HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 15, 2005 AGENDA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "CO:VIMlJl\ITY fOR A LIfETIME" I -~.- II' ~,\",~.",¿.....,. ,{-,"5':"'-~<Ý~" ..á-.¡rp ~ . 1d-,'-Jlil~ '. "i'> I (";',; J>' (:.'~ ;> ",s~, .,Þ, ",',."., 'fflll"'."','-" 'I ", " ""'~' 'l "".;;:::::;:.~ I ";;IIl! ili 'if AI , , I è4lill"'!PT""""""!'EI J IW,!'¡' /itKH '!I<IJ/V!4. ,.'..3456.-80"5' ¡'I'O\E (7nC4I"3' ",(-,-,"65669 I 'filL ( 0 en- I,¡"ó,o""", I ITY COUNCIL '(""PI' }"". (in'"""", """" '" C 'f ",," ""', R lOW' 8m ,I< f>""'" , "',",' I ,'I',1i ",'[wi" ,¡..",«-, """"", i"," I.,"""", """",! ",ai' 1'1""" "",n," !>'"-,,. IE;'::'~:'-:/~;;:,',;"I>;:;,:~':;,:'",:"" """, I'i';"'i' "¡'n' ",'" 1'1'" ;0""" " . "", 'I'-f'" ",¡"n."..."""" ,¡"""" 'I"¡" "I'°J- ""'f""',, : " " -" 'iU" "'I """'" "" ""'" '1"""');' '1'1< . '1,1 '." I I r I The JOint meeting of the City Council and the Citizen BRA,C Committee scheduled for Monday, November '¡ 14. at 630 P m has been cancelled and IS rescheduled lor Monday :\ovember 21. at 700 p 111 at the Vlrglllia j Beach Convention Center, 1000 19th Street ' I The purpose of the November 14 meeting wa, to review a draft report analyzing the economic Impacts that a I realignment of 1\ AS Oceana would have on thc city. regIOn and state The city and stdte h"ve agreed to use this Ii , analysl' lor both the City Council and the GovemOl 5 South HJmplOn Roads BRAC Wor\..lI1g Group to help reach I I conclusions on the BRAC requlrcments tì,r \..l'epll1¡; '\ A'ì Ocl'ana as the East Coast master Jet base Slate oflìcwls I have lequested atldilional tune to leVll'" the tlata and assumptlon~ de,clopetl to date amllhls cannot be completed, before ]\!ovcl11ber 14 I , r I I. \ I I II \ II \ ] I I, 15 :O-;o,ember 2005 JOInt Meeting of VirgInia Beach City Council and CItizen BRAC Committee Rescheduled Thl'> meeting will be open to the public