HomeMy WebLinkAbout061708 CBPA Phase ICBPA Phase 1 Compliance Strategy Department of Planning Environmental Management Center Clay Bernick June 17, 2008 1 6/17/08 Background June 2007 –CBLAB finds City noncompliant in Phase ? 1 CBPA implementation; must comply with 9 recommendations by July 1, 2008 June 2007 to Present –City staff have been working ? with DCBLA staff to develop strategy that will assure full Phase 1 compliance with State law and regulations June 11, 2008 –Planning Commission Public Hearing ? on recommendations; approved recommendations with exception of swimming pool revisions which would remove exemption from calculation as impervious area; desires to consider further at July 9, 2008 Public Hearing June 24, 2008 –City Council vote on package ? scheduled 2 6/17/08 Background 9 Total Recommendations ? Recommendations 1, 2, 3 and 4 ? involve City Code revisions Recommendations 5-9 involve ? changes to City procedures and policies 3 6/17/08 Alternatives Approve the entire package on June 24 as ? recommended by Staff to meet July 1, 2008 deadline of the Commonwealth and to achieve full Phase 1 compliance Disapprove or defer action on all or portions ? of the entire package, failing to meet the July 1, 2008 deadline of the Commonwealth and to be found noncompliant with Phase 1 4 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 1 For consistency with Section 9 ? VAC 10-20-120-3 of the Regulations and Section 106.A (17) of the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance, the City must require and ensure compliance with maintenance agreements for all structuralstormwater BMPs. 5 6/17/08 Response Best management practice, structural. A ? best management practice that requires the design and certification of a licensed design professional. Where structural the best management ? practices are utilized require regular or periodic maintenance in order to continue their functions, such maintenance shall be ensured by the City through a maintenance agreement with the owner or developer or the owner shall certify yearly that maintenance has been accomplished. 6 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 2 For consistency with Section 9 VAC 10- ? 20-150 C 1 of the Regulations, the City must amend Appendix D, Section 5 (c) (Stormwater Management) to include the six required findings that must be considered when reviewing or approving waivers to the stormwater management requirements under Section 9 VAC 10- 20-120 8 of the Regulations. 7 6/17/08 Response Variances. The applicant may submit a written request for a variance from any requirement of this ? ordinance. The director may grant a variance in accordance withthe following criteria: (1)The variance requested is the minimum necessary to afford relief. Economic ? hardship is not sufficient reason to grant a variance from the requirements of this ordinance; and (2)The granting of the variance will not: ? (i)Increase the flow rate of stormwater runoff; ? (ii)Have an adverse impact on a wetland, channel, water body or, ? upstream and/or downstream of a receiving body of water; ? (iii)Contribute to the degradation of water quality; ? (iv)Be of substantial detriment to adjacent property or adversely ? affect the character of adjoining neighborhoods; or ? (v)Otherwise impair attainment of the objectives of this ordinance. ? Variances in the Chesapeake Bay Preservation areas shall also meet the following additional ? criteria: (1)The granting of the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privileges that are ? denied to other property owners who are subject to the provisions of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance and who are similarly situated; (2)The granting of the variance is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Chesapeake Bay ? Preservation Area Ordinance and is not of substantial detriment to water quality; and (3)The request for a variance is not based upon conditions or circumstances that are self-created ? or self-imposed. 8 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 3 For consistency with Section 9 VAC 10-20-120 8, ? the City must ensure that the Stormwater runoff criteria of the City’s CBP ordinance are consistent with the requirements of the Virginia Stormwater Management Law and Handbook. To accomplish this, the City should revise its CBP to correct its pre-development phosphorus load, require a Stormwater plan be submitted that provides the documentation of compliance with the Stormwater quality requirements, appropriate engineering calculations and that details the appropriate Stormwater quality mitigation. 9 6/17/08 Response For any development or redevelopment, stormwater runoff shall be controlled by the use of best management practices that achieve the following results: For development, the postdevelopment ? nonpoint source pollution runoff load shall not exceed the predevelopment load based total phosphorus loading on average (FVA) of 2.72 pounds per acre per year and an equivalent impervious cover (IVA) of twenty five (25) percent 10 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 4 For consistency with Section 9 ? VAC 10-20-120 8, the City must ensure that all impervious surfaces are calculated for development and redevelopment projects, to include the surface area of pools. 11 6/17/08 Response Calculations involving the percentage ? of site area under impervious cover shall be based upon the lot area landward of mean low water and not wetlands. Impervious cover shall include the water surface area of a swimming pool. 12 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 5 For consistency with Section 9 ? VAC 10-20-130 5 (4) of the Regulations, the City must require revegetation of the buffer area as part of permitted tidal wetland activities. 13 6/17/08 Response All erosion control projects will be ? required to provide the following CBPA requirement: Replacement of all trees removed ? Revegetation of 5x the project length ? anywhere within the 100-foot RPA buffer area Not infringe on the integrity of the ? project 14 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 6 For consistency with Section 9 VAC 10- ? 20-105 of the Regulations and Section 105 of the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance, the City must require site-specific analysis of onsite water bodies to determine whether such water bodies are perennial and adjust the Resource Protection Area boundaries as necessary. 15 6/17/08 Response All new stream delineations and ? corrections shall be done in compliance with the Guidance provided by CBLAB 16 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 7 For consistency with Section 9 ? VAC 10-20-150 C of the Regulations, and Section 110 (C) of the City’s ordinance, the City must work with their Bay Board to provide both training and staff analysis that addresses the required findings for approving RPA exception requests 17 6/17/08 Response Quarterly training ? Staff recommendations in the staff ? reports as to the 6 requirements 18 6/17/08 RECOMMENDATION 8 The City’s Bay Board must cease ? approving multiple variance requests on individual properties, unless the requests clearly meet all required findings as outlined under 9 VAC 10-20-150 C 1 of the Regulations. 19 6/17/08 Response Training ? CBPAB condition—”It is the opinion of ? the Board that the approval granted is the maximum impervious cover the site can support.” 20 6/17/08 Recommendation 9 To fully comply with Section 9 VAC ? 10-20-150 C 1 c of the Regulations in order to ensure that water quality is not degraded by approved variance requests, the City should establish a system of formal oversight for required mitigation for all approved variance requests. 21 6/17/08 Response The planning process and the new ? SW agreements will provide the minimum oversight needed. 22 6/17/08 Questions ? 23 6/17/08