HomeMy WebLinkAbout090907 OCTOBER PLANNING ITEMSPlanning Items to be Heard by City Council in October October 9 Agenda October 9 Agenda PyongTuCho PyongTuCho ? ? CH & B CH & B ? ? Mathews Green Associate, LLC Mathews Green Associate, LLC ? ? College Park, LLC College Park, LLC ? ? Greg Smith Greg Smith ? ? Victorious Living Church Victorious Living Church ? ? St. Michael Lutheran Church St. Michael Lutheran Church ? ? Rappahannock Sports, LLC Rappahannock Sports, LLC ? ? Cingular Wireless –Charity Neck Road Cingular Wireless –Charity Neck Road ? ? Willie Donald Martin, Jr. Willie Donald Martin, Jr. ? ? KotaridesDevelopers KotaridesDevelopers ? ? Cho Cho Cho –Subdivision Variance 1212 N. InlynnviewRoad –DISTRICT 5, LYNNHAVEN PyongTuCho Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended denial Planning Staff recommended denial ? ? Planning Commission recommends denial Planning Commission recommends denial ? ? (11-0) (11-0) There was opposition There was opposition ? ? City Council has deferred item twice at the City Council has deferred item twice at the ? ? request of the applicant request of the applicant Relevant Information Relevant Information Applicant requests variance to lot width to create Applicant requests variance to lot width to create ? ? a lot for a single-family home. a lot for a single-family home. Protfer - Site rlan Compliance Revie\\/ CH&B - SITE PLAN ApPROVAL (PROFFER COMPLIANCE) S. PLAZA TRAIL AT PRINCESS ANNE ROAD - DISTRICT 2, KEMPSVILLE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (10-01-1) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing y There was no opposition Relevant Information ~ Site rezoned for commercial use in 1971 and 2003. ~ 2003 rezoning included proffer that applicant would return to City Council for approval of site and building design. IIlJI..DIIQ At PNII(IrI] DATA. HARRIS lEElER 48. 700 ~ HARRIS lEElER EXPANSION 6.71<l SF (HET Of SHOP AREA 10.940 SF TOTAL) $Mill!. SHCPS (EXCl..UOl~G otnPAACElS) 37,76<) Sl" IlEnUIl R!:TiJL 38,000 SF FUTURE E:lG".6.NSON 0 HEALlHY WAY 2,3.400 Sf OUTPARCEl. A ~ell Sf OUTPAACEL a 3&1300 Sf' 0UTPAACEl. C 6,200 'SF OUTPARCfL 0 +.000 Sf OO1?ARCEl E 4.500 Sf OUTPAACE1. F ~,ooo Sf TOTN... POSSIBlE BUILDING AAEA:. 21+,+17 SF ct.JARENT ZONING lOT~ SITE AAEA PMPOSED USES> HARRIS ~ .. OIl'I.HSlOIl RETiJL 00iTER. PCt<DS ... RIO TAA'E OUlPAACEI. A OUTPARCE.L B OUlPAACEI. C OUlPARCa 0 OOlPARCEl E OUTPARCEl. F TOTAl SITE AA.f.k 6--2 27.15 AC ~iii gf ~~ ~ co t=i~. o 'g ct:- !~ !~ };'g "'''' 15.0 ",0 11.5 AC l.g AC "'. AD 1.2 AC 1.2 AC 1.1 AC 1.3 AD 27.8 AC O~ PARKING REQUIRED (!!I SP./1.().'Xl SF) \.0'72 81'. O\IERALL PARK1NG PROVlDill (5.B8 Sf' /1.000 SF) \,281 SP. :I " G '" ~ ..:i ~ E-< '" "" ~ ~ . < ~ G '" ~ HOTEl 1. U'ttuT SHOWI IS tOKEPllIAL IN NAlIJRE JH) sue..EC'T TO 0iANCi1E. USES I.U.ISTRA lED ARE FCJI PFIfl.JYMARY ~ PURPOSES IHJ NtE. ALSO SlAECT TO atAHC!. 2. GROCaI'I S1<K PAIlOEL IS _ M< A WollE PARCEl.. .. A FEE M8PlE PAItCS... IS RfQIJ!RED 'THEN NQHT-Cf'-WA'1' FRONtAGE WI..L NEED TO BE PRtMDEJJ. THUS HNCING 1HE PARCEl... l.ARQER, GRAPHIC SCAlE 'k.-.AJJ 'l" fUr 1 INCH - 80 FEET i DU .-- DU _ ~' _n _ ......n ~ Me - - .~- -iitarN..l'.-l'l J CH and B CH and B Mathews Green Mathews Green Mathews Green –Rezoning to P-1 (Proffer Compliance) Princess Anne Road at General Booth –DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing Relevant Information ~ Site rezoned to R-20 (PD-H2) in 2006. ~ Rezoning included proffer that applicant would return to City Council to rezone the open space area being dedicated to the City to P-1 Preservation. College Pk College Pk College Park –Modification of Proffers S. Plaza Trail at Princess Anne Road –DISTRICT 2, KEMPSVILLE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing y There was no opposition Relevant Information ~ Site rezoned for multi-family age-restricted community on January 23, 2007. ~ Applicant is requesting modification of proffers to allow 44 covered parking spaces and a maintenance building (neither were shown on the approved plans). lNC. .UJ~ ~~ ~~ lI)ct:: ~~ rQq; ~fS ~;t t-.::UJ (/) ,~ u ~ " BANBURY LAKE VlLLAGE APARTMENTS ~~!JN,llJ!11YI't.~JLrg College Park GREG SMITH - USE PERMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION (GLASSBLOWING) 594 VAN BUREN CT - DISTRICT 3, ROSE HALL Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended approval with Planning Staff recommended approval with ? ? conditions conditions Planning Commission recommends Planning Commission recommends ? ? approval (11-0) –Consent agenda item at approval (11-0) –Consent agenda item at PC Hearing PC Hearing There was no opposition There was no opposition ? ? Relevant Information Relevant Information Applicant creates glass beads and pendants as Applicant creates glass beads and pendants as ? ? hobby. hobby. Applicant now desires to sell his creations, and Applicant now desires to sell his creations, and ? ? thus needs a business license. thus needs a business license. No customers to house and only one other No customers to house and only one other ? ? employee (family member). employee (family member). CUP - for d Church VICTORIOUS LIVING CHURCH - USE PERMIT (CHURCH) 2180 MCCOMAS WAY SUITE 113 - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended approval with Planning Staff recommended approval with ? ? conditions conditions Planning Commission recommends Planning Commission recommends ? ? approval (11-0) –Consent agenda item at approval (11-0) –Consent agenda item at PC Hearing PC Hearing There was no opposition There was no opposition ? ? Relevant Information Relevant Information Applicant requests a church in suite of this office Applicant requests a church in suite of this office ? ? building. building. Sufficient parking available. Sufficient parking available. ? ? Applicant must upgrade building to meet Applicant must upgrade building to meet ? ? Building Code requirements as a place of Building Code requirements as a place of assembly. assembly. MaD Kll-12 Map !'fot to Scale PD-H2 U~-20) o (14) o (119 ,"v1odirication of Conditions ST. MICHAEL - MODIFICATION OF USE PERMIT 2200 PRINCESS ANNE ROAD - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing y There was no opposition Relevant Information ~ Applicant is modifying the Use Permit for the church in order to enclose an existing picnic shelter in the rear yard for use as Sunday School space. CUP for Indoor Recreational Facility RAPPAHANNOCK SPORTS - CUP FOR INDOOR RECREATION FACILITY HOLLAND RD AND WARWICK DR - DISTRICT 6, BEACH Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended approval with Planning Staff recommended approval with ? ? conditions conditions Planning Commission recommends Planning Commission recommends ? ? approval (11-0) approval (11-0) There was opposition There was opposition ? ? Relevant Information ~ Applicant proposes indoor fields for soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, and flag football. '" '-. CY .0 CD OLD ROAD w > Q' co y: u 3' CY <t S ~~ ~.~"~( ~~. ,~.,.. IkDOOR SPORTS COMPLEX (110,346 SF) >< Wz cC<i McC <i()~ ~~as <ia:>- ~~~ 000;:; Q;a:~ >0--' OW ~lE < Z ~ :> ri""ii/!Sl!!..- " C PARKINGPROV:DED 41;'< SP~CES (INCUJDING 10 07-0481 10F1 Rappahannock Sports, LLC a D- o AG-I AC-2 - : - - 8" Cin ular Wireless - Chant o " o CINGULAR / ATT - cUP (WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TOWER) CHARITY NECK ROAD - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) y There was opposition Relevant Information ~ 195 foot tall monopole tower with capability for 4 wireless communication antenna arrays .-.......-..... ..---..,._-'...... ~l/Ih~lP1r~;24"56_iIl8(l' ~.~ ,..- rt~~~'~~;r .~~,rf..--. D'~mmlG: AG-1 , -"--.~.,~, FJ) "" ~"'if:!:3'E " ...>t ~: IIlOOED FD "D l;'f/,OPOSW ,1XI'~'oo' l.[,L.S[,fIREi\ 10,OOOU ~:~:;;~::::~~~~~=:~~2::~--__ ( ~~'~>~~7 . 0 \. '--- -'" I / m~ '-"I._! ~ ru tc~ -rr.!' \. I '. -- \, o,\...&::~!i'J"Q' " "''''"IT / \ "LmAlII' UM'T> D[ i3.,,'I'" - d ~ FIB.] ~ FLOO YSHD~~ I'" " ............, "''''::;.':'''i'ifoo,,, I@ " ....... ......... ~'~I'I5", DO"E 1 \ ..... -"", ..........p", r;;: 1 '" ..' ,:;'I".IL~'~"CH"ltj 'OI!' !;(~j"'............l!iii' \ . D8 Z1J47 F'U..17 {"at, I: ,"',,, POl' ~11i! ...... ,"-"'S i ~m.c' '1. !r/:r' ~ 'I ...... .~" """ / ..]Il . FD '. I: '.! '_"~. ..... 'c'.' ""~c. [I L ~w-~~~-=::_-=---=-=--:..:::=~~_~ .~-'-,-,-, " ...",... ''''.,"' ----~---;--. "'-. L - -" - - - - ~- -- -- _ __ __ _ C -. ,i 'I --"--...- --'-'--,-- aJLmTBl "I : -------_1________. ''-\, AM ! 1lU1IDED ~ lS~ L;P1tl~ ~411-li~~~STEE EUz.a.g~ 4~~~lJ.. 2:!'1' mlltl~ ,l,r;-:! Q I!F DETAIL :SC~LE~ 1:=~: DETAR SCALE: 1 20 40 (11.X17" PLOT) (24";::36" PLDT) IZD -"t P",,' P"-E 'tlE'F'Ell.. 1015. j~ !t'~ ~tJ ~ I' Map B-4 Ma Not to Scale Willie Donald Martin "os AuLomoUve Repair (Body Shop) WILLIE DONALD MARTIN - CUP FOR AUTO REPAIR 1 128 BARRS ROAD - DISTRICT 4, BA YSIDE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended indefinite deferral y Planning Commission recommends approval (9 - 2) y There was no opposition Relevant Information Relevant Information I-1 zoned site located in Strategic Growth Area 1 I-1 zoned site located in Strategic Growth Area 1 ? ? –Northampton Boulevard Corridor Area –Northampton Boulevard Corridor Area Applicant desires to construct 100’x80’metal Applicant desires to construct 100’x80’metal ? ? building for his auto repair business. building for his auto repair business. Staff recommended deferral to allow time for Staff recommended deferral to allow time for ? ? plan and implementation strategy for SGA 1 to plan and implementation strategy for SGA 1 to be completed. be completed. ........../0 i' 'V , ,00((' , ~J~) \..~o ':1] ~o' O\X\) ""o\>-IJ\":J] '0 ~""""" "G. <;f. S ~I,..-{ ?'?' <o\X~ 0<O~""X;~~' ,\, ,or) (",-) , \ \ 19,~3 4'~ ..va 9FQ' S. i'2:! t.f' I~ <9. ,)' -1~ 1 J, '';>! /Co C . "'(;' 91' - 6'6'o/U% OIj>I 1)... ;2Q..J] Hl.5 \ 't' ",\ 0'. 1~.5 ,\ .'\ 7~ 19.5 \\ ~,\"'I ! . ",,0 :~ ~~ r/ '98 7J Si1;. f-~ ~- . ./ '17 " <r, () J '" " q., /" c>-::.r- /' <2,,, . /7. SQ iIJ ~sr\'F- ~ (j / 20.0 EcJ--~ JC~ _~f< '/5'1) \ / ", .' i'e<'-"""~ 0\:-*". ;,:~ /~/-~ "\ 1, ~~;~~1I\ - \ ---[<:/" \ '" '~~~\~\b~~;?:~\"\\' '\ <' '\ ocf}t3;\) ~\ \ ~ ", ,oot\.-J..l.J- '"' ?wi \ i WOf 'ffl' l '" , ILII~ SZ~ZD m~:;'2.ff.2.0': \ \" j \:::~;_\ ~v>'" ~~_\cl-D '"' \ 218 2" ,_.." ( \ 1 ~ / h\ 1"' ("}y","" .' ,1;',r )~'S~!#1) r 18"'~: '"0 186 ,--f~--r[' - ! 221'1.. ~ 1;,'/>1..1 I _---) lv y""V v~.~~rv-V--"'~Y~' -- --f r ) /, / l \- \ ~?c< _r'" ,/", ,__C:::C, " (. IS A / - --- , ,. - _,r . J ' ~'c'~' .," ,--- . , '>-,' r .' \ ,'/ I ,,-"" -- ,. .' .' , l//l/" "",": l.r ~ ",,' + \ 0v.:"L_~__t:i~__/ \ t;'",v>/-/ f . of \\',0 --~l 56"0-:4:;'"3,; ..\;,-;:""--:-;-~"~~\ ,,,j2.60 (CALC)---- " '" J- . .,.Q? EY? ./ ./ ~, \ ./ ~:-.~~ra.4// \:>1-; ;_/(:;\ /] 1-1:\ )0 S;l ' \ \ \ , Chan!!(' of Zonim.! from: B-2 to A-24 L.J (y KOTARIDES - CONDITIONAL REZONING FROM B.2 TO A.24 OLD PROVIDENCE ROAD - DISTRICT 1 , CENTERVILLE ".K~~+1'K(j')tliJ)rl"'~)'61VE[();'E1ti~Y~~~ liaIi~klIll'~;il'.'~;il'~I:'~;il).'~;il'~I:'~;il).'~;il'~I:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il).'l;il'~l:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il).'~;il'~l:'~;il'.'lfli Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Staff recommended approval ? ? Planning Commission recommends Planning Commission recommends ? ? approval (11-0) approval (11-0) There was no opposition There was no opposition ? ? Relevant Information ~ 16.9 acre parcel ~ Proposes 300 apartments in 12 buildings. ~~)lR()"XKi0Brl~'1)!VE[i)p"rRW~~ tiJIB.................................,!:I_. KOTARIDES DEVELOPERS KOTARIDES DEVELOPERS October 23 Agenda ~ Joseph W. Freeman, Jr. ~ John D. & Randi Vogel ~ International Christian Church ~ The Hertz Corporation ~ Vernell Dreuitt ~ Scott E. Higgs & Gale M. Levine ~ William Nick Wright, Jr. ~ Virginia Beach Resort, LLC ~ Dorothy Jacobson ro, .10 Map L-22 Map Not to Seal e ~ B i\l 0 Cj O~ '" . 0 {J <=> ." ... D .~ o "~ JOSEPH FREEMAN - STREET CLOSURE SOUTH OF BACK BAY LANDING RD - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Joseph W. Freeman, Jr. Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended approval with Planning Staff recommended approval with ? ? conditions conditions Planning Commission recommends Planning Commission recommends ? ? approval (11-0) –Consent agenda item at approval (11-0) –Consent agenda item at PC Hearing PC Hearing There was no opposition There was no opposition ? ? Relevant Information ~ Road platted in 1947 to allow school bus to access property. Right-of-way has no use now; people use it as a dump, etc. ~ Viewers recommend approval. 1\1odification of Cunditions VOGEL - MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONS LONDON BRIDGE RD - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE John D. & Randi Vogel Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended denial y Planning Commission recommends approval of an extension of CUP to July 30, 2008 (11-0) y There was opposition Relevant Information ~ In 2006, City Council granted approval of CUP for commercial entertainment (Winter Holiday Display), but directed applicant to return to City Council before the Halloween entertainment activities to resolve issues pertaining to all of the activities on the site. CUP expires on 11/14/2007. ~ Applicant submitted application requesting only that the one year limitation on the Winter Holiday CUP be removed. International Christian International Christian International Christian –CUP for Indoor Recreation (Gym) 2969 Holland Rd –DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing y There was no opposition Relevant Information ~ Church desires to add a gym to their facility. ~ )( .~ The Hertz CUP for l3ulk Storage 1-] 1)4~ 1-1 Water HERTZ - CUP FOR BULK STORAGE SOUTH MILITARY HIGHWAY - DISTRICT 2, KEMPSVILLE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing y There was no opposition Relevant Information ~ Business rents construction equipment. ~ Applicant desires to store equipment in compliance with Zoning Ordinance (Bulk Storage ). ~ Street frontage landscaping will be added matching the landscape scheme along S. Military Highway. ~ Existing non-conforming free-standing sign will be brought into compliance with ordinance. Stephen M. Denes(The Hertz Corp.) Dreuitt Dreuitt VernellDreuitt–CUP for Church 3692 S. Plaza Trail –DISTRICT 3, ROSE HALL Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) - Consent agenda item at PC Hearing y There was no opposition Relevant Information ~ Church has been operating without a Use Permit within this existing office building. ~ There have been no complaints during the period the church has occupied the space. ~ Church must upgrade building space to meet Code requirements. P-I ! [I) , r P-I [I] c 0DDJ AG-I l7_aOOZ AG-Z [)oo, Conditional Zoning Change from AG-2 to .R-15 CORAL DEVELOPMENT - CONDITIONAL REZONING FROM AG..2 TO R..1 5 (PD..H2) AND FLOODPLAIN VARIANCE 1628 SANDBRIDGE RD - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions added to the Floodplain Variance y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) y There was no opposition at the hearing Relevant Information ~ Applicant proffered plan for 27 lots for single- family dwellings. ~ Floodplain variance necessary for roadway and limited lot area. ~ Applicant agreed to reduce number of lots to eliminate need for floodplain variance except for roadway crossings. -I -I NICK WRIGHT - CONDITIONAL REZONING FROM AG..2 TO R..7.5 NIMMO PKWY, EAST OF TOWNFIELD LN - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Evaluation and Evaluation and Recommendation Recommendation Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Staff recommended approval ? ? Planning Commission recommends Planning Commission recommends ? ? approval (11-0) approval (11-0) There was opposition There was opposition ? ? Relevant Information Relevant Information Applicant proffered plan for 10 lots for single- Applicant proffered plan for 10 lots for single- ? ? family dwellings. family dwellings. Conceptual Site Layout & Landscape Plan Of Nimmo Pkwy. Virginia Beach, / / / / Site Area: ::1:3.73 Ac GPIN: Parcell 2414-65-3077 Parcel 2: 2414-64-5890 Parcel 3: 2414-64.7'136 Parcel 4: 2414-64-9634 Part of 2414-75-61 AG-2 R-7.5 7,500 SF Existing Proposed Min. Lot Size: Min. Lot Width: / 35' 5'& 10 20' Rear: :1013,842 C.E :1015,912 C.E. Area MITIGATED FLOODPLAIN AREA = :t15,S'12 C,F EASEMENT AREA DATE: Exhibit For Map H-2 Ma Not to Scale Vir tnta Beach Resort LLC ~ 1 Chesapeake Hay CUP - I'viufti-family ("veiling {48/ and lodging unit, {225] VA BEACH RESORT - CUP FOR HOTEL WITH DWELLING UNITS AND FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION 2816 SHORE DR - DISTRICT 5, L YNNHA VEN Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) y There was no opposition at the hearing Relevant Information ~ Applicant proposes addition of 48 dwelling units and reducing the number of hotel units from 295 to 225. ~ Modifications to the building will be made: 2 to 3 story addition and a two-level parking garage in front. I W OF NORTHWEST CORNER B ES 'F E E DOROTHY JACBOSON - ALTERNATIVE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PEFLEY LANE - DISTRICT 7, PRINCESS ANNE Dorothy Jacobson Evaluation and Recommendation y Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions y Planning Commission recommends approval (11-0) y There was no opposition at the hearing Relevant Information ~ Applicant proposes 3 lots (soil types allow up to 4 lots) ~ Largest lot (#3), 32.12 acres, will have an easement outside the building area for the house limiting uses to agriculture. ~ Lots 1 and 2 are 1.03 and 2.56 acres, respectively.