HomeMy WebLinkAbout041106 Resource Mgmt 2 CD tIJ E c: o CO ._ s... U'J LL .- o CJ ..... G) tnC Q) G) > CJ · - s.... ..... ~ ~ 0 · ..... en .c Q) O~ +-' C Q.) L- L- ::J {) C -- co ..... CJ) ::J U) o +-' Q) - ..c CO Q) .c -0 c CO c c -- ::J 19 E c -- E co 0 ~ () e (j) Q) u -- > L- a:> (j) >. +-' -- (]) ..... CO L- x CO +-' Q) ..... CO -+-' (j) Q) - CO Q) !.... Q.) U ::J -0 Q) 0::: e en Q.) CD >. o - c.. E Q) CL> -+-' co en c Q) a. E o u >. - CJ.) +-' CO ::J c- O) -0 <( e en +-' C Q) E ()) ()) L.. 0> ro ~ (J) +-' C CL> E +-' -- E E o U 0> C .- -+-' CJ) -- x Q) +-' CD CD ~ It en wi-' U Q) -~ o L- a. u -- 0> Q) +-' CO L.. +-' en L- a '+- +-' .c Q) -c 0> c -- c -- co E Q) L.. Q) > co C/) It en +-' en o () c o -- I · U ::J L.. I · en c o () N ~ , .,.....! Q) u c co L.. ::J en c ..c \C 1""""l I ........-'i I · co Q) I co o o N L{) I a I 0 ; ........ 0 ::l N ...a .C ....... C : 0 :<-) ~ ~ ~ 0: .0 0 I N i en C1) '+-' >. t\S S- ~- c::: fa i E M ~ i co Q) 0 LL (.) 0 t: 0 C N co ta a.. ~ ... -+. :::s , '- '1"'-"'1: en Q) : ..0 c: N .C - u J: 0 (/'J 0 ..c ~ N :J co :' if) <D Q.) :J: 0) c ~ i(f) 0 II 0 N ,_JJ o o o N ~ f;F)- o o o o ~ f:R- o o o co ~ o o o <.0 f::FJ- o o o V Y7 o o o N fFJ- o o 0: N . f:h CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACHJ VIRGINIA ESTIMATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE AND DEBT POLICY CALCULATIONS FOR FY 2006..07 Estimate of GeneraJ Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance at July 1l 2005 $ 139,401 ,582 Add: Estimated FY 2005-06 Revenues Surplus from Sandbridge TfF 871]289]845 9,000,000 1 j019l691 ~427 Total Fund Balance and Revenues $ Less Anticipated FY 2005-06 Expenditures: Operating Expenditures Schoo! Operations * Other Transfers $ 397,695j 783 272)313]160 220,145,818 890r154,761 $ 12915361666 $ 8,648,147 5]600,000 4,300tOOO 3,696} 769 9,875]976 32,120,892 $ 97,415r775 ~ I N Total Projected Fund Ba~ance at June 30j 2006 Less Anticipated Uses of Fund Balance: LoanSI Advances! and Prepaids Encumbrances and Carry forwards General Fund for Future Programs Crty/School Revenue Formula True-Up FY 2006~07 Capitaf Budget Total Estimated Undesignated Fund Balance at June 30f 2006 Calculation of Undesignated Generaf Fund Balance Reserve Projected FY 2006-07 Genera! Fund Revenues $ 959]826,428 Undesignated Fund Balance as a percent of FY 2006-07 Revenues 10.150/0 The fund ba[ance policy requires a mrnrmum of 80/0 of undesignated fund balance- The City strives to maintain its undesignated fund balance at a higher level to strenghthen its standing tn the bond market and to enhance its ability to react to unforseen events in the future. if the City maintained its FY 2006--07 Undesignated Fund Balance at 80/0, the amount woutd be $7617861114. * Reflects full transfer amount but some reversion to Schools is anticipated and included in this number Reserve at 80/0 Reserve at 90/0 Reserve at 100(0 76,786,114 86j384,379 95j9821643 Difference 20,62H,660 11 t 031 ,396 114331132 en Q) ::J C Q) > Q) ~ 00 I N co -- I · C Q) I · 0 a... Potential Tax Revenue Enhancements Tax Revenue Impact Comment Real Estate Tax $4.5 million per penny in FY 07 Issue of combined tax and (proposed $0.99) assessment increases; City has lowest tax rate in area; R.E. is tax deductible. Personal Property Tax 10 cents generates Rate was reduced by 10 (majority of P.P. levied at approximately $3.3 million cents in FY 95 ($3~ 70); all $3.70) cities in the region are above $4rOO; 100% of the increase would be borne by citizens rather than 63.80/0 state & 36.20/0 resident; could be add itiona I ad m i n istrative burdens. Utility Tax ($3.0 per Raise rates on commercial) non Approximately half of the month on resjdential and telecommunication (we are at other localities have rates charges vary on state cap on resjdential, and above our commercial rates commercial) State is restructuring and half are below. te~ecommunication taxes, and localities wiJllose ability to raise these rates}; difficult to quantify impact of raising rates on non te Ieee m m u nica tic n uti I ities without analysis) but could generate $1..$2 mill i on. Auto Licenses ($26 $3.5 additional permitted under This increase would place proposed in FY 06-07 for the Code of Va; each $1 our license charge at the 2nd one year to fund VB 2007 increase generates highest in the region; raising Celebration) approximately $374,OOO~ ($1 of the Hcense fee requires 90 the potential j ncrease would have to be day notification to DMV, eliminated in 20081 since the City since they collect fee for city. cannot exceed the state fee, which sunsets by $1 rn 2008). Cigarette Tax ($+50 per $209l500 per penny State may eventually cap pack) local rates; Norfolk ($~55)1 Hampton ($.65)1 NN ($.65); others at $.50). Amusement Tax (10% & 1 % generates $532,000 (If each City current rate matches 50/0 participatory) were raised by 1 Ok) highest in region & state Hotel Tax (8.00~) 1 cent generates $2.44 million Our current rate matches the region highest; we already exceed the rates of Myrtle Beach and Ocean City Hotel Flat Tax ($1 per $1 generates approximateJy Chesapeake established room night) $2.2 minion and then rescinded a flat tax for non tourism purposes. Meal Tax (5.50/0) 1 cent generates $8.6 million Chesapeake & Suffolk are at 5~50/o while all the other major cities are at 6.50/0 Refuge Collection Fee To be estimated Chesapeake & Suffolk are the only other major regional cities that don't charge a fee. Notes: We are at the state cap for BPOL; Cell Phone; Franchise (Federal cap); Deeds; & Wills. The Staters restructuring of the telecommunlcations tax structure also elim1nated the abiHty of ~ocallties to impose a separate uti lity tax on cable and a right-of~way fee on telephones. 0". I N 1--"- ........... --- ........ ___ ._-...... _........... .-1 co 9 r~l , Q)' > Q) n:: ! .lL ~I i 1--' , . (/), wi ::J ;: c: OJ > Q) : 0:: ; "0. C :::i LL ~ ~ I : CD ~ Ci! Q) ~ (9' EJ !- M ~ J M Q.) ~ = ~ , ) ........ ...... o Z ............. >- Q) CI) iE c: o ~ ....U) D..1l) Cl)c C)c n:sN L.. s... (1) (I) >.0 <( 0 -.1-1 .. r:: 0 (1)0 L. :sE (J 0 s.. LL ~ ~ <~ ~ u ~ = ~Q ~~ ~l o 'I'J Q r,IJ N 0 l~ ~ ."t:: ~ CJ = t:= = Q..) = ~< ~ Q . N ,...-; ~ flj ,,"" o ~" ,~~ ~ ~.... tJ flJ "!\; r{, ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~fl:J~ +~~ \. ~ ~ fl., fl.J~ ~~~ 4"fJ.~t; ~ \.J~ !\, ~~ ,~ ~~ ~ (,~ ~ ..... ~ " . _(~ .:::J~~~~;~:~:;:~ , .~.~ ~--~,~\~-.;. -'~ .l;'::.::.i': , ,_.......,1, :~~..-~,~~ -,'; .~, {.. ~ ~ ~ .. ' .J. t, ,~' ~, t '. .... _ ,;'" <~:~:~~r:~:~:~f:'~'" <: __, " _A~~.;,: " u.L t,. L- 1". "~ .. "~:-X.'~.~I ~.~r l~ '. "-:-:..~..~ -.-~ ~..~, ~ '~'l'[' .""!.., I ':, ,.::;.~ < :.. 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I., , ' . . . .' , ~ . .. _ .".. I: . iii '! i". . ~ . J. '" r . I," I ..... _, :. . :. .,' ,:.' ,:0. :Q. , .. ~.'. ~. ~r. . . -. I L ' ,- r,' . -~ , = . .. ~ -I . j r ~ 'I. " Jt lr ir I[ , . I D. et: <( s... o ..... tII C o -- ...... CJ G) . ..... o s... a.. G) ...... ca ..... tII W - fa CD I:t: - CO -- ..... -- c - i"""-"- ' i ! I I ., . ".: :::::...... I I" ; )' l 1 ; ; ii" ,,' . ...; r ! ~" o o o ,..... o o o f'.- I::F7 I^~'Y -. : ... ro Q) +- CO E ~.N' ,.~. ___'1 >. c c: Q) C- O) i :z::; 'CfJ iW +-' - c: +-' roc Q) C C]) CD I .. "0) U L- :;:) . L.- _ .. C L{) :::J CO :O~ U> + + ; -- ,~"",. - __ ..._- __I , :'.~'F""" --" ' I" ' I i ~ . . <V:.>'.,. '. "r ,':>.L "'.', . ~. '>. [ '. ';Y:~~.'" . ..' ::. l '. ( : I" . o o o ... o o o CD f;;F)- o o o o o o ..... L() f;f7 o o o o o o ~ fit ":'.' :, !. :'...... . ; ~ ~ (30...0 L{)O:::; O<:(+J I "'0 c: "=:t Q.) (]) OUt) >-:::JlD LL U · Q)~ E~E . - 0 ~- l... WU\fP- '-SID-- Oorne ZOo:::~ .> . ,'.l ..'1:" ::"," . . . ". ! '. ""r(: .'. ',:'.' t}~ :'(~':>..:' .' . ., )\.":>... . . ..,.." ~. . .. .' I . . .,} , . i .. '" ," ',II!.', ",', ',' , . ~:' ., I " 'i,~t ; I" U , 7,:Xfl~: '.. J ..f" . . :1.' . r" '1 " : ',' .. : . ~~ ~;. .' J '! .~": I . : '~.' .. ,':...::-'-: o o o o o o I/f"o. C'J fit '.. '. ." t 'I .::.:.::,:'. I ..,. I :. '--t~" . : j '. . . ! . : .~ . ...~.. . : ..f '. ,1. . .":[ . '"1-. .1 :. : j :: ! ! ~ ':, ~ :.; o o o o o o C\J Y7 o o o a o o -v- W- --. -~Y" --.-. ..~, -l ! .. :: <t ~ \ ct1 <' ~ ~ 1"'""11 M J 0 M <' \ <8 ~ ~ ~ \.0 0 ~ ~ cq <' 0 ~ ~ I- I 1- o fit Projections for the Agricultural Reserve Program No. of Value of Avg, Cost Avg. !nteresl Avg. Interest ~ ss us: Acres Develooment RiQhts Per Acre Rate Pavment COMPLETED AGREEMENTS: FY 1996-97 835- 60 $2,211,066 $ 2 ~ 646 7.201 % S26}16 FY 1997-98 2t692.55 $6,949,719 $2,581 6_5300/0 5351336 FY 1998-99 479.82 $1,034,361 $21 156 5_6200/0 S 14,388 FY 1999~OO 499.46 52,442,859 54, B 91 6.171%~ $50,248 FY 2000~O1 924.67 32,166,758 $2,343 5,858S'a S18,145 FY 2001~O2 585.71 $3,6441389 $6,222 5-9580/0 $26 t950 FY2Q02-03 586.95 $2~013 J 935 $ 31431 5_2630/0 311,108 FY2003&04 206.23 $1,079,365 55,234 5.416%, $14,949 FY 2004~O5 213.7 5799.638 531742 4,611%~ $9,310 FY 2005-06 29.83 $167t048 $5,600 4.S36~~ $7,577 COMPLETED AGREEMENTS 7,055 $22,509j 138 $3,885 5.774% $21 t473 FUTURE PURCHASES: FY 2005-06 270.00 St6Z0,OOO $6,000 6.000o~ $97,200 FY 2006-07 300 ~ 00 S3jOOO,OOO $10l000 6.00Qo,k 5180,000 FY 2007~08 300- 00 $3,450tOOO $11,500 6-000o/iJ $207 tOOO FY 2008~O9 300.00 $3.967]500 $13,225 6.0000/0 $2381050 FY 2009~10 300.00 $4,364,250 $141548 6.0000/0 $261,855 FY 2010~11 300.00 $41800,675 $16,002 6_000o~ $288,041 FY 2011~12 300- 00 $51040,709 $16,802 6-000% $302.443 FY 2012~13 300.00 $5,292r744 $17,642 6.0000~ $317,565 FY 2013-14 300.00 $5~5571381 $18,525 6.0000/0 $333,443 FY 2014~15 300.00 $5,8351250 $191451 6.0000/0 $3501115 FY 2015-16 300.00 $6,127,013 $20,423 6.0000/Q $367,621 FY 2016-17 300- 00 $6j433,364 $211445 6-0000/0 S386tOO2 FY 2017.18 300.00 $6,755,032 $22,517 6.0000/0 $4051302 FY 2018~19 300.00 $7,0921783 $23,643 6.0000/0 $425,567 FY 2019-20 300 _00 $7 t44 71423 $241825 6.000%~ $446,845 FY 2020-21 300.00 $7,8191794 $26,066 6.0000/0 $469,188 FY 2021 w22 300.00 58]210,783 $27,369 6.0000/Q $4921647 FY 2022-23 300- 00 $8j621 ~323 $28,738 6-0000/0 $517,279 FY 2023~24 300_ 00 $9,0521389 530,175 6.0000/0 $5431143 FY 2024-25 300.00 $9~505,OO8 531 t683 6_0000/0 $570,300 FY 2025-26 300.00 $9t980j259 $33,268 6.0000/0 $598,816 TOTAl OF FUTURE PURCHASES 6,270 $129,973,679 $20,659 6.0000/0 $371,353 TOTAl FUTURE & COMPLETED 131325 $152,482,817 $5,410 5~742~%, 53,280 N N iI t"-l ~ v~"'t ~oo M~~ -r- ('I") M >~~ U. <.0- (t)~ -; Mr-r--- T""NN ~0~ >;;d; u.. l..{')- ..n NMM !::~~ ::: 0>- 0) G:~~ ill In I -.;-C'\l~ ...... 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(ij ~ Q) s:: QJ ~ W J: ..... ...... o QJ ..., "' E 1;; w School Funding Adjusted Proposed Proposed FY 2005 ~ 06 FY 2006 .. 07 FY 2007 ~ 08 School Operating Fund Revenues CUy of Virginia Beach $268,713,519 $311,885J746 $347,849,020 State Basic Aid 177,531l638 19313381539 186 J565l592 State Sales Tax 70r621l940 80j495,093 84,946,139 Other State Revenue 68l475,414 7413481986 79)340,105 Federal Revenue 141371,131 14,771,131 14t 7711 131 Other Local Revenue 2,698J594 2j698,S94 2,698.594 Operating Fund Revenues $602J412~236 $677,538,089 $716,170t581 Appropri ati ons Instruction $477~897j715 $538 t 700,909 $568~836~285 Admin1 Attendance, Health 20~913,234 22l984,779 24tOO3J243 Operations and Maintenance 77,542l313 8914151253 95,742l004 PupH Transportation 26r058j 974 33,553j556 351797,022 City Manager Adjustments: Real Estate Tax Reduction -7,893,258 -8l984,823 BRAe Reduction -3~884~250 -3l884,250 \.Q Decreased Transfer to CtP 4,661) 100 4,6611100 ~ r Operating Fund Appropriations $602,412~236 $677,538,089 $716,170,581 M Other School Funding Cafeteria Fund $22r754,582 $25t411l511 $26J275r90 1 Ins tructiona I Technology 6t636jOOO 6,636jOOO 6J636jOOO Vending Operations 11751,000 1,365jOOO 1 J365,OOO School Textbooks 9,087.856 7,477.925 7,410l643 SchooJ Athletics 4,277,656 4,499,489 4r553j568 Communications Tower 1 j250,OOO 400,000 5001000 Grants 57j571,269 55.921 ,031 53l620, 1 09 Subtotal Other Funds $103,328,363 $101,710,956 $100,361,221 City Revenue Supported Capitat Improvement Program $17J597t408 $12~936~308 $12l936,308 Debt Service 40J912t433 40J282J967 411979t229 Total School Funding $764,250,440 $832,468,320 $871 ~447 ~339 CitylSchools Revenue Sharing $327,223l360 $365~ 105,021 $4021764,557 .... co ..., -c.. E co co (.) s... -c 0 Q) s... WO- O,...., Q.c: o Q) s.. E D.. Q) -. > ~ 0 c: s- O ; E 0- Q) UJ () <( 0::: CO u.. - I- Q) 0> -c -- L.. ..c -0 c: co C/) E o L.. '+- 0> C -- -c c: ::J '+- (j) ::J - c.. L- ::J C/) en ..... u Q) .~ o L- a. -0 Q) +-I CO C -- E -- - w .,..., . ~ e e e City of Virginia Beac h$ Virginia Fiscal Years 2006..07 through 2011...12 Capital Improvement Program Project # and Title~ 9-060 Oceana & Interfacjljty Traffic Area Conform ity & Acq u isition Responsible Dept.: Management Services Total Total Programmed Appropriations Costs To Date 93,700,000 3 t 7 00 ~ 000 Description and SeoDe This project wBI purchase land or interests in land and facilitate the conversion of non-conformlng property uses under the Navy1s OPNAV Instruction to conforming uses in the Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1) areas surroundjng NAS Oceana, and for the purpose of purchasing land or interests tn land or property in the Interfacility Traffic Area (ITA) between NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress, all consistent with the City's APZ...1 Use and Acqu~sition Plan and the ~nterfaciHty Traffic Area Property Acquisition Plan. Annual fund Ing from FY 2006...07 onward will be $15 m1Hion to be shared equally among the City and the State- Purpose and Need This project is needed to comply by the end of March 2006 with the Federal Defense Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAe) directives that were Issued in August 24l 2005 and became law in November, 2005. Historv and Current Status This js a new project rn the FY 2006-07 CIP- On December 201 2005, City CouncU adopted a uPlan for Comp!iance with the BRAe Commissron1s Dedslon Regarding NAS Oceana'11 which included property acquisition plans for property [n Accident Potential Zone 1 and the Interfacility Traffic Area. The APZ~1 Use and Acquisition Plan, dated December 14, 2005, and the Interfacility Traffic Area Property Acquisition Plan, dated December 151 2005, call for the establishment of an acquisition project or fund to manage the revenue and expenditures associated with the voluntary acqulsitions of affected properties. On March 7, 2006, Council appropriated $3.7 million from the Agricultural Reserve Program Fund Balance to purchase land or interests in land from wiUing seHers in the Jnterfacility Traffic Area. Budget Yea r 1 FY 2006..07 15J 0 00 I 0 00 Year2 FY 2007-08 15,000 I 0 0 0 j Busine- 55 Area: Economic Vitality UnaocroD riated SubseQuent Years Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FY 2008-09 FY 2009..10 FY 2010-11 151000}OOO 15,000,000 15,000,000 Year 6 FY 2011...12 15JOOOlOOO F u lure Programming Requirement o Operatina Budqetarv ImDact Basis for Estimate FY 2006-07 o FY 2007 -08 o FY 2008-09 o FY 2009-10 o FY 2010.11 o FV 2011..12 o ~ . ~ Schedule of Activities Activity S [te Acquisition T oial Budgetary Cost Estimate Tota' Non-Programmed Costs Total Programmed Costs From · To Amount 07/06-06112 93,700~OOO 931700,000 o 93 t 7 0 0 J 00 0 NO MAP REQUIRED Means of Financinq Fundinq Source Fund Balance - Agriculture Reserve Operating Budget - General Fund State Co ntrj b utio n Tota! Programmed Flnanc1ng Future Funding Requirements Amount 31700,000 45jOOO,OOO 45,OOO~OOO 93,700,000 o Projects Included in the Current CIP But Deleted in the FY 2006..()7/FY2011-12 CIP Requested But Not Funded Project Number Proiect Tit Ie Buildinas 3.244 Fire and Rescue Station -- Chesapeake Beach This project would replace the existing 9,760 square foot facility Supporting 4 Fire and 2-to-5 EMS personnel, 1 fire engine and 1 ambulance on a daily basis and various other pieces of equipment that is infrequently used (ranging from fire trucks to zodiac boats). The existing facillty has 2 drive through bays (2 vehicle capacity each) and 3 front load only bays (1 vehicle capacity each). The replacement will be a more efficient 3-bay facility ranging from 13,800 to 14,200 square feet. A range was provided for the size of the facility based on the General Booth and Sandbridge stations that were most recently constructed. The replacement facllity would house both Fire and EMS personnel and equipment. A new locat~on would need to be identified as the existing site is not strategically located for the service demand~ A site in the Shore Drive/Pleasure House Road/Northampton Boulevard area would be preferable to meet the demand for service. This project was shown as requested but not funded in the FY 2006-07 CIP to balance against ~ower pay~go fundjng. 3.369 Leroy Drive Master Plan and Facility Replacements This project provides for the development of a Master Plan for the Leroy Drive municipat complex (estimated cost $2001000), the replacement of the Automotive Services' Fire Vehicle and Appara1us Shop with a 12j800 square foot pre-engineered building (estimated cost $7001000), and a consolidated replacement facility (25,000 square feet) for the Police Department's Animal Control and Special Operations bureaus (estimated cost $2,600l000). This project was shown as requested but not funded in the FY 2006-07 CIP to balance agatnst lower pay-go fundIng. Estimated cost is net of funds previously provided ($200,000). 34344 Police Fourth Precinct - Replacement This project would provide funding to replace the current 61017 square foot Fourth Precinct with a new 17 lOOO square foot facUity. Thls would also include required parking and storage faciJities. The Fourth Police Precinct service area encompasses the entire Kempsville area south of Interstate 264] extending east to Lynnhaven Parkway and south to the Chesapeake Hnet and services approximately 1401000 residents. Based on the study conducted in CIP # 3-230r the total cost estimate is $4j874,949. This project was shown as requested but not funded in the FY 2006~07 CIP to balance agaInst lower pay-go funding. o ~ J ~ 3.041 Virginia Aquarium Elevated Pedestrian Crosswalk This project is to provide pedestrIan access from the parkjng lot expans~on for the VirginIa Aquarlum and Marine Science Centerl which was open to the public July 16l 2004. The etevated crosswalk would be located south of the existing main entrance of the museum and connect south of the future entrance of the new parklng lot crossing over General Booth Boulevard. The project would provide for handicapped access and nghting. Design for this project was completed in February 2006. In the FY 2006- 07 CIP, thfs project was removed from the C1P with all available funding transferred to higher priority Aquarium projects # 3...322 Virginia Aquarium Original Exhibit Gallery Renovation ($1,666,676) and 3~292 Virginia Aquarium An~mal Care Annex ($8211145) to fund increased construction costs~ Estimated cost is net of funds previously provided ($512, 179). I · Q) C 0)0 -c __ ::J~ en CO en Q) C ..c Q) ......, c.. _~ E en 0 ~I , () CO s..... ..c 0 S-"- N I l() CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA FY 2006-07 AND FY 2007-08 BIENNIAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION INCREASES (Not including Internal Service Funds) FY 2007-08 Proposed FY 2005-06 FY 2006-07 with Adiusted Proposed Rollover Personal Services: Salaries $ 282,975,889 $ 289,149,877 $ 291 ,384,817 Merit Increase 10,576,460 10,576,460 Compression (Public Safety) 4,300,000 4,300,000 Compression (General) 970,000 630,000 Rollover 16,317,951 Market Survey 0 7,972,481 Total Personal Services $ 282,975,889 $ 304,996,337 $ 331,181,709 Fringe Benefits: Health Insurance $ 24,332,369' $ 28,697,898 $ 29,481,510 Contribution Increase 2,234,182 1,654,509 (150/0 in FY 07; 100/0 in FY 08) Rollover 4,468,364 ("f"') F .I.C.A. 16,632,034 17,421,657 17,548,881 I In F .I.G.A. - Medicare 3,912,434 4,098,160 4,125,439 Virginia, Retirement System 37,509,306 44,662,613 44,948,485 Life Insurance 0 3,171,682 3,191 ,983 Other Fringe Benefits and Allowances 910.680 851,400 867,152 Total Fringe Benefits $ 83~2g6,823 $ 101,137,592 $ 106,286,323 Total Compensation $ 366,272,712 $ 406,133,929 $ 437,468,032 Percentage Increase 10.880/0 7.720/0 On page 5-3 of the Council Workshop book handed out on April 11, we inadvertently included the rollover amount twice in the FY 2007-08 column (both in salaries and in rollover). This table removes the duplicative amount in salaries. In addition, we have included other fringe benefit amount for a full display of total compensation. 5-3 . .. ^=" :"'0..~; >~. e e .~~^....,~ r?\ Y..,:.:, h.v."(.~.:. S':' ~ ~ r-..., _ A ff.t14 ^q:~ (~~~) C_.J ., .. ~ {;:n& /-......... ...------... (.............. e tit ,~ I~' ( ~ (\., f: :..:... 3'! ;~~-&~v. ~_,..J 1\.____) ~I ~.~,: J:: \:~!;} (-'~ (-~\ (-~ C-) fI __ :'.~'.. I l I ,I, ) ..... : \..~...J \..._../. \~,. _. .~: ~' ~- c: CO 0 0 .- ~ ~ I'- ca 0 tIJ -C c: Q) c C. CO E I'- 0 0 --......... (J CO l/l 0 I 1I1 CI) >- CI) ~ IL 0 - c. E w C) c -- tIJ tIJ Q) I- -c -c <( r:' .8_~'~. (~ (~ _ II ~ '1; ....._j ./ ..~ "'..5 (~) C~). C) (I _ ~ @ (~) C) C) () 41 _ GD I ~ It) v (fJ ..., s::: -- Q) CO s.. E G) ..., c: (fJ G) ::;, en Q) 0)...... t-- Q) N ~ ....-0 0 o CtI a.. E r: Q) c: 0 0 0 [-. 0 t In -- ~ ... .- tJJ ~ ..., C) '+- ~ (fJ rt) 0 G) ~ .c CO s... 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