HomeMy WebLinkAbout041806 Infrastructure PWInfrastructure Sustainability Where We Are, Where We Are Tending April 18, 2006 Presentation Outline •Purpose and Scope •Overview / Policy •Parks and Recreation •City Buildings •City Fleet •Streets & Highways •Summary •Council Discussion Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Purpose and Scope •Policy Framework •Infrastructure Status Awareness •General Fund Focus Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Overview Why Important? •Council Policy •Citizens Use it –24/7 •Employees work there •The economy depends on it •We own a lot of it •All of us are stewards Public Works Department Overview (Con’t) Why Discuss it now? •Citizen expectations are high. Can we meet them? •Getting older, faster/more replacement •Greater usage •Effect of other commitments •FramOil Filter •Good News & Bad News Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Overview (Con’t) What do we mean by sustainability? “The capacity to maintain, renew and replace capital facilities in a manner that protects the initial investment and insures the effective & efficient functioning of the facilities”. Implies: •Service level/condition •Timeliness / backlog •Trends Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Policy Framework •1999 Report •Recognition of Need: “A large portion of the City’s infrastructure, such as public buildings, roads, water and sewer lines, and schools, was constructed during the 1970’s and earlier, and these facilities are now reaching ages where major maintenance and repair, if not full replacement, should be planned”. •Identified Standard of 2% -4% of replacement value. •Establish target of 2% for Virginia Beach, on average. Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Parks and Recreation Scope and Scale •Care of 10,000 Acres •6 recreation centers •Parking lots/paving –est. 70 acres •234 ball fields & multi purpose fields •135 playgrounds Issues •Aging infrastructure •Facility usage •Level of funding Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Parks and Recreation •Recreation centers •Over use of active facilities due to demand. •80% of paving greater than 20 years old. •Overall funding level not keeping pace. •Full condition assessment underway. Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Parks & Recreation Status & Trends Current Funding AssetTrendComment ConditionBacklog Recreation BNot MaterialDedicated Tax Centers Open Space Operating CN/A LandscapingBudget Needs Many Fields in Parks, Fields, poor condition. Playgrounds, C/C-+/-$6M Renovation Active facilities needed. Minimal Parking Lots, C-+/-$5M Maintenance Paving Performed Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability City Buildings Scope •240 Buildings •4.2 million square feet Issues •Obsolescence & age •Importance of replacement program •Special facilities Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability City Buildings •# of buildings 1990: 139# of buildings 2005: 240 •Estimated replacement value $4 –500,000,000. •44% of buildings older than 20 years. •Some facilities are unique: Aquarium, Convention Center, Theatre. •Full condition assessment beginning. •Replacement of aging facilities remains vital. Public Works Department Existing City-Wide Offices Conditions Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability City Buildings Status & Trends AssetConditioBacklogTrendComment n +/-Key Replacements $4MillionNeeded City C+/B- Buildings(excludes Replacement Facilities) Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability City Fleet Scope •General Fund Fleet: 2062 items •Original Value of G.F. Fleet: $84.6 Million •Overall Fleet: 3734 Items Issues •Ongoing Repair •Replacement 2-4% doesn’t apply Replacement cycle varies 43% of fleet > 7 years old Increasing cost for some vehicles Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability City Fleet Replacement Funding $ Replacement Funding (millions) 6 5 4.44.4 4 3.9 3 2 1 0 01/0202/0303/0404/0505/0606/0707/08 Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability City Fleet AssetConditionBacklogTrendComment Replacement funding @ City Fleet BMinimal at $5m + (General this time At Risk inflation is Fund) needed Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Streets & Highways Scope & Scale •Pavement –3,455 lane miles •Bridges –53 •Traffic Signs –60,030 •Signalized Intersections –347 In addition to the streets themselves, maintenance of sidewalks (2426 miles); curb & gutter (5,252 miles) & pavement markings (3,455 lane miles and 347 major intersections) must be performed. Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Streets & Highways Issues •Cost growth of all components •Increased usage / pressure on existing roads •Age and useful life –Standards –80% of roads over 15 yrs old. 46% over 35 yrs old. –Deterioration due to age / elements. Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Illustration of Factors at Work Euclid Rd. NewsteadDr. Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Streets and Highways Illustration of Factors at Work Signal FoundationsAtlantic Avenue Poles Public Works Department LesnerBridge Public Works Department LaskinRd. Bridge Deficiencies and Repairs Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Streets and Highways Roadway Resurfacing Cycle 4,000.0025 22.7 21.7 19.8 20.6 3,500.00 20 16.7 16.9 3,000.00 14 15.5 Years in Cycle 2,500.00 Lane Miles 15 2,000.00 10 1,500.00 1,000.00 5 500.00 0.000 FY 01FY 02FY 03FY 04FY 05FY 06FY 07 (p)FY 08 (p) Fiscal Year (FY) p = projected Arterial Lane MilesCollector/Local Lane MilesResurface Cycle in Years Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Streets & Highways AssetConditionBacklogTrendComment PavementC/C-$5 -$7 MBacklog increasing Only 0.61% of replacement value BridgesC_LesnerBridge Traffic SignsBN/APositive Area Traffic C$3.5 MDecaying bases, Signals Atlantic Avenue Signals Public Works Department Summary •Dramatic Cost Increases and Budget Pressures •Mixed Verdict •Backlogs growing in Some Areas •Alternatives Include –Do Nothing –Lower Service Levels –Additional Revenue to Sustain Public Works Department Infrastructure Sustainability Council Discussion Public Works Department