HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 1, 2005 AGENDA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH 'CO\I\1t:'JITY FOR A UFETI'tE" ",VO"MEYERA E OBER\DORF A,-La'" VICE "A YOR LOUIS R JOVES Ba",de D""'" , h<RR> E DIEZEL Kernpmll, Om",,' >OBERT" 0>'" """""1, D,,",'" REBA S \1cCU\<\ Ra" Hall Do"""! RICH'RDA "ADDOX B,.,'-D",.,,', CITY COUNCIL I PETP W SCH"ID" "La'g, RO\', <ILL""'" A,La,,- , ROSE"'"' ~'LSO\ "Ld'ge I JA~E'L WOOO L""a'" D,,""'S I CITY COL"'NCIL AGENDA crr. H.LL BUiLDING 140; COL'RTHOL'SE DRiVE I/RGI.v/A BEACH <'IRG/VIA 23456-8005 PHO,VE (75) 4lT-43D3 FAX,C5" 426-5669 E- MAIL C"cncl1j,vbgo\ com JI" .,"E """" A", D"",,'- [11" "A NAGER J<MESA SPORE Crr> PTORNEY LESUE L ULLEY C'TfCLEPK- '"THHODGESS\'ITH "'>I[ 1 NOVEMBER 2005 CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING - Conference Room- 1:30 PM. A SOUTHEASTER.1\; PUBLIC SERVICE Al'THORITY (SPSA) AJ,\¡lWAL REPORT John Hadfield, ExecutJve DIrector II COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS ill CITY CO{jNCIL COMMENTS I IV REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS V INFOR.'\1AL SESSIOl" - Conference Room- 3:30PM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUl"CIL c RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION <\ CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf I! 6:00 P:VI Ii II II II II I! II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA:'oICE TO THE FL-\G OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !! II II I I - Council Chamber - VI FORMAL SESSIOl" B II'iVOCATlO"l: Re\-erend K Todd Holt, DO Pastor. Great \leck Baptist Church C D ELEcTRO \;lc ROLL CALL OF CITY COIDIcIL E CERTIFICATlOI'i OF CLOSED SESSION F MII'iUTES NFOR.\,iAL and FORMAL SESSIO};'S October 25, 2005 G AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSIOI'i H Pl'BLIC HEARING EXCESS CITY PROPERTY - Fire TraInIng Center COl"SENT AGENDA ORDIl"ANCESI RESOLUTIONS OrdInance re EXCESS PROPERTY adjacent to the Fire Training Center: a DECLARE Cay-owned Jand at rear of Seatack Elementary School as excess proper~ AUTHORIZE the purchase of9 3 acres by (I) Exchange of a one (I) acre parcel (11) Purchase 8 3 acre parcel b 2 OrdInance to AUTHORIZE a temporary encroachment Into portIOns of CIty property and draInage easements. at Lagomar, adjacent to 2405 Braslleno Dove, by PATRICK AND SHAHRZAD KELLER for a bulkhead. dock and boat ramp J 3 OrdInance to APPROPRIATE 510,391.),700 from the City'S General Fund and $1,000.000 from the DEA Seized Property Special ReHnue Fund to the followIng \anous Capital Projects In FY 2005-1J6 a b PolIce HelIcopter and Hangar Expansion \0 anous SHe Acquls1tlons Blrdneck POint L L C ReplenIshment Park Playground Renova!lons - Phase II Computenzed Revenue Assessment and Collec!lon System Road MaIntenance - llcrease In cost of asphalt EconomIc De\elopment Investment Program VIrgInia Aquanum i\mmal Care lul11ex StrandIng Center Property AcquISltlOn AvaJon Woods - A\'aJon <\venue safety Improvements Law Enforcement TrainIng Academy parkIng lot enhancements 52,900,000 '55.000,000 $1.250,000 $ 385.000 $ 272.500 5 350.000 5 I ,000,000 5 150.000 '5 92,000 Ordmance to APPROPRIATE 5864,445 from the Sheriff's Department Special Revenue Fund and TRA. "ISFER $61,000 WIthIn the FY 2005-06 Sheriff's Department Operating Budget to provIde support as follows 4 c d e g h a b One tIme purchases RetIrement Fund ContnbutIon AddItlOnal part-tIme DeputIes S 439,445 $ 425,000 5 61.000 OrdInance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE 564.000 /Tom Harbour Development, Inc. to CapItal Project #4-004, Open Space Program Site -\cquisition, re the AcqUIsition of Land for Open Space consistent wIth the Outdoors Plan 5 K c APPOI~TMENTS BEACHES and \VATERWAYS COMMISSIO~ GOVERNM'"CE COYfMITTEE FOR HISTORIC SITES INVESTMENT PARDIERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE - PPEA WETLA..'t\TIS BOARD (Alternates) L Ul"FlNISHED Bl'SINESS M NEW BUSINESS ;\ ADJOURl"ME~T ********************************** PUBLIC COl\IJ\'IENTS Non-Agenda Items ********************************** ********* I f you are physJcall~ dISabled or vlSuallv ImpaIred and need asSIstance at <Ius meetmg. please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing ImpaIred call VIrgInIa Rela} Center at t-800-828-1120 ...*.*..*** 'genda 11'01'0551 "',,¡W vbgov COI'1 i I CITY COVNCIL BRIEFING - Conference Room - A SOuTHEASTER\; Pl13L1C SERVICE AuTHORITY (SPSA) AI\T'>,Q;AL REPORT John Hadfield, Executtve DIrectOr II COt:1\'CIL LIAISON REPORTS III CITY COt:NCIL COM!\1El"TS N REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS I 1 :30 P.M. I \' I:'oIFOR.\IAL SESSJO:\ - Conference Room - II II 3:30PM il II II it A. C o\LL TO ORDER - 'vlayor vleyen E Obemdori B ROLL CALL OF CIT\' COl:I\ClL c RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION \1 FOR'J o\.L SESSIO1\l - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - :vlayor :v1eyera E Obcmdorf B IJ\ VOCo\.TION: Reverend K Todd HolI, DD Pastor. Great Neck BaptIst Church c PLEDGE OF -\LLEGIAI'iCE TO THE FL-\G OF THE L 'íITED STATES OF o\.J\1ERlCo\. D ELEcTRO~1C ROLL CALL OF CITY COU~cIL E CERTIFICATIOI'i OF CLOSED SESSIO1\ F MIl"UTES lNFOR,\.1AL and FORMAL SESSIONS October 25. 2005 G AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSIOl" ~~~ r~~.::t~f ¡;.-, ~r"'-.á-¡"¡'." "::'-~t t:! - \7. ,..,.. "':; (\': 'í ~~._.._,- -: . .J' ~,\~ -. ::v ðòt ~.t'.; """""+' ,.<5".; 1.:' 0 .., ..... ~~ I{rønlutinu CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The VirgInla Beach Cay CouncIl convened Into CLOSED SESSIOK pursuant to the affirmatIve vote recorded here and In accordance ""lth the proVIsIons of The VIrgInIa Freedom oflnformatIon Act, and, WHEREAS: SectIon 2 2-3712 of the Code of VIrgInIa reqUIres a certIficatIon by the governmg body that such Closed SessIOn "'as conducted In confomuty WIth VIrgInIa Law l"OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the VlrgUlla Beach CIty CouncIl hereby certIfies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only publIc busIness matters lawfully exempted from Open MeetIng reqUIrements by Virgnna Law were d1scussed In Closed SessIon to which tlus certIficatIOn resolutIon applIes, and. (b) only such publIc busIness maners as were IdentIfied In the motIon convenIng thIS Closed SessIOn were heard, dIscussed or consIdered by VIrgInia Beach CIty CouncIl H PUBLIC HEARI:\G EXCESS CITY PROPERTY - FIre Training Center PUBLIC HEARING SALE OF EXCESS CITY PROPERTY AND PURCHASE OF PROPERTY The Vtrglrla Bea,-o CI'Y Co"nci will ho'd a PUBLIC HEAR- ING on the d'spos :,on and sale of a 1ý ac-e of GPIN 2416-65-9680 and purchase 9 3 acres behind Ihe Fl'e Traln- log Ceoter Tuesday, November 1, 2005 at 6:00 p.m., 10 the Co"ncl' Chambel 0' the C'ty Hal, Bulldl-,g (B",:c,og ¡/lì at the VIrginia Beach Mcrlclpal Ceoter Vtrg'nla Beach Ytrglrla The ~crpose of tOIS reaflng WI'I oe to ootalr pucllc "pu' :a deterrrire "hp"e' 1"15 p'ooerty shaule be declared' Excess 0' the City 5 neecs' If yce a'e physically dIsabled 01 vIsually Impaired and need asslstarce at Iris meeting olease call tre CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303, Hearing Impaired, call VirginIa Relay a~ 1-800-828-1120 Any questIOns corce--Ing 'h's "'a-ter srould oe c"ected :0 tre Office of Raa E.:ata, BcllGlng #2, POD,,", 392, at -he Y'r- gln'a Beach Menlc pa Cente- The Real O:sta:e Off ca tele- pho,e numbers (75T)427 4161 r; =4w- ~ Rutc hodges 5mlt-, MMC Cty Cler- Beacon OCtOO"' 23, 2005 141:)5684 CO"iSE!\'T AGEl"D-\ ORDI~A"iCES! RESOLUTlO'\'S Ordmance re EXCESS PROPERT\: ddjaœnt to the Fire Training Center: DECLARE Clty-ov>ned land at rear of Seatack Elementary School as excess property AUTHORIZE the purchase of9 3 acres by (1) Exchange of a one (I) acre parcel (II) Purchase 8 3 acre parcel a b Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a temporary encroachment mlO portions of City property and II drainage e.asement~, at Lagomar, adjacent to 2405 BrasIieno Dnve. by P-\ TRICK ~D 'II SHAHRZAD KELLER tor a bulkhead, dock and boat ramp OrdInance to APPROPRIATE $10,399,700 /Tom the City's General Fund and 51.000.000 ['[ from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund 10 the followmg VarIOUS CapItal, Projects In FY 2005-06 2 3 a b Police HelIcopter and Hangar ExpansIOn VarIOUS SIte AcqulsltJons Budneck Pomt L L C Replerushment Park Playground RenovatIons - Phase II ComputerIzed Revenue Assessment and CollectIon System Road MaIntenance - Increase In cost of asphajt EconomIc Development Investment Program VIrgInIa Aquanum Ammal Care Annex StrandIng Center Property AcquIsItIon Avalon Woods - Avalon Avenue safety Improvements Law Enforcement TraInIng Academy parkIng lot enhancements 52,900.000 55,000,000 51,250.000 5 385.000 5 272,500 S 350,000 51,000.000 5 150.000 5 92.000 OrdInance to APPROPRIATE $864,445 from the Sheriff's Department Special Revenue Fund and TRANSFER S6l ,000 wlthIn the FY 2005-06 Sheriff's Department Operating Budget to provIde support as follows 4 c d e f a '" h a b One time purchases RetJrement Fund ContrIbutIon AddJ.!1onal part-tllTIe DeputIes 5 439,445 S 425,000 S 61,000 Ordmance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $64,000 from Harbour Development, Inc. to CapItal Project #4-004, Open Space Program Site Acquisition, re the AcqUlsJ.!1on of Land for Open Space consistent wIth the Outdoors Plan 5 c .::f~\. (f~--xi:J~: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM' Seatack School/Fire Training Center Property MEETING DATE- November 1. 2005 . Background: Fame Liquidation Land Trust (1990) ("Fame") is the owner of a 9 3-acre tract of land adjacent to the Fire Training Center The property IS sUItable for expansion of the Fire Training Center and location of a FEMA storage facility The property owner IS willing to sell the property to the City Ocean Breeze Fun Park (OB Land, LLC) ("Ocean Breeze") - an affiliate of Fame, encroaches Into a 1-acre parcel of land owned by the City adjacent to the Seatack Elementary School property The City with the agreement of the principals of Fame and Ocean Breeze, proposes to purchase the 9 3 acre tract adjacent to the Fire Training Center (1) by exchanging the 1 acre encroached property adjacent to Seatack Elementary to Ocean Breeze for 1 acre of the property adjacent to the Fire Training Center and (2) by purchasing the remaining 8 3 acres at City assessed value . Considerations: Declare the encroached 1::t acre In excess of the City's needs, allowing Ocean Breeze to keep itS encroachments In place Accept 1 acre adjacent to the Fire Training Center In exchange, and purchase the remaining 83 acres from owner for the city tax assessment of $106,585 The source of funding IS CIP 3-368 Various Site AcquIsitions . Public Information: Advertisement for Public Hearing, for Excess Property and advertisement of Council Agenda . Alternatives: ReqUIre Ocean Breeze to remove encroachments and not sell 1:t acre to It and not purchase 9 3 acres adjacent to Fire Training Center for expansion . Recommendations: Staff recommends conveyance of 1::t acre to Ocean Breeze In exchange for 1 acre adjacent to the Fire Training Center and purchase of the remaining 8 3 acres adjacent to the Fire Training Center for $106,585 . Attachments: Ordinance, Location Map, Summary of Terms Recommended -\ction: Approval - Submitting Department/Agency: PublIc Works::'Ll..-n\1 'ù( City Manager~ k-. ~ø-Î-- ORDJI'iANCE ~O. <) AN ORDJNAl"CE (I) DECLARING AS EXCESS CERTAI:-.i CITY-OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE REAR OF SEATACK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A,l"D (2) AUTHORIZJI'iG THE PURCHASE OF 9.3 ACRES BY (A) EXCHANGE OF <\ O~E ACRE PARCEL Al"D (B) PURCHASE OF THE REMAJNIl\G 8.3 ACRES OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE FIRE TRAI~ING CEI'iTER 10 11 1:' 13 h IS WHEREAS, the CItyofVIrglma Beach (the "clty"') IS the owner ofa parcel of real property 16 contalOIng approxImately 59 40!0 acres, whIch property IS IdentIfied and depIcted In blue on the 1~ attached ExhIbIt A and Includes the sIte of Sea tack E]ementary School (the "School Property"), 18 \VHEREAS. the CIty IS also the owner of a parcel of real property contauung approxImately IS 74 acres, whIch property IS IdentIfied and depIcted 10 blue on the anached ExhIbIt A and Includes the 20 sIte of the CIty's FIre TraInIng Center, 2" WHEREAS, OB Land, LLC, a VIrgInIa hmIted lIabIlIty company ("OB Land"), operatIng as 22 Ocean Breeze Fun Park, IS the O\\11er of a parcel of real property whIch abuts the School Property 23 and IS IdentIfied and depIcted m green on the attached Extublt A, 24 \"HEREAS, OB Land's Improvements encroach on to approxlffiately one acre of the School 2S Property (the "Excess Property") as shown In red on the attached ExhIbIt A, 26 WHEREAS, OB Land has requested that the CIty ofVlrg¡ma Beach declare as excess and 27 convey to OB Land the Excess Property, 28 WHEREAS, Edward S GarcIa, Jr, Trustee of the Fame LIqUIdatIOn Land Trust (1990) 29 ("Fame") IS the O\\11er ofa certaIn parcel of real property contaInIng approxImately 93 = acres (the 30 "Fame Property"). whIch property 1S also IdentIfied and depIcted m green on the attached ExhIbIt A 31 and abuts the CIty's FIre Trammg Center. 32 WHEREAS, the CIty has IdentJfied the Fame Propel1y as a suitable and appropnate site for 33 the expansIOn of the FIre TraInIng Center and for the location of a FEvlA storage facIlIty, 34 WHEREAS, the CIty ofVlrg¡ma Beach, OB Land and Fame have agreed to the terms of 35 a proposed exchange of the Excess Property for the Fame Propel1y pursuant to an Exchange 36 Agreement, a summary of winch IS attached hereto as Exlnblt B (the "Exchange Agreement"), 37 WHEREAS, the Exchange Agreement Includes the payment by the CIty to the OWl1er of 33 the Fame Property of $1 06,585 (the "EqualIzatIon Payment") wluch IS the difference In assessed 39 values betWeen the Excess Property and the Fame Property, and 40 WHEREAS, sufficient fundmg exIsts 10 cIP 3-368 VarIOUS SIte AcqUIsitions to pay the 41 Equahzatlon Payment 4;' 43 ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COl'NCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: ~~ 45 46 DECLARATIO\l OF EXCESS PROPERTY 4~ That the approxImately I-acre of real property owned by the Cay ofVIrg¡ma 48 Beach IdentIfied and depicted In red on the attached ExhIbit A (the "Excess Property") IS hereby ~9 declared to be m excess of the needs of the Cay 50 2 That the CIty CouncIl hereby authonzes the transfer of the Excess Property to 5: OB Land, LLC to be Incorporated mto Ocean Breeze Fun Park 52 53 5~ ACCEPT ^,~CE OF FAME PROPERTY AND PAYMENT OF EOUALIZATION PAYMEl'.l 2 5=, 3 That the City CouncIl hereby authonzes the acceptance from Edward S 5f GarCIa, Jr. Trustee of the Fame LIqUIdatIon Land Trus1(1990) of approximately 93 acres IdentIfied 5" and depIcted In green on the attached ExiubIt A (the "Fame Propert}"') In exchange for the Excess Sf Property 5> 4 That the CIty Council further authonzes payment from cIP 3-368 VarIOUS SIte 6: AcquIsItIOns of the amount of 5106,585 (the "EqualizatIon Payment") to the owner of Fame 61 Property, representIng the dIfference In assessed values between the Excess Property and the Fame 62 Property 63 EXCHANGEAGREEME~l 64, 5 The CIty CouncIl hereby approves the tenDS of the property exchange 65 descnbed herem and authonzes the CIty Manager to execute a Property Exchange Agreement. a 66 summary of whIch IS attached hereto as ExhIbit B 67 6 That the CIty \1anager or hIs desIgnee IS further authonzed to execute all other 68 documents that may be necessary or appropnate In connectIOn WIth the property exchange descnbed 6S hereIn, IncludIng. wIthOUt limItatIon. a deed of conve}ance for the Excess Property and the 70 acceptance of the deed for the Fame Property, so long as such documents are customary In real 7: estate exchange transactJons and are acceptable to the CIty Manager and the CIty Attorney 72 ThIs OrdInance shall be effectIve from the date of as adoptIon 73 Adopted by the CouncIl of the CIty of V ngInla Beach, V IrgmIa, on the - day 74 of ,2005 THIS ORDINANCE REQUIRES AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THREE-FOURTHS OF ALL COIT'iCIL MEMBERS ELECTED TO COUNCIL. 3 CA9520 R-6 F l)ataA1Y,OID'REAL ESTATE\Excess\Seatack-Flre Training C~9520\ord v6 doc Oerober 26 2005 Approved as to Content ~rrrd C ~'ah hc Works 4 Approved as to Legal Sufficiency liIa4j; .ÝÁtJitw CIty Atto -' £X,.jIBlï  Legend ~ Garcia Property C City Property - Parcel Exchange OIS","-,,"" - - . ....,,~ ". .' ... ... "" .. "",n. _h ~- ,..-. . uCC ....--. -,,-.........--'" ._m. _."Ry .. 01 nod... .....~-« _, '- ~. --_"'_m__""'- --- .-n', .... -- 0, - -- « ...- "" -- - "m"._~_"'«-""""""'..m- -..,..,," E\h,h,l B ~\Ii\l.\RY or TCRvlS E\cHA \;GE OF EXcE<;S CITY PROPERTY LOC -\ TED -\ T THE RE-\R OF SE.H<\CK ElÐvIE\;T-\RY :,CHOOL CITY OBLIGA TIO'<S City convey, ap?roxlmdtely I 07= dcre' I "Exce" Property ì located .It redr of Seatack Elemenr,uy School :a OB Land, Inc for IncoJ1)oranon Into Ocean Breeze f un Park City dCcepts conveYdnce from Edward S Garcia. Jr, Tru,tee Fame LIqUIdatIOn Land Trust (I 99Oi ( 'Fame' ) oi 9 3:1: acrö located adjacent to City's Fire Training. Center ( Fame Property') City pays S 106,585 equalization payment (representIng tax assessment dIfferentIa] between Excess Property and Fame Property) to Fame FAME/OB LAND OBLIGATIONS . Fame conveys Fame Property to City of VirgInia Beach and accepts $106,585 equalIzatIOn payment . OB Land, LLC accepts Excess Property and mcorporates Excess Property mto Ocean Breeze Fun Par " by resubdlvldmg and elimInatIng all Intenor lot lInes . OB Land, LLc to relocate 6 foot fence encroaching Into CIty's 50' draInage easement on Seatack Elementary School Property ".:~l;if~è;; ; ?~~ .~\ " '. . > -:.::::.::/ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Encroachments requested Into portions of City Property and Into portions of Drainage Easements, being known as and located In the canal at Lagomar, adjacent to 2405 Braslleno Drive, from the property owners, Patrick E Keller and Shahrzad Keller MEETING DATE: November 1, 2005 . Background: Patrick E Keller and Shahrzad Keller requested permission to construct and maintain temporary encroachments for a bulkhead, dock and boat ramp Into portions of the City Property and In the Drainage Easements, being known as the canal at Lagomar, located adjacent to 2405 Braslleno Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia . Considerations: City Staff has reviewed the requested encroachments and has recommended approval of same, subject to certain condillons outlined In the agreement There are similar encroachments In the canal and In the drainage easements . Public Infonnation: Advertisement of City Council Agenda . Alternatives: Approve the encroachments as presented, deny the encroachments, or add conditions as desired by Council . Recommendations: Approve the request subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement . Attachments: Ordinance, Location Map, Agreement, Plats and Pictures. Recommended Action: Approval of the ordinance. Submitting Department/Agency: Public WorkltJReal Estate~1'; City Manage. 'I- ,~itð"z.. I 2 Requested by Department of Public Works 3 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENTS INTO PORTIONS OF CITY PROPERTY AND INTO PORTIONS OF DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, BEING KNOWN AS AND LOCATED IN THE CANAL AT LAGOMAR BY PATRICK E KELLER and SHAHRZAD KELLER, THEIR HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 WHEREAS, Patrick E Keller and Shahrzad Keller desire to construct and 15 maintain a bulkhead, dock and boat ramp Into the City'S property and drainage 16 easements known as and located In the canal at Lagomar located adjacent to 2405 17 Braslleno Dnve, Virginia Beach, Virginia 18 WHEREAS, City Council IS authorized pursuant to §§ 152-2009 and 152-2107, 19 Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, to authorize temporary encroachments upon the 20 City'S property and drainage easements subject to such terms and conditions as 21 Council may prescrIbe 22 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23 24 That pursuant to the authonty and to the extent thereof contained In §§ 15 2- 25 2009 and 152-2107, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Patrick E Keller and 26 Shahrzad Keller, their heirs, assigns and successors In title are authorized to construct 27 and maintain temporary encroachments for a bulkhead, dock and boat ramp Into the 28 City's property and drainage easements as shown on the maps marked Exhibits "A", 29 "B", "COO, "D", "E", "F" and "G" entitled 'PROPOSED BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOAT JO RAMP IN A CANAL @ LAGOMAR," copies of which are on file In the Department of 31 Public Works and to which reference IS made for a more particular description, and 32 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the temporary encroachments are expressly 33 subject to those terms, conditions and criteria contained In the Agreement between the 34 City of Virginia Beach and Patrick E Keller and Shahrzad Keller (the "Agreement"), 35 which IS attached hereto and Incorporated by reference, and 36 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the City Manager or his authorIZed designee 37 IS hereby authorized to execute the Agreement, and 38 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall not be In effect until such 39 time as Patrick E Keller and Shahrzad Keller and the City Manager or his authonzed 40 designee execute the Agreement 41 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 42 - day of ,2005 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ~ROVED AS TO CONTENTS ~f.s C,ð71ÙS6-, slßNATURE ptiJ R&1 [" .o76t DEPARTMENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY AND FORM fJ.JriA û ~ CA-'I...q¡ PREPARED 9127/05 F:IDataIATYtOIDÎREAL ESTATEIEncroachments PW oràlnances CA9698 Keller.doc LYJ;~~D ",>}:i;"~~~"YV¡W (J ~ ~",.J1t o..~ ",¿,' , "",:;i¡!r~,',/Y«~ ' _/ ---/'7- ~ ". ,-;->-. ~' ,'/" """';;r"""Ö/'~...' 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LOCATION MAP SHOWING ENCROACHMENT REQUEST FOR PATRICK E.AND SHAH RZAD KELLER GPIN 2424-02-5304 SCALE: 1" = 600( PREPARED BY prw ENG DRAFT 10-0CT-2005 PREPARED BY VIRGNIA BEACH CITY A TTOR1\EY'S OFFICE EXEMPTED FROM RECORDATION TAXES L"'-DER SECTION 58 1-81 HC] (4) THIS AGREEMENT. made thls 23rd day of September, 2005, by and between the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, a munIcIpal corporatIOn, Grantor, "CIty", and PATRICK E KELLER AJI.,TI SHAHRZAD KELLER. THEIR HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE, "Grantee". even though more than one WITNESSETH That, WHEREAS, the Grantee IS the owner of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land designated and descnbed as Lot 229. as shown on that certaIn plat entItled "SUBDIVISION OF LAGOMAR SECTION 6, PHASE 3, PART B", which plat is recorded In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ofthe City ofVuglnla Beach in Map Book 238, Pages 36- 39, and being further designated and described as 2405 Brasileno Dnve, Virg¡ma Beach, Virginia 23456, WHEREAS, it IS proposed by the Grantee to construct and maintam a bulkhead, dock and boat ramp, "Temporary Encroachment", in the City ofVlrgmia Beach; WHEREAS. ID constructing and maintaInlDg the Temporary Encroachment, it is necessary that the Grantee encroach into portIOns of exIsting City Property and Dr81nage Easements known as and located In the canal at Lagomar as "The Encroachment Area"; and WHEREAS, the Grantee has requested that the City penmt a Temporary Encroachment \\1thIn The Encroachment Area GPIN. 2424-02-4573 and 2424-02-5304 I\OW, THEREFORE, for and In consIderatIOn of the premIses and of the benefits accruIng or to accrue to the Grantee and for the further consideratIOn of One Dollar ($1 00), In hand paid to the CIty. receIpt of which IS hereby acknowledged. the CIty doth grant to the Grantee penmsslOn to use The Encroachment Area for the purpose of constructIng and maIntaInmg the Temporary Encroachment. It IS expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment wIll be constructed and mamtaIned In accordance with the laws of the Corrunonwealth of Vlrgmia and the City of Virgmia Beach. and In accordance with the City's specIficatIons and approval and IS more particularly descnbed as follows, to WIt: A Temporary Encroachment into The Encroachment Area as shown on those certain plats entItled. "PROPOSED BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOAT RAMP IN A CANAL @ LAGOMAR", copies of whIch are attached hereto as ExhIbIts "A". "B" "C". "D", "E", "F" and "G" to whIch reference IS made for a more particular descriptIOn ProVIding however, nothIng herein shall prohIbIt the CIty from Irrunediately remoVIng, or ordering the Grantee to remove, all or any part of the Temporary Encroachment from The Encroachment Area In the event of an emergency or publIc necessity. It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall not construct the proposed bulkhead wmgwall mcludIng any tie-back system withm the 20-foot drainage easement located along the exIsting southern property line It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee assumes all responsibility for locating the proposed bulkhead wmgwaIl adjacent to the existmg 20-foot \\¡lde dramage easement (mcludmg repainng any damages to the existing storm dram pipe system) 2 It IS funher expressly understood and agreed that Clt) villi not be responsIble for any Impact to the proposed bulkhead wIngwall (Including due to faIlure of the exIsting storm draIn pIpe system or due to workmg wItlnn the exIstIng storm draIn easement) It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment herem authonzed termmates upon notIce by the CIty to the Grantee, and that wltlun tinny (30) days after the notJce IS gIven, the Temporary Encroachment must be removed from The Encroachment Area by the Grantee, and that the Grantee will bear all costs and expenses of such removal It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall mdemrufy and hold harmless the City, Its agents and employees, from and agaInst all claIms, damages, losses and expenses includmg reasonable attorney's fees in case It shall be necessary to file or defend an actIOn ansmg out of the locatIOn or exIstence of the Temporary Encroachment It IS further expressly understood and agreed that nothing herem contained shall be construed to enlarge the permIssion and authonty to permit the maintenance or construction of any encroachment other than that specIfied herein and to the lmúted extent specified herelIl, nor to permIt the maintenance and construction of any encroachment by anyone other than the Grantee It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to maintain the Temporary Encroachment so as not to become unsightly or a hazard. It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain a penmt from the Office of Plaruung Department prior to commencing any construction within The Encroachment Area 3 It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtam and keep In force all-nsk property Insurance and general lIability or such Insurance as IS deemed necessary by the CIty, and all Insurance polIcies must name the City as addItIonal named Insured or loss payee, as applIcable The Grantee also agrees to carry comprehensIve general lIability Insurance In an amount not less than $500,000.00, combIned sIngle lumts of such Insurance pohcy or policIes. The Grantee Wlll provIde endorsements prov1ding at least thirty (30) days wTltten notIce to the CIty pnor to the cancellation or tenmnatlOn of, or matenal change to. any of the Insurance policies The Grantee assumes all responsIbIlIties and liabilIties, vested or contIngent, with relatIOn to the Temporary Encroachment It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment must conform to the mInImum setbacks reqUIrements, as establIshed by the City It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must submit for review and approval, a survey of The Encroachment Area, certJfied by a regIstered professIOnal engIneer or a licensed land surveyor, and/or "as bUIlt" plans of the Temporary Encroachment sealed by a regIstered professIOnal engIneer, if reqUIred by eIther the CIty Engmeer's Office or the EngIneering DivISIon of the Public UtilitIes Department It IS further expressly understood and agreed that the CIty, upon revocatJon of such authonty and permissIOn so granted, may remove the Temporary Encroachment and charge the cost thereof to the Grantee, and collect the cost m any manner provIded by law for the collection of local or state taxes, may reqlille the Grantee to remove the Temporary Encroachment, and pendIng such removal, the CIty rnay charge the Grantee for the use of The Encroachment Area, the equivalent of what would be the real property tax upon the land so occupIed If It were owned by the Grantee, and If such removal shall not be made Wlthin the time 4 ordered hereInabove by tlus Agreement, the CIty may Impose a penalty in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($10000) per day for each and every day that the Temporary Encroachment IS allowed to contInue thereafter, and may collect such compensatIOn and penaltIes In any manner provIded by law for the collectIOn of local or state taxes IN WITNESS \"'HEREOF, PatrIck E Keller and Shahrzad Keller, the saId Grantee has caused tlus Agreement to be executed by theIr sIgnatures. Further, that the City of VIrgInIa Beach has caused thIS Agreement to be executed in Its name and on Its behalf by its CIty Manager and its seal be hereunto affixed and attested by ItS CIty Clerk. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH By City Manager/Authonzed DesIgnee of the City Manager (SEAL) AITEST City Clerk ~ ) %----- atrick E Keller ~--I/~ S Keller STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-"'lt. The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , CITY MA.1\ AGER/AUTHORIZED , 2005, by DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER Notary PublIc My Comnusslon Expires 5 STA TE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-WIt The foregoIng Instrument was aclnowledged before me tlus - day of , 2005. by RUTH HODGES SMITH, CIty Clerk for the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH Notary Public My Commission Expires STATE OF CITYíCOUNTY OF , to-W1t The foregoIng instrument was acknowledged before me tlus ~ day of ~./;¡yù, 2005, by PatrIck E, Keller and Shahnad Keller _/.JL""~Di¡ryJ No Public My CommIssIOn ExpIres / ~sll(J~ APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY AND FORM WI k 11 l/uJlã;J /-- n ," I..-J.(j f(f:[.5 - ,'/(:;USt.,- SI~NATURE t:~D l\(cJ r L t㌠DEPARTMENT X \PrOjecu\EnclOlChmenlslApphc8l1lslKeller - Bra.<lleno Onve - RB\Agreement Encroachment Frm doc 6 ENCROAC4MENT PROPOSED BULK>iEAD ENCPOACC¡MENT VA.~rES FROM 9'-6" TO 1"-8', AR[þ'=~20 S F -, \ ENCROACH MEN- \ LINE \ '. , ExhIbIt "A" ¿ CANA~ / / -----z---<!!!!'!!: / / .( '~ ",,-, " " " ",,", / " , / " / ',~, / "ý " ", )'> / / / / / / / / / / / / B~bD WINGWALL, ¡art EL TO MATCH WACENT GRADE Y. >, / , GRAPHIC SCALE 20' 0 20' 11/111111 I 1" = 40' 40' I ~ INTI CATES PHOTO \l,JIII"""'" NO & DIRECTION PROPOSED SCALE 1"=40' VBO5-072 REVISED 9/12/05 PROJECT PURPOSE INSTALL BULKHEAD FOR BANK STABILIZATION "-) RO~ KILME:R PROPOSED BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOAT RAMPN A CANAL @ LAGOMAR ACJACENT P~OPE~TY OWNERS , ì P:::3E~T W::I'I3ô:RG 2) KEITd HO"KINS PROJECT LOCATIO"! 2405 BRASlcENC DR'VE VA BEACH, VA 23456 "LW.e 0 .o,P?L CANT ",!,TRICK ;<:::LLErt 2405 3~ASI,-ENG DRIVE VA BEACH, VA 23456 O>TE 1/2S/0S 3) W E DOY_:: I i J vi I ¡g' - CANAL 7 ~ filii> ~ í 4) RON KILMER .'""Is! ! " " 801 COSTA GRANOE DR ~@ 1/'" ~ ~ VA BEACH, VA 23456 . ",,' , :; ':;:1 ~ . "< ~ee GPIN 2424 02 7227 81 !R=142000 ,-::joG. 000 ::::, ::¡ , I L=892' "!:::::" IS ~ -I ",SO I ENCROACHiIIENT " ,v. / 3) W E DOYLE UNE "'I ";' 805 COSTA GRANDE DR 'f' l..¡', '8' ~ '--' VA BEACH, VA 23456 Q ~ ^' [1 II' .\~ 5' DRAINAGE ", GPIN 2424 02 6165 !i '-' "~ I '1- EASEMENT. TYP "" J' liii!J.;:s /. / "", "0, O,:. Qj / ¡;;7TOP OF "" ... <:> "" "oÓ / LèJl rfd,1 r:,K "':..:.~ 2(.; I iIIHWON£"-::!:- / Cl:J5;: /,,;,;,<:> -< BANK "~/Q .......... - MLW-....... 9' " ""', <°9 ~O' i 7S"TOP OF 'v-MLW " ,C>. 0 i;¡i..,~S'S' / \~ BANK """...... "V..>" L75' DRAJNAGE/~~ / \ ~..... ,( EASEMENT / I I'-.. CONST......::-... , j <0 Oi. ..... \ UiIIlTS ...... ...... " 'Í'" DC:> ~ VI NYL \ I.QL22.5! ...... " ,/ ð'/ u FENCE '1- \ """"""'" /( ,Y:~ '-...J 'ù \ 1 /..,'" ...~~ ~ / ~ 0 <b. \ / / ~ "- -\ ',,7~ '" \ .:: ~\\ 'l / ~"> ~\\ .1"/,;,ö,"'¡,- ~- \ \ ~I '\, ~\ \\ ~ -1e.- l =5566' R=50 00' BRASILENO DR r' / '/ Q:ì.,¿/: ""1'~ /;I..<:} u'" E'\hlblt "B" FNCROACHiIIENT PROPOSED BUU<HEAD ENCROACHMENT VARIES FROM 9'-6" TO "'-6. AREA=B20 S F ~ ,) ROBERT WEINBERG 2401 BRASILENO DR VA BEACH, VA 23456 GPIN 2424 02 4405 GRAPHIC SCALE 15' 0 30' 60' IIIII I I I ¡"=60' SITE PLAN EXISTING SCALE 1"=60' PROJECT PUC¡POSE ADJACENT PROPE"TY OWNERS ,) ~oaERT 'N~\'3ERG 2) KEI~H HO?KINS 3: W E DOYc~ 4) PO:-¡ KIU.,<ER "'L"zCO -z---<!!!!'[ ~ L.QI...22.a 2) KEITH HOPKINS 2409 BRASILENO DR. VA BEACH, VA 23456 GPIN 2424 02 3177 ve05-0n REVISED' 9/12/05 ?ROPOSED BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOAT RAM'" IN A CANAL @ LAGOMAR PROJECT LOCATION 2405 BRASILENO DRIVE VA BEACH, VA 23455 APPLICANT PATRICK KE_~::R 2405 BR~S'LENO D"'IVE VA BEACr' , VA 23456 OA1E '/2~/O~ !^~~ '- , " " , '- '- , '- '- --- , , , '- '- '- , , '-'- / " '- / '- , ' " '- / '-,-',- / '-,-".z. , -......... ~" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " " E 'i.hlbn "C" i,¿! ! ! ::NC,OAC~ME~T LI~,E ---z~ ~ F,CPOSED DOCK / DIMENSIONS FROM TO LENGTH POINT POINT A B ! 77'-5" 8 C 18' C D 35' Ù E 74' E F 105'-6" TOTAL 8ULKHEAD=31 0' VBO5-072 REVISED 9/12/05 PLA~~ SCALE 1 "=4()' PROJECT "'URPOSE INSTALL BULKHEAD FOR BANK STABILIZATION ADJACENT PROPE~TY OW~ERS 1) '<O8ERT WEINBERG 2) KEIT~ HO~I<INS 3) IV E DOYLE 4) ~ON KILME~ ~LW-O 0' PROPOSED BULKHEAD. DOCK & BOAT RAIJ,P IN A CANAL :II LAGOMAR ?ROJECT LOCATION 2405 3RASILENO DRVE VA BEACH, VA 23456 APPUC~NT ~ATRICK "ELLER 2405 BQASILENO DRIV~ VA 9EACd, VA 23~56 DATE 1/25/05 00 ~L'.5 OI a.", 0--' Q:::J a. CD I 'll20X8" CAP WI 2-20d ¡-2 -, NAILS C 2' 0 C I %" DIAM. BOLTS 0 I I MIDPOINT BETWEEN PILES 0:----- I - _TOP OF BULKHEAD EL =6 0' 2-2"X8" WALER 2"XB" CONT 2-2"XS" WALER - - - -MHW=2 0' ExhibIt "0" ,'JOTES 1 t,Lc wooe (PILING & Fé<AMING) TO BE T'<EATED (2 25 PCr, CCA), DECKI'JG (0 ¿PCF) 2 ALL ,.,ARDWARE TO BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED 3 KEE" DIS-URBANCE OF GRASSED AREAS TO A MINIMUM ACCESS THE PRCJECT SITE AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 4 SEED ALL DISTURBED GROUND SURFACES 5 INSTAll 36" HIGH SILT FENCE SEAWARD OF AL~ DISTURBED AREAS AT CONCLUSION OF EACH WORK DAY EMBED 4" HORIZONTALLY AND 4" VERTICALLY AND PROPERLY MAINTAIN C- o .... to'" zZ -<C tri'" x"- wO 6 é<EMOVE EXIST BRUSH & TREES AS REQUIRED FOR BULKHEAD INSTALLATION " MIN COVER OVER PILE ~ EXIST fI \ \ l' \ ~5' SEi:: NOTE 6 / BACKFILL ~" DIAM TIE- RODS 0 EACH PILE FILTER FABRIC 15':1: I 1':1:-1 I S" DIAM X 10':1; LONG BATTER PILE, lYP @ EACH TIE ROD PROPOSED 2"X10" T&G ./ TIMBER 8ULKH EAD, 50% EMBEDMENT, MIN V805-072 REVISED 9/12/05 D 5 PROPOSED BULKHEAD SCALE 1/."=1 ?RCJECT PURPOSE INSTALL BULKHEAD FOR BANK STABILIZATION _. ADJACENT PROPFRTV JW~ERS ,; RCBER~ W::I'JBER3 2) KEITH -IC"KINS 3) W E DOLE ¿) RON KILME;;: "'WoO c' @[ TBM EL =4 9', EAST CORNER OF ADJACENT BULKHEAD - - -MLW=O 0' PROPOSED WOOD PILES, B"DIAAI @5'-4"OC, EMBED 50%, MIN GRAPHIC SCALE 0 2' .' 1',11 II , II " 1/'" ~1'-0° PROPOS~D BL;LKf-1EAD, DOCK & BOAT RAMP 'N A CANAL @ LAGOMAR PROJECT' OCATION 2405 BRASIL:::NO DRIVE VA BEACH, VA 23456 APP, ;CAI\7 PATRICK KELLER 2405 BRt,SlcENO DRIV:: VA B::ACI-', VA 23456 OATE '/25/05 .'iOTES 1 ALL WOOD (PiLING & FRt,MIN::;) TO BE TREATED (2 25 PCF CCt,) , DECKING (J 4PCF) 2 ALL HARDWARE TO BO: HOT CIP GALVANiZED PER ASTM A 153 ExhibIt "E" 3 ïOE NAIL JOISTS TO STRINGERS @ EACH BEARiNG "'OINT " NAIL DECKiNG @ EACH JOIST wi 2-16d NAILS, 1/8" OP::N JOINTS 4 USE 5/8" THRU BOLTS W/ OGEE & PLATE WASHERS TO SECliRE STRINGERS TO PILES 5/8" DIAM THRU BOLT W/ OGEE & PLATE WASHERS, TiP ---- B ' I rST~PS I 2X6" DECKING, I riP PROPOSED BULKHEAD. SEE SHEET 5 WOOD PILES, 8" DIAM 0 8':1: 0 C, 50% MIN PENETRATION, TVP C 6 PROPOSED SCALE 1/4"=1' DOCK VBO5-072 REVISED 9/12/05 PROJECT PURPOSE INSTALL BULKf-IE."D FOR BANK STABILIZATION ADJAC~NT PROPERTY OWNERS -----.......~ /,;:,;..::" H 0/, l-i'-- ( V; (~~ !.) No. 1~~98 ~ "~b~ fï1i/o5 ,i:-~c, > ~Ó:Ó:I' 'i:-",C>' 1) ~OBERT WEINBERG 2) '<t:IT"I f'OPKNS 3) WE COYLe ,,) ~ON KILMER "lWøC 0 / I !--f I I r- - - - Î - TOP EL =6 0' I 5' STEP I - - ..L - EL -4 0' I - EL =2 75' MHW=2.0' MLW 0 0' EXIST BOTTOM GRAPHIC SCALE 0 2' " .1 I III . . 1/'. -"-0. PROPOSC:O BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOAT ~A~P 'N A CANt,L @ LAGOMAR PROJECT LOCATION 2405 3RASILEIo.O D"'IVE VA BEACH VA 23455 PPLICAW P"PICO< KEcc.ER 2405 BRASILE>O;O DRIVE V' B!:ACf', W 23"56 CAlT. 1/25/05 ExhIbit "F" ,- PROPOSED WINGWALL. ; SEE SECTION 8. ISHEE" B ~ EXISTING CONC \ DRIVEWAY, EL=76' \ \ 24' \ EXISTING G"ADE---- %-V/ - . / 30' 1 PROPOSED 6" THICI<--.I CONC RAMP, SEE SECTION B, SHEET 9 ELEVATION-PROPOSED 'f'] EL=60' MHW 2 0' MLW 0 0' EXIST 80TTOM BOAT RAM P SCALE 1/8"=1' VBO5-0n REVISED, 9/12/05 PROJECT PURPOSE INSTALL BULKHEAD FOR BANK STABIUZATION ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNE~S ...."- \ ~ ¡' '"' """"'¡"u~ 1 0.... ~ d-"'-.~ -~.. J;, ~ ~ l[~IS A. !"~p ~\ !..:> NO'- ;J \ 1'r~C8 \'(;0", f ií?¡10 \~~ "- $'~ 6' -::ION,ð L «."" -) ::¡OBE~ WEINBERG 2) KE'-, ,OPKINS 3) W E ;JOYcE 4) RCt--. KiLMER MCW.O 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 .' 8' IIIII II I II I 1/B" =1'-0" PROPOSED BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOAT RAMP It--. A CANAL @ LAGOMAR PROJECT LOCATION 2405 BRASILENO DRIVE V~ BEACH, VA 23456 A~~LlCA'iT P~T::¡'CK K[LeER 2405 8R~SILEN:J DR;VE 'J~ :lEACH, VA 23456 DATE '/25/05 !iQl&. 'NS"ALL )IAGONAL m: ROD @ CORNER BE;WEEN WINGWALL & S' 3ULKHEAD EXIST GRADE~ ~L VARIES\ \ ExhIbIt "G" ALL DISTURBED AREAS -0 BE SEEDED, -;yP ~~~D :IL:; ~'C~ 50"" ~MBEDNENT, TYP \' 2XS" CAP 2-2X8" WAJ...ER,~ , TYP \ \ 3" COVER, TYP .. 6" LAYER OF CRUSHED STONE VSO5-0n REVISED 9/12/05 4XCAVATE AND REMOVE TO AN ~PPROVED DISPOSAl AREA 7 , , - PROPOSED 6" THICK CONCRErE RAMP wi 4X4-W4W4 REINF MIN, 3,000 PSI CONCRETE wi 2" SLUMP, RAKE FINISH, PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT 0 MIDPOI"" WI 1/2" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER 12' PROPOSED 2")(10" T&G WOOD SHEETPILE WlNGWALL, 50% EMBEDMENT, TYP PROPOSED BOAT RAMP SCALE 3/B"~1' PROJECT PURPOSE INSTALL BULKHEAD FOR BANK STABILIZATION ADJACEW PROPERTY OWNERS 1) ROB::~T WEINBERG 2) '<'ElTH "i:JPKINS 3)VY~ )OY_E 4; ¡¡CN ~ILMER ¥CW~G c' -ILTER FA8~IC, TYP GRAPHIC SCALE 2' I I =1'-0" l' 0 I I.. I 3/8" PROPOSED BULKHEAD, DOCK & BOA'- RAMP I~ A CANAL @ LAGOMAR FROJECï LOCATION. 2405 BRASILENO DRIVE Vt., BEAC'-\. VA 23456 t.,PPL;CAN~ Pt.,TRICK K::LLE~ 2"-05 8RASILEr--.O DR".E Vt., 3EACH. v~ 23456 DATE 1/25/05 t ...,.. I of n I I 'f I I ¡-- 0 ~i I I C" -m -fnl Ie -- Q) fn = -, : I - =n=-nl ~ Q) -. = 0 'I' Q) : =:::Ifn .cC"-, , ~ C1) 0._'0:5 C-<"( Q) Q) 0 ...0 .J -~ - 0. Q) -- -. ~ n I C1) fn:g = i :::I ~ 0/, i ~ ~ a ~ ~ -g. ~ g.""" I 0 < w 0 :::I' ':< :::I C1) -. ~ -- Q) C I cc 0. 3 C1) ~ fn -, -- :: fn ::;) =- 0)- (Q m ""I . , " ", ~~' 1'; i l -- -- - r ...~1ì1,;;. '."'.f "1"::"~" f;' .n '~~~;::-if " \... CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate $10,399,700 of Fund Balance from the General Fund and $1,000,000 of Fund Balance from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund to Various Capital PrOjects In FY 2005-06 Capital Budget MEETING DATE: November 1, 2005 . Background: It is a City policy that the General Fund must retain an undesignated fund balance of 8% to 12% of the following year's budgeted revenues Any use of the fund balance requires City Council approval Excess fund balance of $10,399,700 from the General Fund IS available for appropriation In addition, fund balance of $1,000,000 IS available from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund . Considerations: Staff requests City Council approval of the allocation of $10,399,700 of fund balance from the General Fund and $1,000,000 of fund balance from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund as follows $2,900,000 to CIP #3-227, Police Helicopter Replacement and Hangar Expansion, for the replacement of one Police helicopter and the expansion of the current hangar and maintenance facility in order to accommodate the larger Unit The cost of the project is $2,900,000 Funding for this project Includes $1,900,000 of fund balance from the General Fund and $1,000,000 of fund balance from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund $5,000,000 to CIP #3-368, Various Site AcqUIsitions, to replace funding previously used to acquire 6 1 acres of property, In conjunction with the State, from the Seasons at Blrdneck POint II C Replenishment of this project will allow for other strategic acqulsltJons $1,250,000 to CIP #4-024, Park Playground Renovations - Phase II, to enable the City to comply with a regulatory mandate that revealed a large number of safety hazards In older playground equipment The majonty of the equipment to be removed was Installed In the late 1970s and 1980s This older wooden and steel playground equipment IS obsolete, beyond economical repair, and unsafe for continued public use according to current safety guidelines and standards Parks and RecreatJon Intends to undertake an aggressive replacement schedule for the neighborhoods park sites affected $385,000 to CIP #3-200, Revenue Assessment and Collection System, to allow the Real Estate Assessor's Office to convert all existing hand-drawn property sketches to a format compatible with the new Revenue Assessment and Collection System In FY 2001-02, the City appropriated funding to provide for a comprehensive and coordinated replacement of computer systems used to support tax revenue assessment and collection This IS a JOint project of the Commissioner of Revenue, City Treasuser, Real Estate Assessor, and ComlT ThE' Implementation of this Integrated, technologlcally- Improved tax system will Improve efficiency and Increase customer service $272,500 to CIP #2-284, Road Maintenance, to provide funding to cover current IIC¡Uld price Increases that have Increasec the cost of asphalt $350,000 to CIP #9-141, Economic Development Investment Program, to allow the City to continue to enhance and attract economic development to the City Added capability to attract new businesses and assist In the expansion of existing businesses should create additional tax revenue and provide additional employment opportunities In the City $1,000,000 to CIP #3-292, Virginia Aquarium Animal Care Annex - Stranding Center, for the purchase of 38 acres This will allow for the relocation of the existing Virginia Aquanum Animal Care Annex to a larger, more secure area that is close to the main Aquarrum and has access to seawater This relocation will provide adequate space for existing and future animal collection and quarantine, animal care and holding, stranded animal rehabilitation, and research activities $150,000 to CIP #2-035, Avalon Woods - Avalon Avenue, to fund engineerIng and design for roadway safety Improvements along approximately 3,600 linear feet of Avalon Avenue In Avalon Woods from Providence Road to Normandy Avenue This IS a new project that will include sidewalks, roadway widening and necessary Infrastructure Improvements to reduce the conflict between pedestrians and vehicular traffic $92,200 to CIP #3-027, Law Enforcement Tralnrng Academy. to provide continued enhancements to the Law Enforcement Training Academy parking lot This project first was established In the FY 2000-01 CIP, but It needs to be re-establlshed The Police and Sheriff's Departments began utilizing this facility In March 2001 The majorIty of the necessary renovations for the Law Enforcement Training Academy are nearing completion, but the parking lot facilities need enhancement . Public Information: A notice of public hearing was published In the Beacon on October 16,2005 City Council conducted a public hearing on October 25,2005 Public Information for this agenda Item also will be handled the nonnal agenda process . Alternatives: City Council could use the Fund Balance to address other Issues . Recommendations. Establish CIP #2-035, Avalon Woods - Avalon Avenue Re- establish CIP #3-027, Law Enforcement Training Academy Approprrate $10,399,700 of FY 2004-05 fund balance from the General Fund and $1,000,000 from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund for the projects descrIbed above . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Management servlce~ City Manager:~ lL , c"g 6\It. 1 },N O?DINANC::: TO APPRC?RIATE $lJ, 399, 70C CF Fm;D BALA;;C<: FRCt.j ~EE GE:;::R¡\:L. Fmm A:m S:,OOJ,OOJ OF FUKD SA~A~CE F?O~ T~E DEA SEIZED PROPE?TY SP:::CIA~ ?EV:::NC::: LUND TO VAPIOUS CAPITA~ PROJ::CTS I;; FY 2COS-DE CA?ITÞ~ BU~G<:T 2 J ~ ~J E' t: ~H:::PEAS, fu~è1~; of S:C,399,70J ~~ ava~lable 1r Fu~a 3ala~ce C; f~cr the Genera~ Fu~d arc S:,OOC,DCO ~3 avallable ~~ Funa Balance 10 f~cw t.e DEA Se~zed Prope~ty Speclal Reve~ue Fund. 11 NOW, T~EREFORE, B::: IT OR~AINED BY THE COUNCIL OF ~EE CITY OF 12 VIRGINIA BEACH, VI~GI~IA: 13 ;1) Thaë Cap1tal Pro=ect #2-035, Avalon Wooàs-Ava~on Avenue, :4 13 ~e~eby establ~sheà ~~ ëte FY 2C05-00 Cap1~al 3udget a~d Capltal :5 ProJect #3-027, lS r.ereby re- Law Enforcement ':'::a1r'lng Acacieny, 16 establlshed l~ the FY 2005-06 Cap~tal Budget. 17 :2) That $1,900,000 of Fund Balance f~om the General Fund a~d 18 $:,000,000 of Fund Bala~ce from t~e DEA Selzed Property Speclal 19 Reven~e Fund are ~ereby approprlated ~c Cap1~al ProJect #3-227, 20 ?ol~ce :1e~lcopter Rep~acement a~d for tte J-!a~ga!." ExpanSlor., 21 rep~acement of one hel~copter a~d for the expa~slo~ of ~te cur~e~ë 22 hangar, wlth local revenue lncreased accord1ngly. 23 :3) Ttat $8,499,~OO c~ Fund Balance f!."on the General Fu~d lS 24 he:eby app~oprlated In the axcu~ts and for the purposes set for~h 25 below, Wltt local revenue lDcreased accordlngly. 26 (a; $5, JOO, 000 to Cap~ta::' Pro:ect #3-368, VarlOUS Slte 27 Acqu~slt:..ons, ~o repler.lsh the proJec~ for recent property 28 purchases; 2~ (bì $1,250,)OC ~e :aplca1 PrcJecc F4-)24 ?arh ?~ayg~o~~d 3) ?'e"eva::lC:1S lOr.ase re?~ace ç;:;sole;:e p1ayg~ourci , - , cç 3~ eq~l?ment; 32 (cì $385,00C ::0 Caplt~l PrcJec:: ~3-20C Reve~ue Assessmenc 33 a:1d Ce11eccloP Sys::eIT, ::e converC p~oper::y s~ecches ~n the 34 ~eal Esta::e Assessor's Offlce co 3 for~a:: co~paclb~e Wlt~ cne 35 :1ew co~puter syscem; 36 (d) $272,50C Cap~tal #2-284 co ProJecc ?ave:nen:: 37 ~1alr.::en~r_ce :cr ?rcgrar., adchc~ona~ ::~mcilr.g ::cr roaà 38 :nalncenance; 39 $350,)00 (e) Caplta~ 1'9-141 to PrOject ECOnO:T'lC 40 Deve1opmenc Incenclve Program, to enhance ar.d a::cracc economlC 41 development ::0 ::he Cl::y; 42 (:) $1, CO), COO Caplta1 #3-292, proJec:: to Vlrgln~a 43 A~~arlun A:1l:nal Care A~nex, ::0 purc:1ase 38 acres for a new 44 Strandl:1g Cencer; 45 $15),0)0 to Caplta1 Prc~ect #2-035, (g) Ava1o~ Wocds- 46 Avalon Avenue, :or englneerl~g and ceslgn for 3,600 feet 0: 47 road In Avalon Woods; and 48 (1:) $92,200 to Caplca1 ?rcJec~ #3-027, Law E~:orce~ent 49 Tral:1lng Academy, for parking 1cc lnprovements. 50 Adopted by tl:e Councl1 of the Clty of Vlrglnla Beach, 5~ Vlrglrna, :::-:.e 2005 ciay of en 2 A?pr~vea as ~o Co~~ent. ~ oJÛ~ l\ r~anagemer.t CÞ.9782 n:\?A\GG\OrdRes\?und Ba~ance ORD «-3 October 21, 2005 Fpproved as to Lega~ S1.:ff~Cle'1cy: , JiÀA..n1i é ( ~Ú/l C~ty Þttorney's offlèe 3 Æ,~i', ¡:~~l7 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM. An Ordinance to Appropriate $864,445 from the Fund Balance of the Sheriff's Department Special Revenue Fund and Transfer $61,000 within the FY 2005-06 Sheriff's Department Operating Budget MEETING DATE: November 1, 2005 . Background: The Sheriff's Office receives funding from a number of different sources that are subject to significant deviation This mandates sound fiscal policy to be conservative with spending and aggressive with revenue generation The goal and policy of the Sheriff's Office IS to maintain a five percent reserve of non-local revenue to provide greater fiscal Stability ThiS policy allowed the Sheriff's Office to use the fund balance to maintain services without requesting additional local money when the state reduced funding Amounts of fund balance In excess of the amounts reserved under the policy are used to fund one-time Items needed to support the functions of the Sheriff's Office . Considerations: The Sheriff's Office has identified the need for additional appropriations from the Sheriff's Office unreserved fund balance to provide support for the functions of the Sheriff's Office as detailed below One-time purchases In the amount of $439,445 as detailed on the attached list needed for a variety of services and functions provided by the Sheriff's Office 2 The addition of $425,000 for the Sheriff's Office Supplemental Retirement Fund This fund, Implemented by City Council In 1993, provides an Incentive for Sheriff's Office employees to continue their employment, reduces attrition, and provides a cost-efficient and effective use of tax dollars Fiscal constraints have prevented a contribution to the fund since May of 2003 3 Part-time deputy posItions will be funded through the transfer of $61,000 within salary accounts In the Sheriff's Office These approprIatIons will be funded using the Sheriff's Department Special Revenue Fund In addition, In keeping with the Sheriff's Office policy, $996,000 will remain In the Sheriff's Department Office Special Reserve Fund to maintain a five-percent reserve in the Sheriff's Department fund balance . Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal Council Agenda notification process . Recommendations: Approve the attached ordinance to appropriate additIOnal funds from the Sheriff's Department Special Revenue Fund to and transfer funds within the FY 2005- 06 Sheriff's Department Operating Budget . Attachments: Appropriation Ordinance list of One-Time Purchases Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency Sheriffs Office City Manager: ~~ L'-- - ~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 AN O~~IN&\C3 ~C AP:ROP~:A~E $a6~,4~5 FROM T~E ?UK~ 3A~~CE OF ~H~ S~ERIF?'S ~3PAR~~EN~ SPEC:AL REVE~J3 F'JK~ &~~ TRA;\SF~R $6:,JJQ W:T~:N ~HE ?Y 2GJ5-J6 SHE?IF?' S ~3PARTMENT OPERATING 3UDGE~ 6 BE IT OR~AINE~ BY T~E CCL~CIL OF T~E CITY OF VI~G:NIA BEAC~, 7 VIRGIKIA: 8 (: i ':'ha:: :.s :,ereby ::::-an L'"le L:D.:::' ap¡:::raprlate:::. $864,445 9 ba:a~ce of the Sherl:f's Depart~eD.t Spec:.al ~eve~ue :u~è to the lJ S:,erlff's ~epa:::-tTeD.:: Ope:::-atu:g 3l.:dget, wlth $36,2GJ a:located ::0 L veh:.c:es, $403,690 ::0 allocateè "'uscel:..aneous eql.:lpme~t a~d 12 $424,555 alloca::ed to the SheYlff's Sl.:ppleme~::al Re:::.re~ent System. 13 (2) Tha:: reve~ue fra~ Fu~d Balance lS hereby lncreased by 14 $a6~,445. 15 :3) ':'hat $61,000 :.s hereby tra~s:erred w:.th:.D. salary accou~ts 16 tc acco~moàate h:.rlD.g part-::lme depu::les 17 Adopted by t~e COU~Cl: of the C:.ty of Vlrgln:.a Beac~, Vlrg:.~:.a 18 OIl t~e day a: ----------- 2JO5. AP?ROVED AS TO CONTENT TO LEGAL AP?ROVED AS S:JFFIC:ENCY: ])~ i3/--<;~ ~ Lu+ Manage~ent Se:::-v:.ces , lt1iru ¿ i ~(L' C:.ty Attorney' Of~ce CAS780 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\S~erlff's De~:: R-3 October 21, 2005 Expe:-.ses OR:) OBJECT CODE DESCRIPTION DIVISION QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL - 601360 PART TIME SALARIES Pir ProLleellve SeNICO Salanos lor CC III Correcllons 1 $ 61,000 00 $ 6100000 606009 VEHICLE 110 POWEREO EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Maoallan Roadmala Navlgallon Syslom Transportellon 2 $ 92500 $ 1,85000 606016 RADIO 110 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Molorola Hadlo, Mles & Batta!y Malnlanance 140 $ 167500 $ 234,500 00 Cltos Mernlonance 220 $ 1000 $ 2,200 00 -. Impras Mulll Uml Chamor Malnlenance S $ S91 00 $ 2,95S 00 606424 POLICE SUPPLIES -,. !Jlgl I,I¡¡~I & Holdor Tromm 500 $ 2995 $ 14,97500 Glock Guns Trernln ISO $ 17S00 $ 26,250 00 Glock NI hi Siahis Tralnln 'SO $ 5600 $ 8,400 00 Aaplor Holslors Tromm 200 $ 9400 $ 18,800 00 Blue Gun, & Mayames Tralmn 50 $ 24500 $ --~ 606426 PROTECTIVE APPAREL 110 SUPPLIES Alol Conlrol Helmets Tralnm 450 $ 10100 $ 45,450 00 -, Hedman Sulls Tralmno 2 $ 1,10000 $ 2,200 00 Dnvlng Helmels TrolOlOO 12 $ 4500 $ 540 00 Bullel Praol Vests Tralm 50 $ 57500 $ 2875000 RIOI ShIeld Jail Operations 100 $ - 4500 $ 4,500 00 T "rtlosk,n Prolecllve Gloves ---- Jail Onerallons 350 $ 2750 $ 9,62500 CAPITAL OUTLAY Unit Pnee ova' $5,000) --:~~1~~ MOTOA VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT lur 'EVOC Tralmne Tramlne 2 $ 16,00000 $ 32,00000 REPLACEMENT MOWFAS ,-- Malnlanonce 5 $ 64000 $ 4,200 00 ,- DHEAAED COMPENSATlÕN 602960 SherIN's Suoolomenlol Rat"amant $ 424,555 00 ---, 'Emerncnev VehIcle Ooorallon Coursa $ 82500000 :;:~r-\. ~(~f. "I¡ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate $64,000 from Harbour Development, Inc to Capital Project #4-004, Open Space Program Site AcqUIsition, for the AcquIsition of Land for Open Space Consistent with the Outdoors Plan MEETING DATE: November 1, 2005 . Background: On March 4, 2003, City Council approved a conditional rezonIng application for the single-family residential community of Victoria Park As a condition of the application, the developer proffered to contribute $1,000 for each residential lot to the City to provide funding for the acquIsition of land for open space purposes consistent wIth the Outdoors Plan Since the residential development will Include 64 lots, the developer IS obligated to contribute $64,000 . Considerations: The conditional rezoning application was considered at the March 4, 2003, City Council public hearing and at multiple PlannIng COmmiSSiOn public hearings The developer, Harbour Development, Inc, has submitted a check In the amount of $64,000 to the City In fulfillment of ItS proffer Contnbutlons from developers related to open space acquIsition proffers have historically been allocated to CIP Project #4-004, Open Space Program Site AcqUIsition . Public Infonnation: Council Agenda Process Public InfoITTlatlon will be handled through the normal . Recommendation: Accept and appropriate the $64,000 submitted by Harbour Development, Inc In accordance with the requested conditional rezoning to CIP Project #4-004, Open Space Program Site AcquIsition . Attachments: Ordinance and letter from Harbour Development, Inc Recommended Action: Approval vx::, Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Parks and Recreatlo~~ City Manage~ L. Ò(j~ :; A~ ~R~INA~CE TO ACCEPT AND AF?ROP~IAT~ $64,OCO FROM ~ARBCUR ~EVELO?~~NT, I~C. TO CAPITA~ PROJECT j!~-C04, ~PEN SPA::::E PR~GRAM SITE ACQUISITI~N, F~R T~E ACQUISI:ION CF LAND FO? O?EN SPA::::E COKSISTEKT WITH :HE OD:~OORS P~AN ,- ., 6 WHEREAS, Earbcur Devel:>pr.e:1t, -:he developer cf -:r.e Ir.c, ., Vlctcr~a Park subd~vlslon, ras s~bml-:ted $64,000 to the C~ty ~n f accordance a wlth proffers CO:1dltlonal Made for reZO:1lr-9 9 appllca-:1C:1 approved by the Clty Cou:1cll on Marct ~, 2003. lC' L NOW, THE~EFORE, 3E IT ORDAINE~ Bo THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 3EAC~, VIRGINIA: 12 That $64,000 lS hereby accepted fror Harbour Development, Inc. 13 and appropr~ated -:c Capltal Improveme:1t ProJect ~4-00~, "Ope:1 Space 14 Program Slte Acq~lsltlon," for the acqu~sltlon of ¡and for open 15 space, wlth revenue from local sources l:1creased accordlng':"y In -:he 16 FY 2005-06 Capl-:al Improvemen-: 3udget. 17 Adopted by the ::::o~nc~l cf the ::::lty of V~rglnla 3each, lB Vlrglnla, cn the day cf , 2005. Pequlres an afflr~atlve vote by a ma]Orlty of the members of the Clty Councll. APPROVEJ AS TO C~NTENT APPR~VED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICENCY ~ ~ lrJUY11 ~ ( . ~ÚA Clty Attorney's ffìce CA9781 H,\PA\GG\OrdRes\Victor~a Park ORD R-3 October 21, 2005 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT, INc. 308 Cedar Lakes Drive Chesapeake, Virginia 23322 Telephone. (757) 382-4155 Facsimile: (757) 382-9702 September 20, 2005 Mr, James C. Pearce DSC Project Coordinator Planning Department I Development Services Center Municipal Center Building 2, Room 115 2405 Courthouse Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9040 Re: Subdivision of VictorIa Park North landing Road, Virginia Beach, VA DSC File # 112-621 Dear Mr. Pearce: Pursuant to comment #9 In your letter to TImothy M. Fallon, L. S" dated August 3, 2005, and per proffers, enclosed please find check #1085 drawn on the account of Harbour Development, Inc., In the amount of Sixty-Four Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($64,000,00), payable to the City of Virginia Beach, representing payment in full of the $1,000,00 per lot fee for open space preservation, This payment in also a requirement toward the final subdivIsion plat going to record, Thank you for your assistance In thIs matter. If you have any questions or concerns, or need additional information, please contact me, Very truly yours, ---e~ Robert R. Kinser RRK:mml Enclosure cc: Mr. Timothy M. Fallon (w/out encl.) K .\PPOI:'IITMEI'iTS BEACHES and WATER WAYS COMMISSIO;-'¡ GOVERNANCE COM:\1ITTEE FOR HISTORIC SITES I\IVESTMENT PARDŒRSHIP ADVISORY COM:vnTTEE - PPEA WETLANDS BOARD (Alternates! L UI'iFI~ISHED BUSI:-';ESS \1 NEW BUSIl"ESS " ADJOUR.c"l"1E:\"T I' P,GE , : ; I I , ! A II B : ; i ¡ III/III "Vi E IF D~TE ~G:NDA ITEM = GiH 2 a b WI 2 3 a b c 4 a b Cln OF V/RG/!I!/4 BE4CH Sl',IHtARt OF COL'!I!ClL ACTlOVS Oclober 2S 2005 SJBJ:CT I BRlEFr<G I ó'fERGE'KY PREP~REDNESS MOTIC" -r:::regor) Cad, F"e D'pa"t'nco' ~vl'<'NHA'E"J ¡UVER RESTORATIO1< a,IIJohnSlon STCDY - 1<0 DlSc>¡arg, Zone Deslgnatmr D'pa."tmen- of Public ,",orks Engm..nng DIVISIon CERTIFICATIO"J OF CWSED SESSI01'o: 'I'IUTES - October I 1,2005 PUBLIC HEARINGS SENT~RA HEA~TH C"JŒ- Pnrcess ~nne Park ;\1E1'D C;J>ITAL BUrxiET FY 2005-2006 CIty PrOjectS F.nd B~ance- School Rove"lon Funds- 511,399,700 5 7,640,838 OrdInance to ~'E'Œ § 5-71 O'Clty Code Te Impounded anImals Q¡-dmance REQJ:ESTI~G 'IodInatIOn ofT.wn Center Phase II Development Agreement .. , pariong grage on Block' 0 : Q¡-dmances 10 encroachmentS U'THORIZE "mpar"" i ! SENTAR~ HEALTHCARE easementS at Pnncess Arne Park (DISTRJCT c - PRI'ICESS A '!'IE) WILLIAM H. 'eCL'TCHEON proposed noatlng dock! campi boatbDi pIeri ...od poles at 557 V"gm13 Dare Dr t< Lake Wesley (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH'I '1ALCOLM L "il':'<r., JR ...onng pIles ' noat add.,oo ,,56 I V"gtn3 Da.. Dr, Lake W"ley 'DISTR1CH -BEACH Ordlnarœs 10 ACCEPT; APPROPRIATE FEMA funds 10 FICe .. hurneanes Humcane Ka"'na Humcane Ophelia SLOOO,OOO S 250,000 CERTD1ED APPROVED I i 'JO SPI,~KERS ONE SPE"KER ADOPTED, BY CONSfNT I ADOPlED BY ; CONSI:"o T ;DOPTED CONDITJO'JED' BY CONSENT VOTE D I E I E L 1;-0 I Y i ! 11-0 Y 10-1 Y 11-0 Y D y E R C M - 'L A C IA D N 1'-, D E A I CJ S 1'-' X i ! ¡'" C Y ; y Y " c a K " :) C R F \ : Y I Y ) \ y ; Y ! Y I Y Y I Y I ' Y 11-0 Y , \ I Y I; v ,Y 'Y ; I ADOPlED' 11-0 CO'iDmO"EDi BY CONSENT Y!Y I ; ADOP~ CONmT10"ED' ' I BY CCNSE"T ADOPTED, BY CO:o.;S~-¡";T 11-0 Y Y v \ Y Y \ IY i ! Y \ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ; i I Y Y! Y Y Y I ! I r I, ;i I " v " L 'I CAW H " M U I IE, S D V 0 TAN I i R E E V E Y I Y ! Y Y Y I Y I ; Y w, 0 0 D Y Y Y' I Y I Y \ Y Y Y ) Y Y Y \ , Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ) Y Y I Y I Y Y , P;Gc ë ! on OF V/RGI."'/A BEACH SUffMARI OF COFVOL ACTIO-VS I ? I " Iv' ' " g ! ; 'I ~ y , , , I, Il l - : A N '" L c i, ~, DATE October 25 2005 AGèNDA , ITEM" SLEJECT L- I 5 Ord"ance 10 4PPROPRIHE 510,440 8>8 School I Rov.",on Fnnd, I T maintenance equipment replaceMent "h'd" for land,cape s.,."ces Ins,,"c"onal ["hnology S 200.000 S2.600.0oo Vehle;e "placemen~' custodia stocage 52.32' GOO Schoo' plan' S"Pp¡", ",..,c" pa,coll s,""" replacemenl 51,032716 5 800.000 5 I.<P 122 K-12 Enteo=,. Grade Book Oc.an Laic" High School 52,000,000 add[Mn Ordinances to ACCEPT' APPROPRIATE funds from DMV [0 Pollc, Kf' dm,ng under Ih, Influ..,ce (DUll 515,000 ",!bdtu.. eb,h, schools!Uden~ SI2GOO Ordinance [0 TR"J'SFER 5S00.0oo D "tahlrsr dedicated ["me for BRAC-related "pens.. s.,.,,'" O[dlnances" AICI.:Zi no..ei ,...mc ¡ JLlS A \fElm CZO REPEALI'I;G S"noo 221 I 'WD , 4mc',181D..tablrshC'IVCounClIPoh,,-e II d'""enon"" d""'onmení; sound attenu~uon -equ~emen~ " bu,ldlngs ¡ strucMes In AICUZ A\fE~D Alt¡>ort NOt" Anonuanon' Safety Ordlfance '..qu~ed dIsclosures A\fElm Offi".1 Zonln8 \1ap II:> deSlgna" N4S Oceana - I' 4lF Fentre" Inte1Íac'¡,ty T...mc 4re. A\fE'I;D Comp"henSl" PIa., ID mcooporale the !'4S Oceana "4LF ~e'u"s InteñaclhtyT...mc 4.-.. ,lap A \fEND Comp"henSlye Plan: Princess Anne C.mdor Plan to Ineotporate pro"SlonS of AICI.:Z. JLI.:S, AICI.:Z O""lay Ordinance GAVI'I;O BER'I;ALES CUI" church a[ 3476 Holland Rd, Uno 3458 (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HAll) RO:\ALD E \fODLINGER \f D \1othficanon ofCond,Mn, 1o """ deSIgn o'hulldmg a[ 3296 Darn ' eck Rd (.pproved 824 2004) L ' (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HAll) ~ I I I~ If ~ ," E A " , :0 >'CTIC," VCT: l E l ADOPTED BY II-Ú' CO!'SE"T ADOPTED. BY CO"SENT ~[)()PTED DEFERRED TO 1122,,)) APPROVED CONDrnO"ED' BY CO, SENT APPROVED ~S PROFFERED. BY CO-"SENT Il-ú Y Y y ¡ 10 I Y y y 74 l' y !' :> T \ V A I 'wi I l 5 C 0 N D , , :¡ Y ¡ Y I Y : Y Y ;1 Y Y N y I ' Y " ~ " Y Y Y Y y "AGE' I I ~ "'" '0 on OF f/RGlllilA BEACH SF~1+tAR} OFCO/;'\,C1L ACTIONS DUE Ocrober 25, 2005 MOTION AJ'PROVED AS PROFFERED' CO~DrrrO"ED CUP multl-Carm!> dwelhngs DEEP 8LLE 'I"-RI"E, L L C QÆ. boat sal., , : APPROVED, ..""ceatJ"16ShreDr ! CmmlnO"ED iDISTRlCT4-B"YSIDE) : REVISED.II APPOINT'I1E"TS RESCHEDULED VOTE "'-I n D , I ! E i E L 'r B D T E R Y !f , ¿ I , J ,f I ;' I ~ ; R 0:' D :J E N " DO, E , 0 , V S N X ! " A 'r Y B S T A ~ I I' , D Y Iv AGEN:JA ITE,\', " SUß3=CT 824P"1 y y S& J, L L C or 3702 Shrre Dr <DISTRlCT4- B" YSIDEt CO2 from 8-2 to CoodlMnal 8-4 "'lIh Shore Dr Ov,,'ay DIStr'cr re 18 muln-famlly d",.l'mgs ""'~ retail L BEACHES Jnd WATERWA YS COMMISSIOr; GOVER."'ANCE COMMITTEE FOR HISTORIC SITES N\'EST\.fE'H PARThERSHIP "DVISORY C'0\1\1ITTEE - PPEA WETL"¡";DS BOARD lAlte'T1aresj ADJOURSME'JT ,C I H 1M Y C ,0 "