HomeMy WebLinkAbout060308 GASB45City of Virginia Beach City of Virginia Beach GASB 45 GASB 45 OPEB Trust OPEB Trust June 3, 2008 June 3, 2008 1 GASB Statement 45 GASB Statement 45 The Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s ? statement requires financial disclosure of retirement health benefit (and other) liabilities similar to current pension reporting. Local governments must recognize both the current ? cost and unfunded accrued actuarial liability for benefits earned to date. Full funding of liability is not required, but funding levels ? willbe considered by bond rating agencies. 2 Trust Fund to Fund Trust Fund to Fund GASB 45 Liability GASB 45 Liability •GASB rules don’t require funding, but assets set aside in dedicated trust can offset the liabilities –If contributions are irrevocable, dedicated to providing benefits, and legally protected from creditors of employer and plan administrator –GASB allows retiree medical liability to be determined using more favorable actuarial assumptions, such as a higher discount rate, if employer funds promised benefits •Pre-funding better matches the expense of the plan with the cash outlay •Pre-funding secures the benefit and reduces the build up of an unfunded liability on the balance sheet 3 Summary of GASB 45 Liability Summary of GASB 45 Liability ($ Millions)Unfunded 4.0%Funded 7.5% CitySchoolsTotalCitySchoolsTotal Actuarial Accrued Liability$119.9$100.1$220.1$84.7$72.3$157.0 Annual Required Contribution12.310.923. Expected 2008 Costs5.35.310.65.35.310.6 Cash Flow Increase0. 4 TRUST TRUST •Trust enables City to use higher discount rate •City may not divert assets of an OPEB Trust for any purpose other than exclusive benefit of active or former employees dependents, or beneficiaries entitled to OPEB •Trust will state that: (i) all benefits subject to change (ii) benefits are determined as part of the annual budget process (iii) benefits are subject to annual appropriation (iv) employees do not have vested benefits until retirement 5 Options Options 1.Separate Trust 2.Pooled Trust 3.VRS (Not available) 6 Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust •Only pooled OPEB Trust in Virginia: –Shared costs –More investment options •Cost Structure –Lifetime membership fee of $5,000 will cover the participant’s initial legal costs and help defray program start-up expenses –Participant custodial fee -$500 per year for Comerica Bank –VML/VACoFinance Program will defer its program administration costs for the first year in order to assist in the successful start-up of the program –Fee projected to be under 0.5% after critical mass reached 7 An Initiative of VACo & VML An Initiative of VACo & VML The Pooled OPEB Trust Fund is a joint effort of the Virginia Association of Counties and Virginia Municipal League: ? VACo-VML OPEB survey of local governments (June 2007) ? Exploratory meeting with local officials (May 2007) ? VACo-VML Pooled OPEB Trust Fund Task Force (Summer-Fall 2007) ? Staffing by VML/VACo Finance, with Kaufman & Canoles serving as Counsel to program 8 Governance Governance Board of Trustees for Virginia Pooled Trust Board of Trustees for Virginia Pooled Trust ? Five to nine members: Founding members serve minimum of first six years; other members elected in weighted vote of all participants Local Finance Boards Local Finance Boards ? Required by Code; provide direction to Trust Fund on behalf of locality ? Director of Finance –City ? Treasurer –City ? Citizen with expertise ? Schools may join City’s Local Finance Board 9 Roles Roles Board of Trustees –Pooled Trust Board of Trustees –Pooled Trust ? Investment policy and guidelines ? Asset allocation & risk ? Investment advisor/consultant –Evaluation Associates -Milliman ? Custodian bank selection –Comerica ? Performance evaluation, quarterly ? Next meeting June 6 Local Finance Board Local Finance Board ? Monitor investment results ? Represent beneficial interest of City ? Investment elections from alternatives ? Select actuarial service providers 10 Investment Portfolio Investment Portfolio Actively managed portfolio with ? index funds for certain asset classes –results in higher rates of return and lower costs. Documents allow Trustees to ? provide up to two additional portfolios with different risk/return profiles. –Small Cap Manager being selected –International Fund Manager being planned –Others 11 Investment Consultant Investment Consultant •Evaluation Associates, LLC –Norwalk, CT –Full service investment consulting firm –$250 billion in client assets, 140 institutional clients –66 employees, including •23 consultants •11 dedicated research analysts 12 Investment Consultant Investment Consultant •Linda Schlissel–Principal, Senior Consultant –28 years experience with Evaluation Associates since 1979 –Clients range in size from $100m to $10B –Pooled Trust Exp.: •NY State Deferred Compensation (300 employers) •Major League Baseball –GASB 45 Client: DC Health & Life Ins. Trust 13 Advantages of VACo/VML Advantages of VACo/VML 1.A more diversified portfolio 2.Access to leading investment consultants & managers with exceptional expertise and research capabilities 3.The lowest cost option; cost sharing and economies of scale 4.Locally directed and controlled 5.Can transfer funds out at a future date if other options become attractive 14 Process Process June 10 council Agenda will include for consideration actions to: June 10 council Agenda will include for consideration actions to: –Create City Local Finance Board (LFB) –Direct LFB to execute Trust JoinderAgreement –Establish the Trust, approve the form of the Trust and Trust JoinderAgreement –Approve deposit of ARC by June 30, 2008 Local Finance Board will: Local Finance Board will: –Meet regularly –Evaluate if trust should be moved in the future (requires notice) –Represent the beneficial interest of the City in the Pooled Trust Fund –Monitor investment results –Make investment elections as appropriate 15