HomeMy WebLinkAbout022608 Public Improvement Bonds$90,000,000 General Obligation Click to edit Master title style Public Improvement Bonds Series 2008 Today’s Agenda Click to edit Master title style 1.Overview of Debt Authorization Process 2.Overview of Debt Management and Administration 3.Description of Proposed March 11 New Money Bond Sale 4.Description of Possible April Refunding Bond Sale 5.Next Steps Overview –Debt Authorization Process Click to edit Master title style •Starts with CIP –Approval each May –Includes an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds by City Council •Preparations for a Bond Sale –2 or 3 years later –Financing Team –Bond Counsel, Financial Advisor, City Staff •Resolution Providing for the Sale Authorized by City Council •Advertise Sale and Market Activity •Bond Ratings •Sale of Bonds (competitive or negotiated) •Report Results to City Council •Closing Total Debt Click to edit Master title style March 1, 2008 (in millions) After Bond SaleAuthorized But OutstandingUnissued GO Bonds Schools307.235.5 General Govt.310.235.7 Total G.O.617.471.2 Public Facility Revenue Bonds362.4-0- Leases13.6-0- Total Tax Supported Debt $993.4$71.2 Revenue/Other Support: Water and Sewer127.751.1 Stormwater8.220.4 ARP24.7-0- Total Revenue Debt160.671.5 Total Debt$1,154.0$142.7 Debt Management Policies Click to edit Master title style After the SalePolicy Net Debt per Capita$2294$2400 Ratio to Estimated Full Value 1.8%3.5% Annual Debt Service to Gen. Gov’t Expenditures 7.4%10% Debt Per Capita to Per Capita Personal Income 5.6%6.5% Rapidity of Principal Retirement Tax Supported Debt Click to edit Master title style After March 11 Bond Sale Percentage of MaturingAmountTotal Debt WithinMaturingOutstanding 5 years$362,274,20136.47% 10 years642,822,00564.71 15 years882,172,00588.80 20 years993,402,005100.00 Virginia Beach Bond Ratings Click to edit Master title style GeneralWater & Sewer ObligationPFRBStorm Water Standard and AAAAA+AAnot rated Poor’s Moody’sAa1Aa3Aa3Aa3 Fitch RatingsAA+AA-AA+AA+ Overview: Debt Management and Administration Click to edit Master title style •Compliance Issues –IRS •Arbitrage •Reimbursement Regs •Tax Exempt Purposes •Recordkeeping –Securities and Exchange Commission –SEC •Continuing Disclosure •Potential Oversight •Market and Environment: Bond insurer downgrades, auction rate securities •Monitoring of Expenditures v. Bond Proceeds –Goal: Reimbursement •Debt Service –46 issues, mostly twice a year = 76 interest payments and 44 principal payments –ARP 128 interest payments annually –Reconciliation of Debt Service Reserves, or other money held fordebt service by Trustees, Escrow Agents and Paying Agents Proposed $90,000,000 “New Money”G.O. Sale Click to edit Master title style •Annual Charter Bond Sale •From Charter Authorizations: 2005 & 2006 •City and School Projects Previously Authorized •Reimbursement from Previous Capital Project Expenditures •Competitive Sale on March 11, 2008 •Level Principal Payments -$4.5 million annually over 20 years Charter Authorizations Click to edit Master title style PreviouslyRemaining AuthorizationsSoldThis SaleAuthorizing 2005$55,200,000$17,597,407$37,602,593$ -0- 200659,800,000-0-52,397,4077,402,593 200763,800,000-0--0-63,800,000 Total$90,000,000$71,202,593 Included in CIP Adoption in May of each year. Refunding Sale Click to edit Master title style •Up to $90 million –Depends on Two Key Interest Rates –1) Rate bonds are sold at –2) Rate to be earned on bond proceeds escrow •Up to Six Issues as Candidates for Refunding •Potential Gross Savings of $2.5 -$3.0 million total •Annual Savings of Over $200,000 for 7 Years •Competitive Sale on April 22, 2008 Next Steps Click to edit Master title style 1.City Council Authorizes Bond Sale(s) –New Money in March –Potential Refunding in April 2.Staff will pursue additional refundings –PFRB –Water and Sewer –Stormwater Council will be asked to authorize bond sales. Recreation Center Referendum Click to edit Master title style Funding Updated February 26, 2008 Recreation Center Referendum Click to edit Master title style •Provided $32.8 million in additional debt capacity to construct 3 new Recreation Centers and expand 1 other •City Council approved a Real Estate Tax increase of 3.8¢to support: –Debt service –Operations –Maintenance –SeatackRecreation Center was also funded from tax rate Recreation Center Dedicated Real Estate Tax Revenue and Expenditures (April 2006) $45 Tax Rate = 3.8¢ $40 $35 $30 Dollars (in Millions) $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 FY 2005FY 2009FY 2013FY 2017FY 2021FY 2025 Debt ServiceRecreation Center Operations Maintenance & Rehabilitation CIPRecreation Center Dedicated Revenue Changes since April 2006 Click to edit Master title style •City Council lowered the dedicated tax rate from 3.8¢to 3.47¢which lowered capacity in line with original intent to cover operations and maintenance •Real Estate assessments are reflecting the market Recreation Center Dedicated Real Estate Tax Revenue and Expenditures (February 2008) $45 Tax Rate = 3.47¢ $40 $35 Dollars (in Millions) $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $- FY 2005FY 2009FY 2013FY 2017FY 2021FY 2025 Debt ServiceRecreation Centers Operations Maintenance & Rehabilitation CIP ProjectsRecreation Center Dedicated RE Tax Revenue Next Steps Click to edit Master title style •Current tax rate of 3.47¢appears to match anticipated cost for maintenance and operations •Continue to monitor and hold costs within expected revenues