded b)7 Councilman Ferrell, d b d
vote as follows: . an y recor ed
Ayes: Cou~cilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
George ~. }erre~l, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, ~
Curtis layne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
. _ty.~ouncil noted it~ intention to hol~ a cl~sed.meeting on Monday,
::;e~te¡'1ber ~l, 1972 f01 the pu:'pose of dIscussIng Items permitted for cliscussior
un er the J-reedom of InformatIon Act of the Commonwealth of Virgjnia.
- ~~-~"-'----->.._.~. -",-_ou_----", -." '-~'.' '-""-...... ~"'-~ ..
ITEM #5003
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by record(
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervir
jieorge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, ~
lrtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Counc~l cancelled the Council Meeting of Monday, September 4, 1972,
this being a legal holiday (Labor Day).
ITEM #5004
Mr. Wilson Chaplain appeared before City Council stating his opposition to
the Virginia Beach Art Show being held during the month of July as this is
the height of the tourist season. He further indicated that the seven-foot
fence erected along the boardwalk to display the works of art blocked off the
view of the ocean for his partons on the first floor and that certain streets
leading from Atlantic Avenue toward the boardwalk had also been blocked off.
Councilman Gardner suggested that the boardwalk art show be rescheduled to the
last week in June instead of the holiday week of July 4th.
rs. Florence Turner, on behalf of the Virginia Beach Art Center, agreed to
~schedule next year's "Virginia Beach Boardwalk Art Show" to the Heek of
June 21, 1973 through June 25, 1973. Mrs. Turner further indicated that
next year chicken wire, without a plywood backing, would be used as a wall
for displaying art work; therefore, allowing more view of the ocean.
ITEM #5005
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Co~ncilman Gardner, and by unanimou
vote, the meeting adjourned.
. /I.~' ~
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, .. " ,; I
C . :L~d../ . . /ê/lt-t 1 C/
Richard J.~eb on, City
~A> <'þ ~~?4' /7
¿Y¡:,t'á'dl? /v /¿?¿?1£'£-...-
Donald H. Rhodes, Mayor
City of Virginia Beach,
August 28, 1972