HomeMy WebLinkAbout120407 DHNP Focus GroupActively Listening to the Community –Dept. of Housing Focus Group Project Department of Housing & Neighborhood Preservation December 4, 2007 1 Background and Process In preparation for the budget, DHNP sought input ? from community stakeholders to identify key issues, needs and concerns We engaged an outside facilitator, Kay Carey of ? Horizons Consulting Services, to conduct focus groups so as to promote objectivity and eliminate any influence by DHNP Fourteen focus groups and one one-on-one session ? held Ninety-three participants attended sessions, ? representing over 30 organizations and individuals affected by issues facing DHNP 2 What we Asked People: What does your neighborhood and/or the city ? need related to preserving housing and neighborhoods between now and 2010? What do you like about your neighborhood? ? What should DHNP continue to do that contributes to your neighborhood? What should DHNP do/provide to address the ? things you do not like about your neighborhood? 3 What People Said: Responses are organized into four categories. The frequency with which each category was identified as a priority is shown next to it Programs and Services (51%) ? Education/Communication/Awareness (19%) ? Neighborhood/Community Involvement (17%) ? Partnerships(13%). ? 4 Programs and Services: Code enforcement seen as key to ? maintaining quality homes Issues regarding absentee landlords were ? identified by approximately 30% of the focus groups DHNP and partners should be pro-active in ? its programs and services 5 Programs and Services (continued) Gaps:Strategies : Lack of affordable Affordable Housing ?? housing opportunities Housing Preservation ? Need for housing Neighborhood ? ? preservation Preservation Need for neighborhood ? enhancement and preservation 6 Programs and Services (continued) Specific Program Ideas Recommended Affordable Housing Support new home buyers and those who want to ? rehab their homes by assisting them in building credit, such as the current program offered in Norfolk Assist seniors ? Education regarding access to financial assistance ? programs and how to apply for them Education about predatory lending ? Develop a Master Leasing Program ? Create a Housing Trust Fund ? Housing preservation ? 7 Programs and Services (continued) Specific Program Ideas Recommended Code Enforcement Stricter guidelines and earlier intervention with ordinances ? regarding occupancy, broken-down vehicles, and dilapidated housing ? Increase the number of inspectors ? Week-end code inspectors ? Utilize volunteers ? Create a Citizen Awareness Program ? Assign one DHNP staff member to landlord enforcement issues ? Reduce absentee landlords ? Provide incentives ? Provide “dis-incentives,”such as increasing their taxes ? Place a time limit on renovations ? 8 Programs and Services (continued) Specific Program Ideas Recommended Neighborhood preservation Create a Neighborhood Design Center ? Provide design services ? Provide tax abatements for qualifying designs ? Increasepolice presence and early identification of specific ? neighborhood needs Involve community in reduction of crime ? Foot patrols ? Neighborhood watches ? Programs for youth in conjunction with Parks and Recreation ? Provide opportunities for youth, such as the CARE program ? 9 Education/Communication/Awareness DHNP regarded as visionary and efficient ? Perception that many residents are not aware ? of available programs or how to access them Need for educating residents about home ? maintenance responsibilities, guidelines and checklists Participants acknowledged challenge of ? reaching all residents and suggested variety of media to disseminate information 10 Education/Communication/Awareness (continued) Gaps:Strategies: Lack of information Educate public about ?? about available DHNP programs and resources and how to services access them Improve communication ? Lack of information with residents ? about how to preserve houses and neighborhoods 11 Programs and Services (continued) Specific Program Ideas Recommended Education/Communication and Awareness Educate the public about the Department and its programs and services ? Funds available for home improvements and rehabilitation ? Maintenance checklists ? Support services and where/how to obtain them ? Education on Ordinances ? Work with Civic Leagues, Homeowners’Associations and CAC’s ? Implement methods to reach all residents ? Increase access to information ? Partner with VA Power, PTAs, city magazines and other publications to ? include resource information in bills, pamphlets, newsletters, etc. Insure accuracy of information ? Establish an ombudsman program ? 12 Neighborhood/Community Involvement Neighborhoods with active Civic Leagues or ? Neighborhood Associations and are more capable of responding to problems, less prone to blight and other problems than those without. Neighborhood Institute is highly ? regarded and seen as opportunity to increase neighborhood leadership and involvement 25% of the focus groups ? desired a DHNP staff member to serve as liaison to DHNP at Green Run Civic League Fair neighborhood organizations 13 Neighborhood/Community Involvement (continued) Gaps:Strategies: Absence of Civic Leagues Civic Leagues and ?? in neighborhoods that would Homeowners’Associations benefit from them Consider value of housing’s ? Lack of participation in Civic relationships, or absence of, ? Leagues and Homeowners’with specific groups (i.e. Associationsmilitary, nonprofit, and public sectors) and Comprehensive training of ? implications for City if they civic group leaders were reduced or did not exist 14 Programs and Services (continued) Specific Program Ideas Recommended Neighborhood and Community Involvement City should help increase participation in civic ? leagues/associations Educate leaders through continuation and possible revamping of ? the Neighborhood Institute; consider an immersion program; Help establish Civic Leagues in neighborhoods where they do ? not exist Assign one DHNP employee to attend meetings and be ? responsible for start-up of new Civic Leagues and act as liaison between the DHNP and Civic Leagues, Homeowners’ Associations and CACs Strengthen relationship between Civic Leagues and CACs ? Utilize Civic League members as volunteers to improve code ? enforcement 15 Programs and Services (continued) Specific Program Ideas Recommended Neighborhood and Community Involvement (continued) Standardization of Homeowners’and Condo Associations’ ? policies and procedures and develop a system of checks and balances regarding leaders’authority and accountability to the City Utilize Civic Leagues and Homeowners’Associations to increase ? understanding of diverse populations and reduce intolerance, particularly in mixed-income neighborhoods Increase collaboration between Civic Leagues ? Provide training and opportunities for children to learn ? responsibility for and how to maintain a healthy community 16 Partnerships Strengthening and creating partnerships are integral ? to DHNP’seffectiveness Over 60% of comments regarding partnerships ? pertained to those within the City structure Form creative partnerships ? Use homeless initiative and current partnerships ? with nonprofit housing organizations as models Businesses are untapped resources for financial ? and human support 17 Partnerships (continued) Gaps:Strategies: Communication and Strengthen partnerships ?? collaboration with other City with other City Departments Departments to maximize Develop and strengthen ? resources community partnerships Public-private-nonprofit around specific issues and ? partnerships designed to re-evaluate effectiveness align stakeholders and Encourage businesses and ? services in a different way educate them to be stronger community partners 18 Actions Underway or Planned Communications and information enhancements – ? dedicated one full time staff member Neighborhood Institute continuing –enhanced ? marketing/communication to increase participation- annual review of content/method Actively managing code enforcement program to ? increase effectiveness and impact Beginning to address housing preservation through ? budget proposals Your suggestions here! ? 19 Your Questions and Comments! THANK YOU! Andrew Friedman, Director, DHNP ? Kay Carey, Horizons Consulting Services ? 20