HomeMy WebLinkAbout110706 CAFRCity of Virginia Beach City of Virginia Beach Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2005-06 Prepared in Accordance with GASB Statement 34 Core Strategy “Act as Stewards of Community and Organizational Resources” Audited Financial Statements ? External Auditor Report ? Internal Auditor Comments ? GASB 34 Entity-Wide vs Fund Presentation Entity-Wide: Consolidates governmental and business activities Governmental Activities Column ? Business Activities Column ? Program revenues for each activity ? Fund Statements: Legal compliance Separate financial reporting units ? No program revenues identified for governmental ? activities Did the City’s Entity-Wide Financial Did the City’s Entity-Wide Financial Condition Improve during Condition Improve during Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 YES! YES! Net Assets of the Primary Government Increased Net Assets of the Primary Government Increased ? ? by $100.4 million to a Total of $2.9 billion by $100.4 million to a Total of $2.9 billion Invested in Capital Assets Increased $83.8 million Invested in Capital Assets Increased $83.8 million ? ? Unrestricted Net Assets Increased $18.8 million Unrestricted Net Assets Increased $18.8 million ? ? Revenues Totaled $1.15 billion, an Increase of Revenues Totaled $1.15 billion, an Increase of ? ? $38.4 million $38.4 million Expenses Totaled $1.05 billion, a Decrease of Expenses Totaled $1.05 billion, a Decrease of ? ? $25.8 million $25.8 million Statement of Net Assets –Primary Government Statement of Net Assets –Primary Government June 30, 2006 (in millions) June 30, 2006 (in millions) GovernmentalBusinessTotal Assets$3,120.1$930.7$4,050.8 Liabilities1,003.8168.01,171.8 Net Assets$2,116.3$762.7$2,879.0 Primary Government Primary Government Infrastructure and Other Capital Assets Infrastructure and Other Capital Assets at June 30, 2006 –Net of Accumulated Depreciation (in millions) at June 30, 2006 –Net of Accumulated Depreciation (in millions) Net BalanceAdditions/Balance June 30, 2005DeletionsJune 30, 2006 Land and Improvements729.714.7744.4 Buildings479.5.3479.8 Site Improvements99.116.3115.4 Machinery and Equipment38.65.944.5 Infrastructure873.1(20.3)852.8 Utility System550.713.1563.8 Construction in Progress519.090.0609.0 Total Infrastructure & Capital Assets3,289.7120.03,409.7 Infrastructure = Roadways, Bridges, Landfill, Hurricane Protection Statement of Activities –Primary Government Statement of Activities –Primary Government June 30, 2006 (in millions) June 30, 2006 (in millions) Program Net ExpensesRevenuesExpenses Governmental Expenses$ 947.3$ 232.3$ (715.0) Business Type Expenses107.0115.68.6 Total Primary Govt$1,054.3$ 347.9$ (706.4) General Revenues: Taxes716.4 Other90.4 Net Increase100.4 Net Assets -Beginning2,778.6 Net Assets -Ending$2,879.0 General Fund Highlights General Fund Highlights Undesignated Fund Balance: $123.4 million ? -increase of $26.8 million Revenues: over budget by $34.6 million ? Expenditures: less than budget by $26.8M. ? General Property Taxes: ? 57.2% of total revenue ? Increase 5.6% from prior year ? Other Local Taxes: ? 27.0% of total revenue ? Increase 5.7% from prior year ? General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Balance For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 (in millions) % of BudgetActualVarianceBudget Revenues$874.1$908.6$34.54.0 Expenses914.3875.438.94.3 Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenses(40.2)33.2$73.4 Fund Balance –July 1139.4139.4 Fund Balance –June 30$ 99.2$172.6 Less: Reservations49.2 Undesignated Fund Balance$ 123.4 Fund Balance as a percent of Budgeted FY2007 Revenues is 12.9% General Fund Revenues For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 (in millions) BudgetActualVariance Local$770.5$805.8$35.3 State80.179.4(0.7) Federal23.523.4(0.1) Total Revenues$874.1$908.6$34.5 General Fund Expenditures* For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 (in millions) BudgetActualVariance City Expenses$614.8$587.1$27.7 School (City Funding)299.5294.15.4 Total Expenditures$914.3$881.2$33.1 * Includes Encumbrances GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND Local Revenues Exceed Budget by $35.3 million Local Revenues Exceed Budget by $35.3 million Millions Real Estate $(0.4) ? Personal Property Taxes17.4 ? Utility Taxes(1.2) ? Business Licenses3.5 ? General Sales Taxes0.5 ? City Tax on Deeds4.3 ? Hotel Tax1.0 ? Restaurant Meal Taxes2.4 ? Cigarette (0.2) ? Interest and Rent7.8 ? Other Local Revenue0.2 ? General Fund General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance Undesignated Fund Balance June 30, 2006 (in millions) June 30, 2006 (in millions) Total Fund Balance June 30, 2006$172.6 Less: Reservations and Designations Loans, Advances & Other12.4 Future Programs9.7 City CIP –2005-20069.9 School Revenue Sharing 17.249.2 Undesignated Fund Balance $123.4 Percent of Budgeted FY2007 Revenues12.9% Fund Balance Issues Fund Balance Issues Retiree Healthcare –GASB 45 Virginia Retirement System –Direction Future Capital Needs –Transportation, Fire Stations, etc. Economy –BRAC Rating Agency Concerns Undesignated General Fund Balance 20016.0% 12.9% 11.2% 15012.0% % of Budgeted GF Revenue 9.3% Dollars (Millions) 8.9% 8.6% 8.5% $123.4 1008.0% $96.6 $73.0 $63.1 $62.3 50$59.5 4.0% 00.0% 200120022003200420052006 Undesignated GF Balance% of Budgeted GF Revenue Water & Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement Water & Sewer Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Net Assets of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Net Assets for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005(in millions) for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005(in millions) 20062005 Total Revenues$ 93.2$ 84.4 Total Expenses(90.4)(84.7) Capital Contributions5.93.1 Increase in Net Assets8.72.8 Total Net Assets –July 1542.9540.1 Total Net Assets –June 30$551.6$542.9 Storm Water Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement Storm Water Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Net Assets of Net Assets for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 (in millions) for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 (in millions) 2005 2006 Current & Other Assets$ 7.1$ 12.0 Capital Assets, Net211.2204.4 Total Assets218.3216.4 Liabilities 13.413.9 Net Assets$ 204.9$ 202.5 Storm Water Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement Storm Water Enterprise Fund Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Net Assets of Revenues, Expenses & Changes in Fund Net Assets for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 (in millions) for the Years Ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 (in millions) 20062005 Total Revenues$ 17.9$ 18.9 Total Expenses(15.5)(13.5) Capital Contributions-0.1 Increase in Net Assets2.75.5 Total Net Assets –July 1202.5197.0 Total Net Assets –June 30$204.9$202.5 School Operating Fund-Statement of Revenues, Expenses & Encumbrances For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 (in millions) REVENUESBudgetActualVariance City$272.3$266.9$(5.4)* Local2.73.40.7 From Commonwealth316.6314.6(2.0) From Federal Government14.416.01.6 Total Revenues$606.0$600.9$ (5.1) EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES$616.2$611.1$ 5.1 In addition, there is $11.8 million in revenue sharing and debt * service, for a total Reservation in the General Fund of $17.2 million. Outstanding Debt By Purpose June 30, 2006 Agriculture Reserve Program General 2.24% Government 56.15% Storm Water 1.20% Water and Sewer 13.58% Schools 26.83% Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Program Expenditures (in millions) Expenditures (in millions) Fiscal Year 2006 Fiscal Year 2006 General Government Projects$169.0 School Projects41.8 Water and Sewer Projects23.9 StormwaterProjects10.1 Total Capital Project Expenditures$244.8 Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Program Expenditures Expenditures Fiscal Year 2006 Fiscal Year 2006 (continued) (continued) Key Projects Street Resurfacing and Signalization Street Resurfacing and Signalization ? ? Laskin Road Gateway Laskin Road Gateway ? ? Pavilion Theater Replacement Pavilion Theater Replacement ? ? Various Site Acquisitions Various Site Acquisitions ? ? Correction Center Addition Correction Center Addition ? ? New Princess Anne Park Athletic Fields New Princess Anne Park Athletic Fields ? ? Open Space Program Site Acquisitions Open Space Program Site Acquisitions ? ? Convention Center Convention Center ? ? Various Drainage and Utility Projects Various Drainage and Utility Projects ? ? Communication Tax Audit House Bill 568 replaces current local ? communications taxes with a new state-wide tax Multiple rates will be imposed by the State, the largest of ? which is 5% for communication services. Funds collected by the State will be distributed to the City ? after administrative and other fees are deducted. City was required to report to the Auditor of Public Accounts ? the amounts collected for communication taxes during FY2006. The APA will determine each locality’s percentage share ? based upon audited receipts. Distributions will begin after January 2007. ? Robert Bielat, Partner Cherry Bekaert& Holland Audit Presentation City of Virginia Beach Virginia Solutions.Character. November 7, 2006 Depth. The Firm of Choice. Overview Overview of Auditors’Opinion ? Required communication of significant audit ? matters Questions ? Auditors’Opinion on the Financial Statements Unqualified Opinion ? Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of ? America Material Transactions and balances ? Compliance with laws and regulations material to the financial ? statements Required Communications Our responsibility under generally accepted auditing ? standards: We assessed risk that the financial statements may contain a ? material misstatement, either intentional or unintentional We documented and considered internal controls to assist us with ? our audit approach, not for the purpose of providing assurance on those controls. Required Communications Our Responsibility under Government Auditing Standards (The ? Yellow Book) We reviewed and tested the City’s compliance with laws and ? regulations, noncompliance with which could have a material impact on the financial statements. We reviewed compliance with applicable laws and regulations ? identified in the Specifications for Audit of Counties, Cities and Townsissued by the Auditor of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia Required Communications Our Responsibility under OMB A-133 ? We performed procedures in order to express an opinion on the ? City’s compliance with requirements applicable to major Federal programs. Our opinion was unqualified. We performed tests of controls to assess the City’s ability to ? detect material noncompliance with program requirements, not to express an opinion on controls. Required Communications Independence ? In accordance with AICPA Rule 101, and the independence ? standards contained in Government Auditing Standards, we were, and continue to be, independent with respect to the City of Virginia Beach. Accounting Policies ? No new significant policies adopted. ? No transactions that lacked authoritative consensus. ? The new statistical section ? Required Communications Estimates ? These statements include estimates, including: ? Allowance for doubtful accounts ? Depreciation ? Value of infrastructure assets ? Required Communications Significant Audit Adjustments ? There were no significant audit adjustments proposed by us ? that would indicate a weakness in the City’s reporting process. There were no misstatements that were not corrected. ? Audit Presentation City of Virginia Beach Virginia Solutions.Character. November 7, 2006 Depth. The Firm of Choice. Joanne Griggs, City Auditor External Audit Contract