HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 28, 2003 AGENDACITY oiF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL WAYORMEYERA E OBERNDORFAi Large LICE AIA YOR L UIS JOl ES Bavwde Dwrrct 4 WARG4RETL EURE CerrrcrydIL District 1 14RR} E DIE EL #iempw-ril!- Dr anci REBA S McCL4NAN Base Hall Diwricr 3 R}CHARD 4 WDDOX Beach, District JIM REEIT Princess Anne Drslrrcr 7 PETER W �CHMJDT At Large RON A WLLA N1IEP 4 At Largt R EA RY W7LSO % A r Large bUIE� L. WOOD Lvnnhmen Drsrrrcr 5 ES K SPORE city Manager �IE L LILLEY City Attorney HODCFESSMITH MMC Cray Clerk I CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING A CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 28, 2003 E RE DRIVE Kal Kassir, Chairman, Shore Dnve Advisory Cornrnittee CITY MANAGER'S R'S BRIEFINGS CITY HALL BUILDING ! 01 CO UR THOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH IIJRGIIVIA .73456 8005 PHONE (5 127 4303 FAX (57)4b5 9 E MAIL Crycnd x bgov co - Conference Room - 2 O Ply I E MPY LAKE PLAN Mary Cole, Acting Director, Department of Parks and Recreation NTAI A OFFICE PARK ENHANCEMENTS Steve Thompson, Chief Financial Officer III REVIEW of AGENDA ITEMS S N CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS INFORMAL SESSION A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera F Obemdorf - Conference Room - 4 00 PM B ROLL CALL OF CrFY COUNCIL C RECESS To CLOSED SESSION II V1 FORMAL SESSION A CALIF TO ORDER - Mayor Me rera E Oberndorf INVOCATION Reverend W Samuel Walton United Baptist Church - Council Chamber - 6 00 PM II C PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERIC D ELECTRONIC ROLL CALF, OF CITY COUNCIL E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F MINUTES 1 NFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS January 1, 2003 G AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM (ARP) - Ives Road SCHOOL CAPITAL BUDGET - (Reversion Funds) Amendment to the CIP Renovations, replacement and site acquisition S7,493,278 1 PUBLIC COMMIENT 1 TRANSITION AREA MASTER PLAID i ORDINANCES Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the acquisition of anAgricultural Land Preservation (ARP)Easement and the issuance of it's contract obligations in the maximum principal amount of 5278,411 to Bam,i D and Paula W Knight on Ives Road, containing 106 72 acres (DISTRICT 7 -PRINCESS ANNE) 2 Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $] SU,OUO grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the Fire Department re equipment and training support of thf Urban Search and Rescue Team Ordinance to AUTHORIZE ZE temporga encroachments into City -owned properties TERRY COMPANIES FOUR, LLC re an existing pedestrian bridge in the Ci y'4i drainage easement at wynd Crest Condominiums off Salem Road (DISTRICT l - CEI TERVILLE b JAMES R and JA.NICE P ANDERSON re constructing and maintaining a private pier gangway and float into Lake Rudee at 3 Caribbean Avenue, Shadow Lawn Heights (DISTRICT 6 -BEACH) K PLANNING 1 Applications of KENNETH A HALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP for a da.rconnnuance closure and abandonment (DISTRICT 3 — ROSEHALL) 8,47 square foot of a portion ofPine Street and 1-264 b 13,927 square feet of a portion of Second Street between Poplar and Pine Streets Staff Recommendation DENIAL Planning Commission Recommendation APPROVAL Application of H GORDON and ELIZA ETH IC HUEY and BERNICE T WILLIAMS for the duc ntin pan a closure and abandonment of a 1 -foot alley on Lots E — H on 4 b Street and Lots 180 -= 184 on " Street, conta mug 4,050 square feet (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) Reconumendation APPROVAL 3 Application of BLUE HORSESHOE TATTOO TWO, LTD for a Conditional Use Permit re a tattoo and body piercing studio at London Bndge Road and Bowlazid Parkway (513 London Budge Road), contamung l 272 acres (DISTRICT 6 --BEACH) Recommendation APPROVAL 4 Application of SANDRA SALLWEG fora Conditional Use Permit re home occupation (day care) at DuBois Place and Jansen Way (2933 DuBois Place), containing 5,490 square feet (DISTRICT 7 —PRINCESS ANNE) 11 Rcormendation APPROVAL S Ordinance to AMEND the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re dimensional requirementsfor nonconforming lots in the R-SS Residential District Staff Reeorr mendation Planning Commission recommendation L APPOINTMENTS 'I'lVfE1 TS I' ' • MNMI : • RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (RAQ M UNFINISHED BUSINESS N NEW BUSINESS APPROVAL of ALTERNATE VERSION DENIAL ABSTRACT OF CIVIL CASES RESOLVED 4 November 2002 ADJOURNMENT If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at thus meeting, Please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 7-33 Rearmg impaired, call TDD only 7- 3 5 JDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) Agenda 1 /21b boy± com I CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING SHORE DRIVE Rai Kas ir, Chairman, Shore Dn e Advisory Committee u CITY MANAGER'S 'S BRIEFINGS Conference Room - 2 00 PM LAKE FLAN Darr Cole, Acting Director, Department of Parks and Recreation SENTRA OFFICE PARK ENHANCEMENTS Steve Thompson, Chief Financial officer III RE VIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 4 00 PM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf DOLL CALIF OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION V1 FORMAL AL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6 00 PM CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf E INVOCATION Reverend W Samuel Walton United Baptist Church C FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D ELECTRONIC ROIL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL, E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F AUNUTES 1 nTFRMAL AND FOR34AL SESSIONS January 14, 2003 G AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION j CERTIFICATION F CLOSED SESSION VIR INIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS The Virgirua Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affinnative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and, WHEREAS Section 2 2-3712 of the Code of Virgnua requires a certification by the go errung body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virguua Law NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each me er's knowledge, a onl public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies, and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council H PUBLIC PARINGS AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM (ARP) - Ives Road 2 SCHOOL CAPITAL BUDGET - (Reversion Funds) Amendment to the CIP Renovations,, replacement and site acquisition NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AG REEME WS FOR THE ACQUISITION f= DEVELOPMENT RiGHTS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF VIR INIA BEACH VIR INIA Notice is hereby given that the Crty Council of the Cfty of Virginia Beach Virginia will hold a Public Hearing with respect to the execv tron and delivery of Installment Purchase Agreements for the acquisi tion of agricultural lartid preservation easements with respect to lands located on Ives Road in the City of Virginia Beach Virgpnia pursuant to Ordinance No 9 19 know as the Agricultural Lands Preserva- tion Ordinance which establishes an agricultural reserve program for the southern portion of the City aesignatea to (a) prornote and encour age the Preservation of farmland (b) preserve open spaces and the area s rural character (c) conserve ar�d protect erwironmentaffy lens, tive resources W) reduce and defer the need for mafot infrastructure improvements and We expenditure of public funds for such+ imorave- ments and (e) assist in shaping the character direction and (iming of comrnunrLy development Such easements will be purchased pursu ant tc Installment Purchase Agreements for an aggregate estimated maximum purchase price of 78 411 The City S obligation to pay the purchase pace under the Instaliment Purchase Agreements is a general obligation of the City and tine furl faith and credit and the unlimited taxing power of the City wtli be irrevocably pledged to the punctual payrnent of tyre purchase pace and the interest on the unpaid pnncrpal balance of the purchase pace as and when the Same respec lively become Cue aqd payable The Public Hearing which may be continued or adjourned will be held by the City Council on January 28 003 at 6 DO p m in the Crty Council Chamber located on the 2na floor of the City Hall Building 2401 Caur[.house Drive Virginia Beach Virginia Any person interested in thm matter may appear and be heard 17Y OF VIR INIA BEACH VIRGINIA Ruth Hodges Smith MMC City Clerk Beacom January 12 and Janaury 1.9 2003 1008184 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to the FY 2002-03 Capital Budget Supplemental appropriation of $7,493,278 in School Reversion Funds to School Capital Projects On Tuesday, January 28, 2003 the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Wgmia will hold a public hearing on a proposed amend- ment to the FY 2042-2003 Capital Budget The amendment seall be for supplemental appropriation of $7 493,278 in Virginia Beach School Reversion Funds to the following School caprtal projects Bayside Middle School Twenty Classroom Addition School Site Acquisitions {elementary school adjacent to Newtown Road Elementary School and new Virginia Beach Middle School Site} Arrowhead Elementary School Replacement and Renovations and Replacement of Bus Garage Facilities and/or site acquisition This is consistent with the use designated by the City Council and School Board ,n the approved FY 2002-2043 /FY 2007-2008 Capital Improvement Program A copy of the proposed ordinance that provides more details about the amounts of the appropriation for each project is on file in the City Clerk's Office The public hearing will be conducted at 6 OQ p m in Counctl Chamber on the second floor of the City Hall Building, Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virgirnc% Interested persons may appear at such time and place to present their views Individuals desir- ing to provide oral or written comments may do so by contacting the City Clerk's office at 427-4303 If you are physically dis- abled, or hearing or visually impaired, and you need assistance at this meeting please calf 427-4305 Voice/TDD Rath Hodges Smith MMC City clerk PUBLIC COMMENT TRANSITION N AREA MASTER PLAN I ORDINANCES 1 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the acquisition o f an Agricultural Land Preservation (ARP)Easement and the issuance of it's contract obligations in the maximum principal amount of $278,411 to BARRY D and PAULA W KNIGHT on Ives Road, containing 106 72 acres (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) 2 Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $150,000 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (IFEMA) to the Fire Department re equipment and training support of the Urban Search and Rescue Team Ordinance to AUTHORIZE mr encroachments into City -owned properties a TERRY COMPANIES FOUR, LLC re an existing pedestrian bridge in the City's drainage easement at Wynd Crest Condominiums off Salem Road (DISTRICT 1 - CENTERVILLE) b JAMES R and JAIVICE P ANDERSON re constructing and maintaining a private pier gangway and float into Lake Rudee at 3 Canbbean Avenue, Shadow Lawn Heights (DISTRICT 6 —BEACH) a r wo .4 r10 J.- cc � -P L CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGEN-DA ITEM ITEM An Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of an Agricultural Land Preservation Easement and the Issuance by the City of its Contract Obligations in the Maximum Amount of $278 411 (Property of Barry D and Paula W Knight) MEETING DATE January 28 2003 ■ Background In May, 1995 the Agricultural Lands Preservation Ordinance (the Ordinance) was adopted by the City Council for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the preservation of farmland in the rural southern portion of the City Under the Agricultural Reserve Program established by the Ordinance, the City purchases the development rights of eligible parcels of land leaving the fee simple ownership of the land unchanged These purchases are embodied by perpetual agricultural land preservation easements pursuant to which only agricultural uses as defined in the Ordinance are allowed on the land The subject property has been appraised by an independent appraiser retained by the City The appraiser has determined the fair market value of the property, based upon eighteen (18) comparable sales From the fair market value the value of the development rights has been determined by subtracting $900 per acre, which has previously been established as the farm value (i e value of the land restricted to agricultural uses) for land throughout the southern rural area of the City The resulting amount is the value of the development rights of the property All offers by the City to purchase the development rights to property are expressly made contingent upon the absence of any title defects or other conditions which in the opinion of the City Aftorney, may adversely affect the City s interests, and other standard contingencies ■ Considerations The subject property consists of one (1) parcel of land having approximately 109 72 acres outside of marshland or swampland It is owned by Barry D and Paula W Knight Under current development regulations there is a total development potential of eleven (111) single-family dwelling building saes one (1) of which would be reserved for future development Thus the preservation easement acquired by the City would cover approximately 106 72 acres The site which is shown on the attached Location Map is located on Ives Road in the District of Princess Anne The proposed purchase price, as stated in the ordinance is $278 411 This price is the equivalent of approximately $2 609 per acre of easement acquired The terms of the proposed acquisition are that the City would pay interest only for a period of 25 years, with the principal amount being due and payable 25 years from the date of closing The interest rate to be paid by the City will be the greater of 4 00% per annum or the per annurn rate which is equal to the yield on U S Treasury STRIPS purchased by the City to fund its principal obligation under the Installment Purchase Agreement not to exceed 6 00% without the further approval of the City Council The proposed terms and conditions of the purchase of the Development Fights pursuantto the Inst llm nt Pu rchase Agreement, including the purchase price and mann e r of payment are fair and reasonable and in furtherance of the purposes of the Ordinance 0 Public Information The ordinance has been advertised by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the City once per week for two successive weeks N Alternatives The City Council may decline to purchase the development rights t the property ■ Recommendations Adoption of the ordinance and acquisition ofthe development rights assuming all contingencies are met ■ Attachments Summaryof Material Terms of Installment Purchase Agreement (full Agreement is on fide in the City Attorney s Office) Recommended Action Adoption Submitting DepartmentlAgency City Manager I Department of Agriculture 1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF A AGRICULTURTiL LAND PRESERVATION EASEMENT AND T -1E ISSUANCE B THE CITY OF ITS CCO T1 ACT OBLI PTION IN THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL TO JNT OF 2 7 ,11 5 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agricultural Lands Preservation Ordinance � the " rdlnance"') f Appendix J of the Code of the 7 City of Vir in.,a Beach, there has been presented tO the City Council a request for approval of an Installment Purchase Agreement (the form and standard provisions of which have been 10 preqiously approved by the malty o n �I, a summary of the 11 material terms of which is hereto attached, and a true .-opy 12 of which is on file in the Citv Ptt rnev' Office) for the 13 acquisition of the Development Rights It (as defined in the 14 Installment Purchase Agreement) on certain property located in 1 the C-Land more fully e cr-be in E hi i : B of -.he 16 Installment Purchase Agreement for a purchase price of 1 , 411 and 18 WHEREAS, the aforesaid Development.-. Rights shall be 19 asqu�red through the acquisition of a perpetual agricultural 20 land preservation easement, as defined in, and in compliance 1 with, the requirements of the Ordinance, and 22 WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed terms 23 and ondltlon� of the purchase as evi-denced by the In tal� ent 24 Purchase Agreement, 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT o AINEL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 26 CITY of VIR INIA BEPCH, VIR 11IA 27 I The City Council hereby, determines and finds that 2 the proposed terms and conaitions of the purchase -f the 29 Development Rights pursuant to the Installment Pur-.base 30 Agreement, including the purchase price and manner of payment, 31 are fair and reasonable and in furtherance of the purposes of 32 the Ordinance, and the City Manager or his designee is hereby 33 authorized to approve, upon or before the execLt i n and 34 delivery of the Installment Purchase Agreement, the rate of 35 interest to accrue on the upa-id principal balance of the 36 purchase price set forth hereinabove as the greater of 4 7 per annum or the per annum rate which is equal to the yield on 38 United states Treasury STRIPS purchased by the City to fund 39 such unpaid princ-,pal balane provided, however, that such 0 rate of interest shall not exceed 6 00% unless the approval of 41 the City Council by resolut-ors duly adopted is first obtained 42 The -ity Council hereby further determines that 3 funding is available for the acquisition of the Development 44 Rights pursuant to the Installment Purchase Agreement on the 45 terms and conditions set forth therein 46 3 The Cater canci-1 hereby expressly approves the 47 Installment Purchase Agreement and, sub]ect to the 48 determination of the City Attorney that there are no defects 49 1n title to the property or other restrictions or encumbrances 50 thereon which may, in the opinion of the City Attorne , 1 adversely affect the Cit y's interests, authcrizes the C-it 52 Manager or his des-gnee to execute and dela-,7er the Installment 53 Purchase Agreement in sulDstartially the same form and 54 substance as approved hereby with such minor modifications, 55 insertions, completions or omissions which de not materially 6 alter the purchase price or manner of pair ent, as the City 7 Manager or his designee shall approve The City Council 58 further di.rets the City Clerk to affix ti-e Seal cf the City 59 to, and attest same on, the Installment Purchase Agreement 60 The City Council expressly authorizes the incurrence of E'he 61 indebtedness represented the issuance and delivery of the 62 Installment Purchase Agreement 63 4 The City Council hereby elect Zo issue the 6 -Lndebtedness under the Charter of the City rather than 65 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991 and hereby 66 constitutes the indebtedness a conzractual obligation bearing ring 67 the full faith and credit of the City 68 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 6-0 on thisdad of 2U 3 3 70 Adoption requires an affirmative Grote of a ma]orit of 71 all members of the C-1tv Council A871 arppurohasenightnightord wpd F -1 January 7, 200 APPROVED AS To CONTENT \6V Agricu V ure Departure t PPPROVEp AS TO LEGAL SUE'FICIENCY .00 Law Department APPROVED As 70 AVAILABILITZ OF FUND r n t Finance Department 7 21 AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT NO 2001-52.ff SUMMARY F MATERIAL TERMS SELLER Barry D and Paula W Knight PROPERTY LOCATION Ives Road PURCHASE PRICE S278,411 EASEMENT AREA 1 acres more or less DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 11 single-family dwelling sites (10 acquired 1 reserved for future development) DURATION Perpetual INTEREST RATE Equal to yield on U S Treasury STRIPS acquired by City to fund purchase price, but not less than 4 00% (actual rate to be determined when STRIPS are purchased prior to c ution of IPA) late may not exceed 6 00% without approval OfCity COLTnC11 TERMS Interest only twice per v ar for 25 v ar , with payment of principal due 25 years from IPA date RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER EPA ownership rnav not be transferred (except for Estate Settlement Transfer) for one (1) year following execution and delivery of iPA La Ars r� ALA eJ6. I 1 u r { -do CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Federal Emergency Management Grant — USAR Amendment lment MEETING DATE January 28, 200 ■ Background The Federal Emergency Management Agency has awarded search and Fescue Team, Virginia Task Force 2 an amendment to their Federal FY02 funding of $150,000 These funds are for the development and maintenance of team resources to provide qualified and competent US R personnel to support activities under the Federal Response Plan These funds will continue fiscal support for both equipment and training needs of the team ■ Considerations This amendment provides continued funding under Cooperative Agreement No EMW-2001-CA-017M003 This grant does not require a City match ■ Public Information Public Information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process ■ Alternatives Without accepting and appropriating these grant funds, it would be impossible to maintain the City's FEMA► Urban search and Rescue sponsoring designation ■ Recommendations Appropriate $150,000 for the ongoing maintenance and training of the FEI IA Urban search and Rescue Team, A-TF E Attachments Federal Assistance Amendment Letter Ordinance Recommended Action Appropriate funds Submitting Department/Agency Fire Department City Manager IL ? pext I AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE A 2 $150,000 GRANT FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY 3 MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR EQUIPMENT AND 4 TRAINING SUPPORT OF THE URBAN SEARCH AND 5 RESCUE TEAM WHEREAS , the City of Virginia Beach Fire Department has received an additional $150, 00 in federal funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to support equipment and training needs of the Urban Search and Rescue Team 10 NOW, TH REF RE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF 11 VIR INIA BEACH, VIR I IA 12 That a $150,000 federal grant from the Federal Emergency 13 Management Agency is hereby accepted and appropriated to the Fire 14 Department's FY 2 0 2 - 0 3 Operating Budget, with revenue increased 15 accordingly 16 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia 17 on the day of , 2003 A--723 data/noncode $1 0,000 grant ord w d R3 January 17, 2003 Approved as to Content Management Services Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 41 f Department of Law Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D C 20472 September 7, 202 Mr Mark Pi land Program ram Director, VA TF-2 1016 Timbemeck Hall Chesapeake, VA 23320 Dear Mr Piland We are pleased to inform you that your Application for Federal Assistance for fiscal year 2002 has been approved in the amount 1 0,000 Four copies of the award document, FF 4 -21, for Cooperative Agreement No EMW-20 1-CA-0177 M003 are enclosed Please sign, or have an authorized official sign, and return three (3) copies of the award document to the address below as soon as possible Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of Financial Management Grants Management Branch 00 C Street, SW, Room 3 50 Washington, DC 20472 Attn Lisa A Lewis The fourth copy of the agreement is for your use pending receipt of the fully executed COPY The period of performance for this amendment, M3, is September 16, 2002 through September 1 , 003 All other terms and conhtios outlined in your current Agreement Articles remain in effect Should you have any questions cancertung ttus award, please contact me at (202) 646-4572 Sincerely, f -. Lisa A. Lewis Assistance Officer Enclosures FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ASSISTANCE AWARDAMENDMENT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT GRANT INSTRUMENT NUMBER 4 AMENDMENT NUMBER EMW 2001 CA 0177 MD03 T RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS , Virginia Beach Fire De artmentcoote Attm ETA TF 2 Red (ROD ooftLrk txv-6.. Virginia Beach VA 2345 f6f 11 AWARD IK AMENDMENT EFFECTIVE DATE 6 CONTROL NU See Block 21 1 W346479Y 8 ISSUIN IADMI ISTRATION OFFICE Federal Emergency Management Agency Financial Mgmt and Acquisition Div Grants mgmt Branch Room 350 500 C Street S w Washington DC 20472 Specialist Lisa A Lewis (02) 646 9572 RECIPIENT PROJECT MANAGER 10 FE1'1+IA PROJECT OFFICER Mark Pi land (757) 615 2626 Wanda Casey (02 646 4013 i 1 ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT 12 PAYMENT MET1400 13 PAYMENT ENT FFti E COST REIMBURSEMENT � TREASURY C;HECK Federal Emergency Management Agency COST SHARING REIMBURSEMENT Accounting Services Division Disbursement & Receivables Branch L FIXED PRIDE ADVANCE CHECK SOD C Street S W Doom 723 OTHER El LETTER OF CREDIT Washington DC 20472 14 ASSISTANCE AMOUNT 16 ACCOUNTING -APPROPRIATION DATA PREVIOUS AMOUNT AMOUNT THIS ACTiON TOTAL AMOUNT $299 Goo 00 150 000 00 $449 60C 00 See Continuation Page The purpose of this amendment M003 is to provide additiorYal funding for the development and maintenance of National US&R Response System resources to be prepared to provide qualified and competent U &fit personnel in support of ESF-9 activities under the Federal Response Plan Specifically this amendmenc adds 5150 000 00 in additional funding for FY 02 The period of performance for FY 02 is September 16 2002 through September 15 2003 All other terms and conditions remain in effect END AMEN10KE 'T 17 RECIPIENT REQUIREMENT E RECIPIENT IS REGUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE (3) COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT TO THE ISSUIN IADMIN OFFICE IN BLOCK B Ej RECIPIENT I'PIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT IS RECIPIENT (Type name and bbe) 1 19 ASSISTANCE OFFICER (Type name and bt1e) Gregory B Cade Sylvia A Carroll Assistance Officer 20 ti=OFrrr DA 1 i REE � ISM OFFICE IDA�t J4... � I FIT► 40 R E I I F JUL 8�4 VIIFi I I L i 14W- 01- - 17'7 M003 CONTINUATION PAGE A. 1 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES 0001 FUND I IG/ REQ NO 01 QTY UNIT UN I T PRICE 1 Each $150,000 00 150,000 00 W34479 GRAND TOTAL - - - ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA ACRID APPROPRIATION REQUISITION UMBER 01 00 -0 -4 0AD-4500 --410I-D W346479Y P $150,000 00 $I50,000 00 AMOUNT $150,000 00 Page 1) � \ �, -1 �&- I c " ey"< 1, s A &- I V\l. P-3 4~1 AL a I e 4 I f 1..1 F � � 4 Lk 1 W w _ Q J Ll- U- '" -J CP Gt d a rx v A y -J W LL Ln ibn xm LJ COL. ew 2 rt UD z W WLi-O� ZOO Wp�Ce��u r WCL. w 4 W:moo W � 0 0 0 <� k.J W W w 4 0 66. < F-L OC Lu tJJ 0 LU Uwi Z L'i D 0 Zac 61 La L O CC m LA 1..1 O bik 4— zlj C1' I 1 � 1 � 1 n: Lai GD z M1 w L E� F— < V) LU Lu W, u 0LU N 1 u L, i w Ln CL wi L" V)6w La _W F- 3 1 W RX C> WL.J RK iLM m W W r < ~ z Ln rV 2 zw 61 Irk z 00 F—�g Kx,,�W x� J -JCL y+�La61a- LM W � 0 � {+ 0 a.it F c 4 'p W pq U CL 7 W La w 6 �w� + W 0 et � 4+ La ME u W 4I Jw4c3 2 W 0. xo ace a s u3 v z i o LN M IsL CL g r. ., 43 z G � �J1 AC z 0 L.LI cry CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Encroachment Request - The Terry Companies Four LLC MEETING DATE January 28, 2003 ■ Background The Terry Companies Four, LLC has requested to encroach into city drainage easement, with an existing pedestrian bridge, for the purpose of providing safe and direct access to a city park from the Wynd Crest Way Condominiums The encroachment will not impact drainage, and serves as an amen itr to community by providing safe, qu ick access to parry forthe neighborhood The Development Plan has not been approved by the city but the encroachment has been built The developer would life for it to remain ■ Considerations The applicant is requesting an after the fact encroachment M Public Information Advertisement of Council s Agenda E Alternatives Allow encroachment to remain or require removal ■ Recommendations Staff recommends approval of the encroachment subject to conditions with attached agreement ■ Attachments Agreement, Picture, Location Map, and Ordinance Recommended Action Approval Submitting Department/Agency Public Works 8CK --.Of City Manager t4 t 7y6n I Requested by Department of Public Works AN ORDINANCE To AUTHORIZE TE M PO RARY ENCR ACHI LENT INTO A CITY 4 DRAINAGE EASEMENT BY THE TERRY COMPANIES FOUR, LLC ITS HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE 7 WHEREAS, The Terry Companies Four LLC desires to maintain an eating pedestrian bridge upon the City s easement located adjacent to Wynd Crest Condominiums off Salem Road 10 WHEREAS City Council is authorized pursuant to §§ 15 2-2009 and 1 -210 11 Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, to authorize temporary encroachments upon the 12 City's easement subject to such terms and conditions as Council may pres nbe 13 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF 14 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 15 That pursuant to the authont r and to the extent thereof contained in §§ 15 2-2009 16 and 15 2-210 , Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, The Terry Companies Four, LLC its 17 heirs, assigns and successors in title are authorized to construct and maintain a temporary 18 encroachment for an existing pedestrian bridge in the City's easement as shown on the 19 map entitled `BRIDGE PLAN of WYND CREST FOR o R DEVELOPMENT 0 KEMPS ILLE BOROUGH VIRGINIA BEACH a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, 1 and 22 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the temporary encroachments are expressly 23 subject to these terms, conditions and criteria contained in the Agreement between the City 4 of Virginia Beach and The Terry Companies Four, LLC (the "Agreement'), which is 25 attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and 26 BE IT FURTHER F DAINED, that the City Manager er r his authorized designee i 7 hereby authorized to execute the Agreement, and 28 BE IT FURTHER F DAINED,, that this Ordinance shall not be in effect until such 33 4 36 35 38 9 4 41 4 43 44 time as The Terry Companies Four LLC. and the City Manager or his authorized designee execute the Agreement Adopted bythe Council ofthe city of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of ,200a CA PREPARED December 00 H \WP8T0 21L w on\ENclterryco ord wpd APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS SIGNATURE Pry If&j CCZ I U 10)3WkZ10vT1:4 �w%' APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIEN FORM CI Y ATTORNEY PREPARED BY VIRGINIA BEACH CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE EXEMPTED FROM RECORDATION TAXES UDDER S E TIONS 5 8 1-81 1 a AN D 1 811 4) REIMBURSEME IT AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION THIS AGREEMENT, made this c?b day 6a� , by and between the CITY OF VIRGEqA BEACH, VIRG ]1A, a municipal corporation, Grantor "City , and THE TERRY COMPANrES FOUR, LLC ITS HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE, `Grantee", even though more than one W I T N E S S E T H That, WHEREAS, the Grantee is the owner of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land designated and described as "PARCEL A 1 653 ACRES N LANDING RDA' and being further designated and described as GIN 1475-75-7985, Virgirua Beach, Virginia, WHEREAS, it is proposed by the Grantee to construct and maintain a Pedestrian Bridge, "temporary Encroaclunent", in the City of Virginia Beach, WHEREAS, in constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment, it is necessary that the Grantee encroach into a portion of an existing City drainage easement adjacent to wynd Crest Condominiums off Salem Road "The Temporary Encroachment Area", and WHEREAS, the Grantee has requested that the City permit a Temporary Encroachment within The Encroachment Area NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the Grantee and for the further consideration of One Dollar ($1 00), in hand paid to the City, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City doth grant to the Grantee a I i permission to use The Encroachment Area for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment It is expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment will be constructed and maintained in accordance with the laws ofthe Commonwealth of Virginia and the City of Virginia Beach, and in accordance with the Cit 's specifications and approval and is more particularly descnhed as follows, to writ A Temporary Encroachment into The Encroachment Area as shown on that certain plat entitled "BRIDGE PLAID OF WYND CREST FOR O&R DEVELOPMENT KEMP VILLE BOROUGH IRGEqIA BBACH11. a copy of w1uch 1s attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and to w1uch reference is made for a more particular description It is wither expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment herein authorized terminates upon notice by the City to the Grantee, and that within thu-ty (30) days after the notice is given, the Temporary Encroachment must be removed from The Encroachment Area by the Grantee, and that the Grantee will hear all costs and expenses of such. removal It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including reasonable attorneys fees in case it shall be necessary to file or defend an action arising out of the location or existence of the Temporary Encroachment It is further expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be f construed to enlarge the permission and authonty to pennit the maintenance or construction of are 4, encroachment other than that specified herein and to the lirruted extent specified herein, nor to permit the maintenance and construction of any encroachment by anyone other than the Grantee 2 It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to maintain the l Temporary Encroachment so as not to become unsightly or a hazard � It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain a permit � from the Office of Development Services Center/Planrung Department pnor to commencing any 1 construction within The Encroachment Area It is further expressly understood and agreed that pnor to issuance of a right of way penmt, the Grantee must post sureties, in accordance with their engiLneer's cost estimate., to the Office of Development Services Center/Planning Department It is farther expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain and beep in force all-nsk property insurance and general liability or such insurance as is deemed necessary by the City, and 0 insurance policies must name the City as additional named insured or loss payee, as applicable The Grantee also agrees to carry comprehensive general liability insurance in an arnount not less than o 0,000 0 o, combined single Iinuts o f such insurance po h cy or po liex es The Grantee will provide endorsements providing at least tluriy (30) days written notice to the City prior to the cancellation or termination of, or material change to, any of the insurance policies The Grantee assumes all responsibilities and liabilities, vested or contingent, with relation to the Temporary Encroachment � r It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee connect with sanitary sewer facilities when they become available, within the time stipulated her the City and that plans must he submitted to the Department of Public Utilities for review � It is further expressly understood and agreed that the grantee must submit for review � and approval, a survey of The Encroachment Area, certified by a registered professional engineer 4 or a licensed land surveyor, and/or "gas built" plans of the Temporary Encroachment sealed by a 3 registered professional engineer, if required by either the City Engineer's Office or the Engineering Division of the Public Utilities Department It is further expressly understood and agreed that the City, upon revocation of such authonty and penni ssion so granted, may rem ove the Temporary Encroachment and charge the cost thereof to the Grantee, and collect the cost in any manner provided by law for the collection ol; local or state taxes, may require the Grantee to remove the Temporary Encroachment, and pending such removal, the City may charge the Grantee for the use of The Encroachment Area, the equivalent of what would be the real property tax upon the land so occupied i f it were owned by the Grantee, and if such removal shall not be made wittun the time ordered herein above by this Agreement, the City may impose a penalty in the sum of One Hundred Dollazs ($100 00) per day for each and every day that the Temporary Encroachment is allowed to continue thereafter, and may collect such compensation and penalties in any manner provided by law for the collection oflocal or stag taxes IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Terry Peterson has caused this Agreement to be executed in its corporate name and on its behalf by its president Further, that the City of Virginia Beach has caused this Agreement to be executed 1n its mine and on its behalf by its City Manager and its seal be hereunto affixed ed rid attested by its City Clerk (SEAL) ATTEST City Clerk El CITY of VIRGEqIA BEACH y City Manager/Authorized Designee ofthe City Manager kM r I I r k The Terry Compames Four LLC f BY TERRY/PETERSON VENTURE TEN, L L0 Operating Manager # i B i i Operating Manager F r f M STATE of VIRGINIA CITY OF VII GEqA BEACK -wit The foregoing m trument was acknowledged before me thus day of 0 , by , CITY MANAGER/AUTHORIZED DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER Notary Public My Commission Expires STATE OF VIRGE141A CITY OF VIRxIMA BEACH,, to -wit The I'oregomg instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of �, �, by RUTH HODGES SMITH City Clerk for the CITY OF ' NIA BEACH Nay Commission Expires k r 1 Notary Pubhc COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA C1TW9XMZ= of VIRGINIA BEACH � to -merit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20th I day of Sept 2 by 3 HN H PETERS GIB, JR , OPERATING I IANAGElto f The Terry Companies Four, LLC f Terry/Peterson Venture Ten, L L C operating Manager It,." e , 'n� Lary Public My Commission Expires o 5 APPROVED AS T LEGAL SUFFICIENCY CITY ATTORNEY Rev 07 24- 2 [�AAPPPYROVED AS TO CONTENT ( Z rM-cr C 1as OTY READ. ESTATE GENT T lLwr. ' We ys,i� �.•, ' 4y, "' ' low', OAK e- IL or ire} . �+ Y � � ' - _ ram• ^ • T�#� r • IP � + � its � �' { ' � � 'i■ 06-099 AR a W, ,. it I ref F' k ' ++� ■", 16 41 Pei L4 W1* IF ' ter. ! l •COIL-�y'y ' Y ' h�-a+ R� �i ��' r i r f" w� r� yam" } �+ �- •F . •.d6a+#` �.'Fib++" ,..r -- .■ y*-r _ Y �+ f ` * ` - ` - jr kp NP _ y r f* 1 �i< � 5 � � � _ _ � � •.^7 r S 3 _ r . . �f5 f IL _;f•! r#•■ fJ i iy ■..it••-ti�w "Y 4'', �,nF#`�+`; if ■. I'LOCATION y 3 � 49 49 �I Y 5w mom M � 416 q ML t N LOCATION MAP SHOWING ENCROACHMENT REQUESTED BY TERRY PETERSON RESIDENTIAL INTO CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AT THE REAR OF 1688 WYND CREST WAY scams ,^ = zoo' PREPARED BY PAW EN . DRAFT Q-AUG-200 PROPOSED PIER, GANGWAY LAKE RUDEE AND FLOAT F CITY OF VIR INIA BEACH ^' 3 x16 PRFFAA , GANGWAY'-� �x I NN re L3 S Q 37 18 VY 1690 L2 S 25 59 04 W 3450 41 IPF {,..0 D 40 z r L3 S 32 10 45 W 962 23 c� rn c L4 S 76 06 05 W 1000 pq c L5 6 48 09 48 W 1673 Exl N�35355 W I IF PLAN VIEW GPIN 2427-00-3818 CARIBBEAN AVENUE (50'R/W) CO 2002 WATERFRONT CONSULTING INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SCALE 1 = 30 WATERFRONT ENCROACHMENT REQUEST CONSULTING, INC PROPOSED PRIVATE PIER FOR 1112 JENSEN DRIVE, STE 206 JAMES R AND JANICE P ANDERSON VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23451 LOT C RESUB LOTS 1 TEiRU 5 8UC 40 SHADOW LAWN HEIGHTS PHONE (757) 425-8244 gE,acH oIsrRicr VfRGINIA BEACH va FAX (757) 313-9788 (INST 1V0 200208203019175) DATE 3VOVEMBER 11 2002 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Encroachment Request to construct and maintain a private pier, gangway and float for James R Anderson and Jamie P Anderson husband and wife MEETING DATE January 28 2003 ■ Background Mr and Mrs Anderson desire to construct and maintain a private pier gangway and float at the rear of 3 Caribbean Avenue on Lake f udee The rear of the property has bulkhead which the Department of Public Works supports to minimize and prevent soil loss along bank slopes associated with open drainage ditch canal and lake systems ■ Considerations City Staff has reviewed the requested encroachment and has recommended approval of same subjected to certain conditions outlined in the agreement There are encroachments of the same nature surrounding Lake l udee in Shadow Lawn Heights where the Anderson s desire to construct their encroachment ■ Public Information Advertisement of Crty Council ■ Altrnnres Approve the encroachment as presented deny the encroachment or add conditions as desired by City Council ■ Recommendations Approve the request subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement ■ Attachments Ordinance, Location flap Agreement Plat and Pictures Recommended Acton Approval of the ordinance Submrttma Department/Agency Public Works I Rea! Estate�v City Manager V W� 3 4 5 6 9 1 11 12 1 14 1 1 17 1 1 20 21 2 2 24 Requested by Department of Public Works All ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENTS INTO A PORTION OF CITY PROPERTY ON LAKE RUDEE BY JAMES ADERN AND JANICE P ADERSN, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE WHEREAS, James R Anderson and Janice P Anderson, husband and wife, desire to construct and mairtain a private pier, gangway, and float into the City ' s property located at the rear of Caribbean Avenue known as Lake Rudee WHEREAS, City Council is authorized pursuant to §§ 15 2- 2009 and 15 2- 1 7 F Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, to authorize a temporary encroachments upon the City' s property rty ub3 ect to such terms and conditions as Council may prescribe NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY F A I R I N IA BEACH r VIRGINIA That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in §§ 15 2-2009 and 15 2-2107 , Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended James R Anderson and Jan -ice P Anderson, assigns and successors in title are authorized to construct and maintain a temporary encroachment for a private pier, gangway, and float in the City' s property as shown on the map entitled E N C ROAC HMEN T REQUEST PROPOSED PRIVATE PIER FOR JAMES R AND JA.NI E P ANDERS N LOT C, RESUB LOTS 1 THRU 5 , BLK 40f SHADOW LAWN H I HTS BEACH 5 26 8 29 1 32 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 4 43 44 45 4 47 8 49 so 51 014 DISTRICT VIRGINIA BEACH, VA INST NO 20 2 03 1917 ) DATE NOVEMBER 11, 20 2", a copy of which is on fa -le in the Department of Public Works and to which reference is made for a. more particular description, and BE IT FURTHER ORDPINED, that the temporary encroachment s are expressly subDet to those terms, conda-tions and criteria contained in the Agreement between the City of Virginia Beach and James R Anderson and Janice P Anderson, (the "'Agreement") which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Manager or his authorized designee is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall not b in effect until such time as Fames R Anderson and Janice P Anderson and the City Manager or his authorized designee execute the Agreement Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2003 CA-# salmnsandrson/ord -1 PREPARED 01 07 03 2 PROVED AS TO CONTENTS V SIGNATURE TM PeSR) (!�A -- DEPARTMENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAI, SOF'FICIE C iD FORM CITY ATTORNEY PREPARED BY VIRGN A BEACH CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE EXEWTED FROM RECORDATION TAXES UNDER SECTIONS 58 1 811 a AND 58 I - I I REMMURSEMENT AUTHORIZED UNDER SEC70N 25-249 THIS AGREEMENT, made this �day of :) eeer, ?0p�, by and between the CITY OF VIRG NIA BEACH, VIR INI A, a mumcipal corporation, Grantor, "City", and JAMES R ANDERSON AND JAI iI E P AN ERS, husband and wife, THEIR HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS S III TITLE, "Grantee', even though more than one WITIIESSETH That, WHEREAS,, the Grantee is the owner of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land designated and described as "LOT C" as shown on "RESUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY LOTS I THRU 5 - BLOCK 40 SHADOW LAWN HEIGHTS N41B 7 P 14 VIRGINIA BEACH, VI GMA SCALE I t'T ' .3NE 1 , 2002 '#, as recorded m Instrument Number 200208203 1 1 and bung fi.rther designated and described 3 Caribbean Avenue, Virginia Beach, Virginm 23451, WHEREAS, rt is proposed by the Grantee to construct and nzmtam a private pier, gangway, and Moat ` 'e porary Encroaclunent", m the City of Virguua Bead, WHEREAS, un constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment, rt i necessary that the Grantee encroach into a portion of ewstung City property at the rear of Canbb an Avenue known as Lake l udee, `'The Temporary Encroachment Area", and NHEREAS, the Grantee has requested that the City pem t a Temporary Encroachment within The Encroachment Area GPI 7- 0- 1 -o oo NOW, THERE` RE, for and m consideration of the premmses and of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the Grantee and for the further consideration of One Dollar ($1 00), m hand paid to the City, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City doth grant to the Grantee perrmssion to use The Encroachment Area for the purpose of constructing and maintamng the Temporary Encroachment It is expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment will be constructed and mamtamed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virg ua and the City of Virgima Beach, and in accordance th the City's specifications and approval and is more particularly described as follows, to wit A Temporary Encroachment into The Encroachment Area as shorn on that certarn plat entitled "ENCROACHMENT REQUEST PROPOSED PRIVATE PIER FOR JAMES R AND JANICE F ANDERSON LOT C. RESUB LOTS I THRU 5, LK 40, SHADOW LAWN HEIGHTS BEACH DISTRICT VIRGINIA BEACH, VA INST No 2r00208203o 1 I DATE N VEI iBER I I, 2002 '", a copy of whuch 1s attached hereto as Em it "A" are to winch reference is made for a more particular description It is further expressly understood and agreed that. the Temporary EncToachment herein authorized terninates upon notice by the City to the Grantee, and that wrth= thirty (30) days after the notice is given, the Temporary Encroachment must he removed from The Encroachment Area y the Grantee, and that the Grantee wffl bear all costs and expenses of such removal It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall mdemmfy and hold harmless the City its agents and employees, from and against all la=, damages, losses and expenses mcludrng reasonable attorneys fees in case it shall be necessary to file or defend an action rLg out of the location or existence of the Temporary Encroachment I It 1s Sher expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein contartned shall be construed to enlarge the perrnussion and authority to pernmt the maintenance or construction of any encroachment other than that specified herein and to the hm ted extent specified herem, nor to penrut the maintenance and construction of anyencroachment by anyone other than the Grantee It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to n xntain the Temporary Encroachment so as not to becorne unsightly or a lard It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain a prrmt from the Office of Development Services C nter Plana ng Department prior to coi nencrng any construction within The Encroaclunent Area It is wither expressly understood and agreed that prior to issuance of nght of'way permit, the grantee must post sureties, m accordance with their engineer's cost estrrmte, to the Office of Development Services Center/Plan- epartment It is further expressly understood and agreed that the grantee must obtain and deep m force all-nsl property m urance and general labihty or such insurance as is de need necessary by the City, and all insurance poheles must name the City as additional named insured or loss payee, s apphca le The Grantee also agrees to carry comprehensive general liability murance m an arnount not less than $500,000 00, combined sm le lmnts of such insurance poky or policies The Grantee wffl provide endorsements providing at least thzrty (30) days written notice to the City prior to the cancellation or ternunation of, or rmteri l change to, any of the msu ranee policies The Grantee assumes all response ilmes and lea it ties, vested or contingent, with relation to the Temporary Encroachment It is der expressly understood and agreed that the City, upon revocation of such authority and passion so granted, may remove the Temporary Encroachment and charge the cost thereof to the Grantee, and collect the cost m any manner pTovided bar law for the collection of local or state taxes, may require the Grantee to remove the Temporary Encroachment, and pending such removal, the City nmy charge the Grantee for the use of The Encroachment Area, the equivalent of what would be the real property tax upon the land so occupied L.fit were owned by the Grantee, and if such removal sha11 not be rmde within the time ordered herein above by this Agreement, the City may unpose a penalty in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100 00) per day for each and very day that the Temporary Encroachment is avowed to continue thereafter, and may collect such compensation and penalties in any manner provided by law for the collection of local r state taxes IN WITNESS WHEREOF, James R Anderson and Janice P Anderson, husband and wife, the said Grantee has caused this Agreement to be executed by their signature and sea] duly affixed Further, that the City ofVuguna Beach has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its City Manager and its seal be hereunto affixed and attested by rts City Clerk (SEAL) ATTEST City Clerk CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH By City Manager/Authorized Designee of the City Manager ...ireetc, es R Anderson Jame P Anderson STATE OF VIRGINI CITY of VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing mtrument was acknowledged before me thus day of 3P--,by THE CITY MANAGER My Commission Expires STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY of VIRGfNIA BEACH to -wit CITY MANAGER/AUTHORIZED DESIGI E of Notary F bh The foregoing mtment was acknowledged before me this day of 119 o � by RUTH HODGES SMITH, City Clerk for the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH My Conumssion Expires 5 Notary Public STATE OF V(( f' I7" F" _-� `� to -wit r 6--i The forego ing nistrunt was acknowledged before rune this day of 20 by Jarnes R Anderson I was originally commissioned as Pamela T Stillman, Notary Public Notary Pub1 My Commmion Expires �( r�w) STATE OF CITE Off' r r , to J ! The fore orn u stye t was acknowledgedbefore a the l� day of s by 3arnce P Anderson I was originally commissioned riotc, m la T Stillman, Notary Public My Comnuion Expires APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY CITY A TORTiEY Rear 07 24 o :a Notary Pubb APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Q)qgr,, C O "r� OTY REAL ESTATE AGENT Northern properly line took east Southern property line loolung east i PLANNING \ I 1 Applications of KENNETH A HALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP for a discontinuance closure and abandonment (DISTRrCT 3 — ROSEHALL) a 8,487 square feet of a portion of Pine Street and I-264 b 131,927 square feet of a portion of Second Street between Poplar and Pine Streets Application of H GORDON and ELIZABETH K HUEY and BERNICE T WILLIAMS for the discontinuance closure and abandonment of a 1 -foot alley on Lots E — H on to Street and Lots 180 — 184 on 49hStreet, containing 4,050 square feet (DISTRICT -- BEACH) 3 Application of BLUE HORSESHOE TATTOO TWO, LTD for a Conditional Use Permit re a tattoo and body piercing studio at London Bridge Road and Bowland Parkway (513 London Bndge Road), containing 1 272 acres (DISTRICT 6 —BEACH) 4 Application of SANDRA BALLWEG for a Conditional Use Permit re home occupation (day care) at DuBois Place and Jansen Way (2933 DuBois Place), containing 5,490 square feet (DISTRICT 7 —PRINCESS ANNE) 5 Ordinance to AMEND the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re dimensional requirements for nonconforming lots in the R-SS Residential District MIP ^N" T.", G' Kenneth A . Hall Street Cksure — Portion of Ane Street ZONING HISTORY 1 Street Closure -Granted 6/05/01 2 Conditional Use Permit (auto body shop) -Granted 6/05/01 3 Conditional Use Permit (communications tower) -Granted 1/23/96 4 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales) -Granted 8l11/96 5 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales and service) -Granted 10/13/86 6 Conditional Use Permit (auto paint) -Granted 5/1 9/86 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership — street Closures MEETING DATE .January 28, 2003 N Background Application of Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership for the discontinu n closure and abandonment of a portion of Pine Street beginning at the northern boundary of 1-264 and running northerly a distance of approximately 140 83 feet Said parcel contains 8,487 square feet Application of Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership for the discontinuance closure and abandonment of a portion of Second Street between Poplar Street and Pine Street and between Lots 8 and 16, Block 4 and Lots 1 and remains of Lot 11, Block 10, Jack sondale Parcel is 50ieet in width and contains 13,927 square feet DISTRICT 3 — ROSE HALL The purpose of this request is to close the subject portions of Pine and Second Streets to resubdivide and consolidate numerous small parcels into a tract or tracts which are more advantageous for economic development ■ considerations In dune 2001, City Council approved a street closure similar to this request located west of the subject site The streets approved for closure were portions of Spruce Street and Second Street, west of Pine Street A condition of that street closure was that an agreement would be recorded reserving the Cit 's right to repurchase the rights -of -way within ten years The viewers are concerned that granting additional street closures east of the recently approved street closures of Spruce Street and Second Street would significantly reduce the options to evaluate the relocation of Bonney Road as part of the interchange study In addition to the street closure, a conditional use permit was approved for an auto body shop on the property encompassing these streets The parking and storage area for the body shop will be built on the undeveloped property crest of Pine Street, the auto body shop building will be located further crest on the property The viewers have determined that the proposed street closures will result in a public inconvenience and, therefore, should not be granted Improvements to the Kenneth A Hall Family Partnership Page 2 of Rosemont Road/1-264 Interchange are currently being studied by VD T The proposed street closures are directly in conflict with all four alternatives that VDOT has developed for the proposed interchange improvements In addition, the street closures are in conflict with an ongoing Public Works study to relocate Bonney Road at this interchange The area being studied for the relocation of Bonney Road is between Spruce Street and Rosemont Road The proposed street closures are in the middle of this study area The applicant has stated that positive economic development is the goal of this street closure In the Little Neck area, consolidation of properties is encouraged by the Comprehensive Plan policies However, the Comprehensive Plan also recommends that development proposals on land located within the vicinity of the 1-264 interchanges concentrate on economically productive uses that are high quality The applicant has not provided any details on the development plans for the consolidated properties Any development plan of high quality should be well coordinated with the future transportation needs at this interchange The viewers contend that this request for street closures represents a piecemeal approach to development that is not well coordinated with the future transportation needs The strut closures requested will result in public burden and inconvenience because they conflict with a II four alternatives currently developed and also conflict with the ongoing Public Works study to relocate Bonney Road at the time VD T interchange improvements are made The viewers' recommendation is to deny this request for street closures of portions of Pine Street and Second Street Staff recommends denfal There was no opposition to the request 0 Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded Grote of -o with 1 abstention to approve this request with the following conditions The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be d t nnined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department 2 The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining panels The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation pnor to final street closure approval 3 The applicant is required to provide public utility easements over existing water and server facilities to the satisfaction of Public Utilities These easements must be shown on the street closure plat Kenneth A Hall Family Partnership Page 3 of 3 The City reserves, for fifteen 1 5 years from the date of recordation of the closures the right to repurchase the area of closure at the same price paid by the applicant to the City plus a factor of 3% a year, without compensation for any improvements or for damage to the residue of the applicants property This repurchase right shall be included in the deed or in a separate agreement to be recorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach The deed or agreement shall be acceptable to the City Attomey 5 The applicant is required to verity that no private utilities exist within the right- of-way proposed for closure Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are no private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure If private utilities do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, must be provided Closure of the right -of -gray shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council if the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right -of -gray this approval shall be considered null and void ■ Attachments Ordinances Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends denial Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Ancy Planng Departmen City Manager STni 4W ORDINANCE No IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING VACATING AND DISC NTINUrNG A PORTION F THAT CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS PfNE STREET AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT ENTITLEI "PLAT SLOWING PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF SECOND STREET RIGHT OF WAY "PLAT OF R SEM NT" (MB'2� G 1 OCTO ER 2 2002, VIRGIMA BEACH, VIRINIA,: WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003, Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership applied to the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to have the hereinafter described street discontinued closed, and vacated and WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said street be discontinued, closed and vacated subject to certain conditions having been met on or before January 27 2004, N, THEREFORE SECTION I E IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia., that the hereinafter described street be discontinued closed and vacated, subject to certain conditions being met on or before January 27, 2004 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, designated and described as "PORTION OF SECOND STREET TO BE CLOSED .AREA = 13 644 SF OR 0 313 ACC" shown as the cross -hatched area on that certain Plat entitled "PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF SECOND STREET RIGHT of WAY "PLAT OF R SEM NT" MB 2, PG l OCTOBER 2 2002, VIROYNIA BEACH, VIR xINIA, Scale 1 r'= o' Prepared by MSA P C a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit GPTN 1 47--1 1 , 14-3-, 14-3-04, and 1-3-21 SECTION II The following conditions must be met on or before ore January 27 2004 1 The City Attorneys Office will make the final determination regarding ownership ofthe underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of Ctt)'s Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures " approved by City Council Copies of said polio are a%vailable in the Planning Department The applicant shall reubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The resubdivision plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant is required to provide public utility easements over existing water and sewer facilities to the satisfaction of Public Utilities These easements must be shown on the street closure plat The City reserves, for fifteen 1 gears from the date of recordation of the closure, the nht to repurchase the area ofclosure at the same price paid by the applicant to the City plus a factor of % a year, without compensation for any improvements or for damage to the residue of the applicants' property This repurchase right shall be included in the deed or in separate agreement to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of virgirua Beach The deed or agreement shall be acceptable to the City Attorney 5 The applicant shad verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for closure Prelirnrnar comments from the utility companies indicate that there are no private utilities within the nght-of-way proposed for closure If private utilities do exist the applicant shall provide easements satisfactory to the utility companies Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above Mated conditions within 365 days ofapproval by City Council If all conditions noted ogre are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the roads this approval will be considered null and void SECTION III 1 if the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on or before January 27 2.P004 this Ordinance will be deemed null and void without fl, ' her action by the City Council 2 If all conditions are met on or before January 27, 2004, the date of fal closure is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attorney L] SECTION IV ON certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the Clerk's ' Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name ofthe CITY F VIRGfNLA BEACH as "Grantor " day of A 8452 Jaenuary 7 2003 ca8452 ORD FM Adopted b the Council of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia on this .2003 APPROVE AS TO CONTENT �z e� /- I/3 /3 Planning Department APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FFi IENCY iry A rnev 4 ORDINANCE NO IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING, VACATING AND DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN STREET INN AS PINE STREET AS SHOWN OIL THAT CERTAIN PLAT ENTITLED "PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF PINE STREET RIGHT OF WAY "PLAT OF R EM T„ (MB , PG 51 DCT BER 2 2002, VIRGfNIA BEACH IR INW WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003 Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership applied to the Council of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia, to have the hereinafter described street discontinued, closed, and vacated, and WHEREAS, it is the 3udgment of the Council that s d street be discontinued, closed, and vacated, subject to certain conditions having been met on or before January 27, 2004, NOW, THEREFORE SECTION I BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that the hereinafter described street be discontinued, closed and vacated, subject to certain conditions being met on or before January 27, 2004 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach Virginia, designated and described as "PORTION OF PINE STREET TO BE CLOSED AREA = 87487 SF OR 0 195 C" shown as the cross -hatched area on that certain plat entitled `PLAT SBO)VNG PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF PINE STREET RIGHT OF WAY "PLAT of ROSEMONT" MB 2, PG 51) OCTOBER 2., 2002 VIR rNIA BEACH, VIRI x IA, Scale 1 "=50', prepared by MSA P C , copy of which is attached Hereto as Exhibit A rPIN 1487-4 - 1487-53-0584 1487-53- 47 SECTION 11 The following conditions must be met on or before January 27 21004 1 The City Attomey's Office will male the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to he paid to the City shall he determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council Copies of said policy are available in the Planning Department The applicant shall resuhdivrde the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoirung parcels The resin division plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant is required to provide public utility easements over existing water and sewer facilities to the satisfaction of Pudic Utilities These easements must he shown on the sheet closure plat 4 The City reserves for fifteen (15) years from the date of recordation of the closure, the right to repurchase the area of closure at the same prig paid l v the applicant to the City plus a factor of % a year without compensation for any improvements or for damage to the residue of the applicants' property This repurchase right shall be included in the deed or in separate agreement to he recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach The deed or agreement shall be acceptable to the City Attorney The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for closure Preliminary comments nts from the utility companies indicate that there are no pnvate utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure If private utilities do exist, the applicant shall provide easements satisfactory to the utility companies Closure of th , right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If all conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the roadway, this approval will be considered null and void SECTION III 1 If the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on or before January 27, 2004 this Ordinance will be deemed null and void without further action by the City Council If all conditions are met on or before January 27, 2004, the date of final closure is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attorney SECTION IV 3 A certified copy of this Ordinance shall he filed in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the CITY F VIRGI IIA BEACH a "Grantor " day of CA 8443 Januan 7 2003 ca8443 OED FR Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this 2003 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT 1z1<2- Vd 1-13%8 Planning D artment APPROVED AS TO LE AI FI E C C i t Atto e C KENNETH A. HALL / # 14 & # 15 December 119 2002 General Information: REQUEST Street Closure ADDRESS (14) Portion of Pine Street beginning at the northern boundary of I-264 and running northerly a distance of 140 83 feet more or less (15) Portion of Second Street beginning between Poplar Street and Pine Street and between Lots 8 & 16, Block 4 and Lots 1 remains of Lot 11, Block 10, Ja k cndale Map Kenneth A. Mop NDc to Scale y a --- 0, BONNEY 1 .71, A n n '0 9 -022 002 G 7 DDi 2t� I r ELECTION DISTRICT 3 ROSE HALL Planning Commission Agenda�} December 11, 2002 FENNETH A HALL 14 & # 1 Page 1 SITE SIZE Pine Street —8,487 Square Feet Second Street — 13,927 Square Feet PURPOSE To close the subject portions of Pine and Second Streets to resuhdivide and consolidate numerous small parcels into a tract or tracts which are more advantageous for economic development STAFF PLANNER Barbara Duce Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Land Use and Zoning The streets petitioned for closure are unimproved paper streets All of the property surrounding these streets is either owned or under contract by the applicant The property surrounding the streets is zoned B-2 Community Business District Surrounding Land Use and Zoning The property situated immediately north of Second Street and east of Pine Street is developed with an arbor service and a nonconforming single family home One of the buildings used for the arbor business appears to be encroaching into the portion of Second Street proposed for closure The area west of Pine Street is undeveloped at this time, but is proposed as a parking and storage area for a new auto body shop recently approved by City Council Interstate 264 borders the site to the south All of the surrounding properties are zoned B-2 Community Business District North Arbor Business zoned -2 Community Business District South Interstate 26 East Across Poplar Street, Auto repair zoned B-2 Community Business District West Unimproved property zoned B-2 Community munity Planning Commission Agenda December 119 2002 KENNETH A HALL # 14 & # 16 Page Business District Zoning Histo In June 2001, City Council approved a street closure similar to this request located west of the subject site The streets approved for closure were portions of Spruce Street and Second Street, west of Pine Street In addition to the street closure, a conditional use permit was approved for are auto body shop on the property encompassing these streets The parking and storage area for the body shop will be built on the undeveloped property west of Pine Street, the auto body shop building will be located further west on the property Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer Water There are public water facilities in both the portion of Pine Street and the portion of Second Street proposed for closure Sewer There are public sewer facilities in both the portion of Pine Street and the portion of Second Street proposed for closure Public Works Initial review indicates that there are no public drainage facilities with the rights -of -way proposed for closure Transportation VDOT is in the process of conductrng a comprehensive corridor study of I-264, which will involve improvements to the Rosemont Road/1-264 interchange Public Works is evaluating the relocation of Bonney Road as part of this study Public Safety Police No Comment Fire and No Comment Fescue Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 IEIETH A HALL 14 & # 1 Page Private Utilities Preliminary comments for the private utility companies indicate that there are no private utilities in the portions of Pine Street and Second Street proposed for closure Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map recommends the area for development of retail, office, service and other compatible uses within commercial centers In the southern portion of the Kittle Neck k Area: development and redevelopment of commercial iarl areas in the vicinity of the intersections of Virginia Beach Boulevard, Rosemont Road and Bonney Road should seek to consolidate parcels to achieve a more coordinated development plan, reduce the number of roadway access points, develop at medium to low intensities and ensure high quairty building and site designs Evaluation of Request The viewers have determined that the proposed street closures will result in a public inconvenience and, therefore, should not be granted Improvements to the Rosemont Road li264 Interchange are currently being studied by VD T The proposed street closures are directly in conflict with all four alternatives that v oT has developed for the proposed interchange improvements In addition, the street closures are in conflict with n ongoing Public Works study to relocate Bonney Road at this interchange The area bung studied for the relocation of Bonney Food is between Spruce Street and Rosemont Road The proposed street closures are in the middle of this study area In June of 2001, the City Council approved a street closure for a portion of Second Street west of the subject site and a portion of Spruce Street west of the subject site for the same applicant, Kenneth A Mali A condition of that street closure was that an agreement would be recorded reserving the City's right to repurchase the rights -of -way within ten years The viewers are concerned that granting additional street closures east of the recently approved street closure of Spruce Street and Second Street gold significantly reduce the options to evaluate the relocation of Bonney Road as part of the interchange study The applicant has stated that positive economic development is the goal of this street closure In the Little Neck area, consolidation of properties is encouraged by the Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 KENNETH A HALL 1 # 14 & # 15 Page 4 Comprehensive Plan policies However, the Comprehensive Plan also recommends that development proposals on rand located within the vicinity of the I-2 4 interchanges concentrate on economically productive uses that are high quality The applicant has not provided any details on the development plans for the consolidated properties Any development plan of high quality should be well coordinated with the future transportation needs at this interchange The viewers contend that this request for street closures represents a piecemeal approach to development that is not well coordinated with the future transportation needs The street closures requested will result in public burden and inconvenience because they conflict with all four alternatives currently developed and also conflict with the ongoing Public Works study to relocate Bonney Fad at the time VDT interchange improvements are made The viewers' recommendation is to deny this request for street closures of portions of Pine Street and Second street Conditions 1 The City Attorney's office will make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall b determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of Cit 's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department 2 The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adorning parcels The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant is required to provide public utility easements over existing grater and sever facilities to the satisfaction of Public Utilities These easements must be shown on the street closure plat 4 The City reserves, for ten 10 years from the date of recordat1on of the closure, the right to repurchase the area of closure at the same price paid by the applicant to the City plus a factor of % a year, without compensation for any improvements or for damage to the residue of the applicants! property This repurchase right shall be included in the deed or in a separate agreement to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach The deed or agreement shall be acceptable to the City Attorney Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 KE NETH A HALL # 14 & # 1 Page The applicant is required to verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure Preliminary rents from the ubitty companies indicate that there are no private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure If private utilities do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, rust be provided Closure of the right -of -war shell be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right -of -war this approval shall be considered null and void NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration of PpOicable City Ordinances Planning Commission Agenda December 11 Y 2002 KEN ETH A HALL 14 & # 1 Page i f CC Iz zo 00 L � M p A Ctlir50j, (j) 5L 0 CKtt-V Z Z A Wei Y-3 55 O ) VIPCIIVJA W CORD►; C ! .� . .5 1 j S8131 a 'O N 86.V1 02 E z SLrCOND SNAFFir (50'R1*"W) 51) E-L M V HOLLA4eA ,o j � ti -� 1 *Ln �'— 7261670 75,yo AW Z L A OW v ,. f A r ° -� -7J Z Vrc ;-487— 5J— 25 -5 �6007632 � L. HOB &-.A MA Y fzj1GH TION 50 8 VA 2 5,48) 1 (00 1487-3,7-0479 "16HATCHED AREA DENOTES PORTION F PINE TO E CLOSED f AREA = 5 487 F A Planning COmm's8lon Agenda December 11, 2002 KENNETHA � -� HALL # 1 Page POPLAR smcEr (66" Rl000v (U8 2 P' ,1 S O 'D" E OCK ti x PINE GI IA STATE PLANE RDA SYSTEM SOT I�T� ONE SAD 1 ---- O .ate (SOUTH) 00 Ln 71 L61 10 � 1 fir' 00 LA tp /5002 02 28 O 34" -Z 7-f 1 MEET (66'0 Rl,'W) (ALB 2 P6 ,1 6WC COWN Flanging Commission Agenda c a ern er 11 , 22 ' k KENNETH A HALL I # 14 & # 1 Pave APPLICAT[0'N rya c.F .4 Of STREET CLOSURE CITY OF bIRGINIA BEACH DISCLOSE STATEMENT %pphunt s Name Kenneth la F al} Li-i ted Partriersh in - - Lva All Current Property 0 wners Rennoth A flail Fan, 1 v L.LM ed " C-crsh x p If fha property owner is a CORPORATIO IN I is I a I I officer% of the CaToration below (Airach hs if a c c ess-rn � - -- I If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP HIP "I or other UNMORPO AT D ORGANIZATION list k all members or parmers ut the organimon blow (Atrach list if necessary) Konen# h tl Ull I a C3 Cheep hem if the property owncr is NOT a corporanon partnership firm or other unincorporated t organ:zaUon If the applicant a nor the current owner of the properly complete the Applic ant Drsdo5rrre sect 10u below A PPLI ANT DISCLOSURL p If Lhe applicant is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Arracri lisr if necessar t ) If the applecant rs a FARTIVERS111P FIRM or outer U NINCORPORATED RGA N 17ATI 0 N list all � mrmbcrs or partners in the organ az atron below (Arrach list if necesvary) Chu here if the applicant is N OT a coq=attort partnership firm of other u n i ncorpora rcd or ,JnL7atrorn f CERnFICATION I cerh fit rhat the information contained herein is trite and accurale kenneth A Hall Family Limited artnership Sign rL P Ed arch Rourdn ,.or , Attorne for l nt Print Narre Lh is Planning Commission Agenda � December 117 2002 �~ I ENNETH A HALL 14 & # 1 Page Kenneth A Hall Fanuly Limited Partnership Application of Kenneth A Hall Family Lirruted Partnership for the discontinuance closure and abandonment of a portion ofPine Street Application of Kenneth Hall Frml r Linut d l ar•tn r lup for the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Second Street between Poplar Street and Pine Street and between Lots 8 and 16, Block 4 and Lots l and remains of Lots 11 Block 10, Jacksondale Distinct Rose Hall December 11 200 REGULAR AGENDA Robert hiller The next item is Item #14 &. 15, Kenneth A Hall Fanuly Limited Partnership Eddie Bourdon Good afternoon Mr Chairman For the record, my name is Eddie Bourdon, mercenary now representing Kenneth A Hall on both of these appllcantions for street closures The two paper streets in question are located in the area that was platted hack in the early 1900s known as Jacksondale This plat of this area was platted in a grid pattern with a serves o -foot wide lots And unlike Shadowla n the development pattem here is quite different and now we're in a position where under the Comprehensive Plan and it's pretty obvious that this 1s an area that is right for redevelopment and that is what the City s fortunate enough to have someone of Mr Hll's vision desire to come in and acquire and he has been over the last number of years acquiring many of these properties in this area and re -subdividing, vacating all these lures elinunating all these little lots and creating larger parcels using his private capital a opposed to a redevelopment housing authority or some other entity using public funds He's doing the lob that needs to be dome in this area by assembling land and re - subdividing, getting rid ofa lot of small properties, cleaning up a lot of blighted properties And he has already invested approximately 15 rxm.rllron dollars in this area accumulating properties and in building on to his existing facility and adding new facilities Sarre thing is occurring here He has bought or is under contract to purchase all of the land shown This is where the new credit union has been built by the school system credit union and this property mere and the property Mere what you see over here is all now one parcel It's been re -subdivided These lines all vacated These streets aren't there 'These streets were closed as Barbara appropriately pointed out this monng and this is now all one parcel where the new body shop is going to be constricted The request here is to close these two paper streets that aren t utilized and to again, re - subdivide those into one parcel This piece here, fir Hall has under a long term lease with an option, not this corner, everything but that corner with an option to purchase but it s not his option In other words, he cannot do 1t until the owner desires selling and there's actually a timeframe they have to but it will be a few more years So that is why we re leaving that street open because we don t own that piece of property here So we will be closing this and assembling again, a lamer piece for development The likelihood Item # 14 & 1 Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership Page 2 is that he is going to develop it himself for his own use and most likely as a service facility for all the dealerships That would require a Conditional Use Permit and frankly any use he would put to the property will require a Conditional Use Permit as you well know auto sales Anything dealing with auto use storage, sales, parking etc is going to require a Conditional Use so it will wine to this body when those plans are finalized But the opportunity to buy these properties existed and he wanted to do ghat I think is clearly right thing for thas area The conditions are all acceptable The idea that this should stay the way it is until and you all know as you've seen it until such time as it's determined ghat is going to happen with the interchange which could a quarter of a century before we get to that point The war things are going economically, financially and with our anti tax event these days I don't know when that's going to happen but we are certainly willing as we were with the ether closure that Council approved for those other streets to agree to sell the property back to the City for what we paid for it plus an inflation factor of three percent a year Again, this puts the property on the tax rolls Immediately pays the City for the property now and preserves the right for the City to come back and take it later if it's needed without compensating us for any improvements e make to the property we are willing to take that gamble because we don't think that's going to happen Quite frankly, we think the application is one that should be supported and we would request your support for the request with the conditions which we think more than adequately protects what public interests exists in those paper streets Ronald Ripley okay we have a question from Dot Wood Dorothy wood Eddie, I d like to see this go to Mr Hall but I wonder about number four Could we possible change the 1 o to 1 gears because of the problems now Frith DOT, I think it would be certainly be 15 years before Eddie Bourdon Dot let me suggest that we do this I will not object to that I don't have "authority' but I certainly won't. object to your putting that stipulation in there if between now and City Council Mr Hall advises me that he is not willing to do that then lust want to reserve the opportunity to bring that to Council's attention if he has an objection because Fm not in a position to ask him but I'm not going to object to it Dorothy wood Thank you Ronald Ripley Gene Crabtree has a question Eugene Crabtree Eddie, am I under the understanding that Mr Fall has an option to buy all of Mr Holloway's s property'? Eddie Bourdon That is nay understanding Either he has an option or he has actually purchased it I rn not sure which It s under contract or it may have already closed I don't want to tell you Eugene Crabtree So Mr Holloway and his business is gone Item #14 & 1 Kenneth A lull Family Limited Partnership Page 3 Eddie Bourdon All will g away And some f that i actually in the paper street Ronald Ripley Charlie Salle'? Charlie Salle' I have a question It sounds like there are going to be plans to build on these areas with taking the risk that the City will never buy it back Eddie Bourdon That will have to wine through the process of a Use Permit That i what Mr Hall is moving towards He hasn't made a final determination to my understanding but that will have to cone through a Conditional Use Pern-ut process, but that is correct We looked at all the vanous options for the nght- =way that are at least under consideration now and other than right along this section here, they don't affect the rest of the property But there is a possibility that there may need to be an additional I believe of possibly 50 feet of area along what is currently the merging In lane here ofI- 4 that aught even be widened But there wouldn't be a use of this street under any of the scenarios that are out there and there are a number of then But on the other piece where the body shop is being built one ofthe options is to have Bonney Road curve into a flyover over I-4 In that whole process we set up contractual the opportunity for that to tape place we reserve the opportunity for the City to do that if that were to come to pass Because we left an area inhere the road could go through But that does not involve this property Again, none of the options that I've seen and I've seen a number of them that involve these type of east west here, it s ,lust simply a potential widening of the right- of-way for I - Charlie Salle well, I think City Council has sort ofset a precedent as far as how we deal with this application but I can see 1t now that Mr Hall is going to m back with Use Perx t to develop on these properties and the City is going to recommend denial because 1t has the option to buy it back we'll be going around in circles here Eddie Bourdon we were able to work it out on the property with the City and we don't have any hesitation being that will be the feeling that will be done here as well and main, the bottom line is that under any seenano if you put all these little lots together, you have improved the situation from what exists today sr nlf cantly JD Charlie Salle' If we move this ball to a different court because I can see it corrung hack with a Use Peanut application to build on some portion of these properties these streets and the City is going to recommend denial of that perrrut because of the option to buy it back and so it will be back to make an issue again Eddie Bourdon Again when you look at what we know to be the likely requirement for additional nght- f-way acquisition and you look at a setback situation from that, you actually have very little of ghat s involved here would be potentially built upon But that's for another day Item #14 & 1 Kenneth A Hall Family Limited Partnership Page Ronald Ripley Any other questions9 John, you got a question's John Baum It stills hang up a matter that I've been concerned for years when I used t appraise real estate for going across all these highway projects and in a sense they re not right for projects to be on the hoards for gears and years It just ruins people plans There ought to be a time limitation either you put some money in to starting the project in a sense At least get the paperwork done for something But to say you re going to do something and nothing happens A lot of people really lost their property, adjoining people and people renting their space See the survey stake somebody's going to do something right away They don't do anything for gears It s not an anrucable procedure but I'm agreeing with Charlie, precedent has already been set as far as I m concerned Council s shown where they stand I might as well let it go Eddie Bourdon Again I emphasize to you that you have a well respected business leader who is again, I believe ve clearly is trying to do somedung that we should be encouraging Understand there is some complicating factors but if we're going to as a City, if we're going to move forward with redevelopment and have redevelopment take place that's privately funded with private capital as opposed to other options that are out there, there's got to be a willingness to work with the people with the private capital who are willing to work with the City and willing to be equitable in the way they pursue these ngs And, I think Ken has clearly demonstrated that in what he's done next door and what's he doing throughout the City, in terms of upgrading his facilities and investing rmllions of dollars in his facilities Thank you Ronald Ripley Any opposition` Robert Miller No Ronald Ripley I lscussioO Eugene Crabtree I'd make a motion that we accept this proposal as wntten with current conditions Kay Wilson Six conditions Dorothy wood what about number four when I put in the 15 years verus the 10 gears Eugene Crabtree Yes Ronald Ripley So your motion is to approve Eugene Crabtree To approve it with modifying condition 4 to say 15 years vice 10 Ronald Ripley Do I have a second`? Charlie Salle" Second Item #14 & 15 Kenneth A Mall Family Lirmted Partnership Page Donald Ripley Second by Charlie Salle A motion made by Gene Crabtree Any discussion` Bob` Robert Miller I need to abstain My firm 1s working with the Hail family on this area Mr Scott, did you want to address this` Robert Scott This is a real difficult issue And I think one of the last things we want to do rs say let's lust paralyze this area" from now until we don't know when just in case the road needs to be built I don't think that is what we're trying to say I think that if someone were interested in building on their property that would be one thing Thus is a proposal to build on our property, which is a different thing we are absolutely going to need this for the public need There 1s a public need for this property Now, I m very encouraged because I didn't understand this to be true but, I'm very encouraged by contion #4 which holds out some hope that something can be pulled together here but, 1t is an absolute prerequisite in my nund that this has got to cost the City zero we can t be giving up property only to buy 1t back later or to deal with improvements on it later that causes an expense to be incurred by the public It's not anybody else's It s the public's property that they want to build on And so there has to be a safe guard that 1n the end result means that the cost to the public 1s zero And it's definutely condition #4 I tbunk is a good step in that direction I do think it needs to be longer than 10 years And, I thank we may have to work on the condition more I think that we need to come to gaps with reality that it's going to be some period of time before the road improvements in this area take place How long9 I don t know But it s going to be a lengthy period of time But, the true economic development potential and the word 'redevelopment was used earlier, the true potential is totally dependent on the ability to build that road and project It's not to occur with Bonney Road and all the other roads out there the way they're now The circulation pattern Ys lust not good enough So the critical point here is that some how the public whose property is being requested here needs to be held harmless against this action The end result it s got to be of no cost to the public And I think that if we could work on condition ##4 a little bit, I do think that holds out a lot of hope Maybe, that's the answer to the whole thing Ronald Ripley Do you want to defer that to work on it more` Robert Scott well, no, I know there's a need It's up to the Planning Conumssion but maybe we can work on it before it goes to the Council I don t knout The other thing i that the best way to do this would be to look at what Mr Bourdon refers to a Use Permit that some day will be applied for The best way to do thus is to loop at it in conjunction with that Use Pernut we don't know what they want to do here That's one of the things that bothers us a little bit or even for that matter, how much of this property actually would we need we dory t know that either we may be complicating this picture tremendously for no benefit It would be better if we knew but that Use Peanut 1s not before us one of the things that we thought as viewers was 1t would be good to have that Use Permit so we know actually how much this property is needed by the pate sector we don t know that but there is some hope and I think we need to be realistic Item #14 & 1 Kenneth A Hall Farnuly Minuted Partnership Page about the future But we need to understand that it's the public s property that's here in question and the public needs to protect Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Anybody else have a comments Question? We have a motion on the floor to approve at and seconded it and call for the vote AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS I ABSENT1 ATKINSON AYE BAUM AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE HULLER A S RIPLEY AYE SALLE" AYE STRANGE AYE YARDS ABSENT WOOD AYE Ronald Ripley By a vote of 9-0 one abstention, the motion passes R Gordon t e ' r Map to Bernice T Williams �y. 0 IMP Lo up r + # t # i• I qr 1 Sneer Closure ZONING HISTORY The following street closures are not shown on the map above, but were in the vicinity of the subject application Street Closure (western portion of alley between 52nd and "� Streets, east of Holly Road) Approved 7-1 -01 Street Closure (alley between 4e Street and Bay Colony Drive and between Myrtle Avenue and Atlantic Avenue) Approved 2-1 - 3 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM H Gordon & Elizabeth K Huey and Bernice T Williams — street closure MEETING DATE January 28, 2003 ■ Background Application of H Gordon & Elizabeth K Huey and Bernice T Williams for the discontinuance, closure and abandonment ment of a 15 foot alley beginning on the west side of Ocean Avenue and running a distance of 270 feet to the east side of Atlantic Avenue The proposed closure abuts the rear property lines of Lots E H on 48th Street and Lots 180 — 184 on 491h Street Said parcel contains 4,050 square feet The purpose of this request is to close the unimproved alley between and th Streets The right-of-way will be incorporated into adjacent parcels and used for additional yard area for each parcel ■ considerations Two alley closures have occurred in the north end In 2001, the western end of the alley just east of Holly Road between 52 "d and 53rdStreets was approved for closure In 1983, the alley between 46th Street and Bay Colony Drive and between Myrtle Avenue and Atlantic Avenue was approved for closure The Viewers have concluded that this street closure will not result in a public inconvenience and is acceptable Other than maintenance of existing public and pn ate utilities, there is no identified public need for the portion of right-of-way proposed for closure Easements placed over the alley can accommodate utility maintenance needs The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because there would be no public inconvenience created by this closure Staff recommended approval and there was no opposition to the proposal ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded Grote of 1 -o to approve this request with the following conditions Huey and Williams Page 2 of 2 The City ttorney's Office shall make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department 2 The applicants and other affected property owners shall resubdivide their properties and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed alley area into the adjoining parcels The plats shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval All plats shall be submitted together 3 Preliminary comments from the virgins !Natural Gas and Dominion Virginia Power indicate that there are private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure The applicant is required to verify that no other private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for closure Easements satisfactory t the utility companies shall be provided 4 A utility easement is required to be dedicated as specified by Public Utilities and Public Works No structures shall be permitted within the easement, but fences may be permitted with an approved encroachment agreement The easement shall be shown on the final plat Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not recorded within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void ■ Attachments Ordinance Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department{Agency Planning Departmen City Manager r )L %7 V)t 1 : L -01 IN THE TATTER OF CLOSING VACATING AND DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS A 15 FOOT ALLEY BETWEEN48'-` AND 49TH STREETS AND ATLANTIC AVENUE AND OCEANFRONT AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT ENTITLED PLAT SHOWING CLOSURE OF 1 ' LANE ADJOINING LOTS 18 THRU THE E 20' F LOT 185 PLAT OF THE H LLIES, M B 67 P 107 AND LOTS E THRU H RESUBDIVISION OF DOTS 153 THRU 158 PLAT OF THE H LLIES M B 4, P 1 VIRGINIA BEACH, V IRGII IA13 WHEREAS, on January 28, 2003, H Gordon Huey, Elizabeth K Huey and Bernice T Williams applied to the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia., to have the hereinafter described street discontinued, closed, and vacated, and WHEREAS, it is thejudgment of the Council that said street be discontinued closed, and vacated, subject to certain conditions having been met on or before January .21 7 2004, NOW. THEREFORE, SECTION I BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginua Beach, Virgima that the hereinafter described street be discontinued closed and vacated, subject to certain conditions being met on or before January 27, 2004 All that certain Piece or Parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Viriiu, designated and described as 151 LANE TO BE CLOSED 1915 shown as the cross -hatched area on that certain plat entitled `PLAT SHOWING CLOSURE OF 15' LADE ADJOINING LOTS 180 THRU THE E o' F LOT 185 PLAT OF PIN 1 -88- 4 , 41 - 8-8 97,241 - 8-9259 41 -9 - 4 418-88- 319, 2418-8 -85 0 241-88-9401, 418-88-94 and 2148-9 -04 4 THE HOLLIES., M B 61 P 107 AND LOTS E THRU H RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 153 THRU 158 PLAT OF THE HOLLIES M B 497 P 11, VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA ' dated August , 2001 prepared by Gallup Surveyors and Engineers a copy of &hich is attached hereto as Exhibit SECTION II The following conditions must be met on or before January 27, 2004 I The City A.ttornev's Office va 11 make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "'policy Regarding Purchase of City'City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved her City Council Copies of said policy are available in the Planmng Department 2 The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoimng parcels The re ubdivision plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation pnor to final street closure approval All plats shall be submitted together Preliminary comments from the Virginia Natural Gas and Dominion Virginia Power indicate that here are pnvate utilities witlun the right-of-way proposed for closure The applicant is required to venfy that no other private utilities exist within the ngt-of=war proposed for closure If private utilities do exist, the applicant shall provide easements satisfactory to the utility companies utility easement is required to be dedicated as specified by Public Utilities and Publw works 'No structures shall be permuted vnthin the easement, but fences may be permitted oath an approved encroachment agreement The easement shall be shown on the final plat Closure of the nght-of- ay shall be contingent upon compliance with the above Mated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If all conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the roadway, this approval will be considered mull and void 2 SECTION III 1 If the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on o r before January 2 7, 2, this Ordinance will be deemed null and void without further action her the City Council If all conditions are met on or before January 27 2004 the date of final closure is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attorney SECTION IV certified copy of this Ordinance shall he filed in the Clerk's ' Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia, and indexed in the name of the CITY OF VI GI IA BEACH a "Grantor " Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgirna Beach, Vir um, on this day of 52003 A 8610 Date \ oeuments and Sett ings\bduke LocaI S em n gs�Temp\C A 8 6 10 ORD F RM APPROV AS TO CONTENT Z; Q a 7jnN(0" /.- os Planning D artment APPROVED ED AS TO LEGAL. 1ENOr itN Attorney GORDON & ELIZABETH HUEY & BERNICE T. WILLIAMS / # 11 December 11 9 2002 General Information; APPLICATION NUMBER L04 - 211 - STC - 2002 REQUEST UEST Street Closure ADDRESS 15 foot alley between 48th and 49th Streets and Atlantic Avenue and Oceanfront Avenue Map Gordon+ r s ■ Scale Bernice [11 low per. - =- -- ' Street Closure Planning Commission Agenda December 11,2002 GORDONELI ABETH HUEY & BERNICE T WILLIAMS 11 Page 1 ELECTION DISTRICT 6- BEACH SITE SIZE 4,0 square feet PURPOSE To close the unimproved alley between 48 h and 4 th Streets STAFF PLANNER Ashby Moss Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existina Land Use and Zonin The alley requested for closure is currently an undeveloped paper street The lots on either side of the alley are zoned R-7 5 Residential District Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Forth Single -Family Homes R-7 5 Residential district South Single -Family Homes R-7 5 Residential District East oceanfront Avenue West Atlantic Avenue Zonina-History Two alley closures have occurred in the north end In 2001, the western end of the alley just east of Holly Road between 52nd and 3"a Streets was approved for closure In 1983, the alley between 46 th Street and Bay Colony Drive and between Myrtle Avenue and Atlantic Avenue was approved for closure GORDON & ELI ABETH HUE Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 & BERNICE T WILLIAMS ! # 11 Page 2 Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There is an eight -inch gravity sever within the alley proposed for closure Public Works There are no Public Works structures or pavement within the alley proposed for closure utility easement will be acceptable provided no structures are permitted within the easement Public Safely Police No Comments Fire and No Comments Fescue Private Utilities Virginia Natural Gas, Virginia Power, and the Hampton loads Sanitation District have identified utilities within the alley Each utility company is amenable to closing the alley as long as easements are provided Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map designates this area for low -density suburban residential land use below 3 5 dwelling units per acre Evaluation of Request The Viewers have concluded that this street closure will net result in a public inconvenience and is acceptable Other than maintenance of existing public and private utilities, there is no identified public need for the portion of right -of -war proposed for closure Easements placed over the alley can accommodate utility maintenance needs The applicant has stated that the right-of-way will be incorporated into adjacent parcels and used for additional yard area for each parcel Therefore, this street closure request is recommended for approval subject to the conditions listed below Planning commission Agenda December 11, 22 GORDONELI ABETH HUEY & BERNICE T WILLIAMS 1 # 11 Page 3 0 Conditions The City Attorney's Office shall make the final determination regarding ownership f the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures,'y approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department 2 The applicants and other affected property owners shall resubdfvide their properties and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed alley area into the adjoining parcels The plats shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval All plats small be submitted together Preliminary comments from the Virginia Natural Gast Dominion Virginia Power, indicate that there are private utilities within the right -of -gray proposed for closure The applicant is required to verify that no other private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for closure Easements satisfactory to the utility companies shall be provided utility easement is required to be dedicated as specified by Public Utilities and Public Works No structures shall be permitted within the easement, but fences may be permitted with an approved encroachment chment agreement The easement shall be shown on the final plat Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not recorded within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration- of applicable City Ordinances Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 GORDON & ELIZABETH HUEY & BERNICE T WILLIAMS / # 11 Page 4 Plans and Supporting Graphics no aus � n � La 6-z 0 M U. wLLJ ED<� ,U3 ML ��4C 1 T- 3 Cr. Ld (Lyld — LS Is1) (Mld3W--MNV300 a�C1 0 — !J3 Ix I � 1l-1 ul J {1? Yid s LLj r- co 0 Cn Fa 0 Cn 0 < tp CL O 7 COL J Lit U LJ f- J L i titl C '`" 1 1; t 3 T IIa7 —U Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002� GORDON ELI ABETH H E M & BERNICE T WILLIAMS 11 ~� Pepe Aerial and Location Map Planning Commission Agenda December 11 2002 GORDON & ELIZABETH HUEY & BER LICE T WILLIAMS # 11 Page Planning Commission Agenda December 119 2002 GORDON ELI ABETH HUEY & BERNICE T WILLIAMS # 11 Page Disclosure Statement PAGE 4 OF 4 �y DISCLOSURE STATEMENT q Gard G bJ. ev ElLzabeth K duet/ (Lots � and F) ;Omt s Nalme- Bernice i ihillispa {Lot W LASt ICU Cirrmaj gram same aft above k UMRn OWPM MSCLOnW I[ th+c property owwr is a CORPDRAMON i 9 a] I offloem of the Corpamon below "A ere is dnecessarvir If the propaq owner Ls a PARTNMEV FMK or othcr UTON CORPORATED OF G tNEZATION Jist W1 membw or pumas is the o4zuzzwsi bekw (A rack rwressary) ZA Cbe& liae if cbc pr perry owe es NOT a empo ar = p=oer 4 Cum., or oLher unin rpomed arum If As app caw is nAg the c tsnl awndr gfdw party compkis dw Alp Uctwf Dwckaswc rtciron 646ow If the appb:cwt is a C R MRAT [Oh lat &D offkcen of ft Corpomoo below 4A =ch lrst ,f r oersary ) h/A r� If tbe apphcAnt is at PAR FHi �, or other LTMCOR ` RA77D 0 RGAN t7,k AWN list all membm or pamws zn the orgarawbon belov► i,4n h I= rf ne wi-y) s/A Choc c here Lf the zMbcant is NOT a cvrpomm parmtmtup Cum or ocher unincorporated arpn=uon CER TM A314DN I cerafy that the S *rnuttWn cord heron zs &rue and accurate. Z/ 00 tg� Le�11� R i�a��rsn t arnc Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 GORDON & ELIZABETH HUEY & BERNtCE T WILLIAMS / # 11 Page 8 H Gordon & Elizabeth K Huey and Bemice T Williams Discontinuance closure and abandonment West side of Ocean Avenue and running a distance of 270 feet to the east side of Atlantic Avenue District Beach December 12, 2002 CONSENT Dorothy Wood The next item is Item 11, H Gordon & Elizabeth K Huey and Bernice Williams, an application for discontinuance closure and abandonment of a 15 foot alley running a distance of 270 feet to the east of Atlantic Avenue This is in the L rnnha en District Thank you Ronald Ripley Beach Dorothy Wood Beach? Okay Les Watson Yes ma'am My name is Les Watson I'm a local attorney representing the applicants and we've read the conditions and they're fine with us Dorothy wood we heard that there aught be some opposition is there opposition to Item #I l Ronald Ripley No one signed up Dorothy Food Is there any opposition to thus item? Thank you Mr Watson Les Watson Thank you Ronald Ripley Let s do the motion first Get approval on the notion and then we're back Dorothy wood Mr Ripley I'd like to move and approve the following consent agenda stern, Item #11 with five conditions Ronald Ripley Okay Donald Horsley I'll second the motion Dorothy wood Betsy Betsy Atkinson Thank you Item #11 is a street closure for Gordon Huey and Elizabeth Huey and Bernice Williams to close a portion of a street between ' Street and `h Street from Atlantic Avenue to the Oceanfront That would be a 1 -foot wide alley, Item #11 H Gordon & Elizabeth K Huey and Bernice T Williams Page long and a little over 4 000 square feet of area All nine property owners on either side of this alley have agreed to purchase their part to the nudway of the alley with the recommendation that all the plats be recorded at the wine time and all the property owners agree to get easements over the 1-1~t right-of-way for utilities And we did learn this morning that Hampton Roads Severer does not have a utility in that area so that is being struck from our conditions But with the viewers recommendations that the alley be closed and positive staff recommendation the Con=ssion agree that this was a good item to put on our Consent agenda Ronald Ripley Okay with that said and with the motion on the table I would like to call for the motion We re reader to Grote I believe AYE 10 NAY TKINS N AYE BAUM AYE CRABT EE AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE MILLER AYE RIPLEY AYE SA.LLE' AYE STAGE AYE YAS WOOD AYE ABSO ABSENT I Ronald Ripley By a rate of 10-0 the motion passes ABSENT ZONING HISTORY 1 Conditional Use Pew it (Tattoo Studio Body Piercing Establishment) — Approved 2--2 Conditional Use Permit (Automobile Repair) — Approved5-22-89 Conditienal Use Permit (Pistol Range) — Approved4-24-89 Rezoning R-S Residence Suburban t 1-1 1 General Industrial) — Denied 7-1 -7 2 Conditional Use Permit (Communication Terrier) — Approved 12-12-95,1-23-96 Conditional Use Permit (Automobile Repair and Car Wash) h — Approved -1 -91 Street Closure — Approved 3-28-00 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Blue horseshoe Tattoo Two, Ltd — Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE January 28, 2003 ■ Background An Ordinance upon Application of Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two, Ltd for a Conditional Use Permit for a tattoo and body piercing studio on the northwest corner of London Bridge Road and Borland Parkway (GPIN 1496899764) Parcel is located at 513 London Bridge Road and contains 1 22 acres DISTRICT 6 — BEACH The purpose of this request is to obtain a Conditional Use Permit to permanently operate a tattoo studio !body piercing facility (a previous use permit limited the use to one year) ■ Considerations The site is at the intersection of London Bridge Road and Bowland Parkway The building is one story block: 7,800 square feet in area Bay Screen and Graphics and Blue Horseshoe Tattoo occupy the building To the north of the site exists an accountant's office, to the west exists warehouses occupied by automobile repair and other industrial type uses To the east of the site is London Bridge Road, across London Bridge Road is property owned by the United States Davy The area is a mixture of office, service, and industrial uses The Health Department reports that there have been no violations of the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance, Section 22 1 The Police Department and the Zoning Enforcement Section of the Current Planning Division report that no complaints have been received regarding the operation The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the applicant has been ,n operation for the past year with no complaints Staff recommended approval and there was no opposition to the proposal N Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 1 -o to approve this request with the following conditions Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two Page 2 of 2 1 The conditional use permit for a tattoo body piercing establishment i approved for a period of one year, with an administrative review every year thereafter 2 A business license shall not be issued to the applicant without the approval of the Health Department for consistency with the provisions of Chapter 23 of the City Cole 3 No signage more than four (4) square feet of the entire glass area of the exterior wall(s) shall be permitted on the windows There shall be no other signs, including neon signs or neon accents installed on any wall area of the exterior of the building, windows and / or doors The actual tattooing body piercing operation on a customer shall not be risible from any public n ht-of-way adjacent to the establishment The hours of operation shall be 10 00 a m to 10 00 p m , Monday through Saturday, and 12 oo p rn to 8 00 p m on Sunday 0 Attachments Staff R evi ew Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency Planning Department City Manager Qic 5d0/11, � BLUE HORSEHOE TATTOO TWO / # 7 1 December 11, 2002 General Information: APPLICATION NUMBER l 07-CUP -2002 REQUEST Conditional use permit for a tattoo studio body pierctng facility ADDRESS The northwest corner of London Bridge Road and Bowland Parkway, 513 London Bridge Road mapNot Blue Iforseshoe I&Uoo�w a � � IL r oa I G Pi N 146764 ELECTION DISTRICT 6 - BEACH Gpin 1---4 JI 0 �j oceama Naval r 4 y4 y 1 y y r r I� 1- � I Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 BLUE HORSEHOE TATTOO TWO 1 Page 1 SITE SIZE 1 272 acre, or 55,408 square feet STAFF PLANNER Faith Christie PURPOSE To obtain a conditional use permit to permanently operate a tattoo studio /body piercing facility (a previous use permit limited the use to one year) Mayor Issues: Continued compliance with the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance, Section 22 1 and in Chapter 23 of the City Code pertaining to tattoo body piercing establishments • Continued compatibility of this use with the surrounding uses in the area Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing. Land Use and ZonrnQ A one-story block building, a one story metal building and parking areas occupy the site Currently Bay Screen and Graphics and Blue Horseshoe Tattoo occupy the site The site is zoned B- 2 Community Business Drstnct Surrounding _Land Use and Zoning North 0 Office uses 1-1 Light Industrial District South 0 Bowland Parkway Planing Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 BLUE HORSEH4E TATTOO TWO / # 7 Page 2 Across Bowland Parkway are Office warehouse uses B-2 Community Business and 1-1 Light Industrial Districts East London Bridge Toad • Across London Bridge Road, United States Navy y property 1-2 Heavy Industrial District West Office Warehouse uses I - 1 Light Industrial District Zoning HistM In 1970, a request to rezone the site from R-S3 Residence a Suburban to M-1 1 General Industrial District was denied From 1973 to the present the site has been zoned B-2 Community Business District In 1989 two conditional use permits, a pistol range and an automobile repair establishment were approved on the site Several variances for parking and landscaping were granted on the site in 1989 A conditional use permit for a tattoo studio body piercing establishment was approved for the site in February 2002 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AICUZ of greater than 75dB surrounding NAS Oceana The United States Navy requests that the applicant continue to be made aware that high- performance fighter aircraft routinely fly over this area at all hours of the day and night This flight activity produces very high noise and vibration levels in this area that could affect the applicant's operation Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics The site is impervious, covered by building and parking The site is in the Resource Management Area of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer Water There is a twelve- (112) inch water main in London Bndge Road fronting the site There is an eight- (8) inch water main in Bowland Parkway on the south side of the site The site has an existing 5/8- inch meter that may be used Planning Commission Agenda December 11 , 2002 BLUE HoRSEHoE TATToo TWO Page 3 Sewer There is an eight- (8) inch sanitary sewer main in London Bridge Road fronting the site There is an eight- (8) inch sanitary sewer main in Bowland Parkway on the south side of the site The site has city sewer There is an eight (8) inch water main and an eight (8) inch sanitary sewer main in a 30 foot wide ingress /egress easement, which also includes a 15 foot wide utility easement, on the north side of the property Transportation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) London Bridge Road, in front of the site, is currently atwo-lane undivided minor arterial (suburban) roadway The roadway is shown on the Master Transportation Plan as a 100 foot wide divided roadway with a bikeway C!P Project #2-137-004 Great Neck Road /London Badge Road Phase III will improve this roadway to a four lane divided highway with a bikeway This improvement will improve the current level of service E to a level of service C-D Traffic Calculations Street Marne Present Volume a Present Capacity Generated Traffic 1 1 = 1 0 ADT Ei#rn Land Use � 32 London rid Read DT ' Levu of Proposed Lard Use 3 89 � Service e CE Average Daily Taps 2 as defined by retail use 3 as defined by Tattoo Studio/Body Piercing Public Safety Police The applicant is encouraged to continue to work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for cnme prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and No mment Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 BLUE HORSEHOE TATTOO TWO / # 7 Page 4 Rescue Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map designates this area for a variety of employment uses including business parks, offices, and appropriately located industrial and employment support uses Summary of Proposal Bettina The site is at the intersection of London Badge Road and Borland Parkway The building is one story block, 7,800 square feet in area Bay screen and Graphics and Blue Horseshoe Tattoo occupy the building To the north of the site exists an accountant's office, to the vest exists warehouses occupied b automobile repair and other indurstnal type uses To the east of the site is London Bridge Road, across London Bridge Road is property owned by the United States Navy The area is a mixture of office, service, and industrial uses Site Design The submitted site plan shows two buildings on the site, a one-story masonry building and a one story metal building The masonry building: the subject of this application, is situated approximately 45 feet from London Bridge Road and 34 feet from Bowland Parkway Vehicular and Pedestrian Access There are entrances to the site from both London Bridge Load and Bowland Parkway Vehicular circulation on the site appears to be adequate Twenty -on e 21 parking spaces are required for the tattoo studio body piercing establishment and the existing screen -printing graphics operation The applicant, as a condition of the conditional use permit approved in Planning Commission Agenda December 11 , 2 BLUE HoRSEHOE TATTOO TWO Page February 2002, re -striped the parking Rot to accommodate the required parking for both uses There are no sidewalks in this area Architectural Design. • There are two buildings on the site A one-story masonry buflding ,s situated on the front of the site The front of the buiiding is half wall half window design The sides and rear are masonry A one story metal building sits on the rear of the site Both buildings are typical of retail industrial type structures that were built in the 1960s and 1970s The applicant recently painted the building white with blue tarn Landscape and Open Space Design The site was developed before any landscaping requirements were adopted as part of City ordinances However as a condition of the conditional use permit approved in February 2002 the applicant has provided shrubs around the existing parking area, and foundation screening along the wall facing owland Parkway Planter boxes have been placed along the front of the building facing London Bridge Boulevard Evaluation of Request The request for a conditional use permit for a permanent tattoo studio Cody piercing establishment is acceptable subject to the conditions below The Health Department reports that there have been no violations of the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance: section 242 1 The Police Department and the Zoning Enforcement section of the Current Planning Division report that no complaints have been received regarding the operation Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit request to permanently operate a tattoo studio body piercing establishment subject to the following conditions Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 BLUE HORSEHOE TATTOO TWO Page Conditions 1 The conditional use permit for a tattoo body piercing establishment is approve for a period of one year with an administrative review every year thereafter 2 A business license shall not be issued to the applicant without the approval of the Health Department for consistency with the provisions of Chapter 23 of the City Code 3 No signage more than four (4) square feet of the entire glass area of the exterior wall(s) shall be permitted on the windows There shall be no other signs, including neon signs or neon accents installed on any wall area of the exterior of the building, windows and / or doors The actual tattooing body piercing operation on a customer shall not be visible from any public right-of-way adjacent to the establishment The hours of operation shall be 10 00 a m to 10 oo p rx , Monday through Saturday, and 12 00 p m to 8 00 p rn on Sunday NOTE Further cond►trons maybe required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances The site plan submitted with this conditional use permit may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordinance for further information Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2002 BLUE H4RSEHOE TATTOO TWO / # 7 Page 7 IA 0 Are fAr . r ' * s rz*ALzT W..eow 4L MMMA- 71 M rr In Bodo „W M 1h Blue Horseshoe (existing site layout) Planning Commission Agenda December 115 2002 BLUE H RSEH E TATTOO TWO # 7- Page Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two, Ltd Conditional Use learnt Northwest corner of London Bridge Road and Rowland Parkway 513 London Bridge Road District Beach December 1 oo XIMMI a I Dorothy wood The next item is Item #7 which is the Blue Horseshoe Tattoo To Ltd It's an application for the Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two Ltd for a Conditional Use Permit for a tattoo and body-plercincr studio on London Bridge Road and Bowland Parkway It is in the Beach Distnct and it has five conditions Barry Koch Barry Koch, attorney for the applicant Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two and they accept all those conditions They are pleased to come back this year and say they ve had no complaints whatsoever and appreciate your consideration Dorothy Wood Thank you John Baum Igo they pay you off in tattoos`? Barry Koch I was worried that somebody rm ht ask that but 1f you ever want to get one that's the cleanest and safest facility to go to Dorothy wood Thank you Is there any opposition to Item #7 Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two Ltd'? Hearing nine Mr Ripley I'd like to move and approve the following consent agenda items Mr Horsley would you please tell us about Item # 9 Donald Horsley Number seven, the Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two, this was approved about a year ago They have been in operation for a year They had no violations, no complaints and with the conditions that we've got and the good record that they've had for the year, we felt with favorable staff recommendations that it should be continued s that's our reasons for these sterns being on the consent agenda Donald Ripley Thank you very much Ronald Ripley okay Okay we have a motion by Dot wood and seconded by Don Horsley okay with that said and with the motion on the table, i would like to call for the motion we're ready to vote I believe AYE 10 NAY 0 ABS 0 A SE T I Item Blue Horseshoe Tattoo Two Ltd Page ATKINSON AYE BUM AYE CR BT E AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE MILLER AYE RIPLEY AYE SAL LE' AYE STRANGE AYE YAKOS WOOD AYE Ronald Ripley By a vote of t o-o the motion passes ABSENT fa T- (an pIII i a rC:D JFANTE- =14 10 j 'do ' + q� K ri W L! E' t� . r jr 4 { (',pin 1496a1�997 ZONING HISTORY Entire Area - Change f Zoning (PD-H to PD-H1 Planned Un(t DevelopmentDistrict) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Sandra Ballweg — Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE January 28, 2003 E Background An Ordinance upon Application of Sandra Ballweg for a Conditional Use Permit for a home occupation (day care) on the south side of DuBois Place, 72 42 feet west of Jansen Way (GPIN 1496316991) Parcel is located at 2933 DuBois Place and contains approximately 5,490 square feet DISTRICT 7 —PRINCESS ANNE The purpose of this request is to operate a home daycare facility to care for up to 12 children seven days a week ■ considerations The applicant proposes to operate a home daycare for up to 12 children, Sunday through Saturday The hours of operation will be flexible so as to accommodate work schedules for military personnel and medical and shift work employees Both the applicant and an assistant, as needed, will be in the home to care for the children The single-family dwelling is located on a 5,500 square foot lot There is an above ground pool and a hot tub in the rear yard The applicant proposes to install a fence that will enclose the children's play area to the southwest corner of the property Access into the play area from the house will be via recently installed sliding grass doors The request for a home occupation (daycare) operating Sunday through Saturday is acceptable by staff, subject to a reduction in the number of children requested from twelve (12) to ten (10) The home day care use can potentially generate an additional 25 daily vehicular taps Section 234 (b) of the City's Zoning Ordinance states that "No traffic shall be generated by such activity in greater volumes than would normally be expected in the neighborhood "The reduction to ten (10) children will somewhat lessen the amount of traffic and is more in keeping with residential uses and the intent of the ordinance The applicant is in the process of applying for a license from the State Department of Social Services, which is responsible for ensuring quality care for the children Condition #6 below requires that the applicant receive the license from the State, therefore, inspections and requirements of that agency must be met Sandra Ballweg Page 2 of 2 There was no opposition to the proposal 0 Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions 1 The home daycare shall be limited to a total of ten (10) children other than children living in the home There shalt be no more than five (5) children under the age of 2�h in the homy: at one time 2 No more than one person other than a relative residing in the home shall be employed by the home daycare 3 A solid fence, minimum height of six (6), feet shall be installed to create an enclosed play area as identified on the site plan prior to issuance of any license Said fence shall be maintained at all times Any loose materials or equipment in the yard shall be removed or stored in an enclosed building o signs advertising the home daycare shall be permitted on the lot or buildings on the lot at any time The applicant shall maintain a fatally daycare home license with the Commonwealth of Virginia Failure to maintain a family daycare home license shall terminate this conditional use permit The applicant shall receive a certificate of occupancy from the Building official for the home daycare residential use ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minute Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency Planning Departmen City Manager IC , 3 W�'t SANDRA BALLWE # 9 December 115 2002 General Information: A PUC TION NUMBER REQUEST ADDRESS GI ELECTION DISTRICT H09-21 -C P-2 02 Conditional Use Permit for home day care 2933 DuBois Place Aag H- 1' za scale �. ktilok� ,'� � ter; ■ ' i # 't+i M 14963169910000 # — PRINCESS ANNE pin 1 96-31 1 Planning Commission Agenda � December 11 # 2003 SANDRA EALLWEG Page 1 SITE SIZE 5,490 square feet STAFF PLANNER Carolyn A K smith PURPOSE To operate a home daycare facility to care for up to 12 children seven days a week Major Issues: • Impact of additional noise and traffic on neighboring properties Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Land Use and Zoning A single-family home currently exists on the property The property is zoned PD- H1 Planned Unit Development District Surroundina Land Use and Zomnq North Dubois Place, single-family dwellings PD-H1 Planned Unit Development District South Single-family dwellings PD-H 1 Planned Unit Development District East Single-family dwellings PD-H 1 Planned Unit Development District West single-family dwellings PD-H1 Planned Unit Development District Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2003 SAI Di A BALLWEG # Page Zoning Histo[y The only activity in the vicinity of this site within the last 20 years was for a change in zoning to create the Planned Unit Development where this site is located City Council approved this request on January 111 1982 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone(AICUZ) The site is in an AlCUZ of greater than 75dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics There are no significant environmental resources on this site as it is currently developed as asingle-family lot Public Facilities and Services Transportation Traffic Calculations Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Capacity No traffic information Existing Land Use — 10 ADT available for DuBois N/A N Place I Proposed Land Use — 35 ADT Average Daily Trips as defined by one 1 single family dwelling Average Daily Trips as defined by twelve 1children In hone daycare plus single family dwelling Public Safety Police The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for cnme prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Trough Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and No more than five children under 2 ' years of age are Rescue permitted unless the use is designated as an ;`I" use group Planning Department Permits and Inspections Division shall determine requirements, if any, for fire protection systems Planning Commission Agenda December II, 2003 SANDRA BALLWEG Page ,.jvm A. TS 06 Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map recommends suburban residential land use for the subject property with a density at or below 3 5 dwelling units per acre One of the Citywide Policies listed in the Comprehensive Plan is to 96preserve and protect the character of existing stable neighborhoods against inappropriate lead use intrusions „ However, the Plan specifically recognizes the "legitimate public need for a limited amount of compatible support activities, such as daycare services and housing for people with special needs " p 1 Summary of Proposal Proposal The applicant proposes to operate a home daycare for up to 12 children, Sunday through Saturday • The hours of operation will be flexible so as to accommodate modate work schedules for military personnel and medical and shift work employees • Both the applicant and an assistant, as needed, will be in the home to care for the children Site Design 0 The single-family dwelling is located on a 5,500 square foot lot There is an above ground pool and a hot tub in the rear }yard The applicant proposes to install a fence that will enclose the hildren's play area to the southwest corner of the property Access into the play area from the house will be via recently installed sliding glass doors Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2003 SANDRA BALLWEG Page J5 1 W Vehicular and Pedestrian Access * The applicant has a straight drive leading to a garage • The existing driveway can accommodate up to four (4) parked cars * Pedestrian access is adequate aria existing sidewalks Architectural Design The existing Douse is a two-story frame hue with vinyl siding Nochanges to the a tenor of the mouse are proposed Evaluation of Request The request for a home occupation (daycare) operating Sunday through Saturday is acceptable subject to a reduction in the number of children requested from twelve (12) to ten (10) The home day care use can potentially generate an additional 25 daily vehicular trips Section 234 (b) of the City's Zoning Ordinance states that "No traffic shall be generated by such activity in greater volumes than would normally be expected in the neighborhood "The reduction to ten (10) children will somewhat lessen the amount of traffic and is more in keeping with residential uses and the intent of the ordinance The applicant is in the process of applying for a license from the State Department of Social Services, which is responsible for ensuring quality care for the children Condition #6 below requires that the applicant receive the license from the State, therefore, inspections and requirements of that agency must be met Staff recommends approval of this application subject to the following conditions Conditions 1 The home daycare shall be limited to a total of ten (10) children other than children living in the home There shall be no more than five (5) children under the age of 2�/2 in the home at one time Planning Commission Agenda December 119 2003 SA DRA BALLWEG Page UW 2 No more than one person other than a relative residing in the home shall be employed by the home daycare 3 A solid fence, minimum height of six (6), feet steall be installed to create an enclosed play area as identified on the site plan prior to issuance of any license Said fence shall be maintained at all times Any loose materials or equipment in the yard shall be removed or stored in an enclosed building No signs advertising the home daycare shall be permitted on the let or buildings n the lot at any time The applicant shall maintain a family daycare home license with the Commonwealth of Virginia Failure to maintain a family daycare home license shall terminate this conditional use permit The applicant shall receive a Certificate of Occupancy frorn the Building Official for the home daycare/residential use NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances The site plan submitted with this conditional use permit may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordinance for further information Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2003 SANDRA BQLLWEG / # 9 Page 6 PLANS AND SUPPORTING GRAPHICS LOT 43 73a� ifXX LOT 46 LOT 45 DUBQIS PLACE (5Q' R/W ) 2"0" 0' � 05 IN 1pr R Planning Commission Agenda December 119 200 SAI DRA BALLWE ~- Page Planning Commission Agenda •� December 11 , 2003 SANDRA BALLWEG Page Disclosure Statement APPLCCAT'SDN PAGE 4 OF .1 i:OMITHWAi USE PERMM eTrY OF VrRcMA $sacH DISCLOSURE STAT TENT List Ali Cumenz PROPERTY OwN7ER DtsmosuRjE If the preper r owncr i% a LORPORAIlO Ilsi a)I offiom of IM CbrNrah on Mo%k (A arch i ,rr jj nrrrss ) r + If &M property owner a, a ?ARThT SHW FI M or od= UNIN CORPOR-4 T19D OR GA CATION I j % i aD Membery or pamers irn the orgmL=on beJow- (Anarh kn if mrcraa^) ,,' r--* heic if lhl- *oper w Qwu= S NOT a m-a 4na par w mhtp xi-m of het a % .c atW eu d orgzuutton If the qwlicaw s na the cumn oWfir of the property carylrte the App Medw Duciasurr &sawn hrlaw APPLICANT DUMOSURE if ibe applicani u a CORMRAT10 ILst ell affie= of the Corpom m below (Altarh lesr rf rtecersary) 1 If ibt mMhcaw is a PARTMEPSH P F ir'! or otber UNINCORPORATED ORGANI ZATION I AI members or parmcrs in the organ=uon below (Amzch I n rjr necrtsary) C C here ]f the applicant is ] a corporaucn p=cnr 1p fimL, or od er tmincorpor-tred organ j=cm WMC&TION I catib LW ihe infomarwn conzwned herein 4S rate 4nd QCcut e ��..�. -- igrutu m Part slam Planning Commission Agenda December 11, 2003 SANDRA BALLWEG / # 9 Page 10 Sandra Ballweg Conditional Use Permit South side of DuBois Place 2933 DuBois Place District Princess Anne December 1 2002 CONSENT Dorothy Wood The next Item is Item #9, which is Sandra Ballweg an application for a home occupation (day care) on DuBois Place in the Princess Anne Borough with seven conditions Mrs Ballweg9 Sandra Ballweg I agree to all ofthem except the one concerning the fence Russell Ballweg Item # Ronald F ply Item # 9 Dorothy wood Then we will have to hear it if you don't agree with that Sandra Ballweg That's fine Dorothy wood Then we'll drop that down Thank you REGULAR AGENDA Robert Miller Item #9 is Sandra Ballweg Ronald reply Please Mate and your address Sandra Ballweg Sandra Ballweg, 2933 DuBois Place Virginia Beach, Virginia Ronald Ripley And tell us what bothers you about the consent item we had Sandra Ballweg okay First of all you said that I could only have 10 children I've always been licensed for 12 I've been a licensed daycare provider for Virginias since 1990 and before that with the rr litary in Germany It s never been a problem with m neighbors And you Mated here that it"s because cars come back and forth That's never been a problem with anyone So, that was nay first issue I think that I should be allowed to keep 12 especially considering there's a shortage of daycare providers in this area and I ire worked with Social Services for so many years The second one there are always two adults there for the children so they're under constant supervision The building code requires that all places that have pooh have a four foot high fence which I have, which is away from the pool and there's nothing there that the children can stank up to Item Sandra Ballwe Page climb over a four foot chean link and then scale a four foot aluminum side to get into the pool since we have removable steps from the swim-ming pool itself and the hot tub has ar locking top to it So they can't get in the hot tub period So those are my two issues Ronald Ripley okay Yes, Ids Wood Dorothy Wood Ms Ballweg I noticed that you if e can get to the pictures I noticed that you had swings adjacent between the pool and the hot tub Sandra Bal l weg s Dorothy wood Did you plan to keep yeah see the swings are right next to the hot tub and the pool Sandra Ballweg No That's been moved That was during the construction process of where the fence was Dorothy Wood And do you have the fence now` Sandra Ballweg Yeah Up on the other side ofthe hot tub you can see the sliding glass doors, they were putting them in when the ladies came out and the chain link fence runs from the house, straight back and all that's cleaned up And it's all beside the children's sand box now, the swing set There's a chain limit fence that runs from that shed that 1s 1n the hack corner there you see, it comes from the back of that to the house which separates the play area from Ronald Ripley Could you please identify yourself' Russell Ballweg Excuse me My name is Russell Ballweg Ronald Ripley okay I' M sorry Russell Ballweg I m sorry Dorothy Wood My problem is that I think that ehild.ren can often climb chain lint fences Being a grandmother, I ve seen children climb there very easily Fussell Ballweg Well that's true But unsupervised they're likely to do most n thin but they re not unsupervised I guess that s the issue and it's life saying the four foot fence is all that s required by City Codes around any type of pool for hotels, private use and whatever City Code only requires a four -foot fence Sandra Ballwe My licensing lady from Social Services carve out and she looped at it She has a Rasters in Childhood Development and she was very pleased with it She Item # Sandra Ballweg Page thought that this was a good idea on what we had done also I'm a grandmother too so my children are never unsupervised Ronald Ripley Betsy'? Betsy Atkinson You don t have a picture of the new fence you put up That would help us a lot Sandra Ballweg No, I don't Robert Miller It s a chain link fence Betsy Atkinson Yeah Sandra Ballw It's a regular chain link fence Betsy Atkinson But we could see how it would separate Ronald Ripley Yes Mr Biller Robert NhIler You have children that you're already keeping at your house and how many' Sandra Ballweg Yes Right now I have five Robert Miller Okay And you said you ve been licensed for 12 gears or since 1990 Excuse me Sandra Ballweg Since Io Robert Miller For 12 children' Sandra Ballweg I've always had 12 children Robert Biller And that was through the State` Sandra Ballweg The State of Virginina through Richmond Robert Miller But you never had a permit for the City` Sandra Ballweg I never knew this was necessary until they told me this time Robert Miller Sometimes that happens But currently, you ve been dealing with five children, not 1 Sandra Ballweg Five Right Item Sandra Ballweg Page 4 Robert Diller Have you ever had 12 there) Sandra Ballweg Oh yeah, when I was in Stafford Robert ert Miller Here at this, I m sorry at this address Sandra Ballweg At this house's No Never had a license at this house This is the first time I've applied for a license in Virginia Beach Robert Miller Okay so the license warn t at this house I apologize Sandra Ballweg And that's when they told me that I had to corne to zoning In Stafford, we didn't have to do anything with zoning apparently Robert Miller Oka Ronald Ripley well, the 10 versus the 12 1 thinly it's been the position of this on=ssion in the past to encourage daycare within the communities and home health care We think that helps with the betterment of our City quite frankly But the 10 versus the 12, we reed to cut it off at a point and I think when looping back we've seen a lot of applications come through and staff` has seen a lot of applications come through and if we start 12 as the mark then we start to get more and more of this and 1n our opinion the 10 is a more reasonable number You can argue that all day long It's just our opinion When you go to Council you have the opportunity to argue that also so you have every opportunity to continue to argue we re making a recommendation we think 10 i reasonable and that we think the safety of the fence is a big issue And, you know, the idea of just having a pool, if you didn t have a pool there, I thinly the idea of a small fence like you're talking about that would be fine but the pool is something we feel that draws the lids over and that s the reason it was amended to your conditions Sandra Ballweg I have a fence there Donald Ripley I know, you have a four -foot fence there now, I realize but we are and our recommendation was to approve a fence that was six foot sinular to ghat you have right there Once again, you can argue that at Council if that's the motion that comes off this Conunis s i oil when we take a vote Yes, Bob Robert Miller well when we talked about this before, I thought we were going to approach you all in between and perhaps talk about the fence and we did We talked about the six-foot fence" Russell Ballweg No Robert rt Miller I rn sorry I'm trying to get Carolyn Item Sandra Ballweg Page Carolyn Smith Yes And they didn't agree so that's why this is here Robert Miller oh okay I have a pool at nay house and I happen to know that the code is, so that's not a problem as far as understanding that I think it s really a question of whether or not we agree that s enough of the situation so it's a question of the six-foot fence versus the four -foot fence But you approached therm and they didn t agree with the six-foot fence okay And you already built the four -foot fence and that s probably the reason why you don t agree with the six-foot fence Russell Ballweg It's already in place now Ronald Ripley I can understand your concern Sandra Ballweg And I've had Social Services out We're lust waiting for this Donald Ripley Betsy Betsy Atkunson Bob, I know Carolyn did you work on this applicat=9 Bob talk to me about the 10 and the 12 children She said she had and I don't know if you were here when she spoke that she has a license from the State of Virginia to have 12 children, but were recommending 10 and I think were happy to go along with staff s recommendation but what triggered that 10 versus 12 number`s Robert Scott There s really a critical point here The point is hoer much you want t rely on the licensing that the State does9 This is a land use matter I think you need to look at what you have approved in other slnular cases Barge in rrund the lot sizes involved here and the size of the other lots in the neighborhood and the nature of the neighborhood And I think what we're trying to do when we say Io 1 s just trying to gear kind of toward what has been shown to work in neighborhoods like thus in the past As a land use matter, now another way you can look at it but you've never done this is to say "well let the Mate deal with it through the licensing,' whatever they go along with is okay with us They're not really look -in cr at land use natters They're just loolung at the operation of the facility and the qualifications of the operator and so forth If you want t look at a land use matter, which I think 1s your job then you kind of got to gear 1t to what you know works and doesn't work based on situations you've run into like thus in the past because you really do deal with a lot of these So, there are things that can be relied on wfuch I think that s why we came up with that number on the other hand I don't want to tell that there s a lot ofscience to it, 10, 12 it varies from day to day I don't know how they operate really but it lust seemed used upon what has been approved in the past on lots of this size and neighborhoods like this seemed to be a reasonable number Betsy Atkinson If we approve 10 today, could they come back later and ask for two more 1f they chose to' fir- Chairman, they already built the fence and I think with two adults there all the time I don't have a problem with this fence that is already built I Item Sandra Ballwecr Page hate to have six-foot wooden fence down the noddle of my yard but I do think the 10 children is where we should linut it It s just my feeling Ronald Ripley Mr Baum did you have a question) John Baum The only thing I see is before going to Council having a more current picture than that but that s causing the confusion Russell lallweg Yeah, that really doesn't really give justice to the yard anyway Ronald Ripley Dot wood has a question Dorothy wood I agree with Nis Atl.xnson on the to children l thinly if you get into 1 you re getting into a more commercial application and this is where we have the commercial daycares in business areas and since this is a residential area and we do have neighbors who would certainly be affected by the noise I could not go along with more than 10 children I d like to make a motion that we approve this application with the five Conditions but Changing the six-foot fence back to the four -foot fence that we had originally Is that acceptable Kay`? Excuse me Going back to the four -foot fence that they have now Ronald Ripley we have a motion by Dot wood and a second by Betsy Atkinson Robert Miller iller And this is for 10 ehaldreril Dorothy wood Ten ehuldren and four foot Ronald Ripley Any other discussions? Let"s call for the question AYE 10 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT I TKINS N AYE BAUM AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE H RSLEY AYE NULLER AYE RIPL Y AYE S LLE" AYE STRANGE AYE vKS ABSENT WOOD AYE Ronald Ripley By a vote of 10-0 the motion passes Thank you all very much Russell Ballweg Thank you rp' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM City of Virginia Beach — Amend the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to dimensional requirements for nonconforming lots in the F - S Residential District MEETING DATE January 28, 2003 0 Background n Ordinance to amend the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to dimensional requirements for nonconforming lots in the F - S Residential District Recently ently concerns about the provisions of the 1994 amendments have been expressed by residents and property owners in the R-5S District, specifically within the Shado rla n neighborhood In response to those concerns, Counilperson Maddox requested that the City Council refer to the Planning Commission an amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance removing the provisions of the 1994 amendments On October 8, 2002, the City Council passed a resolution referring the attached amendments to the Planning Commission directing that the Commission forward their recommendation on the amendments to the City Council within 60 days ■ Considerations The City Zoning Ordinance CZ notes that the - S Residential Single -Family District is for'developed areas where single-family dwellings exist on lots with fifty and sixty foot frontages " (section This district is primarily found in the Oceanfront area, particularly the Shadowla rn neighborhood, however, there are small pockets of -bS located in other areas of the city Prior to 1994, the CZO as adopted in 1988 provided that within the -S District, 0 Where one substandard lot is owned separately, that single lot could be built on, 0 Where adjacent, nonconforming lots are owned by one entity, one of the lots could not be sold separately for development Lots had to meet the minimum lot width of 50 feet and minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet as specified in the zoning ordinance for - S In 1994, the City Council amended the - S District regulations to allow for development on substandard lots as follows R-5S Amendment Page 2 of 2 C] Lot must be a minimum of 35 feet wide and have a minimum of 3,500 square feet in area, 11 Remaining substandard lots must be resubdivided to conform to the regulations of the City Zoning ordinance for the R-S District The 1994 amendments also included the Shadowlawn Design Guidelines as part of the Comprehensive Plan to provide a design template for the development of the substandard lot The proposed amendment would eliminate the provisions added in 1994 Thus development on substandard lots could occur only as provided for in the pre- 1994 CZO Staff recommends approval There was opposition to the amendment ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-1 to deny this request with a recommendation for City Council to create a Citizens' Advisory Committee to address the issue Since the Planning Commission public hearing: a meeting was held between representatives of the Shadowlawn neighborhood and representatives of the Tidewater Builders Association to discuss alternatives and Mr Maddox has explored alternatives with both groups At this time, Mr Maddox is requesting that the amendment be heard as advertised on January 2 , 2003 and has prepared an alternate version The alternate version indicates that the amendment will not be effective until one year after adoption This one-year period will allow property owners to take advantage of the 3 t exception and have a plat recorded if desired Staff recommends adoption of Mr Maddox s altercate version a Attachments Ordinance Staff Review Planning Commission Minutes Recommended mended Action Staff recommends approval of alternate version Planning Commission recommends denial Submitting Department/Agency Planning Department City Manager "U 1 Requested by Councilmember Richard Maddox AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY 1IN ORDINANCE PERTAINING T 4 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENT FOR NONCONFORMING LOTS IN THE R- 5 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SECTION AMENDED CZO §502 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good Zoning practice so require 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of VIR I IA 11 BEACH, VIRINIA 12 That Section 502 of the City Zoning ordinance is hereby 13 amended and reordained to read as follows 14 Sec 502 Di,mensmon l Requirements 15 1 Nonconforming lots 17 I) Where a lot has less than the minimum requirements for the 18 R-5S Residential District and said lot has continuouslybeen 19 a lot of record, in single and separate ownership from 20 adjacent property, prior to and since the passage of this 1 ordinance, said lot may be developed for any purpose permitted 22 within the R-5S Residential District 3 ( However, if the owner of a lot which does not meet the minimum 4 requirements of the -5S Residential District, is the owner of 5 or becomes the owner of another substandard lot ad3aent to it 26 and located in the same R-5S Residential District, he is not 27 entitled to the exception in 1 above In this instance, the 28 owner of the two 2 r more adD acent substandard lots must 29 combine the two 2 or more lots to form one which will meet 30 or more closely approximate the frontage and area requirements 1 of the ordinance applicable within the R-5S Residential 32 District 33 (3) The owner of contiguous substandard lots is prohibited from 34 conveying one (1) or more of the substandard lots with the 35 result that both the grantors and the grantee possess lots 36 entitled to an exception from the minimum lot requirements 37 {4} Status as a single and separate owner may not be acquired 38 after enactment of this ordnance by selling a parcel and 39 reducing the remainder below the minimum lot requirements nor 40 may an owner of several contiguous nonconforming parcels 41 combine them so as to leave a substandard lot, and assert the 42 right to exception in (1) above 43 44 45 FtCSiJr?T3$rr"Cr.Lti��IP17C1-a=rr--srn�^a�Ci� i � �-r7 fM-��r�L n4Tr 46 , 47 48 49 50 K 51 , 5 2 st-rsf-rcc�rrs r -_ '_ - -: 53 54 55 56 , 57 58 5940 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 arr 67 68-01 69 70 fCC� 71 For the purposes of this section, lots are not regarded, as 72 ad3 acent where they form an " L " # part of one being contiguous 73 to the other 74 COMMENT T 75 This amendment wall delete the exception that allowed one substandard 35 foot lot when 76 other substandard lots were resubdivided in the -5S Resident -jai Zoning District 77 Adopted by �he Council of the City of Virg---nia Beach, 78 Virginia, on the day of , 2003 79 CA-8626 80 Proposed\czo org 502(e) 81 R-4 82 January 22, 2003 4 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 1 14 1 1 17 18 19 2 21 22 2 24 25 2 27 28 Alternative requested by CouncilmembeL Richard Maddox AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY SON I NC O DI NANCE PEP'I' I N I N C TO DIMENSIONAL FE UI E�IENT FOR NONCONFORMING LOTS 1 I,, T H E F- S RESIDENTIAL DIST ICT SECTION AMENDED WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice so require BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF VIRcINIA BEACH, VIR INIA That Section 502 cf the City Zoning Ordnance is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows Sec 502 Dimen m nal Requxrements ( e ) NonconfoIrming lots (1 ) Where a lot has less than the minimum requirements for the - S Residential District and said lot has continuously been a lot of record, in single and separate ownership =rom adjacent property, prior to and since tree passage of --his ordinance, said lot may be developed for anv purpose perm fi t d within the -S Residential District () However, if the owner of a lot whicn does not meet the minimum requirements of the - S F esidentidl District, is the- wne-r of r becomes the owner of another substandard lot adjacent .-o it and located in the same R-5S Residential District, he not entitled to the exception -in l ; above In this in tar�c %-he owner of the two () or more ad3 acent su �andard ots mist combine the two or more lots to form one which will meet 30 or more closely approximate the frontage and area reguirerrents 31 of the ordinance applicable within the R-5S Resadeitial 32 District 33 (3) Tne owner of contiguous substand rd lots is pr-r-ij - T=tj 4 conveying one ( 1) or more of the substandard �cts tr,e 35 result that both the grantors any.. the grantee possess 36 enr itled to an exception from the minim im lot requ i rerun -Tit s 37 () Status as a sangle and separate owner mav not be ac q1�l red 38 after enactment of this ordinance b selling a parcel and 39 reducing the remainder below the minimum -ot requiremen"Es nor 40 may an owner of several contiguous nonconforming parcels 41 combine there so as to leave a substandard lot, and assert the 42 right to exception in (1) above 43 ,, 44 4 Z 4 n .. de6 i lai 1JILUILk Wt6th cnf- th.Lru-y L-Lve �- � .._ 51 , 3n 54 2 56 57 n .. G e in t r t IF Idl e­r e S' q 1 k./ LJ LI ...� ti ti —A s..r+ 1 � 61 ! V 6 7. t 65the 66 �rrr 67 6 7 71 For the purposes of this section, lots a�e not r e g a r d e J d 72 adjacent where they form an "L" , pant of one being coat -iu u t 73 the other 74 Thi-s ordinance shall e eci-ve si- 6 rnontns froj�l L-re : 75 of adoi-o 6 COMMENT 77 This amendment will delete theexcept-ion that allowed one substandard 35 toot lot m hIL ix other 78 sub tandard lots were resubdivided in the R-5 S i e id ntial Zo nino District It N, III hC LIf4.LtiN L SIX tv 79 months from the date of adoption 80 Adopted by the Council of the amity of: �rgiria Beach, .Iirginia on 1 the day of , 2003 3 1 Dr posed c c 502 fie} -4 a n u a r r '21 ,21 2 0 APPROVED AS To CONTENT Planning Dep rtment 7�PPROWED AS To LEGAL SUFFICIENCi it AtYorne yr sice 4 n"I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - R=5S AMENDMENT/# 12 December 11, 2002 n Ordinance to amend the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to dimensional requirements for nonconforming lots in the R- S Residential District Background: The City Zoning Ordinance CZ rotes that the R-s Residential single -Pauly District is for "developed areas where single-family dwellings exist on lots with fifty and sixty feet frontages," (Section This district is primarily found in the oceanfront area, particularly the Shadowla ern neighborhood, however, there are small pockets of R- S located in other areas of the city Prior to 1994, the C, as adopted in 1988, provided that within the R-S District, 0 Where one substandard lot is owned separately, that single lot could be built n, 0 Where adjacent, nonconforming lots are owned by one entity, one of the lots could not be sold separately for development Lots had to meet the minimum lot width of 50 feet and minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet as specified in the zoning ordinance for -S In 1994, the City Council amended the R- S District regulations to allow for development on substandard lots as follows 0 Lot must be a minimum of 35 feet pride and have a minimum of 3,500 square feet in area, 0 Remaining substandard lots must be resubdivided to conform to the regulations of the City Zoning Ordinance for the R-S District The sketch h below shovers how this might occur Planning Commission Agenda December 11 ,, 2002 CITY OF VIR INIA BEACH — R- s AMENDMENT # 12 Page 1 30 ' 30 T 1 i j 100 ' 1 i ii _ i i i• _ i i� 1 1 1 1 loop f 1 ■ � � � � i � i � i i� i ! i �i � The 1994 amendments also included the Shado vla n Design Guidelines as part of the Comprehensive Plan to provide a design template for the development of the substandard lot Proposed Amendments: Recently, concerns about the provisions of the 1994 amendments have been expressed by residents and property owners in the R- S Distnct, specifically within the Shadowla ern neighborhood In response to those concerns, Councilperson Maddox requested that the City Council refer to the Planning Commission an amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance removing the provisions of the 1994 amendments On October 3, 2002, the City Council passed a resolution referring the attached amendments to the Planning Commission, directing that the Commission forward their recommendation on the amendments to the City Council within 60 days The proposed amendment would eliminate the provisions added in 1994 Thus, development on substandard lots could occur only as provided for in the pre-1994 CZ 0 Where one substandard lot is owned separately, that single lot can be built n, [I Where adjacent, nonconforming lots are owned by one entity, one of the lots cannot be sold separately for development lots must meet the minimum lot width of 50 feet and minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet as specified in the zoning ordinance for -S Evaluation: The proposed amendments are recommended for approval Planning Commission Agenda December 11 22 CITY of VIRGINIA BEACH — R- s AMENDMENT T 12 Page Item # 1 City of Virginia Beach n ordinance to amend the City Ordinance pertaining to the dimensional requirements for non-confo=ng lots in the l - S Residential District December 12 2002 REGULAR AGENDA Robert Miller The next item is Item #121, which is the City of Virgirua 1n the 1 - S Residential District and Karen Lasl ey is going to make a presentation Karen L sl y Hi These amendments to the - S District were requested by Councilman Maddox the Shadowla n Civic League came to lira this fall and requested that this change be put forward and I rn going to give you a little background on the 1-S L rstnct and quickly go through the amendments Let me move this out of the way John Baum Karen, who are you" Karen Lasley I'm Karen L.asley, the Zoning Adrrnnrstrator for the City of Virginia Beach Dkay9 what we call the Shadowlawn neighborhood is composed of two old platted subdivision, the Shadowla n Heights plat and the old Pinewood plat And the area is all zoned 1-S, which allows only single-family residential dwellings The district has a rrunimum lot width of 50 feet and a rrunimum lot area of 5 000 square feet The side yard setbacks are fire feet on one side and ten on the other And the 1-S district has some unique regulations pertaining to non-conforwng lots Thus is the only distract in Virginia Beach right now where we have these regulations and it came into play because there are many non -conforming lots in this neighborhood This is primarily the area impacted by the amendments The area colored in purple there, west of Pacific, south of Virginia Beach Boulevard down to l udee inlet First the Shadowlawn heights plat It was onginally platted back in 1924 The majority of the lots are 30 feet by 100 feet There are many corners that are 45 a little wider by 100 feet Several of the blocks have 25 feet by 100 lots with -foot corner lots And they vary a little bit on the water s to size And here s a portion of that old plat from 1924 The pinewood plat was put to record about two years later in 1926 and the malorlty of lots in this neighborhood are 2 by about 122 feet when that plat was originally put to record there was also some deed restnctions that were recorded And they require two lots combined to make a building site In that one, we re sure it was nearer the intent to build on a 25-foot wide lot And there's a portion of that old plat As this area developed most buyers brought two or three lots and built small brick ranch homes on them, primarily single story dwellings and e have a few examples from mostly the Shadowlan neighborhood of these older original ranch homes that were built Then in the 80s the desirability of this neighborhood went up It's near the beach and it's a lovely unique nelerhborhood Property values went up and we began to see infill and redevelopment on single lots Two and three story homes were now being constructed on these 25 or 0-foot wide lots and the result was really not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page density became an issue and a concern we got a few examples rune of these homes that were built mostly in the 80s on the narrow lots It's a big contrast between that and the ranch homes Due to concerns regarding this infill, new regulations were adopted in 1983 If you owned a substandard lot and it was owned separately and had always been owned separately you could go ahead and build on that substandard lot but where adjacent non-confornung lots were owned by one person or one entity they could n longer sell those off separately for development Any lot had to meet the nunimurn lot width of 50 feet and the lot area of 5,000 square feet We ve got some examples here Those lighter dotted fines mean that those two lots are owned by the sane person So, if you had two lots you had to keep them together You couldn't sell off one separately If you owned one lot by itself and you owned that by itself for 25 years you still could go ahead and build on that lot But it really took four of these 0-foot lots before you could subdivide and get two lots out of it, o o or 0 but they had to be at least 50 feet wide These new rules from 1983 generated concern among some of the residents Some property owners felt that their property rights had been taken They had bought three lots, built a home on two and thought they had that third lot in the bank to sell off when their kids went to college or when it was time for their retirement The next slide shovers that scenario They wilt their house on two lots thought they could sell off this one for development and they were no longer allowed to So after a lot of long neighborhood meetings and discussions among the neighborhood, Council members and developers, there was an amendment adopted in 1984 And it was a compromise It allowed property owners to convey one substandard lot for development provided that the lot had a lot width of 35 feet and a rrunimum of 3500 square feet in area and the remaininor lots had t be re -subdivided to conform to the requirements So, in that scenario we looked at before this property owner could not re -subdivide, end up with a -foot lot with his ranch house on it and sell off the -foot for another hone And with that amendment the side yard setbacks for those substandard lots were also reduced to 5 on one side, five on the other side instead of the exrsung 10 This allowed for a 25 foot wide home we also adopted the Shado lawn Inf ll Guidelines as part of the Comprehensive Plan and that encouraged those homes built on the -foot wide lots to be compatible with existing ranch homes And it's all about proportion and design we've got a duple of examples You can see how much better this second example fits in between the two ranch houses then if you do the design this way But those guidelines are only recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan They're not required unless someone has to go the BZA for the vanance or for a subdivision variance then we can attach them as conditions Okay, today That's proposed is to delete that -foot exception There's concern among the residents that the 35 lots are resulting in dwellings that are not compatible with the neighborhood and they're again concemed about the resulting density There are a duple ofpictures that show some construction on -foot wide lots This one was taken at the end of September I wish I could have gotten back out there It's probably finished by now I'd like to get a new picture And then here s another -foot wide lot But that's where we are today The amendments are on your agenda for discussion The next slide just shows the map and we just have a duple other examples 1n the area Are there any questions for e` Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page Ronald Ripley Questions9 So in other wards if we do what s suggested here then you would go back to be able to build on a single lot Karen Lasley No you wouldn't You'd go back to the 83 regulations Ronald Ripley All the way back Karen Lasley where if you owned them 1f you want to adjacent the lots, you have to keep there together unless you can meet the code 50 feet by 300 square feet Ronald Ripley okay Karen Lasley okay`? Robert Miller we have ten speakers and I need to ask Lincoln Potter are you opposed or support9 Can you tell rne9 Support or opposed` Lincoln Potter I think building a house Robert Miller .lust pick one or the other It's a yes or no question almost Are you going to be speaking in support of the stern or opposed to it'? Lincoln Potter She's proposing Let me understand what's she's proposing Robert Miller I'll tell you what you're speal ng in opposition we have four speakers in support and then we'll have six speakers in opposition Randy Sterling Ronald Ripley we need to group the speakers Robert Miller we need to get moving And you each have five nunutes according to hearman Ripley Ronald Ripley Yes Robert Miller Randy Sterhng9 Randy Sterling Mr Chairman, members of the Planr ng Comnussion My name is Randy Sterling I live at 732 Terrace Avenue and I'm today representing the Shado la ern Civic League as their President I'm appeanng here in support of this petition And I think a little hastory would be helpful just to let you know in March I was here opposing a variance on a 3-foot lot that you approved for ten additional feet that made that lot buildable It was a corner lot we're not concerned about lots that are platted that is people who live and own the lot but our concern is when that property 1s then sold to a subsequent owner that the lot changes I'll give you an example we had a house on 135 foot lot single dwelling That lot was sold and there are now three houses Item #12 City of 'rrinia Beach zD Pacre 4 on that lot, two on 0-foot c of mung lots and one three story on a non -conforming lot We move from a single house to a village And I think that is what we're opposed too We think that we did a good job getting the word out to the neighborhood and I rn going to just quickly give you a little history It came up in April at a civic league meeting It was unanimously approved to iook into requesting a modification because that seemed to be the best gray to deal with this issue We then included a petition with our next newsletter And we hand circulated a thousand of these to our neighborhood when those petitions were returned and obviously we didn't get then from everybody we then went and formed a comnuttee to go door to door and visit those people who had not responded And, we took with us a proposal that I'm going to pass around to you, showing pictures having the ordinance and explaining to anyone who needed to ghat we were attempting to do After we collected those petitions we still had folks who had not responded and e made a second visit to homes that had not responded we collected a total of 334 petitions 325 in favor, nine opposed we then went to the next step and asked Councilman Maddox to bring this forth And that s where we are at this particular time I know this issue creates controversy and some of the controversy has to do with nu s understanding we re not seeking to tale anything array from anybody that s already existed But under this ordinance, the provision is that if I own a 100 foot and you own a 135 foot and a third person buys both of those instead of two houses there, we now have five And that s a situation that we don't feel comfortable with we don't think it conforms with the guidelines for the Shado la vn There are nine pages of those guidelines Understand that it's not law But it certainly should be adhered to I know that Property rights are important to folk and so when we talked about the individual who has the -foot lot that's an important consideration But I also ask you to consider the people around them Those four people behind them and on each side and in front also have some rights And when you build a three-story house that backs up to m property or three of those homes that certainly effects the value of my house, and so when you consider the individual Let's consider not only the individual who has the 35 foot lot but let's consider the impact that has on the neighbors on each side, in the back and across the front Thank you Ronald Ripley Thank you Mr Sterling Robert Miller Jeff Knowles JeffKnowles My name is Jeff Knowles I live at 724 Terrace Avenue I m an architect and a contractor, 'Tree President of Boeing Construction Not to often probably you have a contract come in and ask for less density That's why I'm here Maybe it's m architectural side It gives me the good planning and knowledge of what is right for our community what we've seen in the last two years especially is the tread to develop as Mr Sterling said to buy a corner, tear down a single fanuly re -subdivide it and build two and most tines three lots And it is truly changing the character of our neighborhood Along with doing that to make the house property profitable setbacks are being rnaxinu ed on all four sides The -foot height restriction is being coaxed out on most of these homes And quite honestly Nis Lasley referenced the Shadowlawn Design Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page Guidelines I rn not seeing that enforced either and I m not sure it can be but it truly is changing the character As Dandy said, we have tried to take the time and educate our neighbors Get their input and thoughts before we came before you I'm not sure we succeed because I think I can possibly make your day a little shorter I think there are three neighbors that are concerned They had pre -platted lots that are less than 5 000 square foot They want the possibility of selling that in the futureWe're not opposed to that If the property is pre -platted and whether it's built on or not it should remain And, I think by law it has to be I think there s some confusion on some of our neighbors who weren't able to make maybe to the civic league or get our letter out obviously Soo did, over Soo that signed the petition I think now are neighbors are difference between late o's nud o's is now our neighbors can really see the impact It started and you saw a few examples of some of the older developments Now it's happening on a lot ofcorners and I think our neighbors are truly seeing the impact that this non-conforrrung lot allowance has on the character of our neighborhood our neighborhood has some of the largest trees in the Virginia Beach and many of them are coming down for these properties one of the developers that has been doing a lot of this work is somebody I know and in fact, I was talking to hire a couple of weeks ago and he said "'you n or most of the profitable lots have been sold, I don't think you're going to see a whole lot' Well he is today and I have a feeling he's going to speak So, either I changed his thoughts on the way to thin or he is still apposing I suspect he s still opposing me Much means them are plenty of combinations of lots that can be purchased and this n n- conforrmng lot allows an increase density It s definitely profitable our real estate values have gone substantially up and it s obviously profitable we as for your unanimous approval of what we asked and allow that future lot when subdividing will be no less than 5,000 square foot Thank you for your time Donald Ripley Thank you very much Robert �&11 r Kim Whitley Kim Whitley Hi Thank you for your time Kim Whitley I live at 715 Winston Salem Avenue I'm a professor at the college of William and Mary Yes I have a rather long commute I looked at homes in Virginia Beach I could have lived in Birdn ck Labe where there s `densed packed" if you will small yard I choose the character and beauty of Shadowlawn and it's potential And I own one of those lots I m sorry My house is built on three lots So, I'm directly affected I support the deletion of this because of the wonderful character that Shadowlan has I think it would change as I see things happening It's really going to develop It's really starting to effect how I feel about the neighborhood because it is a warm wonderful close neighborhood I think it s close enough And I really don't like to see the way things are happening and I like the close access to the beach All those things are important to me So I support the deletion of the amendment to keep the character of the neighborhood just as it is Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Item # 1 City of Virginia Beach Page Robert Miller Bruce Dove Kira Whitley I would lire to say that the reason I m here is because these people slid go around and do a great job of making sure we understood the issues that were before u And that is why I rn here Ronald Ripley Thank you again Bruce Dove Bruce Dowe, President of Pinewood Park Civic Associate league Sorry Last meeting we all agreed to support the amendment pertaining to non} onforniing lots and for the same reason we figured it would be detrimental to the character of our neighborhood Aside from that the area has all distinct individual hones There's not one hardly the sane I appreciate you listening to me Thank you Ronald Ripley Could I ask you a question`s Did the civic league Grote or did the executive board vote's Bruce Doe The civic league we had a small meeting and we agreed to it Ronald Ripley Okay Thank you very much Robert Miller Lincoln Potter Lincoln Potter My name is Lincoln Potter l also own a house on Winston Salem Avenue Just as, from my point of view any house that I ve ever saw that's built on a very small lot 3 5 foot for example to nee is rather ugly It s ,lust to hard to get setbacks for the side lots on either side of you which is normally 5 foot and then you go up three stones or something and they're ,lust ugly houses So, I don t want to see a neighborhood that close to the ocean and the central part of Virginia Beach turn into all these tall, skinny ugly buildings Thanks Ronald Ripley Thank you Robert Miller Jason Hanull Jason Hamill How are you doin99 My nwne is Jason and I actually live In Ronald Ripley Jason's Jason Hanull Hanull Ronald Ripley Thank you Jason Hanull we re not sure I've got some questions I own a lot that's on the water and I want to mare sure I ve read the amendment and what not and it doesn't clarify at Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page least in my mmnd what happens to an existing lot that hasn't been developed Because depending on some of the measurements and the wary it's plotted right now, it might fall under 5 000 square feet Now, I m concerned because I bought the piece of property as an investment F m not opposed to the entire reorganization as far as what s deemed acceptable to build on but I want to confirm in having in written is that what we have even though is plotted is a lot that can be built on I don't really who to talk to I've read that thing I rn sure you guys have 1t in front of you To me it s kind of vague Ronald Ripley we have two people with the City that know that answer Mr Scott or Ms L sley if they would like to answer that Robert Scott You got one lot Jason Hamill Correct Robert Scott It's already platted Jason Hanull Correct Robert Scott It aught be less than 5,000 square feet Jason Harmll. Correct Robert Scott I think you" ire going to continue to have the right to build on that lot Jason Harmll I don t want to Robert ert Scott It s not going to be affecting single lots like that Jason Harnill I just don't want to get down to point down the road and it is an issue If we're going to make amendments or change things around, shouldn't this be 1n writing that says 'hey this lot is going to be conformed"'? Robert Scott Isere is what we can do for you If you can after the meeting, you can get with ibis Lasley the Zoning Administrator, she can write you a letter like that, specifically relating to your lot If you identify that lot we'll tell you in wnting what you can and can't d Ronald I pley Mr Scott" He will have to meet the setbacks Robert Scott well, yeah Ronald Ripley You do have the five on one side and ten on the other reverting back to that, so you have 15 feet of setback Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page Jason Hanull Yeah, I would imagine I bought it as a plotted lot I'm supposed to be able to build on it Ronald Ripley Do you know how wide the lot is' Janson Hanull Probably 7- 0 I third it's about 47 feet across Ronald Fupley Okay Fine Jason Hanull Okay Thanks Robert Hiller Bart Sinanis Bart Sinanis First I want to apologize for nay dress attire I didn't think this was all about I'm adjacent with Jason Hanull It's actually we both oven the lot It's actually lly three lots that we do have Back to the bottom line, we are concerned if it's going to be n issue if this does pass We do fall underneath the 4700 square foot mark but hack to I think I should be okay really put me at ease we would life to have something in venting that I would be in the clear Robert Scott If you could give us the specifics of what your situation is we'll give you the specifics of what your answer is we'll put it in writing for you Bart Sinanis You want me to do this now or we can do it after Robert Scott whenever you want to do it Dater would be better actually Bart Sinanis `yeah That's fine 1 mean other than that as long as I meet any footage that would be fine Robert Miller You and Jason are not the owners of the same lot You have two separate addresses so I assume they are two separate pieces of property You own one and he owns one Is that correct' Bart Sin ms That is correct The rruddle lot, we financially split between the two of us Robert Miller So, you do own the thard property in the muddle Bart Sinanis Exactly Robert Miller A lot of technicalities How do you like that one Karen.'? Bart Sinanis I've got it right here, if you guys want to see it Robert Miller I thinly Karen can help you with this Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page Ronald Ripley If you want to get with her after the meeting Bart Sinanis okay That is fine Again, as long as I state my point that we spent quite a bit of money on this lot and want to nee sure we get a return on our investment Ronald Rapley we appreciate you corning down I'm sorry, Betsy? Betsy Atkinson You have a piece of property that you both There are three lots and you both own, it together All three lots, because but you have two different addresses Legally if looked it up I would see your name and Jason's name and the property description would be three lots' Robert Miller No Bart Sinanis No I own one lot, he owns the other lot and in between we both own it Betsy Atkinson Oh, okay Sorry Very good' Robert Diller Thank you for that Bart Sinanis Thank you Robert Nfiller A good challenge there Phalip Morgan Philip Morgan My name is Philip Morgan I live at 627 Delaware Avenue I'm the instigator of this whole mess that we're discussing today Ronald Ripley we appreciate that Ph-ilip Morgan I found out in 1992 that I have been Paying taxes on an accessed value n the 30 foot lot that I had next to my home as though that lot was buildable and sellable and I came to find out that it was neither So for 16 years, the City and the State managed to collect real estate takes as though I could do whatever I chose to do with that 30 feet and I found out that I was not the only person residing in Shadolan who had that same problem So, I took it upon myself to contact the other property owners who were as upset about all this as I was And we started by going to the Zoning Appeals Board and sling them what they could do and of course their answer was they couldn't do anything It didn't have anything to do with setbacks so it was pretty much out of their area Teen it gent to the Planning Comrmssion who also turned us down and we finally got the civic league to back us and say that they felt what had happened to us was unfair and unjust We took that and the petition that we had signed, which was approximately 200 of them and we tools them to the City Council who felt that our cause was just And agreed to change the regulations to ghat is currently in effect This was a cornpronue between the City and the property owners who were in that situation They wouldn t Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 10 grandfather it but they slid change the regulatrons to indicate that if we added five feet t the 0-foot lots that we owned then that lot could be buildable or sellable I seat letters by fax to the Planning Commission I hope you all received them and had an opportunity to understand ghat I rn trying to say here The lots in Shadowlarn originally were platted 20-25 and 30 feet You bought according to what size home you wanted to build on it There are homes on lots that are 20 feet wide and run approximately 40 feet deep which would give you about 600square foot homes and they run from that size all the way up to 2500 feet and 1 don't see where 29 possible subdivision brining forth 35 foot lots is something that we all should be that concerned about in regards to the rights of the property owner And I ask you to consider rejecting the petition Does anyone have any questions'? Ronald Ripley I think we do Mr Hiller` Robert Miller we have been told thus morning and 1 thinly that we heard that there was 38 You're saying there are 29 lots` Philip Morgan There are 29 that if the subdivision took effect on those 29 lots 1t would provide substandard lots The other nine would not Robert Miller Okay The 29,when you say substandard are you tall ng about the foot lots which are now allowed Philip Morgan Thurty-five or forty Robert Miller what is now allowed`) Philip Morgan Raght Robert Miller Okay Philip Morgan I'm sorry, one other thing I would like to bang up I ve heard mentioned several times that in the last two years that these subdivisions have accomplished many three story buildings I regret I have to contradict that but to my knowledge there has only been one three story building built in Shado Ala v a confomu g lot, not a substandard lot Everything else has been two-story Ronald Ripley Any other questions9 Thank you Mr Morgan Philip Morgan Thank you Robert Hiller Claudia Cotton laucha Cotton Good afternoon I am Claudia Cotton I'm staff Vice President of Builders Services for Tidewater Builders Association Please to be here this afternoon Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page l l We were called by some of our builder members at the end oflast week that rule a living building in these resort neighborhoods in Virginia Beach They advised us of this change that you re considering today I'd like to make a few comments about this ordinance change that you will consider for making your recommendation As I ve heard today and of course recently, we understand that the civic league and interested property owners work together to develop the 1994 compromise ordinance that is on the books We urge you to reconvene the interested parties to address their concerns first before you recommend the changes be legislated According to the staff I don t believe that a meeting has taken plane It s further my understanding that the 1nfill guidelines for the Shdolawn neighborhood are in place to address and as we ve seen today to address infill development Maybe they need to he adjusted or evaluated to dete=ne whether they can continue to serve the neighborhood Again we ask you that interested parties reconvene first before you legislate changes Paced with an increasing need for new infrastructure and services and reduced funding by both local and state, I'm sure the City of Virginia Beach wants to continue to grow smart New in ill housing is vital to maintaining a healthy housing stock And it's also vital for taking advantage of existing infrastructure, which is a key to growing smart To virtually eliminate thus option for the home buying public in the City s mature 1 - S neighborhoods seems to run contrary t your efforts to contain residential development north of the Green Line and direct growth towards existing service areas The finial concern is the owners of the lots that have been paying taxes to the City based on their pernutted uses and design classification There's been an assumption that a single fauly home could be constructed on those lots if the qualifying cnterla could be met that was agreed upon in 1994 Removing this option i certainly a concern of ours for those property owners it would effect that removing this option takes the property owners value without compensation or recourse In closing, please reconsider the action on thus amendment today directing the interested parties to meet as they did eight years ago to find a compronri a Thank you for your consideration of our comments Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Claudia Cottons I'll be happy to answer any questions Donald Ripley Any questions`questions9 Thank you Robert hiller Steven Blshard Steven Bishard Commissioners Steven Bishard I guess I'm unfortunately the bad guar, the developer of many of these lots in this neighborhood I do agree with Jeff Knowles in many respect and I can understand that the neighborhood is very concerned about the way their neighborhood looks I have lived in Shado vlawn over the course of the last ten gears f ve lived for about eight of those gears I now live in the north end I ve seen a lot of changes in the neighborhood I feel most of there are for the better We don't have a redevelopment authority in this City we don t have a way to get rid ofold dilapidated homes that are on many of these streets and this current ordinance allows for such Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 12 thing I'm corwng here on three planes of interests Number one as a builder developer owner of Bishard Development Corporation I also own Ocean Development LC I'm also a property owner We have three rental properties, one in Shadowlawn two in the Pinewood area of Virginia Beach And agoan, I've been a past resident of Shadowlawn. and seen the transition Again I feel that its overall positive There have been some issues Where have been some homes that have been built like to think they aren't ours but it's all up to interpretation There have been some homes that have been built that I personally don t like, and I think that 1s where a lot of the heartache is and that's where a lot ofconcern is If you follow the infill guidelines or some other method to balance the interest of property owners with the interest ofthe community that nu ht be better served The character has charged but I can tell you that it is demand dnven we can t get these homes built quick enough for the people who want to live in this neighborhood It's very sought after and again that rwght be why they want to preserve this neighborbood to getter their liking It's very much demand driven like I said It's a boost of the local economy when we build homes 1n these infill areas I think we under estimate that You can go to the Oceanfront areas and see many construction workers in n area that is - o years old They're out there and they're worl tng Many farmhes are fed up with the homes being built i mentioned this a little earlier Most of these re - subdivision that are taking place, the econonnics do not work for an individual to come into Shadowlawn and buy an incredible looking home and tear it down It just doesn't work You have to buy an older dilapidated home that needs to be torn down for the most part And that's what's really happening The one that Mr Sterling was speaking about that was not be as the developer That was Juanita Holling's property It was a very old home They probably would have loved to see two homes on there which you could done but the law allowed for three and the home was dilapidated and really had no use and you couldn t do much with it It wasn't very marketable Also, I think the infill building creates an environment of constant updating of the neighborhood I live at the north end I see the north end changing for the most part it s a positive change Where are some things that very much concern me there but for the most part it's a very positive change And that is also free market driven Government doesn't have to get involved We don't need a redevelopment authority and the government doesn't have to get involved in this action But the most critical and important arguments lie on the corner stone of our society and that has to do with property rights You have to ask yourself are you willing to forfeit any individual's property right to accommodate the interest of the neighborh od9 That's a very delicate balance a very, very delicate balance It has to be taken very seriously I would side with the property rights but of course I have invested interest in doing so and I own three properties in the neighborhood If an individual is taxed on the property by government, I feel they should enjoy every bit of the fruits that property hears, every bit of it And maybe a compromise is a way to go I have a personal friend and she can't be here today She is very elderly and very ill She owns a home on 9`h Street in Shadowlawn sitting on three lots She is 91 years old She s not going to be with us much longer And, if dus ordinance changes says she has t go to a nursing home and this is a sob story case and this is the worst it gets Ronald Ripley You re running out of time Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 1 Steven Bishard Okay This is bad as it gets but nevertheless she gets one building homes If the ordinance stags, she'll get two building sites and be able to sell this dilapidated hone to a developer He 11 make more money on it than she other wise would Do you have any more time"? Ronald Ripley we have a lot of speakers Steven BYshard Just a couple more things and 111 be out of your way Ronald Ripley lake it very brief Steven BYshrd Okay If we could follow the inf~ill guidelines and possibly meet with the neighborhood to come up with a compromise maybe that is where we start and we night be able to come up with a compromise Maybe make the lots 40 feet and strictly follow the infill guidelines and have a review comnuttee versus just eradicating property rights And that s it Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Steven Bishard Thank you Robert Miller Eddie Bourdon Eddie Bourdon Thank you Mr Chairman And I'm speal ng for myself on tbas one I'm not a mercenary on this Because I do feel strongly about this and I did have the absolute privilege of representing Mr Morgan when we righted the wrong back in 1994 because unhke what's going on today which is out in public and open and everyone got notice, back in 1988 when the first attempt to take away the property rights of those people whose lots were being taxed as individual building sites was put into law without notice, th-is time at least the notices went out w1uch is nice The first thing that I wart to say is that to my knowledge thus has never been an issue in pinewood And, as long as there aren't houses built in. Pinewood, on one single lot those deed restrictions are absolutely enforceable and I would urge the folks in that community and the civic league to be diligent in enforcing those deed restrictions that houses have to be built on two lots I thank they been conscripted into this issue but I'm not aware of there being houses being built in that neighborhood on single lots and they can t be with those restrictions as long as those neighbors who ors lots in that subdivision as they are all platted lots enforce those deed restrictions As far as Shaowlan is concerned, these are platted lots and I think some of the confusion is in the terms and the dascussion that some of the proponents of the rollback that s taken of people s property ngts use because everyone out there is a platted lot It s a legally platted lot What the compromise that was adopted in 1994 with great deal of effort by staff and by City Council at that particular time, Mr France and even Mr Parker who was more favorable resulted and I think} the best possible compronuse and with the example that Mr Sterling gage when there were three houses built on this piece of property where there was once one well there was four lots there Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 14 There are three houses there on what was four lots So, there is some compromise from the property rights per pective of the individual owners of those properties and just to simply sav sorry, we're out of here depending on who owns and when you own it, in terms on what you could build, that is not what our constitution is all about That's not what our c ountry i s all about These people and there are just a e`er of therm left who have the opportunity They still have to pay the monies You have to come in and re - subdivide to create a lesser non-confomung lot that is the best way to handle it I ve done a lot of these I've been involved with this from the beginning The only issue that is out them in my opinion is something that was in fact over looked was the corner lot scenario The -foot lot requirement that you re -subdivided and you could only plat one of those non-cnforrrung 35-foot lots in place of a -foot lot didn't deal with the cant situation That's probably an oversight that aught need to be looked at and addressed And possibly also dealing with attempting to make the guidelines more a mandatory situation is also something that rrught need to be addressed But, Philip Morgan has lived in this community for longer that I've been on this planet I've learned from him what I know and he would know better that the infill lots that have been re -subdivided to create 35 foot lots have not been where the three story houses have been built And, I think some folks aught be a disingenuous when they talk about the three story houses but I don't know that for a fact I've not done a survey but when Mr Morgan says it's true then I absolutely, positively believe it to be true I think that this proposed rollback to take away the rights of these few represents an effort of the majority to he to radical upon the property rights of a small rmnonty and should be rejected Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Do we have any more speakers'? Robert Miller No sir Donald Ripley okay Do they want to rebut okay Ainght Betsy, do you have comment` Betsy Coent No I just want to ask a question Karen's I know this is a request of Councilman Maddox and how we move this from here to there, it"s a point that is not going to make a lot of difference but is there another way we can get like a citizen con=ttee together to really look at the ordinance Maybe, rbe, rolling lack is not the answer Maybe e if you had a house on a 35-foot pride lots maybe e you can tear the house down and have 45 foot wide lot rather than say you have to have one because it would not be 50 feet wide It wouldn t meet that requirement I mean it just seems to me that saying well rollback to the old We're not really looking at it We're not really studying it And if we could get a citizens commttee and come up with all different ideas and look at the corner lot scenano and look at if you got one 30 foot wide scenario and maybe really do a survey of the neighborhood orhood and say "'okay ', these people have options It sounds life 97 percent ofthe people are not even going to be affect by this at this point Karen Lasley Sure Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 1 Betsy Atkinson It just seems to be a better idea I don't know what anybody else thinks about that Karen Lasley The one thing about forming a citizens coy urutte , Council put a time lirrut on this for you to respond And you guys have been so busy unfortunately we kind of pushed it right to the edge So you rrnght want to make a recommendation to Council that they form such a con-irmttee to explore it further Kay Wilson You all need to have some response to Council at tfus meeting This is the end of your 60 days They require that you respond within 60 days but you could always make the recommendation that they form the comrmttee Robert Miller we had a little bit of nurnberisrn here We had 325 people sign something and we had 100 Karen Lasley That was the original petition that cane from the City Robert hiller Okay we had 1200 this morning was that the total lots? Karen Lasley Total number of property owners that we sent notices too Robert Miller Then, we got 38 lots but nine of them are not a problem where does this come from inxtially'P Is there a specific incident that prompted this9 If you can get back to the first place where the problem started we can get a good conversation going or do you know` Karen Lasley You aught want to ask the curie league There were a couple of re - subdivisions that specifically caused concern Yes Robert Miller See that 5-foot lots, those re -subdivisions that created And were they the corner lots as Eddie was Just mentioning9 was one of there that corner lot'? Karen Lasley I don t know addresses I know that one was on the water with four lots, couple of flag lots You right want to ask the civic league Robert Miller Okay Civic League I'll sponsor somebody to come rack up' Jeff Jeff Knowles As I stated earlier I think ghat we ve seen is a tread Yes there have been numerous lots Robert Miller 1 m trying to get to the genesis of this inhere did this start` Jeff Knowles Well it started again, two gears ago one particular currier lot Robert N iller A corner lot' 5-foot 1W Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 1 Jeff Knowles There were two 5 s and one 35 Robert Miller And was the 35 the corneO Jeff Knowles Center No sir it s in the center Where is also two waterfront lots that are just now being developed, a total of four lots three 50's and a 35 There 1s another parcel on Delaware Avenue that was I believe 90 Feet, a 50 and a 40, clearly a trend I don't have all the locations I can speak to three story hones I can name six bones right now In the last two gears that are three stories Robert Miller The height if the height regulation that is allowed It's nothing something that were dealing with today we re really dealing with the land use I think is ghat we're trying to make our focus on Jeff Knowles It is a trend and that is why we're here Again, I think in 1994 and 1988,, yes it was an issue the property value was an issue Now we can see the impact it has having it allowed to be continued really, in the last couple of years with our property values increasmg it has become the trend And it s a trend that a majority our neighborhood don't want to see continue because eventually I twill impact our property values Robert filer If the guidelines were support more vigorously would that in some form temper the situation Jeff Knowles I think that would in some form help Yes It would it surely prevent three-story or even two and half story You get a lot of two-story with a dorm or windows and high pitch roof looping down on one stony I tturik that would possibly help I think the bottom line is 50 feet wide is small enough 35 foot is too narrow You're dealing with five and five-foot setbacks One of those neighbors probably has another five-foot setback we're not a neighborhood that wants ten feet between Houses We want to maintain a little bit of our privacy and R-5S zoning is the smallest zoning ordinance allowed in Virginia Beach 5000 square 50 by 100 we happen to have this restriction that was a cornprormse 1n 1994 I would like to speak of one other stern again to satisfy some ofthe folk that were unsure Mr Scott may confirm but Section 502 to mention requirements Item El for the non-confornnng lots clearly says that if it's a continuously owned lot of record, single for separate ownership from adjacent property it can be developed So l think the guidelines are very clear that if it 1s a pre -platted plot I understand that there is rrusunderstanding of lots Yes, we have lots but m talking about a planted plot very clear 1n the ordinance That can be developed It just has to meet the setbacks And we're not asking for that to change We want those folks that have held that lot for future develop or Jason and Bart to be able to sell that lot that they bought for investment white 1 prefer not to see it on a 35 foot lot, they have all the right They bought if for that purpose Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 1 Robert Miller Then again, it seems back to the guidelines That might help 1n that situation also in additional to what is again, a concern with regard than a 50 foot lot Jeff Knowles I think it would help I think what you will find from those folks 1s that they would never build that on that piece of property while they live there They bought it for investment They bought because they didn t want the developer to build that third house It's a pnme example of why we're here Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Does somebody want to sponsor Mr Morgan` Charlie Salle' I have a question for Karen wren, I m still trying to figure out the numbers here as to how many people we are affecting by this I guess in Shadowlan whtch they say primanly the area affected do we know the total number of lots in there? Karen Daley No And they're grouped Charlie Salle' How do we detemune if 30 or 40 people can possible he there'? Karen La ley From the map, w1uch shows ownership Robert Niiller The GPINS Karen Lley what's Robert Nfiller I'm sorry, the G IN numbers` Karen Lley well, they don't happen to be on this map but yeah from that Like that picture that we had up before with the dotted lines You can tell who owns three lots, who own four lots In both Shdowlawn and pinewood there is a potential for 38 more of the -foot wide lots Where are 38 people that own at least 90 feet of frontage or more Okay, it takes at least 85 feet to subdivide under the -foot exception You ve got to end up with one 50 and one 35 And ghat Mr Morgan was getting at the nine people own at least 120 feet of frontage So they would be able to subdivide into two lots even 1f this is passed They" ve got enough to have at least two 50s It's a hard thing to talk about Charlie Salle Maybe I didn't understand you The exception as it exists now, do you have to have owned those lots at the time of the passing of that exception Could you go in now and buy four lots and title yourself with the exception' Karen Lasley Yes you could Charlie Salle' what prevents a developer from going in and buying any number of lots within Shadowla n and eonung up with enough property t develop two o and one 359 Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 18 Karen Lasley Yeah, he could do that Charlie Salle If you tear down houses you can do that now Karen Lasley Okay say if there's three lots and three lot The guy with the three lots just can't go buy one lot from the neighbor Charlie Salle' Say he bought four lots from Karen Lasley One person` Charlie Salle No three different people Let s say four different people I bought all four lots and they were all substandard and I started combining and re -subdividing four lots, can I get this 354=9 Karen Lasley You have to go back to how you got the four lots` Charlie Salle I bought there Karen Lasley Nobody can sell you just one lot out of therr- three Charlie Salle Let s say there's four existing lots Karen Lasley Four single lotsP Okay Charlie Salle Four single farmly dwellings Karen Lasley All these have been owned separately Charlie Salle And they're owned separately Karen Lasley okay Charlie Salle' And I divide them up Can I take advantage of the exception? Karen Lasley Yes you can I can tell you It's an estimate the 38 is an estimate But there's very few lots left, singles Most everybody owns two some three There are very few singles so I don't see that occurring too often but it could You're right Charlie Salle And the reason it would not occur a lot is because there are enough new houses there that wouldn t be torn down if you wanted to go m Karen Lasley No Item #12 City ofVirginia Beach Page 1 Charlie Salle' I rn not sure I follow you I'rn not sure what prevents any developer from buying 5 o lots and just corrung up with a 3 5 -foot exception for ore of therm or whatever Karen La ley They could Charlie Salle' Okay Ronald Ripley Betsy has a question of you Betsy Atkinson Karen if we do away with these guidelines, does that mean we do away with the Shdowlawn Guidelines too' They were all kind of together Karen Laley There wouldn't be any need for that really Betsy Atkinson There would be no more Shadowlawn Guidelines Karen Lasley Yeah They were designed to apply to the -foot pride lots There some concept in there that could apply They would be great to use them on 0-foot vide lots too You know, we can maybe adjust therm a little hit Ronald Ripley Anything else` Thank you Laren okay Discussion? Betsy Atkinson I'll discuss I mean I know we have to move than Board to City Council because Kay told us that But F d like to and it's very confusing on how to vote on this I would really like to recommend to Council that they put together a citizen group t maybe look at this a little more clearly, to cone up with more options than just going back to the old rules It s kind of the way I feel I'd listen to other Comnussioners I know whether we vote up or down today, Council is going to be struggling with this issue in about a month Ronald Ripley Gene9 Eugene Crabtree I sort of agree with Betsy We should see if there is some war we can encourage Council or the community themselves to reach a cornprorru a on this so that we can keep the integnty of a person s property rights as well aiding the neighborhood to improve and prevent the development from just going in there rough shot and doing that I don't know how to do it though Ronald Ripley Bob`? Robert hiller wren your last statement I m just clanfying You said that the guidelines if we approve this would remove the guidelines or they would be ineffective because they do not set up for this new scenario9 Item #12 City of Virginia Beach gage 2 Karen Lasley well, they were set up for the -Moot wide lots I think there are still some things in there that are worth beeping and maybe we can just look at that with the updated Comprehensive Plan since that's ongoing norht new Robert Miller But we would actually in some sense Karen La ley we wouldn t need them Robert Miller We would.n t need them` Karen Lasley No Robert Miller That s not what I heard from the community They sounded like they really liked them Karen La ley Well, they were designed for the -foot lot If this amendment passed you won't create any more -foot lots Although there are still some out there that haven't been built on It would be great if they would adhere to them Ronald Ripley oh Kay if you either vote this up or voted it doom with the recommendation or pass 1t on with the recommendation? Kay Wilson You need to pass it on to Council one-way or the other Ronald Ripley one way or the other Either up or down Kay Wilson You can always have a recommendation I mean you all do that even with applications You all have been known to make recommendations with your applications Ronald Ripley But what I'm hearing, what I'm sensing at least is that the recommendation is to form the citizen advisory co nuttee or whatever you want to call it and work through the size issues and work through the guideline issues perhaps strengthen therm to improve the neighborhood Either gray you vote Robert biller I'll make a motion that be the point and that my motion is that we not approve the change at this time and that recomrnendation being held as the reason why e would not approve it at this time until such time as the community's had a chance to invest more time together at least to discuss these items And I in particularly concerned about the guidelines I think that s something Randy Sterling Could I address that before you make your decision` Dorothy wood No Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 21 Ronald Ripley No Dorothy wood And 1 11 second the motion Ronald Ripley No we can't Robert Miller That s any motion Dorothy Food I seconded your motion Ronald Ripley A motion from Bob Miller to deny and with recommendations for Council to create a Citizen's Advisory Cornrmttee to address the size and the guidelines in the neighborhood for development and second by loot wood And, you need to understand that this Conunission is in a box we have to make a decision one way or the other And this is the only way to pass it on for us because if we don't, Council will act on it s own within in 60 days and we're at the end Yes, John's John Baum Not persuading anybody else all thus discussion about private property rights makes me think I'm entering the country 20 years ago Over and over, I heard people say the man ought to be able to do to his property what he wants to do I said wart, add the part unless it hurts someone And that is whatwe're really dealing with here I'm going to agree with Mr Sterling and Mr Knowles You're making the property and narrow properties are more valuable per square foot And the adjoining neighbors that's valuable I don t think that's right act So, with all due respect I'm going to vote odds with Mr Miller this time I hope I get away with it I won't be corning back RobertMiller John, I don't necessarily disagree, I just think that's the point of discussion that we re sitting here and we're doing committee work literally We re trying to resolve all the issues within we've got information that some of which may or may not be complete and I don't think it s time to make that decision, but we do have to act for Council, so as we typically do, I'm sure it 11 be completely supported by whatever decision we make when it gets to Council John Baum One other thing on what we add You know the Council appoints four people, there used to be five But the City Attorney and the City Manager and the City Clerk are sitting there together The assessor s office is somewhere else And I've often wondered if these charges that Council in it's wisdom makes whether they are related to the assessor fast enough because people ought not Pay taxes on property they can't build on and I certainly go along with that and I know Council in the past has found some errors when they pay people as far back as three years I think that is all they could go back and pay them for the mistake but maybe the communications ought to be very good with the assessor and I'm sure he s going to do his job Ronald Ripley will did you have a question Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 2.). William Din Do we have to deny or approve this item in order to pass on recomrnendation9 Ronald Ripley That"s what council's telling us William Din Can we just pass on a recommendation? Kay Wilson I think a recommendation is either aye or nay It's either yes or no You could always have a reconunendation in the sense of fir Miller's motion that you suggest that they do a co puttee Ronald Ripley Kay, we have no more time Kay Wilson No more time Ronald Ripley ,And I feel by voting this way myself but I'm going to vote for denial because of that Charlie Salle' Roy` Ronald Ripley Yes Charlie Salle I'm going to vote in Favor of this motion although I m not real happy about that position either But nay feeling is that I don't think this issue has actually been studied enough and at this time there's an existing ordinance under which people have certain expectations on the way they can develop their property and the war people buy and sell property and as far as I ran concerned until we or somebody has an opportunity to better evaluate thus situation, I don' think it's time to change people's expectations again Them having been changed twice now and I'm not sure that without something more in way of studying this problem and to find out how many people we are affecting and what really is occurring out there that it's time to change the rules again which maybe for another temporary period time So my feeling is that at least as far as Planning omrmssion member I can't give a better recommendation to Council then to recommend that they not adopt this ordinance unless we have more tune and more information available to us Donald Ripley Any other comments9 we're ready to vote AYE 9 NAY I ABS 0 ABSENT I ATKINS N AYE BALTM AYE CRABTREE NAY DIN AYE HISBY AYE Item #12 City of Virginia Beach Page 2 MILLER AYE RIPLEY AYE SALLE' AYE STRANGE AYE V KoS WOOD AYE Ronald filer By a vote of -1, the motion passes ABSENT Minutes of Shadowlawn Civic League Meeting, May 8, 2002 Call to Order Meeting was called to order by president Randy Sterling �,pr al, of Minute Randy gave members time to reach the rr mutes of last meeting Jim Flanagan made motion for approval, it was seconded and passed Treasurer's o Randy read the tneasw&s report vnth balance of $2,204 32 Pyresidenfs- Report ] Randy apologized for not puttwg signs for meeting up in the neighborhood Carter Turpm called Randy vnth regrets about bemg unable to get the necessary ABC rinit for "Span Fling" The m-Muran s are planning to do a "Neighborhood Appreciation Day" perhaps m the fall Dinners discounts etc There was some discussion as to why the ABC did not issue the perrut 3 Neptune Festival is looking for voiuntoers Randy has been tasked to be chatnnan of the ctisassembly of the Neptune parade He as asking for volunteers See hun Lf interested "Clean the Bay ay", Saturday, June 1, 9 oo a m to noon Resort Beach Chic Lwgues are going to do 2th St to Farm Fresh Anyone who watts to help, pick up yellow trash bugs at 607 1 th St Dress in your Shadowlawn T-shuts to show them we are represented CgMMLtIMgeRgrts Jun Flanagan reported on statue of Ditches &Revitalization He stated tonight is the adoption meeting at City Council for the funding for our project and it is on the agenda No negatives from our representative counciIman We wild know on i l 40 p m news Mary Sydney Barker reported from the Friendship Patrol The Friendship Patrol are volunteer arnbftcl rs for Virgmia Beach They walk the beach extending a warn welcome to tourist and local visitors, providing mforna=on and enco�na persona] decor m accordance with the rules of common cosy The goal is to help create a welcoxmng faunly friendly atmosphere Tins arose firm obnoxious behavior mostly later hours at the beach All Civic Leagues and other City orga m tons have been asked for volunteers Only one, three hour sluft, in groups of three, on one of three Holidays-- Memona l Day, July 4th, or Labor Davy Contwt her if you are interested Minutes of Shadowlawn Civic League Meeting, May 8, 2002 Jrfimh d BM§mess ZONING CHANGE dy has recived 31 signed petitions He vn1l open discussion with altemate pro and con Discussions will be Imuted to 3 minutes, then when everyone is finished, we wail go around again if your have addhtion,af remarks All remarks are to be addressed to the chair Speakers, please come to front, identify yourself and give your address In favor, Jinn Flanagan, 708 Arctic Ave Inspite that we are closing the barn door, w1ule the horse is ahady out, so many have already been modified and adjusted, there are still some lots available He would like to stop the d n of the nerghborhoo�. Opposed, Cason Banco, 227 l ledhtemmean Ave There are a lot of people who have smaller lots who have not developed them, vnthout notice, they thought they were buildable lots then property assessment went from $40,000 to $5,00 He thinks it is a case of taking Property value from them Mother ism, if are indr r ual owned a corner tat ' with " lot next to d They could subchvide lots to o' by ' deep, facing def erent streets if you wfll amend this mod cation to let these people replot their lots, l would go along with the Zomng r ange In favor, Jeff Knowles, 724 Terrace Ave He is passionate about stopping single plot split into three house lots with ties removed. The ordmance now allows lots that are now plotted 3 5' x 100' to be built on. we are not trying to take those lots away from these owners There was further discussion on these two situations ]neutral, David Owens, 815 Terrace Ave He leas two concerns about what is going on at at the end of 800 block of Tice One, two story houses are a fire hazard to one story houses Contactors when they bmid do not care about the people who live on that shwt They fill ditches up, the tadpoles come, then the se Is In favor, Dune Wlespre, 710 Witon Salem Ave The end of her suet is an example of what cbanged zoning code represents One nice house on the water,, then was sold, house was moved, and one slur house bur.lt with intention of building the second The two owners decided to purchase the second lot so no house would be butt Shadowlawn' problem is density and it needs t be reduced She also referred to houses on Greensbom behind her residence Again drainage problems apposed, Greg Holda, 400 Baltic Ave He was just back from city council meeting, 31st street project approved tonight We are not effected by a few houses being built in Shadowlawn, we are effected by commercial bwlders They will be votmg on Rudee Loop in July More tall hotels and parlaag problems Randy expressed that we should be concerned with both issues, local and commercial Minutes of Shadowlawn Civic Lzague Meetmg, May , 2002 '5. In favor, Betty Savage She likes living in Sowlawn, but the complexion is changing More houses, leas Parking, and of that she is not m favor Opposed, second time around, Cason Banco restated hus opposition to zone chamge that residents That are gemng ready to retire mnth smaller lots, not be protected Changes are not well advertised, so some people will be blind sighted Ttus a moral issue Discussion followed about nohficabon of issues In favor, JLm Flanagan, adverse rnapact as mention previously, there has been adverse impact on other ux ividuals used upon the increase m number of homes, change in e He is s pnmd no lawsuits have occurred, if flow of land and watm are disrupted Contmued discussion for approval of change Jeff Knowles, no real opposition heard tonight we need to come out stwng % of residents Get council person to make recommendation tion f our petition, and go on from there Bill Eger, 601 Virginia Ave We have two big problems we are over looking The drainage problem is bung impacted every time we put up new houses It is up to the city to see that thss disruption does not occur Increase bwlding means increase cars, thus a parking problem Ambulances can't get through sametmes Drainage 8c parking are key problems Jun Flanagan, comments that there is a lit to what a city can do because neighborhood is so flat R=dy stated ditches are in best shape they have been in a long hone, because of the cites recent effort to unclog the ditches The srtuatian will be relieved, as the storm water tax we pay comes back, m the $7,500,000 improvement that are proposed for 2007 We will be mach older when this happens The next step, is door to door, to get petition signed by % of residents We vn11 form a comnufte to lay out plans to push for signa=es Pl a e, if interested m helpmg, shy after meeting Randy asked for a motion to table the issue so he can bang it back up when he needs t Motion to table, passed New Bigmes o New Business Meetmia Adioumed RespectUly submitted, j7V Civic League Officers Spung Fling President Randy Sierimg Cancelled 6758021 rsteritnQwans net Vice President Jon Rico 437 9371 jnzzoo)rmlassocrates com The Spring Fling planned for May 181h has Secretary been canceled The restaurants were unable to Netta Hathaway secure the final permits from the ABC 428-0623 Commission Outdoor food preparation Treasurer together wrth beverage sales was not possible Kelly Bowers This is the second year that plans for a Spzmg 720 Winston Salem Ave Fling were disregarded because the necessary 425 9424 perrmts could not be obtained Next Meeting Much hme was devoted to orchestratrng this When event- a sir►cere thank you to Carter and his 4Tuesday team for their effortsMP 194 Wnere ry Ditches Caake Eiementa School Guest Speaker jAi Kane You may have seen crews from the City leaning our ditches and drainpipes This process began as a result of flaadutg at the 4051 kad awn net new construction on Terrace Avenue The crew chef looked at the ditches and told his We're On The Web supervisor that the neighborhood was m bad shape and as a result the ditches were President's Corner cleaned The cause of the drasnage problems Change, the process of in our neighborhood is yard waste PLEASE blight or revitalization DO NOT PUT LEAVES AND GRASS is vtiewed through the CLIPPINGS IN THE DITCHES By lens of neighborhoods m�autur�tthe ditches we cart avoid future Charges in housing n conditions do not occur drainage problems in our neighborhood in a vacuum It does not occur independently hate by house, mahout =austng a negative � err tan the ic ,orfiood 3e sure to get out and Be advised that we may have radar umts rote May 7t' working in our neighborhood Remember to bile with the flow of traffic and walk aamst or facing traffic Dave, wadk and bike careftWy to assure a safe and enjo abic summer for everyone Zoning Change At our last Civic League meeting a propos-di was presented to modify the zoiumg ordinance for lot size in our neighborhood The proposal would eliminate the development of newly subdivided thzriy- hve (35) foot lots _ The proposed change, while unannousl approved at our last me tm& is not w t oul controversy We wnU devote bus oath's meeting to its debate Enclosed with thus newsletter is a petition outlining the proposed amendment This petition is an effort to stop buxldzng on a Ioi that j,s only thirty-five (35) feet wide It wil; also eliminate houses that are built only IQ feet apart (each house having a 5 foot setback per side) s a first step rn this process we need to gather signatures Please complete, fold and mail the petition or attend dw month's rneetmg for more information This is the opportunity to have an impact on the development of our neighborhood Too often the mterests of developers are the only voices heard by the City These are our homes, take the time to protect your vestment Make an informed decision on our neighborhood s future and ensure your vote ts taunted PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE PETITION On Apri19, 2002, the Shadawlawn Civic League unanimously approved a motion to request a modification to the zoning ordinance which allows development of newly subdivided nonconforming lots which are 35' wide and 3500 square feet in area. We request that Article 5, section (e) {5} be deleted entirely Article 5, Section (e) (5) states the following 5 The owner of two (2) or more contiguous substandard lots in the R-SS Residential Distnct which are substandard as to lot width and/or area as of the date of the passage of tus ordinance, may convey one (1) substandard lot to a separate owner and such a lot may be developed for any purpose permitted in the R-SS Rewdentia.! District, provided that the lot has a trunimum vadth of tturty-five (35) feet and area of thuty-five hundred (3,500) square feet, and provided that conditions are satisfied as follows i All contiguous substandard Rats in common ownerstup shall be re -subdivided so as to describe no more than one (1) substandard lot of not less than thirty- five (35) feet m width and thirty-five hundred (3,500) square feet in area The remauwng contiguous substandard lots steal! be re -subdivided so as to describe a !at or lots in cosifornmty with all regulations in the R-55 Residential Dtistnct The re -subdivision of all contiguous substandard lots in common ownership shall be descnbed on one (1) subdivision plat ii Owners who seek to develop on substandard lots shall be encouraged to adhere to the "Shadawlawsc Infili Development Guidelines" as descnbetl in the Comprehensive Plan As an exception to section 502 (a) (6).., the cmnunum side yard setback for a substandard lot in the R-SS Re%dential District which is developed pursuant to this subsection shall be five (5) feet Th-ts revision to the zoning ordinance will aflow existing nonconforming lots of record to be developed but aU newly subdrvided lots mast meet the mmi um requiremtsts of our 1- S zoning which requires 50' minimum lot width and , S F of ama ❑ I support the proposed zoning change. ❑ I oppose the proposed zoning change Nye Address Phone t d 6 C; 1 v 11 Stephen white - City Zoning Ordinance Proposed Amendment Notice - R5SResidenbal District From Sett Funk!' SFUNK@mbakercorp cosy To <p1anadm@vbgov co Date 1 l /too Subject City Zoning Ordinance Proposed Amendment ]Notice - R5SResidential District This proposed Zoning Change will have a serious adverse affect on the neighborhood and the positive valuation benefits on our homes due to the bOwr paced homes bewg built in our area ft may resutt in many Property owners in the neighborhood seeing their values decline sigrHficantly That rn turn wdl result in a market wrth much lower annual apprewt,an since it will no longer be economically feasible to redevelop some of the lots with older run down homes Sincerely oott and Cathy Funk Scott Funk E I T Michael Bakes- Jr Inc 770 Lynnha en Pkwy Suite 240 Virginia Beach 1A 23452 71 5484 (Phone) 7 7 63 503 (Fax) sfLnWimbakercorp corn file cumcn %? %2OS ttin hit \Local%2OS ttin Temp\GW TM 12/5/2002 Utz Current Planning Division Municipal Center Building 2 Room 11 05 Courthouse Drive Virginia Beach., Virginia 3 5 - 0 0 December 8 2002 Dear Planning Comrmssion Scott and Jacqueline warren 508 Terrace Avenge Virginia BeachVirginia 23451 Subject Amendment of the City Zoning ordinance for nonconforming lots in the R,5S Residential DiLstriet Thank you for taking the ume to hear our concerns about our neighborhood Shdowlawn our household is in full support of amending the City Zoning ordinance pertairung to dimensional requirement for nonconfor ung lots in the 1 -5S Residential District I grew up in and currently lire in the Shadowlawn hone Acres neighborhood My wife and I returned to my childhood neighborhood because of its charm For over thirty-five Years I have lured in this neighborhood and witnessed the demolition of homes and trees so multiple houses can be built where one home use to stand The past few years have seen an increase in remodeling and new construction in our neighborhood Although some of the newer structures are mce, I'm concerned about the density, character and duality of life this type of development will bnng tern to fifteen years down the road Please take thas opporturuty to help shape our neighborhood into something that the City can showcase, the residents can be proud to live in and inal a visitors want to come back and stag Thank you once again for your time and we respectfully ask for your support of the ordinance change Sincerely, 5cAO-twa*7V*%4 Jacq UZLW� COP4& W axvswv Scott Warren Jacqueline Cox Warren Stephen White -proposed change to zoning ordinance in Shadowlavm From Theresa <goIdwcrker@cox n t TO <pIanadm@vbgov corn Date 12/8/2002 10 42 P Subject proposed charge to zoning ordinance in Sbadowlawn l am a resident of Shadowlawn and am unable to attend the meeting of the Planning ounc-il on Wednesday However I would lace to voice mar support of the motion to amend the city zoning ordinance pertaining to dimensional requirement for nonconforming lots in the R SS residential district Regards Theresa Parsons Clayton 415 Carolina Avenue 4259202 file C WIN T T mp GW) 000 10 HTM 12/9/20020 Stephen White -Zoning Changes/Shadowlawn From KathyB <kgbrowning@worldnet att n t TO <pIanadm@vbgov com Date 1218/2002 10 57 PM Subject Zoning Changes/Shadowlawn Please note that l support the proposed change to the zmng ordinance in hadowle n that will be before your Department meeting on Decemt>er 11 2002 Thank you for your consideration Kathy Browning 708 Terrace Avenue Virginia Beach VA 23451-4745 file //C 1WINNT1Temp1GW 100010 HTM 12/9/2002 Yoor C- —Itk i --Z. �- y�/ dO, 2 Z.,-5 � C't 'e'-, dr r LX/.00-M �. X- '` ti•" Y f J Stephen White -zone change in Shadowlawn From 11malt se deer a(t se@cox net To <planadm @ vbg v com> Date 1 22oo2 1 10 PM Subject zone change in S adowlawn Billy Martin Jr and Dee Maltese do not support the zoning charge Property owners rights to sell should not b dictated by the homeowners association We do feel that builders and the communfty can come to an agreement for some architectural guidsl)nes for homes to be built on 35 foot lot purchases which would allow landowners to sell and builders to build and that mould benefit both parties as well as the look of the neighborhood once the architectural guidelines were agreed upon We had originally signed a petition but did not fully understand the contents since signing that petrt]on we have realized our mistake e Please disregard the petition with our names on it Thank you for your consideration to the above Sincerely Dee Maltese Billy Martin Jr 3 Carolina Avenue Virginia Beach VA 23451 42-04 8 file Oocur nt nd%S ttin r it Local %2 S ttin TW I T i 12/10/2002 Stephen White -Proposed Change to Zoning Ordinance From 'William Eger bill-e2 @a ra it com>r To <pIanadm@vbgov corn Date 12/9/2002 10 11 AM Subject Proposed Charge to Zoning Ordinance William J Eger 01 Virginia Ave Virginia Beach V 41 91 97 Dear Sors As a resident of ShadoWawn 1 wholly support the Proposed Charge to the Zoning Ordnance which dears with the size of lots upon which construction is permited n street parking has hampered access into side -streets in our area This includes Ernergency Vehicles AlIowing construction on 40ft wde lots could increase the number of vehicles parked on these streets and increase the pos ibilty that an Emergency Vehicle Could not reach its destination The storm -sewer system ,s already overburdened and dysfuntionaI ne ding irnprove nvnt {came visit us after a heavy rainfarl) Adding mere load to this system is tit -advised I ask that you give the above reasons consideration and approve the Propoes+d Change to the Zoning Ordinance William J Eger Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE http4oin mgn comPga-qe�jgaturesIIunkg!aiI We HC \Du nt o 20S ettin ht Local % 20 St i \'Temp\GAT } 00004 I- TM 12/10/2002 S Nonconforming Lots I ai n aware of the proposed zoning ordinance change for the R5S residential district and I am opposed to any change in this ordinance for several reasons One, the rights of property owners is a fundamental right in a free society When the government jeopardizes property rights there must be a compelling govenunent mterest, not con aunity interest, and there must be compensation Many owners in the R5S district have benefited tremendously from the current allowance of nonconforming lots Property owners have received top dollar for their properties and maxirmzed a return on their investment Two, the allowance of nonconforming lots allows for a free market redevelopment tool absent the need for government intervention On countless occasions, the high demand for housing and land at the oceanfront have stimulated an incredible rise in property values and allowed the beachfront to be revitalised Without thus tool, the conimumty would remain more stagnate and depressed For example, when a dhlapidated shack on a large piece of property assessed at one hundred fifty thousand is replaced vnth new homes each assessed at well over two hundred thousand dollars it is a win-wm situation for the community and the city Three, the inf 11 bufl&mg environment in general is goad for our city It stimulates our economy by providhng countless jobs t tradesmen, inzreasmg the property values, promoting the sale of new homes, and enhances our duality of life Sunply drive by an oceanfront Seven Eleven store and examine the numbers of construction workers p trorn ing the stores daily The overall rise in property values can be attributed to an exponential demand for housing in these areas and the ability to meet this demand by new xnf ll construction I am a Northend resident and I can say with few exceptions, l am very happy with the inf`ill redevelopment t the Oceanfront area For the most part, it provides a continuous improvement to the area Since I have been an oceanfront resident I have seen constant improvement from the City enhancing the aesthetics of the Oceanfront, and the development community by putting money into new homes, offices and other commercial development Sincerely, Steven Bishard 408 54thstreet December 6, 2002 -rj�t t Z Dear Planning Commission members J live on Pinewood Dr at the Oceanfront and was very happy to see the proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the dimensional requirement for nonconforming dots in the R-5S Residential District This is an outstanding idea and is very necessar�at dus time I feel that many builders are currently abusing this Ordinance and using loopholes so they can squeeze in as many homes as they can into our single family neighborhoods I've noticed that they are combining two conforming lots together then subdividing them They will then create a nonconforming lot and try to apply for a variance on the required setbacks I feel like they are creating the hardship themselves and should not be granted any variance request on these newly created lots The homes that are built on a 35-foat nonconforming lot takes away from the rest of the homes on the street I# is happening throughout the oceanfront and will continue unless this amendment is passed I'm sure the builders are not hapry about this but there are very few homes left between Rudee Inlet and 17` St that are still zoned R-55 The builders clam they are enhancing our neighborhood by building these tall skinny houses In my opinion they are not They are creating smaller lot sizes, taking out all the trees, changing the character of the neighborhood and increasing traffic and people in these very quaint and quiet neighborhoods which I feel decreases my property value The builders are very aware that Shadowlawn, Panewood Park, and Lakewood are the last homes at the oceanfront zoned R-5S It's quiet obvious that they are only out for the almighty dollar I hope you vote in favor of this amendment to protect the little bit of land and single-family homes left at the oceanfront Thank you for hearing me out on this subject Sincerely, Sandra Neveu 5I5 Pinewood Dir Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Wo ON Philip J Morgan Jr yam- 1 Z 627 Delaware Ave Vugvua Beach, Va , 23451 757-425-1084 5 December 2002 City of Vimma BeDepartment of Planialaor =acnt Pfatg DIxIo Mumcipal Center BmIdmg 2 , Room 11 2405 Courthouse Drive Virgirna Bah, &, -90 Dew Sir This is wntGm in response to your 1Ctter 27 November 2002, pertaiatng to a change to the Zoauag Orduiaace, as x+egards the Shadowlawn area or RSS residential d�strxct Please find attached a previous letter stet to Mayon Oberndorf that states those facto:s that should be considemd m rcndenng a dectsion in regards to the R55 distract Sixteen years of outnght fraud m the deternnaatioII of lots that are adj aceat to our property rn. the Shadowlswn area by the chief assessor cost those of as who held adchtiorral property next to our dwclljngs a large soar of money aver those 16 yeazs No one from any city office informed any of the cmze� who held such property that a change had been wrought m the Zontng Requuemeats that rendered our property neither sellable or buidablc Although those property owners who own a se lot 30 by SO feet not adjacent to any property owned by them could and do sell and build on sad lots The change to the Zonwg Oxdina=e was rendered to aceomodaLe thane of us who were is the position of not besng able to sell or btuld on our IoLs The accamodahon requued u5 to add five (5) ft to the thuty (30) foot lots aad subdividc them from our homes, thus creating a thirty five (35) foot lob. I think the present Zang for the RSS d�stnct should rernmn as it is now We appreciate your unaesstanding in this matter My wife and I are 80 yeaas and 71 years old respectively I Incl Ltr to Mayor Oberndorf pgs P ip rgan� h f The Morgan F y 627 Delaware Ave a SchI VA, 1 October 2002 425-1084 Mayor Mcyera E Oixrndarf 2401 Courthouse I7nve Cary Ha]], Hw]dtng #1 Mua►c=gsl Ccuttt Vlta HVA, 23456 Dear Mayor Oberndorf This left 15 wnttm vtb a heavy h ean The S bado wlawn Ci vi c Lcagv on average 20 max r b rs to attea ncz at a m twg W detcrmined that the decision rendered 1994 by unammous vote of the City Council, pertammg to sub-sundard lots Ln the R-5 zone, Ls mcorrect Thus is the s mecivic: league voted to correct the izju mee that was apparent in the zonmg requu=ents at far tie Pe to sub -standard Tots and the mixes that hid been c ll. ed on hose lots for approxituately 16 yean as though the r w= bwldable gad sellable, wban m f d the zoning rcquiremew tnd cal d that the lots were neitr Abe Councirs decision to reword the Zozang red ate -Lo Lam the instoe, to b able to build on or sell the lots;, corrected tb-at situation awlavm is not a Flamed developmw En fact it is i s very d v rsLfiaton that rend m it it" harm and desimbihty Them are in Lhe netghborb od of 1400 homes un h aw1aitm Lot s=s with homes vary from 2500 sq ft to 12 GOD s�q A Homes an the lots vary from approxLmately 800 sq ft to 2500 sq ft HeLght vanes frcm SLngle story trucmms to several thr= story strucn= The comprormse reached in 1994 allowed the subdiwion of bwldlots ro uuclude oWy one sub- -whard lot (I don't xst d the terrmmology sub -stance rn the case of Shoclowlawn based on the one ply of the property, wba h was 20 ft * 5 ft and & lots Tlas Ord depcndmg on the scronon of Shadowlawn in wbrh you punhased lors ) The= are few dwidahlc lots, under the present zo code, left u3 Slmdowlawn Cbmagmg the zo=g requ=ments agar would rec ate xi mjustce for thosc fever homeo er that position. Some bane rners left m the position of having dividable lots are in their senor years wd am using the abiLtv to d vide heir property -to att .n the Tnaximum income possible from tbLesr homes wherx it comes time to sell., and move to a Ps eat cartmunity or less expensive wea when they can no lorigcT rn,, intam The Lr residences Ask rwo endows who chd, Mf s lot Atwater and Mis Juawta is e ely d cidt most possible to do, if the ground beneath your feet keeps shifUng m value due to cha.a ng zc=g muirmcntand chat very gmund is yaLu haqea lal asset to pro ds for you Lo y w old age /I ; / v v U #12 We urge you to do the nght tag `I W is to make rio cban a and Ic va the zormng req=emeaus as you correaly hided in 1994 Another consideration is the Lacrease m tars both income real estate re i, ed under the present zommg t gmmments, when the proper n sold d r o homes are built on the subdivided lots SM lvft I w*e Page 1 of1 Ed Weeden - Proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance From <FlanJimDeb@aol com> To <planadm@vbgov comma Date 12/3/2002 6 55 PM Subject Proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance CC <rsteflin@wans net>, <hggilEespieisi@juno com> Dear sirs This e-mail is in regard to a Planning Commission public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, 'I'! December 2002 at noon on an ordnance to amend the city zoning ordinance pertaining to dimensional requirements for nonconforming lots in the R-5S residential district Due to the time of the public hearing we will not be able to attend but would like for our opinion to be heard through this e-mail We are very much in support of the proposed amendment to eliminate the ability of developers and others to build on substandard lots in the Shadowlawn neighborhood This "loophole" in the zoning laws for Shadowlawn has caused mayor damage to the neighborhood by encouraging tall, narrow, out -of -proportion houses to be built next to single story homes It has also severely exacerbated the already serious parking problem in Shadowlawn and has led to many situations wherein emergency vehicles are unable to get to homes in the neighborhood It has also led to adverse impact to the overall density of our neighborhood and has eliminated much of the reason our neighborhood was called "Shadowlawn" --- the trees When developers build on a 35 foot wide lot, there is no room for landscaping or trees as the footprint of the house is virtually the lot' I We appeal to the members of the Planning Commission to note the large number of Shadowlawn residents who have signed our petition to eliminate this odious "nonconforming lot loophole" and to allow us to continue to maintain the sense of our pleasant neighborhood before it is totally last Thank you for your support James and Deborah Flanagan 708 Arctic Avenue Virginia Beach, VA 23451 file IIC 1WINNT1TeinplGW } 040d2 HTM 12l5/2002 Stephen White -Amendment to the city zoning R5S From "Bruce Crowe" <bcdowe@erols com> TO <planadm @ vbgov com> Date 12/6/2002 4 30 PM Subject Amendment to the city zoning R S To Whom It May Concern The Pinewood Park Civic League is defi eery i s in fu11 support of the Amen drnent pertaining to the change of Dimentronal requiTern nts for nonconforming lots in the R SS Residential District Most of our members have or plain to improve our houses and some of us already have done so Allowing builders to build on non conforming lots, would just be detrimental to our neighborhood I myself bought this house in 1977 and have put more than 100 000 into it This neighborhood is one of the last on the Oceanfront with distinctive single homes Please consider this ,n your decision Thanking you I remain, Sincerely yours, Bruce C Dowe President Pinewood Park Civic League file IIC 1WINNnTemp1GW}0OU10 HTM 12/612002 Page 1 of I Ed Weeden - nin Ordinance Amen nt in R-5S � =T=�� r-z, — -V r I W "a" — .&M = 1z ?— 'A ~ 11..az'n � 4 From "ronandanji" <ronandanp@cox nets To <planadm@vbgov com> Date 12/5/2002 6 42 AM Subject Zoning Ordinance Amendment in R-5S CC "SCOTT Burdett" <oesunderl0@aol com>, "Megan Burns" <richandmegan@earthlink net> To Planning Commission In response to the notification of a proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance that will be heard by the VA Beach Panning Commission on Wednesday, December 11 2002 at 12 00 noon We request that the exception that allowed one substandard 35 foot lot when other substandard lots were resubdivided in the - S Residential Zoning District be deleted and that no substandard lots be allowed in the - S Residential Zoning District Very Respectfully, 1r and Mrs Ronald W Farris 716 Delaware Ave A Beach, VA 23451 ron ndar uO.net file C W1NNT T p1G TIC I 5 002 From Jason Deans <JDeans a�mrdcpa comp To Stephen White <planadm@vbgov corn? Date 12/05/2002 9 52AM Subject RE 11/27/02 City Zoning Ordinance proposed Amendment Notice R5S Residential District Based on review of the ordinance amendment I wish to go on record in sabring that I as a property owner in Shadowlawn emphatically oppose the amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to dimensional requirements in R 5S The 1994 amendments allowed for increased revitalization and positive demand for homes in our neighborhood which has positively affected property values in R 5S Restricting tricting the development in the neighborhood will make it no longer economically feasible for deveiopers to build thus causing a stagnancy in the neighborhood that will act to diminish home appreciation and stunt positive progress as the neighborhood curb appeal is renewed b the newer and fresher designs Thank you .Jason Deans 715 Goldsboro Aire B VA 23451 Page I of 1 Ed Weeden = w S RESIDENTIAL 1 ING DISTRICT MEETING. From Chris Bowen <chnslbowen@yahoo com> � �Z To <planadm@vbgov com> Date 12/11/2002 12 02 AM Subject R-5S RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT MEETING Planning Commission My name is Christopher L Bowen I live at 421 Labe Drive in Virginia Beach I was hoping to attend the Planning Commission rneetsng on Wednesday the 11th (tosr wovi) but due to a work conflict I will not be able If I understand the purpose of the meeting correctly it is to allaw the lots of nay neighborhood to be subdivided so that more than 1 home can be built (up to 3 I believe) on what now holds a single home I am apposed to this plan pause I believe that it wdt set a precedent that will eventually get out of control and tum our quaint little neighborhood into an overcrowded community of cookie cutter homes The integrity of the neighborhood will be ruined by allowing a developer to come in and shrink the size of the lots to cram very tall narrow homes (what some call a Charleston design) onto our narrow streets I am in no way opposed to progress and I fully support the remodeling and/or rebuilding of some of the homes in the neighborhood (in fact my home could use a littlework) but by teanng dawn 1 or 2 homes and replacing them with 3 or 4 is completely unacceptable one of the reasons that I purchased a home in this neighborhood was the lot size the homes sit on very nice plots of land and all are set back From the streets edge Please don t let our nei 9 hborhood be ruined by the subdivision of our land M I Thank you I I I Very RespectfuRy ChnsMher L Bowen Do you Yahao1 Yahoo' Mail Plus Powerful Affordable Sign up now Nttp UmallolusyAhoo 90M file cement % ax d%2OS ttin e den\Loeal%2OSetting \Te p\Go2 Y 11 0 LUTHER FINCHAM 1496 ARCTIC AVE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23451 TEL 57 4 2 8 - 8 5 6 2 December I I , 2002 City of Vuguua Bach Department of Planung Dear NU Karen ley SLJ . C I ZONING CHANGE IN SHADOWLAWN AREA R5S Thank you for the notificauon and infomiauon on the propomci changes in zany � Ln the RSS District The planrnng depwttne�nt letter was my fist notice of the requested cbenge Intomoaban ixom the civic leagues ne�►er seems to arnve on the east side of Lake Holly A previous commitment to help a neighbor vnll prevent me from ng the meeting on tins zonmg change Since retunung to Yugtnm Reach four years ago and pumhasproperty at 15* and Arctic Ave , I have often wandered why the criv is so involved in thus area Impwtt rtetns have Encluded Pis # one t o ad � ` ray house Finding that my newly constivdcd home purchased w►th wndergrrnmd power utilities also three ubhty poles anti one ground mounted transformer on a 50 by 100 foot lot The c.fty seetus to canc,ei plans for street drainage, curbs and gutters, but needy an easement on the rear of my lot to change my frontage on Lake Holly from water to swamp by cavenng the lake in swamp giass The city strongly supports increased noise levels from one neighbor above these listed in the official maps released when we purchased the properties but does nethu'rg to rninga#,e my losses of the cast of the cornmuniiy Living here bas nat been cull, it often seems that the city sovemment hss my property under attack. That saki, let me also say #lwt the planning department has always been excellent about explatnuzg proposed changes The government does appeaQ to try to be fwr to everyone This bnngs us to the zowig change, it is clearly imposmble to purchase and demolish all the property that would not conform to the new cads Also getting al! the owners of 1 12111102 09 28 F X N HAM -�- 17574274649 NO 027 90 � — -- DcLar 11 2002 property that can be subdivided to agree to eve up that nght mnthout compensation is very unlikely If neither of the above can be accomplished then a charge in the zonuig will winecesssnlg great some citizens unfairly to the benefit of othem for taus reason I request #gat Sthe city consider net supporting any change u: the zonrng It is simply not fair at this time S=I, l l� Luther Fincham Page I of 1 Ed Weeden - RmSS Residential Zoning District - 440 Pinewood Drive from <CMTAYLQRSR@aol com> To <pianadm@vbgov com> Date 12/11/2002 1 29 PM Subject R-55 Residential Zoning District - 440 Pinewood Drive Planning Corrrm ston s I understand the letter you sent me the proposed amendment to the City Zoning ordinance will delete the exception that allows smeller lots in the Shadowla n neighborhood of the oceanfront If this is correct as a property owner in that neighborhood I support the amendment, I strongly feel the neighborhoods quiet character would be downgraded by more structures on smaller lots I purchased property in this neighborhood precisely for the environment including the smaller streets and old trees Please accept this as my comment on the amendment and consider it in your deliberations I had a short turnaround on the time allowed to learn about the amendment and to get a response to your office so this was my best option y name is Elizabeth M Taylor and my property is 440 Pinewood Dnve in halo lavwrn Thank you for your consideration file ocwment %2 nd%2OSenings e e d n\Local%2OSettings\Temp\CAW 2 12 12 20 2 K APPOINTMENTS PERSONNEL BOARD RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (RAQ UNFINISHED BUSINESS M NEW ' BUSINESS ABSTRACT ACT CI EL CASES RESOLVED - November 2002 N ADJOURNMENT CIVIL LAWSUITS RESOLVED DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 2002 William P Bailel v Crry of Virginia Beach - FLSA Adams Outdoor Advertising v Cite of Virginia Beach -Billboard Case Lorraine M Pa ne v Cary ofVirg7nia Beach and S B Ballard Inc individually and d bla S B Ballard Construction Company - Negligence Maunce Bradley Smith v Officer E A Carrla - Civil Rights Case David Plymel v City of Virginia Beach -Negligence Robert Herman Properties L L C and Herman Inc v Michael Standing Oceanside Condominium Association Inc Caton Family L L C C B M Company t/a Schooner Motor Inn and Caty of Virginia Beach -Ownership of Property Note Disposition details available on request from the City Attorney's Office