HomeMy WebLinkAbout030408 Historic HousesTax Incentives for Rehabilitation of Historically Significant Structures City Council Presentation March 4, 2008 BACKGROUND: In 1999, the City Council adopted an ordinance to provide partial real estate tax exemptions for rehabilitation of “historically significant”residential or commercial or industrial structures Under the current ordinance, a partial real estate tax exemption is available under the following circumstances: •Structure is “historically significant”(i.e., listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register) •Structure is at least 50 years old •Historical Review Board determines in writing that the proposed project will not diminish the historical significance of the structure •Rehabilitation increases building assessment by at least 20% (residential) •Costs of rehab must be at least 25% of assessed value of structure prior to work (commercial/industrial) If all conditions are met, the owner is entitled to a partial real estate tax exemption equal to: Residential: an amount equal to the initial increase in the assessed value of the structure as a result of the rehabilitation •E.g., if assessed value of structure before rehab is $100,000 and $150,000 after rehab, tax exemption = $50,000 •Tax savings would be $445/yr. under current tax rate ($0.89 per $100 of assessed value) Exemption is for 15 years and stays the same irrespective of any increase in assessed value after the first year Commercial/Industrial:an amount equal to 50% of the qualified costs of rehabilitation, not to exceed the assessed value of the structure •E.g., if cost of rehab is $150,000, exemption is for $75,000, so long as the assessed value of the structure is at least $75,000 Exemption is for 5 years and remains the same irrespective of any increase in assessed value The procedure under the current ordinance requires, among other things, that the property owner must file an application with the Real Estate Assessor and Historical Review Board. The Board has 60 days to determine whether the proposed rehab project will restore or maintain the historical significance of the structure. After a rehab project is complete, the Board must inspect the project and the Assessor must reassess it; both must be done within 60 days after the owner notifies the Assessor that the work is complete. Exemption takes effect July 1 of the year following the completion of rehab project According to the City Assessor’s Office, since the ordinance was adopted, there have been no applications for a tax exemption. ProposedOrdinance At the request of Councilmember Henley, a At the request of Councilmember Henley, a draft ordinance has been prepared and draft ordinance has been prepared and circulated to City Councilmembers. The circulated to City Councilmembers. The remainder of thispresentation concerns the remainder of presentation concerns the provisions of the proposed ordinance and how provisions of the proposed ordinance and how they differ from the current ordinance they differ from the current ordinance The proposed ordinance does two main things: 1.Streamlines the application process; and 2.Expands the tax incentives to the extent allowed by State law It also makes a number of amendments of a more or less technical nature Proposed Changes -Residential Exemption is for the Exemption is for the initial ?? amount of the initial increase in A.V. or50% of increase in assessed qualifying costs, whichever valueis greater Rehab must increase Deletes requirement (no Rehab must increase ?? ? assessed value of minimum increase in A.V. assessed value of structureat least 20%required) at least 20% Proposed Changes – Proposed Changes – Commercial/Industrial Exemption is for an Exemption is for 50% of Exemption is for an Exemption is for 50% of ?? ?? amount= 50% of qualifyingcosts orthe = 50% of costs orthe qualified costs of rehabinitial increase in A.V., qualified costs of rehabinitial increase in A.V., whichever is greater whichever is greater Exemption is for 15 years Exemption is for 15 years Exemption is for 5 years Exemption is for 5 years ? ? ? ? Deletes requirement (no Deletes requirement (no Rehab costs must be at Rehab costs must be at ? ? ? ? minimum) minimum) least 25% of assessed least 25% of assessed value value Proposed Changes -Other CURRENTPROPOSED ?? Historic Rev. Bd. reviews appsPlanning Director reviews apps (but ?? HRB still decides whether a building is eligible for City Register) Term contemplates contemporary ? “Rehabilitate”means “restore to ? use while preserving historic values former state” Allows application if structure is ? Must be on City Historical Register ? eligible for listing on Register Applies to all structures (owner ? “Qualified costs”limitation only must document qualifying costs) ? applies to commercial/industrial structures Reduced to 30 days ? Review time = 60 days ? Proposed Changes -Other •Adds exemption for historically significant • hotels or motels •Exemption is for 90% of assessed value of structure after rehab, not to exceed the increase in assessed value resulting from rehab •Exemption is for 25 years Proposed Changes -Other Adds tax credit for historically significant residential • structures. If owner rehabs structure, he can also get tax credit (in limited circumstances) •structure must have a tax lien at the time of purchase that is > 50% of the assessed value of the property •tax credit is for the total amount of the tax liens, not to exceed the amount by which the liens exceed 50% of assessed value at the time of purchase •Example –owner buys property for $100,000, and assessed value is $80,000. There are $43,000 in tax liens on it. Tax credit = $3,000 and may be taken over a period of up to 10 years.