HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 04, 2003 AGENDACI'T'Y COUNCIL MAYOR kfEYEM E. 0DEZVDORF At Large VIC M YDR LOUIS R JONES Eaysde Duxrict 4 MARGAMT'L SURE Crntervdle Orono } 11 HA Y E DIESEL, Karr psville Drsinct 2 REBA S McCL 4)VAN Rose Hall District 3 RICHARD A AMDDOX Beach District JIM REEF' Pnmcess Aivre District 7 PETER W SCHA4DT .fit Large RON A YIL NUE A Al Large ROSEMARY WII,11%0N At Large JAMES L. FOOD Lyrrrrhaverr District 5 JAWS K SPORE City Manager LESLIEL L L EY City Anorney RUTH HODGEiS � lir MC City Clem City of Virginia Beach "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETEME" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA February 4, 2003 I CITE' MANAGERS BRIEFINGS COY HAa BUILDING 1 2401 COURTHOOSE DR[ VE VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE 75 7) 427-4303 FAX 7 7 426 5669 MAIL Ctycncl@vbgov cora - Conference loom - 2 30 PM 03-04 BUDGET STATUS Cath ryn Whitesell, Director of Management Se et B RANSTTIQN AREA FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Robert Scott, Director of Planiung II REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS )II COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS IV CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS INFORMIAL SESSION CALIF TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf T1- W. -9 UK zwo wal Kel" RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION - Conference Room - 5 00 PM 11 VI FORMIAL SESSION CALL TO ORDER - Mayor M vera E Oberndorf B INVOCATION Reverend Samuel D Beller Tnruty Tabernacle Church - Council Chamber - 6 00 PM C PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY C U TCEL CERTIFICATTON of CLOSED SESSION F MINUTES I INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS January 28, 2002 G AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H MAYOR'S OR'S PRESENTATION 1 UNITED STATES COAST GUARD PATRIOTIC EMPLOYER AWARD a Sheriff Paul J Lanteigne I ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION 1 Ordinances to ESTABLISH a capital project for the Police Trmn3-ng Facility site selection and design, APPROPRIATE $80,000 from the DEA Shared Assets fid, and, TRANSFER $5201,000 from the Replacements capital unprovement project CIP DEFERRED January 7, 2003 2 Ordinance to APPROVE provision of $100,000 in Economic Development Investment Program (EDfP) funds to Hampton Umvers2tyby Virpn2a Beach Development Authonty re location at Town Center 11 3 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $7,493,278 Erom FY 2001-02 School/Reversion Funds to FY 2002-03 capital budget and TRANSFER $507,500 ire various school projects and to establish one new capital unprovernent project CfP the following projects a $35,986,000 Bayside Middle School re twenty classroom addition $2.)30%000 Site acquisitions for elementary and middle schools C $500,00 Arrowhead Elementary School replacement d $7071)278 School Bus facility renovation/expansion re placement of garage facilities e $375,000 Kempsville Elementary School Modernization f $1001000 Malibu Elementary School Modernization g $32,500 Comprehensive Modern ation Study -Phase YI Ordinance to AUTHORIZE $1,240,000 from hxfonnation Technology Internal Service Fuad re upgrade and replacement of services and equipment Resolution ESTABLISBIENG Virginia Beach Performing Arts Theatre Advisory Cottee Resolution requesting the Virgma Board of Carne and Inland Fisheries AUTHORIZE the City to participate in the late special muzzleloadmg season for the hunting of deer or to extend the regular deer hunting season 7 Resolution RECEIVING report of Transit -ion Area Technical Advisory Committee (TATAQ and noting the Public Comments on January 14, 2003 I! D PLANNING 1 Applications of HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C at North LanIng and Fest Fleck loads, containing 65 1 acres, subject t (DISTRICT 7 - PRNCESS ANNE) Cage Zoning DistriaClassification r m -1 and AG -2 Agricultural to Conditional R-30 Residential r single family lots no less than 30,000 sq t Conditional Use Permit re Open Space C. Vananm&veal re certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 4 4(b), that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance CZ0 and reduce required street width Deferred July 9 , August 13, October 8, 2002, January 14, 2003 Plmmng Recommendation WDEFE141TE DEFERRAL K APPOINTMENT PERSONNEL IEL BOARD L UNFINISHED BUSINESS M NEW BUSINESS N ADJOURNWNT If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meetmg please call the CM CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Heanng impaired call TDD only 4274305 (TDD Telephonic ice for the Deaf) Agenda 1413Iblb www vbgov com INFORMAL SESSION CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCYL c RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION - Conference Room - 5 00 PM 77'VqI FORMAL SESSION A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Myra E Obemdorf INVOCATION Reverend Samuel I Beiler Tnmty Tabemacle Church - Council Chamber - 6 00 PM C PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF ANIEERICA ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CYrY COUNCIL E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F AGS I INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS January 28, 2002 iA 11q"C01'j +tea U �4 �� 4_ 0,P OUR 1%4 l�t#itoonn CERTIFICATIONF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS The Virginia Beach City Council convened mto CLOSED SESSION,, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance vath the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Informauon Act, and,, "ER AS Section 2 2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requares a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted un confornuty with Virginia Laver NOW, THEREFORE9 BE IT RESOLVED That the Virgima Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, dge, a only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virgmia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies, and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convemng this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council MA' 9S PRESENTATION UNITED STATES COAST GUARD PA.T 1 TIC ENPLOYER AWARD Shenff Paul J Lant ign ORDINANCES/RESOL ON Ordinances to ESTABLISH a capital project for the Force Training Facility site selection and design, APPROPRIATE $80,000 from the LEA Shared Assets find, and, TRANSFER $520,000 from the Replacements capital improvement project(CIP) DEFERRED January 7, 2003 2 Ordinance to APPROVE provision of $100,004 m Economic Eevelopment Investment (EDEP) program funds to Hampton Umversrty by Vxrguua Beach Development Authonty se location at Town Center Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $7,493,000 from FY 2001-02 Schools Reversion Funds to FY 2002-03 capital budget and TRANSFER $507,500 re various school projects and to establish one new capital improvement project (CID) re the following projects a $3,986,000 Bayside Middle School re twenty classroom addition h $2,300,00 for elementary and muddle schools site acquisitions C $50000 Arrowhead Elementary School replacement d $707,278 School Bus facility renovation/expansion re placement of garage faciLhes e $375,000 re Kempsvdle Elementary School Moderntzatlon 1009000 Bayside Wh Grade Campus renovations 7 32,5000 Comprehensive Modern tion Study -Phase II 4 Ordumee to AUTHORIZE S 1,240,00 from Information Technology Internal Service Fund re upgrade and of'replacement semces and equipment 5 Resolution ESTABLISHING virguuaBeach Ferfo sung Arts Theatre Advisory Coninuttee Resolution requesting the Virginia Board ofGame and Inland Fishenes AUTHORE the City to participate in the late special muzleloading season for the hurting of deer or to extend the regular deer hunting season 7 Resolution RECEIVING report of Transition Area Technical Advisory Committee (TATAQ and noting the Public Comments on January 14, 2003 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Police Training Facility -Site selection and Design Ordinance MEETING DATE February 4,, 2003 Background The Police Department tern poranl y ceased operation of its firearms training facility at Creeds due to concerns surrounding resident safety Since the closing of the range, police personnel have been required to travel to surrounding jurisdictions to obtain mandated firearms training This situation has caused the police department to terminate all dynamic, remedial and enhancement training To address the training needs of the Department and ensure the safety of the community, it is proposed that a consultant be hired to complete a master plan, which considers alternative sites and options once this analysis has been completed, the consultant's recommendation regarding location and design of the police training facility will be presented to City Council for final approval Considerations The funds requested will allow the police department to hire a consultant to develop plans, gather public input, and obtain permits required to proceed with the project The consultant ill work with the Police Department to evaluate viable alternative locations as well Total amount of funding requested is $600,000 Public Information Public information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process Alternatives There are no current funding streams available for this project Because of the critical nature of this situation, to delay funding could result in potential liability for the City of Virginia Beach, as well as a reduction in the safety of citizens and police officers number of alternatives were presented to Council on December 10, 2002, however, all would require ongoing funding that is not currently available and would not result in the police department meeting its basic training requirements or considerations of future needs Recommendations Establish Capital Project ##3-229 Police Training Facility -Site Selection and Design and approve $600,,000 for the site selection and design phase of the Police Training Facility The funding is available as follows $80,,000 appropriated from the DEA seized Assets Fund and $520,000 transferred from the Emergency Communications/Emergency Operations Centers Capital Project ## 3-173 The funding transferred from this project will be replaced after July 1, 2003 The Emergency Communications/Emergency Operations Centers project is in the design phase for the current fiscal year, therefore this temporary transfer of funding will not cause delays in the project Attachments Ordinance Recommended Action Approve Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency Police Department City Manager � � �� F IData1AT lordjn\NON CODEToli a Training arf wpd 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH CAPITAL PROJECT #3- 2 229 "POLICE TRAINING FACILITY -SITE SELECTION 3 AND DESIGN." AND TO APPROPRIATE $80F000 FROM 4 THE IES SEIZED ASSET FUND AND TRANSFER $520,000 FROM CAPITAL PROJECT #3-173, "EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS/EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 7 CENTERS," TO THIS PROJECT TO INITIATE SITE SELECTION AND DESIGN WORK 9 WHEREAS, the C3-tof Virginia Beach Police Department -i 10 unable to use the firing range at the current facility due to 11 safety concerns 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 13 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 14 1 That Capita] Pr03ect #3-229, "Police Tra3-n-ing Facila-ty- 15 Site Selection and Design," is established j_n the Capital Budget 16 2 That the following appropriation and transfer are hereby 17 made to Capital Prop ect #3-229, "Poll-ce Train_ng Facil3-ty- Site 18 Selection and Design, to initiate design work for the Police 19 Training Facility 20 a $80,000 is appropriated from the DEA Shared Assets 21 Fund, and 22 b $520,000 is transferred from Capital Pro3ect #3- 23 173, "Emergency Ccmmunicat -ions Emergency Operations 24 Centers 11 25 3 That a site selection process shall proceed the design work, 26 and site selection shall be approved by City Council 27 4 That revenue in the Capatl Budget is hereby 3.ncreaed 28 accordingly 29 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia 30 on the day of , 2003 CA$708 ordin/noncode/Palace Firing Range ord wpd R3 - January 30, 2003 Approved as to Content Approved as to Legal Sufficiency OWL anagement Services Department Law Im B� CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM An Ordnance to Approve the Provision of $100,000 in Economic Development Investment Program Funds to Hampton University by the City of Virginia Beach Development Authonty MEETING DATE February 4, 2003 BACKGROUND Hampton University has long desired to have a campus in the South Hampton Roads area The Town Center of Virginia Beach has been identified as an ideal location to provide a doctoral program in Pharmacology gradate and undergraduate nursing degrees and a teacher certification program Hampton University proposes to construct a 16,000 square foot facility at Town Center to house offices and classroom space for these higher education programs The Director of the Department of Economic Development, acting on behalf of the Virginia Beach Develo p me nt A utho nty (the "Authonty') has determined a geed to provide EDfP Funds in the amount of $'00,000 to Hampton University to undeiwnte a portion of the costs associated with the construction of the classrooms and office space at Town Center (Block Four) The provision of these funds requires the formal approval of City Council inasmuch as the Hampton University proposal does not meet all of the cntena required under the EDIP Policy and Procedure for providing EDIP funds CONSIDERATIONS The programs to be offered by Hampton University will create synergy with the Sentara project, Tidewater Community College and the ODU/NSU Higher Education Center in Virginia Beach These higher education programs will supplement and enhance educational offerings in Virginia Beach at a time when state budget cuts threaten to eliminate vital health care education programs Moreover, the addition of Hampton University to Virginia Beach assists in the achievement of the following Outcome Strategies addressed in the City s Strategic Plan for 2002-2005 dated October 11 .9 2002 • To diversify and enhance the quality of our array of cultural, recreational and educational opportunities • To work with our Community to focus resources on the development of a qualified workforce ranching the needs of employers and potential employees • To facilitate opportunities for individuals to learn and work, to realize their own life's goer and to provide for the well-being of themselves and their families To work with the Community to both stimulate and provide lifelong learning opportunities that address the needs of the entre community The Authority approved a resolution in favor of the E IP grant to Hampton University on January 21 r 2003, subject to the formal approval of City Council, all in accordance with the EIP Policy and Procedure Additionally the provision of ECT funds is subject to Hampton Universitys execution and delivery of a Recapture apture Agreement and the provision of a lease or other satisfactory evidence of a lease obligation of Hampton University to lease the 16, 000 square foot office and classroom space for at least 5 years PUBLIC INFORMATION All public information will be handled through the normal agenda process ALTERNATIVES Adopt the Ordinance approving the provision of EDIP Funds to Hampton University by the Authority or not adopt the Ordinance RECOMMENDATIONS Approval of the provision of EDiP Funds to Hampton University by the Authority ATTAC H II I E I Ts Ordinance, Resolution adopted by the Virginia Beach Development relopment Authority on January 21, 2003 Recommended Action Approve Submitting Department/Agency Economic Development ;. City Manage6z�A� V"'�_ 1 ORDINANCE No 2 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE PROVISION 3 OF 5100,000 IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM FUNIS T HAMPTON UNIVERSITY BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTI I RT1 Y WHEREAS, Hampton Umver itydesires to locate certarn graduate and undergraduate programs in the Town Center of Virginia Beach, WHEREAS, Hampton University proposes to construct a 16,000 square foot facility 10 in the Town Center (Block Four) to house the necessary office and classroom space for its proposed 11 higher education programs, 12 WHEREAS, the Director ofEconomic Development, acting on heh lfof the Virginia 13 Beach Development Authority (the "Authority", has determined a need to provide Economic 14 Development Investment Program "EDIP" funds to Hampton Umversity to underwrite a portion is of the costs of construction of 16,000 square feet of office and classroom space, 16 WHEREAS, there are funds to the EDIP which are available for such purposes, 17 subject to the formal approval of City Council, and 18 WHEREAS, by Resolution adopted January 21, 2003, the Authority approved the 19 provision of S 100,000 of EMP funds to Hampton U ruversity to underwrite a portion of the costs of 20 construction of the 16,000 square foot office and classroom facility, subject to the approval of City 21 Council 22 NDw, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 23 VIRGINIA. BEACH, VIRGINLk 24 1 That City Council hereby approves and authorizes the Authority to provide 25 $100,000 in Economic Development Investment Program funds to Hampton University to 26 underwnte a porton of the costs ofconstructlon of a 16,000 square foot office and classroom facility 27 at the Town Center of Vlrgmia Beach 28 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virg. ia, on the day o 29 February, 2003 30 CA -8665 31 PREPARED January 21, 2003 32 -1 3 3OVED TO CONTENT 34 (Aept of Economic eve ent APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIEN Y Law Department IPmjects\HamptonU ord wpd A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROVISION OF $100,3000 IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM FUNDS TO HAMPTON UNNERSITY WHEREAS, the City ofVirgima Beach Development Authority the "Authont r" was created pursuant to Chapter 643 of the Acts of Assembly of1964, as amended (the "Act"), AREAS, one of the pary purposes of the Act is to enable development authorities 'oto promote industry and develop trade by inducing m nufactunng, industrial, governmental and commercial enterprises to locate in or rernam in the Commonwealth t', WHEREAS, pursuant to § 7 of the Act, "the Authonty may foster and stunulate the development of industry in the area within its jurisdiction [and) may accept, and expend for the purposes stated above, money from any public or pnvate source ", WHEREAS, the econorruc development goals and objectives of the City include achieving a higher rano of nonresidential to residential real estate assessments, investing in land and infrastructure to benefit future economic growth, and maximizing the return of econorruc development efforts through the development and implementation of programs and strategies that facilitate new busuzess investment and encourage retention and expansion activities, thereby improving the overall quality of life in the City, WTIEREAS, the City established the Econormc Development Investment Program CEDIP") in the FY 1993-94/FY 1998-99 Capital Improvement Program as part of its overall effort to enhance the City's ability to accomplish these goals and objectives, WHEREAS, pursuant to the authonty and empowerment set forth in § 10 of the Act, City Council, by ordinance adopted January 25, 1994, authonzed the transfer of funds in the EDIP account to the Authority and the provision of future EDIP appropriations to the Authority to enable the Authonty to more effectively continue its efforts to foster and stimulate economic development by inducing businesses to locate or remain in the City, A REAS, the Director of Economic Development, elopment, acting on behalf of the Authority, has determined a need to provide EDIP funds to Hampton University (the "Recipient") to underwrite a porton of the costs of construction of 16,000 square feet of office and classroom space at Town Center (Block Four), however, the criteria set forth in Paragraph f the EDIP Policy and Procedure have not been met., VITERAS, pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 3 of the EDIP Policy and Procedure, City Council has given its informal approval of the provision of EDIP funds to the Recipient prior to the Authority's approval, and intends to give its formal approval in the near future, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF VIRGEqIA EACH DEVELOPMENT AU RITY Z That the Authority hereby finds that the provision of $ 100,000 in EDIP funds to the Recipient will primarily serve the valid public purpose of fostering and stimulating economic development in the City, and is in furtherance of the purposes for which the Authority was created 2 That subject to the formal approval of the City Council of Vugznia Beach, the Authority hereby approves the provision of $100,000 in EDIP funds to the Recipient to underwrite a portion of the costs associated with the construction of 16,000 square feet of office and classroom space in Town Center (Block Four), and/or other allowable off-site infrastructure improvements related thereto Such funds shall be paid to the Recipient at such time as the Recipient occupies the described office space and classrooms and has commenced instruction 3 That prior to receiving any portion of EDIP Funds, the Recipient will execute and deliver to the Authority an EDIP Recapture Agreement in a form acceptable to counsel for the Authority and provide a signed lease or other satisfactory evidence of a lease obligation of the Recipient to lease the described office and classroom space for at least five (5) years Adopted this c� 1 s�-day of , 2003, by the City of Vuguua Beach Development Authority 0 CITY OF V RGMA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Atk04 -)- )dr Secretary/A"tsmri GW.. e*§.� IF \Department Files\VBDAIL cgaidocsl 0J\Hampton U RES wpd CERTIFIED TRUE COPY 'tr%. v, Lin aLea Sheehan, Clerk VBDA Project Summary Report Project Name Hampton University Name Business Type Total Employment 22 Retained Jabs 0 Salary $000 Average Salary And Benefits$000 Build:na Reauirements &� Lease ❑ Multi -Tenant Own Standalone Lease/Purchase Building Either Min Sq Ft Office 1 000 MaxFt Office 1 000 IIA i n Sq Ft Total 1 000 Max Sq Ft Total 1 000 Space Dotes Min Acres Max Acres 0 Sde Decided On Town Center Product/Service Education Capital Investment Building and Site 1 000 000 00 Machine and Tools $000 Other $400 000 00 Total $194009000 00 Buildina Uses 0 Light AAanufactunng ❑ Flex Space 0 Heavy Manufacturing El Officelwarehs ❑ Warehouse S6 Office Min Sq Ft Mfg 0 Min Sq Ft 1l hse Max Sq Ft Mfg 0 Max Sq Ft I hse Class Expansion Requirement onfidentiai report prepared by the Virginia Beach Departmew of Economic Development 0111712003 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Appropriation of Virginia Beach Schools Reversion Funds and Transfers Between Capital Projects MEETING DATE February 4 2003 ■ Background Virginia Code § 22 9-100 provides that any unexpended funds from the School s Operating Budget must be returned to the governing body The Virginia Beach City Council has along-standmg practice of appropriating the School s Reversion funds to the School s Capita! and Operating budgets for non-recurring items On September 11, 2002# the School Board was presented with a summary financial state ment indicating a t taI of $18 290 278 of available unaudited reverse n funds for fiscal year ending 2002 City Council has appropriated $400,000 on July 9, 2002 to badge the compensation package beginning July 1 2002 for current teaching staff Lauer, on November 5 2002 it appropriated $10,397 000 for various CIP projects and one time operating costs OnDecembei-17 2002 the School Board adopted a resolution requesting that City Council appropriate the remaining 493 278 to the following capital projects as set forth below $3986000 Bayside Middle School Addition (Capital Project #1-240) $2 300 000 Various Site Acquisition - Phase i (Capital Project # 1-006) for a new 600 student Elementary school adjacent to Newtown Road Elemen#ary School and for a new Virginia Beach Middle School Site $500,000 Arrowhead Elementary School Replacement (Capital Project 1-226) to start earlier $707,278 Provide Funding for Renovation or Replacement of Bus Garage Faalities and/or Site Acgwsition as required (Capital Project 1-078), New Project -School Bus Facility Renovation/Expansion Total $7,493,278 Additionally on January 21 2003 the School Board approved two resolutions requesting that City Conal approve the following transfers between capital projects Amount From To $300000 Capital Project #1-222 capital Capital Project # 1-220 Pembroke e E S Modernization Kernpsville E S Modernization $75000 caprtal Project # 1-223 capital Project # 1-220 Lynnhaven E B Modernization I ernp ville E S Modernization $100000 Caprtal Project # 1-222 Pembroke E S Modernization $10739 Capital Project # 1-002 Kellam High School Auxiliary Gym Caprtal Project #1-221 Malibu P S Modernization Capital Project # 1-231 Comprehensive Modernization Study -Phase 11 1914 Capital Project #1-198 Capital Project # 1-231 seatack Elementary Replacement Comprehensive Modernization study -Phase 11 482 Caprtal Project # 1-238 Kemps Landing Conversion $16,365 Capital Project # 1-239 Bayside ' Grade Campus Renovations $507,500 Total Capital Project # 1-231 Comprehensive Modernization study -Phase 11 Capital Project # 1-231 Comprehensive Modernization study -Phase 11 Considerations By three separate resolutions the School Board has requested the allocation of the above - identified funds ■ Public Information Notice was advertised in the Beacom on January 1, 2003 The Public Hearing will be held on Januar r 28, 2003 on this proposed amendment to the FY 20 02-03 Capital Improvement Budget ■ Alternatives Non Recommendations Approval of attached ordinance Attachments Ordinance and copy of school Board Resolutions Recommended Action Approval Submitting DepartmentlAgency Virginia Beach City Public Schools City Manager r 5 V 7r�?�"��t. F Data1A'f'Y\OrdtnWONCODEISCFi00LR J 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $7,493, 000 2 2 FY 2001-02 T I RG I N IA BEACH SCHOOL REVERSION FUNDS DS TO VARIOUS SCHOOL PROJECTS I N THE FY 2002-03 CAITAL 5 BUDGET, TO ESTABLISH ONE NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT T PROJECT, AND TO TRANSFER 7 $507,500 BETWEEN VARIOUS SCHOOL CAPITAL PROTECTS IN THE FY 2002-03 CAPITAL BUDGET WHEREAS, on September 11, 2002 the School Board was 10 presented with a summary financial statement indicating a total 11 amount of $18, 290, 278 in FY 2001-02 Virginia Beach Public School 12 unaudited reversion funds, 13 WHEREAS, $10,797,000 of these reversion funds has been 14 previously appropriated and $7,493,278 has not been appropriated, 15 and 16 WHEREAS, by resolutions dated December 17, 2002 and 17 January 21, 2003, the school. Board formally requested the City 18 Council to approve the appropriation of the remaining $7,493,278 of 19 school reversion funds and to also approve $507,500 in budget 20 transfers to the City's FY 2002-03 Capital Budget 21. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 22 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23 1 That Capital Pro3ect ## 1-078, "School Bus Facility 4 Renovation and E ars ron, " is hereby created 25 2 That $7,493,278 of school reversion funds from the 26 School Board's FY 2001-02 Operating Budget is hereby appropriated 27 from the Fund Balance of the General Fund to the FY 2002-03 Capital 28 Budget in the amounts and to the pro3ects as set forth below 2 (a) $3,f 986, 000 to Capital Pro3 ect. 1-240, 'Bayside Iii-iddl 30 School Addition," for a twenty classroom addition, 31 b $2,300,000 to Capital Prop ect #1-0 06,, "Various 32 School Site Acquisitions - Phase I , �� for new elementary and middle 33 school sites, 3 o $500, 000 to capital Project 1-226, "Arrowhead 35 Elementary School Replacement," to start the process earlier, and 3 d) $707,278 to Capital Propect #1-078,, "School Bus 37 Facility novation/Expansion," for replacement of bus garage 38 facilities 39 2 That $507,500 i s hereby transferred in the FY 2002-03 40 Capital Budget as set forth below 41 a $37S,,000 to Capital ProDect ##1-220, " emps elle 2 Elementary School Modernization," with $300,000 transferred from 43 Capital Prop e t #1-222, "Pembroke Elementary School Modernization.. ation, 11 44 and $75.,000 from Capatal Pro3ect #1-223, IlLynnhaven Elementary 45 School Modernization", 46 b $100, 000 to Capital Pro]ect ##1-221, "Malibu 47 Elementary School Mod rn3 at ion, " from Capital Project #:L-222, 4 "Pembroke Elementary School Ioderni at iLon" , and 4 e $32,500 to Capital Project ##1-231, omprehen s ive 50 Modernization Study -Phase II, 1f with $10,.739 transferred from 1 Capital Pro] ect #1-002,, "Kellam High School Auxiliary Gym," $1 , 314 52 transferred from Capital Pro3 ect #1-198, r' eatack Elementary School 3 Replacementf 11 $3,482 transferred from Capital Project #1-238, 2 54 "Kemps Landing Conversion, " and $16,365 transferred from Capital 55 Project #1-239, "Bays i -de 6th Grade Campus Renovations 11 56 3 That revenue a -n the FY 2002-03 Capital Budget is 7 hereby increased by $7,493,278 8 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 59 Virginia, on the day of , 2003 60 Requires ars affirmative vote by a mai ori ty of the members of 61 clt'y Council CA -8726 ordin/noncode/Schoolreveord wpd January 24, 2003 R3 Approved as to Content 0�n" a "I Management Services Approved as to Legal Sufficiency City Attor y' Office VIRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOLBOARD Darnel D Edwards Chamnan L1aW 1 Centerville 1513 B xhview Drive VA Beach VA 23464 495-3551 N • 717-0259 {aelr} Neil L. Rose ice C mean Al Lane 1337 Kwrts RoW VA Beach VA 23452 463-3823 {h} 497 66M (w) Jane S Brooks D smd 6 Bean 721 Mop Road VA Be2ch VA 23454 425-1597 (h) Emm L Em Davis DksW 5 Lln nharcn 1125 KkhwWood D we A Beach VA 23452 348911 (h) IL James "Jim DeMis DoW 2 - Kan"v le 4545 Bob Jones Dave VA Beach VA 23462 467 2457 (th) Un R. Uwe # 4 Or/side 4617 Red Coat Road VA Beach VA 23455 4903681 (h) Sandra Smith -Jones 705 Rock Creek Court VA Bexlr VA 23462 4167 ) INK"d W stmt Dmtd 3 Rose Rall los etwood Court VA Beach VA 23 494 ) • 445-4637 (w) Arthur T Tate At-Lwp 17M Laipmr1h Dews VA Beach VA 23455 X51 ) Carolyn o Weems 1420 Claucka Drive VA Beach VA 23455 X74 ) Lois S WIllams Ph D DksVd 7 - Princess Anne 2532 Las CorraW Court VA SCh VA 23456 30691 () SUPERINTENDENT AHEAD O F THE C U R V E RECOMMENDATIONS OF CIP AD HOC COMMITTEE WHEREAS n June 25, 2002 the School Board established an AD HOC Con-u-ilittee to review current and projected facility needs to the CIP and WHEREAS on June 25 2002 the School Board adopted a resolution recommending that 000 000 in FY 2001102 reversion funds be reserved for undesignated CIP projects and WHEREAS on October 1 2002 the School Board adopted a resolution rec n rending that an additional 493 278 in FY 2041102 reversion funds be reserved for undesignated CIP projects subsequent to rec mrnend tion ofthe CIP AD HOC Committee and WHEREAS, the CIP AD HOC Conmiittee has coy ipleted their work and issued a final report dated November 19 2002 and WHEREAS the CIP AD HOC Committee recommends the following uses for 7 493 278 in reversion funds Bayside Middle School Twenty Classroom Addition $3986000 Provide Funding for Site Acquisition IP 1-006) for a new 600 student Elementary school adjacent to Newtown Road Elementary School S 1,050 000 School Modernization Program — Provide Funding for Arrowhead Elementary School CIP 1-226) to start earlier $500,000 Provide Funding for Site Acquisition CIP I-40for a new Virginia Beach Middle School Site $1. 040 Provide Funding for Renovation or Replacement of Bus Garage Facilities and/or Site Acquisition as required $707,278 WHEREAS while the Board expects its Building Utilization Conumttee to verify program capacity numbers and to continue to explore all possible methods of reducing over capacity situations at all schools given the need to rrunmuze over erowdmg now and nunn- uze future construction costs it recognizes the need for a pennanent construction -based solution to over crowding m the Bayside area, and WHEREAS the Board has dtrected the Adnunistration to develop recornrnendations to consolidate smaller elementary or middle schools as a potenutal offset to the overhead generated by building a third elementary school to support the Newtown RoadlBettxe F Williams attendance zones Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the School Burd approves the recommended uses of FY 2401/02 reversion funds s presented by the CIP AD HOC Committee And be it further RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution he spread across the official minutes of this Board, and the Clerk of the Board is directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Mayo IWA e�nb-.�ed City Council, the City Manager, and the City Cleric Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach dus 17`' day o� nm R. Jeniscy Ph -D Daniel D FcUwards Chairf= V 2Gaorge Mnm D we Attest CERT1 M To B E,Beach A A 23455 If 4 7 ANDSRR iarme P Alexander, Clerk of the Board . . School Admin =on Building • 2512 George Mason Dnve -* P 0 Box 6038 • Virgima Beach VA 23456-0038 C VIRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOLBOARD VO1 centervAe 1513 6e.,&vww Dave VA Beam VA 23464 496-3 51 (h) • 717-0259 (WI) Nd u Ron Vce ChWMM Atte 1337 Harm #aid VA each VA 23452 463,= (h) • 497-66M (w) Jane S Brooke CksW 6 Beach 721 Hdl p Rcad VA Bead, VA 23454 425-1597 (h) EmmLUm Dztd s Char~ 112 A f hoe god Dmrc V Beadr IIA 23452 34M1 f (h) A. Jan= wJme DeSdis Da id 2 — empsWile 4545 Bob Jmes Drove VA Bead VA 23462 467 2457 (h} Dan FL Lowe DzW 4 Baysde 4617 Red carat Road VA Bead, VA 23465 490-3fi81 ) Sandra SndUWones 705 Rack Cnwk Courl VA Beech VA 234 49MI67 ) moa W shwart Dist 3 Fuse Hai 105 Bre b000d Cou# VA Beech VA 23452 4994343 ) . 44&*7 AjOw r rat 1709 UdysffvM hews VA BndL VA 234 X151 ) Carate D W.eRre k 1420 04ucka Orm VA Beach VA 23455 4"%-14 (h) D rKA 7 — Pr nam Am m 2= Las Cwda court VA Bead, VA 2M MM (w) SUPERINTENDENT Th=ft R. Joromy Ph.O 2512 George Mum Dime VA Beach VA 23455 4274326 AHEAD O F THE C U R V E CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRANSFER OF FUNDS V' UREAS, the construction of the f empsville and Malibu alibu Elementary School Modcmi ati n projects conmenced in July 2001, and WHEREAS, the Ke psville Elementary School project has encountered numerous unforeseen utility conflicts which require additional appropriations in order to complete the project as originally planned, and WHEREAS, the Malibu Elementary School project has encountered unforeseen structural deficiencies which require additional appropriations in order to complete the project as on&nn lly planned and WHEREAS, the Pembroke and Lynn aver Elementary School Mod rnmation projects are both under budget and have sufficient appropria bons to accommodate the proposed transfers, noir, therefore, be it RESOLVED That the School Board requests that City Council approve the transfers outlined as follows CEP 1-222 Pembroke E S Modemization 1223 CIP L ven E S Modemizahon CIP 1-222 Pembroke E S Moderruzahon and be it further Ammint In $30%000 CEP 1;220 Kempsville E S Modernization S 75,000 CIP 1-220 Kempsville E S Modernization $1002000 CEP 1-221 Malibu E S Modernization RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be delivered promptly to each member of City Council, the City Manager, and the City Clerk by the Clerk of the Board Adopted by the School Board of the City of ViTginia Beach January 21, 2003 SEAL Attest Dianne P Alexartider Clerk of the Board CERTIFIED TO -A7M AND CRREDT COPY ClerK SCIS pity of ! School A►dmtnton Hiding 0 2512George Kam DrRve ' P 0 Bax 6038 • Virgima Beach VA 23456-0038 A, VIRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOL BOARD noW o. edward■ otsm 1 Cenwville 1513 Bamchvew Dnve VA ern VA 23464 495451 (h) • 717-0259 (cell) NeflLRM We Chamm At LOW 1337 Ham Road A Beack VA 23452 463-38M N . 497-M M Joe S e� DisM B Beads 721 hillop RoW VA Beach VA 23454 425-1597 (h) LOQ s DeW 5 Lrerw 1125 doh lw ed Dmfe &!ach VA 3456'911 (h) A. Jugs Amw De8d w DaW 2 — V11% 4545 ft. Dnve VA Beach VA Z3462 467 2457 (h) ON R. Laws D%W 4 Bair We 4617 Reed Coat Roo A &kxh VA 23455 49631 ) Sandrs SmMWones 705 PjX* rW* Court VA h VA 23462 48167 (h) Wdhw W su%vt Dad 3 Rose Hal 105 em&vocd OXW VA Bead, VA ZXU 4S.Ml ) .4S46V Ardwr r roe 1709 Lad�*,.r M MMS VA Boich VA 29% 4MRs1 (h) mdp a AWMp 1420 C WWia Dnve A Beadh VA M45 4S4M74 (h) Low L Mum Ph a DaM 7 — Praxm Arm 2M2 Las Coffaks Curt VA VA 2M zo-ml 1w) SUPERINTENDENT Tina &y L Jwmy Ma 2512GwpMvw0m A Beach 23455 4274326 AHEAD O F THE C U R V E CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, the School Board has been briefed by staff regarding the proposed replacement of Virginia Beach Middle School and the modems ation of Kemps Landing Magnet, and VVEEREAS, the School Board has directed staff` to evaluate the feasibility for housing both programs in a new facility, and Vv REA , the evaluation will require a transfer of appropnations and a modification to the contract with Waller Todd & Sadler Architects, now therefore be it RESOLVED That the School Board requests that City Council approve the transfers outlined as follows CT 1 002 Kellam Fhgh School Auxiliary Gym CIP 1-198 Seataek Elen=tary Replacement CIP 1-23 Kemps Landing Conversion CIP 1 239 Bayside e Grade Campus Renovations Total and be it further, $10739 CIP 1-231 Comprehensive Modernmation Study Phase II 1,914 CIP 1-231 Comprehensive 1 loderni:zation Study — Phase II $3482 CEP 1-231 Comprehensive Modernization Study -- Phase 11 $16,365 CEP 1 231 Comprehensive Modernization Study — Phase 11 $32,500 RESOLVED Subsequent to City Council's approval of the above transfers, the School Board author es the Superintendent to increase the contract with Waller Todd & Sadler Architects by greater d= twenty-five percent of the contract m accordance wrath §2 2 -4309 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and be it further, RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be delivered promptly to each member of City Council, the City Manager, and the City Clerk by the Clerk of the Board Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach January 21, 2003 SEAL test Dianne P Alexander Clerk of the Board Daniel D Bd W; Chairman .�. CERTIFIED T� Pbf AND CFl90CPY clerk & 10"v Of School Adminwwawm Building • 2S 12 George ['dam Dnve • P 0 Box 6038.1 rgarma Beach VA 23456-W38 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM An Ordnance to authorize $1,240,000 from the Information Technology Internal Service Fund retained earnings for the purpose of purchasing upgrade and replacement of telecommunications services and equipment MEETING DATE February 4, 2003 ■ Background briefing on the City s telecommunications services was provided to city Council on January 7 2003 During the briefing, multiple questions were raised by Council members Vice Mayor .Jones and Councilman Schmidt agreed to meet with the Department of Communications and Information Technology CornIT to gain a more in- depth understanding of the telecommunication service needs, and the proposed upgrades and equipment replacements Vice Mayor Jones and Councilman Schmidt met with the Chief Information officer and members of ComlT on January 277 2003 to work through the questions in detail In addition, answers to questions raised during the January " briefing have been provided to City Council members as part of the City Managers weekly package Adequate telephone and telecommunications services are vital to City departments' and agencies ability to communicate with and serge citizens In order to effectively serge the vast variety of needs, the City operates an internal `phone company" which manages all the equipment and services, aggregates purchasing to insure the best volume pricing and plans for needed upgrades to ensure quality service for both citizens and City departments By operating this internal phone company" instead of purchasing all phone service directly from service providers the City reduces service costs by approximately 20% and reduces operations costs by approximately o Additionally, the investment in and operation of a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) telephone switch results in cost avoidance of approximately $600,,000 per year in comparison to a telephone company provided Centrex solution In order to maintain this cost advantage, periodic replacement and upgrade of equipment is necessary Our internal "phone company", the Telecommunications Division of comIT, provides telephone services supporting approximately 3,500 Municipal center campus users and oo users at Social Services, as well as 70 City remote sites with over 2, oo users The division provides the vast majority of its services to City agencies and users However it also serves School Administration offices located on the Municipal Center campus but does not provide services to other school sites The requested funding will address the following needs Upgrade of the existing PBX phone switches at the Municipal Center and Social Services This upgrade will primarily alloy the two phone switches to back each other up Should one switch fail, the other would be able to quickly switch over and handle phone service thereby ensuring our citizens' access to the City by telephone is maintained The upgrades will also add caller ID services and increased capacity to support future growth Upgrade of the Automatic Call Distribution System (ACD), which is at full capacity We are currently unable to add users and functionality for administration, thus limiting the service capabilities of the City's high volume telephone -based call center service activities These centers handle large volumes of citizen calls for service Upgrade of 15 remote saes with connection back to the !Municipal center These are the oldest saes out of the 41 remote saes with significant telephone equipment The remaining 26 sites will be upgraded in future years Upgrade of the current Voice Mail system purchased in 1992, which is at capacity We are currently unable to add any new users to the voicemail system This upgrade will increase our capacity by more than 0%, ensuring our ability to support future growth and enabling us to move current voice mail users relying on telephone company provided voice mail to the City -owned system Once fully implemented, this will reduce the City's expenditures for telephone company provided voice mail by an estimated $57 000 per year Replacement of approximately 1,200 of the oldest Municipal center phones, which are in excess of 10 years old This is approximately one-third of the Municipal center phones The remaining two-thirds will be replaced in futu re yea rs ■ Considerations The Telecommunications Division has identified services and equipment necessary to provide the required upgrades and support From preliminary proposals, it is estimated that the total cost in FY2002-03 will be approximately $1,240,000 The Information Technology Internal Service Fund retained earnings will be used to fund the projects listed above The Information Technology Internal service Fund retained earnings has available funding to support this request with no impact on the General Fund ■ Pudic Information Public Information would be handled through the normal Council Agenda public information process ■ Alternatives An alternative is to continue to operate at the current level, utilizing the current telephone equipment Without the proposed solution,, service deliverer to citizens by City agencies will be negatively impacted due to equipment failures, lack of additional voice mailboxes, and other equipment concerns Delaying planned upgrades will most likely increase the ultimate cast ■ Recommendations It is recommended mended that City Council authorize 1,,240,000 from the Information Technology Internal Service Fund to the Department of Communications and Information Technology ■ Attachments Ordinance Recommended ommended Action Approval of ordnance Submitting Department/Agency Communication and Information Technology City Manager r V V V11 1 AN ORDINANCE To AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE URE F 2 $1,240r000 FROM RETAINED EARNINGS IN THE 3 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FOR THE PURPOSE of PURCHASING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES TO UPGRADE THE TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM 7 WHEREAS, existing capacity to expand essential City telephone 10 services is limited, and upgraded equipment and services for the 11 City's telecommunication system are required, and 12 WHEREAS, E unding for these improvements is available in the 13 Information Technology Internal Service Fund 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 15 VIRGINIA BEACH,VIRGINIA/ 16 That the expenditure of $1,240,,000 by the Department of 17 Communication and Information Technology from the retained earnings 18 in the Info -.n {Technology Internal Service Fund is hereby 19 authorized for the purpose of purchasing equipment and services to 20 upgrade the City's telecommunication system 21 22 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 23 Virginia, on the of , 2003 CA -8714 O rdin Noncode telecomord wpd R-2 - January 28, 2003 APPROVED AS To ONTENT Management Services APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY aw Departm t CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Establishment of the Virginia Beach Performing Arts Theatre Advisory Committee MEETING DATE February 4 2003 ■ Background The process to replace the Pavilion Theatre began in 2001 W11th the decision by city council to demolish the existing theatre with the construction of the new convention center The city retained Theatre Projects consultants to assess the cultural needs of the community and to determine the scope of the theatre project The public involvement process included two evening public dialogues, web site surveys a programming schedule charette" with arts groups, and interviews with over 75 arts groups and community leaders, all designed to gather views and critical information for a series of subsequent reports from the consulting team The Needs Assessment Report recommended that a 1000 -1200 -seat multipurpose theatre be built to fill the significant local and regional gap in that size of theatre and maximize rental days gross revenues for the local arts groups and programming possibilities The consultants stated that a 120 -seat theatre meets the present and future needs of the local and touring groups promotes the development of the arts in Virginia Beach, and provides the greatest potential impact to Tern center Council initially discussed a project of $20M for the FY02 Capital Improvement Project Budget and in a letter from Mayor Oberndorf and Vice Mayor sessoms dated February 27, 2001, the Mayor and Vice -Mayor suggested that 0M is not envisioned to cover the total public cost of a new theatre, and that a new theatre "can easily cost between $1 5M to $45M " eity council passed a resolution endorsing the Town center as the site for the Theatre due to the site's central location, good regional access, proximity to retail and restaurants and desirable mixed land use development potential, and in May 2002 council appropriated a total of ! in public capital funding for the construction of the theatre city Council also tasked the Advisory Committee to explore additional funding through private sources to reach the requisite $50M total budget During spring 200 2, the city awarded the design contract to Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, of Chicago, IL, and on November 5, 2002, city council received the findings of the Virginia Beach Foundations fund-raising feasibility study by The Kellogg Organization, Inc, that outlined one strategy to close the gap in capital funding The Kellogg Organization concluded that a successful fund-raising campaign, combined with user fees and the $35M of city funds previously committed in the CIP budget, will provide the capital funds necessary for the construction of the $50M, 1200 - seat facility ■ Considerations The studies indicate that a broad-base advisory committee should be appointed by council to spearhead the process of replacing the Pavilion Theatre with a 1200 - seat theatre at Town center with a total budget of 0M This Committee will consist of civic and business leaders and their work will be facilitated through three subcommittees including facility design, community advisory, and public awareness This Committee will provide quarterly reports to city council on the Committees observations, and will work with council liaisons to review project details 0 Public Information Public information and notification will be handled through the Council agenda notification process Meetings have been held with all the applicable City departments Additional information on the Performing Arts Theatre project is available on the City's website www VBaov com/theatre N Alternatives Do not establish the committee, or change the resolution for a different format of committee ■ Recommendations Approval of the attached resolution to establish the Virginia Beach Performing Arts Theatre Advisor r Com rnittee, to assist with the development of the Virginia Beach Performing Arts Theatre under the format approved in the 2002-03 CIP by City Council, minimizing downtime between the razing of the Pavilion Theatre and the completion of the new facility 0 Affachments Resolution Recommended Action Approval e AWL L Oluck Submitting Department/Agency Department of Museums and Cultural Arts City Manager r� ` 6 ptez, 1 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE 2 VIRGINIA BEACH PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND PROVIDING FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP, DUTIES AND DISSOLUTION WHEREAS, in the process of constructing a new Convention Center, it has become necessary to replace the existing Pavilion Theatre, WHEREAS, the City engaged a consultant, Theatre Prc3ect 10 Consultants, to assess the community's cultural needs and the 11 requirements for a new theatre, and 12 WHEREAS, the Town Center has been identified as the site 13 for the performing arts theatre, and a steering committee is 14 required to give further input on the des-ign, construction and 15 financing of the new theatre 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 17 CE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 18 1 There is hereby established the Virginia Beach 19 Performing Parts Theatre Advisory Committee ( •`Coa-tte" 20 2 The Committee shall consist of a broad-based group 21 of up to thirty persons appointed by the Ci-ty Council, 22 including persons representing the interests of civic, business, 23 cultural and performing arts organizations 24 3 The purpose of the Committee shall be to serve as 25 mechanism of engaging and involving Local civic, business, cultural 26 and performing arts organs a ions in the planning, desa-gn, and 27 funding options for the proposed performing arts theatre 28 4 The charge of the Committee shall be to assist with 29 the development of a theatre of approximately 1,200 seats at Town 30 Center, with a City investment of $35 million, including land and 31 parking, within the general parameters outlined in the 002-2003 32 Capital Budget, CIP # 3--283, "Pavalaon Theatre Replacement nt 3 Pro3ect " 34 5 The Committee's duties shall consist of meeting as 35 necessary, conferring with City staff and consultants to review and 36 comment on each phase of the proposed performing arts theatre, and 37 preparing quarterly reports to the City Council on the statins of 38 the prop ect and the Committee's observations 39 6 The Committee shall have its first meeting within 21 40 days of City Council's appointment of members and shall elect a 41 chair and vice chair at this initial meeting, the chair shall lead 42 Committee meetings and present reports to the City Council 43 7 The Department of Museums and Cultural Arts shall 44 provide staffing to the Committee 45 8 The Committee shall be temporary in mature, and 46 shall stand dissolved without further action by the City Council 47 after the theatre is completed and put into service 2 47 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 48 Virginia, on the day of , 2003 .-8709 CDINNCNCDatstheterFes wd F - January 17, 2003 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Chief Financial Officer APPROVED AS TO LErAT• SUFFTCIENCY� epartment o aw CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Deer blunting — Special Muzleloading Season MEETING DATE February 4,2003 ■ Background Regulations pertaining to the hunting of deer in Virginia Beach are promulgated by the Virginia Board of Game and Inland Fisheries and administered by their Department The deer hunting season in Virginia Beach currently consists of a regular season (October 1 through November 30) and Early Special Mualeloading season between the first Monday in November through the Saturday pnor to the third Monday in November During the Early Special MuzzEeloading season deer may be hunted with mualsloading guns The Board also provides ivr a Late Special Muzzlefoading season beginning on the third Monday in December and ending on the first Saturday in January This season is allowed in specified localities east and west of the Blue Ridge Mountains Virginia Beach is not among those locales in which this season is allowed The Board however will consider amending its regulations to include Virginia Beach if the City Council adopts a resolution requesting the Board to so da Considerations This will not result in a Unew` regulation simply an amendment to existing regulations allowing deer hunters in Virginia Beach to participate in the Late special Muzzleloading season as do their counterparts in Chesapeake At the request of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries the attached resolution also supports an alternative approach which would simply extend the regular deer hunting season through the first Saturday of January This would satisfy the same request as the Late Muzzleioading season amendment but would have the additional benefit of closing a two week "gap which currently exists in the local hunting season regulations There will be no organizational or budgetary impacts to the City Public Information The request was brought forward by individuals representing deer hunting enthusiasts in Virginia Beach The request has been considered and endorsed by the Agricultural Advisory Commission at its meeting on January 13 2003 Coordination has also occurred between City staff and responsibilities of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries The Agency will invite public comment this Spring Aft rn bves Not support the Resolution Deer hunting regulation in Virginia Beach will remain unchanged ■ Recommendabons Adopt the attached Resolution E AttachmentS AttachmentResolution n Recommended Action Approval Submrtting DepaentlAgency Agriculture Department City Manager V , 4Yk 1 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE VIRGINIA BOARD of GAME AND INLAND FISHERIES TO 3 AUTHORIZE THE CITY of VIRGINIA BEACH To PARTICIPATE IN THE LATE SPECIAL MUZZLELOADING SEASON FOR THE HUNTING of DEER OR To EXTEND THE REGULAR DEER HUNTING SEASON IN THE CII' 8 WHEREAS, as provided by the regulations of the Virginia 10 Board of Gane and Inland Fisheries, the regular hunting season in lI the City of Virginias Beach is October I through November 30 of 12 each year, and 13 WHEREAS, the said regulations also provide for an early 14 special muz leloa ing season in the city of Virginia Beach from the 15 first Monday in November through the Saturday prior to the third 16 Monday in November, dura -ng which ti -me deer may be hunted with 17 muzzleloadig guns, and 18 WHEREAS, the said regulations also provide for a late 19 special muzleloading season for the hunting of deer in the area 20 west of the Blue Ridge Mountains and in certain cities and counties 1 east of the Blue Ridge, beginning on the third Monday in December 22 and ending on the first Saturday in January of each year, and 23 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach is not among those 4 localities in which the late special muz l.eloadi g season is 25 authorized, and 26 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to be included among 27 the localities in which the aforesaid late special muzzleloadrng 28 season is authorized, 29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY o OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 1 That the City Council hereby requests the Board of Gare 32 and Inland Fisheries to authorize the City of Virginia Beach t 33 part-icipate in the late special muzzleloading season for the 4 hunt-ing of deer with mu zleloading guns during the period beginning 5 on the third Monday in December and ending on the first Saturday in 36 January of each year, both dates inclusive 87 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF 8 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 39 That, alternatively, the City Council hereby requests the 40 Board of Game and Inland Fisheries to extend the regular deer 41 hunting season in the City of Virginia Beach through the first 42 Saturday in January of each year, inclusive 43 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF 44 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 45 That the City Clerk shall forward a copy of this 46 Resolution to Mr R W Duncan, Chief of the Wildlife Division, 47 Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 4010 nest Broad Street, 48 Richmond, Virginia 23230, for presentation to the Board 49 COMMENT 50 Pursuant to the regulations of the Board of Game and Inland Fishenes, the deer 1 hunting season m Virginia Beach currently consists of a regular season (October 1 through November 52 30), and an early special muzzleloading season between the first Monday m November through the 3 Saturday prior to the third Monday in November During the early special muzzleloading season, deer 4 ma be hunted with mu leloading guns (defined below) While the Board also provides for a late 55 special muzleloa ing season beginning on the third Monday to December and ending on the first 56 Saturday in January, Virguua Beach is not among those localities in which the late special 57 M eloading season is allowed The Board, however, will consider aniendaig its regulations to 58 include Virgima Beach if the City Council adopts a resolution requesting the Board to so do 9 The Resolution alternatively requests the Board to extend the regular deer hunting 0 season in Virgima Beach through the first Saturday in January in each year 1 A muzzleloading gun is defined in the Board's regulations as "a single shot flintlock or 62 percussion weapon, excluding muzzleloading pistols, 45 caliber or larger, firing a single projedde or 3 swot (with a 38 caliber or larger projectile) of the same caliber loaded from the muzzle of the weapon 4 and propelled by at bast 50 grams of black powder or black powder equivalent " 65 The Virginia Beach Agricultural Advisory Commission considered the mater at its meeting 66 of January 13, 2003 and requested the City Council to adopt the proposed resolution asking the Board 67 to allow the late special muzzleloading season in Virginia Beach 68 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia 9 on the day of , 2003 C-871.9 wmm ordre muzz1e1oadi gr d January 15, 2003 -1 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY /I ) d" �),! /Y� , - y City Attorney's Office CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM A Resolution Receiving the Deport of the Virginia Beach Transition Area Technical Advisory Committee and Thanking the Committee and the Members of the Public Who Attended the Committee's Meetings MEETING [SATE February 4, 2003 ■Background On August 27, 200 2, the City Council established by resolution the Virginia Beach Transition Area Technical Advisory Committee (the "Committee 91 , which was charged with the responsibility of recommending to the Planning Commission technical means of clarifying the porton of the Comprehensive Plan concerning the Transition Area, consistent with the vision for the Transition Area as expressed by City Council during its August 20th workshop on the subject The Committee held 11 workshops sessions, all of which were open to the public, during September, October and November At each workshop, members of the public were given the opportunity to state their views on matters before the Committee The Committee's report, dated January 3. 2003, has been presented to both the City Council and Planning Commission, and the public was given the opportunity to be heard on the report on January 2 (before the Planning Commission) and on January 2 (before the City Council) ■ Considerations The proposed Resolution indicates the City Council's receipt of the Transition Area Committee's report, and expresses the City Council's appreciation for the Committee's work and gratitude to the members of the Committee and members of the pubic who attended the Corrmittee"s meetings ■ Public Information The Transition Area Committee's work has been a very public process since its inception As previously stated, all 11 workshop sessions of the Committee were open to the public, and were well-publicized The Planning Commission held a public comment session on January 2T, and the City Council received public comment on the report and recommendations on January 2 ■ Recommendations Adoption of resolution 0 Attachments Recommended Action Approval Submitting Department/Agency Planning Department City Manager QI"%Ps I z, r 1 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE REPORT of 2 THE VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSITION AREA TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THANKING THE COMMITTEE AND THE S MEMBERS of THE PUBLIC WHO ATTENDED THE COMMITTEE'S MEETINGS 7 WHEREAS, on August 27, 2002, City Council established by resolution the Virginia Beach Transition Area Technical Advisory Committee ( the "'Committee"), and 10 WHEREAS, the Committee was charged with the 11 responsibility of recommending to the Planning Commission technical 12 means of clarifying the portion of the Comprehensive Plan 13 concerning the Transition Area consistent with the vision for the 14 Transition Area as expressed by City Council during its August 201h 15 workshop, and 16 WHEREAS, the Committee conducted eleven 11) public 17 workshops in September, October and November, during which 18 workshops the members of the Committee diligently performed their 19 duties, and 20 WHEREAS, at each of the eleven (11) workshops, members of 21 the public were given an opportunity to express their views to the 22 Committee, and 23 WHEREAS, the Committee found the public comments 24 expressed at the workshops to be invaluable j -n formulating its 25 report and recommendations, and 26 WHEREAS, both the Planning Commission and the City 27 Council has thoroughly reviewed and been briefed on the Committee's 8 report, and public comment on the report was received by the &: Planning Commission on January 27th and by the City Council on 30 January 28th, 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 32 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 33 That the report of the Committee is hereby received by 34 the City Council 35 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY TIME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 36 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 37 That the City Council hereby expresses its appreciation 38 for the work of the Committee and extends its sincerest gratitude 39 to the members of the Committee and to each and every member of the 40 public who attended the meetings of the Committee 1 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virga-ia 2 Beach, Virginia, on the day of 2003 -8732 mmordre TATACre p R-2 January 29, 2003 APPRCvED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY t Plan n epartment Law Department PLANNING DEFERRED TO 2/4/03, BY CONSENT, Applications ofHARBOURDEVELOPMEENT CORPORATION, L L C at Forth Landing and west Deck Roads, containing 65 1 acres, subject to (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a ChgBge of Zonigg Distrza Cla sification from AG -1 and AG -2 Agricultural t Conditional R-30 Residential re smglexl r lots no less than 30,000 sq ft b Conditzonal Use Permit mi re Open Space C Variance l re certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Sect -ion 4 4(b), that requn-es all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordnance C and reduce required street width Deferred Jul , August 13, October 8, 2002, January 14, 2003 Flmmg Recommendation Rs DEFII I DEFERRAL ZONING HISTORY Conditional Use Permit re chool1da rcare — Granted 7 3-01 Condibonal Use Permit (church/daycare) — Granted 9 -9 Change of Zoning AG -1 Agricultural District to PD -H1 District) — Granted 5-11-9 Change of Zoning (AG -2 Agricultural District to PD H1 District) — Granted 5 11-9 Change of Zoning AG -1 Agricultural Distnct to P 1 Preservation District) — Granted 5 11 99 Change of Zoning (AG -2 Agricultural District to P 1 Preservation District) — Granted 5 11 99 Gonditiona I Case Permit comrnu:ns ations tower) — Granted 10-13 8 Conditional Use Permit (communications tower) — Granted 7-3-89 Cha - - Cha age of Zoning AG 1 Agricultural Distnct — Denied 8-27-86 4 Amendment to the Oland Use Plan — Granted 9-22-93 Change of Zoning AG 1 & AG 2 AgncufturaI District to PD H1 District} — Granted 8 27 8 Change of Zoning (PDH PDI -1 District) — Granted 1 11 -82 Conditional Use Permit (home occupation) — Granted 5 14-91 �%6 CITY OF VBEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Harbour Development Corporation, L L C Change of Zoning District Classification Conditional Use Permit (Open Space Promotion) Subdivision Variance MEETING DATE January i4, 2003 0 Background CHANGE of ZONING An Ordinance upon Application of Harbour Development Corporation, L L C , a Virginia limited liability company, for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG -1 and AG -2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional R- 30 Residential Ditnt on certain property located on the south side of N Landing Road, d, west of Nest Neck Roach (GPIN #1493-58-7581) The proposed zoning to Conditional R-30 is for single-family land use on lots no less than 30,000 square feet The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for appropnate growth opportunities, consistent with the economic vitality policies of Virginia Beach Said property contains 65 1 acres DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ALINE OPEN SPACE PROMOTION An Ordinance upon Application of Harbour Development Corporation, L L C , a Virginia limited liability company, for a Conditional Use Permit for an Open Space Promotion on certain property located on the south side of N Landing Road, west of West Neck Road (GPIN #1493-58- 7581) Said property contains 65 1 acres DISTRICT 7 -PRINCESS ANNE SUBDIVISION ISION VA IANCE Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for Harbour Development Corporation Property is located on the south side of N Landing Road, west of West Neck Road (GPIN #1493-58-7581) Said property contains 65 1 acres DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE These requests were deferred by the City Council onJuly g, 2002 to August 13# to provide the City Council with time to discuss the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations regarding the Transition Area On August 13, these requests were deferred to the October 8 City Council meeting in anticipation of Transxtion Area study being conducted The requests were deferred again on October 8 to January 14, 2003, in order to allow the Transition Area Technical Advisory Committee time to complete the work given to them by the City Council On December 30, 2002, the applicant submitted a revised plan and proffers for this development The applicant submitted the reprised plan and proffers in order to bring the plan into closer consistency with ghat the applicant perceives the Harbour Development Page 2 of recommendations of the Transition Area Technical Advisory Committee (TATAC) will be Considerations The applicant is requesting a Change of Zoning district classification from AG -1 and AG -2 to Conditional R-30, a Conditional Use Permit for an Open Space Promotion, and a Subdivision Variance to reduce the required street width The applicant's revised plan proposes to develop a 65 1 acre site into 65 residential lots resulting in an overall density of 1 dwelling unit per acre The request consists of a Conditional Use Permit for R-30 open Space Promotion that allows the square footage of the home sites to be a minimum of 18,000 square feet, afthough the actual size of the proposed lots ranges between 18,057 and 24,820 square feet This allows a greater percentage of the parcel to remain in 96open space" for park space (passive recreation ,n this case) and scenic vistas with the goal of creating openness wirthxn the development as one travels through it Approximately 32 acres of land o percent of the total area) will be dedicated to passive recreational open space The minimum open space requirement of the R-30 open space promotion option is 15 percent During the past reviews of this stern by the Crty Council, Staff provided an assessment of this proposal's consistency with the "Tr nsthon Area Matrix which was developed at the request of the City council as a set of criteria for assessing a development's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan's polices for the Transition Area The Matnx was used to calculate the potential densrty of development proposal in the transition area This development consistently scored high on the Matrix, with a density allowing 64 lots The current plan, however, has not been assessed against the Matrix, as a revised Matrix is currently in draft form as part of the work of the TATAC A cursory assessment of the plan against the daft Matrix reveals that the plan would probably score high Agan, however, the Matrix is in draft form and has not been adopted as policy by the Planning Commission or city Council The proffers have also been revised to be consistent with the open space acreage numbers and other provisions of the revised plan The proffers also include an increase the amount of money contributed to the City per lot for the purpose of acquiring land for open space purposes consistent with the Outdoors Play The amount has increased from $750 to $1000 The Planning Commission placed this stern on the consent agenda because the plan creates a high quality neighborhood that has been designed to preserve a large amount of open space, staff recommended approval and there was no opposition to the request Recommendations In order to adhere to the process contemplated by City Council when the TATAC was established, the following schedule should be followed Harbour Development Page 3 of 1 This application should be deferred to the February 4, 2003 Council meeting 2 The Planning Commission, to whom the report of the TATAC is to be made., has received a draft copy of the report and will receive the final report on Monday, January 13, as well as a briefing from the staff 3 The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the plan on Monday, January 27, at which the public should be given a chance to comment on it The Planning Commission should thea forward any comments it may have to the City Council The City Council will accept the plan from the TATAC including any comments from the Planning Commission, if any, on January 28 Following these steps, the city Council, beginning on February 4, should he ready to consider pending, previously deferred rezoning applications, including this one, in the Transition Area deferral of this item to February 4, 2003 is, therefore, recommended Attachments Revised l n Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting DepartmentlAgency Planning Departmen City Manager Of Harbour Development Page 4 of 1Mff dK VL kA a Harbour Development ent Page 5 of a LErATM WWW 122W a I IF, ^db _ T r PASM PAWAREA TYP ---a FOREGROUND ENIRY FEATURE L4KE AREA rYP COMMUNITY Y I TT TTY AREA • PA' BUYCMM POW TARLS FUTURE M CQM M&t FU7IIR COVYA w I ^db _ T r r� i PK& �. JL 4 BRICK ALL — 7E I T I EX57M SW MAW ' `— TWAG-2) I •SrW 2UMM (R- -� _ --- • TWAT SV A114 A iM f AC wr cmm AAP mw ww-or-w 1.9 Aa 4 JI Mr A W JM3 AC OR C OkVtOU Pl AAE)k SHOW JV f Aa CMS 5M �J AWA PUMX ff-,W—WY) som MWISAwr SHMM MOM Ms WNW * WT& LAAX AWA .SFS AJ Aa M .4 suw" PAAY[W Wr MAMM P • FW-0EWROPSOW CANOPY COWSUM I Maw BECOMP .1196 &V to Aw WW.% -a * POST DMORAW CAMISM Harbour Development Page 6 of LOT AREA TABLE CXSn PAIUWAY FUTURE SMEET CONNEC770M 7 ST57EM WHIN OPEN SPACE AREA M EIMON TE AM Y 15 2002 Z z�r�m (AG -J ASS FT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SIN RA LN APPROXYMATE LOCA770M of PROPS PARC BEACHES T P OMMEMMEMEMEMMEMM 12 FTX 20 FT COVERED SHELTER OF a4SE (TYP) ffVICM9A "JV Z20MWPa-HY) 7 PARK ARM MER ?a 2=2 Carr of TYAGZNZA REA rrffaMA i OYZ I MIL _� & Iqwjm rm anWW94 rsbrwwT 1 Harbour Development Corp Change of Zoning District Classification from AG -1 and ACS -2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional R-30 Residential District, Conditional Use Permit for an Open Space Promotion, Appeal to Decisions of Adrmmstrative Officers in regard to certain Elements of the Subdivision Ordinance South side of ISI Landing Road west of west Deck Road District Princess Anne June 12, 2002 CONSENT AGENDA Dorothy wood we'll go to Items 27, 28 & 29 Number 27 is a Change of Zoning District Classification from A-1 and AG -2 to Conditional F -o Residential number 2, is a Conditional Use Pem t for Open Space Promotion and number 29, is an Appeal to Decisions of Adnnimstrative Officers m regard to certain elements of the subdivision Ordinance This is for Harbour Development Corporation The property is located on the north -- excuse me, on the south side of IST Landincr Road, west of Nest heck Toad in the Pnn ess Anne District and there are three conditions Mr Bourdon` Eddie Bourdon Thank you Mrs Wood Again, for the record, my name is Eddie Bourdon representing the applicants Mr Kensler Mr Sadler, who are here today All the conditions -- the three conditions are all acceptable on behalf of my cheats, we want to bnefly thank Carolyn Snuth Stephen white and the planning staff for all they work on this application My clients have worked very closely with therm and I think, as you said t the informal session this morning this a first rate plan It's an excellent plan not like anythang else that's been done in the City And we appreciate you reeorning that by putting it on the Consent agenda Dorothy wood Thank you lir Bourdon John Baum I wanted to ask a question There s another panel in between that and the Vo Tedi School Is that right's Do you know who owns that's Eddie Bourdon There's a — John I have an aerial of that if that would be of any use t you John Baum Yes Robert Miller John, there it is John Baum well Eddie Bourdon Oh, there we go we got it here to one that's been timbereV John Baum Yes Eddie Bourdon I just asked my clients I do not know who owns that panel that's been timbered that s between us and at Vo Tech Item #7, 28 & 29 Harbour Development Corp Page 2 John Baum You know, you dove by frequently you see something happen and one reason why I wanted to bang that up, our crazy government -- wetlands definition -- Wetlands by their definition There's nothing wrong with developing it in nay opinion, but it s been so erratic that I lust wish people would notice some of these go up some go down who knows who approves9 The reporters have no interest in Freedom of Information Act I love to read the language when they approve these and when they disapprove, so that's not your client's fault ddhe Bourdon I do know Mr Baum and from my personal experience, you have forest piece of property in this area and you timber it without taking the Proper precautions and having dehneation tocro first, it all becomes wetlands once you timber it John Baum. Right well, if it delineated before the tree's cut it's not wetlands du Bourdon What's correct John Baum In last October, they become no longer wetlands and you could do anything you want to and soon as you work it, it looks greasy and wet and everything else, but, that's government reasoning Eddie Bourdon You're absolutely correct Ronald Ripley Mr Scott So much time and effort has been spend developing additional guidelines, addhtional approaches to properties in the Transition Area that are up for development This property seems to — it seems to meet the critena and I think, from nay opinion that the developer and the staff have done an excellent lob in putting this together would you like to comment on this because this is a little more sensitive area then we typically deal with here Robert Scott I would I appreciate the opportumty I can't think of an area that's been more difficult for us to deal with than in the policy areas related to the developing of the Transition Area over the last nine months or so In fact, some people would say longer than that But recently, we've developed with the Planning Conumssion's help, a matrix for evaluating these applications and eve' ve consistently applied thein to applications that have come in over the last several months now In this ease, first of all let Mme say that the matrix takes into account a number of different factors It takes into account the design of the subdivision It takes into account the appearance from the street Takes into account protection of natural resources It takes into account the design and the layout and the relationship of open space to the development In all of Chose cases two things can be said First of all, I do affirmatively believe that Council is comfortable with the direction we are heading from a policy point of view on every one of triose issues They expressed that through their words and through their actions And also, I can say that the application here rate very high no every one of those points It does not rate particularly high on the issue of lot sizes and the way lot saes are employed throughout the subdivision but I can in good faith say I have the same degree of comfort about Council s vier on that point Council has not express to us as they have with those other Item #27, 2 Harbour Development Corp Page 3 points a level of comfort with our approach to lot sizes And I thunk the fact is something that we need to work on further and we are working on further And we hope that we can bring to a truthful conclusion with all the parties involved The difficulty that our staff in thas is askung the developer to amend his plans to accommodate a policy we're not sure Council is comfortable with I would really have a difficulty with that So, I think it just needs to be noted that where as the matrix one when applied as drafted — I think 62 lots on its property we are recommending the 66 because the short conngs is in an area of doubt that we have about how solid everybody is on the polices related to lot size in that area we felt that it was probably inappropnte to hold an applicant responsible for building or complying with the condition that evidentially lacks a level of confidence And I just think that needs to be noted so that everybody knows where were coning from I do have a great deal of faith generally in the approach of applying thus matrix I think it does some good I thunk it provides clarity I thunk it provides some points that people can see and understand and relate to easily And I think it s something that we would hke to continue to do By enlarge this application has matched up very well against it and my write up reflects that But I did want to make sure that the Planning Con-irmsion knows about that cue point and why we differed on that one point regarding the matnx and what our reason beland that was If you feel that our reasoning is not sound and that we should have gorse in a different direction, well you have the facts here at your disposal to do that But I felt it was encumbered upon us to explain why we did what we did with the matrix and as it relates to this application I appreciate the chance to explain that Ronald Ripley Thank you Dot's Eddie Bourdon i gust want to add one thing I forgot to add My clients also met with the group out there on N Landing Road, one of the primary members Ding another former Cirri Dick Cockrell we've met with all the folks who live out in Haat area I wanted to let the Conurussion know that as well Dorothy wood Thank you Mr Bourdon Again number 27 28 & 29 is Harbour Development Corporation A Change of Zoning District Classification from AG- I and AG -2 to R -o, number 2, it's a Conditional Use Permit for Open Space Promotion number 2.9, it's an Appeal to Decisions of Admu istrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance This property is located on the south side of I Landing road, gest of west Deck Road Are there any objections to items 27, 28 & 299 If not, I would move to approve number 27, 28 & 29 with three conditions Ronald Ripley So we have a matron Do we have a second) Eugene Crabtree I'll second it Ronald Ripley Motion by Dot wood, seconded by Eugene Crabtree We're ready to vote AYE 10 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT 1 ATKINSO AYE Item #2, & 2 Harbour Development Corp Page BAUM AYE CRABT E AYE DINT AYE ORSLEY NULLER AYE ILEY AYE SALINE" AYE S'T'RANGE AYE V I OS AYE WOOD AYE Ronald Ripley By a vote of 10-0, the motion passes ABSENT HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L.L.C. / # 27, 28 & 29 EV4100VACI I ok ur M lovalls PLMA64 June 12, 2002 General Information: REQUEST 2 Chan a f Zonina District Classification from AG -1 and AG -2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional R-30 Residential District 28)Conditional Use Permrt for an Open Space Promotion 29)Subdivision Vanance to Section 4 1 (m) for street width ADDRESS Property is located on the south side of N Landing Road, vest of Hest Beck Road 4.5p W 0 SC a x e Harbour DevelopntenCorp C4*n 1.7-s&-7581 Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C ! # 275 28 & 29 Page 1 .IA In dw Wh GPIN #1493-58-758f ELECTION DISTRICT 7 —PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE 65 1 acres STAFF PLANNER Carolyn A K Smith PURPOSE To subdivide and construct 65 single-family dwellings on the 65 acre parcel while providing approximately 25 acres of open space Major Issues: Degree to which the proposal is consistent with Comprehensive Plan's and City Council's plans and policies for the Transition Area Compatibility with the surrounding, existing uses 0 Impact on Crty's infrastructure - roads, utilities, schools Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existina Land Use and Zonim The property is currently vacant, but has been under cultivation in the past The 65 acre parcel is currently zoned both AG -1 and AG -2 Agricultural Districts ,Surrounding Land Use and Zon+n North 0 Single family dwellings AG -2 Agncultural Distnct South • Wooded, proposed single family / P -Fll Planned Unit Development District East 9 hooded AG -1 Agricuural District Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIO , L L C # 29 2 Page West Single family, proposed single family AG -1 & AG - 2 Agricultural Districts, PD -HI Planned Unit Development District Zoning and Land Use Statistics With Existing Under the existing agricultural zoning, the 65 acre Zoning parcel could potentially be developed into four (4) single family Sots or could continue to support uses allowed by right under the agricultural district With The proposal allows up to 65 units on the 65 acre Proposed parcel The -30 Open Space Promotion option allows Zoning for a reduction in the minimum lot size from 30,000 square feet to 18,,000 square feet The lot sizes range from 20,000 square feet to 25,000 square feet Zoning History On a large parcel to the south and southwest, Crty Council granted a Change of Zoning from AG -1 and G-2 Agricultural Districts to PD -H2 Planned Unrt Development District and P-1 Preservation Drstnct in 1999 for a small lot (5,000 square feet) age -restricted community Further to the west, in 1982, City Council also approved a request to rezone agricultural property for single-family development Modifications to this original request were later granted and the development is known today as "Courthouse Estates " Aar installation Comoatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AlCUZ area of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana The proposed use is compatible with this A1CUZ district Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics This property is within the Southern Watersheds Management Area Solis consist of predominately Acredale with areas of Tomatley along the northern portion of the property The southeast comer of the site, approximately 7 5 acres, exists as woods There are several exrstmg wooded hedgerows on the property as the site has been segmented into numerous farm fields The majority of the site had been under cultivation in the past and, as such, this proposal will remove approximately 60 acres of farmland from the City's inventory of agricultural property Planning Commission Agenda June 1, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C I # 279 28 & 29 Page 3 Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer Water There is a sixteen (16) inch water main in North Landing Road that fronts the northern property line This subdivision must connect to City water Plans and bonds for construction of the water system will be required Sewer There is a sixteen (16) inch sanitary sewer force main and a four (4) inch force main in North Landing Road that fronts the northern property line This subdivision must connect to City sewer Plans and bonds will be required for construction of the sewer system Transl2ortation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) This project is not impacted by any proposal found within the Master Transportation Plan This development is included, however, in the C[P -039 service area and presently,, construction of two 2 pump stations and associated severer lines in the North Landing Road right-of-way are underwear Traffic Calculations Street Name Present PresenU Generated Traffic Volume Capacity Existing Lara Use -- AST North Landing Rad ADT' ADT' Proposed Lauf Use 3 -- 650 AST A gage DahlTaps s defined by the existing AG 1 & AG -2 zoning with 4 houses all wed by nght as defined by R-30 zoning with 65 dwelling units Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C , 28 & 2 Page • E LW dTttk � Borth La x Ids est Neck Read Se r eves 11516 G Public utlll�les ousiness Area Crap P lc al Environment Total Budgir:t Qna Rated SUBS uarrt Yrs Future med Appropriations Year 1 Year 2 beer 3 year 4 Y r s Year o FunWng s To Dste FY00 3 F'rr D3 FY 2004-05 FY 0CS-06 ;Y 05.0 FY 200"S Ra uir +ent 3 520 W0 3 330 OOQ 190 This protect prmdeir tower serwoe to the residential ptoperbessimp parborie of Moilh Landng Rood and #NwA Baud by constructonr sewn a Ful swon and esocciaWd ire main 4ocrr in the lei n=w Anne #rct a Conrad A In es the rr8n end construeconsl on'3 sppnoa a stely 4 SOD feet of 17 end 1 grsvly �f mid 3 $001st at of � foroa rra in from 1h pump stsbori site to the intersechon cif Mst Mack Road wW Korth Landing Rasd. (b) Contract B rrrJudes to design and a3rssucbcn at a new s1®tronfad4ty Inn Wesrt ed�c 1bad (c) o,ihac D r uche the design and coretrucbon of aper rrnately 8.500 teat �CT and 1 rty aeor ws 1Fm lire errsnae of r uga Eek to arse Mason Avenue This privet is moedinmed with the vM@r �ry cl 05-082 West beck Road Vftler lrrqrsrrients This pwct ares het been iderided by to bcal Huth Departrrtarit as a CeWgmy S heath problem- Conftucbon of to proled is needed to pr9 z swam io replace fsihng septa sterns vWh pear repair potential and prowrent health ha rd -nately 80 lot: vd be zftckd by ca amoctan of sewer in 1hs ww 1&mt itas profit pallubon can be expeckd to nse m the Uwe due is an expected rrrcreaae inaarbc s)zM failuresrrs0uon of #s priest will a pCorti of this area CquiczyinihopmP nation wd gr vmj sewer s sm will be included to mammize armce area and rnnrn=IJPe number d pum ping foahtreo in t he ams The forim rrawn alon8 West Nock Fid 13 needed to puede an out 11c for on -gar r g and figure devebproertk The peed fret appiamd in the FY 1392-83 CP al an eubrnsied cast d S1 2M OM Cog aartmatm have been rvr ed i n FY 2002433 CEP io re6ect orptaded amps d work and aWW bid prices Burs ftw EsMrMa U M2 -os F -Y 1 FY ICY 2iff0g-07 1`Y 007-M A'taint[ R To AyKwm Design 0110,01 200000 Sia Aaquusm GSDD-IGM1 130 DOD C&wlructicn MM4W02 3000000 Pi0critingenoes 010D4W02 '190 00O 4" Tatsl Budgetary Unt EffUmste ROAD Total 11brwPmgrsrnrn d Costs 0 Total Pr%ramrasd s!:5 3 5Q0 000 Re nue Bonds 309&402 Wotw and Smw Fund A20.S9 ES Total Progir irned Finanang Future Fu ndi rig Requ iriernerft 0 FwcaI Year 2002433 4 182 iluairty Phyrsr=i Erivironinerit Planning Commission June HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C I # 2 Agenda 12, 2002 28 & 2 Page Schools School Name current capacity Generation Enrollment North Landing 590 651 20 Elementary School Pnncess Anne 19424 11615 11 Middle School Kellam High School 2,200 19995 1 "generation" represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning The number can be positive (additional students) or negative (fewer students) Public Safety Police Adequate — It is essential that the common area be visible by adjacent residences A review of the covenants reveals that the height of any fencing adjacent to common areas will be limited in terms of height and building style (no stockade) This will help will visibility and safety It is recommended that the street trees be spaced no closer than ten (10) feet from a light pole to help eliminate shadows and blockage of light Shrubs should not be planted any closer than eight (8) feet to the proposed walking path Fire and Adequate — no additional comments Rescue Comprehensive Plan The Courthouse Sandbndge Issues and Policies section of the Comprehensive Plea indicates that the land uses and densities must net be a continuation of either the northern urban or the southern rural areas but a transition A transition by definition is a change, evolution, shift, alteration or modification The Comprehensive Plan states "this area of the City serves as a land use buffer between the clearly urbanizing area of the north and the clearly rural area of the south Land uses and densities must not be a Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C # 27, 2 Page YM� continuation of erther form, but a transition from one to the other" (page 72) The Plan recommends that residentFal development in this area adhere to the following guidelines Create high quality neighborhoods through careful planning of land uses, transportation systems, landscape treatments and public improvements (Page 72 Policy Document) Staff Comment The goal is to create a sense of openness by maintaining large, landscape entrance (approximately 6 acres) and swath of open space through the arterior of the site The applicant has proposed a neighborhood that maintains scenic vistas as erre travels through the development and incorporates an extensive pedestrian trail system throughout with thought to future connections as well Along with the Irl -planned pedestrian system, park beaches and lame picnic shelters are proposed within the open space area Design with nature, making a special effort to preserve and showcase significant environmental resources Carefully integrate such natural features and use them as a basfs, where possible, to enhance and define neighborhoods, recreation areas, open spaces, and views of special natural areas (page 2 Staff Comment The amount of significant environmental features on this site was limited A stand of trees exists rn the southeast corner of the site It was essential that this single environmental feature be Incorporated into the overall design of the subdivision in terms of the number of homes in the wooded area, minimizing the size of the lots, particularly in this area of the site, arra forethought on the actual location of the proposed homes within the goads so as to minimize disturbance The desIgn establishes a means for an expectation that adjacent parcels, should they ever develop, respect the efforts to maintain a natural buffer of value In addition to preserving the majonty of the gees within this stand, open areas are proposed in strategic locations along the roadway to establish a sense of openness as one travels through the development Construct local roads with minimal pavement width, wide shoulders and side swales Include a well-planned pedestrian circulation system to connect neighborhoods, recreational areas and open spaces Minimize through consolidation of the number of street accesses to arterial roadways (page 73) Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 ARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L c f # 279 Page Staff Comment The proposed 50 foot nght-of-way that serves as the single access to North Landing Road is a departure from the typrcal urban interior road design of 30 feet of pavement The road width will be 24 feet with four (4) feet of paved shoulder on ether side of the road Beyond the pavement, adjacent to the street, streetlights and street trees are proposed A free (5) foot verde concrete srdewalk is proposed beyond the trees and lights that serve as a buffer between the pedestrian and vehicular traffic A Swale is then proposed within a ten (10) foot utility and drainage easement As discussed above, a network of trails and sidewalks is proposed within the development with future potential connections with adjacent properties • Growth in this area should be viewed as a special type of development with rts owe standards suitable to the character of the area The development standards should be environmentally sensitive, including narrow streets with less pavement, rural drainage techniques and appropriate aesthetic treatments The transition area is to be seen as a recreational mecca with residential development only if it supports the primary purpose of advancing open space and recreafional uses Residential uses without an open space element are not encouraged (page 73) Staff Comments This development proposal consists of 25 2 acres or 3 percent of the 65 1 acres as dedicated passive open space In addition, the applicant has proffered $750 00 per lot for a total o $48,, 750 00 to be used for the purchase of open space pursuant to the City's' Outdoors Plan The cash proffer, combined with the amount of open space and the "usa[ i o" of the proposed open areas, lends support to the conclusion that this project appears to qualify as one that will advance public accessibility to open space and recreational uses with the residential component as minor Development that tales place in the transition area should be fis all r neutral Fiscally neutral means that development must both a generate more in tax revenue than the public services cost to support it, and b be of such a density that, when coupled with existing and potential development in the area, a will not generate the need for substantial infrastructure improvements As an altemative to fiscal neutrality, cash proffers offset negative fiscal impacts can be considered In the absence of a finding of fiscal neutral, there should be an extraordinary public benefit to be derived from the project (page 74) Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C / # 27,128 & 2 Pada 8 staff Comment vhde the cash proffers could aid in balancing projects that do not appear to be fiscally neutral, the proposed cash proffers in this instance are specifically designated for the purchase of open space In light of this, upon examination of the quality of the building materials and the value and amenities within the open space and the character of the surrounding development, these houses will have a value of approximately $350.,000 to $450,000 and up In addition., access to water and sewer is available along North Landing Road, however, plans and bonds for construction of both the water and sewer systems will be required The development will not generate the need for the City to incur any substantial expense due to infrastructure improvements The Department of Public Utilities is currently upgrading the existing system along this portion of North Landing Road • The entire project should be developed at a density that is the lowest of the following 1 establishes the residential as secondary, 2 assures that the protect is in keeping with the character of the transition area, and 3 generates no more traffic than the equNalent of one (1) dwelling unit per developable acre (page 74) Staff Comment At the request of City Council, staff developed a set of criteria for assessing a development's consistency with the Comprehensive Plans policies for the Transition Area The result was the establishment o f a "Transition Area Matrix" that is now used to calculate the potential density of a development proposal in the transition area Application of the matrix to the submitted plan resulted in a final "rating„ that would allow a maximum of 64 dwelling units on the property The applicant is requesting 65 units A factor that must be entered into the equation: however, is the fact that the matrix calls for variation in lot size for the purpose of clustering and gaining open space This component of the plan scored relatively low A significant issue, however, is the recent opinion expressed by several City Council members to other rezoning applicants in the Transition Area to have a min1mum lot size of 20, 000 square feet This applicant, knowing that several Council members expressed that opinion, redesigned the proposed layout a number of trines to increase the lot sizes to the desired 20, 000 square feet while still trying to achieve the other objectives as expressed by the Transition Area Density Matrix The result is a plan that scores high on almost all of the matrix Mems except the one calling for variation in lot sizes The scored matrix is included at the end of this report Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, LL C 1 2 Page • The need for widening roads should not be necessary to accommodate the proposed development Projects of high merit and low density should be favored Staff Comment The construction of 65 homes on this property will not necessitate modification to the existing roadway Traffic Engineering staff from the Department of Public Works have reviewed the plan and have concluded that North Landing Road is under its capacity Summary of Proposal Pr000sal The applicant is proposing to develop a 65 1 acre site into 65 residential lots resulting in an overall density of 1 dwelling unit per acre The request consists of a Conditional Use Permit for R-30 open Space Promotion that allows the square footage of the home saes to be a minimum of 18,000 square feet However, the proposed lots range in size from 20,000 square feet to 25,000 square feet The reduction from 30,000 square feet as required under straight R-30 zoning allows a greater percentage of the 65 acre parcel to remain in "ope "opi space" for park space (passive recreation in this case) and scenic vistas with the goal of creating openness within the development as one moves through it In addition to the use permit, a rezoning application is required to change the u n de ri jng zoning frorn AG -1 & AG -2 Agricultural District to R-30 residential D istnct • A subdivision variance is also sought as the proposed and preferred road design is atypical of City standards for a residential street The proposed road section depicts the use of swales for drainage and a smaller width of asphalt (24 feet rather than the required 30 feet) In addition, the sidewalk is not directly adjacent to the roadway but rather buffered from vehicular traffic with street trees and street lighting Site Design • The concept plan depicts a single entrance into the proposed development off of North Landing Road Masonry walls parallel to North Landing Road on each side of the entrance road are proposed There are approximately six (6) acres of passroe open space, free from development, as one enters the site A large entry feature is proposed within this open space area The rendering of the entry feature dei cls a predominately reddish brick outdoor pavilion with a cupola on the dark color roof and dentis molding surrounding the top The design of the pavilion is consistent with the Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L c ## 279 28 & 2 Page 1 Princess Anne Commons Guidelines and complementary to the municipal center and the historic, rural character of the area --- • The central feature of this subdivision plan is a swath of open green space within the interior of the development A majority of all of the dwelling units will face or directly back up to some form of open space —either passive recreational open space or a lake (stormwater management pond) The homeowners' association will maintain this open space • Twenty-five (25) acres of total open space is proposed with six (6) foot wide mulched pedestrian traits, park benches, and picnic shelters throughout Included gra the development is awell-planned pedestrian circulation system that internally connects the proposed neighborhood as well as future neighborhoods • Three (3) large stormwater management ponds are proposed and have been incorporated into the design of the subdivision as visual amenities • Two {2} future street connections are proposed to accommodate potential development of adjacent properties Vehicular and Pedestrian Access • Vehicular circulation within the development is acceptable Both the proffer agreement and the concept play indicate that nght and left tum lanes from North Landing Road will be constructed The proposed streets within the development reflect the rural character of the transition area as they propose less pavement width, wide shoulders and side swales The two (2) travel lanes are twelve (12) feet in width with four (4) feet of paved shoulder on both sides of the street Included in the development is a Drell -planned pedestrian circulation system that connects the dwelling unrts to the open space and prodes future pedestnan connections to adjoining properties as well Five foot aide concrete sidewalks within the rights-of-way are depicted on both sides of the streets with the exception f two 2 cul-de-sacs Architectural Design The Conditional Zoning Agreement states that visible exterior surfaces of the hoariest excluding roof, trim, windows, and doors, must be no less than fifty percent 0% brick, stone, stucco or similar quality material Any one-story dwelling shall contain no less than 2,400 square feet of enclosed living area excluding garage area and any two-story dwelling shall contain no less than 2,600 square feet of enclosed luring Planning Commission Agenda June 7 2) 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C ## 27,28 2 Page 11 area excluding the garage area The Deed Restrictions shalt require each dwelling to have, at a minimum, a two (2) car garage The application states that the anticipated value of the homes should exceed $3007000 although the applicant has stated verbally that the finished h o m es wiII ultimately sell for $350,000 to $450,000 Deed F estncti ns, administered by a Properly Owners" Association, will limit the Leight and material of fencing so that all open space areas are easily visible and safe The Deed Restrictions ns also require that all outbuildings be constructed of the same material and color as the principle dwelling and shell not exceed 200 square feet in size They also require that all front yards be sodded Landscape and open Space • The Conditional Zoning Agreement indicates that 25 2 acres of land {39 percent of the total area} will be dedicated to passive recreational open space The minimum open space requirement of the typical R-30 open space promotion option ,s 15 percent These landscaped parklands will feature walking trails, paiic benches picnic areas, and lakes outside the residential lots and roadways Two (2) covered picnic shelters (12 feet by 20 feet) with a concrete base are proposed Each building lot will be developed with double the total canopy cover specif1ed in the City of Virginia Beach's "Residential Tree Requirement Table " For example, a 20,000 to 23,000 square foot lot requires at lust 900 square feet of tree canopy This can be accomplished by using all small, medium or large trees or a oornbfnation thereof Small trees, such as a dogwood or crape myrtle, are given 100 square feet of canopy cover Medium trees, such as river birch and Amencan holly, are given 150 square feet of canopy cover Large trees, such as bald cypress and loblolly pine, are given 200 square feet of canopy cover Small trees must be at lust five (5) feet in height at the time of planting and indium to large trees must be a minimum um of 1 '/ inch caliper at the time of planting The pre -development tree canopy is 18 percent With the proposed proffered landscaping the estimated post -development tree canopy at 1 0 -year grow out will also be 18 percent Proffers Planning Commission Agenda June 72, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C / # 277 28 & 29 Page 12 A. ww PROFFER # 1 When development takes place upon that portion of Property which is to be developed, it shall be as a si family residential communrty of no more than 65 bur lets substantially in conformance with the Exhibit en "REZONING EXHIBIT OF VICTORIA PLACE", date 71 2002, prepared by Hassell & Follies, P C , which been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council an.... ... file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Concept Plan" Each building lot shall be developed with double i a two Mines) the "Total Canopy Corer Required'y as specified in the City of Virginia Beach's "Residential Tree Requirement Table's published by the Virginia Beach Department of Planning as of the date hereof Staff Evaluation This prefer is acceptable This development proposes a centralized open space with additional pockets and ribbons of open space that serve buffers to adjacent uses and visual relief for both the p destnan and motorist The proposal Is at a denser of 10 unit per acre Because the applicant is utilizing the R-30 open space promotion option, the lots are required to be a minimum of 18, 000 square feet The proposed lots range in size from 20, 000 to 25, 000 square feet The use of smaller lots than the typical R-30 30, 000 square feet provide additional laird available for open space PROFFER # 2 When the property is developed, a central party containing approximately 25 2 acres of landscaped parklands nds and lakes f atunng passive parr areas, community activity areas featuring an extensive pdestnan pathway system, park benches, covered shelters and picnic areas lying outside the residential lots and roadways depicted on the Concept Plan shall be dedicated to and maintained by the Property Owners' Association Staff Evaluation This puffer is acceptable The applicant has proposed neighborhood that maintains scenic vistas as one travels through the development and incorporates an extensive pedes nan trail system throughout with thought to future connections as well Along with the well planned pedestrian system, park beaches and large picnic shelters Panning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C / # 27,28 & 29 Page 13 are proposed within the open space area PROFFER # 3 When n tine property is developed, the pedestrian pathway system and open space improvements shall b constructed substantially as depicted on the Concept Plan Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The plan incorporates an extensive pedestrian cragl system including a six (6) foot wide mulched trail within the open space areas and a five (5) foot wide sidewalk throughout the subdivision Future connections to adjacent properties are also depicted on the submitted plan PROFFER # 4 At the entrance to the community, the Party of the First Part will construct both right and left turn lanes from North Landing Road and a brick wall, 18 inches in height parallel to North Landing Road on each dale of the entrance road as depicted on the Concept Plan Staff Evaluation The proposed rezoning will generale sufficient tumrng volumes to warrant Left and nghi turn lanes on North Landing Road Department of Public Works standards specify the storage and bay taper must each 6e a minimum of 100 feet for the left and right tum lanes The entrance location may need slight adjustment to provide for the Turn lanes This refinement will be determined dunng final site plan review should these requests be approved PROFFER # 4 When the Property is subdivided it shall be subject to a recorded Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions "Deed Restrictions" administered by a Property Owners' Association which shall be responsible for maintaining all crnmr n areas, including the community owned open space with pedestrian pathway system, the entrance feature and community activity area Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable Beyond defining maintenance responsibilities, the Deed Restrictions ve il! also limit the height and matenals of fencing adjacent to open space areas,, restnot the building matenals of accessory Planning Commission Agenda Jure 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C # 2) 28 & 29 - Page 14 structures, limit the placement of flags and other decorative items,, etc PROFFER ## 5 All residential dwellings constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior surfaces, excluding roof, trim, windows, and doors, which is no less than fifty percent (50%) brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials Any one story duelling shall contain no less than 2,400 square feet of enclosed living area excluding garage area and any two story dwelling shall contain no less than 2,600 square feet of enclosed living area excluding the garage area The Deed Restrictions shall require each dwelling to ha el t a minimum, a two 2 car garage Staff Evaluation This proffer 1s acceptable The size of the proposed homes and the quality of the building materials will contnbure to the high quality appearance of this subdivision The required two (2) car garage for each dwelling will help alleviate the necessity for on -street parking on the proposed street PROFFER # 6 The Grantor recognizes that the subject site is located within the Transrtion Area identified in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach, adopted on November 4, 1997 The Comprehensive Plan states that development taking place in this area should support the primary purpose of advancing open space and recreational uses In addition to committing thirty-three percent (33%) of the property to open space preservation, via the dedication of the 20 6 acres to the Property Owners Association as permanent open space the Grantor agrees to contnbute the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty and 11 / 100 Dollars ($750 QO) per lot to Grantee to be utilized by the Grantee to acquire land for open space preservation pursuant to Grantee's Outdoors Plan If the funds proffered by the Grantor in this paragraph are not used by the Grantee anytime within the next twenty (20) years for the purpose for which they are proffered, then any funds paid and unused may be used by the Grantee for any other public purpose Grantor agrees to make payment for each residential lot as shown on any subdivision plat prior to recordation of that plat Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C ## 27,28 g Page 1 U� V6 Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The cash proffer of $750 00 per lot equates to a total of $48,750 00 for all 65lots PROFFER # 7 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Pian and/or Subdivision review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements Any references hereinabove to R-30 Zoning District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of approval of this Agreement by City Council, which are by this reference incorporated herein Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable as it reaffirms that all provisions of the City Code must be met and that the rezoning proposal does not eliminate the applicant's responsibility to adhere to adopted rules and regulations City Attorney's The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement and found rt to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal ions Evaluation of Request These requests are recommended for approval The applicant proposes to develop a 65 1 acre site into 65 residential lots resulting in an overall density of 1 dwelling unit per acre The request consists of a conditional use permit for R-30 opens space promotion that allows the square footage of the home situ to be a minimum of 18,000 square feet, although the actual size of the proposed lets ranges between 20,000 and 25,000 square feet This allows a greater percentage of the parcel to remain in 96open space' for park space (passive recreation in this case) and scenic vistas with the goal of creating openness within the development as one travels through it The Conditional Zoning Agreement indicates that 25 2 acres of land 39 percent of the total area) will be Planning Commission Agenda June 121, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C / # 27, 28 & 29 Page 16 calculate the potential density of a development proposal ,n the transition area Application of the matnx to the submitted plan resulted in a final "'rating"' that would allow a maximum of 64 dwelling units on the property The applicant is requesting 65 units A factor that must be entered into the equation, however, is the fact that the matnx calls for variation in lot size for the purpose of clustering and gaining open space This component of the plan scored relatively lover A significant issue, however, is the recent opinion several City Council members expressed to other rezoning applicants in the Transition Area to have a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet This applicant, mowing that several Council members expressed that opinion} redesigned the proposed layout a number of times to increase the lot sizes to the desired 20,000 square fleet while still trying to achieve the other objectives as expressed by the Transition Area Density Matrix The result is a plan that scores high on almost all of the matrix Mems with the exception of the one calling for variation in lot sizes The design of the subdivision and the amount of cash proffers set aside for acquisition of open space demonstrate the promotion of open space within this proposal Staff concludes that the applicant's proposal meets the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan for the Transition Area and recommends approval of thes requests subject to the conditions below as part of the open Space Promotion Conditions When development takes place upon that portion of the Property which i developed, rt shall be as a single family residential community of no more building lots and shall be landscaped substantially ,n conformance with th Exhibit entitled "'REZONING EXHIBIT OF VICTORIA PLACE, CITY OF 111 BEACH, VIRGINIA, IA, SHEET 2 of 2". dated May 7, 2002, prepared by Hassell Fol es, P C , which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning This includes adherence to the species of plants listed on the plan, the design of the bio -retention benches in the storm grater management ponds, and all other notes on the said plan 2 The entry feature shall be constructed substantially in conformance with the Bxhibrt entitled "Entry Feature for Victoria Park,"' dated May 28, 2002, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning The design and building materials for the proposed picnic shelters shall be of simiIar style and quality of the specifications of the shelter entitled "The Timberland"' design, identified in the BnWood structures catalog, a detail of which has been exhibited to the City Council and is on file with the Planning Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L. L C ! # 27,28 & 29 Page 18 Department The final design shalt be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to the issuance of a budding permit NOTE Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision curing detailed site plan review to meet all a=lt a le Qtv Codes Planning Commission Agenda June 1, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C 29 28 Page 1 I - M-10 I �(Iy M i ■ 4t Lh L. +i 1 tsr*y !l A CL r 1K rt tZ�r M � " l i a I � C ca �4 tsr*y !l A M � " R 0 PlanCommission CIin A e1' da June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C # 279 28 & 29 ~ft Page 2 or i C ■ 4 Planning Commission Agenda June 1 , 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,, L L C / # 27,28 & 29 Page 21 i �w f.46 46 M*w - i C ■ 4 Planning Commission Agenda June 1 , 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,, L L C / # 27,28 & 29 Page 21 U1 Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 � HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT T C F P FlATI N, LL C 27,28 & 2 � -� -- Page 22 N ` Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C # 25 28 & 29 Page 23 Y � W w gin A.ag 'crj 4A I J -W b In M �qr. C710HS I7V4 c c Ln z w ko E! LAJ> J LaLh? Vp LJ c qp J H� ■'1 e1J aTuis MW v r7 �C c y�rl Pr/F Coal W 49 bw M N ` Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C # 25 28 & 29 Page 23 0 ` SWALE T P PIIS BARK MULCH EINE GRADU & WELL C13MPACTED SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY NOT TO SCALE Proposed Shelter Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR F E EL PME 1T CORPORATION, L L C # 2, 28 & 2 Page 24 } 4111 J— 9 r - ,df r Ik' • j �r • i %L APPLICATION PAGE 4 OF 4 CONDITIUNAL USE PERMIT CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's Dame Harbour Development Corporation, L L,Virginia limit d _lia�il_xt � company List All Current Property Owiiex's Burch Famil Ltd- Fartnar-sM n _ ... Arline M Rosenmei r-, Successor Trustee Mxchael - JStafford, Sr ,'Trustee PROPERTY OWNER DisCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach lisi rf necessary) ti ❑ Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organmtnn If the apphcant is not the current ownier of the pa per y, complete the Applicant Duclosur'e se Iron below APT IAIT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list ff necessary) If the applicant is a PARTNER H P FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the orgamxatinn below (Attach Itst if necessary Robert R Kinser Ed Sadler Preston Fussell I Ch -.c -ie e if t` e ipio',can t iN f a corporation partnership firrn or other unincoipoi ated of 2,ani zdlion � � CERTIF'ICJ,TIOy R f I I certify that lite infori afro co rained heis tate wid accurate � Harb v elo orporatin L L C By t oawr Robert R inset Mag Member _ a Print Name row No P S 1 a 1* oneU LI City of Virgirziek B�aGri In Reply Refer To Our He No DF -5542 TO I,P-4die L Lilley FROM B Kay Wilco INTER-OFFTCE CORRESPONDENCE DATE January 6, 2003 DEPT City Attorney DEP' ' City Attorney RE Condinonal Zoning Apphcation Harbour Development Corporation, L L C , et als The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 14, 2043 I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated May 21, 2002, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me Lf you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further BKW Enclosure PREPARED BY SYM ROURDON AHM &LEW R HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C , a ViLr bruited bablhty company, BURGH FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP,, ARLII E M ROSENMEIER, Successor Trustee of the Joseph Revocable 'gust MICHAEL J STAFFORD, SR , Trustee of the ROBERT E REVOCABLE TRUST TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) H Rowlett, Jr. STAFFORD, SR CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a. muracipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Vix a THIS AGREEMENT, Ornade t1ns 21st day of May, 2002, by and between HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, L L C , a Virginia limited habdity company,, Grantor, party ofthe first part, BURCH FAMILY LTD P RTNE S IP, ARLII E M ROSEI MEI R, Successor Trustee, and MICHAEL J STAFFORD, SR, Trustee, Grantor, parties of the second part, and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH municn al corporation of the Commonwealth of Virgana, Grantee, party of the third Part WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the partLes of the second part are the owners of that certain parcel of property located in the Princess Arne Dxstnct of the City of Virgnia Beach, contammg a total of appro saatefy 65 1 acres and described m Exhabit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by thus reference Said parcel is hereinafter referred to as the "Property", and WHEREAS, the party of the first part is the contract purchaser of the Property and has unhated a condrtLonal amendment to the Zanang Map of the City of Virgnta Beach, irgm:La, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to charge the Zoning Cla s #icabons of the Property from AG -1 and AG -2 Agricultural Distncts to I Conditional R-30 Residential Distnct with a Conditeonal Use Permit for Open Space Promotion, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of laird for various purposes through zonmg and other land development legislation, and xPIN 1493-58-7581 I PRER SYEES ROURDON FAN & LM PC WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometirne i m ompati`ble uses confect and that m order to per -mit differing uses on and m tho area of the Property and at the sane time to recogm a the effects of change, and th, need for various types of uses certain reasonable conditions governing the use of tai( Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land surly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantor's rezor n i applicaton gives rise, and WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarily proffered, in wnting, in advance oil and pnor to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed araeridnxent to the Zonmg Map, m addition to the regulations provided for the R-3 Zomig Distnct by the a sing or erall Zon g Ordmance, the foflo ng Treasonable conchtions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zonxng Map relative and applicable tc the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for whac± is generated by the rezo=g NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for itself, iLts successors, person;E representat ves, assigns, grantees, and other successors m title or interest, voluntarily and vnthout any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or itc. governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro for zonmg rezoning, site plan, building pent, or subdLivision approval, hereby make the fo owing declaratwn of coridhtLons and restnctions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenanl and agree that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, w.bach shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claimm under or through the Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in mt crest or title and which will not be requ3 red of tit Grantor untLI the Property is developed 1 When development takes place upon that pardon of the Property w]nicr, is to be developed, it shall be as a single family residentLal community of no mors than = y -five ) build ng lots substantmIly m conformance wi th the Exhibit entitled "REZONING EXHIBIT F VICTORIA PARK" (Sheets I and ), dated May 15, 2002, prepared by Hassell & Fol es, P C , wfuch has been exhibited to the Virgima 2 PREPARED BY BOURDON MAHERN & LAY P Beach City Council and is on file with the Virga Beach Department of Planning ("Concept Plan") Each building lot shall be developed wrath double I a two tines) the 'Total Canopy Cover Required" as specked m the City of Virga Beach's "esidentLal 'T'ree Requirement Fable" published by the Virgirua Beach Department of Planning as of the date hereof 2 When the property is developed, a central park with connected open space areas containing approxately 28 4 acres oflandscaped parklands lakes, passive recreation areas, community actvnty areas featuring an extensive pedestrian pathway system, park benches, covered shelters and picrnc areas lymg outside the residenthal lots and roadways depicted on the Concept Plan shall be decbcated to and maintained by the Property Owners Association 3 When the property is developed, the pedestrian pathway system and open space unprovements shall be constructed and the installed landscaping shall be substantially as depicted on the Concept Plan At the entrance to the community the Party of the First. Part wdl construct both nght and left turn lanes from North Landmg Road and a beck wall, 18 inches m height parallel to North Landing Road on each side of the entrance road as depicted on the Concept Plan 5 When the Property is subdivided it shall be subject to a recorded Declaration of ProtectLve Covenants, Conchbons and Fes notions ("Deed estrictLon ") admunstered by a Property Owners Asso abon winch shall be responsible for mainta m ng all common areas, rnclud ng the community owned open space with pedestrian pathway system, the entrance feature and cornmumty actwity area 5 All residential dwellings constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior surfaces, excluchng roof, tri, windows, and doors, which is no less than fifty percent (50%) brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials Any one story dwelling shall contain no less than 2400 square feet of enclosed hvmg area excluding garage area and any tiro -story dwell ag shall contam no less than 2600 square feet of enclosed living area excluding garage area The Deed F e tnctaons shall re u: re each dwelbng to have, at a mum, a two (2) car garage 3 PIMPAREO BY SYUS BOURDON A41ERN & IM 7 The Grantor recogaLzes that the subject site is looted withm th(, Transxtxon Area identcfied m the Comprehensive L -m of the City of Nina Beach, adopted on November 4, 1997 The Comprehensive Plan states that development to ng place in thus area should support the primary purpose of advancing open, space and recreational uses In addition to commxtUng fffty percent (50%) of the Property to open space preservation, via the dedicaton of 28 4 acres to the rrt3? i Owners Assocxaton as permanent open space and pr vision for 3 9 acres of green, gays vnthin the dechc ted public right of gays vnthm the community, the Granto3 agrees to contribute the sum of One 'thousand and /100 Dollars ($ 1,000 o ) pei f lot to Grantee to be utd=ed by the Grantee to acquire land for open spact. preservation pursuant to Grantee's Outdoors Plan if the funds proffered by thf Grantor m this paragraph are not used by the Grantee anytime within the ne i twenty (2o) years for the purpose for which they are proffered, then any funds paald and unused may be used by the Grantee for any other public purpose Grantor agrees to make payment for each residerxtal lot shown on any subdxvision plat pnoi to recordation of that plat Further concbtrons may be required by the Grantee during de ed Site Plan and/or Subchvision review and admuustratwn of applicable C-ity codes by aD co t City agenciLes and departments to meet all applicable City cock. requarements Any references hereinabove to the R-30 Zoning District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Zonmg Ordnance and Subdivision Ordmance of the City of Virguma Beach, Nina, in force as of the date of approval of thus Agreement by City Count, w1hach are by this referencE mcorporated herem The above conchtLons, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the am en ent to the Zoning Ordinance, shaD continue in f E force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zonmp of the Property and specifically repeals such cond�tons Such condLitons shah continue despite a subsequent amen ent to the Zoning Ordnance even 3d tht subsequent amendment is part of a compr h n we plementat:ion of a new o3 substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until spe cally repealed The conchtion , however, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by w itten mstrument recorded -in tht 4 Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virga Beach, Virgan , and executed by the record ovmer of the property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that sand mstrument. is consented to by the Grantee in wnting as evidenced by a ceded copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the gover=g body of the Grantee, after a pubhc hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 2-2204 of the Code of VLrgurua, 1950, as amended Said ordhnane or resolution shad be recorded along with said mstrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and xf not so recorded, said mstrument sha be void The Grantor covenants and agrees that (1) The Zo=g Administrator of the City of Virguim Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authont , on behalf of the governing body of the City of V3X Beach, Virga, to administer and enforce the foregoing Gond-Loons and restrictions, including the authority a to order, in --- g, that any noncomphance with such conditLons be remedied, and b) to bring legal action or suft to insure comphance with such conchtions, including mandatory or prohibitory mjunclaon, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, scut, or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conchtions and re tncti ns shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any de asion of the Zo=g i tr tor, oracle pursuant to these provisions, the Grantor shall petation the go ernmg body for the review thereof prior to msttutg proceedings in court, and (4) The Zonmg Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the neap the emstence of condAlons attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conchtions may be wade ready available and accessible for public inspe tLon in the office of the Zonmg Adrninistrator and m the Plannmg Department, and they shall be recorded m the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the Grantor and the grantee PREPARED By SYM ROURMIN AHMN & LM P WITNESS the follo mg ;ignatare and seal GRANTOR HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT C4RPORATiOIv, LLC , a Vsrguua limited habiiity company t By � (SEAI) Robert R Kinsar M in agg Member tiY STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH , to -t J u ref The foregoing mstnxraent was acknowledged before me tbxs 10th day of� 20021, by Robert R tenser, Manage. g Member of Harbour Development CorporatLor, L C , a meted company, Grantor My Comrmssaon Expires August 1 , 2002 PRIED ear . sync ROUPM114 MON & LM PC WITNESS the following s ature and seal GRANTOR B RCN FAMILY LTD PAR'T'NERSHIP By J, L Tuno1hypurCh. Sr , General Partner STATE OF VIRGINIA /COUNTY OF e?� u�t1 to -wit The foregoiag instrument was acknowledged before me this . �� day of May, 2002, by Timothy A Burch, Sr, General Partner, of the Burch Famdy Ltd Partnership, Grantor Notary Public My Commssion Expires PREPARED BY SAKES ROURDON ON & Lam' WITNESS the follownng signature and seal GRANTOR -Ndpllf -4491 I;Vre- -,f Cir4tze SEAL) 04JL fj Arhne M Rosenmeler, oc.essor Trustee of the Joseph H Howlett,Jr RevocableTrust W STATE OF �R�#r CITY/COUNTY OF ��e , to -wit ZEUMLd I The fore ung mstrument was acknowledged before rye thus day of I 2002, by Arhne M Rosenxamr, Successor Trustee of the Joseph H Howlett, Jr Revocable Trust, Grantor My comnussian Exptses I a - IS -OS PREPARED BY • Y £ URPON A11MN & LM 8 1 i UNESS the following signature and seal STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -watt The foregoing rnstr rent was 20022 by Michael J Start, Trust, Grantor My CommLssion Expires (?b - Is' 0 o � PREPARED BY AI[Mqq t LM P (- GRANTOR '00.0eSEAL) Michael J S ord, S ,Trustee of the Robert E Stafford, r ,Rev cable Trust 9 ledged before me tlasZ3)� day of May, f a vert L Stafford Sr Revocable Notary Pubhc' PREPARED BY AR MN & LEVY P I I Palm i AR of that certam piece or parcel of hand situate near Pnrx es Arne Courthouse n N the Seaboard Magistex al Distract rn the County of Princess Arne, Via, &nd morG E partLcularly descrnbed by metes and bounds as follows BEGINNING at a pont on the southern side of State Highway Route 165 known a% i North Landmg load, as m e ced by the dechcataon of a fifteen 15 foot sip of land to Princess Arne County, where same intersects the eastern line of the lame to thq i oomerresdence, as shown on the plat entitled "Survey of 1I W Flora Property Seaboard Mtenal Mstnct, Pnncess Arne County, ATLrgu-na", dated December 5, 1961, made by Wi fred P Large, Certxfied Land Surveyor, said plat to be recorded simultaneously with this deed, and running thence easterly along the southern side of North I ,andmg Road, N 70° 15'E a dhstance of 419 47 feet to a pont and runnmlE thence S 23* 19'E a &stance of 279 01 feet to a ponnt, and runnmg thence IST 66" 1' E a chstance of 189 39 feet to a pomt, and rune g thence S 32* 0 1' E Z htne of 365 79 feet to a pent, and running thence S 3' 3' E a distance of 733 05 feet to a point, and runningthence S 32° 37' E a distance of 997 11 feet to CON a point, and runnYrx thence S 2" 27' 5" E a chstance of 402 31 feet to a point � and runamg thence S 9° 56' 35" W a distance of 1144 41 feet to a point, and ru nmg thence N 32* 24' 5 1" W a chstance of 1483 87 feet to a pont, and rum thence N 25* 40'06 W a chstan a of 102 86 feet to a point, and running thence 13 * ' 31 " W a chstance of 107 93 feet to a pont, and runnm. g thence N 8 ° 3 7' 24" � a distance of 553 2 feet to o pont, and running thence N 110 519" 5" W o f chstance of 909 02 feet, to the pont of b f f i I SPIN 1493-58-7581 I f s If J I I+ RIMN/HARBOUR/ )FFER7 1EV 5/21/02 i f f l N 10 1 K APPOINTMENTS ' 21 V `1*�' L.TNFII SHED BUSINESS m NEW BUSINESS N ADJ NT dedicated to passive recreational opera space The minimum open space requirement of the R-30 open space promotion option is 15 percent �.` During the design phase of this development during discussions with staff, the applicant recognized that it was essential that the important environmental feature (the large stand of trees) be incorporated into the overall design of the subdivision Mn terms of the number of homes in the wooded area, partrculady in minimizing the size of the lots in this area of the site As a result, the actual location of the proposed homes within the woods has been predetermined so as to minimize disturbance The retention of a majority of the trees dictates an expectation that adjacent parcels, should they ever develop, respect the efforts to maintain a natural buffer of value In addition to preserving the majority of the trees within this stand, open areas are proposed in strategic locations along the roadway to establish a sense of openness This development attempts to create a high quality neighborhood that has been designed to preserve a large amount of open space and showcase the environmental resources on the site Staff approached the review of this pian in the Transition Area differently than one for a subdivision typically found in the northern part of the City This development is a special type of project with its awn development standards suitable to the atmosphere and character desired for this area Development Mn the Transition Area should be associated with significant open space and recreational amenities This development builds off of a centralized open space a well as additional pockets and "n bons" of open space at the property's penmeter These ribbons of open space aid in preventing an undesirable scenario, atypical of the rural character of the area, of back-to-back rear yards A substantial amount of the parcel (39 percent) will remain as undeveloped open areas, but perhaps equally important to the amount of land reserved for open space is the actual accessi ifr#y and usability of the proposed open areas A vast majority of the homes will back up to or be adjacent to erther open space or forested areas This includes lots 56 through 65 that will back up to a platted ingress. egress easement to the property to the west that varies in width from approximately 35 feet to 140 feet wide This easement will serve as a buffer to the existing uses to the gest Also included in the open space component is a Drell -planned pedestrian circulation system with extensive internal connections Along with the pedestrian system, park benches and large picnic shelters are proposed within the open space area Approximately six acres will he heavily landscaped as the entrance into the community from North Landing Road as well that will also aid Mn maintaining the rural vistas from the road At the request of City Council, staff developed a set of criteria for assessing a development's consistency with the Comprehensive p'lan's policies for the Tran sMon Area The result was the establishment of a "Transition Area M tnx'3 that is now used to Planning Commission Agenda June 12, 2002 HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT CORPORAMON, L L c 2, Page 1