HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 8, 2005 AGENDACITY COUNCIL Ih i.rR l/FIh41/ ORhRVIORI I'L,,, KIL L•l N OR LO' IS R U/\H P.•, l P 1, 1 , Ii1RRr{ I%IIZELA,••.r%!:- 1)-;r, - RORIRrII PIrF GranP, Ovr •I REPAI IL(I AN i♦P-.-II -d P.,:— kl( It IRII I W,Lrpn1 11 11 fh:h:('i I(IIL!'Pr I - I". AO% WLi1VI1A 4,Lr_- (HI lf4%A6ER /IIIFlA "'(IMF CIO +TFOR%F1 I L4Ih I Ill Lh l Tl r IhRA Rl FHIIOL.(.Fr IPITH NI/( CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 8 NOVEMBER 2005 ( ID HALL BI H DIb'O 7401 ( UI RTHot SE DRII E I IRW CIA BEACH I /RGIWA 714�6 arr), PH0%E ,-17) 4_"-41114 E NAII ('I. r; !L'rh;.....n:. I CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING - Conference Room - 1.00PAIL II I JOINT USE LIBRARY Marcy Sims. Aumg Chiel Information Officer 2 CONIPREHENSIVE ANNEAL FINANCIAL REPOR F (CAFR) Patti Philhpc. Director, Department of Finance 3 LOCAL ROADS NETWORK Dean BIOCI. DueLtOi, Department Of PLINIL Work,, II CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS III REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 3:00PM II A CALL TO ORDER — \,Loor Vlevera E Obeindorl B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION V FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00PM 0 C 17 E CALL TO ORDER — Mavoi Mevera E Obeindort INVOCATION: Reverend Donald R Staton Pastor, Chnutan ti1iwon Fellowship PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF ANIERICA ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICA PION OF CLOSED SESSION F MINUTES G H INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION MAYOR'S PRESENTATION NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DESIGNATES THE CITY OF VIRGINLA BEACH AS "STORMREADY' Bill Sammler. Waining Cootdin.uion Meteorologist NOAA's National Weather Set%ILe CONSENT AGENDA J RESOLUTION'IORDINANCES November 1.2005 I Resolution to REFER to the Planning Conumssion an Ordinance to amend Section 401, 501, 601, 801, 901, and 1001 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re prohibiting incompatible uses of Zoning Diuncis in Accident Potential Zone I (APZ-1) 2 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the reimbursement of legal fees Lind ekpenses Incurred by a Sheriff's Depute in deleine of a traffic charge dtsnussed by the COLITt K 3 Ordinances to ACCEPT dnd APPROPRIATE from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (NE IA) to the Fire DepaiIment's FY 2005-2006 Operating Budget to deployment telmed to a Hurricane Katrina - Second Deployment $1,000.000 b Hutmcane Rita S 136,000 4 Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE S175.455 to Capital Impiovement Program (CIP) lot park playgiound renovations and improvemcnt% from Cash Payments in Lieu of Park Reservations a Athens Boulevard S70,000 h London Bridge Crossing S28,448 c Madison Crossing S29, 250 d Saginaw Estates S47,757 PLANNING Application of K & SONS, INC. tot the Modification of the Indian Lakes Land Use Plan to allow a gasoline siation in conjunction with a convenience store at 1196 Indian Lakes Boulevard (Defeired byCity Council onOctobei II 2005) (DISTRICT 2-KEMPSVILLE) RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 2 .Applications of NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. re 161 Princess Anne Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) .i Modification of Conditions tot a Conditional E ise Permit (appioved by City Council on November 8. 1971) h Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance, Floodnlain Regulations RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 3 Application of STEVEN W. SIMPSON and BARRY D. KNIGHT tot a Conditional Use Permit re alternative residential development at 2000 Munden Point Road (DISTRI( T 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 4 Application of PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES. INC. for a Condmonal Use Permit fora car wash at 3397 Vugima Beach Boulevard (DISTRICT 3 -ROSE HALL) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL Ordinance to AMEND Section 902 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re minimum lot µidth in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District re the Pei forminu Arts Centel development RECOMMENDATION: L APPOINTMENTS BEACHES and WATERWAYS COMMISSION GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE FOR HISTORIC SITES HISTORICAL REVIEW BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE — PPEA PERSONNEL BOARD (Alternates) WEI LANDS BOARD (Alternates) M UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS O ADJOURNMENT I I Vou are phvstcally disabled or usually impaired and mLd .ncutan« a1 11111 Incetm" PILdSL wll the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE a1 427-4303 Hearing impaired -all %'rrgrma Relay Center at 1-800-828-1121) i 3<} R k-'*< e u �.w �h_n• umi APPROVAL CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING - Conference Room - LOOP-Nt JOINT USE LIBRARY Marcy Sims. ALung Chief Infoimation Otficei 2 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) Patti Phillips, DireLtOr. Department of Finance 3 LOCAL ROADS NETWORK Dean Block, Directoi, Department of Public Work. II CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS III REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV INFORMAL SESSION A CALL TO ORDER — Mavoi Meveta E Oberndoi I B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Conference Room - 3:00 PM V FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:OOPNI A E. C C E CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Meyew E Oberndoit INVOCATION: Reverend Donald R Staton Pastor, Chntitian MiStiion Fellokk�hip PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F MINUTES INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS G AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION Nowmher 1, 200- arsolutiOtt CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and, WHEREAS: Section 2 2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies, and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council H MAYOR'S PRESENTATION NATIONAL. WEATHER SERVICE DESIGNATES THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AS "STORMREADY" Bill Sammler, Warning Coordination Meteorologi,i NOAA'ti National Weather Ser%ice J CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES Resolution to REFER to the Planning Commission an Ordinance to amend Section 401, 501, 601. 801, 901, and 1001 of the City Zoning Oidinance (CZO) re prohibiting incompatible uses of Zoning Dishicts in Accident Potential Zone I (APZ-1) 2 Oidinance to AUTHORIZE the ieunhuisement of legal fees and expenses incurred by a Sheriff's Deputy in defense of a traffic charge drsnussed by the Court 3 Ordinances to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE front the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) io the Fire Department's FY 2005-2006 Operating Budget redeployment related to a Hurricane Kahrna - Second Deployment h Hurricane Rita S 1,000,000 S 336,000 4 Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE S175,455 to Capital Inipiovement Program (CIP) for park playground renovations and improvements front Cash Payments in Lieu of Park Reservations .t Athens Boulevard $70,000 h London Bridge Crossing $28,448 c Nladtson CnrSs[ng S29,250 d Saginaw Esidics 547,757 w• CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Resolution Referring to the Planning Commission an Ordinance to Amend Sections 401, 501, 601. 801. 901, 1001 and 1110 of the City Zoning Ordinance by Prohibiting Uses Designated as Incompatible in the Portions of Agricultural, Residential, Apartment, Office, Business, Industrial and PD-1-11 Zoning Districts Within Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1) ETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: One of the components of the August 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission was a condition that the City adopt and enforce measures designed to prevent further encroachment of NAS Oceana, including taking measures to halt and roll back development in Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1) deemed incompatible under the Navy's OPNAV Instruction Currently, there is a considerable amount of undeveloped and underdeveloped property in APZ-1 zoned to permit uses that are incompatible with the OPNAV Instruction ■ Considerations: The Resolution refers to the Planning Commission, for action at its December meeting, an ordinance that strictly limits development deemed incompatible in APZ-1 The proposed ordinance prohibits any such use in APZ-1 unless (1) it is a replacement of the same use or structure, and (2) the replacement use or structure is of equal or lesser density or intensity than the original use or structure ■ Public Information: No special form of advertisement or public notice is necessary for this resolution The accompanying ordinance, however, must be the subject of advertised public hearings before both the Planning Commission and the City Council ■ Alternatives: The City Council may, if it desires, not adopt this resolution While the Planning Commission may consider the ordinance even without a resolution, the resolution requires the Commission to hear the matter at its December meeting and to make its recommendation on the ordinance at that time In order to preserve the option of utilizing this tool to prevent potential further encroachment in the APZ-1 areas around NAS Oceana, the process of consideration needs to be initiated in a timely fashion ■ Recommendations: Adoption of resolution ■ Attachments: Resolution, proposed ordinance Recommended Action: Adoption of resolution Submitting DepartmenVAgency: Planning Department City Manag� lL �� I A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTIONS 401, 501, 001, 801, 901, 1001 AND 1110 OF 4 THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE BY PROHIBITING 5 USES DESIGNATED AS INCOMPATIBLE IN THE E PORTIONS OF AGRICULTURA:,, RESIDENTIAL, 7 APARTMENT, OFFICE, BUSINESS, INDUSTRIAL AND E PD-H1 ZONING DISTRICTS ;WITHIN ACCIDENT 9 POTENTIAL ZONE 1 (APZ-1) jr WHEREAS, in August 2005, the Base Realignment and 11 Closure (BRAG) Commission issued a decision to realign NAS 12 Oceana by relocating the East Coast Master Jet Base to Cecil 13 Field, if, among other things, the City of Virginia Beach fails 14 to enact and enforce legislation to prevent further encroachment 15 of NAS Oceana by land uses that are incompatible with flight 15 operations; and 17 WHEREAS, BRAG Commission specifically stated in its 18 decision its intent was "to ensure that the State of Virginia 19 and the municipal governments of Virginia Beach and Chesapeake 20 take immediate and positive steps to halt the encroaching 21 developments that are pending before them now and in the 22 future," and 23 WHEREAS, the City Council is in the process of 24 evaluating the merits of potential actions designed to respond 25 appropriately to the BRAG Commission's decision and to the 26 Navy's concerns regarding encroachment of NAS Oceana, and 2, WHEREAS, during such process, interested parties will 28 have a full opportunity to express their views concerning all 29 such potential actions, including the City Zoning Ordinance 3C amendments referred to the Planning Commission by this 31 Resolution; and 32 WHEREAS, it is the sense of the City Council that 33 referral of the said City Zoning Ordinance amendments to the 34 Planning Commission will provide an additional public forum in 35 which all interested parties may express their views on the 36 amendments, and will also stimulate other public discourse on 37 not only the amendments themselves, but on related issues as 38 well; and 39 WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council to 40 consider each and every potential action thoroughly and 41 critically, and to adopt only those that it determines, after 42 full public debate, are in the best interests of the citizens of 43 Virginia Beach, and 44 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general 45 welfare and good zoning practice so require; 46 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE 47 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA. 48 That the above -entitled ordinance, a copy of which is 49 hereto attached, is hereby referred to the Planning Commission 50 for its consideration and recommendation The Plannina 51 Commission is directed to consider, and mace its recommendation 52 on, such ordinance at its December 14, 2005 public hearing and 53 forthwith to transmit to the City Council its recommendation 54 thereon 55 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 56 Virginia, on the day of 2005 CA-9761 OID\ordres\referAPZ-lordin.res R-3 November 2. 2005 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY APPROVED AS TO CONTENT r � City Attorney's Office Planning Department 3 1 AN ORDINANCE ='0 AMEND SECTIONS 4Ji, 501, 601, 2 801, 9C1, IOC- AND 1110 OF THE CITY ZON--NG 3 ORDINANCE BY PROHIBITING USES DESIGNATED AS 4 INCOM=AT=BLE 1N THE ?ORTIONS O- AGR-CULTURAL, 5 RESIDENTIAL, AFAR -MEN-, OFF-C=', BUSINESS, 6 INDUSTRIAL AN) PD-F: ZONING-,ISTR:CTS WITHIN 7 ACCIDENT PC-ENTIAL 'ZONE _ AP'Z-.) P 9 Sections Amended CZO §§ 401, 501, 601, 801, 10 901, 1001 and 1110 11 12 WHEREAS, the pu'o_ r.ecessi:.y, convenience, general welfare 13 and good zoning practice so require; 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C--Y COUNC-L OF THE C-mY 13 OF VIRG=NIA BEACH: 16 ,rat Sections 401, 5C1, 601, 801, 901, 1001 a-d 111C of the 17 City Zoning Ordirarce are hereby amended and recrda_ned, to read as 18 foLows: 19 Sec. 401. Use regulations [Agricultural Districts] 20 21 . . . . 22 23 !d) Special rest= -coons n ACCident Potential Zo-ne 1 (APZ- 24 1) No use or structure shall be perm_--ted on any property located 25 wi�h_n Acc=dent Po--ertia_ Zone - !ADZ-1) urless sucr use is 26 designated as Compatible in A_Z-_ _n -able 2 "'Air Installations 27 Compatible Use Zones Lard Use Compatibility in Accident Potential 28 Zones"i of Section 18C4, provided, however, gnat ary use or 29 structure not designated as Compatible shall be perm,-tted as a 30 replacement of the same use or structure -f the replace: -en: use or 31 structure Ls of equal or lesser ders_ty or intensity than. the 1 it 32 original use or structure. 33 COMMENT 34 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures in portions of Agricultural Districts within 35 Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1) that are incompatible under Table 2 ("Air Installations 36 Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of Section 1804. 3, The provision allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or equal density or 38 intensity as the original use or structure. The specific Agricultural Districts located within APZ-1 39 include both the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. 40 41 42 Sec. 501. Use regulations [Residential Districts]. 43 4" . . . . 45 46 4% (c) Special restrlctions In Accident ?otenciai Zone 1 (APZ- 48 1). No use or structure shall be perml--ted on any property located 49 within Accident Potential Zone 1 (ADZ-., 1 unless such use is 50 designated as Compatible in APZ-1 it Tac_e 2 ("Air Insta_lat=ons 51 Compatible Use Zones Land Jse Co-patibi=ity in Accident Potential 52 Zones"; of Sect -on --804; provided, however, that anv use or 53 structure not designated as Compatible shall be perriitted as a 54 replacement of the same use or structure if t-ie reo_acement use or 55 structure is of euual or _esser dens-tv or intensit•v than the 56 orlalnal use or structure. 57 COMMENT 58 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures that are incompatible under Table 2 ("Air 59 Installations Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 60 Section 1804 in portions of Residential Districts within Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1). The 61 provision allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or equal density or 62 intensity as the original use or structure. The specific Residential Districts located within APZ-1 63 include the R-15 Residential, R-10 Residential, R-7.5 Residential, R-513 Residential Duplex and R-5S 64 Residential Single -Family Districts. 65 66 . . . . 2 6-7 Sec. 601. Use regulations [Apartment Districts]. 68 69 (c) Special restrictions in Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ- 70 1). No use or structure shall be oermi-ted on any property located 7- w_thin Accident Potential Zone 1 A?Z-1) unless such use is 72 designated as Compatible in APZ-1 in Table 2 r"Air --nsta:lat=ons 73 Compatible Use Zones Land Jse Cc-oat_w-_rty -a Accident rctertial 74 Zones") of Section -804; provided, ^.owever, that anv use or 75 structure rot designated as Compatible shall be permitted as a 76 replacement of the same use or stricture r`_ the reolacemer•t use or 77 struc!�ure :s of equal or lesser density or ntensity than the 78 orrglr•al use or structure. 79 COMMENT 80 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures structures that are incompatible under Table 81 2 ("Air Installations Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential 82 Zones") of Section 1804 in portions of Apartment Districts within Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1). 83 The provision allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or equal density or 84 intensity as the original use or structure. The specific Apartment Districts located within APZ-1 85 include the 4-12, A-18 and A-36 Apartment Districts. 86 87 88 Sec. 801. Use regulations [Office Districts]. RIP 90 (c; Special restrictions in Accident Foter,tlal Zone 1 (APZ-1). No 91 use or structure shall be permitted on any property located within 92 Accident Potential Zone 1 ;APZ-1) 'unless such use _s designated as 93 Compatible in APZ-1 in -able 2 ;"Air Icsta'_iatiors Compatible Use 3 94 Zones -land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 95 Section 1804; provided, however, that any use or structure not 96 cesignated as Compatib'_e snall be permitted as a replacement of the 97 same use or structure if the replacement use or structure is of 98 equal or lesser density or intensity than the original use or 99 Structure. 100 CO.NINIENT 10- 102 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures that are incompatible under Table 2 ("Air 10 3 Installations Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 104 Section 1804 in portions of Office Districts within Accident Potential Zone I (APZ-1). The provision 10 5 allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or equal density or intensity as the 106 original use or structure. The only Office District located within APZ-1 is the 0-2 Office District . 107 108 109 Sec. 901. Use Regulations [Business Districts]. 1_0 111 112 (a) Principal and conditional uses. The following chart lists 113 those uses permitted within the B-1 thrc:ugh -S-4 B-4C Business 114 Districts. -hose uses and structures it the respective business 115 districts shall be permitted as either principal uses indicated by 116 a "P" or as conditional uses-nd-cated by a "C." Uses and 117 structures indicated by an "X" sha_i be prohibited in the 118 respective districts. No uses or structures other than as specified 119 shall be permitted. 12C . . . . 121 ;c) Special restricticis in Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1). No 122 use or structure shall oe permitted on any property-ocated within 123 Accident Potential Zone I (APZ-1) unless such ise is designated as 4 i 124 Compatible in APZ-1 in Table 2 ("Air lnstailatiors Compatible Use _25 Zones Lard Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 126 Section 1804; provided, however, that any use or structure not 127 designated as Compatible shall be permitted as a replacement of the 128 same ;se or structure if the replacement use or structure is of 129 eoual or 'lesser deist--v or Ln ensity _tar the oria_,al use or 130 structure 131 COMMENT 132 133 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures that are incompatible under Table 2 ("Air 134 Installations Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 13 5 Section 1804 in portions of Business Districts within Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1). The provision 136 allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or equal density or intensity, as the 137 original use or structure. The specific Business Districts located within APZ-1 include the B-1 138 Neighborhood Business and B-2 Community Business Districts 139 14 0 A technical correction unrelated to the purpose of this ordinance is made in subsection (a). 141 142 . . . . 143 144 145 Sec. 1001. Use regulations [Industrial Districts]. 146 14-1 ,da _49 (c) Special restrictions in AccI dent Perer.tial Zone (APZ-1). No 150 use or structure shall be permitted on any property located within 151 Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ unless such use is designated as 152 Compatible in APZ-1 in Table 2 ("Air Installations Compatible Use 153 Zones 1�ar.d Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 154 Section 1804; provided, however, that any use or structure not 155 designated as Compatible shale be permitted as a replacement o` the 156 same use or structure if the replacement use or structure is of 5 ;57 eaual or lesser density or intensity than the original use or 158 structure 159 COMMENT 160 161 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures structures that are incompatible under Table 162 2 ("Air Installations Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential 163 Zones") of Section 1804 in portions of Industrial Districts within Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1). 164 The provision allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or equal density or 165 intensity as the original use or structure. The specific Industrial Districts located within APZ-1 include 166 both the 1-1 and 1-2 Industrial Districts 167 168 . . . . 169 170 1�1 Sec. 1110. Land use regulations [PD-H1 Planned Unit 172 Development District] 173 174 175 176 (e) Special restrictions in Accident PotenrLal Zone 1 (P.PZ-1). No 177 use or structure shall be permitted on any property located within 178 Accident Potertial Zone 1 ;APZ-11 urless such use is designated as 179 Compatible in APZ _n Table 2 ("Air Installations Compatible Use 180 Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 18- Section 1804; provided, however, that ary use or structure not 182 designated as Compatible shall be permitted as a replacement of the 183 same use or structure the replacement use or structure is of equal 184 cr lesser density or _ntensity than the cria_r.al use or structure. 185 186 COMMENT 187 188 The amendment prohibits new uses and structures that are incompatible under Table 2 ("Air 18 9 Installations Compatible Use Zones Land Use Compatibility in Accident Potential Zones") of 190 Section 1804 in portions of the PD-HI Planned tTnit Development District within Accident Potential 191 Zone 1 (APZ-1). The provision allows replacement uses and structures so long as they are of lesser or 192 equal density or intensity as the original use or structure. 193 6 i 194 A minor technical amendment is made to the catchphrase of the section. 195 196 19; 198 Adopted by the City Council of the Ci_y of Virginia Beach, 199 Virginia, on this day of 20C 20 APPROVED• AS TO CONTENT: Planning D partment APPROVED AS O LEGAL SUFF=CIENCY: City Attorrey's Office CA-976C OID/ordres/Proposed/AICUZ/APZ-lordin.dcc R-3 November 3, 2003 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance Authorizing the Reimbursement of a Sheriff's Deputy for Legal Fees and Expenses Incurred by Him In His Defense of a Traffic Charge that was Dismissed by the Court MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: A Virginia Beach Sheriff's Deputy was charged with the misdemeanor offense of reckless driving The charge arose during the deputy's performance of his duties as a Sheriff's Deputy The charge against the deputy was dismissed by the Augusta County General District Court on July 1, 2003 The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the circumstances of the case and determined that fees charged are reasonable ■ Considerations: In situations where a law -enforcement officer is investigated, arrested, indicted, or prosecuted for an alleged criminal act committed in the discharge of official duties, Section 15 2-1711 of the Code of Virginia authorizes local governing bodies to reimburse the legal fees and expenses incurred by such officer if no charges are brought, the charges are dismissed, or at trial the officer is found not guilty ■ Recommendation: Approval of ordinance ■ Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Age/cy: City Attorney` City Manager: S F—- 1 AN ORDINANCE AJTHOR=ZING THE 2 REIMBURSEMENT O: A SHERIFF'S DEPUTY 3 FOR LEGAL FEES AND EXPENSES INCURRED 4 BY HIM IN HIS DEFENSE OF A TRAFFIC 5 CHARGE THAT WAS DISMISSED BY THE 6 COURT 7 8 WHEREAS, a Virginia Beach sheriff's deputy was charged 9 with reckless driving for actions arising out of the performance of 10 his official dudes; 11 WHEREAS, at a trial held in tie Augusta County General 12 Distric- Court on July L, 2003, the charge against the officer was 13 dismissed; 14 WHEREAS, in the defense of said charge, the officer 15 incurred legal fees and experses in the a -punt of S450, and -as 16 requested the City zo reimburse him for such fees and expenses; i7 WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1171 of -he Code of Virginia =8 provides that "(1)f any law-enforcexent officer shall be 19 in-estigated, arrested or indicted or oche -wise prosecu�:ed on any 20 criminal charge arising out of any act committed in the discharge 21 of :nis o=ficial duties, and no charges are brought, the charge is 22 subsequently dismissed or upon trial he is found not guilty, the 23 governing body of the jurisdiction wherein he is appointed may 24 reimburse such officer for reasonabie 'legal fees and expenses 25 incurred by him in defense of such investigatior or charge"; and 26 WHEREAS, -he C1-y Attorney's Office has relysewed the 27 circumstances of this case, assessed the itemized bill s.:bmitted by 28 the officer's legal counsel, and determired that the Legal fees and 29 expenses incurred by the officer are reasonable. I 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 31 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA. 32 That the Sheriff is hereby authorized to expend funds in 33 the amount of $450 from the FY 2005-06 Operating Budget of the 34 Sheriff's Office for the purpose of reimbursing a sheriff's deputy 35 for legal fees and expenses incurred by him in his defense of a 36 traffic charge brought against him arising out of the performance 37 of his official duties 38 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 39 Virginia, on the _ day of , 2005. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY• Sherr"fff's Offic City orne ice CA-9786 H/GG/ordres/Saucier.legalfees ord doc R-2 October 26, 2005 E CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate $1,000,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the Fire Department's FY 2005-06 Operating Budget for a Second Deployment Related to Hurricane Katrina MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: The City of Virginia Beach is the sponsoring agency for Virginia Task Force 2, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team ("VA-TF2") The Fire Department serves as the administrator of VA-TF2 VA-TF2 was activated on September 21, 2005, to travel to the state of Texas in anticipation of needed search and rescue assistance with the approach of Hurricane Rita Hurricane Rita eventually turned in a more northerly direction and VA-TF2's capabilities were not needed in Texas Upon release from Texas on September 25, 2005, VA-TF2 was immediately reactivated to the greater New Orleans area to continue recovery efforts in that region of the country in the wake of Hurricane Katrina VA-TF2 demobilized on September 30, 2005, and returned home Upon activation and deployment, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") provides funding to reimburse participants for equipment, supplies and overtime supporting this event ■ Considerations: As the sponsoring agency, the City of Virginia Beach is responsible for administrative and fiscal management of the team and its assets Consistent with previous deployments, FEMA had authorized the reimbursement of all eligible expenses related to activation, mobilization, deployment and demobilization of VA-TF2 Though FEMA authorized well over one million dollars of reimbursement prior to the deployment, costs associated with this deployment were only approximately $1,000,000, given the time spent in the gulf coast region ■ Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process ■ Recommendations: Accept and appropriate $1,000,000 to cover expenses of VA-TF2 for Hurricane Katrina II deployment ■ Attachments: Ordinance FEMA Assistance Award Documents (2) Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Fire Department City City Manager: Q:& " % V % JttNI < I AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEP- AND APPROPRIATE 2 $1,000,000 FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY 3 MANAGEMENT AGENCY TO THE FIRE S DEPARTMENT'S FY 2005-06 OPERATING BUDGET 5 FOR A SECOND DEPLOYMEN= RELATED TO 6 HURRICANE KA:PINA 7 8 WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 9 issued a second alert order fo•r members of the FEMA V_rc_n_a 10 Task Force 2 Urban Search and Rescue Team for deployment related 11 to Hurricane Katrina and has approved $1,00c,000 _n 12 reimbursement costs for expenses related to the second 13 deployment for Hurricane Katrina. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TFFE COUNCIL OF THE C_-7Y 15 OF `TIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 16 'hat $1,000,000 in federal funds is hereby accepted from 1? the Federal Emergency Management Agency and appropriated to the 18 Fire Department's FY 2005-06 Operating Budcet, for costs 19 associated with the second deployment of Tembers of the V_ro=nia 20 Task Force 2 Urban Search and Rescue Team, w-t'',i federal revenue 21 ircreased accordingly. 22 Accepted by the Council of the Ci_y of Virginia Beach, 23 Virginia on the day of , 2005. Approved as to Content Approved as to Legal Sufficiency i Manaq .•er. Services City Attorney' Office CA9-90 H.`•PA\GG\OrdRes\FEMA Hurricane Katrina Ord (2, October 27, 2005 R-2 Virginia Beach Fire Department Ann Mark Piland Special Operations, Municipal Center 2408 Courthouse Drive, Building #21 Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9065 Re EMW-2003-CA-0111 - M017 Dear Mr Piland- U S Department of Homeland Security 500 C Street, SW Washington, DC 20472 6 F E M A SEP 3 0 2005 Enclosed are two copies of Amendment M017 issued against Cooperative Agreement EMW-2003-CA-0I I in the amount of $1,056,000 00 for review and signature If, acceptable, please sign two (2) copies of the award amendment document and send one copy, as soon as possible, to the following address Department of Homeland Security FEMA Grants Management Branch 500 C Street, S W , Room 334 Washington, D C. 20472 Attention: Sylvia A Carroll The second copy is yours to retain as your fully executed copy Please feel free to contact me at (202) 646-3503, if you have any questions Enclosures Sincerely, Sylvia A Carroll Grants Management Specialist www fema.gov FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ASSISTANCE AWARD/AMENDMENT 1 ASSISTANCE INSTRUMENT 2 TYPE OF ACTION LJ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ❑ GRANT ❑ AWARD ❑x AMENDMENT 3 INSTRUMENT NUMBER 4 AMENDMENT NUMBER 5 EFFECTIVE DATE6 CONTROL NUMBER EY,W-200?-CA-0111 F017 See Block 2. NN00501Y2005T 7 RECIPIENT NAME ANDADDRESS R ISSUIN /ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Virginia Beach Fire Departmert Federal Emergency Management Agency Attn Vance Cooper Financial & Acquisition management Div Viriginia Task Force 2 Grants Maragenert Branch 513 V_kinq Drive 500 C Street, S W , Room 350 Suite 9 Washington DC 20472 Virginia Beach VA 23452-7322 Specialist Sylvia A Carroll 202-646-3503 9 RECIPIENT PROJECT MANAGER 10 FIE NA PROJECT OFFICER Vance Cooper 757-431-4160 Wnnda Casey, 2C2-646-4013 11 ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT 12 PAYMENT METHOD 13 PAYMENT OFFICE ❑x COST REIMBURSEMENT X❑ TREASURY CHECK Federal Eargercy Management Agency ❑ COST SHARING REIMBURSEMENT Acco=tinq Services Division Di ab,reerent a Receivables Bra-ch ❑ FIXED PRICE ❑ ADVANCE CHECK 500 C Street, S W , Room 723 ❑ OTHER ❑ LETTER OF CREDIT Washington DC 2C472 14 ASSISTANCE AMOUNT 15 ACCOUNTING&APPROPRI TION DATA PREVIOUSAMOUNT $5,520,877 53 See Co nt inuat•or Page $1,056,000 00 - AMOUNT THIS ACTION $6,576,877 53 TOTAL AMOUNT le VtbUKIr I SUN Ur YKUJCUI This anendnent, M017, provides funding support to the Hurricane Katrina Recovery Effort The total anon-t obligated under this agrserent is hereby increased by $1,056,000 00 from $5,520,077 53 to $6,516,877 53 Al' other terms and condltiors remain in effect CFDA reference is 97 025 END OF AMENDMENT MO17 RECIPIENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE (3) COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT TO THE ISSUING/ADMIN OFFICE IN BLOCK B RECIPIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT Richard W 6codnan Ass,stance Officer APR 43 CONTINUATION PAGE A.1 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF QTY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES PRICE 1 1 00 $1,056,000.00 $1,056,000.00 US&R Task Force Deployed to Louisiana in support o FUNDING/REQ NO. 1 S1,056,000 00 NN0038IY2005T GRAND TOTAL --- $1,056,C00.00 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA. ACRN APPROPRIATION REQUISITION NUMBER AMOUNT 1 2005-06-1603DR-9064--4101-D NNO058IY2005T P $1,056,000 00 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate $336,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the Fire Department's FY 2005-06 Operating Budget for a Deployment Related to Hurricane Rita MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: The City of Virginia Beach is the sponsoring agency for Virginia Task Force 2, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team ("VA-TF2") The Fire Department serves as the administrator of VA-TF2 VA-TF2 was activated on September 21, 2005, to travel to the state of Texas in anticipation of needed search and rescue assistance with the approach of Hurricane Rita Hurricane Rita eventually turned in a more northerly direction and VA-TF2's capabilities were not needed in Texas Upon release from Texas on September 25, 2005, VA-TF2 was immediately reactivated to the greater New Orleans area to continue recovery efforts in that region of the country in the wake of Hurricane Katrina VA-TF2 demobilized on September 30, 2005, and returned home Upon activation and deployment, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") provides funding to reimburse participants for equipment, supplies and overtime supporting this event ■ Considerations: As the sponsoring agency, the City of Virginia Beach is responsible for administrative and fiscal management of the team and its assets Consistent with previous deployments, FEMA had authorized the reimbursement of all eligible expenses related to activation, mobilization, deployment and demobilization of VA-TF2 ■ Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process ■ Recommendations: Accept and appropriate $336,000 to cover expenses of VA-TF2 for Hurricane Rita deployment ■ Attachments: Ordinance FEMA Assistance Award Documents (2) Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Fire Department pvi& City Manager: , 6-Q Wt U 0 n 1 AN ORDINANCE -'0 ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE 2 $336,000 FROM' -HE FEDERAL EMERGENCY 3 "MANAGEMENT AGENCY TO THE FIRE 4 DEPARTMENT'S FY 2005-06 OPERA':ING BUDGET 5 FOR A DEPLOYMENT RELATE- TO HURRICANE 6 RITA 7 WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 8 issued an alert order for members of the FEMA. Virginia -ask 9 Force 2 Urban Search and Rescue Tear, for deployment related to 10 Hurricare Rita and has approved $336,000 in reimbursement costs 11 for expenses related to the Hurricane Pita deployment. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 7.71E COUNCI-, OF THE CITY 13 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRG-N=A: 14 That $336,000 in federal funds is hereby accepted frorr the 15 Federal Emergency Management Agency and appropriated to the Fire 16 Department's FY 2005-06 Operating Budcet, for costs associated 17 with the deployment of members of the Virginia Task Force 2 18 Urban Search and Rescue Tearr, with federal revenue ircreased 19 accordir.giy. 20 Accepted by the Council of the City of V_rgiria Beach, 21 Virginia or the day of , 2005. Approved as to Content M nager S rvices Approved as to Legal Sufficiency r City Attornev's Office CA9789 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\FEMA Hurricane Rita Ord ;2) October 27, 2005 R-2 Virginia Beach Fire Department Atm Mark Piland Special Operations, Municipal Center 2408 Courthouse Drive, Building 421 Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9065 Re EMW-2003-CA-0111 - M018 Dear Mr Piland US Depai tment of Homeland Security 500 C Street, SW Washington, DC 20472 (� irrr�F s FEMA Gxo ss Enclosed are two copies of Amendment M018 issued against Cooperative Agreement EMW-2003-CA-0111 in the amount of $336,000 00 for review and signature If, acceptable, please sign two (2) copies of the award amendment document and send one copy, as soon as possible, to the following address Department of Homeland Security FEMA Grants Management Branch 500 C Street, S W , Room 334 Washington, D C 20472 Attention Sylvia A Carroll The second copy is yours to retain as your fully executed copy Please feel free to contact me at (202) 646-3503, if you have any questions Enclosures Sincerely, lC Sylvia A Carroll Grants Management Specialist W WW ferns gOV FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGE MFNT AGENCY ASSISTANCE AWARTTIAMFNTIMFNT 1 ASSISTANCE INSTRUMENT 2 TYPE OF ACTION L^J COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ❑ GRANT ❑ AWARD ❑ AMENDMENT 3 'NSTRUMENT NUMBER 4 AMENDMENT NUMBER 5 EFFECTIVE DATE 6 CONTROL NUMBER LMW-2003-CA-01_1 NOTE See D-cck 2: N1400585Y2COST 7 RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS 8 ISSUING/ADMINISTRATIONOFFICE Virgtm a Reach Fire Department Te de -al Emergercy Hanagemert Agency ALtn Vance Cooper F'inarclal 6 Acguisit-on Management Div V:egania Task Force 2 Grants Maragement Branch 513 Viking Drive 5C O C Street, S W , Room 350 Saate 9 Wash-rgton DO 20412 Virg:n'-a Beach VA 23452-7322 Spedallst Sy;via A Carrell 202-646-3533 9 RECIPIENT PROJECT MANAGER 10 FEW PROJECT OFFICER Varce Cooper 757-431-4160 �13 We rda Casey, 202-646-4013 1' ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT 12 PAYMENT METHOD PAYMENTOFFICE Q COST REIMBURSEMENT x❑ TREASURY CHECK Federal Emergency Maiagement Agency ❑ COST SHARING REIMBURSEMENT I Accounting Services Divie:cn ❑ FIXED PRICE Disbursement 6 ?eceivables Branch ❑ ADVANCE OTHER CHECK 50C C Street, S w , anom'23 ❑ LETTER OF CREDIT aaahington D' 20472 14 ASSISTANCE AMOUNT 15 ACCOUNTING & APPROPRIATION DATA PREVIOUSAMOUNT $6,516,517 53 See Ccntinua[ior Page AMOUNT THIS ACTION $336,0CC 30 56,9_2,677 53 TOTAL AMOUNT 15 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This arerdment, MO'S, provides fundirg support to Hurricane Rita Recovery Effort The total amount obligated ander this agreement 13 ^ereby increased by $336,000 00 fron $6,576,E77 53 to $6,912,971 53 All other _errs and corditions rems-n in effect CFCA reference is 97 D25 END OF AMENDMENT MD-9 17 RECIPIENT REQUIREMENT L_I RECIPIENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE (3) CCPIES OF TFIS DOCUMENT TO THE ISSUING/ADMIN OFFICE N BLOCK 8 ❑ RECIPIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT 18 RECIPIENT (Type name and We) 119 ASSiSTANCE OFFICER (Type name and ti0e) Pacrard w l000nan Ass_starce Officer APR 95 7 / REPLACES EDITION OF JUL V CONTINUATION PAGE A.1 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF QTY UNIT UNIT NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES PRICE 1 1 00 $336,000.00 Funding for US&R Task Forces and IST Members that FUNDING/REQ NO• 1• $336,000.00 NNO0585Y2005T AMOUNT $336,000.00 GRAND TOTAL --- $336,000 00 ACCCUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA ACRN APPROPRIATION REQUISITION NUMBER 1 2005-06-1606DR-9064--4101-D NNC0585Y2005T P AMOUNT $336,000.00 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate $175,455 from Various Developments to Capital Improvement Program Project #4-970, Park Playground Renovations, for Playground Improvements MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: The Athens Boulevard (4 5 acres), Madison Crossing (4 acres), London Bridge Crossing (5 17 acres) and Saginaw Estates (5 8 acres) subdivisions are relatively small, infill residential subdivisions that are not large enough to necessitate large park dedications City Council adopted a policy in 1995 for Cash Payments in Lieu of Park Reservation, which permits payments of cash in lieu of dedications of generally less than one acre The amount of the required cash payment is based on the assessed value of the land per acre multiplied by the dedication requirement ■ Considerations: The representatives of the Athens Boulevard, Madison Crossing, London Bridge Crossing and Saginaw Estates subdivisions have agreed to Cash Payments in Lieu of Park Reservations in accordance with the City Council Policy The amount of each payment is based on the dedication requirement for each subdivision multiplied by the assessed value of per acre as shown on the table below Subdivision Name Dedication Requirement Assessed Value Cash In Lieu of per Subdivision Per Acre I Park Reservation Ordinance Pa ment Athens Boulevard 225 acres 1 $311,111 $70,000 London Bridge 24 acres $118,533 $28,448 Crossing Madison Crossing 24 acres $121,878 $29,250 Saclinaw Estates 35 acres $136,448 $47,757 Total Cash In Lieu of Park Reservations to CIP# 4-970 Park Playground $175,455 00 Renovations The payments will be appropriated to Capital Improvement Program Project # 4- 970, Park Playground Renovations, to provide City park playground improvements to parks in the vicinity of the above -mentioned subdivisions ■ Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal City Council Agenda Process In addition, the subdivision plans for the proposed development were processed through the administrative procedures of the Department of Planning, Development Services Center, and the Department of Planning The files for these subdivision plans are accessible for public review ■ Alternatives: Three options exist for addressing recreational open space requirements land dedication, land reservation, or Cash -Payment -in -Lieu -of - Park -Reservation Council may require the developers of these subdivisions to reserve recreational open space instead of making the cash payment This could be appropriate, as small portions of the London Bridge Crossing and Madison Crossing subdivisions fall in the APZ I and APZ II respectively Requiring the developers to reserve recreational open space would reduce the number of lots allowable in the developments ■ Recommendations: Accept and appropriate the Cash Payments in Lieu of Park Reservation payments to Capital Improvement Program Project # 4-970, Park Playground Renovations, for the purpose of providing park playground improvements in the vicinity of the specified subdivisions ■ Attachments: Ordinance Description of subdivisions Recommended Action: Approval /�/ - Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Parks and Recreation (�/F/ City Manager: S i _ - "�-q 6JO, 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE 2 $175,455 FROM VARIOUS DEVELOPMENTS TO CAPITAL 3 IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJEC= #4-970, PARK 4 PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS, =OR PLAYGROUND 5 IMPROVEMENTS 6 7 WHEREAS, in accordance with the City Cour.cii Policy for Cash- 8 Payment in Lieu of Park Reservation, the City will receive $70,000 9 for t'ne Athens Boulevard subdivision, $28,448 for the Lo^don 3ridge 10 Crossing subdivision, $29,250 for the Madison Crossing subd_vision, 11 and $47, 75 1 for the Saginaw Estates subdivision, for play'grour.d 12 improvements in the vicinity of t'nese developments. 13 NOW, THEREFCRE, BE IT ORDAINED BY :HE COUNC-L OF THE C=-Y OF 14 VIRG7NIA BEACH, VIRGINTTA: 15 16 T''nat $175,455 is hereby accepted from various developers and 17 appropriated to Capita-' Improvement Project #4-970, Park Playground 18 Renovations, for playground improveme-Its in the vicinity of the 19 proposed subdivisions, with revenue from ;oval sources increased 20 accordingly in the FY 2005-06 Capital Improvement Budget. 21 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 22 Virginia, on the day of , 2005. Requires an affirmative vote by a maior_ty of the members of the City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTEN= anN�l agen7 nt tervices APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFcICIENCY City Attorney's; ffrce CA919'_ H:`,PA\GG\OrdRes\Park Playground Renovations Ord October 28, 2005 R-3 2005 Cash -In -Lieu -Of -Park Reservation Payments Department of Parks and Recreation — Appropriation to CIP 4-970 Park Playground Renovations Subdivision Name Athens Boulevard Subdivision Location- Athens Boulevard Developer Athens Blvd , L L C Site size 4 5 acres Zoning R-7 5 Number of lots 15 Park dedication requirement 225 acres Assessed value per acre $311,111 Payment amount* $70,000 at Beaufort Avenue (Chesapeake Beach area) Subdivision Name London Bridge Crossing Subdivision Location West side of London Bridge Blvd ,'/. south of Potters Road Developer Bishard Development, Inc Site size 5 17 acres Zoning R-5d Number of lots 21 lots Park dedication requirement 24 acres Assessed value per acre $118,583 Payment amount $28,448 Subdivision Name Madison Crossing Subdivision Location Northwest side of Dam Neck Developer Birshard Development, Inc Site size 4 acres Zoning R-5d Number of lots 24 Park dedication requirement 24 acres Assessed value per acre $121,878 Payment amount $29,250 Road, '/< north of Rosemont Road Subdivision Name Saginaw Estates Subdivision Location Thompkins Lane off of Indian River Road (Newlight area) Developer Tate Terrace Realty Investment, Inc Site size 5 8 acres Zoning; R-5d Number of lots 27 Park dedication requirement 35 acres Assessed value per acre $136,448 Payment amount $47,757 C ity C ounica Poficy Title Cash Payment in Lieu of Park Reservation Index Number 3 01 Date of Adoption Date of Revision Page 1 of 2 1 0 Purpose and Need for Policies and Procedures Section 4 5 of the Subdivision Ordinance, Public Sites and Open Spaces, has been used as the tool to acquire neighborhood parks and open space in developing areas Section 4 5 is also a tool for acquiring sensitive environmental land It requires the developer to reserve a parcel of land for open space and recreational purposes according to a formula based on lot size The City has the option of purchasing this reserved land within five years at current market value The following alternatives to reservation are currently available in the Subdivision Ordinance Dedication- Dedication of land at no cost to the City Dedication is one-half of reservation requirement specified in the Subdivision Ordinance Other Arrangements* Other mutually agreeable arrangements approved by City Council which could include a cash payment Homeowners' Association Establish a homeowners' association which would own the property and would constitute an equivalent recreational amenity As noted, Section 4 5 of the Subdivision Ordinance allows for cash payments as an alternative to reservations Cash payments in lieu of a reservation or dedication is desirable when the dedication requirement is small (less than one acre) or due to an analysis of existing open space/recreation amenities in relation to standards based on population, it is determined that additional land is not needed This policy is needed to clarify the process and value for determining cash payments to ensure a consistent and equitable approach for cash payments. This policy is intended as a guide for determining cash in lieu of reservations or dedications. The current subdivision ordinance cannot require cash payment in lieu of reservations or dedications. Once received, the cash payments are to be designated for improvements within the planning area of the developing subdivision 2.0 Policy Cash payments are recommended as an acceptable alternative to dedication of open space area when the dedication requirement is such that the resulting park space would not be a useful amenity based on statistical criteria and standards used for acquisition of park space (generally less than one acrel All cash in lieu of payments are to be determined by the City Real Estate Assessor and based on the dedication requirement multiplied by the assessed land value In the case where a property has a current land value and market value due to land use taxation for qualifying farm and reforested property, the market value will be used to determine the cash payment Cash payments -will be due upon approval by City Council unless other arrangements are approved by City Council 3 0 Procedure to Accomplish Policy Subdivision plans are currently reviewed for compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance as coordinated by the Planning Department Parks and Recreation reviews all subdivision plans required to meet Section 4 5 of the Subdivision Ordinance The procedures and oolicies are in place to determine the reservation or dedication requirement The assessed value of properties is determined by the City Assessor's Office t 4 0 Responsibility and Authority The Director of Parks and Recreation shall be responsible for coordinating the review process forcash payments. Representatives from the Department of Parks and Recreation, Public Works/Real Estate, City Assessor's Office, Department of Planning, and the City Attorney's Office will review cash in lieu of payments. The City Assessor's Office will determine the assessed land value The Director of Parks and Recreation will review the proposal for cash in lieu dedication/reservation against the City's Outdoors Plan and attach a signed finding of conformity/compliance with the Plan. 5 0 Definitions Dedication Requirement: Defined in Section 4 5 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The dedication requirement is one half of the reservation requirement Assessed Value: Current monetary value of the property as determined by the City Assessor's Office. 6 0 Specific Requirements All cash payments in lieu of park dedications are to be approved by City Council as identified in the Subdivision Ordinance. Staff will provide statistical analysis, appraisal information, calculation of the cash payment, and agreement from the developer A cash in lieu of form and agreement will be used in this process (see attached). These items are to be included in the Agenda Request for approval of the cash payment. Approved as to Content:: Director/Administrator Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: City Attorney Ir Reviewed by IN gfrrt C y nager APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL. Mayo 0?1.719s Date Dite Date a/a�19� Date K PLANNING Application of K & SONS, INC. tot the Modification of the Indian Lake-, Land Use Plan to a11ow a gasoline station in conjunction with a convenience store at 1196 Indian Lakes Boulevard(Defeired byCnyCounul(in Octobei II 2005) (DISTRICT 2-KENIPSVILLE) RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 2 Applications of NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOC] ATES, L.L.C. re 161 Princess Anne Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit (approved by City Council on Novembei 8. 1971) h Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance. Flootlplain Regulations RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 3 Application of STEVEN W. SIVIPSON'and BARRY D. KNIGHT for a Conditional Use Permit re alternative residential development at 2000 ,Munden Point Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 4 ,Application of PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES. INC. fora Conditional Use Permit foi a car wash at 3397 Virginia Beach Boulevard (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL) RECOMMENDA PION: APPROVAL 5 Ordinance to AMEND Section 902 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re minimum lot width in the B-3A Pemhioke Central Business Core District re the Performing Arts Centei development RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL Lei11 Eli 41r72"101.1q14:11_f iliL Virg,n,a Be a- r C I I y Co'r'c II w'II 'neet I^ Ine C'iaq'bvi a' Clip Ha.. Mwi opal Cer'er 2401 . o.I^I•c ',e D'Ic:. Tuesday. November 8, 2005. at 6 00 p in 1 o -'..,- r:zt•.:ll:.a t a"s a'r he -ear - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE Sle.er K` S, upco' P Barry D Kr g'' Anol call-i Cond Kona' Use P9rm7 or ve 'es.oert doeeel6fewe 2000 Mu-oer Po r' Road iGP'N 2308808433000C•'. Non', Lary-p RI••er As�cr Iates L L C Apphcal•or Modlh cation of Cund lions 'or a Corchhoral r'sP app•oved br Cay tin rnl o'� Noeerd,er 8 1971 at 16: Prl': use Anne Road(GPIN 23' 74127330000' Nart^ La"c -Ig R ver ASSOCiares L L C App icat'Or Van ance to Section 5B of 'he S to P:a^ Ondlnance. Foot] Plain Regmahons a' 16' 'nncess A -tee Foa;o r�PIN 23174127c3c000' DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL P I%ess Awn- P-,pel,5 'rlc Apo ca'Ic'. C_,nd halal Us,� Permit I-, i cr was- a' 3397 V.Q;IiI3 Beach Bnii-evard IUPI'J 13a7970636000C-I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH O,dmaoc Io a•re'ic See ,r' 90. 'r- •_I, 70- g Or1 .'are e oerraullrE min-i-o -I Lai 'w'c'^ In 4'.e B 3A Fe-noio'ae Cen-la' 3aswe,s ire DISL'r DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE K & Sons Inc App: cnhon Iv1004 cd'Iur of _I_ie r.dlan LakaS u+'td Uoc P an 'i a low gasohre sale Ir c pin0'a-. a wort-r. n•e .ro•e dr rP Lake. Sou-vad l4c589685600C'C. Dart o�n1-1658968630',00` The Cor.ol�n, r. -ems 31l .es'�r t,y . Ca -1, ua, P'ia'a'y �e�J_n'•-i And •,uraD^'r'i ,:3p'_•oi'a7c to•a;ea S.nnrha'-. '. 11— 1 ii -n.r -i 5, e,l]a.-, i.is,: ,r- -:er' wd'I I -e polc,S .•• 9'e Carlar=Ders -:e P an Tne p, ox su Y 'r 5 t:_a'C;n L, .-,e larrvi u e plan i I . :ece'.,p t- v', 1•.r gasol oe sd'es ' cory.rir -, rrn a n'9••--n- -cr, I'll (De-e-eL '31 illy CO-' I r-. Ocl4b-• 11 100 of A.-le,ede0 r ❑runs -I'E it veea fo a"r•I I Ruin Hedge- Sent n MAAC C•ty Clork Cop es _i I''e aioposed o-o -ances r�so of ons arm-- a -nerd n en-s a-e on `.'n a-d n'ay he e.a,r'ted "t-a DeoaPlnrn; o` P'amlrg For lormaL•cn call 427 h62I If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need ass s'alc- at I ; 'neetirg o wise cal' 'ne CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, Tali Virginia Relay at 1-800-828.1120 The Plan, ' 9g C'1', .'n IS51V9 Alger oa ia avallab a 'fir?„ g- '-e City s Irte-W Home Pate at http www vbgov coml to anninCcommission Beacon 0._lobe• •3 8 3" ^075 ' 4111`1 3? Item V-K.4. PLANNING ITEM # 54504 Upon motion by Vice Hator Jones, seconded by Council Ladv Wilson, Car Council DEFERRED INDEFINITELY art Ordinance upon application of K & SONS. Inc for Hodificauon to the Indian Lakes Land Use Plan to allow a gasoline slate n in conlune nun ttah a a onvenience store ORDINANCE UPON 4PPLIC'4TION OF A & SOAS I.VC FOR THE HODIFIC4TIOA OF THE INDIAN LAKLS L4VD UbE PLAN TO ALLOW G4SOLINE S4LE5 IN CO•%VU•VCTIO:V WITH 4 CONVENIENCE STORE Ordinance upon 4pplication of K & Sons, Inc for the Alodi ication of the Indian Lakes Land Use Plan to allow go solute odes or t oiyunetion itah a cant entente stot e oil property located at 1196Indian Lakes Boulevard (GPI Vs 14658968560000, part (J 14658958850000) The Comprehensive Plan designates this sae as being part of the Primary Residential Area suitable for appioptiatelr located suburban i esideraial and non-u esidential uses consistent with the polo ies of the Compiehensi e Plan Tlir purpose of this nindtrcatiott to the land use plan is to develop the site for gasoline sales in conjunction with a t ontentence store DISTRICT 2 — KEAIPSVILLE Voting 11-0 (By Consent) Courted Wembers Voting Ave Harry E Diezel, Robert M Dyer, Vice Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S Vic Clarion, Richard A tladdoz, flavor Wevera E Oberndorf Jim Reeve, Peter W' Schmidt, Ron A Villanueva, Rosernat-t Wilson and James L Wood Council itlembers Voting •Vat ,None CouncilHenbeis Ahsent None October 11, 2005 Looking North r (P. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: K & Sons, Inc. — Modification of the Land Use Plan MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: An Ordinance upon Application of K & Sons, Inc for the Modification of the Indian Lakes Land Use Plan to allow gasoline sales in conjunction with a convenience store on property located at 1196 Indian Lakes Boulevard (GPINs 14658968560000, part of 14658958850000) The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being part of the Primary Residential Area, suitable for appropriately located suburban residential and non-residential uses consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan The purpose of this modification to the land use plan is to develop the site for gasoline sales in conjunction with a convenience store DISTRICT 2 — KEMPSVILLE This application was deferred at the request of the applicant by City Council on October 11th. No changes have been made to the proposal. ■ Considerations: The applicant is proposing a modification of the Land Use Plan to allow for fuel sales on property designated as "neighborhood commercial " A 97- foot by 24- foot fuel canopy is proposed parallel to Indian Lakes Boulevard and it will be 22 feet high There is an existing convenience store and personal service business on the property in a single 3,024 square foot budding The site plan depicts additional property incorporated into the site for a total of 30,341 square feet The existing dumpster is proposed to be relocated to a less conspicuous part of the site Streetscape landscaping is proposed along both Indian Lakes Boulevard and Pleasant Valley Road Two similar requests for the addition of fuel sales to this property were both denied by City Council in 1985 and again in 1987 The latter request was for a 24 by 24 foot canopy and fuel island The proposal is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area nor is it compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood The Plan calls for established neighborhoods to be protected against invasive land uses that due to their activity would tend to destabilize them The addition of the fuel pumps would increase the intensity of the existing commercial use in an area designated primarily as residential The Indian Lakes Land Use Plan identifies this site as commercial use but not K & Sons, Inc Page 2of2 as a service station Commercial areas are intended to provide residents of the immediate area with low intensity goods and services Unfortunately, this proposed increase in intensity could result in negative impacts for the residential area by increased traffic generation, noise and bright lights Uses such as fuel sales are more appropriately located in commercial corridors or on the fringes of neighborhoods and only when effective protective measures are in place to protect surrounding properties Where commercial uses are adjacent to residential uses, the preference is for higher density residential adjacent to lower intensity commercial The mix of more intense commercial adjacent to residential does not follow sound planning practices ■ Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 5-4 to deny this request ■ Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends denial Planning ,Commission recommends denial Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department `J�a k �°� City Manager: , K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 1.,q September 14, 2005 Public Hearing Staff Planner Carolyn A K Smith REQUEST Modification of the Land Use Plan to allow for fuel sales on property designated as "neighborhood commercial' on property currently zoned PD-1-11 ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: Property located at 1196 Indian Lakes Boulevard GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT SITE SIZE 14658968560000, 2 — KEMPSVILLE 30,341 square feet portion of 14658958850000 SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing a modification of the Land Use Plan to allow for fuel sales on property designated as "neighborhood commercial' on property currently zoned PD-1-11 The proposed 97 foot by 24 foot fuel canopy is proposed parallel to Indian Lakes Boulevard and will be 22 feet high There is an existing convenience store and personal service business on the property in a single 3,024 square foot building The site plan depicts additional property incorporated into the site for a total of 30.341 square feet Several of the required parking spaces are depicted immediately adjacent to a proposed ingress/egress easement As cars within these spaces would be forced to back out into this easement, they must be either relocated or the property line adjusted to accommodate them The existing dumpster is proposed to be relocated to a less conspicuous part of the site Streetscape landscaping is proposed along both Indian Lakes Boulevard and Pleasant Valley Road LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: There is a small retail operation (convenience store and nail salon) on the property K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 1 SURROUNDING LAND North . Grassed area, Indian Lakes Boulevard / PDH-1 USE AND ZONING: South . Pleasant Valley Road, single family dwellings / PDH-1 East 0 Daycare facility / PDH-1 West a Intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Indian Lake Boulevard, open space / PDH-1 NATURAL RESOURCE AND The site is within the Chesapeake Bay watershed There are no CULTURAL FEATURES: significant environmental features on the site as it is developed as a retail operation AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Indian Lakes Boulevard in the vicinity of the property is a 100 foot, four lane divided, collector road, as shown on the MTP Improvements are not anticipated for this roadway within the next five (5) years TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Indian Lakes 8,273 ADT 13,100 ADT (Level of Existing Land Use — Boulevard Service "C"1 — 20,700 ADT 2,114 ADT (Level of Service D°") Proposed Land Use 3- 3,293 ADT 'Average Daily Tnps 'as defined by retail operation with convenience store as defined by addition of fuel pumps WATER & SEWER: This site has an existing water meter that maybe used or upgraded The site is already connected to City water and sewer The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this area as being within COMPREHENSIVE PLAN the Primary Residential Area The land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area The established type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non-residential, in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 2 "Generally, in large suburban settings often characterized by many single use' zoning districts, land use compatibility is achieved through the process of orienting similar or, at the very least, not incompatible land uses and densities next to one another While landscaped buffers, attractive site planning, quality architecture and other techniques are sometimes the only option to help mitigate the impacts of adjacent and incompatible land uses, it is the city's position that good architectural and site designs are not acceptable substitutes for good land use planning We must focus on applying sound land use planning practices first, then address design considerations As one travels outside the stable, low density, single- family neighborhoods, there should evolve a coherent pattern of development depicting gradual increases in residential densities and the introduction of neighborhood -serving commercial uses Where residential and commercial uses adjoin one another, the preferred land use relationship should reflect higher density residential and lower intensity commercial uses " Page 90 Staff recommends denial of this EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION application Two (2) similar requests for the addition of fuel sales to this property were both denied by City Council in 1985 and again in 1987 The latter request was for a 24 by 24 foot canopy and fuel island The proposal is not in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area nor is it compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood The Plan calls for established neighborhoods to be protected against invasive land uses that due to their activity would tend to destabilize them The addition of the fuel pumps would increase the intensity of the existing commercial use in an area designated primarily as residential The Indian Lakes Land Use Plan identifies this site as commercial use but not as a service station Commercial areas are intended to provide residents of the immediate area with low intensity goods and services Unfortunately, this proposed increase in intensity could result in negative impacts for the residential area by increased traffic generation, noise and bright lights Uses such as fuel sales are more appropriately located in commercial corridors or on the fringes of neighborhoods and only when effective protective measures are in place to protect surrounding properties Where commercial uses are adjacent to residential uses, the preference is for higher density residential adjacent to lower intensity commercial The mix of more intense commercial adjacent to residential does not follow sound planning practices Therefore, Staff cannot recommend favorably for this request PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA) The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable,' (§107(h)(1)) Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning K & SONS, MC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 3 PROFFER 1 When the property is redeveloped, in order to achieve a more coordinated design and development on the site in terms of vehicular access, parking and landscape buffering, the "K & Son's Inc Gas and Pump Addition and Revitalization Plan," dated 3/1/2003 revised 5/2/2005, prepared by The Spectra Group, Inc , which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Revitalization Plan") shall be substantially adhered to PROFFER 2. When the property is redeveloped, three (3) gasoline pumps shall be added as depicted on the Revitalization Plan and the architectural design, materials and colors of the canopy will be substantially as depicted on the exhibit entitled " LUKOIL — Pleasant Valley, " prepared by Pro Signs, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Canopy Elevation") PROFFER 3: When the property is redeveloped, the existing freestanding sign shall be replaced with a monument style freestanding sign no greater than eight feet (8) in height with a base of split face block matching that on the building The existing dumpster shall also be relocated and screened as depicted on the Revitalization Plan PROFFER 4 When the property is redeveloped, the existing entrances on to the Property from Indian Lake Boulevard shall be consolidated and relocated as depicted on the Revitalization Plan All lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommend by the Illumination Engineering Society of North American (IESNA) A photometric lighting plan indicating the number and types of lighting will be submitted as party of the formal site plan submission for review by the Planning Department to determine consistency with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles and practices lighting shall be installed and operated as shown on the approved plan All lighting shall be directed inward and downward within the site PROFFER 5: Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City Agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers are not acceptable to staff for the reasons stated above The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated May 31, 2005, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form NOTE. Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 4 INDIAN LAKES BLVD. (PROP 100' R/V) PROPOSED SITE PLAN K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 6 Y _- - ._ _-_ - -- p! jg, - IY�IY� W Y•��1.f �1P PROPOSED CANOPY ELEVATION K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 7 I D-9 t' C" � PD-HI c 1 01/05/87 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT fuel sales Denied 2 03/18/85 AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE PLAN Denied 3 09/10/84 AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE PLAN Denied I 4 01/11/82 CHANGE OF ZONING (PD-H to PD-H1) Granted ZONING HISTORY K & SONS, tNC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 8 0 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APAkAw aismosum it the appNwnt Is a corporation, parNershlp, Mm, business, or other unincorporated organhaftn complete the following: 1 List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, tnntsee, partners, etc below (Affsoh Bat Anecessary) K & Son* Inc., Kahild Sacred, Prsldem/Secretary 2 List all buskteaass that have a parent-subaidlary' of affmated business enw relationship with the oppArnt (Attach list A necesaary) ❑ Check here If the applicant is NOT a corporatlon, partnership, firm, busbress, or other unincorporated orgy UzWn PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this swodw mbffPoporty owner a dMwnwd hcm eppicant If the property a mei is a corporation, partrmmhlp, firm, busirroes, or olhar unincorporated otganfzatlon, complete the following 1 Llst the property owner name followsd by the name of ail officers, members, trustees, pwtners, etc below (Attach list Mnecessery) 2 List all businesses that have a parent -subsidiary' or affillated business enhtyz relationship with the applIM& Oftech list if necessary) ❑ Check here d the property owner Is NOT a corporation, partnership firm business, or other unincorporated organization 8 2 See need pose for botnofee MwnEvrr+bP Pin Appm Pap 11 412 ftr airm KA SONS, C. Agenda It irrl. 15 1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use Including but not limited to the providers of architectural servloes, real estate services financial services, accounting services and legal services (Attach list if necessary) Sykes, Bourdon Ahem & Levy P C The Spectra Group Inc 'Parent -subsidiary relationship' means 'a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or Indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation " See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means a relationship other than parent-subsldary relationship that exists when (1) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest In the other business entity (a) a controlling owner In one entity Is also a controlling owner In the other entity or (III) there is shared management or control between the business entities Factors that should be considered In determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship Include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities there are common or commingled funds or assets, the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis, or there Is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities' See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 CERTIFICATION I certify that the Information contained herein Is true and accurate I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the nnst ctlons n this rckage K & Sons, Inc By k�Khand Saeetl President AppRpm s Signature Print Name Property Owners Signature ill different than applicant) Print Name Nrmomra 1c PM %fir Appat.p Pap. 12 of 12 rLxa.E 9r1/20nr DISCLOSURE STATEM9NT K & SONS, INC. Agenda Item # 15 Page 10 Item #15 K & Sons, Inc Modification of the Indian Lakes Land Use Plan 1196 Indian Lakes Boulevard District 2 Kempsville September 14, 2005 REGULAR Joseph Strange The next item is Item #15, K & Sons, Inc An Ordinance upon application of K & Sons, Inc for the Modification of the Indian Lakes Land Use Plan to allow gasoline sales in conjunction with a convenience store on property located at l l96 Indian Lakes Boulevard, District 2, Kempsville with five proffers Dorothy Wood Is there anyone here representing K & Sons' Eddie Bourdon I apologize My good friend Ms Connors and I were having a nice chat Alright Again, for the record, my name is Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attorney and I'm representing the applicant First of all, and I apologize l intended to make copies but the copy machine and I didn't get along real well early this morning l have a petition and I actually would like to get this back so I can have copies made before this matter goes to City Council It's a petition signed by 1,041 who come into my client's business seeking your support and Council's support for this application for three gasoline pumps on this site Again, I'll pass this around 1 do not have copies for everyone It is front and back signatures Also, i understand that this is better than anything This is a request that Mr Din had to see what the pumps look like These are what the proposed gas Pumps look like Now, this is an application for a Modification to the Land Use Plan on this property that is recommended for commercial It has been a convenience store for many years My client, who has operated theie for approximately four years recently was able to acquire the property, and the adjacent property He lives in the community He operates his business in the community It's an older building lie didn't construct it He didn't have anything to do with the original development of it I'm sure you all visited the site and realize that it is a property that could use some upgrading It could use .some investment That is what he wishes to do. At the same time, there is a considerable amount of support, as I expressed, that he has been receiving from the neighborhood There really aren't any gas facilities close by and I've driven around it is an area that really isn't served by any real gas other than out on Indian Rn er Road Three pumps he proposes to put in front of the site with an attractive canopy, brick columns He will relocate the dumpstei, which is in pretty visible location, screen it away from the residential It is now in this area along Pleasant Valley Road He is going to re -landscape the site and eliminate the existing curb Lit here on Indian Lakes Boulevard so there will be one entrance from Indian Likes and one from Pleasant Valley The main thing is the landscaping and eliminating the dumpster here and putting it on this side and screenma it There will be a significant upgrade on the property Theie is in existing Bien now, which Item # 15 K & Sons, hi Page 2 Is a pole sign and it is in bad shape and nun-confoiniing We're going to be elumnating the sign We will be going with an attractive monument style sign This is a neighborhood business that is there to support the residential and the people who live in the residences I understand some of the reason foi the staffs opinion based on Getty Oil, which developed the site many years ago attempted to gas appioved here There was a member of the community, at that time whom was adamantly opposed to it, and organized opposition within the community at that point before it was built, and that individual is no longer living in this area My client has gone to the Community Association and was told that we certainly don't oppose you At this point, I think it is something that the community would like to see. It is something that will be an upgrade on this piece of property There is residential across the street and across both stieets there is open space common area between the backs of those houses and the roads themselves, so there is some buffer We would ask that it be approved and that the conditions and there are none and have been put lorth because it is a proffered plan because it is PD-H I I think it is something the cone nunity would like to see We don't think limited scale which is three pumps is going to present a problem with regard to nuisance Dorothy Wood Eddie, I was happy to hear you say that they were upgrading the building We didn't have that on our plans What are they going to do with the building Eddie Bourdon I've misspoken He would like to be able to upgrade the building and bought the land adjacent to it but he's got to pay foi it He needs the gas to help pay for it He's got additional property that he is adding to it that will be able to be developed when he is able to afford it It's my fault I nusstated He wants to be able to afford to make upgrades over and above the ones that we have shown but he is not a big operation like Wawa Dorothy Wood 1 didn't see the upgrades That is what I was asking you Eddie Bourdon The upgrades are the landscaping Once we can get that into the ground and start producing the revenue so he can afford to get financing Dorothy Wood I'm sorry 1 misunderstood I thought you said that he was going to upgrade the building and improvements Eddie Bourdon That is his desire to do that This is a way to Dorothy Wood But not at this time Eddie Bourdon He's has to able to afford to do it These costs that he is occurring, eliminating the club cut and putting up a new sign, and doing landscaping, these ate also costs but it's the first step in what he hopes to be a more comprehensive development and iedevelopment of the property Item #1 5 K & Sons, Inc Page 3 Dorothy Wood Okav Thank you Ate there any questions for Eddie" William Din Eddie, on your petition have you evaluated your petition to see how many people actually live in this neighborhood orlust passing through' Eddie Bourdon Well, I have not but my client has collected signatures over a long period of time This is a neighborhood business if you've been to the site It is not a road that garmshes a significant If you look at the addressed they're primary addresses of houses in this area There is no doubt about that %lay there be out of the 1,041 some people who don't reside in this particular neighborhood' I'm sure there are but the mass majority of them are people who live in this neighborhood William Dm Indian Lakes Boulelvard is a cut through from Providence Road down to Farrell Parkway back and forth Eddie Bout don It's a cut through for the residents of that area It is not a citywide type of arterial highway I mean it is to people who live in that general community that are the ones who are using that road William Din But you really haven't analyzed to see how many live in this area' It is not lust walk in traffic Correct Eddie Bourdon I'm sorry William Din Is it walk in traffic' Eddie Bourdon They certainly have walk in traffic Certainly Dorothy Wood This wasn't like, and 1 think Mr Din is saying that they didn't go door to door in the neighborhood9 Eddie Bourdon No 1 apologize I misunderstood you No They did not go door to door in the neighborhood He has talked to the Neighborhood Association and his neighbors He Yves in the neighborhood. I'm not aware that he took the petition door to door He may tell me that he did William Din So you're saying that he approached the uvic leagues in this area and they approved' Eddie Bourdon This community that the facility is in, absolutely He met with them William Din The Indian Lakes Civic League? Do you know what civic leaeue' Item #15 K & Sons, Inc Page 4 Eddie Bourdon The Indian Lakes Community Association is what I understand to be the entity William Dm They opposed no opposition to this" Eddie Bourdon Correct In fact, they told him they would not oppose William Dm 1 do think that it is an increase in the intensity of the use of this area I agree with what staff has written up on this that it does provide an intensive use that is highly a residential area That is why I'm concerned with how many of these residents were actually on this petition Eddie Bourdon Most of them have addresses listed there It's a community business and my client tells me that he is active in the community He lives in the community He tells me that the community supports what he is trying to do It's three gas pumps It's not a Wawa, which is a great operation but were not talking about a large twelve pump operation here Three pumps 1 pointed to a situation where there is a gas station on South Lynnhaven at the entrance to Princess Anne Plaza that has been recently upgraded, and pumps added It looks good It's right next to residential but is only a small operation I think in that case tour pumps So, this area is underserved by gas when you drive around and look there really isn't any I think that is the reason why there is a significant amount of support for it I understand staff having a similar application having been denied by City Council 15 years ago It's kind of ditficult for them to take the position that they favor it when there has already been a Council action denying it I'm not taking any vows with the staff but I think there has been an evolution of thought in this particular community, and I can certainly understand why theie would be support for it Dorothy Wood Barry') Oh, I'm sorry William Din 1 understand that the landscaping is a condition here Correct' The landscaping around the site is going to come in Eddie Bourdon Totally re -landscaped The dumpster moved and screened Sign iemoved and replaced with a monument style sign We proffered the canopy elevation with the brick columns They have shown you what it looked like William Din The building itself is not going to be renovated" Not going to be painted or anything You know, some improvements to it Eddie Bourdon In terms of if you want to suggest that it be painted, 1 don't think my client is adverse to that He would really like to do is be in a position within a few years to be able to do basically a total redo on the building He is lu,t not in a position financially to be able to afford to do that at this point If you want to suggest a condition Item # 15 K & Sons, Inc Page 5 that the building be repainted. I don't think he would be adversed to doing that He is not m a position to do what he ultimately would like to do from a financial standpoint William Din Do you know what neighborhood he lives in around here" Eddie Bourdon He lives in Indian Lakes He lives in that nei-hborhood Dorothy Wood Barry Barry Knight I see down here where it says it is zoned for neighborhood commercial There may be a technical set of criteria for neighborhood commercial that I kind of wonder when the neighborhood if the biggest majoiity of the people who signed the petition live in the neighborhood and they are for this type of commercial or this type of gas pumps If they want it then maybe it meets the criteria of the neighborhood commercial If you could, put the aerial up please' Eddie, can you show us There is a buffer zone around the yellow line I believe that is all zoned the same zoning on there t anticipate some time in the luture that will probably be developed as neighborhood commercial It maybe a buffer zone if one is even needed between them and the residents Then you go across the street and that looks like it is designated as open space It looks like we may have a buffer zone with these gas pumps or with this convenience store If we have all these 1,041, although I did note that one person on there objected so maybe your down to I,040 but you do have some numbers on there It looks like the neighborhood or the biggest majority that signed the petition I assume are from the neighborhood are in favor of it I understand the staff's recommendation but I kind of think it wouldn't be quite as intrusive as 1 first thought I guess that is lust my observation Eddie Bourdon You're correct This is all commercial designation This is open space here and here along Indian Lakes Boulevard It's all residential There wouldn't be, and it doesn't set a precedent for the leapfrog across the street Dorothy Wood You know, we did talk this morning about our design awards and making sure that this is a design that makes sure the building tits Barry Knight That is why I'm kind of wondering if the gas pumps are approved and they put a new style canopy in there, and once they dig up that parking lot then of course, that is going to be totally asphalted I'm sure we wouldn't consider approving this unless we did ask him to, at the very mtnimum paint the building Its kind of where I was going on that I kind of think that it we left It as Is, It would be status quo, and if we maybe approved it with d condition of two, it would maybe be an upgrade Dorothy Wood Unless he spent his money now creating it and then comma back with the pumps Jan y Janice Anderson I have some concerns about putting gas at this site It is in a residential Item # 1 K & Sons. Inc Page 6 area And even though the petition has been signed That is one factor to look at and it is an important factor but is not the whole basket that VOL] got a petition signed that they want that and it should go I think it is important factor but if you look at other items The concei n that I have is adding the canopy and three gas pumps I don't think it adds to much of the site attractiveness I don't think it is a full improvement really in total It is a definitely a more intense use You're going to have a lot more traffic in this area because you're going to have gds pumps It is lust putting a drive thin on the cornet it attracts so much more traffic than the facility that doesn't have a drive thru Gas pumps are going to do the same You're going to have a lot more people stopping there then you do lust for the convenience And, my other concern is that it is zoned right next to it the neighborhood businesses, from my understanding is kind of like the 13-1 Neighborhood zoning and if you put gas there. I think It would flow to the other parcel that had a more intense use to other parcels rather then keeping them a neighborhood business Those are my concerns Dorothy Wood Ron Ronald Ripley I'm kind of going on with what Barry said 1 do appreciate the intent to keeping the neighborhood commercial It's not a mega coiner and a mega flow of traffic going through here What would be important to me is to see some attention paid to this building that is acceptable to the Planning Director, and perhaps if you looked at the building from the neighborhood backs and sides, the foundation and landscaping around there that would help mitigate that too I like the landscaping along Indian Lakes and Pleasant Valley l think that is good and that is going to help a lot So, I would be supportive of the application providing that some redevelopment would occur to this building that would be acceptable to Mr Scott and his staff The parking lot is going to get ripped up I assume the tanks are going in the ground where the asphalt is9 Am 1 correct' Eddie Bourdon You are correct Mr Ripley Ronald Ripley So you will have new asphalt and new canopy out there Eddie Bourdon New parking lot We will are certainly willing to work with the Planning Directoi and the Zoning Administrator We don't have a problem with a new site plan putting down a foundation of landscaping and painting the building If there are any other upgrades that might be suggested that would not be astronomical in cost, my client, who is here, will be happy to try to incorporate that into it The idea is to upgrade the site The surrounding conimeicial doesn't change with this Dorothy Wood Eddie, they just won't be patching the asphalt They're totally going to replace it Item #1 i K & Sons, Inc Page 7 Eddie Bourdon 1 think that is what is going to have to happen given the improvements He is also eliminating a curb cut They're putting a gutter along Indian Lakes Boulevard That n another benefit of that There are two curb cuts there now and there will only be one That is also an expense (here is going to be a lot of work done that will be a positive natuie on this site Dorothy Wood Gene Eugene Crabtree 1 sort of go along with Barry and Ron I feel like that something should be clone to the building but I don't think we need to look at past history because if we look at past history then we're Just going to stay and stagnant and we're not looking at future economic development, which we were talking about doing in the City If we don't do something to upgrade pieces of property like this then it Just stays there the way it rs It does nothing and we don't impiove anything Maybe this n the first step in improving that particular maybe for economic development in there There is a lot of wide-open space around It doesn't look like it is going to be intrusive on anybody and theretoie if there were improvements to the building, and upgiade the site to make it look a little bit better, I think I would be in favor of supporting this application Dorothy Wood Joe Joseph Strange I'm surprised because we don't have anybody here to speak in opposition that I know of No one signed up It is kind of me, personally, maybe I shouldn't speak personally but it is kind of funny that nobody has shown up with them putting a gas station right in the middle of this development because that is exactly what You're doing here Having said that and since there is no opposition, I do think if we're going to approve this that we ought to extract something out of this as tar as the building because as you can see it, nothing doesn't seem like anything has been done to this piece of property in the last 15 yeais to upgrade it or put in any types of shrubs out or anything else I mean, I think at the very least we need to extract something out of this if we're going to approve to put gasoline Doiothy Wood 1 agree with you I couldn't support it unless they were going to redo the building Eddie Bourdon If I could add, the site has actually been up for two months It was on the agenda last month Dorothy Wood Thanks Eddie Eddie Bourdon We'ie willing to work with you Dorothy Wood On the building" That IS what we're all asking foi Item # 15 K & Sons, Inc Page 8 Eddie Bourdon There isn't an ability financially to tear the building down and build a new building Again, we're not dealing with a major oil company here This is a one man, one family, mom and pop business and he's invested a lot of money just to buy it He didn't create it He just recently puichased it He agrees with me He is trying to upgrade the Site It's one of those deals where Rome wasn't built in a day He's not in a position financially to be able tojust simply bulldoze what's there and start over again Dorothy Wood Of course his spending doesn't ask him for something and this is what we're asking for in return Eddie Bourdon He's willing to do the landscaping He's willing to paint the building 1 don't know how you would begin to suggest how would you remodel the building° You would have to tear it down Dorothy Wood I have no idea Will William Din Well, I don't think I'm talking about remodeling the building as a saving grace For this I don't think I'm in favor of putting tuel pumps in this area This isin the middle of a residential area It does and it will lead to other commercial uses into this area, which I don't think needs to go into the middle of a iesidential area that this is in It is a PD-H area It hasn't been developed because I think there is enough commercial on the end of Indian Lakes Boulevard and to the Kempsville River area also, and also future west toward Kempsville, and where Providence comes in And for that reason, 1 think putting an intense use like this would lead to othei commercial building in this area, which I don't believe is needed in the middle of a residential area The intensity of a gas pump is, I think is going to destabilize this area to some degree The commercial aspect of it, I don't believe is really needed in this area So, 1 will be voting against this application I don't believe that even remodeling the building is going to quite do that Dorothy Wood Mr Waller John Waller 1 agree with Will I don't think putting gas pumps or anything you do that to that building is going to help that site at all It's a nice piece of land Good location It's the wrong building It's the wrong use for it I'm going to vote against it William Din I would like to make a motion that we deny this application John Waller I'll second the motion AYE 5 NAY 4 ABS 1) ABSENT 2 ANDERSON AYE CRABTREE NAY DIN AYE Item # 1 K & Son,,, Inc Page 9 HORSLEY ABSENT KASTIAS AYE KNIGHT NAY MILLER ABSENT RIPLEY NAY STRANGE AYE WALLER NAY WOOD AYE Ed Weeden By a vote of 5-4, the Board has denied the application of K & Sons, Inc In Reply Refer To Our File No DF-6204 TO Leslie L Lllley FROM B. Kay Wllsor� CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER -OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE DATE September 28, 2005 DEPT City Attorney DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application; K & Sons, Inc. The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 11, 2005 1 have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated May 31, 2005, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further BKW/ks Enclosure cc Kathleen Hassen i K &, SON'S, INC , a Virginia corporation TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CiTY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 31s' day of May, 2005, by and between K & SON'S, INC, a Virginia corporation, Grantor, and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of a two (2) parcels of property located in the Kempsville District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing approximately 30,341 square feet of land which are more particularly described as Parcels 1 and 2 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference Said parcels are herein referred to as the "Property", and WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to modify the PDH-1 Land Use Plan with a B-2 Commercial Designation applicable to the Property to permit the sale of gasoline, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation, and GPIN 1465-89-6856 1465-89-5885 (Part) PREPARED B/ AIIER\ & Lt>'1' I PREPARED B-+ S1a" ltol'RL(:N 1tILPN & Ltl'tiPi WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict and that in order to permit differing uses on and in the I area of the Property and at the same Lime to recognize the effects of change, and the i need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which Grantor's rezoning application gives rise, and WHEREAS, Grantor has voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed modification to the PDH-1 Land Use Plan applicable to the Property in addition to the regulations provided for the PDH-1 and B-2 Zoning Districts by the existing overall Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor, for itself, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid Toro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in inLeiest or title 1 When the Property is redeveloped, in order to achieve a more coordinated design and development on the site in terms of vehicular access, parking and landscape buffering, the "K d, SON'S INC GAS AND PUMP ADDITION AND REVITALIZATION PLAN", dated 3/1/2003 revised 5/2/2005. prepared by The Spectra Group, Inc , which has been exhibited to the Virginia 2 i PREPA�ED By SYKL\ Rfi[ Pl)o\ AHFPN & LIVY PC Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Revitalization Plan") shall be substantially adhered to 2 When the Property is redeveloped, three (3) gasoline pumps shall be added as depicted on the Revitalization Plan and the architectural design, materials and colors of the canopy will be substantially as depicted on the exhibit entitled "LUKOiL - Pleasant Valley," prepared by Pro Signs, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Canopy Elevation") 3 When the Property is redeveloped, the existing freestanding sign shall be replaced with a monument style freestanding sign no greater than eight feet (8) in height with a base of split face block matching that on the building The existing dumpster shall also be relocated and screened as depicted on the Revitalization Plan 4 When the Property is redeveloped, the existing entrances on to the Property from Indian Lakes Boulevard shall be consolidated and relocated as depicted on the Revitalization Plan All lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) A photometric lighting plan indicating the number and types of lighting will be submitted as part of the formal site plan submission for review by the Planning Department to determine consistency with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles and practices Lighting shall be installed and operated as shown on the approved plan All lighting shall be directed inward and downward within the site 5 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements The above conditions, having been proffered by Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new 3 i or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by j the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void Grantor covenants and agrees that (1) The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court, and (4) The Zoning Map may shoe by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for PREPARED By public inspection in 1he office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning SYW, Rid'RliiN u[R\ R I El'y pi Department, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of Grantor and the Grantee PRE -APED B� �SYKES Rnl'kDON AJIMN R LEVY 1-1 5 WITNESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR K & Son's, Inc , a V 1inia corporation By V— ___3 (SEAL) Kh id Saeed, President STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Is' day of June, 2005, by Khand Saeed, President, K & Son's, Inc , a Virginia corporation, Grantor My Commission Expires August 31, 2006 PREPARE BY ul Il L:[,cN M\ & ttl'Y 11, Notar-v Pubhc EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known, numbered and designated as Parcel C-1-B as shown on that certain plat entitled "Subdivision of Parcel C- 1. Map Book 181. Page 24, Kempsville Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia", made by Waterway Surveyors and Engineering, Ltd , dated January 6, 1987 and last revised on April 2. 1987, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 2637, at Page 1808, reference to which plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the property GPIN 1465-89-6856 PARCEL 2 Part of that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, lying, situate and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and being known, numbered and designated as Parcel C- 1-1 as shown on that certain plat entitled, "Subdivision of Parcel C-1, Map Book 181, Page 24, Kempsville Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia", made by Waterway Surveyors and Engineering, Ltd , dated January 6, 1987 and last revised on April 2, 1987, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 2637, at Page 1808, containing 6262 square feet as depicted on the plan entitled `K &, Son's, Inc Gas Pumps .Addition and Revitalization Plan", prepared by The Spectra Group. Inc , dated 3/1/2005 GPIN 1465-89-5885 (Part) CONUITIONALRZONE%SAEED/PROFFER P9_PAFEC 6Y S_1i.tl RriTNIN \11IRN $ Lri I'1 In Reply Refer To Our File No DF-6204 TO Leslie L Lilley \ FROM B Kay Wllsoi� CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER -OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE DATE October 27, 2005 DEPT City Attorney DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application; K 8 Son's, Inc. The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on November 8, 2005 1 have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated May 31, 2005, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further BKW/ks Enclosure cc Kathleen Hassen Y K & SON'S, INC , a Virginia corporation TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF ViRGiNIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THiS AGREEMENT, made this 31 sl day of May, 2005, by and between K & SON'S, INC , a Virginia corporation, Grantor, and THE CiTY OF VIRGiNIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Grantee WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of a two (2) parcels of property located in the Kempsville District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing approximately 30,341 square feet of land which are more particularly described as Parcels 1 and 2 in Exhibit `.A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference Said parcels are herein referred to as the 'Property", and WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to modify the PDH-1 Land Use Plan with a B-2 Commercial Designation applicable to the Property to permit the sale of gasoline, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy iS to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation, and GPIN 1465-89-6856 1465-89-5885 (Part) PPEPPgEO By NYUC, IiNIItP N \11tRNR 11\'1 14 PPEPAPEC By 111t1t\ R 1 I -Al 114 WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict and that in order to permit differing uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which Grantors rezoning application gives rise, and WHEREAS, Grantor has voluntarily proffered, in writing. in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed modification to the PDH-1 Land Use Plan apphcahle to the Property in addition to the regulations provided for the PDH-1 and B-2 Zoning Districts by the existing overall Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor, foi itself, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without anv requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without anv element of compulsion or quid'Pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Propertv and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property. which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in interest or title 1 When the Property is redeveloped. in order to achieve a more coordinated design and development on the site in terms of vehicular access. f parking and landscape buffering, the "K & SON'S INC GAS AND PUMP ADDITION AND REVITALIZATION PLAN", dated 3/1/2003 revised 7/2 2005, prepared by The Spectra Group, Inc , i0hich has becn exhibited to the Virginia PPE -ARE'_ 2v \1kN Rnl'RUu\' Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Revitalization Plan") shall be substantially adhered to 2 When the Property is redeveloped, three (3) gasoline pumps shall be added as depicted on the Revitalization Plan and the architectural design, materials and colors of the canopy will be substantially as depicted on the exhibit entitled "LUKOIL - Pleasant Valley," prepared by Pro Signs. which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (`Canopy Elevation") 3 When the Property is redeveloped, the existing freestanding sign shall be replaced with a monument style freestanding sign no greater than eight feet (8') in height with a base of split face block matching that on the building The existing dumpster shall also be relocated and screened as depicted on the Revitalization Plan 4 When the Property is redeveloped, the existing entrances on to the Property from Indian Lakes Boulevard shall be consolidated and relocated as depicted on the Revitalization Plan All lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommended by the illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) A photometric lighting plan indicating the number and types of lighting will be submitted as part of the formal site plan submission for review by the Planning Department to determine consistency with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles and practices i Lighting shall be installed and operated as shown on the approved plan All lighting shall be directed inward and downward within the site 5 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements The above conditions, having been proffered by Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the . zoning of the Propertv and specifically repeals such conditions Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new ' 3 Y PRE°AREC 8� SYkt,, W)ITNIN ' URN R LUVY I'i or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach. Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of i recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with Said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void Grantor covenants and agrees that (1) The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bnng legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court, and (4) The Zoning Map may show- by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the "Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department, and they shall be iecorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court 11 of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of Grantor and the Grantee PREPARED BY `ier\ 1101,01ION -%HwN & L[%,) PI 5 GREPA%D E-+ 1YU6 RUI'RION MR\: % Llvl P- WITNESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR h &, Sons, Inc , a Virginia corporation �I By _ _ ___(SEAL) Khand Saeed, President STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I5t day of June, 2005, by Khand Saeed, President, K &. Sons. Inc a Virginia corporation, Grantor �n Z�Z' i AL Iv2 Notary Public My Commission Expires August 31, 2006 b EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land. together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known, numbered and designated as Parcel C-1-B as shown on that certain plat entitled "Subdivision of Parcel C 1, Map Book 181, Page 24, Kempsville Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia", made by Waterway Surveyors and Engineering, Ltd , dated January 6, 1987 and last revised on April 2, 1987. which said plat is duly iccorded in the Clerks Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 2637, at Page 1808, reference to which plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the property GPiN 1465-89-6856 PARCEL 2 Part of that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, lying, situate and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and being known, numbered and designated as Parcel C- 1-1 as shown on that certain plat entitled, "Subdivision of Parcel C-1, Map Book 181, Page 24, Kempsville Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia", made by Waterway Surveyors and Engineering, Ltd , dated January 6, 1987 and last revised on April 2, 1d187. which said plat is duly recorded iii the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Vntgmia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 2637, at Page 1808. containing 6262 square feet as depicted on the plan entitled "K 8c Son's, Inc Gas Pumps Addition and Revitalization Plan". prepared by The Spectra Group, inc , dated 3/1/2005 GPIN 1465-89-5885 (Part) CONDI 11()NALRZONH!SAEEW PROFFER PPE FAFEI IF ( �SNKl,S l)i:l'INiI?V kill R\h11\l Pf Mi Bill Ft,rn<side, rep•esent•ng the apl.'icint, appeared before -- t• Cour-rl reacast_rg t`•at Lie ab'-'e aopli� rt:or ^e i,itFdrarn Mr Blidge,, represent'ng the c,.nc-ition tc tfe alCo•.e application, stated no ob iect 10, to the aryl is at: c❑ beirg wi t`id; awn 1' Cn notion bi CO'arL.Ina; hate: Ciet,'I secendcc bi lice "avor Tehnclt, and bc' rcoo`ded vote as follows yes COUnC:1Te- Robe-t H Ca!' -is, Jr , 'obe•t 8 :iorwell, 'r , F Reid ivi-, George q Fe' iell I Cdlence A Holland, D 'Iariav 'lalbor, , .: Curtis I, a,. re, `'ire '1=•:cT I-'1 " Teb.tUlt, =1cvd E iia ter C teld, Jr , ani ease^ Dor a!d IT RI -odes Nays Pore Absent Counc:lnan F-AT", i tras ch CIL% uou,11 ap,,%,.= t'-e •.t [hd-a, al o• the a',oee anp:!catI el e= Tru,tces ^- Rock ,, ',: n1:l tar I B•.irr<rJe, ',t'orn- for a Use 're rr:t fc' a ,u rch, ieligicuti educat-'cn an] :e'nap_ l:tat'on septet on ceita:n .ronei 7i beg-rr-ng at a _o Tnt ":D feet To-e 01 !es, Southe-I;' c tl.e ir,tersectior of Fn^ces<_ Anne Woad an, =cca[,r^t „ .-It Roac an.' 1` 1- f,et Ea>t of Fccalientas :tub 'Toad, Morse Fo it ',rea, "irg Beicagh 1 TE'1 •3°0i Application of Seneca Carosites, Inc., by Thomas F. Broyles, Attorney, for a "se Permit for 3M ca-•?sites on crrtain Drorerty becinninq at a point 330n feet more or less $pptli of Litchfield road, nr.i Pocahontas Club Road, and runnnno a distance of 1620 feet more or less alorq the :est side of Prircess erne Road, runnlno a distance of 3175 fer' alonq the Southern nr,,^rty line and runrinc a distance of 1650 feet here or less along the 412sterr nrooerty lire and running a distance of 1,125 feet neim or less alone the liorthorn pro;erty lire PC �C.O Bud O1 Gs` The Planninq Co" ission recomrends approval of this use permit application for 3^5 ca•npsites with the strpulcticn tnat t'•e property cannot be used for per'lanent trailers or carosites Approval vas further subject to a dedication of rlght of Tay el feet frog the center lint: of the initial 52-foot ri-ht of way alorq the 15P3-foot more or less frontaqe on Princess -We Road as re^.uestod by tie Peal Estate Division, rgrart- nent of C:I­unity Services The-epart'-ent of Ccsriunnty S^rvlces also requests improveTents on Princess Anne Road The Ilealt'i Department requests co•^oliarce .with State overniglit carp laws M• Th:na< Fier i.es, 'It I-i'•c:, aceeaied on bel-a- of t•e aprlica rt C., retior L, C_Trc•'ra r '.iater,:el,, tie, en•__d by 'ice i'c'•e- lebac-t, ape' br recoi _ci cte a> ctic •r, A,cs Co: ,. i!-- =t•.,.t !' Ca.] _'r %bc •t R _iorwe` 'Ji F R=_c E: t.. FGec'gc r,r cl =•eITc 1 Hol `a rd, n „t.-.a., -,on. 1 Cu-t:s Pq; re, 111__ cI ran IeL ;rI t, ar;1 F: ,•c ..a _^1 ref J, ,. Nays 'layer Corals it ?Fcdcs APsent Cocncrl.-.:.. F•:nl 'Tisch Counc•1 arni o•.cc t`;e .,he•e of Seneca Co --site-, I -cc by `.e^.,< ":'t; 1tt_rr! 'Or a use ^er-iC 0i 1C0 `Cc9p:Ir lte, D.e"a' FIc - _ I 1 L -" , re c^01 e < Sort[, cf 'rt:l"it 1c Head, no.. Ibcahc..:a1 :lu:, ::�J�, Prco eo•:.ug`i, >ibe act .e Je .tun- a[ -or tiat t'"c ^•ro-e•• car'be lsei fo- re-rare':t t�a_lcrs o- cairrsitcs, ;ublect to - , it ucr r -t cl C._t lit -he _erilei 1.^e _ "n• .^it 5n Ic.t I at r: ,,P _ .a -.'i, l; , -r,-t. •.r'e -rl r-I 1 ,, fr•I _`:I ,c ,_, tc .. \t ltc c, I C, I .., , I-" e<t f.' I t`., H, _'_l aI ...le III November 8, 1971 "o, Up". 1 Y are -, Ji" jc.jr ion 11 lciumn-K S CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: North Landing River Associates, L.L.C. — Modification of Conditions and a Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance, Floodplain Regulations MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: An Ordinance upon Application of North Landing River Associates, L L C for a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 8, 1971 The property is located at 161 Princess Anne Road (GPIN 23174127930000) DISTRICT 7 —PRINCESS ANNE An Ordinance upon Application of North Landing River Associates, L L C for a Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance, Floodplain Regulations on property located at 161 Princess Anne Road (GPIN 23174127930000) DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS ANNE ■ Considerations: The applicants purchased the property in April 2003 The site was developed with 150 campsites, a store, a pool and recreational areas in the early 1970's At the time of purchase the campground had fallen into disrepair The applicants proceeded to perform what they felt were maintenance upgrades on the site by replacing roads, water and sewer lines, electrical hook-ups, upgrading the comfort stations and the pool Staff inspected the site and determined fill had been added to several areas Staff advised the applicants the following items needed to be addressed • A variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance regarding the fill areas, • A modification of the existing conditional use permit regarding the addition of six one -room cabins and nine permanent campers (recreational vehicles), • A variance to the Southern Watersheds Management Ordinance for encroachments into the required 50-foot buffer The modification of the conditional use permit and flood plain variance request are a result of the applicants' desire to comply with the ordinances The Conditional Use Permit allowing 306 Campsites was approved by the City Council on November 8, 1971 The Conditional Use Permit must be modified because six one -room cabins were placed on campsites approximately 30 years ago The applicant also has placed nine permanent campers (recreational North Landing River Associates, L L C Page 2 of 4 vehicles) on the site Additionally, several motor homes and campers are being stored on -site There is also an area in the southern portion of the site being used for a maintenance staging area and storage of campground items The site contains 96 acres and of the 96 acres, 70 acres are within the floodplain adjacent to the North Landing River Under Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance, the North Landing River floodplain is subject to special restrictions and no fill is allowed within this floodplain The applicant has already placed a large amount of fill on the property A variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance (floodplain variance) is necessary to allow this amount of fill (6 4% of the existing area of the floodplain on the property) to remain where placed within the floodplain The Site Plan Ordinance requires that mitigation be provided at a one for one replacement for the flood storage volume of the floodplain filled and that the areas of mitigation or replacement must be contiguous to the existing floodplain The Planning Commission recommends approval of the request for Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 8, 1971 subject to the conditions listed below The proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this area The campground is compatible with surrounding uses The applicants' submitted plans depict an improvement to the overall use of the property The plans submitted with the conditional use permit approved in 1971 depicted campsites and associated accessory uses covering the entire 96-acres The plans submitted with the modification and floodplain variance requests depict a much smaller campground footprint and show the limits and protection of the existing wetlands The Planning Commission also recommends approval of the floodplain variance subject to the conditions listed below The campground, built in1973, predates the floodplain ordinance An open space or a recreational use such as a campground is usually not associated with any new impervious surfaces, and any filling within the floodplain usually does not increase storm water runoff The fill within the floodplain is due to the physical character of the property, as it is a renovation and improvement to an existing recreational use The fill will not be detrimental to other property within the vicinity The fill placed on the site is much less than what was originally planned when the campground was approved in 1971 The applicant has provided an adequate fill mitigation plan as well as a buffer restoration plan to mitigate the impacts of the fill on the Southern Watersheds buffer The Planning Commission placed the items on the consent agenda because flood plain variance criteria have been met and the campground use is in keeping with the character of the area Approval of these two applications will allow the applicant to upgrade the site 0 Recommendations: North Landing River Associates, L L C Page 3 of 4 The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve the requests with the following conditions 1 All Stipulations with the exception of "The property cannot be used for permanent trailers or campsites" attached to the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on November 8, 1971 remain in affect In addition to the existing Stipulations the following conditions shall be attached to the conditional use permit a (i) The six (6) cabins, existing along the eastern side of Canal 2 shall be permitted to remain on the site provided the applicants' obtain all the necessary permits, inspections and certificates of occupancy for the cabins (u) Any recreational vehicles stored on the site year round and available for lease shall obtain any necessary permits, inspections and certificates of occupancy as required by State law as determined by the Building Code Official of the City of Virginia Beach any GaR?peF or ngeter- home ateFed on the site year Found and available fe.F b The applicants shall delineate and screen the "Recreational Vehicle Storage Area" located in the southeastern portion of the site The screening shall be Category IV c The applicants shall delineate and screen the maintenance staging area and campground item storage area located in the southeastern portion of the site The screening shall be Category IV d There shall be no encroachment into the delineated wetlands areas depicted on the submitted site plan entitled "North Landing River Front Camp Ground, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Exhibit A", prepared by WPL and dated 5/20/05 Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department 2 The proposed floodplain mitigation and buffer restoration shall substantially adhere to the submitted plans entitled "North Landing River Front Camp Ground, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Mitigation Plan", prepared by WPL and dated 9/12/05 Said plans have been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department 3 The applicants shall submit detailed site and mitigation plans to the Development Services Center, Planning Department of the City of Virginia Beach for review and approval within three (3) months of City of Virginia Beach City Council approval of the Modification of Conditions and Floodplam Variance Required screening and improvements shown on the mitigation plan must be completed by June 1, 2006 North Landing River Associates, L L C Page 4 of 4 ■ Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency: City Manager: 1L Planning Department NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Agenda Item #4 & #5 October 12, 2005 Public Hearing Staff Planner Faith Christie REQUEST 4) Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 8, 1971 5) Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance Floodplain Regulations ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: Property located at 161 Princess Anne Road GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT SITE SIZE 23174127930000 DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS ANNE 96 03 acres The applicants purchased the property in April 2003 The site SUMMARY OF REQUEST was developed with 150 campsites, a store, a pool and recreational areas in the early 1970's At the time of purchase the campground had fallen into disrepair The applicants proceeded to perform what they felt were maintenance upgrades on the site by replacing roads, water and sewer lines, electrical hook-ups, upgrading the comfort stations and the pool Staff inspected the site and determined fill had been added to several areas on the site Staff advised the applicants the following items needed to be addressed • A variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance regarding the fill areas, • A modification of the existing conditional use permit regarding the addition of six one -room cabins and nine permanent campers (recreational vehicles), • A variance to the Southern Watersheds Management Ordinance for encroachments into the required 50-foot buffer The modification of the conditional use permit and variance requests are a result of the applicants' desire to comply with the ordinances NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 1 The Conditional Use Permit permitting 306 Campsites was approved by the City Council on November 8, 1971 The Planning Commission recommended approval of the use permit application for 306 campsites with the following stipulations • The property cannot be used for permanent trailers or campsites, • A dedication of right of way 40-feet from the center line of the initial 50-foot right of way along the 1,620-foot more or less frontage on Princess Anne Road as requested by the Real Estate Division, Department of Community Services, • Improvements on Princess Anne Road as requested by the Department of Community Services, • Compliance with State overnight camp laws as request by the Health Department The Conddional Use Permit must be modified because six one -room cabins were placed on campsites approximately 30 years ago The applicant also has placed nine permanent campers (recreational vehicles) on the site Additionally during the most recent staff visit to the site two areas of concern were noted First several motor homes and campers are being stored on -site Second there is an area in the southern portion of the site being used for a maintenance staging area and storage of campground items These areas must also be addressed with the modification As stated previously in the report the site is 96 acres and of the 96 acres, 70 acres are within the floodplain adjacent to the North Landing River Under Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance, the North Landing River floodplain is subject to special restrictions and no fill is allowed within this floodplain The applicant has already placed a large amount of fill on the property A variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance (floodplain variance) is necessary to allow this amount of fill (6 4% of the existing area of the floodplain on the property) to remain where placed within the floodplain • Total Surface Area of the Campground = 96-acres • Total Surface Area within the Floodplain = 70-acres • Total Surface Area covered by Fill within the Floodplain = 4 54-acres • Percentage of Floodplain Surface Covered by Fill = 6 4% The Site Plan Ordinance requires that mitigation be provided at a one for one replacement for the flood storage volume of the floodplain filled, and that the areas of mitigation or replacement must be contiguous to the existing floodplain • Existing 100-year floodplain storage volume = 4.573,800 Cubic Feet (C F) • Volume of fill within the floodplain = 69,750 Cubic Feet (C F ) • Mitigation Areas for fill volume = 75,937 Cubic Feet (C F ) • Post Developed 100-year floodplain storage volume = 4.579,987 50 Cubic Feet (C F) As noted above, the volume of the mitigation areas exceeds the volume of fill within the floodplain by 6,187 Cubic Feet (C F ) and all of the mitigation areas are located outside and contiguous to the existing floodplain Therefore, the mitigation proposed for the floodplain fill meets all of the criteria for mitigation as defined by the ordinance LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE The site is developed with a campground NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 2 SURROUNDING LAND North 0 Woods 1 AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural USE AND ZONING South 0 Single family dwelling and Campground / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural East . Princess Anne Road • Across Princess Anne Road is a borrow pit / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural West 0 North Landing River NATURAL RESOURCE AND The site is located in the Southern Watersheds of the North Landing CULTURAL FEATURES River, the Northwest River and Back Bay Of the 96-acres of property 70-acres are located within the floodplain with an average elevation of 3 5-feet AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP). Princess Anne Road is depicted on The Master Transportation Plan as 90-foot right-of-way with a bikeway Currently there are no projects within the Capital Improvement Budget for improvements to this section of Princess Anne Road WATER and SEWER- This site is served by well and septic systems SCHOOLS: School population is not affected by the use The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site as being within COMPREHENSIVE PLAN the Rural Area The physical character of the area is low, flat land with wide floodplains and altered drainage It also contains large areas of exceptional environmental resources Rural areas may be characterized as a balance between the natural environment and human uses with farms, horse boarding, campgrounds, wineries and open space activities served by long stretches of two lane roadways NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 3 Staff recommends approval of the request for Modification of EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Conditions (Stipulations) for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 8, 1971 subject to the conditions listed below The proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this area The campground is compatible with surrounding uses The applicants' submitted plans depict an improvement to the overall use of the property The plans submitted with the conditional use permit approved in 1971 depicted campsites and associated accessory uses covering the entire 96-acres The plans submitted with the modification and floodplain variance requests depict a much smaller campground footprint and show the limits and protection of the existing wetlands Staff also recommends approval of the floodplain variance subject to the conditions listed below The Site Plan Ordinance Section 5B 8(a) states, "No floodplain variance shall be granted by the Council unless it finds that Such variance will not create or result in unacceptable or prohibited increases in flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, nuisances, fraud or victimization of the public The granting of such variance will not be detrimental to other property in the vicinity The circumstances giving rise to the variance application are not of a general or recurring nature Such circumstances arise from the physical character of the property or from the use or development of adjacent property and not from the personal situation of the applicant The granting of such variance will not be in conflict with any ordinance or regulation of the city " Staff concludes that the application meets all of the above criteria The campground, built in1973, predates the floodplain ordinance An open space or a recreational use such as a campground is usually not associated with any new impervious surfaces, and any filling within the floodplain usually does not increase storm water runoff The fill within the floodplain is due to the physical character of the property, as it is a renovation and improvement to an existing recreational use The fill will not be detrimental to other property within the vicinity Section 5B 8 (f) provides additional guidance in the evaluation of floodplain variance applications The section notes, ''No variance shall be granted by the Council unless the following performance standards are met 1 Filling shall be limited to the smallest volume and area possible 2 Floodplain storage capacity shall be mitigated at a one-to-one ratio of storage capacity created for area filled to ensure no net loss of storage occurs as result of filling 3 All floodplain mitigation shall be located on the project site and shall be located contiguous to the existing floodplain 4 The general characteristics and functions of the floodplain shall not be adversely affected 5 Wetlands protection and buffer area requirements set forth in section 7 of the Southern Watersheds Management Ordinance (Appendix G) are met or a variance there from is granted " Staff concludes that the application meets all of the above criteria The fill placed on the site is much less than what was originally planned when the campground was approved in 1971 The applicant has NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES. L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 4 provided an adequate fill mitigation plan as well as a buffer restoration plan to mitigate the impacts of the fill on the Southern Watersheds buffer Staff recommends approval of both requests with the conditions provided below CONDITIONS All Stipulations with the exception of "The property cannot be used for permanent trailers or campsites" attached to the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on November 8, 1971 remain in affect In addition to the existing Stipulations the following conditions shall be attached to the conditional use permit a (i) The six (6) cabins, existing along the eastern side of Canal 2 shall be permitted to remain on the site provided the applicants' obtain all the necessary permits, inspections and certificates of occupancy for the cabins (u) Any recreational vehicles stored on the site year round and available for lease shall obtain any necessary permits, inspections and certificates of occupancy as required by State law as determined by the Building Code Official of the City of Virginia Beach The six (6) eabins, existing aleRg the eastern side ef Gana! 2, a" th- (9) permanently s__.__ _.. the __._ year Found and _ffl..arw fvr �i uve v..w. be Yeff..u.ed to �efnam en the site 7e �oc¢crr b The applicants shall delineate and screen the 'Recreational Vehicle Storage Area" located in the southeastern portion of the site The screening shall be Category IV c The applicants shall delineate and screen the maintenance staging area and campground item storage area located in the southeastern portion of the site The screening shall be Category IV d There shall be no encroachment into the delineated wetlands areas depicted on the submitted site plan entitled "North Landing River Front Camp Ground, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Exhibit A", prepared by W PL and dated 5/20/05 Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department 2 The proposed floodplain mitigation and buffer restoration shall substantially adhere to the submitted plans entitled "North Landing River Front Camp Ground. Virginia Beach, Virginia, Mitigation Plan", prepared by WPL and dated 9/12/05 Said plans have been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department 3 The applicants shall submit detailed site and mitigation plans to the Development Services Center, Planning Department of the City of Virginia Beach for review and approval within three (3) months of City of Virginia Beach City Council approval of the Modification of Conditions and Floodplain Variance Required screening and improvements shown on the mitigation plan must be completed by June 1, 2006 NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES. L L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 5 NOTE. Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L L C. Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 6 wow qr� u+ad w Will,rlf�'n'.11liov iwHxe__w au —1 1 - -- pus.-- --, e+.. •• PROPOSED SITE PLAN NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 8 ff,OM , s � � � Ally PROPOSED SOUTHERN WATERSHED BUFFER RESTORATION PLAN NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, Ll C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 10 i AG-1 River A AG-2 AG-2 I AG-1 eX Z 0 0� AG-2 °5 AG-1 AC-2 • o d. AG-2 AG-2 AG`I -� / A'4PTN L9 POJY1 51{IF i!LL . 1 � / — — --_ Fiuod011' Larcrrr 'ad vo.W., 1hav n" ( owhlwos 1 11/10/75 Rezoning (AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural to A-1 Apartment) Withdrawn 5/13/74 Rezoning (AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural to A-1 Apartment) and a Conditional Use Permit (Mobile Home Park) Denied 11/8/71 Conditional Use Permit (306 Campsites Approved 2 12/18/89 Conditional Use Permit (Borrow Pit) Approved 11/28/00 I Conditional Use Permit (Borrow Pit expansion) Aooroved ZONING HISTORY NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 11 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership firm bus-ness or ether unincorporated organization complete the following 1 List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers members ;ruslees, partners atc below (A Mach list if necessary) North Landing River Associates L L C Brian C Large, Managing Member Howard R Svl,es Jr Member, Michael D Siten Member Garrett Johnson, Member 2 List all bus.nesses that have a parent -subsidiary' of affiliated business entity relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) ❑ Check here if the applicant is Nora corporation partnership firm, business, or other unincorporated organization PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owners different from applicant If the property owner is a corporation, partnership firm business- or other unincorporated organization complete the following 1 'List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers members, trustees partners etc below (Attach list if necessary) 2 List all businee,ses that have a parent -subsidiary' or affiliated business entity' relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) p Check here f the property owner Is NOT a corporation, partnership firm, business or other unincorporated organization r A'r See next page for reo'�oles r'»9. J 3, 11�1`lI' I an ORt'1`if DISCLOSURE STATEMENT NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 12 0 4% I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractrrs or bus-resses that have or will prov de services with respect to the requested property use inciudinq but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services I:nanciel sernces accounenq services and legal services (Attach list if necessarv: Sykes Bourdon Ahem & Levy F C WPL ' Parent -subsidiary relationship means 'a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or Indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation " See State and Local Government Conflict of interests Act Va Code § 2 2-310' Affiliated business entity relationship- means -a relationship, other than parent -subsidiary relationship, that exists when (1) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity (it) a controlling owner in one entity •s also a controlling owner in the other entity of (m) there is shared management or control between the business entities Factors that should he considered in determining the existence cl an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage he two entities there are common or commingled funds or assets, the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share aclivibes, resources or personnel on a regular basis or More is otherwise a close working ielationsnu• between the entities' See State and Local Government Conthc-ef Interests A- t Va Code §223101 CERTIFICATION I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate I understand that, upon recetot of notification (postcard) that the application has beer scheduled fer public hearing I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the schedu'ed public hearing according to the-nstructlons •n this package North Landir _River Associates . L C By r- Brian C Large 41,raginq Memtir•r .Up'i�enYe Signature r••+I Name P,eperly Ownar s s•g,ature (if dille•enL"iar. appii¢ rt) Name 6Y1d rw•[III ,.rc , _ -e Ayµ., an DISCLOSURE STATEMENT NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L.L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 13 11 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation partnership, firm business o• othe� unincorporated organization complete the following 1 List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers members trustees partners, etc below !Affech list if necessary) North Landing River Associates L L C Bnan C Large Managing Member Howard R Sykes Jr, Member Michael Sifen Member Garrett Johnson Member 2 L'st all businesses that have a parent -subsidiary' or affiliated business entity, relationship with the applicant (Attach list of necessary) ❑ Check here if the applicant is NOT corporation, partnership firm business. or other unincorporated organization PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only it property cwner is different from applicant If the property owner is a corporation, partnership firm business or other unincorporated organization complete the following t List the property owner name foCowed by the names of all oKrers members trustees, partners etc *Plow (Attach list if necessary) 2 List all businesses that have a parent subsidiary' or affiliated business entity, relationship with the applicant (Attach last if necessary) ❑ Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm business or other unincorporated organization ,-- a ' See next oage'or fminotes r rnn�ar eanam� •oc n•icr P1,i,! A O O IMMA "17 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 14 z 0 a w fA DISCLOSURE STATEMENT i ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use including but not limited to the providers of architectural services real estate services financial services accounting services and legal services (Attach list if necessary) Sykes Bourdon Ahern .; Levy P C WPL Parent -subsidiary relationship' means a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or incirectiy owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation' See State and Local Government Conflict of interests Act Va Code § 2 2-3101 Affiliated business entity relationship means 'a r=_lationshm other than parent -subsidiary relationship that exists when (t) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity (n) a controlling owner In one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity or (n) there is shared management or control Between the business entities Factors that should be considered in determinirg the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities there are common or commingled funds or assets. the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities resources or personnel on a regular basis or there is otherwise a close working •elatfonship between the ent ties - S,e State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va Code § 2 2-310' CERTIFICATION I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate I understand that upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing. I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required Sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package North River Landing Assogates, L L C By _�._' - _ Bnan C Large Maraging Member Apoleanri; Signakab - Pnrl Name P_mpeny (Tune• s s.gnature nl d•trerent Lhan app6carp Pnnt Name `x`�4•r1iena,a A�, W Ol Pi"o J,o 7­9'-W4 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT NORTH LANDING RIVER ASSOCIATES, L L C Agenda Item #4 & #5 Page 15 Item #4&5 North Landing River Associates, L L C Modification of Conditions Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Oidmance, Floodplain Regulations 161 Princess Anne Road District 7 Princess Anne October 12, 2005 CONSENT William Dm My next item is Item #4 & 5 Item #4 is a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit that was previously approved on November 8, 1971 for the property located at 161 Princess Anne Road, and item #5 Is a Variance to Section 5B of the Site Plan Ordinance, Floodplam Regulation, also located at the same location in the Princess Anne District There are currently three conditions The first condition "A" has been broken down into two separate conditions This Is an application by North Landing River Assoctates, L L C Welcome Eddie Bourdon Thank you Mr Din, for the record, Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attorney representing the applicants We greatly appreciate your courtesy in putting us on the consent agenda In mvocating those conditions, which we do concur with Ms Christie it says the same thing but, it does it in a way that my clients are most comfortable We appreciate your courtesy William Din Thank you Mr Bourdon Is there any objection to placing this item on consent" If not, Mr Barry Knight will please explain Barry Knight This is in the Princess Anne DISUILI It's 96 acres It's way down south within a mile of the North Carolina line It's on Princess Anne Road back to some canals dug off of North Landing River This was turned into a recreational area and had a Conditional Use Permit back in the early 70's And it was vet v popular back then, and it had fallen into somewhat of a state of disrepair The applicants purchased the property in April 2003 They've gone in there. and they have upgraded They trimmed bushes They graded toads They really brought the property where it looks very nice, but in the process of getting some of then pet mits, the staff has noticed some deficiencies down there This Conditional Use Permit will remedy those such as filling of some floodplains in, thev're minimal They're being mitigated greater than the extent that's requited by law And they're iequesting Dom us to let them screen their storage area and their maintenance areas This area down there Is looking a lot mecr than it was, and with these extra items, it's going to look real nice We think it is in keeping with the land use, and certainly with the character and upgrading from what it was, so we put it on the consent agenda Item #4&5 North Landing Rivet Associates, L L C Pare William Din Thank you Barry I'd like to make a motion to appiove the following consent item Item #4 & 5 is a Modification of Conditions on the Conditional Use Permit previously approved on November 8, 1971 on property located at 161 Princess Anne Road, and this is a variance to Section to 5B of the Site Plan Oidinance Floodplam Regulation on property located at 161 Princess Anne Road, in the Princess Anne District and that has three conditions, with "A" hemg revised to I & Donald Horlsey Second AYE 10 NAY 0 ANDERSON AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE MILLER RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER AYE WOOD AYE ABS 0 ABSENT I ABSENT Ed Weeden By a vote of 10-0, the Boaid has approved Items #4 & 5 for consent Map <iP aF=4i'Ga=>i�Gn pq� 1v=[±tee=_LR%•'a p� f F '��—�:��'>'a AG-2 AG -I' AG-2 ' / AG-2 AG-2 AG -I CUP Alternative Rural Resldenual Cr lE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Steven W. Simpson & Barry D. Knight — Conditional Use Permit (alternative residential development) MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Steven W Simpson & Barry D Knight for a Conditional Use Permit for alternative residential development on property located at 2000 Munden Point Road (GPIN 23088084330000) DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS ANNE ■ Considerations: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow development of the site for a total of three residential parcels on property zoned both AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District For the purpose of calculating density, the City Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 15 acres for each single-family parcel Thus, this approximately 27-acre parcel could be developed with only one (1) single- family dwelling The applicant, however, is pursuing a Conditional Use Permit under the "Alternative Rural Residential Development' option that permits residential development at a greater density than permitted by right, subject to the proposal meeting all of the provisions specified in the Comprehensive Plan for such developments The submitted plan shows the proposed three (3) lots with acreage of 4 2 acres, 4 8 acres and 17 8 acres The maximum number of dwelling units permitted under the Use Permit alternative is based on the quality of the soils Soils classified as Type 1 yield a density of one (1) dwelling per five (5) acres, and soils classified as Type 2 yield a density of one (1) dwelling per ten (10) acres The soils on the subject property yield a maximum of three (3) dwellings under the Section 405 alternative This property is unique in that it is bordered to the north with property within the Agricultural Reserve Program (ARP) and bordered to the south by an existing R- 20 residential development It was suggested by the Department of Agriculture that this site would be a good candidate for inclusion into the ARP, however, the applicant has decided not to exercise that option The single family dwelling "subdivision" to the south was established sometime prior to 1973 The submitted plan conforms to the majority of the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan One area of possible deficiency is that the applicant has Steven W Simpson & Barry D Knight Page 2 of 3 not indicated an area on the submitted plan to be set aside in perpetuity consistent with Item 10 of the Rural Residential Guidelines However, it is Staff's belief that the intent of Item 10 is to set aside an area within a larger rural residential development that provides continued, long-term open space and agricultural opportunities while clustering the dwelling units on another portion of the site It may not be feasible to provide such an area on all parcels, particularly those of the size of the subject parcel The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because this site meets the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan's Rural Residential Guidelines ■ Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 with abstention to approve this request, with the following conditions The final plat shall depict the three (3) proposed parcels as depicted on the plan entitled "Preliminary Subdivision, 2000 Munden Point Road," prepared by The Spectra Group, Inc , dated 07-21-05 2 The ingress/egress for the proposed Lot 1 shall be via an ingress/egress easement provided to Lot 1 from the proposed Lot 3 Said easement shall be depicted on the final plat 3 As required by the Rural Development Guidelines set forth in the City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan, a minimum, a 50 foot wide, vegetative buffer shall be installed, where one does not currently exist, along all property lines subject to this application that adjoin any parcel actively used for agricultural purposes The first 25 feet of said buffer, closest to the adjacent agricultural field shall be planted with a mixture of grasses and low growing indigenous shrubs The second 25 feet of said buffer shall be planted with a double row of trees with a minimum caliper of 1 112 inches and should be centered no more than 30 feet on center These trees shall be indigenous and consist of a mixture of 25 percent deciduous and 75 percent evergreen A Landscape Plan shall be submitted with the final plat to the Development Services Center for review and approval prior to the recordation of the final plat ■ Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Steven W Simpson & Barry D Knight Page 3 of 3 Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting DepartmenVAgencX.LPlanning Department City Manager: )�' � �, STEVEN W. SIMPSON & BARRY D. KNIGHT Agenda Item #7 October 12, 2005 Public Hearing 4 Staff Planner Carolyn A K Smith REQUEST •A Conditional Use Permit for Alternative Rural Residential development ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION Property located at 2000 Munden Point Road GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE 23088084330000 7 — PRINCESS ANNE 26 8816 acres The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow SUMMARY OF REQUEST development of the site for a total of three (3) residential parcels on property zoned both AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District For the purpose of calculating density, the City Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum of 15 acres for each single-family parcel Thus, this approximately 27-acre parcel could be developed with only one (1) single-family dwelling The applicant, however, is pursuing a Conditional Use Permit under the'Alternative Rural Residential Development" option that permits residential development at a greater density than permitted by -right, subject to the proposal meeting all of the provisions specified in the Comprehensive Plan for such developments The submitted plan shows the proposed three (3) lots with acreage of 4 2 acres, 4 8 acres and 17 8 acres LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE Undeveloped agricultural field with one (1) single family dwelling on the property SURROUNDING LAND North . Agricultural field in the Agricultural Reserve Program / AG-1 USE AND ZONING Agricultural District South . Single family dwellings, Munden Point Road / R-20 Residential District, AG-2 Agricultural District East . Agricultural field ' AG 1 & AG-2 Agricultural District West . Agricultural field %AG-1 & AG-2 Agricultural District SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 1 NATURAL RESOURCE AND The majority of the site Is a cultivated field with a single family dwelling CULTURAL FEATURES' on the western portion of the property There are woods on the northern portion of the site The property Is within the Southern Watersheds Management Area There does not appear to be any floodplaln or wetlands on the property AICUZ The site Is In an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Munden Point No Data No Data Available --T —Exlsting Land Use — 20 Road Available I ADT Proposed Land Use '- 60 'Average Daily Trips 'as defined by the existing single family dwelling as defined by three single family dwellings WATER & SEWER There are no City water or sewer services to this site Approval from the Health Department will be required for individual septic systems The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site to be within the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN "Rural Area " The area Is characterized as low, flat land with wide floodplains and altered drainage Typically, this area Is agricultural/rural with uses related to farming, forestry, rural residential, and other rurally compatible uses The Plan states that' providing a legacy for a future generation of farmers, to providing habitat for wildlife. keeping taxes low, and maintaining the rural community, the vision for our rural landscape Is important ' (Pg 161) The Plan calls for rural residential design to complement the rural setting, In terms of both parcel size and architectural style Rural residential design should, "maximize the opportunity for agricultural, equestrian ad similar compatible rural activities as part of the residential development Avoid fragmenting or dividing remaining farmland and open space into small lots:" (Pg 168) To assist in implementing the rural area planning objectives, the Comprehensive Plan provides Rural Residential Guidelines that are used to evaluate requests for increased residential density on properties zoned for agricultural use In the rural area of the City These guidelines are listed below 1 Subdivide residential lots on soils that possess the best drainage and water table characteristics using the minimum acceptable lot area necessary to achieve development objectives SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 2 2 Illustrate the ultimate plan of development as well as anticipated development phases, if any 3 Maximize the area of and avoid fragmenting remaining farmland and open space 4 Locate protective buffers between proposed residential structures and abutting agricultural operations These buffers should be at least 50 feet in width The first 25 feet of such area adjacent to an on -going agricultural operation should be heavily planted with a mixture of grasses and low growing indigenous shrubs, and the second twenty-five feet of such area adjacent to the structure should be planted with a double row of trees with a minimum caliper of 11/2 inches and should be centered no more than thirty feet apart Such trees should consist of a mixture of deciduous and evergreen 5 Whenever possible, plan developments on non -farmland In those cases where development is proposed within existing tree cover, design the placement of buildings and driveways so as to save and protect as many trees and other significant environmental features as possible 6 Minimize all access points along rural arterial roadways 7 Provide flag lots, where warranted to advance the purpose of this plan, taking into consideration the size of the lots within the subdivision, existing or future tree cover and other pertinent characteristics relating to the need for rural residential privacy and open space Design appropriate widths for driveways serving flag lots (e g fire truck access) 8 Provide longer distances for rural cul-de-sac streets than is otherwise permitted throughout the City Locate roadway drainage ditches a sufficient distance from the edge of pavement to enable emergency vehicles to pass around road obstructions 9 Provide greater streetlight separation distances than is otherwise permitted throughout the City 10 Protect land for open space purposes through the use of a variety of legal instruments, such as deed restrictions, appropriate zoning classfications, protective easements or transfer to a stewardship agency (e g foundations or conservation groups), or through some other appropriate means 11 Limit the annual rate of development so as to minimize burdens placed upon rural public infrastructure Staff recommends approval of this EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION request subject to the conditions listed below Section 405 of the Zoning Ordinance offers an alternative to the by -right development, provided that City Council awards a Conditional Use Permit The alternative permits more dwellings if the development is consistent with all of the Comprehensive Plan's Rural Residential Guidelines as listed in the previous section The maximum number of dwelling units permitted under the Use Permit alternative is based on the quality of the soils Soils classified as Type 1 yield a density of one (1) dwelling per five (5) acres, and soils classified as Type 2 yield a density of one (1) dwelling per ten (10) acres The soils on the subject property yield a maximum of three (3) dwellings under the Section 405 alternative This property is unique in that it is bordered to the north with property within the Agricultural Reserve Program (ARP) and bordered to the south by an existing R-20 residential development It was suggested by the Department of Agriculture that this site would be a good candidate for inclusion into the ARP. however, the applicant has decided not to exercise that option The single family dwelling 'subdivision" to the south was established sometime prior to 1973 The submitted plan conforms to the majority of the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan One area of possible deficiency is that the applicant has not indicated an area on the submitted plan to be set a side in perpetuity consistent with Item 10 above However, it is Staff's belief that the intent of Item 10 is to set SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page aside an area within a larger rural residential development that provides continued, long-term open space and agricultural opportunities while clustering the dwelling units on another portion of the site It may not be feasible to provide such an area on all parcels, particularly those of the size of the subject parcel In sum, Staff concludes that the applicant has met the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval of this request subject to the following conditions CONDITIONS 1 The final plat shall depict the three (3) proposed parcels as depicted on the plan entitled 'Preliminary Subdivision, 2000 Munden Point Road," prepared by The Spectra Group, Inc , dated 07-21-05 2 The ingress/egress for the proposed Lot 1 shall be via an ingress/egress easement provided to Lot 1 from the proposed Lot 3 Said easement shall be depicted on the final plat As required by the Rural Development Guidelines set forth in the City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan, a minimum, a 50 foot wide, vegetative buffer shall be installed, where one does not currently exist, along all property lines subject to this application that adjoin any parcel actively used for agricultural purposes The first 25 feet of said buffer, closest to the adjacent agricultural field shall be planted with a mixture of grasses and low growing indigenous shrubs The second 25 feet of said buffer shall be planted with a double row of trees with a minimum caliper of 1 iz inches and should be centered no more than 30 feet on center These trees shall be indigenous and consist of a mixture of 25 percent deciduous and 75 percent evergreen A Landscape Plan shall be submitted with the final plat to the Development Services Center for review and approval prior to the recordation of the final plat NOTE. Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 4 Y yAyP � y� OI WORM wwew Ih!i i �!•}� tylip � �� i ��ZOL ll!'.vU6v VOIMi no - v4A nvr9 P/: RrNnYn wrNp�•w PROPOSED SITE PLAN SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 6 1 . 01/09/96 SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Granted 05/10/77 SUBDIVISION VARIANCE 2 08/09/94 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT _Granted Granted (alternative rural residential) SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Withdrawn 3 _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Granted 111/26/91 _alternative rural residential 4 03/15/82 SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Denied 5 03/24/80 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (radio Granted _ air lap ne club _ 6 10/09/78 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG-1 to RKtenied� ZONING HISTORY SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 7 �ISCIOS JRE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, comple6a the following 1 List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers members, trustees, partners, etc below (Attach 1W if necessary) Steven W Simpson and Berry C Knk lit 2 List all businesses that hove a parent-subsdrery' or affiliated business enbW relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) X Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Convote MIS section ordy +f pnv" owner as a fewt from apphicant If the property owner is a corporation, pa+tnerstnp, firm, business or other unincorporated oWrittaton complete the Wbwtng 1 Llat the property owner name followed by the cremes of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc below (Attach test of ne essmy) 2 List all businesses that have a parent-eubadrary' or affiliated business entity, relationship wfth the applicant (Attach list if necessary) ❑ Check here if the property owner is Nora corpwabon, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization a rSee next Page fa• raob+otes ORddionar Use rre'^4 ADNIM o'i Faye e a In ft"I"d g012004 0 a SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 8 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AMT10NAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, mcluding but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services and legal nerves (Attach hat if necessary) Sykes, Bourdon Ahem & Levy, P C The Specbs Group, Inr ' "Parent-subsidwry nslabonship" means -a relationship that exists when one corporabon directly or Indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the vobng power of another corporation " See Stets and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act Va Code § 2 2-3101 2 ,Afflrated business entity ealationship" means "a relationship. other than parent -subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a contralkng ownership urtereai in the other business entity, (n) a controlling owner in one entity Is also a controlling owner in the other 9". or (ifi) there is shared managemerit or control between the business entities Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an aMWW business entity relatonship inctude that the same person or stlbstandaty the am person own or manage the two entities. there are common or commingled funds or assets. the business entities share the use of the some otfims or employees or otherwise share activities. resources or personnel on a regular basis, or there is otherwise a close workrq relabonship between the entitles' See State and Local Govemment Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 CtcRTIFICAT)ON: I ixrtdy that the Information contained herein is true and accurete I understand that, upon receipt of nobfieebon (postoard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearbig. I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package i. (. Sloven W Simpson Appiiei�t i $qna Print Name Barry D Knight Pant Name f,� WM.Onai U" Plm d aooirab ft" i9of fe PevAw W412e04 SIMPSON AND KNIGHT Agenda Item # 7 Page 9 Item #7 Steven W Simpson & Barry D Knight Conditional Use Permit 2000 Munden Point Road District 7 Princess Anne Octobei 12, 2005 CONSENT William Din My next item is Item #7 This is Steven W Simpson and Barry D Knight This is a request of the applicant foi a Conditional Use Permit for alternative residential development on property located at 2000 Munden Point Road in the Princess Anne District There are thiee conditions associated with this item Is there a representative speaking on this item Eddie Bourdon My apologies Mr Din Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attomey representing the applicant Again, we greatly appreciate being placed on the consent agenda All the conditions that are recommended by staff are more than acceptable to my clients William Din Thank you Mr Bourdon Mr Don Horsley will explain this issue Donald Horsley We got a piece of property on Munden Point Road in the southern section of Virginia Beach Probably many of you are familiar with Munden Point Road It goes to Munden Point Park, which is a very nice park in the southern end of the City But this piece of property consisting of 27 acres has one family dwelling To the Rural Restdential Development Program, the Alternative Rural Development Program this density can be increased to a maximum of three dwelling unus So, if you meet all the guidelines, which we have eleven guidelines that have to be met, the City will look favorable, most of the time, upon this type of development This application meets all those guidelines It's kind of a unique piece of property and that the parcel is bordered by the AQncultural Reserve Program The applicant has decided they didn't want to put their property in the Agricultural Reserve Program, which is their right to do so They decided to go this route By doing this, they are preserving approximately 17 acres of agricultural land that probably entice someone who is in the horse industry to secure that piece of property They have a common driveway, created a flag lot, which according to the guidelines that they could have We had some calls but after it was explained nobody ically had any objection to this We put it on the consent agenda and staff had a favorable recommendation that we approve it today William Din Thank You Don I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent item Item #7 Steven W Simpson and Bairy D Knight This is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for altei native residential development on property located at 2000 Munden Point Road in the Princess Anne Distnci with three conditions Item #7 Steven W Simpson & Bany D Knight Page 2 Dorothy Wood Mr Knight Bany Knight I need to abstain hom agenda Item #7 as I have a financial interest in that Dorothy Wood Is that because your name is Barry Knight Barry Knight Yes ma'am Dorothy Wood Thank you AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS I ABSENTI. ANDERSON AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT ABS MILLER ABSENT RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER AYE WOOD AYE Ed Weeden By a vote of 9-0, with the abstention so noted, the Board has approved Item #7 for consent Map G-7 Princess Anne Pro erties Inc. MORFOfX--9UC2llEMN- - AR I_264- CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Princess Anne Properties, Inc. — Conditional Use Permit (car wash) MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Princess Anne Properties, Inc for a Conditional Use Permit for a car wash on property located at 3397 Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPIN 14878406360000) DISTRICT 3 — ROSE HALL ■ Considerations: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow redevelopment of the site with a 24-hour, 5,500 square foot car wash and vacuum facility with six self- service bays and two automatic bays The existing gas station will be demolished and replaced with a single structure that will include both the self and automated washing facilities The site has been utilized for an automobile oriented use for many years and the proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area The proposed car wash facility is compatible with the existing retail and other commercial uses in the vicinity, many of which are auto related This redevelopment will provide several safety and aesthetic improvements The ingress/egress for the site will be improved, from a safety standpoint, as the proposed plan depicts closing the two existing access points closest to the Virginia Beach Boulevard and North Plaza Trail intersection Traffic will flow one- way on this site with ingress and egress points on both Virginia Beach Boulevard and North Plaza Trail In an effort to ensure safe and efficient vehicular flow, the application states that an on -site manager will be present to assist customers during the hours of 9 00 a m and 5 00 p m at least seven day per week and until 8 00 p m on the busiest days The Landscape Plan depicts plant material in excess of minimum standards and will be a welcome upgrade to the intersection and the site The submitted sign elevation depicts a 12-foot high sign The applicant is requesting this height, which is in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, as there is an existing large electrical box at the intersection, in front of the sign's proposed location The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because this site has supported automotive type uses for many years and the applicant has Princess Anne Properties, Inc Page 2 of 3 worked with the staff to redesign the site plan to improve the aesthetic value and traffic flow In addition, the applicant revised the architectural elevation in keeping with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and agreed to remove the changeable copy from the sign ■ Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions 1 When the site is redeveloped, the site layout shall be in substantial conformance with the plan entitled, 'Preliminary Site Plan of Freedom Wash at Princess Anne Plaza," prepared by Engineering Services, Inc , dated October 7, 2005 All structures must meet all setback requirements as dictated by the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance 2 When constructed, the self service and automatic wash building shall substantially adhere to the rendering entitled, "Freedom Wash," prepared by Porterfield Design Center in terms of building materials and color scheme 3 The freestanding signor any other signage on the site or building shall not contain changeable copy The free standing sign shall be in substantial conformance with the sign depicted on the rendering entitled "Freedom Wash," prepared by Porterfield Design Center 4 The landscaping to be installed shall be, at a minimum, as depicted on the Landscape Plan entitled, "Landscape Plan, Freedom Wash at Princess Anne Plaza," prepared by Engineering Services, Inc , dated August 25, 2005 Foundation landscaping shall be incorporated into the planting bed depicted along the western fagade Said Landscaping Plan, depicting these requirements, shall be submitted during final site plan review for review 5 Directional signs shall be installed on the site, both free standing and on the pavement, as depicted on the Preliminary Site Plan Additional directional signs may be installed as necessary and as permitted by the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance 6 At least one (1) employee shall be present on site seven (7) days per week during the hours of 9 00 a m and 5 00 p m and during any additional peak hours of the operation ■ Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Princess Anne Properties, Inc Page 3 of 3 Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency: City Manager ` )L Planning Department V PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES, INC. Agenda Item #15 October 12, 2005 Public Hearing Staff Planner Barbara Duke Princess Anne Properties, Inc. �B-IIU:` U� _ _ 4 This application was deferred by the ' _ _i 2(-4 r Planning Commission on September- 141h because the Commission had — Ci r - ca, ua.e significant concerns regarding the appearance of the proposed glass car wash building The applicants have revised the building elevations to include additional materials and features on the building fagade as well as along the perimeter of the site. The applicants have reduced the number of bays to six from the seven bays originally proposed REQUEST - Conditional Use Permit for a car wash ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: Property located 3397 Virginia Beach Boulevard GPIN COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT- SITE SIZE 14878406360000 3 — ROSE HALL 0 691 acres The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow SUMMARY OF REQUEST redevelopment of the site with a 24-hour, 5,500 square foot car wash and vacuum facility with six self-service bays and two automatic bays The existing gas station will be demolished and replaced with a single structure that will include both the self and automated washing facilities LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE. non -operational fuel sales operation SURROUNDING LAND North Virginia Beach Boulevard. restaurant, retail / B-2 Community USE AND ZONING- Business District South • Retail / B-2 Community Business District East 0 Retail, restaurant / B-2 Community Business District PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 1 West . North Plaza Trail, retail / B-2 Community Business District NATURAL RESOURCE AND The majority of the site is impervious and, as such, there are no CULTURAL FEATURES significant environmental features on the property AICUZ- The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceania IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) Virginia Beach Boulevard is an eight (8) lane, urban arterial roadway North Plaza Trail is a four (4) lane minor arterial roadway Based on the 2003 Master Transportation Plan. the ultimate width of North Plaza Trail is 100 feet The current width is only 90 feet There are no current roadway improvements planned within the Capital Improvement Program for either roadway, however, based on traffic counts recently collected at the intersection as well as review of an intersection capacity study, improvements to the north bound Plaza Trail approach to the intersection are warranted A request for funding for a Traffic Safety Improvements project will likely include a second northbound, left turn lane at North Plaza Trail Name I Present Capacity I Generated Traffic Virginia Ceacn 4b,000 AU I I :J4,4VU AU I ti-evei or Boulevard Service "C") — 56,240 ADT (Level of Service' D") North Plaza Trail ; 11,200 TAD13,600 ADT (L� Existing Land Use — Service 'C") — 56,240 ADT 1.350 ADT (Level of Service "D") Proposed Land Use 3- 400 ADT ' Average Daily Trips ' as defined by fuel sales as defined by auto service and car wash WATER There are both a six-inch and a ten -inch water main in South Plaza Trail fronting the site There is also a 16-inch, a 20-inch and a 42-inch water main in Virginia Beach Boulevard This site must connect to City water SEWER. There is an eight -inch sanitary sewer main within a public utility easement that runs along the southern boundary of the site City sanitary sewer service is available Sanitary sewer and pump station analysis for pump station #504 will be required to determine if flows can be accommodated The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this area as being within COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 2 the Primary Residential Area The land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area In a general sense, this means that the established type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non-residential, in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development Staff recommends approval of this EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION request subject to the conditions listed below The site has been utilized for an automobile oriented use for many years and the proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area The proposed car wash facility is compatible with the existing retail and other commercial uses in the vicinity, many of which are auto related This redevelopment will provide several safety and aesthetic improvements The ingress/egress for the site will be improved, from a safety standpoint. as the proposed plan depicts closing the two existing access points closest to the Virginia Beach Boulevard and North Plaza Trail intersection Traffic will flow one- way on this site with ingress and egress points on both Virginia Beach Boulevard and North Plaza Trail In an effort to ensure safe and efficient vehicular flow, the application states that an on -site manager will be present to assist customers during the hours of 9 00 a m and 5 00 p m at least seven day per week and until 8 00 p m on the busiest days The architectural design of the structure matches a similar operation approved by City Council on South Independence Boulevard The Landscape Plan depicts plant material in excess of minimum standards and will be a welcome upgrade to the intersection and the site as well The submitted sign elevation depicts a 12-foot high sign The applicant is requesting this height, which is in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, as there is an existing large electrical box at the intersection, in front of the sign's proposed location Staff is comfortable with the height of the sign CONDITIONS 1 When the site is redeveloped, the site layout shall be in substantial conformance with the plan entitled, "Preliminary Site Plan of Freedom Wash at Princess Anne Plaza." prepared by Engineering Services, Inc , dated October 7, 2005 All structures must meet all setback requirements as dictated by the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance 2 When constructed, the self service and automatic wash building shall substantially adhere to the rendering entitled, 'Freedom Wash," prepared by Porterfield Design Center in terms of building materials and color scheme 3 The free standing sign or any other signage on the site or building shall not contain changeable copy The free standing sign shall be in substantial conformance with the sign depicted on the rendering entitled "Freedom Wash," prepared by Porterfield Design Center 4 The landscaping to be installed shall be, at a minimum, as depicted on the Landscape Plan entitled, "Landscape Plan, Freedom Wash at Princess Anne Plaza," prepared by Engineering Services. Inc , dated August 25. 2005 Foundation landscaping shall be incorporated into the planting bed depicted along the western fagade Said Landscaping Plan, depicting these requirements, shall be submitted PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 3 during final site plan review for review 5 Directional signs shall be installed on the site, both free standing and on the pavement. as depicted on the Preliminary Site Plan Additional directional signs may be installed as necessary and as permitted by the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance 6 At least one (1) employee shall be present on site seven (7) days per week during the hours of 9 00 a m and 5 00 p m and during any additional peak hours of the operation NOTE. Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 4 L�',okinq North z m r-- n C2.. .d. Virginia Blvd. y Y 'F �ici MF. y -x m m y y �mcn o yam C wpm `e - �sv = 1d N1aON lIW � Al sc v 7 D a g 0 co or D x -x n 9 yT 1y Ile' lY Y53, yE 591 I I 1.— I U < ors i 3JV3. ltliN � o O � b MIS. �(r J C — 5 PROPOSED SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLAN PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 6 I PROPOSED BUILDING RENDERING PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 7 Alap G-7 Princess Anne Properties, ni ` t , �_ NBRF9llF- ♦ • 4O['PXERN - _ --_ F - Car f 1 12/10/01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (bulk Granted storage) 01/22/90 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (bingo) Granted 2 10/02/01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (fuel I Granted sales) 04/24/01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (auto Granted service) 3 02/08/00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Granted (expansion of motor vehicle sales & service) 02/22/94 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (motor Granted vehicle sales & service) 01/11/88 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (motor Granted vehicle sales & service) 4 12/09/97 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (fuel Granted sales ZONING HISTORY PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 8 5 09/08/92 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (auto Granted _ Sales & service) _ 6 05/22/84 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (auto Granted sales) 06/10/85 Chanqe of Zoninq (1-2 to B-2) Granted 7 08/08/88 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (tower) I Granted 8 . 11/10/86 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (auto Granted sales &service ZONING HISTORY PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 9 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE It the applicant Is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following 1 List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members trustees, partners, etc below (Attach hst if necessary) _ bcoi((-df�;r� \\i12Q�cM - t,�n _. t• �---- _ _ _ --- 2 List all businesses that have a parent -subsidiary or alfittated business entity` relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) _ ke,„I, L; rp FAIsoW 3seiL. Xci-&,ry ❑ Check here If the applicant Is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organzation PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant If the property owner Is a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization, complete the following 1 List the property owner name followed by the naives of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc below (Attach list if necessary) Pnncess Anne Properties Inc Anarea M Kdrner, Vice ProsldenUSecmtery/Treasurer - - - - - - Edward S Garcia President Michael F Galardi Vice President — 2 List all businesses that have a parent -subsidiary' or of Bated business entity` ,elationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) ❑ Check here If the property owner Is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm business, or other unincorporated organization & Sep• , ext page for f)�tnotms (, •ill ,d 11,0 rl) ,,, PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 10 Z O rW V O Lam'{ i Q O V DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 11 ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES Lis[ all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested properly use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services. financial services, accounting services and legal services (Attach list if necessary) --- — -- --- - e i "Parent -subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation " See State and t ocal Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 "'Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent -subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (if) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (tit) there is shared management or control between the business entities Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities, there are common or commingled funds or assets, the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, rc: ,iurces or personnel on a regular basis, or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities " See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for ( otaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package Apr�3_ Stgnalure -- - - — --_-- Pnn' Nams Property Owner t Sgnat•re if rli'icprit than gpph.nn I) V ` Pon: i9n•a 7!',— f ' f � l—t , -1 PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 11 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 11 ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or vrill provide seances with respeol to the requested property use, including but not baited to the providers of architectural sarvices, real estate services financial services, accountniq services and legal services (Attach list if necessary) Basgier & Asscc•ates Ergmser ' 'Parant-subsidiary relahoishlp' means 'a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation' See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 'Af Bated busmebs entity relationship' means "a relationship, other than parent -subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the aMr business entity (•il a cortrolling owner in one entity is also a controiling owner in the other entity or (it) there is shared management or control between the business entities Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substanfiaily the same person own or manage the two entities, there are common or commingled funds cr assets the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share act vibes resources or personnel on a regular basis or there -s otherwise a rose woriiing relationship between the entities' Soo State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code § 2 2-3101 CERTIFICATION I certify that the information contained hereln Is true and accurate I understand that, upon receipt of notitiu-rtion 1poslcardl that the application ties been scheduled for public haam ig I am responsible for 3bairing and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior 'o the scheduled public hearing mg to the irs6 uct one in tnis package Andrea M Kllo'Jr Ap nl'c Slgna ure "rm �Jarne v P Andrea M Kilmer Pruperty Owiter s Signature jd,r6l mnl than eCnii�nU Print Name — —�-- _�, ui,n, ai sae :•arm,• A:,VAaa,,,v raga tic or 10 renz,wi w I.2ui 1 PRINCESS ANNE PROPERTIES Agenda Item # 15 Page 12 Item #15 Princess Anne Properties, Inc Conditional Use Pernut 3397 Virginia Beach Boulevard District 3 Rose Hall October 12, 2005 CONSENT William Dm We'll move onto the next item, which is Item #15, Princess Anne Properties, Inc This is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a cat wash on property located at 3397 Virginia Beach Boulevard in the Rose Hall District There are six conditions associated with this item Welcome again Mr Bourdon Eddie Bourdon Thank you very much Again, fot the record, Eddie Bourdon, representing the applicant You all have the new conditions based on the new elevation and site plan We greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with the staff and with you all to get that to a better a product then we had last month William Din Thank you Mr Bourdon Dorothy Wood Thank you Tell your client that we really appreciate his willingness to make it more attractive Eddie Bourdon I've passed along to my client your good words from this morning Dorothy Wood Thank you William Din is there any objection to placing this item on consents If not, Mr Crabtree will explain this item Eugene Crabtree This piece at the corner of Virginia Beach Boulevard and North Plaza Trail has been an automotive type business foi many years The existing gas station that is theie now that the applicant wants to close and build a 23-hour car wash that will have six service bays and two automatic bays They have gone to great extent to redesign the building for this cornet to make it conform, to be a more aesthetic value to the surrounding community It is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan being adjacent to a ptnnary residential zone They have also improved the ingress/egress entrances, both on Virginia Beach Boulevard and Plaza Trail to stake it easy to get in and out of with one-way uaffic on the ptopeity And with all these things plus the fact it is going to make this corner look a lot better than as it sits today, we have put it on the consent agenda William Dm Thank you Gene I'd like to make a motion to appiove the following consent item Item #15 is Princess Anne Properties, Inc This is d request for a Item #! 5 Princess Anne Properties, Inc. Page Condaional Use Permit for a car Wash located at 3397 Virginia Beach Boulevard in the Rose Hall District with six conditions Do I have a second for that' Donald Horlsey Second AYE 10 NAY 0 ANDERSON AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE MILLER RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER AYE WOOD AYE ABS 0 ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved Item # 15 for consent Dorothy Wood Thank you CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: City of Virginia Beach — amend Section 902 of the City Zoning Ordinance (minimum lot width in the B-3A District) MEETING DATE: November 8, 2005 ■ Background: An Ordinance to amend Section 902 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to minimum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District ■ Considerations: Currently, the minimum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business District is 100 feet The proposed amendment reduces lot width to 65 feet The Subdivision Ordinance requires corner lots to be an extra 10 feet in width As plans proceed for Town Center, minor changes are needed to the City Zoning Ordinance to accommodate ongoing development in this urban, pedestrian oriented area. This proposed amendment is necessary to address subdivision issues resulting from the development of the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts The area of the Town Center block where the center is being developed does not encompass the entire block In order to provide ownership of the theater to the City, the theater parcel must be subdivided from the block, which will leave two parcels that are below the minimum requirement of 100 feet in width for this zoning district The proposed amendment reduces the minimum lot width to 65 feet, which staff believes is appropriate for this urban district Although 100 feet is the typical required lot width in Virginia Beach business districts, the Town Center represents a unique case since on -site parking, loading spaces and vehicular entrances are not required on each lot Since on - site parking, loading spaces, and vehicular entrances are not required, the need for a full 100 feet of lot width to accommodate these features is not necessary Only the lot width accommodating the building is necessary This is a condition typical of urban downtowns An example found in Virginia Beach is at the Oceanfront in the Resort Tourist zoning districts, an area urban in character. where required minimum lot width for commercial uses is 50 feet Staff, however. finds that the urban character of Town Center differs from the Oceanfront significantly enough that a reduction to 50 feet would not be appropriate, thus, 65 feet in lot width for the Town Center is proposed City of Virginia Beach Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposed 65-foot minimum lot width will work better in the urban environment of Town Center ■ Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request ■ Attachments: Staff Review Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval q Submitting Department/Age cy: Planning Department �} i City Manager S CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO SECTION 902 OF THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE Agenda Item # 13 October 12, 2005 Public Hearing REQUEST An Ordinance to amend Section 902 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the minimum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business District SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT Currently, the minimum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business District is 100 feet The proposed amendment reduces lot width to 65 feet The Subdivision Ordinance requires corner lots to be an extra 10' in width RECOMMENDATION As plans proceed for Town Center, minor changes are needed to the City Zoning Ordinance to accommodate this urban, pedestrian oriented area Although 100' is the typical required lot width in Virginia Beach business districts, Town Center is distinct since on -site parking, loading spaces and vehicular entrances are not required on each lot Town Center is a unique urban environment within the City of Virginia Beach and a reduced lot width is appropriate for the type of mixed use, pedestrian oriented development that is occurring Approval of the amendment is recommended CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH Agenda Item # 13 Page 1 or, 16 17 1& 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 902 CF THE CITY ZONING ORDNANCE PERTAINING TO MINIMUM LOT WIDTH IN THE B-3A PEMBROKE CENTRA:., BUSINESS CORE DISTRICT SECTIONS AMENDED. CZO § 902 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice so require, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI_'Y OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGIN IA: That Section 902 of the City Zon-ng Ordinance is hereby amended and reordained, to read as follows: ARTICLE 8. BUSINESS DISTRICTS Sec. 902. Dimensional requirements. (1) Minimum lot area in square feet. (2) Minimum lot width in feet:* (3) Minimum setback from a street in feet. (4) :Maximum setback from a street in feet There shall be no maximum setback from a street for structures where the total floor area consists of residential use 1 B-3A B-4C 10,000 10,000 IGG 65 100 0 0 10 10 ?8 *Where applicable, newly created corner lots must also adhere 29 to section 4.4(c) of the Subdivision Ordinance, requiring 30 additional lot width on certain ewneL- corner lots. c3M 32 COMMENT K. This amendment decreases the lot width for lots in the Pembroke Central Business Core 34 District. 35 3E Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 3i Virginia, on this day of 2005. CA- 9743 CID/orders/proposed/czo902ord doc R-3 September 13, 2005 APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS: Pl ainning / 2 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City Aytarrey's Office Item #13 City of Virginia Beach An Ordinance to amend Section 902 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to minimum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District October 12, 2005 CONSENT William Din My next item is Item #13 This i, the City of Virginia Beach application to amend Section 962 of the City's Zoning Ordinance pertaining to minimum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District There are no condition, associated with this item since it is an amendment to a current section of the ordinance We have asked Karen Lasley to explain this item Karen Lasley Item #13 is an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that reduces the minimum lot width in the B-3A District And that is the Pembroke Central Core Business District, which right now has a minimum lot width of t00 feet The amendment reduces it to 65 feet Although in all Our other business districts, there is a minimum lot width of 100 feet we find that is not working well in Town Center This is a unique urban environment where each lot does not have onsite parking and loading spaces, and truck access, and we find that a smaller lot width would be more appropnate in this district We're recommending approval of this amendment William Din Thank you Karen Is there any objection to placing this item on consent? I'd like to make a motion to approve the following consent item Item #13 is the City of Virginia Beach This is an ordinance to amend Section 902 of the City's Zoning Ordinance pertaining to rmmmum lot width in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District Donald Horlsey Second AYE 10 NAY 0 ANDERSON AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE. MILLER RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER AYE WOOD AYE ABS 0 ABSENT I ABSENT Ed Weeden By a vote of 10-0. the Board has approved Item #13 for consent L APPOINTMENTS BEACHES and WATERWAYS COMMISSION GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE FOR HISTORIC SITES HISTORICAL REVIEW BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE- PPEA PERSONNEL BOARD (Alternate,) WETLANDS BOARD (Alternates) M UNFINISHED BUSINESS N NEW BUSINESS O ADJOURNMENT CITY OF FIR61%14 RGA(H S1; If (14 R Y OF ( OCYCII A( TIOYS Y O I \1 R L DIM F•SeinhSr I ]INK C 1 `, L H C %I R C } W PACI I I J I A N R H \ I F D (( A D U I %I L L %k Il I \1 SL'BJI C I \I(ITICO\' }'O1F F I F A () R \ I) N O O L R S \' t I I l \ N D I A RRIF FINDS i SPSA AS\CAL RFP()RT I,hn H.idlidd I Suuu Se Dlle,lnr Mile C LRTIF H ATION OF C LOSLD SFSSION tFRTIEILD 1I0 Y } Y } } }' } A }' y t F I VI\L TES- (Uohei 2'00S SPPR(JyF1) 'ICI } } Y A } 1 Y A Y Y } (rH I PLRLI( HEARING PXCFSS(IT) PROPERTY - Fire Training \O SPFAKI RS CJnir I I Re,nlunon In \hmonem m Rine Park%, ( nd \)DEW a-0 } Y y A } } Y A y Y } Rights Pimreer" }DOTTED I I Or:hnaneere F\(FSSPROPLRUl nlli,rillo DFFI RRLD 110 } } y A t } Y A } Y t the Fve Frnmmg ( cn(cr I\DI FIN'ITFLY H} ( OYSFNI t IJF( I ARF Cur-own.d I and, I Mel prupern � i h AL'rH(JRI/f pur,ha'L "a q O 111— 1 m F %Jnnu, of one (I - sere pu d . .,,-. 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Axelun A%elme,alJ\ nupun. ulcnl, 5 I,II00(I I LlN I IIInR.nwil rrini I11g A,dde111. p uAm_ Inl.nhanwnem, S �I"IIp Or min,, to APPROPRIATF \DOPM) BY _1 H 5 } Y A 1 Y Y A Y Y Y itr,-„s:q R ANSI, ER Sh 1 000 r. Shrnlr, (O\SI NT I (file HIM, Pur h I'll i 4194_s h ReluemelIl FHI41 ( onlnhunun S Ali I'WI . Ad.Imo11 d ['In Illlll O,.pune, h l 000 - Oldln m.e lu A( C I, PI APPROPRI-M ADOPTFD BY 'I 11 Y } Y A 1 } Y \ Y } Y ir,J 0(1101rnm Harbour Develop Inc to Open 1 O\'SI NT Spine Site U(jumnon I, Outdoors flan ! A AITOIS I%UN FS RFS(HFUII FD R Y C I o !\ I S F \ S L S BF AC HIS lnd x\ATI RWA} S CO%IS11SS1ON GO%FR\ \\CI ( O\I\IITTEF FOR HISTORIC Ill I S I\\I STPIF\T P\R I\I RSHIP AD%[SORY (OSI\II r rvF I'PF\ \\I TL\\OS Ho W1)1 Ah.rn Hul 1 AC,k I(1'LII R\I ADV ISOR N'( OM SI ISSIO\ ,1-n } } Y A 1 } } A 1 } Y APp„lln.d I r„rlRd Levin lInu u,•r-•��� � Dim, F Hul,l,, CFII OF tIR6I614 I(l ACH 5L'LftF 1R} OF(OINCIL 1( NO%S n I \I B L 1)ATI No"'Id"r I '_10 ( 1 \ L U C \1 k A u PALI I 1 L Y \ k 11 N I F D () q D 1) F M I L N \(k', DA Z 1 \ N D n F I F \ () ITF\ISL BJFCI MU FIO\ A M L I F F A I) k l I) t () () I k \ \ t F I T A N D CIIIZFN BRA( (U\IMIIFFF v0 Y 1 Y \ Y Y Y A Y y Y Appointed W•I. rin. Kew Lntl. FledmA \apohlano 1i�1• N ADIOI RVMLNT n la P M PUBLIC CONIMUNFS 2 paker,