HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 25, 2006 AGENDA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH A COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME MAYOR MEYERA E. OBERNDORF. At-Large VICE MAYOR LOUIS R. JONES, Bayslde - District -l HARRY E. DIEZEL Kempsville - District 2 ROBERT M. DYER, Centerville - District I REBA S. McCLANAN, Rose Hall- District 3 RICHARD A. MADDOX. Beach - District 6 JIM REEVE, Princess Anne - District 7 PETER W. SCHMIDT. At-Large RON A. VILLANUEVA, At-Large ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMES L. WOOD, Lynnhaven -District 5 CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE:(757) 427-4303 FAX (757) 426-5669 E-MAIL: Ctycncl@vbgov.com CITY MANAGER -JAMES K. SPORE CITY ATTORNEY - LESLIE L. LILLEY CiTY CLERK - RUTH HODGES SMITH. MMC 25 April 2006 I. BUDGET WORKSHOP Conference Room 2:00 PM 1. 2006-2007 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN a. Virginia Beach City Public Schools b. Public Libraries II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING Conference Room 3:30 PM 1. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND MARKETING ENHANCEMENT Gwen Cowart, Director, Communications and Information Technology Diane Roche, Assistant to the City Manager for Media and Communications III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS V. INFORMAL SESSION Conference Room 4:30PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VI. FORMAL SESSION Council Chamber 6:00PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Captain Monica Johnson Chaplain, First Landing Chapel, Fort Story C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS April 11, 2006 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Tax Rate on Real Property for FY2006 I. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Tax Rate on Personal Property, Machinery and Tools for Calendar Year 2005 2. FY2006-2007 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN (Operating Budget) 3. FY 2006-2010 Capital Budget (CIP) 1. CONSENT AGENDA K. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES 1. . Resolution re the location and major design features re Princess Anne RoadlKempsville Road intersection improvements and Witchduck Road Phase 1 transportation projects. 2. Ordinance to TRANSFER $1,400,000 within the Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) from Fire and Rescue Station - Thalia to Fire and Rescue Station - First Landing re increased construction costs. 3. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to acquire 45.835 acres ofland at 3180 New Bridge Road and APPROPRIATE $1,925,070 from Open Space Acquisition L. PLANNING 1. Application ofRADHAKRlSHNA RENUKUNT A and KA VITID VURIMINDI for a Chanf!e ofZoninf! District Classification from AG-l Agricultural to Conditional R-IO at Chestnut Oak Way (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) DEFERRED STAFF RECOMMENDATION: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APRIL 11,2006 ALLOW INDEFINITE DEFERRAL APPROVAL 2. Applications of HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.c. at 2817 Seaboard Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a. Chanf!e ofZoninf! District Classification from AG-l and AG-2 Agricultural to Conditional R-15 Residential to develop single-family homes b. Variance to S4.4 (b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) DEFERRED: Application for R-20 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Rezoning Variance PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: FEBRUARY 14 & 28,2006 APPROVAL ALLOW WITHDRAWAL APPROVAL 3. Application of EVERGREEN VIRGINIA, L.L.C., CHECKERED FLAG MOTOR CAR CO., INC. and STEPHEN M. SNYDER, CO-MANAGER re a storage lot for an adjoining motor vehicle sales and repair facility at 270 Clearfield Avenue (DISTRICT 2- KEMPSVILLE) a. Chanf!e of Zoning from R-7.5 Residential to Conditional B-2 Community Business b. Modification of Conditions (approved on March 8, 2005 and October 23,2001) re incorporating existing property into newly rezoned lot with accessory parking RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 4. Application of WILLIAM FOX for a Conditional Use Permit for a facility of an outdoor nature (paintball park) at 2968 Holland Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 5. Application of29 OCEAN, L.L.c. for a Chanf!e of Zoning from RT-3 Resort Tourist, A-36 Apartment and A-12 Apartment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist with a Laskin Road Gateway Overlay at Arctic A venue and 29th Street (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL M. APPOINTMENTS BEACHES and WATERWAYS COMMISSION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE - PPEA MEAL TAX TASKFORCE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL OCEANA LAND USE CONFORMITY COMMITTEE P ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SOUTHEASTERN PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY - SPSA SPORTS AUTHORITY OF HAMPTON ROADS N. UNFINISHED BUSINESS O. NEW BUSINESS P. ADJOURNMENT ******** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 Hearing impaired, call: Virginia Relay Center at 1-800-828-1120 MAY 2,2006 CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS CANCELLED RE COUNCILMANIC ELECTION 2006 BUDGET SCHEDULE April 25 (Workshop) April 25 (Public Hearing) May 3 (Reconciliation Workshop) May 9 (City Council Action) Council Conference Room Council Chamber at 6:00 p.m. Council Conference Room at 3:00 p.m. Council Chamber I. BUDGET WORKSHOP Conference Room 2:00 PM 1. 2006-2007 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN a. Virginia Beach City Public Schools b. Public Libraries II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING Conference Room 3:30 PM 1. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND MARKETING ENHANCEMENT Gwen Cowart, Director, Communications and Information Technology Diane Roche, Assistant to the City Manager for Media and Communications III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS V. INFORMAL SESSION Conference Room 4:30PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VI. FORMAL SESSION Council Chamber 6:00PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Captain Monica Johnson Chaplain, First Landing Chapel, Fort Story C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS April 11, 2006 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION .tsolutinn CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Tax Rate on Real Property for FY2006 I. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Tax Rate on Personal Property, Machinery and Tools for Calendar Year 2005 2. FY2006-2007 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN (Operating Budget) 3. FY 2006-2010 Capital Budget (CIP) THE BEACON Sunday. April 16. 2006 NOTICE OF PROPOSED REAL PROPERTVTAX INCREASE AND PUBLIC HEARING Tax Increase Caused bv Increase in Annual Assessment The City of Virginia Beach proposes to increase property tax levies. 1. Assessment Increase: Total assessed value of real property (including public service properties), excluding additional assessments due to new construction or improvements to property, exceeds last year's total assessed value of real property by 19.30 percent. 2. Lowered Rate Necessary to Offset Increased Assessment: The tax rate which would levy the same amount of real estate tax as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of real estate with the exclusions mentioned above, would be $0.8582 per $100 of assessed value. This rate will be known as the "lowered tax rate~' 3. Effective Rate Increase: The City of Virginia Beach proposes to adopt a tax rate of $0.99 per $100 of assessed value. The difference between the lowered tax rate and the proposed rate would be $0.1318 per $100, or 15.36 percent. This difference will be known as the "effective tax rate increase:' Individual property taxes may, however, increase at a percentage greater than or less than the above percentage. 4. Proposed Total Budget Increase: Based on the proposed real property tax rate and changes in other revenues, the total budget of the City of Virginia Beach will exceed last year's by 8.96 percent. NOTE: Although the FY 2006-07 Operating Budget as submitted to the City Council proposes a decrease in the current real estate tax rate to $0.99 on each $100 of assessed valuation, the assessment for individual properties, including public service property, increased by an average of 19.30%. Since the increase in assessments is over 1.00%. the preceding information was provided pursuant to Code of Virginia!i 58.1-3321. Public Hearing A public hearing on the increase will be held onTuesday, April 25, 2006, at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber on the second floor of the City Hall Building (Building #1), 2401 Courthouse Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia. This hearing is open to the public, and all interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard. Individuals desiring to provide written comments may do so by contacting the City Clerk's office at 385-4303. If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call 385-4303. Hearing impaired, call Virginia Relay at 1_800-828-1120. Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC J. CONSENT AGENDA K. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES 1. Resolution re the location and major design features re Princess Anne RoadlKempsville Road intersection improvements and Witchduck Road Phase 1 transportation projects. 2. Ordinance to TRANSFER $1,400,000 within the Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) from Fire and Rescue Station - Thalia to Fire and Rescue Station - First Landing re increased construction costs. 3. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to acquire 45.835 acres ofland at 3180 New Bridge Road and APPROPRIATE $1,925,070 from Open Space Acquisition r~ ;;~f~~~' .' \&~ ~f'_l~ . \'C'" ;:) <;..~S) ~ "'~~... CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Resolution to Approve the Location and Major Design Features for the Princess Anne Road/Kempsville Road Intersection Improvements (CIP 2-048) and Witchduck Road Phase I (CIP 2-931) Transportation Projects. MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: These projects are First Cities (Urban Construction Initiative) projects. The purpose of the Princess Anne Road/Kempsville Road Intersection Improvements project is to provide capacity to the intersection to better handle existing and projected traffic volumes. This will be accomplished by providing double left, triple through, and single right movements at each of the four roadway approaches into the proposed at- grade intersection and by limiting access onto the new approach roadways. The Witchduck Road Phase I project will transform the existing four-lane undivided roadway into a six-lane divided facility. Properties will be purchased along both sides of the existing alignment, thereby eliminating multiple points of access and possible vehicular conflicts, which currently hinder sustained capacity and represent an unsafe situation for residents and motorists alike. Multipurpose paths and enhanced aesthetics will be provided along both sides of the widened right-of-way. Witchduck Road Phase I will be constructed along the current Witchduck Road alignment. . Considerations: In order to proceed to the right-of-way acquisition phase during summer 2006, a resolution must be adopted by City Council approving the location and major design features of the projects. . Public Information: A Location and Design Public Hearing was held on February 23, 2006 to update citizens on the traffic and environmental studies and to receive comments on the location and major design features of the intersection and roadway projects. There were approximately 300 citizens in attendance. A total of 19 written and oral comments were received. Of those who attended and responded, an overwhelming majority were in favor of the project. (Continued on next page) (Princess Anne Rd/Kempsville Rd (CIP 2-048)/Witchduck Road Phase I (CIP 2-931) Agenda- [continued]) · Alternatives: If the resolution is denied, the right-of-way acquisition phase of the project will not begin and the project will be delayed. A project delay might jeopardize federal project funding. · Recommendations: Approve the location and major design features of the projects. . Attachments: Resolution, Location Maps Recommended Action: Approval i~ t Submitting Department/Agency: Public WOrkslEngineerin~<< City Manager~ l. ~D'ML 1 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE LOCATION 2 AND MAJOR DESIGN FEATURES FOR 3 PRINCESS ANNE ROAD/KEMPSVILLE ROAD 4 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 5 (CIP 2-048) & WITCHDUCK ROAD PHASE I 6 PROJECT (CIP 2-931) 7 8 9 WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia 10 Beach, Virginia, a public necessity exists for the construction of 11 these important roadway projects to improve transportation within 12 the City and for other related public purposes for the preservation 13 of the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, and 14 for the welfare of the people in the City of Virginia Beach; 15 WHEREAS, a Location and Design Public Hearing was conducted on 16 February 23, 2006, ("Public Hearing") in the City of Virginia Beach 17 by representatives of the City of Virginia Beach after due and 18 proper notice for the purposes of considering the proposed location 19 and design of Princess Anne Road/Kempsville Road Intersection 20 Improvements Project (CIP 2-048 / VDOT Project 0165-134-107, PE 21 101, RW 201, C501) and Witchduck Road Phase I Project (ClP 2-931 / 22 VDOT proj ect UOOO-134-174, PE 101, RW 201, C501) (the "Projects") 23 in the City of Virginia Beach, at which hearing aerial photographs, 24 drawings, and other pertinent information were made available for 25 public inspection in accordance with state and federal 26 requirements; 27 WHEREAS, all persons and parties in attendance were afforded 28 full opportunity to participate in said Public Hearing; 29 WHEREAS, representatives of the City of Virginia Beach were 30 present and participated in said Public Hearing; 31 WHEREAS, the location and design of the Projects as depicted 32 on the attached location maps were selected after extensive 33 cooperation between the City and the Citizen Advisory Committee, 34 comprised of stakeholders in the area of the Princess Anne 35 Road/Kempsville Road/Witchduck Road intersection; 36 WHEREAS, these proj ects are included in the First Cities 37 (Urban Construction Initiative) program; and 38 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 39 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 40 1. The location and major design features of the Projects as 41 presented at the Public Hearing conducted on February 23, 42 2006, which are set forth on the location maps attached 43 hereto, are hereby approved. 44 2. The City of Virginia Beach will acquire all rights of way 45 necessary for the Projects and certify same to the Virginia 46 Department of Transportation at the appropriate time. 47 48 49 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2006. CA9872 X:IOID\REAL EST A TE\Acquisitio...\ WORKING - CONDlAcquisition OrdinanccsICA9872-Res-P AmcKmpsvi1leWitchduck.doc R-1 PREPARED: 04/06/2006 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY AND FORM city~f~n~ ~ _ l)l1 r CJ/CJ i ~ ~ {j f".~I~ (;$ au o ~ ~ff ~il CJ7\J ~ lr': ~ ~ -" Q~~\I[?~~ CJ~m\ \~ ~l "~ ~ ~\~1~~9~~ '~\1l\I~k1ff\~ ro ~~~,"~o~,I'~1 \-yryfl O~I: j J~~ ([) ~~~ ~ r ~I ~ ....~,........... t I; ~ 1I/n. /i ~~' ~ c: 1'0; II U. I {; U. If ~\\u <::)~ iL ,.. 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Support Services Bureau 3/23/06 X:\Projects\ARC Files\Agenda Maps\Witchduck Rd ,~~:??"\~~ (e, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Transfer $1,400,000 from Capital Project #3-021, "Fire and Rescue Station - Thalia" to Capital Project #3-017, "Fire and Rescue Station - First Landing" to Cover Increased Construction Costs MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: City Council established Capital Project #3-017, First Landing Fire and Rescue Station, in the FY 2002-03 Capital Improvement Project (CIP) with total programmed funds of $3,832,000. On March 22, 2005, Council appropriated an additional $660,000 from three other fire and rescue station projects to address scope and cost increases for First Landing. This included an increase in the cost of traffic light construction, the addition of a fourth apparatus bay to the facility based upon a review of service delivery needs to the Shore Drive community, and the storage and space demands of both Fire and EMS marine programs. At the same time, Council also appropriated $60,000 from the fund balance of the Fire Programs Fund to incorporate a training tower that will accommodate high- rise and technical rescue training devices. As a result of these Council actions, the total project cost was shown as $4,552,000 in the adopted FY 2005-06 CIP. During the current fiscal year, estimates for construction have increased at a rate of approximately 2% per month due to increases in construction materials such as concrete and steel. This problem is caused primarily by the massive rebuilding in the Gulf States from the 2005 hurricane season, which has created an intense demand for construction supplies. Fuel price increases also have impacted the cost of material fabrication and transportation. . Considerations: The low bid for the construction of the First Landing Fire & Rescue Station brings the total project cost to $5,952,000, a 31 % increase over the current project budget of $4,552,000. An additional $1.4 million is necessary to award the construction contract. While the proposed FY 2006-07 budget includes a transfer of $1,023,432 from the Thalia project to the First Landing project, the current bid is only good for 90 days. If the City does not award the contract within 90 days, the City may have to re-bid the project. Given the current condition of the construction market with costs increasing 2% per month, it is likely that the bid price will increase if not awarded within 90 days. Furthermore, the transfer in the proposed FY 2006-07 CIP is insufficient to cover increased costs. . Public Information: This item will be advertised as part of the City Council agenda. . Alternatives: To resolve the shortfall in the First Landing project, City Council has alternatives: 1) Transfer $1.4 million from the Thalia Fire and Rescue Station project to the First Landing project. 2) Reduce the costs of the First Landing Fire Station project by reducing the scope of the project. This would require an adjustment to the First Landing Station by cutting something out of the project such as bays for a ladder truck or EMS units. This would reduce services and/or delay response time in the service area since the ladder truck or ambulance and crew would have to be housed at the Old Donation or Haygood Fire and Rescue Stations. 3) Appropriate $1.4 million from the General Fund fund balance to avoid impacting the Thalia project. This alternative is not recommended until final FY 05-06 fund balance is known. 4) Transfer $1,400,000 from Capital Project #3-368, Various Site Acquisition. However, this project's funding is directed towards strategic land acquisition. · Recommendations: Transfer $1,400,000 from CIP #3-021, Fire and Rescue Station - Thalia, to CIP #3-017, Fire and Rescue Station - First Landing. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department! Agency: Fire Department City Manager: ~~ l , 06~ 1 2 3 4 5 AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER $1,400,000 FROM CAPITAL PROJECT #3-021, "FIRE AND RESCUE STATION - THALIA", TO CAPITAL PROJECT #3-017, "FIRE AND RESCUE STATION - FIRST LANDING" TO COVER INCREASED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 6 WHEREAS, due to the existing market conditions and increasing 7 costs for materials and labor, an additional $1,400,000 is 8 necessary for Capital Project #3-017, "Fire and Rescue Station - 9 First Landing;" and 10 WHEREAS, the additional amount needed may be transferred from 11 Capital Project #3-021, "Fire and Rescue Station - Thalia," with 12 funding to be reprogrammed to this project in future years of the 13 Capital Improvement Program. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 15 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 16 That $1,400,000 is hereby transferred from capital project #3- 17 021, "Fire and Rescue Station - Thalia," to Capital Project #3-017, 18 "Fire and Rescue Station - First Landing". 19 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 20 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Q \(\ r\ ~7, -!....) CArJ\iJ v. \lJ" . Management Services , b~ 1, I! .3iJA- City Attorney's f~ce CA9967 X:\PA\GG\OrdRes\First Landing Fire ORD R-2 April 13, 2006 ~~A:,~~:"l r5~~'1'~ 7.,...;,;~' ~ {d~::;: "~:~:: ~%.)" ~u: . ::;, ~~f;~J1 ............,'oJ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to authorize the acquisition of real property totaling 45.835+/- Acres located at 3180 New Bridge Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia for $1,925,070 from Inez P. White MEETING DATE: 4/25/06 . Background: The property is located at 3180 New Bridge Road and consists of 45.835 acres. Approximately 28 acres are in open cropland and 18 acres in forested land. Soils are classes I and II with 0.9 acres falling below 5.5' elevation. Development potential is limited to five sites under agricultural zoning. The farm is bordered by two ARP properties as well as the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, BBNWR. The property is zoned AG-1. The owners of the property submitted an application for the Agricultural Reserve Program, ARP, on May 2, 2005. The ARP transaction was not completed because the appraisal for the property established a value for development rights that was very close to the value of the fee interest. The City has pursued the acquisition of the fee interest in the property for Open Space, and has reached an agreement with the owners to buy the property for $1,925,070 ($42,000 per acre). The City's Open Space Subcommittee, which is tasked with the responsibility of screening, evaluating and recommending the acquisition of parcels of property in furtherance of the open space initiative, has recommended acquisition of the property at this price. The BBNWR is interested in purchasing approximately nine acres of the property that lies within their identified expansion area. The City has conducted preliminary discussions with the US Army Corps of Engineers and it has been determined that 28+ acres (of the 36.8 acres remaining after a sale to BBNWR) might be suitable for wetland restoration. This could potentially yield 28 mitigation credits. The general expected ratio of two credits per one acre of wetland loss would apply. These credits would allow the City to mitigate approximately 14 acres of wetland loss due to wetland damaging activities, i.e. road projects. Each credit is valued at approximately $14,000, which would yield a total of $392,000. Additional field studies would need to be conducted in order to verify available wetland restoration credits with the US Army Corps of Engineers. · Considerations: Purchase the property for multiple outcomes for City, including the furtherance of the open space initiative and potential wetlands mitigation, as well as a potential sale of a portion of the property to the BBNWR. . Public Information: Advertisement of City Council Agenda · Alternatives: Do not adopt the Ordinance and do not acquire the property. · Recommendations: Purchase the above property for $1,925,070. . Attachments: Ordinance and Location Map Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Public Works ?f~ City Manager: ~s ~ _ ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ? AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY TOTALING 45.835+/- ACRES LOCATED AT 3180 NEW BRIDGE ROAD, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA FOR $1,925,070 FROM INEZ P. WHITE WHEREAS, INEZ P. WHITE ("White") owns a 45.835i acre parcel of 10 real estate located at 3180 New Bridge Road, in the City of 11 Virginia Beach, Virginia (the "Property"); 12 WHEREAS, White desires to sell the Property to the City of 13 Virginia Beach (the "City"); 14 WHEREAS, the City's Open Space Subcommittee has identified the 15 Property as a parcel to be considered for acquisition as part of 16 the City's open space ini tiati ve, and has recommended that the 17 Property be acquired for such purposes; 18 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 19 Virginia (the "City Council") is of the opinion that the 20 acquisition of the Property would further the City's open space 21 initiative; 22 WHEREAS, funding for this acquisition is available in the Open 23 Space Acquisition CIP account (CIP 4-004). 24 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 25 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 26 1. That the City Council authorizes the acquisition of the 27 Property by purchase pursuant to ~ 15.2-1800 of the Code of 28 Virginia (1950), as amended, which Property is shown on Exhibit A 29 attached hereto. 30 2 . That the City Manager or his designee is further 31 authorized to execute all documents that may be necessary or 32 appropriate in connection with the purchase of the Property, so 33 long as such documents are in accordance with the Summary of Terms 34 attached hereto and acceptable to the City Manager and the City 35 Attorney. 36 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 37 Virginia, on the day of , 2006. CA-9867 X:\OID\REAL ESTATE\Acquisitions\WORKING - DEEDS\Open Space Project\DF6373 - White, Inez\ord.doc R-1 April 14, 2006 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: if ~(J~ - - /Public Works/Real Estate EXHIBIT A LOCA liON PROPERlY OF INEZ P. WHITE GPIN 2413-71-0629 SCALE: 1" = 800' AGENDA MAP;lNEZ WHITE.DGN M.j.S. PREPARED BY PNV ENG. CADD DEPT. NOVEMBER 30, 2005 SUMMARY OF TERMS AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF APPROXIMATEL Y 45.835 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3180 NEW BRIDGE ROAD, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA OWNER: Inez P. White BUYER: City of Virginia Beach SALE PRICE: $1,925,070 payable as follows: $20,000.00 Deposit to be held by Byrd Realty, Inc. as Escrow Agent $1,905,070 at Settlement by check. SETTLEMENT DA TE: On or before 75 days after AlS is fully executed (March 8, 2006). Due Diligence is 60 days after contract fully executed. Settlement to occur within 15 days of that date. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: · Property must be conveyed free and clear of all leases, tenancies and right of possession of any and all parties other than the City. · Seller shall prepare Deed conveying title to the Property to City and pay all expenses of preparation of the Deed, the grantor's tax and its own attorney's fees and costs. · City shall bear all other costs of closing and there shall be no change of use to trigger "Roll Back" taxes unless City pays such taxes. X:IOID\REAL ESTATElAcquisitionslWORKING - DEEDSIOpen Space Project\DF6373 - White. Inezlsummaryofterms.doc L. PLANNING 1. Application ofRADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNT A and KA VITHI VURIMINDI for a Chanf!e ofZoninf! District Classification from AG-l Agricultural to Conditional R-IO at Chestnut Oak Way (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) DEFERRED STAFF RECOMMENDATION: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: APRIL 11,2006 ALLOW INDEFINITE DEFERRAL APPROV AL 2. Applications of HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.c. at 2817 Seaboard Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a. Chanf!e ofZoninf! District Classification from AG-l and AG-2 Agricultural to Conditional R-15 Residential to develop single-family homes b. Variance to S4.4 (b) ofthe Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) DEFERRED: Application for R-20 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Rezoning Variance PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: FEBRUARY 14 & 28, 2006 APPROVAL ALLOW WITHDRA W AL APPROV AL 3. Application of EVERGREEN VIRGINIA, L.L.C., CHECKERED FLAG MOTOR CAR CO., INC. and STEPHEN M. SNYDER, CO-MANAGER re a storage lot for an adjoining motor vehicle sales and repair facility at 270 Clearfield Avenue (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) a. Change ofZoninf! from R-7.5 Residential to Conditional B-2 Community Business b. Modification of Conditions (approved on March 8, 2005 and October 23,2001) re incorporating existing property into newly rezoned lot with accessory parking RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 4. Application of WILLIAM FOX for a Conditional Use Permit for a facility of an outdoor nature (paintball park) at 2968 Holland Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 5. Application of29 OCEAN, L.L.c. for a Chanf!e ofZoninf! from RT-3 Resort Tourist, A-36 Apartment and A-12 Apartment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist with a Laskin Road Gateway Overlay at Arctic Avenue and 29th Street (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL THE BEACON Sunday, April 16, 2006 _4lf.;::;~'j'p" i, " " 'Public KearingS >' , : ,:'" ,~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Virginia Beach City Council will meet in the Chamber at City Hall, Municipal Center. 2401 Courthouse Dnve. Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. The fOllowing applications will be heard: DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 29 Ocean. L.L.C, Application: Chane:e of Zonine: Dis- trict Classification from RT-3 Resort Tourist . A-36 Apartment and A-12 Apartment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist with a Laskin Road Gateway Overlay at Arctic Avenue and 29th Street. (GPINs 24280122750000: 24280122230000: 24280112720000; 24280112210000; 24280114720000; 24280114200000: 24280103790000; 24280103080000). The Compre- hensive Plan recommends use of this site and the sur- rounding area for resort-oriented mixed uses consistent with the plan's goals and design guidelines. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE I William Fox Application: Conditional Use Permit for a recreational facility of an outdoor nature (paintball park) at 2968 Holland Road (GPIN 149!:i3347740oo0). Heron Ridge Properties II. L.L.C. Application: Chane:e of Zonine: District Classification from AG-l and AG-2 Agri. cultural to Conditional R-15 Residential at 2817 Sea. board Road (GPINs 24036750380000; 240366472!:i0000). The Comprehensive Plan desig. nates this site as being within the Princess Anne Transi. tion Area, suitable for housing using creative planning I and development techniques. The purpose of this rezon- ing is to develop single-family homes. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE Evergreen Virginia. L.L.C. & Checkered Flag Motor Car Co.. Inc. Application: Chane:e of Zonine: District Clas- sification from R- 7.5 Residential to Conditional B-2 Community Business at 270 Clearfield Avenue (GPIN 14676623900000). The Comprehensive Plan desig- nates this site as being part of the Primary Residential Area, suitable for appropriately located suburban resi- dential and non-residential uses consistent with the pOlicies of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this zoning change is to redevelop the site for a storage lot related to an adjoining motor vehicle sales and repair facility. Evergreen Virginia. L.L.C. & Stephen M. Snyder. Co-Mgr.. Application: ModifICation of Conditions (approved on March 8. 2005 and October 23. 2001) at 270 Clear. field Avenue (GPIN 14676623900000). All citizens are invited to attend. r;~~ ,4,- Ruth Hodges Smith. MMC City Clerk II C \" Copies of the proposed ordinances. resolutions and F amendments are on file and may be examined in the Department of Planning or online at hUD:/ /www.vbf!ov.com/deDt/Dlanninl!/boards/oc/. r For information call 385-4621. ~ t If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this me~ting. please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303. Hearing impaired, call: TDD only at 427-4305. (TOD _ Telephonic Device for the Deaf). Beacon April 9 & 16. 2006 14897588 14 ROBERT SCOTT: Yes. I think, once again, I think we could do it in two weeks. But I want to say, again, I think the proffers need to say that we will work with the applicant toward that goal without commitment because we may not find it's a good idea after we look at it. EDWARD BOURDON: Councilman Reeve, we certainly can revise the proffers to provide the language as Mr. Scott has indicated and have that and be back in two weeks very easily. I think, I certainly agree with Mr. Scott, as you go south you may find, because there is a large lead ditch that runs east-west across that property to the south, that it may become problematic to extend it to the south. But, again, that wouldn't be something this applicant would have any obligation to do in terms of putting it across the other piece of property. COUNCILMAN REEVE: I understand. EDWARD BOURDON: We're happy to add that provision to the proffers, if that's the desire of Council. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Well, with that being said, if anyone else has comments, I propose a two-week deferral to look into this situation. COUNCIL LADY WILSON: Second. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Any discussion of the motion? Are we ready for the question for a two-week deferral? CITY CLERK: By a vote of 11 to 0, you have deferred for two weeks the application of Mr. Renukunta and Mr. Vurimindi. (Whereupon, the discussion of this matter was concluded.) 13 COUNCILMAN REEVE: So, your first iteration was for six lots. EDWARD BOURDON: Yes. The original application was for six lots. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Working with staff, they reduced it down to five. EDWARD BOURDON: It was reduced down to five primarily to avoid any flood plain impacts, whatsoever. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Mr. Scott, on the dedication of this piece of property to have a trail is that something that would allow us to move forward or does that need to be more spelled out and clear in before we make a vote on it? segment, tonight, the plan ROBERT SCOTT: Well, the proffers have to be modified. If you want to do two proffers, it does have to be modified. It would have to be modified. The other thing I would urge to you is I think you're going to see that there is a big difference between looking at a map hanging on a wall in Council Chambers and what you see when you're out in the field in that there is a lot of flood plain out there (inaudible) in making that connection. We may find it's fine, but I think you're going to have to do some field work to determine whether that's, in fact, a good idea when you get out there. So, I wouldn't want to commit an applicant to doing it. I don't think it's inappropriate to ask him to look into it and evaluate it with the staff. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Mr. Bourdon, is that satisfactory to you? EDWARD BOURDON: Yes, Councilman Reeve. We are very amenable to working with staff to try to create a trail that would have the potential to connect and be in a position that would be utilizable by the properties, themselves. We'd be glad to do that. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Is this something, Bob, a two-week deferral? Mr. Bourdon, what would you think would be a time that we could actually go out and do a site inspection and see if it's actually probable to do that? Two weeks? Can proffers be modified and be brought back to us within a two-week deferral? 12 the property to the north put in, and we need you to connect to that"; I think that's very easily done. And I don't know of any client that I would have ever represented that wouldn't have readily said "sure, we'll do that", but I don't know that I can do it at this point and make it binding on anybody. and 4 possibly needing a and 2 seem to be more in I understand that. On the flood plain issue, staff talks about Lots 1 variance, but it looks like Lots 3 the Zone AE. COUNCILMAN REEVE: EDWARD BOURDON: There would not be the need for a variance. All of the lots meet the requirements, in terms of the amount of square footage that is outside of any flood plain both for lot width and lot square footage. So, that's all taken care of. It is conceivable that with regard to Lot 3 that when it is developed as it is currently depicted that there might be a portion of the house, a slight portion, that might encroach into the flood plain that they could seek a variance for, but it could clearly be avoided if they had to, and it would be a question of mitigation, whether the mitigation would exceed the impact. But if that were not something that would be granted by the staff administratively, then they could build on all of the lots without a flood plain variance. And, again, there is ample area outside the flood plain to still be able to accommodate a trail, but recognize also that a trail can be placed in the flood plain, just not in the flood way, because a flood plain is dry land 99% of the time. It's just the flood way that you avoid any impacts to. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Perfect place for a trail, really. EDWARD BOURDON: It is. It's a great place for a trail, and there's plenty of open space here that would be accommodating of a trail. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Mr. Scott, that picture is different than the one in our book. EDWARD BOURDON: Yes. That's not -- COUNCILMAN REEVE: That's not accurate. EDWARD BOURDON: No. Actually, that's an earlier six-lot subdivision that was an earlier iteration and that is not the plan. 11 EDWARD BOURDON: We certainly can do that, but there really isn't anywhere to connect the trail other than that small amount, the little COUNCILMAN REEVE: Directly south to the roadway. EDWARD BOURDON: Right. I think the obvious, place to put a trail connection would be here. COUNCILMAN REEVE: And down south to the existing roadway. EDWARD BOURDON: Right, but this property, in order for it to develop, has got to come in for a rezoning, and you'd have the ability when and if this ever came in to connect this way and/or any other way you might encourage the property owner to develop the property at that time with a trail. COUNCILMAN REEVE: I guess, my question is if that could be done in advance of his redevelopment. That way, there's something that's functional, we just don't build a trail to nowhere, but that the owner agree to that or at least have the conversation with that owner to see if he would agree to that in advance, knowing that if he needs to redevelop that it may be modified to accommodate his needs, but at least we -- EDWARD BOURDON: Mr. Reeve, I'm more than happy to try to have a conversation with the owners of that property in that respect. I don't know in the context of what this property owner can do and what we're asking the Council to do that I'm not really sure that I can accomplish something that's going to bind another, because that person could sell the property and there is nothing of record. I don't really know that we can -- I don't want to give any false impression that there is anything that really any of us can do to bind the adjoining property owner, or if I were representing or were the adjoining property owner that I would agree at this juncture without knowing how my property is going to develop, that we'll agree to a trail that goes just here and there. But I certainly think that the Planning Department and this Council, City Council, can require when someone comes in and tries to rezone the property, "we put this trail connection here", just like you would have if this had been a residential rezoning, "we put these road stubs here, we need you to use those. We've got this trail here. If you want the rezoning, we need you to use this trail that we have had the owners of 10 cul-de-sac and going to the south. We certainly can only go to our property line, and I don't think the folks -- well, I don't want to speak for the folks in Saville Gardens, but I don't know that if they own that property that there's any ability, it's private property, to use any of their property for a trail. But we certainly would have -- the City would have the potential to have it extend when the property below came in for some type of rezoning, the AG property, when I say "below". We would not have an aversion to doing that. That's something that could certainly be done, and it could certainly be done at the subdivision review process or however you want to handle it. I guess, theoretically, we could -- COUNCILMAN REEVE: Right now, the way it's designed, your lots are larger than they need to be for R-10; is that correct? EDWARD BOURDON: That is correct. COUNCILMAN REEVE: There is some potential. EDWARD BOURDON: There is clearly the potential there to place a trail that would come off of the cul-de-sac and come to the south. We couldn't extend, again, without some cooperation from Saville Gardens. We couldn't extend to the east, but we certainly could come down to the south and provide a potential. I think it was one time anticipated there might actually be a road coming through to connect those two, but I don't see that as being the intent any longer because I don't think we want to encourage residential on that intervening larger piece of property. I think that was the thought when these subdivisions were done many years ago, that the whole thing would wind up being residential, but I don't think that's now the thinking. So, that's why doing a cul-de-sac here, and basically ending the residential, the additional residential, with this piece so that he would be able to make a cogent argument that the remainder, that property, should be something other than residential. I think that's what the cul-de-sac does. We're happy to revise the plan to include a trail connection to the south and/or to the east, but I just don't know that we can make something happen to the east, as far as that P-1. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Do you think you would be able to, that you could coordinate a meeting with whoever the land owner might be of the AG-l/AG-2 to see if they would be willing to allow a trail connection to be made in the short term, knowing they may want to redevelop it and it may have to be modified down the road? 9 MAYOR OBERNDORF: Please, Mr. Reeve. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Mr. Bourdon, as you know with the Transition Area, which this is not in the Transition Area, a lot of discussion has been with connectivity and some type of Open Space dedication to that connectivity. Unfortunately, that southern piece does not marry up with that existing neighborhood to the south, but would your client entertain the idea of looking to redesign to allow some type of connectivity that could be in the future if the AG-l does come forward to make that connection with the adjoining neighborhood in a non-vehicular manner? EDWARD BOURDON: Absolutely, and it's a very viable request. We certainly can design the subdivision without significantly changing the layout of the lots to create a path coming off of the cul-de-sac coming to the south that would be able to be connected through to the neighborhood to the south and to anything that might develop, again, on the AG-l/AG-2 property that is between this neighborhood and the neighborhood to the south, which I personally believe is more likely to develop into something other than residential because of the fact that it has that potential that this property doesn't have. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Do you know who the owner of that property is? EDWARD BOURDON: My understanding is a portion of it is owned by a partnership, and it may be entirely owned by a partnership, but I don't know all of the members of that partnership. The property used to be a blueberry farm, and I did have the privilege of representing the people who owned it for many, many years, but they sold it a number of years ago, and it's owned by a group. I have been told that there has been discussion of the potential of some form of a day care or child care facility or some other office-type use on that property, and I've basically been asked by some folks to look at it. And my discussion, it was a realtor, was I felt like there were a number of uses that the Navy would approve of that could go on that piece of property, but I don't feel the same is true for this piece of property at all, given its location at the end of the street. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Your applicant would be willing to take some time to try to redesign? EDWARD BOURDON: We certainly don't have a problem trying to create a pathway for pedestrians or a multi-purpose trail even coming off the 8 ROBERT SCOTT: In going about determining what we think is COUNCILMAN MADDOX: Five. I mean five, I'm sorry. ROBERT SCOTT: -- in going about determining what we think is the most reasonable use, we look at what's surrounding it. COUNCILMAN MADDOX: Right. ROBERT SCOTT: We look at what's to the north of it. We look at what's to the west and the east and the south and look at what the densities are in those areas. And it appears to us that the number of lots and the size of the lots that are here is in keeping with what's around it. Accordingly, we think that's the lowest density that would be reasonable on the property. To go with lower density would be to treat -- would be to single this property owner out and treat him differently than the others. My opinion is that the density that's being applied for here is the lowest reasonable density on the site, and that's determined by looking at what's around it. COUNCILMAN MADDOX: Great. Thank you very much. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Any other discussion? Mr. Reeve? COUNCILMAN REEVE: Thank you, Madam Mayor. Mr. Scott, one of the concerns I had is the location of the property in context with the preservation and obviously some of the flood plain that's talked about, the Southern Watershed Act. Also, my concern, the AG-l and AG-2 that are below it, is that owned by a single owner, do you know, and are there any proposals coming forward? I say that in the context of connection. My biggest thing is, if we're going to do infill development, are there abilities to make other connections, not necessarily street connections, but at least trail connections that can give the ability for the neighborhoods to be tied together and they don't have to get out in their car to go to Holland Road just to have their child go from one neighborhood to the next to visit a friend? Do you know of any intent of that AG-l or AG-2 to come forward? Is it owned by a single person? ROBERT SCOTT: I don't, no. I don't know. COUNCILMAN REEVE: If I could follow up, Ma'am? 7 COUNCIL LADY WILSON: Thank you. EDWARD BOURDON: The townhouses that Mr. Wood was speaking of, as you can well see, are located to the north, separated by P-l property that is a part of their association. The nearest home that would be built on this 5 lot extension of this street and subdivision would be well over 150 feet from any home, probably more like 200 feet from any home, in their townhouse community. The Agricultural Zoning on this 2.41 acre parcel is clearly not the appropriate zoning for this piece of property. And given the surrounding zonings and land uses, what has been proposed is the most appropriate use for this property which has the reflected decision and recommendation of your professional staff and your Planning Commission. And the amount of dollars and cents that the City tax payers are going to have to be paying to buy up land in APZ's and in 75 and above dB's and out in the 65 to 70 dB in the Inter-Facility Traffic Area, as, again, if you'll read the letter that I passed out to you where the Navy is clearly opposing development, even though in that case it's consistent with, the development is consistent with, what our JLUS Study adopted by this Council says, as this is. When you look at the two and the amount of money and resources that we're going to be spending as tax payers, the idea that we are not going to develop five or might not develop five $400,000 homes at the end of this cul-de-sac in this residential area, I think, is some question in my mind if that's an appropriate use of our tax payer dollars, because I suspect if we don't do something like this there will be a lot of compensation that will be due to the property owner. I think the staff recommendation, as well as your Planning Commission recommendation, is the right way to go, as there is no other reasonable use of this piece of property. Thank you. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Mr. Maddox? COUNCILMAN MADDOX: I've got a question for Bob Scott. I'm jumping ahead to the next application, but I'm reading the letter from the Navy and I think it applies to this case, too. It talks about no other reasonable use for the land. I'm okay with that. If you pass that test, then it says "the Council shall approve the proposed use of the property at the least density or intensity that is reasonable". Give me your feelings about the eight houses here on this piece of property. 6 back in here of Parkside Green is flooded when we have a lot of rain. So, we had a bad problem with people getting their trash cans out from the back of the house to the front. I worked with the City on this also to take care of this problem. I know you received a letter of January 26th, 2006, from the CO of Naval Air Station Oceana, issued a letter to Ms. Carol Smith requesting this property not be used as a home due to the 70-75 Decibels Day and Night. Also, it's an AICUZ Zone. And they recommend and strongly discourage this be used for a home. Our community has never received any information about changes in our community until we see orange signs or somebody reads a thing on the Planning Commission by the Beacon. We just found out about Bernard Farms about a year ago. That popped up and nobody told us about it. Now, we found out watching the Planning Commission on VBTV 48 that we're going to have a 2900 Block of Holland Road, they're going to have a paint ball court that's going to be talked about. This is dumping more vehicles onto Holland Road, which is already inundated with vehicles, as you probably well know. The City has constantly told us every time a new subdivision goes on Holland Road that "we'll make a new road for you and get it widened". So far, we've had seven subdivisions and the road is still two lanes. The residents enjoy the quality of life and woodland environment, even though we live near the busy Holland Road. It's a tranquil oasis for the hurried lifestyle days of the world. Since the BRAC Ordinance, you've established a lot of troubles, and we would like to see this property made a P-l Zone. I thank the Council very much for allowing me to present this and thank you for your great work. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Thank you, Mr. Wood. Mrs. Wilson? COUNCIL LADY WILSON: I wanted to ask Mr. Scott a question. Mr. Scott, if we didn't change the zoning, could one house be built on that property? ROBERT SCOTT: Yes. COUNCIL LADY WILSON: So, the owner could still build his house? ROBERT SCOTT: Well, we would allow -- we would treat it as one lot and there could be one house built on it. I think that's the correct answer. 5 and we're talking about a development that will be 2 units per acre, which is less density than the vast majority of the development that already exists out there all around it. COUNCILMAN WOOD: All I know is I'm just reading what he said. His initial intent, said to the Planning Commission, was that single home. according to what he he wanted to build a EDWARD BOURDON: I wasn't there, Mr. Wood. And I do think, if you want my client to come up and speak, there may be some language and some understanding issues, and I'll be happy to have him come up and address that, if you'd like. COUNCILMAN WOOD: It's just in the verbatim, and that was what I was reading. EDWARD BOURDON: Thank you. CITY CLERK: Daniel Wood. Mr. Wood, you'll have three minutes. DANIEL WOOD: evening. Mayor Oberndorf, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Virginia Beach Council, good MAYOR OBERNDORF: Good evening. DANIEL WOOD: My name is Daniel Wood, but most people know me as Woody. I live at 2852 Saville Garden Way. I'm assigned as Special Assistant to the President of Parkside Green Community Association to represent the community. This application for the subdivision of Chestnut Oaks on Chestnut Way is 2.5 acres and presently is located in an area zoned P-1 and to the north and the east of your area, here and here. When Parkside Green was originally established in 1991, the Council looked at the developer and we had 84 acres that we were working with. They decided to preserve half of that as natural area, and that's where you get the P-1 from. The rest of it was developed for 249 townhouses. The natural area was a big selling point of interest, and buyers and many home owners paid extra money for land for the property by the wooded area and also by the water area. About four years ago, Phase II over here came in, and since then we've had a big flooding problem. Their elevation is higher than ours, and a lot of our water, a lot of this area 4 MAYOR OBERNDORF: Mr. Schmidt? COUNCILMAN SCHMIDT: Mr. Bourdon, I think I know the answer to the question, and I believe it came up at the Planning Commission Hearing, but your client is not interested in any kind of delay on this; he wants to proceed this evening? EDWARD BOURDON: Yes, he does need to proceed this evening. He owns the property and he has a contractor lined up to build his own house on one of the lots. I was not at the Planning Commission Hearing. I was out of the country at the time, so I can't speak to what was discussed there. But he's the owner of the property, he has contracts to proceed to build his own house on Lot 1 and needs to get going. His wife is anxious to get started on their house. This is not a scenario where it's just a developer speculating. This is property that they own and they want to go ahead and get started on it. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Are there any other speakers? CITY CLERK: Yes, Your Honor. I have one other. MAYOR OBERNDORF: If there are no other questions for Mr. Bourdon -- COUNCILMAN WOOD: I actually have one for Mr. Bourdon. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Mr. Wood? COUNCILMAN WOOD: And I know you weren't at the Planning Commission meeting, but the verbatim indicates that your client, initially, it says, his personal interest on the project was he wanted to build a home for his family. And that was his original idea, but then after he went to the Planning Staff he decided he wanted to expand; is that accurate? EDWARD BOURDON: That's not anything that I have any knowledge of, Mr. Wood. My understanding is he bought the property with the intent to -- because you have to extend the cul-de-sac on the property, which is a considerable expense, and he desires to divide the property. COUNCILMAN WOOD: It's the 12th line in the verbatim. EDWARD BOURDON: I do not have the verbatim, Mr. Wood. The property is 2.4 acres of land, 3 residential use here. In fact, the Planning Department and previous Councils obviously anticipated the potential to extend roadways to incorporate them into these properties. And that will probably not happen with regard to the other properties, but with regard to this there is no other viable use of the property. The proposals for a 5-10t subdivision with the same zoning as the adjacent property, the lots are all larger than R-IO lots, and there's proffered elevations for the homes, as well as square footage for the homes which will be consistent with the other homes in that community. The price range will be in the $350,000 to $400,000 price range. It's pretty much a rubber stamp easy application. However, with the JLUS/AICUZ scenario, I understand that everybody wants to take a look at it. But what we propose and what was adopted by Council, what the Joint Land Use Study said, is that when there's no other alternative, reasonable or viable use of the property, which there certainly isn't in this instance, that residential is the only reasonable use. We certainly don't want to impact this neighborhood by putting a hog farm there or some other agricultural use which really isn't consistent with our Comp Plan for this area. You've got a letter from the Navy, which I would characterize as a boilerplate letter that specifies similar to the language that you saw two weeks ago on the Munden Application, and I could characterize it as stating their position but not being adamantly opposed to the application. I do have another letter, which I will pass out if the Council wants to see it, on another application that the Navy is clearly opposed to, which is worded quite differently, but because there was some conversation a couple of weeks ago I made sure I brought it. Because, again, while the Navy certainly isn't going to stand up and support any application, their letter here clearly says and recognizes the potential that there is no other reasonable use allowed, vice the letter that I am going to go ahead and give to the Clerk with copies to everybody. If you'd take a moment to read them, I think you'll see a distinct difference in the tone of something that they're really opposed to versus something that they're doing what they need to do under the Joint Land Use Study. I'd be happy to answer any questions any of you may have regarding the Application that is before you with a recommendation for approval from your professional staff and a unanimous recommendation from your Planning Commission. COUNCILMAN SCHMIDT: Madam Mayor? 2 MAYOR OBERNDORF: Now, moving on, I declare a Public Hearing for the Planning Items. The first one, Madam Clerk? CITY CLERK: Yes, Your Honor. The first one is the Change of Zoning from AG-l to Conditional R-10 at Chestnut Oak Way, District Princess Anne, with Mr. R. K. Renukunta and Mr. Vurimindi, and Mr. Bourdon is representing the applicant. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Good evening. EDWARD BOURDON: Good evening, Madam Mayor, Mr. Vice-Mayor, Members of Council. It's my pleasure. I'm Eddie Bourdon, for the record, to represent these applicants. And believe it or not, my client who is here tonight, he goes by R. K., but he is not a candidate for City Council. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Thank you. The gentleman is standing, so we can all thank him. EDWARD BOURDON: The application involves a 2.41-acre parcel of land that is located in the Princess Anne District on the east side of Holland Road. And you can see up there on the Power point, it is a parcel that is at the end of a residential street, Chestnut Oak Way, which is in the Greenwood Community off of Holland Road. As it is Zoned Agriculture, there really is no viable agricultural use for this piece of property in a residential neighborhood surrounded by residential neighborhoods. I would note, and it is a good point, that the P-l property that surrounds it to our east and north is just that, P-l; it won't be developed and it is primarily flood plain area. There are other Agricultural properties sandwiched between these neighborhoods. And with the actions that Council took on the 28th of December I think it's fair to state there is potential that this property whereas previously would have been undoubtedly residential may be something other than residential. It may be some form of a day care, or there's a number of different opportunities that may exist with regard to this property which has frontage on Holland Road. But it is unmistakable that this piece of property that was the subject of this application has no use other than residential use. In fact, it was anticipated that it would be residential and that there's no cul-de-sac here. The road just dead-ends into this property because it was always anticipated there would be VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL April II, 2006 6:45 p.m. FORMAL SESSION CHANGE OF ZONING APPLICATION of R.K. RENUKUNTA and KAVITHI VURIMINDI VERBATIM CITY COUNCIL Meyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Louis R. Jones, Vice-Mayor Harry E. Diezel Robert M. Dyer Reba S. McClanan Richard A. Maddox Jim Reeve Peter W. Schmidt Ronald A. Villanueva Rosemary Wilson James L. Wood At-Large Bayside - District 4 Kempsville - District 2 Centerville - District 1 Rose Hall - District 3 Beach - District 6 Princess Anne - District 7 At-Large At-Large At-Large Lynnhaven - District 5 CITY MANAGER: CITY ATTORNEY: CITY CLERK: James K. Spore Leslie L. Lilley Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC DEPUTY CITY CLERK SARAH DEAL JENKINS - 36 - Item V.L.1. PLANNING ITEM # 55120 Attorney R. E. Bourdon, Pembroke Office Park - Building One, 281 Independence Boulevard, Fifth Floor, Phone: 499-8971, represented the applicant and advised the parcel is at the end of a residential street. There is no viable Agricultural use, as the property is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. City Attorney Bourdon distributed correspondence from Captain Lorge, Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station Oceana, expressing objection to the proposal. Said letter is hereby made a part of the record. Mr. Bourdon advised the plan could be revised to include a path or multi purpose trail connection to the Agricultural property to the south and the applicant will work with staff towards this goal. Daniel Wood, 2852 Saville Garden Way, Phone: 468-4269, President -Parks ide Green Community Association registered in opposition Upon motion by Councilman Reeve, seconded by Council Lady Wilson, City Council DEFERRED until the City Council Session of April 24, 2006, Ordinances upon application of of RADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNT A and KA VITHI VURIMINDI for a Conditional Change of Zoning: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF RADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNTA & KA VITHI VURIMINDI FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM AG-1 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO CONDITIONAL R-lO RESIDENTIAL DIST Ordinance upon Application of Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi for a Chanf!e of Zoninf! District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural District to Conditional R-JO Residential District on property located at the eastern terminus of Chestnut Oak Way (GPIN 14955126640000). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE The City Attorney advised the applications of RADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNTA and KA VITHI VURIMINDI and CELEBI and M. SELIM OZIC are the first to be considered under the AICUZ Overlay Ordinance. The City Attorney distributed Ordinances relative these applications noting compatible findings in compliance with the new Zoning Ordinance. There is no other reasonable use of the property and the applications encompass the least density. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Harry E. Diezel, Robert M. Dyer, Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Richard A. Maddox, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndoif, Jim Reeve, Peter W. Schmidt, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James L. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None March 14, 2006 Map I-II l\' R-50, [14 ] 7~~'-/""r.....f'~: S~~.",_~~:,~.:rK~ --~:~-~ :-:~~ ,j; :~"." .,.................-)v-'-~ R-5D' .,(8)' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi - Change of Zoning District Classification, Chestnut Oak Way (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi for a Chanae of Zonina District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural District to Conditional R-10 Residential District on property located at the eastern terminus of Chestnut Oak Way (GPIN 14955126640000). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE On April 11, 2006, the City Council deferred this matter to the April 25, 2006 City Council meeting. The applicant now requests that this matter be indefinitely deferred. . Considerations: This 2.4 acre site is currently zoned AG-1 Agriculture and is located at the stubbed terminus of Chestnut Oak Way, which is surrounded by R-10 Residential zoning developed with single-family dwellings. Due to the size and location of the site and the natural resource constraints, the feasibility of a productive agricultural operation on the subject site is nonexistent. The applicant proposes to rezone the existing AG-1 zoned property to R-10 Residential District for the purpose of subdividing the property into five (5) single-family dwelling parcels. The property is located within the 70-75 dB Ldn AICUZ. Residential use is deemed to be not compatible within this AICUZ. However, the applicant has proposed a zoning district and plan, which, in Staff's opinion, can meet the intent of the recently adopted Zoning Ordinance revisions that require all rezoning requests in the AICUZ greater than 70 dB Ldn to be the least intense and dense that is reasonable based on surrounding zoning and land use. Specifically, Section 1804 states that no application shall be approved by the City Council if the proposed use is not designated as compatible under Table 1 "unless the City Council finds that no reasonable use designated as compatible under the applicable table or tables can be made of the property." It goes on to say that in such cases, the City Council may only approve the proposed use of the property at the least density or intensity of development that is reasonable." It is Staff's opinion that the R-10 Residential District passes this test. Rezoning this infill site to commercial, office or otherwise would not follow sound planning principles, as Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 2 of 2 R-10 zoning is immediately adjacent, yielding approximately 3 units to developable acre. Staff believes this is the most appropriate and least dense zoning that makes sense. There was opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-1 to approve this request, as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Allow indefinite deferral as requested by the applicant. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department~ City Manager: ~. ~~ RADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNTA & KA VITHI VURIMINDI Agenda Item # 1 0 March 8, 2006 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Carolyn AK Smith REQUEST: Chanae of Zonina District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural District to Conditional R-10 Residential District for five (5) single-family parcels. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located at the eastern terminus of Chestnut Oak Way. GPIN: 14955126640000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 7 - PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: 2.418 acres APPLICATION HISTORY: This application was deferred at the February 8 public hearing to provide the applicant time to revise the proposed plan. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant proposes to rezone the existing AG-2 property to R-10 Residential District and subdivide the property into five (5) single-family dwelling parcels. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped, wooded, vacant site. SURROUNDING LAND North: . USE AND ZONING: South: . East: . West: . Open space, single-family dwellings / P-1 Preservation District, PD-H1 District Undeveloped property / AG-1 Agricultural District Open space / P-1 Preservation District Single-family dwellings / R-10 Residential District " '" .:>" .,0......-.-..,... ,.,_...-',::-"., '-,';,' RENUKUNT~:&VURMINDI Ag~hpaJte NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The majority of the site is wooded and is located in the Southern Watersheds Management Area. The Southern Watersheds Management Area 50 foot buffer impacts portions of the site. No land disturbance is permitted within this buffer area. In addition, a portion of the site is located within the 100-year Floodplain Subject to Special Restrictions (Section 5.5B of the Site Plan Ordinance). It appears that an administrative variance to the Floodplain Ordinance will be required in order to construct homes on lots 1 and possibly 4. The administrative variance process permits up to five (5) percent of the floodplain located on the total site to be altered provided a 1:1 mitigation is provided on site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 70 to 75 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. See the Evaluation section of this report for discussion. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Chestnut Oak Way is a two lane residential subdivision street that connects with Holland Road. Traffic Engineering has no traffic count data for Chestnut Oak Way, but based upon the number of homes on Chestnut Oak Way and the streets within the subdivision that connect with Chestnut Oak Way, the daily traffic volume on Chestnut Oak Way is estimated at 400 vehicles per day. Holland Road in the vicinity of this application is a two-lane minor suburban arterial. Improvements to provide for a four lane divided facility on a 100 foot right-of-way on this section of Holland Road are planned with CIP Project 2-158. This project is scheduled to begin construction in the spring of 2008. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Chestnut Oak No Data No Data Available Existing Land Use" - 20 Way Available (estimated at 400 ADT) ADT Proposed Land Use 3 - Holland Road 17,266 ADT 1 16,200 ADT 1 (Level of 50 ADT Service E"") Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by typical AG uses 3 as defined by five dwellings WATER: This site must connect to City water. There is an 8 inch City water main in Chestnut Oak Drive that terminates at the edge of the property. SEWER: City sanitary sewer service is available. Sanitary sewer and pump station analysis for pump station 571 is required to determine if flows can be accommodated. There is an 8 inch sanitary sewer main adjacent to the northern half of the site. . ., -.... '.,,' ," '<w'- .::,' .' "'____'" -"""'--",,", ':":":'__"""" RENUKUNTA..& VURMINDI Agenda Item ;#. to 'Page 2 SCHOOLS: School Current Capacity Generation 1 Change 2 Enrollment Christopher Farms 748 780 1.8 2 Elementarv Landstown Middle 1602 1563 1 1 Kellam Hiah 2410* 1839 1.4 1 " " generation represents the number of students that the development will add to the school 2 "change" represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning. The number can be positive (additional students) or negative (fewer students). . School Board has approved redistricting that will lower Kellam's membership by more than 500 students. The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as being within the Primary Residential Area. The Plan states that the Primary Residential Area strongly focuses on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic values and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Staff is supportive of the proposal as submitted and recommends approval as proffered. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION This 2.4 acre site is currently zoned AG-1 Agriculture and is located at the terminus of an existing street, presently developed with single-family dwellings on both sides and zoned R-10 Residential District. Due to the size and location of the site and the natural resource constraints, the feasibility of a productive agricultural operation is nonexistent. The property is located within the 70-75 dB Ldn AICUZ. Residential use is deemed to be not compatible within this AICUZ. However, the applicant has proposed a zoning district and plan, which, in Staff's opinion, can meet the intent of the recently adopted Zoning Ordinance revisions that require all rezoning requests in the AICUZ greater than 70 dB Ldn to be the least intense and dense that is reasonable based on surrounding zoning and land use. Specifically, Section 1804 states that no application shall be approved by the City Council if the proposed use is not designated as compatible under Table 1 "unless the City Council finds that no reasonable use designated as compatible under the applicable table or tables can be made of the property." It goes on to say that in such cases, the City Council may only approve the proposed use of the property at the least density or intensity of development that is reasonable." It is Staff's opinion that the R-10 Residential District passes this test. Rezoning this infill site to commercial, office or otherwise would not follow sound planning principles, as R-10 zoning is RENU KUNTA:~& VURMll\lOI Agenda,ltem;~10 . '~~g!,3 immediately adjacent, yielding approximately 3 units to developable acre. Staff believes this is the most appropriate and least dense zoning that makes sense. The existing environmental features on the site present some development limitations. The site is encumbered by both the floodplain and the Southern Watersheds Management Area 50 foot buffer. No land disturbance is permitted within the 50 foot wide buffer. In addition, a portion of the site (32,994 square feet) is located within the Floodplain Subject to Special Restriction (Section 5.5B of the Site Plan Ordinance). It appears that five (5) single-family lots are the most that can be accommodated on this 2.418 acre site without either 1) the granting of a Floodplain Variance or 2) an unconventional configuration of lots. Staff is supportive the request to rezone the property to R-10 Residential District as proffered by the applicant. Staff firmly believes that the proper number of lots for the proposed subdivision is five (5) based on the natural resource constraints of the site. This number is further reinforced by the need for the density of the development to be the lowest reasonable based on its location within the 70-75 dB AICUZ. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (91 07(h)(1)). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1: When the Property is developed it shall be subdivided into no more than five (5) residential building lots, substantially as depicted on the "PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF CHESTNUT OAK," dated January 15, 2006, and prepared by Rouse-Sirine Associates, Ltd. ("Subdivision Plan"), which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. PROFFER 2: Each of the lots shall be developed with a single family residential dwelling containing no less than 2300 square feet of enclosed living area. The homes shall be substantially in conformity with one of the three front elevations designated "SINGLE FAMILY HOME ELEVATION FOR CHESTNUT OAK" (Elevations") which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable as the permit up to five (5) lots on the site and, due to environmental constraints and the location of the site within the 70-75 dB AICUZ, Staff's position is that this site should be developed with five (5) lots. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated January 15, 2006, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. .,.< RENUKUN-,;~,8t VURNI~~DI Ag~da.ltem,;tO . 4 NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. <-..:. . .' 'C,',." '_.<.... ""':,,': -.-i..... "", , -. .... , ....'...., t"':-""" .:-,.'" ',"",' ...".........,...' ',- RENU KUN1;~~:&VURl\I1i~Di' Agerda JtemillO :ii~~~,..~ ",""'. -'> "; '~~,';\~ AERIAL OF SITE LOeATlQN\ >':^.-........,. 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'-,1 0' 01 . . t,t " II O. , . , . . . . , . . , 0 . . . . . , . , I. . . . . . , PROPOSED ELEVATION", RENUKUNliA"'& VUR~!~DI Ag~nflaltem;;~.lO , .,.\~~g!:t.,~, ;",,- ....-.q Jl ~ ~ ~ ~ \fl t'l \J\ ~ -J " ~ ~ ~ II IX> :::f: ~L~ ao ~D ~~ n J NIl c:::Jb=t c:Jr=:l .c.=Jc::J c=Jc::J ... \' c::::Jc::::J .J ~ * C) ..... va 1::::Jc::J r- J )-. c::Jc:J ~ > ~I tv ~fj DDI 1 001 i c:::Jt::::l " " c::J~.:J.~ ~%- rf) II i \ [11'11\ il. i II Iii " Ii iI c::J'11 r.:::Jc:::J ii, i Ill! I I I I c:::Jc::J liT IJ11111LHJ -" 1..iI'~il ~I' ~ o ~ "t ). \u -0 ~ '~ ~.. ~l ~ l~ 1 \ ". 1'...' ,J ~ ~ o ~\ I ... '\t. : PROPOSED ELEVAllON::;,,:\. ::,: "..,-, - .. .-.-..,.",..... ....,',. RENUKUN"F~..&VURMI!Nbl A9~daltemt:ltO ~~g~~ ..,.,^",...:".... ,. Q , It> " }- ~ :> o ~r; I I~:~l,~ L:.:.....lJ..--J r-:Jr--l '" "II ~ -.l ..:l ~ ~ l1. i i I I ' I I I I 1 j I o · ~~ " " ~ ~ ~ o II ~ PROPOSED ELEVATION;., ';,.:.,~;" .-",""'--. ->-.......... .. .. '",,';"', RENUKUN~~":&VURMIND'i;; Ag~niJalte10 Ole. 1 12/10/91 CHANGE OF ZONING (PO-H2 with R-50 Granted overlay to P-1) 2 09/08/98 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG- 1 & 2 to Granted Conditional R-10) 3 03/09/99 SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Granted 4 04/10/01 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG 1 & 2 to Granted Conditional R-10) 5 05/1 3/03 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG 1 & 2 to Granted Conditional R-50) 6 04/10/01 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG 1 & 2 to Granted Conditional R-10) 7 10/22/84 CHANGE OF ZONING (R-8 to PO-H2 with R- Granted 50 overlav) 8 11/02/87 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG-1 to R-6) Granted ZONING HISTOR't .-:.... -.. ..-:....-. ,-._..,..'--."., RENU KUN1;~:&>vURIVI1tJDI Ag~nda,.ltem;~tO .P~!J~~:'11. p\ tl7 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL AIR STATION OCEANA 1750 TOMCAT BOULEVARD ViRGINlA BEACI-!. VIRGINlA 23460-2,91 ,.. Amy I1EF=~, TO: 5726 Ser 33/058 January 26. .2006 Ms. Carolyn A. K. Smith Municipal Center Department of Planning 2405 Courthouse Drive, Building 2 Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9040 Dear Ms. Smith: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Conditional Rezoning Application, AG-lto R-I0, by Radhakrishna Renukunta/Kavithi vurimindi. Chestnut Oak, a proposed six single-familyhoxne subdivision, is located in the 70-75 decibel idB)day-nightaverage noise zone. This site lies within the Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) Overlay District, established by the City of Virginia Beach, which contemplates compatible uses with Naval Air Station Oceana. TheNavy'sAICUZ Program states that:. residential land use is generally incompatible and strongly discouraged in this zone. If the city determines that this use must be allowed and there are no other viable al ternative.s, the Navy recommends a -- noise level reduction of at least 30 dB be incorporated. into the design and construction and full disclosure of single~event ' noise levels at contract:. signing. It is also recommended that responsible agents representing this property contact my Community Planning Liaison Officer, Mr. Ray Firenze, should they have questions regarding the Navy's AIenZ Program, or the potential impacts from air operations on this property. Mr. Firenzemay be reached at (757) 433-3158. Sincerely, [\ J t n,? S. Navy Commanding Officer Copy to: COMNAVREG MIDLANT (OO/N02B) LAN'I'DIV Mayor Meyera Oberndorf Virginia Beach City COuncil Virginia Beach Planning Commission '-' .. i'.. ". _':' ,.,-. ,'....- ';....c,"'-,,,,- . . " ,:-,:,.",,:,.: ..; RENUKUNT~&VURMINDI Agenda 1telTl'i~:10 gQ~~E:l~ l- (f) W 0::: :::J (f) o ...J Q (f) 15 utS ~.2 (./;lU <1> $ 5~~ ii?ij! ~o-g V<n<ll ~~ui ~.'O lJ) l/}';;.S:!' ~ ~~ > <l>" (/) 2;~' w~o'';: O::j-C ::>,-gg 8~Eg -l >_:.. gl'o~ O~.:.~ ...J:.Em ~ ~ g>~ O:lQ.~ E g~ ~_ ~.~!" COin c. c: ~"O; - C i -;;;;~ ~ j; ~j <( 0 ~ 8 ~i, ~-j Ie ~.~ ~ ~ ~ &:~;" ~~~~ -~ 0"0-;;':::'< ~~'~~ ~ ~ ~~Q):(t cii ~g-~:0 ~ ~ ~ ,~.~ ~l " -;;= 2:. Z ;:) ~'i ::;$1 :g ~ .. I V1 ~! -I =<j ;1 .; I Q I ~~o o 0 c. 'EM ~ 8= ;:...0 $ &.~ .~~ g ~c~ ~~~ --> ~~O g ~~ ~~~.S .,,,,'0 '- 11) C <Il"'''' "II) ~S c: Q. (OJ ~~V) E;;;~ to. ~(I) :.c: d) '* ~~g..: gOi~ ~~o~ ~ Q e-~ ~.'" 0'" .~~ ~~ ~~~-g 'fl.i!:-go ~'~~'~ ~iS ~-: ~ is ~~ - :.= Q ~ ... ~ ~ai ~.'= ~ 8~:E o t:J .! tt, ... ' ': .~~~;.;; ~ ~ Q) ~ -;; ,,; ~ ,~~ :: ~ ~ E'~ ~ ~~ 5 ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ''3 ~ ~ ~ ~.9 [i o.c=4)'o"'=tl1~row -ci.?; e ;:'2 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ E 1:: ~~ ~ ,~~- g ~.~~ ~~ C u,r:-eo.c-.-- ~2~~-e~c:(Ug-f~ ~.~€~~.~ ~:=. 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'" .. ...~ L .. s g ~ o " .~ e ~!;:!t:' "'oi ~::l Ut u...'" <.J DISCLOSURE STAJEmtEN~' RENUKUNTA:'&VURMINDI Ag~r{Jaltem/rtO , P 13 Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Change of Zoning District Classification Eastern terminus of Chestnut Oak Way District 7 Princess Anne March 8,2006 REGULAR Barry Knight: Mr. Secretary, the next item to be heard. Joseph Strange: The next item is Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi. An Ordinance upon Application for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-l Agricultural District to Conditional R-lO Residential District located on property located at the eastern terminus of Chestnut Oak Way, District 7, Princess Anne, with two proffers. Barry Knight: Thank you. Will the applicant or representative of the applicant please come forward? Welcome sir. Please state your name for the record. = Radhakrishna Renukunta: I'm Radhakrishna Renukunta. I'm the owner. Good afternoon. Barry Knight: Go ahead and proceed and tell us about your application. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Weare trying for approval for a rezoning for a residential use. The land is about 2Y2 acres in size. We wish to build five homes. We worked with the Planning staff to come up with what was the best use for the site and we have taken their recommendation. Barry Knight: Thank you. Are there any questions? Mr. Ripley. Ronald Ripley: Just a comment. I appreciate you working with the Planning staff. The previous plan had another lot on there. You look like you reduced it. It looks like a better plan at this point. We appreciate you doing that. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Thank you. Barry Knight: Mr. Crabtree. Eugene Crabtree: Did you ever actually look at any other use for this property? You said that through Planning Department you determined this is the best use. Have you absolutely looked for any other use of this property? Radhakrishna Renukunta: Well, the little homework that I did was I spoke with the Homeowners' Association President and he had a briefing during their Homeowners' Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 2 meeting. One of my personal interests on the project was that we wanted to build a home for ourselves, my family. So, that is the idea when we started this project. After speaking with City planners, we were informed that there was a possibility to subdivide that lot and add more homes. Eugene Crabtree: So you really didn't look at any industrial uses or anything other than that on the property even though it has been determined that residential is best use for it. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Right. We're not really taking another path because the neighborhood was happy with homes being added. So, we didn't have a chance to really pursue any other approach. Eugene Crabtree: Are you aware that this is in the decibel zone between 70 & 75, which the BRAC Commission has recommended that we do not increase the density and that we do not build anything residential in this zone? Radhakrishna Renukunta: Yes sir. Eugene Crabtree: And it is still under study. The Inspector General has not given his decision on these things considering BRAC as of yet. = Radhakrishna Renukunta: Well, in light of all the ongoing things, as I said, we worked with the City Planning staff to basically come up with a solution or recommendation, and that is what we have followed. Barry Knight: Are there any other questions? Thank you sir. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Thank you. Joseph Strange: Our first speaker in opposition is Michael Carey. Barry Knight: We1come sir. Please state your name for the record. Michael Carey: My name is Mike Carey. I'm a resident of Chestnut Oak Way. I reside with my family at 2929 Chestnut Oak Way. Myself, as well as many of my neighbors at that end of the street have many concerns about this application. One, the noise level and working with the Navy. First of all, the density issues. Secondly, we are an established neighborhood. We do not know there is an immediate need for extra houses in our neighborhood. We purchased our house five years ago new. When we trusted our builder with remarks that he made that one it was a dead end street, two we were in the Kellam High School District, and neither of which we are true at this point. So we have concerns about the added density, and the extra traffic that will bring our quiet street at this point. Barry Knight: Thank you. Are there any questions? Ms. Wood. Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 3 Dorothy Wood: Mr. Crabtree mentioned industrial. I don't think you would be happy having an industrial use at the end of your neighborhood either. Would you? Michael Carey: No. We would not. In a perfect world, we would like to see it remain undeveloped at this point. We were told it was a bird sanctuary and a preserve. We trusted the builder with that when we bought the house. Dorothy Wood: He told you that he owned it? Michael Carey: I don't recall that he said he owned it. No. Again, we don't feel like there is a need for these extra houses, the extra traffic, problems that the construction traffic will bring. We all have small children in the area. Those are the reason that I oppose. Barry Knight: Are there any other questions for Mr. Carey? Thank you. Joseph Strange: Okay. The second speaker in opposition is Ashlee Morgan. Barry Knight: Welcome. Please state your name for the record. = Ashlee Morgan: Hi. I hope you can hear me. I'm so tiny. Good afternoon Mr. Knight. Good afternoon Commissioners. Ed Weeden: Ma' am, identify yourself for the record. Ashlee Morgan: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Ashlee Morgan. I'm a realtor here locally so I'm very familiar with the housing market. Of course, I'm also one of the newer neighbors to the neighborhood. I was also told that area could not be developed. We were very excited that it was going to remain a short dead end street with not a lot of homes. I think there are a few items that I would like the Commission to consider before they make a judgment on the rezoning of this property. Number one, I am sure you are aware of the Holland Road in the City, as far as the traffic that is down there. And, I know there are future plans to have that road expanded and widened but there is nothing firm yet. There have been no land acquisitions. No nothing. So, I wonder added traffic, more teenagers, more people going to and from if that is really necessary for five houses and the value, and the tax dollars, and the tax revenue that these homes will bring. The other issue that I have is the wetland issues. As you can see, part of this is in the flood zone that also encroaches on the Wetlands. And that is something to take into consideration. We can't continue to build and add these zonings on to our Wetlands and think they are going to be protected and preserved for the future because they will not. I see also in the proffer of your staff, they have a minimum square footage of 2,300 square feet for each home, however there is no maximum. I think some of the larger homes in our neighborhood are under 3,000 square feet. I think the largest are right around 2,800 square feet, so of course, I also worry that we're going to have these big box homes at the end of our street Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 4 that don't necessarily fit into the layout of the rest of our neighborhood. They are also building a neighborhood across the street from us. They are also building a neighborhood of at least 30 homes. So, I just think with the BRAC Commission, what they're doing and they're recommending building. At a certain point we have to start listening to them and honoring their recommendations. Thank you for your time. Barry Knight: Thank you. Are there any questions? Ms. Morgan, please come back. Ms. Wood has a question for you. Dorothy Wood: Since you're in real estate, what you like to see him do with his land? Ashlee Morgan: I understand that he wants to live in our neighborhood. Obviously, I wanted to live there too. There is a house for sale in the neighborhood that he could buy actually. Dorothy Wood: I mean, what do you expect him to do with this land? Ashlee Morgan: Ideally, it would be great to see him sell it to the City and have them put a park there because we have no park. In a perfect world, I could do whatever. We don't have a neighborhood park. So that would be nice. = Dorothy Wood: Again, I was getting back to what Mr. Crabtree said that for other reasons you would not want industrial there. Would you rather have houses? Ashlee Morgan: Oh no. Even one house would be sufficient versus increasing the density even higher. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Ashlee Morgan: One house would be sufficient and he could live there and have his home if he wants to be part of our neighborhood. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Barry Knight: Mr. Ripley. Ronald Ripley: Did you look at the application on Page 8, 9 & 10 that had elevations of proposed homes? Are they not in keeping with your neighborhood or do they not even look like nice homes to you or not? Ashlee Morgan: They look like fairly reasonable homes. I have seen this builder's homes before and obviously my concern is that they're not completely. We have no all brick homes in our neighborhood now, in our subdivision. The home that he would like to build for himself, and I don't know and I haven't spoken with RK himself, but I was told was also an all brick home, which wouldn't fit into our mostly vinyl sided neighborhood. I worry, there again about the square footage. The proffer has a minimum of 2,300 square Item # 10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 5 feet but no maximum. And so there again, I worry that he is going to put a 3,200 square foot house, get set back there, and be able to build this box home on this small portion of land per each lot size. Ronald Ripley: Were you concerned about the size of the home or the value of the home? Ashlee Morgan: Of course I love house value to rise all the time. I have no problem with the house values. I have concerns with the density, the Wetland issues for him to build the houses, the BRAC Commission, and also the size of the homes he is going to build. Those are my main concerns. Ronald Ripley: Thank you. Ashlee Morgan: Thank you for your time. Barry Knight: Mr. Strange. Joseph Strange: What is the size of the lot that you live on? = Ashlee Morgan: We live on a 10,000 square foot lot. So the lot size is the same but the square footage of each home is smaller. Joseph Strange: Okay. Thank you. Ashlee Morgan: Thank you. Barry Knight: Are there any other questions? Thank you Ms. Morgan. Ashlee Morgan: Thank you. Barry Knight: Mr. Strange. Joseph Strange: The next speaker is Cody Oubre. Barry Knight: Welcome sir. Please state your name for the record. Cody Oubre: Good afternoon. My name is Cody Oubre. I am a resident of 2941 Chestnut Oak Way, Virginia Beach. I have lived in this subdivision. I purchased one of the first homes built in this subdivision in October 2000. I am a member of the Greenwood Home Association, and I question the accuracy of the statement that we're pleased with that. I know that I am a member of it and my wife is a member of it. I am not pleased with adding homes to this subdivision. We purchased this house in October 2000 on the basis that we had surrounding agriculture preservation districts, small neighborhood in control and put us in the desired school districts. Our subdivision has many young kids, which has created the issue of danger to the young kids in our Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 6 neighborhood. The school district recently indicated that the Landstown Middle School, which we are districting for is overcrowded combining that with the fact that there is 30 home subdivision right across the street being built, adding more people, more houses, more traffic. I don't think that is in the best interest of our neighborhood. We would ask that the Planning Commission not approve this application. Barry Knight: Thank you sir. Ronald Ripley: You know, when I looked at this piece of land, this road terminates at the end of the street where others have cul-de-sacs, which is typically the planning. When everybody bought it and everyone is reporting that nothing would happen back there, did that seem suspicious to you? It looks like to me that typically when a project is planned out unless it cul-de-sacs, the road is just terminated at the end and it is intended to be extended typically. That seems what is envisioned here. Did nobody consider that when you purchased? = Cody Oubre: I'm not an expert in the field. I'm a common ordinary citizen. I relied upon the facts that were presented to me by other people who may not have known the facts. But I had no other course and couldn't afford to hire an attorney just to investigate that issue. I relied on the facts. I understand that there are some public right-of-ways or easements back in that area as well. I relied on the information that I could obtain. Ronald Ripley: Thank you. Barry Knight: Are there any other questions? Thank you sir. Is that all the speakers? Joseph Strange: Those are all the speakers. Barry Knight: Okay. Would the applicant like to readdress some of the oppositions concerns? Welcome sir. Reinstate your name. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Again, Radhakrishna Renukunta, the owner. All I could say as if under a year, we will be the first ones to move in when we start building. If anything happens we will be the one closest to the side as far as any serious service dangerous to the kids. I, myself have two children, six and six months old. The other concern regarding 2,300 square feet, one of the proffers, the homes are going to be in the range of 2,800 - 3,000 square feet. And, one of the persons of the Homeowners' Association was not happy, I don't know. I've been in touch with the President. The feedback that I got was from him. So, I never acted at their meetings but I did pass on the information that I had access to the play out and whatever went on. At the city deferrals and whatever the progress was he was notified often. I think, again everybody is familiar with this. Planning has done their homework. We're working with Public Works, Utilities, and they have all determined. They have their recommendation as part of their review. I would ask the Commission to consider all those facts, and make a determination. Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 7 Barry Knight: Hold on a second. Ms. Katsias has a question. Kathy Katsias: Do you own the property currently or are you just a contract buyer for one of the homes? Radhakrishna Renukunta: That is my property. I own it. Kathy Katsias: So, you're building the five houses that are going to be for sale? Radhakrishna Renukunta: The present plan that I have is just to build one home. When we talked with the City Planners, the ideal approach was to get it rezoned with a layout and then occupy one lot rather than building a home, which you were not supposed to build there. The setback has to be so much and those issues. So, we wanted to have a clear plan for the land before we did anything. Kathy Katsias: So right now the plans are to just building one house with the possibility of building four more. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Right. We're positioning our house so we don't disturb the other layout. = Kathy Katsias: Thank you. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Thank you. Barry Knight: Mr. Crabtree has a question for you. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Sure. Eugene Crabtree: Okay. I have a question for you. In lieu of the pending things with the Inspector General's report and all of that I have eluded to earlier, would it be an imposition on you if you had to wait until that report became public before any action was taken? Do you plan to build so soon that it would be an imposition to you? Radhakrishna Renukunta: Sir. We have been postponing this so long and we want to get started as soon as possible. Even my attorney, Mr. Bourdon is on vacation, and I took this effort to come in front of you. Eugene Crabtree: Do you think it would be an imposition if this was delayed to a later date when we had more information on what's happening within that area as far our report from BRAC and the Inspector General's decision? Radhakrishna Renukunta: Well, if your asking my opinion, I would be happy to progress with this project. The sooner. The better. Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 8 Eugene Crabtree: Thank you. Barry Knight: Any other questions? Ms. Wood. Dorothy Wood: I would like to make a motion we approve it. Barry Knight: Okay. Are there any other questions? Thank you. Radhakrishna Renukunta: Thank you all. Barry Knight: We have a motion on the floor by Dot Wood to approve. Do I have a second? A second by Kathy Katsias. I open it up for discussion. Mr. Crabtree. Eugene Crabtree: I'm going on the record as I have stated before that because of the pending report and not knowing what the results are going to be, I'll have to vote "NAY" on this project at this time. Barry Knight: Okay. Is there any other discussion? Mr. Bernas. = Jay Bernas: I just have a question for staff. If you look at the aerial and I had the same question that Ron had is that you have three streets that terminate into this AG property. Was there a master plan or something where all these streets would connect? Because Ron said it is not typical that these streets would terminate without a cul-de-sac. Was there some sort of long-range plan that they would connect in the future? Robert Scott: The responsibility of the Planning Commission and City Council was to assign a reasonable zoning category to every piece of property. AG is not reasonably zoning category because it is not agricultural land. No one can farm piece of property that small or that remote for the rest of the agricultural community. There needs to be a rezoning to something. It was anticipated that this property, some day and I think its true of some of the other vacant land in the area would develop as the rest of the Holland Road Corridor developed. And that a street terminating at its boundary that would provide the method of getting in and out in a reasonable orderly fashion. So that is why the street was stubbed out there because there was an anticipation of the properties that would some day get rezoned. All would be treated by the same rules developing the density and so forth. Barry Knight: Any other discussion? Mr. Ripley. Ronald Ripley: And I think also it would be inappropriate not to consider that it be in the same zone as the property adjacent to it if you were to go with a larger zoning ordinance it would promote a bigger house. I've never heard anybody come in and be opposed the houses being too big. That is new to me. I think I understand what the lady was saying having too big a house in the neighborhood would maybe look different. That is valid I Item #10 Radhakrishna Renukunta & Kavithi Vurimindi Page 9 think. So instead of going to the R-IO and we went to a R-20, that would promote a bigger house and you would get less lots but you could build a bigger house probably right on that. So it seems like the appropriate zoning to me. I think the test that we're charged with is to determine if there is no other feasible use of it. We certainly don't want to put nay kind of business use back there. It wouldn't make any sense so I think it is the best alternative. Barry Knight: Thank you. Mr. Livas. Henry Livas: I would agree that there is no other alternative use. I was thinking along those same lines. He has been cooperative and has reduced it from six down to five so that treats the density a little bit. So, I would be inclined to approve it. Barry Knight: Thank you. Is there any other discussion? There is a motion on the floor to approve. The first was made by Ms. Wood and seconded by Ms. Katsias. I'll call for the question. AYE 9 ANDERSON AYE = BERNAS AYE CRABTREE HENLEY AYE KA TSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE LIV AS AYE RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER WOOD AYE NAY 1 ABSO ABSENT 1 NAY ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 9-1, the application of Radhakrishna Renukunta and Kavithi Vurimindi has been approved. Barry Knight: Thank you. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No. DF-6233 DATE: March 28, 2006 FROM: Leslie L. Lilley ~ 8. Kay Wilson ~ DEPT: City Attorney TO: DEPT: City Attorney RE: Conditional Zoning Application; Radhakrishna R. and Kavithi Vurimindi The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 11, 2006. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated January 15, 2006, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW fcms Enclosure cc: Kathleen Hassen / RADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNTA and KAVITHA VURIMINDI a/k/a KAVITHI VURIMINDI, husband and wife TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 15th day of January, 2006, by and between RADHAKRISHNA RENUKUNTA and KAVITHA VURIMINDI a/k/a KAVITHI VURIMINDI, husband and wife, Grantor; and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of a certain parcel of property 10cated m the Princess Anne District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing approximately 2.418 acres, which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Said parcel is herein referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-10 Residential District; and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation; and GPIN: 1495-51-2696 PREPARED BY: I SYl(J;:S. ROURDON. AHmN & LM. P.C 1 WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict and that in order to permit differing uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantor's rezoning application gives rise; and WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for the R-10 Zoning District by the existing overall Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for itself, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in interest or title: 1. When the Property is developed it shall be subdivided into no more than five (5) residential building lots, substantially as depicted on the "PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF CHESTNUT OAK", dated January 15, 2006, and PREPARED BY: prepared by Rouse-Sirine Associates, Ltd. ("Subdivision Plan"), which has been IIBsvns. ROURDON. exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach IIIAHrnN & LM. P.C Department of Planning. 2 2. Each of the 10ts shall be developed with a single family residential dwelling containing no less than 2300 square feet of enclosed living area. The homes shall be substantially in conformity with one of the three (3) front elevations designated "SINGLE FAMILY HOME ELEVATION FOR CHESTNUT OAK" ("Elevations") which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. 3. Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed. The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the goveming body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void. The Grantor covenants and agrees that: (1) The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the goveming body of the City PREPARED BY: of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and IISyn:s. ROURDON. restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any Am:RN & llVY. P.c noncompliance with such conditions be remedied; and (b) to bring legal action or 3 PREPARED BY: II SYIC~S. nOURDON. AIlrnN &: UVY. P.c. suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding; (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the Grantor and the Grantee. 4 PREPARED BY: lIB SYIa:S. ROURDON. UAHrnN & LM. p.e WITNESS the following signatures and seals: GRANTOR: "'~"'\~ . "-",,,- 'I ~ ," -.. . ~:\/ t .."..........., '., . '-"L, ." Radhakrishna Renukunta (SEAL) katilt.,I-L/ . Kavitha Vurimindi (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~t>th day of January, 2006, by Radhakrishna Renukunta and Kavitha Vurimindi a/k/ a Kavithi Vurimindi, husband and wife, Grantors. _A:7~ -t. k l1 ie/Mke Notary Public My Commission Expires: August 31, 2006 5 PREPARED BY: DSms. ROURDON. .. MID & UVY. P.C EXHIBIT" A" ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, belonging, lying, situate in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and known, numbered and designated as "PARCEL B" as shown on that certain plat entitled "RESUBDMSION OF PARCEL A, SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY OF AMERICA WILSON ESTATE, AND LUCINDA HASKINS 2 ACRES, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA", dated November 7, 2005 (rev. 12-30-05), prepared by Rouse-Sirine Associates, Ltd., which said plat is recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, as Instrument # 20060104000020570. GPIN: 1495-51-2696 ConditionalRezone jRenukuntajProffer3 Rev.lj25j06 6 - 33 - Item V-J.4. PLANNING ITEM # 54920 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Jones, seconded by Councilman Dyer, City Council DEFERRED until the City Council Session of February 28, 2006, Ordinances upon application of HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.c. for a Conditional Change of Zoning and Variance to f4.4 (b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES IL 1.1.C FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM AG-1 AND AG-2 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO CONDITIONAL R-20 Ordinance upon Application of Heron Ridge Properties II, 1.1.C for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-20 Residential District on property located at 2817 Seaboard Road (GPINs 24036750380000; 24036647250000). The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being within the Princess Anne Transition Area, suitable for cluster housing using creative planning and development techniques. The purpose of this rezoning is to develop single1amily homes. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE AND, Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for Heron Ridge Properties II, 1.L.C for property located at 2817 Seaboard Road (GPINs 24036750380000;24036647250000). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE Voting: 11-0 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye: Harry E. Diezel, Robert M Dyer, Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Richard A. Maddox, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Jim Reeve, Peter W. Schmidt, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James 1. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None February 14,2006 - 44- Item V-K.4. PLANNING ITEM # 54967 Attorney R. E. Bourdon, Pembroke Office Park - Building One, 281 Independence Boulevard, Fifth Floor, Phone: 499-8971, represented the applicant and advised Wiliam E. Weddle and Jean Ray Weddle who have owned the property for over 27 years, and his clients desire to maintain the stately home built on this property as well as the beautiful specimen trees. To maintain the integrity of the home it is necessary to create a larger lot. As the proffers re the open space areas conflict with the policy and need to be amended, this application should be DEFERRED INDEFINITELY. The proffers state the open space will be utilizedfor the residents of the eight (8) homes. The following registered in OPPOSITION: Bernard Byrne, 2728 Esplanade Court, Phone: 430-0571, advised he did receive notice this application would be heard tonight, February 28, 2006. Mr. Byrne advised he had not been contacted nor has he reviewed the revised plan to be submitted by the applicant meeting the Transition Area guidelines Rick Rivera, 3044 Heron Ridge Drive, phone: 721-6063, President - Heron Ridge Community Association, was concerned re the available open space and additional traffic into the community. Bobby Rountree, 2913 Couples Court, Phone: 721-3394, former Board Member-Heron Ridge Community Association, represented future residents of Oak Breeze. Mr. Rountree urged curbs and gutter instead of swales. Upon motion by Councilman Reeve, seconded by Council Lady Wilson, City Council DEFERRED INDEFINITELY Ordinances upon application of HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, LLC. for a Conditional Change of Zoning and Variance to 94.4 (b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.c. FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM AG-1 AND AG-2 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO CONDITIONAL R-20 Ordinance upon Application of Heron Ridge Properties II. L.L.c. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-20 Residential District on property located at 2817 Seaboard Road (GPINs 24036750380000; 24036647250000). The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being within the Princess Anne Transition Area, suitable for cluster housing using creative planning and development techniques. The purpose of this rezoning is to develop single-family homes. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE AND, Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.c. for property located at 2817 Seaboard Road (GPINs 24036750380000;24036647250000). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE February 28, 2006 - 45 - Item V-K.4. PLANNING ITEM # 54967 (Continued) Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: Harry E. Diezel, Vice Mayor Louis R Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Richard A. Maddox, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorj. Jim Reeve, Peter W. Schmidt, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James 1. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Robert M Dyer February 28, 2006 Map J-13 Map Not to Scale ~ NAG-I 0" AG-I Conditional Zoning Change - . ertles AG-I ,.r"~~~~~_~?, ~~~:)} CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C. - Change of Zoning District Classification and Subdivision Variance on property located at 2817 Seaboard Road (GPINs 24036750380000; 24036647250000) MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: a) An Ordinance upon Application of Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C. for a Chanqe of Zoninq District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-15 Residential District b) Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance. [No longer needed - WITHDRAWAL REQUESTED] DISTRICT 7 / PRINCESS ANNE This item was deferred at the February 14 and February 28 City Council meetings. . Considerations: The applicant proposes to rezone the existing AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-15 Residential District and develop the site with eight (8) lots. The site is within the Princess Anne area, formerly the Transition Area. The allowable density for the area is one dwelling unit or less per developable acre provided the development meets certain criteria defined within the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 5 - Princess Anne. The proffered site plan depicts 8.4 acres with eight (8) lots ranging in sizes from 15,052 square feet to 41,546 square feet. The 41,546 square foot lot surrounds the existing old farmhouse and its facilities and landscape. The lot will remain in private ownership, but does serve as a visual amenity for the neighborhood or the public since the context of the farmhouse is largely retained. There are 4.2 acres of open space, or 50 percent of the acreage. The applicant is retaining the cedar tree line along the southern portion of the site and integrating it into the open space area. A 50-foot buffer is depicted along Seaboard Road. A multi-purpose trail meanders across the front of the site connecting to a proposed trail through the wooded farm road and to a trail around the lots through the open space. Category IV screening and an eight (8) foot high privacy fence is Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C. Page 2 of 2 proposed adjacent to the golf course maintenance facility on the adjoining property. The applicant also proposes Category IV screening along the eastern portion of the site adjacent to the existing residential lots on Seaboard Road. Also depicted on the plan in response to concerns from the Planning Commission is a landscape buffer adjacent to the existing lot to the north. The applicant is also proffering $1,000 per lot toward the purchase of open space within the Transition Area. The plan has been revised since the February 28, 2006 City Council meeting, and the plan now shows that 50 percent of the total area will be open space. This has been achieved by reducing the lot sizes from the R-20 level to the R-15 level and through a redesign of the project. The proposal now fully conforms to the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. The Subdivision Variance request was for lot widths on the previous plan that did not meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The widths of the lots on the revised plan now meet the requirements of the ordinance; thus, the Subdivision Variance is not needed, and the applicant requests withdrawal of that request. Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 8-1 with 1 abstention to approve the requests as previously submitted with a different plan. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval of the Change of Zoning and Granting Withdrawal of the Subdivision Variance. Planning Commission recommends approval. ~ Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ~ k, {fJ0'I1 HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 1 , 2 REVISED FOR April 25, 2006 City Council Meeting . Map j-lJ h,,' :,,-, ,',1. AG-J AG-I REQUEST: 1) Chanqe of Zonina District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-15 Residential District. 2) Subdivision Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located 2817 Seaboard Road GPIN: 24036750380000 24036647250000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 7 - PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: 8.41 acres The applicant proposes to rezone the existing AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional R-15 Residential District and develop the site with eight (8) lots. The site is within the Princess Anne area, formerly the Transition Area. The allowable density for the area is one dwelling unit or less per developable acre provided the development meets certain criteria defined within the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 5 - Princess Anne. The proffered site plan depicts 8.4 acres with eight (8) lots ranging in sizes from 15,052 square feet to 41,546 square feet. The 41,546 square foot lot surrounds the existing old farmhouse and its facilities and landscape. The lot will remain in private ownership, but does serve as a visual amenity for the neighborhood or the public since the context of the farmhouse is largely retained. SUMMARY OF REQUEST There are 4.2 acres of open space, or 50 percent of the acreage. The applicant is retaining the cedar tree line along the southern portion of the site and integrating it into the open space area. A 50-foot buffer is depicted along Seaboard Road. A multi-purpose trail meanders across the front of the site connecting to a proposed trail through the wooded farm road and to a trail around the lots through the open space. Category IV screening and an eight (8) foot high privacy fence is proposed adjacent to the golf course HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 1 maintenance facility on the adjoining property. The applicant also proposes Category IV screening along the eastern portion of the site adjacent to the existing residential lots on Seaboard Road. Also depicted on the plan in response to concerns from the Planning Commission is a landscape buffer adjacent to the existing lot to the north. The applicant is also proffering $1,000 per lot toward the purchase of open space within the Transition Area. The applicant did not submit any architectural elevations but has provided the typical Transition Area proffer that the dwellings will contain no less than 2,500 square feet of floor area, excluding garage, for one-story units, and no less than 2,800 square feet of floor area for units over one-story. Each home shall have a garage for a minimum of two (2) automobiles. The applicant has also proffered that all the residential dwellings constructed on the property shall have. visible exterior surfaces, excluding roof, trim, windows, and doors, which are no less than 75% brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials. These proffers insure that the proposed dwellings are of the same high quality as those in adjacent neighborhoods, ensuring values well above $500,000. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: A single-family dwelling and several outbuildings occupy the site. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: · Single-family dwellings I AG-2 Agricultural · Single-family dwelling I AG-2 Agricultural · Seaboard Road · Across Seaboard Road are Single-family dwellings I AG-2 Agricultural · Golf Course I AG-1 Agricultural West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: Along the northern portion of the site are several mature trees, shrubs and underbrush. Along the southern portion of the site is a stand of cedar trees, which previously lined the old farm road into the now Heron Ridge Estates subdivision. There are no cultural features associated with the site other than the old farmhouse. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Seaboard Road in front of this site is a two-lane collector street. There are no projects in the currently adopted HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 2 Capital Improvement Projects to improve this section of Seaboard Road. The Master Transportation Plan depicts Seaboard Road as a 11 a-foot width right-of-way with a bikeway. During detailed site plan review a right turn lane on southbound Seaboard Road to the proposed connector road will be required. Additionally right-of-way will be required to be dedicated at the corners of the proposed connector road with Seaboard Road. The proffered site plan depicts 15-foot corner radii at Seaboard Road; this must be increased to a 35-foot radii. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Seaboard Road 2.996 ADT' 6.200 ADT Existing Land Use L - 10 Proposed Land Use 3_ 110 , Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by the existing single-family dwelling 3 as defined by 8 single-family dwellings WATER: City water does not front the site, but it may be extended for connection purposes provided hydraulic analysis supports the potential demand. There are ten (10) inch city water mains in Heron Ridge Drive and Heron Ridge Lane. Health Department approval is required for private wells. The developer has indicated that the proposed development will connect to the City water system. SEWER: The subdivision must connect to City sanitary sewer. Analysis of Pump Station #633 and the sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. There is a six (6) inch City force main and an eight (8) inch gravity sanitary sewer line in Heron Ridge Road. An eight (8) inch gravity sanitary sewer line exists in Heron Ridge Lane. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site to be within the Princess Anne I Transition Area. The land use planning policies and principles focus strongly on promoting this area as a well-planned, low density, fiscally sound and desirable destination for people to live, work, and play. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN "The policies of this Comprehensive Plan are designed to ensure that the Transition Area continues to be a well-planned area. Employment, mixed use, and residential centers, each with its own open space and trail system, will be clustered along and connected to the public greenway offering a variety of quality home and work environments." (p. 143) The Transition Area Matrix was used to evaluate this proposal. The evaluation indicates that the plan as submitted meets the Transition Area policies. HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 3 Staff recommends approval of this request. The proposal has been revised since the Planning Commission hearing and since the February 28 City Council hearing and now conforms to the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. Development within the Princess Anne / Transition Area is not to be considered as a continuation of the higher density growth existing in the northern urban area of the city, but as a more limited type of growth, with its own development standards suitable to the character of the area. The proposed density for this part of the Transition Area, outside the Interfacility Traffic Area related to NAS Oceana, is one dwelling unit or less per developable acre depending upon the degree to which the proposal meets the Transition Area criteria. This density minimizes the level of impact on existing public infrastructure and avoids the need for higher level and more expensive urban improvements. This is in keeping with the intent of the Green Line in that it ensures that citizens in other parts of the city will not be subsidizing capital improvements to support higher density development in this area. The development must strive for a minimum of 50% open space. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the proposed development meets the criteria defined in the Princess Anne / Transition Area Design Guidelines. The site is 8.41 acres with eight residential lots proposed. The lots vary in size from 15,052 square feet to 41 ,546 square feet and are surrounded by the open space provided as an amenity. The plan has been revised since the February 28, 2006 City Council meeting, and the plan now shows that 50 percent of the total area will be open space. This has been achieved by reducing the lot sizes from the R-20 level to the R-15 level and through a redesign of the project. Staff recommends approval with the proffers as submitted. The proposed proffers are listed below. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (S107(h)(1)). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1: When the Property is developed it shall be subdivided and landscaped substantially as depicted on the "CONCEPTUAL SITE LAYOUT PLAN OFOAK BREEZE HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES", dated 3/20/06, and prepared by MSA, P.C. ("Concept Plan"), which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. PROFFER 2: Except for the existing dwelling located upon the lot designated 6 on the Concept Plan. each of the single family residential dwellings to be constructed shall contain no less than 2500 square feet of enclosed living area, excluding garage for one-story and no less than 2800 square feet of enclosed living area for dwellings in excess of one-story. Each home shall have a garage for a minimum of two (2) vehicles PROFFER 3: Except for the existing dwelling located upon the lot designated 6 on the Concept Plan, all HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 4 residential dwellings constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior surfaces, excluding roof, trim. windows, and doors, which are no less than 75% brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials. PROFFER 4: When the Property is developed, the "DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, CHARGES AND LIENS OF OAK BREEZE", which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning, shall be recorded by the Grantors for the purpose of subjecting the Property to the requirements set forth therein. PROFFER 5: The party of the first part recognizes that the subject site is located within the Transition Area identified in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach, adopted December 2, 2003. In addition to integrating significant open spaces with a low density, high quality, housing component as specified in the Comprehensive Plan, the party of the first part agrees to contribute the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per lot to Grantee to be utilized by the Grantee to acquire land for open space preservation pursuant to Grantee's Outdoors Plan. If funds proffered by the party of the first part in this paragraph are not used by the Grantee anytime within the next twenty (20) years for the purpose for which they are proffered, then any funds paid and unused may be used by the Grantee for any other public purpose. The party of the first part agrees to make payment for each residential lot shown on any subdivision plat prior to recordation of that plat. PROFFER 6: Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City Agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated March 27, 2006, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 5 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 6 PROPOSED SITE PLAN II!!I 1. 1 ,. II! ll~,; ~it! - .lISIHX3-9NiNOZ-::l:l-[J^"" DDEJ-' :"',' ll31~JdO~d ~.;QIM NO;';':: ,.;- ""." '~! p' ,.,. - j ;'o~i ' -~- ~- ~;: ~ ~ ~r;-ijl"a~~~~~=: _ . r~;_y ~-' _z _ _, ' ~ ~ 3Z33H8 )l'VO -- , ;, '-" , ; .. : NV-'d loa" \', "VfUd3~NO'O c.."",,' ,,7 :~}~: ~ i !: ~-,;~ ~ . ~,...__A,,_ _",_..,_w._..mm.~_:O"._.__.w__"~' ". ._'~_.,.'A_' ___, _,._,...w.m.....'~.^_......__v_ .... ,.,...w.._.-.._....-'.___._._..." ,-, ._.~<w.......,.._ w",~~'w~__'_'^ .. ..'.......,~....__.., .:<-:;-:":" llJ I- -_1i5~ .. " .......-lit- ' a.. <: ::E.. 5: ~'" <, t). o -' -, ", I"; ~ ~ , !; ._-~._>->.. ,~ .0);0..;- ;;/;;Oq'~'l"S ~ " ~ ~ " -: ~ ~ o " " :< ::: ~ '.u <: C HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 7 PROPOSED SITE PLAN - DETAIL ~...... Or-o,&- 0& ... "'09'r-3'S' ~. '( :.: ----.", '..J ... "-, ... ~ HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 8 Map J-13 Mop Not to Scale '0 ~ NAG-I AG-I AG-I AG-I ~ 1. 1/14/03 Rezoning (AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural to Conditional R-20 Approved Residential) 2. 9/18/89 Conditional Use Permit (Borrow Pit) Denied 4/20/93 Conditional Use Permit (Single-family dwellings) Approved 9/28/93 Conditional Use Permit (Golf Course) and Subdivision Variance Approved 6/28/94 Conditional Use Permit (Modify and enlarge golf course) Approved 7/8/97 Conditional Use Permit (Golf Course), Subdivision Variance, Rezoning (AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural to Conditional R-30 and R-20 Residential) Approved ZONING HISTORY HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 9 II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm. business. or other unincorporated organization. complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members. trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessalY) Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C.: r'v1 & T Management. Inc., Managing Member: Thomas C. Broyles, Member; Michael E. Barney. Member 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entitl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is differentfrom applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers. members, trustees, partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessBIY) Heron Ridge Golf Club. L.C,: Thomas C, Broyles, Richard A. Mladick, Elly D. Mladick, Jess G. Ross, Jerome P. Ross, Regent Investments, L.L.C.. and Georgetown Commons. L.L.C., Members 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entiti relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership. firm, business. or other unincorporated organization. ; & L See next page for footnotes Conditional Rezoning .Application Page "11 of 12 z C> I I ~ U I ( I 1 ~( ~ c;...:, Z I I Z C> .N ~ ~ C> I I f--t I I ~ Z C> U HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 10 z o I . ~ u >> 1 ~ ~ ~ <:.:;) Z >> << Z o N Eia =3 z o t . f-4 I ( o z o u ~."j AUDi~10~'JAL DtSCLOSUI.:E:S HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 11 z o ) ( ~ U J I ......:t r". ~ c;;..:, Z I I Z o .N ~ ~ o I << f--4 ) << Q Z o u rJ i ~~ c: ~3 L J S~ E: ~;T' !\-~T" E:, rvl :E (\l--r ADDITIONAL DISCLOSUHES ~>dtCt;-nt the (;{x/\,~ ,,' nt'nc "; t (:~); d l:~:::t . n:E'te st-.:; ::;th<~r 'tia"-: <-~:'-.t;,r>er 1:'; tn..JC and acc:~rtjtc, '/t/ ~~jfJ(:;"lE~ '~\/ecc::le HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C. City Council Meeting of April 25, 2006 Page 12 , I Transition Area Matrix Allowable maximum residential density for any rezoning in the Transition Area under the policies of the Comprehensive Plan is 1 unit per acre. The maximum density can be achieved through adherence to the Evaluative Criteria provided below and further explained in the Design Guidelines for the Transition Area. Each section of the Evaluative Criteria below ties to the Design Guidelines through the graphic icon at the top of the section. For further guidance on the respective section of the Matrix, turn to the page of the Guidelines that has the corresponding graphic icon. Staff will 'score' the proposed development for its consistency with the Evaluative Criteria below. The scores are then totaled and the total is 'plugged' into the formula below to determine the recommended maximum density for the development. PROJECT: Heron Ridge Properties MATRIX REVIEW DATE: 4/5/2006 PROJECT DATE: Evaluative Criteria Total Comments Natural Resources Degrees to which the project 2.0 preserves and integrates into the overall project the natural resource amenities on the site. Amenity 4.0 Nature and degree of the amenity Design Degree to which the project 4.0 incorporates good design into the proiect (A) TOTAL: 10.0 (8) TOTAL 111 possible points 0.90 (C) TOTAL 111 * 0.5 = 0.45 (D) Line (C) + 0.5 dulacre = 0.95 dulacre (E) Line D * total 7.98 units I developable acres (8.4) = Transition Area Matrix Page 1 of 7 Line A -- total number of points from the worksheets on the following pages. Line B -- total divided by the total number of possible points, which is 11 Line C -- total from Line B multiplied by 0.5, which is the amount between the baseline density of 0.5 dwelling units per acre and the possible 1 dwelling unit per acre (du/ac). Line D --total from Line C added to 0.5 du/ac (the baseline density) to obtain the maximum density for the site. Line E -- total from Line D multiplied by the number of developable acres on the site. thus providing the maximum number of units for the site. (1) Natural Resources Existing forests, wetlands, meadows, cultivated fields, and related features a) Are natural resources protected? Comments: · Yes, the proposed lots have been located to protect the existing stand of cedar trees along the southern portion of the site, as well as the vegetation located on the northern portion of the site around an old farmhouse. b) Are natural resources integrated into project? Comments: · Yes. The stand of cedar trees will be part of the open space for the site and will also contribute to the adjoining neighborhood through the retention of the trees and the re- use of an existing dirt drive as a trail. The open space is separated from the proposed lots rather than integrated into the lots. YES X (0 to 1 point) NO 0 (0 points) YES X (0 to 1 point) NO [1 (0 points) NATURAL RESOURCES TOTAL Insert in appropriate box on page 1 Total 1 1 2.0 Transition Area Matrix Page 2 of 7 (2) Amenit A feature that increases the attractiveness or value of the site consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the Transition Area. a) Is the amenity, if present, visually or operationally available to those who do not own property in the development? Comments: . Yes, a 50-foot buffer along the Seaboard Road right-of-way flows into the open space and trail described above. If the area is developed creatively it will provide a visually attractive amenity for the general public. b) Does the amenity consist of recreational components? Comments: . Yes, the existing dirt drive will be re-used as a trail that connects the Heron Ridge neighborhood to Seaboard Road, as well as to a trail that will run around the proposed lots through the open space area. An area has also been set aside for picnic activity in the open space behind Lot 4. YES X (0 to 1 point) NO C (0 points) YES X (0 to 1 point) NO 0 (0 points) Total 1.0 1.0 Transition Area Matrix Page 3 of 7 c) Are improvements made that provide visual or physical access to the natural resources on the site OR are improvements made to create a new amenity to the property? YES X (0 to 1 point) 1.0 Comments: . Yes. New trails are shown, and a picnic area is provided. NO o (0 points) d) Is there connectivity linking any open space and/or amenities between this development and adjacent existing or future developments? YES X (0 to 1 1.0 Comments: point) . Yes. NO D (0 points) AMENITY TOTAL 4.0 Insert in appropriate box on page 1 Transition Area Matrix Page 4 of 7 v (3) Oesi n Creation or execution in an artistic or highly skilled manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the Transition Area. a) Are natural or manmade water features incorporated into the development in a way that they serve as amenities? Comments: . There are no existing or created water features on the site. b) Is there an attempt to integrate the amenities as an integral part of the overall development? Comments: . Yes. The existing features of the site (the dirt drive and flanking cedars and the old farmhouse) are retained as either visual or operational amenities. New amenities, in the form of the trails and picnic area, are added as amenities and are easily accessible from the lots and from outside the site. YES X (0 to 1 point) NO C (0 points) YES X (0 to 1 point) NO 0 (0 points) Total o 1.0 Transition Area Matrix Page 5 of 7 c) Does the development retain or create views or scenic vistas that can be seen from the road? YES X (0 to 1 1.0 Comments: point) . Yes, the development does retain the stand of cedar trees that flank the dirt drive located on the southern side of the site. NO C (0 points) d) Is a mixture of lot sizes and the clustering or massing of homes used to achieve a primarily open space development? Comments: YES X (0 to 1 1.0 point) . Yes. Lots range from 15,015 square feet to 41,546 square feet. NO o (0 points) Transition Area Matrix Page 6 of? e) Does the development use roadway and "hard infrastructure" that is appropriate for its design? Is it consistent with the vision and recommendations of this area as expressed in YES X (0 to 1 1.0 the Comprehensive Plan? point) I Comments: i . The proposed roadway section is appropriate for its design. !NO o (0 points) DESIGN TOTAL 4.0 Insert in appropriate box on page 1 Transition Area Matrix Page 7 of 7 Item # 1 & 2 Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.c. Change of Zoning District Classification Subdivision Variance 2817 Seaboard Road District 7 Princess Anne December 14, 2005 REGULAR Dorothy Wood: I'll turn it over to Mr. Joe Strange, our Secretary to call the first item Joseph Strange: The first items are Items #1 & 2, Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C. An Ordinance upon Application of Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.c. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditi<?nal R-20 Residential District on property located at 2817 Seaboard Road and an Appeal to Decisions of Administrative Officers in regard to certain elements of the Subdivision Ordinance for property located at 2817 Seaboard Road, District 7, Princess Anne with six proffers. Eddie Bourdon: Thank you Madame Chair, for the record, Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attorney representing the applicants and this property has been assembled by the developers of the Heron Ridge Golf Course. Mr. Broyles, and his partners, and it's a 2- acre assemblage. It's a two parcel assemble 8.41 acres on the west side of Seaboard Road just north of the Estate of Heron Ridge. A substantial portion of the property is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Weddle, whose home is on the property and is going to remain as one of the proposed eight lots of the subdivision. The property adjoins the maintenance facility for the golf course and the golf course itself to the west, there are some rural residential homes along Seaboard Road that have been there for years on lots under three-acres in size. We have a beautiful tree line driveway here, which we are going to convert to a trail. The proposed development because it is a small site makes it difficult, as everyone understood, when we did the Design Guidelines for the Transition Area that these small infill sites would be difficult and this is the case here. We originally had talked about bringing this in as a road but that would have caused these beautiful trees to come down so the property has been designed with a road coming in here on this little short cul-de- sac and clustering the lots on the northern side of the property. The lots vary in size. We have preserved this area to the south as open space as well as the Transition Area or Princess Anne buffer along Seaboard Road created the variances for the lots in the rear, in order to reduce the size of the street and which are consistent with our guidelines. The only issue that I am aware of that exists here is one of eight lots versus seven. And eight lots are consistent with the one unit per acre. Where the issue arises on small properties is where our goal. I believe it is written as a goal to strive for 50 percent open space. Any small properties where you have to put a road in it, makes it virtually impossible to do that. And, let me also point out that we are designing these home sites and the proffers so that the homes built on these lots will be consistent with those at Heron Ridge. These are actually the same proffers as far as the size of the homes and the architectural requirements as exist in the adjacent Heron Ridge neighborhood. It is obviously a tremendous amount of open space that is already there. With the golf course, with the Heron Ridge community and we think we created a functional open space here that connects through with the trail. It goes into Heron Ridge and we believe the only equitable way to deal with these small infill properties where we actually design this one in a manner that was suggested or recommended to us by the staff is to provide additional monies for open space acquisition of a larger scale. We have done that with our proffers. We proffered $1,500 per unit, which is more than has ever been proffered in any other in the Transition Area development. I did mention that the property is not in an AICUZ area so we don't have that problem or that issue here. What we think makes the most sense and because of the suggested goal is to provide for additional funds for the City to require more useful open space in areas where it is more necessary than in this particular location where we are adjacent to some open space. We are meeting all of the other criteria. We are not adverse to proffering additional funds over and above what is already in our proffers if that will help to make it equitable in terms of what we are trying to achieve and looking at what we have here with a small infill piece of property. Last thing that I will mention is that we have no problem whatsoever adding a proffer that we will provide the required buffer in the agricultural area from the Hartley's property to the north. The Hartley's are wonderful people. I've known them for quite a while. We're certainly more than happy to provide that proffered change as well. With that, I'll be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Dorothy Wood: Any questions for Eddie? Ron. Ronald Ripley: What looks like to be a trail does that connect to the golf course community? Eddie Bourdon: This used to be a driveway coming into the farm behind it. This connects it. I don't know if you have the aerial. There is actually a drive aisle coming down to the maintenance facility on the west, right through here. This connects all the way through to Heron Ridge. Ronald Ripley: So a pedestrian can walk through? Eddie Bourdon: The trail would encumber all the way through and then out on to Seaboard Road. Hopefully and eventually a means will be had to get across to the east. Ronald Ripley: Where is the Hartley's property? Eddie Bourdon: It's the property to the north right here. Ronald Ripley: What kind of buffer would you put in? Eddie Bourdon: The required buffer under the Agricultural Zoning would be a, I think it's a 50 foot area that you have to have buffered with low vegetation adjacent to it and as high you can back bone it. Ronald Ripley: You mentioned additional money that you might be willing to proffer. Did you consider what that would be? Eddie Bourdon: We don't have a problem say $25,000 as a total amount proffered towards acquiring open space elsewhere to make up for the slight short problem of the matrix. The reason for the shortfall is primarily because of the small nature of the site. I think we had originally proffered 1,500, which would be close to doubling what we proffered already. Actually we would be doubling it. The most I ever had a client proffer for open space acquisition and Transition Area was $750.00 a unit, which is not a requirement. We've done that in cases where there was already 50 percent open space of a larger project. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Din. William Din: Mr. Bourdon, I guess one of the concerns that I heard expressed to me was the quality of the houses that will be built on this property. There are no elevations provided or anything like that other than this one proffer. Why aren't elevations provided on this issue? Eddie Bourdon: The proffers are identical to the proffers that we used with Heron Ridge. The house that will be built here will the same quality, the same type of homes that were built in Heron Ridge, which the applicants, as I said are the developers of the golf course at Heron Ridge and the actual development ofthe homes themselves were done by number of different builders pursuant to the very same proffers. They will be identical to the houses in Heron Ridge in terms of their size and their architectural features and building materials. That is the same proffer. We can go out and take pictures of those houses at Heron Ridge and give you those. That is what the proffer is what I'm saying. William Din: This piece of property is not associated with the Heron Ridge development. Correct? Eddie Bourdon: No. It will be in association with. We will have to approve the plans. I'm sorry if that is what you're asking. The plans will have to be approved by the developer as being consistent with the proffers, which is 75 percent brick, and the size of the homes. William Din: I'm finished. Ronald Ripley: A point of clarification. You said the proposed adjusted proffer is $25,000 total. Is that what you said? Eddie Bourdon: Yes. That would be little over $3,000 per unit. We will be happy to revise the proffer to increase the amount so as to provide funds that require open space. I do think. that in this location we certainly have significant open space provided for. Dorothy Wood: $25,000 is good. Eddie, answer any questions after the next speaker please? Thank you. Joseph Strange: Speaking in opposition we have Laura Sisino. Dorothy Wood: Hello and welcome. Laura Sisino: Hi. Thank. you for listening to me today. My name is Laura Sisino. I reside at 2821 Seaboard Road, which backs up to the proposed plan for the property. Dorothy Wood: Would you show us your property? There is a pointer right there. Laura Sisino: This house right there is my property. Dorothy Wood: Okay. Thank you. Laura Sisino: I moved to the small farmhouse with rural charm and openness. It is my sincere wish to preserve the qualities and value in this neighborhood. By doing so I suggest that we keep the open space desire at the minimum of 50 percent as suggested in the guidelines of the Princess Anne Transition Area. With the current at 41 percent of open space, I feel it is not suitable to the character of this area. The layout of the current plan does not allow for each dwelling to maximize the views of the open space. On Lot 5 exists a beautiful historical home with some very old trees next to the farmland. The back end of my lot is only 25 feet deep. And, the dwelling of such proportions that is proposed to be built on Lot 6 between my residence and Lot 5, I feel that the historical home and my house would not be in keeping with the integrity and the character of this area. I have spoken with the local realtor and I'm concerned because I was informed that if in fact a home is built on Lot 6, it would more likely decrease the value of my home as it will more than likely be close enough to tower over my home. However, if Lot 6 does remain, I would request because of the odd shape of my lot and its very shallow, I would request that consideration be made for several more feet. The back of my home and allow for me to have more open space. I hope also that an eight-foot fence or a buffer zone could be considered for me as well as the farmland. I hope we can continue to shape this area and provide a clear vision that will respect its past while we plan for its future and provide the quality that this area deserves. I hope that the Commission understands that I speak for my part that I wish to see this area remain true to its character. Dorothy Wood: Thank. you. Would you please answer any questions if we have any? We don't have any. Thank you so much. Laura Sisino: Thank. you. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Bourdon. Would you like to say a few words in rebuttal? Eddie Bourdon: Just a few words. We have. in fact, for the Widdle's benefit, have tried to preserve their home. That is why their lot is carved out with their existing home that is much larger than the others. We would be happy to plant a buffer along the boundary here to the ladies property. Dorothy Wood: Just like she requested Eddie? Eddie Bourdon: We don't have any problem with that. We'll be happy to do that. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Are there any other qu~stions for Mr. Bourdon? Donald Horsley: I have a question for Mr. Scott. Dorothy Wood: Yes sir. Donald Horsley: Bob, this 50-foot buffer between the agricultural land can that be counted as open space? Robert Scott: If it is restricted as to use and made available to all the people that are out there, I'm not quite sure how that would configure. Donald Horsley: That wouldn't work? Robert Scott: To us, there is a win-win situation here. This is not really that hard of a problem. Mr. Bourdon makes some good points. But I think the speaker made some good points as well. First of all there is the issue of the Transition Area Guidelines, which are reasonable and universally applied throughout this area. It is not hard to go from 41 percent to 50 percent and meet the basic minimums. The Planning Staff can show how to do it. It can be laid out to meet that guideline. I would suggest that this property needs to be developed much that has been proposed by the applicant but with some minor adjustments that brings it in to compliance with the guidelines. Perhaps to a little bit better job of taking care of the concerns of the residents nearby. I think it is pretty easy to do. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Perhaps if we voted on it today and passed it on? Mr. Bourdon? Eddie Bourdon: I was simply going to say we have had good dialogue with the staff and have had extensive dialogue and would be happy to continue to do so. I think by preserving the Widdle's existing structure and the size of that lot is also a contributor to the small short falls. I'll be more than happy to work with Mr. Scott and his staff between now and City Council. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. We still want the $25,000 though Eddie. Eddie Bourdon: We've been amenable to that because we understand the small nature of the sites to take it away to make equitable. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Donald Horsley: Mr. Scott, does that seem to be alright with you? Robert Scott: It's alright with us if we work toward the goal of meeting the basic minimums. I think my staff has gone above and beyond the call of duty in actually doing some design work on this property. We're willing to continue to do that because I think the speaker that came up from the adjoining property does make some pretty good points. I think it's to meet those concerns. We're look forward to the opportunity to continue that discussion. Dorothy Wood: As we all mentioned this morning, Mr. Scott we're very lucky to have you and your staff. We all appreciate you. Thank you. Ronald Ripley: Mr. Scott, does that mean reconfigure the open space somehow? Robert Scott: It might be to reconfigure it and slightly increase it. I think it would be a good thing to be able to say that this application met the basic requirements of the area. And, I think we need to do it. I know there are some obligations based on the contract that has been described to us and we respect them. I know we have to work around that. We're willing to do that. But if necessary, a few things need to be changed around. Incidentally, we're not interested in having a loss oflots out here. Eight versus seven if you can do it right. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Is there any other discussion? Do we have a vote? William Din: I think the write up by the staff recommends a denial of this application because of the lack of 50 percent open space. Even though that is just a guideline, I think we should stay true to that guideline. I would like to see something more positive or concrete in the way of making these changes so that when we meet that 50 percent either that or defer this item, but I would not prefer this, and I don't think I will support approving this item because of that. I would strongly recommend to us that 50 percent is an affordable issue here. And I think based upon Mr. Scott's statements that this thing can work out and establish and continue that 50 percent guideline we should try to do that. So, unless we are deferring this item or something more concrete is put in here, a proffer or some sort, I don't know if that is proper or not? I cannot support for approval at this time. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Knight. Barry Knight: I see the applicant has done a couple of things. He's assembled some properties albeit small properties but he has assembled properties, which is what we want. And, he has made some move to try to protect the agricultural side, which is in our code but he's done that and he's agreeable to doing that. Mr. Scott said he didn't mind the eight lots and I think eight lots is in keeping with Heron Ridge, which is going to the adjacent property owners, are going to be a good consideration. Sometimes on these Transition Area Guidelines the guidelines don't apply to all pieces of property particularly the smaller parcels of property. We're out of compliance on the recommendation of open space by 9 percent from 41 percent to 50 percent. And, he is going to proffer $25,000 to put into open space fund to purchase open space, hopefully in the general area but for some more open space. I think I would like to make a motion to pass this on with the understanding that he is going to get eight lots. It's going to conceptual as to this. The $25,000 proffer but also the understanding to get with staff and go to Council and hopefully that 41 percent can be uplifted. He may not be able to make the 50 percent but it can be uplifted with consideration of $25,000 proffered open space. I'll put that in a way of a motion. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. A motion by Barry Knight and seconded by John Waller to approve the application. Robert Miller: Madame Chair? Dorothy Wood: Yes Mr. Miller. Robert Miller: I need to abstain. My firm is working on the project. Dorothy Wood: We appreciate it Mr. Miller. Are there any comments before we vote? Okay. AYE 8 ANDERSON AYE CRABTREE AYE DIN HORLSEY AYE KATSIAS KNIGHT AYE MILLER RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER AYE WOOD AYE NAY 1 ABS 1 ABSENT 1 NAY ABSENT ABS Ed Weeden: By a vote 8-1, with the abstention so noted, the application for Heron Ridge Properties has been approved. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Prepared by: Kaufinan & Canoles, P.c. (MEB) P.o. Box 626, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451 Tax MaplParcel Nos.: 2403-67-5308 2403-66-4725 DECLARA TION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS. CONDITIONS. RESTRICTIONS. CHARGES AND LIENS OF OAK BREEZE Section 1.2. Section 1.3. Section lA. Section 1.5. Section 1.6. Section 1.7. Section 1.8. Section 1.9. Section 1.10. Section 1.11. Section 1.12. Section 1.13. Section 1.14. Section 1.15. Section 1.16 Section 1.17. Section 1.18. Section 1.20. Section 1.21. Section 2.1. Section 3.1. Section 3.2. Section 3.3. TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, CHARGES AND LIENS OF OAK BREEZE ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS "Annual Assessment".. ............... ......... ... ............ ... ..... ....... ........... ....... .... .....1 "Architectural Review Board" .... ........... ...._.__.. ........................_.._................1 "Articles" .............. ......... ........... ...... ........ ............... ............................-.. ........1 "Association" ....... ............... ..................... .... ..... ............ ......... ........... ....... ....1 "Bylaws" ......................._.... ........... ................. _. .... .......... ......... ........ ......... ....2 "Clerk's Office" ................ ...................... ........... .......... .._...... _. ......... ......... ....2 "Common Area" ............... ....... .......... ._.... .......... .............................. - ........ ....2 "Declaration" ................ ............... _.... ......... ....... ......... .... ........................... ....2 "Developer" ........ ..............._ _. ....................................... ............................. ....2 "General Assessments" ... ..................... .................._ _.... ............................ ....2 "Governing Documents" _.................... _.................. ........... _ _............ ......_......2 "Improvement" . ............ ...... __............... ..._... ............................ _......._.... ..... ....2 "Lot" ............... ......... ............. .............. ........................... .... ........... .... ........ ....2 "Member" ................... ._.. ........... _. ......... ...... ............ _......... ......... ......... ..........2 "Municipality" .................... ......... ....... .............................. ........ ........ ........ ....3 "Owner" ... ............................ ....... ......... .................... ..... ....... ......... ......... ......3 "Property" .... ............ .... ......... .................... .................. ....... ... ........... ......... ....3 "Virginia Code"............................ .... ............. ... ...... .~........................ ......... ...3 "Zoning Ordinance" ........ ........... ......................... ..... ................ .... -........... ....3 ARTICLE II ADDITIONS TO THE PROPERIT Additional Area............ .................... ...................... ................. ............... ......3 ARTICLE III OWNERS ASSOCIATION Membership......................................... ............. ................. ................... .......3 Classes of Membership........_......... ....................... .................. __...................3 Voting Rights .. ...... ............ ........... ....._... .... ............................_..._... ... ... ...... ...4 11 Section 3.4. Section 3.5. Section 4.1. Section 4.2. Section 4.3. Section 4.4. Section 4.5. Section 4.6. Section 4.7. Section 4.8_ Section 4.9. Section 5.1. Section 5.2. Section 5.3_ Section 5.4. Section 5.5. Section 5.6. Section 5_7. Section 5.8. Section 5.9. Section 5.1 O. Section 5.11. Section 6.1. Section 6.2. Section 6.3. Section 6.4. Section 6.5. Section 6.6. Section 6.7. Section 6.8. TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page Suspension of V oting Rights .. ........................ '.' ...... ...._. ..............................4 Articles and Bylaws to Govern; Property Owners' Association Act ._.........4 ARTICLE IV COMMON AREA Obligations of the Association............. ..................... ....... ........ ........... .........4 Owners' Rights of Enjoyment and Use of Common Areas..........................5 General Limitations on Owners' Rights ....... ............._............. .._... ...............5 Delegation of Use... -...................-. ................... ......... _............................ ......6 Damage or Destruction of Common Area by Owner _.................................6 Rights in Common Areas Reserved by Developer .....................-................6 Title to Common Area ....... ........... ................ .............._............ ....................7 Veterans Administration Approval................. _ ........_................................... 7 Reservation of Rights Regarding Common Area ........................................7 ARTICLE V ASSESSMENTS Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation for Assessments ..................8 Purpose of Assessments ...... .... ...................... ................... .... ..... ......... ..........8 Annual Assessments ...............-........ ............................_............ _................ ..8 Special Assessments........................... ............. ....... ..._............. _.... _.... ..........8 Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments........................................9 Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments; Remedies of Association..............9 Subordination of Lien to Mortgages ......................._.................... ................9 Exempt Property -.--....... .....-.... ... ...... ......... ............_...... .... .._......... ................9 Annual Budget ......-... ................. ............................. ........................ ..-........10 Capitalization of Association .................................... ................... ..............10 Loans by Developer .. .....-...-.........................................._........_. .......... ........1 0 ARTICLE VI ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Architectural Review Board .... ........ ................. ........ _... ....-........................10 Plans to be Submitted ......... ................................................ ....... ................11 Consultation with Architects, etc.; Administrative Fee .............................11 Approval of Plans.... ............... ................................. ............_. ...... ..............12 No Structures to be Constructed, etc. Without Approval..........................12 Guidelines May Be Established ................................................-................12 Limitation of Liability........ ............................. ............._...._..........._. .._..... ...] 2 Other Responsibilities of Architectural Review Board .............................12 Jl) TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page ARTICLE VII USE OF PROPERTY Section 7.l. Section 7.2. Section 7.4. Protective Covenants ..................._._....... _....__ .................... .........................13 Maintenance of Property............... ............ ....... ..........-.. .............................19 Security. __.. .... ........... .......................... ..... .............. ......-...... .-......... ...-....... ..19 ARTICLE VIII EASEMENTS Section 8.1. Section 8.2. Section 8.3. Section 8.4. Section 8.5. Section 8.6. Section 8.8. Utility Easements. .... ... ........ ....... ... ........... ....-......... ......... .......... ..... .......... ..20 Erosion Control......... ... ....... .............. ....... ............. ....... .............. ....... ..... ....20 Maintenance of Lots .. .......... ............ .... ... ...... ... ................ ...... ............. .......20 Construction Easements and Rights.. ....... ......... .......... ........ .... ....... ... ...... ...21 Right of Entry for Governmental Personnel........................................_.....21 Easement for Landscaping, Signs and Related Purposes...........................21 Easement for Encroachment ......................................................................21 ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 9.10. Section 9.11. Section 9.12. Section 9.13. Durati on ......................................... ..................... ..................................... ..22 Amendm ents ........_.................................................................................... .22 Enforcement .... ............ ....... ................... ......... ...-.- ...... ~ ........................... ....22 Limitations.. ... ......... ............ ......... .... ................ ...... ..... ........ .... ....... ........ ....23 Severability........... ....... ...... ..... .............. ........................ ........ .., ....... ....... ....23 Confli ct ............................... _...................... _.............................................. .23 Interpretation... .............. ...... ..... ............ _'. ...... ...... ................... ................. ...23 Use of the Words "Towne Square" or "Towne Square Community Association" . ........... ... ......... ..... .................. ... ...... ....... ...... .... ..... ...... ....... ....23 Approvals and Consents ..... ............. ............... ............... ....... .......... ....... ....23 Assignment of Developer's Rights.... ......... ....... ..... ..... ............. .......... ..... ...23 Successors and Assigns....... ..........._............ .... ............ ........ ..... .......... ........23 Compliance with Property Owners' Association Act.................................24 Section 9.l. Section 9.2. Section 9.3. Section 9.4. Section 9.5. Section 9.6. Section 9.7. Section 9.8. ARTICLE X DISSOLUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION Dissolution of the Association. .._....... ........... ...... ................... .............. ..... .................................... .24 ARTICLE XI NOTICES 'Notices 24 EXHIBIT A IV DE CLARA TION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, CHARGES AND LIENS OF OAK BREEZE THIS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, CHARGES AND LIENS ("this Declaration") is made this _ day of ,2006, by HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ("Heron"); William E. WEDDLE and Jean Ray WEDDLE, husband and wife ("Weddle"); and M&T MANAGEMENT, INC., a Virginia corporation ("Developer") [all named herein as "Grantor" for purposes of recording]. RECITALS Heron and Weddle are the owners of certain real estate in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on which Developer intends to create an eight (8) lot residential community to be generally known as "Oak Breeze." In order to provide for the preservation and enhancement of property values and the maintenance and care of certain amenities within the community, Developer desires to subject (subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth related the the Lot owned by Weddle) the real estate described in EXHIBIT A to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth, all of which are for the benefit of and binding upon the Property and the Owners within the Property so subjected. NOW, THEREFORE, Developer hereby declares that the real estate described in EXHIBIT A hereto, is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth, as the same may be amended, modified, supplemented or restated from time to time. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1.1. "Annual Assessment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.2 of this Declaration. Section 1.2. "Architectural Review Board" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1 of this Declaration. Section 1.3. "Articles" means the Articles ofIncorporation of the Oak Breeze Community Association, as the same may be amended from time to time. Section 1.4. "Association" means the Oak Breeze Community Association, a Virginia nonstock corporation, its successors and assigns. Section 1.5. "Bylaws" means the Bylaws of Oak Breeze Community Association, as the same may be amended from time to time. Section 1.6. "Clerk's Office" means the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Section 1.7. "Common Area" means (i) real estate and or easements specifically designated as "Common Area" or "Common Area Easement" on recorded plats of the Property or in any other instrument executed by Developer and recorded in the Clerk's Office which are not dedicated to the Municipality or other governmental authority; (ii) the portions of the Property, if any, designated as "Open Space," Open Space Easement" or similar purposes on recorded plats of the Property and conveyed (by deed or plat dedication or easement) to and accepted by the Association; and (iii) an other real property, easements, and improvements or facilities now or hereafter owned or leased by the Association which are intended to be devoted, in whole or part, to the common use and enjoyment of the Owners. The Common Area includes or may in the future include, without limitation, entrance signs and entry features, landscaping easements ,or lighting located within or adjacent to streets within the Property, a park and open space areas, one or more storm water detention ponds. Section 1.8. "Declaration" means this Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Charges and Liens as the same may from time to time be supplemented or amended. Section 1.9. "Developer" means M&T Management, Inc., and its successors as "Developer" of the Property to whom Developer has assigned its rights hereunder by instrument recorded in the Clerks' Office as provided in Section 9.11. Section 1.10. "General Assessments" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.3 of the Declaration. Section 1.11. "Governing Documents" means the Articles, the Bylaws, this Declaration, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time. Section 1.12. "Improvement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2 of this Declaration. Section 1.13. "Lot" means any lot which is shown on a recorded subdivision plat of all or a portion ofthe Property (or any subsequently recorded subdivision plat) and on which is constructed or is to be constructed a single family, detached residence. The tenn "Lot" shall not include any portion of the Property which at the time in question is not included in a recorded subdivision plat, nor shall "Lot" include Common Areas, private streets or property dedicated to and accepted by a public authority. Section 1.14. "Member" means every person or entity who holds membership in the Association. 2 Section 1.15 "Municipality" shall mean the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Section 1.16. "Owner" means the record holder, whether one or more persons or entities, of fee simple title to any Lot, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Section 1.17 "Property" means all property currently subjected to this Declaration, together with such other real property as may from time to time be subjected in whole or in part to this Declaration by Developer pursuant to Article II hereof as and when such other real property is subjected. Section 1.18 "Virginia Code" shall mean the Code of Virginia (1950), as in effect on the first date of recordation of this Declaration and as amended from time to time thereafter. Except as otherwise expressly permitted herein, if any sections of the Virginia Code referred to in this Declaration are hereafter repealed or recodified, each such reference shall be deemed to apply to the section of the Virginia Code that is the successor to the previous section referred to herein, or, if there is no successor section, such reference shall be interpreted as if the section had not been repealed. Section 1.19 "Zoning Ordinance" means the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance adopted by Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, as may hereafter be amended, including all special zoning applicable to the Property and any proffered conditions incorporated therein, together with all other zoning ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the Property. If the Zoning Ordinance or any other applicable ordinances, rules and regulations in effect on the first date of recordation of this Declaration are subsequently repealed, amended or supplemented in any respect or if any variances or waivers are subsequently granted with respect thereto, the term "Zoning Ordinance" when used in interpreting or applying this Declaration at any point in time shall mean the Zoning Ordinance and such other ordinances, rules and regulations as they have been repealed, amended, supplemented, varied or waived as of such point in time. ARTICLE II ADDITIONS TO THE PROPERTY Section 2.1. Additional Area. There are no additions to the Property contemplated_ ARTICLE III OWNERS ASSOCIATION Section 3.1. Membership. Every Ownerofa Lot shall be a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and shall not be separated from ownership of any Lot. Upon the recordation of a deed to a Lot, the membership of the selling Owner shall cease and the purchasing Owner shall become a member of the Association. Section 3.2_ Classes of Membership. The Association shall have two classes of voting membership: 3 Class A. All Owners of Lots, including Developer as to Lots owned by Developer, shall be Class A members. Class B. Developer shall be the Class B member. The Class B membership shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the date on which Developer ceases to own two or more of the approved Lots lying within the Property or, (ii) the date on which Developer executes and records in the Clerks' Offices an amendment to this Declaration terminating the Class B membership. Section 3.3. Voting Rights. (a) Each Class A Member including Developer, shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote for each Lot owned. (b) Developer as the Class B Member shall be entitled to cast three (3) votes for each Lot owned. Section 3.4. Suspension of Voting Rights. The Board of Directors of the Association may suspend the voting rights of any Member subject to assessment under this Declaration during the period when any such assessment shall be delinquent, but upon payment of such assessment the voting rights of such Member shall automatically be restored. Section 3.5. Articles and Bylaws to Govern~ Property Owners' Association Act. Except to the extent expressly provided in this Declaration, all the rights, powers and duties of the Association and the Members, including the Members' voting rights, shall be governed by the Articles and the Bylaws. The Articles provide, among other things, that the Class B member shall appoint the members of the Board of Directors until the Class B membership terminates. However, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Declaration and the provisions of the Articles or Bylaws, this Declaration (to the extent applicable) shall control. In addition to all of the rights, powers and duties of the Association provided in this Declaration, the Association shall have all of the rights, powers and duties provided in the Property Owners' Association Act, Section 55-508 et seq. of the Virginia Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. Except as expressly provided otherwise by applicable law, all Temedies provided to the Association by the Property Owners' Association Act shall be in addition to the remedies set forth in this Declaration. ARTICLE IV COMMON AREA Section 4.1. Obligations of the Association. The Association, subject to the rights ofthe Members set forth in this Declaration, shall be responsible for the maintenance, management, operation and control (subject to the right of entry by the public and! or the citizenry oftbe Municipality over tbe area designated" Open Space", containing approximately 4.2 acres, under applicable transition zone ordinances and guidelines and subject to assumption of risk by non-Members in exercising such general access rights and subject to tbe limitation of liability of the Association for such entry as hereinafter set forth) , of the Common Area 4 leased, conveyed, reserved or dedicated to or for the benefit of the Association and all improvements thereon constructed thereon by the developer or the Association (including fixtures, personal property and equipment related thereto) and shall keep the Common Area and such improvements thereon erected by the Developer and Association in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, this Declaration, and the Association shall keep the same in good, clean and attractive condition, order and repair. The Association shall be responsible for the management, control and maintenance of all private streets and street intersection signs, street lighting (to the extent not maintained by the Municipality or other governmental authority), directional signs; plantings; entrance features and/or "theme area" lighting; stone, wood or masonry fence or wall features and/or related landscaping; and pedestrian or bicycle paths, which are erected, installed or planted in the Common Areas by the Developer or the Association for the benefit of the Members or the Association; and provided such items are not maintained by the Municipality or other governmental authority or other association and are located within Common Areas. Section 4.2. Owners' Rights ofEnloyment and Use of Common Areas. Subject to the provisions of this Declaration and the Articles and Bylaws, every Owner shall have a non- exclusive right, in common with other Owners and Members, aDd subject to the public's right to access as set forth in 4.3 below, of enjoyment in and to the Common Areas which right of enjoyment shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot. The Common Areas shall be used by Owners only for the purpose or purposes for which they may have been improved by Developer or the Association and subject to any applicable restrictions or proffers in the Zoning Ordinance. Any Common Area which has not been improved for a particular use is intended to remain in its natural condition until so improved, and any use thereof by an Owner shall not damage or disturb such natural condition or the enjoyment thereof by other Owners. Section 4.3. General Limitations on Owners' Rights. The Owners' rights of enjoyment in the Common Areas shall be subject to the following: (i) the right of the Association to establish reasonable rules and regulations and to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of the Common Areas; (ii) subject to the limitation imposed by the last sentence of Section 55-5]4 C. of the Virginia Code as in effect on the date hereof, the right of the Association to suspend the right of an Owner to use or benefit from any of the Common Areas for the period during which any assessment against his Lot is delinquent; (iii) the right of the Association to suspend the right of an Owner to use or benefit from any of the Common Areas for any period during which any other violation by the Owner of this Declaration, or the rules promulgated by the Association pursuant to this Declaration remains uncorrected after the last day of a period established for correction by the Association (such period to be stated in a notice to the Owner together with a statement ofthe "Violation complained of and the manner of its correction) and for not more than sixty (60) days after such correction; 5 (iv) subject to the Bylaws, the right ofthe Association to mortgage any or all of the Common Areas for the purpose of making improvements or repairs thereto; (v) subject to the Bylaws, the right of Developer or the Association to grant utility easements across the Common Areas as provided in Section 8.1; (vi) subject to the Bylaws, the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Areas to any public agency, authority or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be desired by the Association; (vii) all of the other easements, covenants and restrictions provided for in this Declaration applicable to the Common Areas; and (viii) the right of the citizens of Virginia Beach or the public, as applicable, to exercise the right of entry in a lawful manner if and as provided in applicable ordinances of the Municipality's Transition Zone Guidelines; provide however that neither the Association, nor its Members, Directors, or Officers shall have any liability to the public or such citizens when exercising any such right of entry established by the applicable rules, regulations and ordinances of the Municipality, and as a pre-condition to any organized event or gathering on the Open Space, such sponsor or organizer shall furnish the Association with an acceptable certificate of prepaid insurance insuring the Association from any and all liability, property damage and personal injury, containing limits of not less than $100,000 property damage and $1,000,000 singlelirnit liability. By entry on the Common Area or Open Space each non-Member shall be deemed to have assumed all risk ofloss or injury, and to have released, and agreed to indemnify and save harmless, the Association and its Members, Directors and Officers from any and aJl liability for personal injury or property damage whatsoever. Section 4.4. Delegation of Use. Any Owner may delegate his right of enjoyment to the Common Area to members of his family living on his Lotand to his guests (but only if accompanied by Owner) and may transfer such right to his tenants, all subject to such rules and regulations and fees as may be established from time to time by the Association. Section 4.5. Damage or Destruction of Common Area by Owner. In the event any Common Area or improvement thereon constructed by the Developer or the Association is damaged or destroyed by an Owner, his tenants, guests, licensees, agents or members of his family, the Association may repair such damage at the Owner's expense. The Association shall repair such damage in a good and workmanlike manner in conformance with the original plans and specifications of the area or improvement involved, or as the Common Area or improvement may have been theretofore modified or altered by the Association, in the discretion of the Association. The cost of such repairs shall become a special assessment on the Lot of such Owner and shall constitute a lien on such Owner's Lot and be collectible in the same manner as other assessments set forth herein. Section 4.6. Rights in Common Areas Reserved by Developer_ Until such time as Developer conveys a parcel of real estate constituting Common Area to the Association, 6 Developer shall have the right as to that parcel, but not the obligation, (i) subject to the provisions of Article VI hereof, to construct such improvements thereon as it deems appropriate for the common use and enjoyment of Owners, and (ii) to use the Common Area for other purposes not inconsistent with the provisions of this Declaration. Until such time as Developer conveys a parcel of real estate constituting Common Area, as the case may be, to the Association, Developer, shall maintain such Common Area in neat condition and repair, including mowing and removing underbrush and weeds. Section 4.7. Title to Common Area. Developer may retain legal title to the Common Area as the case may be, or portions thereof, but notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, Developer shall convey each Common Area to the Association, in a condition acceptable to the Association, free and clear of all liens, but subject to this Declaration and all other easements, conditions and restrictions of record at such time as such improvements are completed and in a condition acceptable to the Association. Regardless of whether the Common Areas actually have been conveyed by the Developer, as the case may be, Owners and the Association shall have all the rights'and obligations imposed by this Declaration, the Articles and Bylaws with respect to the Common Areas from and after the date such Common Areas are designated as such by recordation of an appropriate instrument in the Clerk's Office. The Association shall be liable from the date a deed or deeds to such Common Area is recorded in the Clerk's Office for payment of taxes, insurance and maintenance costs with respect thereto. Until the Common Areas are conveyed to the Association, Developer, as the case may be, shall be liable for payment oftaxes, insurance and maintenance costs with respect thereto. Section 4.8. Federal Mortgage Agency. So long as the Class B Membership exists and a mortgage or deed of trust in favor of or insured by the Veteran's Administration, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Qr the Federal National Mortgage Association exists on any Lot, Developer shall not do the following without the prior written approval of the Veterans Administration: (i) annex any Additional Area, (ii) mortgage any Common Areas, (iii) dedicate any material Common Areas to general public use except as required by the Zoning Ordinance, or (iv) consolidate, merge or dissolve the Association. Section 4.9. Reservation of Rights Regarding Common Area. Certain of the open space, conservation areas, and historic resources may be better suited for ownership by a private, nonprofit organization among whose purposes is the conservation of open space land and/or natural or historic resources. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, and regardless of whether such areas have previously been designated as Common Areas, Developer reserves for itself, and it's successors and assigns, the right, for so long as Developer is a Member, to transfer and convey in fee simple such open space, conservation areas, and historic resources as Developer deems in the best interests of such areas to the Municipality or one or more governmental or private, nonprofit organizations. Developer specifically reserves the right to grant non-exclusive access rights and the non-exclusive right to erect, maintain and use, a playground on the Common areas to the governing organization of the adjacent community, Heron Ridge Estates. Any transfer and conveyance shall comply with the specific criteria set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. 7 ARTICLE V ASSESSMENTS Section 5.1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation for Assessments. Subject to Sections 5.5,5.8, and 5.9, each Owner of a Lot (other than Developer), by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant to pay to the Association assessments as set forth in this Declaration and in the Bylaws. The assessments, together with interest thereon, late charges and costs of collection including attorneys' fees, shall be a continuing lien upon the Lot against which each such assessment is made in order to secure payment thereof and shan also be the personal obligation of the party who was the Owner of the Lot at the time the assessment fell due. No Owner (other than Developer) may waive or otherwise avoid liability for the assessments provided herein by nonuse of the Common Areas or abandonment of his Lot. Each assessment, or installment thereof, that is not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate established by the Association, which rate shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. Each assessment, or installment thereof, that is not paid within ten (10) days of its due date shall, at the option ofthe Association, incur a late charge in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) or such other amount as may be otherwise established from time to time by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association. Section 5.2. Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used for the management, maintenance, improvement, care, operation, renovation, repair and replacement ofthe Common Areas and improvements thereon and other property owned, leased, or acquired by the Association of whatsoever nature, for the furnishing of certain services benefiting the Lots including, without limitation, any lease of a clubhouse or other facility for use by its Members, for the discharge of all taxes and other levies and assessments against the Common Areas and improvements thereon and other property owned, leased, or acquired by the Association, for the procurement of insurance by the Association in accordance with the Bylaws, for the establishment of reserves with respect to the Association's obligations, for the discharge of such other obligations as may be imposed upon or assumed by the Association pursuant to its Articles or Bylaws or this Declaration, and for such other purposes as may be authorized by or pursuant to the Articles or Bylaws. Section 5.3. Annual Assessments. "Annual Assessments" shall mean "General Assessments. " (a) General Assessments. ]. Purpose. "General Assessments" shall mean those assessments used for the general purposes set forth in Section 5.2 above. 2. Basis. The General Assessments shall be established and increased or decreased from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Association pursuant to the Bylaws. Section 5.4. Special Assessments. In addition to the General Assessments, the Board of Directors of the Association may levy a periodic special assessment ifthe purpose in doing so is 8 found by the Board of Directors to be in the best interest of the Association and the proceeds of such assessment are used primarily for the maintenance and upkeep, including capital expenditures, of the Common Area. If any such special assessment is in an amount greater than the General Assessment, then no such special assessment shall be levied without the approval of a majority of the votes of the Class A members who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose and the approval of the Class B member; otherwise, such special assessment may be established by the Board of Directors of the Association without a vote of the membership. Any such special assessment may be rescinded by a majority vote of the Members attending a meeting of the Association convened in accordance with the Bylaws within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice of such special assessment. Section 5.5. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments. The Annual Assessments provided for herein shall commence as to each Lot subjected to this Declaration and for which a subdivision plat is recorded (other than Lots owned by Developer and the Lot owned by William E. and Jean Ray Weddle),on the first day of the month following the recordation of the conveyance by Developer of the first Lot to an Owner other than Developer. The first Annual Assessment on a Lot shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the calendar year. Unless the Board of Directors of the Association amends the Bylaws to provide otherwise, the Annual Assessments shall be paid as provided in the Bylaws, as amended. Section 5.6. Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments: Remedies of Association. The lien of the assessments provided for in this Declaration may be perfected and enforced in the manner provided in Section 55-516 of the Virginia Code. A statement from the Association showing the balance due on any assessment shall be prima facie proof of the current assessment balance and the delinquency, if any, due on a particular Lot. The Association may also bring an action at law against any Owner personally obligated to pay the same, either in the first instance or for deficiency following foreclosure, and interest, late charges and costs of collection including attorney's fees shall be added to the amount of such assessment and secured by the assessment lien. The Board of Directors of the Association shall have the power and authority to accelerate all remaining installments of any Annual Assessment in the event any assessment installment is not paid within thirty (30) days of its due date. Section 5.7. Subordination of Lien to Mortgages. The first mortgage or deed of trust lien upon each of the Lots securing the payment of the assessments shall have the priority set forth in Section 55-5] 6 A. of the Virginia Code. Section 5.8. Exempt Property. The following property subject to this Declaration shall be exempt from the assessments and liens created herein: (i) any property used as a sales or leasing center, model, maintenance center or management facility by Developer or for similar purposes; (ii) all property dedicated and accepted by a public authority or non-profit organization; (iii) all Common Areas; (iv) all property wholly exempt from real estate taxation by state or local governments upon the terms and to the extent of such legal exemption, and (v) the Lot owned (and then only for the period owned) by William E. and Jean Ray Weddle. 9 Section 5.9. Annual Budget. The Board of Directors shall adopt an annual budget for each fiscal year, which budget shall provide for the annual level of assessments (including provision for reserves and physical damage insurance deductibles) and an allocation of expenses. Section 5.10. Initiation Fee; Capitalization of Association. Upon each purchase of record title to a Lot by the first or any subsequent purchaser thereof (other than Developer), a contribution shall be made by or on behalf of the purchaser (other than Developer) to the capital of the Association in an amount equal to 100% of the then current Annual Assessment payable on such Lot for a full year. This amount shall be deposited in the purchase and sales escrow at settlement and shall be disbursed therefrom to the Association for its reserves for capital and/or operations. Section 5.11. Loans bv Developer. The Developer shall have the option, but not the obligation, to loan money to the Association on such terms and at such rates as are commercially reasonable to enable the Association to comply with its obligations under this Declaration. Such loan or loans may be in lieu of, or in addition to, loans obtained by the Association from other parties. Any such loan shall be represented and secured by one or more promissory notes of the Association and shall be listed and disclosed as "Loans from Developer" on all annual budgets and year-end financial statements of the Association. ARTICLE VI ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Section 6.1. Architectural Review Board. There is hereby established a board (the "Architectural Review Board") for the purpose of reviewing and, as appropriate, approving or disapproving all Licensed Contractors and Plans (hereinafter defined) submitted by Owners, other than Developer, in accordance with this Article VI. The Architectural Review Board shall be composed of not less than one (I) nor more than three (3) persons, who need not be Members of the Association, from time to time appointed by Developer until expiration of the Period of Developer Control, or by the Board of Directors ofthe Association from and after the date on which Developer delegates this responsibility to the Association by written instrument in recordable form executed by Developer. The Developer or the Board of Directors, as the case may be, may appoint one alternate member to the Architectural Review Board, which alternate member may vote only in the absence of a regular member. The members of the Architectural Review Board shall serve for such tenns as may be determined by Developer or the Board of Directors of the Association, as the case may be. The Developer reserves the right (which may be exercised at any time or from time to time) to delegate certain, but less than all Architectural Review Board responsibilities to the Association, and if Developer exercises this right the Board of Directors may appoint its own review board which satisfies the same criteria as set forth herein for the Architectural Review Board. The Developer appointed Architectural Review Board and authorized architectural review board appointed by the Board of Directors shall be collectively referred to herein for ease of reference as the "Architectural Review Board." References herein to Architectural Review Board shall apply to either or both boards, as applicable. 10 Section 6.2. Application~ Licensed Contractor~ and Plans to be Submitted. Before commencing the construction, erection, planting or installation, as applicable, of any new building, addition, patio, deck, fence, wall, animal pen or shelter, landscaping, exterior lighting, sign, flagpole, mailbox or mailbox support, improvement or other structure (each of the foregoing being hereinafter referred to as an "Improvement") on any Lot, including any site work in preparation therefor, and before commencing any alteration, enlargement, demolition or removal of an Improvement or any portion thereof in a manner that alters the exterior appearance (including paint color) of the Improvement or of the Lot on which it is situated, each Owner, other than Developer, shall submit to the Architectural Review Board a completed Application on the form provided by the Architectural Review Board (the "Application"), the name, address and qualifications of the proposed licensed contractor to perform the work ("Licensed Contractor"), a proposed construction schedule and at least two (2) sets of plans and specifications of the proposed construction, erection, installation, alteration, enlargement, demolition or removal, which plans and specifications (the "Plans") shall include (unless waived by the Architectural Review Board): (i) a site plan showing the size, location and configuration of all Improvements, including driveways and landscaped areas, and all setback lines, buffer areas and other features required under the Zoning Ordinance, or the Guidelines adopted, from time to time, by the Architectural Review Board, (ii) as to Improvements initially constructed on a Lot, landscaping plans showing the trees to be removed and to be retained and shrubs, plants and ground cover to be installed, (iii) architectural plans of the Improvements showing exterior elevations, construction materials, exterior colors, driveway material, (iv) a sediment and erosion control plan, and (v) a tree protection plan and such other information as the Architectural Review Board in its discretion shall require (collectively, the "Plans"). The Architectural Review Board may, in its sole discretion, waive the requirement that any or all of the required Plans be submitted in a particular case where it determines such Plans are not necessary to properly evaluate the Application. The Architectural Review Board shall not be required to review any Applications, Licensed Contractors, or Plans unless and until the Application has been submitted in completed form with the proposed Licensed Contractor's construction schedule and the Plans containing all of the required items. The Application, Plans and the proposed construction schedule must be submitted to the Architectural Review Board at the address of Developer in the same manner as notices are to be sent to Developer pursuant to Article XII, for so long as all members ofthe Architectural Review Board are appointed by Developer, and thereafter the Application, Plans and the proposed construction schedule may be submitted to the Architectural Review Board at the address of the Association in the same manner as notices are to be sent to the Association pursuant to Article XII. Notwithstanding the foregoing ,the Lot owned by Weddle shall be exempt from the foregoing provisions during their period of ownership of such Lot. Section 6.3. Consultation with Architects. etc.: Administrative Fee. In connection with the discharge of its responsibilities, the Architectural Review Board may engage or consult with architects, engineers, planners, surveyors, attorneys and others. Any person seeking the approval of the Architectural Review Board agrees to pay all fees thus incurred by the Architectural Review Board and further agrees to pay an administrative fee to the Architectural Review Board in such amount as the Architectural Review Board may from time to time reasonably establish. The payment of all such fees is a condition to the approval or disapproval by the Architectural 11 Review Board of any Plans, and the commencement of review of any Plans may be conditioned upon the payment of the Architectural Review Board's estimate of such fees. Section 6.4. Approval of Plans_ The Architectural Review Board shall not approve the Plans for any Improvement that would violate any of the provisions of this Declaration or Zoning Ordinance applicable thereto. In all other respects, the Architectural Review Board may exercise its sole discretion in determining whether to approve or disapprove any Plans, including, without limitation, the location of any Improvement on a Lot. Section 6.5. No Structures to be Constructed. etc. Without Approval. Except with respect to those Improvements constructed by or on behalf of Developer, no Improvement shall be constructed, erected, installed or maintained on any Lot, nor shaH any Improvement be altered, enlarged, demolished or removed in a manner that alters the exterior appearance (including paint color) of the Improvement or of the Lot on which it is situated, unless the Application, Plans and construction schedule therefor have been submitted to and approved by the Architectural Review Board. After the Application, Plans and Construction Schedule therefor have been approved, all Improvements shaII be constructed, erected, installed, maintained, altered, enlarged, demolished or removed strictly in accordance with the approved Plans. Upon commencing the construction, erection, instaHation, alteration, enlargement, demolition or removal of an Improvement, all of the work related thereto shall be carried on with reasonable diligence and dispatch and in accordance with the'construction schedule approved by the Architectural Review Board. Section 6.6. Guidelines May Be Established. The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Architectural Review Board, may, in its discretion, establish Guidelines and standards (the '"Guidelines") to be used in considering whether to approve or disapprove Plans. However, nothing contained in this Declaration shall require the Architectural Review Board to approve the Plans for Improvements on a Lot on the grounds that the layout, design and other aspects of such Improvements are the same or substantially the same as the layout, design and other aspects of Improvements approved by the Architectural Review Board for another Lot. Section 6.7. Limitation of Liability. The approval by the Architectural Review Board of any Plans, and any requirement by the Architectural Review Board that the Plans be modified, shaIl not constitute a warranty or representation by the Architectural Review Board of the adequacy, technical sufficiency or safety of the Improvements described in such Plans, as the same may be modified, and the Architectural Review Board shall have no liability whatsoever for the failure of the Plans or the Improvements to comply with applicable building codes, laws and ordinances or to comply with sound engineering, architectural or construction practices. In addition, in no event shall the Architectural Review Board have any liability whatsoever to an Owner, a contractor or any other party for any costs or damages (consequential or otherwise) that may be incurred or suffered on account of the Architectural Review Board's approval, disapproval or conditional approval of any Plans. Section 6.8. Other Responsibilities of Architectural Review Board. In addition to the responsibilities and authority provided in this Article VI, the Architectural Review Board shall 12 have such other rights, authority and responsibilities as may be provided elsewhere in this Declaration, and in the Bylaws. ARTICLE VII USE OF PROPERTY Section 7. I. Protective Covenants. (a) Nuisances. No nuisance shall be pennitted to exist on any Lot. Noxious, destructive, or offensive activity, or any activity constituting an unreasonable source of annoyance, shall not be conducted on any Lot or on the Common Area or any part thereof, and the Association shall have standing to initiate legal proceedings to abate such activity. Each Owner shall refrain from any act or use of his or her Lot which could reasonably cause embarrassment, discomfort, or annoyance to other Owners, and the Board of Directors shall have the power to make and to enforce reasonable rules in furtherance of this provision. (b) Restriction on Further Subdivision. No Lot shall be further subdivided or separated into smaller Lots by any Owner, and no portion less than all of any such Lot shall be conveyed or transferred by an Owner, provided that this shall not prohibit the vacating of boundaries between adjacent Lots to create a bigger Lot, deeds of correction, deeds to resolve boundary line disputes and similar corrective instruments. (c) Rules. From time to time the Board of Directors may adopt general rules, including but not limited to rules to regulate potential problems relating to the use of Property and the well-being of Members, such as the definition of nuisances, keeping of animals, storage and use of all vehicles, storage and use of machinery, use of outdoor drying lines, antennas, satellite dishes, signs, trash and trash containers, restrictions on sprinkler and irrigation systems, private irrigation wells and uses oflakes, water bodies and wetlands, maintenance and removal of vegetation on the Property and the type and manner of application of fertilizers or other chemical treatments to the Property in accord with non-point source pollution control standards (conectively, the "Rules"). An such Rules and any subsequent amendments thereto shall be binding on all Members and occupants of the Property, including their tenants, guests and invitees, except where expressly provided otherwise in such Rule. Such Rules as adopted from time to time are herein incorporated by reference and shall be as binding as if set forth herein in full; provided, however, that in the event of a conflict between any provision(s) in the Rules and the Governing Documents, the provision(s) set forth in the Governing Documents shan control. (d) Exceptions. In certain special circumstances, the Board of Directors may issue variances exempting a particular Lot from any of the provisions of this Article VII. (e) Irrigation. Subject to the rights retained by Developer in Section 8.7, no sprinkler or irrigation system of any type which draws upon water from creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, wetlands, canals or other ground or surface waters within the Property or any other source (whether public or private) shall be installed, constructed or operated within the Property except for the irrigation system installed by Developer and maintained, repaired and replaced by 13 the Association in accordance with its obligations hereunder; provided, however, this paragraph shall not apply to the Developer, and may not be amended without Developer's written consent so long as Developer has the right to add property in accordance with Article II. (f) Alteration of Grade. Except for the grading work performed on the Property by the Developer, there shall be no altering and/or regrading of the established grade of any Lot or Common Area without the prior written approval of the Developer (for so long as the Developer owns any Lots and/or Additional Area) and the Architectural Review Board. All berms, swales and drainage channels created by Developer shall be deemed to be a part of the grading of all Lots and Common Areas. (g) Permitted Uses. Except as otherwise provided in the Governing Documents, no Lot shall be used for other than detached single family residential purposes except as designated by the Developer or as set forth below. Except for the existing dwelling located upon Lot 5 owned by William E. and Jean Ray Weddle, each of the single family residential dwellings to be constructed shall contain no less than 2500 square feet of enclosed living area, for one-story, and no less than 2800 square feet of enclosed living area for dwellings in excess of one-story. Each home shall have a garage for a minimum of two (2) vehicles. Except for the existing dwelling located on Lot 5, all residential dwellings constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior vertical surfaces, excluding roof, trim, windows, and doors and special architectural features such as dormers, which are no less than 100% brick, stone, stucco or similar quality product on the fronts of the dwellings, and not less than 75% brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials overall. Nothing in the Governing Documents shall be construed to prohibit the Developer or its designees from using any Lot owned by the Developer (or any other Lot with the permission of the Owner thereof) or any portion of the Common Area for promotional, marketing, display or customer service purposes (such as a visitors' center) or for the settlement of sales of Lots. Further, the Developer specifically reserves the right to operate a construction office or a rental, brokerage and management office at any time on Lots owned or leased by the Developer (or any other Lot with the permission of the Owner thereof) and on any portion of the Common Area, to the extent permitted by law. The Developer may assign its rights under this section to or share such rights with one or more other persons, exclusively, simultaneously or consecutively with respect to the Common Area and Lots owned or leased by the Developer or such persons. (h) Hazardous Uses: Waste. Nothing shall be done or kept on the Property which will increase the rate of insurance applicable for permitted uses for the Common Area or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors, including, without limitation, any activities which are unsafe or hazardous with respect to any person or property. No person shall permit anything to be done or kept on the Property which will result in the cancellation of any insurance on the Common Area or any part thereof or which would be in violation of any law, regulation or administrative ruling. No vehicle of any size which transports inflammatory or explosive cargo may be kept or driven on the Property at any time. Each Owner shall comply with all federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances, or other rules intended to protect the public health and welfare as related to land, water, groundwater, air or other aspects of the natural environment (the "Environmental Laws"). Environmental Laws shall include, but are not limited to, those laws regulating the use, generation, storage or disposal of 14 hazardous substances, toxic wastes and other environmental contaminants (collectively, the "Hazardous Materials"). No Owner shall knowingly use, generate, manufacture, store, release, dispose of or knowingly permit to exist in, on, under or about such Owner's Lot, the Common Area or any portion of the Property, or transport to or from any portion of the Property any Hazardous Materials except in compliance with the Environmental Laws. No waste shall be committed on the Common Area. (i) Lawful Use. No improper, offensive or unlawful use shall be made of the Property or any part thereof, and all valid laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof shall be observed. All laws, orders, rules, regulations or requirements of any governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof relating to any portion of the Property shall be complied with, by and at the sole expense of the Owner, the Association or the Developer, whichever shall have the obligation for the upkeep of such portion of the Property, and, if the Association, then the cost of such compliance shall be included in the General Assessment. All persons entering the Common Areas assume all risk ofloss to property and person and hereby release, and agree to indemnify and save harmless, the Association and its members, Directors and Offices from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, injury, cost or expense associated with such use. (j) Emissions. There shall be no emissions of dust, sweepings, dirt, cinders, odors, gases or other substances into the atmosphere except for nonnal residential chimney emissions, no production, storage or discharge of Hazardous Materials on the Property or discharges ofliquid, solid wastes or other environmental contaminants into the ground or any body of water, if such emission, production, storage or discharge may adversely affect the use or intended use of any portion of the Property or may adversely affect the health, safety or comfort of any person. (k) Noise. No person shall cause any unreasonably loud noise (except for security devices) anywhere on the Property, nor shall any person permit or engage in any activity, practice or behavior for the purpose of causing annoyance, discomfort or disturbance to any person lawfully present on any portion of the Property. (1) Obstructions. No person shall obstruct any of the Common Area or otherwise impede the rightful access of any other person on any portion of the Property upon which such person has the right to enter. No person shall place or cause or permit anything to be placed on or in any of the Common Area without the approval of the Board of Directors of the Association. Nothing shall be altered or constructed in or removed from the Common Area except with the proper written approval of the Board of Directors. (m) Association Property. The Common Area shall be used only for the furnishing of the services and facilities for which the same is reasonably suited and which are incident to the use and occupancy of the Lots. The improvements located on the Common Area shall be used only for their intended purposes. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Governing Documents, no Owner shall make any private, exclusive or proprietary use of any of the Common Area without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors and then only on a temporary basis. 15 (n) Mining. No Lot shall be used for the purpose of boring, mining, quarrying, exploring for or removing oil or other hydrocarbons, minerals, gravel or earth except with the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. (0) Signs~ Flags~ Flagpoles. Except for such signs, flags and flagpoles as may be posted by the Developer for promotional or marketing purposes or by the Association on the Common Areas, no signs or flags and flagpoles of any character shall be erected, posted or displayed on the Lots or Common Areas in a location that is visible from the Common Area, the street fronting the Lot, or any other Lot, except as expressly permitted in the Rules, Regulations and/or the Guidelines adopted from time to time by the Association's Board of Directors and/or the Architectural Review Board. (p) Trash. Except in connection with construction activities, no burning of any trash and no accumulation or storage oflitter, refuse, bulk materials, building materials, garbage, or trash of any other kind shan be pennitted on any Lot. Trash containers (including sealed plastic bags) shall not be permitted to remain in public view from the Common Area, any street or another Lot except curbside on the day of trash collection days. Trash containers and refuse disposal systems must be maintained and stored in the garage of the dwening within a privacy fence, or other concealed area, located on the Lot. Trash, leaves and other materials shan not be burned in violation oflocal ordinances. No incinerator shall be kept or maintained upon the Property without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. All trash collection and removal shall be in accordance with the Guidelines and Rules. (q) Landscaping~ Sight-lines. No tree, hedge or other landscape feature shall be planted or maintained in a location which obstructs sight-lines for vehicular traffic on public streets. Pavement, plantings and other landscape materials shall not be placed or permitted to remain upon any Lot: (i) if such materials may damage or interfere with any easement for the installation or maintenance of utilities; (ii) in violation of the requirements of such easements; (iii) unless in conformity with public utility standards; or (iv) if such materials may unreasonably change, obstruct or retard direction or flow of any drainage channels. No water pipe, sewer pipe, gas pipe, drainage pipe, television cable, electrical wire, or other similar transmission line shall be installed or maintained upon any Lot above the surface of the ground. (r) Vegetation. No trees of any kind and no live vegetation may be cut without prior approval of the Architectural Review Board. The Board of Directors may set rules for cutting of trees to anow for selective clearing or cutting. (s) Temporary Structures. No structure of a temporary character, such as, by way of illustration and not limitation, trailers, tents, shacks, barns, pens, kennels, runs, stables, sheds not anchored on foundations ~r other temporary accessory buildings shan be erected, used or maintained on any Lot except in connection with construction activities. The Guidelines adopted by the Architectural Review Board, from time to time, may contain further limitations with respect to permanent accessory structures, if any, which may be erected, used or maintained on any Lot. ]6 (t) Fences. Except for any fence installed or approved by the Developer or the Association, a fence required by the Municipality as part of any re-zoning , permit or plan approval pertaining to development of the Property, or a fence permitted by the Guidelines, no fence shall be installed within the Property. (u) Vehicles. Except in connection with construction activities, no trucks in excess of one-half (112) ton, trailers, campers, recreational vehicles, boats or other large vehicles, including grounds maintenance equipment, may be parked on any portion of the Common Area, or any portion of a Lot visible from the Common Area, any Lot or from any public right-of-way within or adjacent to the Property, unless expressly permitted by the Board of Directors and only in such parking areas or for such time periods (if any) as may be designated for such purpose. Parking of all such vehicles and related equipment, other than on a temporary and non-recurring basis (not to exceed 72 hours), shall be in garages or screened enclosures approved by the Architectural Review Board or in areas, if any, designated in the Rules. All vehicles must be parked so as not to impede traffic or damage vegetation. No junk or derelict vehicle or other vehicle on which current registration plates and current city and state inspection permits are not displayed shall be kept upon any portion of the Common Area, or any portion of a Lot visible from the Common Area, or another Lot. Vehicle repairs and storage of vehicles are not permitted, except in accordance with the Rules; provided, however, that noncommercial repair of vehicles is permitted within enclosed structures. No all terrain vehicles, such as trail bikes, motorcycles, dune buggies, and snowmobiles shall operated within the Property or Common Areas, or streets. No motor vehicles shall be driven on community trails, pathways or unpaved portions of the Common Area, except such vehicles as are authorized by the Board of Directors as needed to maintain, repair, or improve the Common Area, and normal vehicular use of designated streets and alleys, if any, constructed on the Common Area. (v) Timeshares. No Lot shall be subjected to or used for any timesharing, cooperative, licensing or other arrangement that would entail weekly, monthly, or any other type ()f revolving or periodic occupancy by multiple Owners, cooperators, licensees, or timesharing :parti cipants. (w) Professional Offices. No Lot containing a single-family dwelling unit shall be used for any business, commercial, manufacturing, mercantile, storing, vending or other non-residential purpose; provided, however, that an Owner may maintain a home occupation as permitted by the Municipality and may maintain an office in the dwelling constructed on such Owner's Lot if(i) such occupation or office generates no significant number of visits (as determined by the Board of Directors) by clients, customers or other persons related to the business, (ii) no equipment or other items related to the business are stored, parked or otherwise I<.ept on such Owner's Lot or the Property outside of an approved enclosure, and (iii) such Owner bas obtained approvals for such use as may be required by the Municipality. As a condition to such use, the Board of Directors may require the Owner to pay any increase in the rate of insurance or other costs for the Association which may result from such use. (x) Animals. The maintenance, keeping, boarding or raising of animals, livestock, poultry or reptiles of any kind, regardless of number, is prohibited on any Lot or upon the Common Area without the approval of the Board of Directors, except that the keeping of 17 guide animals and orderly domestic pets (e.g., dogs, cats or caged birds) is permitted, subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be set forth in the Rules (including, but not limited to restrictions on the number of pets that may be kept on any Lot); provided, however, that such pets are not kept or maintained for commercial purposes or for breeding and that any such pet causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise may be permanently removed from the Property upon ten (10) days written notice from the Board of Directors. Pets shall not be permitted upon the Common Area unless accompanied by someone who can control the pet and unless carried or leashed. Pet droppings shall be removed contemporaneously by the Owner of the pet. Any Owner who keeps or maintains any pet upon any portion of the Property agrees to indemnify and hold the Association, each Owner and the Developer free and harmless from any loss, claim or liability of any kind or character whatever arising by reason of keeping or maintaining such pet within the Property. All pets shall be registered and inoculated as required by law. (y) Clothes Drying Equipment. No clotheslines or other clothes drying apparatus shall be permitted outside of an enclosed structure on any Lot, unless approved in writing by the Architectural Review Board. No portion of a Lot shall be used for the drying or hanging oflaundry unless such laundry is adequately screened from public view. , (z) Mailboxes and Newspaper Tubes. The Architectural Review Board may adopt specific criteria applicable to mailboxes and newspaper tubes. (aa) Lighting. No exterior lighting shall be directed outside the boundaries of any Lot and shall conform to the Guidelines and Rules. (bb) Pools. Pools and/or hot-tubs permitted under the Guidelines and Rules shall be allowed on the Lot. (cc) Construction Activities. This section shall not be construed as forbidding any work involved in the construction or maintenance of any portion of the Property so long as such work is undertaken and carried out (i) with the minimwn practical disturbance to persons occupying other portions of the Property; (ii) in such a way as does not violate the rights of any person under other provisions of this Declaration; and (iii) in accordance with all applicable restrictions in the Rules, any architectural Guidelines, the resolutions of the Board of Directors and the other provisions of this Declaration. The Architectural Review Board may approve temporary structures for construction purposes which may otherwise be in violation of the Governing Documents or the Rules. (dd) Leasing. No dwelling unit located on a Lot or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied for transient or hotel purposes or in any event leased for an initial period ofless than twelve (12) months. No portion of any dwelling unit (other than the entire dwelling unit) shall be leased for any period. No Owner shall lease a Lot other than on a written form oflease: (I) requiring the lessee to comply with the Governing Documents and the Rules; and (2) providing that failure to comply with such documents constitutes a default under the lease. ]8 (ee) Archaeological Finds. Subject to applicable state and federal law regarding archaeological finds, all archaeological materials found within the Property belong to the Association. Upon discovery of archaeological materials during periods of construction or otherwise, the Owner of a Lot shall immediately notify the Board of Directors and cease construction activity. The Board of Directors shall have ten (10) days to notify the Owner if it intends to exercise the Association's right under this section. Thereafter, the Board of Directors shall have a period of sixty (60) days to remove the archaeological materials without compensation to the Owner for the archaeological materials, the use of the Lot or delay in construction. The Association shall not be obligated to remove archaeological materials nor be held liable for failure to remove such materials. Section 7.2. Maintenance of Property. (a) Owner Obligation. Each Owner shall keep all Lots owned by him, and all improvements hereafter constructed therein or thereon, in good order and repair, free of debris, all in a manner and with such frequency as is acceptable to the Association and consistent with a first-quality development, any Rules adopted by the Association, and the Architectural Guidelines adopted by the Association. (b) Reconstruction and Repair. Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (d) below, if a building or other major improvement located upon aLot is damaged or destroyed, the Owner thereof shall restore the site either (i) by repairing or reconstructing such building or other major improvement to substantially the same condition as the original construction, or (ii) by clearing away the debris and restoring the site to an acceptable condition compatible with the remainder of the Property. Such work must be commenced within sixty (60) days after the date of the casualty and substantially completed within twelve (12) months after the date ofthe casualty, unless such periods are shortened or lengthened from time to time by the Architectural Review Board. (c) Failure to Maintain. In the event an Owner shall fail to maintain his Lot and the improvements situated thereon as provided herein, the Association, after notice to the Owner and approval of the Board of Directors shall have the right to enter upon such Lot to correct such failure. All costs related to such correction shall become a special assessment upon such Lot and as such shall be regarded as any other assessment with respect to lien rights of the Association and remedies provided herein for non-payment. Section 7.3. Security. Neither the Association, nor Developer shall be held liable for any loss or damage by reason of failure to provide security or ineffectiveness of security measures undertaken. All Owners, tenants, guests, and invitees of any Owner, as applicable, acknowledge that the Association and Developer, ,and committees established by any of the foregoing entities, are not insurers and that each Owner, tenant, guest, and invitee assumes all risk or loss or damage to persons, to structures or other improvements situated on Lots, and to the contents of any Improvements situated on Lots and further acknowledge that Developer has made no representations or warranties, nor has any Owner, tenant, guest, or invitee relied upon any 19 representations or warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranty or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose relative to any security measures recommended or undertaken. ARTICLE VIII EASEMENTS Section 8.1. Utility Easements. Developer reserves perpetual easements, rights and privileges to install, maintain, repair, replace and remove poles, wires, cables, conduits, pipes, mains, pumping stations, siltation basins, tanks and other facilities, systems and equipment for the conveyance and use of electricity, telephone service, sanitary and storm sewer, water, gas, cable television, drainage and other public conveniences or utilities, upon, in or over the Common Areas, and within a ten (l0) foot strip along and adjacent to front, side and rear lot lines ofthe Lots, as Developer, its successors or assigns may consider to be reasonably necessary (the "Utility Easements"). However, after Developer ceases to be the Owner of the Common Areas or Lot, no Utility Easements shall be placed on the portion of such Common Area or Lot on which is already located a building which was either constructed by Developer or approved by the Architectural Review Board or on which a building is to be located pursuant to Plans approved by the Architectural Review Board or on any portion of a Lot which is not described or shown as an easement area on a recorded subdivision plat applicable to such Lot. The Utility Easements shall include the right to cut trees, bushes or shrubbery and such other rights as Developer or the applicable governmental authority or utility company providing the utilities may require. The utility lines installed pursuant to the Utility Easements shall be installed below ground. Developer shall have the right to convey Utility Easements to other Owners, to governmental authorities or utility companies, to the Association and to any other party or parties_ Section 8.2. Erosion Control. Developer reserves a perpetual easement, right and privilege to enter upon any Lot and Common Area, and the Association is granted a perpetual easement, right and privilege to enter upon any Lot, either before or after a building has been constructed thereon or during such construction, for the purpose of taking such erosion control measures as Developer or the Association deems necessary to prevent or correct soil erosion or siltation thereon; provided, however, that Developer or the Association shall not exercise such right unless it has given the Owner of the Lot or the Association (as to the Common Area) at least thirty (30) days' prior notice thereof and the Owner or the Association, as the case may be, has failed to take appropriate action to correct or prevent the erosion or siltation problem. The cost incurred by the Association or by Developer in undertaking such erosion control measures on any Lot shall become a special assessment on such Lot and shall constitute a lien against such Lot and shall be collectible in the manner provided herein for the payment of assessments. This Section shall not apply to Lots owned by Developer. Section 8.3. Maintenance of Lots. Developer reserves the perpetual easement, right and privilege, and the Association is granted the perpetual easement, right and privilege, to enter on any Lot, after at least five (5) days' notice to the Owner thereof, for the purpose of mowing, removing, clearing, cutting or pruning underbrush, weeds or other unsightly growth, dispensing pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer and grass seed, removing trash and taking such other action as the Developer or the Association may consider necessary to correct any condition which 20 detracts from the overall beauty of the Property or which may constitute a hazard or nuisance. The cost incurred by the Association in taking any action described in the preceding sentence (including any overhead costs associated therewith) shall constitute a special assessment on the Lot and shall be collectible in the manner provided herein for the payment of assessments. This Section shall not apply to Lots owned by Developer. Section 8.4. Construction Easements and Rights. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Declaration, so long as Developer is engaged in developing or improving any portion of the Property, Developer shall have an easement of ingress, egress and use over any lands not conveyed to an Owner for (i) movement and storage of building materials and equipment, (ii) erection and maintenance of directional and promotional signs, and (iii) conduct of sales activities, including maintenance of model residences. Section 8.5. Right of Entry for Governmental Personnel. A right of entry on any Common Area is hereby granted to personnel of the Municipality or other governmental body or agency in the lawful performance of their official duties, including but not limited to: law enforcement officers and fire and rescue personnel as needed to lawfully carry out their duties, including but not limited to enforcement of cleared emergency vehicle access; public utility and public works vehicles in the performance of their installation, maintenance and repair duties; and inspections personnel for the purpose of reviewing the Association's proper maintenance of the Common Area. Section 8.6. Easement for Landscaping. Signs and Related Purposes. There shall be and is hereby reserved to Developer for so long as it retains its rights as Developer and to the Association, a non-exclusive easement over all Common Area and those portions of Lots extending for a distance of ten (10) feet behind any Lot line which parallels, and is adjacent to, a street (whether public or private) for the purpose of erecting and maintaining street intersection signs, directional signs, temporary promotional signs, plantings, street lights, entrance features and/or "theme areas," lighting, stone, wood, or masonry wall features and/or related landscaping. Exercise of this easement shall be with the consent of the Owner of the affected Lot, or the Architectural Review Board if such Owner does not consent. Section 8.7. Easement for Encroachment. Each Lot and the Common Areas are hereby declared to have an easement over all adjoining Lots and the Common Areas, for the purpose of accommodating any encroachment due to engineering errors, errors in original construction, settlement or shifting of a building, or any other similar cause, and any encroachment due to building overhang or projection; and in the case of the Lot owned by Weddle, to accommodate portions of the existing driveway to the existing home on the Lot until and if relocated. There shall be valid easements for the maintenance of said encroachments so long as they shall exist, and the rights and obligations of Owners shall not be altered in any way by said encroachment, settling or shifting; provided, however, that in no event shall a valid easement for encroachment be created in favor of an Owner or Owners if said encroachment occurred due to the willful act or acts with full knowledge of said Owner or Owners. In the event a structure on any Lot is partially or totally destroyed, and then repaired or rebuilt, the Owners of each Lot agree that minor unintentional encroachments over adjoining Lots shall be permitted, and that 21 there shall be valid easements for the maintenance of said encroachments so long as they shall exist. ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 9.1. Duration. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Property for a term of fifty (50) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time they shall be automatically extended for successive periods of twenty-five (25) years, unless at the expiration of any such period the covenants and restrictions are expressly terminated by an instrument signed by Owners of more than two-thirds of the Lots. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of Section 4.2, Article VIII and Section 8.5 shall be perpetual. Section 9.2. Amendments. Except as otherwise set forth in this Declaration and subject to Section lOA of the Bylaws, this Declaration may be amended either (i) by Developer without the consent of any other Owners in order to correct typographical errors, inconsistent references, scrivener's errors, grammatical mistakes, and incorrect or ambiguous punctuation, or other matters permitted by the Property Owners Association Act ~~ 55.508 et. seq., of the Code of Virginia for so long as Developer's Class B membership continues or (ii) by a vote of two-thirds ofthe sum of: (A) the Class A votes (including Developer as to Class A votes held by Developer), plus (B) the Class B votes (if any). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of Articles IJ and VIII and Sections 3.2, 4.7, 5.8, and this Section 9.2 may not be amended in any event without the written consent of Developer regardless of whether the Class B membership has terminated, and the provisions of Section 8.5 may not be amended without the consent of the Municipality. In addition, Developer shall have the right without the consent of any other Owners to amend this Declaration in any respect as may be necessary or appropriate in order for this Declaration or the Property to comply with applicable laws now or hereafter enacted or to satisfy the requirements of any Federal Mortgage Agency, including, without limitation, the Veterans Administration, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal National Mortgage Association, or the U.S. Development of Housing and Urban Development, as the same may be amended from time to time, with respect to their purchase or guaranty of mortgage loans secured by Lots. Section 9.3. Enforcement. Developer, the Association or any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, easements, conditions, convents, reservations, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if any Owner fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Declaration and such failure continues for at least five (5) days after notice thereof is given to the Owner, then either Developer or the Association may, but without any obligation to do so, take such action as either of them considers necessary or appropriate (including, without limitation, entering the Owner's Lot) to correct the noncompliance; provided, however, that judicial proceedings are instituted before any Improvements are subsequently altered or demolished. The cost incurred in taking such action shall constitute a special assessment upon the Owner's Lot{s) and shall be collectible in the manner provided herein for 22 the payment of assessments. Failure by the Developer, the Association or any Owner to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 9.4. Limitations. As long as the Developer has an interest in developing the Property, any commercial property adjacent to the Property, the Association may not use its financial resources to defray any costs of opposing the development activities so long as they remain consistent with the general intent of this Declaration and zoning approvals of the Municipality. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the rights of Members to act as individuals or in affiliation with other Members or groups. Section 9.5. Severability. Invalidation of anyone of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force 'and' effect. Section 9.6. Conflict. In the event of conflict among the Governing Documents, this Declaration shall control, then the Articles, then the Bylaws.except that in all cases where the Governing Documents may be found to be in conflict with statute, the statute shall control. Section 9.7. Interpretation. Unless the context otherwise requires, the use of the. singular shall include the plural and vice versa; the use of one gender shall include all genders; and the use of the term "including" shall mean "including, without limitation." The headings used herein are for indexing purposes only and shall not be used as a means of interpreting or construing the substantive provisions hereof. Section 9.8. Use of the Words "Oak Breeze" or "Oak Breeze Community Association."" No person or entity shall use the words "Oak Breeze," or "Oak Breeze Community Association" or any derivative thereof in any printed or promotional material without the prior written consent of Developer. Section 9.9. Approvals and Consents. All approvals and consents required or permitted by this Declaration (other than approvals or consents given by Members in a vote conducted in accordance with the Bylaws) shall be in writing, shall be signed by the party from whom the consent or approval is sought and, unless otherwise provided herein, may be withheld by such party in its sole discretion. Section 9.10. Assignment of Developer's Rights. Any and all rights, powers, easements and reservations of Developer set forth herein may be assigned in whole or in part, at any time or from time to time, to the Association, to another Owner, or to any other party in Developer's sole discretion. Each such assignment shall be evidenced by an instrument which shall be signed by Developer and its assignee and recorded in the Clerk's Office. Section 9.11. Successors and Assigns. The provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Developer, the Association and (subject to Article II hereof) the Owners and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. 23 Section 9.12. Compliance with Property Owners' Association Act. Except as otherwise herein provided, the Association shall be subject to and comply with the Virginia Property Owners' Association Act as set out in g55-508 et. seq., of the Code of Virginia, as amended. ARTICLE X DISSOLUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION The Association may be dissolved at a duly held meeting at which a quorum is present upon the vote of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes, in person or by proxy, of the Class A members and the vote of the Class B member. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association may not be dissolved without the prior written consent of the Municipality after the conveyance of Common Areas to the Association. Prior to dissolution of the Association, other than incident to a merger or consolidation, the assets of the Association shall be offered for dedication to the locality in which they are situated. In the event that such dedication is refused acceptance upon dissolution, such assets shall be granted, conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other organization to be devoted to similar purposes. ARTICLE XI NOTICES All notices, demands, requests and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall either be delivered in person or sent by overnight express courier or by U.S. first class mail, postage prepaid. Notices to the Developer shall be sent to M&T Management, Inc., P.O. Box 626, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Attention: T. C. Broyles, with a copy to Michael E. Barney, Esq., Kaufinan & Canoles, 2101 Parks Avenue, Suite 700, P.O. Box 626, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23451; or to such other address as the Developer shall specify by executing and recording an amendment to this Declaration, which amendment shall not require the approval of any other parties as provided in Section 9.2. Notices to the Association or to Owners (other than Developer) may be sent to the address which the Bylaws :provid~ shall be used for them. All such notices, demands, requests and other communications shall be deemed to have been given when sent to the appropriate address specified above. Rejection or other refusal to accept shall not invalidate the effectiveness of any notice, demand, request or other communication. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any notice of the filing of a memorandum of assessment lien shall be sent in the manner required by Section 55-5] 6 C. of the Virginia Code. SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE 24 WITNESS the following signatures and seals as of the date first above written. HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, LLC BY M&T Management, Inc., as Manager By: Thomas C. Broyles, President COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to wit: 1, , a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, whose commission expires on the day of , 2006, do hereby certify that Thomas C. Broyles as President ofM&T Management, Inc., as Manager of heron Ridge Properties II, LLC, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument or writing, has acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand this _ day of ,2006. Notary Public M&T MANAGEMENT, INC. By: Thomas C. Broyles, President COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to wit: I, , a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, whose commission expires on the day of , 2006, do hereby certify that Thomas C. Broyles as President ofM&T Management, Inc., whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument or writing, has acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand this _ day of , 2006. Notary Public 25 (SEAL) William E. Weddle STATE OF CITY/COUNTY OF , to wit: The foregoing instrument was subscnbed, sworn to and acknowledged before me in the City/County of , State of , this day of , 2006, by of personally known by me or has produced , on its behalf, who is as identification. Notary Public My commission expires: [Affix Notarial Seal] (SEAL) Jean Ray Weddle STATE OF CITY/COUNTY OF , to wit: The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me in the City/County of , State of , this _ day of ,2006, by of _ personally known by me or has produced , on its behalf, who is as identification. Notary Public My commission expires: [Affix Notarial Seal] 26 DOCSVB-#8I 93262-v3-0ak _Breeze _ Declaration.DOC EXHIBIT A Oak Breeze 27 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No. DF-6299 DATE: April 11, 2006 FROM: Leslie L. Lilley --... ~ B. Kay Wilso~ DEPT: City Attorney TO: DEPT: City Attorney RE: Conditional Zoning Application; Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C. The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 25, 2006. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated March 27, 2006, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW/sj Enclosure v"'cc: Kath leen Hassen HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company WILLIAM E. WEDDLE and JEAN RAY WEDDLE, husband and wife HERON RIDGE GOLF CLUB, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONSl CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 27th day of March, 2006, by and between HERON RIDGE PROPERTIES II, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor, party of the first part; WILLIAM E. WEDDLE and JEAN RAY WEDDLE, husband and wife, Grantors, parties of the second part; HERON RIDGE GOLF CLUB, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor, party of the third part; and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, party of the fourth part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties of the second part are the owners of a certain parcel of property located in the Princess Anne District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing approximately 7.56 acres which is more particularly described as Parcel 1 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, which parcel, along with Parcel 2 is herein referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the party of the third part is the owner of a certain parcel of property located in the Princess Anne District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing approximately 0.85 acres which is more particularly described as Parcel 2 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which parcel along with Parcell is herein referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the party of the first part as contract purchaser of the Property has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from AG-l and AG-2 to Conditional R-l5; and PREPARED BY: ~SYl(IS. ROURDON. GPIN: 2403-67-5038 mBADillN &. 1M. P.c. 2403-66-4725 1 WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation; and WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict and that in order to permit differing uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions goveming the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantors' rezoning application gives rise; and WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for the R-15 Zoning District by the existing overall Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantors, for themselves, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro qUO for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govem the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantors, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantee, and other successors in interest or title: 1. When the Property is developed it shall be subdivided and landscaped PREPARED BY: IJfilSYKrs. ROURDON. substantially as depicted on the "CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT PLAN OAK BREEZE nil AHmN & u:vv. P.c. SEABOARD ROAD, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA FOR HERON RIDGE 2 PREPARED BY: PROPERTIES", dated 03/20/06, and prepared by WPL ("Concept Plan"), which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. 2. Except for the existing dwelling located upon the lot designated 6 on the Concept Plan, each of the single family residential dwellings to be constructed shall contain no less than 2500 square feet of enclosed living area, excluding garage for one-story and no less than 2800 square feet of enclosed living area for dwellings in excess of one-story. Each home shall have a garage for a minimum of two (2) vehicles. 3. Except for the existing dwelling located on the lot designated 6 on the Concept Plan, all residential dwellings constructed on the Property shall have visible exterior surfaces, excluding roof, trim, windows, and doors, which are no less than 75% brick, stone, stucco or similar quality materials. 4. When the Property is developed, the "DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, CHARGES AND LIENS OF OAK BREEZE", which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning, shall be recorded by the Grantors for the purpose of subjecting the Property to the requirements set forth therein. 5. The party of the first part recognizes that the subject site is 10cated within the Transition Area identified in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach, adopted on December 2, 2003. In addition to integrating significant open spaces with a low density, high quality, housing component as specified in the Comprehensive Plan, the party of the first part agrees to contribute the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per 10t to Grantee to be utilized by the Grantee to acquire land for open space preservation pursuant to Grantee's Outdoors Plan. If the funds proffered by the party of the first part in this paragraph are not used by the Grantee anytime within the next twenty (20) years for the purpose for which they are proffered, then any funds paid and unused may be used by the Grantee for any other public purpose. The party of the first part agrees to make payment for each residential lot shown on any subdivision plat prior to recordation of that plat. ~m smS. ROURDON. mil AIlJ;RN & lIVY. P.C 3 6. Further conditions may be required by the Grantee subdivision review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantors and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed. The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void. The Grantors covenant and agree that: ( 1) The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied; and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding; (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute PREPARED BY: ~ SYKIS. ROURDON. cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as mil Arn:RN &. LM. P.c. may be appropriate; 4 PREPARED BY: 13m smS. ROURDON. mu AHIRN &. U:vY. P.c. (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Grantors shall petition the goveming body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the Grantors and the Grantee. 5 PREPARED BY: UJIB sms. ROURDON. 1\11 MIlliN & llVY. P.C WITNESS the following signature and seal: GRANTOR: Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company a Virginia (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: ll*- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 06 day of March, 2006, by Michael E. Barney, Vice President of M & T Management, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Managing Member of Heron Ridge Properties II, L.L.C., a Virginia corporation. __CZLL-~j~~' Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~ o()/ c:<oo'l 6 WITNESS the following signatures and seals: GRANTORS: td;/~ William E. Weddle (SEAL) r~~(;J~ Jean Ra Weddle (SEAL) STATE ~VIRGINI~ CITY 0 :/i~/ L., to-wit: ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of J:tHyMarch, ~2006, by William E. Weddle and Jean Ray Weddle, husband and wife. UAuL. k )/}~~/~~' --- Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~ r30. dt>a9 7 PREPARED BY: (;Jfil sms. ROURDON. mtlAHJ;:RN &. lM. P.c. WITNESS the following signature and seal: GRANTOR: By: a Virginia limited Heron liabili (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing....instrument was acknowledged before me this 00 ~ day of March, 2006, by ,) . 'Dul)(l(jn He 1)".p.f , Managing Member of Heron Ridge Golf Club, L.C., a Virginia limited liability company. aAlL~'---k-~~k' ...-- Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~ dO. ~aJ'1 8 PREPARED BY, ~sms. ROURDON. mil AHrnN &. UVY. P.c. EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1: ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being in the Princess Anne Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the dividing line between the property acquired by Fitzhugh Lee Brown, sometimes known as Fitzhugh Lee Brown, Sr., by Deed of P. W. Ackiss, et al, Special Commissioners, dated January 7, 1937, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 186, at Page 133, and the property known as the Hartley Farm, at its intersection with the westerly line of Highway 628, and running thence in a westerly direction along said dividing line a distance of 300 feet to a point, which point is for the purpose of this description the point of beginning, and running westerly along said dividing line a distance of 350 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a southerly direction and parallel to the western line of said Highway 628 a distance of 650 feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet northerly from the line of the property now or formerly known as the Burroughs Farm; thence turning and running in an easterly direction and at all times parallel with and 50 feet northerly from the said property now or formerly the Burroughs Farm, 650 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Highway 628; thence in a northerly direction along the westerly line of said Highway 628 a distance of 200 feet to the line of the property conveyed by Fitzhugh Lee Brown, Sr., by Deed dated April 7, 1956, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 459, at Page 453; thence turning and running along the southerly line of the property so conveyed and perpendicular, or nearly so, to the said westerly line of Highway 628 a distance of 125 feet; thence turning and running along the westerly line of the property conveyed by the said Deed recorded in Deed Book 459, at Page 453, a distance of 300 feet; thence turning and running in a westerly direction and perpendicular, or nearly so, to the said Highway 628, a distance of 175 feet; thence turning and running in a northerly direction and parallel to the said Highway a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. G PIN: 2403-67-5038 PARCEL 2: ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known, numbered and designated as "PARCEL B-2-A" as shown on that certain plat entitled: "PLAT SHOWING A RESUBDIVISION OF LAND BETWEEN PARCELS A5-A AND A6-A, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH PROPERTY, DEED BOOK 3305 PAGE 1405, AND PARCEL B-1 AND PARCEL B-2 EVW GROUP, INC., DEED BOOK 3813 PAGE 1196, DEED BOOK 3809 PAGE 1018", dated 9 PREPARED BY: nB SYln:S. ROURDON. DI AHrnN &. lEVY. P.c. November 21, 1997, Scale: 1" = 200', prepared by Bengtson, DeBell & Elkin, Ltd., which plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 263, at Pages 81 - 89. GPIN: 2403-66-4725 ConditionalRezone jHeronRidgePropertieII j Proffer8.Blacklined Rev.3j29j06 10 PLANNING ITEM # 48822 Upon motion by Councilman Harrison, seconded by Council Lady Eure, City Council ADOPTED Ordinances upon applications of CHECKERED FLAG MOTOR CAR CO. For a Conditional Change of Zoning and Conditional Use Permit: ORDINANCES UPON APPLlCA T10N OF CHECKERED FLAG MOTOR CAR COMPANY FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICA T10N FROM R-7.5 TO CONDITIONAL B-2 ZO BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon Application of Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., for a Chanae of Zonina District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on the east side of Clearfield Avenue, south of Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPIN #1467-66-3578; #1467-66-2543; #1467-66-3453; #1467-66-2390). The proposed zoning classification change to Conditional B-2 is for commercial land use. The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for suburban residentialllow density at densities that are compatible with single-family use in accordance with other Plan policies. Said parcel is located at 5225 Virginia Beach Boulevard and contains 1.45 acres. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE. The following condition shall be required: 1. An Agreement encompassing proffers shall be recorded with the Clerk of Circuit Court. AND, ORDINANCE UPON APPLlCA T10N OF CHECKERED FLAG MOTOR CAR CO., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SALES RO BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon Application of Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., for a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales at the southeast intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Clearfield A venue and Clearfield Avenue (GPIN #1467-66-3578; #1467-66-2543; #1467- 66-3453; #1467-66-2390). Said parcel is located at 5225 Virginia Beach Boulevard and contains 9.92 acres. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE. The following conditions shall be required: 1 All improvements and landscaping shall substantially conform to the "Conceptual Site Layout and Landscape Plan of Checkered Flag Toyota, Virginia Beach, Virginia," dated June 14, 2001, prepared by MSA, P.C., provided, however, that the plan may be revised as necessary to conform with requirements of applicable City ordinances. 2. No loud speakers or outdoor speaker system shall be permitted on site. 3. All parking lot lighting shall be directed inward and shall not reflect toward the adjacent residential or surrounding properties. 4. The existing "nonconforming" free standing sign, fronting Virginia Beach Boulevard and near the main entrance of the site, shall be removed. This sign may be replaced, provided it meets the sign regulations outlined in the City Zoning Ordinance. 5. Evergreen shrubs planted a minimum of four (4) feet on center and a minimum height of three (3) to four (4) feet at the time of installation shall be installed along the southern property line, where the site abuts the adjacent office development site. 6. A fifteen foot (15} wide, Category IV landscape buffer shall be installed along all property lines that abut residentially zoned property. In addition, all other applicable landscape requirements set forth in City ordinances shall be implemented. 7. All garage doors shall remain closed other than for the maneuvering of vehicles in and out the service bays. 8. A six foot (6} high privacy fence shall be installed adjacent to the northern property line and eastern property line of Lot 19 (270 Clearfield Avenue). These Ordinances shall be effective in accordance with Section 107 (f) of the Zoning Ordinance. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Twentv-third of October. Two Thousand One Voting: 10-0 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye: Linwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, William W Harrison, Jr., Barbara M. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Mandigo, Jr., Nancy K. Parker, Vice Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf PLANNING ITEM #53689 Upon motion by Council Lady McClanan, seconded by Council Lady Wilson, City Council ADOPTED Ordinances upon application of SNYDER FAMIL Y TRUST for a Conditional Change of Zoning and MODIFIED, Conditional Use Permit to incorporate three (3) rezoned parcels into whole project (approved by City Council October 23, 2001): ORDINANCE UPON APPLlCA TlON OF SNYDER FA MIL Y TRUST FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM R-7.5 TO CONDITIONAL B-2 Z03051218 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon Application of Snyder Family Trust for a Chanqe of Zoninq District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on property located on the east side of Clearfield Avenue, approximately 600 feet south of Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPINS 14676612940000; 14676621650000; 14676610690000). The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as part of Strategic Growth Area 3 - Newtown Area, suitable for office and light industrial uses. The purpose of the rezoning is to expand an existing automobile sales and repair facility. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE The following condition shall be required: 1. An agreement encompassing proffers shall be recorded with the Clerk of Circuit Court. ORDINANCE UPON APPLlCA TlON OF SNYDER FA MIL Y TRUST FOR A MODIFICA TION OF CONDITIONS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 23, 2001 R030531236 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED. BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon Application of Snyder Family Trust for a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on October 23, 2001 on property located at 5225 Virginia Beach Boulevard and on the east side of Clearfield A venue, approximately 600 feet south of Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPINS 14676612940000; 14676621650000; 14676610690000; 14676692260000). DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE These Ordinances shall be effective in accordance with Section 107 (f) of the Zoning Ordinance. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Eight of March Two Thousand Five Voting: 8-1 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye: Harry E. Diezel, Robert M. Dyer, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Jim Reeve, Peter W Schmidt, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James L. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones and Richard A. Maddox March 8, 2005 Conditional Zoning Change: from R7.5 to Conditional 82 Modification of Conditions r.~~14i.\,Br.~~'" \(~:) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Evergreen Virginia, L.L.C. & Checkered Flag Motor Car Company, Inc. - Change of Zoning District Classification and Modification of Conditions, 270 Clearfield Avenue (DISTRICT - KEMPSVillE) MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: a) An Ordinance upon Application of Evergreen Virginia, L.L.C. & Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., Inc. for a ChanQe of Zoninq District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on property located at 270 Clearfield Avenue (GPIN 14676623900000). DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE b) An Ordinance upon Application of Evergreen Virginia, L.L.C. & Stephen M. Snyder, Co-Mgr. for a Modification of Conditions (approved on March 8, 2005 and October 23, 2001) on property located at 270 Clearfield Avenue (GPIN 14676623900000). DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE . Considerations: The applicant proposes to rezone this existing R-7.5 property located on Clearfield Avenue and to combine it with the adjacent B-2 zoned property for expansion of the existing vehicle storage lot of a motor vehicle sales operation. In 2005, several parcels on Clearfield Avenue to the south of this site were rezoned from Residential to Conditional B-2 for incorporation into the existing Checkered Flag motor vehicle sales and service facility. The subject parcel was not part of that request since the applicant did not own the parcel at that time. The requested rezoning is necessary to include the parcel into the larger auto sales and service, as the property is currently zoned Residential. A modification to the existing Conditional Use Permit is also required to incorporate this lot into the existing operation. The submitted application indicates that the addition of this parcel will be for parking and/or display area only. No additional structures are proposed on this lot. The development proposal to integrate this parcel into the larger abutting commercial property, as part of the existing automobile sales display area and/accessory parking operation, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's land use policies for this area. Evergreen Virginia, L.L.C. & Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., Inc. Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission placed these items on the consent agenda because the proposals are for the expansion of an existing motor vehicle sales facility and the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve the requests, as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department ~ City Manage~ k,~~ EVERGREEN VIRGINIA, LLC & CHECKERED FLAG MOTOR CAR COMPANY, INC. Agenda Items # 4 & 5 March 8, 2006 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Carolyn AX Smith REQUESTS: 4) Chanae of Zonina District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District. 5) Modification of Conditions of a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales granted by City Council on October 23, 2001 and modified on March 8, 2005. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located at 270 Clearfield Avenue. GPIN: 14676623900000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 2 - KEMPSVILLE SITE SIZE: 0.35 acres SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant proposes to rezone the existing R-7.5 property located on Clearfield Avenue and to combine it with the adjacent B-2 zoned property for expansion of the existing vehicle storage lot of a motor vehicle sales operation. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Single-family dwelling <,~'."'--. ' ,:,<.' ...~." <. , ,'. ,'~' c, .' ;"<,,:'" ""', ," .~', ' ,', "~;0;... . .;.,' EVERGREEN & CHEpK:eRE[)F?~,AG Agend~:ltems#~i~,5 .,__~~~~1 ..,,~. ,~ .",.~ '; SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: · Motor vehicle sales and service / Conditional B-2 Community Business District · Motor vehicle sales and service / Conditional B-2 Community Business District · Motor vehicle sales and service / Conditional B-2 Community Business District · Clearfield Avenue · Single-family homes / R-7.5 Residential District South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There do not appear to be any significant environmental features on the site. The property is located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of Less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Virginia Beach Boulevard is an eight (8) lane divided urban arterial. The MTP proposes a 150 foot right-of-way. There are no current CIP projects slated for either Virginia Beach Boulevard or Clearfield Avenue. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Virginia Beach 43,012 ADT 34,940 ADT (Level of Existing Land Use" - 1 0 Boulevard Service "C") - 56,240 ADT ADT 1 (Level of Service "D") Proposed Land Use 3 - Clearfield Avenue o ADT (1,800 ADT for - no traffic counts the motor vehicle sales available facility) Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by one singe family dwelling 3 as defined by a storage lot for motor vehicle sales and service The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as being within the Primary Residential Area. The land use planning pOlicies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. Page 91 of the Primary Residential Area chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states "Limited commercial or institutional activities providing desired goods or COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ,'-",' ~\ ,-.) ". "",...- ;;:; :,,"",. .,. ~':^. . >< EVERGREEN & CHEpKERED F~G Agenda:ltems#~'j~5 ... .'. ,':~~jj~~ .......- "-'; ,,ov"" -',~ ~"::_' _;v .7 ,.; ,)" services to residential neighborhoods may be considered acceptable uses on the edge of established neighborhoods provided effective measures are taken to ensure compatibility." EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this request with the proffers submitted by the applicant and with the conditions recommended by staff. The proffers and conditions are provided below. In 2005, several parcels on Clearfield Avenue to the south of this site were rezoned from residential to Conditional B-2 for incorporation into the existing Checkered Flag motor vehicle sales and service facility. This parcel was not part of that request since the applicant did not own the parcel at that time. The rezoning is required to operate the auto sales and service on this site, as the property is currently zoned Residential. A modification to the existing Conditional Use Permit is also required to incorporate this lot into the existing operation. The application indicates that the addition of this parcel will be for parking and/or display area only. No additional structures are proposed on these lots. The development proposal to integrate this parcel into the larger abutting commercial property, as part of the existing automobile sales display area and/accessory parking operation, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's land use policies for this area and is recommended for approval. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (91 07(h)(1 )). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1: When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "Conceptual Site Layout and Landscape Plan of Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., 270 Clearfield Avenue, Virginia Beach, Virginia," dated December 28,2005, prepared by MSA, P.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter" Site Plan"). PROFFER 2: When the Property is developed, it shall be landscaped substantially as depicted on the exhibit entitled "Conceptual Site Layout and Landscape Plan of Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., 270 Clearfield Avenue, Virginia Beach, Virginia," dated December 28, 2005,prepared by MSA, P.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Landscape Plan"). ...S' ""'" , ;',"""" ~d .'" .Y /:-".:-,.: .", """','_.A<' ~F, ,,;~ ,',' >,.1 ":" ''c..... :".' '", '.'" ,.:,: 'i:::' :.......:..:'_.,:: ,Yo. -~'" EVERGREEN & CHE~KEREDFIAG Agend;~?ttems#'. 5., ':~,3 PROFFER 3: The use of the property shall be automobile sales display area and/or accessory parking in accordance with a conditional use permit duly approved by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on October 23, 2001 and modified on March 8, 2005. PROFFER 5: Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated December 27,2005, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. CONDITIONS 1. An Agreement encompassing the proffers shall be recorded with the Clerk of Circuit Court. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. ,-:'.'>.,.'"". , ~.,' '. ",.; , ";,:.":,,,;,:,,:,:: ,,-,. '-'.y EVERGREEN & CHEC,{KE,.'.' RED F=.iA,'.'..,"...', G Agend~~ltemsAt'1!.~5 , 'f@"e,4 ..,..,/....!,.....,.... AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION '.~,.:. . ^ .... EVERGREEN & CHECKERED FlAG Agend;:t?ltems # 4.1:&5 e 5 -- . ':~ .,:' ,,;(~ .~ ~.jl 1'1 i I, U. l?l;;-.~ JI . ..' ,~bl !.I ,I. 1lI.1I Ii l.! ~.....'.,....,..,.I. I...,.,....~. ~,..,.......".II. i .~I' ~!tI Iii }.iB j .. ,."Iii,, ~. l. i! ~ ..Ii'.. .. Oli,..m...~ BI.E o ~ ftlO. ]lUO 3ii: .U 1-0 i... ielin1 ! ~u ~~ !~... <( lvO D. eIi. ::~.c: . ' " 8 U~~s i -! ~ij 1ll~1I\ 2i a*"-:<'l1i) i1..ai:.~~ ill' I :i~ ~N:J ':it}, ,,1 "!~! ,It PROPOSED SITE:.Rt.A~>':>,<. ,..... "\ :. . ,,\-., , ~'---:::1;;~' '\ , . . ....~::; . ': ,<. :. , , .,;:. -,' . EVERGREEN & CHE~KERED f;JlAG Agenda:;lfems#J5 . '/'^': '\: ~',: ,:; <') ;:.' ~>,< -'---""\":::';--' ,,"., Conditional Zoning Change: from R7.5 to Conditional 82 Modification of Conditions 1 03/08/05 CHANGE OF ZONING (R-7.5 to Conditional B- Granted 2) 2 01/11/05 CHANGE OF ZONING (R-7.5 to Conditional B- Granted 2) 3 1 0/1 0/00 CHANGE OF ZONING (R-7.5 to Conditional B- Granted 2) CUP (auto sales) 4 05/14/91 CUP (church/school additions) Granted 08/11/92 CUP (church/school additions) Granted 03/14/95 CUP (church/school additions) Granted 5 10/29/02 CUP (church/school additions) Granted ZONING HISTq.~C'\4' ',' \, "',,-\"" /-,-" ~..<-' ; ,,' . EVERGREEN & CHE.~~EREDI9~AG Agenda,.,.. :ltems,#4.,.',+,&..,......, 5 ""Q~g~l .,. ~? . f.t :J en o ..J U en Ci tiCS ., - Q.,;:! .,,, <l>41 .;~~ j~~ .._'0 cOc: u",tV '2 4; ~ 4> '0 ., ~>,2 <1>0> :E IS. 4l >.,<1> U)e:s~ w~o"" ~ji5 UlS=<@ g~~~ g.!gg oii - os; ...I:5lli ~ : go- o .,..- tV i=:~g o-i g ~~ o ~'-."" 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C ,9 1;; 5 e.' 05 <.;I;;:; .:~ ()~ :il:!!' ..0 ,- '0 ~~ ~o ~~ H tit" ~~ ::0 '0 ~ J: ~.~ ts~ iia EVERGREEN & CHEpKERED "c(> G Agend~:ltems#~'l~5 ]~a ,9 Item #4 & 5 Evergreen Virginia, L.L.c. & Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., Inc. Change of Zoning District Classification Modification of Conditions 270 Clearfield A venue District 2 Kempsville March 8, 2006 CONSENT Janice Anderson: The next item is Item #4 & 5. This is Evergreen Virginia, L.L.c. and Checkered Flag Motor Car Company, Inc. This is for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-7.5 Residential to Conditional B-2 Community on property located at 270 Clearfield A venue. This is also an application for a Modification of Conditions of a Conditional Use Permit that was approved by Council back in March 8, 2005 and October 23, 2001 on the same property. This is in the, Kempsville District. Mr. Fine, welcome. Morris Fine: I'm Morris Fine representing the petitioners. = Janice Anderson: There are five proffers and one condition. Morris Fine: They are perfectly agreeable with them. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Morris Fine: Thank you. Janice Anderson: Is there any opposition to this application being placed on the consent agenda? Then Mr. Henry Livas will explain this application. Henry Livas: As previously stated, the applicant is Evergreen Virginia, L.L.c. and Checkered Flag Motor Car Company, and they're requesting a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District. The applicant also wants to modify a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales, which was granted by City Council in October 2001 and it was later modified on March 8, 2005. The property is located at 270 Clearfield Avenue and that is near Virginia Beach Boulevard. In essence, the applicant wants to expand his motor vehicle operations because he currently owns properties on both sides of this so it is just the expansion of what's currently going on in that particular area. Consequently, we recommend approval of this request with the five proffers. Janice Anderson: Thank you very much. Mr. Chair, I have a motion. Item #4 & 5 Evergreen Virginia, L.L.c. & Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., Inc. Page 2 Barry Knight: A motion on the floor. Do we have a second? A second by Kathy Katsias. Is there any discussion? Call for the question. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE LIV AS AVE RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER WOOD AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved Items #4 & 5 for consent. = CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No. DF-6299 DATE: April 11, 2006 TO: FROM: Leslie L. LilleY::J B. Kay WiISO~ DEPT: City Attorney DEPT: City Attorney RE: Conditional Zoning Application; Evergreen Virginia, LLC The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 25, 2006. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated December 27, 2005, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW/sj Enclosure \/cc: Kathleen Hassen This Document Prepared by: Fine, Fine, Legum & McCracken, LLP TIDS AGREEMENT made this 27th day of December, 2005, by and between RUBY B. ROBERTS, a widow, Property Owner, and EVERGREEN VIRGINIA. LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, Contract Purchaser, herein collectively referred to as "Grantors", parties ofthe first part; and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, party of the second part. WITNE~~E TH: '..vHEREAS, Property Owner is the owne:rcf certain pa:cels of property located in the Lynnhaven Borough district of the City of Virginia Beach, more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit "A" said parcels hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated a conditional amendment to the zoning map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District (Conditional); and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development ofland for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation; and WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the competing and sometimes incompatible development of various types of uses conflict and that in order to permit different types of uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change that will be created by the Grantor's proposed rezoning, certain reasonable conditions governing the use GPIN Nos. 1467-66-2390-0000 of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to resolve the situation to which the Grantor's rezoning application gives rise; and WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map with respect to the Property, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantors, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, Grantee, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, Grantee, and other successors in interest or title: 1. When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "Conceptual Site Layout and Landscape Plan of Checkered Flag Motor Car co., 270 Clearfield Avenue, Virginia Beach, Virginia" dated December 28,2005 prepared by MSA, P.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Site Plan"). Page 2 of 6 2. When the Property is developed, it shall be landscaped substantially as depicted on the exhibit entitled "Conceptual Site Layout and Landscape Plan of Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., 270 Clearfield Avenue, Virginia Beach, Virginia" dated December 28,2005 prepared by MSA, P.c., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter Landscape Plan"). 3. The use of the Property shall be automobile sales display area and/or accessory parking in accordance with a conditional use permit duly approved by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on October 23, 2001 and modified on March 8, 2005 . 4. Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. All references hereinabove to the B-2 Zoning District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as ofthe date of approval of this agreement by City Council, which are by this reference incorporated herein. The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed. The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that such Page 3 of 6 instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void. The Grantors covenant and agree that: (1) The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding; (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the Page 4 of 6 Grantors and the Grantee. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: EVERGREEN VIRGINIA, LLC /' ..., '/ ~\ /" >o/t .-J~, ,.{ 1// /,' - I<~ v....., VV7 J_.. \. "'oJ: 1/" .1.-,,: v Ruby B. Roberts' . . STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: I, Arlene A. Kilgore, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Stephen M. Snyder, duly authorized Co-Manager of Evergreen Virginia, LLC, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument dated the 27th day of December, 2005 did personally appear before me in my City and State aforesaid and acknowledge the same before me. GIVEN under my hand and seal ~daY Oaem~o~ Notary publ:: . U My commission expires: September 30, 2005 STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: I, fir Ie i}<, JJ. k> /11: /'c. , a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Ruby B. Roberts, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument dated the 27th day of December, 2005 did personally appear before me in my City and State aforesaid and acknowledge the same before me. GNEN under my hand and seal this ~ day of December, 2005 7J# /) ~,- .... UAA/.,.v.- UL " '- Notary Public . ! My commission expires: September 30, 2007 Page 5 of 6 Exhibit "A" ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, lying, situate and being in the City of Virginia Beach (formerly Princess Anne County), Virginia, and known, numbered and designated as Lot 19, as shown on that certain plat of Clear Acres, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach (formerly Princess Anne County), Virginia, in Map Book 13, at Page 57, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description of said property. Page 6 of 6 William Fox AG-I 1-1 AG-I AG-I CUP - Outdoor Recreation Facility (paintbal/) ~ ,.(~'i~t\'.~~.'I ,rf/~>'>~>':;;~~~~~ t~,~. ">) . 2,,:~:~:,;.;:,:';j:;f!! CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: William Fox - Conditional Use Permit (recreational facility of an outdoor nature - paintball park), 2968 Holland Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of William Fox for a Conditional Use Permit for a recreational facility of an outdoor nature (paintball park) on property located at 2968 Holland Road (GPIN 14953347740000). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE . Considerations: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow development of the site for an outdoor 'paintball park' with proposed hours of operation of 9:00 a.m. to dusk. The park will have two (2) types of fields: a Woodland Field and a Speedball Field. The Woodland Field is for games played in a wooded environment. The Speedball Field is a fast-paced game played on a small course, usually with many obstacles. Some selective clearing of the site is proposed but no permanent structures are planned on the site. The field will be located approximately 640 feet north of Holland Road. A 20-foot high net will be installed around the playfields when they are in operation. A 28-foot long van is proposed as the portable office. When the park is not open, the netting will be stored in the van, which will be driven from the site and parked at the applicant's supply store in another location. As the lease is for one (1) year only, a waiver to the pavement requirement will be requested from the Planning Director, as a gravel parking lot is proposed. The property under consideration is listed for sale and the applicant has a one (1) year lease. As such, Staff considers this use as "temporary" until such time that a higher-level non-residential use as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan is proposed or until the connection between Holland Road and Drakesmile Road is constructed. A portion of the site is within a restrictive easement owned by the United States Navy and is located in the Greater than 75 dB AICUZ. The paintball park is deemed to be a good, compatible, temporary use at this location. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the site is essentially, surrounded by an undeveloped area, is an appropriate use for this AICUZ, and is likely a temporary use of the site. William Fox Page 2 of 2 . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. No permanent structures, associated with the paintball park operation, shall be permitted on the site. 2. The hours of operation shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to dusk. 3. The operation shall comply with standards set forth by the American Paintball League. 4. All paintball activity, (parking, play and otherwise), shall be located in the wooded area depicted on the plan entitled, "Site Plan of Paintball Park for William Fox," dated 12/21/2005, which has been displayed to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. Any expansion beyond those limits depicted on the Plan shall require additional review and approval of a modification of these conditions to be granted by the City Council. 5. This Use Permit shall be administratively reviewed on an annual basis. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department e City Manager: WilliAM FOX Agenda Item # 7 March 8, 2006 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Carolyn A.K. Smith REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for outdoor recreational facility (paintball park). William Fox AG~I I-J AC-' CUP ~ Outdoor Recreation Facility (paintba1!) ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located at 2968 Holland Road. GPIN: 14953347740000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 7 - PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: 3 acres SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow development of the site for an outdoor 'paintball park' with proposed hours of operation of 9:00 a.m. to dusk. The park will have two (2) types of fields: a Woodland Field and a Speedball Field. The Woodland Field is for games played in a wooded environment. The Speedball Field is a fast-paced game played on a small course, usually with many obstacles. Some selective clearing is proposed but no permanent structures are planned on the site. A 20-foot high net will be installed around the playfields when they are in operation. A 28-foot van is proposed as the portable office. When the park is not open, the netting will be stored in the van, which will be parked off site at the applicant's supply store in another location. As the lease is for one (1) year only, a waiver to the pavement requirement will be requested from the Planning Director, as a gravel parking lot is proposed. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped vacant site with both open field and woods. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND . Wooded area 1 AG-1 Agricultural District . Wooded area 1 AG-2 Agricultural District . Wooded area 1 AG-1 Agricultural District . Office, bulk storage 11-1 Light Industrial The site is located within the Southern Watersheds Manag~[I)~Bt~rea. <';' "WILLlAMFO X ~. ; . . ...; ;.;.' '. ': Agenda Ite01';:1t 7, . ,~~g~.1 CULTURAL FEATURES: There is an open field adjacent to Holland Road that runs approximately 600 feet to the north. The rear of the property is primarily wooded and is encumbered by 1 OO-year floodplain (floodplain subject to special restrictions) . AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of greater than 75 dB Ldn and within Accident Potential Zone 1/ surrounding NAS Oceana. A portion of the property is also encumbered by an AICUZ restrictive easement. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN lMTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM lCIP): Holland Road is considered a two (2) lane undivided suburban arterial. Improvements to Holland Road are slated to begin in 2008. The MTP shows a 125 divided highway proposed for a future connection between Holland Road and Drakesmile Road (former London Bridge Road Extended) to the north. The general route of that roadway passes through this site. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Holland Road 17,266 ADT 1 13,600 ADT (Level of Existing Land Use ~ - 50 Service "C") - 16,200 ADT ADT 1 (Level of Service "E") Proposed Land Use 3 - 1 00 ADT Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by agricultural zoning 3 as defined by estimated number of clients (50) on a very busy day The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as being within Strategic Growth Area (SGA) 10/ South Oceana Area. A significant portion of SGA 10 is "located inside the Accident Potential Zone for the approach to NAS Oceana runways 5L and 5R," (p. 82 of the Policy Document). Much of the land within SGA 10 is also encumbered by AICUZ easements owned by the United States Navy that restrict the uses to those compatible to operations at NAS Oceana. "Developable land located in the western region of this Strategic Growth Area [as this site is] is planned for non- residential uses to include a mix of light industrial, low-rise office, and limited retail use," (p. 83). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Staff recommends approval of this request with conditions EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION ~ ,_' ."i>:, """ ,u,_ """'- WILl..lAM,~O}{ Agenda Iteni;:# 7", '..'p~g~,~. recommended by staff. The recommended conditions are provided below. As a portion of the site is within a restrictive easement owned by the United States Navy and is located in the Greater than 75 dB AICUZ, and within the Comprehensive Plan's Strategic Growth Area 10, the paintball park is a compatible use at this location. Adjacent to the site is an light industrial office with bulk storage for an electric contractor. All of the surrounding properties also have the same AICUZ restraints as this site. The nearest residential neighborhood is approximately 400 feet to the east. The field will be located approximately 640 feet north of Holland Road. The property under consideration is listed for sale and the applicant has a one (1) year lease. As such, Staff is inclined to consider this use as "temporary" until such time that a higher-level non-residential use as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan is proposed or until the connection between Holland Road and Drakesmile Road is constructed. CONDITIONS 1. No permanent structures, associated with the paintball park operation, shall be permitted on the site. 2. The hours of operation shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to dusk. 3. The operation shall comply with standards set forth by the American Paintball League. 4. All paintball activity, (parking, play and otherwise), shall be located in the wooded area depicted on the plan entitled, "Site Plan of Paintball Park for William Fox," dated 12/21/2005, which has been displayed to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. Any expansion beyond those limits depicted on the Plan shall require additional review and approval of a modification of these conditions to be granted by the City Council. 5. This Use Permit shall be administratively reviewed on an annual basis. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. , .' ",- .- . -,.,.<.".."". -'-"C.:,-',_..,...:'" 'wll.iJAM&OX ~gel1dalte AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION " N_ ']LYILLlAM Asel1da:lte ".."9 ;C"'.-i ':.,....-., PROPOSED SITE PLAN x ~o .....0.::..... o~ z-'~ ~....- o..ca::l w!Z~ ....- -'!l:'" r.flc.:o ... r~~~ " @~~ l ~~~ - ~ t ; ~ '\" ~ ~ .-".;;:/.;;.'~ "'" i_-~,::d.:.:,-(':,-~/ " "",'j::.", _.-.-'rr- ."./ .-'~., /~ . ( / ,.--:._~., I ! ~ .. ~ .~Jj;";--:;.". I i $ ! . 4'~s<~," l i ~ ; : /',~~-;.,./ ! i ~ :i l /';:':'-:/ I! .. ':t.~..'7~'" t ~ l!i ..b;,?::;~..=:::,::,/ : f :: ,</ ~./... t ~ ~,,,, . ....:~~!.....' :~ -:;~::!,::;.::..;"- ! : i / ! n ! Il ~1 ! ,~ . , ~~- ! ~ _" ! t: f . 1:. ! !', ; ! I ! I ~ ; ~ I ! I wI ~i ~i ii Z! i j~~ Ch I. !~;~~i i a i .. 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'<~> : !"ILLlAMfOX A9~nda Item # 7 ~.Pag~ 5 ZONING HISTORY William Fox AG-I I-J AG-I AG-I CUP - Outdoor Recreation Facility (paintbal/) 1 02/12/02 MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONS/PROFFERS (AG Granted 1 & 2 to Conditional 1-1) CUP (contractor's storage yardlbulk storage) 01/09/01 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG-1 & 2 to Conditional 1-1 ) Granted Granted 2 02/23/99 CUP (communications antenna) Granted 3 01/12/99 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG-1 & 2 to Conditional 1-1) Granted CUP (contractor's storage yard) 4 06/09/98 CUP (communications antenna) Granted 5 06/18/97 CUP (church expansion) Granted 04/11/95 CUP (church expansion) Granted 05/12/92 CUP (church) Granted 6 12/22/86 CUP (animal hospital, shelter, kennel) Granted 7 09/22/86 SUBDIVISION VARIANCE Granted 8 08/27/96 CHANGE OF ZONING (AG-1 & 2 to Conditional R- Granted 58) ;:,;" F " ", ". ,:,. '_,_,: '>\';"', L-C;- ," '; ,:,,, .-; "'~ ':;;-~c;<<<-/;;: . <<> '} .(WILLIAM li/ Age~da:lte t3"E ~2 "'~ ~t} ~o~ ~~~ >m~ CJ g') -'5,~ ~H ~ 9- <,'J ffi~;5 0:3;5 i:o;$8 g~~~~ ~1_o ~ Q'E~~ ..J=.5c: <: : 51;;: 6~HH~ E~u3_ , Q'i,i cs; e:- I o :J--~- C$ <~:z tf;g o~88 5~~ g '08. '" "-= ~ [~~ ! 8-g ij-fi i ~1ii,"i!<; b::l'~$~ ~ e ~ ~fZ! ~~<~'~ i ~,g' ~ i j '" o~-. c_ C- oo... g~~ j~S (,.':< ~u ~S~ Q ,... t:: ~g~ - ;> o..,mo ~oO .;..... ;::- .- - r: o 0'-.1 ;;::;0 ~'?ii--J ~~~ <<:~= ~~s e 0...8 ~i:hc:.o E~~ ~6..i tt) ::: ~'. g H..: -;~~~ --0<:' .(!! g e.~ ~~ 8~ 31,- -: Q $I ltJ 0,::5 (S ~~oO !~~ ~ <:_0> IDS.... 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It's for a Conditional Use Permit for a recreational facility (paintball park) on property located at 2968 Holland Road. This is in the Princess Anne District. Is there a representative? Thank you. Good afternoon. Jim Atwood: Good afternoon. My name is Jim Atwood and I'm going to be representing Mr. Fox and Fox Paintball. We've read the conditions and agree to them. Janice Anderson: Thank you Mr. Atwood. Is there any opposition to this application being placed on the consent agenda ? We would like to have AI Henley explain this application. Al Henley: Thank you. The property in question is essentially surrounded in a large undeveloped area, a woodland area with one exception on the corner. This is a business location around it. This application will be reviewed if approved for one year so when it comes up for renewal, if that is possible. It is a temporary use. We feel it's the best use for the property at this particular time. = Janice Anderson: Thank you very much. Mr. Chair, I have a motion. Barry Knight: A motion on the floor. Do we have a second? A second by Kathy Katsias. Is there any discussion? Call for the question. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE KA TSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE LIV AS AYE RIPLEY AYE STRANGE AYE WALLER WOOD AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved Item #7 for consent. ~;0\~~~'%~'2;;~ \<<;~::~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: 29 Ocean, L.L.C. - Change of Zoning District Classification, 29th Street east of Arctic Avenue (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) MEETING DATE: April 25, 2006 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of 29 Ocean, L.L.C. for a Chanqe of Zoninq District Classification from RT-3 Resort Tourist District, A-36 Apartment District and A-12 Apartment District to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist District with a Laskin Road Gateway Overlay on property located on the northeast corner of Arctic Avenue and 29th Street and on the south side of 29th Street, approximately 100 feet east of Arctic Avenue (GPINs 24280122750000; 24280122230000; 24280112720000;24280112210000;24280114720000;24280114200000; 24280103790000; 24280103080000). DISTRICT 6 - BEACH . Considerations: The applicant proposes to rezone the existing parcels, zoned RT-3 Resort Tourist District, A-12 Apartment District, and A-36 Apartment District, to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist District with a Laskin Road Gateway (LRG) Overlay and to redevelop the site as a multifamily residential project. The proposed buildings will be seven stories in height with a total of 89 units. The proposed "North" building will contain 47 units and 105 parking spaces. The- proposed "South" building will contain 42 units and 77 parking spaces. The units will range in size from 1,700 square feet to 2,528 square feet. The buildings will be constructed of a mixture of brick, exterior insulation finish system (EIFS), and hardiplank (fiber cement lap) siding. The proposed color scheme is red or tan brick, off-white hardiplank, and tan EIFS. The proposed roof will be standing seam metal in a terra cotta color. All the windows will be white vinyl wrapped wood, and the balcony railings will be bronze aluminum. Additional window and balcony treatments in the form of awnings to provide more human scale articulation to the project have been suggested to the applicant. The proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. The proposal will redevelop a stressed and under-utilized group of properties and provide high-quality residential units, increasing the year-round population at the Resort Area. The proposed buildings and site layout are urban in design and in accordance with the recommendations of the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines. The proposal is compatible with 29 Ocean, L.L.C. Page 2 of 2 the adjacent business areas as well as the multi-family residential project "under- construction" directly west of Arctic Avenue. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because it is a high quality development and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request, as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department ~ CityManag~ k-. ~~ 29 OCEAN, LLC Agenda Item # 8 March 8, 2006 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Faith Christie REQUEST: Chanqe of Zonina District Classification from RT-3 Resort Tourist District, A-12 Apartment District, and A-36 Apartment District to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist District with a Laskin Road Gateway (LRG) Overlay ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located on the Northeast corner of 29th Street and Arctic Avenue (311, 313 and 315 29th Street and 2903 Arctic Avenue), and the south side of 29th Street, 100 feet east of Arctic Avenue (310 and 312 29th Street). GPIN: 24280122750000; 24280122230000; 24280112720000; 24280112210000; 24280114200000'; 24280103790000; 24280103080000; 24280114720000. COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 6-BEACH SITE SIZE: 65,000 square feet (the northern parcel is 35,000 square feet; the southern parcel is 30,000 square feet) The applicant proposes to rezone the existing RT-3 Resort Tourist District, A-12 Apartment District, and A-36 Apartment District to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist District with a Laskin Road Gateway (LRG) Overlay and to redevelop the site as a multifamily residential project. The proposed buildings will be seven stories in height with a total of 89 units. The proposed "North" building will contain 47 units and 105 parking spaces. The proposed "South" building will contain 42 units and 77 parking spaces. The units will range in size from 1,700 square feet to 2,528 square feet. The buildings will be constructed of a mixture of brick, exterior insulation finish system (EIFS), and hardiplank siding. The proposed color scheme is red or tan brick, off-white hardi-plank, and tan EIFS. The proposed roof will be standing seam metal in a terra cotta color. All the windows will be white vinyl wrapped wood, and the balcony railings will be bronze aluminum. SUMMARY OF REQUEST ;. '_:V\/:' ,', ' . '''''''V/-': _,_A .,",~->,'>'"," ',' .',-.-. .,~;; ".,<> 0" 29 ~~CEAN, L~A-:C~' Agenda1tem::#8 ,< "P~g'e1 . . ",,~", ,..'. " -'-,,:"-- ,.<,.,:,:>,"", .-".,. '.',',',. """".;.'-, Additional window and balcony treatments in the form of awnings to provide more human scale articulation to the project have been suggested to the applicant. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Currently a 34-unit hotel, five two-bedroom cottages, and a single-family dwelling occupy the sites. The hotel was built in 1948, with additions in 1951, 1966, and 1983. The cottages were constructed in 1920, and the single-family house was built in 1927. All the existing uses are nonconfroming due to the existng zonings of the property. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: · An alley, 29% Street · Across the alley is a Hotel / RT-3 Resort Tourist District and A- 12 Apartment District · Hotel/ RT-3 Resort Tourist District · Single-family (north side) and restaurant (south side) / RT-3 Resort Tourist District · Arctic Avenue (north side) and a duplex (south side) / RT-3 Resort Tourist District and A-12 Apartment District South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are little or no natural resources on the sites as the sites are developed with buildings and parking areas. There does not appear to be any cultural features associated with the sites except the cottages, which were developed in 1920, and the single- family home built in 1927, around the beginning of the Town of Virginia Beach. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of 65-70 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): 29th Street in front of this application is considered a two-lane undivided local street. Arctic Avenue is two- lane Minor Urban Arterial roadway. This portion of Arctic Avenue will not be impacted by the upcoming construction phase for the Arctic-Baltic Avenue Drainage Improvements project. South of 28th Street, Arctic Avenue will be completely rebuilt with this Capital Improvement Project, which is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2006. There is a proposed entrance shown on 29th Street, just east of Arctic Avenue for the North condominium. This entrance will not be approved in this location because it is too close to the intersection. The entrance must be moved at least 50 feet east along 29th Street. Because all of the other proposed access points are also shown schematically with no information regarding entrances to adjacent properties, approval of specific locations for access points will be withheld until a construction .: " . :.: ~:;':::::" : . ", .,',' 29:0_CEAN, L~Il.C. Ag~i1dalte '8 .., f?2 plan is submitted for review. The developer will be responsible for improving the 29Y2 Street alleyway to meet Public Works Standards, which includes an 18-foot width with curb and gutter. The 18-foot width is measured from face-of-curb to face-of-curb. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume 29th St not available 6,200 ADT (Level of Existing Land Use;:- Service "C") - 153 ADT 9,900 ADT (Level of Proposed Land Use 3 - Service "D" - capacity) 581 ADT Arctic Avenue not available 7,300 ADT (Level of Service "C") - 10,700 ADT (Level of Service "D" Capacity) I Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by the existing uses 3 as defined by 89 condominium dwellings WATER: This site must connect to City water. There is an 8-inch City water line in 29th Street, and an 18-inch City water main in Arctic Avenue. SEWER: This site must connect to City sanitary sewer. Analysis of Pump Station #3, and the City sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. There is an 8-inch City gravity sanitary sewer main in 29th Street and a 24-inch City gravity sanitary sewer main in Arctic Avenue. SCHOOLS: School Current Capacity Generation 1 Change 2 Enrollment Cooke Elementary 536 505 7 4 Virginia Beach 706 724 3 2 Middle First Colonial 2,146 1,730 4 2 " . . generation represents the number of students that the development Will add to the school 2 "change" represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning. The number can be positive (additional students) or negative (fewer students). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Oceanfront Resort Area Plan and the Oceanfront Resort Area Design Guidelines, which were adopted December 20, 2005, and amended as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, identify this area as the Laskin Road Gateway. Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines were adopted by City Council on August 10, 2004, and identify eight (8) design goals, which are as follows: ,",;,:"" ,,"~:;':' ,"'>'. -",-'- ,:. ,'>~:', /- , :- """"~ -, ,-'" ,C.-' -.. '-'_' "'",,:e ";,,':-... _,.,', 29gCEAN, L~L.C. Agenda,ltem.#8 ,. ..Pa~e 3 .' ~ " " .. -:", .' ' ,,;:,~:~;:'I;.'\::'""'~' ,'.. 1. Provide interest at the street level and enhance the pedestrian experience. 2. New buildings and additions should be delineated both vertically and horizontally to reflect a human scale. 3. Simple rectangular forms with horizontal roof forms should predominate on commercial and mixed-use structures. 4. Clearly identify the primary entrance to a building and orient it to the street. 5. Architectural features should be used to provide weather protection and highlight building features and entries. 6. Building material and colors should exhibit quality and help establish a human scale while providing visual interest. 7. Design buildings with careful consideration for the incorporation of signage and lighting. 8. Design outdoor spaces to enliven the sidewalk level and provide for private open space for shoppers, employees, and residents. The Comprehensive Plan calls for high quality and more intensive development in the Laskin Road Corridor of which this proposal is consistent. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this request with the submitted proffers. The proffers are provided below. The proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. The proposal will redevelop a stressed and under-utilized group of properties and provide high-quality residential units, increasing the year-round population at the Resort Area. The proposed buildings and site layout are urban in design and in accordance with the recommendations of the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines. The proposal is compatible with the adjacent business areas as well as the multi- family residential project "under-construction" directly west of Arctic Avenue. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (91 07(h)(1 )). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1: When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibits entitled "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS Architectural Site Plans", "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - NORTH BUILDING PLANS", and "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS- SOUTH BUILDING PLANS", dated 01-27-2006, prepared by Hanson & Associates, P.C., which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter referred to as "Concept Plans"). ,~. . .," ~.',. . ."".0"", , ',." 29 OCEAN, bl.C. A~l1da ItentilS , 4 PROFFER 2: When the residential buildings designated Ocean 29-NORTH and SOUTH on the Concept Plan are developed, the exterior of the buildings shall be substantially similar in architectural features, details and appearance to the exhibits entitled "OCEANS 29 RENDERING", PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - ELEVATIONS SOUTH BUILDING" AND "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - ELEVATIONS NORTH BUILDING", dated 01-27-2006, prepared by Hanson & Associates, P.C., which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "29 Ocean Elevations"). PROFFER 3: Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City Agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable as they dictate the level of quality of the project. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated 30th January, 2006, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. >"~"'. 29~9EAN, L.' AgendaUe AERIAL OF SITE LQC1.t1l€JN\wc ",,_'^"":~>. " ..'~-~' ',.i:,"':, -'"C''''''' ,~ .o-.OV~ VM,jO lHt:l1 .0-.09 .o-.os~ . .~.U ~ .t-.u~ ~ w 0..(1) ~~ 5' I ~ ('\I . . ~ I ...... . I .&-.u~ .f?r ,..-..,. - ..'~,.. . Iii Ul ~ g ~ ~~ -~ ~m a:::Z ~::iZ ~' ::s 0.. a.. en ....J <C. =:>5' - 3 c...- ~ wll!!',~ (.) ~ ~~..i~ Ogl6 3nN3AV OU::>EV ~ ~ N ;s b NC; ~ I fA t -a" i)U i: . Wa: -g! C:'! j~ O.U ; U) 0 ~~ c: U) ~.. ca U) ~B~! ...I!'f'~i ..~ ..... ~ llli~ en ~ ~ ZI ~i ~I ~i ~i :z: - LiSfi c...:> o PllDIicrllO. r- I'IGIEl:1'llllIlIAlre roM fWWN -.e: IIIEiT 'IlIli: ~ SlIEPlAN aEETNlMIIR: AS1.0 IlEPUCES _: ~ PROPOSED SII~:'R(A~':":", ~:.,.-,. ...,:.... c-. '_: ,':' ..',': ';'" ,_' :'>:':':;'::'-""''':'' ....... 29:QCEAN; L~.C.' Agenda IteRl\,a , . , R~ge7 ..-.....'-' "".> .,':.::"wo- . -( > "' ::c u .( ~ cQ < !OOoi Z !OOoi o " ~ > 0\ N V) Z < ~ U o PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION : ~....,,~ 29 (lCEAf-,I, A.~l1daU~ 29 Ocean LLC Conditional Zoning Change: from Rt-3, A-12, A-36 to RT3 (LRG) 1. 1/8/64 1 a. 1/8/64 1/21/80 2. 2/22/05 5/28/02 3/27/01 3. 5/12/98 4. 1/14/97 5. 4/23/96 Approved Approved A roved Approved Approved A roved A roved Withdrawn A roved ,.- .",.., ,-",., .,.', '-,"". 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VIRGINIA 234e0-2191 IN REPL v ReFER TO: 5726 Ser 331111 February 28, 2006 Ms. Faith Christie Planning Department City of virginia Beach 2405 Courthouse Drive, BUilding 2 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Dear MS. Christie: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Conditional Use Permit application made by 29 Ocean, LLC for their proposed ninety-six-unit condominium project located at Arctic Avenue and 29u Street. T.bis site is' located approximately three miles northeast of NAS Oceana in the 65-70 decibel (dB) day-night aver~ge (DNL) noise zone, beneath airspace used by some jet aircraft approaching runway 23. Kindful that Virginia Beach did not adopt zoning changes in this contour foll~g the recent Joint Land Use Study, I must nonetheless advise you that the Navy's Air :Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Program prOVides that residential use is not compatible within the 65-70 dB DNL. The Navy understands that redevelopment of the oceanfront area is an important City initiative. :Indeed, this is reflected in the Statement of Understanding of 15 March 2005 between the City and the Navy. OUr concern with respect to such redevelopment is, however, the reSUlting increase in residential density. I wou1.d ask that the City staff and the proponents of this project seriously consider the known and potential consequences of aircraft operations on the future residents of these ninety-six units and urge the City to explore a way to advance tbls project at a lower density. I hope you will make these concerns known to the Ci ty staff and to the representatives of 29 Ocean, LLC. My sta.ff and I are ready to explain to anyone connected with 'this proposaJ. how air operations at NAB Oceana affect this site and to discuss any facet of the proposal. To do so, please contact my community Planning Liaison Officer, ,Mr. Ray Firenze at (757) 433-3158. Sincerely, ~ P.. GE ain, U.S. Navy Commanding Officer I r"" '- ';" ,'~, ,:" , 29,GPEAN, h~l.C. A~J1da.lte~I~8 .,.;:p;:Ig~;':I~ ,"""~ "', Item #8 29 Ocean, L.L.c. Change of Zoning District Classification Northeast corner of Arctic A venue and 29th Street and South side of 29th Street, approximately 100 feet east of Arctic Avenue District 6 Beach March 8, 2006 CONSENT Janice Anderson: The next item is Item #8. It is 29 Ocean, L.L.c. This is for a Change of Zoning from RT-3 Resort Tourist District, A-36 Apartment District, and A-12 Apartment District to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist District. Those three zonings being are being changed to RT -3 with a Laskin Road Gateway Overlay. This is on property located on the northeast comer of Arctic Avenue and 29th Street and on the south side of 29th Street. This is in the Beach District. Yes sir. Welcome. Mark Goldner: Thank you. My name is Mark Goldner representing the 29 Ocean, L.L.C. We've read the conditions and concur. = Janice Anderson: Thank you Mr. Goldner. Is there any opposition to this application? Therefore, Mr. Bernas could you please explain this one? Jay Bernas: This is an application for a Change of Zoning District Classification. The project will involve two buildings. The north building will contain 47 units. The south building will contain 42 units. The Commission feels that this should be on the consent agenda because it is a high quality, a wonderful development. It's consistent with the Laskin Gateway Design Guidelines. It's been a long time coming. One thing that we would like to note is that we would like to recommend to City Council that they look at the existing eIP projects within the area to look at opportunities to work with the developer and cost participate on improving this section of 29th Street. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Mr. Chair, I have a motion. Barry Knight: A motion on the floor. Do we have a second? A second by Kathy Katsias. Is there any discussion? Call for the question. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE Item #8 29 Ocean, L.L.c. Page 2 KA TSIAS KNIGHT LIV AS RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE ABSENT AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved Item #8 for consent. Barry Knight: Okay. = Page 1 of 1 Faith Christie From: HRDIVE@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 200611:12 AM To: Faith Christie Cc: ComfortVaBch@aol.com; EconoOceanfront@aol.com; awv@picusnet.com; billy@wplsite.com Subject: 29 Ocean LLC/ Richardson Associates inc (Comfort Inn) response Dear Faith: I will be out of the country from March 02 06 until March 27 06 I am the secretary of Richardson Associates, inc, the owner of the Comfort Inn located at 2800 Pacific Ave which is immediately adjacent and south of the project being developed by Mark and Lance Goldner et al . We are in support of the project and feel that its addition will be an enhancement to what currently occupies the site. However we respectfully request that this project be aesthetically screened from our property. Our hotel is seven stories and the proposed project is six stories .We believe that screening consistent with what was used for the convention center abutting I 264 east bound is appropriate for this project. The project is only set back 20 feet from the property line and to ensure that our guests are not adversely impacted we propose the following solution: that the property be landscaped with ten to twelve foot loblolly pines 10 feet on center with three to four foot wax myrtles 3 feet on center along the entire south property line of 29 ocean adjacent to the Comfort Inn ( our north property line) . We feel that this proposal will benefit not only our property but furthermore will enhance the project being developed. Please enter our comments for the record and please distribute to all of the Planning Commissioners . If you need to reach me i can be reached at 757 428 3970 or hrdive@aol.eom Thank you. Sincerely Henry Richardson = Mar 08 06 09:39a p.2 March 8, 2006 Planning.Commission and City Council Members Virginia Beach, VA Re: 29 Ocean LLC (aka Cherry Motel property) Ladies and Gentlemen: I ask that you support the proposed multifamily condo development on 29th Street. This development, constructed of quality building materials with disguised/secured ample parking, a variety of exterior designs and roof lines, staggered set-backs with landscaping along 29th Street, and window treatments of trim, shutters and awnings, will have a positive impact on the surrounding Old Beach neighborhood. = In addition, the developers have agreed that they will not participate in the Residential Permit Parking Program. I compliment the developers of this property for their commitment to building a quality project. Very truly yours, ~::~~(~ President Resort Beach Civic League 318 24th Street Va. Beach, VA 23451 428-8052 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No. DF-6436 DATE: April 11 ,2006 FROM: Leslie L. Lilley ~.... ~\)J B. Kay Wilso~'- DEPT: City Attorney TO: DEPT: City Attorney RE: Conditional Zoning Application; 29 Ocean, L.L.C. The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 25, 2006. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated January 30, 2006, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW /sj Enclosure /cc: Kathleen Hassen 29 OCEAN, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company ATLANTIC ENTERPRISES, INC., a Virginia corporation CHERRY MOTEL, INC., a Virginia corporation MARK GOLDNER TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 30th day of January, 2006, by and between 29 OCEAN, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor, party of the frrst part; ATLANTIC ENTERPRISES, INC., a Virginia corporation, Grantor, party of the second part; CHERRY MOTEL, INC., a Virginia corporation, Grantor, party of the third part; MARK GOLDNER, Grantor, party of the fourth part; and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee, party of the fIfth part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party of the second part is the owner of two (2) parcels of property located in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing a total of approximately 15,000 square feet as more particularly described as Parcels 1 and 2 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, which parcels, along with the other parcels referenced herein and described in Exhibit "A" are herein referred to as the "Property"; and PREPARED BY: GPIN: 2428-01-2275 2428-01-2223 2428-01-1272 2428-01-1221 2428-01-1420 2428-01-0379 2428-01-0308 2428-01-0308 2428-01-1472 11m SYl{~S. ROURDON. .. AIImN & lIVY. P.C PREPARED BY: -.0 SY~IS. ROURDON. m AHERN & llVY. P.c. WHEREAS, the party of the third part is the owner of SIX (6) parcels of property located in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing a total of approximately 43,000 square feet as more particularly described as Parcels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, which parcels, along with the other parcels referenced herein and described in Exhibit "A" are herein referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the party of the fourth part is the owner of one (1) parcel of property located in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, containing a total of approximately 7,000 square feet as more particularly described as Parcel 9 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, which parcel, along with the other parcels referenced herein and described in Exhibit "A" are herein referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the party of the first part, as contract purchaser of the Property, has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee so as to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from A-36, A-12 and RT-3, Apartment and Resort Tourist Districts to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist District (LRG); and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation; and WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the competing and sometimes incompatible development of various types of uses conflict and that in order to permit differing types of uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change that will be created by the Grantors' proposed rezoning, certain reasonable conditions goveming the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to resolve the situation to which the Grantors' rezomng application gives rise; and WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map with respect to the Property, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of 2 PREPARED BY: the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantors, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its goveming body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro qUO for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govem the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantors, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in interest or title: 1. When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibits entitled "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS Architectural Site Plans", PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - NORTH BUILDING PLANS", and "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - SOUTH BUILDING PLANS", dated 01-27-2006, prepared by Hanson & Associates, P.C., which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on fi.le with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter referred to as "Concept Plans") . 2. When the residential buildings designated Oceans 29-NORTH and SOUTH on the Concept Plan are developed, the exterior of the buildings shall be substantially similar in architectural features, details and appearance to the exhibits entitled, "OCEANS 29 RENDERING", "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - ELEVATIONS SOUTH BUILDING" and "PROPOSED OCEANS 29 CONDOMINIUMS - ELEVATIONS NORTH BUILDING", dated 01-27-2006, prepared by Hanson Associates, P.C., Architects Engineers, which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "29 Ocean Elevations"). nil SYHS. ROURDON. III AIIillN & UVY. P.c. 3 3. Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan and/ or Subdivision review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. All references hereinabove to the RT -3 and the Laskin Road Gateway Overlay (LRG) District and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of approval of this . Agreement by City Council, which are by this reference incorporated herein. The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantors and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed. The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void. The Grantors covenant and agree that: (1) The Zoni~g Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City PREPARED BY: of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and IIBSYl([s. BOlURDON. restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any .. AIIrnN & M. P.c. noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or 4 PREPARED BY: 11m SYKIS. ROURDON. 1\11 AHillN & UVY. P.c. suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding; (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Grantors shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the Grantors and the Grantee. 5 PREPARED BY: lIB sms. (lOURDON. m AIIrnN & LM. P.C WITNESS the following signature and seal: Grantor: 29 Ocean, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company By: Atlantic Enterprises, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Member By: -~ Andrew W. Vakos, President ----"' (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of January, 2006, by Andrew W. Vakos, President of Atlantic Enterprises, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Member of 29 Ocean, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor. 1 Zfh/i , /~(~~/'- Notaiy Public My Commission Expires: "" ~/~/ It-: f' 6 PREPARED BY: 11m Syn:s. DOURDON. .. AIlrnN & llVY. P.c. WITNESS the following signature and seal: Grantor: 29 Ocean, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company By: Cherry Motel, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Member BY:'-Z~ ~?:.~ Lance Goldner, President (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31st day of January, 2006, by Lance Goldner, President of Cherry Motel, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Member of 29 Ocean, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor. __Aft ~ ~/( Yllt(!&fKe Notary Public My Commission Expires: August 31, 2006 7 PREPARED BY: 11m SYlC[S. !JOURDON. mAmRN&LM,p.C WITNESS the following signature and seal: Grantor: 29 Ocean, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company By: ~~~ .. /-'"'..?--e- Mark Goldner, Member (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this j1st day of January, 2006, by Mark Goldner, Member of 29 Ocean L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor. A 4i if . i ' /' /}.11. ':' . : In.') (I [-&1/<--e Notary Public My Commission Expires: August 31, 2006 8 PREPARED BY: lIB SYKiS. BOURDON. m AHrnN & 1M. P.c. WITNESS the following signature and seal: Atlantic Enterprises, Inc., a Virginia corporation ~ Grantor: By: STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: (SEAL) Andrew W. Vakos, President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31st day of January, 2006, by Andrew W. Vakos, President of Atlantic Enterprises, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Grantor. /j/l;; IL/i~ 1'-' Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~/3;Jft 9 PREPARED BY: BB sms. ROURDON. m AlIrnN & 1M, P.c. WITNESS the following signature and seal: Grantor: Cherry Motel, Inc., a Virginia corporation By: 2~ ~~ Lance Goldner, President (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31st day of January, 2006, by Lance Goldner, President of Cherry Motel, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Grantor. ~AJ~:id. .k/l Yr7(~ /~(Ii.Yf? Notary Public My Commission Expires: August ::51, 2006 10 PREPARED BY: .u SYIU:S. ROURDON. m Am:RN & llVY. P.c. WITNESS the following signature and seal: Grantor: BY:~~~ Mark Goldner (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 31st day of January, 2006, by Mark Goldner, Grantor. ~Y1'i, LlYyJ~&rkPp ./ Notary Public My Commission Expires: August 31, 2006 11 PREPARED BY: 11m sYns. ROURDON. m AlImN & 1M. P.c. EXHIBIT" A" Parcel 1: All that certain 10t, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 6, in Block 2, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property . GPIN: 2428-01-2275 Parcel 2: All that certain 10t, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 8, in Block 2, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. GPIN: 2428-01-2223 Parcel3: All that certain 10t, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 10 and 10' of Alley, in Block 2, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. GPIN: 2428-01-1272 12 . Parcel 4: I All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach I District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 12 and 10 of Alley, in Block 2, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. GPIN: 2428-01-1221 Parcel 5: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 5, in Block 3, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property . GPIN: 2428-01-1420 Parcel 6: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 6 (49.6 Ft.), in Block 3, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. GPIN: 2428-01-0379 Parcel 7: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 7 and westem 4' of Lot 6, in Block 3, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. PREPARED BY: IISYKIS. ROURDON. GPIN: 2428-01-0308 AlIrnN & lIVY. P.c. 13 PREPARED BY: 1mB SYJ(IS. ROURDON. mAHJ;:RN & LM. P.c. Parcel 8: All that certain 10t, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 8, in Block 3, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. GPIN: 2428-01-0308 Parcel 9: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Beach District of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known and designated as Lot 4, in Block 3, as depicted on the plat of Central Park, Inc., recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 8, at Page 10, reference being made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. GPIN: 2428-01-1472 ConditionroRezone/290cean/Proffer5 Rev.l/31/06 14 M. APPOINTMENTS BEACHES and WATERWAYS COMMISSION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE - PPEA MEAL TAX TASKFORCE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL OCEANA LAND USE CONFORMITY COMMITTEE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SOUTHEASTERN PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY - SPSA SPORTS AUTHORITY OF HAMPTON ROADS N. UNFINISHED BUSINESS O. NEW BUSINESS P. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 I M B L 4/11/06 C E S L DATE: D C M R C A W PAGE: I I D J L A N R H N I E Y 0 A D D E M U L W AGENDA Z N N D 0 E I E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE E E E A 0 R V D V 0 L R S N X F E T A N 0 D I BUDGET WORKSHOP: A 2006-2007 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Catheryn PLAN OVERVIEW Whitesell, Director, Management Services B COMPENSA nON Fagan Stackhouse, Director, Human Resources IVIII/IV I CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION CERTIFIED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VIE FIG MINUTES APPROVED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y INFORMALfFORMAL SESSIONS 4/4/06 H PUBLIC HEARINGS LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY 1. Dolphin Run Condo Assoc NO SPEAKERS 2. deWitt Cottage NO SPEAKERS I/J/I Resolution re INCREASING net worth REFERRED TO 6-5 N Y Y Y N Y N N N Y Y limitations re Tax Exemption Program for TAX ASSESSMENT Elderly TASK FORCE FOR RECOMMENDA TION TO CITY COUNCIL BY MAY 1,2006 2 Resolution to GRANT third extension to ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Formal Renewal Proposal re Franchise with CONSENT Cox Communications of Hampton Roads, LLC 3 Resolution to ESTABLISH a Tax Deferral ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Task Force CONSENT 4 Resolution to APPOINT Alexander W. Stiles ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Associate City Attorney, effective April 17, CONSENT 2006 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCll ACnONS V 0 I M B L DATE: 4111/06 C E S L D C M R C A W PAGE: 2 I D J L A N R H N I E Y 0 A D D E M U L W AGENDA Z N N D 0 E I E S ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE E E E A 0 R V D V 0 0 L R S N X F E T A N 0 D Kll/a Ordinances to AUTHORIZE temporary DEFERRED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y encroachments into City property: INDEFINTEL Y. BY CONSENT JAMES A.lJEAN W. ALEXANDER re fence/wooden walkway/deck at 2411 Ketch Court (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) (Deferred April 4, 2006) lib VINCENT J/SUSAN T. MASTRACCO re DEFERRED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y masonry wall/concrete generator pad! INDEFINTEL Y, generator at 8404B Ocean Front Avenue BY CONSENT (DISTRICT 6 -BEACH) 2/a Ordinances to AUTHORIZE leases of City- owned property: BACK BA Y WILDFOWL GUILD re ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y deWitt Cottage at 1113 Atlantic Avenue CONSENT 2ib DOLPHIN RUN CONDOMINIUM ADOPTED. BY 10-0 Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ASSOC for overtJow parking at 3'd CONSENT B Street/Atlantic Avenue S T A I N E D 3 Ordinance to GRANT franchise for Open Air ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Cafe in Resort Area to Giovanni's, CONSENT Inc./RENEW franchises for Cabana Cafe/Yacht Club Cafe/18'b Street Cafe UI RADHAKRISHNA DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RENUKUNT AlKA VITHI VURIMINDI APRIL 24, 2006 CoZfrom AG-l to Conditional R-IO at Chestnut Oak Way (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) 2 CELEB 11M. SELIM OZIC COZ from AG-2 APPROVED AS 6-5 Y N Y N Y N Y N N Y Y to .Conditional R-7.5 at 1247 Culver Lane PROFFERED, (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) NOTING COMPLA TIBLE FINDINGS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW ZONING , ORDINANCE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCU ACnONS V 0 I M B L DATE: 4111/06 C E S L D C M R C A W PAGE: 3 I D J L A N R H N I E Y 0 A D D E M U L W AGENDA Z N N D 0 E I E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE E E E A 0 R V D V 0 L R S N X F E T A N 0 D 3 KINGDOM BUILDING WORSHIP CUP APPROVED, 11-0 Y Y Y Y Iy Y Y Y Y Y Y re a church at 928 Commonwealth Place CONDITIONED, (DISTRICT 1 - CENTERVILLE) BY CONSENT 4 CITY to AMEND g502 of Zoning Ordinance ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y re front yard setbacks for lots fronting on east CONSENT side of Sandfiddler Road. L APPOINTMENTS RESCHEDULED B Y C 0 N S E N S U S BEACHES and WATER WAYS COMMISSION HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION INVESTMENT PARTNERSHW ADVISORY COMMmEE - PPEA MEAL TAX TASK FORCE OCEANA LAND USE CONFORMITY COMMmEE SOUTHEASTERN PUBLIC SERVICE A'UTHORITY - SPSA MINtO ADJOURNMENT 7:23 PM