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112602 Lynnhaven
Watet>shedQuiz#l -Howmanfmilesof,shorelinear;e. iu'the LJttr1hav~n W'tershed.? -.A . 75 miles - B.150 mile,s - C.:225 miles - D. None of the above Watet>shedQuiz# 2 · What. made Dynnltaven Inlet? -A. Adam Keeling dig,gillg a ditch. ~ E. Adam I bOfO ughg'ood> di.ggil1ga.ditch. -c. A Category IV Hurric,ane ~ D.Wh.o kti6wS;. il'salwaysb'een there. Watet>shedQuiz# ,,4 -Howmanfsto,ouwateroutfalls.arethere: in tIle LyID1have~nWatet$hed~ -.A .5:00 - B.l,O.OO -G. 1,(5'OiO - D. Not enoug:hwhen we hav'eallla.:jof sto'rm. Watet>shedQuiz# " - What.],ercrentageof,theL-Ylmhaven foa.dJs,sidewalksorotherhard .surfaceiS)? -A. 15% - B.250jd ~C.30;~ - Il..50% Watet>shedQuiz# 7 -Howmanfpeoplei live in the LYlUlhaven Water she d.? -.A. 175',000 - B. 200,,000 -G. 9 o "OiO 0 - D. T'o'omany'. at is theG.gal'? -Clean Water for R-ecreation,Fishin.g, Wildlife ~ In1p.tClved Navig.ati.on - RestoreOystets - I<estore;S<e'a (}ras;ses - Protect Yiewsand NaturalS'cenery - P:ro'vide Go:od Ilta.il1age - Maintain High.Prop-er"ti \lal ue,'s · A PuzzlewithM'any;Pie~cesand.Players -Shott Range Elel11ents of the Plan ~ Lo.n;g I<ange. EI€:1l1entsofth~Plan - Id"entify Stakeholders ~Coml1luhit,a:ti()ri ,al1dCootdihatiCl1'1 Sh()rtT~rmA.ctl()nS ('12-18m()<nths) -CommunityWaterslted Orgjanization -' Thllis;sion ~ Vl,810n - Structure ~ @oals - Priorities Sh()rtT~rmA.ctl()nS ('12-18m()<nths) · Stoou\Vater Mana~em.ent :itrate.,gy - Public W(Jtks .. ExislihgC:oriditi()RsancdStarid:a,tds .' W'~t~rQ-ualityChtlr(lc.t~tiz}a,ti()nbySt(~~llt< S~gmertt -Ev<aluatioft'ofRegulatoryRequirements -Recommendations and Priorities L()n~ Term ActlCl'n;S ('18-6:0m()<nths) · Co~s~m~l~s~r~~niW~ -Oo,st Bstimates! IncreasIng ~8tu.dy Iilnelin,e' Increasing - Federal Funding Issues ~:Sco:peofWlJtkWititet -:Spiirtg .."2003 -StudyO<oti1pletiollih ;2:007- ;2:008 L()n~ Term ActlCl'n;S ('18-6:0m()<nths) -Demonstration.Proj.ec:ts -Stot111watet ~Navigation - Habitat Restoration ~ Education