HomeMy WebLinkAbout081908 Pembroke TransportationPurpose of Plan •Adequate transportation plan for continued growth of the Pembroke Area •Multi-modal •Users traveling through, to, and within the Pembroke Area •Implementable plan with Short-, Mid-, and Long- term projects Public Involvement •Steering Committee •Stakeholder Interviews •Civic Leagues •Design Workshop •Citizen Information Meeting Key Elements of Recommendation •Euclid Road, KellamRoad, Market Street, and Constitution Drive connections •Two additional crossings of I-264 •Loop Road for Virginia Beach Boulevard •Regional and local transit elements •Pedestrian and bicycle facilities VII? GliIt"l IJc4Cf; IJ, ,p $ ,,0 r$' '" ~ ~ ~ 8 ...J <D W (;) Z w '" z VIRGINIA~ACH BL. COLIMBUS ST ~ w ~ ~ :r: .<llJ S.._W o~.5 "'..." CLEVB,AN[)$'T . o JEANNE ST ?O ;p G) o ~ OJ .- BROAD ST GREENWIC~ RD SOUTH E RN BL ~ <;: .~ ~O <'(/0 (0 1'" Q .CCS~ ~\~ 'I;; \~\.c:J <:;..::! o .. \\O\'lNEYRD PR/lvCECSS 4NNEC RD PemhrOKe Area Comprehensive TranspOrlali"l1 Plan Pembroke Street Network Plan - Option 1 0 5001.000 -=-::J Feet /~ c:J Stl)dy Are<3 o Future Grade Separation 2-lal~e 4.1.;me \~Ith medl"n Unbalanced 2-lanc/l-lane Inm'l-Iocationl 4-lanc v.it.h me-diem (new IDcationl 3-lal~e 6-lal1e Vlith median 3-la11C I:nc\'l, locC1tlonl 8-la1lc \~ith median SOUTH 8L <!t "'VOf',o ff <<'4'0. 4) ~4'C<" b(S i'>c\-l'ill ~\RG\I'i\i'>'ilt. 'ilONNE'I RD .. ~ Q.? ,,0 & ':l a 0:: >-- i o 0" I--JO(L~II;'D RD lIII"""l-n Klmley-Horn IIl.....J_U and Associates, Inc. <- f) g if? f:! lE ~ w ~ '" > ~ ,,-17;2: ~.- I,W ~~ ~ ~~- j! i'" ;.: cLE !:!Q11_ ,< - ~ Ii ~= I . SOUTHERN BL . i;-\~\>- .. "\\0 11110...1&11111.... ~?OR~ ......CP "....".... :\'"... "~'" . . -6 - ~'1'=\ ~;I-'" :..' f- . en . 21 . or" . . ..... "- .. . .. . ~r "- . . .', ~" ''''M ", '. ,,,, : '~"~1'" ~r~J,~~v~ j1~# . " ", . ...., " I '<-./" .. ~ 00_ o JEANNE 3T ~ <( z o BROAD 3T ~ VIRG,:ll BEACH BL ~ <;: %. f:, . CL=VELAND 3T ~~ . . .. en o a:: '" u ::;) o 15 t- O; '"""\" : ,\,p .: '~~ :' .~"'. . r' ~~.. . .~o* q '~~~ ~ ",..-.' 1'0 ",<-Q;- , ;> ../ ' ,. ../ . . . q,o <:'",0<"10 V<,,1o V<,,& rs ........Q J (><-., ff 4) $ ,/ <i" ". . . . . + . . . . rl'h('nsiv~ . Area Comp . n1 P e m h r II K C k Plan _ OptlO Pembroke Street Networ - Plan 1- ran s r l) r 1 a 1] (1 n o - 000 - 1.000 .Feet /~ 1- . Ii . . . . . o FLJture- Gr.;:Jdt? SE?paratlon 31ane 3-10:11113 ,:nc:w location I 6 lane WltI, median B-Iane v.....th median t~ ..0('1..'1; ~ - Klmley-Horn Associates, Inc_ ~ JEANNE 3T ...J \. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ w z i::J ......'.IIIIIlIIIf.-.-...._-....-....:ir- ~ 8 -,-.' ~ ,. .- - .. " .. '" - -. ~ ~ f~_._~~Q.i..~~~.I..I.l.l.l.I.'. g: ~:, dJ.~.~ <X: ~ rr: (I) ~.o:: i, VIRGINIA BEACH BL ;;; , 0 (~8 i 0 ~ -9() i' ~ ~ CLEI/aAND ~. . ""_ CLEVELAND 3T ~ - ~..i.........i.."....."'."...i_,..~ _ , , cciuMBUS ST "B .". SOUTHERN BL \.'." ~,_.i-..-...,..I_....,.....~..I...,....ylllil' ..... , ~ I \"'<t;~ .~. i l..... '<"0,",?() .~ \....,... ;,.. ~. ,0 -,.r~~~ / ~~ .. u. . A \ J...J I..,r..,_.f.. ! .I.J~ . - . . ~ ,I SOUTHBl ~. Q ~~. . y ~ '-' ! #.,.~# 6>0 ! #,#' .' 'i-~)- ,<--0 t.~^ !t! J'1'O .<r..~ '--'oS ff ~ i-V .' "'<,,1/1, 4) ! ~ .~ ~ X'<"6l . rs <- f) g o. -=>:' f:! lE en O. 0:: '<:. U' ::;) o :r u t- o.;; PemhrOKe Area Comprehensive Transpllrlaliol1 Plan Pembroke Area Local Transit Road 0;:;;311 other \;.;lI~les::- Road (New Location) o Future. Grade Separation Local Tlall5it RDute Tl'ansit Line and Multiuse Path _ TI'anSlt Station i;-\~\>- ~\'OR~"\\O ,,0 .. - '~ l~~~et/~ . ..' ,..........i'IJ' ,# .~ ~0 (-1;;; .' ORO ll;;3n~it SI;;ltiQIl W;;llk Zone 11/4 Mile'l lIII"""l-n Klmley-Horn IIl.....J_U and Associates, Inc. Implementation and timeframes based on availability of funding and pace of development •CIP •Cost-sharing (other governmental agencies) •Public/Private •Financing districts Implementation –Mid-Term (7-15 years) •Market St extension to BonneyRd: $14,800,000 •KellamRoad modifications: $6,600,000 •West Crossing of I-264: $51,400,000 •Columbus St/Cleveland St corridor modifications: $65,700,000 •Virginia Beach Blvd modifications (corresponds with previous item): $8,300,000 Implementation –Long-Term (beyond 15 years) •East Crossing of I-264: $117,000,000 •BonneyRd/Euclid Rd grade separation: $20,400,000 •Broad Street corridor modifications: $40,100,000 •Virginia Beach Blvd modifications: $4,500,000 * *Corresponds with the reduction in vehicle lanes and completion of Broad St and Cleveland/Columbus corridor modifications Future Considerations •I-264/Independence Boulevard Interchange Future Considerations •Independence Boulevard Depression Next Steps •Council acceptance •Principal input into SGA •Adopted as part of the SGA plan •Set corridor alignments