HomeMy WebLinkAbout100708 WORKFORCE HOUSING City c:>f Virgi~ia Beach OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (757) 385-4242 FAX (757) 427-5626 VBgov.com MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING 1, ROOM 234 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9001 October 2,2008 The Honorable Mayor Members of City Council Dear Counci1members: RE: Briefing on Workforce Housing Attached is a copy of the presentation on Workforce Housing that will be briefed to you on Tuesday, October 7 by members of the Workforce Housing Advisory Board and the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation. The presentation covers proposed changes in the Workforce Housing ordinance as well as the adoption of final documents needed for program operation. You may recall previous correspondence this summer in which we identified the issues in the home mortgage lending industry that required additional time to obtain review and approval of our program. We have now completed that process and are ready to present the program to you. This briefing is the first step in a three-step process for your consideration of the program. We have scheduled an opportunity for public comment on October 14, and a vote on the actual ordinances on October 28. Please contact Andrew Friedman, Director of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation at 385- 5752 if you have questions or need additional information. With Pride in Our City, Attachment: "Final Program Recommendations of the Workforce Housing Advisory Board" c: Steve Herbert, Deputy City Manager Andrew Friedman, Director of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation .,.... ....... ,.... ....., "" , · Dan Baxter · Henry Boyd · Cheryl Davidson · Mary Kay Horoszewski · Bob Miller · Ron Ripley · Richard Thurmond · Gerrie West · William Adam White 1 City Attomey's Office · Bill Macali · Alex Stiles · Becky Kubin City Staff · Cheryl Smith, Workforce Housing Coordinator · Sharon Prescott, Housing Development Administrator · Stephen White, Planner 2 '~~,t~;;~,>,:" : 7 ".<'f- '10 ""'~>~\~":~~. ' · From October 200fthrough August 2008 th8 WFHAB . met with staff and the VBCDC to develop the complete program requirements. · The WFHAB voted on August 25. 2008 to recommend these program requirements to Council. 3 · No windfalls for developer or purchasers - affordability is preserved over time. · 83% of the development consists of market rate units. Refresher: How the . , .,' '''',' \:;~ If,.'; ,:;.. Housing staff~":':" · Completes a WFH Supplemental Application that is part of the Rezoning Application. · Planning Commission Review · City Council decision 4 Refresher: How the Bonus Density III Base Units o New WFH Units o New Market Units How People Get the Chance to !Ii" ,I:"~ ~,;._;; " ,f,,' , w-' · Qualified buyers will be referred for purchase at the appropriate time. · DHNP will work with buyers, developer and lenders to ensure the process flows smoothly. 10 5 How Affordability is Created and ..!j~?~p~'af;aI~:Orfansfer~. c.,::!;. · The city has the first right of refusal to purchase units that the owner decides to sell and can thereby preserve affordability through re-recording the second mortgage. 11 ""FH Provides a ~l Required Down Payment Cash Needed to Close Housing Expense: Principal & Int. Property Taxes Mortgage Ins. Condo Fee TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSE $5,772.65 $1,124.92 198,00 75,00 150.00 $1,547.92 $7,200.00 $13,093.90 $1,454.89 198.00 97.00 150.00 $1,899.89 Minimum Annual Income Required $61,917,00 $75,996,00 $14,079.00 6 " .. · Potential income from future capture of resale proceeds. · City is not investing in the units or the development. · A fund or account is needed to isolate program costs and revenues. 13 , . · Income Guidelines and Sales prices · Outline of Complete Package of Information 14 7 ->,:,: h, ','~<' ,l A more simplmed process was adopted>baSed o~;:;~s City County's Affordable Housing Program. II This new process will be less costly to the Eligible Buyer in terms of closing costs. 15 J,ames City County's Affordable · There are additionai developments with unitS proffered that are not yet under construction. · Target income group are households with incomes at 80% of the area median (this is the lowest income group our program targets). 16 8 New Town Development in James EXAMPLE: Developer and City enter into participation agreement to offer units at Discounted Sales Price of $180,000.00 (25% discount from market rate). EXAMPLE: Developer seils to eligible buyer for $240,000,00 (market rate) i. FIrst Deed of Trust for Discounted sales Price $180,000,00 + ii. Second Deed of Trust to City to secure WFH Discount of $60,000.00 (25% of $240,000.00) and a proportionate share of any net appreciation on resale, and iii. A 1st right to repurchase/assign unit on resale 18 9 ^ .tj\~~: :: <!,;:\/('<"</~/}~' . <7;1~f ::'~ . ".~i;,;, .. ' · ReVi$ibn of AppraISal Proeess at Resale · Clarification of Language between Ordinances and Program Description for Consistency · Revised Sales Process 19 ;'w ~~~'" .}.~, ~;~~-1<W:,' '?~(\;{.:i:~~f;T';~\\'t": m and bEf"felm'burs8d: Prc)Q,,$, ' ", folloWS: 1.) An application fee for all applicants for whom DHNP verifies information and pulls tri- merged credit report. 2.) A program administration fee for all purchasers. 20 10 . Re-verify information shortly before unit availability · Maintain records of all activities · Annual compliance requirements 21 u .;"&ijfOtma'~ ':UiJ~~nmf: ~ ,., , . thfOugh the lOan' tlOsing~ InCllJdlngbut'nCifumited to working with the lender, completion of WFH program documents, reviewing loan documents, and getting the buyer through the loan closing. · The revised sales process is less costly than originally envisioned since it is one direct sale. 22 11 Income Guidelines and Sales: Prices .,';/ '~"N:"/i/"~~?:f' ,,,: ' ,-' ;;.~1;, '~<'.''' ~~ ":~"::",' ',~,"J'> ': ',' "1',''''' :',:" " ","', '" . " ' . · Program requires semi-annual review and adoption of guidelines and prices based on WFHAB's recommendations. 23 Ilncome Guidelines and Sales ['ii.~" Hhlel ' Size 1 $36,456 - $54,684 $101,828 - $165,252 2 $41,664 - $62,496 $119,949 - $192,434 3 $46,872 - $70,308 $138,071 - $219,615 4 $52,080 - $78,120 $156,192 - $246,797 24 12 · DHNP Fees · Program Participation Agreement Between Developer and City · Program Participation Agreement Between City and Buyer 25 What's in the " , 1i',':~,&di~~Ul~;:;>~;:- · Zoning Ordinance · Ordinance to Establish a WFH Revolving Fund · Ordinance to Adopt the WFH Program Documents 26 13 , ,'.:i'l"",', ',....: ;'::~'i~Y~~l~~, " for-sale program~ Upon adoption of the board's recommendations by Council, this will complete the for-sale component of the WFH Program. 27 -WfiHAB cOO!1nh of the program. ' · Once rental aspects of the program are completed and approved, WFHAB will meet at least semi- annually to evaluate the program and to update sales prices and rents. 28 14 Keys to Program Success in the Ii, ' " :.. ' '<'\~rJ~ ~"*' ,,' <..' ", , . : <,:~;(:.:.",' , ,',_'. .:;", y<<1~',:-J;~ :'~'~~i:~, ,'~,'.~ .. ~"Houslr1g R~~\.,ill"bi~ 'Wbb, leagues to promote the program," · Council review and potential acceptance of a first project will be needed for the program to succeed. 29 Your Comments an, Questions! " , , " y '< r, ~, "~ ~ :-.' , ^y: '~~:-:~:: 15