HomeMy WebLinkAbout010808 Citizen SurveyCity of Virginia Beach 2007 Citizens’Survey Objective: To learn how residents feel about their community and the services provided by the City of Virginia Beach. Presented by: Jeannine B. Perry, Sr. Project Director Continental Research Associates Inc. 1 Background ? Benchmark survey in 1995 ? Similar q’naires –primarily satisfaction ratings ? Telephone method (Sun. -Thurs. evenings) ? Min. of 6 attempts to reach each household ? Sample size 500 adults (randomly selected) ? Margin of Error: ±1% to ±4.4% (worst case) 2007 Methodology ? 15 min. survey –Was well-received ? Calls made Oct. 30 th–Nov. 28 th (used CATI system) ? Highly scientific procedures ? Report incl. surveys since 1995 (most recent = 2005) ? Detailed analysis given to Dept. of Mgt. Svcs. 2 Participants rated their satisfaction with 31 City services & characteristics: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied For simplicity: Very Satisfied + Satisfied = “Satisfied” Many localities define excellence as an 80% (or higher) level of satisfaction. In Virginia Beach, 21 of the 31 City services rated above the 80% threshold. 3 Items With a Satisfaction Level Above 95% % Satisfied* Fire Department99.4% Public libraries98.0% Paramedic & Rescue Squad97.6% 911 Emergency Telephone Center97.3% Recreation centers96.8% Appearance of municipal bldgs. & facilities96.2% Overall appearance of the City95.6% Parks95.2% * “Very Satisfied”+ “Satisfied” 4 Items With Satisfaction Between 90% and 95% % Satisfied # of opportunities for volunteerism94.4% Courtesy of City employees94.2% Police94.0% Museums/aquarium/cultural activities94.0% Work performance of City employees93.7% Horticultural & Agricultural services91.1% City trash collection & recycling services90.4% 5 Items With Satisfaction Between 80% and 89% % Satisfied Overall appearance of your neighborhood89.4% Public school system86.2% Drinking water & sanitary sewer services86.0% Public beaches85.7% Mental health & mental retardation svcs.83.2% The job opportunities in Virginia Beach*80.2% *Improved since 2005. 6 Items With Satisfaction Below 80% (Issues/Areas to Address??) % Satisfied Efforts to combat gang activity/violence75.8% The City’s work with other area communities75.0% Services for needy or homeless families*73.4% Rain water drainage*70.8% Efforts to protect natural resources64.6% Maintenance of existing City roads & bridges64.3% Opportunities citizens have to share their ideas59.0% Planning & construction of new City roads51.5% Planning for residential development50.5% Traffic flow36.0% *Improved since 2005. 7 % Using Some City Services (Past 12 Mos.) % Who Said “Yes” Visited a Va. Beach public library and/or used the library from home/work81.6% Visited a City park79.8% Visited a Va. Beach public beach79.6% Had contact with or observed Public Safety (Police, Fire, Rescue Squad)73.4% Went to a museum, the aquarium, or a cultural activity in Va. Beach67.4% Contacted the City by phone/Internet/in person63.6% Been to a Va. Beach reccenter58.6% (n=500) 8 % Who “Agreed”With Each Statement % Who Agree”* Va. Beach is a good place to live96.0% For the most part, I can conveniently access City services95.4% My neighborhood is a safe place to live93.2% Va. Beach, in general, is a safe place to live92.8% Overall, I receive a good value for my City tax dollar74.2% I know how to inform the City about the way I feel on important issues70.6% * “Strongly Agree”+ “Agree” 9 What onethingcould the City do to make you a more satisfied resident? 2007 I think everything is fine8.8% Reduce the traffic flow problems16.8% Lower my taxes/fees12.2% Improve the roads/build more/finish sooner7.4% Stop or minimize the growth4.2% Listen more to citizens/do more surveys3.6% Plan better for growth/development3.2% Create/preserve more green spaces3.0% Reduce crime/Enhance public safety2.8% We need more public transportation2.8% Improve the schools (more funding/smaller classes)2.6% More street sweeping/litter control2.0% Cost of living is too high (utilities/housing)2.0% …etc. …(n=500) 10 2007 Profile of Respondents Avg. # of years lived in Va. Beach20.0 yrs. % who reported being homeowners78.0% % who reported being renters22.0% Avg. age (head of household)46.3 yrs. % who reported being registered voters81.2% % who are White74.2% % who are African American21.2% % who are Hispanic1.2% % from another ethnic background3.4% % with yearly household income of $100,000+23.4% 11 T-Tests Comparing 2007 to 2005 Nine Items Showed Significant Improvement Over 2005 Fire Department services ? Paramedic & Rescue Squad services ? The 911 Emergency Telephone Center ? Recreation centers ? The appearance of the City’s municipal bldgs./facilities ? City parks ? Job opportunities in the City ? Services for needy or homeless families ? Rain water drainage ? ***There were nosignificant declines since 2005!*** 12 In Closing… ? Satisfaction scores were quite high, indicating that residents are quite pleased with the quality of life in Virginia Beach ? We’ve itemized 10 areas where additional focus may be warranted (traffic, roads, growth, drainage, gangs, etc.) ? 96% are satisfied with the appearance of the City ? 96% believe Virginia Beach is a good place to live ? 95% believe they can conveniently access City services 13