HomeMy WebLinkAbout120605 BRAC PRESENTATION ~ Three Central Ideas: One, the master jet base should stay at NAS Oceana Two, there should be no taking of homes or businesses, and Three, we must stop encroachment around Oceana by controlling development. 2 Presentation Overview . AICUZ Ordinances - Bill Macali . Inter-Facility Traffic Area - Bob Scott . APZ 1 Ordinance - Bill Macali . Acquisition and Use Program - Becky Kubin . Evaluation of Undeveloped Properties - Bob Scott . Oceanfront Plan Amendments - Bob Scott 3 00 ~<» zmo »~c: Z»N O-< m .þ.. Establishes the "AICUZ Overlay District." It includes all areas within the City that are in Noise Zones: 65-70 db DNL; 70-75 dB DNL; and >75 dB DNL Since all three APZs are within one of these three Noise Zones, the Overlay District also includes all three APZs. 5 (j) Noise attenuation is required everywhere in the AICUZ Overlay District for ALL residential development and for most commercial uses. Noise attenuation is also required by State law. 7 Q)Q.fIIIIÞ- fllllÞCD::T~ CD<CDfIIIIÞ ~!..;~ c: 0 CD !!L-c -.3 Q) m g CD ; ~ - - ~ 0 - fIIIIÞ ~ Q. ~o~ 0 DJ fIIIIÞ ::T C CD ; Z .., en r- fIIIIÞ fIIIIÞ ~ - Z ::Tn 0 Q) ~ -- ~ 0 en ~ CD ~ tJ) N 0 0 -- 0 ~ m~.SD 00 In the 70-75 and >75 dB DNL Noise Zones: Discretionary development (i.e., needing a rezoning or conditional use permit) would be allowed only if it is "Compatible" or "Conditionally Compatible" with the OPNA V Instruction 9 70-75 and >75 dB DNL, can't. Discretionary development is also allowed if the City Council makes a finding that there is no reasonable use of the property that is compatible with the OPNA V Instruction. In such cases, development must be at the lowest density or intensit'l that is reasonable, as determined by the City Council. 10 Interfacilitv Traffic Area The Interfacility Traffic Area (ITA) is the area under the flight path between NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress. It is an area of special concern to the Navy. 11 OÞÞoc,;:m:;,z ~ ~ô~~j¡!JJ""é1 ~ ~nd~Œg8 [ ¡¡;~~ffi~~~~ :; gSj¡~~i1!jj~;¡: ~ ~~~~;¡¡~~~gJ ~ U~~~~8~ ,I ~~~~g~~8 ; ~~~~~~;~ & :i1rn~~~;~~ ~ ~m¡~u ~ ð-~~¡¡])"~ i ~~~g~~~ i Þ~~~¡;;øz ~ g~~~"d~ Z~~'iin§j ~m~~~g~ oo~oø1\m ~~~~~~;¡ ~gzc,mq" ~~§~~~~ ~~~~Œ~~ ~~~I~»" ~~d:;';:;go~ ~jj~~l1~=' ~~~~~~~ zm~~m~c, ~~£~~~~ ~~8g;;a~ ~~~~~ ~ ~g~¡;ð ~ ~2~S~ -~ ~" ¡¡¡r ~ I\.) D) -I -I ::] -c » D1 "C '" ::] '< t/) fIIIIÞ . . - . ::::::s- fllllÞfIIIIÞ(þ ::::::s- - . (DO ~ "C ""'»0 o.,;¡ (þ -. 00)0 :e ~ :;" ~. (Q ~ 0 - . ---It ., ~ s:::::........ (þ::::::S-::::::S- t/)(þ(þ ~ c..v 65-70 dB DNL Noise Zone: No chan~ from current City Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan provisions (maximum allowed density of 1 dwelling unit per acre of developable land) 14 õi"§30:::C c.::1 -. 0) 0 CD ....><ctA . -.::1 -. \J3nc. CD,.. _.CD .., a.. -::1 ::!13 ~ <c.0)!. CDCD\J - ~ 't:J Q. CJ1tA..,CD ~ -. 0 < Q)~<~ nOO)O .., -\J CD -h 3 tAO 0 ::1 0) CD ft -::1 -h 'II' õ"" c.~:æ ::1 CD ~ ft CD < ~ 'II' CD CD Q,Q, _c.-. o.c ::1 \J~O)cc 0)-"" c-= 0 - ::1 -. CDCC O)~ ~ 0 I ~ (J1 Q. ŒJ C Z r- Z 0 -- en CD N 0 ~ CD - - ~ 01 >75 dB DNL Noise Zone: Residential development limited to one (1) dwelling unit per fifteen (15) acres of developable land (i.e., no change from present Comprehensive Plan). However: if the City Council determines that such density is unreasonable and that no other use (non-residential) is reasonable. In such a case, allowed density would be the minimum reasonable density. 16 The City Council is not required to approve any application simply because a proposed use is deemed Compatible or Conditionally Compatible (e.g., mini-warehouses in a residential neighborhood). 17 There are other ordinances included in the AICUZ package. Those ordinances amend either the Comprehensive Plan or other portions of the City Zoning Ordinance, in order to achieve consistency with the AICUZ Overlay Ordinance. 18 -I~ ., fIIIIÞ 0) (þ =R7 -. ." n D) »n ., -. (þ -. D)~ ~ <.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ þ " " f ~ "- " " ~ ;~ ~ r 1, t € ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ j i 3 '§ ? ~ " ~ § 0 > 1 ~ ~ g I ~ 5i õ 5 J ! I ~ ... " '" ~ C\ - '" ~ Z ~ 0 ;¡ .~ ~ ~ ~ .~ þ :! ~ z þ " ~s iF Om g- g¡¡¡ ¡ C() u- ~:;: ~ z;;: " ~:JJ Q z ~ ~ :;; 0 '" '" ~ 0 ill ." ro 0 .~ '" " '" ::;. ~ m " "þ. ~ Z Z Z '" " C " " 0 '" '" '" 0 Z '< I\.) a Comprehensive Plan Amend ments Reduction in Allowable Development Densities from Current 1 du per acre to 1 du per 5 acres in 70-75 dB zones Maintain Allowable Development Densities of 1 du per acre in <70 dB zones Maintain Allowable development densities of 1 du per 15 acres in >75 dB zones 21 Transition Area land Use Strategy Team Comprised of City (Planning, Real Estate, City Attorney, Parks & Recreation, Management Services) and Navy Representatives Tasks - develop draft policy recommendations for Council consideration - identify funding strategy for Council consideration - develop draft use plan for Council consideration 22 ~ ~ co c% ~ ¡ ! " ¡ " i ~ ~ " ~ ~ ç ~ -~- g ~ ~ ~ '" " » :5 ;;; z ~ 0 -, ~ ~ " î " j ~ ¡f- -< I\.) c..v C'. C 0 ~ .... " '" ç " - '" ? Z æ 0 ~ " z » ï1 Phase I Areas Areas with Highest Development Potential Highest Priority Target for Acquisition from Willing Sellers due to Escalating Values list of Properties, Owners, Characteristics, Values, etc. Underway Approximately 1200 Acres Undeveloped Active Recreation Use lands Adjoining Princess Anne Commons land Bank with Agricultural and Forestal Uses Criteria to Prioritize & Evaluate Acquisitions from Willing Sellers Underway 24 Phase II Areas Areas with lower Development Potential Greater Environmental Constraints Opportunities for Southeastern Parkway Wetlands Mitigation Extends Beyond Interfacility Traffic Area Boundary Passive Open Space Use Supports Greenway Concept Includes ARP and Navy Easement lands 25 0 :;a oJ> z"'C »N Z~ n m I\.) (j) The intent of the APZ-1 Ordinance is to ensure that all future development or redevelopment in APZ-1 will be compatible with the Navy's OPNA V Instruction 27 I\.) 00 õ' ~:Þ ~. ~ ="tI~(þ ~ ~ :;" 0 < ~ .., -. Q. ~ :. ~ » -. (Q (')~ 3:e (') Q) Q) ~ ã: ~ "C (') CD CD :T~o ~ -- - en "tI '< 0 ~ (þ~ 0 ~~ :e ;" ¡" ~ - en -- 0 N ~ ~ 0 Q) :] .., CD CD r+ Q) ;~tJ) .." H -c 5:¡ ~ S' .. c Ë ~ .. ;! 2- " ¡¡; " " ::ï '" :t- ~ ..... (j') I'TI iiii ~ I"'" I"'" 0 ~ ::! 0 ::æ: ~ 1:1 +z In order to accomplish this objective, the APZ-1 Ordinance prohibits future development deemed "Incompatible" in APZ-1. Whether a proposed development is "Incompatible" is determined by the current OPNA V Instruction (Dec. '02). "Incompatible" development includes all residential and most commercial uses that are otherwise allowed in APZ-1 under the City Zoning Ordinance. 30 The Ordinance does not prevent expansions of homes or tearing a home down and building a new one on the site, so long as the density on the property is not increased (i.e., no more dwelling units) For example, a single-family dwelling may be torn down and replaced by another single-family dwelling (no matter how much larger), but not by a duplex. 31 The Ordinance does not prevent a change in use of existing commercial structures, so long as the same or a less intensive use replaces the original use. A less intensive use, by and large, is one in which fewer people (employees and customers) are customarily at the site. 32 Lots that are the subject of an ~roved preliminary subdivision plat, site plan or building permit as of the date the ordinance is adopted are not affected by the ordinance ("vested rights" rule). However, a vested right does not last forever. The owner or his successor must incur extensive obligations or substantial expenses in diligent pursuit of the specific project that was approved. 33 The application of the APZ-1 Ordinance will render some lots (mainly undeveloped residential infill lots) undevelopable. As a result, the City is developing a Use and Acquisition Plan to complement the APZ-1 Ordinance and to ensure fair treatment of the owners of lots that are rendered undevelopable. 34 » oc» -cDcn-c r-CmN »C/)>~ Z-IZI 0° ~ Z I. APZ -1 Plan Goals Restrict future development of land uses deemed incompatible by the OPNA V Instruction; Respond to Council's direction that there be no voluntary or involuntary acquisition of occupied homes; Allow owners of property in APZ-1 to immediately know how their property will be treated; Fully compensate owners whose undeveloped property is acquired; 36 II. APZ-1 Plan Foundation Plan Works With New Zoninq Measures: The APZ-1 Ordinance and AICUZ Overlay work with Plan to freeze new i ncom pati ble-use development. 37 All existing uses are grandfathered. The term "incompatible" excludes existing homes and businesses. 38 "Incompatible" == uses (1) not consistent with OPNA V Instruction 36B (12/02 version) AND (2) not existing on March 31,2006 (or effective date of City's Use and Acquisition Plan) 39 III. Acquisition Program Property is divided into four distinct categories: - Nonresidential . Developed . Undeveloped - Residential . Developed . Undeveloped 40 Only one category of property to be acquired by condemnation: Undeveloped-Residential (vacant land, zoned for residential use) All other uses will be grandfathered. 41 APZ-1 - Use and Acquisition Plan Pro~~rty"', Tools I Develop with compatible Type """"" use NONRESIDENTIAL Developed Undeveloped RESIDENTIAL Developed Undeveloped Owner's choice. Already developed use is "not incompatible" and can remain, or owner can redevelop with a different compatible use. Yes. Owner can initiate development to a compatible use. Every nonresidential zoning category allows some compatible & reasonable use. Not applicable because the property is already developed. Existing uses are "not incompatible" so no action is needed. No. There is no compatible use without rezoning/ CUP. Rezone or grant conditional use permit ("CUP") for compatible use Owner's choice. Owner can initiate application for new compatible use. City will not initiate rezoning because owner has existing use and other allowable, compatible reasonable uses. Yes. Owner can initiate application for compatible use. City need not initiate rezoning because owner may seek approval for some compatible & reasonable use. Yes. On case-by-case basis. Owner can initiate rezoning. Yes. On case-by-case basis; depends on size, location and intended use of parcel. Either owner or City can initiate rezoning. Voluntary acquisition No. Owner has development options for reasonable use. City need not acquire. No. Existing use is "not incompatible," thus City need not acquire. Eminent domain No. Owner has development options for reasonable use. City need not acquire. No. Owner has development options for reasonable use. City need not acquire. No. Existing use is "not incompatible," thus City need not acquire. VI. Limitations on Voluntary Acquisition and Eminent Domain When will eminent domain/condemnation be used? Only for vacant land zoned for a residential use in APZ-1; Where there is no reasonable use left for the property (Property is not suitable for rezoning to a compatible use); and Only as a last resort after efforts to purchase have failed. 43 Limitations on Voluntary Acquisition and Eminent Domain (cant.) How will property be valued? Undeveloped residential property will be valued based on sales of property that are similar in all respects, except not located in APZ-1. - Owner will be paid for highest and best use prior to APZ-1 Ordinance. Voluntary purchase of nonresidential-developed will be based on fair market value under new zoning rules. 44 Undeveloped residential: Acquire only development rights or total purchase? Depending on the circumstances, City may acquire only development rights over an undeveloped residential parcel Example: owner owns developed adjacent parcel 45 () -- o~ ..., < c::::: CD CD <: en"" 0 c: < c: 0-0)--1 Cl.(")Cl. - . Q) Q) ::::r < .., -_::::J (") CD Cl. .-+..c ft CD -c c: 'II' .-+ 0) ::::; - - 0"" CD 0 3@oéñ 0) (j) ~ '-- ~O)'< 0 CD::::JCl.::1 OCl.CDCD ::::J < CD 0 CD 0 -=Eo.c 0) ::::J ~ < ..., CD '-J ::1 (C ..., 3 CD CD =E CD .., 003. .-+c:..., c: <6- :::J'" .-+ en (j) ~ r --------------------------~------------------------------- (j) >-i t;Ij ~() - -- ---h .-+ .-+'< ~ :E -I tU g ::r g.c:-. :J Q) eD ~- B eD tCc::- ::T =i- 0 c- CD ...... Qotn :J =E ~ tC:J""" 0 CD ::r =E ., -. :JOJeD ~ (J)- eD õ~o ~ S' :e c..&~ Õ _CD eD .-+'-+-' ::T ::T , " CD CD '!' =i- :J -(J) ~CD (J) = - State legislation needed for the City to utilize eminent domain. . Limited to APZ-1, undeveloped residential only. . Only for properties deprived of all reasonable use under the new APZ-1 zoning measures. . No existing homes or businesses will be affected. . Power to condemn applies only so long as NAS Oceana remains an active master jet base. . Only as a last resort, after efforts to reach agreement as to price are unsuccessful or to cure title problems. 48 V. Cancl usian Plan is narrowly drawn to balance competing interests: 1. Save Oceana. 2. Allow all existing homes and businesses to . remain. 3. Stop Encroachment. 49 Plan accomplishes goals. . No condemnation of existing homes . No voluntary purchase of existing homes . Owners of property know how their property wi II be treated . Full compensation for those whose property is acquired 50 -c ~ m ., c. < 0 (þ 0) "C < 0 c:: CD CD -It Q) a 0 ~ (þ "C 0 t/) (þ ~ c. 01 ~ """"C !IJ :3 ClJo.. 0 (þ -t,< cnœ. ro 0 "0"0 -C1) roo.. 3"'0 um ro .., .., [) --"C1) 'CIJ ~.~ 0.. CJ1::r """"':3 ....,¡ 0 0.. OJ + r :I a. 01 I\.) » 3 CD :::::s c.- 3 Q) -h :::::s .., CD 0 01 :::::s :::::s c..v .... .... tn 8 Parts 1. Old Beach neighborhood zoning 2. Old Beach (Neighborhood) Design Guidelines 3. Oceanfront Resort Area Plan 4. Oceanfront Resort Area Design Guidelines 5. RT-1 zoning 6. RT-2 zoning 7. RT-3 zoning 8. RT -3 Laski n Road Gateway zon i ng 54 0"1 \..n I "J 0 Q.. 01 01 0 III Õ r- ei I:rI ~ " ;¡; 0 0:: m ;II ... > .j N 0 Z Z CI :II 0'" < . 111101 :11- !ÞÞ 0(0 -:J; ~Z Z :II - 0 Z Jo Qo a > oj i "< ¡¡o ~ z I N N 0 Z ¡ a , ... N Q It ¡ Q 811 (j) . 1\ . F~'a... r '"-r /è., , :>'",'.",i,.' '\ ;¡-",J';o ). i', ';;'.'"L '" j' tn tJ'¡ .---- , ----r----- ~~~-~-i~'--~-~--- , 'I' 1'i~;;,' '~l;"i "'f) ¡ 'I I ,,' ' "I a: I ! to-, ""'~r="" "~, ~i, ./...., '. I" t"""'\ ç ! 0 ;I: ~ ;I: ;I: ~~~~~---- '" \,/ 5 \( ! " :---) ~- z__J_~_!!~-;4)'i ". -;4:----- ,~ "---~--"-------- ,--~ ----------"'~'----,-T"",.,-t-----~-- -I. ._e.t¡. I.."" ~ ~ ~ ~', ~ N ....'" I 'f) I lie r- ~ O! 0 0.,' , \ I 'r--' 11:1 So o. :z Z ."z- I 'I II m ~ ~ i] .2.. Z i.' 'I I Q.. I fi N Z ~... iii iii I, , ,- 0 ..1 ' I i I" z;I: .. ¡ : i:::J I ~ .i.g. i II I 1II..'\iI 0 i "I " 1...0::1:1 iii i ¡i." I"" :Þ I I ., .,. Þ -I I , ~! -< i .. u---mu---_---'_------- - m N ~ 0 :Þ Z -< Z iii 01 -...... 1. Old Beach (Neighborhood) Zoning Extensive community-based effort ongoing since 2004. Old Beach Overlay District, allowing single-family, duplexes, and "ancillary single-family" (second SF on same lot). Design Guidelines 58 2. Old Beach Design Guidelines Provide direction regarding site and building design for the neighborhood. Tied to Overlay District regulations by allowing changes to required setbacks and other dimensions if design criteria are met. 59 3.5 Two Cottaees (Princinal and Ancillary)/One Lot n,vo Cottages (Principal and i\ncillary Structures)!One Lot have been identified as a suitable housing t}'¡Je within Old Beach. Cottages should maintain appropriate physical proportion and scale in relationship to the lot size. i\rea devoted to each unit should not be less than tlle dimensions identified below Lots cannot be subdivided to place each unit on a separate lot. If separate O\vnership of each unit is desired, acolldominium fol1u 0\;v11ership should be pmsued for the lot. Cottages must maintain interior lot separation and be provided with OIl-site parking. Porches are encouraged along street and alley ,l Required Zoning: R-5D, A -12, A - 24, A - 36 Loti\rea:.............. ............5,000 SF Lot\Vidth:...........................40'- Lot Depth:.............. ...........130'-190' . $Inglh¡'-"l,~<:k ,& driv""w1I!Y iII sld,¡;-ya¡d,€\1:l:;ack I:)' ".:'!b,ack ißcommliJ'nded Coverage:....... ........... maximum Principal Stmctme.... . .60~/ó of allowable lot coverage J\ncillary Stmctme. . . . .40% of allowable lot cmrerage Impervious Cover:.............. .............. maximum Lot Separation benveen Structures. . .J 0' minÎnullu ;j ~(;HJlp'¡nr. ,¡n< ~ wUII Jd~'qUdté' ,ethiKk~ & t:; m.uirnLJrn lot nwer~9" Qf 4,¡r"f" I17()Ü Sf li,.1119 ,,'xç@m~fld.(K1 1'Afi1KING I> DRNEWA'( 1 . . . With an LII11ilf!'!~lfOVed "liey, ~II ~ i<JY l.a'I" ,h~n 20' In 1'I1{j¡h, P'II"f1ð!'Y a(l~,S to. rCO,ll unit n'I~J~! b<'! <'!~(¡~b ¡jIH;d ['CHT! !hl' ,U,,"~I. . F,,;m¡ f'I)H:r. 5' 8'wld!h Fro'~i yard s!'!bad ~.deqU¡jt(? i,U1(:is.(, p!n'~ 8' minimum 3. Oceanfront Resort Area Plan Updates the 1994 Oceanfront Resort Area Concept Plan. Provides overall goals for Resort and then focuses on recommended actions for the various sub-areas within the Resort. 61 4. Oceanfront Resort Area Desig n G u idel i nes Provides much-needed guidance on desired site and building design for the Resort Area. Tied to the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance as criteria to be met in order to deviate from base density and dimensional reg u lations. 62 [ 'rOOIIlli_1IWt [lftfnlm cr. c..v ...... C . ;; œ ..... "'I .- t "U I'Ø ¡;. .. :I = . Antarctic Street 5. RT-1 Zoning Amendments (east of Atlantic Avenue) Adds text to Legislative Intent noting the historical importance of hotel use to the Resort Area and emphasizes that while not compatible to the AICUZ, such use is allowed but encouraged to be sensitive to Oceana operations through site and building design. Increases allowed percentage of dwelling units in a hotel from 1 0 percent to 15 percent. Permitted and Conditional Uses unchanged. 64 6. RT-2 Zoning Amendments (Between Atlantic and Pacific) Permitted and Conditional Uses unchanged. Encourages pedestrian-orientation on ground floor. Density increases above base density tied to adherence to Design Guidelines and lot size (and construction of parking garage to achieve highest density of 60 units/acre). 65 7. RT-3 Zoning Amendments (Generally West of Pacific Avenue) Multi-family dwellings may be built without 30% of floor area bei ng non-residential uses (except that such dwellings adjacent to 17th and 19th Streets and Arctic and Pacific Avenues must be within a mixed-use building). Multi-family dwellings elsewhere may be within a mixed-use building. Density increases above base density tied to adherence to Design Guidelines and lot size 66 7. RT-3 Zoning Amendments (Generally West of Pacific Avenue) - continued Single-family and duplexes are re- introduced within certain areas (currently not allowed). All other Permitted and Conditional uses are the same. New setback requirements introduced, allowing buildings to be closer to street. 67 8. RT-3 Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District Multi-family dwellings may be built without 30% of floor area being non-residential uses. All other Permitted and Conditional uses are the same. Density east of Arctic Avenue same as provisions for the RT -2 District. Density increases above base density tied to adherence to Design Guidelines and lot size. 68 ComDarison of Zoniilna Dimensions and Density Allowance Between Current and ProDosed Resort Touriilst District ReQulations !!!!!!B tIYi~J! i!!!!!liî ~~~! Current Proposed Current Proposed List of Uses -- No change -- No change Non-Residential Use 14,000 sq- ft (hotels) Miinimum Lot Size '14,000 sq ft No change 5,000 sq- ft (ailli other) No change Minimum Lot W.idth 70 feet No change 50 feet No change Minimum Front Yard Setback 5 feet No change None No changie Minimum Rear Yard Setback -- -- None No changie Minimum Side Yard Setback 5 feet No chanqe None No chanqe 75 feet (100 feet under Maximum He:ighl 100 -2.00 feet No change 15 feet Density Incentive 3" Residential Use 1i4JJOO sq ft (mulit:i-farnily Milnimum Lot Size NlA N/A in Ifll:iixed use) No change Minimum Lot Width NlA N/A 50 feet No chanQle Minimum Front Yard Setback NrA N/A None No change Minimum Rear Yard Setback NiA N/A None No chanGe Minimum Side Yard Setback NlA NiA None No clhang:e Density (residential) Base NlA N/A 24 un./ac- 24 un/ac- Incentive 1 NlA N/A 30 uJJ.!ac. 1 3D un.iac.j Incentive 2 NlA NiA 36 unJac. ~ 36 un./ac. ~ Incentive 3 NlA N/A NlA 60 un./ac :, Density (hotells) 69 Density - hotels Incentive 1 Incentive :2 NOTES 1 40,000 5quare foot 60,000 5quare foot 40,000 square foot 60,000 squar€ foot square foot development 2 3 4 5 Base ~160 (1 dw€lling "175 (1 dw€lling 200-225 un iac- (1 may be dwelling setback setback east-west streets of 10 feet landscaping east-west streets of 15 feet with landscaping meet the Resort Area Design meet tIle Resort Area Design Guidelines, and parking is ~ocated un .lac. -100 IUn .lac. -i 20 IUn.lac. ~ a garage 80 un../ac. , :3 100 UirlJac. '120 is Illt€grate,d wlHl the 5 70 III~ r:r~~ !:~ittf!ilit"lj !1!!g!I':\i\": Current Proposed Cu rrent Pro pOIsed List of Uses Single-fami:ly and dllpllex dwel:lings a.Fe added as -- permi!ttted uses 6 -- No change Ncm-Res!identialí Use Miinimum :lot Siize 5,OnO sq ft 5,000 sq. ft 5,000 sq it No change Minimum Lat Width 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet No change Minimum when adjacent to Miinimum Front Yard 0 feet (l 0 feet on north - a street 0 feet! rvlaximum: 0 feet ('10 feet on north- Setback south street) 20 feet south street) 8 No change Minimum when adjacent to a street 10 feeLl l\i1iaxiimum Minimum Rear Yard 20 feet Setback 0 feet Not adjacent to streetO feet 0 feet Na'L.llc",.",t !Vljnimum w~1en adjacent to a street 0 feet i rvlaximum' Minimum Side Yard 20 feet Setback 0 feet Not adjacent to streetO feet 0 feet No change Maximum Height None' None 75 feet No change Hotels Miinimum ilot Si:ze 20,000 sq. ft. No cl1an,ge 20,000 sq, ft. No change Minimum Lat Width 70 feet No cllange 70 feet No change !Vlinimum when adjacent to a street 0 feet I ~ilaximllm Milinimum Front Yard 35 feet (10 feet on north- 20 feet 35 feet feet 011 nortll- Setback soutll street) Not adjacent to streetO feet south street) 8 No chanqe Minimum Rear Yard Setback 20 feet No cllange 20 feet 9 No change Minimum Side Yard Setback 20 feet No cllanqe 20 feet @ No change 75 feet (WOfeet under Density Incentive 3, east of Maximum Height 75 feet No cllange 75 feet Arctic Avenue) 71 1IIIBJmrt%~!;;;;;;iiii!iiii;;!;;!;;!;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;!;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;!;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;!;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;!;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;!;;!;;;' 'fj'fj;!;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;;,;;';;';;';;';;;';;';;';;';;';;;'iiiiQ)T;;;&ii'!i',îliJZaXf7ì!!ì';; ;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;; ;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;; ;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;; ;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;; ;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;; ;,;;,;;;!! ResidentiiallUse (lM:f) Minimum Loti Size 20,000 sC .,ft. No cilange 20,000 sq, ft. No chang;e Mini;mum Lot Width 200 feet No cilfmge 200 feet No change fvlinimUirn when adjacent to M:¡inimum !Fron1: Yard 30 feet (10 feet on nol1h- a street: 0 feet /' rvlaxirnum 30 feet (10 feet on nmtil- Setback SOLlt~l street! 20 feet south street) 9 No chanQle r'/linimuiIll w~len adjacent to a street: 0 feet /' rvlaximum 20 feet Minimum Rear Yard Niüt adjacent to street 1 0 Setback 1O feet feet 10 feet 9 No change fvlinimum wMn adjacent to a street 0 feet /' rvlaximum: Minimum Si:de Yard 20 feet Setback a feet Not " to streetS feet 8 feet 9 No change Height None' No change Nilane r No change Resident;iallUse fSF/lDUP) SF: 5,000 sq ft / DUPLEX Minimum Lot Size NlA 10,000 sq ft N/A NVA Minimum Lot Width N/A 40 feet N/A Nt/A M:¡,nimum :Front Yard Setback N/A 20 feet NiA NiA Minimum Rear Yard Setback NiA 20 feet N/A Nt/A Minimum Si,de Yard Setback Nt/A 8 feet NiA N/A Heiaht Nt/A 35 feet NiA N!/A Density (residential) West of Arctic Avenue no change East of AJcÜc Avenue: 24 Base 24 un/ae, 24 un./ac, 1,8 un/ac (20,DOOK hot) un,/ac- West of ArGiie .Avenue: no 24 l.lnu'aC- (20,OOOK io 2 change Incentive 1 30 un./ac.1 30 un .lac, 4 acre ¡iOt) East of Arciie .Avenue:30 72 Incentive :2 36 2 36 u nJac. 8 36 un (over 2 acre \iVesf of Arctic Avenue: no cllange Avenue:36 4 Incentive 3 Density (hotels) NíA N/A N/A Base Incentive 1 Iincentive 2: 80 unJac '120 un/Ole. 160 LIIliae. ~ 80 UllJac. 120 un lac. 160 un lac. 80 un/ac. 120 un.if¡c '16,0 un./BC. ~ 80 un.lBc. '120 IUnlac ~ 160 IUn lac ~ NOTES: 1 (RT-2): 40,000 square foot lot (RT-3): 30,000 square foot lot (RT-2): 60,000 square foot lot (RT-3): 75,000 square foot lot 40,000 square foot lot (RT-2): 60,000 square foot lot meet tile Resort Area Desilgn Guidelines (RT-3): 30,000 square foot lot meet tile Resort Area Desilgn GUIdelines ;5 (RT-2 and RT-3(LRG) east of Arctic Avenue): 60,000 square foot meet tile Resort Area Desilgn Gu wit~lin a parkillg garage that lIS Iintegrated with the devellopment (RT-3): 75,000 square foot lot, meet tile ResOil Area Design Gulldellines,. and all wit~1 tile development is Only In tlhe area east of Parks Avenue and west of AreUe Avenue on '18th Street, 1 gt~l Street, 20th Street, 2 'II st Street, and 22nd Street 7 Height when adjacent to a Residentilall or Apartment district is limited to either 35 feet or 45 feet s 75,000 square foot lot and meet t~1e Resort Area Deslgrl Guidelilnes. ;~ Setbacks Iin tile RT-3(LRG) Laskin Road Gateway DilStnlct may be reduced to up to 0 feet by t'he Pllannmg Director Ilf criteria speclflled In the ordinance are setback from east-west streets of '10 feet with landscaping setback from east-west streets of '10 teet setback from east-west streets of '15 feet setback from east-west streets of '15 feet 2 '3 .¡ parking is located IS loc-ated wiUlin a parking g-arage that IS integrated -...... .þ.. DJ :;a » n c..: r- c: en m (þ 3 (þ ~ fIIIIÞ tn Navy Concurrence . It is intended that the City's plan as adopted will be approved by the Navy as a component of the Joint land Use Study or AICUZ Plan that includes the resort area and APZ 1 components. If the plan is not approved by the Navy the City reserves the right to rescind any or all elements of the plan. 75 -...... (j) -I ::::::s- ., (þ (þ n (þ ~ fIIIIÞ ., 0) c. (þ 0) tn . . Next Steps December 13th - Public Comment and BRAC Committee Report December 20th - City Council Consideration of BRAC/JLUS Elements 77