HomeMy WebLinkAbout041508 Strategic GrowthMaintaining, vitalizing and developing community wealth and resources for the long term City Council Strategic Growth Areas Update and Budget Request April 15, 2008 Jack Whitney The Comprehensive Plan's Strategic Our challenge is to: Growth Areas are designed to provide opportunities for absorb most of the city's future continued economic growth growth. They integrate a diverse cluster prevent urban sprawl of attractive, more compact but protect our established compatible mixed land uses: residential neighborhoods office, retail, service, hotel and and rural areas residential (where appropriate). maximize infrastructure • They afford greater use of efficiency alternative transportation systems. Next Steps to implementing the Comprehensive Plan: Strategic Growth Areas –turning theBlueprint into Reality. WHERE ARE THEY STRATEGIC GROWTH AREAS Resort Area WHAT ARE THEY ? •Twelve distinct geographic areas established in the 2003 Comprehensive Plan.. Plus the Resort Area •Designed to absorb most of the City’s future growth –largely through new development •They integrate a diverse mix of attractive, compact but compatible land uses: office, retail, industrial, hotel and residential •They afford greater use of transit Work-to-Date •Presentation to City Council 7/17/07 •VBDA/Planning Commission/Board of Zoning 9/18/07 •Blue Ribbon Committee Presenation10/17/07 •City Council Selected Three Areas to focus upon this year.10/23/07Selecting three areas: Resort Area SGA13-- (Sasaki) Burton Station Area SGA 1 (Landmark Design and Urban DesignAssociates) Pembroke SGA 4 (Scope of Services under development) •Update VBDA 11/20/07 •Update City Council on Resort Area progress 1/15/08 •Planning CharrettesBurton Station 4/2/08 and 4/3/08 PLANNING /IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS •Coordinated with Comprehensive Plan Update •Interdepartmental approach •Public “Listening”and participation •Established SGA “Team”with specific focus •FY 08/09 CIP and Operating Budget Requests to initiate implementation PARALLEL WORK •Comprehensive Plan •Green Ribbon Committee •Workforce Housing •Blue Ribbon Committee Recommendations •APZ1 Clear Zone Master Plans PRODUCTS •SGA Master Plans •Community Involvement Plan •Design Guidelines –“Pattern Books” •Zoning Maps and Overlay Districts •Economic Development and Marketing Plan ORGANIZATION SGA ~ PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION TEAM CHIEF: Steve Herbert, Chief Development Officer LEAD –Jack Whitney, Director of Planning Core Team: •Planning •Economic Development •Housing •Convention and Visitors Bureau •Parks and Recreation •Public Works •Law •Management Services •Media Communications •Public Utilities WORK PLAN Goal: Complete detailed planning for 3 SGAs per year Goal: Complete detailed planning for 3 SGAs per year Year One: •Established SGA Team •Schedule •Kicked-Off Plans –Northampton (Burton Station) –Resort Area –Pending Pembroke (Town Center) •Prioritize and Schedule Year 2 FUNDING CONSIDERATIONS •Optimize Use of In-House Resources •Operating Budget Request $500,000 –Developing Design Plans, Consulting Services and Expertise to Evaluate “ROI” –Public Listening / Involvement •CIP Funding Request $3 Million per year –Land and Right-of-Way Acquisition –Infrastructure Improvements –Relocation Costs (if necessary) –Implementation Based on Design Plans NEXT STEPS • Resort Area Master Plan Adoption •Burton Station (SGA1) –April 28-May 1 Public Listening and Master Planning •Pembroke Master Planning Process Kick-off •Three Year schedule of SGAs to be Reviewed by Council (December-January Timeframe) •Budget Adoption for CIP and Operating Budget Questions?