HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 7, 2006 AGENDA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH A COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME CITY COUNCIL MA YOR MEYERA E. OBERNDORF. At-Large VICE MA YOR LOUIS R. JONES, Bayside - District 4 HARRY E. DIEZEL Kempsville - District 2 ROBERT M. DYER, Centerville - District I REBA S. McCLANAN, Rose Hall- District 3 RICHARD A. MADDOX, Beach - District 6 JIM REEVE, Princess Anne - District 7 PETER W. SCHMIDT, At-Large RON A. VILLANUEVA, At-Large ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMES 1. WOOD, Lynnhaven -District 5 CITY HALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE:(757) 427-4303 FAX (757) 426-5669 E-MAIL: Ctycncl@vbgov.com CITY MANAGER -JAMES K. SPORE CITY ATTORNEY - LESLIE L. LILLEY City CLERK - RUTH HODGES SMITH, MMC CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 7 March 2006 I. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS - Conference Room - II. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS III. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION V. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Jim W olfcale Atlantic Shores Baptist Church 1 :30 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. 2. SPECIAL SESSION INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS February 21, 2006 February 28, 2006 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER TAP FEES INCREASE I. CONSENT AGENDA 1. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION 1. Ordinance to AMEND ~~ 28-3, 28-9 and 37-7 and ADD new ~~ 28-3.1 and 37-7.1 of the City Code re fees for sewer and water connections 2. Ordinance ESTABLISHING "Transition Rules" re the development of property in the RT-2 Resort Tourist District (Deferred February 28, 2006) 3. Ordinances to APPROPRIATE and TRANSFER: a. ESTABLISH a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) (Conformity and Acquisition Fund - APZ-l and Interfacility Traffic Areas) and APPROPRIATE $3,700,000 from the Agricultural Preserve Program (ARP) re purchase of land or interests therein b. $370,000 from the Parking Enterprise Fund re purchase of multi-space parking meters c. $233,900 from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue fund to the Police Department re purchase of equipment and canines d. $115,000 within the Public Works Operating Budget re purchase of a waste collection vehicle e. $60,000 from Golf Course Special Revenue fund re renovations to the clubhouse at Red .. Wing Lake Golf Course 4. Resolution re modification of a Joint Use Agreement with the Virginia Beach Mariners, Inc. for the Virginia Beach Sportsplex K. APPOINTMENTS BEACHES and W ATERW A YS COMMISSION INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE - PPEA MEALS TAX TASK FORCE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (RAC) L. UNFINISHED BUSINESS M. NEW BUSINESS N. ADJOURNMENT ********************************** PUBLIC COMMENTS Non-Agenda Items ********************************** MAY 2, 2006 CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS CANCELLED RE COUNCILMANIC ELECTION. ********* If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) *********** Agenda 3/7/06/st www.vbgov.com I. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS - Conference Room - 1 :30 PM II. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS III. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room- A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 2:00 PM V. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Jim W olfcale Atlantic Shores Baptist Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. 2. SPECIAL SESSION INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS February 21, 2006 February 28, 2006 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION iRtsulutiuu CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER TAP FEES INCREASE PUBLIC HEARING Proposed. Increases in Residential Water And Sewer Tap Fees . The Virginia Beach' City Council will hold a Public. Hearing on. March 7, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chamber,second floor, City Hall Building, Municipal Center, 2401 Courthouse Drive, virginia Beach, Virginia concerning proposed amendments to the City Code 'increasing certain water and sewer connection fees, as 'follows: Present Cost: . Sewer connection/tap fees (4" tap): $225.00 . Sewer connection/tap fees (> 4" tap): cost of labor, material and equipment, plus twenty-five (25) percent. . . Sewer cleanouts (4"): $225.00 . Sewer cleanouts (> 4"): cost of labor, material and equipment, plus twenty-five (25) percent. . Water tap and meter fees (5/8" and 3/4" tap): $285.00 (tap and meter); $155.00 (meter only) .. Water tap and meterfees (1" tap): $370.00 (tap and meter); $240.00 (meter only) . Water tap and meter fees (1-1/2" and larger): cost of labor, materials, and equipment, plus twenty-five (25) percent . Water tap and meter fees (if installation requires a combination of a different size tap'-and meter): cost of .labor, Illaterials and equipment, plus twenty-five (25) percent Proposed Cost: o Sewer tap, lateral. and. cleanout fees, except for properties subject to City Code Section 28-2 (mandatory connections): actual cost to City of. installation (estimated cost depending on depth and length is $6,400 - $22,000) e Water tap, service line and meter fees, except for properties subject to City Code Section 37-5 (mandatory connections): actual cost to City of installation (estimated cost is $1,800 - $3,000) The proposed fee increases are authorized pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 15.2-2122 and 15.2-2143. A copy of the complete_ordinance and information concern- ing the documentation for the proposed fee increases are available fOT examination by the publiC at the Department of Public Utilities, Municipal. Center, Build- ing 2, Room 200, 2405 Courthouse Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Interested citizens of the City of Virginia Beach may appear at the above-mentioned time and place to present their views. fJ.~/v/~ Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC City Clerk If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting.. please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303. Hearing Impaired, call Virginia Relay at427-4305. Beacon Feb. 19 & 26, 2006 14651838 I. CONSENT AGENDA J. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION 1. Ordinance to AMEND ~~ 28-3, 28-9 and 37-7 and ADD new ~S 28-3.1 and 37-7.1 of the City Code re fees for sewer and water connections 2. Ordinance ESTABLISHING "Transition Rules" re the development of property in the RT-2 Resort Tourist District (Deferred February 28, 2006) 3. Ordinances to APPROPRIATE and TRANSFER: a. ESTABLISH a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) (Conformity and Acquisition Fund - APZ-l and Interfacility Traffic Areas) and APPROPRIATE $3,700,000 from the Agricultural Preserve Program (ARP) re purchase of land or interests therein b. $370,000 from the Parking Enterprise Fund re purchase of multi-space parking meters c. $233,900 from the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue fund to the Police Department re purchase of equipment and canines d. $115,000 within the Public Works Operating Budget re purchase ofa waste collection vehicle e. $60,000 from Golf Course Special Revenue fund re renovations to the clubhouse at Red Wing Lake Golf Course 4. Resolution re modification of a Joint Use Agreement with the Virginia Beach Mariners, Inc. for the Virginia Beach Sportsplex """.~ .t:EJ' ~;, 4"lf p . (" ;r.... -.,~~ (C ..' lit (~\;"'"'"'~-'Ji: ell. ';j .......~1#0u0I"~~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Ordinance to Amend Sections 28-3,28-9 and 37-7 and Add New Sections 28-3.1 and 37- 7.1 of the City Code, Pertaining to Fees For Sewer and Water Connections MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: The Department of Public Utilities installs residential water and sanitary sewer taps in accordance with the City Code. The fees identified in the City Code for residential taps are considerably less than actual cost. As development patterns have changed, a program that was initially meant to mitigate the impact to existing homeowners of the mandatory connection ordinance has evolved into a subsidy for builders and developers of certain homes. In recent years, 50% of Public Utilities water and sewer repair crews have been dedicated to the installation of new residential taps, instead of maintaining the existing aging infrastructure. . Considerations: The proposed City Code revisions will allow Public Utilities to charge actual costs for the installation of new residential taps, except when the installation involves an existing home subject to the mandatory connection ordinance. Under these circumstances, the existing discounted fees would apply. If approved, Public Utilities would use an annual services contractor to install most new taps, but builders could choose to install their own taps if they wanted to. This will increase the cost of construction for some new homes, including homes constructed on individual"fill-in" lots, and duplex conversions. However, it would bring this development in line with that of commercial developers and residential developers in new subdivisions, which are both responsible for 1 00% of the cost of tap installations. . Public Information: This issue was the subject of a Council Briefing on January 17, 2006 and a public hearing has been scheduled for March 7, 2006. The City staff has met with representatives of the Tidewater Builders Association and received a letter indicating support for this action. . Alternatives: The alternatives are to retain the existing ordinance and fees, or change City Code to allow Public Utilities to charge its actual cost of installation for new residential water and sewer taps, except those mandated by the mandatory connection ordinance. . Recommendations: If the existing ordinance is left in place, the City will continue to subsidize the construction of certain new homes, and Public Utilities will continue to experience a significant drain on its resources to the detriment of much needed work on the existing aging infrastructure. It is recommended that this ordinance become effective July 1, 2006. . Attachments: Policy Report, Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval of Attached ordinan~el J Submitting Department/Agency: Public utilities ;;;) h Q\tV1 a.O n City Manager~ \... ~~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTIONS 28-3, 28-9 2 AND 37-7 AND ADD NEW SECTIONS 28-3.1 AND 3 37 - 7 . 1 OF THE CITY CODE, PERTAINING TO 4 FEES FOR SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS 5 6 Sections Amended: City Code Sections 7 28-3, 28-9 and 37-7 8 9 Sections Added: City Code Sections 28-3.1 10 and 37-7.1 11 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 12 VIRGINIA: 13 That Sections 28-3, 28-9 and 37-7 of the City Code are hereby 14 amended and reordained and Sections 28-3.1and 37-7.1 are hereby added, 15 to read as follows: 16 17 CHAPTER 28. SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL 18 19 ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL 20 21 Sec. 28-3. Sewer connection tap installation fees (tap feea). 22 The following fees shall be paid for connections to the public 23 sewer system (t~p feeD) : 24 ~ (a) For a FeHr four-inch or larger tap, lateral and cleanout, 25 except as provided in City Code Section 28-3.1: $225.00 actual cost to 26 the City of installation. 27 ~ O~er four inch t~p. Coot of l~bor, m~teri~l ~nd equipment, 28 pluo twenty five (25) percent 29 lel ~Actual cost" shall mean the average installation cost 30 determined by the Department of Public Utilities annually based upon 31 contract unit bid prices and contract administration cost. 32 COMMENT 33 34 The amendments change the fees for sewer tap, c1eanout and lateral installations to the actual cost 35 incurred by the City in performing the installation. An exception is made for dwellings that are subject to the 36 City's mandatory sewer connection ordinance (City Code Section 28-2). 37 38 39 Sec. 28-3.1. Same; existing dwellings. 40 (a) Sewer tap, cleanout and installation fees for existing 41 dwellings qualifying under Section 28-2, pertaining to mandatory 42 connections to the public sewer system, shall be $450.00 for a four-inch 43 tap. For six-inch or larger taps, the fee shall be the actual cost of 44 installation by the City. 45 (b) "Actual cost" shall mean the average installation cost 46 determined by the Department of Public Utilities annually based upon 47 contract unit bid prices and contract administration cost. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 COMMENT The new section combines fees for sewer taps and c1eanout, each of which is currently $225.00, for dwellings that are subject to the City's mandatory sewer connection ordinance (City Code Section 28-2). The total fee of $450.00 is not changed with respect to those dwellings. 55 56 Sec. 28-9. Sewer cleanouts. 57 All buildings and dwellings connected to the public sewer system 58 shall have a cleanout installed in the lateral line at or near the 59 property lines served. If ouch cle~nouto ~re inot~lled by the city, the 60 ch~rge oh~ll be ~o follo..:o for e~ch cle~nout inot~lled: 2 61 (1) Four inch or l~rger clc~nout: $225.00. 62 (2) O~er four (4) incheo, Coot of l~bor, m~teri~l ~nd equipment, 63 pluo t'.lenty fi 7e (25) percent 64 COMMENT 65 66 This section is amended, as the separate fees it charges for sewer c1eanouts has been combined with 67 the fee for sewer taps, thereby rendering that portion of the section superfluous. 68 69 CHAPTER 37. WATER SUPPLY 70 ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL 71 72 Sec. 37-7. Water ~ tap and meter installation fees. 73 The following fees shall be paid for connections to a city water 74 line and for the installation of water meters: 75 (1 ) T~p ~nd meter feeo: 76 ~. Fi~e eightho inch ~nd three fourtho inch t~p: 77 1. T~p ~nd meter. $285.00. 78 2 . Meter only. $155.00 79 b. One inch t~p: 80 1. T~p ~nd meter: $370.00. 81 2. l'qete'r only. $21. 0 . 00 82 c. One ~nd one h~lf inch or l~rger t~p ~nd/or 83 meter. Coot of l~bor, m~teri~lo, ~nd equipment, 84 pluo t',:enty fi'.re (25) percent. 85 d. When the inot~ll~tion requireD ~ combin~tion of 86 ~ different oize t~p ~nd meter th~n lioted ~bo7e, 87 the ch~rgeo ',,rill be b~oed on coot of l~bor, 3 88 FR;:tteri;:tlo ;:tnd equipm.ent, pluo t....enty fi-..e (25) 89 percent. 90 (a) Except as provided in City Code Section 37-7.1, actual cost to 91 the City of installation. 92 (2 ) For t;:tpo in exceoo of one inch, ;:tn ;:tmount oh;:tll be 93 pl;:tced in eocrm.. b;:toed on ;:tIl eotimate of cooto by the director 94 of public utilitieo. 95 (b) uActual cost" shall mean the average installation cost 96 determined by the Department of Public Utilities annually based upon 97 contract unit bid prices and contract administration cost. 98 99 COMMENT 100 101 The amendments change the fees for water tap installations to the actual cost incurred by the City in 102 performing the installation. An exception is made for dwellings that are subject to the City's mandatory water 103 connection ordinance. Those fees are set forth in Section 37-7.1 below. 104 105 106 Sec. 37-7.1. Same; existing dwellings (mandatory connections). 107 (a) Installation fees for existing dwellings qualifying under 108 Section 37-5, pertaining to mandatory connections to the public water 109 system, shall be as follows: 110 (1) Tap and meter' fees: 111 (A) 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch tap: 112 Tap and meter: $285.00 113 Meter only: $155.00 114 (B) One inch tap: 4 115 Tap and meter: $370.00 116 Meter only: $240.00 117 (C) One and one-half inch or larger tap and/or meter, or 118 where the installation requires a different size tap and meter than set 119 forth above: actual cost to the City of installation. 120 (b) "Actual cost" shall mean the average installation cost 121 determined by the Department of Public Utilities annually based upon 122 contract unit bid prices and contract administration cost. 123 124 COMMENT 125 The amendments provide an exemption to the higher fees prescribed in Section 37-7 for dwellings that 126 are subject to the City's mandatory water connection ordinance (City Code Section 37-5). These fees are 12 7 unchanged. 128 129 130 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 131 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 132 That this ordinance shall become effective on July I, 2006. 133 134 135 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 136 virginia, on this ____ day of , 2006 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: (.:", I" " J l 1 / I ' I ' I / ! i , I / ,. ~ I ,/ /. / fLu' . ! /' J I ,..!; Ir.jJ~ /,;/ I J Li . {J/1// \,.; L/ 'v/!"........1- L,/ ..... .....v .,., City Attorney's Office APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS: Public Utilities 5 CA-9796 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\Proposed\28-3 et al R-5 February 28, 2006 6 FORM NO. CM 2 Policy Report WATER AND SANITARY SEWER TAP FEES AND TAP INSTAllATION POLICY INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to propose a revision to the water and sanitary sewer tap fees in City Code Sections 937-7, 928-3, and 928-9 to reflect actual costs and to revise Public Utilities Policy regarding installation of residential water and sanitary sewer services (taps). BACKGROUND In order to recover actual water and sanitary sewer service installation costs Public Utilities proposes to revise City Code Sections 937-7,928-3 and 928-9, which identifies fees to be assessed for connection. The Department of Public Utilities Operations Division has historically installed water and sanitary sewer taps for single-family and duplex properties in accordance with Public Utilities Administrative Policy 1105 dated August 19, 1996 (attached). This policy distinguishes taps to be installed by city forces from taps installed by developers. Public Utilities will install taps for new residential development, when lots were subdivided before 1970 and if no more than a three-lot subdivision was created after 1970. All other taps for new residential development, commercial and industrial projects are installed by the site developer. The original purpose and intent of Administrative Policy 1105 was to facilitate homeowners impacted by the Mandatory Connection Policy as they transitioned from private wells and septic tanks to the public system and to assist residential lot builders with water and sanitary sewer taps who would otherwise have to contract with large contractors to install their taps. The existing code fee for installing taps for new residential development is significantly less than actual cost. While developers have the option to use a private contractor most developers routinely pay connection fees and have Public Utilities install the taps, which substantially reduces their costs. This practice also saves the developer time and the complication of obtaining right-of-way permits and the hiring of utility contractors to perform installation of the taps. The magnitude of these tap requests has become significant in recent years. TAP ORDER TRENDS Year Water Sanitary Sewer Total *01-02 140 80 220 02-03 218 256 474 03-04 261 286 547 04-05 290 293 583 * Fiscal Year 2002 data for tap orders forwarded from the Business Office to Operations is incomplete. During this time frame, Hansen was implemented for the Water Distribution and Sewer Collection Bureaus. Installing new taps with city forces also consumes time and effort that could be spent on maintaining the city's aging water and sanitary sewer systems (Aging Infrastructure). This results in Public Utilities both subsidizing the development costs of small residential subdivisions and new homes construction and redirects valuable resources away from maintenance activities. In addition, some developers are abandoning existing taps either because the location of the tap is not convenient for their new plumbing or because they place no value on the existing tap. The cost charged by the city to install a new tap is insignificant compared to the actual cost. If developers are required to pay the actual cost for taps we anticipate better use of existing taps. CONSIDERATIONS Lost Revenues The current average cost for the Public Utilities Operations Division to install water and sanitary sewer taps is $2,000 and $8,000 per tap, respectively. Under City Code ~37-7, ~28-31 and ~28-9, Public Utilities collects fees from the developer in the amount of $285 for a water tap and $450 for a sanitary sewer tap and cleanout. There is a shortfall $1,715 per water tap and $7,550 per sanitary sewer tap and cleanout when compared to Public Utilities actual costs. Between May 2004 and May 2005, the Operations Division installed 390 residential water taps (at a cost of $780,000) and 112 residential sanitary sewer taps (at a cost of $896,000) using two full-time water and four full-time sanitary sewer installation tap crews. This amounts to a loss of $1,514,450 when we compare actual costs to fees collected (collected fees total $161,550). Existinq Homes Impactedbv the Mandatory Connection Ordinance Over the years, the number of tap requests has increased dramatically. A vast majority of the orders are from developers and not existing homeowners. Existing homeowners should not be penalized by the proposed fee changes. The current fees ($285/water, $450/sanitary sewer) will remain in effect for existing homeowners falling under the Mandatory Connection provisions. This is justified on the basis that existing homes have working septic tanks and/or wells. Applying current fees recognizes the investment that homeowners have already made in their septic tanks and wells and provides equity in comparison to previous Mandatory Connections. Backloq Currently, the number of work orders for taps is so significant that there is a 15-day backlog for water taps and 60-day backlog for sanitary sewer taps. Public Utilities plans to transition this work from in-house forces to private contractors under Annual Services Contracts to be administered by Public Utilities Engineering. This change will help the city keep pace with demands and allow existing city crews to focus upon Aging Infrastructure and service related issues. Public Information Public Utilities will meet with appropriate organizations, as necessary, to explain the proposed changes and receive input. Some discussions have already been initiated with Tidewater Builders Association (TBA) Representatives. Draft documents were provided for review and comment. In addition, key stakeholders from the Planning and Public Works Departments have been informed of these proposed changes and significant collaboration has taken place. Additional coordination will be required to develop a new program for the review, permitting, inspection, and approval of single-family and duplex developments. Upon receiving direction from City Council the proposed policy changes will be presented to the Tidewater Builders Association and the engineering communities through the DSC Information Notice process. Alternatives Staff identified four alternatives: 1. Retain the existing fees, policy and procedures. This would continue the financial losses incurred by Public Utilities and service installation backlogs would remain. 2. Public Utilities installs residential taps with fees raised to reflect actual Public Utilities installation costs. This would address financial losses but would continue to involve Public Utilities crews installing new taps instead of addressing Aging Infrastructure or service issues. 3. Public Utilities uses an annual services contract to install new taps with fees raised to reflect actual Gontracted installation costs. Public Utilities crews could then be freed to address Aging Infrastructure and service issues. 4. Require developers to install all new taps using private contractors. Public Utilities crews are freed to address Aging Infrastructure, there is no subsidizing of developer cost and the backlog of tap installations is eliminated, however, other departments' resources will be taxed with the additional plan review, surety administration, permitting and inspection activities. Recommendations It is recommended that Council endorse the proposed City Code revisions increasing tap fees to equal actual costs. This new process will allow developers to either install their own taps or require them to pay actual cost to the city to cover installation expenses. (This is a combination of alternatives 3 and 4). This will also compensate the city adequately to complete the tap installations without subsidizing infill development or redevelopment. In addition, existing homeowners required to connect under the Mandatory Connection Ordinance will be required to pay current tap fees. (DFU or connection fees will not be impacted by this change). Public Utilities crews can redirect attention to Aging Infrastructure and service related issues. While adopting this policy may create some additional work for the DSC and other city permit review agencies, it is anticipated that most developers of one, two and three lot residential subdivisions will choose to use city resources (annual contracts) which will have minimal impact upon other city agencies. Attachments: Public Utilities Administrative Policy 1105 City of Virginia Beach Code Draft Revisions 2 - 2 /- ~b Date z -2,. ~ .~~ Date d. -;(}J-OG Date t If :;2-;( I-O~ Date / ~ k~*~.. ~...}.l,''t (",I"~ _......, (=1 .: -- i;() (u~ .s, %'Io~i . :;> ~'" F~J ~.;-~.'l ~~~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Ordinance Establishing Transition Rules for the Development of Property in the RT -2 Resort Tourist District MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: On December 20, 2005, the City Council adopted an ordinance amending zoning regulations applicable in the RT-1, -2 and -3 Resort Tourist Districts. The ordinance amendments became effective as of the date of its adoption. Considerations: The proposed ordinance establishes transition rules for site plans and subdivision plats in the RT-2 Resort Tourist District. It provides that site plans and subdivision plats that are submitted by the close of business on May 1, 2006 shall be subject to the RT -2 District Zoning regulations that were in effect prior to the December 20, 2005 amendments. That rule, however, applies only to the initial submittal of the site plan or subdivision plat, and to one resubmittal in the event the site plan or subdivision plat is not approved. If disapproved upon resubmittal, the proposed development must thereafter comply with the provisions of the December 20, 2005 ordinance. The proposed ordinance has been brought forward that the request of Council member Richard A. Maddox. . Public Information: No special form of advertisement of public notice is necessary for this ordinance. . Alternatives: If the City Council declines to adopt the proposed ordinance, all development plans for property in the RT -2 Resort Tourist District that were not actually approved by December 20, 2005, including all new submittals, must meet the requirements of the December 20, 2005 ordinance establishing new regulations applicable in the Resort Tourist Districts. . Attachments: Ordinance establishing transition rules Recommended Action: Staff recommends denial of the ordinance. Submitting DeparbnentlAgency: Requested by Councilmember Richard A. Maddox City Manager: 1 REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER RICHARD A. MADDOX 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TRANSITION 5 RULES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY IN 6 THE RT-2 RESORT TOURIST DISTRICT 7 8 9 WHEREAS, on December 20, 2005, the City Council adopted an 10 ordinance entitled UAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 15 OF THE CITY 11 ZONING ORDINANCE, PERTAINING TO USE REGULATIONS, DIMENSIONAL 12 REQUIREMENTS, VEHICULAR PARKING REQUIREMENTS, DENSITY 13 RESTRICTIONS AND DESIGN INCENTIVES IN THE RT-1, RT-2 AND RT-3 14 RESORT TOURIST DISTRICTS (hereinafter the uOrdinance");" and 15 WHEREAS, the Ordinance became effective as of the date of 16 its adoption; and 17 WHEREAS, it is the sense of the City Council that 18 transition rules should be adopted to govern certain development 19 applications that were not approved by the City prior to the 20 effective date of the Ordinance; 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 22 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 23 1. That the following rules shall apply to site plan and 24 subdivision plats for property wholly located within the RT-2 25 Resort Tourist District if requested by the applicant: 26 (a) Any subdivision plat or site plan pertaining to 27 property affected by the Ordinance that has been 28 accepted for review, but has been neither approved nor 29 disapproved, by the City on or before the close of 1 REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER RICHARD A. MADDOX 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TRANSITION 5 RULES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY IN 6 THE RT-2 RESORT TOURIST DISTRICT 7 8 9 WHEREAS, on December 20, 2005, the City Council adopted an 10 ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 15 OF THE CITY 11 ZONING ORDINANCE, PERTAINING TO USE REGULATIONS, DIMENSIONAL 12 REQUIREMENTS, VEHICULAR PARKING REQUIREMENTS, DENSITY 13 RESTRICTIONS AND DESIGN INCENTIVES IN THE RT-l, RT-2 AND RT-3 14 RESORT TOURIST DISTRICTS (hereinafter the "Ordinance");" and 15 WHEREAS, the Ordinance became effective as of the date of 16 its adoption; and 17 WHEREAS, it is the sense of the City Council that 18 transition rules should be adopted to govern certain development 19 applications that were not approved by the City prior to the 20 effective date of the Ordinance; 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 22 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 23 1. That the following rules shall apply to site plan and 24 subdivision plats for property wholly located within the RT-2 25 Resort Tourist District if requested by the applicant: 26 (a) Any subdivision plat or site plan pertaining to 27 property affected by the Ordinance that has been 28 accepted for reVlew, but has been neither approved nor 29 disapproved, by the City on or before the close of 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 business on May 1, 2006, shall not be subject to the amendments set forth in the Ordinance, but shall be required to comply with the ordinances and regulations of the City applicable to such property as of December 19, 2005; (b) Any such subdivision plat that has been accepted for review on or before the close of business on May 1, 2006, but which is thereafter disapproved, shall, if resubmitted within thirty (30) days of the date of disapproval or wi thin thirty (30) days after May 1, 2006, whichever is later, be subject to the ordinances and regulations of the City applicable to such property on December 19, 2005; That the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereinabove shall (c) apply only to one (1) resubmittal of a site plan or subdivision plat which has been disapproved, such that if the site plan or subdivision plat is disapproved upon resubmittal, all further development of the subject property shall conform to the provisions of the Ordinance, as well as to all other applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and standards; and (d) The application of these rules shall not result in any increase J.n density over that allowed by the ordinances and regulations of the City applicable to such property on December 19, 2005. 55 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 56 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 57 That nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to affect 58 any vested rights which existed as of the effective date of the 59 Ordinance. 60 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 61 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: /fiJ~1l ~j City Attorney's Office CA9925 H:\OID\OrdRes\RT-2 Transition Rules ord.doc R-2 February 27, 2006 City e>f -V-:n-girria Beach PLANNING DEPARTMENT 757-385-4621 FAX (757) 385-5789 DIRECT 757-385-5801 VBgov.com MUNIOPAI. CENTER BUILDING NUMBER 2 2405 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23456 DATE: February 23, 2006 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDU~\ ~ @ \, .; I~ \ \ -.I ' \;~ n \. ; r E B 2 4 2006 . '.- ; \.,.d~ t \ \, ._ __ '_-,~:~~~;,::.JR \ \ C ';,-~iJ 0i~.. ~;;::~:~c'~ ~-,( .. 1 \ .,. "~.___.-J L---' - ----.---- ._- .,." R ~ 1\'1/ If, r'_', lS U \_ u \ 1 ___- I.: 1\, ~ ~ i FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager . Robert J. Scott, Planning Director ~ TO: SUBJECT: Transition Rules for RT-2 Resort Tourist District The agenda for the February 28 City Council meeting includes consideration of a proposal to establish Transition Rules for the RT -2 Resort Tourist District. The RT-2 District largely consists of the area between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Avenue at the Oceanfront Resort Area. The purpose of the Transition Rules is to provide the ability for developers of land in that area to develop under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance that were in place prior to City Council's approval of the amendment package on December 20, 2005, rather than the new regulations. While Transition Rules have been used in the past for various ordinance changes and for a variety of reasons, this is a time when Transition Rules should not be used. The establishment of the Transition Rules in the RT-2 Resort Tourist District well after the adoption of the entire amendment package on December 20 does a disservice to those who have been told that there are no Transition Rules. Some of these developers have incurred great expense in modifying their plans to meet the new ordinance regulations. The entire package of regulatory items adopted by the City Council on December 20 was presented as a unified package to achieve important public purpose. It would not do to single one of those elements out for special treatment. No Transition Rules were established for any of the ordinance changes adopted on December 20, and the United States Navy was informed that there would be no such rules. MEMO: James K. Spore February 23, 2006 Page 2 The stimulus behind this effort for Transition Rules is a development proposal for the northeast corner of Pacific Avenue and 16th Street. The potential developer for this site met with Planning Department staff several times prior to the December 20 amendments to discuss his concept for a retail building and townhouse style multi- family dwellings on the site. Staff advised the potential developer that the goal for the Resort Area is to provide for "pedestrian-friendly" uses along the ground floor of buildings within the RT-2 District and for the buildings to be located adjacent to the street with any parking behind. This is consistent with all the public discussions that have recently been held on redevelopment at the Oceanfront and with the concepts put forth by the RAC. Accordingly, in order to encourage pedestrian traffic at the street level in the RT-2 District, the ordinance now requires that dwelling units be above the ground floor and that other uses (retail, office, recreational) be on the ground floor. After the adoption of the December 20 package, the potential developer approached the staff with a site plan and building elevations, neither of which met the Resort Area Design Guidelines or the zoning amendments. The developer was encouraged again to revise the plan. Instead, however, this potential developer prefers a site and building plan that are more reflective of a suburban site than a prominent urban resort location. In sum, singling out the RT-2 District for Transition Rules after the adoption of the ordinances is not fair to other developers in the RT-2 District (or any other district affected by the amendments), and frustrates the comprehensive and unified intentions of the Council on December 20. RJS:jms ~~..,,,,,, ".. ,~ ,-a-;..::. ..:f.:~oil., ('...... ....(.,~ ~t1if' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance Establishing Capital Project # 9-060, Conformity and Acquisition Fund - APZ-1 and Interfacility Traffic Areas, and Appropriating $3,700,000 from the Fund Balance of the Agricultural Reserve Program Special Revenue Fund to Project # 9-060 for the Purpose of Purchasing Land, or Interests in Land and Property in the Interfacility Traffic Area MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: On December 20, 2005, City Council adopted a "Plan for Compliance with the BRAC Commission's Decision Regarding NAS Oceana" which included property acquisition plans for property in Accident Potential Zone-1 (APZ-1) and the Interfacility Traffic Area. The APZ-1 Use and Acquisition Plan and the Interfacility Traffic Area Property Acquisition Plan call for the establishment of an acquisition project or fund to manage the revenue and expenditures associated with the voluntary acquisitions of affected properties. . Considerations: This ordinance will establish a new capital project # 9-060, Conformity and Acquisition Fund - APZ-1 and Interfacility Traffic Areas, in the FY 2005- 06 Capital Improvement Program to purchase property in the Interfacility Traffic Area. $3.7 million will be appropriated from the fund balance of the Agricultural Reserve Program. The FY 2006-07 CIP will include funding of at least $15 million each year ($7.5 million from the State of Virginia and $7.5 million from the City) to purchase land or interests in land and facilitate the conversion of non-conforming property uses to conforming uses in the APZ-1 areas surrounding NAS Oceana, and additional funding to purchase land or interests in land or property in the Interfacility Traffic Area. . Public Information: Information will be disseminated through the regular Council agenda notification process. Additionally, notice of a public hearing was published on February 19, 2006, in The Beacon, and Council held a public hearing on February 28, 2006. . Recommendations: Approval. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department! A~~ncy: Department of Management Services City Manag~ ~ , '&gtR2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CAPITAL PROJECT # 9 - 0 6 0 , CONFORMITY AND ACQUISITION FUND APZ-1 AND INTERFACILITY TRAFFIC AREAS, AND APPROPRIATING $3,700,000 FROM THE FUND BALANCE OF THE AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TO PROJECT # 9-060 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING LAND, OR INTERESTS IN LAND AND PROPERTY IN THE INTERFACILITY TRAFFIC AREA WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach adopted an ordinance on 13 December 20, 2005, to authorize the acquisition of interests in 14 certain property located in Accident Potential Zone-1 and the 15 Interfacility Traffic Area. 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 17 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 18 1. That capital project # 9-060, Conformity and 19 Acquisition Fund - APZ-1 and Interfacility Traffic Areas, is 20 hereby established in the Capital Improvement Program for the 21 purpose of purchasing land or interests in land and facilitating 22 the conversion of non-conforming property uses under the Navy's 23 OPNAV Instruction to conforming uses in the APZ-1 areas 24 surrounding NAS Oceana, and for the purpose of purchasing land 25 or interests in land or property in the Interfacility Traffic 26 Area between NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress, all consistent with 27 the City's APZ-1 Use and Acquisition plan and the Interfacility 28 Traffic Area Property Acquisition Plan. 29 2. That $3,700,000 is hereby appropriated from the fund 30 balance of the Agricultural Reserve Program Special Revenue Fund 31 to capital project # 9-060, Conformity and Acquisition Fund - 32 APZ-1 and Interfacility Traffic Areas, in the FY 2005-06 Capital 33 Budget for the purpose of purchasing land or interests in land 34 in the Interfacility Traffic Area from willing sellers, with 35 revenue from fund balance increased accordingly. 36 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 37 virginia, on the day of , 2006. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~a~~~~ J~ ff ~ City Attorney's ffi;; CA9923 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\APZ1 Acquisition ORD R-6 February 28, 2006 ,{~~ ~l*".... _.\.~J (=: ' ,. !~~ \~;...,.".". ..1:,) ~lO,~ ,,_.. - ~~J C~~$J ~~y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate $370,000 from the Fund Balance of the Parking Enterprise Fund to the FY 2005-06 Operating Budget for the Purchase of Multi-Space Parking Meters MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: The City currently has 712 single-space parking meters at the Oceanfront, and 308 of them are located on the numbered streets between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. These parking meters are seventeen-years old, and many of the parts necessary to maintain the meters are no longer manufactured. The technology of these meters is outdated, which has led to problems associated with mechanically changing the hourly rates and additional staff hours required to empty the smaller capacity single-space meters three or four days each week during the tourist season. In addition, the current meters are easily vandalized to avoid payment for parking. The City must replace and update the meters with current technology to reduce service costs and to streamline the collections process. For the past two years, the City has successfully tested multi-space meters at 11 th Street, 16th Street, and 315t Street. . Considerations: Based on the success of the first multi-space meters, the plan is to replace 296 single-space meters with 51 new multi-space meters in the 200 block between Atlantic and Pacific Avenues. The new multi-space meters will be an aesthetic improvement by eliminating poles along the streets and will streamline operations, thereby reducing the cost of money collection, maintenance and enforcement. Each multi-space meter can replace 8 to 10 single-space meters. The total cost of replacement and installation is estimated to be $370,000, including acquisition, pavement markings, signage, and support costs. Funds are available in fund balance of the Parking Enterprise Fund to purchase these new multi-space meters. . Public Infonnation: Information will be provided through the normal City Council agenda process. . Alternatives: The current mechanical single-space meters could be replaced with digital single-space meters. The cost of replacement and installation, including the damaged poles, is estimated at $262,000. This alternative, however, does not save staff hours for revenue collection, estimated at $20,000 per year, or provide the aesthetic improvements achieved by the reduction in individual poles and meters. . Recommendations: Approve the ordinance and replace single-space meters with multi- space meters. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approve ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Convention and Visitors Bureau City Manag~~. ~~ 1 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $370,000 FROM THE FUND BALANCE OF THE PARKING ENTERPRISE FUND TO THE FY 2005-06 OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE PURCHASE OF MULTI-SPACE PARKING METERS 5 WHEREAS, $370,000 is currently available in fund balance of 6 the Parking Enterprise Fund. 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 9 That $370,000 is hereby appropriated from the fund balance of 10 the Parking Enterprise Fund to the FY 2005-06 Operating Budget for 11 the purchase of multi-space parking meters, with local revenue 12 increased accordingly. 13 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 14 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of the City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY H~U,~ Management Services Jlfljj. tJ ~ City Attorney's ffice CA9928 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\Multi-Space R-2 February 23, 2006 Parking Meters ORD (~~lfl~fll~ J_,.......... ....._.....~s.:' \~t;d:~~~f CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate $223,900 from the Fund Balance of the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund to the Police Department's FY 2005-06 Operating Budget for the Purchase of Equipment and Canines MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: The Police Department requests the use of DEA seized-property funds to purchase equipment and canines and to supplement previously awarded federal grant funds to implement an automated Early Intervention System. The Police Department would like to replace up to five canines during the next twelve months ($21,100), purchase 80 patrol rifles to replace shotguns ($64,000), purchase replacement filters for 800 gas masks ($22,800), replace 20-year old furniture and office equipment ($16,000), and to supplement previously awarded federal grant funds to implement an automated Early Intervention System ($100,000). The replacement of three canines, which come fully trained and guaranteed, is needed due to the age/or developing medical issues. It is likely that two more canines will also need to be replaced in the next twelve months. During the past two years, the Police Department has replaced shotguns in police vehicles with patrol rifles that provide more functionality. This funding will allow the remainder of the shotguns to be replaced. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has recently issued new guidelines on mask filters and the current filters are nearing their replacement cycle. The Police Department is currently utilizing office furniture that is also not compatible with computers. In 2003, the federal government awarded the Police Department a grant under the "Enhancing the Culture of Integrity" program. Of the total grant amount, $330,000 is intended for the purchase of software and related hardware for an automated Early Intervention System to help identify potential liability and performance problems. Two vendors responded to the City's request for proposals (RFP) for this system, and both are beyond the available grant funds. Up to an additional $100,000 will be required to obtain a system that will meet basic requirements. . Considerations: Funds are available in the DEA Seized Property Fund to cover the costs associated with these requests. . Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal Council Agenda public information process. . Alternatives: Based on the response to the RFP, approximately $430,000 is needed to purchase the Early Intervention System. If the grant, is not supplemented the Department will be unable to make the purchase and will forfeit the $330,000 in federal funds. . Recommendations: It is recommended that $223,900 from the fund balance of the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund be used to fund these requests. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Police Department ~). ~ City Manager:~ lL..:'1s<<llt"\... 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $223,900 FROM THE 2 FUND BALANCE OF THE DEA SEIZED PROPERTY 3 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TO THE POLICE 4 DEPARTMENT'S FY 2005-06 OPERATING BUDGET FOR 5 THE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT AND CANINES 6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 7 VIRGINIA: 8 1. That $223,900 ~s hereby appropriated from the Fund 9 Balance of the DEA Seized Property Special Revenue Fund to the 10 Police Department's FY 2005-06 Operating Budget for the purchase of 11 equipment and canines. 12 2. That estimated revenue ~n the FY 2005-06 Operating Budget 13 from the DEA Seized Property Fund is hereby increased by $223,900. 14 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 15 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of the City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: jj~\J. Management Services JirYlL '~r City Attorne ' s Office CA9927 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\Police R-2 February 23, 2006 Equip-Canines ORD CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Transfer $115,000 within the FY 2005-06 Public Works Operating Budget for the Purchase of a Waste-Collection Vehicle MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: The number of households in the City has increased over the past decade. Since 1997, the boom truck crews have had a 30% increase in tons, a 35% increase in number of loads collected, and a 32% increase in the number of work orders. Each of the eight existing boom truck crews are now averaging 100 work orders per day. . Considerations: There are sufficient funds in the Public Works operating budget to allow the purchase of the knuckle-arm boom truck for an estimated $115,000. Not purchasing the knuckle-arm boom truck will require existing crews to collect more stops each day and impact traffic congestion during the evening rush hour due to the crews working longer. It also will cost more to purchase the truck at a later date. . Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal agenda process. . Recommendations: Approve the ordinance to transfer funds to purchase one knuckle-arm boom truck for an estimated $115,000. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval { L/' Submitting Department/Agency: Public WorkslWaste Manageme6t>tS ~ City Manage~~ 'L, 0-&ao'l.. · · 1 AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER $115,000 WITHIN THE 2 FY 2005-06 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATING BUDGET FOR 3 THE PURCHASE OF A WASTE-COLLECTION VEHICLE 4 5 6 WHEREAS, due to the increased demand for the collection 7 of bulk items, such as furniture and appliances, there is a need to 8 purchase an additional waste-collection vehicle estimated to cost 9 $115,000; and 10 WHEREAS, the additional amount needed may be provided by 11 transferring funds within the FY 2005-06 Public Works Operating 12 Budget. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 14 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 15 That $115,000 is hereby transferred within the FY 2005-06 16 Public Works Operating Budget to fund the purchase of a waste- 17 collection vehicle. 18 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 19 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~g~e~~~ ,k City Atto~ce CA9929 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\Waste Collection Vehicle ORD R-2 February 24, 2006 r ~.... ,,~~), ;;?:f.'l"' ."'1. _." $~' (!:iz ; .. i~' ~.~ "":~~ ~\~j l"!J ""~""'" ~J..,."".y ~~~.....#J -.~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM '""' \... ~ ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate $60,000 from the Fund Balance of the Golf Course Special Revenue Fund to CIP Project # 4-959, Golf Course Infrastructure and Equipment - Phase I MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 . Background: In 2003, City Council established a $5 million project in the Capital Improvement Program to renovate Red Wing Lake Golf Course. The project did not include replacement or renovation of the clubhouse. The clubhouse's interior walls and ceilings, HVAC system, carpet and restrooms are all in need of repair. It is anticipated that without these repairs, the clubhouse's current condition will detract from the newly-renovated course and negatively impact the City's investment. . Considerations: The Golf Course Special Revenue Fund has $60,000 in fund balance available to finance these modest renovations prior to the opening of the golf course, which is now projected to occur in July 2006. . Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process. . Alternatives: Re-open Red Wing Lake Clubhouse in the present condition. . Recommendations: Approve the appropriation of $60,000 from the fund balance of the Golf Course Special Revenue Fund to CIP Project # 4-959, Golf Course Infrastructure and Equipment - Phase I. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation cltyManage~ k,-3s~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $60,000 FROM THE FUND BALANCE OF THE GOLF COURSE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TO CIP PROJECT # 4- 959 , GOLF COURSE INFRASTRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT - PHASE I WHEREAS, the renovation of Red Wing Lake Golf Course did 9 not include improvements to the clubhouse, and the course is 10 anticipat~d to open in August 2006. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 12 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 13 1. That $60,000 is hereby appropriated from the fund 14 balance of the Golf Course Special Revenue Fund to CIP # 4-959, 15 Golf Course Infrastructure and Equipment Phase I, for the 16 purposes of making needed improvements to the Red Wing Lake Golf 17 Course clubhouse. 18 2 . That revenue from local sources is increased by 19 $60,000. 20 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 21 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. Management Services APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Cij~~f;:ce APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: B~Q. CA9915 H:\PA\GG\OrdRes\Red Wing Clubhouse ORD R-2 February 23, 2006 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager ITEM: Virginia Beach Sportsplex Joint Use Agreement Amendments for 2006 MEETING DATE: March 7, 2006 Background: In September 2001, the City negotiated and approved a Joint Use Agreement for the Virginia Beach Sportsplex with the Hampton Roads Mariners. The agreement was for use of the Sportsplex for a five (5) year term and allowed for up to twenty (20) soccer events per year. In May 2002, the Hampton Roads Mariners were sold to Mike Field and the team was renamed the Virginia Beach Mariners. In June 2005, the team was sold again to the current ownership group, Virginia Beach Soccer, LLC. The current Sportsplex Joint Use Agreement was assigned to the new ownership group in September 2005 by action of City Council and expires in December 2006. Virginia Beach Soccer, LLC, has requested the current Use Agreement be amended for 2006 to allow for an additional ten (10) soccer events (for a total of 30 events per season) before additional rental fees are paid to the City. Adding the ten (10) event dates provides the ownership group the opportunity to operate the Mariners' Franchise and the new Submariners Premier Development League (POL) Amateur Team while also scheduling more Open Cup Games and Soccer Exhibition Matches at the facility. Additionally, the new ownership group has invested over $300,000 to construct an artificial turf practice field adjacent to the Sportsplex. The existing agreement should be amended to include the new practice field as part of the overall Joint Use Agreement. Recommendations: It is recommended that the current Sportsplex Joint Use Agreement be amended for 2006 to allow a total of thirty (30) soccer events (an increase of 10 events per season) and to add the new artificial turf practice field as part of the overall agreement with Virginia Beach Soccer, LLC. Public Information: There has been ongoing media coverage of the new ownership group, its schedule, and plans for 2006, but nothing specifically on these two amendment requests. Attachments: Resolution Recommended Action: Approval RAAl1 / Submitting Department/Agency: Parks and Recreation lJ~'(./ City Manager.. \L. 1 0:9 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION MODIFICATION AGREEMENT FOR SPORTSPLEX TO APPROVE A TO JOINT THE VIRGINIA FIRST USE BEACH WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Development 7 Authority (the "Authority"), and Hampton Roads Marinersr 8 L. L. C. ("HRM") entered into a Joint Use Agreement dated as 9 of September 4, 2001 (the "Agreement"), providing for joint 10 use of the Virginia Beach Sportsplex (the "Sportsplex"); 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to an Assignment dated May 19, 2002, 12 HRM assigned its rights and obligations under the Agreement 13 for the Sportsplex to Virginia Beach Marinersr Inc.r a 14 Virginia corporation ("VBM"); 15 WHEREAS, on June 21, 2005, VBM transferred the 16 management and ownership of the Virginia Beach Mariners, a 17 United Soccer League First Division men's professional 18 soccer team which uses the Sportsplex for its home games, 19 to Virginia Beach Soccer, LLC ("VBS"), controlled by Jerry 20 F. McDonnell and Michael C. McCann; 21 WHEREAS, pursuant to an Assignment dated July 1, 2005, 22 VBM assigned its rights and obligations under the Agreement 23 for the Sportsplex to VBS; 24 WHEREAS, VBM and VBS have paid to the Authority all 25 sums due under the Agreement through the date hereof; and 26 WHEREAS, VBS and the Authority desire to enter into a 27 First Modification to the Agreement to (i) allow VBS to 28 conduct up to thirty (30) events during each Soccer Season 29 (an increase of 10 events per Season), and (ii) add a newly 30 constructed artificial turf practice field the to 31 Sportsplex facilities under the Agreement. 32 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE 33 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH: 34 1. The City Council approves the First Modification (the 35 "First Modification") to the Joint Use Agreement for the 36 Virginia Beach Sportsplex, in form substantially as 37 attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution. The City Manager 38 and the City Attorney are jointly authorized to make minor 39 adjustments to the language of the First Modification as 40 may be necessary and appropriate to facilitate completion 41 of final documents for the transaction, so long as any 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 adjustments remain consistent with the intent and terms of this First Modification. 2. The City Council recommends that the Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") adopt a resolution approving the First Modification and authorizing the appropriate officers of the Authority to execute and deliver the First Modification. 49 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia 50 Beach, Virginia, on the 7th day of March, 2006. CA-9865 X:\OIDIREAL ESTATE\Commercial Projects\Sportsplex\Council Res First Amendment JUA.doc R-2 February 28, 2006 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: creation E.-~\-\\~\-r A FIRST MODIFICATION TO VIRGINIA BEACH SPORTSPLEX JOINT USE AGREEMENT THIS FIRST MODIFICATION TO JOINT USE AGREEMENT (this "First Modification") is made as ofthe day of , 2006, by and between VIRGINIA BEACH SOCCER, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ("VBS" or "User"), and the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("Authority"), and recites and provides as follows: RECIT ALS: A. Hampton Roads Mariners, LLC ("HRM") and Authority entered into a Virginia Beach Sportsp1ex Joint Use Agreement (the "Agreement"), dated as of September 4,2001, for the use of the Sportsplex located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. B. Pursuant to an Assignment dated May 19, 2002, HRM assigned its rights and obligations under the Agreement to Virginia Beach Mariners, Inc., a Virginia corporation ("VBM") C. On June 21,2005, VBM transferred the management and ownership of the Virginia Beach Mariners, a United Soccer League First Division men's professional soccer team which uses the Sportsplex for its home games, to Virginia Beach Soccer, LLC ("VBS") D. Pursuant to an Assignment dated July 1, 2005, VBM assigned its rights and obligations under the Agreement to VBS. E. VBS and the Authority desire to amend the Agreement to (i) allow VBS to conduct up to thirty (30) events during each Soccer Season (an increase of 10 events per Season), 1 and (ii) add a newly constructed artificial turf practice field to the Sportsplex facilities under the Agreement. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe foregoing, the mutual promises and undertakings set forth herein and in the Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, VBS and Authority agree as follows: 1. Defined Terms. All terms used herein, but not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. References in the Agreement or in this First Modification to "this Agreement" or otherwise to the Agreement shall be deemed to refer to the Agreement as amended by this First Modification. 2. Use of the Sportsplex. a. Increase of HRM Events. The Authority and VBS have agreed to increase the number ofHRM Events allowed during the Soccer Season from twenty (20) to thirty (30). Accordingly, Section 5.1(A) ofthe Agreement is amended to provided that the User shall have the right to use the Sportsplex facilities pursuant to this Agreement for conducting up to thirty (30) HRM Events during each Soccer Season. In addition, all other references to "twenty (20) HRM Events" in the Agreement shall be changed to "thirty (30) HRM Events". b. Artificial Turf Practice Field. The Authority and VBS have added a newly constructed artificial turf practice field to the Sportsplex facilities. The parties agree that the "Sportsplex" as described in the Agreement shall include the artificial turf practice field located on the Northeast side of the Sportsplex, and all terms and conditions of the Agreement with respect to the Sportsplex shall apply to such artificial turf practice field. 2 4. Counterparts. This First Modification may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same First Modification. 5. Ratification. Except as modified hereby, the Agreement is hereby ratified and confirmed and remains in full force and effect. [Signatures contained on following pages.] 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the parties have caused this First Modification to be executed and delivered as of the date and year first above written. AUTHORITY: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia (SEAL) ATTEST: By: Name: Title: Chairman I Vice Chairman Date: Secretary I Assistant Secretary VBS: VIRGINIA BEACH SOCCER, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company By: Manager (SEAL) Date: X:\OIDIREAL EST A TE\Commercial ProjectslSportsplexlFirstModificationloJUA.doc 4 SPORTSPLEX MARINERS PRACTICE FIELD LOCATION MAP _ _ Feet o 265 530 1,060 1,590 2,120 N A K. APPOINTMENTS BEACHES and WATERWAYS COMMISSION INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE - PPEA MEALS TAX TASK FORCE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (RAC) L. UNFINISHED BUSINESS M. NEW BUSINESS N. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 I M B L DATE: February 28, 2006 C E S L PAGE: I 0 C M R C A W I J L A N R H N I E 0 0 A 0 0 E M U L w Z y N N 0 0 E I E S 0 AGENDA E E E A 0 R V 0 V 0 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L R S N X F E T A N D I BRIEFINGS: A. EMS StaffinglDeployment B. REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT C. MINORITY SUBCONTRACTING 11,11I/ IVIV- CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION CERTIFIED 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y E F MINUTES -February 14,2006 APPROVED 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y GIH PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. LEASElPieces of Eight, at 2nd Street/Atlantic No speakers Ave 2. BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE GRANT No speakers 3. ARP property acquisition in Interfacility Traffic No speakers Area IIJ-l.a Ordinances to AMEND the City Code: Section 35-182 re exemption of admission taxes ADOPTD BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y for schools CONSENT b Section 18-75 re business licenses/gross receiptsl ADOPTED BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y contractors CONSENT c Section 6-12 re ridingborses/driving vebicles on ADOPTED, AS 9-1 Y A Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y beach/dunes REVISED, BY CONSENT d Section 2 I - I re State Code/prohibit driving while ADOPTED BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y intoxicated (DWI) CONSENT 2 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE lease for PIECES OF ADOPTED BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EIGHT, LLC (Pirate Cruise) at 2nd Street/Atlantic CONSENT Ave at Rudee Loop 3 Ordinancee to AUTHORIZE acquisition of portion ADOPTED BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y of Smith Fishing Station/adjacent property from CONSENT City of Norfolk to preserve Lake SmithlLake Lawson 4 Ordinance ESTABLISHING "Transition Rules" re DEFERRED TO 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y development in RT-2 District 3/07/2006 BY . CONSENT 5 Ordinance to ACCEPT donation ofCybex Fitness ADOPTED BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Equipment from Wareing's Gym to Police Law CONSENT Enforcement Traininl!. Center 6 Resolution AUTHORIZING City Manager to ADOPTED AS 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y expend $30,000 from (TGIF)-Oceanfront Special REVISED BY Events to Va Beach Jaycees 44'0 Annual East CONSENT Coast Surfing Championsbips (ECSC) 7 Resolution GRANTING Cox Communications of ADOPTED BY 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Hampton Roads, LLC (COX) a second extension to CONSENT Request for Formal Renewal Proposal to April 24, 2006 K-I TIMOTHY B./TANIA OLDFIELD closure of APPROVEDI 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y portion of alley, Croatan Beach at 829 Vanderbilt CONDITIONED A venue, to incorporate property into existing single- BY CONSENT familv Darcel. (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 I M B L DATE: February 28, 2006 C E S L PAGE: 2 D C M R C A W I J L A N R H N I E D 0 A D D E M U L W Z y N N D 0 E I E S 0 AGENDA E E E A 0 R V D V 0 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L R S N X F E T A N D 2 Variance to ~ 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance APPROVEDI 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y that all lots meet CZO for SIROUS CONDITIONED SHOTORBANffARAH KISER at 1516 Mill Dam BY CONSENT Road re two lots for single-family dwellings. (DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN) 3 SPRINTCOM, INC. .for CUP re communication APPROVEDI 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y tower at 5648 Campus Drive. (DISTRICT 4- CONDITIONED BA YSIDE) BY CONSENT 4 HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. at DEFERRED 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2817 Seaboard Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS INDEFINITELY ANNE) a. C02 from AG-lIAG-2 to Conditional R-20 to develop single-family homes b. Variance to ~4.4 (b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that all lots meet CZO 5 RH Builders, Inc. on Shumey Lanel Wesleyan APPROVED AS 8-2 Y A Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Drive (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE) PROFFERED BY CONSENT a. C02 from 8-2 to A-36 to develop multi-family housing b. CUPre housine for seniors 6 TANK LINES, INC. C02 from B-2 to APPROVED AS 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Conditional I-I at 1357 Diamond Springs Road re PROFFERED BY office/warehouse. (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE) CONSENT 7 BELLAMY ASSOCIATES, L.c. C02 from R- DEFERRED 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7.5 to Conditional A-IS at 4416 Princess Anne INDEFINITELY Road re multi-family dwellings. (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) L APPOINTMENTS RESCHEDULED B Y C 0 N S E N S U S BEACHES imd WATERWAYS COMMISSION INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMmEE - PPEA MEALS TAX TASK FORCE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (RAe) MINI ADJOURNMENT 7:33 PM 0