HomeMy WebLinkAbout031307 Pungo Crossing ULIUrban Land Institute Urban Land Institute PungoCrossing PungoCrossing A Summary of ULI A Summary of ULI Recommendations Recommendations City Council Briefing March 13, 2006 City Council Briefing March 13, 2006 1 TIMELINE TIMELINE ? June 2005 –City Council Resolution to conduct a study • Begin the process of a PungoVillage Land Use Study • Response to request from PungoVillage Landowners Association ? April 2006 –Urban Land Institute contract executed • ULI is a non-profit education and research land use planning organization • 7 member Advisory Services Panel assigned to the study ? June 11 –June 16, 2006 • ULI in Virginia Beach to conduct the study • June 16, 2006 ULI Preliminary Presentation • Summary of Recommendations ? February 2007 –Final Report received by City of Virginia Beach 2 ULI PLANNING PROCESS ULI PLANNING PROCESS ? ULI Advisory Services Panel • 7 members from outside of the area • Selected by ULI for areas of expertise in land use and rural planning ? June 11 –June 16, 2006 •City Briefing to Panel Members •City Bus Tour •Study Area Tour •Public Reception •Stakeholder Interviews •June 16, 2006 Public Presentation •Summary of ULI Recommendations 3 4 General Study Area 5 BRIEFING TOPICS BRIEFING TOPICS Urban Land Institute Recommendations for “PungoCrossing” Urban Land Institute Recommendations for “PungoCrossing” ? ULI Guiding Principles ? Land Use Plan • Gateways • Quadrant Development • Circulation and Access Management • Utility Systems • Design Character ? Development Strategies • Plan Actions • Components for Master Planning • Governance Actions • Marketing Actions • Agricultural Actions • Implementation Web 6 ULI GUIDING PRINCIPLES ULI GUIDING PRINCIPLES ? Preserve rural character ? Create a “gateway”to “environmental wonderland” ? Create an appropriate character that respects: •History •Environment ? Preserve agricultural area south of Indian River Road ? Expand activities over time –“Celebrate life in Pungo” ? Share the experience and excitement General Study Area 7 8 GATEWAYS GATEWAYS ? Defined edges • Physically and symbolically distinguish urban areas from rural areas ? Northern Gateway • Seaboard Road & Flanagan’s Lane • Historically themed housing ? Southern Gateway •Rural Preservation Buffer •Additional ARP purchases 9 QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT ? Intersection • Mixed use service & community retail • Village street facade • Renovated historic structures as cornerstone • Sidewalk, trail, and pedestrian facilities carried throughout quadrants ? ? Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant • • Heritage park Residential uses • • Historical structures Inn • • Public market Resort-style services • • Outdoor arena Equestrian uses • • Livestock & horse exhibition Retail and service uses • Woodland preserve ? ? Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant •Civic park •Existing uses renovated to •Fire station guideline standards •Preserved wooded wetlands •Agricultural-equestrian interface with recreation trails •Protected wetlands & sensitive •Alternative utility system or lands pump station •Additional ARP purchase 10 CIRCULATIONAND ACCESS MANAGAMENT CIRCULATIONAND ACCESS MANAGAMENT ? ? Regional Roadway Systems Local Circulation System • Eliminate pressure on Princess Anne • Speed Limit 25 mph Road and Indian River Road• Rural design “village lanes” • • Limit rural residential growth to the south Narrow cross section • • Implement Green Sea Byway Strong landscape character • • Prioritize planned regional improvements Priority to pedestrian systems • Southeastern Parkway• Complementary land use • NimmoParkway planning • Park once and walk between destinations ? Access Management •Limited points of access on: •Princess Anne Road •Indian River Road •Increased pedestrian mobility •Main points of access through: •Internal circulation system 11 UTILITY SYSTEMS UTILITY SYSTEMS ? LimitedService Area with Defined Edges • Control and coordination by the City • key to successful rural preservation • compliance with plan objectives, density, and design requirements • Connection at owners’expense • Ensure • Sustainability • Environmental management ? Within Study Area (PungoCrossing) • Public Water • Allow extension • Public Sewer Services • Allow extension • Three Options: 1) City-owned septic system 2) Alternative centralized sewer system (Puraflo) 3) Extend sanitary sewer Standard pump station 12 Alternative pump system DESIGN CHARACTER DESIGN CHARACTER ? Living village with a mixture of uses • Civic • Commercial • Residential ? Bugalow-style architectural elements • Commercial uses • Residential uses • Appropriate scale and character ? Parking • In the rear of buildings ? Streetscape •Pedestrian mobility •Safety •Sidewalks and pathways 13 DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES ? Be economically viable and self sufficient ? Have a broad appeal to a wide range of people ? Have adequate public facilities ? Be aesthetically attractive ? Create strong neighborhoods 14 PLAN ACTIONS ? Prepare a detailed master plan ? Prepare design guidelines ? Plan and implement access improvements, including parking ? Prepare an implementation strategy for; Regional pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian trails ? Relocation of historic farm buildings ? Regional greenways plan ? Building improvement program ? ? Prepare a development strategy for; Relocation of farmers market ? A civic park and fire station ? 15 COMPONENTS FOR MASTER PLANNING Physical development plan ? Unifying public space network ? Specific project definition & city-led initiatives ? Access, circulation, and parking plan ? Regional trails and connection plan ? Infrastructure improvement plan ? Environmental management plan ? Zoning and land use plan ? Heritage controls ? Financing and implementation plan ? Development guidelines ? 16 GOVERNANCE ACTIONS Quickly initiate actions to begin planning and development of the plan. ? Facilitate public/private partnerships. ? Define: ? decision-making and administrative framework ? Initiate: ? Environmental preservation strategy. ? Scenic byway designation for Princess Anne Road ? Implementation of Green Sea Byway ? Review: ? Comprehensive Plan ? Planning ordinances ? Develop: ? Infrastructure funding plan ? Special district and funding mechanisms ? Incentives tool kit ? Redefine and clarify the role and implementation of the ARP ? Reinstate funding ? Aggressively pursue purchase of high-priority properties ? Do not pursue ARP purchases north of Indian River Road 17 ? MARKETING ACTIONS ? Prepare: Marketing strategy to promote Pungo Crossing as a destination ? Events calendar for regional and seasonal festivals ? Rural and environmental education program ? ? Attract mix of unique retailers and specialty service uses ? Market the value and benefits of redevelopment opportunities in greater Virginia Beach 18 AGRICULTURAL ACTIONS ? Limit development densities in the agricultural area (One unit /15 acres) ? Support redevelopment in the core city ? Prioritize and actively pursue key lands to preserve ? Increase buffer between neighborhoods and agricultural uses ? Encourage: Sustainable development practices (ecobuilding) ? Self sufficiency (community gardens) ? Sensitive design pattern ? Farmyards o Lanes o Rural architectural character o No curbs or gutters o Minimal manicured lawn area o 19 IMPLEMENTATION WEB 20 WHERE WE GO FROM HERE: WHERE WE GO FROM HERE: ? Staff Review ? Planning Commission Consideration ? Agricultural Advisory Commission Consideration ? Comprehensive Plan Review ? Public Input Processes ? Budget & CIP Process 21 WHERE WE GO FROM HERE: WHERE WE GO FROM HERE: 22