HomeMy WebLinkAbout070108 ASMNT OF URBAN LANDFILL u; .f! ~ ,.g:::: y t'll 'l) ~ t'll .... t:l .~ ~ >-. .... u o .... t:l o ..... .... t'll .... ~ rJ'J 'l) ~ oc o o N = o '.c ('is ~ = (j) IJl (j) ~ - . .... y = ::s o U C . .... U ~ .... ~ -5 t'll 'l) ~ t'll ..... t:l .~ ~ >-. .... ..... u o .... t:l o .- .... ('$ .... ~ rJ'J ~ 00 o o N - . .... U = ::s o U C . .... U u; .f! ~ -5 t'll 'l) ~ ~ o >-. .... .- u o .... t:l o .... ~ .... t:l 'l) rJ'J !l) ~ 00 o o N = o . .... ~ ('is ~ = (j) IJl (j) """ ~ - . """ y = ::s o U C ..... u ~ .... ~ -5 t'll 'l) ~ t'll 'S .~ ~ ~ o e- .... u o ... t:l o .... .... t'll .... t:l IJJ "" 'l) ~ - . """ u = ::s o U C ..... u ~ o >-. .... U o ... oc o o N >. ~ ..... U ~ .... ~ ,.g:::: y t'll 'l) ~ t'll ..... t:l ..... ~ ~ ~ o e- u o .... t:l o .... .... ('$ .... Q 'l) "" !l) ~ oc o o N >> "'S ,....., = o . .... ~ ('is ~ = (j) IJl (j) """ ~ - . """ U = ::s o U C ..... u u; .f! ~ -5 t'll 'l) ~ 00 o o N = o . .... ~ = (j) IJl ~ - '0 = ::s o U C ..... u ~ o >-. ... ..... u o .... 00 o o N >> "'S ,....., >. ~ '.... U u; .f! ~ ,.g:::: y t'll 'l) ~ ~ o >-. .... ..... u o .... Q o ..... ... t'll ... t:l 'l) "" ~ ~ 00 o o N = o . .... ~ ('is ~ = (j) IJl (j) ~ - . .... y = ::s o U >. ~ ..... U 00 o o N >. ~ ..... U >-. .... .... u o ... oc o o <'1 >. ~ , """ u >-. ... .... u o ... 00 o o N >> "'S ,....., >. ~ ..... U 00 o o N >> "'S ,....., = o . .... ~ ('is ~ = (j) IJl CI) """ ~ - . """ U = ::s o U >. ~ ..... U .. .. .................... ..,~GtlIA8~~:'\ r~~~ .~.~z.' 10- ! Vl (;;. '!.~) (I::: 1Y"t.) (V_._~>.. ~: .) ,', " ~J {~C;. ~ ~ ,;-J l ~1 ~.......~.J ""~\: III R "I\\\.::;....~ ................. ~ - IIII I City of Virginia Beach 2405 Courthouse Drive · Room 345 · Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456-9056 FINAL DRAFT Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk Associated with Municipal Solid Waste Landfi lis June 2008 Report Prepared By: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 701 Town Center Drive Suite 600 Newport News, Virginia 23606 0153-403 (757) 873-8700 MALCOLM PIRNIE ",I I Table of Contents Ii Contents 1. Executive Summary 1-1 2. Introduction 2-1 2.1. Background & Methodology Overview.......................................................................... 2-2 3. Potential Release of Pollutants from Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities 3-1 . 3.1. Release of Pollutants to Ambient Air ............................................................................ 3-2 3.1.1. Fugitive Landfill Gas (LFG) Emissions ..........................................................3-2 3.1.2. Particulate Matter (PM).................................................................................. 3-6 3.1 .3. Combustion By-Products .................. ........... .......... ............................. ........... 3-7 Controlled Combustion of Landfill Gas .....................................3-7 Diesel Exhaust Emissions ........................................................ 3-8 Landfill Fires .............................................................................3-8 3.2. Pollutants Released to Subsurface........................ ....................... .............. .................. 3-9 3.2.1. Soil-Gas Phase..............................................................................................3-9 3.2.2. Pollutants Released to Groundwater........................................................... 3-10 3.3. Pollutants Released to Surface Water ........................................................................ 3-11 4. Preliminarv Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards 4-1 4.1. Systemic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity.......................................................................... 4-2 4.2. Health Effects Associated with Criteria Air Pollutants................................................... 4-3 4.2.1 . Ozone............................................................................................................ 4-3 4.2.2. Particulate Matter .......................................................................................... 4-3 4.2.3. Nitrogen Oxides.............................................................................................4-4 4.2.4. Sulfur Dioxide ................................................................................................ 4-4 4.2.5. Carbon Monoxide ..........................................................................................4-4 4.3. Health Effects Associated with Combustion By-Products............................................. 4-4 4.3.1. Diesel Engine Exhaust .................................................................................. 4-4 4.3.2. Controlled Combustion of Landfill Gas for Energy Recovery or Other Pu rposes ....................................................................................................... 4-5 4.4. Explosion Hazard .......................................................................................................... 4-5 4.5. Asphyxiation Hazard..................................................................................................... 4-6 5. Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks 5-1 5.1. Air Emissions................................................................................................................ 5-3 5.1.1. Fugitive Landfill Gas Emissions ....................................................................5-3 Systemic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of NMOCs Contained in LFG ........................................................................................... 5-3 Systemic Toxicity Associated with Criteria Pollutants .............. 5-4 Particulate Matter.......................................................................................... 5-4 Combustion of Landfill Gas ........................................................................... 5-4 Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions................................................................. 5-4 Landfill Fires.................................................................................................. 5-5 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.1.4. 5.1.5. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 /(1;\;::: :.:,....~/-, .~- ....":'. ;.' 8 I , Table of Contents 5.2. Pollutants Released to Subsurface............................................................................... 5-5 5.2.1. Subsurface Landfill Gas Migration ................................................................5-6 5.2.2. Pollutants Released to Groundwater............................................................. 5-6 5.3. Pollutants Released to Surface Water.......................................................................... 5-7 6. Case Studies 6-1 7. Conclusions and Recommendations 7-1 8. References 8-1 , Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Pollutants in Landfill Gas With Emissions Estimates ................................................... 3-4 Combustion By-Product Pollutants............................................................................... 3-7 Pollutant Categories for Landfill Leachate.................................................................. 3-10 Summary of Sources, Release Mechanisms, Toxicity Endpoints, Risk-Based Screening Levels And Regulatory Values for Selected Pollutants ........... 4-2 Lower and Upper Explosive Limits for Several Components of Landfill Gas............... 4-6 Table 5 .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ,(j{;.'-';~;., .., i \" \~~)/ ~ Ii - I, "II I MALCOLM PIRNIE INlll!:PENOENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS AND CONSULTANTS I< .' ., " I, , I, [ I, 1: l l' 1 , {, r: r: I, I, 0' [ "II I <I I' it 1. Executive Summary ~ Ii . The City of Virginia Beach requested Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. evaluate the feasibility of using Landfill No.2 in an urban setting for long-term solid waste disposal operations prior to any broader evaluation of solid waste program objectives and public input process. More specifically the City requested preliminary qualitative assessment of potential public health risk associated with on-going municipal solid waste landfill (mswlf) operations. Efforts included library and web-based literature searches and review of pertinent information related to the potential release of pollutants via emissions to ambient air, subsurface vapor, groundwater or surface water to the surrounding environment; and evaluation of public health risk from exposure to the various pollutants potentially released. Approximately 77 technical references were identified, collected, and reviewed. Although our efforts were not intended to be exhaustive given both schedule and budget constraints and limitations, the resulting documentation provides a thorough qualitative evaluation of potential health risk associated with mswlf operations in an urban environment. I Design and operation of modern mswlf facilities equipped with pollution control and abatement technology reduce both the potential source and opportunity for release of pollutants to the surrounding public and environment. In addition, dispersion and attenuation of pollutants effectively reduces resultant concentrations in air, subsurface vapor, groundwater and surface water. Although numerous pollutants may be contained within the municipal solid waste (msw) stream and could be released from a mswlf, they are typically in low concentrations relative to other sources in urban settings and not likely to contribute significantly to incremental risk to public health and safety. The case studies reviewed corroborate this finding and have not identified any long-term adverse health effects associated with mswlf facilities. l .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 B I11I I MALCOLM PIRNIE "" INDEPENDENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS AND CONSULTANTS .. .. . I, . ., , t I [, , " 2 [ (, t l~ ,II I 2. Introduction The City of Virginia Beach (City) has formed its own executive leadership team to provide guidance and oversight of on-going strategic solid waste management planning efforts for a post-SPSA (2018) era parallel to broader Hampton Roads Regional Planning District Commission efforts. Several key issues establish the background and context of any subsequent analysis of waste management systems component and service alternatives including whether or not the City retains a useful permit for long-term waste disposal. The City subsequently requested Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. evaluate the feasibility of using Landfill No.2 in an urban setting for long-term municipal solid waste (msw) disposal operations prior to any broader evaluation of solid waste program objectives and the public input process. More specifically the City retained Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to evaluate the feasibility of 'urban landfill' development at Landfill No.2 via performance of a preliminary qualitative assessment of potential public health risk associated with municipal solid waste landfill (mswlf) operations, including library and web-based research and subsequent identification of potential environmental pollutants; as well as evaluation of public health risk posed by their release. . Section 2 Introduction includes background and purpose of the assessment as well as an overview of the methodology. . Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants to Surrounding Environment provides a review of available literature pertaining to various possible pollutant sources and release mechanisms, as well as a discussion of their anticipated relative magnitude associated with a release from a 'modern' mswlf facility. . Section 4 Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects provides a discussion of potential health effects associated with exposure to the identified target list of pollutants as well as a summary of risk-based and regulatory threshold values for comparison purposes. . Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risk develops an opinion with regard to potential public health risk and hazard associated with operation of a mswlf facility in an urban setting equipped with modern pollution abatement and control devices. Consideration is given to the relative contribution of potential pollutants from mswlf operations relative to other urban sources. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 {t1~1i\ \~;: G "II I Section 2 Introduction . Section 6 Case Studies includes summaries of several pertinent studies found in the literature review. · Section 7 Conclusions and Recommendations provides an opinion concerning the potential for public health risk associated with long-term operations of a mswlf facility in an urban environment. 2.1. Background & Methodology Overview MakolmPirnie, Inc. performed a qualitative assessment of public health risk associated with on-going operations of mswlf facilities in a typical urban setting. Specific objectives included the following: . Identification of the character and nature of pollutants potentially released to ambient air, sub-soils, groundwater and surface water and the anticipated relative magnitude of their potential release. Furthermore, while pollutants from various types of mswlf sources were considered, magnitude of potential release to the surrounding environment focused on operation of 'modern' facilities equipped with properly designed and engineered pollution abatement and control systems (such as liners, leachate collection and removal, landfill gas collection, and stormwater control systems). . Identification of relative toxicity of identified pollutants including appropriate risk- and/or regulatory-based threshold values for comparison purposes. . Research of relevant case studies related to public health and hazard potential associated with mswlf development and operations. . Qualitative assessment of the potential for public health risk due to potential release of pollutants. Efforts did NOT include quantitative risk assessment or evaluation of risk posed to environmental receptors (as opposed to human-health). The effects of certain 'greenhouse gas' air pollutants (primarily methane and carbon dioxide) on global climate change and public health were not discussed. While global climate change may contribute to public health risk, the effects are generally more widespread in nature and not related, per se, to the immediate consideration of 'urban landfill' development. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ;~~tiit: ,,"'! /,. >1. "~::::~;' G 1111 , MALCOLM PIRNIE INDEPENDENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS. SCIENTISTS AND CONSULTANTS .. " II I I, i, ., [, [ [I [, 3 o IIII 3. Potential Release of Pollutants from Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities Potential release of pollutants from municipal solid waste landfill (mswlf) facilities are discussed according to various potential exposure pathways (ambient air, subsurface (vapor and groundwater) as well as surface water); the source of contaminants (fugitive emissions such as landfill gas and dust, combustion byproducts including diesel and landfill gas flare exhaust, as well as leachate from within the waste mass); and finally the various specific kinds of pollutants and relative anticipated magnitude that can be expected from these sources. Overall various kinds of potential pollutants are identified as potentially released from a mswlf via air, subsurface and/or surface water. However the quantity and concentration of these various potential pollutants is generally found to be relatively small in comparison to other typical pollutants found in an urban environment. The discussion is comprehensive inasmuch as it serves to enable further detailed qualitative assessment but does not necessarily reflect their relative toxicity or risk potential. Efforts included collection and review of available data via library and web-based research as input to characterizing the nature of potential pollutants associated with mswlf operations. There is a wealth of data regarding performance of older non- compliant landfill facilities permitted, designed and operated prior to development and implementation of current regulatory standards. However, research and literature review efforts show limited data or actual studies related to potential release of pollutants from mswlf facilities equipped with modern pollution abatement equipment (including liners, leachate collection and removal, landfill gas and stormwater collection and control systems). This is likely due to a combination of factors including relatively "new" advancements made in development and operations of state-of-the-art facilities pursuant to USEPA Subtitle D legislation (promulgated in October 1991 and effective October 1993). Consequently extrapolation was required to estimate the anticipated magnitude of potential pollutants released from a 'modern' mswlf facility. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 :it'J";;(\;\i;,. ;'1 ,.. \~/ B III1 Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF 3.1. Release of Pollutants to Ambient Air Several researchers have documented the lack of data on fugitive air emissions from 'modern' mswlfs (Thorneloe, 2004; Sullivan and Michels, 2000, as cited in Soltani- Ahmadi, 200; and Sullivan and Stege, 2000) and have recently begun to characterize these air emissions (Thorneloe, 2004; Sullivan and Stege, 2000). Air emissions may be either controlled or uncontrolled (often termed "fugitive") and can be complex in nature due to their originating from multiple potential sources. A diverse range of potential air pollutants may be included in these various sources such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter and combustion byproducts. In general, emission sources and associated potential air pollutants include the following: . Routine disposal operations resulting in fugitive emissions of landfill gas from the waste mass and active disposal area (not otherwise collected within the facility's landfill gas collection and control system) containing methane as well as non- methane organic compounds (NMOCs), some of which may be characterized as photo-reactive and precursors to ground-level ozone and/or as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) with the potential to cause adverse human health effects following direct exposure. . Exposure of uncovered waste materials or unstabilized and/or denuded soil areas subject to wind erosion resulting in generation of fugitive dust containing particulate matter. . Combustion byproduct emissions from landfill gas combustion for destruction or energy recovery; diesel engine exhaust emissions from trucks as well as on-site stationary or mobile machinery and equipment; as well as infrequent but nevertheless possible landfill fire events. Each of these combustion sources represents generation of potential air pollutants such as particulate matter and other complex volatile organic compounds. Inasmuch as specific categories of pollutants (particulate matter, for instance) may be derived from multiple sources (fugitive dust and diesel engine exhaust) the following discussion is often inter-woven between these subject matter. 3.1.1. Fugitive Landfill Gas (LFG) Emissions Fugitive landfill gas generated from waste decomposition that is not otherwise captured by the facility's landfill gas collection and control system may be potentially released to ambient air. The amount of landfill gas and concentration of various pollutants in the gas stream are site-specific and dependent on the waste composition, types of organic compounds in the waste, as well as porosity, density, pH, moisture content and .. I . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 /71";;~~; :",'1 i~" \'\:.~~/ EJ 1111 Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF temperature of the waste mass (all of which are dynamic and changing as the waste mass decomposes). Primary air pollutants derived from lfg include both NMOCs (via both controlled combustion and fugitive emissions) as well as other combustion by-products which are discussed in greater detail in subsequent sections of this report. NMOCs typically comprise less than 1 percent of total landfill gas volume. The composition of this small fraction of the total gas stream is extremely diverse. For instance, more than 130 different NMOCs were identified in landfill gas reported by Hickman (1988) and Gendebien et aI. (1992 as cited in Bridges et aI., 2000). In addition, Herrera et aI. (1988, as cited in Soltani-Ahmadi, 2000) identified 116 different trace organic compounds in landfill gas from mswlfs in Great Britain; and Eklund et aI. (1998) detected over 70 individual NMOCs from a large mswlf in New York. The NMOCs include multiple VOCs some of which may be photo-reactive chemicals that contribute to ozone formation and/or HAPs regulated by the USEP A due to potential adverse human health effects. For emissions inventory purposes the USEP A suggests default NMOC concentrations in uncontrolled landfill gas of between 595 to 2,420 parts per million by volume (ppmv) for landfills known to contain only municipal solid waste and those with known co-disposal of municipal and non-residential solid waste, respectively (USEPA, 2006b and 1998). Default concentrations and categorization (HAP/Photo-reactive VOC) of specific regulated NMOCs are summarized Table 1. The table indicates established default emission rates for 46 NMOCs in landfill gas (36 of which are defined as photo-reactive chemicals and 27 of which are regulated HAPs (USEP A, 2005)). Some of the typical compounds (aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons) are both photo-reactive and potentially hazardous to human health. Default concentrations are typically on the order of fractions of parts per billion (ppb) for any given compound and confirm the relative low magnitude and concentration of NMOC air pollutants found in lfg. The total concentration of HAPs in landfill gas generated is typically estimated to be about 115 ppmv and comprises less than 0.02 percent of uncontrolled landfill gas emissions. The quantities and concentration of VOCs (and HAPs, by extension) anticipated to be released via fugitive landfill gas emissions are very small in comparison to other industrial and non-industrial sources found within urban environments. For example the USEP A (2002) reports the following sources and their relative contribution to total annual VOC emissions for the nation: . On-road mobile - 23% . Solvent usage - 21 % l . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 4j.;~i\ ." j I"~ \~.~J/ '...~:' ..< B 1111 I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF · Prescribed and wildfires - 19% · Non-road mobile - 13% · Industrial processes - 8% · Residential wood burning - 8% · Waste disposal- 2% · Industrial, commercial, and residential fuel burning - 1 % I It is readily apparent that waste disposal activities contribute only a very small fraction of the total VOC emissions in a typical urban environment when compared to other common emission sources (e.g. on-road vehicles) and is comparable to other sources such as fuel combustion from industrial, commercial and even residential development. Table 1. Typical Pollutants in Landfill Gas I Default Concentration CATEGORY POLLUTANT in Landfill Gas HAP Photo- (lJglm3) Reactive Compound 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane (methyl 1.52E-02 X chloroform) 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 7.62E-03 X X 1, 1-Dichloroethane (ethylidene 9.51 E-03 X X dichloride) 1, 1-Dichloroethene (vinylidene 7.93E-04 X X chloride) 1 ,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene 1.66E-03 X X dichloride) 1 ,2-Dichloropropane (propylene 8.32E-04 X X dichloride) 2-Propanol (isopropyl alcohol) 1.23E-01 X Acetone 1.67E-02 Acrylonitrile 1.37E-02 X X Benzene 6.10E-03 X X Bromodichloromethane 2.10E-02 X Butane 1.20E-02 X Carbon disulfide 1.80E-03 X X Carbon monoxide 1 1.62E-01 .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 B ,III I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF Default Concentration CATEGORY POLLUTANT in Landfill Gas HAP Photo- (lJg/m3) Reactive Compound Carbon tetrachloride 3.00E-05 X X Carbonyl sulfide 1.20E-03 X X Chlorobenzene 1.20E-03 X X Chlorodifluoromethane 3.30E-03 Chloroethane (ethyl chloride) 3.30E-03 X X Chloroform 1.47E-04 X X Chloromethane 2.50E-03 X Dichlorobenzene (for 1 A-isomer) 1.26E-03 X X Dichlorodifluoromethane 7.76E-02 Dichlorofluoromethane 1.10E-02 X Dichloromethane (methylene 4.97E-02 X chloride) Dimethyl sulfide (methyl sulfide) 1.99E-02 X Ethane 1.09E+00 Ethanol 5.13E-02 X Ethyl mercaptan (ethanethiol) 5.79E-03 X Ethylbenzene 2.00E-02 X X Ethylene dibromide 7.68E-06 X X Fluorotrichloromethane 4.27E-03 X Hexane 2.32E-02 X X Hydrogen sulfide 4.95E-02 Mercury 2.40E-06 X Methyl ethyl ketone 2.09E-02 X X Methyl isobutyl ketone 7.66E-03 X X Methyl mercaptan 4.90E-03 X Pentane 9.71E-03 X Perchloroethylene 2.53E-02 X (tetrachloroethylene) Propane 2.00E-02 X trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.13E-02 X Toluene 1.48E-01 X X Trichloroethylene (trichloroethene) 1.52E-02 X X Vinyl chloride 1.88E-02 X X Xylenes 5.26E-02 X X .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ,/;;j.'~;" .., J ." \~-...;:!).' B "II I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF In addition, although metals are not typically thought of as components of landfill gas, Lindberg et al. (2001) nevertheless measured total gaseous mercury, methylated mercury compounds, and dimethyl mercury at various facilities in Florida. (Sources of mercury (a volatile metal with known health effects) include fluorescent lights, batteries and electrical switches). Once again though, the USEP A reports less than 0.1 percent of total mercury emissions in the nation (1994) were attributable to mswlf emissions (ATSDR, 2001). On an annual basis mercury emissions from mswlf generated landfill gas are significantly less than that resulting from conventional home heating oil burners (A TSDR, 2001). 3.1.2. Particulate Matter (PM) Particulate matter (PM) can be comprised of dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets and can be large enough to be visible in air or small enough to be undetectable to the naked eye. Some PM is formed when gaseous pollutants (such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx) or photo-reactive organic compounds) react with sunlight and water vapor in the atmosphere. Sources of PM at mswlf facilities include the following: . Dust generation resulting from truck traffic, movement and operation of mobile machinery/equipment as well as application of daily earthen cover soil to the working landfill face. . Waste placement at the active disposal area. . Landfill gas including both fugitive emissions not otherwise captured in the facility's landfill gas collection and control system and controlled combustion byproducts subsequent to landfill gas flaring or energy recovery. . Diesel engine exhaust emissions (discussed in greater detail in a subsequent section of this report). Particulate matter can be associated with adverse health effects. Respirable particulates of primary concern when evaluating the potential for adverse human health effects and can be classified by size categories: . PM 10 and PM2.5 (equal to or less than 10 and 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter, respectively). . Ultrafine PM (less than 0.1 microns in aerodynamic diameter). The generation of specific types of PM, namely the formation of liquid droplets from photo-reactive VQCs, as well as fate and transport in ambient air, is extremely complex, and dependent not only upon the physicochemical properties of the pollutants/particles but also meteorological and even local topographic conditions affecting dispersion and .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ({J)t, B , , "II I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF fall-out. Currently, although only PM10 and PM2.5 are regulated due to health concerns, ultrafine PM has also been shown to contribute to adverse health effects. These ultrafine particles can remain in the atmosphere for days or weeks and travel significant distances. 3.1.3. Combustion By-Products Other air emissions include combustion byproducts associated with diesel engine exhaust from on-site stationary or mobile machinery and equipment; operation of landfill gas control equipment (flare station for instance) for destruction and/or energy recovery purposes; as well as rare instances of subterranean landfill fires. Primary air pollutants resulting from combustion (combustion byproducts) and respective sources are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Combustion By-Product Pollutants POLLUTANT COMBUSTION SOURCE(S) Carbon monoxide Diesel fuel POM (PAHs) Diesel fuel, landfill gas, waste NOx Diesel fuel, landfill gas, waste Sulfur oxides (SOx) Diesel fuel, landfill gas, waste Acrolein Diesel fuel, landfill gas, waste Acetaldehyde Diesel fuel Benzene Diesel fuel 1,3-Butadiene Diesel fuel Formaldehyde Diesel fuel, landfill gas, waste Dioxins/furans Diesel fuel, landfill gas, waste Hydrogen chloride Landfill gas, waste Hydrogen cyanide Landfill gas, waste Hydrogen fluoride Landfill gas, waste Isocyanates Landfill gas, waste Phenol Landfill gas, waste Various other organic HAPs and VOCs Landfill gas, waste Controlled Combustion of Landfill Gas Controlled combustion of landfill gas can contribute to formation of ultrafine PM (described previously) consisting of sulfate, nitrate, chloride and ammonium compounds, organic and elemental carbon, as well as metals. In addition the formation of dioxins/furans occurs during the combustion of organic material in the presence of chlorine and PM under low combustion temperatures and short combustion time . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 B iill I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF (ATSDR,2001). Fortunately, however, the controlled combustion of landfill gas is typically less conducive to producing dioxins/furans than many other typical sources (i.e., residential and commercial coal and oil combustion, backyard trash burning, residential fire places, car exhaust, and cigarette smoke) (A TSDR, 2001). The USEP A estimates that, in the nation, uncontrolled waste burning (i.e., backyard trash burning) is among the largest sources of dioxins/furans in the environment (USEP A, 2003b) and that the amount of dioxins/furans in a controlled landfill gas combustion process (such as an enclosed flare system) is relatively small (USEPA, 2006b). Diesel Exhaust Emissions Sources of diesel engine exhaust include stationary and mobile machinery (such as bulldozers, compactors, trucks, backhoes and generators) and equipment (electrical generators for instance). In their regulatory analysis of non-road diesel engines the USEPA focused on several air pollutants (in addition to diesel PM discussed previously) including benzene, 1,3- butadiene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, dioxins/furans, polycyclic organic matter (PaM). (PaM is comprised of organic compounds with multiple benzene rings mainly adhered to particles including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PARs) which may be present in both gas and particle phases. In addition, there are more than 100 individual compounds in the chemical class PARs which consist of annelated aromatic (benzene) rings formed by incomplete combustion). Other emissions from diesel engines include carbon monoxide, NOx and sax, as well as ultrafine PM (discussed previously). The general u.S. population may be exposed to low concentrations of NOx, especially those living near combustion sources found in urban environments, such as heavy motor vehicle traffic. According to the USEP A, motor vehicles constituted 55 percent of the man-made sources of NOx for the nation in 2003 and utilities constituted another 22 percent. Industrial, commercial, and residential sources (primarily fuel burning) together constituted 22 percent of the nation's total man- made NOx emissions. Inasmuch as the USEPA has estimated that total non-road diesel engines make up nearly half of the mobile source inventory for PM2.5 emissions and about one quarter of the mobile source inventory for NOx emissions for the nation (USEP A, 2004), it is apparent that mswlfs contribute only a very small fraction of potential diesel exhaust emissions in an urban environment. Landfill Fires Although infrequent, landfill fires may also release pollutants to ambient air in the form of smoke and soot (particulate matter) which ultimately deposit on the ground in adjacent areas, as well as to groundwater and surface water attributable to fire-fighting . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ;;(4:5\:' G "II I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF suppressants (A TSDR, 2001). Subsurface fires within the waste mass (as opposed to fires which are evident at the landfill surface) are difficult to suppress and may burn for long periods and are capable of generating significant quantities of carbon monoxide. FEMA (2002) has summarized several case studies of landfill fires. Primary pollutants associated with these rare events are listed in Table 2 and may be comprised of any of the compounds associated with the waste deposited within the landfill. The resulting heat generated from the fire event may cause potentially hazardous components of the waste stream (e.g., household hazardous waste such as pesticides, paints, solvents, cleaners, or chemical additives) to volatilize (ATSDR, 2001)); compounds formed by waste decomposition and commonly found in landfill gas; combustion byproducts (described previously) and compounds associated with fire suppression. 3.2. Pollutants Released to Subsurface Pollutants may potentially be released in the subsurface environment to soil-gas or groundwater via either direct discharge of landfill gas or leachate (leakage through liner system). Release of landfill gas to the subsurface may result in migration of gas-phase constituents through the unsaturated (vadose) zone or phase partitioning from landfill gas (containing VOCs) in the vadose zone to groundwater in the underlying aquifer system. 3.2.1. Soil-Gas Phase The presence of both liners and landfill gas collection and control systems largely abates potential release of leachate and/or gas constituents to the subsurface (USEP A, 2006b). Regardless landfill gas may be potentially released to the subsurface environment (as soil-gas) albeit typically in limited concentrations and quantities. Potential for lateral migration outward from the waste mass is dependent on soil properties and presence of preferential pathways such as utility trenches that could serve as conduits for landfill gas transmission. The USEP A has determined that the horizontal migration of landfill gas through the subsurface environment is usually limited to a few tenths of a mile from the landfill boundary. Availability of preferential pathways for subsurface gas migration such as utility trenches beneath roadways may increase potential lateral migration. Nevertheless subsurface gas migration (where present) has the potential to accumulate in confined spaces and represents a hazard to human health attributable to explosion and/or asphyxiation if and when present in certain concentrations with air. Lateral gas migration may also contribute to groundwater contamination due to phase partitioning between waste constituents contained within soil-gas in the unsaturated vadose zone and the directly underlying groundwater aquifer. Constituents of concern include methane as well as trace amounts of NMOCs within the gas stream. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 f1'1~;<\;;" ... f~' ),,:=.!i G 1III I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF 3.2.2. Pollutants Released to Groundwater Pollutant releases to groundwater could potentially result from either direct discharge of leachate or contaminated stormwater runoff, as well as phase partitioning from landfill gas contained in the vadose (unsaturated zone) directly overlying the uppermost aquifer (discussed previously). Potential pollutants arising from phase partitioning with soil-gas may include various VOCs contained within the landfill gas stream as described previously. Predominately volatile and some semi-volatile organic compounds are of concern when landfill gas has the potential to contaminate groundwater. In the context of groundwater contamination and vapor intrusion, VOCs are those compounds with a greater tendency to volatilize (i.e., with higher Henry's Law constants and lower molecular weights) as opposed to VOCs defined as photoreactive compounds in landfill gas. . In addition, Christensen et al. (1994) describes categories of pollutants potentially present in leachate from municipal, commercial, and mixed industrial sources (excluding chemical waste) as shown in Table 3. The main pollutants of concern in groundwater from MSW landfill leachate are the chlorinated aliphatic compounds, BTEX (an acronym for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes), and chlorobenzenes. Table 3. Typical Pollutants Found in MSWLF Leachate POLLUTANT CATEGORY EXAMPLE(S) Dissolved organic matter Methane, fatty acids, and more refractory compounds (e.g., fulvic-like and humic-like) Anthropogenic-specific organic compounds (ASOCs) Aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds, halogenated (present at low concentrations) hydrocarbons Inorganic macro-components Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, iron, manganese, chloride, sulfate, hydrogen carbonate Heavy metals Cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, nickel, zinc Other compounds (present at very low concentrations) Borate, sulfide, arsenate, selenate, barium, lithium, mercury Relatively newly identified compounds Phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicides (e.g., mecoprop) Microorganisms Dissolved organic compounds contained in leachate may be readily attenuated by sorption and degradation in a subsurface groundwater environment. In addition, inorganic compounds and heavy metals which may be contained in typically mswlf leachate may also be readily attenuated in groundwater by ion exchange, reduction/oxidation, complexation, sorption and precipitation. However many .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 B I111 I Section 3 Potential Release of Pollutants from MSWLF anthropogenic-specific organic compounds (ASOCs) are typically not very well attenuated in natural groundwater systems and represent significant potential pollutants in leachate if released to the environment. Lu et aI. 1985 (as cited in Christensen et aI., 1994) reported the presence of several bacteria in leachate including fecal coliform, Streptococcus faecalis, S. durans, S. equinus, Salmonella typhimurium, Acinetobacter sp., and Listeria monocytogenes. However, the relatively low pH and increased iron, zinc, or volatile fatty acid concentrations in leachate likely increase the inactivation of coliform bacteria. Most pathogenic bacteria remaining are likely rendered inactive within the landfill or in the reduced zone of any groundwater plume surrounding the waste mass. Andreottola and Canus (1992) (as cited in Christensen et aI., 1994) reported the presence of mainly saprophytes I in leachate (including Aspergillus, Penecillium, and Fusarium and only one pathogenic fungus, Allescheria boydii). Investigation by Suflita et aI. (1992, cited in Christensen et aI., 1994) on pathogenic viruses and protozoa in leachate showed little or no survival in the reduced landfill leachate environment. Most recently, Christensen et aI. (1994) concluded that microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa) do not appear to be of environmental concern in landfill leachate. 3.3. Pollutants Released to Surface Water Mechanisms for the release of pollutants to surface water include stormwater runoff and groundwater discharge. Potential pollutants are similar in nature to those encountered in leachate and described previously. I A saprophyte is any organism that lives on dead organic matter .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 :'!CQ't: ....::'-.-. B .. .. , " , , , , [I , l, (, l [ . [ [ [I [I II I: (I (I [ f l. 1111 I MALCOLM PIRNIE INOEPENDlNT ENVlRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS AND CONSULTANTS 4 o ,,' I I 4. Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards For the purpose of detailed qualitative assessment the following discussion focuses on know health affects for each of the previously identified potential pollutants without consideration to mitigating factors. For instance known toxicity or health effects for any given pollutant do not necessarily mean that a release of that constituent represents discernible public health risk. Resulting dosage (quantity and concentration) to a human health receptor, taking into account any subsequent dispersion or attenuation readily anticipated along various environmental pathways, will ultimately determine potential public health risk. , Information on the toxicity (systemic toxicity and carcinogenicity) of potential pollutants identified previously is presented and focuses largely on those associated with public health exposure via ambient air and groundwater pathways. Health risk- and regulatory- based threshold values for various potential pollutants are provided for comparison purposes and subsequent qualitative assessment of public risk. Furthermore potential health hazards (explosion and asphyxiation) associated with lateral migration of landfill gas released to the subsurface (containing methane and other NMOCs) are also evaluated. The previously identified potential pollutants can be generally sub-divided into a few categories for ease of discussion: . Organic compounds and several inorganic pollutants with known systemic toxicity (ability to cause non-carcinogenic effects such as liver toxicity) and carcinogenicity (ability to cause cancer) associated with controlled and fugitive landfill gas emissions. . "Criteria Air Pollutants" regulated by the USEP A in accordance with The Clean Air Act and corresponding National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQs). These include including carbon monoxide, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and sulfur dioxide and are also associated with controlled and fugitive landfill gas emissions as well as rare subterranean landfill fires. . Diesel engine exhaust emissions associated with routine operation of stationary or mobile machinery and equipment. . Explosion and asphyxiation hazards associated with lateral subsurface migration of landfill gas. - City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 '~r1J} -'.: :.~.~ G . ,',' I Section 4 Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards 4.1. Systemic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Readily available sources of information on the potential toxicity of the previously identified pollutants were reviewed. Two of these sources are the USEP A Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (USEPA, 2008b), which comprises a database of reports containing descriptive and quantitative toxicological information on the health effects that might result from exposure to various compounds that may be found in the environment; and the ATSDR ToxFAQsTM, a series of summaries excerpted from the A TSDR Toxicological Profiles and Public Health Statements of the most frequently asked questions about exposure to various compounds and possible human health effects from that exposure. Potential systemic health effects as well as information on pollutants that are known or suspected carcinogens are summarized in Table 4. Although effort was made to focus on potential chronic health effects from long-term exposure this information is not always available. The listed health effects are general categories typically following artificially high exposures in laboratory animal tests or at very high level human exposure under varied exposure concentrations and occupational conditions. In most cases, the toxicological information from the USEP A and the A TSDR is derived by extrapolation from observed effects from high dose exposure to laboratory animals to low dose environmental exposure to humans. In addition, inasmuch as health effects from exposure to pollutants are both receptor- and dose-dependent, responses among a group of similarly exposed individuals can be expected to vary considerably. For instance, a healthy individual without any respiratory illness might tolerate higher levels of air pollution without noticeable effect; whereas an individual who is asthmatic may be very sensitive to even slight decreases in ambient air quality (e.g., increased ground-level ozone). Consequently there is significant uncertainty surrounding the potential for adverse human health effects and at what concentrations those effects might occur. The table also provides USEPA risk-based as well as regulatory-based thresholds for comparison purposes. Exceedence of risk-based comparison values by target list pollutant concentrations may indicate potential for adverse human health effects depending on the actual exposure pathway, whereas exceedance of regulatory-based comparison values may be indicative of approaching levels of concern associated with pending health risk. In general, considerable dilution of fugitive or controlled (post-thermal destruction) landfill gas emissions occurs upon release to ambient air likely reducing the concentrations of individual pollutants below typical exposure limits. However, A TSDR (2001) acknowledges that while concentrations of individual NMOCs from landfill gas in ambient air are not likely to cause obvious and immediate adverse health effects, possible .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ;(~>; G d~~W~-gr or.gaxis CDJDl~~~ I~ :J ::] CD <D (t) ~ <1l <1l a m c 3 ~ a o '" a- o ~ lJ) rrrrr """"" G)G)G)G)G) ;l>;l>;l>;l>;l> -:;" -::;- :;" -=;" -::;" ~~~~~ i l i I lIJ ~~~~~~~~~Q~~~~~~ :;;<1l;:l.~oo.o.o.::lo::>.::>.~~<1l' c ~o.o'<oaa:j~.OUNQ.orCJ ~ Q.c <g ~cococo ~~g g ~ ~.a:S a ~;a~~~g-~39:<D:J~~ <1> 3~.mE~g.~;g~. -a~' (J) Q)g. Q~og.~~g. m(1) ~ iif~ ~2=a: p;-i ~ ..., z ~... CD (/) "09 l\) ;!!:~ i:.l ~ "-.J Cx> ~ a a 9 a iii' lJ) ~ <1l x :::r '" c !!l. (Jl c ~ ~ ~ g= ~ r; ?;s. ffi l6-" (j);!!: ~ r I r " aaO " " . . ' a " "." " r r " " r ~~~~~~~~r;;~~aa ~ ." -" -" -" -" ." ~ G) a -" " " . 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'1l'1l o 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0'0' mm c.> 0> 01 m + o o ::l )> 3 r::r or z 3. !!. ~ g' o!!. C !!. ~ G> ::ll g ~ at s.~. i I ~. () !i z !!l. o' ::l !!. !!J III ::l a. DI a. III (f) c: 3: 3: )> ~ -< o ." (f) o c: ~ o m !fl ::ll m r m )> (f) m 3: m o J: )> z Iii 3: !fl d )( o :;j m z c '1l o z 91 ~ Iii ^ iii )> (f) m C (f) o ~ m m z Z G> r- m < m r (f) )> z C ::ll m G> c: S o ~ -< < )> r- c: m (f) ." o ::ll (f) m r- m o iil c '1l o r r- c: ~ Z -l (f) ~ III r m "" 1111 I Section 4 Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards cumulative effects resulting from long-term exposure to low concentrations of multiple compounds are not presently known or easily evaluated. 4.2. Health Effects Associated with Criteria Air Pollutants . The Clean Air Act requires the USEPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common air pollutants, termed "criteria pollutants", which have the potential to affect human health and the environment in an adverse manner, including carbon monoxide, lead, PM, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and sulfur dioxide. Five of these six criteria pollutants (i.e., carbon monoxide, ground-level ozone, nitrogen dioxide, PM, and sulfur dioxide) may be associated with fugitive air emissions from mswlf facilities. Carbon monoxide, as noted previously, may be a product of underground waste combustion (in association with rare occurrence of landfill fires). * 4.2.1. Ozone Ground-level ozone (the main component in smog) can be formed as a result of atmospheric reactions of VOCs and NOx and can cause coughing, throat irritation, discomfort in the chest, and irritation of the respiratory system (USEP A, 2003a). Public health risks associated with exposure to ground-level ozone include decreased lung function, increased hospital and emergency room visits, increased medication usage, inflammation of the lungs, aggravation of asthma, and other respiratory symptoms (USEPA, 2003a and 2004). Most-at-risk subpopulations include children and individuals with respiratory disease (e.g., asthma), and individuals with a sensitivity to ozone. The most recent research on the health effects of ozone confirm respiratory effects and increased emergency room visits from acute exposure with possible cumulative impacts from chronic exposure to ambient ozone (USEP A, 2006a). The USEP A (2006a) indicates that the overall body of evidence suggests that ozone directly or indirectly contributes to non-accidental and cardiopulmonary-related mortality but that more research is needed to determine the exact mechanisms by which these effects occur. 4.2.2. Particulate Matter Both short- and long-term health effects of PM inhalation include premature death and increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits (primarily in the elderly and individuals with cardiopulmonary disease); increased respiratory symptoms and disease (children and individuals with cardiopulmonary disease such as asthma); decreased lung function (particularly in children and individuals with asthma); and alterations in lung tissue and structure and in respiratory tract defense mechanisms (USEPA, 1997). PMJO and PM2.5 pose a potential health risk because the particles may be inhaled and accumulate in the respiratory system. Many health studies conducted on PM2.5 have shown increased incidence of premature death and a range of serious respiratory (e.g., aggravation of lung disease and bronchitis and other symptoms including coughing, chest discomfort, wheezing, and shortness of breath) and cardiovascular (e.g., chest pain, .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 ::'1",'!f"\~,. :" i }': \~~~:/ G 1111 I Section 4 Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards palpitations, shortness of breath, heartbeat irregularities, and heart attacks) effects (USEPA, 2003b). 4.2.3. Nitrogen Oxides Low concentrations of NOx in air can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs causing cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and nausea (A TSDR, 2002b). Fluid build-up in the lungs can result one to two days after exposure to low concentrations of NOx. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) considers NOx as not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity. 4.2.4. Sulfur Dioxide Long-term exposure to persistent concentrations of sulfur dioxide in occupational settings has been shown to affect lung function; however, these studies were inconclusive since the workers were also exposed to other compounds. Adults and children living in or near heavily industrialized areas that may have higher concentrations of sulfur dioxide in ambient air may experience difficulty breathing, changes in ability to breathe deeply, and burning of the nose and throat (A TSDR, 1999c). Asthmatics may be more sensitive to respiratory effects from exposure to low concentrations of sulfur dioxide. The IARC considers sulfur dioxide to be not classifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans. Studies in childhood on exposure to sulfur dioxide have been inconclusive since there are many other compounds also present in ambient air. 4.2.5. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide may be a byproduct of subterranean waste combustion associated with the rare occurrence of a landfill fire. Uncontrolled subsurface landfill fires may generate significant quantities and concentrations of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide may displace oxygen in the blood thereby depriving the heart, brain, and other vital organs of oxygen (OSHA, 2002). Children, the elderly, smokers whose blood carbon monoxide concentrations are already higher, and people with heart and lung disease may be especially susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide must be present in high concentrations in order to cause adverse health effects. Carbon monoxide when released to the ambient air may also contribute to ground-level ozone with indirect adverse health effects. 4.3. Health Effects Associated with Combustion By-Products Health effects associated with controlled combustion of diesel fuel and landfill gas represent specific potentially adverse effects on public health. 4.3.1. Diesel Engine Exhaust The USEP A (2008b) has quantitative toxicological information available for chronic systemic (non-cancer) effects from long-term exposure to diesel engine exhaust. This .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 (!C~~J;: ". :~'.." G 1111 I Section 4 Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards information is based on data from an inhalation study in laboratory animals in which the critical effects were on the respiratory system. Huff et al. (2002) indicate that health risks from diesel engine exhaust at landfills can be quantified and should be considered in health risk assessments. The USEPA (2008b) classifies diesel engine exhaust as likely carcinogenic to humans. 4.3.2. Controlled Combustion of Landfill Gas for Energy Recovery or Other Purposes Combustion by-products include formation of several VOCs (e.g., acrolein, formaldehyde, and phenols), acid gases, PM, PAHs, and dioxins/furans. Individually, fugitive VOC emissions from landfill gas combustion are not anticipated to cause significant adverse impact to public health. Potential health effects associated with the acid gases are usually from short-term exposures to higher concentrations and are mainly associated with occupational exposures. Health effects associated with long-term exposure to multiple pollutants is more difficult to assess and presently unknown. The USEP A has determined that the public health threat from uncontrolled emissions of landfill gas is greater than that from the small amount of dioxins/furans produced during controlled landfill gas combustion through flares or energy recovery sytems (A TSDR, 2001). The general population receives approximately 95% of their dioxin/furan exposure through the diet. While the primary pathway of concern for combustion byproducts is through inhalation, deposition of various pollutants on the ground (soil in yards, cars, playgrounds) can be inadvertently ingested through hand-to-mouth behavior. Additionally, when deposited on plant surfaces, certain pollutants can be incorporated into vegetation in home gardens or agricultural crops, which may then be consumed. In their study of a comparison of airborne risks to public health from MSW landfills versus MSW incinerators in the United Kingdom, Bridges et al. (2000) recognized that data are inadequate to make general statements about the risk of inadvertent ingestion of soil pollutants. This is also true for uptake of deposited pollutants into plants. Dispersion and deposition of pollutants depends on a variety of site-specific factors. However, there are numerous sources of air pollutants that may deposit on the ground in an urban area. For many air pollutants, as discussed in previous sections of this report, the relative contribution from mswlfs in an urban setting is likely small. 4.4. Explosion Hazard Landfill gas must be present in the correct proportion to oxygen in order to pose an explosive hazard. Methane is the predominant pollutant in landfill gas that poses an explosion hazard. When methane is present in air between the lower explosive limit (LEL) of 5 percent by volume and the upper explosive limit (UEL) of 15 percent by volume there is a potential for explosion if an ignition source is provided. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 fi<j.j"~;: \~~.!(.:>: G 1111 I Section 4 Preliminary Review of Potential Health Effects and Hazards Other pollutants in landfill gas (e.g., ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and some NMOCs like benzene) are flammable but are unlikely to be present in great enough concentration to pose an explosion hazard. However flammable NMOCs when combined with methane as a mixed gas can contribute to the total explosive hazard in confined spaces (A TSDR, 2001). The LELs and UELs presented in Table 5 provide threshold levels for several components of landfill gas to gauge their relative explosive hazard. Table 5. Lower and Upper Explosive Limits for Several Components of Landfill Gas COMPONENT LEL (%) UEL (%) Methane 5 15 Hydrogen sulfide 4 44 Ammonia 15 28 Benzene 1.2 7.8 4.5. Asphyxiation Hazard Landfill gas poses an asphyxiation hazard only when it collects at great enough concentrations to displace ambient air. The density of methane is greater than that of air, thus the potential exists for air displacement. When landfill gas is present in sufficient concentrations and enough air is displaced the environment becomes oxygen-deficient. Oxygen-deficient environments are defined as having less than 19.5% oxygen by volume. Oxygen-deficient environments associated with the accumulation of landfill gas typically occur in confined spaces (e.g., utility room or basement of a home, manhole or utility trench). Effects of an oxygen-deficient environment on the human body include impaired night vision, increased respiration, accelerated heartbeat, poor muscle coordination, rapid fatigue, and intermittent respiration (A TSDR, 2001). .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 lr'!i;:\.,. n 1 '\;: \},::,:;./.' G I I 1: [, r [, I: [, 1: 5 , ~, , .. "I I 5. Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks The following preliminary qualitative assessment of potential adverse impact to public health and safety integrates the identification of potentially harmful pollutants with known health effects and hazards from exposure to them and develops an opinion regarding the degree and likelihood of associated risk via various exposure pathways (including air emissions and subsurface transmission). Consideration is given to the extent which 'modern' mswlfs may abate or mitigate potential release of these pollutants via various properly designed and operated pollution control equipment including liner as well as landfill gas collection and control systems (as well as implementation of best management practices). Overall the assessment finds that although potentially harmful pollutants may be found within the msw stream or produced by operating practices the resulting quantity and concentration of any possible release to the environment is not sufficient to represent any incremental risk to public health and safety. Overall typical airborne pollutants, the primary pathway of concern, are no greater than other urban sources. Previous sections of this report indicated potential adverse health effects may be associated with fugitive air emissions and/or explosion/asphyxiation hazards attributable to subterranean lateral migration of methane and other NMOCs in landfill gas. More specifically potential adverse health effects and hazards may be associated with the following pollutants that may be discharged, albeit in relative small quantity and concentration, from a 'modern' mswlf: . Ground-level ozone (the main component in smog) formed as a result of atmospheric reactions of VOCs and NOx contained in fugitive landfill gas emissions or carbon monoxide in the rare event of a landfill fire. It directly or indirectly contributes to non-accidental and cardiopulmonary-related mortality as well as causing coughing, throat irritation, discomfort in the chest, and irritation of the respiratory system (USEPA, 2003a). Public health risks include decreased lung function, increased hospital and emergency room visits, increased medication usage, inflammation of the lungs, aggravation of asthma, and other respiratory symptoms (USEP A, 2003a and 2004). . Particulate Matter (PM) resulting from typical mswlf sources such as dust generation, waste placement, fugitive landfill gas emissions not otherwise captured in the facility's landfill gas collection and control system and controlled combustion byproducts subsequent to landfill gas flaring or energy recovery as .. I . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 <':Yl/'~Z" ;'~'t ' {\ \\.1/' - ....~ .:.;-.-' B "I I Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks well as diesel engine exhaust. Particulate Matter (PM) may be formed when pollutants (such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx) or photo-reactive organic compounds) contained in fugitive landfill gas emissions react with sunlight and water vapor in the atmosphere. Short- and long-term health effects of include premature death and increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits (primarily in the elderly and individuals with cardiopulmonary disease); increased respiratory symptoms and disease (children and individuals with cardiopulmonary disease such as asthma); decreased lung function (particularly in children and individuals with asthma); and alterations in lung tissue and structure and in respiratory tract defense mechanisms (USEP A, 1997) as well as a range of serious respiratory (e.g., aggravation of lung disease and bronchitis and other symptoms including coughing, chest discomfort, wheezing, and shortness of breath) and cardiovascular (e.g., chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, heartbeat irregularities, and heart attacks) effects (USEP A, 2003b). . NMOCs derived from landfill gas. Long-term exposure to multiple NMOCs may occur with prolonged fugitive landfill gas emissions. Significant uncertainty exists surrounding the potential for adverse human health effects and at what concentrations those effects might occur. Although concentrations of individual NMOCs from landfill gas in ambient air are not likely to cause obvious and immediate adverse health effects, possible cumulative effects resulting from long- term exposure to low concentrations of multiple compounds are not presently known or easily evaluated. . Diesel engine exhaust sources including stationary and mobile machinery (such as bulldozers, compactors, trucks, backhoes and generators) and equipment (electrical generators for instance) and is classified but the USEP A (2008b) as likely carcinogenic to humans. . Explosion/asphyxiation hazard associated with subterranean lateral migration of landfill gas containing methane and/or other NMOCs. When methane is present in air between the lower explosive limit (LEL) of 5 percent by volume and the upper explosive limit (UEL) of 15 percent by volume there is a potential for explosion if an ignition source is provided. Flammable NMOCs when combined with methane as a mixed gas can contribute to the total explosive hazard in confined spaces (A TSDR, 2001). Similarily, landfill gas may displace air within enclosed spaces and create an oxygen-deficient environment. Effects of an oxygen-deficiency include impaired night vision, increased respiration, accelerated heartbeat, poor muscle coordination, rapid fatigue, and intermittent respiration (ATSDR, 2001). .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 {f"'\i!. "'lL,} ,,: \~~::0'~! B '" I I Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks 5.1. Air Emissions In general, considerable dilution of fugitive or controlled (post-thermal destruction) landfill gas emissions occurs upon release to ambient air likely reducing the concentrations of individual pollutants below risk-based concentrations. Regardless air emissions are likely of greatest concern to public health because the sources are so varied and involve such a wide range of potential pollutants. In addition, numerous air pollution abatement controls of fugitive air emissions are employed at mswlfs including landfill gas collection and control, dust suppression, as well as recent changes in both diesel fuel formulation and diesel exhaust control that mitigate previously identified potential health effects. Multiple pollution abatement and control measures exist to reduce and minimize fugitive air emissions. 5.1.1. Fugitive Landfill Gas Emissions When discussing the potential for impacts on public health and safety, air pollutants, including NMOCs, in fugitive landfill gas not otherwise captured by the facility's landfill gas collection and control system are the primary concern. The USEP A requirements for landfill gas control and destruction efficiencies of 98 percent for NMOC greatly mitigate public health risks from exposure to pollutants in landfill gas. However, a small percentage (less than I percent of the total landfill gas volume) of landfill gas consists of NMOCs with the potential to impact public health. Systemic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of NMOCs Contained in LFG In addition to achieving collection and destruction efficiencies direct comparison of USEPA default NMOC concentrations in uncontrolled landfill gas (shown in Table 1) to risk-based screening levels (shown in Table 4) indicates potential pollutant concentrations are significantly less than their respective comparison values. In addition, significant advances have been made in the design and operational programs including introduction of source reduction and recycling programs, reduction of household hazardous waste, and advances in landfill gas collection and control technologies. These advances have significantly reduced fugitive emissions (Thorneloe, 2004). Furthermore, uncontrolled fugitive landfill gas emissions may be anticipated to readily disperse in ambient air upon release such that the concentration at the point of contact for downwind receptors would be further reduced below health-risk based screening levels. This overly conservative comparison supports the premise that individual NMOCs in landfill gas are not likely to pose a public health risk. However, as ATSDR (2001) acknowledges, possible cumulative effects from long-term exposure to low concentrations of multiple pollutants are not easily evaluated. . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 (cn} B " i I Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks Systemic Toxicity Associated with Criteria Pollutants VOCs contained in fugitive emissions of landfill gas represent precursors for photochemical smog and acid deposition including ground-level ozone, the main ingredient in smog that may cause coughing, throat irritation, discomfort in the chest, and irritation of the respiratory system (USEP A, 2003a). Ground-level ozone and the other criteria pollutants contribute to poor air quality. High concentrations of criteria pollutants in air can contribute to adverse health effects and damage to the environment. USEP A established NAAQs to ensure protection of human health and the environment and prevent damage to property. The USEPA maintains a monitoring network to determine whether regional ambient air quality is meeting the NAAQS (attainment) or not (non-attainment). 'Modern' mswlf facilities are required and readily capable of meeting NAAQS requirements. 5.1.2. Particulate Matter The potential for public health risk associated with PM emissions from routine operations (not including diesel exhaust) is dependent upon many site-specific factors including composition of daily cover materials, dust control strategies, topography, meteorology and downwind distance of human receptors. Although studies have shown that exposure to PM in ambient air may contribute to adverse public health effects various control measures including use of synthetic alternatives to daily cover soil, minimization of active disposal area, and other dust suppression measures should effectively abate potential adverse impact to public health and safety. 5.1.3. Combustion of Landfill Gas Combustion of landfill gas through flaring or for energy recovery serves to reduce the concentration of many pollutants in landfill gas while producing some others. Landfill gas control through flaring or energy recovery must destroy 98% of the NMOC but in the process several VOCs (e.g., acrolein, formaldehyde, and phenols), acid gases, PM, PAHs, and dioxins/furans are produced. Although several VOCs produced in the combustion process may cause adverse health effects these pollutants are typically present in low concentrations and diluted upon release to ambient air subsequent to combustion. Individually, fugitive VOC emissions from landfill gas combustion are not anticipated to cause significant adverse impact to public health. Potential health effects associated with the acid gases are usually from short-term exposures to higher concentrations and are mainly associated with occupational exposures. Long-term exposure to multiple pollutants is more difficult to assess. 5.1.4. Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions The USEP A Highway Diesel Rule requires petroleum refiners to produce cleaner-burning or ultra-low-sulfur diesel for highway vehicles beginning June 1,2006. Use of ultra-low- sulfur diesel allows engine manufacturers to meet new emissions standards, which will be - City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 "r""":o~'\" I,. J, 'i.. ,A ;, \}o.,;:.j B Iii! 1 Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks phased-in between 2007 and 2010. Once the rule is fully implemented, national emissions of NOx and PM will be reduced by 2.6 million and 110,000 tons per year, respectively. This reduction in air pollution is estimated to prevent premature deaths, reduce annual cases of chronic bronchitis, acute bronchitis in children, asthma attacks, and respiratory symptoms in asthmatic children. The USEP A (2004) estimates that requirements in the final rule on control of emissions from non-road diesel engines and fuel reformulation will result in reductions of NOx and PM, as well as carbon monoxide, SOx, and air toxics (benzene, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein) between 2004 and 2030. These emissions reductions are estimated to prevent premature deaths, hospitalizations, nonfatal heart attacks, and missed work days due to respiratory symptoms. In addition, the relative contribution of diesel emissions associated with stationary or mobile equipment and machinery during routine mswlf operations is likely no more than that from other sources typical in urban environments including diesel engine exhaust from highway vehicles. Consequently the incremental contribution of mswlf sources to NOx emissions contained in diesel exhaust to an urban environment is not significant when compared to other typical urban sources including heavy motor vehicle traffic as well as commercial, industrial and residential fuel burning. 5.1.5. Landfill Fires The potential for the public health risk from exposure to the smoke from landfill fires is dependent on many factors including the type of waste burning, the concentration of pollutants in the smoke, individual sensitivity, the duration of exposure, and the ratio of combustion byproducts in the smoke plume. It is difficult to estimate the potential for public health risks from a complex mixture of pollutants similar to that likely found in smoke from landfill fires. Inhalation of PM in smoke can affect pulmonary function particularly in those with greater pulmonary sensitivity (e.g., asthmatics, those with emphysema). While short- term exposure to smoke from a landfill fire is not fatal even at short distances, tingling of the eyes, nose and throat can occur at distances within a couple thousand feet from the fire. These effects are associated with formaldehyde and other aldehydes. 5.2. Pollutants Released to Subsurface Consideration of pollutants released to the subsurface are discussed in terms of available pathways to potential receptors including subsurface landfill gas migration as well as release of leachate to groundwater. . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 //r~,;; dj,h ,..~., -.~:~~-;~.- B 1111 I Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks 5.2.1. Subsurface Landfill Gas Migration The most immediate safety concern associated with subsurface migration of landfill gas is the accumulation of landfill gas in enclosed, aboveground structures in sufficient concentrations and in the appropriate proportion with oxygen that it could become an explosion hazard. Sufficient concentrations of landfill gas accumulated in aboveground structures may also displace oxygen and cause an asphyxiation hazard. The potential explosion and asphyxiation hazards from accumulation of fugitive landfill gas emissions are higher for enclosed structures in close proximity to the landfill. Methane is the primary compound associated with explosive and asphyxiation hazards. However, some flammable NMOC, although present at very low concentrations, can contribute to the overall explosion hazard. The accumulation of landfill gas has been known to ignite causing fires and explosions on both landfill property and off site. The ATSDR (2001) briefly summarizes a few of the many documented situations from 1969 to 1999 where explosions associated with landfills have occurred. Incidents that occurred from 1969 through 1987 seem to be associated with subsurface migration of landfill gas before newer regulations required liners and landfill gas control. Incidents that occurred in 1994 and 1999 were associated with old landfills or illegal dumping over which parks and playgrounds were built. It is not known from the A TSDR summaries what types of wastes were buried at these landfills. In general, the potential for adverse impact on human health associated with state-of-the- art mswlf facilities is extremely low given modern pollution abatement equipment including liners as well as landfill gas collection and control systems which effectively preclude lateral migration beyond the facility property boundary. 5.2.2. Pollutants Released to Groundwater Human receptors must either come into direct contact with groundwater (e.g., if the groundwater is a potable water source) or indirect contact if the water table is contaminated and conditions are conducive to the migration of vapors through the unsaturated soil zone (i.e., vadose zone) and into homes or businesses within the leachate/groundwater plume. Vapor intrusion into buildings is of concern for VOCs that are less dense than water (e.g., benzene). The potential for public health risk from pollutants in groundwater is dependent on whether receptors come into contact with groundwater or in areas where vapor intrusion is possible. 'Modern' mswlfs have design criteria that serve to mitigate the potential for groundwater contamination from subsurface landfill gas migration and leachate migration. The combination of relatively impervious composite liner systems in conjunction with leachate collection removal effectively limits potential release of leachate to the environment. The USEP A considers 1 gallon per acre per day a de .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 .rl~' (:,~~J; B " I I Section 5 Qualitative Assessment of Public Health Risks minimis liner leakage rate (Koerner, 1999) that is thought to be protective of human health and the environment. Because pollutants in leachate are attenuated in groundwater and 'modern' mswlfs have de minimis liner leakage rates, any pollutants that are nevertheless released to groundwater are likely to be in low concentration. Regardless, there are numerous cases across the nation where leachate plumes from older mswlf facilities lacking modern pollution abatement and control devices have been successfully remediated. 5.3. Pollutants Released to Surface Water The potential for public health risks from exposure to surface water depends on whether pollutants from mswlf operations are transported to water bodies in the vicinity of the landfill and whether human receptors are present to contact the surface water. Pollutant transport from mswlfs to surface water can occur via groundwater discharge of a leachate plume or by stormwater runoff. 'Modern' landfills have design criteria that serve to mitigate the potential for leachate plumes in groundwater and stormwater runoff. In the event that the capacity for stormwater control at a landfill is exceeded (i.e., in the event of a precipitation event that exceeds design criteria), contaminated stormwater may leave the landfill property boundaries. Unless that stormwater is conveyed directly into an occupied structure, it is unlikely that human receptors would contact the stormwater. The potential for public health risks from contaminated stormwater are considered minimal since direct contact with contaminated stormwater is considered unlikely. . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 :o/''";~'' ;;!~,l,,'i; . ~ .. \.,.."" ,) . ..' :~.,;~. B I' I I I I ! I i i I I I r ! ! I I II I I MALCOLM PIRNIE INDEPENDENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS AND CONSULTANTS 6 o II I I 6. Case Studies Case studies in general corroborate no known adverse health effects associated with operation of a mswlf provided with modern pollution control and abatement technology and equipment. General investigation by Hamar et al. (1996 as cited in Soltani-Ahmadi, 2000) showed no difference in VOC concentrations between exposed (living near a landfill) and control populations. It is generally believed that dispersion and dilution of landfill gas in ambient air is sufficient to protect populations living near landfills (Soltani-Ahmadi, 2000). No studies were found that specifically assessed the potential public health risks from diesel emissions associated with mswlfs. The following are case studies that have examined the potential association between potential exposure to landfills and adverse health effects. Fresh Kills Municipal Landfill. Staten Island. New York Established in 1948 and covering approximately 2,200 acres, this is one of the oldest and largest landfills in the nation. According to Berger et al. (2000), at the time of the study the landfill accepted about 14,000 tons of waste per day and operated 24 hours per day, six days per week. Hundreds of odor complaints from nearby residents were filed with the New York City Department of Sanitation over the years and residents' considered the landfill a health concern. Geldberg (1997) reported higher incidences of work-related dermatologic, neurologic, hearing, and respiratory symptoms among workers at the landfill as opposed to other New York City Department of Sanitation workers. The Berger et al. study was conducted by telephone survey in two demographically similar communities, one immediately adjacent and generally downwind from the landfill and the other approximately 7 miles from the opposite side and generally upwind of the landfill. The investigators reported that the proportion of asthma responses was higher for the community further from the landfill. One suggested explanation was that people living in the community further from the landfill tended not to report less serious respiratory conditions. Respondents from the community adjacent to the landfill reported higher percentage of rotten egg and garbage odors and a higher proportion of eye, nose, and throat irritations. The investigators recognized that irritation reported by respondents in the community adjacent to the landfill may be the result of stronger odors or may indicate a greater perceived risk. While odor perception is subjective, odors can have a negative impact on the overall quality of life and perception of health. The investigators also acknowledged that the reported occurrence of symptoms could not be linked to landfill emissions due to the descriptive nature of the study. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 ::'(1); B II I I Section 6 Case Studies Berger et al. noted that the results indicate a fairly large number of Staten Island residents experience respiratory-related symptoms and conditions. Staten Island, within New York City, is located in a nonattainment area of the NAAQs for, at the time of publication, ,ozone, PM, and carbon dioxide. New York City is still in non attainment for the 8-hour ozone and PM2.5 standards (USEPA, 2008a). As described previously, ozone and PM have been shown to exacerbate asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Huff et al. (2002) The case studies of quantitative health risk assessments from emissions of landfill gas summarized by Huff et al. (2002) concluded that potential risk to both on- and off-site receptors was acceptable and below appropriate health risk-based thresholds associated with systemic toxicity and/or carcinogenicity. Huff et al. described the regulatory environment for conducting health risk assessments for landfill projects. Health risk assessments have become a standard requirement under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The National Environmental Policy Act (NEP A) also has language that indicates full risk assessments may be required. The authors report increased scrutiny for new landfill siting and landfill expansion projects which stems in part from public perception of risks associated with newer, larger landfill projects, including increased scrutiny of diesel exhaust. The CEQA requirements include evaluation of alternatives and do not include current site conditions in calculating whether impacts are "significant" but are considered in the baseline evaluation of risk. Case studies of quantitative health risk assessments at one active 100-million ton landfill expansion project in California (Landfill I) and one post-closure development of a Class III landfill adjacent to a Class I hazardous waste landfill (Landfill 2) were summarized. The assessment for Landfill I included site-specific air dispersion modeling of landfill gas from fugitive surface and flare emissions and evaluation of the nearest residential populations within a I-mile radius around the site. Estimated risks for on-site receptors and off-site residents were considered acceptable. The assessment for Landfill 2 also included site-specific air dispersion modeling of fugitive surface and landfill gas control equipment. The inhalation pathway was the only pathway of concern and receptors included on-site workers and recreational users and off-site residents. Again, estimated risks for all receptors were considered acceptable. The authors conclude that health risk assessment is a useful tool in landfill project planning resulting in more reasonable project development and allowing the evaluation of project alternatives that might result in lower risks. Site-specific health risk assessment can also be used to establish reasonable mitigation measures. The authors concluded that through use of health risk assessment it can be shown that most landfill projects are not likely to result in human health risks above regulatory thresholds. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 .ffS"\s', '" i '" \\:!/i B ,I I I Section 6 Case Studies Upper Ottawa Street Landfill Site Health Study (Hertz man et aI.. 1987) Hertzman et al. conducted a comprehensive retrospective epidemiological study of the Upper Ottawa Street Landfill in Ontario, Canada. This landfill, which operated from the early 1950s until 1980 when it was sealed with a thin clay cap, accepted municipal, commercial and solid and liquid industrial wastes. The study included evaluation of former workers at the landfill and a control group of workers within the same city as well as residents living within various distances from the landfill at various times during landfill operation and a control group of residents. The investigators found that the associations between exposure and heath conditions in the worker populations with the highest credibility include chronic bronchitis, daily cough, combined respiratory problems, narcotic symptoms (i.e., producing a general sense of well-being), and mood disorders. For the residential populations, the association between landfill exposure and health problems that were the most valid were for narcotic conditions followed by respiratory, skin, and mood conditions. The investigators recognized potential bias in the study but concluded that the consistency of symptoms between workers and residents was significant. The health problems identified in excess in the study were not unique to chemical exposure nor based on tissue damage and there was no evidence that workers or residents were exposed to airborne concentrations of any chemical in sufficient concentrations to cause these health problems. The study found no evidence of adverse reproductive outcomes related to exposure to the landfill nor was there evidence of increases in major chronic diseases among exposed residents. The investigators recognized the limitations of their study including that the effects of psychological distress is an important correlate of perceived health status. However, the investigators believed that the lines of reasoning supporting chemical causation are stronger than those that support perceptual mechanisms. Alliance Landfill. Lackawanna County. Pennsylvania (ATSDR. 2005) The Alliance Landfill began operations in the 1960s as the Empire State Landfill and encompasses approximately 196 acres of a 512-acre property. The nearest residence is 1,500 feet from the landfill property boundary. At the time of the investigation (2002 to 2005) the landfill was accepting approximately 5,000 tons of waste per day. Approximately 80% of that waste was MSW, 10.5% was construction and demolition debris, and 8.1 % was incinerator ash. The landfill cells are double-lined and leachate and landfill gas collection systems are in place. Permits required the landfill to collect 75% of the landfill gas and ensure odors did not leave the site. The collected gas was purified and used for residential and commercial purposes with off-specification gas flared. Between March 2002 and the time of publication, the landfill received 60 violations and 176 odor complaints from nearby residents. The A TSDR was petitioned to perform a .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 Jf'~~;., .', i ", \?,~~~.~(/ B ,I I I Section 6 Case Studies public health assessment by a citizen concerned about "air and particulate" emissions and incidence of cancer in the community. The landfill closed for approximately one month in 2003 to address the concerns of the regulatory agency and the issued violations. No violations were issued since the landfill reopened. The A TSDR concluded that due to the lack of sufficient data to identify and quantify landfill-related air contaminants in the community, no determinations could be made on the potential for adverse health effects associated with emissions from the landfill. However, since the 2003 landfill shut-down was spurred by concerns over compliance and emissions controls, the A TSDR categorized Alliance landfill as an intermediate public health hazard. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153.403 ,fft''0.;,,:, :<ili" \;,,'Y/ B .. .. ." ill, .' II, . ., MALCOLM PIRNIE INOEl'EHDI!.NT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS. SCIE.NTISTS AND CONSULTANTS " " ., " '1 f 7 '1 r 1, 1'1 1'1 1'1 ('I 0 II I I 7. Conclusions and Recommendations Although numerous harmful pollutants can be potentially released from mswlfs the magnitude of potential release and resulting concentration of contaminants introduced to the surrounding environment is relatively small when compared to other sources in an urban setting. 'Modern' mswlf operations reduce the sources of pollutants within the waste mass and operating area; design criteria abate release of pollutants; and dispersion and attenuation of the relatively small contribution of fugitive air emissions and pollutants potentially released to groundwater or surface water likely mitigate potential adverse impact on public health and safety. Case studies corroborate this finding and have not identified direct adverse public health impacts from 'modern' mswlf facilities Based on the information reviewed for this assessment and given the limitations discussed, it does not appear that operation of 'modern' mswlfs pose unacceptable public health risk in an urban setting. In addition, the following approach and/or technologies were identified to further abate and/or mitigate potential health impacts and should be considered for incorporation into future operations and development of a 'state-of-the-art' mswlf facility: . Establishment of buffer comprised of open or vegetated space between the landfill and nearest residents. Open space or setback may dilute airborne emissions and can be created by either developing a setback from the limit of waste to the facility's property line or by purchasing surrounding properties. . Development and utilization of a separate waste receiving building (similar to a transfer station) where incoming waste materials are processed in an enclosed environment. Subsequent to processing residual waste materials may be transferred with larger haul trucks to a smaller, more controlled working face. The combination of less haul vehicles and smaller working face will minimize potential fugitive air emissions. If necessary building emissions may be controlled and treated prior to discharge to further reduce potential impact on ambient air quality. . Incorporation of 'baling' technology either separate or in combination with a waste receiving building utilizing plastic wrapped waste bales to significantly reduce potential fugitive air emissions and leachate generation. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Public Health Risk 0153-403 ;:(~); G II I I Section 7 Conclusions and Recommendations . Utilization of alternative daily cover (ADC) materials in lieu of conventional earthen materials to further reduce fugitive air emissions (including potentially malodorous landfill gas and dust) from the active waste disposal area. . Utilizing gravel or paved surfaces on all roadways or dust prone areas. . Stabilization of exposed or denuded area via establishing vegetation or utilization of soil-stabilizers to suppress fugitive dust emissions by forming cohesive bonds between soil particles. Accelerated incremental capping and closure of completed landfill side slopes. . . Accelerated and enhanced landfill gas collection and control measures that exceed minimum regulatory requirements already incorporated into the facility design and operations basis. A typical landfill incorporates active landfill gas collection and control system as part of its routine operations. Collection efficiencies are typically around 85 percent and effectively abate fugitive air emissions once the system is made operational. (Thermal destruction of collected landfill gas at an enclosed on-site flare is typically around 98 percent). The City may enhance abatement efforts by accelerating installation and implementation of the lfgccs. Additional odor abatement measures may also include incorporation of 'sacrificial' horizontal landfill gas collection headers within the active working area to further abate fugitive emissions and malodor during short term operations prior to installation of the permanent landfill gas well-field. . Restrict public access onto the landfill surface by providing a public convenience drop off center from where waste can be loaded onto appropriately sized haul trucks. . Installation of global positioning system (OPS) technology via mobile control units to optimize efficiency of compaction equipment and associated diesel emISSiOns. . Augmentation of liner system that exceed minimum regulatory requirements to include incorporation of multiple protective liner and containment systems via additional impervious liner elements such as geomembranes or geosynthetic clay liners. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 !/fa;~:.. '." A-. 1:-' \k~i '..-;;.... G MALCOLM PIRNIE INDE.PENDENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGIN!:ERS, SCIENTIS1'S AND CONSULTAMTS . , t, r' ~\ I, I' II 8 o 1111 I 8. References Andreottola, G. and P. Cannas. 1992. Chemical and biological characteristics of landfill leachate, in Landfilling of Waste: Leachate. Christensen, T.H., R. Cossu, and R. Stegmann, Eds. Elsevier, London. 65. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (A TSDR). 2006a. Toxicological Profile for Hydrogen Sulfide. Department of Human Services, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation. Atlanta, GA. July 2006. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 2006b. ToxFAQsTM for Phenol. September 2006. Accessed on-line at: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaq.html. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (A TSDR). 2005. Health Consultation: Alliance Landfill Site, Taylor Borough and Ransom Township, Taylor, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Department of Human Services, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation. Atlanta, GA. January 10,2005. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2003a. ToxFAQsTM for Hydrogen Fluoride. Department of Human Services, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation. Atlanta, GA. September 2003. Accessed on-line at: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaq.html. . Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2003b. ToxFAQsTM for Trichloroethylene. Department of Human Services, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation. Atlanta, GA. July 2003. Accessed on-line at: http://www .atsdr.cdc. gov /toxfaq .html. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2002a. 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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 1995. Toxicological Profile for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Department of Human Services, Division of Health Assessment and Consultation. Atlanta, GA. February 1999. Berger, S.A., P.A. Jones, M.C. White. 2000. Exploratory Analysis of Respiratory Illness Among Persons Living Near a Landfill. Journal of Environmental Health. Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 19. Bridges, 0., J.M. Bridges, and J.P. Potter. 2000. A generic comparison of the airborne risks to human health from landfill and incinerator disposal of municipal solid waste. The Environmentalist. Vol. 20, pp. 325-334. Christensen, T.H., P. Kjeldsen, H-J. Albrechtsen, G. Heron, P.R. Nielsen, P.L. Bjerg, and P.E. Holm. 1994. Attenuation of landfill leachate pollutants in aquifers. In: Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 119-202. 1994. .. . . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153-403 (~r~% B 1111 I Section 8 References Eklund, B., E.P. Anderson, B.L. Walker, and D.B. Burrows. 1998. Characterization of Landfill Gas Composition at the Fresh Kills Municipal Solid-Waste Landfill. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 32, pp. 2233-237. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2002. Landfill Fires: Their Magnitude, Characteristics, and Mitigation. United States Fire Administration, National Fire Data Center. Arlington, V A May 2002/FA-225. Gendebien, A, Pauwels, M., Constant, M., Ledrup-Damanet, M.J., Nyns, E.J., Willumsen, H.-C., Batson, J., Fabry, R. and Ferrero, G.-L. 1992. Landfill gas from environment to energy. Eur 14017 1 EN CEC. Luxemborg. Geldberg, K. 1997. Health Study of New York City Department of Sanitation Landfill Employees. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol. 153, No.1, pp. 3-50. Hamar, G.B., M.A McGeekin, B.L. Phifer, and D.L. 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Office of Research and Development. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008a. The Green Book Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants. Current as of March 12,2008. Accessed at: http://www .epa.gov / air/oaqps/ greenbk/ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008b. Integrated Risk Information System. Accessed at: http://www.epa.gov/iris U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2006a. Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants. National Center for Environmental Assessment-RTP Office and Office of Research and Development. Washington D.C. EPA 600/R- 05/004aF. February, 2006. . City of Virginia Beach Preliminary Assessment of Potential Public Health Risk 0153.403 ;:(tJ:,:: B 1111 I Section 8 References U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2006b. Frequently Asked Questions About Landfill Gas and How It Affects Public Health, Safety, and The Environment. Office of Air and Radiation. Washington D.C. October, 2006. 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