HomeMy WebLinkAbout090605 BRAC TASKFORCEBRAC September 6, 2005 1 BRAC Requirements: If Virginia Beach fails to meet the BRAC Commission’s conditions, NAS 1. not Oceana will be realigned closed; ie. The base will remain a naval facility Enact State legislation requiring Virginia Beach and Chesapeake to adopt 2. zoning ordinances consistent with AICUZ/OPNAV instruction to prevent incompatible development in the 70 dB or greater noise zones To protect and clear the area defined by and within the Accident Potential 3. Zone 1 (APZ1). State and local laws must be enacted to establisha plan and spend at least $15 million per year to purchase the property within the area. The plan must include provisions for eminent domain acquisition. The provisions of the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) must be enacted by the 4. Virginia General Assembly and the Virginia Beach City Council The State must legislate requirements for Virginia Beach and Chesapeake 5. to evaluate all undeveloped properties in the 70 dB or greater noise zones that are zoned for uses incompatible with the OPNAV instruction to determine if they can be rezoned so as not to permit incompatible uses. 2 BRAC Requirements (continued): State and Local governments must establish a program for the purchase of 6. development rights in the flight path between NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress defined as the “Inter-Facility Traffic Area”. The State must enact legislation creating an Oceana/Fentress Advisory Council. 7. The Deadline for enactment of BRAC Commission requirements is the end of 8. March 2006. If the conditions are not met, and the State of Florida meets certain conditions, all 9. Master Jet Base units and functions at Oceana will relocate to Cecil Field: Appropriate sufficient funds to relocate commercial tenants previously located ? at Cecil Field Appropriate sufficient funds to secure public-private ventures for all personnel ? housing required by the Navy at Cecil Field for a relocation Turn over fee simple title to Cecil Field and its improvements to the ? Department of Defense on or before December 31, 2006 The BRAC Commission stated further that “it is the sense of the Commission that 10. the future of Naval Aviation is not NAS Oceana.”The BRAC urged the Navy to begin transitioning high intensity training evolutions to other bases that are less However, this statement is inconsistent with sworn encroached upon. testimony of Naval officials and with representations of the Navy. 3 BRAC Timeline: 4 State Discussions: Governor to appoint State level Task Force on BRAC ? issues Governor to lead statewide efforts ? The issues associated with Oceana are regional in ? scope and impact All cities need to be involved ? The Master Jet Base is important to maintaining larger ? military presence State to meet with Comptroller General to clarify ? compliance criteria and process Virginia Beach effort needs to mesh with State Task ? Force 5 Local Work Group Purpose: Coordinate and work with Governor’s Task ? Force and Regional efforts To collect/analyze data needed by City ? Council related to compliance with the BRAC requirements To keep all decision paths open until City ? Council makes a decision 6 Local Work Group Structure: &LW\&RXQFLO 3XEOLF 5HYLHZ &RPPHQW,QIRUPDWLRQ :RUN*URXS 6WHHULQJ&RPPLWWHH 0HPEHUVKLS : 0D\RU,QIRUPDWLRQ 9LFH0D\RU % &LW\0DQDJHU &LW\$WWRUQH\ /HDGIURP(DFK6XEJURXS 6XEJURXS6XEJURXS6XEJURXS 6XEJURXS 6XEJURXS (FRQRPLF3XEOLF/HJDO$FTXLVLWLRQ /DQG8VH,VVXHV % ,PSDFW&RPPXQLFDWLRQV,VVXHV ' 7HFKQLFDO&RPPLWWHH 2XWVLGH([SHUWLVH 0HPEHUVKLS (FRQRPLVW : &LW\0DQDJHU¶V2IILFH /HJDO &LW\$WWRUQH\¶V2IILFH 0HGLD 0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV $SSUDLVHUV 0HGLD &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 7 2WKHUVDVQHHGHG 3ODQQLQJ 3:5HDO(VWDWH2IILFH