HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 25, 2003 AGENDACITY COUNCIL WA Y R WEYEXA E OBERND RF A Large 'ICE 414 YOR L 0 CIS R JO VES Bayside Dismrt 4 HA RR } E DIEZ EL Kempsi ilie District 2 W R 4 RET L E'C'RE Celven dle District 1 RK H 4 R;7 4 W; !)L 7 3; ach Di rr'c r 6 11W RE h I E # rrn a;s 4nne Di%inf-r "ET E�f Sc HI HLET 41 Large refi�'4 17LL'VTF4 41 larg POEP N RY N IL SO % 41 L 7rr4e J4 41EN A SPORE ay i.fonager LESLIE L LALEY C in 41rorncv RI TH HOD(iES WTH k1MC Ic rk CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMNIUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 25 March 2003 ��`''�y 2401 C'0 RTH01rVDR#kE ][ F IR I V14 �/ E 4 C H I I# \f 1 V1 1 23456 V �j005 P1/0NE (75"/ 4" 430.3 ' 114IL Cr enC hic.i bgov coca I CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room - 2 oo Phi 1 T STREET PROJECT E Dean Block Director ofPublic Forks and Projc t Manager Bruce Thompson, Developer TOE CENTER PRASE 11 Steven T Thompson, Chief Financial Officer fI REVIEW of AGENDA ITEMS III CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS N CITY COUNCIL INFORMAL DISCtiSSION Virginia Beach School Board FY2003-2004 Budget Request INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 4 30 PSI A CALL To ORDER -Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf ROLL CALL OF CITY COLJN IL- B RECESS To CLOSED SESSION If VI FORMAL SESSION I: r L� 11 E CALL To ORDER - Mayor Me rera E Oberndorf INVOCATION Reverend Tommy Taylor London Bridge Baptist Church -Council Chamber - 6 00 PSI PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLACK of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ELECTRONIC TOLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION IFI ATION of CLOSED SESSION F MINUTES 1 INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS WORKSHOP AND CLOSED SESSION AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H MAYOR'S PRESENTATION TION 1 RESOLUTION - J P Godse r - "Happiest Man in America" I CONSENT AGENDA March 119 2003 March 18, 23 J PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM (ARP) - 1884 Pleasant Ridge Road 2 EXCESS PROPERTY - Princess Anne Road and Concert Drive re LifeNet K ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE E the acquisition of Agricultural Reserve Preservation P easements and issuance of contract obligations for 77 6 acres at 1884 Pleasant Ridge load from Nelson E and Kay S Morris for $234,256 (Installment Agreement 2 3- 3 (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS .NrN Ordinance to DECLARE EXCESS PROPERTY on a parcel of land at Princess Arne Road and Concert Drive, and AUTHORIZE the City Manager to convey this property to LYfeet Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a temnoraty encroachment into City -owned property in behalf of R BERT L SNYDER (Pontiac Arms Apartments) re constructing and maintaining np rap, an existing bulkhead, dock and wharf into Rudee Inlet at 10 1 Cypress Avenue (DISTRICT 6 - EACH 4 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $45,000 from the General Fund for an interest -free loan to 'v is Corner Reseue Squad re ambulance replacement Ordinance to APPROPRIATE S48,000 from the Police Sen!ices Fund and S95,000 in interest from Police Department accounts to the FY 2002-03Operating Budget re replacement of service weapons 6 Resolution to support Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) to their application for federal funds for a study re implementation of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in the Resort Area. 7 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)rc Holland Road, Phase VI Project a Ordinance REQUESTING establishment of the nght-of-way bet Teen Pleasant Acres Drive and Christopher Farms Drive as an underground utility comdor b Resolution REQUESTING VDOT aqulre the necessary rights -of -way for Holland Road Phase V1 with conveyance to the Citv Resolutions REQUESTING G acceptance by the Virginia Department of Transportation a An additional 16 08 lane miles of new streets for Urban Maintenance Payments b An increase of 160 lane miles of arterial and local collector streets to the inventor for Urban Maintenance payments L- PLANNING Ordinance to further EXTEND the date for satisfying conditions approved March 26, 2003, for the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of portions of Morris Avenue and Katie Brown Drive in behalf of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Enterprises Application of TIDE HOME DEPOT USA for a fonditional Use Permit re bulk storag e for outdoor drive -through seasonal sales at 2020 Ly-miliaven Park -way, containing 1 acres (DISTRICT 1 - ENTERVILLE Recommendation APPROVAL Request for a Variance to Section of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the Cit Zoning Ordinance(CZO)for Guy R. Rogers, at 4101 Thalia Drive (DISTRICT 5 — LYN HAVE' Recommendation APPROVAL Applications of Quarles Petroleum, Inc on the northwest corner ofWesley Dnve and Potters Road, containing 36,285 48 square feet (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) a re Change ofZonrng District Classification from 0-2 Office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial Distnct for light industrial land use b re Conditional Use Permit re automobile service station Recommendation APPROVAL L 5 Applications of WEST NECK PROPERTIES,, INCat the northeast corner ofWest Neck and Indian River Loads 1 2 West Neck Road). . containing 87 215 acres (DISTRICT 7 - PRfNCESS ANNE) Variance to Section h of the Subdivision Ordinance re the thirty -foot minimum pavement width for intenor streets b Chanjee of Zonin2 District Cl rssr cation from AG-1 and 4,G-2 Agricultural to Conditional R-15 Residential e Conditional Use Permit re open Space Promotion Deferred January 22 22 February 5, 202 March 5, 2002 March 26, 2002 April 9, 22 May 14, 2002 (indefinitely) l 6 Applications of CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc (DISTRICT 3 —ROSE HALL) a re Discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Rodriguez Drive 200 feet south of Bonney Road, containing 7 405 20 square feet b re Discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Wagner Street south of Bonney Road, containing 7,5 20 square feet c re Chane of Zonine District Class ca io _frorrl I-2 Heavy Industrial Distnct, Conditional 1-2 Heaw In ustnal District and -2 Communit ' Business District to Conditional B-2 Communitv Business District for retail commercial land use containing 21 5 acres d re Conditional Use Permit re motor vehicle sales on the south side of Bonney Road, west of Chestnut Avenue, containing 21 5 acres Recommendation APPROVAL Application ofMichael D Sifen, Incre Change`Zoning District lassi ion from R-5D Residential Duplex District to Conditional I-1 Light Industnal District for light industnal land use on the west side ofCenterville Turnpike and Kempsville Road, containing 6 724 acres(DISTRICT 1 - ENTERVIL-LE Recommendation APPROVAL Application of 1 o •al Court, Inc re Change of ZoninE Distria Classification from AG-1 Agricultural I rstnct. AG-2 Agneultural District and R-20 Residential District to R-51) Residentlal I uDlex I i tnct with a PD-H2 Planned Unit Development I istn t for residential land use (not to exceed 6 dwelling units per acre) on the north side of Princess Anne Road and Crossroads Trail, containing 9 963 acres (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS NNT Staff Recommendation DENIAL Planning Commission Recommendation APPR V AL Application ofLake Gem, LLC, re Chanze of Zoninz Disfrict Classification from l -2 Communitv Business District to Conditional A-18 AD rtment District and Conditional - Co unity Business District for retail commercial land use and multi -family residential land use (not to exceed 12 units per acre) on the southeast corner of Nimmo Parkway nd Upton Dave, containing 18 58 acres (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) Recommendation APPROVAL 10 Ordinance to AMEND § 901 of the City Zoning Ordinance Z re allowing Public or Private Colleges or Universities as permitted principal uses in the -, - , B-3 h, and - usiness Districts NO ACTION NECESSARY M APPOINTMENTS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION VIRGfNIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (CDC) UNFINISHED BUSINESS o NEW BUSINESS ABSTRACT OF CIVIL CASES RESOLVED - February 2003 2003 Time Resource Management Schedule April 1 6 00 pm April pnl 15 3 00 Pm to 6 OOpm April 22 April 24 2 00 prn to 5 00 pm April 24 6 00 p Apnl 29 May 1 2 00 to 5 00 pm May 1 6 00 Pm May Mav 13 6 00 pm Agenda 031 5103 st vo w vbgov com Presentation to City Council of FY 2003 04 Proposed Resource urce Management Schedule Fc norruc Vitalitv and Cultural and Recreational Opportunities F 1P WOTkshop Quality Education and Lifelong Learning RMP Workshop Quality Organization RMP WOTkshop Safe Community RIMP Workshop Public Hearing Proposed FY 2003 04 Resort Management Planning Kellam High School 6 00 P Qualitv Physical Environment Family and Youth opportunities R-MP Workshop Public Dearing Proposed FY RLsort Management Planning Citv Council Chamber - 6 00 P Reconciliation Workshop City Council ADOPTION FY 2003 04 Resort Management Plan 0tv Council, in trying to be more responsive to the needs of citizens who attend the meetings, has adopted the following time limits for future Formal Sessions Applicant or Applicant's Representative 10 Minutes ttornv or representative for Opposition 10 Minutes Other Speakers each 3 Minutes Applicant's rebuttal 3 Minutes THF" F T1 F S Wit i BF STRICT1. V AD11FF FD T If you are Ovsically disabled Or visu liv impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at427-4303 Hearing impaired, call TDD only427-4305 TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) '�Z_ 01-17 jKsoolu#tarn CERTIFICATION of CLOSED SESSION; VIR I IA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS The it ins Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative ative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions ofThe Virginia Freedom of Information Act and WHEREAS Section 2 2-3712of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing bo v that such Closed Session was conducted in conf r iq! with Virginia Law NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Virginia Beach City;. Council hereby certifies that to the best of each mem er's knowledge, a only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements b + Virginia Law were discussed In Closed Session to which this certification resolution apples and (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or L.onsid red bv Virginia Beach C1tv Council rp r Dot 11ttt tt4k WEEDS The Chy of Virginia Beach is the largest czjDv in the Commonwealth of Virginia with close to one-half million residents WHEREAS In 1607 the first settlers were to discover land after a long and arduous journey through all kinds of weather however upon their landing on the shores of Virginia Beach at Cape Henr � they. were forces! to move inland to Jamestown for fear of the Spanish ships offshore the lack offresh water and thepresence ofpeople they did not know WHEREAS Had thefirst settlers remained at Cape Henry they wouldhave been very lse to fired their fears of war would have been unfounded thej would have discovered a plea!: of freshwater and the Indians would have been no greater a threat than they, were ire Jamestown WHEREAS Virginia Beach is the lamest resort cio in the world 1rr vinggrown from a small col nand, to a town stalls and then u small city before merging with the larger agricultural area known as Princess Anise County by charter~ as a crl�r of the first class on January- 1 1 ?, WHEREAS It is known that happiness is almost anything we want to be - or anything we want to hold dear to ourselves Truly happy people can actually use psychological tools they th em selves possess to deal with adversiV loss erne*rgency situations or strenuous circumstances Every health professionals will agree that happiness is a key contributor to our well being and overall existence, and WHEREAS USA Weekend jl eigaunecreatedthe Utimate Happiness Challenge erred set out to discover first the HAPPYCITY and there the 'HAPPIEST PERS 'Y IN AMERICA After numerous tests subjectit a surveys, computerizing statistics for thousands ofto nation wide that truck qualio of -life issues Virginia Beach was drscotered Their next challenge was to firm theperson. With twenty candidates to screen J P Gus Godsej was discovered He met all the criteria and was described as 10 gallons of happiness in a 5 gallon bag happy in that big genuine Southern ay NOW, THEREFOR& BEITRESOLVED That the City Council as the governing booty of this HAPPY CITY sloes hereby declare this T emy ift day of March Two Thousand Three as KA PPIIYESS IS J P "'Gus" GODSE Y D and cull upon the citizens of Virginia Beach to be HAPPY lose generously and reflect upon our Heritage with much anticipation for the future as a Comm unny- For A Lifetime D OPTED by the Ve hers of F irgrre ra Reach Cite Council this 75 * day of `' arch 2003 THE BEACON Sunder March 9 2003 NOTICE Or PUBLIC HEA'RiNG ON THE EXE'CUTjQN AND DELIVERY OF INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENTS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE "'TY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA Noti"v is -i&-reby giver that the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach Virg nia will #fold a Public Hearing witr respect to the execu t on and delivery of Installment Purchase Agfeemerts fot the acquisi t-on cf agricultural land preservation easements with respect to lands ocated jr Pieria-t Ridge Road in tte City of li rgin-a Beach Virginia pli'Suar,41 *o Ordinance No 95 2319 known as the rlrultural I arias Preservation Ordinance w'^irh establishes ar agncultural reserve pro- grarr for tree sowhern portion o` the Cit} oesignater, io (a) ptorrote and encourage 'he preserratlor a' farmland W, preserve oiler spaces a+'C The area s rural-haractcr c i conserve and protect ervironmen`ally SF'-5 tI"e resou-ces id; raouce and Geier Lhe need for rrrator InIra Strt L tire mprovenients and the expenditure of public funds fof such ir-prov-rierts and iei assist in shaping the character dtrec*io^ and t-m-ng of ccrnrnur lty devalepmerit Such easemen*s will be our cnasec pursuan• to Installment Purchase Agreements for ar etti crated Inaximurr purnase p,,i-e of 34 256 The City s obl-gation to pay the o- rchase price uncer the I-stallment Purchase Agreements is 3 Eaneral obligation of ,he City and the full faith and credit and the ur irt-r-ed taxing power of the Crty will be Irrevocably pledW *o the punctua, pa;rment of tree purcrose pn% a and the interest on the unpaid pri--c pa Bala -ice of the purchase pnce as and wohen the sarne resper tival+r he-cme due and payable The Puhl c HearwC which may ba corrinuea of adarurned w It be head by the City Council on March 25 : 3 a- 6 0-' o m n the City Council Chamber located Cris the 2na floor of Me City Full Builaing 2401 Courthouse Onve Virgin a Beach Virgin a knv persor- interested tr this matter may appear and be rira-o CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH V,RGINIA J*irtF Hodges Sm-lh VIVIC City Cierk beacon Marrr 9 and March 16 20-33 THE BEACON Sunday, March h 16, 2003 Pursue Hawfle "U of r PROS The Vqm Beach City Coungll wi,11 hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the disposhlort and eels of a 22 39± wns undeveloped city omperty to WeNet which is currently pest of a 96 75# acre peroel known as OPIN 148&73-7187 Tuesday March 25 2003 at 6 00 p m in the Council Chamber of the Cry Hall 1300 ng (BuildIng 01) at the Virgmia Beach Mu qml Center l Inia Beach V1 inia Parcel 4 known as the Pl�TuMse Peel is 15 $ # acres Parcel 5 known as the Option Parcel ,s 6 5T± acres and M adjacent to Parcel 4 Both parcels are located in the mKOearst quadrant of Princess Anne Road and Concert Drhm The purpose of this hearing will be to obtain public input to determine whether this property should he declared Excess of the City s needs and conveyed to LtfeNet If you are physicaliv disabled or visually tmpaired and need es is- tfm attNs meeting please call the CITY CLERK B OFFICE at 427-403 Heanng Impaired call TDD only 427-4305 JDD Tele. phone Devr for DeaO Ariy quests nonce ing this matter should be directed to the Office of Real EMM 130ding #2 Room 392 at the Virginia Beach Munic+ pal Center The Real Estate Office telephone number is (757)427-4161 Ruth Hodges Smith MMC City Clerk Beacon Mamh 16 2003 10205357 4 . e .�.* �� 0 4 r � T. i idP.A CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM An Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of an Agricultural Land Preservation Easement and the Issuance by the City of its Contract Obligations in the Maximum Amount of $234,256 (Property of Nelson E and Kay S Morns) MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 a Background In May, 1995, the Agricultural Lands Preservation Ordinance (the "Ordinance") ws adopted by the City Council for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the preservation of farmland in the rural southern portion of the City lender the Agricultural Reserve Program established by the ordinance, the City purchases the development rights of eligible parcels of land, leaving the fee simple ownership of the land unchanged These purchases are embodied by perpetual agricultural lend preservation easements pursuant to which only agricultural uses, as defined ,n the Ordinance, are allowed on the land The subject property has been appraised by an independent appraiser retained by the City The appraiser has determined the fair market value of the property, based upon eighteen (18) comparable sales From the fair market value the value of the development rights has been determined by subtracting $900 per acre, which has previously been established as the farm value (i e , value of the land restricted to agricultural uses) for land throughout the southern rural area of the City The resulting amount is the value of the development rcghts of the property All offers by the City to purchase the development rights to property are expressly made contingent upon the absence of any title defects or other conditions which, in the opinion of the City Attorney, may y adversely affect the City'City's interests and other standard contingencies ■ Considerations The subject property consists of two (2) parcels of land having approximately 80 6 acres outside of marshland or swampland 1t is owned by Nelson E and Kay S Morris Under current development regulations there is a total development potential five (5) single -tamely dwelling building sites one (1) of which would be reserved for future development Thus the preservation easement acquired by the City would cover approximately 77 6 acres The site, which is shown on the attached Location Map, is located on Pleasant Ridgy Road in the District of Princess Anne The proposed purchase price, as stated in the ordinance is $234,256 This pace is the equivalent of approximately $3,019 per acre of easement acquired The terms of the proposed acquisition are that the city would pay interest only for a period of 25 years with the principal amount being due and payable 25 years from the date of closing The interest rate to be pared by the City will be the greater of 4 75% per annum or the per annum rate which is equal to the yield on U S Treasury STRIPS purchased by the City to fund its principal obligation under the Installment Purchase Agreement not to exceed 6 75% without the further approval of the City Council The proposed terms and conditions of the purchase of the Development Fights pursuant to the Inst llment Purchase Agreernen , including the purchase price and manner of payment, are fair and reasonable and in furtherance of the purposes of the ordinance ■ Public Information The ordinance has been advertised by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the City once per week for two successive weeps 0 Alternatives The City Council may decline to purchase the development rights to the property N Recommendations Adoption of the ordinance and acquisition of the development rights, assuming all contingencies are met ■ Attachments Summary of Material Terms of Installment Purchase Agreement (full Agreement is on file in the City Attorneys Office) Recommended Action Adoption Submitting Department/Agency City Manager Department of Agriculture � 3 s� 1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TH-r_-,' ACQUISITION OF AN AGRT CULTU AL LAND PRE KERV T - ON EASEMENT E' T AND THE ISSUANCE. BY THE CITY o1F I i S CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS IN THE MAXIMUM PRI C.I PAL AMOUNT of $234,256 WREREA , pursuant to the Agricultural Lands Preservation Ordinance ( tl-e "ord i n a r ce ") , AoiDe-ida-x J of the Code of the 7 City of Virginia Beach, there has been presented to the City Council a request for aporoval of an Installment Purchase Aareement (tile form a�rd standard provisions f which have been 10 rreviously approved by the City Council, a summary of the 11 material terms of l-ich is hereto attached, and a true copy 12 oL whicl-- is on file 1r the C1t-y Lttorgev' Office) for the 13 acqul It on of the Development -- ghts as defi-ned it the 14 Installment Pul-&iase Aaree�ent) on certain property located in 15 the City and more fully described in Exhibit B of the 16 Installment Purchase Agreement for a purchase price o 1 $2 4, 5 , ard 18 WHEREAS, the aforesaid Development Rights shall be 19 acquired t1-1r ugh tr~e uis-t on of a perpetual agricultural 20 land preservation easement, as defined In, and in compliance 21 witl', tl%e requirements of t]re ordinance, and 2 WHEREAS, the Cl ty Council has reviewed the proposed terms 23 and cor ? tions f the ur hase a videnced by the 1nstal1r--ent 24 Purchase c y-eement , 25 26 27 28 2 30 31 32 3 4 35 36 7 3 39 41 42 4 44 5 4 47 4 NOW, THEREFORE, E, DE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TIR II IA BEACH,VIRC.3"INITk 1 The City council hereby determines and finds that the proposed terns and conditions of the purchase of the Development Rights pursuant to the Installment Purchase Agreement, including the purchase price and manner of payment, are fair and reasonable and in furtherance of the purposes of the ordinance, and the city Tanager or his designee is hereby authorized to approve, upon or before the execution and delivery of tie installment Pu-,.-c"ase Agreement, the rate of interest to accrue on the unpaid principal balance of the purchase price set forth he-.v-einabove as the greater of 4 7 pew annum or the oer annum ra -e which is equal to the yield on United States Treasury T7 PS iDurrC.Iiased by the C �y to fund such unpaid principal balance provided, however, tha � such rate of interest shall not exceed 6 75% unless the approval of the city council by resolution duly adopted is first obtained The city onca-1 hereby further determines that funding is available for the acquisition of the Development Rights pursuant to the Installment Purchase Agreement on the terms and condition yet ford therein. 3 The City Council hereby expressly approves the Installmert Purchase A reeTent and, sub-leot to the determination of tte city Attorney that there are no defects 2 49 in to tle to the property or otrier restrictions or encumbrances so thereon which may, In the opinion of the City Atto.ney,, l adversely a f f ect the i ty' s interests, authorizes the �.lty 52 Marager or his designee to execute and deliver the Installment 53 Purchase Agree—ent ire sub tans l ally the same form and 54 substance as approved hereby with such minor modifications, 55 insertions, completions or omissions wh{ch do not materially 56 alter the Durchase or, ce cr manner of payment, as the city 57 'anager or his designee shall approve The city council 58 further directs tie city clerk to affix the seal of the city 9 to, and attest same on, the Installment Purchase Agreement o The city Council expressly autl-iolr-izes the incurrence of the 61 indebtedness represented by the issuance and delivery of the 62 Installment Durhase Agreement The City courcil hereby elects to issue the 4 indebtedness uner t' l al ter of the City rat i than 6 5 oursuant 1.0 the Public F- fiance Act of 1991 and hereby 66 constitutes the indebtedness a contractual obligation bearing 7 the full faith and credit of the city 68 Adopted by the Council of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this day of , 00 3 70 Adoption re wires an affirmative vote of a ai ority of 71 all members of the City council A8 7 9 arppuroha e morr13 morrisord wpd -1 February 2, 200 � PPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL su'7F CI ICY A r Id Agri Iture Depart m ric La epartment APPROVED AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUFD --T I , - I , " I , 't Finance Department 4 AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM INSTALLMENT PURCHASE 4GREEMENT NO 2003-53 SUMM RY OF M4TERIAL TERMS SELLER Nelson E and Kay S Morris PROPERTY LOCATION 1884 Pleasant Ridge Road PURCHASE PRICE $3,256 EASEMENT AREA 77 6 acres more or less DEVELOPMENT POTENTI L 5 single-family dwelling sites acquired, 1 reserved for future development) DURATION Perpetual INTEREST RATE Equal to yield on U S Treasury STRAPS acquired by City to fund purchase pace, but not less than 4 75% (actual rate to be det nnined when STREPS are purchased prior to execution of IPA) Rate may not exceed 6 % without approval ofCity Council TER NIS Interest only twice per year for 25 years, with pavinent of principal Niue 25 ,{ears from IPA date RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER IPA ownership may not be transferred (except for Estate Settlement Transfer) for one 1 year following execution and delivery of IPA Nelson & Kai Morris Old CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Sale of Excess City Owned Property at Princess Anne Road and Concert Drive to LifeNet MEETING DATE March 2, 2003 Background After conducting a regional search and evaluation of various sites l.ifeNet has expressed an earnest interest to the City -owned 22 39t acre site located at the southeast quadrant of Princess Anne Road and Concert Drive LifeNet believes that its operations together with its educational and support services will be a perfect fit with the proposed Sentara Health Campus in the Princess Anne Commons Area LifeNet has requested to purchase the 22 39 t acre site which is currently part of a 96 75 ±acre city -owned parcel Life Net, a Virginia non -stock, non-profit corporation has been in operation with 1n the City of Virginia Beach for 20 years Although LifeNet is a nonprofit organization, it pays real estate and personal property taxes, but does not pay BPL tax or sales tax LifeNet is currently located in three locations in Airport industrial Park and i unable to expand its operations in its present location LifeNet currently employs 294 people in the Virginia Beach offices and levels are anticipated to increase by approximately 100 over present levels within the next 30 months The sale of this site will require that the City Council declare said property to be in excess of the City's needs Considerations City Council has previously declared property in the surrounding area to be in excess of the City s needs and has sold said property City staff has reviewed LifeNet's request and has determined that the subject property is not needed and that it is in the best interest of the City to convey the property to LifeNet to allow this Fong -standing local business to remain in the City of Virginia Beach Accordingly, C ity staff recommends that the 22 39± acres of the 96 75±acre parcel be declared excess by City Council, and has no objection to its conveyance to LifeNet in accordance with the Summary of Terms attached hereto with such other insertions and modifications as may be deemed necessary and/or advisable by the City Manager and may be approved by the City Attorney As stated in the attached Summary of Terms LifeNet plans to purchase 15 82 ± acres of the 22 39± acre site as soon a possible for a purchase price of $125 000 per acre The remaining 6 57± acres known as the "Option Parcel" will be purchased at a later date at a purchase pace of $125 000 per acre with a annual escalator based on the Consumer Price Index Public Information A briefing before Council was held on January 28, 2003 public hearing as required by §15 2-1 o of the Code of Virginia was advertised on March 16 2003 and notice of this Ordinance will be handled through the normal agenda process Additionally, a copy of the agreement of sale will be available for review in the City Clerks Office Alternatives Sell the 22 39 ± acre site to Life let or retain ownership of the subject site Recommendations Staff recommends that Council adopt the ordinance and declare the 22 39t acres to be in excess of the City s needs and authorize the City Manager to convey the property to Li#eNet in accordance with the attached Summary of Terms Attachments Ordinance Summary of Terms Seth Plat Recommended Action Approval Submitting DepartmentlAgency Public Works / Real Estateq�� Economic Development City Manage �V 1 ORDINANCE NO 2 AN ORDINANCE DEC ARENIG CERTAIN PROPERTY EXCESS AND AUTHORING CITY 4 MANAGER TO C NN'EY SAME TO LIFENET WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach acquired ownership of a certain parcel ofreal property containing 22 39- acres, located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection ofPrincess 7 Aisne Road and Concert DnFe (GPIN 1--18 in the City f Virginia Beach, Virginia, (the Property) recorded in Deed Book 10 19 at page 4 7, WHEREAS, L-if ' et a Virginia non- stock corporation LtfeNet" has requested that 10 the City convey the Property to Life' et on the ter is and conditions set forth in the attached 11 Summary ofTerms, and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the Property 1s in excess of the 13 heeds of the City of Virizinia. Beach and should be sold to Lif Nt 14 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAfNED BY THE CGL�FI iCIL OF THE CITY OF 15 VIRGfNIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 16 1 That the following described Property is hereby declared to he in excess of 17 the needs ofthe Clty of V1T in Beach and that the City Ma►nagcr �s hereby uthon e i to conve the 18 said Property to LifeNet on the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Summary of Terms 19 411 those certain lots, pieces or parcels ofland situate in the City of irginia Beach V1rgi nxa, and designated and desc ribed a "PARCEL 21 4 (Purchase Parcel) Area= 15 82 Acres' and PARCEL 5 (Option 22 Parcel) Area =6 5 7 Aci es" as shown as on the attached plat entitled 23 "EXHIBIT SHOVING EXCESS PROPERTIES TO BE 4 CONVEYED TO LIF'ENET BY THE CITY OF VI GMA BEACH, 25 VIRGINIA," dated Januar f 13 2 00 3, Scale I " —2 00' 26 2 That the purchase price for 15 82± acres of the Property also known as the 7 Purchase Parcel", will be calculated at $125,000 per acre, which purchase price shall be prorated 28 for any hart of an acre conveyed 29 3 That the purchase price of the remaining 6 57± acres ofthe Property, also 0 known as the Option Parcel , will be calculated at $125,000 per acre, which purchase price shall 1 be prorated for any part of an acre conveyed and shall include an annual escalator fused on the 32 Consumer Price Index That the Property shall be c nveved subject to all restrictions and easements 4 of record and subject also to the Summary ofTerms attached hereto, with such other insertions and 35 in drficatr ns as may be deemed necessary and..'or ads i able b � the its{ Manager and may b 36 approved by the City Attorney 7 5 That the City Manager is hereby authorized on behalf of the City a t 38 develop are agreement ofsale in substantial conformity with the attached Summary- ofTerms, with 39 such other insertions and modifications as may be deemed necessary and/or advisable by the City 40 Manager and approved by the City Attorney, and all other documents necessary to carry out the sale 41 of the Property to L1f'eet, and b to execute and deliver such definitive transaction documents so 42 long as such documents are consistent with the attached Summary of Terms are deemed ne ess r-{ 43 a ncUor advisable by the City Manager to carry out the sale of the Property to L-ifenet and have been 44 ippr ved by the City Attorney 4 5' This Ordinance shall be effective fl ni the sate of its adoption 46 Adopted by the CounclI ofthe City of Virgirua Beach, Virginia, on the day of 47 92003 48 THIS DRDINANCE REQUIRES AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THREE -FOURTHS OF 49 ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECTED TO COUNCIL 0 CA-8660 1 PREPARED February 28 2003 2 - APPR►'FD AS TO CONTENT "'r- PWAL WorkslReal Fs6le APPROVED AS TO LEG SITFFICIE La w Departm Ln t H lExcess'd-j feN et l i fenct ord wpd SUMMARY OF TERMS Seller City of Virginia Beach (the City') Purchaser LifeNet, a Virginia non -stock corporation LifeNet"") Prperty A.pprximately 15 82 acres of a 22 39 acre tract to be sold to LifeNet The 22 39 acres tract 1s located to the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Pnncess AimeRoad and Concert Dnve The 15 82 acre parcel (the Pr pertv' is located at the easteni end of the tract which does not fi ont Princess Anne load Purchase Price Property Purchase price shall be 1 ,If ae A deposit f shall be payable within 10 days of the execution and deliveni of a definitive Agreement ofSale Option Parcel LifeNet et ill have a ten-year option to purchase the remaining 6 7 acres ofthe 22 39 acre tract If LifeNet elects not to continue the annual deposit for the Option Parcel after year 5 asset forth below, the option wiII terminate and Lifel et wi11 have a right offirst refusal in years 6 through 1 Option Parcel Purchase Price S125,000'ac with are annual escalator based on the Consumer Price Index for years 1 through 5 The purchase price for years 6 through 10 w i I I be at fair ni ark et value t be determined by3 appraisers Additionallv, a deposit of S 10 000 annually is required payable at the begimung of each year during the term f the option The deposit is to be applied t the purchase price of the Option Parcel if the option or the right of first re it ail is exercised The deposit will be i etained if option is not exercised Use LifeNet shall develop the Property and the Option Parcel only for its operations involving the pi oc s inu ofergans and tissues for transplantation and for educational, office and support services ind other related and :: t accessory uses Rezoning/Development Criteria Purchase ofthe Property shall be conditioned n LifeNet obtaining appropriate rezoning ofthe Property and the Option Parcel LifeNet et will work with the City Planning l partment to rezone the Property and the Option Parcel to conditional I-1 zoning The design ofthe site and the building architecture shall meet criteria agreed to bv the parties as more particularly set forth in those proffers filed with the Conditional Rezoning Application and the planning review process A Concept Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit Due Diligence LifeNet shall have a ninety 9 day due diligence period after execution ofthe definitive Agreement of Sale If the rezoning is still pending after the expiration ofthe due diligence period, LifeNet will have the option to extend the due diligence period for a reasonable period of time only as to the rezoning Reverter The Property and the Option Parcel shall be subject to a reverter wherein the Citv shall have the option to repurchase the Propertv at the sane price paid by LifeNet in the event LifeNet fails to commence construction of Phase t improvements within 18 months after closing Right to Repurchase in addition to the reverter the City shall have the right to repurchase any undeveloped portion of the Pr p rtv for a period of 10 yearsbeginning on the date of convevance of the Property The C1tv shall also have the right to repurchase any undeveloped portion ofthe Option Parcel for a period of 10 years beginning n the date of convevance ofthe Option Parcel The City' right to repurchase and{ undeveloped portion of'the Property and the Option Parcel may b e exercised in the event L:ifeI et fails to develop the Property or the Option Parcel as set forth in the required construction schedule In the event the City exercises its right to repurchase any undeveloped portion of either the Property or the Option Pai eel the purchase price for such property{ shall be as follows (i) as to {ears 1 through after the a quI ItIOn ofsuch parcel the pui chase price shall be the onginal price paid b f LifeN t, and ii a to years 6 through l the purchase price shall he the onginal price paid by L-ifeNet with an increase based on the C'PI increase from the date of acquisition of such parcel The reverter and right to repurchase shall be set forth in the deed of conveyance of the Property and the Option Parcel Stormwater The City will allow L if Net to utilize the tormwater ianagement Facility (the B1 P") to the east of Rosemont Road for L}f ' is stomiwater reeds Closing Closing shall occur promptly following satisfactory completion ofthe due diligence and iezoning process outlined above 2 EXHIBIT Concept Phase Plat WP'B A'lifenet trm wpd][ 6008 0058 # 88818 v2 lifener terra sheet final 3 5-03 w 0 z CO LLJ CL ui .. z 0 .. w z w LLJ 0 C) as w e c ID w u, as c 73 M ci jo `o r- c- CIL a ax G z CD U) W CL ui 0 z 0 S I- LLI 0 LLIW C) z 0 sxv%pomair h w 0 LL z U) 1U D CL W L) z 0 C) w z LU I r op LLI z 0 F m A PARCEL 2 TMSFER STA110N� � w W LLJ L) z LAJ L) LLI LLJ U) z M 0 C4 pa L) z Pump so� on 1+{+' PARCEL 3 �j dT1' MAlNTEIViWCE YARDw 39 olw� E Ong Ut�'IitY Easement qC PARCELA (Purcham Parcel) Mea=15 82 Aerea PARCEL 5 (opton Parcel) Meo:B 57 Acres WJ gOAm PIOT0Wveb ,��NE� Existing22 r+ age Eamenm t X 1.9 8 20 L PARCEL 6 Tt s wvtKEr low "Mom MOON o Indi easbng Utility Easarrwnt Indreotes F.matinq Dramage Easement EXHIBiT SHOWING EXCESS PROPERTIES TO BE CONVEYED TO LIFENET BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA SCALE 1"=200' JANUARY 13, 2003 PREPARED BY REVISED FEBRUARY ROU —SIRINE ASSOCIATES, LTD. 145ksvRVEroas AND MAPPING coNsuLraris 333 OFFICE SQUARE LANE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23482 TEL (757)490-23W,&mm"mmm&--vmecom 279 2003 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Encroachment Request - Construct and maintain rip rap, existing bulkheading existing dock, and existing wharf for Robert L Snyder, President on behalf of Pontiac Arms Apartments, Incorporated MEETING DATE March 25,2003 ■ Background Mr Snyder desires to construct and maintain rip rap and maintain a bulkhead, dock and wharf that is located on city property at Lake Rudee The dock and the wharf have been in place for approximately 25 years ■ Considerations City Staff has reviewed the requested encroachments and has recommended approval of same subjected to certain conditions outlined in the agreement The Department of Public Works supports the utilization of "hardened slope stabilization" methods including bulkheading, grouted rip -rap and rip -rap with filter cloth to minimize and prevent soil loss along bank slopes associated with open drainage ditch canal and lance systems These methods are successful in areas with soil types classified as highly erodible, specifically during major rainfall events which create high velocities and wave action along bark slopes due to high winds There are encroachments of the same nature throughout the Shadow Lawn Subdivision where Mr Snyder'Snyder's encroachment is located ■ Public information Advertisement of City Council Agenda Alternatives Approve the encroachment as presented, deny the encroachment, or add conditions as desired by Council IN Recommendations Approve the request subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement ■ Attachments Ordinance Location Map Agreement Plat and Pictures Recommended Action Approval of the ordinance Submitting Department/Agency Public Works 1 Real Estate City Manager `L 'N°r� 1 Requested by Department of Public Works N ORDINANCOE To AUTHORIZE TEMPORJARY ENCROACHMENTS TNTo A PORTION OF CITY P OPER Y ON LAKE PUDEE BY P NTIA�. ARMS APARTMENTS, INSORPOPATEDF 6 ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE 7 WHEREAS, Pontiac Arms Apartments, Incorporated, des]-r s 8 to C 0 nstru,--t and �^aintain rin rap and mair jai n existing 9 bulkheadin , an existing clock, and an existing wharf into City' s 10 property located at 101 Cypress Averue on Lake Rudee 11 WHEREAS, S, City Counci is authorized pursuant to §§ 15 2- 1Z_ 09 and 1_5 2-21 7, .^d e o f Virginia, 19 5 0, as amended, to 13 authorize a temporary encroachments upor the City' s property 14 subject to such teims and condit-lons as Council may prescribe 15 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY 16 OF VIF II IA BEACH, VIRGINILA 17 That pursuant to the authority and to tl-e extent thereof 18 c r tanned zr §§ 1 -0 9 and 1 -21 r7, Code of Virain.' a, 1950, as 19 amended Pontiac Arms parents, Incorporated, assigns and 20 successors in title are authorized I.-I-o constl7uct and maintain a 21 temporary encroachment for rip rap and maintain a temporary 22 encroalr-:rrent for existing bulkhading, an exist-nq doom, arch an 23 existing wharf in the City' s property as shown on the map entitled 24 "EXHIBIT PLAT SHOW-ING ENCROACHMENT of PROPOSED ED WHARF, RIP -RAP, AND 25 BULKHEAD ON PROPERTY T OF CITY of VIR INIA BEACH 1 UDEE INLET) D B 26 4386 P 1201 VI1 I' IA BEACH, VIRGINIA SALE 1"=4 ' NOVEMBER 271 27 200211, a copy of which is on file in the Department of Public Wort 28 and to which reference is made for a more particular descrIptior, 29 and o BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the tern orary neroaohment 1 are expressly subject to those terns, conditions and criteria 2 contained in the Agreement between the of Virginia Beau and 33 Pontiac Arms Apartments, Incorporated, (the "Agreement" which -i 4 attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and 5 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Manager or his 36 authorized designee i Qereky authorized to execute the Agreement ­7 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall not b 38 in effect until such t1me as Pontiac Arms Aoartmert , Incorporated 39 and the City Manager or his authorized designee execute the 40 Agreement 41 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgiria Beach, 42 Virginia, on the day of , oo 4- 4 4 salriors 'pang 1a :' i 4 -1 4 + j'' L ] ❑ 1 E� T] i J.- L.J 0? L .031 4 O ED AS TO CONTENT 4 �-` SIGNATdRE rd r oirec-81--, 1 DEPARTNENT 52 "P OWD AS TO LE 53 SUFFICIENCY rD 4 I TIC MtOANZ Y CIN NMC ARMS DGN M J.S PREPARED BY PW ENG CADD DEFT FEB U ZvUJ PRFPARED BY VIRGfNFLA BFACH CHY ATTORNTY 7 OFFICL EXEMPTED 'lPTED FROM RECORDATION TAXES U,'-DER STnI 8 1 -1 1 (( AND 5 8 1-811 (4) REMIEB URSEIMENT AUTHORIZED LT -DER SECTION ' 249 THIS AGREEMENT made this 2 1 day o f r.• & % ,, 9 2003, by and between the CITY OF VIRGI CIA BEACH, VIRGINIA. . a rnumcipal corporation, Grantor, ` Cit ", are ,of PONTIAC ARMS APARTMENTS, MC RPORATEi , a Virguua Corporation ASSIGNS AND S UCC ESS0RS IN TITLE, `-Grantee". even though more than one W I T N E S S E T H That. V HEREAS, the Grantee is the owner of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land designated and described as "Lot 1. Block 2", as shown on `+IIIAP F SHADOW LAB HEIGHTS VI RGfN1A BEACH PRINCESS ANISE CO SCALE 1 "=100 AP RID 1 4", as recorded M B 7, at page 14 m the Clerks Office of the CiTcult Court of the Citv of Virgima Beach, Virgmia Wr and being further designated and described as 101 Cypress Avenue, Virginia Beach. Virguma 2345 1, WHEREAS, it is proposed by the Grantee to construct and mamtam bulkheading. rip raja, existing dock, and existing wharf '`Temporary Encroachment", in the City of Virginia Beach, WHEREAS, in constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment, it is necessary that the Grantee encroach into a portion of an existing City property kno m as Lake Rudee "'The Temporary Encroachment Area", and WHEREAS, the Grantee has requested that the City peanut a Temporary Encroachment withm The Encroachment Area GPIN 2427-01-74 2 NOW, THEREFORE, for and 1n consideration of the premises n the benefits accruing or to accrue to the Grantee and for the further consideration of One Dollaz ($1 00), ut hand paid to the City. receipt of whuch is hereby acknowledged, the itv doth grant to the Grantee perrmssion to use The Encroachment Area for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment OF It is expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment wffl be constructed and mamtalned m accordance with the la rs ofthe Conunonwealth of Vrgini and the City of Virginia Beach, and in accordance with the ity}s specifications and approval and is more particularly described as follows, to wit A Temporary Encroachment into The Encroachment Area as shown on that certain plat entitled "EXHIBIT FLAT SHOWING ENCROACHMENT T F PROPOSED WHARF, RIP -RAF, AND BULKHEAD OIL PROPERTY OF CITY OF VIRGfNIA BEACH (RUDEE INLET) D B 4388 P 1201 VIRGINIA LEACH, VIR II IA SCALE 1 11=0' NOVEMBER 279 200211, a copy of wfinch 1s attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and to wfuch reference is made for a more particular descnption It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment herein authorized ternunates upon nonce by the City to the Grantee, and that wrthui thirty (30) days after the notice is given, the Temporary Encroachment must be removed from The Encroachment Area by the Grantee and that the Grantee will hear all costs and expenses of such removal It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall uidemrufy and hold harmless the City, its agents and employees, from and against all clai is, damages, losses and expenses mcludrng reasonable attorneys fees m ease it shall a necessary to file or defend an action rlsm out of the location or existence of the Temporary Encroachment 2 It is further a press1v understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be construed to enlarge the perrrussi n and authority to perrrut the maintenance or construction of anv encroachment other than that specked herein and to the meted extent specified herein, nor to pent the maintenance and construction of any encroachment by anyone other than the Grantee It is farther expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to maintain the Temporary Encroachment so as not to become unsightly or a hazard It is Further expressIv understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain a pernut Wr from the Office of Development Services Center l lanning Department prior to commencing any construction vathin The Encroachment Area It is further expressly understood and agreed that pr1 r to issuance of a right of way perrmt. the Grantee must post sureties, in accordance with their engineer's cost estimate, to the Dike of Development Services Center planrung Department It is further expressly understood and agreed that the grantee must obtain and keep m force all-risk property insurance and general habihtv or such insurance as is deemed necessary by OF the City, and all insurance policies must name the City as additional named insured or loss payee; as pphc ble The Grantee also agrees to carry comprehensive general habihty insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 00, combined single fimts ofsuch msurance p he r or policies The Grantee wffl provide endorsements providing at least thirty days written notice to the City prior to the cancellation r ternunatl n of, or Material. change to, any of the insurance policies The Grantee assumes all resp nsiblhties and ha.bdities, vested or contingent, with relation to the Temporary Encroachment It is ftmher expressly understood and agreed that the City, upon revocation of sucl authority and perrssin so granted, may remove the Ternprary Encroachment and charge the csi 3 thereofto the Grantee, and collect the cost in any manner provided by lmv for the collection ofloc al f or state taxes, may require the Grantee to remove the TeMporary Encroaclunent, and pending such r removal. the City may charge the Grantee for the use of The Encroachment Area, the equivalent of what would be the real property tax upon the laird so occupied if it xvere o-%imed by the Grantee. and if such removal shall not be made within the tune ordered hereinabove by this Agreement, the City may tmpo se a penalty to the sum of One Hundred Dollars 100 oo per day for each and every day that the Temporary Encroachment is allowed to continue thereafter, and may collect such compensation and penalties in any mariner provided by law for the collection oflocal or state taxes IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Pontiac Arms Apartments, Incorporated has caused thus, Agreement to be executed in its corporate name and our its behalf by its president, Robert L Snyder Further, that the City of Virgmm Beach has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its Citv Manager and its seal be hereunto affixed and attested by its City Clerk (SEAL) ATTEST 0tv Clerk op 4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH m City Manager/Authorized Designee of the City Manager PONTIAC ARMS APARTMENTS, INC f jjAr Robert L Snyder, President STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGfNIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2003. by DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER GER My Cor rrsssion Expires STATE of VIR BINI CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit BEACH day of I CITY MANAGER/AUTHORIZED I Notary Pubis The foregoing mstntment was acknowledged before me this day of , 20039 by RUTH Ho GBS SMITH, City Cleric for the CITY OF VIRGINIA My Commtssion Expires 5 Notary Public STATE OF r21, j4 CITY/COUNTY F , to -wit r The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before rye this day o owu 2003, by Robert L Snyder, President on behalf of Pontiac Arta Apartments, rtment Incorporated My Comnussion. Expires ,3 -61tq APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICjENCY CITY A ORNEY Rev 07 24 02 i f � F APPROVED AS T4 CONTENT vl �r cwS! UTY REAL ESTATE AGENT Lu 0 Exhibit "A" ESI DU AL cn m OF Of 0 LOT 2 co 0 " co 0 T_ 0 3. 00"00E 105 00 (E'�at) II 0 PIN(f) 2 NAILfC4, m 40 YMARF PROPOSED BULKHEAD PROPOSED RIPRAP t T II x I ,1 I I IV '1 10 LAKE RUDEE (PROPERTY OF CITY 0F VIRGINfA BEACH) D B 4388 P 1201 GPIN 2427-01-8282 EXHIBIT PLAT SHOWING ENCROACHMENT OF PROPOSED WHARF, RIP —RAP, AND BULKHEAD ON PROPERTY OF ,�,A�.TH CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH C3�� (RUDEE INLET) � � .�� BRGC� W GAL � D B 4388 P 1241 VIRGINIA BEACH, VRGINIA 1484 SCALE 1=44 NOVEMBER 27, 2002 175 oL ¢ � ���GALLUP l' SUR"EYORS & ENGINEERS LTD 323 FIRST COLONIAL ROAD VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGiNlA 23454 (757)428-8132 PONTIAC ARMS APARTMENTS., INC 101 CYPRESS AVENUE Bulkheadmg of adjacent property mer Rip rap of adjaeed property owner PONTIAC ARMS APARTMENTS, INC 101 CYPRESS AVENUE Bulkheading of property o mer ul headm of property owner and dock 1s the adjacent propertv o mers ,ro CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM No Interest loan to the Davis Corner Fescue squad MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background For nearly 30 }rears the City of Virginia Beach has financially assisted the Volunteer Rescue squads utilizing several different programs In addition to providing support for continuing expenses such as fuel, insurance and small monthly stipends to offset operating expenses, the City has provided no interest loans for the purchase of ambulances and squad trucks Under the loan program the rescue squads repay the City on a regular timetable by the amount of the loan and their ability to repay based on fund drive yields ■ Considerations The Davis Corner Volunteer Fescue squad is requesting a no interest loan in the amount of $45,000 for the purpose of replacing ambulance Unit # 221 High maintenance costs and decreased reliability have dictated their decision Davis Corner Volunteer Rescue squad would like to repay the loan over a -year period, in equal installments of $11,250 00 per year, beginning one year after the receipt of the loan Historically this has been considered established public policy for assisting the volunteer rescue squads E Public Information The public will be routinely notified via publications of the City council agenda ■ Alternatives Thealternativetothe no- interest eityloan isthesquad'sacquisitionofa commercial loan at a high interest rate ■ Recommendations EMS recommends approval of this request ■ Attachments Ordinance Correspondence from Davis Corner Volunteer Fescue squad Recommended mmended Action Approval Submitting Department/Agency Department of Emergency Medical Services City Manager � W1, F1Data1ATY10rdtnINONCOD EIdaviscornera rFwpd 1 AN ORDINANCE To PPROPF IATE $45, oo 2 of FUND BALANCE TN THE GENERAL FUND, To PROVIDE AN ? NT E REST - F1 EE LOAN To 4 THE DAVIS C.ORNER VOLUNTEERRESCUE SQUAD TO FUND AN M- BUL E PURCHASE WHEREAS, S, the Davis Corner Volunt_-eer fescue Squad does not 7 present' r have adequ:a -e f-urds to purchase a replacement ambulance, but has represented Turd -raising efforts will provide sufficient funds to repay a interest -free loan from the City of 10 Virginia Beach of $45,000 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY of 12 IR INIA BEACH, VIF INIA 13 1 Tha � $45,000 is hereby appropriated fror the fund balance 14 in the General Fund for are lnterst-free loan to the Davis Corner 15 Volunteer fescue squad so it may purchase an ambulance, with 16 revenue increased accordingly 17 2 That this loan is to be repaid in installments over four 1 4) years, due on the 1 th day of April each year, in four (4 19 equal install-ents of $11, _5C, t-.e firs . payment shall be made o 20 or before April 1, 2004, ard the last payment shall be made on or 1 before April 1, 207 22 Adopted by the Council of the city of Virginia Beach, 23 Virginia, on the day of , 2003 24 Re u.1res are a ffj_=a t y Tie vote by a mad on ter of the members of 25 the CIty CoUnC17? CA-883 N n ode/DavisCornerord w d R-1 March 14, 2003 APPROVED AS To CONTENT APPROVED AS To LEGAL SUFFICIENCY i AA1,lA1tAAA Management Services w pepartment Davis Corner Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, Inc 4672 HAYD ROAD VIR I IA BEACH VIRGINIA 23455 BUSINESS PHONE E (80) 480 7574 EMERGENCY PHONE 911 Febmar) 1 2003 Clhuef Edwards Virgatia Beach Department of Elvis 1917 Arcot Avenue irguua Beach ETA 23451 Dear Chnef Edwards f f _ F This is a request for a no interest loam to replace our oldest ambulance at Davis Corner Volunteer Rescue Squad we are looking mto getting a loan in the amount of 45 000 which we will pay back m 4 years at equally t=allments of 1 l 250 The unit we are loolung into replacing is 221 which is a 1996 Ford 350 The umt has over 93 000 mules on it and is in need of reply anent, Over the past 6 months, we have put around S 10 000 worth of repairs into this unit This mcludes electrical problems, transmission problems body repairs and general maintenance bills We are loolnng into ordering a new vehucle as soon as we can we have already been approved for a Mite - matching g tt to the area of $36 000 We have been talkmg to several compames and we are sure we can get what we are looking for in an ambulance for around 0 000 - 000 The present urut 221 will b used as a trade-m and at i s paint, we are exTected to get around $8 00 - S 101,000 The rcn iamder vn11 be used for any radios and inst Nations and the opticorn we will be required to obtain for the unit The amount needed for a down payment wall not be known until a total pnoe is known t this tune Davis Corner has 2 loans through the city We are praying off 222 winch has 2 payTnents of $10 000 left and Squad 2 which has 5 payments of $14 000 left The member s have voted that prior to obtaui ng the loan we am requesung, that money would be taken out of the smon s account and fully pa off` the loan for 222 T lus would only leave the Squad 2 loan and thus loan, if approved Thank you very much for dus consideration If them are any questions or if you need any further inf rmtion, feel free to contact me '' - J Judi A Baker Clu f Davis Corner Vol Rescue Squad .,Ig P t Lj r ..................��" Dedicated to Public Service CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Purchase of Police Replacement Service Weapons MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 Background In recent years new purchases of the current model service weapon, which has been issued to sworn personnel since the mid to late 10s, have not net the Police Department's expectations for reliability and functionality Police staff reviewed alternatives and determined that there is a more functional reliable and affordable service weapon available The preferred service weapon is lighter easier to operate under stressful conditions more durable easier to repair and maintain, and easier to shoot This weapon is also less expensive than the current model Beginning with the August 2002 recruit academy, a new model service weapon was issued to recruits attending the academy These weapons wer purchased with appropriated funds in the Police Department s operating budget Funds are designated in the FY 2002-03operating budget to purchase the new model weapons for the current academy class which began in January 2003 The Police Department would like to replace all 870 current service weapons with the new model and will phase in the replacement as additional general funds becomes available At the end of this fiscal year the department will have purchased 227 of the new weapons Utilizing two other funding sources will expedite the replacement program and reduce the reliance on the general funds operating budget This request will facilitate the purchase of an additional 293 weapons and holsters ■ Considerations The Department has accrued 000 in profits from the 'Police Services Fund," which is revenue generated by the department s COP Shop (police store) since 1994 which is available in the fund balance of the Police Services Fund There is another $95,000 of interest funding available from the Police Department s Property and Evidence accounts The Police Department requests a total appropriation of $143 000 for weapon replacement ■ Public Information Public information will be provided through the normal Council Agenda process ■ Alternatives Use of these funds would allow the department to expedite the replacement process without solely relying upon the operating budget This additional funding will allow the Department to phase in the weapon replacement over fewer gears ■ Recommendations It is recommended that city council approve this request and appropriate these funds for use in the weapons replacement program Attachments Ordinance Recommended Action Approval Submifting Department/AgencyDepartment/Agency Police Department City Manager Q)� 5 WIT, F \Dat 1ATY1 rdin\N ON CODE\weaponarf wpd 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $ 4 8, 000 OF FUND 2 BALANCE IN THE POLICE SE1VIES FUND AND 8 $95,000 IN INTEREST REALIZED ED FROM POLICE 4 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT' S FY 2002-03 OPERATING BUDGET TO FOND THE PURC9ASE OF REPLACEMENT ERVI E WEAPONS 7 WHEREAS, the Police Department has chosen a different model of service wea on for officers and does not presently have adequate funds in their General Fund budget to purchase replacements for all 10 of their current service weaiDons 11 NOW, i 4E EF F E, BE IT DA1-NFED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 12 VIRGINIA BEACH, r'IIIIA 13 That $48, 0 0 0 from t)e fund balance in the Pollee Services Fund 14 and $9 , 000 in interest realized from the department's property and 15 evidence accounts are hereby appropriated to the Police 16 Department's FY 2002-03 operating budget to purchase replacement 17 service weapons, with revenue increased accordingly 18 Adopted by tie Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 19 Virginia, on the day of , 2003 20 Requite an a �� rPat� vote by a m-a jority of the members 1 the City Counc7 CA880 I on ode *ea onord w d R-1 - Marc 1 , 2' Approved as to Clontent PNPPF T' ED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY vLr- Management Services Lair Departmen�j CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM A Resolution in support of the Evaluation of Resort Area Bus Rapid Transit Service MEETING DATE March 25,2003 ■ Background The City has hired Skidmore, Owens and Merrill, Inc, to conduct planning studies of the 17 1h and 1 th Street corridors As part of Skidmore s ongoing planning efforts, several transportation concepts have been considered to promote better utilization of the resort trolley system One concept in particular, Bus Rapid Transit has received a favorable review from the staffs of both the city and H RT The concept of Bus Rapid Transit is based on the existence of dedicated rights -of -way or "busways" connecting major activity centers The busway , much like the trolley lanes on Atlantic Avenue, provide for unimpeded travel between the activity centers Bus Rapid Transit typically utilizes signal preemption technology and other features, such as prepay fares, to ensure timely connections between centers The goal of Bus Rapid Transit is to increase ridership and improve the quality of service while reducing operating costs Examples of existing BIT systems include Los Angeles, California and Curitiba, Brazil In light of the Councils decision to proceed with trolley lanes on Atlantic Avenue, a significant component of a BFT system is in place HILT proposes to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the possibility of extending the lanes, with supporting BF T technology', to connect with the new convention center The study will also evaluate traffic issues, vehicle types and other related issues should the study conclude that BRT is viable transportation solution, HFT will look to the City Council as to how it should proceed t this time, l•-IF T proposes to seek federal transit funds, as part of the reauthorization of the Transportation Efficiency Act of the 21 11 Century (TEA-2 I , to support the continued study and possible implementation of the BF T system The attached resolution is intended to demonstrate the City Council's support for HRT s efforts N Considerations The Federal Transit Administration is currently sponsoring a Bus Rapid Transit Initiative to support the development of these types of systems and the supporting technology As part of this initiative, significant federal resources have been made available to support local efforts to establish BT systems HT hopes to take advantage of this initiative and receive federal funding from the upcoming reauthorization process for TEA-21 N Public Information As part of the proposed feasibility study, HILT with the assistance of city staff, will hold at least two public hearings to solicit feedback from the community and share its findings Should the City Council decide to move forward with the B T proposal once the feasibility study is complete several additional public hearings would be required before implementation E Alternatives Adopting the attached resolution in no way commits the City Council to a Bus Rapid Transit system The resolution merely offers the Council's support for HT's efforts to secure additional federal funding The dining of the reauthorization process requires H1T to submit this request before the feasibility study can be completed Oncethe feasibility study is complete,, Council will decide whether the proposal should proceed As an alternative, the Council can choose to wait until the feasibility study is complete before seeping federal assistance, however, this could reduce the amount of assistance available for the project ■ Recommendations Staff recommends the Council adopt the resofution and support HRT's efforts to secure federal transit funds for additional study, and possible implementation, of B T at the Virginia Beach resort ■ Attachments Resolution endorsing the efforts of Hampton Roads Transit to seek federal transit funds for the study and possible implementation of Bus Rapid Transit in the city of Virginia Beach Recommended mended Action Approval r submitting Department/Agency city Manager's office City Managertz, F \U ers"xwMacalil pa 4 rdr iB Tarf wpd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 18 1 1 1 1 1 19 2 21 22 2 2 2 REQUESTED BY COUNCIL iE iBER RICHARD A MADDOX A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT of THE EVALUATION of RESORT AREA BUS RAPID TR.A SAIT SERVICE WHEREAS, the Virginia Beach oceanfront is a key destinati-on for more than three million tourists and visitors annually and provides significant economic benefits for the City, and WHEFES, the City o Virginia Beach has adopted development plans along the 19-"' Street Corridor, �,o include the construction of a Pew Convention Venter facility, and WHEREAS, connection of the oceanfront attractions to the Convention Center and 1 -' Street Corr-idor by providing convenient and efficient transportation service zs critical, and WHEREAS, improvement of the existing trolley service which operates on Atlantic Avenue by providing improved service schedules and frequencies and passenger information is are urgent need of the City, and WHEREAS, Bus Rabid Transit ;B1T system technology can address t1lese improvements and is described as a combination of facility, systems and vehicle iry tmer..s that convert conventional bus service into a fixed facility transa-t service that greatly increases its efficiency and effectiveness to the passenger, and WHEREAS, BRT service at the oceanfront, provided through designated travel lanes, pre -raid fare collection, specific 2 7 28 30 31 32 33 34 3 3 38 37 4 41 42 43 44 4 4 47 48 passenger loading areas and other enhancements, can deliver high quality transit service that supports the community and its goals, and WHEREAS, Pam ton Roads Transit HRT proposes to apply for federal funds to suppo.rtthe r �3-hued study and posy-ile implementation of the BRT system, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF VIR INIA BEACH, VIRGINIA l That the City Council supports the application of Hampton Roams Transit (HPT) for federal funds .for the study and possible implementation of the BRA system in the Resort Area as an improvement to the current trolley service operation, 2 That the goals of a BRT system in the Resort Area shall ll7�1ude a connection to -IC -he new Convention Center, the reduction of passenger travel and wai-ting dines by a_ncreasiLng reliability ard predictability of zhe service, the provision of more direct, frequent and Integra �ed service and enhanced economic development, and 3 That FRT is hereby requested to report knack to the City Council its findings based on a proposed application of BRT service it the Resort Area Adopted by "-he Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of _. r 2003 2 CA i- 7 7 wmmordres\BRTresd March 11, 2003 APPROVED TO CONTENT *ivy I a Pager' Of f1C APPROVED AS TO LEGAI, SUF CIENCY / A 1 Qepartmer� of Law C CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Holland Road Phase VI CIP 2-1 D T #lJ oo-1 -1 , PE--101, C-501 MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background This project is for construction of a four -lane divided highway from Dam Neck Road to l ire mo Parkway - Phase V, a distance of approximately 2 runes The project will include aesthetic treatments, such as meandering sidewalks, street lighting, and enhanced landscaping This project is included in the City s Master Transportation Plan and the Regional Transportation Plan Construction of Holland Road will greatly enhance traffic flow and improve access to Dam Neck Road and Nimrno Parkway Phase V forthe surrounding communities n August 15, 2001, the Virginia Department of Transportation D T held ar Design Public Hearing with approximately 130 citizens in attendance Approximately 70 comments were received following the meeting Of those who responded, approximately25% expressed support for the project Those opposed expressed concerns regarding the proposed project improvements mainly due to property impacts and potential sound gall placement Several meetings and discussions with representatives from the C h ris #opherFarms, Holland Pines and Hidden Oaks subdivisions were conducted, beginning in September 201, to clarify and address their concerns Upon careful consideration and evaluation of all issues, City staff and VD T identified the major design features listed below that will be incorporated into the project as aM result of these meetings A subsequent meeting with the subdivision representatives was held to present the design modifications Although not every request could be met due to safety and other considerations the citizens were generally in acceptance of the proposed modifications The following are the major design feature modifications All potential sound walls will be placed at the proposed right -of -wary line instead of 1n easements outside of the right-of-way Overhead utilities will be placed underground within the right -of -ugly from Pleasant Acres Drive to the south end of the Christopher Forms subdivision Traffic and pedestrian crossing signals will be provided at the intersections of Holland F oad[Winterberr r Road/Sugar Maple Drive and Holland Road/Pleasant Acres Drive ■ Considerations Holland Road Phase VI is proposed as part of the overall roadway network of the Master Transportation Plan designed to accommodate future traffic demands for the City of Virginia Beach Without widening Holland Road as designed an important corridor remains saturated (Continued on next page) Holland Road Phase VI (CIP 2-158) Agenda - (continued) Currently, traffic along the segment of Holland Fad between Dam Neck and the proposed Nimmo Parkway Phase 11 is approximately 17,000 PD, exceeding the 16,1200 VPD capacity Traffic along this corridor is anticipated to reach over 29,900 PD by the year 2018 This segment of roadway is an integral part of the City s roadway network., serving as an alternate route for Princess Anne Road and being a major commuter and bus route to both Kellam High School and Pleasant Acres Elementary school Without this project traffic will continue to increase on the existing two-lane Holland Road,congestion and degrading safety In the roadway segment, from Pleasant Acres Drive to Christopher Farms Drive, sound walls are being considered on both sides of the roadway This corridor i significantly more narrow than the r maind er of the alignment, and u nd erg round1n the overhead utilities would avoid additional property impacts to homeowners immediately adjacent to Holland Road This will eliminate the need for the utility easements beyond the proposed right -of -gray along the roadway corridor ■ Alternatives Do not approve the VDOT Design Public Hearing Approval Resolution, Site Acquisition Ordinance, and Underground Utility Ordinance Without this project, severe traffic congestion will increase and continue to back-up on Holland Road, as well as the surroundmg roadways, thereby impacting commuters and residential communities along Holland Road Moreover, without the approved Design Public Heanng Approval Resolution, VDOT will not be able to continue with the project and the City may then be requested to reimburse VDOT for projetcosts to date ■ Recommendations Approve the major design features as presented at the Design Public Hearing, with the modifications as proposed and authorize VDOT to proceed with final design and begin site acquisition activities by adopting the attached resolution, and approve the attached ordinance to establish the Holland Road right-of-way between Pleasant Acres Drive and Christopher Farms Drive a an underground utility corridor ■ Attachments Location Map VDOT Design Public Hearing Approval Resolution Ordinance to establish the Holland Road right-of-way between Pleasant Acres Drive and Christopher Farms Drive as an underground utility corridor Recommended mended Action Approval Submitting DepartmentlAgency Public Works 44/1"00 City Manager k �� "t} I AN I RDINANCF TO ESTABLISH THE HOLLAND ROAD RIGHT-O&WA BETWEEN PLE S4, T 4CRES DRIVE AND CHRISTOP ER F RI 'IS DRIVE AS AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY CORRIDOR WHEREAS, the Holland Road Phase V1 Project, C IP 2-1 DOT #U000-1 -1 , PE- 101, RW-21, C-ol , the Project, ' has been approved by City Council in order to widen the urr nt section o f roadway between Dane Neck Road and the proposed Nimnio Parkway Phase V a t Kellam High School, WHER AS, the 0ty of Virgima Beach also % ishes to improve the safety. aesthetics are reduce the property impacts to the homeowners within the Project limits, 10 WHEREAS, the Council had previously requested the Virginia Department of 11 Transportation to program this Project, 12 WHEREAS, the Department ofTransportation has adopted a policy to per % of the 13 additional costs to relocate existing overhead pnvante utility lines underground, which requires the 14 City to adopt an ordinance to establish the limits of underground utility di stn cts, corridors or areas, 15 WHEREAS, City Council has appropriated sufficient funding through the City of Virginia 16 Beach Capital Improvement Program, to pay the ity's share of the estimated cost to relocate 17 existing overhead utility lines underground 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL of THE CITY of 19 VIRGI IIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 20 1 The Holland Road right -of -war between Pleasant Acres Dnve and Christopher Farms 21 Drive is hereby designated as an underground comdor and all new utilities shall be installed within 22 the Holland Road right-of-way and be placed underground, and 23 2 The Director of Public Works is hereb f auth nzed to execute are agreement with the 24 Virginia Department ofTransportation and the utiIity owners within the No] Iand Road right- f=%I air 25 for the necessary utiljtv relocations 26 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of 7 92003 0'xDMorgan'xHo11a.ndRoadPhaseV1 wpd March 2, 20 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT ; 4 ff/1 artment of Publ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY City Attorneys ce I RESOLUTION FOR LOCATION AND SIG s PUBLIC FEARING ALPPROVAL H LLAND ROAD PHASE V1 4 WHERFAS, a Location and Design Public Nearing Public Hearing,!, 54 was conducted on August 15 2001, in the City of Virginia Beach by representatives of the Virginia Department f Transportation after due and proper notice for the purpose of considering the proposed location and design ofHolland Road, Phase V1, CIP 2-1 T U00 -1 -1 , PE-1 1 W- 1, - 1 i the Project,, in the City ofVirginia Beach, at which time drawings and other pertinent information were made available for public inspection in accordance with state and federal requirements, 10 WHE E S, all persons and parties 1n attendance were afforded full opportunity t 11 participate in said Public Hearing, 12 WHEREAS, representatives ofthe City of Virginia Beach were present and participated in 13 said Public Heanng, 14 WHEREAS, the Council had previously requested the Virginia Department of 15 Transportation to program this Project, 16 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach has, on this date, passed are ordinance designating 17 Holland Road, between Pleasant Acres Drive through to the southern boundary ofthe Christopher 18 Farms subdivision, as an underground utility eomdor and providing that all new utility facilities 19 installed within this eomdor shall be placed underground and within the right-of-way, and 20 WHEREAS, the Council has considered all such matters 1 NOW., THERFF RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 22 VIR INIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23 1 The location and major design features ofHolland Road Phase VI CIP -158 (VDOT 4 U0 -1 4-14 , PE-1 1, RW- 1, - 1 , as prestnted at the Public Hearing conducted on August 25 15, 2 01, and which are set forth on the Location leap attached hereto, are hereby approved with the 26 following exceptions 27 a There shall be traffic signals at both of the following intersections Holland 28 Road:.--Winterberry Road/Sugar Maple Drive and Holland Road/Pleasant 29 Acres Drive 30 b Pedestrian signals shall be provided at the signalized intersections 1 c Proposed sound harriers are to be located on the proposed ri gh t-o f-w ay lines 2 established by the Public Hearing drawings 33 2 The Virginias Department ofTransportation is hereby requested to acquire all nghts-of- 34 way necessary for this Project, and to convey said rights -of -way to the CIt r at the appropriate time 5 3 The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of 6 Virginia Beach, all the necessary utility agreements required in conjunction with acquiring such 37 rights -of -way 38 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of 9 72003 1DMorgan Hollandl oadPhaseVI wpd March 25, 2003 APPROVED &S TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY - it J . ��fr City{ Attorney"s ffffice IP Si PROPOSED GNA'lL-,'!M%4 PLEASANT ACRES, DRIVE PROPOSED SOUND'WA I--- --y )CH STOPHEV x' -+- TA14RMS A t1jr, I I - LOCATION MAP SHOWING HOLLAND ROAD -PHASE VI CIP #2-158 FILE HOLL040 FW LOC NW DGN DATE 3A%03 A L L �� 0 1600.1 3200 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Acceptance of Streets for Urban Maintenance Payments (accepting additional streets &corrections/deletions to the revised road inventory for maintenance payments) MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background The 1985 General Assembly established legislation requiring City Council resolutions for all new streets to be submitted to the Virginia Department of Transportation for Urban Maintenance payments and for all corrections to the road inventory a Considerations The first resolution requests the addition of 16 08 lame miles of new streets which will be eligible for urban maintenance funds beginning July 1 2003 At the present rate of $7,887 per lame mile for local/collector streets, the city will receive an additional $126 822 96 per year beginning in FY 2003-04 This total is based n the current VDOT reimbursement rates The second resolution reflects a net increase of 1 60 lane miles of arterial and local/collector streets in the urban streets inventory This increase is the result of the reconstruction of streets that have been added to and/or lengthened and the deletion of streets Of this 12 lane miles are classified as arterial streets that are being added/replaced and/or deleted/replaced to the streets inventory At the present rate of $13 433 per lane mile the city will receive an additional $1,611 96 per year beginning in FY 2003-04 The remaining 1 48 lane miles are classified as local/collector streets that are being added/replaced and/or deleted/replaced to the street inventory At the present rate of $7 8$7 per lane mile the city will receive an additional $11 672 76 per year beginning in FY 2003-04 The combined total for additional Lanes and/or lengthened and deleted lanes is $13 284 72 per year based on current VDOT reimbursement rates ■ Public Information 0 Alternatives ■ Recommendations Approval J ffahI'llant ResolutionsG.I..) Fonii U-1 street mLnt n Recommended Action Approve Resolutions Submitting Department/Agency Public Works City Manager 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 1 19 2 1 22 23 RESOLUTION REQ1JES0710 77 9E VIRGINIA DEP7kRTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION T CE PT ADDITIONAL STREETS FOR URBAN MAIN7ENANCE PAYMENTS WFEREAS, the irgi is Department of Transportation requires a Council resolution prior to accepting additional streets for urban mainte�arce oay-teats, V H E] R E A S 1 the s tr e tS 1-sted or Exhibit (attached) have been constructed ir accordance with standards established by the Virginia Department of Trans ortation, WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach has accepted and agreed t --aintayn tt,ese streets, ard 144E EA , a re[)Tesler tati-re fro- the Virginia Departmert of Transportation has %1 M ect(Od ENV a pr CITEld these streets NOW, THEREFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIPGINIA B E Cq, IR INIA That the City Council Pereby requests the Virginia Department of -.2ransportatiori to ascot the streets lasted on Exhibit A which is attacbed Ier to ard ircorporated by reference, and to begin paying urban main-.enance payments to the City o Virginia Beach rased on the establisheci rate Adooted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the -- - day of , 2003 APPROVED aS TO CCU' i E]T TP R "ED AS TO LEGALSU F'17l IENCY La's Deuartment I A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE VIRGINIA 2 DEPATI ENT OF TRANSPORTATION TATION TO ACCEPT 3 CORRECTIONS TO THE REVISED ROAD INVENTORY FOR 4 URBAN M I ITENA CE PAYMEFTS 6 7 8 10 11 12 1 14 1 1 17 I 19 0 1 22 2 requires a Cou�oil resole;* lore Drir tc aceet-ng corrections/ deletions to the reprised road-nventery for urban maintenance payments, WHEREAS, , City personnel have ie iewed the revised road inventory prepared by the Virginia Department of Transportation and have determined that some iraccuraeies exist, W4EREzkS. correct , ns z�o tie revised road inventory have been Trade as shionvri on }Jh�b-t A 'attached) , and T&TREAS, a re�resentatj jfe fr m the Virga-nla Department of Transportat-en i-as :respected and approved these corrections OTV7, TFEBEFCFE, BE IT PE 3 LVED BY THE COUNCIL F THE CITY OF VIF INIP BE77Cli, VIRGIN!; Thar- the City Coun ii hereby requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to accept t1e corrections listed on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and to eg-in paying urban ma-intenance payments to the City of Virginia Bea n based on tie established d rate do to by tie Council of ze City of Vlrgir'la Beach, Virginia, on the day of ? 23 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APDROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY i kza, r, Law - Department W 0 = � LL (-) to � LLJ V) W Cb CDC> O O C3 C) 0 k1J LLI z 04 CV CV C4 04 N C CV CV LL } (a LL LU LU 00 [�} 0 m 9F,- to C) r C un V- � CD Q w w z LLI �,�J LIJ O C) C) C) C) O O C) C:)0 O z 0 w CL ( -- -- -- - -- — -- - — - - w ❑_ WLLI uj LU LL 111 LL w C07 En Q 0 W) LO Ul) � � LO w w -1 z I� I LI w { LLJ c D C c co w QD UJ0 ww A < < 2 < LL w w w w ua w xCO) w � ❑ J � c 0 ❑ —j LL! � LL C) C) { L) ❑ -J LL! 2 C) LO C C C) ) LLi -' lid ui W ? m [ C) Ir 7 LL_ iw w cr' CL 7 Lu LO < w cr m —i z + m C c cry w w a -- — _ - — - - - -- -- i C M D Cz 0 _ �,LLJ -i w di J w Cr) M LLI � 0 a:T w 0 f-- c o � w w pt c C3 0 ` Q] ca ll1 J C J Cl) w 2 CO L? � cry Q? 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LM 5 W- 0 U cr 4) Jc F 0 cn C V a� w z � Q C Z 0 o � G� ■� am �Aq L y w 3 � CL > > > > o cc 2E 2 :E 2 LLI Rom LLI cc U) W U1 rm- FF t4 m a ci 8 0> ca 5� 0 LN (M) 40 r y v OL v lIffl in C 0 i L O cn w Cf' b v�i i � 3 Ir LU 4 0 CD cc irm 4) > WLo Z 0 CID Ix c Lmko,OOOWI 32 L ��',� W- Sri IN -4 y y - .r o o ' LU N Lu � 9Lm z � Q Y R� cn L L ts U) I Z t: 0 um 0 w CD no Lli CJ3 y w I a� CO) z ra; E Z 0 Q Q� VA �n m 0 I co pW co 61 w m Z M Ap 9v r.� W1 I LL n f § Ei ors WC BE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM ordinance for Further Extension of Date for Satisfying Conditions for the Discontinuance, Closure and Abandonment of a Portion of Morris Avenue and a Portion of Katie Brown Drive MEETING DATE March 25 2003 0 Background Application of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater for extension of the date for satisfying conditions in the matter of the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Morris Avenue and a portion of Katie Brown Drive Said parcels contain 29,544 square feet and 36,341 square feet respectively DISTRICT 2 - KEMPS ILLE The street cfosures for Norris Avenue and Katie Brown Drive were approved by City Council on November 27 2001 with nine conditions The adopted ordinance for both Morris Avenue and Katie Brown Drive state that all conditions must be complied with by November ember 26, 2002 or the closure of the right-of-way shall be considered null and void By action of the City Council the date by which the conditions heeded to be completed was extended to March 26, 2003 ■ Considerations On November 27 2001, City Council approved street closures for a portion of Morris Avenue and a portion of Katie Brown Drive for the applicant with the following nine (9) conditions The City Attorney's Office e ill make the final determination regarding ownership f the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the city shall b determined according to the Policy Regarding Purchase of City s Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures,' approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department 2 The applicant must secure title to all portions of Katie Brown Drive currently owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia (as to a portion of the cul-de-sac) and Eugene Taylor, Jr and Anne Taylor as well as the City of Virginia Beach 3 The applicant must secure title to all portions of Morris Avenue currently awned by the Commonwealth of Virginia (as to a portion of the cul-de-sac), Edwin B Lindsley, William Albritton or his descendants (as to a portion of the cul-de-sac) as well as the City of Virginia Beach Formal written consent must be provided by the adjacent property owner on Katie Brown Dnve, Mr Edwin B Lindsley, stating agreement to street closure and alternative access to his property Forman written consent must be provided by the adjacent property owners on Morris Avenue, Mr W Leigh Ansell and Mr Edwin B Lindsley, stating agreement to street closure and alternative access to their properties The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval 7 Alternative access muss be provided on the street closure plat for the properties identified as GPIN #1467-82-7483 (Edwin B Undsley) GPIN #1467-92-1260, 1467-92-1213, 1487-92-8268 (Edwin B Lindsley) and GPIN # 1467-92-1208 (Ansel) W Leigh et al) The applicant is required to verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are no private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure If private utilities do exist easements satisfactory to the utility company, must be provided Closure of the right -of -ay shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the city Council vote to close the right -of -gray this approval shall be considered null and void The applicant has secured title from all parties noted in the conditions with the exception of the Commonwealth of Virginia (VDOT) The applicant has reached an agreement to acquire the VDOT interests by conveying to VDOT a contiguous strip of land along Route 264 in exchange for the various sliver parcels it owns an the cul-de- sacs of the streets to be closed In order to consummate the exchange with VDOT it is necessary to record the subdivision plat which has been submitted to the city for approval the recordation of which will dedicate to VDOT the agreed upon strip of land The subdivision plat has been submitted to the City and they are awaiting comments The applicant is concerned that the recordation of the subdivision plat and the finalization of condition #9 will not be finalized by the extended deadline date of March 26 2003 and request that the time limit imposed to condition #9 be extended to May 26 2003 The applicant feels that this will allow sufficient time for an agreement with the plat to be finalized recorded and the other aspects of Condition # 9 to be met ■ Public Information 1A ■ Alternatives Council could reject the extension request or impose ar different date than the applicant has requested ■ Recommendations The title issues associated with this particular application are much more complex than most other street closure actions involve The applicant has worked diligently to complete the title work during the past year Staff recommends approval of the request for an extension of the time allowed to comply with conditions to May 26 200 ■ Attachments Ordinance Recommended Action Staff Recommends Approval Submitting Department/Agency City Attorney 1" 1..-)4 City Manager )2 < ry"IL 47 RDINArCL NO I AN ORDENANCE FURTHER EX i NDfNT THE DATE FOR SATISFYING COW.LITIONS IN THE MATTER OF THE CLORNG, VC'' TfNG AND 4 DISCONTINUING OF A P R fIO OF MORRIS AVENUE AND A PORTION OF IATIE BROWN 6 DRIVE r'E UPON THE APPLICATION OF UNITED JE ' ± ISH FEDERATION OF TIDEWATER WHERE jkS, on November 7, 2001 the Council of the City of Virginia Beach acted upon the applications of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Enterprises for the closure of portions of )0 mo streets as follows 11 1 A portion of Morris Avenue and 12 2 A portion of Katie Brown Drive 13 WHEREAS, on November 27 2001 the Council adopted two Ordinances to close the 14 aforesaid streets, subject to certain conditions henna met on or before November 26, 2002, and 15 N-NHEREAS onNo-vember 11, 2, the applicants requested an extension of time to satisfy 16 the conditions attached to the aforesaid street closures Said request was ar rated by the Council as 17 ORD-2.728E and the new deadline was established as March 26,'2003 18 WHEREAS, on March 25 2003 the applicants requested a further extension of time to 19 satisfy the conditions attached to the aforesaid street closures 20 PII S 1467- 1-694 ,1467- - o 146 { - - 14 1467- 2- 136, 146 -92-1 .,146 - -126 1 1467- -- ' 7 , 146 -92 - 0 14 77 - 1 -2ft909 1 7- 1- 41, 146 - 1- , 146 - 1- 4 1467 - 22 81-6853 1467- -3 146 - - 91 14 - -7 1 146 - - 4 3 146+7- - 336,1467- -9 3 3 1467- - 1 , 146 - -619 7 146 - - 141 and 146- 2-3096 l la; I -- _ { 2 ,, v SC R OBEMMORF rrere S a TO -ICI OV HIS =-: i ecc-.=. :-: i- , = � a wwc--we Lr deferral mu� we readv for Lie que t i,- jP -, CITY CLERK B ! a - 0 t e %cf I I zc 2 tv,cu -aa -e c:ererret -c = Lwo weeks t'-ie c� A rie Depot CA COUNCIL ICY EURE T-i a z w,o_. I e t qe \r- , "Ir ;iccc 'ias a' t i cu f a r comzDary Wx ,il e we appreciate rY-eir bust _r -, e-rpr vrgert oases and all -)f 'rose gold th_rtas, we still w L: to r airt _r :�I-is Ci, v 1- a-- rrarrer and i� L�,c. -r -rer i- gicn �_iev aare�c� zo wren �rey care here So I thLr-k a zwc:-weer deferral, ..f -Y-ev wiL a re -:�£) it wo-_ c: L- apDrc ria Le FORMAL SESSION MAYOR OBE ND RF 0�,av %,rs :�.re E�- mp''car_cr fir ti, Permit w wanted vcu i )—lave the rot tj-it v Lo to 'Er - why yo-j anz a two-weEk deferral COUNCIL LADY EURE Therc,. are -cer" : wit i `1~e operatior of z-e Forie Depot ar-t.t~E prDpo ;e ad: i!Li r e"e are re-lewin t-,e do .1nerts Ll-az were orioi-ali *' or-ifered and =gaff Dust had an poorL,_;rits t ; cet tiat c : re oeet =ally remiest l-at we defer ;t for �_wc •-ee r a--d xt -s rry understanding zttat a to Applicant is in tm:eem r•t But arcs,', w RANDY ROYAL For the record, = n F-a.-dv R-Dyal F,r :.j4eeri. ri{�- S-Qr,-ices C-�Te Ee- oL and a two -week e; �-ra1 is fi-e Irle wi-i wire wizr ^�_ ,�i }r Srzaff drd worm ouw scTe c!dditi ~al Nord_L- n- COUNCIL LADY EURE "' - a r, , " T je real' t4adam Fins. ,- T n­-ve for a t w -'w eL d-f real (-n the PC�Te Deuor Ap l i c -� = ; n COUNCIL LADY WILSON Secor-d 3 INFORMAL SESSION MAYOR OBERNDORF 0.'ay 'vO- v dor t we ra-, e 71'e aaerc7- ::e-s VICE MAYOR JONE i�? 1 r2.-1z Pldrn--c Ap,1ica` io- -4�:ne C'�-:, o L USAir }cr a Use Perrr; z fci bilk storace cr ar 'j zdoc% `"1''e- �RruQn MAYOR BERNDORF t ` Ear e COUNCIL LADY EURE I~cTe Depot was preseA`e a rim ei of ,ro bl er^s t',at Some of Ls feel ate -r c rtrar�, 1-o whiaz tie croffers were TY-e ' t-a ire -io: i p sore people s c-i:;irl� - !:�,cer ion} s zew r s o-- J-e land ir~ fro-,:: of t'e b-j-1 ira ac- ordin '�O L-e prr-ffers, et cetera " two ot'1er -nodif atl ~r s �I-eay �,a-re repeated'v a o'f is m � n �r 'a- t.1-P sales ir-ems ouz and t-,e`r "ia'r{' clut Bred =l it f ror't of the buildiro a Lot Sc : have Szatf loo in Wiz. tic -se profferie C:.' v Clerk was {1 it er^a �' to gez t1-ose criairial pronoscils and ,:�sff is ',cz-::�;=er =t , icl sc we -ray -- I wo id lice zo ,ia,, a two )-week deferral o- t,is} that we ,- -i k-a-e a c 1 ea r -a--ders !�andi -ibecause we re o=1- z "a -- to prebabiv add a ocpdaior- to this i- crder to olle-iaLe t-ie � r , "rs t'ia- w cilre eyoeri iced and -1-e pro-r-iscs taf I-ave beer mace carat na-e r'cr oeen Z;_1- f11 - o ()c, if 7)urc1i 4%-- 7 1 ��' � 14.; `?e-z sa :Ie --r w ,Rff zr 7 o of % z--s L : e:�-r zcc ,. c: i -r1 3r�-ne is-e r s } ises Ea ra -e f c R - I E MAYOR JONES ;firy dcn z� we cull it 0-en so voa ca- 1 it L ,at Virginia Beach Cxty Council March 11, 2003 00 p M CITY COUNCIL Me 'era E ire--d^r Val,rcr r a e V-- ce Ma-,Yor Loj:s F Jcnes a v s i d e Listr -- 4 Harr- 7� Die e WeTP-S e 1�p �--t t�ar�,aret � F-re Cer'--2 1=? e - l � r�.� Reba t' (--larar Pose L-al= - Dis--rig. 3 Richard ;k Ha id x Beach - Distr:�.- Jim peeve �:Iri-�r:ess L-re - L.lstr-c. Peter ChTl t A ---La_ Pcn V ' l arueva :-,arae R.-seTar-; WI--LS 0 ri At-Lar e James L '''cod Lvn n�-aver - .�1strict CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK{ STENOGRAPHIC REPORTED Ja` eS2 i P c re Le lie T .---e Rut`- Hodges f3ni �-, MM%'- VERBATIM Planning Appli ati.n of House Depot, USA i aAr__- "_ 1n MOM IV'Ir Ir"k I*AX,Vl v_.1 1.' e ne nome -.LEV o� 1t /A r * r � w Gpin 1485-06r1465 ZONING HISTORY 1 Modification of Proffers R- D Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) — Granted -2 -01 Conditional Use Permit (fuel sales) — Granted 9-2 -01 Change of Zoning R- D Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) — Granted6-22-99 Change of Zoning R- D Residential District to Conditional B- Community Business District) - Withdrawn5-28-96 Change of Zoning R- D Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) — Denied4-9-96 3 Change of Zoning R-D Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) —Granted7-14-98 4 Modification of Proffers —Granted 2-29-96 Change of Zoning (R-5D Residential District and 1-1 Light Industrial District to B-2 Community Business District) —Granted 7-11-95 //te�rr ; r'. 4. vo CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM The Home Depot D S A, Inc — Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background An Ordinance upon Application of The Home Depot U S A ,Inc for a Conditional Use Permit for a bulk storage yard at 2020 Lynnhaven Parkway (GPIN 14850614fi5) Parcel contains 13 93 acres DISTRICT 1 — CENTERVILLE The purpose of this request is to provide an outdoor area (bulk storage) for drive -through seasonal sales, adjacent to the existing garden center This item was deferred by the City Council on March 11, 20 ■ Considerations Thorn is an a «ting 110 9 079 square foot retail center and 22,453 square foot garden center on the property The site is currently zoned B-2 Community Business District The applicant is requesting to expand the outdoor garden center with a permanent enclosure (bulk storage area) of 68 feet by 148 feet on the southwest side of the site to accommodate seasonal sales This area will become a drive - through facility that will enable customers to pay and load merchandise directly into their vehicle at this location Architectural elements include a knee wall with a back facade to match the existing retail structure Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS) columns with prefmished metal caps will be spaced periodically with the same color scheme (beige) of the existing building A dark green vinyl coated chain link fence beginning at the top of the knee wall and reaching eight (8) feet in height will connect between the brick columns Staff has worked diligently with the applicant, and has, in Staff' opinion, found a design for this storage seasonal sales area that meets the needs of Horne Depot and satisfies the intent of the Retail Design provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance The proposal was modeled after a similar facility at the Horne Depot property on Virginia Beach Boulevard The Home Depot Page 2 of The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because this is a compatible addition to an existing use, will not impact parking, and will help prevent future inappropriate use of the parking area for seasonal display and sales Staff recommended approval There was no opposition to the request ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions The perimeter of the bulk storage area shall be limited to the 68 foot by 148 foot area depicted on the submitted plan entitled "The Home Depot, Princess Anne and Lynnhaven parkway for CASCO Corporation,„ prepared by Engineering services, Inc , dated April 15, 2002, and on file in the Department of Planning All materials for sale or materials being stored shall be contained within the specified area There shall be no materials or merchandi a in the adjacent parking spaces} parking lot drive aisles, or parking lot landscape islands 2 The perimeter of the storage area shall be fenced as shown on the submitted color rendering entitled "The Home Depot, Princess Anne Lynnhaen Parkway, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Store No ," prepared by CASC , and on file in the Department of Planning The perimeter of the area shall be landscaped as indicated on the plan described above in Conditions 1 and 2 In the event that the existing vegetation along the southwest fence line is adversely impacted during construction or becomes sparse, evergreen shrubs such as war myrtles shall be installed at six foot on center the entire length of the fence line There shall be no signge installed within the area, on the fence, or immediately adjacent to the area other than professionally prepared traffic control signs Hand -lettered signs shall not be utilized Since the March 11, 2003 meeting, the following two conditions have been added in response to concerns raised with the applicant 5 Leyland cypress trees (four foot high and 6 foot apart at planting) shall be planted on the back edge of the existing berm from the southeast corner of the building, along Princess Anne Road to the southeast and then along the southern property line to the existing wait on the southern property line There shall be no display or storage of merchandise beyond the sidewalk along the front of the building or in the area behind the building 0 Attachments The Home Depot Page 3 of 3 Staff Refer Disclosure Statement Planning Commission sion minutes Location Map Recommended Acton Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommend approval Submitting Department/Agency City Manager 1C , n Ik Planning Departmen r THE HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. / Z#123:] February 12, 2003 General Information: APPLICATION NUMBER F10-210-CUP-2002 REQUEST A Conditional Use Permit to construct an outdoor bulk storage area ADDRESS 2020 Lynnhaven Parkway �Y ` Q. ` PD— k - J + o �� Q JO r 1 d �-- _ B r p 1 n 14 ) -0 --l4f; 5 GPIGPIN 14850614650000 ELECTION DISTRICT #1 — CE 1TERVILLE SITE SIZE 13 93 acres Planning Commission enda February 12, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U S A , INC # 2 �-...�..� Page 1 STAFF PLANNER Carolyn A K Smith PURPOSE To provide are outdoor area (bulk storage) for drive -through seasonal sales, adjacent to the existing garden center Major Issues: • Degree to which the proposal is consistent with the Conditional Zoning Agreement approved by City Council in June, 1999 Degree to which the proposal complies with the retail design provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existina Land Use and Zon�n There is an existing 110,079 square foot home center and 22,453 square foot garden center on the property The site is currently zoned R-2 Community Business District Surrounding Land Use and Zonin North 0 Intersection of Princess Anne Road and Lynnhaven Parkway, fuel sales and mixed retfl center B-2 Community Business District South 0 Drug store, undeveloped panel Conditional -2 Community r Business District, R- D Residential District East Single-family dwellings PD-H I Planned Unit Development Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U S A, INC 3 Page West Fixed retail center Conditional B-2 Community Business District Zoning Histor In June of 1999, the City Council approved a request to rezone a total of 19 01 acres to Conditional B-2 Community Business District for the development of 13 acres as a 110,079 square foot borne center and 22,453 square foot garden center A request was previously denied for a similar commercial designation in April 1996 On February 29, 1996, the City Council approved a rezoning request from I-1 Light Industrial District and - D Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business Distract on property located across L rnnhaven Parkway In 1981, a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a church on the subject site was approved Aar Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICLIZ) The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics There are no significant natural resources on this site as it is fully developed Public Facilities and Services Transportation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Lynnhaven Parkway is a four (4) lane divided roadway as indicated on the Master Transportation Plan No further upgrade of this roadway in the vicinity of this site is planned Princess Anne Road as an eight (8) lane divided roadway as indicated on the Master Transportation Plan No further upgrade of this facility in the vicinity of this site is planned Traffic calculations Street Name Present Present I Generated Traffic � � volume Ca act � 27 000 17 300 — Lynnhaven Parkway + ApT' i 31 700 ADT' i Existing Land Use 2— 4 638 ADT i Princess Anne Road � 45 OOQ�34 940 �� 3 � ADT' 64 260 ADT , Proposed Land Use — 4 638 ADT , Average Daily Taps Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U s A , INC 2 Page as defined by 132 523 square feet of retail 3 as defined by adding proposed facility— no change expected Public Safely Police Adequate — no further comments Fire and Adequate — no further comments Rescue Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map recommends this site for retail, service, office, and other compatible uses serving surrounding neighborhoods and communities Summary of Proposal Proposal • The applicant is requesting to expand the outdoor garden center with a permanent enclosure (bulk storage area) of 68 feet by 148 feet on the southwest side of the site to accommodate seasonal sales This area will become a drive -through facility that will enable customers to pay and load merchandise directly into their vehicle at this location Site Design The site plan depicts the existing 110 079 square foot home center, a 22,453 square foot garden center, and the proposed 10,200 square foot bulk storage area and associated parting • The proposed 69 foot by 148 foot enclosure with a concrete base will b located adjacent to the garden center on the southwest side of the property 0 The existing asphalt pavement will be removed and replaced with concrete • A total of 29 panting spaces will be removed The total number of spaces required for the home center (551) the garden center (23) and the new X Planning commission Agenda February 1, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U s A , INC Page 4 enclosure/bulk storage area (10) are 584 The submitted plan depicts 584 parking spaces Vehicular and Pedestrian Access • Access to the site is provided off of a private drive that connects directly to a signalized intersection shared with the large commercial retail tract across Lnnhaven Parkway Access into the enclosed area will be through a gate on either end as customer will be able to drive through the facility Pedestrian access on the site appears to be adequate Architectural Design • A knee wall is proposed with a brick facade to match the existing home center structure Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS) columns with prefirnshed metal caps will be spaced periodically (interval distance unknown) with the same color scheme {beige} of the existing building A dark green vinyl coated chain Ink fence beginning at the top of the knee wall and reaching eight (8) feet in height will connect between the brick columns Landscape and Open Space Design • Three (3) shrubs are depicted m a tour (4) foot wide by fifteen (15) toot long elevated planter Existing vegetation will remain along the southwest fence/wall Mire Evaluation of Request The requested Conditional Use Permit for an outdoor storage area is acceptable and is recommended for approval The proposal is consistent with the proffers approved in 1999 and with the retail design provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) Planning commission Agenda February 12, 20 THE HOME DEPOT U s A , INC 2 Page The provisions of the CZO regulating retail establishments and shopping centers note as one of the `findings of fact' and `intent' (section 2 3) for the ordinance that Because the visibility of retail establishments depends in large part upon high visibility from public streets and location in busy areas of the city, their building and site design has an especiafly significant impact upon the character and attractiveness of the city in general and its streetscape in particular The section further notes that The protection and enhancement of the positive aesthetic q alttres of the city, including its commercially iall developed areas, has a direct and substantial bearing upon its continued economic vitality s noted by the Virginia General Assembly, the Visual environment confronted by individuals in their daily routines has a profound effect on personal attitudes and productive capacities The provisions of the retail and shopping centers portion of the Zoning Ordinance that address outside display and storage areas (Section 245(e)(1)? were specifically included in the ordinance to encourage the location of these types of facilities as part of the primary building complex, outside of the primary parking area Areas such as this storage and display site that may normally accompany a retail use like the Home Depot are more appropriately located in the rear or along the side of the main building Staff has worked with the applicant and has, in staffs opinion, found a design for this storage seasonal sales area that meets the needs of Home Depot and satisfies the intent of the Retail Design provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance The proposal was modeled after a similar facility at the Horne Depot property on Virginia Beach Boulevard Approval of this Conditional Use Permit is recommended subject to the following conditions Conditions 1 The perimeter of the bulk storage area shall be limited to the 68 foot by 148 foot area depicted on the submitted plan entitled "The Horne Depot, Princess Anne and L nnhaven parkway for CASCO Corporation,H prepared by Engineering Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U s A I INC 2 Page Services, Inc , dated April 15, Zoo, and on file in the Department of Planning All materials for sale or materials being stored shall be contained within the specified area There shall be no materials or rnerchandi a in the adjacent parking spaces, parking lot drive aisles, or parking lot landscape islands The perimeter of the storage area shall be fenced as shown on the submitted color rendering entitled "The Horne Depot, Princess Anne & LynnhaVen Parkway, Virginia Beach, Virginia, More No 46269:r prepared by C SC , and on file in the Department of Planning The perimeter of the area shall he landscaped as indicated on the plan described above in Conditions 1 and 2 In the event that the existing vegetation along the southwest fence line is adversely impacted during construction or becomes sparse, evergreen shrubs such as way myrtles shall be installed at sac foot on center the entire length of the fence line There shall be no signage installed within the area, on the fence, or immediately adjacent to the area other than professionally prepared traffic control signs Hand -lettered signs shall not be utilized NOTE Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances The site plan submitted with this conditional use permit may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordnance for further information Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U S A � INC I # 23 Page 16 Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 THE HONE DEPOT U S A , INC 2 Page r O w� i� W_ . IE4 Planning Commission Agenda si February 1, 2003 THE HOME DEPOT U S A , INC # 23 Page 9 APPLICATION PAGE 4 OF 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT cof vtRcnvrA BEACH DISCLOSURE STATEAMNT AppH is Name M Home 1hpoe USA List Ail Currem Property rncra r he Home Dot USA ]?Pt CLsi}E If the prop" owncr is a CORPORATION list all officers af the Corpmrabon below (Arrach list rf n4scess President Roban g arde Senior Me Preside . MkA pofe Trw9urer carob To)ra Seemmy wee SwUh 1fthe prapeny owner is a PART UUMP FIRM or othw UNINCORPORATED ORGANLEA770M list all members or pxtxxs in the orpn=tma below Vl ach 1W Ynecessary) I 13 Cbeck heap if the proper owe is NOT a corporation, parmonhip fat% ar of a unirworponted orpn=tham If the appimemi is +got dw chwertt owner off wxVeft the Disda ere ucdeov be&w APPLjcA,N-T DISCLOSURE It the apply nt is a CORPORATION bat all o ccrs of [he Corpo non below (Attach Ast if mem5ary) PresideW Rokerr Nard i Senior Ree Praft&1d Mike i oRp 11�rqukmr Caro[ Tome SmyInwrr Lawrence A Ir lhe appli-ant Ls a PARMRSW P33k , or other UNMORMRAUD ORGAINIZATION ]at all mcraaban or pamcrs can ft orgwuman Wow (Attach fat fie ary) Check hem if dx applu=U is NOT a corpomon, xrnt ar otlm imi orpamied vigantratlaa R WICA' ION I cerafytkirr the Inn `ar err cawwzmed hav= is Mw and accurate. 5qnacucs Pnnt ame Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 23 THE HOME DEPOT U S A , INC 1 # 23 Page 11 Item # 3 The Home Depot USA. Inc Conditional Use Permit .1.020 L nnha�-en arkwa Disci lct 1 enterN-1111. February 1 0 3 CONSENT Charlie Salle Next item is Item , Horne Depot USA Arid, that s are application for a Conditional Use Pernut for a bulk storage v rd at 2020 Lynnhaven Parkwav and there are four coridition s attached to this appiication Rand{ Ro al I think you were telling rune we ve got opposition' Robert Miller ler Yes It s you I jut wanted to correct somebody today so Dandy I picked on you Ran& Ro �a) You got rile Randy Roval. not for the opposition, representing Hone Depot and we te agreeable with all the conditions Charlie Salle' okay Thank You Robert Miller Sorry Charlie Salle Is there anv opposition to this applieatlon" Alright Therefore I would more that we adopt the Consent agenda eonsi tino of item � with tour conditions Donald Ripley r So the motion has been made bv Chai lie to accept the item that he has listed for consent appro� al Do I have a second') Seconded by Kath'y Kat ias I Ve asked Gene to comment on the balance of the consent item% Eugene Crabtree Number 23, Donne Depot 1%� takinu some of the part xncr spaces on the south ide of their garden center and enclo ina. it into an area where vou Could have a drive thru gales and piLk tip area We thought it was a good uke for that particular area and an e pans -ion to Home Dt pot and the elimination of the parkinar space \�.-ou}d not impact on the total parking regUffernent toi that partieulai laird so once again we thought that wa .a good reason to consent it Ronald Ripley r Thank you Gene Motion has been made It has properly heen eLonded So I think we re read{ to vote AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT ANDERSON AYE Item #3 The Dome Depot USA Inc Page ' ABTREE AYE DIN AYE H RSLEY AYE IAA TSIAS AYE KNIGHT FILLER AYE RIPLEY AYE SALLE' AYE STRANGE AYE OD Ronald ld ipley By a vote of 9- , the motion passes ABSENT ABSENT , .. .�. T' A &VPIN vb% Tb jaqjt(v i �7 • AKogers Arr fi it " i LA fig' cj is "Bill jr �- --r -.ff, -2 . - - C? - tj C4- !� :.- } + 7aS Ir �rro r� Gpin —See Application ZONING HISTORY There is no zoning history to report in this area CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Guy R Rogers —Subdivision Variance MEETING DATE March h25,2003 ■ Background Appeal to Decision of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for Guy R Rogers Property is located at 101 Thalia Drive (GPIN 1 o o , 1 o o, 1 r o 2, 1 o 1, 1 g 3 DISTRICT 5 — LYNNHAVEN s Considerations It is the intent of the applicant to resubdivide the existing site to create three new lots Proposed Lets -1 and -2 meet all requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance Proposed Let A-3 is a flag lot that will not meet the let width requirement It is recognized that the subject site is a large piece of property compared to the surrounding home sites and that because of it's unusual shape and physical characteristics, it is difficult to develop into standard home sites The applicant is proposing to resubdivide the property into three lots, two that will meet all requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and one flag lot with a 1 -foot stern In total, there will be only three houses built on 2 87 acres The proposed subdivision will not detract from the neighborhood character and will not be a situation that is recurring in nature due to the unique characteristics of the subject property There was opposition to the proposal 0 Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded mote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions 1 Any new residence built on Parcel A-3 must be looted within Zoo feet of Thalia Dave 2 The existing garage on Parcel A-3 shall not be used as a residence and shard be demolished prior to the issuance of a building permit for a residential dwelling on said parcel Guar Rogers Page 2 of 2 ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended mmended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submiffing DepartmentlAgency City Manager 4q n V... i Planning Department �N Fs&� 7 GUY R. RO ERS/ # 22 February 1, 2003 General Information: APPLICATION F06-210-SVR-2002 NUMBER REQUEST Subdivision Variance to Section 4 4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance ADDRESS GPIN ELECTION DISTRICT 4101 Thalia Drive turpin - ,3ee Aippitcanon 1487088068,,1487078870y 1487077962,1487077612p 1487079834 — LNNHEN Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 GUY R R GERS 2 Page 1 SITE SIZE 124,986 square feet STAFF PLANNER Barbara Duce APPLICATION This request was deferred by the Planning Commission at the HISTORY applicant's request on December 11, 2002 Major Issues: Presence of a hardship justifying the variance to the requirements of the Subdivision ordinance How the proposed inf ill lots relate to the established residential neighborhood surrounding the site Site Plan / Preliminary Plat: Existing Lot As shown to the right, the subject site is made up of fire parcels There are two large parcels that front on Thalia Drive Parcel 1 fronting n Thalia Drive contains approximately 12,000 square feet and meets all requirements of the zoning ordinance Parcel 1A fronting on Thalia Drive contains approximately 2 4 acres The three smaller parcels are land locked and do not have any direct access to the public street nor are they in conformance with the minimum lot area requirements of the R-7 5 Residential District These parcels are in the back portion of the property and are not considered independent building sites The approximate lot sees for the three small parcels are 4,900 square feet (Parcel A)t 21100 square feet (Parcel A) and 2,o o square feet for Parcel 1 oA Proposed Lots It is the intent of the applicant to resubdi rde the existing parcels to create three new lots as shown below Proposed Lots -1 and -2 meet all requirements of the city Zoning Ordinance Proposed Lot A-3 is a flag lot that will not meet the _ f ib'' o R ,., _ of Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 GUY R ROGERS/# 2 Page 2 lot width requirement as indicated in the table below Eleguired Lot A-1 Lot Ac-2 Lot A-1 I I Lot Width in feet 75 feet 89 59 feet; 87 95 feet 15 feet* Lot Area in square feet , o0 101 1 16,752 , *arcane required _ Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics Existing Land Use and Zo _r �n There are two structures existing on the subject site There is a two story single family home on existing Parcel 1 fronting on Thalia Drive Behind this home, there i a two stony brick and frame garage apartment building located on existing Parcel 1 A The subject site is zoned R- Reidential District The proposed subdivision plat shows that the two existing structures will remain on separate lots The two story single family home will remain on proposed Parcel A-1 and the to story garage apartment building will remain n proposed Parcel A-3 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Oro { y4 y IMF IMP wpm Jim L r� ' 4Mr r t �R t I M an i MuY r3! North 0 Immediately north of the site is Thalia Drive On the north side of Thalia Drive there are single- family homes R- o Residential District South a Single-family homes R-7 5 Residential District East 0 Single-family home R-7 5 Residential District West • Single-family homes R-7 5 Residential District Planning Commission n erra February 12, 2003 GUY R ROGERS 2 Page Zonina History The subject site is located in the neighborhood known as Thalia Manor, which was developed in the 1 o's The neighborhood is zoned R-7 5 Residential District There have been no requests for reonings or subdivision variances in the area surrounding this property and shown on the zoning history map The majority of the home sites within the neighborhood are larger than the minimum let size of 7,500 square feet Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics There is a large ditch that runs along the entire eastern boundary of the subject site public drainage easement measuring between 20 feet and 50 feet in width is platted over the ditch There 1s no tidal influence in the ditch and the ditch is not considered feature under the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance There is a 1 o foot pride sanitary sewer easement that crosses east to west through the property between the two existing buildings The back portion of the property is wooded Public Facilities and Services Water There is an 8 inch water main in Thalia Drive Site has an existing inch meter which may be utilized for one of the new lots Additional meters will be required for other lots Sewer There is an 6 inch sanitary sewer force main and an 8 inch sanitary sewer gravity main to Thalia Drive There is an 8 inch sanitary sewer maim extending east from Bryan Lane through the property to Thalia Manor pump station PS 241 There is a 10 foot wide easement platted over this sewer main The existing dwelling is already connected to City sewer A private force main may be required to serve some or all of the new lots Planning Commission agenda February 1, 2003 GUY R F OGERS # 22 Page Firs Any structure built on this property must be within 200 feet of public street or provide an approved all-weather road surface for Fire Department access Comprehensive Plan The comprehensive Plan recognizes this area as a stable residential neighborhood and focuses on the need to protect the existing residential character of the Little Neck Planning Area It further states that land use and general design of infill development within established residential areas of Little Neck should be similar and consistent with the general character of the surrounding neighborhood Evaluation of Request Section 9 3 of the Subdivision ordinance states o variance shall be authorized by the Council unless it finds that A Strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship B The authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and the character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected C The problem involved is not of so general or recurring a nature as to make reasonably practicable the formulation of general regulations to be adopted as an amendment to the ordinance The hardship is created by the physical character of the property, including dimensions and topography, or by other extraordinary situation or condition of such property, or by the use or development of property immediately adjacent thereto Personal or self-inflicted hardship shall not be considered as grounds for the issuance of a variance E The hardship is created by the requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located at the time the variance is authorized whenever such variance pertains to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance incorporated by reference in this ordinance Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 GUY R ROG ERS 22 'age There have been no subdivision variances granted in the Thalia Manor neighborhood surrounding this site The majority of the home sites in this area are larger than the minimum lot size required by the underlying zoning district of R-7 5 Residential District Any subdivision variance request in this area should be carefully scrutinized to ensure that the resulting development does not set a negative precedent that could be repeated or disrupt the feeling of openness and order that are essential to this neighborhood's character The subject site was originally platted in Map Book 41 at Page 56 This plat shows that the largest parcel (existing Parcel 1 A Q 2 4 acres) on the subject site was created as a reserve site for sewage disposal systems for the dome sites surrounding it It was never the intention to develop Parcel 1 A into home sites The original purpose of Parcel 1 A is obsolete now due to public sewer improvements It is recognized that the subject site is a large piece of property compared to the surrounding home sites and that because of it's unusual shape and physical characteristics, it is difficult to develop into standard home sites The applicant i proposing to resubdivide the property into three lots, two that will meet all requirement of the Subdivision Ordinance and one flag lot with a 1 -foot stern In total, there will be only three houses built on 2 87 acres The proposed subdivision will not detract from the neighborhood character and will not be a situation that is recurring in nature due to the unique characteristics of the subject property Should this request be approved, the following condition should apply Conditions 1 Any new residence built on Parcel A-3 must be located within 200 feet of Thalia Drive NOTE [Upon granting of a subdivision variance, a final subdivision plat must be submitted to the Development Services Center for approval and recordation Further conditions may he required during the administration of a h able City Ordinances Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 GUY R ROGERS 2 Page t ow 'i slim ' XW } amM ,. �AV �. , 1 � a + 0 i win f3b69WC SrALf PV frrT r+r Mp ,sue Iw Pam ok Planning Commission Agenda Page APPLICATION PAGE 4 OF 4 V1%0N VARIANCE M- OF BEACH I S DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Appliumt's Marne uy o rs -- - - - - __ List AH Curren Property OwnerR Reign r � I S PROPERTY OWNER MSCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORYORATION list all officer's of he orpUa(ion below ( 'tack 11u ff, re-rsam) S S I - If the property awner i5 a PARTNEMRIP FIRM or other U-NINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all m=bm or pwcneas in the organizanon below Wfa(-h list if necessary) , S S �} : JCh e k here if LhC property o%mer is N OT a corporauon pannerih ip firm or othcr unincorporated S �i-rti!«a�c�r If the app1wani is riot th a curront awner ref the propoM camplete the App Wan f Di3closure feeno r below r PP`L,ir -vw INSCLOSURE If the applicant « a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below i A-iarh I'si if ne- essar v f ' I I If the applicant is a P R TNERSMP FIXM or other UNINCORPORATED 0111GANUATION list aU members or partners in the organization Wow (Arach list if neeessar ) �eLk hire if laic applicant is NOT a corprat pannersh�p firm or otter urn&ncorporate -)rgAnlZat"01 CERWICATION I cerdfy that the informargon consamed herein is true and accurate 72 : Signature CU.; K Print Na= Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 GUY R R GERS 2 Page Item # Guy F Rogers Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers 101 Thalia Drive District Lynnhaven February 1 oo { REGULAR Robert Miller The next item is Item #22 Guy R Rogers Eddie Bourdon Thank you Mr Chairman members oftheComm-it n again my name is Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attorney representing Mr Rogers., # who is here today This is really a pretty simple application but because there s been some history there may have been some misunderstanding at some point Within the last week aetuallv a little more than a week I have h id conversation with the president of the civic league who put out an email to everyone explaining what was being sought because there was some mI Information and I hoped to be at the civic league meeting but I warn t able to get the date and the time so there was fault there for infoiMation not being exactly accurate Stephen If YOU Could put the map up that shows the plan itself That one One of the things that I think caused some confusion is the piece of property is currently a total of five Pa-rtelq but thev re not developable The previous owner Mr Pulley had divided up this larger piece and sold oft some small parcels that were added to the back of other people Thee are the leftovers that weren't sold off` but some of these pieces had been sold off and added to other people s lots which is why we have this tunny configuration But, as you can see there s a piece here a piece here a piece bere and another piece here, and this one and this was one So what we re doing i cleaning up that situation and out of all of this we will have a total of three lots one of the three being the lot of which the existing re ident the Pulley who lived there foi decades their house i on this lot which was already a lot The rest of these little pieces are all put back into one The subdivision varianLe is for one lot for one house The flag lot, the lot' over two acres in size on it there is todav a Very large garage bam work hop where that i located is where the new home on this one home one lot will be built This will be torn down and there will be a house built there The other lot shown on here 1Q. a lot that conforms and exceeds the requirements of the zoning category by a significant amount in every way Both thy. lots on Thalia Drive are wider than are required and Luger than required by a good IMOUnt under the zoning on the propert�f Today a di iv ��fay, i basically in thiss area here that erve� this very large barn garage that will be turned into a house That drivewav will be taken out The driveway to this house that we built here for this entire panel will be between the existing residence and the residence to be built Both of the homes, the one to be built here and the one to be built hexe on the conforming lot will be roughly 21oo square feet of living irea plus garage Thee will be two story homes Witli brick as the predominant or povsible ill of the exterior and an +thing different than that or in addition to that will be accents, possibly vinyl cedar accent; The price points on the two homes which will be built and sold will be S250 000 and above The Item #22 Guy R Rogers Page existing residence on this lot will be after these homes are built and sold will be renovated and will be sold as well They will all be owner occupied The area bank here will Y emain as it is Obviously someone buying the property may clear out some of the brush of whatever but there will no homes or anything like that will be built back in this area of the lot The conditions as recommended by staff that the house to be built on this one flag lot for which the variance is, sought, will be in this area i e within 200 feet of Thalia Driie is acceptable to us That s exactly where we intended to build the one house on the one flcy lot that s being sought 111 be happy to answer any questions f have talked to a number of people in the neighborhood who called because my number was given out and to a person everyone of them once they understood what would be sought and have been eery pleased and supportive At one point there was a contract on the property where the developer was going to piped that large ditch and put in a road and develop a number of lots, four or five but. that was determined not to be feasible and when this application for Mr Rogers was initially filed a few months ago we had doing two flag lots with two houses one house here and one back here That has been dropped There's no application to do that This will not permit that So you just get one flag lot and over two acres in size with one house to be built where the existing garaebarn i located Ronald Ripley Thank you Mi Bourdon Does anybody have any questions ofhim9 Josef h Strange I got jut one question The house on Lot A3 is that going to be facing Lot A-. there, that dri ewav coming in there Eddie Bourdon The driveway now 1 going to be here and it's probably going to be similar to ways It configured here It might be slightly tilted to face more in this direction but 1t s going to be pretty much the same otientation as the garage that s there now It won't be directly looking at the back of this house Ronald Ripley Anybody else speaking in favor' Eddie Bourdon fir Rogers is here Ronald Ripley okay opposition' Robert hiller Gary Baskin Gary Baskin Good afternoon My name is G i y Baskin I live at o Lynn Shores Drive, which as the crow flies it's about two lots away Lynn Shore, I m on the north side of Thalia Drive I'm the second lot up Robert Miller Can you show us on the neap where it is Gaiv Baskin okay Item #2 GL]y R Rogers Page Robert Diller Use that pointer if you want Gary Baskin May Robert miller Just don t shoot us Gary Baskin I think Lvnn Shores on this lot right there It's oft the map right there, second from the corner I ve lived there 20 years My thoughts on this and I m very happy to see the proposal was amended as it was originally planned I think there was quite a bit of opposition But to tally about the reality ofwhat we have now Mv concern is the garage that is on that property and I think this might be a good opportunity to deal with that First of all I would ask that as a condition approving this you have that structure torn down My reasons for that are three First of all the actual maps seems to show that there s a 10 foot drainage sanitary sewer easement and it looks like the building encroaches on that as It is now How it was built I don t know As I said, I ve been there 2.0 years and it precedes me, but it looks like it's not properly oriented as 1t is now The second thing is of course council has stated that it's cromer to be torn down to be a new structure So the third thing is my concern 1s that som bod f could buy this parcel A3 and use it to park a lot of equipment 1n there It s a huge garage A contractor landscaper a developer a plumber, electrician anvbody would love that garage to store huge equipment in it I don t want Co see that I think you guys have the power to li nate that structure and hopefully when the new structure is built in there it will look much more attractive then what is there now So, for those three reasons I would ask that you condition this approval of the flag lot A3 on the removal of that structure Ronald Ripley okav I believe the structure and I think he did say he was going to tear it down You're con ei-ned about the intro whether or not something else woUld he used I think our zoning laws if I understand them correctly prohibit anv kind of obnoxious use a you described being used in a residential zone like that Is there something going on there now that crives you the cause to w•orry In G, r f Baskin well and this is a matter of the past Over the years several re jdents have suspected that garage b � the way+ in the material described a a garage apartment and that word may have significance because have suspected that it s been used by the ton ner owner I m not talking about the present one Mr Rogers But as the residence but may its, tempor r r by members who stand by what happened I for one have thought that on occasion and others in the neighborhood have expressed that to me also Nobody s ever done anything about it And, there's, no need to at this point But, I don't want to see that be perpetuated Ronald Ripley well, I think if you found an obnoxious use and it you call Mr Scott' Department I think you would find action taken to stop if it was not in beeping with the ordinance Any I wrong on that' Item # Guy R Rogers Page Robert Scott A11 of those potential uses that the speaker has ticked off first of all they are all legitimate conceins But, they're all against the zoning ordinance Arid, we would take corrective action to et any. of them out of there it they were in there, anv kind of contractor, vehicles and{thing It's illegal to have them in a residential district We can get them out of there Gary Baskin You mean if they were stored in side that building" That would be illegal in a right by ltselP Robert Scott Yes And if you ever think that s happening or know that it's happening, take Mr Riplev s advise and give us a call and we 11 get it taken care of for you Garry Baskin okav Nevertheless this building and you've seen pictures of it It s not at in beeping with the neighborhood It we could get rid of that rather than running the risk f having somebodv ruining and deciding that would be a nice great place to store his antique cars or whatever And, there are legitimate uses for that obviously And it's a big building and it would be expensive to replicate that kind of square footage for storage or a big workshop So, y thought would be you know. . this i n opportunity to get Yid of a structure that is not in keeping and it s conducive and fits with what council representativesrepre%entatives said what was going to be clone anyway So that would be nay ugge tion to you Ronald Ripley okay Thank you eery much Gary Laskin Thank you Robert Miller Next speaker is John Van Name John Van Name Mr Chairman, members of the Conunismon Thank you for the opportunity My name is John Van Name I life at 529 Harrell Lane which is right there I'm eery familiar with that ditch between the two properties and running down this way And, my main concern is with the access for emergence Vehicles fire emergency, medical technicians that may need to back in there in the future The elevation of that ditch on the other side of the property behind mine is bit above my property. It seeMs to r1ne to be a treacherous situation that you alwary I rn afiald that somebody i going to tall in there if there s any vehiLles There have been some vehicles in the past going back and forth in there that are going to wind up 1n that ditch And, my concern with the potential building here i going to be the proximately of that driveway at it loops around and how t..loe it ina' get to that ditch And, again maybe introducing a treacherous ituation for emergencv vehicles that may need to respond hack there in the tuture Ronald Ripley Okay. Any other questions Donald Horsley I thoclght that staff had said this morning that the house would be built within oo feet of the main street bec fuse of that Item #22 Guy R Rogers Page 5 Robert Miller He's talking about the driveway Jahn Van Name F m talking about the drivew+a r If ou could back t that larger drawing there you go The driveway is going to go back there between the two lots and somehow snake back around towards the house and the ditch, and like I said, I'm living here and I know the ditch runs down this way and I ran concerned that if the driveway is in too close a proximately{ to that ditch it s a deep ditch I've seen it flood in the past that we could have a problem with some emergencv Vehicles being upside down in the ditch one night Ronald Ripley Is that dotted line the edge of the ditch' John Van Name F rn not sure where the ditch runs Ronald Ripley It s the easement itself John Van Name But I know the ditch runs right behind my property and my neighbor property, right through there Donald Ripley okay Thank you John Van Name me Thank you John Vain Marne Thank you Very much Robert Miller Next speaker is Edward Taylor Edward Taylor Good afternoon I Ve been a resident there for about 1 years I live on the corner of Thalia and Bryan Dane That corner piece and what I opposing is the eac;eme nt that he wants to put to get the A3 That easement right there there s really not the room for it You got to drive behind the road and not really{ looking at here You re going to have to drive behind five houses to get to that one house The one he's going to build There s one can the other lode and one there and ray house that house and another house All five of there houses vou re going to have to drive behind to get to that house The neighborhood has been these for 46 years That is when it was first built And there s not an area on there that has an easement that you got to drive behind people house to get to our house Now all of us when we leave here today we Cyo home to our livelihood I know this guy' He s an entrepreneur I under stand that I m for entrepreneur but not at the livelihood of our residents When you leave here today and YOU go home you go home to your family That s when we get our peace You know what I m ing" And, he's going to put an easement down there 4so he can drive to our backyardbackyardc, Now. I don t see that Now. it {ou re going to put a It r road 1n there which the City won t want no ditches no drain-ige ditches for the man you re going to gut hire an eavenient in then. to do that' I don't see that I see mivbe Lot 2A going as a full lot mavbe v u can gLice e house in there n the map it looks big but there hardly room Item #2.2 Guy{ Rogers Page for that You see whir it long here becaucse he couldn t o any other way And, the ditch that everybody keeps talking about that so much i n t really{ a ditch It s tidal watel That s tidal water there I'm not a PETA person I kind of hunt myself but what I see happening there even the ducks come up in there I m talking about that right now Thev wine there and I see them get hit by the cars I mean you re going into tidal waiter You're taking everything away{ Without it happening they ought to put that A lot against that one IA lot that exists and the City ought to step up to the plate and make that open space Mr Pullev who owned it before that he blew his chance down here on the bottom here when he sold them two pieces on Edinburgh When he sold these two pieces on Edinburgh that cut his entrance off to put a road in there So, he did away with that when he sold to the neighbor down the road sold the backsides He even shortened his lot Now VOLT got somebodv that hasn't even lived there Never even spent one night there and wants to come 1n here and build on top of 1t Just to turn a dollar He down t care about these residents He s not going to ever live there Don't care what he's going I don t see that I mean if Mr Puller were trving to something lire that a long time resident maybe would have some concern for his neighbors I could be a little tolerable What you got here you got someone trying to turn a dollar And I don t see it Turning a dollar off the price of our livelihood And, taking away from our neighborhood That Q. a good neighborhood I learned at the civic league what his intentions were He said to us that he had no intention of renting there You don t have to worry about rent well first thinor I seen when I drove ovei here today went by the fiat house that Mr Pullev owned it said for rent' right on the front of it So I mean what was that printed in the civic league letter foi saving that he had no intention of renting I already yaw a rental sign You can di ive by oft Four way off this job today{ and you can see the for rent sign on it I saw it today And I jta t think he s got a good plain with the lot 2A I don t object to that at all But. that 3 A you re driving behind five people's houses to get to that There s no plane in that neighborhood like that There's just no place The next thing hat you going to want a flyover bridge over people's houses to get to your land I just don t see it He knew that would be a problem when he bought it Mr Pulley knew it when he sold it to him This is nothing new This just didn't happen to the man Thee knew this was going to come about I sorry I just can't see it I hope you all see it like I see it I mean we all cro home to livehhood Don t take that away from these residents here in Thalia That s all that I ask Thank you Ronald Riplev Thank you very much Any questions -I Thank you Robert Miller w F Stephens err F Stephens Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen mar name is woody Stephens I live down ,tream of this property I was surprised to see on the agenda that this property does not fall under the Chesapeake Pie ervation ordinance The ditch that s been Mentioned is an essentially an old creep bed which has been chnnelid It runs down to Thalia Drive and under Thalia Di ive and is in essenLe the terminal end of a bran(.h of Buchanan Creek My ton ern i that I live on Glen road which backs up to the creek I and iuy neighbors have spent ten of thousands of dollars to have this creek dredged Item #21 Guy R Rogers Page 7 Before that it was a navigable except at e trem lv hic7h tide I think it S increased our property values and the property values of the people that did not participate in the dredging Nov concern is with the development of this lot is the (siltation of the creek as a result of the con trULtion And the additional run off that will he created This ditch i used essentially by the City as a vtorni sewer outfall and, heavy rainstorms, a lot of water from various neighborhoods into this one creek and Larrying along the dirt from the streets, leaves litter and oil and drippings from the di iveways of the neighborhood There is no retention pond for this outtall So, any construction activity on this lot during rainstorms will cause dirt and debris to wash in and till in this channel Many people have borrowed money to have this dredged I know they can put up silt fences when thev do the construction but silt fenceis are not 100 percent effective They are pint in incorrectly Thev re not maintained Thee get damaged And you can go around to variou construction sites and see the results of hove effective thev are a#ter a he vv rainstorm Now, I understand there are penalties for not maintaining silt fencing or other holding up waterways The only problem is Mr Rogers may be given a fine for this but the silt remains in the waterway Secondly. a concern is the runoff after the construction is done More water will run off naturally because the houses will prevent the water from soaking into the ground is much as, it normally would which is a problem in this neighborhood But, after the construction of these house% , the square footage will end up in this creel. Additionally where the garage is if the new building which exceeds the footprint of that garacrelbarn tr-m tore which is going to increase the runoff even more So, I don t what the solution is I mean the only solution that I can see to this is to deny the variance whether there's another solution that would be acceptable I jut don't know I certainly ask the Commission to take this into consideration when granting this Variance Donald Ripley Thank you from Rogers oh Mr Stephens I ni sorry w F Stephens It s my neighborhood but I' m not 'ir Rogers Ronald Ripley r I m sorry Mr Stephens, we 11 have the applicant ant address that when he corner up for rebutt(Il I think we have another speaker Roberti filler Stan K10 Stan Floc Mr Chairman, members of the Planning Commission This is a brand new experience me This is the first time that I ve ever addressed Planning Commission Primal dy my presence here is. beL au e we are concerned by this proposal You have man v tatement made about our position to the variance of thi v, ai ea And, I also feel the ramie wav I jotted down a few notes since I'm inexperienced in addressing a Committee like this so I'd like to read them to vou One I feet like it creates a negative precedent a it destroys the residential area of the openness Two It destroys the neighborhood character by shoe horning hordes between neighbors backyards Three It compromises the ?fro foot of drnance that is required for emergence vehicle ILcess for the eniergene vehicles such as fire department police department, marl trULks UPS deliveriet, and etc Item #22 Guy R Roger Page 8 Four It s not in character with the existing neighborhood surroundings The so-called large ditch that has been referred to and it shouldn t be overlooked Its significance should not be over looked because we already had one fatality in that ditch Aloe, over a number of years I have noted that each time we have a large storm crabs wash yip and other marine life 8o, therefore it is tidal It is not as misstated in the area history that this is primary a drainage ditch It may be used that way but it also serves as a tidal area when the water backs up The size ofthe ditch and its possible influence and probably habitability of the area should be considered Since, I ve alreadv mentioned that one fatality has taken place there I believe the other objection to this variance had been well stated by my neighbors And therefore I would J urt like to make my conclusion and request that the vari ince be disapproved as proposed Thank you Ronald l iplev Thank you very much Mr Bourdon do you wish to readdress) Eddie Bourdon Yes First of all, the existing structure, garagelbarnlapartment whatever you want to call it is and only slrghtiv smaller than the footprint of the house that will replace it And we certainly have no concern or objection to a condition that requires that before the houst, is built on this property whrc�h will be built here again within the 200 feet ofThalia Drive that would be torn doyen The existing driveway thdt CXICtS on the property that runs basically here and around to this structure will be replaced with a new driveway over and would come in here and come to the new house to be built here That drivewfav will be further away from the ditch, which runs along here and then runs back behind this house than the present driVCWdy that is there If you been to the site you've seen it It's a paved driveway that runs right acrost, here So, the new driveway will run here and to the house It will not be behind five people s home I don't know where one can conclude This area around this ditch is heavily vegetated trees etc and again, it s not going to change the character of what iN there we will have house built on a lot that is double the size as required in the zoning ordinance in terms of improvement I don t think there s much doubt that it will be an improvement The uggestion that Mr Rogers doesn't care about the neighborhood is absolute false e For that reason listening to concerns that was expressed and relayed to us that is why the house he is proposing to build are keeping in the character of the neighborhood This property will be sold The only reason why there is a temporary rental that ill take place i pretty logical and pretty obviou The value of the two homes that will be constructed will immediately exceed the value of the holes in the area not by a huge amount but with the market being what it is that will then provide the opportunity renovate thit, house and qsell the louse again, at a higher value and versus selling the house prior to building these two houses And, so it is merely a temporary situation with the Pulley+ resident prior to and it will be sold It'N not an attempt to be a rental property by any stretch of the imagination As tar as the drainage is concerned this is a large drainage e i ement It s a drainage way There are structures on either side This is not water front property across from this that the City maintains It is a drainage ditch When development occurs on these properties they will have to meet all the rty's current requirements for handling storin water, which didn t exist with the east majority of the homes in this area were built And it will be a conforming lot here again, which is Item #2.2 Guy R Rogers Page larger by a significant amount that is required The house well be built in this area and well have to have positive drainage and drainage out to Thalia Di ive What s there now will be slightly increased square footage of the footprint but again just slight And all of the remainder of this ama which is wooded and undeveloped will remain wooded and undeveloped So additional drainage will be put in here compared to the drainage that i corning through here today off of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Lori meicial development parking lots etc , that drain in this direction will not be effected There's obviously the opportunity to preserve if the City needed additional capacity{ for storage of torn water for that to take place in here If the City needed to acquire additional easement area for some type of BMP but we re not aware ofthere being inv Such need and we are certainly not with this eery small amount of development. creating any drainage problem or drainage issues of anv magnitude that can t easily be accommodated on the property by applying a current engineering standards for drainage And. I don t know if there were anv other issues that weie r i ed that you all would like to me to address that Ronald Ripley Can you address the width of the access there seems to be a concern with safety as far as getting in and out of A3 Eddie Bourdon The driveway and all services mail is delivered on Thalia Drive That is where the mailbox will be That's where the trash is going to be picked up It s just simply a driveway. Ronald Ripley what s the width of 0 Eddie Bourdon It s 15 feet wide It can be wider If you loot, both of these lots, this lots 85 feet wide, this one 1s 87 feet wide I believe and the requirement is only for 75 feet in width we made the dri ewav which is part of this lot at 15 feet in width And that only in this area less than Zoo feet from Thalia Drive, any type of emercrency vehicle can easily to 3t It s not anywhere near the ditch It s turthei. away from the ditch than the current driveway But it can be made wider if someone in public, safety believes that s an issue I frankly don t believe that to be the case Ronald Ripley So you got 15 feet" Eddie Bourdon Fifteen feet is what we show Ronald Ripley Is there any opportunity to around whatever house i built on A3 in order to mitigate any drainage runoff to incorporate any b v cape techniques it you will between the house and the ditch can we see that goes in on your site plan Eddie Bourdon Sure, if you want to put a condition in there It 1s pretty well vegetated now but there v.. some atea there where that i -t possibility where vou could do some landscape plantings between the house and the ditch That certainly can be done And, it can be done in the area that S, Currently paved with driveway behind where the house will Item #2.2 Guy R Roger;., Page to be built on Lot A2 That driveway is going to come out It does get close but it still real close to the ditch Donald Ripley And you said vou re willing to tear down the building Eddie Bourdon Yes sii Ronald l iplev What point would you do that-' Eddie Bourdon It would be torn down the time the building permit is issued to build a house we would net build a house on A3 without tearing down the garage apartment And, I frankly believe that will be done eery soon after the variance is approved by Council if it s approved by Council Because at this point its really a liability situation and it down t serve any purpose to remain Ronald Ripley okay I think Will has a question and then Joe Willia-m. Din Yeah Thank you Can you tell me how much of Lot A3 is actually tAeared and are there any other paths to the hack part of that lot-' I rnean I think somebody mentioned that vehicle access to the back part of it It, there access tack there or have vehicles been driven back in that area' Eddie Bourdon Again Mr Rogers has only owned the property for less than a year And, I have been to the property This is not real good This area in here IS cleared There are trees In this area but this is the clear part of the property There is a path and I didn t follow it all the way back where it does appear that at some point in time previous owner again, not Mr Rogers looks like some vehicles% have been driven lack here Just from being on the propertv It certainly looks like at some point in time for whatever reason someone had driven Now how far back down here it goes I know it went through into this area but if went further than that like I said, 1 didn't walk down there But it's dirt But it does appear, there are tracks where someone has driven a vehicle back there And again, in teams of some restriction that there be no type ot aLCessory structure built back in this area I think that presents a problem William Din The dotted lines there I think I can make out it say s. drainage easement in there Is that what that is I Eddie Bourdon That s the extent of the drainage easement that exists on the property And, again, the ditch is, in this area and it goes behind this houe here and I think at that point it goes over to Thalia William Din where are all the slopes we were all talking about here' Eddie Bourdon Thee are well within this area This is flat for some distance beyond the garage This i not a slope that come up to edge of the garage It flat in this area Item #2 2 Guy R Rogers Page 11 Probably to about to somewheie in this area is basically flat And, then from there it falls off It s a fairly steep hank ditch No denying that fact whatsoever But, it s not a situation where you got a lot of slope or anything Bice that other than when you get to the ditch itself William Din Okay Think ink u Ronald Ripley+ Joe Joseph Strange Eddie, would you address the eoncems that the opposition had that this mi ght be tidal eater back there Eddie Bourdon It all eventually after it goes under Thalia Drive and some of the houses a couple of blocks or a block and a half on either side the ex ntual outfall is the river but where, in other word, the structures between this and the river it's a ditch Now if you have ' orea ter and big blow you know then you may well have back up that conies in here But it s not a tidal stream by any{ stretch of the imagination But you may Very well have some it you have a significant enough storm event. some hack up wind blown etc that comes up in this area But it's a ditch and it drains a lame area including commercial on Virginia Beach Boulevard that drains through here It is a� major drainage fay for the City If you look at the neap, it's completely isolated in terms of not being connected to any body of water with streets and cul rert in between It is, a situation around the other side of the property vou got marshes and open water Ronald Ripley Any other questions9 Donald Horsley I have a question Ronald Ripley Yes Don Donald Horsley{ one speaker mentioned something about the driveway as an easement but the driveway belongs to Lot 3A right" Eddie Bow don That's right Donald Horsley That s deeded" Eddie Bourdon That s ricyht It s a flag lot and that s where the driveway will be here between the two houses Donald Hor l v The other one is it is a little bit irn leading because in our write up here we say that the two story single tardy house will remain on parcel Al and the two story garage apartment building will ieniain on proposed Al so it does say it will remain But, that will be torn down' You clan t care if it � put in as a condition" Item #2 Guy R Rogers Page 1 Eddie Bourdon N Joseph Strange I got one more question Ronald Ripley Yes Joe Joseph Strange Is the driveway that"s going back there now i it any wider than 1 teet`' Eddie Bourdon No Actually I don t think it is as wide as 15 feet It appea.is to me it probably about 1 feet wide Joseph StraEnge It w�ourldn t change the ability for fire and rescue to get back there? Eddie Bourdon No sir And again, that location down there I Lan understand I can truly appreciate the concern with the fart application we were talking about putting a house back here That would be in m�f estimation what generarlly concern I frankly don t see it being a concern with the house in this location It's within less than ? feet of the road And there's nothing that's going to have to cornr e back here in terms of City services again, other than a fire engine it there would to be a fire or an ambulance it there would to be an emergency Everything else is done at the road Ronald Ripley okay+ we still have one more question William Din one more Eddie Speaking of the back portion of that lot there the condition in here states that the residence will be built within Zoo feet of Thalia Drive Would there be anv problem with adding to that condition that no other structures will be bujlt back through that property Eddie Bourdon I guess I don t think so Unfortunately our definition of structures is so broad these days but the enclosed trellises and gazebos and something that mlght actually be a nice thing to have back there in that area But in terms of a habitual structure or a garage or something of that nature, than part wouldn't glee us anv heartburn Than i omething we can look on working on some voiding in terms I know where you want to go I don t think my client has any opposition to going in that direction William Din We o have another letter of opposition here and I think this resident lived off of Edinburg Drive which is on the other side, down on the bottom there And she really doesn't refer to any spetific objections other than the view I guet's I was just wondering you know, since You le not intending to remove anv of the trees or anything else rn that area just wanted to see it that was ar problem and you can Mork on it between now and Council Eddie Bourdon I think I can accommodate people because ive are truly trying to be the Item #22 Guy R Rogers Page 1 least disruptive in terms of change to the environment that they have behind their homes and that is what it reflects William Din Right Thank you Ronald Ripley okay Thank you very much Okay Any discussion on this application" Yes will you have a discussion' William Din I think the application looks like a good application Where is a flag lot there but I think we re trying to address all the concerns of re ident%% who live around the wooded areas here I don t see a lot of problem with the ditches or the way the flag lot i going to allow the residence to be built within 200 feet ofThalia Drive and the concerns about keeping the woods as an open space I think they can work on something between now and Council I think that would he amenable to everybodv its that area And 111 be glad to make a motion for approval of this Donald Ripley we have a Motion by M- r Din to approve Do I have a second RobertMiller Second Ronald Riplev Seconded by Bob Miller I think it's a logical use of the land too I think 1n fact that thl A3 is so large it will be open space Effectively, people will look out in the wood I can t imagine clearing it but I guess if someone ha that right, �ou know- the applicant has indicated that he would work with the CiLV in providing landscaping to avoid runott in addition to all other regulations that he'll have to adhere to and he s also agreeing to tear down the building at the stage of building peimit I that what you said`' okay I think it a logical use to I � parthi e with the neighbors Change always brings problems and we see that a lot here and we respect that but I think in all fairness to the applicant I think that fact that somebodv was trying to come in with four lotc, and vou got three here I think the staff putting that condition of the lot on A3 up to 200 feet of the road ensures that everything is going to he in one area I think it makes and I support it also Donald Horsley I didn t know if will wanted to put a condition that the building to be tarn down in there as a condition`' William Lein I don t have a problem with that but I think that is what he was proposing anywfav Robert Miller I agree Ronald Ripley Yes Charlie Charlie Salle' I ni going to support the application although I might have to ask Eddie I guess with the understanding that existing garage or whatever it i might b torn down, Item #22 Guy R Rogers Page 1 is there any problem with stating that it will not be used as a residence during this time or of it is being referred to as a garage/apartment`' It s been referred to a a garage Eddie Bourdon We would be happv to agree to a condition that it not be used a residence as it has not been since Mr Rogers acquired the property We have no objection that if there was some potential grandfather non-conforaung situation we abandon that and would be torn down before a building permit for a new home is issued on that lot Charlie Salle In the meantime it won t be used as a residence" And I guess that language can be worked out along the w+av to Cite Council Eddie Bourdon We 11 be glad to do that Ronald Ripley Yes Jan Janice Anderson I would just like to state that the subdivision variance is not something that is always done especially in an area like Thalia It's established and it s a eery nice neighborhood and vc u want to support that But to this ease with the uniqueness of the lot, the way it s set out the odd shape the link I believe it is appropi late in this one area to have a flaor lot I don t think it would be appropriate in other areas of Thalia and I wouldn't suggest that this wouldn t start a trend Ronald Riplev Okav Anybody else have any comments" " Yes Joe .Joseph Strange The only comment that I would like to make 1t seems like the only original building that s going to go up here is the one on Lot A2 which is, a conforming lot anyhow A house can be built there o there's not going to be any additional buildings And the next thing I d like to rime is the people who will be most effected b this Mould be the people 1n A 1, A2 and A3 which 1s to be deternuned by the market place f mean no one has actually bought these places vet So I think they{ would be the most effected as far as the aesthetics are concerned and it looks like the rest of it is going to iernain basiLally the same Ronald Ripley. Okay Can we call for this question then'' Kay Wilson n Mr Ripley we'le looking at two conditions The original condition that in the staff report and then one in regard to the demolition of the existing garage on A3 prior to the issuance of a building permit and pi for to that time it should not be used as a r idenLe" Ronald Riplev I believe that s correct Is that coirect Mr Din' You made the notion William i n Yes, that s correct Item #22 Guy R Rogers Page 1 Ronald Ripley So we re reader to vote NAY 0 ABS ANDERSON AYE CRABTI EE AYE DIN AYE H RSLEY AYE KA'TSIAS AYE KNIGHT MILLER AYE RIPEY AYE S LLE" AYE STRANGE AYE WOOD Ronald Ripley Byi Mote of 9-0 the motion passes Eddie Bourdon Thank you Mery much Ronald Ripley Thank you ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT Map l--1 rIt Ouarles PetroleuInc. -21 Co l �r r f _ rr � 1` 264 0 4Eo-2 —� JL 1 Y Y 2 1 Iff 9ep y 1 h� p#i# 14 7 -1851 ZONING HISTORY 1 Rezoning R-S 3 Residence -Suburban to III-1 General Industrial) Approved 12-9-63 2 Rezoning I-1 Light Industrial to AG-1 Agricultural) — Approved 1-12-93 Street Closure — Approved -11-9 Conditional Use Permit (Motel) --F Denied6-2-88 Street Closure — Approved -1- 1 Rezoning (R-5 Residential to -1 Office) — Approved 10- - 1 L Aq CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Quarles Petroleum, Inc —Change of Zoning District Classification Quarles Petroleum, Inc — Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE March 25,2003 0 Background n ordinance upon Application of Quarles Petroleum, Inc for a Chan of oninq District Classification from 0-2 office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District on the northwest corner of Wesley Drive and Potters Road (GPIN 1 21 1) The proposed zoning to Conditional 1-1 is for light industrial land use The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for retail, service, office and other compatible uses Marcel contains 36,285 48 square feet DISTRICT 6 — BEACH An Ordinance upon Application of Quarles Petroleum, Inc for a Conditional Use Permit for an automobile service station on the northwest corner of Wesley Drive and Potters Road (GPIN 1 49762185i) Parcel contains 36,285 48 square feet DISTRICT 6 —BEACH The purpose of the requests is to rezone the site from -2 office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to obtain a Conditional Use Permit to construct an unmanned fleet fueling facility 0 Considerations The property is undeveloped and is zoned -2 Office District The applicant proposes to rezone the site from 0-2 Office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to construct an unmanned fleet fuelling facility The proposed facility will only be available to contract business customers and not the general public The request to rezone this site from 0-2 office District to Conditional I - 1 Light Industrial District and to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for an automobile service station — fleet fueling facility is acceptable The proposed use complies with the Comprehensive Plan Map recommendations for the area, and i compatible with the surrounding uses and with N A S Oceana airfield operations The submitted rezoning exhibit site plan depicts extensive berming and landscaping that will effectively screen the use from the vier of the surrounding area Quarles Pertroleum Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission placed this stern on the consent agenda because the use is compatible with the surrounding area Staff recommended approval There was no opposition to the proposal E Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions 1 The only use permitted on the site shall be the unmanned fleet fueling facility, to be operated exclusively for fleet and business customers There shall be no retail sales to the general public 2 The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted site plan entitled "REZONING EXHIBIT FOR QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC ", prepared by NDI, L L C , dated 10-10-02, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning 3 The operator of the site shall supply a hazard mitigation kit for fuel spills on the site and an accessible telephone or notification system for emergency contact of the responsible party for site incidents such as fuel spills, faulty equipment or vehicular accidents All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected{ shaded and focused to direct light down on to the premises and any from adjoining property A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained from the Permits and Inspections Division of the Planning Department before the operation of the use on the site E Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting DepartmenVAgency City Manage 3� < q Planning Departr en {i �: QuARLES I -- 1 1 1 IN M I PETROLEUM, INC. / # 10 & 11 February 12, 2003 Genera[ information: APPLICATION 107-211-CRZ-2002 NUMBER 107-211-CUP-2002 REQUEST 10 change of Zoning District classification from -2 Office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District 11 conditional Use Permit for an Automobile Service Station ADDRESS RESS Property located on the northwest corner of Wesley Drive and Potters Road aries Petroleum Inc __2 ; �, r1-264 f GPIN 14976218510000 ELECTION DISTRICT 6 - BEACH Planning Commission Amend �t� � � February 1, 2003 UARLES PETROLEUM, INC / # 10 & 11 Page 1 SITE SIZE 36,285 48 square feet STAFF PLANNER Faith Christie PURPOSE To rezone the site from -2 Office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to obtain a Conditional Use Permit to construct n unmanned fleet fueling facility Mayor Issues: 0 Compatibility with the surrounding uses Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Lana Use and Zonrng The property is undeveloped and is zoned 0-2 Office District Surrounding Land Use and Zoning North 0 Wesley Drive o Across Wesley Drive is undeveloped property / 1-1 Light Industrial South 0 Potters Road Across Potters Road is undeveloped property East Wesley Drive Across Wesley Drive is undeveloped property 1-1 Light industrial West Offices -2 Office Planning Commission Agenda!JJ1 . February 12, 2003 UARLES PETROLEUM, INC 1# 10 & 11 Page Zonma and Land Use Statistics With Existing Any of the principal or conditional uses permitted in the Zoning -2 Office District such as business offices, child care centers, funeral homes, hospitals, housing for seniors, museums, private clubs, and schools With The submitted proffer agreement specifies the following Proposed uses to be alloyed on the property Zoning a Fueling facility (subject to a Conditional Use Permit), b Business, medical, financial, non-profit, professional and similar office buildings, c) Commercial parking lot, and d Public buildings and grounds While these uses are acceptable for the site, Staff rates that Proffer 1 of the proffer agreement states that the site shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "REZONING EXHIBIT FOR U RELS PETROLEUM, INC ", prepared by I' I, L L C , dated 1 -10-02 Therefore the only use permitted on the property will be the proposed fleet fueling facility If, in the future, the applicant or property earner wishes to use the property for any of the uses listed in the proffers, Proffer 1 will have to be removed r modified by the City Council Zoning History_ The site was rezoned from R-S 3 Residence Suburban to 1-1 1 General Industrial in 1968 With the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance in November 1973, the site was Zoned -1 Office From 1988 to the present, the site has been Zoned 0-2 Office District Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AICUZ of more than 75d6 Ldn and an Aircraft Accident Potential Zone (APZ-1) surrounding NAS Oceans The United States Navy reviewed the proposal and determined that the unmanned facility is an appropriate use for the site given the site's proximity to the airfield Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003` UARLES PETROLEUM, INC / # 10 & 11 Page Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There is no City water or sanitary sewer available to the site The proposed use may or may not require City water and or sever This will be determined during detailed site plan review If City water or sewer is required, the applicant will have to make arrangements for extension of service at his cost Transportation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Potters Road to front of this site is a four (4) lane undivided minor suburban arterial It is identified on the Master Transportation Plan as an undivided facility with a bike path Sufficient right of way exists along this portion of Potters Road There are no projects in the Capital Improvements Program to improve this roadway Wesley Drive is a local dead end street, approximately Boo feet in length the site will only b permitted from vesley Drive as shown on the site plan There will be no access allowed from Potters Road Future improvements to the Interstate 264 Lynnh ven Parkway interchange in this area may require additional right of way of up to 120 feet, which could impact this site in the future Any right of way reservation that may be necessary will be determined during detailed site plan review Traffic Calculations Access to Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Ca acit 1 g 288 + 28 2Q0 eve of I DT ' Existing Land Use 2 329 1 Potters Road � L ADT 1 Service C I Proposed Land Use 3 246 i ' 4C, Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 !#DA LES PETROLEUM, INC 10 & 11 Page ' Average Daily Tres 2 as defined by existing 0 2 Office District as defined by Proposed 1 1 Industrial District Public Safety Ponce The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and In order for the site to be used as an "unmanned facility' it must Rescue be operated exclusively for fleet and business customers There can be no retail sales to the general public The operator must supply a hazard mitigation kit for fuel spills on the site Staff recommends an accessible telephone or notification system for emergency contact of the responsible party for site incidents such as fuel spills, faulty equipment or Vehicular accidents The storage of hazardous, flammable mable or combustible materials on the site must be within the scope of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention code and N F P A fire hydrant is required within 400 feet of the structure Private fire hydrants must be maintained annually as identified in N F P A 2 The applicant must obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Planning Department's Permits and Inspections Division A certificate of occupancy must be obtained before the operation of the use on the site Annual fire code inspections will be required on the site Planning commission Agenda February 1, 2003 UARLES PETROLEUM, INC / # 10 & 11 Page Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map recommends this area for retail, service, office and other compatible uses within commercial ial areas Summary of Proposal Proposal The applicant proposes to rezone the site from 0-2 Office District to Conditional 1.1 Light Industrial District and to construct an unmanned fleet fuelling facility The proposed facility will only be available to contract business customers and not the general public Site Des1n The submitted rezoning exhibit site plan depicts a 36,285 48 square feet parcel, located at the northwest corner of Potters Road and Wesley Drive • single entrance to the site is proposed from Wesley Drive Four fuel dispensers and a small equipment shed are depicted on the site plan The fuel dispensers are proposed at a minimum of ninety feet from Potters Road and sixty feet from Wesley Drive • A storm grater management facility is proposed on the eastern portion of the property adjacent to a small strip of land owned by the City of Virginia Beach landscape buffer, varying in width from tern feet, along the western side of the site, to sixty feet, along the southeastern portion of the site, is proposed A four -foot ornamental metal fence is proposed along the property adjacent to Wesley Drive Vehicular and Pedestrian Access A single access from Wesley Drive to the site is proposed Sidewaif s exist along Potters Road and Wesley Drive KIA Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC # 10 & 11 Page Architectural Design • A small equipment shed is proposed for the site There are no other buildings proposed _Landscape and Open space The applicant proposes to landscape the entire perimeter of the site, with the exception of the entrance The proposed landscape buffer varies in width from ten feet, along the western side of the site, to as wide as sixty feet, on the southeastern portion of the site The rezoning exhibit depicts extenswe berming along the northern, eastern and southern potions of the site The berms will Crary in height from four to five feet and will be planted with evergreen and deciduous trees • The proposed stormwater management facility, along the eastern portion of the site, adds to the feel of additional open space An ornamental metal fence is proposed along the storrnwater management facility adjacent to Wesley Drive Proffers PROFFER 1 When the property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "REZONING ING EXHIBIT FOR QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC", prepared by I DI, L I. C , dated 1 -1 -02, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Site ff an " Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable It inures that the site will be developed in accordance w1th the submItted conceptual development plan PROFFER # 2 The freestanding monument style sign designated on the Site Plan shall be brick based monument style sign no greater than six feet (6) in height Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable PROFFER 3 All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused to direct light down on to the premises and away from adjoining property Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 200 ARLES PETROLE 9 INC # 10 & 11 Pave Staff Evaluation The proffer Is acceptable It Insures that lighting on the site shall not interfere with adjacent uses PROFFER # 4 When the Property is developed, ornamental metal fencing and landscaping shall be installed as depicted on the Site Plan Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable It insures that the use will be landscaped and screened rn accordance with the submitted conceptual development plan PROFFER # 5 Only the following uses will be permitted on the Property a Fueling facility, b Business, medical, financial, non-profit, professional and similar office buildings, c Commercial parking lot, and d Public buildings and grounds Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable in that it limits the proposed uses for the site However as staff preciously noted in this report, Proffer 1 states that when the site is developed it shall be developed substantially as shown on the submitted rezoning exhibit site plan Therefore, the only use permitted on the site will be the unmanned fleet fueling facility Should the developer or property owner wish to introduce any of the uses listed in this proffer on the site, Proffer 1 will have to be modified by the City council PROFFER # 6 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable City tt rney's The City Attorneys office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement dated November ber 10, 2002, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 U RLES PETROLEUM INC # 10 & 11 =- Page Evaluation of Request The request to rezone this site from -2 Office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for an automobile service station — fleet fueling facility is acceptable The proposed use complies with the Comprehensive Plan Map recommendations for the area, and is compatible with the surrounding uses and with N A S Oceana airfield operations The submitted rezoning exhibit site plan depicts extensive berming and landscaping that will effectively screen the use from the view of the surrounding area As previously noted in the report, the applicant has proffered several acceptable uses for the site however the proffered site development plan limits the development of the site to the unmanned fleet fueling facility If the applicant wishes to introduce any of the other proffered uses, Proffer 1 will have to be modified Staff recommends approval of the request to rezone the property from 0-2 Office District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for an automobile service station — unmanned fleet fueling facility subject to the conditions listed below Conditions 1 The only use permitted on the site shall be the unmanned fleet fueling facility, to be operated exclusively for fleet and business customers There shall be no retail sales to the general public 2 The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted site plan entitled "REZONING EXHIBIT FOR QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC ", prepared by NDI, L L C , dated 10-10-02, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning 3 The operator of the site shall supply a hazard mitigation fit for fuel spills on the site and an accessible telephone or notification system for emergency contact of the responsible party for site incidents such as fuel spills faulty equipment or vehicular accidents All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused to direct light down on to the premises and away from adjoining property Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 UARLES PETROLEUM, INC 10 & 11 Page certificate of occupancy shall be obtained from the Permits and Inspections Division of the Planning Department before the operation of the use on the site NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances Plans submitted with these rezoning and conditional use permit applications may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordnance for further information Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC # 10 & 11 Page 1 .-.*r 6[ Planning Commission Agenda _ February 12, 2003 UARLES PETROLEUIVI, INC # 10 & 11 Ire Page 11 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's Name �arjs— r I ;. �Inc.L_a it i � !-,r rL — List All current Property Owners Wesle P 4 rt -v IL L&udLgL limj-ekIJa.b i I i t ompilly PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below Attach list if necessary) If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP,, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION ATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach hsf if necessary) 0 Check here rf the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization If the a pil ant !s not the current owner of the property complete the Applicant Disclosure section below APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below Affach list if necessary) George�Quarles, sst_ Mice Pro id nt____�� � 1as uar e , jr COB If the property owner is a FIARTNEI SHIP, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach list ,f necessary) C3 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION 1 certify that the information contained herein is true of accurate Quarles Petrol um, Inc I IJI Signature Conditional Use Permit Application Page 8 of t .�P� iixjM,vL. 14 Wa�� IL printme Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 20103 QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC 10 & 11 �.�. Page 1 0 Q <Zoo comma) DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's N am e -- QLjat-I es Pq t r a I c un, -In TL -I__Ki -c- r%LrjLi 9n___-- List All Current Property Owners k' t:PIe Prr9 rr i _f;__LTI C���- PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM or ether UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach list if necessary) ❑ heck here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization If the applicant is riot the current owner of the property complete the Applicant Disclosure section below APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation belong Attach list if necessary) GeorRe QuarlLs, AssL _VP I athryrn 1�_ _ uarlea, Secretary Douglas E Quarleq Jr COB 4 If the property owner isa PARTNERSHIP TNERSHIP FIRM or ether UNINCORPORATED ATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attachlist if necessary) Check here if the property owner is NOT a cerporahon partnership firm or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION 1 certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate c -"'r LIPS C By I Reese mL �h �Iil - �4 m er Signature Print Name Conditional Rezoning Application Page 10 of 14 Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 UARLES PETROLEUM, INC 10 & 11 Page 1 0 A O Cam DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant s NarneQuarles P �r�J c�r��:.�� l��r nia corporation List All Current Property owner r'� , _ r� rt .�. � -------- PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED 0RGANI AT10N fist ail m embers o r partners :n the organization below (Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization If the eppUcant Is not th 9 current owner a the property complete th & Apptic a n t Disclosure section below APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) Ben;ano- n _ ,1 ,. -Utz, __ _.�.� .mil2 f.,._ - Y T-r-oar x_ George Q-gories. -A s t _ VP _----- iLI rjn_ -Quari Sec r ,ar_ .- Dou l gas E Quarles, ,Jr C1 i If the property owner is a F I TNER HIP, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach list if necessary) ary 0 Check here 1f the property owner Is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate Quarles etrolLUM, Inc Bv- A qLkf - —il Ignatu r--� Conditional Rezoning Application: Page 10 of 1 Be-yl LWVI I 1r) AQ Print Name Planning commission Agenda February 12, 203 UAR LES PETROLEUM, INC 10 & 11 Page 1 Item #10 &. 11 Quarles Petroleum, Inc Change Ot Zoning District Classification Conditional Use Permit Northwest corner Wesley riv and Potters Road District Beach February 12 2003 CONSENT Charlie Salle" The next items are Quarles Petroleum Items #10 & #11 And, that s a Change of Zoning District Classitication. of 0-2 Office District to Conditional I-1 Fight Industrial District on the northwest corner of Wesley Drive and Potters Road and Conditional Use Permit for an automobile service station Eddie Bourdon The conditions recommended by staff are acceptable Again Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach Attorney iepresentiner the applicants and they are here a well Charlie Salle There are five conditions associated with the Use Pernut and the proffers for the rezoning Eddie Bourdon They are all acceptable to the applicant Charlie Salle Is there any opposition to this application' Thank you Therefore, I would move that we adopt the Consent agenda consisting of item 10 and 1 1 with tiye conditions Ronald l iplev So the motion has been made by Charlie to accept the items that he has listed for consent approval Do I have asecond" Seconded b f Kathy Katsias. Don, g ahead and comment n Item #10 Donald Horsley Item #10 this is a lot of proffers and a lot of conditionk, for this fleet fueling It s got an excellent landscaping plan with some undulating berm around it And, it s a Meet fueling to ility And we think it fits very well into this area and we see no opposition We thought that the landscaping and the berming would not be intrusive in the neighborhood It would fit v ry well And W got L ndition that would help make that all happen So that's the iewson whv we pit these items on the consent agenda Ronald Ripley Thank you Don Motion has been made It has properly been ec nded o I think we re ready to vote AYE 9 1Y 0 ABS 0 ABSENT NI ERSON AYE Item #10 & 11 Quarles Petroleum Inc Page 2 CRABTREE AYE DIN AYE HORSIEY AYE KATSI S AYE KNIGHT MILLER AYE RIPLEY AYE LLE' AYE STRANGE AYE irTD Ronald Ripley By a votef 9-, the motion passes ABSENT ABSENT F4 M Nc P 5 i B 11A BJZ_ � Qr * Ak 1 0It S CI r - OOwe W010 ad City of Virgrinia Beech In Replv Refer To our File No DF-5670 INTER -OFFICE V E PONDEN E DATE March 125 2003 TO Leslie L Lilley DEPT City Attorney FROM B Kay Wilsa DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application Quarles Petroleum, Inc and Wesley Properties, L L C The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 25, 2003 I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated November 10, 2 00 2, and have determined it to he legally sufficient and in proper legal form copy of the agreement is attached Please feel fiee to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further B IOW Enclosure i QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC , a Virginia corporation vESLEY PROPERTIES, L L C , a Virginia Bruited habihty company TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY of VIRGINIA BEACH THIS AGREEMENT, made this 10th day of November, 2002, by and between QUARLES PETROLEUMINC , a Virginia corporation, Grantor, party of the first part, WESLEY PROPERTIES, L L C , a Virginia limited h bihty company, Grantor, party of , the second part, and THE CITY of VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, party of the third part W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the party of the second hart is the owner of a certain parcel of property located m the Lynn a en District of the City of Virginia Beach, contammg approximately o 833 acres as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference the "Property") , and WHEREAS, the party of the first part, being the contract purchaser of the Property has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petit -ion addressed to the Grantee so as to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from 0-2 office District to I-1 Light Industrial I District, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development f land for vanous purposes through zoning andother land development legislation, ; and WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometimes ' mcornp tible development of vanous types of uses confhct and that m order to permit differing types of uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time � to recognize the effects of change that will be created by the Grantor's proposed rezoning, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection ofthe community that are not generally applicable to lance similarly oned ; PREPARED BY are needed to resolve the situation to which the Grantor's rezoning ap lieati n gives � p SYKES ROUMN� LEVY PC i rise, and GPIN 1-62-1 1 PREPARED BY S�NM BOU DO WN & LWY P i WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarily proffered, m wntmg, in advance of and prior to the public hearmg before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map with respect to the Property, the following reasonable i conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zornng Map relative and applicable t the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or unterest, voluntarily and v th ut any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing both and without any element of compulsion or d fro qua for zoning, rezoning, site plan, budding permit, or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, � and use of the Property and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall i I constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the , Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, its successors,, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors M i interest or title 1 When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "REZONING EXHIBIT FOR QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC ", prepared by NISI, L L C , dated 1I -1 -02, which h has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department rtment f Planning (hereinafter "Site Plan") The freestanding monument style sign designated on the Site Plan shall be brick based monument style sign no greater than six feet (61 in height 3 All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused to direct light down onto the premises and away from adjoining property When the Property 1s developed, ornamental metal fencing and landscaping shall be installed as depicted on the Site Plan Only the following. uses wall be permitted on the Property Fix eking facility, PREPARED B SYI ES BOURDON AWN& Lam' P b) Business, medical, financial, non-profit, professional and similar i office buildings, i c) Commercial parking lot, and d Public buildings and grounds Further conditions may be required by the grantee during detailed Site Plan revqew and administration of applicable City codes by al1 cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable city code requirement i All references hereinabove to the I-1 District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and ' Subdivision Ordnance of the city of Virgmia Beach, Virpnia, in force as of the date of approval of this Agreement by City council, which are by this reference incorporated herein The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by wntten instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the circuit Court of the city of Virgmia Beach, Virg:Lnra, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such nstrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing . as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 2-2204 of the code of Virgmia, 1950, as amended Said ordnance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, saad I instrument shall be void The Grantor covenants and agrees that I I (1) The Zoning Administrator of the city of Virpnia Beach, V: rginia, shad be vested with all necessary a.uthonty, on behalf of the governing body of the city of I 3 PREPARED B SAS, ROURDON AMERN ER [.k FY Pr i Virginia Leach, Virgmia, to admmister and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrretions, including the authority (a) to order, in writmg, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and b) to bring legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required builchng or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court, and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the emstence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection m the office ofthe Zoning Administrator and in the Planning partment, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names ofthe Grantor and the Grantee � 4 PREPARED B MEN ROLTDO? MN & LBrY P WITNESS the follomnng signature and seal GRANTOR QUARLES PETROLEUM, INC , a Virginia corporation By ► 1 � (SEAL) Tide �S�E OF VIRGINI� CITY COUNTY OF �(��_C.�CS�2,�-, , to -wit The foregoing iqstrument was a nowled a before me this 134�) dayof ; y November , 0, b � �' A� of Quarles Petroleum, Inc , a Virginia corporation, GrAntor I 1.2 i Notary bh I Commission Expires 5 WITNESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR WESLEY PROPERTIES, L L C , a Virginia limited ility company t B ��-- � Y ( SEAL) I Reese Smith, Managmg Member STATE F VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before one this 12#h clay of November, 2002, by I Deese Smith, Ma agLng Member of Wesley Properties, L L C , a 1rgmia► limited habihty company � Notary Public My Commission Expires August 31, 200 PREPARED BY SITE ROURDON 14ERN & LIVY PC. EXKMIT "A" ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and unprovements thereon, lying, situate and being in the City of Virgmia Beach, iri , and being riovm, numbered and designated PARCEL W, o 833 ACRE, as show on that rta m plat entitled "Subdivision Plat of Parcel ` B' Property of I Reese Smith, Lynnh ven Borough, Va Bari, Va. ", which sad plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, m Map Boob 137, at Page 1 GPIN 1-2-11 CONDONE/ LE TTE PROFFER PREPARED BY SIM IROLIRDON 91N & L rY P C, ' F O tG Scnl& } AGE - {] j .5 7• " � � AG-2 A i r AG- 1; 2 w:-w ►1iO Jr- � / 5 r2 ;` G-1 } pin 403-21 1935 0241 ZONING HISTORY 1 a Rezoning A-R to M-13 Conditional Use Permit (mobile home park), 1 b Rezoning A-R to C-G3 Conditional Use Permit (gas station), 1c Rezoning A-R to C-1.3 All requests were Denied5-15-72 2 Conditional Use Permit (indoor/outdoor recreation — gym, boning rings & track) Withdrawn4-23-84 3 Subdivision variance Approved - - 2, Conditional Use Permit {single family home Approved - -92 Modification of Proffers Approved -11-, Rezoning (AG-2 Agricultural to R-o Residential) Approved 1--, Rezoning AG-1 Agricultural to R-20 Residential) Approved 1-4-94, Rezoning R- o Residential to R-20 Residential) Approved 1-4-94, Conditional Use Permit (open space promotion) Withdrawn 1-4-94, Subdivision variance Approved 1-4-94, Rezoning R-1 o Residential to AG-2 Agricultural) Approved -1 - 2, Rezoning R-1 5 Residential to AG-2 Agricultural) Approved -1 -, Rezoning (R-20 Residential to AG-2 Agricultural) Approved -1 - 2, Conditional Use Permit (golf course) Approved -1 -92, Rezoning AG-1 and 2 Agricultural to R-1 o Residential) Approved --1, Rezoning AG-1 and 2 Agricultural to R-1 5 Residential) Approved - - 1, Rezoning AG-1 and 2 Agricultural to R-20 Residential) Approved - - 1, Conditional Use Permit (golf course) Approved -g- 1, ML ~` .lv-%w CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM West Neck Properties Change of Zoning, Conditional Use Permit (Open Space Promotion), and Subdivision Variance MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 Background n Ordinance upon Application of West [Neck Properties, Inc , a Virginia Corporation, for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional R-1 5 Residential District at the northwest corner of West Neck Road and Indian River Road (GPIN #2 -21-1 , # 3- 21-0 1 The proposed zoning classification to Conditional R-1 5 is for single- family residential land use on lots no less than 15,000 square feet This site is located in the Transition Area as defined in the Comprehensive Plan Said parcel is located at 3132 West Neck Road and contains 87 21 acres more or less DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS AN1E An Ordinance upon Application of Vilest Neck Properties, Inc, a Virginia Corporation, for a Conditional Use Permit for Open Space Promotion at the northwest corner of West Neck Road and Indian River Road G P I N #2 03-21- 1 3 , #2 3- 1-02 1 Said parcel is located at 3132 West Neck Road and contains 87 21 acres more or less DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS ANNE Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for West Neck Properties, Inc , a Virginia Corporation Said parcel is located at 3132 blest Neck Road (GPIN #2 -21 - 1935, 20-1-01 and contains 87 21 acres more or less DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS A f E This request Was deferred by the City Council on January 22, 2002 to February 5, 2002 0 February 5, 2002 to March 5, 2002 0 March 5, 2002 to March 2, 2002 0 March 26, 2002 to April 9, 200 April g, 2002 to May r 14, 2002 May 14, 2002, deferred indefinitely ■ Considerations The proposed development consists of 64 lots and 37 66 acres of open space (not including City -defined wetlands) Density equals 0 93 units per developable West Neck Properties Page 2 of 3 acre (does not include City -defined wetlands) Of the total 87 55 acres on the site, 57 49 acres (66% of the total site) is in open space (outside lot area and street right of ways) The percentage of "developable" area devoted to open space is approximately % Lots range to size from 10,800 square feet to over 20,000 square feet with an average lot size of 16,000 square feet The proposal includes 46 74 acres of land to be dedicated to the city This includes 1 acres of City -defined wetlands bordering vest Neck creek and 28 28 acres of upland adjacent to these wetlands and along West Neck Road and Indian River Road The applicant is also requesting a subdivision variance to the 30 foot minimum pavement width for interior streets In order to reduce the overall amount of pavement, the applicant is proposing a 28 foot pavement width Staff has assessed the plan against the new Transition Area Matrix and Guidelines, and concludes that the applicant's proposal meets the applicable provisions The Matrix assessment is attached The assessment resulted in score equivalent to o 94 dwelling units per acre The applicants proposal is at o 93 units per acre The 57 acres of wetlands and open space plus the cash proffers designated for the purpose of open space clearly demonstrate the promotion of open space associated with this proposal The design of the subdivision preserves sensitive areas and showcases environmental features by incorporating them as open space This open space both surrounds and winds through the development, creating a very useable network of trails all of which connect with the Cit 's West Neck Creek Linear Park Staff recommended approval There was opposition to the request ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 11-0 to approve this request with the following conditions The subdivision shall be developed as depicted on the submitted subdivision plan entitled, "Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Eagles Nest for West Neck Properties, Inc Virginia Beach, Virginia," dated Jul} 5, 2001 revised 11 1 01, prepared by Burgess and Niple, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning The applicant shall install a fence or other landscape treatment acceptable to the residents of the three lots on Indian River Read, which are mostly surrounded by the proposed development In addition, the applicant shell grant public utility easements and make city water and sewer facilities available to these three lots ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Hest Neck Properties Page 3 of 3 Location Map Recommended Action staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency City Manager Qr3 !L Planning Department ���� r� WEST NECK PROPERTIES / # 19 - 21 December 12, 2001 REVISED March 7, 2003 This report has been revised to reflect the most recently submitted plan General Information: REQUEST (19) Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-4 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional R-15 Residential District (20) Conditional Use Permit for Open Space Promotion (21) Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance (minimum street pavement width) If . f J 14 P L , JG 2qP I 1 4 � f -� = rk-L } ,,. Rp s N-k P!�o pertzes - R � a IA r. I A � ] f4 � A[ I40 AG � I { pr 4" r 11 C 4' ADDRESS 3132 West Neck d Road E corner of West Neck Road and Indian River Road) ,4, .- %. P1annin g Commission Agenda .CC December 1, 2001 (REVISED ISED March , 2003) Ak.. WEST NECK PROPERTIES TIES / # 1 - 21 Page 1 GPIN #2 -21-1. 2 -21- 2 1 ELECTION DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE 87 55 acres more or less STAFF PLANNER Ashby Moss Major Issuesm Consistency with the policies of the Comprehensive Piarn for the Transition Area • Impact on City systems (transportation, utilities schools) 0 Compatibility with the surrounding area in terms of land use Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics@ Existing Land Use and Zon�n�c,. The property is currently developed with a single- family dwelling and various other outbuildings and structures including a stable greenhouse, detached garage pool, tennis court and basketball court The property is zoned AG-1 Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) VILEST NECK PROPERTIES TIES I # 19 - 21 Page and AG-2 Agricultural Districts Surrounding Land Use and Zo North 0 Cultivated fields / AG-1 and 2 Agricultural Districts South . Three single-family dwellings fronting Indian River Road / AG-2 Agricultural District • Across Indian River Road, farm with single-family dwelling (included in Agriculturai Reserve Program) / AG-1 and 2 Agricultural Distracts East • Woodlands and wetlands (C(ty-owned property) / AG-1 and 2 Agricultural Districts West • Single-family subdivision (Indian River Plantation) Conditional R-20 Residential District Zoning -and Land Use Statistics With Existing The density provisions of Section 402 of the City Zoning Zoning Ordinance would allow four to fire single-family dwellings by -right depending on the amount of Tree I and 2 soils present With The conditional zoning agreement limits the number of Proposed lots to 64 and requires the development design to Zoning follow the preliminary subdivision plan described below A total of 46 74 acres of mostly wetlands and some upland areas will be dedicated to the City Another 10 75 acres of open space within the development will be owned by a Property Owners' Association Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 0 3 WEST NECK PROPERTIES / # 1 - 21 Page 3 Zoninci Hist or three-part rezoning request was denied on the subject property in 1972 The three parts to the rezoning request included a corner parcel proposed for a gas station, the Indian River Road frontage proposed for commercial, and the remaining area proposed for a mobile home park Twelve years later, a conditional use permit for a portion of the subject property was requested That proposal, for indoor/outdoor recreation, including a gym, boning rings, a track, and a lodge was withdrawn April 23, 1984 East of the subject property across West beck Road, a number of zoning actions have occurred for the Indian River Plantation development In 1991, the property was rezoned from Agriculture to various residential districts with a conditional use permit for a golf course In 1992, these zonings were changed back to Agriculture with another conditional use permit for a golf course Finally: in 1994, most of this portion of the property was rezoned to Conditional R-20 The proffers were modified on part of this area in 1999, but the zoning remains Conditional R-20 Residential District Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AICUZ area of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress The proposed use is compatible with this AlCUZ Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 3 WEST NECK PROPERTIES / # 1 - 21 Page 4 deg Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics The property contains both open fields, not under cultivation, and heavily wooded areas While the wooded areas are mostly on the eastern side of the property, there are a number of mature hardwoods at the center of the property around the existing house The existing driveway is also lined on both sides with tall evergreen trees This has been incorporated in the proposed site plan as part of a multi -purpose trail This land drains to West Neck Creel, located approximately 400 feet from the northeast corner of this property Consequently, wetlands and floodplain comprise a large portion of the eastern and northern sides of this property Soils on the site are a mixture, dominated by Tornotley (poorly drained, hydric) and Dragston somewhat poorly drained, non-hydric) Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There is currently no City water or sanitary sewer available to this property The plan, as proposed, cannot be developed without City sewer However, the Capital Improvement Program CIP lists projects for water and surer extensions along Vilest Neck Road d to point north of the proposed site To extend water and sewer to the subject site, the developer would have to construct a pump station and extend sewer and water lines approximately 5,000 feet It is the intent of the applicant to extend water and sewer to the site and discussions have been held with Public Utilities regarding this extension Transportation Master Transportation Plan (IVITP) / Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Vilest Neck Road in the vicinity of this application is currently a two lane undivided rural arterial, and Indian River Road in the vicinity of this application is currently a two lane undivided rural arterial The 11TP designates Indian Fiver Road as a 100 foot divided roadway Traffic Calculations Street Name ' Present Present' Generated Traffic i Volume Ca city " West Neck Road =2 502 ADT i_ 7 400 ADVI Potential Land Use -- 90 ADT Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES # 1 - 21 Pave Proposed Land Use -- 660 ADT Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by 5 single family dwellings 3 as defined by 66 single family dwellings Schools (data from November, 2001) School Name Current Capacity Generation Enrollment North Landing Elementary Panes Anse - iddle Kellam High 21365 90 0 12 generation represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning The number can be positive (additional students) or negative fewer students) Public Safety Police Fire and Rescue Adequate No fu rther comments Adequate If road widths are less than 30 feet, parking should only be permitted on one side of the road Summary of Proposal Proposal The proposed development consists of 64 lots and 37 66 acres of open space (not including City -defined wetlands) Density equals o 93 units per deefopable acre (does not include City -defined wetlands), and non -City -defined wetland open space equals 55 percent of the developable area Lots range is size from 10,800 square feet to over 20,00square feet with an average lot size of 16,000 square feet The proposal includes 46 74 acres of rand to be dedicated to the City This includes 16 46 acres of City -defined wetlands bordering West Neck Creek and 28 28 acres of upland adjacent to these wetlands and along West t Neck Road and Indian River Road Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) 'EST NECK PROPERTIES 1 - 21 Page • The applicant is also requesting a subdivision variance to the 30 foot minimum pavement width for interior streets in order to reduce the overall amount of pavement, the applicant is proposing a 28 foot pavement width very small amount of fill in the floodplain is necessary to reach some of the high, developable land on the property The lost floodplain area will be mitigated on site in n equal amount A floodplain variance is net required as the area of fill is only percent of the total flood fringe area on the site Site Design The plan shows a 64 lot subdivision served by a road with threecul-de-sacs and a loop The area proposed for development is primarily located on the western half of the property Much of the eastern half, which is primarily wetlands and floodplain, is proposed for dedication to the City, to be integrated into the City's West Neck Creek Linear Park property Along both the West Neck Road and Indian River Road street frontage, 150 foot buffers are also proposed for dedication to the City The street frontage buffer is interrupted at one point on Indian River Road where the development wraps around three existing houses • The central feature of this subdivision plan is a 10 foot wide multi -purpose trail that runs through the center of the site adjacent to the rain interior road This trail consists of the existing tree -lined asphalt driveway, which will be extended past its current terminus all the gray to the wetlands at the back of the site A 15 foot public access easement will sanction public access to and use of the trail • A 1 37 acre stormwater management facility is shown on the plan at the center of the site The presence of the road swales may reduce the size or eliminate the need for this facility entirely Vehicular and Pedestrian Access The proposed subdivision's sole entrance is on West Neck Road, just south of the existing driveway for the property The interior roads consist of a loop road and three cul-de-sacs • The divided entrance includes two exit lanes and one entry lane 0 Both right and left turn lanes are shown on best Neck Road Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES / # 19 - 21 Page 7 In addition to the ten foot paved multi -purpose trail within the development, are eight foot frail is proposed within the buffer along Vest Neck Road and Indian Fiver Road {This buffer is proposed for dedication to the City, so the trails will also be City - owned • Sidewalks are shown along one side of the interior streets • Another 15 foot public access easement is shown adjacent to lot 11, connecting the buffer trail on Indian River Road to the interior sidewalk system Pressed concrete brick paver crosswalks are shown at four points where sidewalks/trails cross an interior street Parking for guests will be affowed on only one side of the streets due to the reduced pavement width that is proposed Architectural Design • The applicant has proffered minimum house sizes of 2,600 square feet for one story houses and 2,800 square feet for two story houses Each house will have a two car garage In addition, at least 75 percent of the exterior building material must be brick, stone, stucco, or similar quality material • A four foot high, eight foot wide brick monument style sign is shown on a one foot concrete base for the proposed community entrance sign Landscape and Ooen Space • f the total 87 55 acres on the site, 57 49 acres of the total site) is in open space (outside lot area and street right of ways) The percentage of "developable" area devoted to open space is approximately % total of 46 74 acres of open space % of the total site) is to be dedicated to the City This includes the wetlands and floodplain on the eastern portion of the property, which are proffered to become part of the West Neck Creek Linear Park The 150 foot buffers along West Deck Road and Indian Fiver Road are also included in this figure • Interior open space to be owned by a Property Owners' Association equals 1 acres The total amount of open space that can be credited toward the 15 percent requirement for open space promotion is 37 66 acres or 55 percent of the ►*�' BEA Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES / # 19 - 21 Page 8 developable land on the site Landscaping proposed for the 150 feet buffers along Vilest Neck Toad and Indian River Road consists of a 50 to 70 foot guide bean along the interior part of the buffer The berm area is to be reforested with at least 70 percent nature specie of shrubs and trees On the street side of the berry, 30 by 50 foot landscape beds will be placed 200 to 250 feet apart, consisting of shrubs, ornamental grasses, and perennials Proffers PROFFER # 1 When development takes place upon that portion of the Property which is to be developed, it shall be as a single family residential community of no more than sixty-four (64) building lots substantially in conformance with the Exhibit entitled "PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR EAGLES NEST FOR WEST NECK PROPERTIES, INC I IRGINIA BEACH, IRGINIA," dated July 5, 2001 reprised 11 1 01, prepared by Burgess and Niple, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning `Concept Plan" Staff Evaluation The proposed subdivision plan is acceptable PROFFER # 2 When the property is developed, approximately 6 7 acres of forested area and buffers along West Neck Road and Indian River Road ling outside the residential lots and roadways depicted on the Concept Plan shall be dedicated to the Grantee as Public Open Space Are additional 1 acres of open Space including an improved multi -purpose trail for use by the public shall be maintained by the Property Owners Association Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The wetlands and adjacent uplands proposed for dedication adjoin several acres of City -owned land bordenng West Neck creek This land will be a welcome addition to the west Neck creek Linear Park Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) ZEST NECK PROPERTIES 1 - 21 Page PROFFER # 3 The entrance to the community and multi -purpose trail and the typical street section of future Vilest Neck Road and the roads within the community shall be constructed and installed substantially in conformance with the detailed plans on page 2 of the Concept Plan No on -street parking shall be permitted on one side of every road within the community Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The intenor roadway sections are just two feet shy of the standard 30 foot pavement section Restricting ors -street parking to just one sale of the street will ensure adequate paved width for emergency vehicles on the interior roads PROFFER # 4 When the Property is subdivided it shall be subject to a recorded Declaration of Protective Covenants Conditions and Restrictions "Deed Restrictions") administered by a Property Owners Association which shall be responsible for maintaining all common area easements, including the community owned open space and multi -purpose trail, the entrance sinae and neighborhood park Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The Deed Restrictions and Property Owners' Association will help promote and maintaln the level of quality demonstrated In this proposal PROFFER # 5 All residential dwellings constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior surfaces, excluding roof, trim, windows, and doom, which is no less than seventy-five percent brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials Any one-story dwelling shall contain no less than 2600 square feet of enclosed living area excluding garage area and any two-story dwelling shalt contain no less than Zoo square feet of enclosed living area excluding garage area The front yards of all homes shall e sodded The Deed Restrictions shall require each dwelling to have, at a minimum, a two 2 car garage and driveway (including apron) with a minimum of four hundred ninety o square fleet of hardened surface area Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The size of the proposed homes, duality exterior building materials, and sodded Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7. 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES 1 - 21 Page 1 front yards will all contribute to a high quality appearance for this subdivision The two car garages and minimum sized driveways will alleviate the need for on -street parking because of the afternatrve design for the interior streets Four hundred ninety (490) square feel ►s the equivalent of three 9 by 18 foot parking spaces PROFFER # 6 When the Property is developed, every reasonable effort will be made to preserve as many of the existing trees on the site as practical and a tree preservation plan shall be submitted to the Grantee for review along with the Preliminary Subdivision flan Staff Evaluation This proffer Is acceptable Since most of the existing trees on the site are outside of the proposed development areas., preserving trees should be uncomplicated The tree preservation plan will he most helpful on lots 38 thr 46 and the area of the stormwater management facility which are located behind the treelrn PROFFER # 7 The Grantors recognize that the subject site is located within the Transition Area identified in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach, adopted are November 4, 1997 The Comprehensive Plan states that development taking place in this area should support the primary purpose of advancing open space and recreational uses In addition to committing sixty-five percent (65%) of the Property to open space preservation, via the dedication of forty-six and seventy-four one hundredths (46 74) acres of the Property to Grantee as a part of West Neck Creek Linear Park, and ten and three quarter acres to the Property Owners Association as permanent open space the Grantors agree to contribute the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250 00) per lot to Grantee to be utilized by the Grantee to acquire land for open space preservation pursuant to Grantee's Outdoors Play If the funds proffered by the Grantors in this paragraph are not used by the Grantee anytime within the next twenty (20) years for the purpose for which they are proffered, then any funds paid and unused may be used by the Grantee for any other public purpose Grantors agree to make payment for each residential lot shown on Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7,2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES f # 1 -.1 Page 11 any subdivision plat prior to recordation of that plat Staff Evaluation This proffer Is acceptable The cash proffer of $1,250 per lot equates to a tofal of $80, 000 for at! 64 lots PROFFER # 8 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan and or Subdivision review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements Any references hereinabove to the R- 15 Zoning District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of approval of this Agreement by City Council, which are by this reference incorporated herein Staff Evaluation This proffer reaffirms that all provisions of the City Codes will be met and that the rezoning proposal outlined above does not eliminate the applroant�s responsr rllty to follow the adopted rules and regulations City Attorneys The City Attorneys Office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement dated November 23, 2001, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for appropriate growth opportunities, consistent with the economic Vitality policies of Virginia Beach in accordance with other Plan policies This area, classified by the Plan as the Transition Area, serves as a land use buffer between the clearly urbanizing area of the north and the clearly rural area of the south The Plan offers the following planning policy guidance for this area After each policy statement, an assessment of the development proposal in terms of the statement is provided Provision 1 "Residential development within the Transition Area should adhere to the following guidelines Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES # 1 - 21 Page 12 (a) Create high quality neighborhoods through careful planning of land uses, transportation systems, landscape treatments and public improvements (b) Design with nature, making a special effort to preserve and showcase significant environmental resources Carefully integrate such natural features and use therm as a basis, where possible, to enhance and define neighborhoods, recreation areas, open spaces, and views of special natural areas (c) Construct local rows with minimal pavement width, wide shoulders and side sweles Include a well planned pedestrian circulation system to connect neighborhoods, recreational areas and open spaces Minimize through consolidation the number of street accesses to arterial roadways" pp 72-73, Policy Document) Staff Assessment The proposed development meets this provision The subdivision is designed to showcase the existing tree -lined driveway by preserving it for a multi- purpose trail This trail connects to a planned network of trails and sidewalks leading to other open spaces within and surrounding the development, IncludIng a major Clty park Lot size is reduced and lots and roads are placed in locations to avoid sensitive areas and most of the existing wooded areas A 150 foot reforested buffer with a berm is included along Indian fiver Road and west Neck Road, farther integrating the development into the surrounding landscape, consistent with the character of the Transition Area as a movement in residential density and design from the urban north to the rural south A tree preservation plan has been proffered to preserve trees where possible The roadway is designed with less pavement than a standard urban street sectlon Pre i ian "The residential growth in the Transition Area is not to be considered as a continuation of growth in the north, but as a special type of growth, with its own development standards suitable to the atmosphere and character of the area, and associated where possible with significant open space and recreational amenity The Transition Area is to be seen as an open space and recreational mecca with residential development present only to the extent it supports the primary purpose of advancing open space and recreational uses Residential use not associated with this purpose is not encouraged" (p 7 3 Staff Assessment Depending on whether City -defined wetlands are included in the calculation, this development proposal includes either 57 or 66 percent open space Erther way, it rs clear that the ma onto of the development consists of open space, most of which is accessible to the public through the trail system that is provided Further, the applicant has proffered S 1 3,2 0 per lot total of $80, 000 to be used for the purchase of open space pursuant to the crt 's Outdoors Plan Therefore, this proposal Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003 EST NECK PROPERTIES 1- 21 Page 13 appears to qualify as one that will advance publicly accessible open space and recreational uses with the residential component as secondary Provision "Development that takes place in this area should be shorn to be at the least fiscally neutral Fiscally neutral means that development must both agenerate more in to revenue than the public services cost to support it, and b be of such a density that, when coupled with other existing and potential development in the area, it will not generate the need for substantial infrastructure improvement in advance of the City's ability to install it" p 74) Staff Assessment Based on the quality materials for the houses and the value of the open space within and surrounding this development, these houses will have a value of at least $400,000 Further, the cost of extending water and sewer to this property will e paid by the applicant Public Utilities already has plans to extend public water and sewer close to this area The applicant would have to pay the cost of extending these services to the subject property Provision "s an alternative to fiscal neutrality, the use of cash proffers to offset negative fiscal impact can be considered" p 74) Staff Assessment The applicant has offered 1,2 o per lot or s total of $80.9 , but this has been designated for the purpose of purchasing open space Based on the factors noted above in the staff Assessment for Provision 3,, staff concludes that the development is likely to be fiscally neutral Provision "The entire project should be developed at a density which is the lowest of the following (a) The density that, in the opinion of the City Council, establishes the residential component as secondary, (b) The density that, in the opinion of the City Council, assures a character of the project in keeping with the character of the Transition Area, (c) The traffic equivalent of one dwelling unit per developable acre (That is ten generated trips per developable acre)" (p 74) "The density of the project will be governed by the overriding density requirement set forth here} as well as the degree to which it represents quality development and the degree to which it presents the recreation element and the supporting housing, s the primary focus of the project" p 75) Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7. 2003) VILEST NECK PROPERTIES 1 - 21 Page 1 Staff Assessment Sixty-four (64) lots on the 69 acres of developable land equates to a density of 0 93 lots per developable acre Evaluation of Request The applicant's request for a change of zoning on this property from AG-1 and 2 Agricultural Districts to R- 15 Residential District, for a conditional use permit for an open space promotion and for a subdivision variance is acceptable staff concludes that the applicant's proposal meets all applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan for the Transition Area The 57 acres of wetlands and open space plus the cash proffers designated for the purpose of open space clearly demonstrate the promotion of open space associated with this proposal The proposed density is slightly less than the recommended maximum for the Transition Area The design of the subdivision preserves sensitive areas and showcases environmental features by incorporating them as open space This open space both surrounds and winds through the development, creating a very useable network of trails, all of which connect with the City's Wet Neck k Creek Linear Park Therefore, the requests are recommended for approval Conditions 1 The subdivision shall be developed as depicted on the submitted subdivision plan entitled, "Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Eagles Nest for West Neck Properties, I ne Virginia Beach, Vit inia. " dated ,.July 5, 2001 revised 11 1 01, prepared by Burgess and Niple, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning 2 The applicant shall install a fence or other landscape treatment acceptable to the residents of the three lets on Indian River Road, which are mostly surrounded by the proposed development In addition, the applicant shall grant public utility easements and make city water and severer facilities available to these three lots NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances The subdivision plan submitted with this conditional use permit may require revision during detailed plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordinance for further information Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES 1 -- 21 Page 1 yr,n+w �*'y 1 I' 163N eve, ti � MARCH _REVISED A y L tea. iy # f + 4wi r} .% E - h JL IL 4- IV L19 it IA - � �` rt rq � 1 � •max a# � .� r rt A r � = • R ; 1 a�'.`ir1 • r, 1 Yak 1 % +w` * ji +-- 1 J IF + 1 1 ^� 41 fi ' :3 J& 4 t Cr lk 1 r+ I 53 f its k I k a 9 Big Al 4 1 clwk i1°- M ti 7 1 1 .A F 1 f 311 1 lots- -4 1 5 leg St -11 it �- '• ,/ -• IL * +. "+ ' -_ SPA i 1 yop 31 ,. { 7 IF d � ti � OL i c Planning Commission Agenda (REVISED March , 2003) X WEST NECK PROPERTIES I # 1 - 21 Paa 1 I U w t I l I � r I Planning Commission Agenda December 12, 2001 (REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NECK PROPERTIES 1 - 21 Page 1 4 g-0 ENTRANCE SIGN Planning Commission Agenda ��r , = December 1, 1 (REVISED March 7,2003) k kwt kL Ile WEST NECK PROPERTIES / 1 - 1 ` .�. e Page 1 Planning Commission December 12, 2001 (REVISED March WEST NECK PROPERTIES / Agenda 7) 23 1-1 Page 1 XPPLICATION P4Gk' CONDITIONAL REZONING M of VIRGINLk BEACH DISCLOSURE STA' FME T kpplllt1t 6Name x6L '' k E List All Current Property Ownrrs PROPERTY OWNER disci OSURE If the propertv ovoncr is ia CORPORATION lnt ail officm of he Ccrpor aton below -1vach 'ter Ji-es essarvr !` the roperfv -iwnff Ls a PAIR FNERIS HIP FIRM or al U14INCO R ATFI) ORAN17.1T1ON h -%I] members or partners in the organization below (Alta(h Its-, •f neressen ) • Ijcck here r1 [fie property owner 1s No f a carporalL -,n p•trtncrsh-p firm or -it'r r u r i nzorporawd 017 ` TZl911C1" f If zhe applicant is not the crinvitt owner of r e property complefe the Appheant Disclosure sectropt below PPLICANT DiSCLOSUR� I If the apple--int is a LoRJPORAI]ON fist a!I ufficers i` he Corpora[jan bcIaw I fr lrsr rre- e5i-in k_ • t F r ' ci 1 SS S It t-ic applicani is a PA RTNERSHIP FIRM or other UNIN C~ RFOR TEE 0 R C 4L N i r10 N i i v !I mzrnb rs or partners in the or %ni7at1on MOW "Afro- L I err if jht app}- Lan• IN CIT' a Corp0f;5L- F # If%%I �_%r L)tlltR Wi-I. U 'Alt -A 1.3r2XV If W n FRTin( rI N I CCra y that the in ormat on contained herein is true and act uratr wit t Nekt Signature n Irvit N'imc Pir Planning Commission Agenda J December 12, 2001(REVISED March 7, 2003) WEST NET{ PROPERTIES # 1 - 21 Page 2 Transition Area Matrix Allowable maximum residential density for any rezoning in the Transition Area under the policies of the Comprehensive Plan is 1 unit per acre The maximum density can be achieved through adherence to the Evaluative Criteria provided below and further explained in the Design Guidelines for the Transition Area Each section of the Evaluative Criteria below ties to the Design Guidelines through the graphic icon at the top of the section For further guidance on the respective section of the Matrix, turn to the page of the Guidelines that has the corresponding graphic icon Staff will `score' the proposed development for its consistency with the Evaluative Criteria below The scores are then totaled and the total i ;plugged' into the formula below to determine the recommended maximum density for the development Evaluative Criteria Total Comments Natural Resources Degrees to which the project 2 ' preserves and integrates into the I overall prolect the natural resource amenities on the site Amenity Nature and degree of the 3 amenity Design Degree to which the project 48 incorporates good design into the project A TOTAL 97 (B) TOTAL / 11 possible points 88 ( TOTAL / 11 * 44 D Line + 0 5 du/acre 0 94 du/acre (E) Line D * total 64 9 units developable acres ( 69 09 Line A total number of points from the worksheets on the following pages Line B total divided by the total number of possible points which is 11 Line C total from Lino B multiplied by o 5 which is the amount between the baseline density of o 5 dwelling units per acre and the possible 1 dwelling unit per acre (du/ac) Line D total from Line D added to o 5 dulac (the baseline density) to obtain the rna mum density for the site Line E total from Line D multiplied by the number of developable acres on the site thus providing the maximum number of units for the site Transition Area Matrix Page 1 of %Documents and Bethngs\swhite%My Documents\Prolects%TA1_TAmatrix westneck0 0 doc YES X (0 to 1 point)1 � j . I I INO (0 points) b) Are natural resources integrated into protect? Comments T17o only natural resources that can be physically integrated into the project are the wooded areas not located within the floodplain or Corps wetlands The project does utilize the wooded areas by the plaint of 9 lots within the area and through a trail which runs back to a knoll that provides an observation area for the wetlands along the eastern part of the site Through avoidance of the wetland and floodplain areas these areas are interspersed within the development in a couple of places (1) Natural Resources existing forests wetlands meadows cultr related features a) Are natural resources protected Comments • Development avoids 100 year floodplain (except for a roadway crossing) City defined wetlands Corps of Engineers wetlands (except for roadway crossing) and the majonty of the wooded areas 1 � IYES X (0to1 �pl point) NO - (Opoints) I� TOTAL (NATURAL RESOURCES) 201 Insert an appropriate box on page 1 ' Transition Area Matrix Page 2of \Documents and ettin l whiteWy Documents\Projects\TA1`TAm trix westne k0 O doo (2) Amenity a feature that increases the attractiveness or value of the site consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the Transition Area j a Is the amenity, if present, visually or operationally available to those who do not own property in the development'? Comments • The amenity for this project is the wetland areas associated with Nest Neck creek and the trails that connect those areas with the public right of way The wetland areas are visually available to those who do not own property in the development through the trail system which runs back to the creek and the Nest Neck District Park n area identified on the plan as a neighborhood park and connected to the trail provides an observation opportunity into the creek s wetland wooded areas b) Does the amenity consist of recreational components Comments • The development possesses a recreational amenity in terms of the trails that run through It and the access provided to the wetlands wooded areas and habitat along the creek Total YES X (0 to 1 1 0 point) NO (4 points) NO --1 (0 points) � i Transition Area Matrix Page 3 of '%Documents and ettings\swhiteW Doc uments%P rojets%T -T matrix westne k03O doc c) Are improvements made that provide visual or physical access to the natural resources on the site OR are improvements made to create a new amenity to the property Comments + Trails are shown that lead to the creek's wetland wooded areas and that run through the community • The development leaves the future opportunity for nature trails canoe access and similar amenities through the dedication of the area along the creek to the City of Virginia Beach and the proffering of cash that the City can use tou and providing such amenities YES X (0 to 1 point) NO r {0 points} , ci) is there connectivity linking any open space and/or amenities between this development and adjacent existing or future developments vac Comments The development possesses areas on both the east and north side of the site that are to be dedicated to the City of Virginia Beach and can be used to create connectivity to adjoining properties and to west Neck Creek Park The development adjoins public roadways on the west and south and proposes trails along both of these roadways thus insuring connectivity I point) x (o to 1 NO -- (0 points) 10 TOTAL (AMENITY) I 3 9 1 Insert in appropriate box on page 1 L Transition Area Matrix Paige {4 of \Documents and ettings%whiteWy Documents\Prejects\T-TAmatrix westne kO de (3) Design creation or execution in an artistic or highly skilled manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the Transition Area a} Are natural or manmade water features incorporated into the development in a way that they serve as amenities? Comments • The development preserves and integrates into the project the natural water feature adjacent to the site (west Neck creek) and the wooded areas associated with it These areas serve as amenities to the development Total I j YES X (0 to 1 + point) f 1 0 NO - (0 points) b} Is there an attempt to integrate units with amenities within the development? Comments YES X (0 to 1 ' 1 01 Integration consists of avoidance of the point) i nafural resources on the site leaving open areas and through the trails That are provided j � I i � NO - (0 points) � � I Transition Area Matrix Page 5 of \Documents and Setting l whiteNy Documents\Pro1ects\TAl,TAmatnx westneck03 3 do c} Does the development retain or create views or scenic vistas that can be seen from the road Comments s • The site currently consists of farmland in the front along the roads and environmentally constrained areas in the rear Development of the site therefore must occur within the currently farmed areas • There rs no retention of the farmed areas along the roadway 150 foot area along the roadway will however be left open and will be reforested and bemired Area will be dedicated to the City of Virginia Beach • Plan retains a beautiful tree lined drive and converts It to a trail d) Is a mixture of lot sizes and the clustering or massing of homes used to achieve a primarily open space develapment9 Comments Average lot size is 16 000 sq ft , with lot sizes ranging from 10 Boo to 20 600 • Lot sizes are reduced from larger saes 30 to o 000 and placed on the developable land on the property avoiding the natural resource areas and leaving a 150 foot buffer of reforested open space along the roadway The area of the site doted to open space consists of a vast majority of the site however that open space is mostly areas of the site that cannot be developed due to natural resource constraints YES X (0 to 1 point) NO - (0 points) YES X (0 to 1 point) NO (0 points) Transition Area Matrix Page 6 of Tocuments and SettingeswhiteNy Documents%Projects\TAk1_TAmatrix westne k O do e} Does the development use roadway and "hard infrastructure's that is appropriate for its designs Is it consistent with the vision and recommendations mendations of this area as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan' Comments • Yes — a roadway cross section consisting of swales and reduced pavement width is proposed YES X (0 to 1 point) NO U (Q points) 10 TOTAL (DESIGN) 4 $ , Insert in appropriate box on page 1 Transition Area Matrix Page 7 of %Documents and 9thngslswhita\My Documents\Projects\TA1_TArnatnx westn cko O do Item #19 Nest Neck Properties Appeal to Decisions of Administrative officers 3132 west Deck Road December 12, 2001 REGULAR AGENDA Robert Miller Next t items are items 19 through 21 for west Neck Properties We don't have anybody signed up to speak for this one Eddie Bourdon For the record, Eddie Bourdon representing the application Sorry I dtdn t sign up to speak There are some adjacent property owners here and I have been discussing the application with them and I don't know that they are going to speak but I certainly want to afford them the opportunity to do so but I will address some of the other concerns that we talked about f will beep it brief because I think that might have been the point of the rote I arn not touching on what you need to be touched on so please ask me questions The — basically it is the 87 12 acre piece of property at Indian River Road and West Neck Road more of the Urban Services boundary line which is Indian River Road It is directly across 'west Neck Road from Indian River Plantation The property is zoned by the Snyder farruly There is a lengthy history to the property which I won't cro into It is a beautiful piece of property We have been working with staff and want to express onset our appreciation for the difficulty of this site presented in some ways with regard to floodplain and outer issues and we have worked with staff and appreciate their patience in working with Lis to come lip with a plan and I think is a beautiful plan one that we certainly will be proud of Out of this 87 1 acres of total land area 65% of it is going to be, dedicated open space either to the City of Virginia Beach or to the property owner association or community association So you are t ll rig about 3 % of the site will be occupied by homes and roadway area The density is less than one unit per acre as provided for in the transition area The City, receives 3 acres of land dedicated and the homeowners association will have 1 3 acres of land dedicated In addition to that because the transition area discusses and calls for public open space, I think we probably meet the argument of criteria standing alone but we also proffered $82..500 in cash in the City of Virginia Beach That 1s 1 250 per lot for open space acquisition for the outdoors plan One of the things and your write-up is �ery extensive and l have no disagreement with anything in the write-up It is very well done I had enough time to o through all of this One of the things that is not mentioned I thought was worthy of mentioning in addition to all of the 150 dedicated areas along west Deck and Indian River Road where there will be berms and reforested landscaping and trail that connects to this beautiful trail going down the current drive way that is wooded and ver r beautiful, that is going to b maintained as a trail This area was not really touched on In the write-up and this is high land off Indian River Road that is adjacent to and will with this dedication borne a part of the West Neck Creek linier park and provides an excellent opportunity to provide public access to the West Neck Creek Liner Park because this is outside of floodplain outside of wetlands and is at one point} earlier on in the process we had shown some lots In here This again is a very goad opportunity down the road to provide public access to the park and to the West Neck Creek West Neck Creek is not directI adjacent to it but all the itv owned property of the park is The appIication is for R - 15 open space promotion The open space promotion requires that w e h ave Item #19 *t Neck Properties Page 1 % of the properties open space Developable portion of the property is open space We have of the developable portion of the property' as dedicated open space so I think that % of the requirement certainly meets and exceeds the requirement The proffers are ven! extensive but I won t go into there but they guarantee hones that are going to be o 000 and above so it is clearly fiscal positive far as what would b my perception of it You have asked for conditional use — a variance f am sorry to the requirements for street width We are proposing a 28 foot wide road versus 30 with s ales versus curbs and gutters which again is consistent here with the intent here to minimize the size of the BMP and to have water infiltrate on the property as opposed to the channels ed into a larger M. P which would involve clearing more trees and having less land a wl ble for enjoyable open space But in reducing the size of the street by the two feet we have agreed to restrict parking to on -street parking to only one side of the road and we have added three ear minimurn parking spaces on each driveway proffer We have also proffered that every house will have a minimum of a two car garage so that we are by those mechanisms, also reducing the likelihood that there will be are issue of on street parking We have provided nrht and left hand turn lanes that we will be constructing in Nest Neck Road which we have also provided dedicated right of way for West Neck Road and our understanding is that wrest Neck Road is going to be widened and made more safe and a CEP project that should be forth corning in the next few gears It is going to be widened as I understand 1t to four lane divided to the entrance north of here to the Signature of Vest Neck At one point 1t was a discussion of it being four lame divided all the way down to Indian River Road and I believe that that has gone away — certainly hope it is gone away Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense for transitronrng to the rural area south of the urban services down Indian River Road We believe there is enough nght of war to do whatever you want to do with enough land being provided but hopefully it will still remain a two lane road but with wider shoulders and a little bit safer conditions Having said that the issues that the folks that are here — Stephen if you could go to the plan that shows the adjoining properties There are three existing home sites that are located n the north side of Indian liver load and we again got the open space berm corning up t here Behind here is also open space This is all City owned open space This first house here there is a public access easement - the trail that will be coming here - we got a connection corning through here and then w got concrete marks with stamped concrete corning across to the sidewalk so that the people in the neighborhood will be a full route around w have agreed to put a fence up here and across the back of these two lots or we may 1f eerone is 1n agreement the property owners and the developer, we may wind up doing something more of a landscape treatment but for the time being everyone is happy with us putting up a rivacv fence along the back of here and here And that is to shield potential street lights coming in to the back of their property The folks who live here, similar - we have offered to put a fence up along the boundary here where thev adjoin this lot if they would Bice that The other issue that we discussed is that they. wanted to determine that they have access to Cite water and Cite surer which vve are providing to this communitv as part of this development and we again, indicated that Citv water and Cav sewer will be available here if the property does adjoin the public right of way and we are also willing to provide it by an easement down this property lire to this property so those amenities will be made available to those existing homes as a part of this development proposal And as staff has said the proposal meets with the criteria and in the transition area and e certainly proffer a very . high quality- development and the oniv thing that l Item #19 West beck Properties Page thinly you can compare it to in terms of comparable quality will be the Reserve at Great Neck which has some similanti s in terms of all the open space preserved but it is far fewer homes It is not nearly larger than the Reserve at Great Neck but it is similar quality community would be the result of what is on paper here today Charlie Salle Thank you Do we have any questions" We didn t have anvbodv to sign up to speak at all so I guess if we allowed Eddie to speak we have got to allow everyone to speak David Stru h For the record I ain David Stru ll property owner at 2420 Indian River Road and I have flooding problem there now and I am concerned about the flooding and the rain water problem that project might put onto nay home And I am the third one over this one nght here And that is my biggest concern right now when we bought the house, also, we bought it for privac because we thought that was all too wet back in there for therm to even fill back in there but that is mar only concern that I wanted to bring up to your attention I am concerned about the flooding that can happen on fire occasions at least in the three years we have been there it has come up within about 6 feet of our house and this is mainly in the back yard right here in this corner right here It comes down the side yard and we have a problem right here we have two big sewers right here that have open grates on the top of them right next to Indian River load And when it rains hard, wherever that water is flowing, I guess it is going down here 1n the west Neck Creek whenever we have all these big storms last year it wasn t flowing and it was flowing out the tops and right down my side vard and into nay back yard and it would build up to about a foot deep in my whole corner of my vard Not for a long period but for about 5 or six hours it would stay a foot deep My dog would run back there and it would be bouncing off of his belly so I know it was a good foot deep and so that is mv concern l know you all are going to be creating more drainage for this neighborhood but if it is not able to go where it is able to o then where is it going to go Because right now we have those big drainage pipes that run across the front of our property but because it doesn't go where it is suppose to go it Cr gets backed up and it comes out the tops of those grates and 1t floods nay sidewalks If it wasn't for it corning out of those grates I donlyt think my side yard and my backyard would have flood So I have even put pagers over the top of those grates trying to keep the water down but when it comics up fast it spreads thorn and comes onto the sidewalks That 1s my concern I wanted to get on record Ronald Ripley. Have you investigated whether or not the pipes are clogged up or is it problem where the outf all is" David Strueli My wife made some calls to the City but she didn t get anwhere and we didn t come down to get anything in writing which we need to do because it might be a problem just being clogged Ronald Ripley The Citv can run a camera through there if they so desire to do and they can see what is in there and what the problem is Sometimes that is what the problem 1s Just silt builds up in it and can't take it David Strueli i had City people out around the property and they saw the pavers over top of the Item #19 West Neck Properties Page sewers and confronted nee with it and I told them of the problem and that I called the City but we didn "t do anything formally and I thought they would report it too and maybe they have done something I don t know we need to cheek on it We are very concerned we are the lowest property out of the three in my whole front yard from the street from the upper left hand corner all the way back to the right hand rear corner we are sloped that way So all the water runs towards my house and over to that corner And this year I run my dump truer and deliver materials I brought in about 8 loads of dirt in the back yard and nay buddy graded it off to help raise up any grade in my backyard but like I said, the quantity of water that cones through there It also crosses the road right over here it crosses the road at the Dolly Farm right in between my driveway, that is my driveway right there, right in between there and there it crosses the road It is a big ditch across the street It is across that road and there is a couple ofhear rains and 1t gets 20 foot section of the street I was out watching it when it rained and it was flowing over the street and it gets 3 inches deep at a very high rate over into any side yard That only happened one occasion out of all those rains we had where it crossed the street Charlie Salle Any other questions` Thank you very much Eddie Bourdon we are going to have him in contact with the engineers that will be doing the drainage for this project so we will be able to participate and see ghat is going to happen here We think will certainly be ventral or positive We are not going to be putting additional storm water onto his property which is in a low area Be happy to answer any questions Charlie Salle Any questions` Any discussion, notions? John Baum I move to approve Charlie Salle Motion by John Baum second by Cheryl Avery -Hargrove to approve the application AYE 11 NAY 0 ABS fl ABSENT ATKINSON AYE i RY- ARGROVE AYE BALM AYE DIN AYE HORSLEY AYE MILLER AYE IDLY AYE SALLE AYE STR NGE AYE 'AKS AYE WOOD AYE Charlie Salle' By a vote of l l to 0 you have approved the application of West fleck Properties for a change of zoning from AG -1 and AG-2 to - 15 conditional use permit for open space promotion and a variance regarding street pavement width FORM NO P S Is rCCv-_,�I BPre - City of '%Tirgirzici 1E3<=,=,hr=xcA-x In Reply Refer To our File No DF-5623 TO Leslie L Lilley FROM B Kay Wilsoo_ INTER -OFFICE CORRESPONVENCE ]SATE March 12, 2003 DEPT City Attorney DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application West Neck Properties, Inc and M Legare Snyder The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to he heard by the City Council on March 25, 2003 I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated November , 20 0 1, and have d termin d it to he legally sufficient and in proper legal forin copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further KW Enclosure ' WEST NECK PROPERTIES, INC , a Virgug�nia corporation M LEGARE SNYDER f/k/a MYRTLE W SNYDER TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRG IIIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 2 Td day of November, 2001, by and between WEST NECK PROPERTIES, INC, a Virginia corporation, Grantor, party of the first' part, M LEGAI E SNYDER, Grantor, party of the second part, and THE CITY OF VII GINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virgmial Grantee, party of the third part WITN SSETH WHEREAS, the party of the second part is the owner of three (3) certain parcels of property located m the Princess Anne District of the City of Virginua Beach,! containing a total of approx=ately 87 55 acres and described as "Parcel One "Parcel Two", and Parcel "Three" m Exhibit " attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference Said parcels are hereinafter referred to as the "Property", ! and WHEREAS, the party of the first part is the contract purchaser of the Property and has mitiat d a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia I Beach, Virg Lni , by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to change the Zoning Classifications of the Property from AG-1 and AG-2 to Conditional R-15 Residential : District with a Conditional Use Permit for Open Space Promotion, and PREPARED BY �f SYKES ROURDON A44MN & L YPCI GPIN 2 03-21- 2 1 2 03 -21-1 3 RETURN TO SYKES, B URD N, AHERN & LEVY P PEMBROKE ONE BUILDING, THE FIFTH FLOOR VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGIIA 23462 PREPARED BY S�NTIS LTDO F ANMN L P WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development' of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legxslatron, � and WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict and that 1n order to permit drfl'enng uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land slip larly zoned are needed to cope wrath the situation to which the Grantors' re omng appbctron gives rise, and WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of' and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for the F -1 Zoning District by the existing overall Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to' the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantors, for themselves, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in tale or interest, ' voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro qua for zoning, I rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the , following declaration of conditions and restrictons which shy restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be brndmg upon the Property and upon all pares and persons claiming under or through the Grantors, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, I grantee, and other successors in interest or tale and which will not be required of the Grantors until the Property is developed I 1 when development takes place upon that portion of the Property which is to be developed, it shall be as a single family residential community of no more 2 i I I than fifty-eight (58) budding lots substantially in conformance with the Exhibit entitled "PRELIMINARY SUBDIISIDN PLAN OF EAGLES NEST FOR WEST NECK PROPERTIES, INC VIRGINIA BEACH, IRGINIA", dated April 15, 2002, prepared b Burgess and Niple, which has been exhibited to the Virgmia Beach City Council and j is on file wrath the Virginia Beach Department ofPlanning ("Concept Plan") 2 when the property 1s developed, approximately 39 59 acres of forested area and buffers along west Neck Road and Indian River Road lying outside the residential lots and roadways depicted on the Concept Plan shall be dedicated to the Grantee as Public Open Space An additional 9 5 acres of Open Space including an. improved multi -purpose trail for use by the public shall be maintained by the Property Owners Association 3 The entrance to the community and multi -purpose trail and the typical street section of future West Neck Road and the roads withui the community shall be constructed and installed substantially in conformance vnth the detailed plans an page 2 of the Concept Plan No on -street parking shall be permitted on one side of � every road within the community 4 When the Property is subdivided it sha11 be subject to a recorded Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrict -ions ("Deed Restrictions") administered by a Property Owners Association which shall be responsible for maurtauzing all common areas easements, including the community owned open space and multi -purpose trail, the entrance signage and neighborhood park All residential dellixgs constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior surfaces, excluding roof, trim, wmdows, and doors, which is no less than seventy-five percent (75%) brick, stone, stucco or sunilar quality materials Any one story dwellxng shall conta m no less than 2600 square feet of enclosed hvmg area, a excluding garage area and any two-story dwelling shall contain no less than 2800 square feet of enclosed living area excluding garage area The front yards of all E homes shall be sodded The Deed Restrictions shad require each dwelling to have, at PREPARED BY a mmunum, a two (2) oar garage and a In (including apron) with a munmum Al I ON & LIVY 1)( , of four hundred ninety 4 0) square feet of hardened surface area i when the Property is developed, every reasonable effort will be jade to . preserve as many of the emstmg trees on the site as practical and a tree preservation plan shall be submitted to the Grantee for review along with the Prelxmmary � i Subdivision Plan The Grantors recognize that the subject site is located within the 4 Transition Area identrf ed in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach, adopted on November 4, 1997 The Comprehensive Plan states that development . taming place m this area should support the primary purpose of advancing open space and recreational uses In addition to committmg fifty-six percent %) of the Property to open space preservation, via the dedication of thirty-nine and fifty-nine II one -hundredths (39 59) acres of the Property to Grantee and nine and one-half' ( ) f� acres to the Property Ovmers Association as permanent open space the Grantors , agree to contribute the sure of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,250 off) per lot to Grantee to be ued by the Grantee to acquire lard for open space preservation pursuant to Grantee's Outdoors Plan If the finds proffered by the Grantors in this paragraph are not used by the Grantee anytime within the next' twenty (20) years for the purpose for which they are proffered, then any funds pack and unused may be used by the Grantee for any other public purpose Grantors agree to make payment for each residential lot shown on any subdivision plat prior to recordation of that plat Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detaxfed Site Plan and/or Subdivision review and adr frustration of applicable City codes by all' cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements Any references hereinabove to the R-15 Zorung District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Zoning Ordnance and Subdivision Grdman a of the Cif of Virgmia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the plate of approval of this Agreement by City Counc , which are by this reference incorporated herein ' The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantors and allowed and PREPARED BY accepted h the Grantee as art f the amendment t the Z � Ordinance, shall � O. I P y P Y L U 0l 11D AHERN & L' N ' continue m full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning I. f the Property and specffically repeals such conchtions Such cond-ittons shall PREPARED BY SUES ROUTDON ARMN & LRW P C continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or . substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by wntten instrument recorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the city of Virginia leach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the tune of recordation of such; instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee m writing I` 'as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions ofSection 15 2-2204 of the Cole of Virgmia, 1950, as amended Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void The Grantors covenant and agree that (1) The Zor ng Administrator of the City of Virginia each, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure . compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction,' abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to den the issuance of any of the required build or occupancy permits may be � y � g g p c p appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made I pursuant to these provisions, the Grantors shall petition the governing body for the! review thereof prior to instituting proceedmgs in court, and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property# and the ordinances. and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public . inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and m the Planning Department,: : 5 i PREPARED B YKE URDON PC and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed m the names of the Grantors and the Grantee i I 6 PREPARED BY ROURDON AMN & LAY P C i WITNESS the following signature and seal � GRANTOR WEST NECK PROPERTIES, INC , a Virginia corporation i i fC By � Robert D Zupoh, esident STATE IRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me flus 26th day of November, 2001, by Robert D Z1r oh, President of Nest Neck Properties, Inc , Virginia corporation, grantor I } I � l Notary Public My Commission Expires August 31, 2002 7 WITNESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR 1 ►� STATE OF VIRGINIA � CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of � November, aooi, M Legare Snyder, Grantor L "N's n L Notary Public I My Commission Expires PREPARED BY I� SITIS R LW- ) t ; ERN & L FY PC I 93 66 feet pine, S ° 45'E 9 1 feet pine, S 15' 30' 55 56 feet oak, S 38" 15' 82 75 feet gum, S 3' 25'E 121 5 feet beech, a corner, thence S 57° 5' w 201 ' feet maple, S ' w 153 7 feet holly, S 77' 3' w 69 3 feet cypress, 8 5° w 1 3 feet gum, S o° 45' W 57 4 feet gum, S 80' 15' W 141 2 feet gum, S ' 15' v 141 2 feet to a gum and thence S 7 2' 10' w 254 7 feet to the gum, the point of beginning, said tract being "Plat B" and eonta mmg 17 45 acres GPIN 2403-21-19 5 PARCEL ALL that certain tract, piece and parcel of land eontaming 0 302 acre, lying, situate and being on the north side of Indian River Road d in the Princess Anne Borough of the City of Virgima Beach, Virgmia and designated as parcel " " 0 302 acre on that certain plat entitled "Survey of Property of George S Fawley Estate, Princess Arne Borough, Virginia Beach, Va ", dated December ember 2, 1976 and made by Gallup: ' Surveying, Ltd , duly of record m the Clerk's Office Circuit Court of the City of irgunia Beach, Virginia, m Map Boob 126, at Page 3 5 -A, reference to which plat 1s Hereby made SAVE AND EXCEPT that property conveyed to Lankford D Malbone and Jeanette W � Malbone recorded in Deed Book 954, at Page 470 � GPI24-21-0241 cND=rrwSTNMMRPPFFE PREPARED BY ' E n ;4A � r'rF 4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc — Street Closure — portion of Rodriguez Drive MEETING DATE lurch 25, 2003 ■ Background Application of Carllac Auto Superstores, Inc for the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Rodriguez Drive beginning at a point approximately 200 feet south of Bonney Road and running in a southerly direction a distance of 326 18 feet Said parcel contains 7,405 20 square feet DISTRICT 3 — ROSE MALL The purpose of this request is to close a portion of Rodriguez Drive and combine the property with the adjacent site and develop a large auto sales facility ■ considerations The portion of Rodriguez Drive proposed for closure is a paper street that is heavily wooded The zoning on property east of Rodriguez Drive is Conditional 1- 2 Heavy Industrial District The zoning on the unrest side of Rodriguez hive is Bi 2 Community Business District The streets in this area between 1-264 and Bonney Road were platted in 1906 in a grid pattern Through the years, portions of several streets have been closed at different times for different developments Rodriguez Drive originally extended north to south the entire length between 1-264 and Bonner Road The southern portion, closest to 1-264, was approved by City Council for closure in 1994 The viewers Committee has reviewed the request to close a portion of Rodriguez Drive and has determined that the closure will not result in a public inconvenience The area of the street will be incorporated into the surrounding property, combining several small lots The Comprehensive Plan encourages parcel consolidation in this area The resulting consolidated parcel is being proposed for a lame auto sales operation The Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit requests for the auto sales operation are being reviewed simultaneously with this request The viewers Committee recommends approval for the closure of this portion of Rodriguez Drive subject to the conditions listed below Staff recommended approval There was no opposition to the request CarMax / Rodriguez Street Closure Page 2 of 2 0 Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of -o with 1 abstention to approve this request with the following conditions The City Attorneys Office shall mad a the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the `Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures'} approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval 3 The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure Preliminary comments from Hampton Roads Sanitation District indicate that there are no private utilities within the right- of-way proposed for closure No comments have been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion Poorer if private utilities for these agencies do east, easements satisfactory to the utility company shall be provided The applicant shall verify that there are no public drainage structures in the area proposed for closure If public drainage structures do exist, an easement over therm must be provided or they must either be removed/relocated upon review and approval by the Department of Public v o rfs Closure of the right -of -gray shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to dose the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void ■ Attachments Ordinance Staff Review Disclosure Statement Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency City Manager f ORDINANCE III THE MATTER OF CLOSING, VACATING NI DISCONTriNrUfNG A PORTION F THAT CERTAIN STREET KNONN N AS RODRIGUEZ DRIVEAS SHONNN N THAT E IOTA I ' PLAT ENTITLED PLAT SHOWENG PROPOSED CLOSUTRE OF A PORTION 1 RODRIGLTEZ DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY (MB 4, PG 1 1 NOVEMER 1 , V1RGI­\t1A BEACH VIRGINIA " WHEREAS on March 25, 2003, JRL- Associates LLC a irglnia limited liability company, andCarMax Superstores, Inc a f 1r inla corporation applied to the Council ofthe Cil% of Virginia Beach, Virginia to have the hereinafter ter described street discontinued, closed, and vacated, nd WHEREAS, it is the jud ment of the Council that said stieet be discontinued, closed, and vacated, subject to certain conditions having been met on oI before March 24, 2004, NOW, THEREFORE, SECTION I E IT R] A1N.E by the Council ofthe City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that 111�' hereinafter described street be discontinued, closed acid vacated, subject to certam conditions bean - met on or before March 24, 2004 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, t �-mg and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, designated and described a PORTION OF RODRIGUEZ DRIVE TO BE CLOSED, AREA = 16 281 SF OR 0 374 AC itshown as the cross -hatched area on that certain plat entitled PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED CL SL.TRE OF PORTION F RODRIGUEZ DRIVE RI HT- F- r ( M KNI' 14 -33- , 14 - 3-133 ,14 7- 3-1313, 14 -3 3-134 . 14 -33-14 14 71 - 33-I41, 14-33-4, 147--151, 14-3-1} 14?-33-435 4, PG 19 1 N VEM ER 1 , 2002, VIRGINIA BEACH, IRGIINL " Seale I"mo o' , d Led November 1 , prepared by MSA, P C , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A SECTION If The following conditions must be met on of before March 24 2004 I The City. Attorney's Office will make the final detennin tion regarding owncr ship of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the Citv shall be determined accord into the Policy Regarding Purchase of Cit y' Interest in Streets Pursuant to StreetClosures,I approved b f CityCouncil Copies of said policy aie available in the Planning Department The applicant shall resubdivide the propertv and vacate internal lot lines to incoiliorate the closed area into the adjoining parcelh The re ubdivi ion plat shall be submitted and appiovcd for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant shall verifvf that no pi ivate utilities exist within the right- f-wa f proposed for closure Pr t i ni i n ary comments from Ham ton Roads Sani tat10n D I stmct 1nd1cate t11 it there are no private utilities within the right-of-wav proposed for closure No comments hay e been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion Pokk:er If private Lltlllt]eS for these agencies d exist, easements satisfactory to the utility companv shall be provided The applicant shall verify that there are no public drainage str ctin s in the area pr9opo ed for closure 1f public drainage structures do exist, an casement over them must be provided or thev riiust either be removed:ii eIoc ted upon review and appr vaI by the I epartment of Public Works Closure of the right-o wav shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval bv Citv Council If all conditions noted above are not accomplished rid the final plat zs not appioared within one vew of the City Council vote to cl o e the roadway, this approval will be considered IILIIl and void 2 TCTT ' YTT I If the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on or before March 241 2004, this Ordinance will be deemed null and void without further action by the City . Council If all conditions are met on or before March 2004 the date of final closure is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attoniev SECTION IV certified ied pv of this 01 di nance shal l be fi I ed in the Clerk's ' f`#i Ce Of the C I I L 11 P Wr Court ofthe City ofVirginia Beach, Virginia and indexed in the name of tT he CITY F VIRGINIA .,r EACH as Grantor'' Adopted by the Council of the City{ of it% inia Beach, Virginia, n this � clad of ..2003 A 8656 Documents and SLttings`hduke=LocaI Sett1ngs'Zernp--VLahor�6 old w-pd APPROVED NS TO CONTENT Parr1111 effi�ptttYrit APPROVED AS TO t EGA IE I Y ov Attorney 3 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 51 February 12, 2003 General Information: APPLICATION G07-213-STC-2002 NUMBER REQUEST Street Closure ADDRESS Portion of Rodriguez Drive, beginning 2' south of Bonney Road #__ J� 17 J Fi tiF f tiJ� / uarmax ji u r #/ r7,/ tL -------- --VIRGMIA VD-- 6-2 I _ I • ON ti y � I �1� .12 r I� IRMO 1 r -- I , 1 R � r i _ a.. .Street Closure — RODRIGUFZ DR ELECTION DISTRICT 3 — ROSE HALL SITE SIZE 16,281 square feet STAFF PLANNER Barbara Duke ' 81r-4 , Planning Commission Agenda I - February 12, 23 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Pave 1 PURPOSE To close a portion of Rodriguez Drive and combine the property with the adjacent site and develop a large auto sales facility Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Land Use and Zonin The portion of Rodriguez Drive proposed for closure is a paper street that is heavily wooded The zoning on property east of Rodriguez Drive is Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District The zoning on the west side of Rodriguez Drive is -2 Community Business District Surrounding Land Use and ZoniDg North Wooded property B-2 Community Business District South Shops and Off ice B-2 Community Business District East Contractor's Paving operation Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District West flooded property B-2 Community Business District Zoning History The streets in this area between 1-264 and Bonney Road were platted in 1906 in a grip! pattern Through the gears, portions of several streets have been closed at different times for different developments Rodriguez Dave originally extended north to south the entire length between 1-264 and Bonney Road The southern portion, closest to 1-264, ►ras approved by City Council for closure in 1994 Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There are no water and sewer facilities in the area proposed for closure Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAx AUTO SUPERSTORES Page 2 .� ftiv!�11 Public Works It drainage facilities are present, they must be removed/relocated prior to plat recordation Private Utilities Preliminary comments from Hampton Roads sanitation District show no utilities in this right-of-way No comments have been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion Power Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan policies and Map designation for this portion of the Little Neck Planning Area support the mixture of residential and nonresidential uses that coexist in the Bonney Road corridor The policies also recognize the potential for significant economic development in this corridor provided that development proposals are attractive, safe and economically viable Parcel consolidation is encouraged as a gray to increase the quality of development proposals Evaluation of Request The Viewers Committee has reviewed the request to close a portion of Rodriguez Drive and has determined that the closure will not result in a public inconvenience The area of the street will be incorporated into the surrounding property, combining several small lets The Comprehensive Plan encourages panel consolidation in this area The resulting consolidated panel is being proposed for a large auto sales operation The Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit requests to for the auto sales operation are being reviewed simultaneously with this request The Viewers Committee recommends mends approval for the closure of this portion of Rodriguez Drive subject to the conditions listed below Conditions The City Attorney's Office shall make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City s Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures,}' approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 5 Page 3 2 The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for closure Preliminary comments from Hampton Roads sanitation District indicate that there are no private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure No comments have been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion Power If private utilities for these agencies do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company shall be provided The applicant shall verify that there are no public drainage structures in the area proposed for closure It public drainage structures do exist, an easement over them must be provided or they must either be removed/relocated upon review and approval by the Department of Public Works Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right -of -guar this approval shell be considered null and void NOTE Further conditions may be required during the administration of a Ircable City Prdinances Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 5 Page 4 (M 2.957 PC 56 DENOTES PORTION OF R DRIGUE N8 4 Po Ig V DR# CIE TO BE CLOSED 148.U-81TM _� ARE A= 16 281 SF 10 OR o3 4 C 2.9 2 47 50" 075 .50-00 TO I xx W 2 .,SCR ASSOCIA � 048 PO 85 a C , 8 �- 1,5 1 & 12 Z Ed PARcliZ -1 l O ` 1, -1S PLO. stR SOCIA M:S J.Z C V 08 40446RO &? A& --q k .� 148j --1 _j r . LP O I 5 i.. SSOCYA tTS I Z C M8 4 PC 191 - - LW 0=AV 1 '1 Ar PC 19 1 ` 8 ,- IJ4.9 1 M (A0f8 4 PC 1 1 8 -JIJIJ 42 Z OS 21 CL Oq-D PtWrW Or FA95W of �- MCP A SOCK , 5 RC 8 440 " ►r aOSED P6W N S S � LA )Z�� L L C - (AV8 4 P I MCP 4SSOCIC 1 8 1J f PC 8 55 PC 191 1497--U-0285 I �,�, PL AT SH OMNG PROPOSED CLC UR F A PORTION OF 2306 R DRI UE AVENUE \ � RIGHT-OF-WAY SUIRS0 MB 4 P 1 1 J OVEI B R 12 2002 MROINIA BEACH MRGINIA Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES # 5 Page DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicarres Name CARMAX Auto Sup2rstores, In List All Cuffent JLR Associate Pmperty Owners PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property ova is a CORPORATION, ATION, list all OffIWS Of the Corporation betow (Attach Nst if necessary) If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM or der UNINCORPORATED PORATE ORGAMZAIION, ftst all members or partners in the organizadon below ftach limit Robert C Teets, Member/Manager, James M Teets Member, Linda G Teets, Member 0 Cheer hm if the property owner Is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated w9anizaflon ff the appricent is not the current owner of t o property compfbftthe Appfic&nt closure section below APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATI.ON, fist all oars of the Coqwradon belovr (Attach list if necessary) See Exhibit C a if the property owner is a PARTNERSHtP, F i R, or otter UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organi a obelow ffach #r # if necessary) 0 Check here rf tte pnNwrty owner Is NOT a corporation, partnership firm or other uniricorporated organizabon CERTIFICAT1014 I certffy that the information contained herein is true and accurate CARA4AX Aut4o superstores Inc By K Douglass Moyers Assistant V -Presider # Real l Estate - - Sign Street Closure Application Page o1 mWed ,o 1e 200 Print Name Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page HI CORPORATE I.NFORMATION APPLICANT CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc, a Virgana corporation President V President/Secretary- Vice President Treas rer s t Secretary COB/CEO PROPERTY OWNERS W Ausdn Ligon Michael Chalifaux Bcnjamtn B Cuings, Jr Plullap Dunn W Alan McCallough JIR Associates, L L C , a Vtrgmm limited liability cony Mpg g Member Robert C Teets Contractors Paring CwWany, Inc , a Vtrginm corporation President Vice President Secretary D-trector Robert C Teets ward J ManIey Joycc A Sawyer Martha T Teets Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page -- ilk N CA'1P11� - I(D8 L9 PGA56j) ;, 4 G' 191) 14 ,, 081 17 9 i H 82 47 50 LOTS 9 & 10 off ASSOCA TES L L C D D / 8 4046 Ra 5) ' 1, *214/ L TS 11 o4/■y1 {f ub? SSOC �Y Z Y fly �- - 4046PL* 25 (Alg 4 P 9 14 ,, 0584 _ ,-JL L OT,S 15 SCR ASSOCIATE, L L .. V8 4FU4&P 8.5 LO �.. (AID 4 P' 191) -o tla CA can' 7 LOTS 17 & 18 &tR A -Y L L C - Away PC 11 1 (Aa? 4 .1I/Q 4Vf` J 79mmq&M L TS0 40 ASP A5SOCIA T ,� L L C 4,5PG 18, 4 PC 191) 14 1,11 1 d' CLOSE L00 3 42 POr4TON L "ff}?SET � Zfi7S L/ SSOCAT S L 1 1 Z51 N Ai M 0 m DENOTES PORTION OF RQDRIGUEZ DRIVE TO BE CLOSED AREA=16 281SF OR 0 374AC Uj 0 a_ PARCEL B-1 LtR ASSQC/ATES L L C (08 3852PG I07J) �d/B 785PC 16) 1487-3.3-4.i75 LOT 15 ufR A FS' L L 4046 P' 5 AV8 4 Pig 191 14 JJ- 140 EXHIBIT , ,5 PC 1 8 4 05 55 W CL OSf D PO D 776W OF R ST 5fRE T 4 PC 191) 148 JU— 1JJ0 I "' I 21 Rz Oc I JOB# 02190 PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED CLOSURE F A PORTION F D IGUEZ 'DRIVE RIGHT—OF—WAY lB 4 PG 191) NOVEI BER 12 2002 VI GII IA BEACH VIRGINIA SLR ASSOCIA7FS L L C (DB 4046 PG 825) (MB 4 PC 191) 1487-.3,3-0285 M SAS P C Lark scape Architecture PlanningUU Surveying Engineering Environmental L]en e Li 5013 ROUSE DRIVE VIRUINIA BEACH! VA 23462 3" 09 PHONE (`5S ) 490 9264 F A X ("5 ) 490 n674 {SATE 11 1 02 SCALE 1 ; 50 DWN BY MASSHEET 1 DF 1 , Z4.. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM CarMa c Auto Superstores, Inc — Street Closure — portion of Wagner Street MEETING DATE March h , 2003 0 Background Application of CarMax Auto superstores, Incfor the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Wagner Street located on the south side of Bonney Road, running in a southerly direction approximately 119 72 teat Said parcel contains 7,405 20 square feet DISTRICT 3 — ROSE HALL The purpose of this request is to close a portion of Wagner Street and combine the property with the adjacent site and develop a large auto sales facility ■ Considerations The portion of Wagner Street proposed for closure is currently serving as an entrance for the Contractor's Paving operation The property east of Wagner Street is zoned Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District Property to the west of Wagner Street is zoned B-2 Community Business District The streets in this area between 1-264 and Bonney Road were platted in 1906 in a grid pattern Through the years, portions of several streets have been closed at different tunes for different developments Wagner Street originally extended north to south the entire length between 1-264 and Bonney Road The southern portion, closest to 1-264, was approved by City Council for closure in 1993 The viewers Committee has reviewed the request to close a portion of Wagner Street and has determined that the closure will not result in a public inconvenience The area of the street will be incorporated into the surrounding property The Comprehensive Flan encourages parcel consolidation in this area The resulting consolidated panel is bung proposed for a large auto sales operation The Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit requests for the auto sales operation are bung reviewed simultaneously with this request The Viewers Committee recommends approval for the closure of this portion of Wagner Street subject to the conditions listed below Staff recommended mended approval There was no opposition to the request CarMax /Wagner Street Closure Page 2 of 2 ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of -o with 1 abstention to approve this request with the following conditions The City ttorney's office shall make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in streets Pursuant to street Closures," approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department 2 The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal tot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval 3 The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure Preliminary comments from Hampton Roads Sanitation District indicate that there are no private utilities within the right- of-way proposed for closure No comments have been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion Power If private utilities for these agencies do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, skull be provided 4 The applicant shag verify that there are no public drainage structures in the area proposed for closure If public drainage structures do exist, an easement over them must be provided or they must either be removed/relocated upon review and approval by the Department of Public Works Closure of the right -of -wary shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void ■ Attachments Ordinance Staff Review Disclosure Statement Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency Planning Department City Managerr � ? aft ORDINANCE IN THE MATTER TE F CLOSING, VACATING ANT 1 I-S NTII ' I G P 1�` PORTION F THAT CERTAIN STREET REE- T KN0 S AG STREET', N S SHOW OIL' THAT CERTAIN' PLAT ENTITLED PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF WAGNER STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY MB4} PG 191 NOVEMBER 12. 2002, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA '# WHEREAS, on March 25, 2003, JRL- Associates L L C a Virginia limited liability company and CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc , a Virginia corporation, applied to the Council ofthe City ofVirginia Beach, Virginia to have the hereinafter descnbed street discontinued, closed, and vacated, and WHEREAS, it is the judgement ofthe Coun 11 that said. street be discontinued, closed, and vacated, subject to certain conditions having been met on or before March 2 , 20049 NOW, THEREFORE, SECTION I BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that the hereinafter described street be discontinued, closed and vacated, subject to certain conditions being met on or before March 24, 2004 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, designated and described a "PORTION OF WAGNER STREET TO BE CLOSED, AREA 71551 SF OR o 173 AC" shown as the cross -hatched area on that certain plat entitled PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED CLOSURE OF A PORTION; of WAGNER STREET RIGHT- F-W ALY (MB 4, PG 1 1 N VEMER 12, 2002, VfRGTNIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Scale 1 "=4 ', prepared b v MS A, P C , copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit GPIN 147--47 QT7CTTC)1S,T TT The following conditions must be met on or before March 4, 2004 1 The City Attomey's Office will make the final determination regarding wnei h 1;) of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according t the Policy Regarding purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures, approved by City Council Copies ofsaid policy are available in the Planning Department The applicant shall resubdiide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The re ubdivi ion plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for clo s ure P re I i m i nary comm ents from Hampton Loads Sanitation District indicate that here are no private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure No cornments have been received from Virginia Natural bras or Dominion Power If private utilities for these agencies do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, shall be provided 4 The applicant shall verify that there are no public drainage structures in the proposed for clour If public drainage structures do exist, an easement orerthern must be piovided or they must either be rerno ec relocat d upon review and approval by th Department of public Works Closure of the right-of-wav shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by Cite Council If all conditions l note above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the roadway, this approval will be considered null and void SECTION III I If the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on or before M arch 24, 2004, this Ordinance will he deemed null and void without further action by the City Council ON If all conditions are met on or before March 24, 2004 the date of final closin e is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attorney SECTION* IV 3 A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed 1n the Clerk's ' f fee of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name ofthe CITY OF VIRGLNIA BEACH as Grantor " Adopted by the Council of the City of Vir znia Beach, it inia�, on this � day f 1,2003 A 8657 March 11 2003 C °Docuunents and ettings`bduke`Local ewngs`%Temp\ A57 ORD FRN-1 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Planning epartmnt APPROVED TO LE FICIEN Y Z 'itv Attornev K CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 6 General Information: APPLICATION NUMBER G07-214-STC-2042 REQUEST Street Closure ADDRESS ELECTION DISTRICT SITE SIZE STAFF PLANNER February 12, 2003 Wagner Street, located on the south side of Bonney Road CacrAfax Auto Vwhei 3 — ROSE HALL ,1 square feet Barbara Duke Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 23 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page 1 stores 6 PURPOSE To close a portion of Rodriguez Drive and combine the property with the adjacent site and develop a large auto sales facility Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Land Use and Zoni[!g The portion of Wagner Street proposed for closure is currently serving as an entrance for the Contractor's Paring operation The property east of Wagner Street is zoned Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District Property to the west of Wagner Street is zoned B-2 Community Business District Surrounding Land Use and Zontnp North 0 Bonney Read South • Contractor's Paving storage yard Conditional 1- Heavy Industrial District East 0 Contractor's Paving storage yard Conditional 1- Heavy Industrial District West 0 Contractor's Paving offices B-2 Community Business District Zoning History The streets in this area between 1-264 and Bonney Road were platted in 1906 in a grid pattern Through the gears, portions of several streets have been closed at different times for different developments Wagner Street originally extended north to south the entire length between 1-264 and Bonney Road The southern portion: closest to 1-264, was approved by City Council for closure in 1993 Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There are no public grater and sewer facilities within the portion of Wagner Street proposed for closure Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 6 Page 2 Public Works The portion of Wagner Street proposed for closure is currently a paved entrance Any pavement and accompanying drainage structures must be removed/relocated prior to final plat recordation Private Utilities Preliminary comments from Hampton Roads Sanitation District show no utilities in this right-of-way No comments have been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion Power Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan policies and map designation for this portion of the Little Neck Manning Area support the mixture of residential and nonresidential uses that coexist in the Bonney Road corridor The policies also recognize the potential for significant economic development in this corridor provided that development proposals are attractive, safe and economically viable Parcel consolidation is encouraged as a way to increase the quality of development proposals Evaluation of Request The Viewers Committee has reviewed the request to close a portion of Wagner street and has determined that the closure will net result in a public inconvenience The area f the street will be incorporated into the surrounding property The Comprehensive Plan encourages parcel consolidation in this area The resulting consolidated parcel is being proposed for a large auto sales operation The Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit requests to for the auto sales operation are being reviewed simultaneously with this request The Viewers Committee recommends approval for the closure of this portion of Wagner Street subject to the conditions listed below Conditions The City Attorneys Office shall make the final determination regarding o nership of the underlying fee The purchase price to be paid to the City shall be determined according to the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures,,, approved by City Council Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page 2 The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels The plat shall be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way proposed for closure Preliminary comments from Hampton roads sanitation District indicate that there are no private utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure No comments have been received from Virginia Natural Gas or Dominion lower If private utilities for these agencies do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, shall be provided The applicant shall verify that there are no public drainage structures in the area proposed for closure If public drainage structures do exist, an easement over them must be provided or they must either be removed/relocated upon review and approval by the Department of Public Works Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council It the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration- of 2mlicable City Ordinances Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO S PERSToRES Page DENOTES PORTION OF WAGNER - STREET TO BE CLOSED AREA= 7 551 SF R 0 17 AO 10 CAP f.QSEAf£NT sae 2151 Rc 674T R��.ti tt1 5a" 7428 co -, a Uj CL �- .5 cr 86W y ROAq (I/AR RIK (A18 1.9 pc 1) 10 CAP EAS,fA/£NT 67.fj-- oil�`, �, N 78 09 52" � s �1 a 78 28 � r 'ram / 'LA �jh � �J H"C left u, Q � � a .[R �4S�YATFS [ L C -- -� o / �� , c TDB J832PO 107,�j t* oa fare 2e5PC rs) a w �, � # � �N � r487-3.J 4J75 m V Q/ co �i � I h 5007 Qy�Ei N 84 46 25" E 41%0 f PLAT SHOWNG PROPOSED CLOSUR F A PORTION TI F WAGNER STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY M13 4 PG 1 1 NOVEMBER 12 2002 #RGINIA BEACH MRGINIA Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Pare LOSURE STATEMENT l Applicant's Name e CARMAX Auto Syp _!�WS)res, Inc t All Current LR Associate Property Owners�, L L PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE F the property owner is a CORPORATfON fist aff officers of the Corporation below (Attach fist ifs nary If the property oar is a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM, or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below At oh list if necessary) Robert C Teets, Member/Manager, Janes M Teets Member Linda G Vets, Member 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a con adorn partnership firm or other unincorporated organization if the appIkant Is not the current owner of the property complWe the Appikent Disciosurs section mow APPLICANT DISCLOSURE ff the property owner is a CORPORATION, fist all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list rf necessary) S Exhibit � e it C w If the prop" owner is a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION, list all members or partners in ft organafion below (Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION ! certify that the information contained herein Is true and accurate iSignatur Street Closure Application Page 8 of t ARMAX Auto Superstores Inc y K Douglass Moyers Assistant Vice -President Reel Estate Print Name Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # fi Page 7 III CORPORATE INFORMATION APPLICANT: CarMax Auto Sup t r s, Inc , a Virgmia corporation President V President/Secretary Vice President TreasurerlAsst Secretary COB/CEO PROPERTY OWNERS W Austut Ligon Michael ChalY,foux Benjamn B Cunmungs, Jr P1u1Iip Dunn W Alan McCaliough JLR Associates, L L C, a Virguua Muted habihty coany Managing Member Robert C Teets Contractors Paving Company, Inc , a Vir i na corporation President Vice President Secretary Director Robert C Teets Edward J Manley Joyce A Sawyer Martha T Teets Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page DENOTES PORTION OF WAGNER ER EX�IBIn STREET TO BE CLOSED Al E = 7 551 SF El OR O 17C go,qNf-y ROAD (VAR R14y) (mg f.i2 PC 1i 10 CdrP EASEMENT (9e 2161 pc 674) 10 CAP E,dSfMENT (09 2161 PC 874) (1)� ]E ORti� L� (f) gR4N 78 p9 52 E �44 78 28 �d N 78 (39 54 S� `i°� 74 2a 23 � `�� 'hh ,5�. � L01 PARCEL B-> � Q0 ►� �`v � z .LR ASSAC/A77fSy L [ C C> z o � � a (DB .T852 PC l07,T) s � � h m �, /,� � tie 28APc /6) Z w �,, o e� l a w 14B7-33- 4375 Cn `►inn O� °; a N oa ' 26 ram- IX.- gc o �^ v � 27 Q � 6L0CK S S � 50 07 +n Cf, N 84 06 25 E Q1�E� 0 o IJ,�R 140 PLAT SHOWING 4'to PROPOSED CLOSURE ufn OF A PORTION OF WAGNER STREET R1GHT-OF- WAY I B 4 PG 1 1 OEIBER 12 2002 \IRGINIA BEACH MRGINIA MSA)mPmC .1mmIm Landscape Architecture Planning Surveying Engincering En iron menfaI Sciences 033 ROL19f DR11 L VIRGIN [IF V-3I 1 % 2J462 3709 1 110NC (737) 490 9204 FAX (757) 4W ()()34 JOB# 0219� DATE tl/12/OZ � SCALE 1 =4Q IM OBY I�AS I SHEET 1 OF 1 n t 3 uarinax ziuro aufajugggw nA - +ate-■•- a•.=.�Now1,010 �.� 95 OEM AF dir .vim kcq dev MA l "S dft WL7' P # _ Cyptn — See apphcation ZONING HISTORY 1 — REZONING from B-2 Business t ,1 Office CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for Mau soleum/Cerneter r STREET CLOSURE 2 — REZONING from -1 Office to Conditional 1-2 Industrial 1 — STREET CLOSURE 1 — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for Auto Repair 1 — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for Truck Dental 1 — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for Cell Tower 7 1 — STREET CLOSURE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for Auto Body Shop 1 — STREET CLOSURE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc -Change f Zoning District Classification CarMa c Auto Superstores, Inc - Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background An Ordinance upon Application of CarMax Auto superstores, Inc for a Chan e of Zoning District Classification from 1-2 Heavy Industrial District, Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District and B-2 Community Business District to Conditional B- Commuknity Business District on the south side of Bonney Road, crest of Chestnut Avenue GPI 114 7-33-1 39, -131 , -0341, -1349, -03 9, -14 2, - 1416. -04199 -05 84, -1 1 , -05 09, - 2844, 2 01, -27061 -0 509, -0419, -0 34 91 0341, -1 1 , -0 4, -1 1 , -14 2, -1349, -0 , `437 , - 43% -9199, -2044, 197 t -1 2 t -0 73, -92 The proposed zoning to Conditional B-2 is for retail commercial land use The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for business parrs, offices, industrial, and employment support land use Parcel contains 21 5 acres DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL An ordinance upon Application of CarMax Auto superstores, Inc for a Conditional Use Permit for rotor vehicle sales on the south side of Bonney Road, crest of Chestnut Avenue (GPIN 1 7- 3-1 30, -1 1 , -03 1, -1349, 0 9, -1 o2, -1 1 , -0419: -05849 -1 1 : -9 09, -2 44, - 91, -270 1 -0 09, 0 1 9, -0349,-9341,-1 1 ,-9 ,-1 1 ,-149 9-1 9,-05, -4375,- 4 9, 9199, -2044, -197 , -1 2 , -06 73, -92 Parcel contains 21 5 acres DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL The purpose of the requests is to allow the development of a large auto sales operation on the property ■ Considerations There is an existing concrete paving operation on the portion of the site that is zoned 1-2 & Conditional 1-2 Industrial District The majority of the B-2 portion of the site is wooded There is also a small business fronting on Bonney Road that is part of this site The site plan shows that the motor vehicle sales operation will occupy the majority of the lot, with 3 39 acres reserved on the eastern portion of the lot, fronting on Chestnut Avenue, for future expansion All of the existing buildings Carlax Page 2 of 3 located on the site, including those within the expansion area, will be removed The area to the east of the auto storage area is shown as a future customer parking lot expansion The request to rezone this site to Conditional B!2 Community Business District and a Conditional Use Permit for auto sales is acceptable The proposal meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and will replace an industrial use with a new use that is more compatible with the surrounding area The building and landscaping provided on the site are attractive and will greatly improve the aesthetics of this area There was no opposition to the request ■ Recommendations tions The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded Grote of -0 with 1 abstention to approve this request with the following conditions 1 The development of the site shall substantially conform with the site plan entitled `Cara a c Store No 7130, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Preliminary Site Plan" dated January 22, 2008 exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department 2 The building shall be developed in substantial conformance with the rendering entitled "Carmax Zoning Elevations" dated January 22, 2003 as exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department 8 The landscaping on the site shall substantially conform with the plan entitled Tarmax Store No 7130, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Landscape Development Plan" dated November 12, 2002 exhibited to City Council and on fide in the Planning Department The block gall surrounding the storage area shall be at least 6 feet in height and shall not exceed 8 feet in height The block gall shall substantially conform to the exhibit entitled "C rmax Decorative Screen Wall Detail" exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department Board of Zoning Appeals vanance is required to set the wall back 20 feet from 1-264 as shown on the site plan if the variance is not granted, the wall shall be relocated to the 35 foot set back required in the Zoning Ordinance All internal lot lines shall be vacated by plat Except for the masonry gall and parking expansion area shown on the site plan submitted to the Planning Department with this application, no CarMax Page 3of3 structures or stormwater detention facilities shall be constructed within 65 feet of the current right -of -war of 1-264 3 No outside storage of junk or salvage vehicles shall be permitted If vehicles in this condition require storage, then such vehicles shall be stored within the building There shall be no pennants, streamers, banners, balloons, or searchlights displayed on the site at any time 10 The applicant shall instaff Category i landscaping on the east side of the wall enclosing the area designated "Non -Saleable, 3 25 ac If n the plan referenced in Condition 1 ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency City Manager 1� Planning DepartmentqL - -` CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 3 & 4 February 12, 2003 General Information: APPLICATION G07-215-CRZ-2002 NUMBER G07-215-CUP-2002 REQUEST 3 Chan a of Zoninci District Classification from 1-2 Heavy Industrial District, Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District and B-2 Community Business District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District 4 Conditional Use Permit for Motor Vehicle sales ADDRESS Property located on the south side of Bonney Road, unrest of Chestnut Avenue "'WP. r- 'Y a ME% uarinax-Auto a lip, 1P rV r - �. :a'lt WA i / ,ra Map ore 00/00,0 94, or y = :� ■ map:� dwW� ■ t Giro - See a phca(ton 1A B Planning Commission Agenda �Y February 12, 2003kL . CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES 3 . ..- Page 1 G PI N 17-3-1 33o , 17--1 3 1 3, 147-33-0 1, 147-- 1 34, 147-- o , 1 7-3 -1 2, 14 7- 3-1 1 , 1 7-3 - 1 , 14 -33- 4, 14 7-33-151 , 14 7-3 -2 44, 1 67- 3- 01, 1467- 3-2706, 14 7- 3- 060 , 1467-33-026 , 1467- -437 , 1 7-33-64 r 1 7-2 - 1 , 1467- 3-2o , 1467- 2-1 76, 1 7-32-162 , 14 7- -0673, 1467- 3- 266 ELECTION DISTRICT 3 — ROSE HALL SITE SIZE 21 3 acres STAFF PLANNER Barbara Duke PURPOSE To allover the development of a large auto sales operation on the property Major Issues: 0 Compatibility with surrounding uses 0 Conformance with Comprehensive Plan Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existina Land Use and Zonina There is an existing concrete paving operation on the portion of the site that is zoned 1-2 & Conditional 1-2 Industrial District The majority of the B-2 portion of the site is wooded There is also a small business fronting on Bonne} Roach that is part of this site Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 200 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page 2 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning North 0 Bonney Road South • 1 nterstate 264 East • chestnut Avenue West Thalia Trace TownhorrlesA-1 2 Apartment • Various businesses fronting on Happy street B-2 Zoninci and Land Use Statistics With E isting The subject site is a compilation of several different Zoning properties with three different existing zoning categories About ore -third of the site is zoned 1-2 Leavy Industrial District Currently, there is a concrete paring operation on this portion of the site This portion of the site could also be used for any other principal or conditional use allowed in the 1-2 Heavy Industrial District About one, -third of the site is zoned conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial District The recorded proffer agreement restricts the use of this site to bulk storage and contractor's storage where asphalt and concrete raver materials and products are stored, recycled and delivered by rail and by truck About one-third of the site is zoned B-2 Community Business District This portion of the site contains several small lots fronting on paper streets If the streets were constructed, these lots could potentially develop with any of the principal or conditional uses allowed in the B-2 Community Business District individually or as a combination of lots With Proposed The proposed rezoning will provide one zoning Zoning category for the subject site of Conditional B-2 Business District and will restrict the use of the site to Motor Vehicle Bales and any uses accessory and Planning commission Agenda February 12, 20103 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page incidental thereto Since Motor vehicle sales is a Conditional Use in the -2 zoning category, a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Motor vehicle Sales is also being considered with the rezoning A specific site plan and building elevations are proposed with the use Zonina History There have been several zoning actions on the subject site In 1973, with the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning ordinance, the portion of the site west of Avenue E was zoned -2 Community Business District and the portion of the site east of Avenue E was zoned 1-2 Industrial District Additional zoning actions are outlined below 193 — RE ONING #roan B-2 Business to -1 Office on the portion of the site crest of Avenue E granted CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for mausoleum. emetery granted STREET CLOSURES of portions of Wagner Street , First Street and Avenue E granted 1 94,1 9 — STREET CLOSURES of portions of Avenue H, First street, and Avenue G (now Rodriquez Drive) were approved by City Council 1997— REZONING from -1 Office to Conditional 1-2 Industrial granted The Contractor's Paving operation is established on the site 1999— STREET CLOSURE of a portion of Avenue E granted There have also been a number of Conditional Use Penults for auto related uses granted on properties surrounding this site as shown on the zoning history map Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ� The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There is ar 10 inch water main in Bonney Road fronting this property Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page There is an 8 inch sanitary sewer main in Bonney Road fronting a portion of the property at Avenue E east to Chestnut Avenue There is no sanitary severer currently available to property from Avenue H to Avenue E This site must connect to City water and sewer Pump station analysis and upgrades may be required Transo rtation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) DOT is in the process of conducting a comprehensive corridor study of 1-2, which will involve improvements to the Rosemont Road/1-264 interchange The Department of Public Works is evaluating the relocation of Bonney Road as part of this study Relocated Bonner Road is proposed to the east of this site and any right -of -err acquisition for this future project will not impact the subject site Bonner Road in the vicinity of this location is a four lane undivided minor urban arterial It is shown on the Master Transportation Plan Neap as an undivided facility on a 70 foot right of way There are no projects to improve this facility identified in the current Capital Improvement Program Traffic calculations Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Capacity Existing Land Use -1 256 ADT ' Bonney Road 13.710 ADT ' 14t8OO ADT ' � Proposed Land Use — 1672- 2194ADT rerage Daily Taps T gas defined by figure from Ir imley Horn Traffic Impact Analysis of Chestnut Avenue traffic generated by Contractors Paving 1 672 ADT is based on previous trip generation study of three CarMax sites 2 194 ADT is based on Institute of Traffic Engineers trip generation rates for new car sales Public Safety Police The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES, # 3 Page Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and Gated sites must provide for fire department access using the Rescue Knox or Supra key system Gates must have failsa€e operatfon in the event of poorer failure Vehicles must not be used as barriers to prevent ingress/egress to the property Security for ingress/egress must be approved by the Fire Marshal so that the Fire Department access is not obstructed Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan policies and Map designation for this portion of the Little Deck Planning Area support the mixture of residential and nonresidential uses that coexist in the Bonney Food corridor The policies also recognize the potential for significant economic development in this corridor provided that development proposals are attractive, safe and economically viable Parcel consolidation is encouraged as a way to increase the quality of development proposals Summary of Proposal Site Des�gn The site plan shows that the motor vehicle sales operation will occupy the majority of the lot, with 3 39 acres reserved on the eastern portion of the lot, fronting on Chestnut Avenue, for future expansion All of the existing buildings located on the site, including those within the expansion area, will be removed There is a 04-space parking lot located at the front of the site, along Bonney Road that will be the car sales and display area This parking lot will be surrounded by a lour security fence (30 inches in height) and will be gated, so that customers will not be able to access the lot without first going through the sales office located inside the building There is a 58,477 square foot sales and service building located in the middle of the site, with the front of the building facing Bonney Road To the east of the building, a parking lot for customers employees is shown with 279 spaces Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES 3 & 4 Page There is a 3 25 acre area in back of the service portion of the building, on the unrest side of the site that is shown as an area to store cars while they are being touched up and repaired prior to placing there on the sales lot An -foot high block wall surrounds this area The block wall is set back 50 feet from the western property line adjacent to the existing residential townhome community This 0-foot buffer is currently heavily wooded, and it is indicated on the site plan that all trees will remain in this buffer The block wall is setback only 20 feet from the 1-264 right-of-way lure The required setback adjacent to 1-264 is 35 feet, and the applicant is aware that a Board of Zoning Appeals variance is required to set the gall at 20 teet as shown on the plan The area to the east of the auto storage area is shown as a future customer parking lot expansion A 1 -acre storrnw ter management facility is shown on the eastern portion of the property fronting on 1-264 This stormwater management facility will be a wet pond It is set back 85 feet from the 1-264 right -of -gray and has been sized to accommodate the entire site, including the future expansions shown • The site plan does not show any of the right-of-way reservation area along the 1-264 right-of-way that the staff has identified is needed for the expansion of 1-264 in accordance with a study currently underway by the Virginia Department of Transportation staff has identified the need for a minimurrn 65 foot wide reservation along the 1-264 frontage on this property The only improvements shown within this -foot reservation area on the site plan are the block wall and storage area, the future customer parking lot, and landscaping along 1-264 boundary A condition requiring this reservation is recommended at the conclusion of this report Vehicular and Pedestrian Access • The site will have one access The access will be located on Bonney Road The site plan shows that a right turn lane will be constructed on Bonney Road at the new entrance location Along with the request for the rezoning and use permit for the auto sales operation, the applicant has requested the closure of two streets Removal of any street and/or drainage improvements within the two streets proposed for closure, Wagner Street and Rodriguez Drive, will be required prior to development The street connections at Wagner Street and Rodriguez Drive will be eliminated, and the only entrance will be the new one shown on the site plan on Bonney Road, east of Wagner Street '' -' +AZ4 Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES 3 Page The site has been designed to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and vehicular traffic. Upon entering the site, vehicles will be directed to the customer/employee parking let on the east side of the sales building There will be no vehicular access for customers to the auto sales and display lot Customers must walk from the east parking lot to the sales building From there, a sales associate will accompany them to the auto display lot Architectural Desicin The building is a large building of 58, 477 square feet The building is situated in the middle of the property with the long sides of the building facing Bonney Road in the front and 1-264 in the rear The long sides of the building measure 31 feet in length varying roof heights, varying materials and colors and a bold entrance feature help to break up the long building expanse The sales office portion of the building will have a glass front fagade and a pitched roof of standing seam metal painted blue Hide columns, painted white, support a pitched canopy and signage above the main entrance The predominant building material on the remainder of the building is painted split face concrete block The bottom half of the building will be painted a dark gray and the block on the top half of the building will be painted a contrasting lighter gran color The 8 foot high block wall surrounding the 3 25-acre storage area shown on the plan will be painted with the same contrasting colors as the building The wall faade includes a pilaster extending eight feet from the face of the wall at forty -foot intervals Landscape and Open Space The landscape plan shows that landscaping will be provided in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance along the parking lot frontage on Bonney Road, within the display area, at the building foundation and within the customer parking lot Along the western property line} where a 15 foot wide buffer with Category IV landscape plantings is required adjacent to the residential townhome neighborhood, the plan shows that a 50 foot buffer heavily treed buffer will be provided along this property line Additional landscaping is provided on the outside of the 8 foot high block wall that will enclose the 3 2-acre storage area in the rear of the site The wall runs parallel Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES I #t 3 Page to 1-264 for a distance of approximately 325 feet Plantings provided outside of the wall include green ash and southern magnolia trees, crape myrtle trees, and needlepoint holly shrubs Similar landscaping is extended east within a 20-foot pride planting bed along the remaining boundary line with 1-264 PROFFER ## 1 The Property shall be used only for Motor Vehicles Sales, as the terra is defined in the Co, including any uses accessory and incidental thereto Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The applicant is proposing to combine several properties with different zoning cafe pones and develop a single use with a single zoning category on the site This type of consolidation is encouraged and supported by the comprehensive Plan policies for the L i the Neck Study Area PROFFER # 2 Further conditions mandated by applicable development ordinances may be required by the Grantee during detailed site plan and/or subdivision review and administrations of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements Staff Evaluation ThIs proffer states a standard policy and is acceptable City Attrney's The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement dated November 12, 2002, and found it to b legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form Evaluation of Request The request to rezone this site to Conditional B-2 Community Business District and Conditional Use Permit for auto sales is acceptable The proposal meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and will replace an industrial use with a new use that is more compatible with the surrounding area The building and landscaping provided on the site are attractive and will greatly improve the aesthetics of this area Adequate space has been provided along the I-2 4 corridor to accommodate future highway expansion Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 CARMA AUTO SUPERSTORES c 4 Page needs It is recommended mended that this request be approved subject to the conditions below Conditions 1 The development of the site shall substantially conform with the site plan entitled Tarmax Store No 7130, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Preliminary Site Plan" dated January 22, 2003 exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department 2 The building shall be developed in substantial conformance with the rendering entitled "Carmax Zoning Elevations' dated January 22, 2003 as exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department 3 The landscaping on the site shah substantially conform with the plan entitled "Carman store No 7130, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Landscape Development Plan" dated November 12, 2002 exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department The block wall surrounding the storage area shall be at least 6 feet in height and shall not exceed 8 feet in height The block wall shall substantially conform to the exhibit entitled "Carmax Decorative Screen Nall Detail" exhibited to City Council and on file in the Planning Department Board of Zoning Appeals Variance is required to set the gall back 20 feet from 1-264 as shown on the site plan If the Variance is not granted, the wall shall be relocated to the 35 foot set back required in the Zoning Ordinance All internal lot lines shalt be vacated by plat -foot right-of-way reservation shall be required along the southern property lime adjacent to 1-264 o outside storage of junk or salvage Vehicles shall be permitted if Vehicles in this condition require storage, then such Vehicles shall be stored within the building g There shall be no pennants, streamers, banners, balloons, or searchlights displayed on the site at any time Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 3 & 4 Page 10 NOTE Further conditions maybe required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances Plans submitted with these rezoning and conditional use permit applications may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordnance for further information Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES 1 # 3 & 4 Page 11 s Commission Agenda FsF CASMAX AUTO page 12 R J 3 �. ems" __ �� �- ' i�# "� 'T '�'�_a; _ ' 'S� Q+. _�'�• -t �= _� �,R�� .i i� �, s4..-' _ ___ � # _ r. _ _ v ; _ate= � t t- - _ - - ": - � _ �.� ::-. � -"-_� ae'�_�:-_: "_ ="��se' --'- -.�. _ !�„� _ -�� �r�s_..-,- - �a�'"i-- � _�_ '• � ; � s_moo �+.. �x"�� ter `� _� '+- ask ,€+i+> s 41: -ya -'- „-,-- NE °�. ..-„� -- - �._�- -Ik:-r_ 92 � ' - _ _ w s• _ - �� _ ' _ - _ -� _ - may_ ' is s 11 - - -- �� Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 23 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES 3 Page 13 dr dr f .{4v. EMU 10 to AL 71 w8 #IV 41 41 ryi, ;F .1 77 IV # � L Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CAIAX AUTO SUPERSTORES Page 1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ...- Auto Superstores Inc Applicant's Name List All Currant JLR Associates L I. C Property Owners ntta=*paYffl,4Jm-, ,------------__�__,______ PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) See Exhibit A If the prop rty owner rs a PA. T iE SHIP, FIRM, or other U NINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the or amzabon below (Attach list if necessary) See Exhibit A Check here a the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization appficant is not Me current owner of tho pnNxwty co tote " Applicant Disclosure section b low APPUCA iT DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the orporat*n below (Attachlist if necessary) See Exhibit A If the property owner :s a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM r other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organ ation below (Attachlist if necessary) !A 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporal to n partnership furry or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION I ceWfy that the Information contained herein Is true and accurate CARMAX Auto Superstores Inc, By- K Douglass Moyers .. Its Assistant Vice -President Real Estate Sign to Print Name Conditional Use Permit Application Page 8 of 1 Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES 3 & 4 Page 1 R 1 41 7- 111Z���� III. CORPORATE INFORMATION APPLICANT: CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc , a Virg a corporation President V. President/Secretary Vice President Treasurer/Asst Secretary CAB/CEO PROPERTY OWNERS: W Austm Ligon Michael Ghalifoux Benj B Cummings, Jr Phillip Dunn W Alan McCollough JLR Associates, L L C , a Virguua Imuted liability company Managing Member Robert C Teets Contractors Paving Company, Inc, a Virgmia corporation President Robert C Teets Vice President Edward J Manley Secretary Joyce A Sawyer Director Martha T Teets Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES / # 3 & 4 Page 19 Item #3 4 Carmax Auto Superstores Inc Change of Zonincy District Classification Conditional Use Permit South side of Bonney Road west of Chestnut Avenue Discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Rodriguez Drive and a portion of Wagner S tr ee t District Rose Hall Februai y 12, 2003 REGULAR G I 1 Donald Ripley we would like to call for the first item Mr Miller. will you call the first item" Robert Miller First item is Item # , which is Carmax Auto Superstores J Nutter Good afternoon Mr Chairman Good afternoon Ronald Ripley Before we start, I'm going to pass around to the Commas loner an exhibit that was given to me after the meetincy which kind of will allow the Commissioners to Co see what the vision would be from the expressway It s graphi(,ally laid out So 111 just pass them this way and then back around down this wav J Nutter Thank you very much Mr Riplev In fact we had checked with statt so they would know that we looked at the version you have Donald Ripley That helps a lot R I Futter It really does The news for you is that I don't plan on having everyone tip that you see walking up to speak The bad news is that I'm going to speak SO You have to suffer through rune a little bit but these are all the gentlemen that came in today from land planning flans and the landscape firms in Atlanta Carmax as you know 1 headquartered in Richmond Carmax is a Fortune 500 company They have over 40 super stores through the United States This will only be the second super store actually built in Virginia The first and only one in Vlrcrinx-t to elate is in Richmond they have looked at the Tide vkatei area for some time The hale looked at Sites pre viou S I in Norfolk and in Chesapeake And, have finally elected to cone to it(s1nia Beach with heavy values and they re an outstanding corporate client I will tell you a little bit about their story in a minute But, by way oI introduction I jut want to let you know that this project will represent a capital investment to Va inia Beach, a little over S o million Not counting the redevelopment opportunities that this presents but it will be a capital inve tment of $ o million This will generate about 150 full time emplovees at the site Their average salary. is between $40.00 - 60 000 per year And, it will Generate annual tax revenues to the Citv over and above the usual building perauts and oI that nature 1n Item #3 4 5 c armax Auto Superstores. Inc Page 4 excess of Soo,000 annuallf with little or no impact of course on schools And, traffic adequately represents little or no impact on the existing traffic In fact the traffic counts for this site are originally identical to the traffic counts of the current use on the property and all that traffic or 90 percent ofthe traffic is all trucks, cement trucks sand trucks and things like that So you may have to count maybe the same I would submit to you and I think you would like this traffic a lot Better So I did want to talk and start oft by telling you a little bit about the company and the site and why we re so excited to be here I will try not to be too lengthy But I do want you to know something about Carmax because their story is very. unique First, the site itself It s just over 2. 1 acres in size It i currently the home of Contractor's Paving Companv, which frankly has been an out t ►ndin corporate citizen in the City as well for some many years Contractor's Paving is principally in the asphalt production business as well as the aggregate storage and distribution They take a lot of different type ofsands soils rock maintain those and sell those for different area contractors, principally road contractors for the construction of all the roads, sidewalks and many of the buildings that we enjoy around the area Contractor s Paving actually went through a major expansion in their facility in 1997 That is why they have several different zonings on it It is owned bar the Teitc.h Family Mr and Mrs Teitch are here today as a matter oftact So I've been representing them for some time now At any rate back in 1997 the Council approved a very large series of hearings in expansion of their site which is currently{ located here to include the property large piece of I-2. Conditional property as you see, on the site plan here what you don t recognize is that when Council approved that it was allowed on the site today under that zoning is full access to this site by Tarmac and pi incipally by rail to coma down across Bonney load and it will be a rail }rand here intei-nally to the site The rail vards were all lard out The location of where the dumpsters will be for those for access to those railcars would be Because this site was going to be used for access for most of the material for Carmax and others in the City would have been brought in by mail This application will eliminate not just what vou' ve come to see as a large asphalt plant when you drive down 1-2.64 It will also eliminate all aspects of that component business as well Including the rail provisions and so forth All that will go away I point that out to you because you probably didn't realize that when you went on your van trip But all that waspart of the improved site plan by City Council back in 1997 The property that application does not include is the remaining parcel that is zoned B-2. That property been zoned B-2 for I thinly ever since the 60s I rri orry the earlv 80S I beg your pardon And, it is currently unconditional B-2 It like the rest of it runs all the way out to Bonney Road All the parcels that we're buying only run up behind the two smail buildings that are today currently used for recital operations To orient your a little bit The Iunnv part about this site is as big as it is the store is orienting Bonney load and yet the onlv access to Bonne{ load, the only accrual frontage on Bonnev Road this large ite has is this piece lrorn here to here So their tried to site the building so it will have visibility access or visibility corridors through that area These buildings are currently occupied This is curr � ntl Kellam Funeral Howie And these are ore i Land an oateN and the other one is Allied Rental facility that s located on that panel And adjacent to us is Hall s ALIto Bode More Ob by the way we went with Ken Hall You know he s doling a substantial amount of improvements throughout this area He s been Item # Carmax Auto Superstores Inc Page represented by Mr Bourdon and appears on a lot of those applications and he s under construction now on this portion of the property right through here And, he ha no objection to this by. the wav so you 11 know and welcomes the competition and is anxious for Carrnax to come, which says a lot about fir Hall, I think quite frankly He s an outstanding gentleman But at any{ rate, that's the story on Contractor s Paving That is possibly the good news for you and I say this with all humility to Mr Tench who s been a great outstanding citizen Contractor s Paving will no longer be at this site Even the portion of the property that we don t curiently plan to use for future expansion, will be eliminating all aspects of the Contractor's Paving operation Bob will be moN ing to his company in Norfolk So they will be movinginto a Tarmac facility in Norfolk if this all approved So, we re sorry{ to %ee them go of couise I know nian v of you are concerned about visibility along 1-264 but that will go away entirely now with this application Now let nee tell you a little hit about Cw-niax and what s replacing it And, whv we are so excited about this site Ofthe l 3 acres of this site contains, we re using just about all of it with the exception of just over three acres which we are holding for future expansion We do not have current plans on that but we will present it Let me show you where the buildings are and where their are planning First to orient you along this site plan this was not available for you this morning So they found it and loaded it up on your system This is Bonney load here This i 1-2.64 along here There are streets that you probably drive by routinely that you don't knokkf the names of because they're not fully narked This is Rodriguez right here we are closing a portion of Rodriguez from here to here This is a small street called Wagner It is lust stubbed out here It's going to be closed entirely Those are the two street closures that are part of this application In this case both of these underlying fees to these streets is owned by JL JL is in essence Barbara Teitch s family It s the group that owns Contractor's Paving It thit, transaction closes we will be guying the underlying tee of those streets along with everything else So, we will be buying them as well as everything else along with it The building and the principle accest, to the site IS loCated right here It is really the only real acre s off the site in and out of the site It is oft Bonney Road And everything I m showing has been through your Traffic Engineering t eparunent your preliminary site Plan review process, so I represent to v u fairly confident on what you re going to see This is your principle access And unlike rnanv car facilities their plan is unlike virtually every car dealership that we have in this area Thee do not use balloons rhev do not use banners one of them said, FJ should we tell them about the big gorilla and I said, to we better not talk about that big gorilla " So they dory t use any of those features Carmax is you know was until eery recently owned b F Circuit City And Circuit City, back in the late os, decided they would do for the automobile business what they did for the appliance busines4s And it used to be, remember we would go to an appliance 1wtore. and there would be small stores all over the place and all of a sudden Circuit City' cane into being, we suddenly had a super store where we could pick between virtuallv anv type of appliance and television and video equipment that you wanted to buy well, C rmax decided they would take that same concept and employ it in theii used car business That has been eery eery successful around the countr f So, everything that I' M telling you here i what they+ do everywhere else around the LOUntry YOU find an em eption to that That is whv -ou can go to any of their sites around You won t find balloon You will L t III - sumC -. ll ej e %_t1 h q ,t tt1 p'lge 0 Ch 110, h 1 k t� " here a lxszet to , their s ' nd f1ladL Tlot to 90 'S 101 1r The �'tepof she r itle Saw h� lr. r gel Mpl&', � �. t A ctvl t soy caf � ' ride. ,Icy v ' v '� Ttle take lot CI ty�e gale tin h lcfe the t t S t� OA3 C ,is sea XIC ,� lthe r j-J� 'NIIA, ILI jact N 0aLfl,-) 0y r , t a 111 ,ilk � � � t �� Id L. be I u 1 of %1 � he 1 = r 01 the, � , � � YOU 1011 R V 1 i t all r- t 0 the " li lA f �I 1 01-1 hll 10, t `FStores S ar t r r hIL ,- NICV tj, t' are roc t � ' `' t hat lt� COIF` t t,��LlT� � I�� . ����t �� �'l1' rte t' � �t 0the ' at of t hehe t1., they r a aT f call ar a IC) , all �go ,' Posit at 't' do v t lolls �, a � 11 fitt l ,jor t t *,vhjs c for here, L L i Ave11 t,. t Old , ' Olr tIto I ma OT h t t the name , ;till catn the e 3 , ' V. IL hit t# there r � ' t ra t i t locale- Ij, the r thave 1� t r gone an - r t Capthe 1 �r� " 0 the �hen ,11 'Ljan II r , the t `1 ' �� I1� able to%j hay be b A car o , h �LM lrig I find t 11'sed to reign";" the' -erne fort _ v t T� .� a I t has � 111 ibis r t r � r' ellh� 111j, t t on r t Nor ill L L 7� 5 C Of, 1 �j r }" th u s t i .. tkl l Cody tt ec�' } h,t CEO ou r e(I up, t hc jelly r1� ' bl�` I �.r ��, � � � �� thictr ark t� � r � 'you re are. , ,I,, LA I r� v , III of t r t Ilk&Ikedtatlol ire t tl� l �t r1011C IL eve, r .,j j -1t � ' t tIle , Voqj011 tb 'r k t t Item # # 4, rmax Nuto Superstores Inc Page go to the next one, or maybe the previous one, that s a great one This will show you the peak ofthe building here It's 46 feet tall This i .1.8 feet tall and this is 24 feet tall You can barely see 1t but the wall which is kind of blending to on the shot is about 6 feet in height The reason why we went with six feet is because we went out and slid topographic studies of where the highway is, where the lot lies, where the ditch is to see, 1f we went with different height walls what you would be able to see And what the exhibit demonstrates to you 1 the reason why we went with a six toot wall here 1 because if we went with a six foot wall, you well completely shield the cars on the lot The elevations of the highwav are about 16 feet The elevation of the property immediately adjacent to the highway is about 14 feet As you get back where the building is located the building by the way is located approximately in exce of 500 feet back trorn the right- f-wy Back where the building is you are back up to 16 feet roughly So you have a 14-foot area right off the highway The highway is 16 feet and then you go back up to 16 What thev found however is it they went with a fence higher than 16, it would actually block the view of the building, which themselves found hard to believe quite frankly So they checked that three times That s why we submitted this exhibit to you to depict With the six-foot fence, you will completely shield all of the vehicles in this prepa.iati n area and 1 11 explain that to you 1n a second And the only thing you will be able to see on the building is the top five feet of this building right here and everythincy above that point You will be able to see our sign The only sign we have facing the highway. is right here It's on the building One of the questions during this morning's session was Mould there be any siornage on the walls adjacent to the hlghwav9 Where will be no signage. on that wall whatsoever So, the wall itself and it relates to one of the conditions we wanted to charge The wall itself is again two toned split faced block to match the building We have pilasters to break up the side of the space to every 40 feet The landscaping plan that we have reviewed and had approved with staff i actually depicted on this rendering So you re actually able to see on the rendering the enact type of landscaping we've depicted and selected So but at any rate the fencing area The reason why we had it fenced at 20 feet is to allow us to use that depth of the property for the vehicle preparation area Now, that results to one of the conditions that I'd like to address with you And one of which we worked out with I canpt gay we worked out exactly with the Planning Department Let me explain this and I'll pass out the first condition that we would like to use in lieu of Condition #7 It relates to the reservation issue Mr F iplev, if I could ask rou to pass these out 1n that direuion and Ms Anderson, if you wouldn't nand, like w1�e Thank you vely much While this 1 being passed out, let rile tell you the issue that this condition represents At the time Ken Hall submitted hifs application on the adjacent property the City was in the course of Corridor Study It was looking at the potential widening of I-24 At that time, 1t was estimated that perhaps they would need 50 feet and the result the staff lnnpo Ld a -toot reservation requirement on his application Singe the time that has occurred the Citv hired I believe 1t was lien Horn No I beg your pardon 1 forgot whom thev used They used another firm, I know URS URS to do a corridor studv and bayed on that they r suggesting now is that need foot reset vatin area along that corridor The reservation agreement that we'd like typlLally signed Usually this ik, addressed at site plan by the w.ay. 1 11 tell you but at any rate, reservation agreement typicaliv what it does it v that Item #3, aimax Auto Superstores, Inc Page 8 if you put any structures to that area, youwon't be compensated for But, it doesn't say, it down t take four land It dust says that you won't have t sit our setback different from that line but it basically says we are intending on coming in and buying that at one point in tinne from you The reservation agreement expiies It has team limits So I suggested to staff perhaps the easiest thing t d f r here rather than a series servatlon agreements was a simple condition on the Use Permit That we would agree to put and by the way, Planning Staff and Tratfie Staff were eery big on the idea of not wanting u to have the BMP or the Storm water Management facility within that 65 foot area so we've agreed to that with our condition what we're proposing here instead is this with this condition we would agree to put no buildings or structures other than the wall, which you see along here within the 6 -foot area And what that does it preserves for the City the possibility, if they do have to come and acquire additional area the only impact on Lis would be this wall area we ve been told that, conservatively that the closet time that they aught be looking to widening 1-264 would be a minimum of 10 }mars So quite frankly we wanted to be able to use that area for at least a 1 -year period It still reser�;e the right of the City to acquire that area and this condition actualiv series longer than the reservation agreement because it down t have a time limit It runs as longas the property is used for this purpose So that is what we re proposing in lieu of the standaid reservation agreement Now, other than that all of the conditions are acceptably, to u We have no objection Thev have all been worked out with them They ve shown every bit of detail Staff has copies of the landscape plan The mateiials Board with all the materials and all the features are all laid out It's strictly for everyone there But, again the simple reason for this is merely an of tort to avoid additional setback issues and allow us to use the property for the time period during which before the City or the state ever desires to come in and use that area at all But what it also does is pre er�,e for you the tact that you will never have a Building there that you will have to take out You 11 just have the land Ronald Ripley Could I ask VOU a question about this) J Butter Yes sir Donald Ripley This amendment that you re suggesting which I assume staft is okay with9 Any I hearing that" R J Nutter You'll have to Ronald Ripley Does the City have to Pad' you to relocate this wall" J Futter They would have to pay to relocate the wall That Mould be the only portion they would have to pay for The onlv improvement their would have to pay for Robert Scott I'd like a chance to answer I think I'm okay with it for now But, I'd Bice a chance to discuss with Mr 'clutter afterwards and depending on hove we go with our dv%w ion we inay have to make an adjustment or not I don't know I think I Item 43 Carmax Auto Superstores, Inc. Page 9 understand what he's saying and I m reading the woids here I think that the City s intercsts are relatively well addressed But I would like a chance to discuss it with Mr Futter later R J Nutter That will be fine our problem is that we first try to discus it with Stephen and others and Traffic. Engineering weighed in and so, the conditions kept changing but I think it s our intent to preserve the Citv's interest by allowing that area to continue to develop but at the same time allowing us to use the propertv for at least a 10 Near period prior to the time there is any desire to take it And and frankly we've been told that most likely to be 15 vears so It s hard to know But this serves the exact same purpose Ronald Ripley Okay Are there any questions of Mr Nutter`' Yes Gene Crabtree has a question R J Nutter Yes Mr Crabtree Eugene Crabtree I know there is a sign on the 1-264 side, on the Bonney Road side I saw a sign on the building airy I to understand that there will be no type of monument sign out front R J -Nutter We do have one monument sign It is located I believe right here Eugene Crabtree Because I didn't see that addressed anywhere in the application R J Mutter We have one monument sign It's to be located hers. In fact to be honest with you, I don't think we have addressed it But we have no objection to it being the 111011LInient style sign Eugene Crabtree I just wanted to know what VOLI planned to do R J Mutter Yes sir Actually we haven t addressed 1t {et but you ie exactly right But there is one monument style sign It s located there As you can see from the siorn perspective this site is pretty run down It's a hid improvement to what can he done here I will tell you that But, wtith all the B-2 signage allows us to be done over a 21 acre site, we me away pretty good here But we do have a monument style sign proposed for here and a buildin sign The major Carmax sign i actually here And them. i% one facing this direction as well As you saw Irom that photograph when the customer park in htre they,. will see Carmax here and Carmax here And we have some directional 1crna a kke have to work out ith staff` Yn terr�r�r f �%-here rvic , areas are located and o forth Ronald Ripley Does anvbody else have any questions) What I ould like for you to d is atddre s what the motorist is going to see when he travel down the expressway wa And, you actually have two phases here You got an expansion phase and you got a Phase I and Phase If I d like to clearly understand % hat the Jandscapina is coin t be I'd like Item #3 4, Carmax Auto Superstores Inc Page 10 to clearly understand the condition of the expansion area What they will leer like during the interim period 9 And, what thev will possibly look lire in its completion J Mutter Yes sir will be happy tee Firsit, what you re seeing here is what they intend to build in essence of Phase I which is pretty munch the elimination of every -thing on the site The building you see here, the sales area, the customer p rking area, the service area, the preparation area and the wall which this area is tully enclo cd A ix - foot wall runs entirely around connecting the building It's a fully enclosed area one of the questions on my nund and it came up this morning whether or not this wat, paved or not I his is a fully paved area where the ears are going to he Ronald Ripley Is there any landscaping in that area � R J Futter Yeah In this area we do not have it because the code does not require landscaping In this area Ronald Ripley Did you all discuss that'? J Nutter Actuallv we discussed landscaping and hew we would address landscaping jut about everywhere We discussed the 50 feet wide ,areas along here that we will leave untouched adjacent to the adjacent residential we discussed all the landscaping along here But it has conic to my attention that after- the pre -briefing, a a matter of fact, M Duke approached nee about whether or not we had to post any landscaping along this wall here And while we had not we have no objection to set a Category I landscaping along this wall Donald Ripley Founddtlori type land caprng9 J Futter Exactly In fact, It s more a hedgerow type thing than any foundation But, the toundation would only,. be 50 percent We would run this the entire length of that wall And the other thing is we have all the landscaping that you qaw in the elevation i depicted is not well depicted here but it actually is There are some trees that are preserved here on the right-of-way here that we have no control over Where a lot of trees that you see todav that will be on that right -of- 'ay They will continue to be there a along we know But it s a VDOT issue as to whether or not when they take them and 1f and when they take them But we landscaped behind Donald Ripley will the expansion area be will that be cleared and grassed or what) J Nutter Cleared and grassed at this time And as we expand and by the way if you'd like to acid this to a condition feel free too But, as we expand. we 11 he Bully n(Jo ina that by walls as well So and It will match the same exact walls Ronald Riplev on the plan, it talks about tuture customer expansion Does that mean future floor space or does that mean for customers to park' Item#, Carmax Auto Superstores, Inc Noe I I J Natter There is customer parking here They haven't worked out exactly how that aught work out or how much of this nucrht he customer parking How much this might be for car preparation area It depends trankiv on how successful the site is Donald Ripley okay J Butter But, I would say that any of the car preparation area is always fully enclosed with a six-foot ma onr r fence that will be identical to the wall you see depicted And, a result, we would move that and we move landscaping wherever that well went Donald l iple r okay;. Anv other questions-' Do we have any other speakers to speak in favor" J Nutter Just in our group but none that I am aware of Ronald Riplev okay Robert Miller Do any of any of then want to .l e at this time Mr Nutter' J Futter I think everyone's fine Robert Miller okay Ronald Ripley okay Robert Miller We do have a Barden Winstead I don t know- if he s in support of opposition Barden Winstead I rn Barden Winstead and I'm with Lana and Coates We re right in tront there I was just curies about the future expansion area on the top of that plan that 1s adjaL nt to our property What will be Going there' J Nutter At this point we're not sure Robert Miller Mr Nutter) J Mutter Thank you Mr Miller At this point we're not sure What our plans would be quite frankl ', and a lot of this has to do with what happens with the interstate highwav expansion If that start, to occur sooner than we think then we re going to have to start moving some of the activitiec, that we currently have within that afoot area over onto other portions of the site But at this point right now the only thing we gee in there at this point In time is the additional expansion of the employee parking and the customer parking Barden Winstead So in the mean time that will be just grass" I to rn , arrnax Auto Superstores Inc Page 12 J Mutter It will just be grass Yes n We should be clearing It out Barden Winstead Does this future interstate expansion have anvthing to do with I heard there s tally of Llosing Bonney Road Ronald Riplev Could you get a little closer to the m1c please) Robert Miller We want to get you on the record Barden Winstead Does this future interstate expansion I heard at one point there was talk of closinor Bonnev Road at Rosemont and changing that interchange Ronald Ripley It s a question that we like to know too Barden Winstead okay. Ronald Riplev Because we hear about the changes too and I think it's. something that constantly in motion at this point I don t think Mr Scott can probably even mavbe take a stab at it Robert Scott I can make a fever comments First of all, it s definite that we re going to reed to do something very major with the Rosemont Road interchange And it s definite that we're going to have to expand the interstate all through Those things are definite The exact nature on how we re going to do it has not }yet been determined And, I think businesses and property owners In that area are going to be greatly effected They need to be part of the decision making process That's good government And I think we need to generate a number Of 11ternatives that all of which work and have the public review them and make comment on them That's a long way off So, I think it Ss a little bit pre nature for us to sav exactly how it s going to work But it s not premature for u to sav this is a very badly, congested area that is in need of a major overhaul. to the road system to the interchange and to the interstate itself Thev all need to be redone lgnifl ,lntl Barden Winstead Thank you very much Ronald Ripley Any{body{ else to spear that vou have signed up) Robert Miller No William Din I have a question Ronald Riplev Yes Mr Lein has a question OF J Mutter Yes Mr Din' Item, armax Auto Superstores Inc Page 13 W1111am Din R J , on this site plan that I have here that we were jut pa ed out in our meeting. it shows are eight foot masonry wall And, I notice on {our sheet that you had paced out showed either a six or eight And have your decided what height wall you re going to put to there`' R J butter When we originally prepared it we were proposing an eight -foot wall And, when we did the drive by study the topographic review that's when we learned that we could not uo t eight we have to go to t or we would hide the building So, we went to six foot but when we originally submitted it �=e actually had an eight -foot fence posted William Din Okay And also On this site plan you got a lot of dotted lines in here What do they represent' Where's a double dotted line along the front of the property behind the two corner properties Do their represent anv-thiner or potential walls or anything-' R J Mutter I m trving to figure what you lie seeing Ronald Ripley I think it's a propertv line J Futter oh these-' William Din I m looking at these here J Nutter What they did was they imposed the building setback line Those are setbacks for the building line i what they did on them So when they were planning they noted they were not impacting the setbacks Those are what those are William Din okay And I also asked the question in the informal session that there s a little piece of property that Juts out from the two businesses bet wee that and the funeral home that little piece is not intended to be used for anNthina i it" I Nuiter oh No it is not That s the piece right here' William Tian That s correct J Futter No It s not intended It s. not big enough for anything In fact in reality it s even part of Kellam Funeral Home using it as a park ng lot to be very honest with you wP So but that's not intended to be used by us at this pent at all William Dire That s all I have J Mutter Yes sir Ronald Ripley Any othei. questions' Thank you Mr Flutter h, I m orr Item , 4 arax Nuto superstores Inc Page 14 Joe Strange The view from the interstate there, about the only thing you 11 be able to see is just the top part of that building where the sign i at, i that correct`' J Nutter That's exactly right It complete hides the cars And none of these cars are dismantled These car% just come In from w iou other dealerships that we prepare there They're cleaned They go through service checks and it they are rejected bar �arniax then they are sold off the site and trucked otf the site Joe Strang So basically crll the public's going to see when they come doyen through I- 4 i your sign on the building plus all that nice shrubbery and trees that are out there in front of the fence Right) R. J Nutter That is exactly our intent Exactly And, I might say that was staffs intent too, so It was ours as well but they wanted to make sure that the visibility on 1-264 was n of taken for granted Ronald Ripley So back to that view You had suggested that you would do some landscaping along that eat wall of that non -saleable 9 12.5 acre piece of this property R J Nutter This portion right here Ronald Ripley That would be temporary --'would that wall possibly he moved or not � J Futter what we'd probably do and frankly we talked about that in the expansion process and we'd just probably put an opening in it and build a second wall rather than take it doyen So, In essence I will tell You is that we have no objection to Category I landscaping along that eastern side of that wall, along where it av future u tonier expansion And, we also have no ohje Lion if that is expanded out that we would include landscaping along wherever that wall is moved to Ronald Ripley okay That s another day might-' J Mutter Yes sir But I just want to let you know that the intention would he to enclose those areas Ronald Ripley Okay Thank vou Any other questions` Charlie Salle I got one Ronald fiplev 'Yes Charlie Charlie Salle I guess this is sort of for Kay far as vour condition , of course is the reservation If there was a le er fatlon and it carve a point to take that propeitv could an issue of damages residue as a result of exercising the right to acquire to re erve the area Carmax Auto Superstores Inc Page 1 would probably not arise where it might with your condition #+7, so it's something that staff needs to look at in Connection with the wav we can approve it this w+av J Flutter And we have no objection to you all looking t this WL re trying to accomplish the wine purpose as you all are We re just trying to do it in a I itt le bit easier way without trving to draw the extra lines For instance what happened to Ken is when he drew the 0-loot Brie he then had to measure a setback from the 50400L setback so all of a sudden he ifeet from the right-of-way as opposed to and that was for a V number of years to come Now what he's done is agreed to put the building in there and sign agreements to never be compensated for it So it Just that the whole process was gettinc a little more complicated than it needed t be and r a ��be if w� lust put a condition we wouldn t put anthing in there it may be easier So those were some cif the i ��e we started to look at Ronald Ripley Yeah Charlie raises a good point because if later there is a taking and somebody figures out how mangy,. cars you can put 1n there and now you re losing the revenue on those cars and that becomes damage I think that's where you're going with that`s Charlie Salle' That s right Ronald Ripley So, I think that Robert Scott That's part of the discussion I was talking about Ronald Ripley Yeah okav I think it s well in order okay R J Nutter I m sure we can come to are agreement We understand what you want which is acceptable to ups and I think you understand what we want which sound like it acceptable to you all Ronald Ripley okay Thank you very much R J Nutter Yes sir Ronald Ripley I'm sorry Joe has a question Joe Strange This is Just for my own information Does a project like this does it go through Economic Development' R. J Mutter In fact it probably would quality in this case It has not gone through EconoMIL Development We have clone this run 3u t through the Planning Department and so tar at this point Item # , 4 5 & 6 C rma c Auto SuperstoreInc Page 16 Ronald Ripley Okay Thank you Let s open it up for discussion up here Anybody have any comments or anything`s Eugene Crabtree fhe only thing that I have t ay is that it is a great improvement o what we have there now And, I travel that road frequentl y, like daily. And jut not to have to dodge the cement trucks and the people coming and going to work there will be a pleasure Ronald Ripley Thank you Gene Anvbody else" Don Donald Horsley I don't have a problem with the project at all I just wanted to know Bob how do we need to handle this condition in our motion to approve this project Robert Scott I would go ahead and put the condition in a Mr Futter i requesting at this time And then I m going to have a discussion with him and we re going to compare some ideas, I hope R J ' Donald Horsley Okav R J Nutter I m happv to do that Bob Robert Scott And, we can perhaps improve on this limit I think you know where our concerns are because you brought then yap yourself And, see it we can come to a position that suits the needs of all the parties Ronald Ripley Okay Anv ody else have a comment-' Joe Strange I d like to make this comment I m going to be supporting this application primarily because it is a Fast improvement to that area plus the taa that I like the fact that the Jobs being created there are above the average in Virginia Beach that we now have, o I think that's Going to be a nice improvement to the overall picture in Virginia Beach R J Nutter Thank you very much We agree Ronald Riplev Thank you Joe BobMiller" Robert Miller Well 1 m going to abstain because nay firm is working on the project but before we leave 1t I ran glad that Ca�rma Y corning I m sad to see Contractor' Paving Ieaving because we do need then and of coui se they won t be Very Iar do +n the road and we it be able to get there here for the serviLes that they provide thev have been great corporate citizen J Nutter I agree Item # armax Auto Superstores, Inc Page 17 Donald Horsley 111 he prepared to make a motion that we approve the application with the nine conditions substituting 'Ir Nuttei's number seven for another number seven that's in our agenda R J Nutter Mr Horsley, can I ask you to add the condition that Mr Ripley asked about namely the Category I landscaping along the eastern wall of the vehicle preparation area Donald Horsley Is that the wav you want it Ron' Ronald Riplev Yeah That s fine Donald Horsley That will be fine with the Category land c ping along that eastern fence line Ronald Riplev So, �e have a motion to approve by Don Horsley o I have a second' Charlie Salle Second Ronald Riplev SeLond d by Charlie Salle Any other further di1sussion" We're ready to vote AYE ANDERS N AYE R BTREE AYE DIN AYE H RSLEY AiYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY AYE SA LLE ' AYE STRANGE AYE WOOD NAY 0 ABS J ABSENT ABS ABSENT ABSENT Ronald Riplev By a vote of -o with one abstention the motion parses Thank you very muL h J Nutter Thank you v ry much Ronald Riplev Thank you all for corm Item #7 K&E, L L C I1 dific.ation of a Conditional Re onin 5102. Princess Anne Road District Kempsville February 12, 2003 DEFERRAL Ronald Ripley The Chair'saware that Item # K&E L L i a request for amodified conditional rezoning and is requesting to be deferred Is there any problem with that`? The motion that I'm looking for is a motion to deter Item #7 Could I have a motion to that effect please-) Notion by Don Horslev to approve and seconded by Gene Crabtree Commission is ready to Mote Robert Miller I need to abstain from Item #7 My firm is woi king on that project Ed Weeden Did you sav number `) Robert Miller Yes AYE ANDERSON AYE CRAB TREE AYE DIN AYE H RSLEY AYE K,kTSIAS AYE KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY AYE SALLE" AYE STRANGE 4YE WOOD NAY 0 ABS 1 ABSENT ABS ABSENT ABSENT Ronald Ripley Bv vote - , the motion passes with the one abstention so noted City of Virgirzia Beech In Reply Defer To our File No F-5672 TO Leslie L L111 r W FROM BKay W110 INTER -[OFFICE CORRESPONVENCE DATE lurch 12, 2003 DEPT City Attorney DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application CarMax Auto Superstores Inc , JLR Associates, L L C , and Contractors Pavia, Inc The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 25, 2003 I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated November 12, 2002, and have determyned it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or Irish to discuss this matter further BKW Enclosure Prepared By/Return To Troutman Sanders LLP 4425 Corporation Lane, Suite 420 irginM Beskch, Virginia 23462 THIS AG ENE T, made thus day of November, 2002 by and arnong JLR ASSOCIATES, E L , a Virginia limited liability company ('JLW') and CONTRACTORS PAVING, INC, a Virprua corporation (,,,cPr), which together own certain property generally located along Bonney Road and Interstate 264 in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES, INC , a Virginia corporation "Ca.rMax" , the contract purchaser of the property (hereinafter referred to collectively as the ` Grantors"), arid the CITY of VIRGINIA BEACH, municipal corporation ofthe Commonwealth ofVirginia (hereinafter referred t "Grantee" WI'TNESSETH WHEREAS, the Granters have initiated an amendment to the Zomng Map of the City of Virgins Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee, so as to change the existing zoning classifications from B;2, I-2, and 1-2 Conditional, to -2 Conditional on certain property which contains approximately 22 3 acres, more or less, located m the Rose Hall IDistna of the City of Virgima Beach, Vlrgirna, winch property is more particularly described in the attached Exhibit (hereinafter the "Property'), and WHEREAS, the Property is subject to a prior agreement dated May 2, 1997, by and among Contractor's Paving Company, Inc , Lena Sancillo, LAD E Associates, L L C , l launce Steingold and Thelma Steingold, Trustees of Maurice Steingold Declaration ofTrust, Lewis Steingold, sole trustee under the Israel Steingold Family Trust, mewls B Steingold, individually, Jeffrey M Steingold, and The City of Virginia Beach, a municipal corporation, a copy of wInch has been recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in Deed Book 3762, at page 1393 and which, upon approval by the govenung body of Grantee ofGrantor's petition for an amendment to the existing zoning classification of the Property, shall become null and void, and have no further force and effect, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes, including mixed use purposes, through zoning and other land development legislation, and PINS 1487 -4 7 1487-33-8439 and those set forth on Exhibit A hereto WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict, and that in order to permit dif enng uses on and in the area of the subject property and at the sane time to recognize the effects of the change and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use ofthe Property for the protection of the commumty that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned B-2 needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantors' rezoning application gives nse, and WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntarily proffered in wnting in advance of and pnor to the public hearing before the Grantee, as part of the proposed conditional amendment to the Zoning Map, in add.itxon to the regulations provided for in the existing -2 zorang district by the existing City's Zorung Ordinance " ZG' , the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation and use of the property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the new Zoning Map relative to the property, all of which have a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which 1s generated by the rezoning, and WHEREAS, said conditions having been proffered by the Grantors and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning ordinance, such conditions shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning on the property covered by such conditions, provided, however, that such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment if the subsequent amendment is part of the comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised zoning ordinance, unless, notwithstanding the foregoing, these conditions are amended or vaned by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City ofVirg-InIa Search, Virginia and executed by the record owner of the subject property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided, further, that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in vm#ing as evidenced by a certified copy of ordinance or resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public heanng before the Grantee advertised pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia, Section 15 2-22041 winch said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument a conclusive evidence of such consent NOW THEREFORE, the Grantors, for themselves, their successors, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion ofquid vro quo for zorung, N rezoning, site plan, building permit or subdivision approval, hereby male the following declaration of con&tions and restnctions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that these proffers (collectively, the "Proffers') shad constitute covenants n uung with the sand Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantors, their heirs, personal representatives, assigns, grantees and other successors in interest or title, narnely 1 The Property shall be used only for Motor vehicle Sales, as that term is defined in the CZO, includhng any uses accessory and incidental thereto 2 Further conditions mandated by applicable development ordinances may be required by the Grantee during detailed site plan and/or subdivision review and administration of applicable City Codes by all coguzant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements All references herein Bove to zoning districts and to regulations applicable thereto, refer to the City Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date the conditional zoning americbment is approved by the Grantee The Grantors covenant and agree that (1) the Zoning Administrator of the Ctty of Vugirua Beach, Virgima shall be vested with all necessary authority on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virguiia to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions, including (i) the ordering in wmting of the remedying of any noncompliance with such conditions, and (ii) the bunging of legal action or suit to ensure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prolubitory injunction, abatement, damages or other appropriate action, suit or proceedings, (2) the failure to meet all conditions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) if aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Admirustrator made pursuant to the provisions of the City Code, the CZO or this Agreement, the Grantors shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court, and (4) the Zoning Map shall show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the subject Property on the map and that the ordinance and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and to the Planning accessible for public inspection m the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department and that they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virguua Beach, Virginia and indexed in the narne of the Grantors and Grantee Upon acquisition of the Property by CazMax, CarMax shalI succeed to all nghts and obligations ofthe "Grantors" under this Agreement, and JLR and CPI shall have no further rights or obligations of a "Grantor r" under this Agreement (but will retaan all rights and obligations a the "Grantee" This Agreement may be signed in one or more counterparts wbach, upon execution by all the parties, shall constitute a single agreement GRANTOR JLR ASSOCIATES, L L C , a Virguma Imuted habihty y, ---�- Robert C Teets, Manager GRANTOR CONTRACTORS PAVING, INC, Vrrirua corporation y Robert C Teets, President COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIl II CITY F ' .. , to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged ed before me this M day of November, 2002, by Robert C Teets, acting in his capacity as Tanager of JLR Associates, L L C , a Virga lumted liability company, who either ] is personally known to me or b produced as identification My Commission Expires r 31 C �J COMMONWEALTH OF VI GR41A OF 4 , ,alcj(to-wit f r r f- t r Notary Public was w before meTL N ber, The foregoing �ntruent acknowledged o e this J r o 2002, y Robert C 'Teets, acting in lus capacity as President of Contractors Paving, Inc, a Vir mva corporation, who either [! is personally known to me or produced s identification r My Comnussion Expires � �- LC�U 'J d t Notary Public GRANTOR CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES, INC , Virginia corporation Douglass Moyers imni V;ce President COMMONWEALTH VI GINIA c ouNTY/CITY , to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this i day of November, 2002, by K Douglass Moyers, acting in his capacity as Vice -President, Real Estate of CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc , a Virginia corporation, who either [ is personally known to me or [� produced s identification r ' 1 X -, Li ' Notary Public Nay Commission Expires � � � ICI, �� GRANTOR CARMAX AUTO SUPERSTORES., INC., , a Virginia corporation By ' thony G Real Estate Manager COMMONWEALTH OF V IRGINI LNTY/CITY OF �v\ir i , to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of November, 2002, by w Anthony C rp, acting in his capacity as Real Estate Manager of CarMax Auto Superstores, Ins a Vir Virginia oration who either is personally known t nee r � g corporation, �� P [� produced My Commission Expires as identification Notary Public Doc2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PARCEL ONE (GPIN 1487-33-4375) It being the same property conveyed to JLR Associates, L L C , a Virginia limited liability company herein by deed dated February 24, 1998 from Lena Sancili , mndow and L.ADM, a Virgirna limited liability company, duly recorded March 4, 1998 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach h in Deed Book 3852 page 107 It being the same property conveyed to JLR Associates, L L C , a Virgima limited liability company herein by deed dated March 13, 2001 from Contractors Paring Company Incorporated aka Contractors Paving Co , Inc , a Virginia corporation duly recorded March 16, 2001 in the Clerk s Office of the Circuit Court of the City ofVirginia Beach in Deed Book 4376 page 300 As t Parcel A., Resuhdiviion of Lots 1 - 16, 4- 38 & remaining portions of Lots 17, 18, 39, 40, Block 4, Lots 1 - 191) 37 - 41, and the remaimng portions of Lots 20, 21, 42, Block 6, a portion of the property formerly second street (closed) and street closure to a portion of Wagner Street and Avenue E, Map of East Norfolk, Map Book 260, pages 24 th u 26 Parcel B, Fesubdivision of Lots 16 - 46, Block 3, Lots l - 121 22 - 33, Block 4, Lots 1 - 22 2 - 44., Block , Lots 1 - 15, 22 - X, Block 6 and street closure to portions of Avenue E, Wagner Street and First Street, Map of East Norfolk and Lot 16A, Block 6, Lot36 , Block 4, I esul division of Lots 1 - 16, 34 - 38 and the remaining portions of Lots 17, 18, 39, 40, Block 4, Dots 1 19 Lots 37 - 41 and the remaining portions of Lets 20, 21, 42, Block 6, a portion of the formerly second street (closed) and street closure to a portion of Wagner Street and a portion of Avenue E, Map of East Norfolk, Map Book 261, pages 97 thru 9 Lots 14 & 1 , Block 3, East Norfolk Portion of Avenue E (Closed 1 99), Resubdivision. of Parcel A & > , East Norfolk, Lot 1 15, Black 3 and a portion of Avenue E, Map of East Norfolk Street Closure Ordinance recorded in Deed Book 4217 at page 66 NOTE ABOVE DESCRIED LEGALS MAKE UP PARCEL B - I SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 285, PAGES 16 AND 1 PARCEL TWO GPINs 14 7- 3-0509, 14 7- -0419, 14 7- -0349, 14 7-- 3-0 41, 14 7- - 1 1 , 14--04, 147-3-14161 147--1402, 1-23-92665? 17-2-91999 147--2445? 14 7- 2-162 , 14 7-32-067 , 1487-33-0285) 8 It being the same property conveyed to JLR Associates, L L C herein by deed dated March 4,, 1999 from Nationsbank of Virginia, IAA and Ann K Sullivan, Trustees for Family Trust ofGeorge M Sullivan, Jr, deceased duly recorded March 1, 1999 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in Deed Book 4046 page 825 It being the sarne property conveyed to JLR Associates, L L C herein by deed dated November , 2000 from Bank of America, N A , formerly known as Nationsbank of Virginia, N A, formerly known as Sovran Bank, N A , formerly known as Virgima National Bank and Anne K Sullivan, Trustees for the Family Trust of George M Sullivan, Jr, deceased duly recorded November 20, 2000 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in Deed Book 4324 page 1 As t Lots 1 — 16, 34 — 42, Block 7,, mots 1 — 4 , Block 8, Map of East Norfolk Portion of Second Street, Map of East Norfolk, less and except that portion ofSecond Street lying east of a southern extension of the eastern side of Avenue G to the intersection of VB Norfolk Expressway A triangular shaped residual parcel of land being a portion of that certain property formerly referred to as Rosemont Amusement Park, plat of Rosemont Park Parts now or formerly Avenue H, Avenue G, and First Street vacated by City ordinances Lots 9 — 12, Lots 30 — 33, Block 77 Map of East Norfolk Parts now or fortnerl y Avenue H and First Street vacated by City ordinances PARCEL THREE (GPIN 1487-33-8439) It being the same property conveyed to Contractors Paving Company, Incorporated, a Virginia corporation herein by deed dated January 31, 1966 from Atlantic Construction Corporation, a Virginia corporation duly recorded April 6, 1966 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of irgnma Beach in Deed Book 94 page 666 s t Parcel A (192 acres), Parcel B (0 276 acres), Parcel C (3 303 acres) and Parcel E (0 241 acres), shown on Survey of Blocks 1 and 2, East Norfolk, Map Book 66, page 11 Less and except that portion of Parcel C and that portion of Parcel E conveyed to Bay Camping, Inc by deed dated May 24, 1973 and recorded in Deed Book 1355 at page 458 Less and except that portion of Parcel C conveyed to Malibu Auto Parts, Inc by deed slated October IT, 1973 and recorded in Deed Book 1384 at page 757 PARCEL FOUR GPI 1 7- -1 1 , 14 - -1 , and 1 - -1 49 X It being the same property conveyed to JLr Associates, L L C , a Virginia limited liability company herein by deed dated December 14, 1998 from Contractors Paving Company, Incorporated duly recorded December 22, 1998 m the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgirn Beach in Deed Book 4003 page 1171 It being the same property conveyed to JLI Associates, L L C , a Virginia litd liability company h rern by deed dated February 9, 2001 from D Scott Seery, Special Commissioner for and on behalf of Elizabeth G Lughorn and unknown heirs duly recorded February 13, 21 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in Deed Book 47 page 1783 As to Lots 17 — 21, Block 7, East Norfolk PARCEL FIVE (GPIN 1487-33-2706) It being the same property conveyed to JLR Associates, L L C , a Virginia limited liability company herein by deed dated December 14, 1998 from Contractors Paving Company, Incorporated, Virginia corporation duly recorded December 22, 1998 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Vir1pnia. Beach in Deed Boob 4003 page 1171 As t Dots 26 — 27, Block 5, East Norfolk Realty and Industrial Corporation PARCEL SIX (GPIN 1487-33-2$44 and 1487-33-2801) It being the sane property conveyed to JLI Associates, L L C , a Virginia limited liability company herein by deed slate Apnl 24, 2001 from Handhold Associates, a Virginia general partnership duly recorded May 3, 2001 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in Deed Boot 449 page 1502 As to portion of Lot 23, and Lots 24 — 25, Block 5, East Norfolk Less and except that portion of property taken from Lot 24 for road purposes and retarded in Deed Book 1870 at page 336 GPIN lumbers have not yet been assigned to those portions of Wagner Street and Rodnguez Dave, which the Applicant proposes closing in connection with the Conditional Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit Applications It is intended, however, that these properties be added to the foregoing description if those streets are approved to be closed Gpin 1455-73-7940 ZONING HISTORY 1 Reconsideration of Conditions —Approved 9-26-95 Conditional Use Permit {Fill Borrow Pit} -- Approved 3-26-90 Conditional Use Permit (Borrow Pit) --Approved 1-28-63 2 Reconsideration of Modified Conditions --Withdrawn 1-14-97 Modification of Conditions —Approved 11-12-96 Conditional Use Permit (Borrow Pit) —Approved 2-23-93 Rezoning (R-8 Residential to B-2 Business) —Approved 3-18-85 3 Rezoning (R5-D Residential to B-2 Business) —Approved 2-12-00 4 Rezoning (R5-D Residential to R5-D Residential with a PD-H2 Overlay) — Approved 1-12-99 Modification of Conditions —Approved 9-28-99 Conditional Use Permit (Two Communication Towers) —Approved 1-22-90 Conditional Use Permit (Communication Tower) —Approved 5-28-89 Rezoning (R-8 Residential to B-2 Business) —Withdrawn 12-19-88 Conditional Use Permit (Borrow Pit) —Approved 2-13-84 Conditional Use Permit (Communication Tower) —Approved 5-18-81 Conditional Use Permit (Antenna) —Approved 11-18-74 Conditional Use Permit (Communication Tower) —Approved 1-16-73 5 Conditional Use Permit (Church Expansion) —Approved 3-26-02 Conditional Use Permit (Church Expansion) —Approved 9-28-99 Conditional Use Permit (Church) —Approved 1-11-88 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Michael D sifen, Inc — Change of Zoning District Classification MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background An Ordinance upon Application of Michael hael D sifen, Incfor a Change of Zoning District Classification trom R- D Residential Duplex District to Conditional 1-1 Light industrial District on the west side of Centerville Turnpike approximately 1600 feet north of its intersection with Kempsville Road (GPIN 1455737940) The proposed zoning to Conditional 1-1 is for light industrial land use The Comprehensive Plan recommends mends use of this panel for business parks, offices, industrial, and employment support land use Marcel contains 6 724 acres DISTRICT 1 — CE TER ILLE The purpose of this request is to rezone the site from R-D Residential District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to construct a mini -warehouse facility ■ Considerations The property is undeveloped and is zoned R -D Residential District The site has an extensive zoning history with regard to the previous borrow pit operation Before 1973, the site was zoned R-D 1 Residence Duplex A Conditional Use Permit for a borrow pit was approved on the site in 1963 In March of 1990, go, Conditional Use Permit to fill the existing borrow pit was approved several conditions of this Conditional Use Permit were modified on September 26, 1995 The applicant proposes to rezone the site from R -D Residential to Conditional l- 1 Light Industrial and develop a mini -warehouse facility The site development plan depicts seven buildings containing a total of 136,450 square feet of mini - warehouse area and 1,400 square feet of office and residence area proposed for the site There are seven parking spaces: including one handicap accessible space, illustrated on the site The entire frontage of the site along Centerville Turnpike will be landscaped and bermed with the exception of the entrance to the site and four parking spaces The request to rezone the site from R -D Residential District to Conditional 1-1 Light fndustrial District and develop the site as a mini -warehouse facility is acceptable The request is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan Map Mike Sifen Page 2 of 2 recommendations for the area, and is in keeping with the surrounding uses 1lhile the applicant has proffered several acceptable uses for the site, as previously stated in the report the only use that will be permitted on the site at this time is the mini -warehouse fa if ity, office and residence as proffered in Proffers 1 and 2 Should the applicant wish to add any of the other proffered uses to the site, Proffers 1 and 2 will have to be modified The proposed landscaping along the frontage of Centerville Turnpike exceeds City ordinance requirements The proposed meandering and undulating berms planted with evergreen and deciduous trees will add an attractive touch to the frontage Foundation screening will soften and add to the appearance of the buildings The proposed screening and buffering of the proposed use along the side and rear property lines is adequate The proposed elevations depict the use of a good mix of building materials, including brick, , and architectural details, such as tile, metal caps, and exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) accents, that will provide visual relief to the building Staff recommended approval There was opposition to the proposal ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded Grote of 4-3 with abstentions to approve this request ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location flap Recommended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval A Submitting Department/Agency Planning Department City Manager MICHAEL D. SIFEN, INC. / # 81 February 12, 2003 General Information: APPLICATION NUMBER B10-211-CRZ-2002 REQUEST Change of Zoning District Classification from R -D Residential Duplex t Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial ADDRESS The West side of Centerville Turnpike, north of Kempsvill Road B-9 Michael D Sifen. Inc a #" x � ti• - S.- Nk { # 8-2Yr r.` Jr Giro 1455-73-17940 Planning Commission n enda �� T February 12, 2003 IICHAEL D SIFEN, INC / # 8 Page 1 GPIN 14557379400000 ELECTION DISTRICT 1 —Centerville SITE SIZE 6 724acres STAFF PLANNER Faith Christie PURPOSE To rezone the site from R5-D Residential District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and to construct a mini -warehouse facility Major Issues: 0 Compatibility with surrounding uses Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existinq Land Use and Zoning The property is undeveloped and is zoned R5-D Residential District Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Forth 0 Undeveloped property R -D Residential South • Undeveloped property B-2 Business East • Centerville Turnpike Across Centerville Turnpike is a Church and school, a Post Office facility, and an Office - Storage and Mini -warehouse Fa if ity -2 Business and 1-1 Light industrial West Undeveloped property R5-D Residential Planning Commission Agenda February 12, MICHAEL D SIFEN, INC Page Zoning and Land Use statistics With Existing Any of the principal and conditional uses permitted in Zoning the R5-D Residential District such as single-family and duplex dwellings, churches, borrow pits, golf courses, recreational facilities and schools With The submitted proffer agreement specifies the following Proposed uses to be alloyed on the property Zoning a Wholesaling, warehousing, storage or distribution establishments, b Business, medical, financial, non-profit, professional and similar office buildings: c) Public Utility installations, d Commercial parking lot, and e Public Buildings and grounds While these uses are acceptable for the site, staff notes that Proffer 1 of the proffer agreement states that the site shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "PRELIMINARY LAYOUT FOR PIKE SELF STORAGE ON CENTERVILLE TURF PIKE", prepared by Site Improvement Associates} Inc , dated 11- - 2, and that Proffer 2 states that the buildings shall contain the architectural features and utilize the high guafity building materials depicted on the "Proposed Elevations for Pike self Storage} Virginia Beach, Virginia 'ya prepared by Covington, Hendrix Architects Therefore the only use permitted on the property will be the proposed mini - warehouse facility if the applicant or property owner wishes to use the property for any of the proffered uses then Proffers 1 and 2 must be modified Zoning History The site has an extensive zoning history ► ith regard to the previous borrow pit operation Before 1973, the site was zoned R-C 1 Residence Duplex A Conditional Use Permit for a borrow pit was approved on the site in 1963 In March of 1990, a Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL D SIFEI , INC Page Conditional Use Permit to fill the existing borrow pit was approved The following conditions applied 1 The borrow pit filling operation will be operated in a dust free manner 2 Operating hours shall be 7 00 a m until 7 oo p m , Monday through Saturday No Sunday operation shall be permitted Lin -drained pockets and stagnant pools resulting from surface drainage shall be sprayed in accordance with requirements of the State Board of health to eliminate breeding places for mosquitoes and other insects In accordance with the City's current Master Street and Highway Plan, a right- of-way dedication will be required along the enure Centerville Turnpike frontage to provide for an ultimate sic lane divided arterial with bikeway and scenic easement A variable width right-of-way dedication is required Flight and left turn lanes are to be installed on Centerville Turnpike before the beginning of the filling operation Additional right-of-way dedications may be required for the installation of these turn lanes The subdivision of the subject site into residential lots, as shown on the conceptual, is not approved with this application Only inert, non -tonic material shall be deposited on the site The property adjacent to the antennae farm is to be conveyed back to that owner During the hours of operation, the owner shall provide and maintain a full -tire, on -site inspector to inspect the trucks and maintain a daily log to verify only inert, non -tonic materials have been deposited on the site 10 These reports, when requested by the City, shah be submitted for review Several conditions of this Conditional Use Permit were modified on September 26, 19The following conditions were modified If the existing Centerville Turnpike entrance to this site is to be used by vehicles depositing construction demolition and debris in the borrow pit reclamation site, right and left turn lanes are to be installed on Centerville Turnpike before the beginning of the filling operation Additional right-of-way dedications may b required for the installation of these turn lames Only construction demolition and debris, non -tonic materials shall be deposited on this site pursuant to a permit for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality During the hours of operation, the owner shall provide and maintain a full-time on -site inspector to inspect the trucks and maintain a daily log to verify only construction demolition and debris, non -tonic materials have been deposited on this site O&A c Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 MICHAEL D SIFE , INC Page 4 1 Operational conditions contained hereinabove, in the event of a natural disaster or similar situation may be waived in whole or in part by order of the City Manager or the designated Emergency operations Coordinator on a temporary basis pursuant to an adopted Emergency Plan Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceans Natural Resource and Phvsical Characteristics The site has been filled It is grassed and there are no environmentally sensitive features on the site The site is in the Resource Management Area of the Chesapeake e Bair Preservation area Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer Water There is a ten -inch water main in Centerville Turnpike The site must connect to City water Sewer City sewer is not available to the site Health Department approval for a septic system is required if a septic system is utilized The applicant may connect to City sewer, but will bear the expense of extending tires The applicant may obtafn sewer hookup from several sources • There is a surer line that stops at Jake Sears Road, north of the site • A new pump station has been installed on the Tallwood Elementary School property to the west of the site • If there is a Hampton Roads Sanitation District HRSD line in Centerville Turnpike, the applicant may use a private grinder pump and force main, subject to HRSD approval Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL D s1FEN, INC Page Transportation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Centerville Turnpike in front of this site is considered a two lane undivided minor suburban arterial it is designated on the plater Transportation Plan as a 120 foot divided right of way with a multi -use trail There are currently no Capital Improvement Program projects listed to improve this right of way right of way reservation for future improvements to Centerville Turnpike may be required during detailed site plea review Traffic Calculations Street Name Present! Presentl Generated Traffic Volume Capacity 17 400 13 600 Level DT�f Existing Land Use' 626 Centerville Turnpike • , ADT I Service C I Proposed Lind Use 3 343 i ' Average Daily Taps 2 as defined by 58 single to mily units 3 as defined by 137 850 square feet of self storage space Public Safety Police The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime Prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and A fire hydrant must be located within 400 feet of commercial Rescue structures Private fire hydrants must be maintained annually as identified in N F P A 2 The minimum fire lane width must not be less than 20 feet Under some conditions, greater width will be by the authority having jurisdiction Gated sites must provide for Fire Department access using the Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICH EL D SIFEI` , INC # Page Knox r Supra key system Gates must have fails fe operation in the event of a power failure The units must not be used for office purposes, bard rehearsals, residential dwellings, or any other purpose not consistent with the storage of non -hazardous goods Portable or auxiliary power supplies will not be allowed for tenant use certificate of occupancy must be obtained before occupancy of the building Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map designates this area as an area planned for a variety of employment uses including business parks, offices, appropriately located industrial and employment support uses Summary of Proposal Proposal The applicant proposes to rezone the site from R -D Residential to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial and develop a mini -warehouse facility The site development plan depicts seven buildings containing a total of 136,450 square feet of mini -warehouse area and 1,00 square feet of office and residence area proposed for the site There are seven parking spaces, including one handicap accessible space, illustrated on the site The entire frontage of the site along Centerville Turnpike will be landscaped and bermed with the exception of the entrance to the site and four parking spaces The site is on Centerville Turnpike rear the Woods Corner section of the city It was previously a borrow pit that has been filled Directly across Centerville Turnpike, to the east, are Atlantic shores Baptist Church and school, and a United States Postal Service USPS facility Slightly northeast of the LISPS facility is an existing office park and mini -warehouse facility Directly north of the site is the City's Landfill 2, more commonly known as Mount Trashmore 11 Site Desn The site is rectangular in shape, with 1,486 feet of width along Centerville Turnpike, and varying in depth from approximately 220 feet to 250 feet The proposed mini - Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL D SIFEN, INC Page warehouse development maximizes the area of the site Seven buildings are proposed on the site Four buildings are proposed parallel to Centerville Turnpike, 35 feet from the property line These buildings range in length from 150 feet to 400 feet, and are 56 feet wide Three buildings are proposed along the back of the site, ranging in length from 360 feet to 490 feet, and are 50 feet wide These buildings are proposed to be positioned 32 feet from the rear property line Vehicular and Pedestrian Access single entrance to the site, 40 feet in width, is proposed directly in line with the existing entrance to the post office site across Centerville Turnpike The proposed drive aisles on site are a minimum of 25 feet in width It appears that vehicular maneuvering will be adequate on the site VW_ -. � -': � 5E I Architectural Desi Ln The applicant proposes to develop the site with buildings that use a variety of building materials to provide visual appeal The proposed buildings are one story with the exception of the office and residence The office will have storefront type windows and back exterior walls The second floor residence will have exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) exterior walls tan in color with a cream exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) accent band A hipped metal roof complements the building CPC Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICH EL D SIFE I, INC / Page • The portions of the mini -warehouse buildings that are facing Centerville Turnpike are to be constructed with a split face block water table, and brick and exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) exterior walls The long expanse of the walls is broken with incremental projections to provide for architectural and visual relief Three different projections are proposed The end of the building projections will have a band of accent brick around the exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) wall, with a tale accent A hipped metal roof covers this projection The middle of the building will have the same design projection except an exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) pediment will complement this roof area The other projection is simple in that it does not have any facade or roof element It is simply trimmed with a metal cap Landscape and Open Space The entire frontage of the site along Centerville Turnpike is depicted as landscaped area with the exception of the entrance into the site and four parking spaces The landscape area will contain berms that are planted with both evergreen and deciduous trees, as recommended by staff Foundation screening of the fronts of the buildings along Centerville Turnpike is also proposed on the submitted plans • The required Category VI screening is depicted along the sides and rear property lines A Variance to the required 1 -foot setback from the R-D Residential District i required The applicant will make application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the Variance upon approval by the City Council of this Rezoning request Proffers PROFFER # 1 When the property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "PRELIMINARY LAYOUT FOR PIKE SELF STORAGE ON CEf TERVILLE TURNPIKE", prepared by Site Improvements Associates, Inc , dated 11- -02, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Site Plan) Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable It insures that the site will he developed as deprot d on the submitted prellmInary layout plan PROFFER # 2 When the Property is developed} the buildings depicted on Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL Q SIFE I, INC Page A ,W the Site Plan shall contain the architectural features and utilize the high quality bu(Iding materials depicted on the "Proposed Elevations for Pike Self Storage, Virginia Beach,Virginia", prepared by Covington, Hendrix Architects, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department artment of Planning (hereinafter "Elevations") Staff E a uatfon The proffer rs acceptable It insures that the proposed buildings will be constructed in accordance with the submitted elevations PROFFER # 3 The freestanding monument style sign designated on the Site Plan shall be brick based monument style sign no greater than eight feet (8') in height Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable PROFFER # 4 All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused to direct light down onto the premises and away from adjoining property Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable It insures that Ilghung on the site will not interfere with adjacent uses PROFFER # 5 Only the following uses will be permitted on the Property a wholesaling, warehousing, storage or distribution establishments, b Business, medical, financial, non-profit, professional and similar office buildings, c Public Utility installations, d Commercial parking ing lot, and e Public Buildings and grounds Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable ►n that it limits the proposed uses for the site However as staff previously noted in this r~eport� Proffer I states that when the site rs developed it shall be developed substantially as shown on the submitted prehminary site plan Proffer 2 states that the buildings will contain the architectural features and utilize the high quality building matenals depicted on the elevations Therefore, the only use permitted on the site Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 Page 1 will be the r 1ni-warehouse facllrty, office for the facrlr y and caretaker residence Should the developer or property owner wish to Introduce any of the uses trsted In this proffer on to the site, Proffers 1 and 2 will have to be mod1fied by the City council PROFFER Further conditions may be required by the Grantee durfng detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements Staff Evaluation The proffer is acceptable City Attorney's The City Attorneys Office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement dated November 10, 20021r and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal fora Evaluation of Request The request to rezone the site from F -D Residential District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District and develop the site as a mini -warehouse facility is acceptable The request is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan Map recommendations for the area, and is in keeping wfth the surrounding uses While the applicant has proffered several acceptable uses for the site, as previously stated in the report the only use that will be permitted on the site at this time is the mini -warehouse facility, office and residence as proffered in Proffers 1 and 2 Should the applicant Irish to add any of the other proffered uses to the site, Proffers 1 and 2 will have to be modified The proposed landscaping along the frontage of Centerville Turnpike exceeds City ordinance requirements The proposed meandering and undulating berms planted with evergreen and deciduous trees will add an attractive touch to the frontage Foundation screening will soften and add to the appearance of the buildings The proposed screening and buffering of the proposed use along the side and rear property lines is adequate The proposed elevations depict the use of a good mix of building materials, including brick, and architectural details, such as tile, metal caps, and exterior insulation finish system (ElFS)accents, that will provide visual relief to the building Staff, therefore, recommends approval of the request to rezone the site from R -D Residential District to Conditional 1-1 Light industrial District to develop amini- warehouse facility Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL D SIFEN, INC # Page 11 NOTE Further Conditions may be required during the administration of applreable City Ordinances Plans submitted with this rezoning apply ation may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all aliable City Codes Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL. D SIFE1 , INC l Page 12 104, -N . Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 23 ��- c .0Page 1 z O z 0 w w CL W J J M ICI U z A 3 ca Z O W 4i w L z a W J J w 1! 43 z J Z w w w Z F- w J J w 0— Ua w qc M _ [ U U J U 0 0 L C 1 lot 0 IL In 16 o A o - J Z hi z lid L J U U 0 w 0 m In IL m ! 1 I I t , Q J W 0 L w ow IW MIZ a 0 0 > tw .1 L6 1w mi w oWML It WWI< Eno U ° 0W o I 0: IL w L FA i J- 0 0 Z W 34 w r v 0 j 0 w W � L -1 S Id w M &S In M Q O w w U k L 0 w H D Planning Commission Agenda } February 12, 20,03. MICH EL D SIFEN, INC --- Page 14 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's Name _41c aely _ ifens-Inc-iL _�'1r 1nia_c p rq .n--_---- �._ List All Current Property Owners Williams� �x�r �r ia���rp i�� n PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION Itst all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary i McKinley, -Secretary ................................. ........... If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANtZ.ATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach fist if necessary) ) o Checkhere if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization if the applicant is not the current owner of the property complete the Applicant Disclosure section below APPLICANT DISCLOSURE L OSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below Attach list of necessary) 1t the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members r partners in the organization below Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here tf the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION I certifythat a Information contained herein is true and accurate Michael D Sifen Inc Bv.2--` ., Signature r Conditional Rezoning oning Application Page 10 of 1 Michael D Sifen, President Print Name Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 IICHAEL D SIFEN, INC / Page 1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's Name - e �_ j f e n l rg' a La {� ar ti-on Lost All Current Property Owners - Williams Holdingi or , am Virginia corporaLion PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) E R Bowler P,-e iden t Tre urer If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP HIP FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below At ach list if necessary) Ei Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization If th9 apptic ant is riot th0 c urront owner of the property completo tha ApplIcanI Disclosure section below APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list all officers of the Corporation below (Attach list if necessary) ---------- If the property owner is a PARTNERSHIP, EF HIP, FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION list all members or partners in the organization below (Attach hst if necessary) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation partnership firm or other unincorporated organization CERTIFICATION I certify that theinformation contained herein is true and accurate *-1 JTIamp, fig 1 n g r p 1 Signature •' s Pant Name Conditional Rezoning oning Application Page 10 of 14 Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 MICHAEL D SIFEI , INC / Page 1 A Item Michael D S1fen, Inc Change of Zoning District Classification Nest side of Kempsville road District 1 Centerville Febmary 12, 2003 CONSENT Charlie Salle The next item on the Consent agenda is Michael D Sifen A Change of Zoning Classification from m R-5.D Residential Duplex District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District on the crest side of Centerville Turnpike Ronald Ripley Charlie I hear we have opposition to this So we need to drop that down and hear that Charlie Salle Okay: REGULAR AGENDA Robert Miller The next item is Item # , Michael D Srf n, Inc Ronald Ripley On this particular application, I'm going to step awav from the chair on this because although I don t think I have any bras to this at all, but Y do have an interest to purchase a piece of land adjacent to this, and a company that will purchase a piece of land -idlacent to this I think I will be abstaining and I think Mr Miller has a creed to abstain because I believe he represents Robert Mi Her The owner of the property Ronald Ripley The owner of the property So I ve asked again Charlie Salle' t pinch- hit for ups and Charlie would you please tale the chair Charlie Salle Sure 111 be glad to Do we have anybody{ representing Michael D Siten" Robert Miller We do right there 'h is that guy` He was up late last night Eddie Bourdon My apologies for the delay{ Charlie Salle Before you get istarted Joe might have a comment Joseph Strange I'd junk like to make a comment I also own property across the street of this project I don't think it � going to have an F bearing on my consideration of this project so I will participate Item Michael D Sifen, Inc Page Eddie Bourdon Thank you For the record, my naive is Eddie Bourdon I'm a Virginia Beach attorney and it's my privilege to represent Mr Michael D Sifen on this application Many of you, not all ofyou know w m iy know Mr Sifen He is a developer of some I believe renown in the area He does a wonderful job with his projects He hay been in the self -storage and commercial development office development business for over a quarter of a century He s been doing storage facilities for 2)3 years in this area and throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia It also my privilege the landowner EVE' Group, EV Williams And the piece of property that we are here to talk about is a long rectangular shaped piece of property that fronts on the wet side of Centerville Turnpike north of Kemp ville Road and south of Indian River load south of CBN The property is zoned - D It is the ring road or outside ofthe borrow pit now landfill There is still some excavation taking place on a small part of it, but it s essentially a landfill The property while zoned -5D is certainly not &,ultable for residential development Directly to the south of this property is a 1 -a►cre parcel that i oned -2. Across the street you got -2. property A storage facility and a post office is there and a church here owns some additional -2 pi opert r 1n the area The proposal is to put a veiy attractive self- storage facility on the property The staff I think has done a very fine job 1n temis of de cribinor it evaluating it Do you all have the copies of the elevation" 'I his is the elevations that Crumb and Associates showing Mery attractive brl(,k and split tare block buildings with extensive landscaping on Centerville as well as foundation landscaping to create a very attractive appearance one that certainly is significantly nicer in quality than the older storage facility that exists across Centerville from the site that's essentially split block type of a facility The thing you inay hear from the opposition is there a demand in this area for storage And. the answer is inequitable yes from all of the folks that I've tallied to and I have been talking to a lot of theta lately with the application that I know you re all familiar with at Kemp Mille enteiviIle Associates that City Council approved last evening Within a three-mile radius of the intersection of Kemp ville Road and Centerville Turnpike the population is ioughly 5 000 people And within that three --mile radius there IS a significant quantity of both multi -family development and small lot residential development There is alclo a significant student population associated with Regent University All of those type of housing cr -ite additional demand for these type of storage facillt f Within that three- mile radius today there are 137,000 square feet of storage facility by contrast within three-mile radlUs within a three mile radius, at the intersection of Darn NeLk Road and Holland load which we chose that because you get the same central population 85 000 people, but within that three mile radius, little bit larger lot sizes. generally speaking, and no college student population There are today within the three mile radius of Holl ind and Dam Neck 535 000 square beet of storige facility So and the people who are the experts n the industry and Mi Sifen who is here certainly qualifiet, a that because he got these facilities throughout the Commonwealth will tell you that is not an adequate amount of storage facility With what the City Council approved for Kem pville/Centerville Associates and it thl application is approved and is built, thit will increase the square foot of storage area in this locality within a three mile radius. due wound 390 000 vquare feet, still 30 pert efit les than exists at the Dam i t. Holland Corridor three-mile radius And there's sufficient demand to support this tvpe ofuse in Item # Michael D Sifen, Inc Page this location And the facility across the street is as of this morning fully occupied I think they said one small area to x to that s available Everything else is completely Lull Also I want to let you that I was contacted about three weeks ago by another client looking at another site in this area for a storage taeility I indicated to them that I thought warm t something they should look at but they gave me the same information that there is a lack of available space in this wea to serve the needs of the people that are there and additional development Although, not significant in terrrit, of the amount that' going to take place in this area So, the anti -competition argument that i think is the genesis of the opposition here today we think competition is good We thinly that competition brings out the best and frankly the appearance of this facility is second to none ThL other thing if you look at this piece of property and try to envision what would be a getter use for this piece of piopert ,f I m hard pressed to think of a better use for this piece of propert r It is a low traffic generating use If you try to do somethinu commercial there it couldn t lay out anyway other than a strip commercial and even then it would just be pretty difficult to envision something attractive or beneficial And, there really isn t a demand in this area for con-miercial development And, the idea of puttincr a bunch of single family homes adjacent to the borrow pit landfill right on Centerville Turnpike, which is what the zoning I - I would suggest just doesn't make any sense from a land use perspective So, with that you recognize this was on the consent agenda l m going to end the presentation and answer any questions, and I d like to respond to the opposition Charlie Salle' Any questions for Mr Bourdon` Eddie Bourdon Thank you Charlie Salle' Eddie, is that all the speakers in favor of the project` Eddie Bourdon Mi Sifen is here but he did not sign up to speak Charlie Salle okay Those in opposition" Jinn Arnold Chairman Ripl v Members of Planning Commission today is quite role reversal for me I m Jim Arnold, life long citizen of Virginia Beach I m in the real estate development construction business I am one of the partners in Americas la ic. Self Storage directly across the street from this proposed rezoning I apologize before I go through this list that I did not give this information to everybody prior to today s meeting It was a difficult decision for me to come and speak against this rezoning and my used to be old friend Mr Bourdon Perhaps being viewed as anti competitive but even as a Lo petitor I hope you realize rn � L nLerns ale not completeiv Belt- erving i f partners and I have substantial investments in this area and want what. s In the test interest of the business and residential communities a whole The debate of too much of northing is not anti competitive It causes vaLanLies in properties because of casks flow that may in fact fall in di r p ii and not be maintained to i high stand ird The project actors the street that Mr Bourdon was talking about we own, received a design award from the City of Virginia Beach a few Mears back We re Mery prOUd of that property A view of Item Michael D Sifen, Inc Page 4 the City records and information I obtained from Brian I under. Commercial Appraiser, shows this market has more than ample storage facilities in all sizes to accommodate the community's needs I believe Mr Bourdon suggest that you should only look at the facilities within a three-mile radius I and Mr l; unden the appraiser certainly Suggest that analogv is flawed Depending upon where you shop, work, tape your children to C.hool or other activities, you 11 be introduced to available storage facilities within at least a five mile radius I was told by Mr Dunden that the appraisal indu try would use five -mile radius to assess value competition A tive-mile radius would ho%v there are eleven competing facilities, two of which will be developed within the next few years One, 120,000 square foot facilitv was approved last night by City Council at the cornier of I empsville Toad and Centerville Turnpike and 56,000 square fort expansion on Providence Toad that is coning up on Jack Rabbit facility These facilities equate t almost 740 000 square feet of storage space of which over 170 000 square feet will come online that will have to absorbed over the next few yearOur facility. is 94 000 square feet across the street It was developed in two phases It took approximately five year's to get to an acceptable occupancy It will take at a minimum that long to absorb the new units that are already approved I believe it will take a little bit longer and suie1v oeeupancy of the existing property- will be hurt There are storage units available in all sizes at every facility in its Market To suggest that the market is not to be accommodated is just not true We have guilt over the past five years 360 apartments in this area which have garages and stoiage facilities on vite for our residents And, with those not completely filled by our own residents, that live there It's just this property being rezoned from residential to industrial is adjacent to an existing chuff ch and the enure Gomez borrow pit property which i zoned residential All of the recent rezoning adjacent to the boi row pit property has been rezoned to multi -family residential other than the City of Virginia BeaLh Citv view recieati n site This property is adjacent to existing residential zoned pl operty and Should rennin residential not intrude it with industrial i recognize the Comprehensive Plan calls for commercial and or industrial on the Site I expect that will be reviewed during the Comprehensive Plan update, in light of all the multi -family rezoning adjacent to the Gomez borrow pit The Gomez borrow pit prpertv hay been designed in the past and far as I know still i. and will probably be developed as re idential by the owners Even though you look at that big hole out there today it down t necearily look like that what s going to happen I know that pit is Supposed to all be filled and cone back up There vhould not be support for inother storage facility rezoning atter the approval last night How many could we possibly need in one marketing areal Hopefully all Commission members will see the wisdom ofnot adding more of this business type to the area Over f.,upply ofand+ business trpe always creates vacancies The fact; of this may have been an acceptable use under different circumstances just as Orchard Park Shopping Center ovei the Chesapeake line is an acceptable use for commercial when that was zoned That now sits 50 percent vacant Because of an over built retail environment whiLh Mr Bourdon agrees and eluded t last night on the other storage tacility rezoning I m sure even he down t believe the only viable business rezoning for this area is storage facilities We just don't need another facility at this time I realize this item was on the Lonsent agenda prior to m ' opposition I repectfully request all Commission members to think again your approval of this Item # Michael D S1fen, Inc Page project ►nd recommend denial of this request, or at the very least send this item back for additional staff review in light of this new information and comments Thank you ver r much Charlie Salle' Any questions for Mr Arnold Thank you Are there any other speakers in oppoition9 Robert Miller There's no one else listed Eddie Bourdon Let me begin by insuring you that I'm not a former friend of Mr Arnold, and I certainly don t congider myself to be an old' friend of Mr Arnold we will be friends l as we carve into today as friends Certainly{ we can do a five -mile radius study ofHolland and Dam Neck and again, the numbers are still going to be the same This area is underserved I don t know, and I may have misunderstood Jim's comments in terns oftheir being units available in all sizes in his facility, again we cheeped this morning and we were told 1t was full except there was one small unit And that was all that was available Everything was full If he meant the entire five -mile radius that may well be true There may be units available in all sizes within a five -mile radius But the tact remains that he indicated in his comments People in the mar ket place are trying to expand are expanding and that is because there is demand out there, significant demand The folks who are operating the faLIlrty American Classic are in fact building a fa Arty at London Bridge and Potter s Road today There is significant demand for this t-pe of facility Now London Bridge and Potters is probably not within r five -mile radius of this location But that down t change the fa.L t that this is a type ofuse for which a lot of the things that we re doing in zoning and eliminatrn accessory structures on lots and storage spaces becoming a premium for homeowners as well as for people in various businesses This IS the best use for this piece of property It is a very attractive one and again my intention was not to suggest that the Amencan Classic f&.rlrty across the street was unattractive and at the time It was built it won an award but as you we] l know the appearance of these facilities have been upgraded phenomenally over the course last free years in terms of what they{ look like and what people are wfrllrner to do in terms of making there look very attractive This not a shopping center It is a use that has a lot of character I stics that are far di i f'ercnt than a shopping center An empty shopping center does create problems A storage facility that is 50-60 percent occupied versus 90 percent occupied still looks the same in terms of what you see driving by that facility And remember also that the people in the banking industry are going to be looking at the numbeis study the numbers isto giving financing for the construction of these and again they re there The numbers support it That s why there are expansion opportunities that are taking place and the people who are in the business are looking for sites in this particular area So, with that, I would hope that the Commission would look at it from a land use perspective and not from a protectionist or anv competition perSpeLtive And I don t mean to muscharacteri a what Jim said but that is a part of what's there That may not be the only part but that i a part of what's there And from a lam LNe perspective I don't think you can come up with a better land use for this piece of propertv Thank you Item # Michael D Sifen, Inc Page 6 Charlie Salle Any questions for Mr Bourdon`' will William Din Eddie do you have any idea, the borrow pit development that you talked about here when that will be going back up for some bind of development" Eddie Bourdon I honestly don't know that 1t will I m trying to remember there's a contract It's an excellent question I don't know that it will ever be developed Because there is the landfill contract with Sani Fil, and there will be residential development there I don't think there will be any development there for 30 years, if there is anv William Din okay. There is a piece of property there B-2 just down the road from you there Eddie Bourdon Fight next to it William Din Right next to 1t And I do find that this is m v e an attractive self -storage unit, but I really believe that the development of this site a a self storage area might, you know, if you looked at it comprehensively with the borrow pit and the B-2 and what they have surroundinor 1t, you know, it does lead me down the road as what % going to be around this' if we allow this self -storage to go in there will it be compatible with what we will be putting 1n there" bight now it zoned - 1 Is that compatible with this elf- torage unit in front of it`s Let's assume it developed an - Eddie Bourdon You talking about the Morrow pit � The landfill William Din Yeah Eddie Bourdon will I don't know any other way to tell you that this landfill 1s not going to be 1n anf of our life dines, including the youngest person here, going to be developed with houses on then This is just not going to happen Now,, the only thing that you re going to see development on is this -2. piece here which is going to be developed commerLially in my estimation, commercially or a multi -family development One or the other which thic, would be completely compatible with either of those but to suggest that this former borrow pit now sanitaiy landfill is going to be a residential development at some point in the Iuture, I hesitate to look at what technology niav have in store and how people may live, you know generations to come but nothing that we're dealing with in this lifetime that s going to be 1e ldential development William Din I don't know 1f an one on our staff knows when this landfill is projected to be closed but that just a projection I think that is probably one of my major issues here with this elf -storage unit In addition, is there too many But the conipatibilltv ofthis unit 1n this area may be there whether you re looking 30 years down the road or 50years down the road or even 10 years down the road, I ni not sure that if vu put a elf -storage unit right up in the front of the road here what golnc to be built between that and the Item # Michael D Sifen Inc Page City line at Mount Trashmore back there It is zoned R-5D at this time Compatibility 1 part of what we should be looking at here compatibility and proper lard use Eddie Bourdon Also in the Comprehensive Plan, Will, the Comprehensive Flan calls for the area to be industrial and commercial not residential William Din Okay Thank you Charlie Salle Any other questions' Donald H r ley I don't have a question I'd jut like to male a statement This use appears to me to be a good buffer along Centerville Turnpike for the borrow pit and filling operations that's goinor over there It s an attractive use and the competitive issue, you know that is somethingwe need to think about, but you know I let business people be business people when that comes about, but if it's a land use I think pits I think this fits this area so I m doing t be in support f the application Charlie Salle' Joe' Joseph Strange Yeah I didn't hear anv opposition of this from anybody so I kind of thought that it was not a bad land use here, but one ofthe things that really bothers me about this is that we re mashing In and putting all these storage units up there I not a developer, but I have had to rent a lot of spaces and own some spaces It Just kind of airs my nerves up to see what we re doing in that little section of the City over th ere I inean this looks like storage haven ovei there, and I don t understand how we re going to ever reach the economic development in this Citv right here 1f we keep taking parts of our City ind sacrificing for other parts of the City I jut hate to say it Again I m not a developer I can t pit here and say I know there is a better use for this land But I Just wonder why we jut e uldn t rush here and put all these storage units in here Ii ht on top of another So in lieu of the tact that there are developers who are against this I 1t probably be v tin against this at thi tonne Charlie Salle' Any other comments) Kathy Katsias I intend to agree with Joe I think that it probably i a good use for this piece of property But, with the approval of the additional warehouse spaces last night think this area 1� probably saturated at this time, or probably getting saturated with too mdny units So, I m not in favor of the application Charlie Salle Any other comments I I think 111 be voting in favor of the application I concerned with what Kathy and Joe had to nary Unfortunately, I think this application is a good one and probably the one appi ved last night was a bad one And I'm not sure I want to choose to penalize this landowner for the actions of others with respect to the other property And in general I think that zoning i not a great tool in regulating business cis tar as competitiveness I think if the land we IS appllLable# and I think it i Item # Michael D Sifen, Inc Pacrc 8 here, then that s where we should concentrate our efforts and probably{ let the private markets cope with the idea of competition saturation with re pelt to the number of storage units in this area So with that I'll be Support the motion and I guess would nbdf like to make one`s Janice Anderson I'll Oro ahead and make motion to approve the application of Michael Sifen with the conditions Charlie Salle Do we have a second" Donald Horsley Second Charlie Salle thin of ,Ian Anderson and seconded by Don Horsley to approve the application AYE 4 NAY 3 ABS 2 ABSENT 2 1 DERS N AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN NAY HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS NAY KNIGHT ABSENT NULLER ABS RIBLEY ABS SALLE' AYE ST RA N- GE NAY WOOD ABSENT Chas lie Salle By a Mote of -, with two abstentions, the application of Michael D 1fen has been approved for a Change of Zoning Classification from 1-13 Residential Duplex to Conditional I-1 Light Indus -trial Eddie Bourdon Thank you all amity of Virginia Beach In Reply Refer To Our Fite No F- 6 1 TO Leslie L Lilley FROM B Kay Wilson INTER -OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE DATE March 12, 2003 DEPT City Attorney DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application Michael D Sif n, Inc and Williams Holding Corp The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to he heard by the City Council on March 2, 2003 1 have reprieved the subject proffer agreement, dated November 10, 20 02, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further KW Enclosure PREPARED B SYKES +[]UMN AHERN & L W PC ' MICHA L D SIFN, INC , a Virginia corporation WILLIAMS HOLDING CORP, a Virginia corporation TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH THIS AGREEMENT, made this loth day of November, 2002, by and between IIICHA L D SIFEN, INC , a Virginia corporation, Grantor, ply of the first part, WILLIAMS HOLDING CORP , a Virginia corporation, Grantor, party of the second part, and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation ofthe Commonwealth ealth of Virgmia, Grantee, party of the third part WITNSSTH WHEREAS, the party of the second part is the owner of a c rta m parcel of property located in the Centerville District of the City of virglrna Beach, containing approximately 724 acres as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, the party ofthe first part, being the contract purchaser of the Property has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to change the I Zoning Classification of the Property from R-5D Residential District to I-1 Light I Industrial Distract, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislat-ton, and WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometimes incompatible development of various types of uses conflict and that In order t permit differing types of uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change that will be created by the Grantor's proposed rezoning, certain reasonable conditions governmg the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to resolve the situation to which the Grantor's rezoning application gwes n e, and GPIN 14-7-740 PREPARED BY BYRES B l,WW' A N & LEVY P F WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntanly proffered, 1n writing, in advance of and prior to the public heanng before the Grantee, as a Part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map with respect to the Property, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without j any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or u1d fro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, buildmg permit, or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants runnmg with the Property, which shall be binding upon the ' Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in interest or title 1 when the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially a shown on the exhibit entitled "PRELIMINARY Y LAYOUT FOR PIKE SELF STORAGE N CENTERVILLE TURNPIKE prepared by Site Improvement Associates, Inc dated 11- -0 , which has been exhibited to the Virgirua Beach City council and is on file with the Virgmia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Site Plan") 2 when the Property is developed, the buildings depicted on the Site Plan shall contain the architectural features and utilize the high equality i udd.mg materials depicted on the "Proposed Elevations For Pike Self storage, Virginia Beach, Virginia" prepared by Covington, Hendnx Architects, which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach city Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "'Elevations") The freestanding monument style sign designated on the Site Plan shall be brick based monument style sign no greater than eight feet (8) in height i 2 I I i PREPARED BY SYUS BOURDO ' N & LWY P All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused t i direct light down onto the premises and away from adjoining property 5 only the followuig uses vvYll be permitted on the Property a wholesaling, warehousing, storage or distribution establishments, b Business, medical, financial, non-profit, professional and sunilar office buildings, c) Puhlie Utihties In stall aton , d) Commercial par mg lot, and e Public Buildings and grounds Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City codes by aH cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements All references hereinabove to I-1 District and to the requi-rements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of approval of this Agreement by City Council, which are by this reference incorporated herein The above conchtions, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions Such conditions shall ;continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed The conditions, ' however, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by written m tr rnent recorded 1n the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 -4 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended Said ordnance or resolution shall be recorded along wrath said i 3 i I instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void The Grantor covenants and agrees that (1) The Z nung Administrator of the city of Virginia Beach, Virgirna, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority a) to order, in writing, that any nonco phance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure comphance with such conditions, mcluding mandatory or prohibitory injunction, ' abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required buildmg or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Admmistrator, made i i pursuant to these provisions, the Grantor shall petition the governing body for the j review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court, and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances PREPARED BY SAES ROURDON AUM & IDT P C f and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection m the office of the Zoning Administrator and m the Planning Department, j j and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the circuit Court of the City of ' Virgmia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the Grantor and the Grantee 4 WITNESS the follownng signature and seal GRANTOR MICHAEL D SIFEN, INC., irg is corporation f , By �=--�► ) Michael D Sifen, Presaent STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I�th clay of November, 2002, by Michael D Sifen, President ofMichael D Sifen, Inc, a Tir nia corporation Notary Public j My Commission Expires August 31, 2006 PREPARED BY SUES ROURDON AHERN & IT P PREPARED BY U. UOLWOL 1ER ' & LEVY P WITNESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR WILLIAMS HOLDING CORP , a Virginia corporation Y �r le 0'� (f , (f J'a E R Bowler, President STATE OF VIRGINIA j CITY OF VI1 GINIA BEACH, to -wit (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I Sth clay of November, or, 2002, by E R Bowler, President of Wilhams Holding Corp , a Virginia corporation Notary Public My Commission Expires August 31, 2006 I 0 I PREPARED B YMiUDON ARM & LL T Y P All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situated m the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being designated as "Parcel A" containing 6 724 acres as depicted on that Plat subdividing property of Williams Holding Corp , prepared by Miler -Stephenson, P C , recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgma. Beach, , Virginia, in Map Book 282, at Page 82 I I I I PIN 1--'70 DNDREZDNE IFEN ENTEF VILLE/ PROFFER 7 Am--- rip r �% Tf i 1 'Ar m -.-1! ZONING HISTORY 1 AG-1/AG-2 Agricultural and R-20R-1 o Residential to Conditional R-10 Residential — Granted 897 AG-1 Agricultural to R-5 Residential — Granted 3 19 8 CUP for church — Granted 1 3 and 799 R-3 Residential to R-5 Residential — Granted 2 1 8 CUP for church and school — Granted 2 88 and 8 1 9 and 8 11 98 R- o Residential to B-1 A Neigh borhood Business — Granted 90 Modification of Conditions — Granted 11 2 98 7 R-3 Residential to R-5 Residential Denied 783 Do n one to AG-1/AG-2 Agriculture — Denied 8 27 8 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Royal Court, Inc , a Virginia Corporation — Change of Zoning District Classification MEETING G DATE March 25,2003 ■ Background An Ordinance upon Application of Royal Court, Inc, a Virginia Corporation, for a Change of Zonina District Classification from G-1 Agricultural District, AG-2 Agricultural District and R-20 Residential District to R-D Residential Duplex District with a PD-H2 Planned Unit Development District Overlay on the north side of Princess Anne Road, 344 feet west of Crossroads Trail (GPIN 2-- 1 1 The proposed zoning to Conditional R-D with PD-1-12 is for residential land use at a density not to exceed 6 dwelling units per acre The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for residential land use at or below 3 5 dwelling units per acre said parcel contains 9 963 acres DISTRICT — PRINCESS ANNE The purpose of this request is to rezone the property to allow 48 twin houses (duplex units) to be constructed as a condominium ■ Considerations The property is vacant and is zoned AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts and R- 20 Residential District The properties surrounding the subject site have all been rezoned and/or developed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for density t 3 5 dwelling units acre or less The neighborhoods to the north and east of the site were rezoned to R-1 o Residential District in 1984 The neighborhood south of the site, across Princess Anne Read, was developed with an underlying zoning of R-o Residential District in the late 1 o's after a downonin to AG-1 and AG-2 was denied Most recently, property to the west of the subject site was rezoned from AG-1 and AG-2 and R-20 and R-10 to Conditional R-1 0 in 1997 There is a church immediately adjacent to the east of the subject site, which was granted a conditional use permit in 1989 and again in 1996 The number of units and density requested, 48 units and 4 8 units/acre, is not in beeping with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this area Although the actual number of buildings shown on the proposed plan would be substantially the same as the number of buildings allowed with a conventional Royal Court Page 2of2 subdivision, the number of households will double The traffic created by the additional households, even households led by individuals age 55 and over as the applicant has proffered, will negatively impact Princess Anne Road in this location This is a limiting factor that cannot be ignored, as this roadway is severely over capacity and no relief is anticipated until the second half of this decade The submitted PD-1-12 plan does not provide substantial public benefits over what could be gained through development under the existing zoning Staff feels that a rezoning for a planned community could be supported on this property, but net in excess of the density recommended by the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan policies do not support the additional density requested in this location Staff concludes that this request should be denied or substantially modified to more closely match the specific land use recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan Staff recommended mended denial There was opposition to the request M Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 5-3 with 1 abstention to approve this request ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action Staff recommends denial Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting Department/Agency Planning Departmen City Manager ROYAL COURT, INC. # 27 February 12, 2003 0 General Information. APPLICATION NUMBER K1 2-21 O-PDH-2002 REQUEST Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural Distriu, AG-2 Agricultural District and R-20 Residential District to R-5D Residential Duplex District with a PD-H2 Planned Unit Development District Overlay ADDRESS North side of Princess Anne Road, 344 feet west of Crossroads Trail Mr% IN .0, W Alap -1inc A.Z Ko yat L;ourt, 5 g (e AG I �1�4 > k: !P ZX AG 2 vAT t% in /� 0-L R-20 Jr AG-2 0 zq k 1% I I , <�5 I / X C� X. V- A(;-1 R -40 00 f23 0 1b Oak dF Gpin 2404-75-8161 Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC Page 1 GPIN 2404758161 ELECTION DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE 9 963 acres STAFF PLANNER Barbara Duke PURPOSE To rezone the property to allow 48 twin houses (duplex units) to be constructed as a condominium APPLICATION The applicant requested a deferral of this item at the January 8, 2003 HISTORY hearing Mayor Issues: Degree to which the proposal is in keeping with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan 0 Degree t0 which the proposal is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods Degree t0 which the proposal is beneficial and meets the intent 0f the PD-1-12 Plannerl De el pin nt r) tri t when compared t0 the development potential under the existing zoning Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Land Use and Zoning The property is vacant and is zoned AG- 1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts and R- 20 Residential District Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 23 ROYAL COURT, INC 2 Page Surrounding Land Use and Zonin North 0 Single-family homes Conditional R-10 Residential District South 0 Single-family home R- o Residential District East 0 Church AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts and R-20 Residential District West 0 Single-family homes Conditional R-10 Residential District Zoning and Land Use Statistics With Existing The property is split into three zoning categories Zoning Approximately 6 7 acres is zoned R-20 Residential District and approximately 3 2 acres is zoned AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts On fi 7 acres zoned R-20 — 6 7 acres x 2 5 units/acre Sixteen (16) single family dwellings On 3 2 acres zoned AG-1/ACC- -- One single-family home and/or permitted agricultural related uses With On 9 96 acres zoned R-511) with PDH2 Overlay — Proposed 9 96 x 4 8 units/acre = 48 twin houses (duplex units) Zoning developed in accordance with the proffered land use plan Zoning History The properties surrounding the subject site have all been rezoned and/or developed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for density at 3 5 dwelling units acre or less The neighborhoods to the north and east of the site were rezoned to Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC Page R-10 Residential District in 14 The neighborhood south of the site across Princess Anne Road, was developed with an underlying zoning of R-20 Residential District in the late 1 o's after a downzoning to AG-1 and AG-2 was denied Most recently, property to the west of the subject site was rezoned from AG-1 and AG-2 and R-20 and R-10 to Conditional R-1 0 in 1997 There is a church immediately adjacent to the east of the subject site, which was granted a conditional use permit in 1989 and again in 1996 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AlCUZ of 65-7QdB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana Natural Resource and Physical Characteristics The site is a grassy field with no significant physical characteristics other than a 36 inch Cedar tree shading a small cemetery mound in the northwest corner of the site The proposed site plan shows this area to be preserved The only other large tree 1s in the center of the site and cannot be preserved because it is located in the area of the future roadway Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer Water There is a 16 inch water main in Princess Anne Road fronting this property Sewer There is a 6 inch sanitary sewer force main in Princess Anne road south of the median fronting this property There is an 8 inch sanitary sewer force main in volunteer Trail that extends through utility easement and abuts the northwest corner of this property This development must connect to City water and sewer Sewer analysis and pump station calculations are required Transportation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) /Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Planning commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC # 27 Page Princess Anne Road in the vicinity of this application is currently a two lane undivided minor arterial roadway The facility is not identified for upgrade on the Master Transportation Plan and them is no CIP project listed to improve this facility Traffic on this section of Princess Anne Road is consistently well over capacity and the roadway operates at a level of service E Traffic Calculations Street Name Present . Present Generated Traffic Volume I Capacity 24 836 ADT existing Land Use ` 224 •. Princess Anne Road (2002 counts) 13 100 ADT 3 Proposed Land Use 523 , 'Average Daily Trips s defined by 16 single family homes and 3 2 acres agriculture 3 as defined by 48 duplex units Schools School Current Enrollment Capacity Generation ,2 Change Princess Anne Elementary 947 928 12 + Princess Anne Middle 1511 1615 + 3 I� ellam Senior HN h 2 1 �8 1+4 ■ ■ 1 - - - - - 111 ■ 1 - cl IT'iI GiLILI 1 I VVI VOW1 ILQ LI Ili I IUI I PW%-,1 %JI U IGit LI FG UE-,V�iI%JFI 111U1 It ■VIII C;LUU LW LI 1W 7�..1 I J1J1 change represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning The number can be positive (additional students) or negative (fewer students) Public Safety Police The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Off ice within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Came Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and Fire safety items will be addressed during detailed site plan Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, IC # 2 Page Rescue review Comprehensive Plan n the Comprehensive Plan Inapt the subject site is located in an area recommended for a residential density of 3 5 units/acre or less The subject site is located in the Courthouse/Sand bridge study Area The Comprehensive Plan text for the Courthouse/Sand bridge study Area further states "endorse no development proposal that contributes to strip residential or commercial development, sprawl, or a disorderly arrangement of uses" p Developing at residential densities that are above the density an area is planned for can result in urban sprawl The comprehensive Plan is the City's official policy guiding its physical growth and development It serves as a guide to the public and private sector by providing a relatively predictable picture of how land will develop, how public facilities and services will be provided, how our environment will be protected, how jobs will be attracted, how open space will be secured, how roads will be improved, how housing will be made available, and generally what constant guiding principles will be employed to balance competing interests pg ii The Comprehensive Plan does not address these issues individually, but presents a coordinated strategy that integrates the approaches into single philosophy of improvement for the city The uniqueness and health of the various places of the city cannot be effectively addressed by looking at then only one property t a time To focus solely on the snapshot of one project and to pick and choose' from among the Plan's various policies to support that project, as can be done with this and other similarly situated projects, is a reactionary approach to development The Comprehensive Plan discourages this approach because it erodes the effectiveness of the Plan to manage resources over the long term Summary of Proposal Site Desi n • The proposed site plan depicts a central entrance roadway with duplex units on both sides The roadway continues into the property and forms a circle with units lined along both the outside and inside of the circle There are 24 buildings shown on the site plan, each will contain two units The roadway is 26 feet in width Guest parking is provided in several spots along the roadway Planning Commission ion Agenda February 1, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC # 2 Page storrrrwater management pond is shorn in the southeastern corner of the site, adjacent to the church property The setbacks for the units shown on the plan are listed in the PD-H2 Land Use Plan as follows o Minimum Building setback from Princess Anne Road = 38 feet o Minimum Building setback from western and northern property lines = 60 feet o Minimum Building Setback from southern and eastern property lines = 20 feet o Minimum Front Yard setback from internal roadway =24 feet o Minimum side Yard setback from internal roadway = 12 feet o Minimum setback between Buildings = 20 feet o Minimum setback for arbor or pergola from internal roadway = 5 feet Each unit will have a small fenced area in the rear of the property The fences surrounding these individual yard areas are proposed at heights varying from 4 to feet • The only property boundary that will have a continuous fence will be the eastern property line, adjacent to the church The fence along this property line will be sic feet behind Buildings 18 to 20 and will change to four feet in the area behind Buildings 21 to 24 Vehicular and Pedestrian Access 0 The applicant is proposing a single access point from Princess Anne Road • Gravel paths are provided from the internal roadway to the proposed common area within common green spaces between buildings • Along the frontage of Princess Anne Road, additional pavement widening as well s turn lanes will likely be requirements during detailed site plan review due to the increase in traffic generated by the proposed development Staff has recommended to the applicant that additional pedestrian access b provided to the public neighborhood park that adjoins the northeast corner of this property, however, the applicant has not shown this access on the Land Use Plan Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC 7 Page ozo�*'e Architectural Desi n The applicant has provided several different elevations for the buildings Buyers will choose the design of the individual buildings from these All of the buildings are two story structures containing two units Each building will have one front - loading garage unit and one side loading garage unit Each unit will have a two - car garage Each unit will contain approximately 1,800 square feet Covered porches at the entryways, varied roof lines and fireplaces are some of the architectural features shorn on the elevations The front -loading garages are recessed and do not extend past the front of the building • The building materials that are listed as part of the Land Use Plan are as follows o Premium vinyl simulated cedar shake siding o Brick o Premium vinyl siding o Trim will be aluminum clad 0 30 year dimensional singles will be used • The Land Use Plan also states that ten (10) of the paired homes (buildings) will be predominately brick Landscape and Open Space • The applicant has provided a forty (40) foot buffer along the northern and western property lines The buffer is proposed with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs Additional plantings will also be provided within the 20 foot setback areas along the eastern and southern property lines and along the western property line behind Buildings 1 and 2 A low white painted brick wall with decorative columns is proposed along the frontage of Princess Anne Road In front of the wall, there will be a small berm that will be planted with a mixture of evergreen trees There will also be a small median with fandscape plantings at the entrance The applicant has shorn that the existing small cemetery and the existing Cedar tree in the northwest corner of the site will remain The cemetery is located Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 23 ROYAL COURT, INC Page between Buildings 13 and 14 common area has been provided in the center of the development Trees will be planted in this area and along the walkways leading to it Proffers PROFFER # 1 In order to better foster a sense of community and achieve coordinated design and development of the site in terms of vehicular circulation, parking, landscape buffering, tree planting, bemiring, building orientation, storm ter management facilities and open space amenities, the "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF CHELSEA PLACE for ROYAL COURT, INC ", dated September 1 2002 prepared by John C Sirine and Associates, Ltd , which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning "Concept Plan" shall be substantially adhered to Staff Evaluation This proffer is not acceptable Although there are some aspects of the concept plan that are noteworthy, the plan as a whole does not distinguish this corn munit as substantially higher rn quality of life than a conventional subdivision The interior landscaping along the roadway and the storrnwater management area are equivalent to what would be found in a conventional subdivision open space requirements within a conventional subdivision are between % to % of the site versus % of the site under the P ly-2 overlay guidelines one of the intents of the PDH-2 g rdefrnes is to create a oommunI y recognized by its open space amenities The proposed Tarr sloes not meet this intent The central open space shown on the proposed plan rs approxima tely 30, 000 square feet or of the site, the same percentage of open space required in a conventional subdivision The remainder of the open space on the plan is within building setbacks or along the p nmeter of the site, behind the units In a conventional subdivision these areas would also remain open but would be considered private }cards instead of c m munit open Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC Page space In addition, there rs no connection to the adjacent public park The number of units rs double the number that could be developed under a conventional subdivision using the underlying zoning of R-20 existing on the site The additional amenities that are unique to this project and that world not likely be included in a conventional subdivision are the Increased landscaping along Princess Anne Road and penmeter buffer areas These additional amenities do not offer enough community benefits to offset the increase in density requested PROFFER # 2 When the Property is developed, vehicular Ingress and Egress shall be limited to one (1) entrance from Princess Anne Road Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable PROFFER # 3 When the Property is developed, all landscaping and berming shall substantially adhere to the detailed landscape plan prepared by SIska Aurand and depicted on the "OVERALL ALL SITE MASTER PLAN — CHELSEA PLACE" dated 12 o , which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable PROFFER # 4 There will be no more than twenty-four (24) residential buildings, each one being two (2) stories in height, and containing two (2) dwelling units per buildings The total number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed an the Property steall not exceed forty-eight (48) and no dwelling units shall contain more than three (3) bedrooms Staff Evaluation This proffer is not acceptable The density requested by the applicant equates to 4 8 unitslacre and Is not in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan, which recommends a maximum of 3 5 unitslacre in this section of the eourthouselSandbndge Study Area All of the surrounding neighborhoods have consistently developed at a density of less than 3 5 unitslacre Princess Anne road in this location is already operating at a level of service E and is Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC 2 Page 1 _Lvv-m - _J severely over capacity No wr enIng or other major improvements to this road are planned, and Nimmo Parkway, the roadway designed to provide relief to this section of Princess Anne Road, is currently not slated for construction until between 2005 and Zoo PROFFER # 5 The architectural design of the residential buildings will be substantially as depicted on the exhibits entitled `Chelsea Place Elevation A", `Chelsea Place Elevation B", Chelsea Place Elevation ", Chelsea Place Elevation E", dated September 12, 2002, which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and area on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ('Elevations") The primary exterior building material shall be brick and synthetic cedar shake siding, and the colors used may vary from those on the exhibits but all Will be earth tones Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The buildings matenals listed are of high duality The etevatrons depict dwelfingrs that are architecturally compatible with the surrounding single- family homes In this area It should be noted that the paired homes would have a larger building footprint than most of the single family homes in the surrounding area PROFFER # 6 When the Property is developed, a landscaped entrance feature shall be constructed with a bricks wall signage externally illuminated from ground level, decorative columns and estate style fencing as deputed and described on the "ENTRY CONCEPT FOR CHELSEA PLACE ROYAL COURT, INC is, PAGES ONE AND TWO, DATED September 12, 2002, prepared by Siska Aurand Landscape Architects, inc , and shall have an appearance substantially similar to that depicted on the perspective entitled "ENTRY WALL FOR CHELSEA PLACE'V, dated September 12, 2002, prepared by Sia Aurand Landscape Architects, Inc , which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning `Entrance Plans) Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The entrance Manned for this community is aesthetically pleasing Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC # 27 Page 11 PROFFER # 7 When the Property is developed, the fencing throughout the community shall be installed in a coordinated manner by the Developer and governed by the Condominium Association so that the types of fencing and location of fences shall be as depicted on the FENCE AND PLANTING CONCEPT FOR CHELSEA PLACE ROYAL COURT, INC ", and fie exhibits entitled "30 IN HT DECORATIVE FENCES FOR CHELSEA PLACE", "4 FT HT PROPERTY FENCE FOR CHELSEA PLACE}) 1"6 FT HT PROPERTY FENCE FOR CHELSEA PLACEII 1"4 FT HT PRIVACY FENCE FOR CHELSEA PLACE!}, "6 FT HT PRIVACY FENCE FOR CHELSEA PLACE", dated September 12, 2002, prepared by Siska Aurand Landscape Architects Inc , Which have been exhibited to the Virginia beach city Council and are on file With the Virginia Beach Department of Planning Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable PROFFER # 8 The Grantor shall record a Declaration of Restrictions ("Deed Restriction") as a condition of Site Plan Approval, which shall be applicable to the Property The Deed Restriction shall be enforced by a Condominium Association, which will be responsible for maintaining the Property and enforcing the provisions of a Condominium Declaration governing the Property The Deed Restriction shall require that every occupied residential unit be occupied, on a full time basis, by at least one (1) adult resident over fifty-five (55) years of age The Deed Restriction shall also prohibit persons under twenty (20) years of age from residing in any residential unit or units for more than ninety (90) days in any calendar year Staff Evaluation This proffer Is aoeptabler however the age restriction does not mitigate the density issue on this site All of the surrounding neighborhoods have consIstently developed at a density of less than 3 5 unitslaore Princess Anne Road in this location is already operating at a level of service E and is severely over capacity No widening or other major improvements to this road are planned, and l irr mo Parkway, the roadway designed to provide relief t this section of Princess Anne Road, is currently not slated Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC 2 Page 1 e� — rc� for construction until between 2005 and 2007 In a true planned comm nd where recreaticnal and commercial creeds are provided in addition to residential units, ague restricted units may result in a decrease of vehicle trips on surrounding main roadways because of the opportunities to walk or drive to activities and services provided within the development This project, however, is exclusively residential, thus, no decrease in traffic due to the ague restrIctfon proffered Is antfc1pated City Attorney's The City Attorneys Office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement dated September 12, 2002, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form Evaluation of Request The request for a rezoning from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District and -20 Residential District to R- D Residential Duplex with PD-H2 Planned Development Overlay is not acceptable The number of units and density requested, 48 units and 4 units/acre, is not in Keeping with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this area Although the actual number of buildings shown on the proposed plan would be substantially the same as the number of buildings allowed with a conventional subdivision, the number of households will double The traffic created by the additional households, even households led by individuals age 55 and over, will negatively impact Princess Anne Road in this location This is a limiting factor that cannot be ignored, as this roadway is severely over capacity and no relief is anticipated until the second half of this decade The Comprehensive Plan is the City's official policy guiding its physical growth and development It serves as a guide to the public and private sector by providing relatively predictable picture of hover land will develop, hoer public facilities and services will be provided, hoer our environment will be protected, hover jobs will be attracted, hove open space will be secured, hove roads will be improved, hover housing will be made available, and generally what constant guiding principles will be employed to balance competing interests pg ii The Comprehensive Plan does not address these issues individually, but presents a coordinated strategy that integrates the approaches into single philosophy of improvement for the city The Comprehensive Plan tent for the CourthouseSandbridge Study Area further states "endorse no development proposal Planning commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC Page 1 that contributes to strip residential or commercial development, sprawl, or a disorderly arrangement of uses' p 7 Developing at residential densities that are above the density an area is planned for can result in urban sprawl The submitted P -H2 plan does not provide substantial public benefits over what could be gained through development under the existing zoning Staff feels that a rezoning for a planned community could be supported on this property, but not in excess of the density recommended by the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan policies do not support the additional density requested in this location Staff concludes that this request should be denied or substantially modified to more closely match the specific land use recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan NOTE Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances Pleas submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC 2 Page 1 4 '-Alt LU L T 41 r r r� #R h ,f I jr}4 * �' ': fit r I A 0 �- A • It v t�F i ir ir ><- gidA LLslow do* 4111111da" >1 _ .a flp IL Iv h SIT- ; w sur girr Ar JkL lab r IF 1 Miry � #� 1 F4 16..-cai }l t rr+.-f raw w rCL f � R L "1a 'nIle -' �- c: _ 4F 1. PROPOSED SITE P . 1 r�'A Agenda fi Planning Commission �. February 1,2003 ; ROYAL COU F T9 INC =. .- Page 1 + $i 1 tI or J IF T Id SIf-1 4V"W W31%YTS I I IS 11vI-Lik( - f i S i *' ; La ., r x' ' r ,� r iG " �'� 0 000 PROPOSED "OVERALL ALL MASTER PLANWW . '.% B- '` -61 Lv Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003iv ROYAL COURT, INC # , _ wla Page 1 06 'F-L - -4' L z w Ck L 0 W L J PROPOSED ENTRY PLAN PROPOSED ENTRY PLAN Planning Commission Agenda qr 1 February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC 2 Page 1 Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC Page 1 bow AMMIL M ,07 k Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, IC # 27 Pave 1 rr++a�E a Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 200 ROYAL COURT, INC I # 2 Page 2 r ■ t d---L 4 a+rt i�11111' N !' r Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC It # 27 Page 21 �V J lop' aMpa e + F[rr w_*is■ ? 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I I�1 f A II►�f � �,. t'I 4 411YA imissionAgenaa U RT, INC 7 Pnta- 27 r [� i + do # { 4 r 10 f } J ti •� e J r wqm"p k # * ; Jt� S � k r _ x •?look r ` � ' � ., + �pl 'i� / .. - '�/ -.0 ".w 0 NOW 'VI A Z •,� 4 �% 4f , 4 '� jw 400 0 r 9 Y 4b uj JL 0 n -0 L4W do y At + +� 4m J� '40-�: M1 4Ilk j[ r r i r +* + � 7.1 - Iop dr s 4 +} AL APPLICATION PAGE 4 OF 4 CONDITJONAL REZONING CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DISCLOSURE STATEMENT I 4pplicant s Nam RovaI Lour[ Inc a Yl rinia r-or prat tor- L1ut All Current Property Owners .ienni fer Brown Estes Linda Nellie Shell Yv onre Nora WlL i Lwurth V, V*vbkL Atom PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If the property owner is a CORPORATION list a]I officers of the Corporataon below (A riach ILst ncoes-ar -) Lf the may owner is a PARTNERSHIP FIRM or other U INC RPORATED ORGAN] LATION list all Imernbcrs orpartners in the orgLnantion below (An=h list i necessary) I i 13 I 1 Clerk here if the property ones is NOT a corpoWion parmership firm a other unincorporated organization If the applicant is not tha currmt owner of the proparq� complete A 4pplicanr DES cfasurs sec orr W-014 i APPLicANT DISCLOSURE If the app I ics nt is a CORPO R T ON Iist all fficers of the Corporation below fAr'ach f(sif neLes-fa rl-) Donald ksourea Presiden t-/ ecretarv-- I I If the applicant is a PARn, MRSHTP FIRM or other UNINCORPORATED ORGANIZATION It%t V1 members or partners in the organization below (Attach liv if necessary) 0 Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation partnership firm or ether unincorporate xgana -ion fC ERTM CATI 0 *4 I certify that the information co ntatn e d herein is face a nd acc orate K01,1 i Cour,-,s. Inc ' Signature I i inald L Mr ore Fre%idenr Prim Name Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 ROYAL COURT, INC ## 27 Page 29 Item #2.7 Royal Court, Inc Change of Zoning District Classification District 7 Princess Anne February 1 , 2003 REGULAR Robert Miller The next stern is Item # 7, Roval Court Inc Donald Horsley Ikon'' Kathy Katsias Mr Chairman, I have to abstain from this due to the business dealings with the applicant Ronald Ripley okay Eddie Bourdon I don t know what happened to our easels Robert tiller I don t know Eddie Bourdon I may take that down becaulie. I don t want to obstruct anyone s view of the PowerPoint For the record, my name is Eddie Bourdon I m a Virginia Beach attorney and I m here before you tepresentincTRoyal Court Inc , Mr Ikon Moore who i here with us this afternoon As is Jennifer Brown Estes on behalf of the Brown Family who owns this piece of propel-ty located on the north side of PrinL Anne Load jut to the west of the 1 immo church a►i ea First thing I rant to touch on before I gLt into the view of the presentation, this application has been pending for quite a number of month We have spent a ton iderable aniOUnt of time over that pet iod. meettncr with the ourth use/Sandbridore Co-op civic leagues meettn with residents of Southgate and High acre ro incl and Sandi rida. /Courthouse and they sent representatives from their civic leagues going ovex this proposal, explaining the proposal This application has been on your agenda twice previously You're awue that you deterred the la t time for the purpose of chanaing this to an age restricted community Apparently over the course of the last three day; f.%ome information was distributed in a Couple cat the neighborhoods rhood by flyer that Lont tined 111aCLui ate information which precipitated a nu«nber of emails that have come out of the blue that we ire not deemed previou lv when this application was on the agenda and when people have been notified We have today have had the opportunit , to talk to a number of people who came dowry Let s see we talked to everyone and have gone OVel the proposal and many lets eery pleased But, I wanted to Put that oUt there because v u all were given paLk,tges of emails this morning that and quite a east majority of them talked about six unit per acre townhou(;es whiLh this is not and has not been an application for that tvpe of a use f wanted to get that OUt these We welcome the opporLunity todw and this is televised and it will be ieplayed to continue the educational PIOLe �s and we WelLOme the oppc rtunttV as we told the tolks who were here Item #7 Royal Court Inc Page 2. and left that we would be happy to meet with anybody, anytime to review this Proposal which we are quite proud of The application involve n age -restricted community to be known as Chelsea Place It is proposed on 1 -acre parcel of pY opeily that is surrounded WF y church on our east side and R-10 residential development, single family home 10 000 4square foot lots on north and west side To our north is the Southgate on-Lmunity+ to the wept is the Highgate Crossings ommunity Across Princes Anne load in the transition area is the Three Oaks Subdivision, which is an R-20 residential Subdivision The project Chelsea Place is one that has been designed using a New- England rural architectural thence We have a total of 24 structures buildings on the 1 -acre site Each of those 2.4 buildings contains two residential units Tholse units again will total 48 units on the property{ The units have and vou got elevations you got packages, I think you all have that we provided to eves }rune through the Planning Department the architectural appearance of the elevations is very attractive They Ye two story units They contain between 2 000-2,,300 square feet of living space Each unit has downstairs master suite and a two -car garage It s design so the buildings appear to he single -fay ilv homes There is onlv one garage per building that tace the internal reads within this condominium and that's important This is a condominium pro ertv as well The other two garage space Lace internally so vu don t see them from the road There s a road coming in off of Princess Anne Board ios a loop road through the project And we have w here the We loading dri vewairs are we have a %erg# detailed plan that includes hedgerows or fencek, In Nsome places hedges and in some places tenLes and them s a very very detailed plan which you all hive and the staff have which screen the parlung area in front of the garage doom on the side loading garage doors That s an excellent part of this plan It s just a detail and Don as most of{ou now r an award- �finnin� builder 1n this community He s done some projects that have gotten awaids from th1 Planning Department as well as. horn the Tidewater Builder Association 4 he trontage along Princess Anne Road is exceptional One that he s de lgn .d along that frontage and I think your staff has noted that and noted that s something would cleariv not be replicated in a Angle -faintly residential development on this pJecc cat plopertV You got a painted brick wall along the frontage with extensive landcarping on the roadside of that wall and then there are div stack stone accents that would be reminiscent of i stone tarrn tield wall in New England cis well as there are gold leaf accents on the side itself and thete is a gate featuic The gate does not close but to cyiv the appearance that it would b tl- a gated Lommunit ' but the g ites are permanently+ locked open nothing that would able to be cloyed The Project involves extensive green area alona the e-istern side of the property{ where v u got the '1P and landscaping buffer adjacent to the church parking tot and the area closest to Princers Anne Road l We got a 0-foot landscaped and bernned buffer along both the north and wet props rt + lines a lj Lent to 143outh Gate and adjacent to Highgate roNiNing hind each unit there is i %.-mall fenced in cc urtvard area and again all the fencing types,, all very detailed plans I know that staff would tell that is the best part of the plan that their t hi n k i certainly attr ietive and no objection to the archIWcture and the way its been laid out in terms of the fencing and what have you I hat area of buffer is well over an aLre of land and that is one of the things that v not really pointed out in one point of the staff s write up where thev talked abOLIt open space You got a center green here with walkwav, trellis att.n and benche&s and paths going odors here Item #7 Royal Court Inc Page 3 We've also left an open area here where there's one of the two trees with the property will remain and there are some grave sites there that will remain and will provide parking there Some of the guest parking is In front of the area of the property as well And we have provided guest parking throughout the community Along the churches parking lot e do have fencing in that area right in here Overall the 52 percent of the site is open space and than is area outside the footprints of the home and the road that circles around through the project The price points of these units are $250 000 per unit You re looking at basically 24 half million dollar to maybe as S600 000 buildinors Again, age restricted You must have someone 55 years or older in the unit and no one under the age of 20 can reside in the unit for more than 90 days during a calendar year it's the same restriction that exists on the residential developments at the Villages at west Neck and the Signature golf course that it Foster has done and enjoved fantastic success with This precludes there being children living in this community who will be educated in the schools in the area Iiof+, again on a teniporary basis there night be for a matter of weeks a planned child or something like that livinor there but anyone buying here will not he someone who has childien living to the home And that s a very ver + important part of this application The sense of community that we think this creates is tanta tic and we know there IS a demand for it 1n the area The area is very developed all around as vou see on the aerial photographs This is the last inlill piece that remains to the arLd It also interesting to note that this property is I fight at the point where Princess Anne Toad has lour lanes from here heading east and north This is where the road comt's down to only being a two-lane road And, it is undeniable that the area from here heading over to where we are today at the Courthouse there is a traffic issue that exists today That s not to suety that there s not traffic concerns here but thev are far leis than they we in this area We all know that Nimmo Parkwav when it is built and this is not the part that % controveisial This part is not going to Sandbrldge The traffic problem prinLipa�lly� 1 pass through traffic And it certainl r does exist in this area where Princess Anne load corner down to two -lanes When this IS built and is in the CIP the significant amount of traffic that passes through here today will clearly use this Nimmo Parkway L% opposed to Princess Anne load But because this is right at the beginning of the farthest that's four lames that is important And the reason I think it is important is we provide each one of you with a traffic report And, I think this morning in your informal I think you heard pretty{ clearly that there l an issue involving this application is one of traffic And we believe and we re quite certain of this that it vou develop this property at 3 5 units per acre - 10 as it i s around this developed you will create far greater tiatfic Our tratfis report that was done by Intermode Transportation has estimated the traffic OLnerated by this proposed development with the age restriction in place would be 240 vehicle trips per day{ On the other hand, if you developed the property at vour tvpica1 familv residential three to tour bedioom hone VOLir traffic generation per day{ is 394 trips, pet day. w why v,, that -' There are a Louple of reasons The primar f reason is that v u have in these units your average number of people hying in eaLh unit Is, slightly less than two where cis, in a typical single family residential and we re talking about -average the average i between three and halt and tour persons living in each dwelling We re proposing 48 dwellin cys versus dwell ings under an 1 -10 zoning That's 13 more units but the total number of people likely to be living In the 1 more units, a total of 4 unit i tar less 35 Item #2.7 Royal Court Inc Page 4 percent less than if you had your typical single family residential development And, it i the children and a significant part of it is in fact the children living there create more of a need for trips during pear hours The school age children generated bar this development and were done in a R- to development around 40 with this is zero And it s very important when you look at wheie those children would go to Pschool Those children would go to school at Princess Anne Elementary Princess Anne "Aiddle and Kellam High School All of those schools ale heated to the west of this property down the portion of Piincess Anne Road that is most severel { impacted And, something that i essential to be recognized that it you develop this prop rt y as a tongle tanuly residential property R- to zoning, you re going to create more u aftic andyou're going to create more traffic in the direction that the road can least bare it And, this is all temporary We all recognize that is a tempoiary situation not a permanent situation Staff has indicated to you this morning that unlike the Villages of West Deck, where it was recognized that traffic generation by age restriction communities is significant or less then will be the case in a tvplcal residential coinmunity of single farmlly homes because there no commercial component 1n this project ��fhere om one would be Bible to walk to and not go out to meet their needs that eliminateN that savings, Well. I would bed to differ I wouldn't disagree entirely I think there may be come lessening of the benefit as opposed to the Villages of west Neck whether there s a con-Lniercial component included within that but not an elimination of it And because iemember single larnily folks szet all the salve thing and have to take their children to hall practices to all school activities etc which you do not have with this tvpe of project So I reallv don t believe its even arguable that this t {pe of a development With these iestrictions in place would produce more traffic than a vingle familv reidenti it R-10 zoning on this piece of property 1 just don t believe that's. the case Even if you do say{ that the fiGUies. our traffic encrineer have come up with. which I think are very much defendable and justifiable because those wren t 50 percent either because che's alreadv taken that into account I don't think vou can cone up to c,onc.lu ion that we have a situation here that prodULes more traffic I don t believe it to be the Lae The fact th it theiNe units will be we restricted we already see in our C itv there was a st Lid v done a► few veai s ago and I can t remember the n ime off the top of my head about the economic benefits of development for seniors and this clearly meets that criteria as a condominlLini project, high value homes It s an economic positive itiv ou have all this area that s maintained Versus single-family home where it's fence to fence on either side of the ptoject Everyone has. then yards fenced in and VOLI don t have ins{ where near the beauty that s being created bar this along Princets Anne Road and throughout the corn munitv that we propoNe on this piece of properi v The benefits of the project we thinly are readilv apparent We would t ike issue with the notion that we haven t provided open space amenities sufficient to wwrant a PD-H plan approv it Again, we got park, land and butter area on this property and the area where the cemetery is that is in a (,ess of two acres on this t 0-acre pare el and the rest of the area and that, close to tour including the area along the churLh parking lot along I1'rineek' Anne Road And all the rest of the areas are open and landscaped with the e t,eption of this small fenced in courtvard behind the houses, The houses themselves are 60 feet from the ro ei-ty line along Hiahoate Crossing and along the bOLindary with Southgate And. they ale two store attractive, not tall buildingts where �ou i looking at onieone fence I to ire Royal Court, Inc Pacre with the setback and the landscaping there won't be and{ impact on and{ of the adjoining property owners There is a question and there is a statement in there about the fact that we did not provide path going to an existing City park up in the corner ofthe property on the Southgate side That certainly can be done But, we don't feel that either the residentresidentk, of Southgate or the residents of this community that will necessarily he a beneficial thing We certainly are not completely foreclosing that a an option or an opportunity but it. wan t thought on wham we're trying to create here and its distinction from what s here in Southgate that necessarily was going Lo be a positive If down the road it the folks at Southgate or our residents or we believe in our marketing that's a good thing we can do that but we don t believe that s necessarily going to be a benefit for either of the two communities not that we necessarily thinly they need to be segrecrated trom each other with that again# tratfic is the issue We think we ve addressed that, not completely but I would point out that we got a senior housing facility A different type of facility that the Catholic Diocese has less than a half a mile up Princess Anne where it turns into General Booth at London Bridge and General Booth in this same area which i much higher derisav As an Yntergeneratronal community; and �%,hat we re trying to achieve under our Comprehensive Plan I think that this fits eery well 1n this area It omething that is needed and would he a benefit to the community I 11 be happy to answer any questions that vou all have Ronald Ripley Thank you Eddie We have a question from Don Donald Horsley Go over the open space where did you say the cominunitv open space IS`' Eddie Bourdon we got 30,000 square feet of open space in this area through here All of it is open except these little areas that are fenced in behind here This area is open rind along here This 0-toot bemired landscaped buftei all the way around is all open and then the area 1n here where there is a large tree and a couple of grave sites that remains open And, ale. ng here your g et a fence This i not open this one, section that adjacent to the parking lot behind those units The amount I would call continuous open space and you got a lot of it out here on the road frontage You add all of it together you got about four acres of continuous and then you got the smaller areas that get it to over 52 percent and that s in the package Fifty-two peii ent of the site is not incorpoi ated within the building envelopes and the roadways parkincr an i fenced in areas And �ou oot the inn rmatlon that we provided in the package I think 111 point you to the page William Din Eddie I Eddie Bourdon Yes sir William Din I don t think we got that package Robert Miller we got it is t month Item #27 Royal Court, Inc Page William Din Okay Donald Horsley Okay Ronald Ripley You got a traffic study in there Eddie Bourdon I passed out the traffic study tod v When you carve back from lunch you should have had the traffic study in front of you I' m sorry I thought you cill had these pa kges from last month Robert '- i1ler We didn t het the traffic stud} Eddie Bourdon You didn t get the traffic study" Ronald Ripley No I didn t gee it William Din There was a traffic study in our report Robert Miller We didn t get yours Eddie Bourdon I put those in front of evervone s seat at about quarter to twelve Robert Miller Sornebodv picked then up and decided they were eery valuable We 11 use them on another appliLation I put my stuff in here first and there was nothing in here Eddie Bourdon That's amazing I put one in tront of verrne' seat Robert Miller You Violated some kind of security issue Eddie Bourdon I must have done something that violated some kind of security issue Robert Miller Security It's ill about security Ronald Ripley{ Okay Eddie Bourdon Alright I apologize I thought you have gotten them when rou came in Ronald Ripley okay;. We have some other speakers Robert Miller We have some other speakers Leslie Pomeroy was here and was going to be in opposition but evidentl + you spoke with her and decided she was in Support She's from Highgate Crossing Hoi� eown r� A ociation which i the adjaCLrlt Item #'7 Royal Court, Inc Page 7 Ye idential neighborhood John Gilrov was here and ��fa opposed and i now to support and also with Highgate Homeowners A ociation Maxine Graham Maxine Graham Good afternoon Ronald Ripley Good afternoon Maxine Graham I think a lot of you recognize me I'm from Sandbridge Ronald R1ple+ I recall you were here for that church up there Maxine Graham Thank you for this opportunity I'll try to be as brief as poksible You had a long day I'm here to speak on behalf of this application I think it's beautiful I think its location It s a vY ' appropriate use for this puce of property and that it lends itself to the people that will be corning in and many are already there on Princess Anne Road with the Sentara new medical facility which is not that far away Meanwhile you got all of this educational over there I way really' a little upset and I ve even talked to Mr Moore about this -age limit I think it s maybe a little di criminator { to Shut out people who would be professional and careeI people and I aria t nurse of 56 vears as well as realtor for two states for 37 And I think this would be a wonderful location for people who would be in college teachers schools, nurses, what have you And when you get into 200,000 plus, quality homes and that down t really+ doesn't include much land You re talking about duality I m very proud to say two things, First cat all Mr Moore didn t know I was going to be here And, I wasn t asked to be here 1 m here can My OWD Prim rely clue to the fa .t that I live 1n one of Nit Moore s Crescent Condos across fY om I *immo ss church And, I never meet a stranger and there s about a 100 sold and about 2 left to go and I think it may shock you all to know that when I bought mine 1n October'. 199 1, I paid Soo 419 In that same unit model now' today el ling for a $164,900 And being still My lic,enNe is inactiVe I m still out there doing what I ve been doing for 37 years I just tool rr y license from referral to GSH but if you re i.oncerned primarily between the impact on the ttaf f L fl W I stay on top of all this just like I still am eas ning a living And. I called Engineering f i suppose to be online The City{ `�' Council just Tuesday agreed to vote on the Transition re the of this month and the Cite Council will be voting on Ferrell Parkway in March and Vou re looking at one of the primes v people that got sand sewei. water and fighting like it was mv life on the line to get Ferrell Parkway These are roads that will alleviateand glee some relief to any impact of traffic Furthermore these homes are beautiful They don't even look like what they are labeled And,, you all know better than I do even though I have been doing this for 7 vearN vou're going t have 1IM S evervw here you go I think I vc said dust about enough And 111 be happy to an wet any{ questions that you might have of me One last thing here and you talked about open pace Don t overlook the tact that vour open space which is created by the parking lot for the church is not going to have cars there seven days a week or 24 hours a day I lived out here in Sandbridge for 37 vears. 1 remember when it was a strawberry farin They sold fresh eggs down here on London Bridge Road and Strawbridge w is Strawbridge F� ell o I know the hl for of this are i Item #2.7 Royal Court Inc Pale 8 maybe a lot better than some of you on this Commission But with the most humble and deepest respect I would ask for you to approve this and do not impose that 55 requirement I Ve already talked to some people and 1ncidentallV I was reads, to speak in January and I Ve had this book and I've been passing it around in the Crescent Condos and there hasn't been one out of 12-15 people that ha n t been in support ofii Ronald Ripley Okay Maxine Graham Mr Moore is a tine builder and I can tell you one thing I wouldn t take a million dollars for my place I think I died and went to heaven Ronald Ripley That's good appreciation there Thank you Ms Graham Maxine Graham Thank you Robert Miller Who knows how many more units Mr Moore just sold William Ahearn was here to speak in opposition Hip concern was trafIie He had to leave Bernard Byrne Bernard Byrne Thank you Mr Chairman and membtrs. of the Planning Commission My name is Bernard Byrne I live at 2728 Esplanade Court which is the Foxfire neighborhood I airs reluctant) - opposing thif,, development proposal I think that the desire to piovide upscale senior housing is good The only+ problem is that there are two many units The plan calls for 48 townhouses, 4 8 per icre whiLh greatly exceeds the Comprehensive Plan limit of 3 5 per acre Now pointed out in the staff repoxt Princess Anne Road is a two lane road that is curiently well over capacity It operatec. at a level of ei- Yice E and it's getting wortse each day a more homes are developed along that Stret.0 of road And there s no relief in sight The Ntretch of Nirr mo Parkway Phase V I think it s called between Holland road and General Booth is now pioJected to he maybe oo- 0 I've been here since 1994 and all the vtark, that I ve been here it's been on the map and it was going to happen about three or four years froin now each year the same kind of -story Now I m not trvin to blame that on anyone including this developer but that ik, something to keep in mind If that stretch of road was 1n that Nimmo ParkN,%,av stretch of Road was in Princess Anne Road would not be at Seivi e Level E right now and this proposal might make more sense What I d like to point out j just because this development is limited to seniors does not mean the trattic impact will be minimal You re talking about $2.50 00o un ItS I think that most seniorv, buving these homes w i h be healthy acid actixe Thev have two car garages and if there are two people )IN -In there most of them will have two cats On my street where I live we have three retired couple including my elt We all hive two cars I m here today and my wife ik, ome vhere else And, it happens all the time I dory t think you can compare apple and Franc bec.au*%e there i senior housing and there is senior housing The Sullivan House is full of low+- inLOme people There are Very. toW cars there because the residents don t have enough money to a told a cat There people are croina to be able to huv a car and Iny experience with,,;eniots my aue and condition are that we have cai so �e can get to where we want Item #27 Royal Court Inc Page to get do what wc want to do It s unfortunate that the traffic situation is the real problem with this development but that is a reality And, I think at, long as we have Comprehensive Plan in place it s very important to support it You re now w+orl rig on a new plan when that plan gets put into effect and Nimmo Park av, Phase V or whatever it 1s in place, perhaps it will different development rules But until we have something in hand I don't see why we can ju tlfv taking a bad traffic situation and deliberately making it worse So I don t think we should Donald Ripley Ok v Any questions" Could I ask you a question -I Bernard Byrne Yes Ronald Ripley And I haven t had a chance to studv this traffic report that was handed to me but there s a statement in here and we're talking about senior% and driving and I think your paint is well made You need a car to get around But it's noted in here that an elderly restricted development such as Chelsea Place that r anv of the residents will be retired and plan their trips outside normal morning and afternoon peak hours Do you find that to be genet ally true r not-' Bernard Byrne I think that s partially true I don t deliberately go out with the morning rush or totally plan my day to come back with the eveninar rush but I do get caught 1n it sometimes and the ether thing that I ve heard that many of my senior neighbois complain about is during the middle of the day they say where is all this traffic conung from well besides us seniors there are other people out on the road, delivery trucks and you name it And, so I think part of the problem is that I believe and I rn sure, Mr Bouidc n consultants acted in good fizth and gave you numbers but I don t know how 1hev drew model You know you can possibly,. select a 100 different conilnUnities and come up with and maybe not 100 different answers but probably four or tive different answer's and I )ut don't want to count can all these people staying hone a lot when the property develops o we don t get the trath. problems on Princess Anne Road Donald Riplev Thank you eery much Bernard Byrne You re welcome Robert Miller Next speaker is Larry Kernodl Larry Kernodle Mr Chairman and members of the Commission My name is Larry Kernodk, I live at Shingle wood way and the Three oaks Subdivision I ran also here representing on the Board of Directois for the Three oaks, Subdivl% ton and I m here representing the Horneownets Association i also have another bowd member herewith me There is great opposition to this project in Three oaks I know the traffic ikssue i what you hear the mot of but it s the high dery ltv I ve been a homeowner in Virginia Beach since 1979 and f mox-ed to Southem Virginia Beach to get awa from the townhouses the cluster houses and the apartment complexes I hope you would tape into Item #27 Royal Court, Inc Page 10 con ideiati n that this many homes clustered together on this tight lot that s across 1r rn our neighborhood that it's just a bad situation There are four neighborhoods surrounding this pieLe of property It s Three oaks Highgate Greens, Highgate Crossing and Southgate I have talked i t homeowners �n Southgate Highgate Green and H12hgate %- Crossing and of coux e our own neighborhood And there is great opposition for putting clustered Moines in cin area where it's only Angle -family hones on all four sides And, if you approve this then v u re doing to have this cluster in the middle of al l thcse nice single-famil . home And I m not sure if the people of our neighborhood did the em id correctly are putting their names on there correctlayfbe we noticed the sign late but 1 rn not sure how long this projects been going on but I ve notice the sign only{ 30 dad►% ago ind we tried to have a meeting and get the ball r llin on opposition I'm not %ure I understand the 55 age limit because I m a new father and I calculate that I m going to have my little daughter to Virginia Beach Public Schools until I i f age o I don t knom. if you re say i nor these homeowners can t haie any children who cire Iivi no there I that constitutional' I don t know Ronald Ripley{ It i% Larry{ Kernodle And so the big thing w would rather look at an eMpLY lot over there then cluster housing when you have nice hones on all four sides of this I don t know what more I can say The traffic we all know is an issue And it v% very hard getting in and out of the neighborhoods that are there now But the big issue is lets not ruin Southern Virginia Beach and put cluster hones in with nice tngle family homes on all tour sides when it down t conform And like I said we have a great opposition mounting over there Halt the people don't notice there signs Thev don t c al! and then they+ get mad later and once we Mart telling our neighborhood what that conditional zoning sign meant they throw their hands up in the air and sav, wow. what is the Planning Commission what s the Cif r doing to Southein Virginia Beach' Please don t allow this to happen And I don't know if vou have any questions but we ie really{ against 1t Ronald Riple f We do have a question Robert t filler Would you be opposed to R- to ie oning on that wine Piece of land which would be the to 000 square foot lots which are down at Highgate CroNsinc, s next door Larry Kernodle What's that equal per acre" Robert Miller Well I guess the units per acre or something like that Larry Kernodle The hoard at Three oaks were all in agreement that we would accept the homes per acre but single tamil f hones not a cluster borne or what have �ou, but please pep it single f m iI k, because ou can c ill it duplex home tc w n homes but you know it's a cluster home and it s going to ruin our neighborhood out there This i a nice part of Virginia Beach and I just hate to see it Mart ruining 1t Item # Royal Court, Inc Page 11 Ronald Ripley Any other questions" Thank you for corning down Larry Kernodle Thank vou. of Ronald Ripley Any other speakers" Mr Bourdon' Eddie Bourdon I wish I had kept the flyer that one of the gentleman showed me and I guess we now know where that flyer generated We would be very happy to rneet with the folks at Three Oaks The representative of the community was at a couple of the meeting we had with the coalition and the idea that this has turned into something we re talk-ing about clustered homes and townhouses and things like that sic units per acre and impact on schools and roads which was in this flyer It s sad Reasonable people can disagree but hopefully disagree based on the facts and not on sending out information that was totally erroneous Those things happen and we want to move on We want the cormunity to under tand because we to proud of what is being proposed hers. We re not doubling density here We're not doing like the Village ofWest NeLk That was situation two -units versus one unit per acre because the traffic was determined to be Youghly halfWe're talking about a difference in unit counts of 13 units 27 percent above and not of doubling by any{ stretch And, with the age restrictions and with the lack of school children, with the clear economic benefits of these half million dollar buildings to $boo 000 buildings that have the appearance ofone house The units are one and half stories as the appearance together of a two story with only one bedroom upstairs in each ot these beautitul homes We think it s clearly a situation which would be ar better scenario both for the Citv from an economic standpoint with a L.ondo acid no ervices and that has to be provided as far as maintaining the roads etc then would be R- lo single tanuly homes where you would have children to educate whin over 40 would be the nun ber All of those children would go to Priniess Arne Elementary Princess Middle or Kellam High School All of those would have to go west of this %ite on the two-lane section of Princess Anne Foal until another three or four vears by and I ammo Parkwav would be open and we won't have the traffic is -sue It s interesting too that on the same agenda today a very beautiful apartment complex was recommended for approval That 1s also in this area less than a mile aWdV on a piece of plop rtv zoned B- Thete are differences If the gentleman said we don t want apartments We don't want this but all we want are single-family hones in this area I think our Comprehensive Plan looks to ti v to create some diversity in housing and no way does this impact ne ati elv upon theproperty valu ss of those people who live -iround this pzoposal I have also for F you as a further showing of the qu ility that Mr Moore does this is just four of his projects that in showing when thev were built the original sales prices versus current market value prices and these are not the Nance type of buildings that we re talking about here but there s tremendous growth in the Value which shows what is being built into the projects that Lion has done I will pass the e around to evervbodv I appreciate all the other speakers I am eery very happy to and would be glad to i neet with the people art Three oar who have expressed concerns toi no other reason but to make sure that their clearly understand, as we know the representative who came to earlier meetings understood what was being proposed It is not townhouses It s not six units per acre Item #2.7 Royal Court Inc Page 12 And it clearly an age- restricted community I 11 be happy to answer any questions that any of you may have Ronald Ripley Any questions9 Charlie Charlie Salle' Eddie, you probably said it and I probably missed it reading something The coalition of LIVIC leagues that pretty well polices a lot ofdevelopment in this area, what was their stand9 Did they take a stand`s Eddie Bourdon They generally try not to take a stand They leave it to the communities that adjoin it unlevs they have a strong feeling In fact I did talk to Glen Painter again last week and Glen stated to me that the meetings were very pleased Evervone at the meeting was pleased He had absolutely nothing from anybod �f indicating any heartburn about it And, they knew and we told them well before last month we told there that we were going to age restricted Bruce we clone that he heard nothing negative w hatsoevc i. from anybody This popped it the 1 I1h !Hour but again I ve always had some concerns with the tact hove intormation was passed try the representatives who come to these meetings to the people in the neighborhoods And, we generally aren t invited not di invited but there aren t meetings set up for us to go individual civic leagues Don did go to Southgate and met with the people and sent out flyers, and had theirs cone to meenn With those that were adjoining this property and the same xvith Highgate Crossings We will be glad to attend I would welcome the opportunity to attend I know that not necessarily everyone would agree with the proposition bLlt be happy to attend a meeting of Three oaks or any{ ofthe other i ommuniti s out there So we can inake sure that we are all going tiom the same base of information Again � xne people may disagree Mr Kernodle MdY Lertainly disagree but I think it s important to the process that everybody understand what is bung proposed and that we not get into hvsterics which some of those emads I think represent becauese a fl ver was writ out that says, you know oppose a rezoning for townhouses, sic unity per aei e which is not what this application i Donald Ripley I think Mi 'Miller has a question Robert Miller Mr Bourdon With your proposal to meet with the community would you entertain a deferral Eddie Bourdon well, we ve been through this for months Robert !biller I m just trying t understand your statement or do you just prefer to do that between now and Council Eddie Bourdon I would prefer to do that since we've gone to great lengths to meet with all the communlLies for months I don t think that a deterral and the families here have been waiting pa►tienbl ! I would propose to do it between now and Cite Council I would also sad howevei that because of travel plans that my fam lv hak,, this will not go to Item ##7 Royal Court Ins. Page 13 Council before the fourth Tuesday in March So, there, is plenty of time for that to take place because I can t attend the SeLond Tue dary in March There is plenty oftime for that to happen Ronald Ripley I think Will has a question William Din I appreciate your information on the history of the values of th , cornmunitie that have been built here lout I'm not sure that I'm totally convinced our staff yet that the qua hty is there And the service of the Princess Anne Road is still service E I kind ofagree WILh the stcitements that age 55 people are driving I m 55 and I still drive a lot There will he a lot of driving and whether there are kids In these units r not. there will still be a lot of traffic going both directions there Eddie Bourdon Will if I could We are not suggesting that there will not be traffic And, we have not suggested that there would be minimal traffic what we have clearly suggested and I think it s clearly been recognized both by the &staff on plevIOLI applications and with the information that we provided is that the trattic impact is 1t you compare this development to ar - 10 development will not result in any i nc rea a in traffic over the R-10 development in our opinion will be a decrease in traffic. we also don t believe anywhere in the write up or any point that staff has indicated that there s a lack of quality{ in what is being proposed here from the development standpoint The issue and I don't want to speak for staff but I don t the report can be read any other way is, that It s a question of the number of units and the number of units in their mind creates more traffic I don t thin there s been a statement from the staff that they don t thinly this 1k, a quality piopo al in terms of the development aspects of it William Din Well, the staff evaluation on the proffer one It save, It does not distinguish this community as substantiallv higher in quality of life than the conventional subdivision what fire referring to here Okay So the SlatelnCDT is there As with the previous application that you referenced over on the apartments I think we appreciate the diverse housing unity I think we approved that because it was diverse I think I mentioned that I think this diversity in this area would be gaud too I don t ratally agree that all single unity in this area either And, 1 think you're correct Eveiv irea needs a diverse type of housing And. housing for 55 and older is nice But I tend to Ire with the staff has written in here that to increase the den itv that you're asking for I think there has to be substantial higher quality then what we re seeing here And I don t know It you showed that to the staff by the statement Have you gone into the type of mat i ial that you're using-' Eddie Bourdon The type of materials has been provided to staff and we re talking brick and %,inyl shake siding on the buildings We got all the renew have been depicted in terms of their materials and their style It s an exceptionally detailed plan that has been provided and again I think that statt s issue boils down to the number of units and their desire to he fewer units on the property Again I don't beheNe in all the meetings that we ve had there hay never been anv comment to Us that these unit aicn t high enough Item Royal Court, Inc Page 14 quality That has never been part of the dialogue It s the number and the impact that creates on traffic from the way they have perceived it Arid, those discussions regarding the quality predated our determination to go age restricted And it is the age restricted into the equation that we think turns the application a different direction then it was before it was age restricted So, again, Fin repeating myself but the age restricted aspect and the small number of the additional units on a percentage basis weiust don t belleve there's any strong argument to b made that � r c,oing to have more traffic generated on this development as would be the Lase with a single fancily iesidential deVLlopment Ronald Ripley Bob Miller then Charlie Salle` Robert Miller 'Vie{ feeling is that we re talking about the traffic i%sue and nobody is going to chancyPrinces Anne load in that area as everyone has understood and stated from both sides and from every side that we could think of I don t think that situation changes The single-family houses and the facts are they will be on public streets Thev will have school children and I m certainly not against school children but they will school children There will be school buses coming and going through that cO muMnity in ordei to service that There would be trash pick up conurig and goine through that community which would not be in a private communitv And I think the issue in regards to traffic I ni still just somewhat struck The consultant comes back with the statements that it's about 50 percent traffic for seniors based on national information and we stand here and there are certainly questions about which seniors did thev talc to and I don t know which ones they tallied to U R I and other people put together infoi matron that s based on hopef u11 v a very bi oad concept of making sure that we undei stand when we loop at numbers that they are representative of the group they' have identified and wFe're talking about Even if its not quite 50 percent it it s 70 percent or somewhere in that range it s still is sub tantially less than what the single family would generate from our own knowledge of that And, I m stuck right there I think the product is a good quality product I don t have anv doubt about it I think the use of this product in this location at this time is something that is appealing to me And it is €xp ealing and not because of an%ahing that 1t does to traffic fic but it has with the age iestrictlori I think it has the i i ht note, And fir Bourdon referred to the Villages of West Neck and the success of that project There %% something to be said to the fact that this what iriany OUr citizens want communities that are set Lip that are somewhat set up and restricted so they can h ive in their perception that quality of cite WhILh has something to do with again with what they are looking for in a coinmunit . and in a house I think they loop life sinolL-family homes I don t think it you drive through there you re going to feel like you ie driving through anything else That word cluster just doesn t come to mind so I in in support and I feel life the open spate concept again, all of the things that I ht,ard that were emphasized appeal to ine and particularly the fact that I do not believe this in anv wv shape of torm presents the same is u s tratiic wi ce that we would see with R-10 zoning I think R-10 zoning would create even more issues then what we could have in this community Ronald Ripley Charlie Item #7 Royal Court Inc Page 15 Charlie Salle I'm going to support the application and I think what turns ripe in that direction 1s the age restrictive aspect of the application Because I look at this in the Comprehensive Plan calls for 3 5 units per acre and then in order to deviate from that I thinly we have to find somethinu LOmpelling about the application that would justify going to the increased density And in my case I find that the addition ofthe ale. restrictive aspect of the development addN that dimension to it which I think allows me to go against the strict 15 unitos per acre that S Set out in the Comprehensive Plan we all recognize the Comprehensive Plan is a plan but, it is a tool that we don t deviate from lightly and but I believe in thi case that the application has really turned around into something new with the age restriction that didn t exist when it was originally put forth and o I can find myself supporting it now and I would not have before So that's, m feeling in terms Ronald Ripley Lon Donald Horsley I kind of echo with what Charlie said You know the age rLstrictlon the lack of strain on City n;ie with schools, with trash pickup and these thinor I think 1t s a good amenav and even it it is encircled b { single-family homes I think that makes it stands out that much more It is a traffic issue but I Mill believe Chart we re better off here then we would be with the 3 5 so I'm prepared to support the application Ronald Riplev I also support the application I think for the reasons that hale been stated here but also my experiences we manage for 55 plug older apartment communities And what I Ve found is that you really don't find 55 You find people older than 55 beL.aue of that restriction I wouldn t quality I m 53 and I have a child that would be trip me out of thi particular market because I wouldn't be permitted to be there for that reason So, I think for the bulls of the market but the bilk of the market is going to push you a little higher age in Vour thinking here but there s a market for it Apparently we re seeing in the Village of West Neck we re seeing a big demand tot this and in fact down in the Village of west Neck in that part1LUlai application 1f I recall it was approved on traffic coLxnts significantly lower than what is in the report here And, also was approved on no impau on schools and this report is suggesting they are impact on schools I would dif ter on that I think But what turned rise ilso,, I wap., strugglinc.r with the d nsitv The number of structures maybe the lot coves age is greatei but the number of structures 1 probably less I thinly than it it we[e approved under a -10 And o wham wc, re looking at 1 a bonus denitf of about 13 Chits if Ill' math is correct And I think the intent of the 55 older provision of the zoning oY dinance was to provide those type oI densities a Charlie paid, 1f it was a ompelling reason for it And, I think the quality and the wav this is designed I think it s there So ptior to that 55 regulation going into this particular application I would have mavbe not have support it Yes Eugene Crabtree Ron I think f tall prob ibIv in the Late orory that just about fits the whole shebang I'm well ovei 55 In my dealing with the retired communitv which I deal with day bv day we see a need for mole of this type thing and this i what we've been strivinE toe our senior citizens for the qualitv of life for our enlor citizens within the City. A development like thic, I feel end I m going to kupport 1t because I feel like it Item #27 Raul Court Inc dw Page 1 is going to impr v a the quality of lice fear our senior citizens that %,11I rno%,e into this area And the amenities that are available to there in proximately with this cornniunity would fit the uyle that if I was going to look for a retirement community for someone that was going to live In an area other than assisted living this is what I would envision The traffic I don t think is no big problem The traffic for older citizens depends can their style of life and then health at the time My wife and I are bath 69 and we come and go all day long and we don t consider ourselves old So, be as it may I thinly this is a quality project that will enhance the qualltv of life for our seniors so I in going to support it Ronald Ripley{ Jan has a question or I think ar comment and I think Joe will be next Janice Anderson I think it s a beautiful plan I think the idea of a senior facility is a wonderful idea I Just dory t think it fits here I think the traffic issue could b , written each war If it s developed as is or R-10 vou re going to have traffic, If v lr re going to have seniors there you're going to have traffic to, so I don t think and m{ big defining thing is does it come with the surrounding areas And, they are single-famil � homes all surrounding You heard from the gentleman there I think the emalls spoke also that they don t want the charge in the cornmunitv Yes some emails are shoed They sav six and they say town homes but a lot of them do s v duplexes And I thinly what thLv re really talking about is It s a change In that com-munity And it is southern as your hLard the gentleman says, you are changing this Now, I think this is great idea It s a beautiful plan and nicely clone but I don't think It %its here It is completeiv surrounded by single- tamily homes And also you are increasing the density In this area and open spates are not as clear so just because of that And the other big reason is the plan Our Comprehensive Plan does 110t Qro f rwaid And, like Charles said you should find one thing that brie s you out of that plan but I think this property can be develop(d as it is a R-20, R 10 There's no reason to bring It out to be built differently because it can be In the Comprehensive Plan o, for mainly I don t think it mixes with the s,ur-rounding or with Comprehensive Plan, I in going to vote against It Ronald Ripley Okay Thank you Joseph Strange You know, I agree with almost everything said from both sides I don t necessarily think that thic, could not be worked out with single-family dwellings baL k there I don't think because they re cluster homeN or some" hat or another are goin t be Zn less quality or less quality of life I thlnk the thing that concerns me i s that S 1n(.e it does not fit into the Comprehensive Plan since It does not meet the PIS-H Guidelines that b ' not deferring this I think we're taking awa ' from the Planning mmisNion the ability t modify this a little bit and to go In and do a little bit of bargaining Thee didn't recommend that nece� ari1v that we (Urn it down They recommended that either e reject it or give then the ability to modify So personally I think a detelT it Is to order but hdVina said that there looks like there s enough support tor it to go forward Ronald Rlple F Any other oniments" So do we want to make a motion' Item #2.7 Royal Court Inc Pale 17 Charlie Salle 111 make a motion that we approve the application Donald Ripley A motion to approve by Charlie Salle' Donald Horsley Second Ronald ld Ripley Seconded by Don Horsley We're ready to vote AYE 5 NAY 3 ABS I BSNT ANDERSN NAY RABTRE AYE IN NAY H RLSRY AYE I ATSIAS KNIGHT MILLER AYE RIPLEY AYE SALLE" AYE STRANGE NAY WOOD ABS ABSENT BSET Ronald Ripley By a vote of 5-3 with one abstention the motion Lars ie Eddie Bourdon Have a Nappy Valentines Day Ronald Ripley Thank you And Mr Scott, thank you amain for a good agenda and I don't know hove you iNtaved awake Meeting adjourned City of Virgix-iiek Se2ich 11 TE -OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Defer To our File No DF-5645 TO Leslie L L12ley FROM B Kay Wilson RE Conditional Zoning Application Royal Court, Inc , et als DATE March 12, 2003 DEPT City Attorney DEPT City Attorney The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 25, 2003 1 have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated September 12, 2002, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further KW Enclosure F �� ROYAL COURT, INC , a Virginia corporation J ENNIF'ER BROWN ESTES, LINDA BROWN SMELL formerly known as LINDA NELLIE SHELL and YVON E BROWN WHI'TWOR'TH formerly known as YVONN NORA WHITW RTH TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) P CITY OF VI GINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth f ' Virginia 4 ti THIS AGREEMENT, made this 12th day of September, 2002, by and between , ROYAL COURT, INC , irgmia corporation, Grantor,, Party of the first part, ti JENNIFER BROWN ESTES, LINDA BROWN SHELL f 1 a LINDA NELLIE SHELF and YVONNE BROWN WHITWORTH f a YVONNE N RA WHITWO TH, parties of the 4 I i second part, Grantor, and THE CITY DP VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation , of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, party of the third part � } wI T N E S S E T H S 5 WHEREAS, the parties of the second part are the owners of a certain parcel of , �I property located in the Princess Anne Distract of the City of Vtrgmia Beach, containing appro m tely 9 963 acres which is more particularly d scnhed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and mcorporatted herem by this reference Said parcel is here x referred to as the "Property", and WHEREAS,, the party of the first part is the contract purchaser of the parcel ' descnbed m Exhibit "A" and has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning 4 4 Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virpnia, by petition addressed to the Grantee s as to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from -20 Residential District, AG-1 and Air-2 Agricultural Districts to - D Residential District with a PIS-H Overlay, and �I WHE AS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development 4 of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation, and PREPARED BY 4 SITES ROURDON PIN 2404-7 - 1 1 4 4 i 4 I' i WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the competing and sornettmes 4 incompatible uses conflict and that m order to permit dlfferir� uses on and in the p g i area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for vanous types of uses, certain reasonable conditions ernin the use of the ' property for the protection of the community that are not generally apphcable to land I i I similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantors' rezoning I application gives rise, and, i I WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntanly proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee as a part of the proposed 4 amendment to the Zoning Map, m addition to the regulations provided for the R-5D, Iinth PD-H2 Overla Zonin Distrct the e�tuo�erall �orng Drd�rance, the,' follavnng reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation,, and I I use of the Property to be adopted as a wart of said amendment to the Zoning Map I relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which i generated y the rezoning g I ' NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantors, for themselves, their successors, personal � representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors m tale or mtexe t, voluntarAy I and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body ' and without any element of compulsion or for zoning, rezoning, site 4 plan, budding permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration 4 of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical ti development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that. ti '4 this declaration shall constitute covenants runningwhirr the Property, which shau be p �� 'I binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons clauning under or �I I through the Grantors, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, E� and other successors in interest or tale 1 In order to better foster a sense of community and achieve a� I I coordinated design and development of the site m ter s of vehicular circulation, I parlung, landscape huffenng, tree planting, herming, building orientabon, i PREPARED BY �� tormwater management facihties and open space amenities, the 'COMMUNITY YKC ROURDO 14 I AnwN & LR.ry Pr ': DEVELOPMENT PLAN F CH LS A PLACE for ROYAL COURT INC ", dated i ' September I , o , prepared by John C Sinn and Associates, Ltd , which has i I� been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia I Beach Department of Planning ("Concept Plan") shall be substantially adhered to 2 When the Property is developed, vehicular Ingress and Egress shall be limited to one (1) entrance from Princess Anne Road � 3 When the Property is developed, all landscaping and berming shall �I substantially adhere to the detailed landscape plan prepared by Siska Aurand and depicted on the "OVERALL SITE MASTER PLAN - CHELSEA PLACE" dated � September 12, 2002, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning ("Landscaping Plan") i l 4 There will be no more than twenty-four (24) residential buildings, each ` one being two (2) stones in height, and containing two (2) dwelling units per building � The total number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed on the Property shall � not exceed forty-eight (48) and no dwelling units shall contain more than three (3) � l bedrooms 5 The architectural design of the residential buildings will be substantially as depicted on the exhibits entitled "Chelsea Place Elevation A", ; "Chelsea Place Elevation 3", "Chelsea Place Elevation D", "Chelsea Place Elevation E", ' dated September 12, 2002 ,which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City I! Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning I ("Elevations") The primary exterior building material shall be brick and synthetic l cedar shake siding, and the colors used may vary from those on the exhibits but all will be earth tones � 6 When the Property is developed, a landscaped entrance feature shall be � jconstructed with a buck wall, signage externally illuminated from ground level, Il decorative columns and estate style fencmg as depicted and described on the i"ENTRY CONCEPT FOR CHELSEA PLACE ROYAL COURT, INC ", pages one and two, dated September 13, 2002, prepared by Siska Aurand Landscape Architects, i Inc and shall haven an appearance substantially similar to that depicted on the 1perspective entitled "ENTRY WALL FOR CHELSEA PLACE", dated September 12 � PREPARED gY � 2002, prepared by Siska Aurand Landscape Architects, Inc, which have been � �SNU5 BOURAON ,111M & LEVY PC exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach j i • Department of Planning ("Entrance Plans") 3 I i I I I 4 I I 7 When n the Property is developed, the fencing throughout the community I shall be installed in a coordinated manner by the Developer and governed by the � Condommium Association so that the types of fencing and location n ti f fences shall � as depicted on the FENCE AND PLANTING CONCEPT FOR CH LS A PLACE ROYAL COURT, INC"and five ) exhibits entitled o IN HT DECORATIVE I y FENCES FOR CH LS A PLACE" "4 FT SIT PROPERTY FENCE FDR CH LS A � 4 PLACE", " a FT HT PROPERTY FENCE FOR CHELS A PLACE",,"4 FT HT � PRIVACY FENCE FOR CH LS A PLACE", "b FT HT PRIVACY FENCE FOR 4 4 CH LS A PLACE", dated September 12, 2002, prepared by Siska Aurand Landscape 4 Architects, Inc , which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and 4 are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Plannmg I The Grantor shall record a Declaration ofRestrict-ions Deed i I Restriction") as a condition of Site Plan Approval, which shall be applicable to the I Property The Deed Restriction shall be enforced by a Condornmium Association I which will be responsible for mainta ming the Property and enforcing the provisions I f a Condommium Declaration governing the Property The Deed RestncUon shall require that every occupied residential unit be occupied, on a fuH t me basis, by at ti least one (1) adult resident over fifor-five (55) years of age The Deed Restriction hall j also prohibit persons under twenty (20) years of age from residing m any residential � I unit or units for more than rnnety 90) days in any calendar year Further conditions may be required b the Grantee during detailed Site y � y g i I • , Plan review and administration f applicable City Codes lay all cognizant City ti agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code req it r ents ti The above conditions, ha-%rng been proffered by the Grantors and allowed and accepted by the grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall I continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions Such conditions shall I continue despite a. subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the I I 4 subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensnie implementation of a new OT PREPARED SY � substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed The conditions, Y E URDO I I AUMN & MY Phowever, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by wntten instrument recorded in the I Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgmia Beach, Vixgmia, and i PMPARED BY YKES ROURCON LM PF i executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such � instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to b the Grantee in writing , P Y g as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the , `governing body of the Grantee, after a pubLc heanng before the Grantee which was � i j advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 2-2204 of the Code of Virginia l 1950, as amended Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said `instrument as conclusive, evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void � { The Grantors covenant and agree that l {I) The Zoning Administrator of the City, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall i be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of j Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writuxg, that any noncompliance ! with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bang legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions including mandatory or prohibitory injunction abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding, i(2) The faulure to meet all conditions and restnctions shall constitute cause • to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be ! appropriate, ` I (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made 1 pursuant to these provisions, the Grantors shall petition the governLng body for the review thereof nor to instituting proceedings �n court, and P gP g � (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropnate symbol an the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances � and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for pubh inspection in the office ofthe Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department and they shall be recorded in the Clerk"s Office of the Circuit Court of the City of I Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the Grantors and the Grantee 5 I I i WITNESS the foll signature gn ur and peal i GRANTOR I Royal Court, Inc, I a Virginia corporation I I By SEAL) Donald L Moore, President I I � I ' STATE of VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit I � The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day o � September, 2002, by Donald L Moore, President of Royal Court, Inc , a Virginia corporation I I I i Notary Public 1 My Commission Expires I \-3C1-b_� PREPARED BY SUES ROLTDONI LWY P 4 I 9 WITNESS the followmg signature and seal W O M (SEAL) _('�Jenruler Brown Estes 'STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this � � day of September, 2002, by Jennifer Brown Estes Notary Public My Commission Expires i 3). j 9C PREPARED BY SITES ROLT ON AHERN & LEVY PC 7 WITNESS the following signature and seal STATE OF VIRGINIA i CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-vnt GRANTOR � 1 1 (SEAL) Linda Nellie Shell j,/Hop BKaWN SN�c.L i i j The foregoing znstrurnent was acknowledged before me this ��day of i September, 2002, by Linda Brown Shell f/k/a Linda Nellie Shell Notary Public 1 My Commission Expire 1 � PR9PARED BY SYKES DOLTDON ON & LEAN P C PREPARED B SYKES POLIRDON A ERN & MrY P i � WITNESS the foIlowuig signature and seat 1 GRANTOR � A(SEAL) � Yvonne Whitworth i vo�e. gr�o wN Wh,fwo�� STATE OF VIRGINIA � CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to -wit � � The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this k'�� day of j September, 2002, by Yvonne grown 'l�itworth t/k/a Yvonne ivora Whitworth 1 � I � Notary Public My Commission Expires�e�� i E � 1 1 9 i 4 I I � � I EXRENT "A" I I ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate and being m the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, an known, numbered and es nbe � as "Parcel I { acres)", �f I f � shown on that certain plat entitled "Subdivision of John L Brown Estate M B 1 , I Pg 2), Princess Anne Borough, Virgmia Beach, VA", dated December +7, 1983, made by MiR r-Fo -Stephenson, P C , Engineers and Surveyors, which plat is duly of I record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Vir ra Beach, Virginia, g � j m Map Book 176, at Page 2, reference to which plat is hereby made for a more � particular description thereof 4 GPIN 2404- - 1 1 4 I i i I, COIYDREZN/ROYALCOUI2T/PROFFER 1 I I PREPARED BY I SYKES R L M L WY P (-.I 10 5 I Man 7. 11-12 r T IV Ir or yr cab' r '+• jr u .'+ B-2 t Comi ro t o B-2 dw i • M f IL �jp Gpin 2414-35-7392 ZONING HISTORY 1 11/07/63 —REZONING from RS (Residential Single Family) to GL (Limited Commercial) 01/07/64 —CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (Racetrack) 2 12105100 —CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (Auto Service Establishment) 3 12/19/83 —REZONING from AG-1 (Agricultural) to R-fi (Residential) 4 04108197 —REZONING from AG- 112 {Agricultural} to R-i 0 (Residential) 5 06/09/80 —REZONING from B-2 (Business) to R-6 (Residential) 6 12111/01 —REZONING from B-2 (Business) to Conditional A-12 (Apartment) 7 i 1114195 —CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT {Auto Service Station) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM Lake tern, L L C — Change of Zoning District Classification MEETING DATE March 25, 2003 ■ Background n ordinance upon Application of Lake Gem, L L C for a Change of Zoning District Classification from B-2 Corn munity Business District to Conditional A-1 Apartment District and Conditional B-2 Community Business District on the southeast corner of Nimmo Parkway and lepton Drive (GPIN 2 1 3 3 2 The proposed zoning to Conditional B-2 is for retail commercial land use The proposed zoning to -12 is for multi -family residential land use at a density not to exceed 12 units per acre The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for retail, service, office, and other compatible land uses Parcel contains 18 58 acres DISTRICT 7 — PRINCESS ANTE The majority of the property, 15 73 acres, is proposed as an apartment community with 227 units Two commercial outparcels fronting on 1 i mo Parkway are proposed on the remaining property r Considerations The property is a vacant grassy field and is zoned B-2 Community Business District n the portion zoned Conditional -1, there will be 227 apartment units available for rent The community will be developed in accordance with the proffered site plan landscape plan and architectural elevations Based on the total gross acreage of the overall project, 18 58 acres, the residential density i 227 units/1 8 58 acres = 12 2 units per acre Based on the gross acreage of the area of the proposed apartment complex, 15 859 the residential density i 227/15 85 acres = 14 3 units per acre On the portion zoned Conditional B- , any of the principal and/or conditional uses permitted in the B-2 Community Business District The two outparcels shall be developed in accordance with the proffers, which state that the buildings ►rill have architectural features that are coordinated and complement the apartment community Lake Germ Page 2 of 2 This site is within the area identified specifically as an "Opportunity Area's within the Comprehensive Plan where a mixture of residential and nonresidential uses is recommended The proposed apartment complex, together with the recently approved residential condominium project to the south, will provide a balanced residential presence to this area that already contains a major commercial center The apartment community is located within walking distance of services that will help meet the employment, shopping and entertainment needs of residents The estimated amount of traffic generated by this multifamily project will actually be less than what could be expected on the adjacent roadways if this property were developed commercially Three of the apartment buildings and the clubhouse/pool are located on the north side of the main entrance These three apartment buildings will have courtyard parking and exterior corridors with the main access to the units fronting on the courtyard side of the building Staff recommended approval There was no opposition to the request ■ Recommendations The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of -o to approve this request ■ Attachments Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended mended Action Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval Submitting DepartmenVAgency City Manager 1L Planning Department FM LAKE GEM LLC / # 121 February 12, 2003 General Information: APPLICATION CUMBER L11- 1O-REZ-2002 REQUEST Change of Zoning District Classification from B-2 Community Business District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District and Conditional A-18 Apartment District ADDRESS Property located at the southeast corner of NirT mo Parkway and Upton Drive h7 l!L Ly 1 - ! ! �Y �� Y ;ry on J L f 1 ! jL r i r B —2 io Lon& A-18 ' *. w dr / NO, '� + r yMINH W--,VA 11 A69L pin 414-3.5-739 Planning Commission Agenda �j` February 12, 2003 LADE GEM LLC 1 Pepe 1 GPIN 2 1 -3 - 3 2 ELECTION DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANTE SITE SIZE 18 58 acres STAFF PLANNER Barbara Dube PURPOSE The majority of the property, 15 73 acres, is proposed as an apartment community with 227 units To commercial outparcels fronting on Nimmo Parkway are proposed on the remaining property Major Issueso 0 Compatibility with the surrounding residential area • Consistency with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plea Land Use, Zoning, and Site Characteristics: Existing Land Use and Zoning The property is a vacant grassy field and is zoned B-2 Community Business District Surrounding Land Use and Zoning North Vacant property across Nimmo Parkway B- Community Business District South Condominium development under construction across Els n Green Avenue Conditional A-12 .r-4 A B Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 y- LAKE E G E II L L C 1 Page Apartment District East Single Family Homes / R-7 5 Residential District West Wal-Mart Store and Regional Shopping Center across Upton Drive B-2 Community Business District Zoning and Land Use Statistics With Existing Any of the principal and/or conditional uses permitted in Zoning the B-2 Community Business District such as shopping centers, restaurants, offices, automobile service stations, motor vehicle sales, and mini -warehouses With on the portion zoned Conditional -1, there will be Proposed 227 apartment units available for rent The community Zoning will be developed in accordance with the proffered site plan, landscape plan and architectural elevations n the portion zoned Conditional B-2, any of the principal and/or conditional uses permitted in the B-2 Community Business District The two outparcels shall be developed in accordance with the proffers, which state that the buildings will have architectural features that are coordinated and complement the apartment community Based on the total gross acreage of the overall project, 18 58 acres, the residential density is 227 units/ acres = 12 2 units per acre Based on the gross acreage of the area of the proposed apartment complex, 15 85, the residential density is 227/15 85 acres = 14 3 units per acre Zoning History This site is a portion of a larger site that was rezoned from Residence Suburban and Agricultural to Limited Commercial in 1963 In 1964, a Conditional Use Permit was Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LADE GEM LLC ## 1 Page 3 approved for a raceway, similar to Charlotte Raceway, with a seating capacity for 50,000 The use permit was never activated, but the commercial zoning remained The site has been zoned B-2 Community Business District since the 1973 adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance n December 11, 2001, City Council approved a rezoning from B-2 Community Business District to Conditiona.I A- 12 Apartment District on property south of Elson Green Avenue This condominium complex, containing 128 units, is currently under construction Air Installation Comoatible Use Zone (AICUZ) The site is in an AICUZ of 65-70d6 Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana Public Facilities and Services Water and Sewer There is a 16 inch water main and a 12 inch water main in Nimmo Parkway fronting the north side of the property There is a 10 inch water main in Upton Drive on the west side of the median fronting west side of property There is a 10 inch water main in Elson Green Avenue fronting south side of property There is a 54 inch force main in Nimmo Parkway fronting north side of property There is a 12 inch force rain extending from Elson Green Avenue north through property on west side of Upton Drive and extending across Upton Drive to the middle portion of west side of property There is an 8 inch sanitary severer force main in Elson Green Avenue fronting south side of the property and extending north in Lipton Drive fronting west of property This site must connect to City pater and surer Pump station analysis and upgrades may be required Transportation Master Transportation Plan (MTP) / Capital improvement Program (CIP) Upton Drive fronting this site is a four lane divided urban arterial, as designated on the Master Transportation Plan (i OODBS) The roadway was dust recently completed as a four lane divided urban arterial under a cost participation agreement with adjoining development Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LASE GEM LLc 1 Page 4 Elsn Green Avenue along this site is a two-lane urban collector street Elson Green Avenue is not shown on the Master Transportation Plan ammo Parkway fronting the north side of the site is designated on the Master Transportation Plan as a 100 foot wide divided roadway with controlled access The portion of the road between General Booth Boulevard and Upton Drive was constructed as a four lane divided controlled access roadway by the developers of the adjacent Veal -Mart and regional shopping center The current Capital Improvement Program calls for the continuation of this roadway as a two lane minor arterial from lepton Drive east to Atwoodtown Road CIP #2-1 1 — Sandbrid� Corridor Improvements (Partial) includes funding for the City's share of the two -lame roadway The CIP states that construction of the roadway will be pursued via a cost participation agreement Traffic Calculations Street Name, Present Present Generated Traffic Volume : Capacity Existing Land Use1 ADT Upton Dave 11 4 ADT 14 0ADT ' Proposed Land Use 1 312 ADT Average Daily Trip 2 as defined by Commercial/Retail uses 3 as defined by 227 Apartment units Schools School current Capacity ' � Generation thane 2 Enrollment Red Mill 1 ' -Elementary Princess Anne 11511 . 11 19 . 1 Middle K ellam High 2,2 11990 22 2 I - generation represents the nurnbur oT studerns thaL M u v aopr ent will dUU LU UM tiUHUE)l change represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning The number can be positive (additional students) or negative (fewer students) Red Mill Elementary School is currently more than 21 percent over the facility's optimal utilization capacity The current development of La ornar Section 7 will bring an Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LADE GEM LLC ## 1 Page additional 390 housing units and approximately 90 to 120 new students to the Red Mill attendance zone, resulting in severe overcrowding at this school The following Capital Improvement Program project addresses the overcrowding at this facility CIP # 1-0 o ElementaryElementa!y School 2005 This project is for construction of an elementary school with a design capacity of 900 students Necessary classroom space and resource areas should result in a facility of approximately , o square feet on a seventeen acre site at the intersection of Princess Anne Road and S ndbrid a Road, which has been acquired Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2004 for a September 2005 opening Public Safely Police The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime Prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site Fire and Fire safety items will be addressed during detailed site plan Rescue review Comprehensive Plan The subject site is part of the area designated a "Opportunity Site #1 " within the Courthouse-Sandbridge Planning area This area is recommended for "development a a well planned arrangement and appropriate mix of residential, commercial, employment, open space and ether uses " A major commercial center, including a Wal- Mart as well as a regional shopping center, has recently been developed in this area in conjunction with the new roadways of Upton Drive and Nimmo Parkway serving the area Summary of Proposal Site Design The proposed site plan shows four three-story apartment buildings, one two-story apartment building and a clubhouse with an outdoor pool The main entrance to Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 LANCE GEM LLC 1 Page -mow•,,- the site will be in the center of the site, at the location of an existing median break on Upton Drive kJ ` r{ y PAL I NINO { J01 r -T IT F rp ri jF PARCEL I Three of the apartment buildings and the clubhouse/pool are located on the north side of the main entrance These three apartment buildings will have courtyard parking and exterior corridors with the main access to the units fronting on the courtyard side of the building Two apartment buildings are located on the south side of the main entrance These buildings are larger in size than the courtyard buildings and will contain enclosed corridors for access with units on both sides of the corridor The site plan shows adequate parking areas for all buildings in addition to parking for guests at the clubhouse/pool In addition, there are several small garage buildings that will be available to tenants who want an enclosed parking space These small garage buildings are located on the outside edge of the parking areas and help to buffer the apartment community from the commercial property to the north as well as along the canal at the south end of the site The site layout for the three courtyard buildings on the north side of the site differs from the site layout for the to buildings on the south side The tiro building styles are blended together on this site by using similar materials and architectural details on all buildings} locating the clubhouse/pool in a central location and by creating a unique streets ape within this community The main drive aisle connecting all buildings has been laid out to resemble an urban street On -street paring, sidewalks, landscaping and decorative pavers at intersections are also used to create a sense of plane Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LAKE GEM LLC 1 Page The stormwater management for this site will be handled by the existing canal system that runs along the southern and eastern boundaries of the site Vehicular and Pedestrian Access The main entrance will be in the center of the site, at the location of an existing median break on Upton [give A left turn lane from Upton into the site exists at this entrance location There is a sidewalk on the eastern side of Upton Drive along the entire frontage of this property The site plan shovers thaton-site sidewalks will be connected to this sidewalk at the main entrance On -site sidewalks are provided along the main entrance road and continue along the main drive aisle within the project sidewalks have been extended along the parking areas to all building entrances The main drive aisle to the north of the entrance, serving the courtyard buildings, will also incorporate on -street parking and decorative concrete pagers at intersections There is a second entrance to the site shown off of Nimmo Parkway, this roadway will also serve the two commercial outpar els located on the north side of the site The entrance to the apartment community from l irr mo Parkway will be gated and is delineated by the use of the decorative concrete pavers Architectural Design The applicant has proffered elevations for the two apartment building styles, the clubhouse and the garage buildings The predominant building materials proffered are cedar shake siding and brick in earth tone colors Buildings 3, 4, and 5 are courtyard -style buildings with the main access to the buildings being an outside corridor on the courtyard side of the building covered brick entryway with a lobby that provides access to the courtyard corridor from the street side of the buildings is provided at each corner of buildings 3, 4, and 5 Decorative cupolas are incorporated into the roofline above the side entryways The building fa ades that are oriented toward the main drive aisle or "Main Street" and the building facades fronting Upton Drive will include first floor concrete porches, balconies: window a embellishments, and French -style sliding glass doors Buildings 4 and 5 are three-story buildings Building 3 will be a tiro -story building Building 3 is the most visible to the adjacent single - Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 208 LADE GENT LLC 12 Pie family neighborhood and has been designed as a two-story building in order to provide a better transition between the multi -family and single-family neighborhoods Buildings 1 and 2, located south of the main entrance, are designed with enclosed corridors and units on both sides of the corridor The building fagades fronting Upton Drive will be similar to the courtyard street -fronting fa ales and will use the same architectural features Buildings 1 and 2 are three-story buildings • Building 2 will feature a covered main entryway of brick with a decorative cupola that will be a central distinguishing feature that is visible from the "Main street" The clubhouse building will be one-story and will include architectural features similar to the apartment buildings The entrance to the clubhouse building is oriented to the corner, similar to the covered entryway lobbies for the courtyard buildings The garage buildings shown on the site plan are 13 feet in height Composite roof shingles, composite siding and paneled garage doors are shown Landscape and Open Space The site has been designed to have a continuous landscape buffer along Lipton Drive at least 30 feet or more in width There is no parking between the buildings and the street The landscape buffer will include a berm feature as well as a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs • internal landscaping is shown within the parking areas in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance Additional landscape plantings have been provided along the main drive aisles and the entrance median The applicant has stated that the landscaping shown on the proffered site plan is a preliminary plan and that a much more extensive landscaping plan will be developed with the final site drawings There is a large existing drainage canal that wraps around the southern and eastern boundaries of this site This provides a 100-foot setback from the single- family residential subdivision east of the site In addition to the 100-foot canal setback, the applicant has proposed a 1 -foot wide landscape buffer to be planted with Category IV landscape screening Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LANCE GEM LL C # 12 Page 9 Proffers PROFFER ## 1 The "RED MILL COMMONS APARTMENT COMMUNITY, LADE GEM LLC ELLIS-GIBS N DEVELOPMENT MASTER FLAN", dated January 6, 200("Concept Plan"), which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning, shall be, when and as Parcel El is developed, substantially adhered to as to Parcel Ell so that there shall be coordinated design and development of the site in terms of Vehicular circulation, parking, buffering, landscaping, tree planting, building location, orientation, stormwater management facilities and recreational amenities Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The site plan layout i innovative and unique for an apartment community within Virginia Beach and has been designed to create a `'sense of place' PROFFER # 2 Vehicular Ingress and Egress for Parcel E1 shall be limited to one (1) entrance with a median break from existing Upton Drive and one (1) entrance with a median break from existing Nimmo Parkway (East) There shall be no vehicular access from Elson Green Avenue Staff Evaluation This proffer rs acceptable The access is well planned for this development There are two accesses provided, both on major roadways Access to Elson Green Avenue, a residential collector to the adoring single-family neighborhood, is restricted PROFFER # 3 On or before completion of the (i) development of, and (ii) construction and occupancy of all buildings on, Parcel E1, a Club House with swimming pool to serve the residents of Parcel El shall be constructed in the areas depicted on the Concept Plan Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable It ensures that the amenities planned will be available immediately to the residents Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LAKE GEM LLC 1 Page 1 PROFFER # 4 At such time as a site plan is submitted to Grantee for the development of Parcel E1, such site plan shall be accompanied by the submittal for Grantee's review a site lighting plan for Parcel El Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable The applicant is committed to providing a quality lighting plan that will enhance the community atmosphere and safety The applicant will work with the Planning Department and the Police Department Carrie Prevention ention Office to design the lighting plan Lighting on this site will include pedestrian lighting, parking lot lighting and building mounted lighting as well as decorative lighting elements PROFFER # 5 For Panel E1, and on or before development of Panel El is completed, a landscaped entrance feature shall be constructed with an illuminated monument style sign(s) a depicted and described on the "LANDSCAPE PLAN AT ENTRANCE — FEED MILL COMMONS APARTMENT COMMUNITY", dated January 6, 2003, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable An attractive entrance will enhance the view of this development from Upton Dave PROFFER # 6 The architectural design of the residential buildings within Parcel El will be substantially as depicted on the exhibit (the "Elevation Exhibit") entitled "RED MILL COMMONS APARTMENT COMMUNITY, LAKE GEM LLC ELLIS- IBS N DEVELOPMENT, CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION", dated January 6, 2003, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning The predominant exterior building materials shall be synthetic cedar shake siding and brick The colors used may vary from those on the exhibits but all will be earth tones The buildings shall be set back a minimum f thirty feet ' from Upton Drive and Elon Green Avenue Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable Architectural quahty is Planning Commission Agenda �t February ruar 12, 2003 . LADE GEM LLC 1 - - . Page 11 especially important for this site as the proposed multifamily land use is seen as a "transitional"' land use To create a smooth transition between a mafor commercial center and a large single-family neighborhood is not an easy task, but this proposal has, in staffs opinion,, achieved it The elevations provided include quality materials and architectural details that will create a unique sense of place and that will complement both the existing commercial center to the west as well as the existing single-family neighborhood to the east The apartment building styles and heights are varied, and multiple building projections have been used to create a casual, open atmosphere from the street side and the canal scale as well as Internally within the project PROFFER # 7 The architectural design of the commercial buildings within Parcels E6 and E7 when constructed shall be compatible with the design of buildings constructed, or the planned design of buildings that may be constructed pursuant to Section 6 above, on Panel El The predominant colors may Crary but shall be earth tones Accent colors of individual choice are permitted Staff Evaluation This proffer is acceptable It ensures that the commercial development on the two outparcels north of the site, fronting on I limmo Parkway will complement, rather than detract from, the atmosphere and sense of place created for the apartment community PROFFER # 8 The total number of living units permitted to be constructed on Parcel E1 shall not exceed two hundred and twenty- seven (227) and there shall be a minimum of four hundred and fifteen (415) parking spaces on site Staff Evaluation This proffer rs acceptable City Attorneys The City ttorney's Office has reviewed the proffer Office agreement dated January 27, 2003, and found it to b legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LAKE GEM LLC / # 12 Page 1 Evaluation of Request The request for a rezoning from B-2 Com m un ity Business District to Conditional A-1 Apartment District and Conditional B-2 Community Business District is acceptable This site is within the area identified specifically as an "Opportunity Area" within the Comprehensive Plan where a mixture of residential and nonresidential uses i recommended The proposed apartment complex, together with the recently approved residential condominium project to the south, will provide a balanced residential presence to this area that already contains a major commercial l center The apartment community is located within walking distance of services that will help meet the employment, shopping and entertainment needs of residents The estimated amount of traff is generated by this multifamily project will actually be less than what could b expected on the adjacent roadways if this property were developed commercially ially It i recommended that the proposed rezoning be approved subject to the submitted proffer agreement NOTE Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City ordinances Plans s brrrrtted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all aolrcable Citv Codes Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LADE GEM LLC 1 # 12 Page 1 I r 4 4 '* *' 0 M � ; y ri � I � .t 1 L c dr A! VAdr <2 a Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LAKE GEM LLC / # 12 Page 1 t 9 Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 200 LASE GEM LLC # 12 Page 1 Planning Commission Agenda February 1 , 200 LADE GEM LLC # 1 =- -' Page 1 ce Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 LAKE GEM LLC # 1 Page 1 -,r; 10 ` Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003}� LADE GEM LLC # 1 - Page 1 1 _ # �ffl. # #_ to x r w }x Lq gw f 41 IfFy A • r �. IMS # I ,' 1w. 4L IP 416 Vo r + r"pPF w l3 Vk vp C # 4q410 _ y .. . ¢ 49 " 5 r . lip, ir Rk * OM to fin" x L �.iti j9p ` i r ' s4fw • �' LU �k- dL a AkL:� DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Ap liomm's Nwne -- LAKE GEM LL t.[st All CurrMt Lakeside/Swenson Nate [.LC Property Qwnws PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE If ft rope over is a CORPORATION, Ust aH offk*m of the Corponabon below Anach list if necessary If the property owner is a PARTNER'10" M or other UII14CORP RAT D ORGAMUZATION, 1'ist aH members or partners In the organization Wow Anach first Lakeside Construction Carporation Cynthia R Swenson ,D Check here d the property owner me NOT a o rp mfi n partnership, fin-n, or othw unincorporated organization VOW s not Mo cuffw* amr of On prepatyo cmnphft do A pflmrrt Dgedbsure swedw below- APCA1T DISCLOSURE If fts property owner is a CORPORATION,, list eU office of the Corporallo beer (Affach fist If necessaty) Il If the property owner a PART R ►H ,, FIRM, or oar UNOICORPORATED ORGANIZATION, iist all members or parsers in the organization below (Attwh Jist It neceway) Lakeside Croup LL (see att Lh d list) GEM Sandbrw ge L L C (see attached list) - ---- 0 Check here 0 the property owner is NOT a oorp moon, partnership, firm or other nrncoq*te oran'rzatn CERnFlCAnoN 1 certify that the Information contained herein Is true and accurate. Signature Page Attached SlnaW re ftszonutg Applrcatian Page 8 of 12 Print Name Planning Commission Agenda February 12, 2003 Page 2 APPLICANT LAKE GEM LLC a Virginia [ImIted Habfll#y company Members Lakeside Group LLC Me e5 Eno C Andersen Pofnoia M Windsor Lucy F Reasor GEM Sandkr,dge LLC Members John L Gibson fit Donna L Whitaker Douglas D Ellis Bruce A Brlrn LAKE GEM LLC By lakeside Group LLC Its o-Manager r Eric C Anders Ifs Manager GEM Sandbridge L L C Its C -Man By V. J hn L Gib 111 s Manager Planning Commission Agenda February 1, 2003 LACE GEM LLC I # 12 Page 21 Item #12 Lake Gem, L L Change of Zoning District Classification Southeast corner of Nimmo Parkway and Upton Drive District 7 Princess Anne February 1, 3003 REGULAR l obert Miller The next item is Item#12. Lake Gem, L L Ronald Ripley Charlie thank you for running that application I appreciate it, a alwa� good job John Gibson Good afternoon Donald Ripley Good a tternoon to you John Gibson I m John Gibson of Ellis Gibson Development Company and Lake Gera L L C Lake Genf is a patrtnerhip consisting ofprincipals. of Lake Side Construction and Ellis Gibson Commercial pearl EkNtate services And most of our principals are here today our group developed the award winning Red Mill Common Shopping Center along with the infi avtruL Lure within Red Mill including Upton Drive and Nimmo Parkway{ Today{ we seek your support to rezone 18 5 acres from B-2 to Conditional B- and A- 18 along the east side of Upton down by Upton and N1rnnio and El on Green our proposed use is in keeping with the City, Master Lana Plan and consistent with staff N prior rCLomm ndatlon to incorporate re identwl use as a proper transition to the commercial property to the west froin the adjoining residential property to the east Our proposal develops approximately 227 lrte Lyle apartment units along with two Vmaller out parcels tronting Nimmo Paxkw y our anticipated capital expenditures should be in excess of $19 million dollais. our team includes Burrell Sanders and Jim Powers of MSS Architects and Wendy Drucker of Dnicker and Faulk CNISSand'Dnickerand Faulk have teamed SUCLessfully «nano times to plan and build lifesstyle apartment that create a cerise of plaice within the community And our team is here today to an wer any and all questionquestiont, that you all might have So, I will stand aside and allow our team to address any questions that you right have Ronald Riplev okay Any questions' I think the questions that and you were in the informal John I think our questions were revolving and I think the plan that vou have laid out ,appears to he a really good plan and I don t think I heard anybody have any real problems with it It looks. like a good land u4se I think what we re looking for is a��ui ank.es of quality That s the theme that s running through ever +thing WL try' to do now And I think Mr Scott will agree as to where our Comprehensive Plan is headed and that s what we have in offer So we would like you to tell Lis about the qualit.V of the plopertv and what S VOLir plan Item #12 Lake Gem L L C Page John Gibson Gladly And, ��e have ct number f visual aides for your benefit there Our project was themed principally bar Wendv and Burrell And let me have Burrell run through his concept Ronald Ripley Thank you very much Burrell Sanders Good afternoon I'm Burrell Sanders with CMSS Architect-, Donald Mor ley Mr Chairman could they also address what Mr Din brought up this morning about the pedestrian connectivity would you address that while you ie doing that' Burrell Sanders What we ve done is create Ronald Ripley Mr Sandei `' You need to stand a little closer to that mic o people at home can hear you too Burrell Sanders I think quite a few things about this property address the issue of quality I think one i that you know from the roadw iy that the buildings surround the parking and the parking is not Visible to the roadways and the greenways that line the, roadways we actually have two styles of apartments We have the double leaded as I just pointed to and we have the single loaded that wrap around the auto court creating street like courtN that you see that make for eery good pedestrian access within the ite Actually, sidewalks along the streets that bi iCng people to the common. area here for the clubhouse and allow people to move throughout the site We have the exterior perimeter has the garages which are one story They become buffers for the property adjacent and al�o for the residential across the canal at these locations that I just pointed to The buildings are two and three stories And I thinly a couple of things about these buildings are particularly unique one of the things that you might Notice if., the plain %% hich shows lot of change in the rnoAement of the building itself So the forum haS a lot of detiniti n to it so it mves a good rhythm to the community to make 1t feel a patterning more life a village We also have a series of balconies that you `in see and the roofline have changed throughout the architecture of the village It has a base typically done, in this case done in brick And, then we go to a cedar vinyl material It s actual1v a vinyl that represents a cedar material in the upper levels changing the detail It's ptetty much done 1n arayc, and browns soft colors to blend in with the community and make for at nice setting Ronald Ripley How about the color of your railings and corner boards' Burrell Sande- Typically they re done in a white color Ronald Riplev So are the corner boards the same color as the idin is ) Burrell Sanders Tvpicarlly we do that in a white o that it accent and adds n extra Item #12 Lake Gem, L L C Page detail Also, you can see we have cupolas and other details on the root to create a lot more interest in it The ideas is to create more of a village feel and less of a barracks type feel that you get with your typical apartments I think this i being iea�lly creative and a nice place for people to reside As to your question related to the pedestrian way w actuallv spent some time discussincy this to cross the retail on the other side of Upton It's our belief and we have trails that lead to this intersection because, people need to cross at the intersection where there is a light It's going to be dangerous inidwav so what we re trying to do i make that the main cro ing Frankly most of this because of the size of this it's largely to be a vehicular entrance It s not going to be real friendly to pedestrians there Ronald Ripley So where would you propose the crossings to occur I Burrell Sanders At the traffic light John Gibson At the traffic light Burrell Sanders which is at the corner of Nimmoand Upton and the corner of Lipton and Elson And in fact at the corner ofUpton and Elson. there exists alreadv striped pedestrian crossings corning from the east to the west Donald Ripley Do you think people are going to want to do that Tvprcall , I found that people want to go the shortest distance and they walk Burrell Sanders The problem we anticipate and we 11 gladly work it out It % a four lane divided high fay there with posted speed limit at MPH with cars doing probably better than 35 and crossing pedestrian wise raid block if you will at an un-signalized median break I ran not sure that s the safest thing for pedestrians to do And, again our traffic plan when Mr Anderson built the roads was. endorsed by Public Forks As to where the traffic lights WOUld h Ronald l iplev Well I understand that but, I don t think zoning on the property it it was developed commercially probably the pedestrian patterns would be completely different than the pedestrian patterns that vou're going to have with people living there I mean people are going to walk out They want to go the pizza shop I doubt if they{ dre e rn t walk down to the traffic light to act across mavbe some will but riot the maj ritV Do you see what I am saying" Burrell Sanders Yes sir Donald Ripley So what we were ugge tin t Our informal meting i o course all Subject to what traffic. acid the applicant can work out IS it it seems that it s appropriate to put a crops over more towards the center where probably a good percentage f our people could be uing that although if you look at it I guess a good percentage t one end would use thic, end and one mig{ ht u e the other So it ma ork ItSelf oc)t The Item # 1 Lake Gera L L C Page 4 more we talk about it but if it's deemed appropriate then being able to hai e a pedestrian croc.,sover there may be something that we may want to try impose on the plan Do you see that way Mr Scott`) Robert Scott I think that we just need to lair out all the concerns I hate to try work out something here between the developer and the Planning Commission only to tend out that the Public Works Department rtment got a problem with it I think and what I would suggest is doing is trying to work these out within the context of the site plan leveew Knowing and Larrying forth into that review the thoughts and the intention of the Planning Commission that we de everythxng we can to try{ to make these pedestrian cros%,overs work Ronald Ripley I think we let you know our concern I think her Dire raised areally good point there and I thin. 1t s something you try to work out Yes 'I r Crabtree Eugene Crabtree Do I understand that there's a canal between the property and Upton Drive') Somewhere someone said there was a canal there this morning What I'm asking iN can people walk from their apartment to the shopping center`' Burrell Sanders Normally I am more coordinated At least in a previous life I was Upton Drive as you see, Nimmo Parkway 1 stubbed The canal which is the major feature for the entire 1 o-acre project runs from the corner of El on Green where the pointer is down and through to Nimmo, underneath Nimmo and then to the lake that Mr Anderson built some year ago Eugene Crabtree It runs on the backside not in the front of the propert9 Burrell Sanders Backside right here There s approximately 100 feet I would say butter covering the (,anal between adjoining residential Eugene Crabu e So, people from the apartment could leave the apartment and walk across it In the center of the block then with nothing to restrict them � John Gibson Correct They can walk tr m here where there is an existing crosswalk already built already striped We re discussing this point here And, they can walk from here across as well Where existing striping exi is Eugene Crabtree But there s nothing to prevent them from going across the center) John Gibson No sir They can do that Ronald Ripley. Yes Kathy Katsias has a question Kathy Kat ias John along Lipton ri -e, are there ide �{alk to reate pedest� pan traffic for then to come out through the main entrance to go up') Item #12 Lake Gem L L Pale 5 ,John Gibson Not as it exists today Ms Katstas but everywhere else along the project there are sidewalks And, the reason why it does not exist today is obviously there's no use for theie today Kathy I atsias So if someone where to go through parcel E-6 they would have to go through are existing part in order to o to the stoplight How would they get t� that stop light within walking distance" How would they walk there's John Anderson They would walk across the sidewalk when it was built across E- and ,d then across at the stoplight with the pointez is indicating there Ada in nothing is built on this side of the road yet Janice Anderson Mr Chairman' Ronald Ripley Yes Janice Anderson It you could address the lighting that I believe was brought up in the informal than we had some concern about the lighting in that area John Gilson Yes ma am I think we hope you'll agree We did a nice -job with the lighting atross the street at Red Mill Commons the shopping center and the use of the 1 -toot decorative antique lighting poles And that will certainly be incorporated into the pedestrian friendly and the walkway nattuie of the apartment community We have not drawn a lighting plan We wanted to get the land use clue tion re olved todaN- We have proffered that we will resolve the lighting plan With staff at the site plan level Once we proceed to the site plan drawings and working drawings through Burrell firm So I think we anticipate having the pedestrian friendiv type lighting in concern with a photometric plan that s vet to be determined Donald Riplev will the majority of the lighting he from poles or from wall packs'' John Gibson Poles Ronald Ripley So, it will be mostly poles` John Gibson Poles And, that way+ we can do cut off and it won t disturb the resident across Burrell Sanders As vou seen in the renderings the garages have wall packs on them Ronald l iplev Sure John Gibson The ends will be facing inward Those will be facing towards the parking lot Item #12 Lake Gem, L L C Inge Ronald Ripley Right And on those garages and I abed the question about the composite material that's shown on the garages What 1 that`? John Gibson It s the same simulated shake made ofvinyl like we have on the buildings Ronald Ripley And regarding schools the mix you will have in this who will be attending`? John Gibson I'll allow Wendy to address that She knows more about that than I do Donald Ripley Okay Good Wendy Drucker Hi Good afternoon Wendy Drucker with Drucker & Faulk Ronald Ripley Thank you Wendy Druckei I don't have the exact mix in front of me I m sorry Ronald Ripley Approximately Wendy Drucker It' 11 be 10- 15 percent one bedroom 10- 15 percent threes and the rest twos Thank you Sorry 27 percent one, 63 percent twos., and 10 percent threes we've done many communities that are like this up and down the eaSt Loast And, feel that a community like this while will have some children will not have ct lot of school age children because the site is not conducive playgrounds as a garden apartment community is It s a inuch more dense site And, feel like our resident profile will have an older resident profile than you find in a typical garden apartment community I really think there s not going to be an impact on schools that you would thinly with the normal 50 acre Soo unit garden apartment cox munit Ronald Ripley I agree Any other quetlonI Yes William Din Yeah I guess I'd like to expand a little hit on my informal comments. were at the earlier meeting we're promoting this as a walking pedestrian type community and 1t looks life a beautiful community It looks like and 1 think I really like the prospects of having a more diverse type of housing in a lot of different areels It provide for a different nux of population and things life that and, as you re stating 1t may be an older popUlation But I think the older population is more conducive to walking And if we den t coordinate the type oI pedestrian accesses that we are looking for here, [ don t think Watt VOU re creating here is an isolated villagc I don t know how thev get from this complex ovei to voter parcels to the north If you re garages are blockina. that acee,% except by going around it 1 don t know 1f at the interse(-tions that you to talking about dossing if they lead to the property commercial sates that people want to go to The Wal- mart v,, positioned further back I don t know what is planned foe up here The comments that I had were it we re tr ing to promote the pedestrian access rind walking Item # 1 Lake Gem, L L C Page 7 accessibility of this thing that when the commercial sites on the other side of the street are planned that there are sites that they can go to that would conducive to allowing pedestrians to get across the street It is a four -lane highway and it we don t have enOLIgh island between, you know they got to make it across with one light I don t know how that is going to be done And, you. know I don t know how long those block are right now I can t tell you how long it ik, from El on Green to the entrance to this area But, 1 it is too long of a block a break vou're not going to et the people going to the intersection I rn not trying to resolve the iscue I'm just trying to r-n . e pure that we are looking far enough ahead and trying to plan these pedestrian crosswalks with what commercial sites going to be out there and especially with the parcels to the north You know you can t get through those parking garages, I don t think I can't tell by the site plans because they are just not detailed enough for mc. Burrell Sanders 1f I could. I think the character of the road design has more to coo with this issue than the actual site itself The predestination within the site is what we had to work with and we certainly{ went to great lengths to do that because it s neighbor -to - neighbor people visiting with each other and going to the clubhouse within that particulaY site Unfortunately because of the turn lanes vou re actuallv ending up with six lanec, And, if you look in the centei with the median you don t really have a place for anybody to stop and be safe So, frankly the ways the i o d design within this area have set it up to not really allow or encourage a lot of movement back and forth the major road So I think it will really probably be more in the mode of being vehicular That just the way it i Ronald Ripley fir Miller has a question also Robert Miller Since I think I have moie direct responsibility for the way roads end up and Mr Sanders was very nice to sav those engineers did this It is the engineers that did a lot of it And will and I both know that And the fact is it set up for movement of vehicles versus the movement of pedestrians But I think vour answeis. initially when you go back to the host The cow pat system does work People will find their wa . and in fact it it is someone that want to walk to the wal-mart they 11 find a waif to be able to do that And they ill take the ate t route I rn ver% much unconi irked that they ill run across the middle trying to get acro�� there They 11 go down to signals and they' 1 I learn how than method works while walking perhaps through the village to get to those exit points that are more comfortable for them But I think that % the answer is that we provided methods foi the pedeti ians to be able to get across to the retail side of things But they re going to choose to make that decision conscientiously{ and a lot �f people ale doing that there and I think that is one of the things that we do want to encourage one of the things the developer per deserves a lot of credit for ig the change hom the retail to this was before and that ha n t been paid vet Two, this type of development, a re idential development that s going to offer a great opportunity{ for the mixing of our community here and as Burrell has said before and John too and Wendy to some extent of the idea o having a community a Village here adjacent to the residential con-i-munity that is on the other side of the canal to go to the retail is much more beneficial and I think these other Item #1 Lake Gem L L C Page things do work out Unfortunately the roads were set up and they were set up for a commercial, remember a eommercia] site here instead of this residential use and I'm just very much encouraged with what they've done I think you ve clone a great plan d think it looks extremely just very innovative, the idea of the village concept The different types of units that you put in there adjacent to the residential i uch more powerful to ihne than the issue of how to get aLro&%N the street even th L]C h I not disconcerned with that it's just that I think we have and there s a wav to work that out and the best wav is the wav is the safest way People will find a wav through there so I wanted to tape defensive what little bit engineering there was left to defend William Din f wholeheartedly agree with you I love the de -sign I love like I said the diversity of the type of village that we re allowing here And, I din t have any problem of with that I just want to make sure that we continue on with the planning to look at that aspect of it because as you said the roads are an engineering design for vehicles and not for pedestrians And the pedestrians do want to get across we shouldn t ut, that as a harrier Donald I iplev Gene Crabtree has a comment Eugene Crabtree Just one other thing This is a great improvement and in order to induce or try to induce your occupants once you get it built from not going through and cutting across the lan&capinor you have along Upton Drive these it looks very good and what you ve done And I don't want to include this in anN, of the protters or conditions or anvthing but you might want to think about making it of such that it would not be conducive for your occupants to go through the landscaping to cro across the road and encourage them to go through the intersection That would be a Great war to eliminate part of vour problem Donald Ripley{ okay Any othei comments) Thank you all very much We do have opposition here so we do need to hear Robert Miller Mario Rosales John Gibson Mario has left we have met with Mario and with the civic league prior to and Mario had a couple of questions and we worked out in the hall and he is adjourned Ronald Ripley what was Mario s concern John Gibson Eric's, been meeting with Mario for 30 years Eric Anderson I'm Eric Anderson and I'm President of Lakeside Construction Corporation we were the developers of Red Mill Farm and 1 ve been actively engaged to that for the last 25 years we met %.with Mario and Maim s the President of the Red Mill Fainis CivicLeague, which we met kvith He hacl a COLIPle of questions one of his questions was what would be allowed to be stored in the garage,.," Thee were Loncerned Item #12 Lake Gera L L Page with hazardous material and we said that Wendy and her team would ensure that anything that is Put in there would be cars and handle the storage of bicycles The other issue that they had was lighting and we said that we would meet with the residents He said he's going to call my office tomorrow and we would sit down and go over the plan He going to put an architectural group together from the i idents of Iced hill that are adjoining the site And, I slid I well be more than happy to go over ever thing We have a very good relationship And thev were quite vupportive oI us Thank you Donald l ipl v Thank you John Gibson And lastly, Mario wanted a proffer that Wendy to manage the property We would not do that by proffer but we Mould do that by contract Donald Ripley okav Alright We re open for discussion up here Does anyone have any comments' Robert Miller I'll just repeat what I said before very briefly I think the developer deserves a lot of credit for this innovation for looking at a retail piece that could have obviously been developed further as ietaii w e have seen an application on a portion of this property{ and that what has been developed out of it is not only a credit to that piece of land that you're on but also to that Red Mill area and I think it s going to be beneficial but it's not to see this type of thinking It's really kind of outside the box where ar developer has taken rewd and s id okay, I reall % want to make this a 1 ery V Lr comfortable for the community I want to male it agood investment for mvself" But, taken that extra step and saving let s go ahead and be innovative and step outside the box, develop a concept that not even a typical concept for what we would see for an apartment project So a lot of credit crow to the developer for doing this I think it � a wondertul plan I m eery much in favor of 1t Donald Ripley I also think it's a good plan I think this is in keeping with a lot of di cu ion that we've had in Planning about utilizing land north of the Green Line more efficiently and this is obviou lv a quality pioject and I agree with Mr Miller It s laid out on a Mery innovative although it s urban, that s not new but it is rebirth of urban, if you well and fitting this in this location I think will be sm ce �f ul and I think it s a good plan also And it s a lot of little things in there that you don t see today in multi -family in this region so it will be refreshing I thinly We need a motion I think unless somebodv else haN any other LOmmentg Eugene Crabtree I'll male a motion that we approve this application and it s conditions ds already written Ronald l iplev Gene Crabtree has made a motion to approve 1t Igo I have a second`) Joseph Strange SeLond Item 1 Lake Gelb, L. L Pale 10 Donald lily Seconded by Joe Strange Anv other a rnrnefflO We re ready to vote AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT ANDERSON AYE CRABTI EE AYE DIN AYE H RSLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT ABSENT MILLER AYE RILEY AYE SALLE' AYE STRANGE AYE WOOD ABSENT Ronald Ripley vote of 9-0 the notion passes Thank you all very much F �PFA N 0 F 5' B n reply Refer To Our File No DF-5693 of Virgirzi� Bach p 0 DATE larch 12, 2003 I TO Leslie L Lilley DEPT City Attorney FROM B Kay Wilso DEPT City Attorney RE Conditional Zoning Application Lake Gem LLC and Lakeside/Swanson Nate, LLC The above -referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 2, 203 1 have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated January 27, 2003, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form A copy of the agreement is attached Tease feel free to call me 1f you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further Kw Enclosure PREPARED BY KAtjFmokN & CANoLEs 1200 OLo CoLoNy LANE VUI1MSBURG VA 23185 LAKE GEM LLC, a vrgmia limited liability company LAKESIDE/SWINSON NOTE, LLC , a Virginia meted liability company TO (PRO RED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia at THIS AGREEMENT, made ttus day of January, 2003, by and between LAIC GEM LLC, a Virguua hrruted habihty company ("Applicant") (index as "Grantor"), T.AKFSIDE/SWINSON NOTE, LLC, a Yugirua limited liability company ("owner") (index as "Grant r"), and THE C1W OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virguua ("Grantee") WITNESS TH WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of a certain parcel of property located in the Princess Anne Ihstnct of the City of Mirgirua Beach, containing approximately 18 b acres which is more particularly described in Exhi rt A attached hereto and uicorporated herein by this reference Said parcel is herein referred to as the "Property", and WHEREAS, the Applicant is the contract purchaser of the Property and has initiated an amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, vrpma, by petibon addressed to the Grantee, so as to charge the Zoning Classification of the Property from B-2 to (i) candttional A-18, as to that portion ("Parcel El") of the Property identified as Parcel El" an Exhibit A attached, and (u) conditional 13-2, as to those portions ("Parcel E6" and Portion of GFIN2414-35-7392 1of12 Parcel E7," respectively) of the Property identified as "Parcel Eb" and "Parcel E7" on Exhibit A attached, and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation, and WHEREAS, the Applicant and Owner acknowledge that the competuig and some es incompatible uses conflict and that in order to permit differing uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which the Applicant's rezoning application gives rise, and WHEREAS, the Applicant has voluntarily proffered, with the consent of owner, in wnting, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning map, in addition to the regulations provided for the A i8 and B-2 ZoYung Distracts by the existmg overall Zonuig Ordinance, the follovnnng reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning NOW, THEREFORE, the Applicant and Owner, for each of them, and thew respective successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors title or interest, voluntarily and without any regturement by or exaction from the Grantee or its gaverrung body and vnthout any element of compulsion or quid pro ar for zoning, 2of12 or its goveming body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro guo for zoning, re omn& site plan, building perrmt or subdivision approval, hereby make the followzng declaration of conditions and resbncbons which shall restnct and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that this declaration shall constatute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claurung under or though the Owner, its successors, personal represerttabves, assigns, grantee and other successors rn Interest or title 1 The "RED MILL COMMONS APARTMENT COMMUN , LAKE GEM LLC ELLI --GFBSON DEVELOPMENT MASTER LAID PL M', dated January 6,2003 ("Concept Plan"), which has been exhibited Yted to the Virginia Beach aty Council and is on file with the Virprua Beach Department of Planrung, shall be, when and as Parcel El is developed, substantially adhered to as to Parcel El so that there shall be coordinated design and development of Parcel El m terms of vehicular circulatton, parlun& buffenng, landscaping tree planting, building to aton, building orientation, stormwater management facilities and recreational amernhes 2 Vehicular Ingress and Egress for Parcel El shall be hnufied to one (1) entrance with a median break from existing Upton Drive and one (1) entrance with a medyan break from eaushng Nimmo Parkway (East) There shall be no vehicular access to Parcel El from Elsn Green Avenue f 1 3 On or before completion of the (i) development of, and (n) construction and occupancy of all buildings on, Parcel El, a Club House wiffi swi '1I' ung Pool to serve the residents of Parcel El shall be constructed in the areas depicted on the Concept flan 4 At such time as a site Ilan is subntbed to Grantee for the development of Parcel El, such site plan shall be accompanied by the submittal for Grantee's review of site lighting plan for Parcel E1 For Parcel El, and on or before development of Parcel E1 is completed, a landscaped entrance feature shall be constructed with an illuminated monument style sign(s) as depicted and described on the "LANDSCAPE PLAN AT ENTRANCE -RED TRILL COMMONS APARTMENT T MMUN lYP, dated January 6,2003, wfuch has been extubified to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virgjrua Beach Department of Planning 6 The architectural design of the residential buildings constructed within Parcel E1 will be substantially as depicted on the a dubit (the"Elevabon Exhibd!) entitled "RED MILL COMMONS APARTMENT COMMUNITY, LAKE GEM LLC. ELLIS-- IB ON DEVEL PMENT, CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION", dated January 6,2003, wluch has been exlubified to the Virgunia Beach City Council and is on file rvith the Vugirua Beach Department of Plannmg The predominant exterior building materials shall be synthetic cedar shake siding and brrck The colors used may nary from those on the Elevation Exlubit but all will be earth tones The buildings constructed on Parcel El shall set back a mYnnmum of thirty feet (30) from Upton Dave and Elson Green Avenue of 1 7 The architectural design of the commercial buildings constructed wittun Parcels E6 and E , when constructed, shall be compabble with the design of buildings constructed, or the planned design of bufldungs that may be constructed pursuant t Section 6 above, on Parcel El The pre ommant colors may vary but shall be earth tones Accent colors of individual choice are perr utted The total number of living units perrrutted to be constructed on Parcel E1 shall not exceed two hundred twenty-seven (227) and there shall be provided a aurumum of four hundred fifteen (415) on -site parking spaces for Parcel El 9 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and admnustrahon of applicable Caty Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicably City Code requirements The above conditions, having been proffered by the Applicants with Owner's consen#, and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Properly and specifically repeals such conditions Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive unplementabon of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordnance until specifically repealed The conchhons, however, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's ice of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgruua Beach, Virg;rua, and executed by the record owner of the Properly at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or of 12 a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public heanng before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 2-2204 of the Code ofVirgima,1950, as amended d ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with sand instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void The Applicant and Owner covenant and agree that (1) The Zoning Adnurustrator of the City of Virgruua Beach, Vu&nrua, shall be vested rvi#h all necessary authority, on behalf of the goveriung body of the City of Virginia Beach, Wr ima, to adrmmster and enforce the foregoing con ibons and restnclions, including the authonty (a) to order, in wnhng, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or swt to uisurn compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohubxtory in)unchon, abatement damages, or other appropriate aon, suit or proceeding, (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the regwred bualdi-ng or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggneved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Applicant and/or Owner shall petition the governing body for the review thereof pnor to instituting proceedings in court and (4) The Zonuig Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made r a hl r available and accessible for public inspection m the office of 12 f the Zoning Adminjistrator and in the Planning Department and they shall he recorded in the Clerk's ice of the Circwt Court of the City of Vi r ma Beach, Vi rginua, and indexed m the name of the Owner and the Grantee WITNESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR LAKE GEM LLC a Virgirua Lnubed hability company By Lakeside Croup LLC Its C -Manager B4 � Enc C Anderson Its Manager By GEM Sand bnd ge, L L C Its Co-Mana B Jo L Gibson, v's; anager COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIlVIA CTI'Y OF VIRGIlVIA BEACH, to -wit The foregoing uistrument was acknowledged before me this � � day of January, 2003, in the above jurisdiction, by En Anderson, Manager of Lakeside Group LLC, a Virginia hnutied liabiLiy company �e s personally o n to me Notary Public My commission expires 7of12 COMMONWEALTH F VIRGENJIA CITY OF VMGRqIA BEACH, to -wit The Foregouig instrument was acknowledged before me ttus Z q day of January, 2003, u► the abovejunsdichon, by John L. Gibson, III, Manager of GEM Sandbndge, L L C, a Virginia limbed habiljty company He 7 rsonaYly known to me Notary Public My comQussron expires oft W1INESS the following signature and seal GRANTOR LAKESIDE/SWINSON NOTE, LLC, a Virguua linvted Lability company By Lakeside Construction Corporation, a Virginia corporation, Managing Member B C� C Y Eric C Anderson Its President COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIlVIA CTTY OF VIRGINUA BEACH, to -wig The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of January, 2003, by Eric C Anderson, President of Lakeside Constrvchon Corporation, a Virgirua corporation, Managing Member of Lakes e/Swenson Note, L L G a Virginia lirruted liability company He is personally know to me My commission e71V3 Tres �l Notary public f 12 EXHIBIT A 1 RED DILL COMWNS Parcel ET All that cartam pie or parcel of lard sduate, lying and being in the City of YrBeach a parbon ('Parcel El') of that parcel of land designated as PARCEL E" on a plat en6�ed ia, and being SUBDIVISION AND RIGHT OF WAY DFaCgnp� p�qT AT NiMMp PARKWAY AND UPTONENDED Mph 15 2Q02, sad plat bang r�� in ft ��sOf5m PEON DRIVE; daW Virginia in Map gook 304 at pages 73-74, said Patel Ebeing m� e r�� �u� Of � QtY °f Virginia &ac;h, parbCUlariy desCnbed as follows COMMENCING at the jn6ersecbon of tt� east n line of N�mmo Parkway, �Y 9h%F�vay bne of U� Drr� and the ay, thence with the southertY ng�t-of-way fine of Nimmo Paflcvva " nght�F way courses (1) NS8°0�'40'E, a cfstanoe of 49 50 feed (2) theme S66°55'20"E, a drstanc� of 24177 lo g �o (2) said point marking the proposed northeast comer of P � a Ac+� desaibed heron, said pam being the � point and ply � BEGINNING, ftnce canhed � nu n and Parcel El , as �+9ht�Fway line of Nunmo Parkway South S68055200E, S � the sout�y � Proposed ►�0 st comer of Paroef E7 a distance of 57 96 feet to a porrrt, sand PoInt marking erne of Nimmo Park and wrfh the proposed I � �n P�oposed P��arting said saute following four (4) courses (1) S42034007"W, a distance of 12 d9 fleet ceJ Ei and ProY �9ht-of way 206 08 feel, (3) thence along a curve �rav�ng a radius of 14 posed Parcel Et the (2) (hence S24 34 04 W� a distance of 9i°29'24", a chord beanng of N21010'38"W, and a chord length � 20 5 feet of (4)2 themt,delta angle of distance of 250 27 feet � a potn# rying on the wesie�y Une of an exlsbr�g I Q�' dram S6�°��'�'E, a 2355 page 1863), thence along the exisbng eastedy line � Parcel E the fopo�unng�f�u f � (Deed Book S23°04'41'W, a fttMot55 84 i+�et, (2) hence along a curve to the I�R hawng a radius of 350 courses (1) length of 175 63 feet, delta angle � 78�45'd3", a cord �0 f�, �c feet to a point, thence along anon-tange�al curve f� the �� avrg� a2acGuWs of 267 and ad length of 173 79 125 04 fleet, delta angle of 2fi°48'34", a c?�ord bearing of S37"58'21 "W, and a chord length off 23 90 a{ point of tangency, thence S24034WW, a d�s#ance of 1208 06 het to a point lying on the northd feet ba a line of Elson Green Avenge, th*rm wd �e northerly nght-of-way line of Elson Green Avenue the II �Y �g�t-of way four (4) courses (1) Nfi525'S6"W, a dhstance of 153 61 14ee#, (2) thence N58°35'2t'1N, a distance � owing feet, (3) thence N65025'56"W, a distance of 64 01 feet, (4) thence along a curve t� tl�e nght haven o f Q0 71 of 20 Qa het, arc length of 30 84 feed, delta angle of 88°2t'42`, a chord beanng of N2i°i5'05"W, and arad�us fiord length of 27 8$ feet to a pornt of tangency on the wesbedy right-of-way line of Upton Drive, thence Flo westerly nght�f-way line of Upton Drive the following four (4) courses (1) N22°55'460E, a distance of 275 th8 feet to a point of curvature, (2) thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 2164 50 feet, arc length 359 53 fit, delta angle of 9°31'03", a chord bearrng of N18°iU'15"E, and a chord length of 35913 o� Pad (3) them NI8°39'37'E, a distance � gg gg b a feel to a curve to the left having a radius of 2175 30 fit, ��0�c�rvahue, (4) thence along a non-tangerrbal c�sfa�oe of 34 48beanng of f,Z5.E' and a chord length of 1 63 49+feet�toa pof � pf feet, � �e 4°t8't0', a chord �, (6) �rx;e N38 30'4Q W, a distance of 16 97 feet,(7) Y (� N06o ce NO6°29'20'E, a Of 154 30 tit to a poirt of curvature, (8) thence along a curve to the nghg a ad�us of 2035 50 distance arc length of 438 87 f� � an* Of T�21+13", a chord bearing of N12°39156"E, and a chord !en of 438 0 9� � 2 fleet to a point, thence deparfing sad right-of-way line of Upton Dnve and with the Proposed lines between 10 of 1 Parcel E6 and Pan;el E1 the following four 4 courts 1 S6V55'20"E, a distance of 254 77 feet to a point of curvature, 2 theme along a curve to the left having a radius of 14 00 feet arc length of 2163 feet d tta angle of ° o' ", a chord bearing of NW49' "E, and a chord length of 19 54 feet to a point of tangency, (3) them 1 4*X 4"E, a distance of 208 13 feet to a point of curvature., 4 thence Nob° 4'01 "E, a distance of 10 43 feet to the true point and ply of BEGINNING, and containing 15 731 acres, more or less RED MJLL COMMONS Parma E All that certain piece or parcel of land, sdua , lying and berm in the Crty of Virginia Beach, M ina, and being a portion (`Parcel E7' of that parcel of land designated as 'PARCEL F on a plat entded 4A IEf DED SUBDIVISION AND RiGHT OF WAY DEDICATION PLAT AT NINIMMO PARKWAY AND UPTON DRIVE, a d;3W March 15, 2002, said plat being recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia in Map Book 304 at pages 3- 4, said Parcel E7 being bcaW at the northeast corner of Parce# E, and being more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at the mbersec:don of the eas" right-of-way line of Upton Dnve and the soiltt+erly right-d-way line of Nimrno Parkway, thence with the southerly nght-of-way line of NEmma Parkway the fallowing two (2) courses (1) N68°04'400E, a chstance of 49 50 feed (2) thence S6656200E, a distanoe of 299 73 feet to a pant, said point marking the a proposed southeast comer of Parcel E1, descnbed hereinabove and the proposed noRfiwest comer of Panel E7, as descnbed heron, said point being the true paint and place of BEGINIWNG, thence oonhnuing with the southerly ngfrtofway line of Nimma Parkway South S66°55'200E, a chstance of 254 90 feet, thence departingsad southerly nght-of-way line of Nimmo Parkway and along the westerly line of a 100' draEnage nghtofway (Deed Book 2555 page 1863) S23°04'41 "W, a distance of 23170 feet, thence with the proposed between Parcel E7 (described herein) and Parcel E1 (descnbed hereinabove) the following four (4) courses (1) N56°55'20"W, a distance of 250 27 feet to a point of curvature, (2) thence along a curve to the right hawing a radius of 14 00 feet, arc length of 22 36 feet, delta angle of W29'24", a chord beanng of N21 01 0'38'W, and a chord length of 20 05 feed (3) thence 1424904"E, a distance of 206 08 feet, (4) thence N42 307'E a distance of 12 01 feet, to the true pant of beginrnng, and containing 1 391 aches more or less III RED FALL COMMONS Parcel E All that certain piece or parcel of lard, situate, lying and bung in the City of if rgrnra Beach, Virginia, and berm a por on arcel Eta) of the parch of land desrgnar ed as "PARCEL EP on a plat enNed "AMENDED SUBDIVISION AND RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION PLAT AT NIMMO PARKWAY AND UPTON DRIVE,' dated March 15, 2002, said plat bang recorded in fhe Clerk's ice of the Circuit Court of the City of Vir9nia Beach, Vrginia in Map Book 304 at pages - 4, said Parcel E6 being a northwest corner of Parro l E, and being more panccula dy descnbed as follows 11 of 12 €f w CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM City of Virginia Beach -- Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance colleges in Business Districts MEETING DATE March 25,2003 ■ Background Amendment to Section 901 of the City Zoning Ordinance to include public or private colleges and universities as permitted uses in the B-2, B-, B-3A, and B-4 Business Districts ■ Considerations The City Council by resolution referred to the Planning Commission proposed amendments to Section 901 ot the CZ , which would allow public or private colleges and universities as permitted principal i e , of -right) uses in the B-2, 13-3, 13-3A and B-4 Business Districts ■ Recommendations mmendations The Planning Commission deferred action on the amendments until their April 9, 2003 hearing Thus, no action by the City Council is necessary at this time Recommended Action No action necessary Submitting Department/Agency Planning Departmen City Manager CIVIL LAWSUITS RESOLVED DURING THE MONTH F FL1', 2003 Friends of Ferrell Park way, L L C and A ndrea Kilmer v Ct , * of Virginia Beach — challenge to Ordinance and Municipal Authority Dote Disposition details available on request from the City Attorney' Office BEGINNING NIN at the intemection of the eastedy n ftf-way line of Upton Drive and the - p ue�i nght way line of Nimrno Parkway, said point being the true point and place of BEGINNING,thence with the southeo right-of-way line of Nimmo Parkway the following two 2 courses NW 4' "E a distance of 49 50 feet, (2) thence S66055'200E., a distance of 24177 feet to a point, thence along the proposed Imes opo between Parcel E dmmbed herein) and Parcel E1(described herenabove) ttie following four courses 1) S060R a chstance of 10 43 feed(2) thence S240MO40W, a distance of 208 13 feet, thence along a curve to the right ha rig a rachus of 14 00 feet, arc length of 2163 feet, delta angle of ° o' �a chord bearing of SW4922M, and a chord length of 19 54 feet, 4 thence N 6°55' o" II, a dhstance of 254 77 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Upton Drive, thence wb the easterly right-of-way line of Upton Drive e the following two courses 1 along a non-tangental curare to then ht having a radhus of 2035 5 feed arc length of 150 47 feet, delta angle of 4*14'0 0, a chord beanng of N20'05 ' 6"E, and a chord len gth of 150 4 feet to a point of tangency, thence 1 3°04'4o"E, a distance of 46 37 feet to the true point and place of BEGINNING, and containing 1452 acres, mare or less #603a827 vl 12 of 1