HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 2, 2008 AGENDA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR MEYERA Ii. OBHRNDORF, AI-Large VICE MAYOR LOUIS R JONES, Bayslde - Dlstrlct.J WILLIAM R DeSYEPH, AI-Large HARRY Ii. D1EZ/iI., KempsVIlle - Dlstrlel 2 ROBERTM DYER" Centervi/le - DlStricll BARBARA M HENLEY, Prmcess Anne. Districl 7 RFiBA S McCLANAN, Rose Hall - DlstrJct 3 JOHN E UHRIN, Beach .. Dt.'trlct 6 RON A. VILLANU/:'VA, At-Large ROSFiMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMES L WOOD, Lynnhaven -DlstrlCI 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE:(757) 385-4303 FAX (757) 385-5669 E-MAIL: Ctycnc/@vbgov.com CITY MANAGER - JAMES K SPORE CI7Y ATTORNEY - LESLIE L. LILLEY CI7Y ASSESSOR - JERALD HANAGAN CITY AUDITOR - I,YNDON S REM/AS CITY CLERK - RUTH HODGES FRASER, MMC 2 DECEMBER 2008 1. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS -Conference Room - 2:00 PM A. BURTON ST A TIONlNorthampton Corridor Strategic Growth Area Robert S. "Steve" Herbert, Deputy City Manager B. FATS, OILS and GREASE (FOG) ORDINANCE Thomas Leahy, Director - Public Utilities C. SEWER PUMP STATION PRO RATA FEE Thomas Leahy, Director - Public Utilities II. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS III. COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. REVIEW OF AGENDA V. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 4:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION V1. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend William Dyson Presiding Elder, Portsmouth, Richmond/Roanoke District African American Episcopal Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS - November 25, 2008 Defer to December 9,2008 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. TOWN CETNER, PHASE IV I. CONSENT AGENDA I; J. ORDINANCESIRESOLUTION 1. Ordinances to AMEND the City Code (deferred from November 25, 2008): a. S30-59 re Erosion and Sediment Control Site Stabilization b. Chapter 5 - Animals and Fowls - ADDING S5-20 re prohibiting feeding wildlife on City property 2. Resolution to OPPOSE uranium mining in the Commonwealth of Virginia unless and until an unbiased, conclusive study can demonstrate no significant release of radioactive sediments downstream. 3. Ordinances re Central Business District (CBD): a. ESTABLISH the (CBD) Northeast Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. b. ADJUST the boundary for the (CBD) South Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. 4. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $200,000 to the Virginia Musical Theatre (VMT) re an interest free loan to support operational and production costs 5. Ordinances to ACCCEPT and APPROPRIATE: a. $430,314 re State reimbursements from the Virginia Compensation Board re Clerk of the Circuit Court's FY2008-09 Technology Trust Fund. b. $47,900 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security via the Virginia Department of Emergency Management re costs of the Fire Department's Citizen Corps Council and Community Response Team programs. c. $48,427 from U.S. Department of Justice for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) to the FY2008-09 Sheriff's Special Revenue Fund re reimbursement for holding undocumented criminal aliens. K. PLANNING 1. Petition of JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE for a Variance to S4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re a new single family dwelling at Hope Avenue and Beach Town Road. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 2. Application of5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, L.L.c. for a Conditional Use Permit for construction of a two-story building re motor vehicle sales and rental business at 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 3. Application of KAREN PARKER for a Conditional Use Permit re home Daycare in a residence at 5516 Gosling Court. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 4. Application of COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. for a Conditional Use Permit re allow two (2) floors of a mix-used building at Town Center (currently under construction) to bty used as a college at 4500 Main Street. DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 5. Application of RICHMOND 20 MHZ, LLC d/b/a NTELOS, for a Conditional Use Permit re communication tower at 4221 Pleasant Valley Road. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 6. Application of 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC (Virginia Beach Christian Life Center) for a Modification of Conditions re expansion of the existing parking lot (approved by City Council on October 14,2003) at 1000 North Great Neck Road. DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 7. Application of JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC., t/a PEMBROKE SUZUKI for a Modification of Conditions re auto sales and service expansion, refurbishing and exterior painting of the existing building and signage (approved by City Council on July 13, 1999 and August 14,2001) at 4753 Virginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDA TION APPROVAL 8. Application of NEAL REED for a Modification of Conditions re construction of a convenience store at 798 Lynnhaven Parkway. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH RECOMMENDA TION APPROV AL 9. Applications of the City of Virginia Beach: a. Ordinance to AMEND the Comprehensive Plan and ADOPT/ADD the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an Appendix. REcOMMENDA nON APPROVAL b. Ordinance to AMEND g211 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re certain temporary signs in all Zoning Districts. REcOMMENDA nON APPROV AL c. Ordinance to AMEND g203 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re parking requirements in B-3A (Pembroke Central Business Core District) and B-4C (Central Business Mixed Use District). RECOMMENDA nON APPROV AL d. Ordinance to AMEND 94.1 of Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations, re DELETION of minimum right-of-way width and minimum paved width for minor Subdivision streets (deferred from November 25,2008) RECOMMENDA nON APPROV AL L. APPOINTMENTS COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD MIUT AR Y ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS O. ADJOURNMENT ********************************** PUBLIC COMMENTS Non-Agenda Items ********************************** Effective 1 January 2009: Virginia Beach City Council will hold Informal and Formal Sessions on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Workshops will be scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month per action taken 11.18.08. A Special Formal Session will be held Monday, January 5, 2009 at 4:00 PM for the REORGANIZATION of City Council ********* If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 *********** Agenda 12/02/08 afb www.vbgov.com 1. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS -Conference Room - 2:00 PM A. BURTON STATIONlNorthampton Corridor Strategic Growth Area Robert S. "Steve" Herbert, Deputy City Manager B. FATS, OILS and GREASE (FOG) ORDINANCE Thomas Leahy, Director - Public Utilities C. SEWER PUMP STATION PRO RATA FEE Thomas Leahy, Director - Public Utilities II. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS III. COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. REVIEW OF AGENDA V. INFORMAL SESSION A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION - Conference Room - 4:00 PM V1. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend William Dyson Presiding Elder, Portsmouth, RichmondlRoanoke District African American Episcopal Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS - November 25, 2008 Defer to December 9,2008 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION .tsnlutfnu CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.2-3712 ofthe Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. TOWN CETNER, PHASE IV 1. CONSENT AGENDA J. ORDINANCESIRESOLUTION 1. Ordinances to AMEND the City Code (deferred from November 25,2008): a. g30-59 re Erosion and Sediment Control Site Stabilization b. Chapter 5 - Animals and Fowls - ADDING g5-20 re prohibiting feeding wildlife on City property 2. Resolution to OPPOSE uranium mining in the Commonwealth of Virginia unless and until an unbiased, conclusive study can demonstrate no significant release of radioactive sediments downstream. 3. Ordinances re Central Business District (cBD): a. ESTABLISH the (CBD) Northeast Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. b. ADJUST the boundary for the (CBD) South Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. 4. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $200,000 to the Virginia Musical Theatre (VMT) re an interest free loan to support operational and production costs 5. Ordinances to ACCCEPT and APPROPRIATE: a. $430,314 re State reimbursements from the Virginia Compensation Board re Clerk of the Circuit Court's FY2008-09 Technology Trust Fund. b. $47,900 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security via the Virginia Department of Emergency Management re costs of the Fire Department's Citizen Corps Council and Community Response Team programs. c. $48,427 from U.S. Department of Justice for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) to the FY2008-09 Sheriff's Special Revenue Fund re reimbursement for holding undocumented criminal aliens. ~~, #<P~.' ~~, !l l~' (u . .~~ c -. ;1 (~. -.r:~ ~:.~\ ' . _ #.Y ~\,.\:~~.:,.,# CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Ordinance to Amend and Reordain Section 30-59 of the City Code, Pertaining to Erosion and Sediment Control Site Stabilization MEETING DATE: December 2, 2008 . Background: Among the recommendations of the Green Ribbon Committee is that the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance be amended to require that all denuded or disturbed areas on sites be stabilized prior to the final release of any land disturbing activity permit or the issuance of a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy. This item was deferred on November 25, 2008. . Considerations: The proposed ordinance would accomplish the recommendation of the Green Ribbon Committee by amending City Code Section 30-59 to add the foregoing requirement. . Public Information: A public hearing has been advertised for November 25th in addition to the normal advertising of agenda items. The ordinance has also been included in the briefings provided to the City Council on the recommendations of the Green Ribbon Committee. . Recommendations: Adoption of ordinance . Attachments: Proposed ordinance Recommended Action: Adoption of ordinance Submitting DepartmentlAge~~y: Planning Department City Manager.~ I'- \ ~w>t 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN 2 SECTION 30-59 OF THE CITY CODE, PERTAINING 3 TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SITE 4 STABILIZATION 5 6 7 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 8 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 9 10 That Section 30-59 of the City Code, pertaining to erosion and sediment 11 control site stabilization requirements, is hereby amended and reordained to read 12 as follows: 13 14 Sec. 30-59. Approved plan required for issuance of grading, building or 15 other permits; security for performance; site stabilization. 16 17 (a) Prior to the issuance of any grading, building or other permit for 18 activities involving land-disturbing activities, the applicant shall submit an 19 application with an approved erosion and sediment control plan and certification 20 that the plan will be followed. In addition, as a prerequisite to engaging in the land- 21 disturbing activity as shown on the approved plan, permit or agreement in lieu of a 22 plan, the person responsible for carrying out the plan or agreements in lieu of a 23 plan shall provide the name of a responsible land disturber, who will be in charge 24 of and responsible for carrying out the land-disturbing activity. Failure to provide 25 the name of a responsible land disturber prior to engaging in land disturbing 26 activities may result in revocation of the plan approval, and the person responsible 27 for carrying out the plan shall be subject to the penalties provided in this article. 28 29 However, the planning department may waive the requirement for an 30 agreement in lieu of a plan for construction of a single-family residence to provide 31 the name of a responsible land disturber. If a violation occurs during the land- 32 disturbing activity, then the person responsible for carrying out the agreement in 33 lieu of a plan shall correct the violation and provide the name of a responsible 34 land disturber. Failure to provide the name of a responsible land disturber shall be 35 a violation of this article. 36 37 ( c ) Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. whether 38 temporary or permanent. or the final release of any permit authorizing a land- 39 disturbinQ activity. all disturbed or denuded areas shall be stabilized in 40 accordance with the VirQinia Erosion and Sediment Control Law and ReQulations 41 by such methods as. but not limited to. temporary seeding. permanent seedinQ. 42 soddinQ or soil stabilization blankets and mattinQ. Failure to stabilize the site prior 43 to occupancy shall be a violation of this article. 44 45 46 COMMENT 47 48 The amendment adds a provision to the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance 49 specifically requiring that all disturbed or denuded areas on a site be stabilized prior to the final 50 release of any land disturbing activity permit or the issuance of a temporary or permanent 51 certificate of occupancy. 52 53 The amendment is one of the recommendations of the Green Ribbon Committee. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Ci~(;j#i:.tP//U CA-1080 November 13, 2008 R-2 2 #~~ /&~ 1 'I.?t (,~ ~, to .,:~ (: ;, (~ ~.J L:" ~ f.J ~t, ' 9:;J ~~~"'-;-.4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 5 (ANIMALS AND FOWL) OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 5-20, PROHIBITING THE FEEDING OF WilDLIFE ON CITY PROPERTY MEETING DATE: December 2, 2008 . Background: The Green Ribbon Committee Report recommendation is to "Amend the City Code to prohibit feeding of wildlife". This item was deferred on November 25, 2008. . Considerations: Water quality is significantly affected by wildlife; recent estimates indicate that over 30% of the bacterial level related to fecal coli form is due to wildlife. A variety of educational efforts have been implemented through the City and a partnership formed with non-profit organizations including, the City of Virginia Beach, Department of Parks and Recreation, Virginia Beach SPCA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Wildlife Response, Inc., Lynnhaven River Now and Humane Society of United States (HSUS). This partnership continues to support public education which explaining that feeding wildlife does not help, and in fact, harms them. The ordinance addresses prohibition of feeding of wildlife on city property only; there is no intention of this ordinance to regulate feeding of wildlife on private property. In addition, posting of signs advising of the ordinance are required for enforcement of the ordinance. . Public Information: An extensive pubic information program has been established through non-profit organizations and city efforts to advise the public through presentations to home owner and community organizations, workshops, newsletters and educational brochures. In addition, this item has been part of the ongoing effort to communicate the recommendations of the Green Ribbon Committee Report, accepted by City Council December 4, 2007. . Alternatives: As an alternative to the ordinance, continuing education and voluntary compliance could be considered. . Recommendations: Adopt the recommended ordinance which defines wildlife and addresses prohibition of feeding only on public properties. Posting of signs will be required to enforce the ordinance; warnings will be issued prior to a summons; and, the first fine will not exceed $25. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting DeparbnentlAgency: Department of Parks and Recreation City Manage~) k . ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 5 (ANIMALS AND FOWL) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 5-20, PROHIBITING THE FEEDING OF WILDLIFE ON CITY PROPERTY Section Added: City Code Section 5-20 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Chapter 5 of the City Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new Section 5-20, prohibiting the feeding of wildlife on City property, to read as follows: Sec. 5-20. Feedina wildlife on publicly-owned property. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to feed any wildlife on publicly-owned property within the City: provided, however, that no violation shall be deemed to occur unless siqns qivinq notice of the prohibition set forth in this section are posted in a conspicuous location upon the property and a law enforcement officer has provided a prior warninq that continued feedinq of wildlife will result in a violation of this section. (b) For purpose of this section: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (1) "Wildlife" shall include all species of wild animals, wild birds, freshwater fish and all domestic. non-native. native or miqratorv waterfowl. (2) "Feed" shall mean to qive. place, expose, deposit. distribute or scatter any edible material with the intention that such material be consumed by wildlife. (c) A violation of this section shall constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine in an amount not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for a first violation and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each successive violation. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2008. COMMENT The ordinance makes it unlawful, as a civil infraction rather than a criminal offense, to feed wildlife on publicly-owned property. No violation occurs unless signs giving notice 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 of the prohibition are posted in a conspicuous location upon the property and a law enforcement officer has provided a prior warning that continued feeding of wildlife will result in a violation. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CA10812 November 12,2008 R-4 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY .,.., ~/XA-_/ City Attorney's Office 2 ,. &l~~11A'~~'b ~r~~\\ 1- - ' ~: ,<. - I~ ~~j' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM """ '"- ~ ITEM: A resolution opposing the mining of uranium in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the absence of an unbiased, conclusive study on the potential effects thereof. MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: Significantly higher prices for uranium yellowcake have resurrected proposals to mine and mill uranium in Pittsylvania County, upstream of the Lake Gaston water supply. In 1983, Virginia enacted a legislative ban on uranium mining which remains in effect today. However, Virginia Uranium, Inc. is conducting a public relations and lobbying effort to convince the General Assembly to eliminate the ban so that it may mine and extract up to 100 million pounds of uranium from Pittsylvania County over 25 to 30 years. City Council is on record twice in 1985 calling first for an indefinite ban on Uranium mining in the Commonwealth, and later for a permanent ban. . Considerations: Uranium mining produces vast quantities of highly mobile, sand and clay-like sediments known as tailings that retain 85% of the original ore's radioactivity for hundreds of thousands of years. All of the uranium mines in the United States (and most in the world) are operated in areas with arid climates, where the total annual rainfall is less than what can be produced in a few hours from a not-so-infrequent storm in Virginia. Historically, the mining industry and its federal regulator had an abysmal record of protecting the public from the significant health and environmental consequences of these radioactive tailings. Inability to properly manage water, even in these arid states, was often a factor. Ultimately, the federal government had to step in and spend billions of dollars over three decades to remediate the damage. Uranium mining proponents indicate that more stringent federal regulations and better design of confinement cells will prevent this from happening today, even in light of Virginia's storm potential. However, there are no examples of these confinement cells surviving the erosive and structural damage that would result from a storm similar to that which struck Nelson County in 1969 (Hurricane Camille) or Madison County in 1995. . Public Information: This issue was the subject of a Council briefing on November 25, 2008 and it has been advertised in the same manner as other items on City Council's agenda. . Alternatives: The alternatives are to take no action, support or oppose a study of uranium mining impacts, and/or oppose uranium mining and the lifting of the moratorium. . Recommendations: For the reasons discussed in the attached policy report, it is recommended that City Council adopt a resolution opposing uranium mining in Virginia and lifting of the moratorium until it can be demonstrated that there will be no significant release of radioactive sediments downstream. . Attachments: Policy Report, Resolution Recommended Action: Approval of Attached Reso;;rr Submitting Department/Agency: Public Utilities -:Jf1 t7l1Il a,p 1}7 City Manage~~ k ~ IJY>t II 1 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE MINING OF 2 URANIUM IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF 3 VIRGINIA IN THE ABSENCE OF AN UNBIASED, 4 CONCLUSIVE STUDY ON THE POTENTIAL 5 EFFECTS THEREOF 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, in 1983, in response to proposals to mine uranium in the 10 Commonwealth of Virginia, the General Assembly enacted a legislative moratorium on 11 the mining of uranium in Virginia, which remains in effect today; and 12 13 WHEREAS, present-day estimates of uranium ore in Pittsylvania County and the 14 price of uranium yellowcake indicate that uranium deposits in Pittsylvania County may 15 be worth as much as $7 to $10 billion, prompting proposals to study the consequences 16 of repealing the moratorium and developing a regulatory framework for uranium mining; 17 and 18 19 WHEREAS, a company known as Virginia Uranium, Inc. has proposed to 20 establish one of the largest uranium mining operations in North America in Pittsylvania 21 County; and 22 23 WHEREAS, uranium mining by the process likely to be used in Pittsylvania 24 County, if such mining is ultimately approved, results in the creation of huge volumes of 25 highly mobile, radioactive, sand and clay-like sediments known as mill tailings, which are 26 stored as slurries and sludge in ponds, and ultimately as dewatered tailings piles, where 27 they retain 85% of their original radioactivity for hundreds of thousands of years; and 28 29 WHEREAS, historically, tailings pile confinement structures have failed in the 30 United States and elsewhere, resulting in the release of radioactive particles and 31 sediments to downstream surface waters; and 32 33 WHEREAS, it is well-documented and generally agreed within the scientific 34 community that long-term exposure to the level of radiation that could result from a 35 failure of a tailings pile confinement structure, or even a less catastrophic release, are 36 highly deleterious to human health; and 37 38 WHEREAS, historically, many uranium mines have not been properly operated or 39 closed, or in many instances have been abandoned, resulting in radioactive 40 contamination of ground and surface waters, and in some cases leaving a legacy of 41 environmental and human tragedy; and 42 43 WHEREAS, all uranium mines in the United States have, to date, been located in 44 states with low rainfall and high evaporation rates, both of which are important factors in 45 managing water and minimizing flooding, whereas Virginia's climate includes frequent 46 tropical storms, hurricanes, and nor' easters, many of which have produced more rainfall 47 in a few hours than the total annual precipitation of the arid states where the nation's 48 uranium mines are located; and 49 50 WHEREAS, by contrast, Virginia's surface water hydrology has the capacity to 51 cause significant erosion and structural damage to tailings piles, dams, and caps while 52 simultaneously providing long-distance, transport and dispersal downstream of 53 radioactive sediments released as a consequence of such erosion and damage, and 54 many of the uranium mining catastrophes in arid states were caused by the inability to 55 properly manage water, even though water management in such states is much less 56 problematic than in Virginia; and 57 58 WHEREAS, these past environmental disasters were also attributable to serious 59 deficiencies in the practices of the uranium mining industry and inadequate federal 60 regulation, such that in the United States, the federal government was forced to 61 intervene to remediate the harm and damage, and after two and one-half decades of 62 remediation and billions of dollars of expenditures, those efforts are still underway; and 63 64 WHEREAS, Virginia Beach and Chesapeake own a raw water intake on Lake 65 Gaston, which is downstream of the proposed mining operation in Pittsylvania County, 66 and water from the Lake Gaston Project is intermixed throughout the water supplies of 67 Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach; and 68 69 WHEREAS, if a flood of the magnitude of that caused by Hurricane Camille in 70 1969 were to fragment one or more tailings piles and transport radioactive mill tailings 71 downstream into Kerr Reservoir and Lake Gaston, the Lake Gaston Project might be 72 rendered inoperable for an indefinite period of time; and 73 74 WHEREAS, a worst-case scenario would include abandonment of the lake 75 Gaston Project, termination of the water services contract with Norfolk (requiring the 76 payment to Norfolk of its stranded capital costs), and the construction of a seawater 77 desalination plant to replace the abandoned water supply at a direct cost to Virginia 78 Beach in excess of $500 million; and 79 80 WHEREAS proponents of uranium mining do not dispute the environmental 81 consequences of past uranium mining practices in the United States or elsewhere, but 82 instead maintain that much more stringent regulations and improved uranium tailings 83 confinement technology will prevent any significant release of radioactive substances 84 downstream; and 85 86 WHEREAS, no mines or uranium tailings confinement cells have ever been 87 constructed in locations, such as Virginia, that are subject to frequent tropical storms, 88 hurricanes, nor'easters, and other storms that can and have produced precipitation 89 approaching the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), as defined by the National 90 Weather Service, such that there can be no reasonable assurance under the present 91 state of knowledge of the subject that uranium mining can be performed safely in 92 Virginia; and 2 93 94 WHEREAS, on November 6, 2008, the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission 95 (VCEC) adopted a resolution urging the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research 96 (VCCER) to enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences, or other 97 comparable scientific or academic institution independent of the Center, to conduct a 98 wide-ranging study of the impact of uranium mining in the Commonwealth of Virginia; 99 and 100 101 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach does not oppose an unbiased, scientific 102 study of the potential impacts of uranium mining in Virginia by an independent entity 103 such as the National Academy of Sciences. 104 105 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 106 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 107 108 That unless and until it can be demonstrated a reasonable degree of scientific 109 certainty that there will be no significant release of radioactive sediments downstream 110 under any circumstances, including, but not limited to, a direct hit on the mining facilities 111 by a Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) storm event, the City of Virginia Beach is 112 opposed to: (1) uranium mining in Virginia, including the proposed Virginia Uranium 113 operation; (2) the elimination of the existing legislative moratorium on uranium mining, 114 and (3) any attempt to develop a regulatory framework for uranium mining. 115 116 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 117 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 118 119 That any study commissioned by or used by the Commonwealth of Virginia to 120 determine the feasibility of uranium mining in Virginia must include the following criteria: 121 122 (1) The study must thoroughly evaluate the risks, including those 123 resulting from a worst-case scenario as previously described, to 124 the citizens of Virginia and assess whether uranium mining and 125 milling in Virginia can be undertaken in a manner that will 126 completely safeguard the Commonwealth's environment, natural 127 and historic resources, agricultural lands, and the health and well- 128 being of its citizens; 129 130 (2) The entire study process must be open to the public and the press; 131 132 (3) The City of Virginia Beach and other potentially impacted 133 jurisdictions must be included as active participants in the study 134 process; 135 136 (4) The study must be conducted, and the conclusions of such study 137 shall be determined, by a group of qualified and impartial experts, 138 such as the National Academy of Sciences, who are completely 3 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 independent of the uranium mining industry, the nuclear power industry, and any state commission that has assumed or been charged with the responsibility for providing such a study; (5) A peer review group that is independent of the VCEC and the VCCER and includes adequate representation from environmental, public health, water supply and water resource agencies, including the Army Corps of Engineers, is established to monitor and critique the study; and (6) That the study must be adequately funded and under no deadline for the completion of the study. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to each member and member-elect of the City's Congressional and General Assembly Delegations. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the _ day of _ ,2008. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: p~:/: /VI ~~ NCY: City Attorney's Office CA-10907 R-4 November 18, 2008 4 City <:>1 ~1rgirria Beach V8~/V.cC)m OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (757) 385-4242 FAX (7571427-5626 MUNICIPAl CENTER BUILDING 1, ROOM 234 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23451;-9001 November 21, 2008 The Honorable Mayor Meyera Obemdorf Members of City Council Subject: Uranium Mining in the Roanoke River Basin Policy Report Dear Mayor and Council Members: Thomas Leahy, Director of Public Utilities is scheduled to provide a briefing Tuesday, November 25, 2008, on the subject of potential uranium mining in the Roanoke River Basin, upstream of Kerr Reservoir and Lake Gaston. I have enclosed a copy of a policy report on this subject that has been reviewed and approved by the Water Task Force. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. With Pride in Our City, TMLIDLH/amg cc: Bob Matthias, Assistant to the City Manager David L. Hansen, Deputy City Manager Tom Leahy, Director of Public Utilities Policy Report Uranium Mining in the Roanoke River Basin Backaround: In the late 1970's, the Marline Uranium Corporation estimated it had discovered 30 million pounds of uranium in Pittsylvania County, VA potentially worth more than $1 billion. However, by 1982, the price of processed uranium oxide (yellowcake) had declined to roughly half of its 1978 price, and interest in mining the deposits waned. Three Mile Island and a number of uranium mining mishaps had made the public aware of the potential health and environmental hazards of nuclear power and uranium mining. In 1983, the Virginia General Assembly enacted a statewide moratorium on uranium mining, which remains in effect today. Until recently, there were no efforts to lift the moratorium because the price for uranium yellowcake remained low. However, both the estimate of available ore in Pittsylvania County, and the price of yellowcake have increased dramatically. The uranium deposits in Pittsylvania County may be worth seven to ten billion dollars. Virginia Uranium, Inc. is conducting a public relations campaign and lobbying the General Assembly to lift the moratorium on uranium mining so that up to 100 million pounds of uranium can be mined from a location known as Cole's Hill. During the 2008 General Assembly, S8525 was introduced to establish the Virginia Uranium Mining Commission. The Commission's purpose was to advise the Governor and General Assembly as to whether uranium mining in Virginia could be undertaken in a manner that would protect the Commonwealth's citizens, environment, and natural resources. Opponents claimed that the legislation failed to mandate an impartial scientific analysis, did not provide adequate public input, and suggested a foregone conclusion. The legislation was modified to address these concerns, but it was tabled by the House committee. On November 6, 2008, the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission (VCEC) passed a motion asking the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research (VCCER) to contract with the National Academy of Sciences, or other comparable scientific or academic institution, to conduct a study of the impact of uranium mining on the Commonwealth. The VCEC established a subcommittee to oversee the study 1. The VCEC motion did not identify or provide a funding source. Considerations: A uranium mine and mill is a combination of an open pit mine2, a milling operation in which uranium ore/rock is pulverized, and a chemical plant which extracts small J The VCCER is a university research center established at VPI&SU. Its advisory board is consists mostly of representatives of the coal, energy and transportation industries, but no environmental resource agencies. The VCEC subcommittee does not include any representation from the Roanoke River Basin. 2 Open-pit mining is the process most likely to be proposed for uranium mining in Pittsylvania County. There are other processes but local conditions do not appear to favor or be consistent with the requirements of these other processes. 1 of 4 amounts of uranium from large amounts of ore. Huge volumes of highly mobile, radioactive, sand and clay-like sediments known as mill tailings are a byproduct of the operation. They are stored as slurries and sludge in ponds, and then ultimately as dewatered tailings piles, where they retain 85% oftheir original radioactivity for hundreds ofthousands of years. Non-radioactive earth and overburden in combination with clay and synthetic liners are used to construct dams and caps, the purpose of which is to confine and immobilize these radioactive mill tailings. A number of tailings pile/dam failures have occurred in the United States, Canada, and world- wide, resulting in the release of radioactive particles and sediments to downstream surface waters. Historically, many tailings piles were not properly confined (or confined at all), and in many instances abandoned when the price of uranium declined. This resulted in radioactive contamination of ground and surface waters, and in some cases, a legacy of environmental and human tragedy. In the United States, the federal government had to step in to remediate these environmental disasters. After three decades and billions of dollars, that work is still underway. All of the open-pit uranium mines in the United States (and most in the world) are located in areas with low rainfall and high evaporation - important factors for dewatering radioactive slurries, and minimizing erosion and flooding. Virginia's climate is the opposite - high rainfall and low evaporation. Virginia is subject to frequent tropical storms, hurricanes, and nor'easters, some of which are devastating. A single storm in Virginia can produce more rainfall in a few hours than the total annual precipitation of the arid states where the nation's uranium mines are located. Virginia's climate has the capacity to cause massive erosion and structural damage to tailings piles, dams, and caps while simultaneously providing long-distance, transport and dispersal of the radioactive sediments throughout the downstream watershed. Virginia Beach and Chesapeake own a raw water intake and pump station at Lake Gaston, in Brunswick County, VA. Lake Gaston water is pumped to Norfolk's water reservoirs in Isle of Wight and Suffolk. Subject to a contract, Norfolk delivers an equivalent amount of treated water from the Moores Bridges Water Treatment Plant to Virginia Beach. Due to the interconnections among the water utilities, Lake Gaston water is intermixed in all three city water supplies. During the 2007-08 drought, the Gaston project provided about one-third of the total municipal water demand in Southside Hampton Roads. The primary concern to Virginia Beach and Southside Hampton Roads is contamination of Lake Gaston if a storm similar to that which hit Nelson County, VA in 1969 (Hurricane Camille) or Madison County , VA in 19953 were to fragment confinement cells and transport the radioactive tailings downstream to Kerr Reservoir and Lake Gaston (see figure). The mining of the Cole's Hill deposits alone would result in a dozen or more tailings confinement cells, each about twice the footprint of Mount Trashmore (but lower in height depending upon how much could be placed below grade)4. Each cell would contain roughly 2.5 million cubic yards (4 million tons) of radioactive sediments. If all 100 million pounds of uranium were mined. the combined tailings would equal 50 million tons, or about one-fifth of the current total national inventory. The City's contract with Norfolk states that Virginia Beach must deliver water to Norfolk that is treatable by Norfolk's existing water treatment plants. Norfolk's water treatment plants were not 3 These two storms produced 81 % and 86% of the maximum probable precipitation, respectively. 4 This estimate is based upon representations that about 100 million pounds of yellowcake would be produced at a rate of three to four million pounds per year from raw ore containing 0.1% uranium oxide, 2 of 4 designed to remove radioactive substances, although they might remove some. Therefore, if Kerr and Gaston were contaminated, depending upon the level ofthat contamination, the pipeline might have to be shut down for an indefinite period of time. This is an unlikely event, but it is not inconceivable and the consequences would be severe. A worst case scenario would include abandonment of the Gaston project, termination of the water services contract (requiring the payment of stranded capital costs), and the construction of a seawater desalination plant to replace the abandoned water supply. The direct costs to Virginia Beach alone would be substantially more than $500 million. Representatives of Virginia Uranium do not dispute the environmental consequences of past uranium mining practices. Instead, they indicate that uranium mining is now regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) whose primary mission is to protect the public health, as opposed to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), whose primary mission was to produce uranium. They believe that this fact combined with modern methods of constructing uranium tailings confinement cells will prevent any significant release of radioactive substances downstream. There is some merit to this view - the AEC's historical stewardship of radioactive tailings was abysmal and existing NRC regulations are a significant improvement. Staff has not been able to identify examples of these new confinement cells located in areas that have climate similar to Virginia's, or any that have ever been subject to the storm intensities that occur in Virginia. Furthermore, NRC regulations may not be sufficient for Virginia's climate. For example, with respect to radioactive tailings, NRC regulations require only that the mine operator provide "reasonable assurance of control of radiological hazards to . . . be effective for 1,000 years, to the extent reasonablv achievable, and, in any case, for at least 200 years." 1 0 CFR Part 40, Appendix A, emphasis added. However, Hurricane Camille caused the equivalent of 2,000 years of erosion in a single night, and the historical record is replete with instances of mankind overestimating its ability to tame nature. Alternatives: The alternatives are to 1) take no action, 2) support a study of uranium mining impacts, 3) oppose a study, 4) oppose uranium mining and the lifting of the moratorium on uranium mining altogether, or 5) some combination, thereof. Taking no action would be tantamount to stating that the City does not oppose uranium mining upstream of its primary water supply. This is not recommended due to the potentially catastrophic impacts to Virginia Beach, Southside Hampton Roads, and the Roanoke Basin. With respect to a study, the VCEC has appointed a steering subcommittee that has no representation from the Roanoke River Basin, and has asked the VCCER, a university research center with an advisory board made up mostly of representatives of the coal, energy and transportation industries, to procure the study. No environmental, public health, or water supply agencies have been included in the process, and no funding has been identified. In the early 1980's, the VCEC had formed a Uranium Subcommittee and Uranium Administrative Group (US/UAG) to study the issue in response to the Marline proposals. In 1985, the US/UAG overwhelmingly recommended moving forward with uranium mining in Virginia. There is no disputing that historically, the uranium industry and its regulators had considerable deficiencies which resulted in serious harm to people and the environment. These problems occurred from the 1950's through the early 1980's when the industry literally shut down, and the federal government had to step in to clean up the mess. Many of these environmental disasters 3 of 4 were related to the inability to properly manage water and water pollution. This is significant because these failures occurred in arid states where water management is far less problematic than in Virginia. It is this context in which the US/UAG advocated the precedent of establishing uranium mining in a meteorologically wet state like Virginia. However, the General Assembly did not agree. Neither did the Virginia Beach City Council, which passed two resolutions in 1985 calling first for an "indefinite moratorium" on uranium mining and second for a "permanent ban." Although uranium mining upstream of its water supply will never be in the City's best interest, it is inappropriate for the City to oppose proceedings that would expand knowledge of the issue. Therefore, the City should not oppose a study of the impacts of uranium mining. If a study is to proceed, the following criteria should be met: 1) Every facet of the study process must be open to public scrutiny, 2) the study must be conducted by experts who are independent, impartial, and qualified, 3) these experts must be provided adequate time and resources to accomplish the study, 4) in conducting the study, these experts must be charged with placing the health, welfare and safety of the public above all other considerations, and 5) a peer review group that is independent of the VCEC and the VCCER and includes adequate representation from environmental, public health, water supply and water resource agencies, including the Army Corps of Engineers5 must be established to monitor and critique the study. Recommendations: It is recommended that City Council adopt a resolution opposing uranium mining in Virginia, opposing the lifting of the moratorium on uranium mining, and opposing any attempt to develop a regulatory framework for uranium mining until it can be demonstrated to the City's satisfaction that there will be no significant release of radioactive sediments downstream. The City should not oppose a study of the impacts of uranium mining, as long as the criteria described above are followed. If the Commonwealth does undertake or commission a study, Virginia Beach should actively participate in the process with the goal of ensuring that the process is thorough, accurate, impartial, transparent, and protective of the interests of Virginia Beach, Southside Hampton Roads, and the Roanoke River Basin. This policy repo~h" been reviewed by t Prepared By: .JIl tnv'l aiJ 117 Director of Public Utilities /1-20-08 Date Reviewed By: I,/~/f!f Date ' D u City nager Approved BY~ k., oe~ Ci Ma ager II. at . OC:ZS Date ))~Ol) Date 5 The Anny Corps of Engineers is the federal water resource agency. It owns and operates Kerr Reservoir which is downstream of the proposed uranium mining operation. Kerr Reservoir provides 93% of Lake Gaston's average inflow, 4 of 4 ~. :" .::, ../" .:..~ ;:~ ;~ '" .. 1 '.. 11 :. :. ;0 ~ ~ -: -, ''"'.... '- "- " '\ HI" .:-~1. o,!j!I:S- t~i~i6~ i @~ lii~' ~..~\'~ h 1 .l!: C! '"= ~1S si'll .-~ ... ~!l - .~~ H.-' V~:li ;,~ ~~ti~'" "- III !l~i:e l) v::::%lll-~ t"ll ~~ 't ~nii i '~li! ~ ill! ,. m ~ \ 8 m ,g ! ~ f I " I ~ I 0 , I I I 1 I lJ) I , lot, I I € .23 I :; I ~ .... ,-' I .....rJ1 <1;';'" '~, ~~ f I EI:)O (il) ~ I ~ .% I .~ I ~~ , , .~\ . I .. , ~ 't,' . ... 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Background: With its adoption of the Comprehensive Plan on November 4, 1997, City Council recognized the need to improve the overall form and quality of the development within the Central Business District core area and transform undeveloped or underdeveloped land into an attractive, high quality, intensive, pedestrian designed, mixed-use town center. To facilitate development in this area, City Council established the Central Business District-South Tax Increment Financing District on November 23, 1999 to help fund the City's participation in an agreement with a private developer. On May 14, 2002 City Council established the Town Center Special Service District to promote development and commerce in the Town Center and to help fund the operation and maintenance costs of facilities and infrastructure in the project area. Today, a decade later, Council's vision has come to fruition. Development in the Town Center area continues. This has resulted in the need for improvements to enhance pedestrian safety. Presently, there is included in the Capital Improvement Program a pedestrian bridge to allow safe passage across Virginia Beach Boulevard. Funding for this pedestrian bridge is contingent upon the finalization of a public-private agreement. As a funding mechanism for construction and operating and maintenance costs, the City proposes establishment of a new tax increment financing district encompassing the Pembroke Mall Area, to be known as Central Business District-Northeast. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is authorized under Sections 58.1-3245 through 58.1- 3245.5 of the Virginia State Code. TIF is a method of financing the costs of public improvements in an area by putting any increase in real estate tax revenue reflecting increased assessed value for that area in a special fund. The increase in real estate tax assessments, known as a tax increment, is the value by which the current assessed value of real estate exceeds the base assessed value (Le., the value of property in the area before improvements were made). . Considerations: The proposed development project area will be geographically defined as that property located around and including the Pembroke Mall and outlying area, starting at the intersection of Independence Boulevard and Jeanne Street bounded on the north by the northernmost edge of Jeanne Street to its intersection with Constitution Drive, and including properties between Corporation Lane and Paul Jones Lane, bounded on the east side by Thalia Creek, bounded on the south side by Virginia Beach Boulevard, and bounded on the west side by Independence Boulevard, up to its intersection with Jeanne Street. A map of the TIF area is shown in "Exhibit A." . Public Information: Public notice on the proposed Central Business District- Northeast TIF has been published both the Sunday Beacon and Inside Business for three consecutive weeks prior to its public hearing. A meeting to inform and solicit comments from residents and business owners in the project area was held in Princess Anne High School on November 24, 2008. A public hearing was held on November 25, 2008 in City Council Chamber. . Alternatives: If the ordinance is not approved, there would be no specific funding source for the Town Center Pedestrian Bridge project and other improvements in the project area. . Recommendations: Approval of an Ordinance to establish the Central Business District-Northeast TIF. . Attachments: Ordinance and TIF District map Recommended Action: Approval of ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Management Services City Manager~ IL ,'2t3~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE CENTRAL 2 BUSINESS DISTRICT-NORTHEAST TAX INCREMENT 3 FINANCING DISTRICT 4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") desires to undertake a 6 program involving the development of infrastructure and the construction of public 7 facilities and other municipal improvements in the Pembroke Mall Area of the City, 8 which will facilitate the development of a Central Business District in the City and thus 9 promote commerce and the prosperity of the citizens of Virginia Beach; 10 11 WHEREAS, as part of the undertaking of such a program, the Council of the City 12 (the "Council") desires to provide for all or part of the financing associated with the 13 public aspects of the development of a Central Business District in the northeastern part 14 of the Pembroke area of the City (the "Project") and such other public investment that is 15 consistent with the public purposes listed above by designating a development project 16 area and adopting tax increment financing therein, as provided by Code of Virginia 9 17 58.1-3245.2, which will permit the City to issue obligations or enter into development 18 project cost commitments that will be secured by tax increment revenues derived from 19 this development project area; 20 21 WHEREAS, pursuant to Code of Virginia 9 58.1-3245.4:1, such obligations or 22 development project cost commitments shall not be subject to the annual debt 23 limitations set forth in the City Charter; and 24 25 WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing on November 25, 2008, on the 26 designation of a development project area in the Pembroke Mall area of the City and the 27 adoption of tax increment financing therein after notice as provide by Code of Virginia 9 28 58.1-3245.2 (B). 29 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 31 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 32 33 1. That a development project area (as defined in Code of Virginia 9 58.1-3245) 34 known as the Central Business District-Northeast District (the "District") is hereby 35 created and designated as such; 36 2. That the boundaries of the District shall include the area identified on a map 37 prepared by the City's Department of Information Technology and entitled "Central 38 Business District-Northeast," a copy of which has been filed with the City Clerk, and a 39 smaller copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A"; 40 3. That the Real Estate Assessor is directed, pursuant to Code of Virginia 9 41 58.1-3245.2 (A) (1), to record in the land book for FY 2009 and all succeeding years in 42 which tax increment financing is in effect in the District the base assessed value and the 43 current assessed value (each as defined in Code of Virginia 9 58.1-3245) of the real 44 estate within the District; 45 4. That to secure any obligations authorized and issued by the City Council in 46 the future or any development project cost commitments incurred by the City for the 47 construction or acquisition of infrastructure, public facilities and other improvements in 48 the District, the Director of Finance of the City is directed to allocate and pay, from real 49 estate taxes actually collected, the amount attributable to the increased assessed value 50 of the real estate within the District above the base assessed value of such real estate 51 (the "Tax Increment Revenues") into a special fund entitled "Central Business District- 52 Northeast Tax Increment Financing Fund" (the "Fund"), which is hereby authorized to be 53 created; 54 5. That the City Clerk is directed to send a copy of this ordinance to the Real 55 Estate Assessor and the Director of Finance of the City; 56 6. That the City Manager is hereby directed to transmit to the Real Estate 57 Assessor and the Director of Finance of the City all of the materials required by 9 58.1- 58 3245.3 of the Code of Virginia for the implementation of this ordinance; 59 7. The City Clerk is directed to make a copy of the ordinance continuously 60 available for inspection by the general publ'ic during normal business hours at the City 61 Clerk's office from the date of adoption hereof; 62 8. That the City Clerk, in collaboration with the City Attorney, is authorized and 63 directed to immediately file a certified copy of this ordinance with the Circuit Court of the 64 City of Virginia Beach; and 65 9. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and from the date of its 66 adoption. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the ,2008. day APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~a~~~i~ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~--- Ci y Attorney' 0 ice CA 10939 R-2 November 19, 2008 II .. t.. ~ is ~ , ... '5 .~ I:JI~ .~ ... L~ It ... ::; i ;; .. :: ~ ~ ~ ~ .a: .+J 'M .D 'M ..c x ril \ , \ I \ \ .,'~~. ----,._---~_.. ~jU ~'<,',an~ ~(j ~,ot.;.n ;JJ.S,,"O) :.; -A ,_.' I !\V :>1(; VtllV1!.L"':~{.) " ~ "- 0;; 13J.;r:>11I'iK r- '" ~; , .,~ C '" .:.;. ,~... ," " ,- ",\;'!.'< ~ '" 1~ 3,ji"<;~~(ti,:1d:Ci~.tl ~ S i'\.-\..I';~\( ~, ~~ C V~I.,.\~ '}A :, c" Ii ~:'I \ "" "'>". c\\ ,''- ----~-_.""._-,----- -_....._."._-----'...-~--- ,~.~,p '\11'" hhJ~~ !lliiH 11.t~ r; tlHl~l Hlt~i~ ,.".1.1' '111", it1!aH ir~L"-'~ j: :: \ \ \ ~~,*' "- ,'~ \ \ \ \ ! ~ ,t;E1r~.c;'''\A'~~lj; O'ov'- ~'~:t\ g '" ".: \~ ! ...... Jf) ~~~# ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Adjust the Boundary of the Central Business District-South Tax Increment Financing District MEETING DATE: December 2, 2008 . Background: On November 23, 1999, City Council established the Central Business District-South Tax Increment Financing District to provide dedicated revenues to finance a higher level of infrastructure improvements in what has become the Town Center area. Development in this area has resulted in the need for additional infrastructure improvements in the surrounding areas, including a pedestrian bridge. To finance the improvements, City Council is proposing the establishment of a Central Business District-Northeast TIF. To ensure that the pedestrian bridge is within the boundaries of new CBD-Northeast TIF, the boundary of the CBD-South TIF must be adjusted. . Considerations: The northern boundary of the existing Central Business District-South TIF will be adjusted from the middle of Virginia Beach Boulevard, down to the zero lot line. A map showing the proposed change is shown as "Exhibit A." The change will not have any impact on the financing of this TIF. . Public Information: Public notice on the proposed boundary change for the Central Business District-South TIF has been published in both the Sunday Beacon and Inside Business for three consecutive weeks prior to its public hearing. A meeting to inform and solicit comments from residents and business owners in the project area was held in Princess Anne High School on November 24, 2008. A public hearing was held on November 25,2008 in City Council Chamber. . Alternatives: If the ordinance is not approved, the proposed pedestrian bridge project will not be within the boundary of the new Central Business District-Northeast TIF, and would have no identified funding source. . Recommendations: Approval of an ordinance to adjust the boundary of the Central Business District-South TIF. . Attachments: Ordinance and TIF District map Recommended Action: Approval of ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Management Services City Manage. 1, k. ~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ADJUST THE BOUNDARY OF THE 2 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT-SOUTH TAX 3 INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 4 5 WHEREAS, to ensure that the proposed Pedestrian Bridge crossing Virginia 6 Beach Boulevard lies within the boundary of the new proposed Central Business 7 District-Northeast Tax Increment Financing project area, it is necessary to adjust the 8 northern boundary of the existing Central Business District-South Tax increment 9 Finance project area from the middle of Virginia Beach Boulevard, down to the zero lot 10 line, as shown on the map noted as "Exhibit A." 11 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 13 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 14 15 That the northern boundary of the Central Business District-South Tax Increment 16 Financing District is adjusted from the middle of Virginia Beach Boulevard down to the 17 zero lot line as noted in "Exhibit A. II of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the ,2008. day APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: , B~~,\f)--l~~ ~ _ Management Services ~ I ity Att rn y's e CA 10937 R-1 November 18, 2008 '~:~"'-I\~~A~;~. :~:' .'\ -:\t', :~L_ ~~t. '. ..' \>~::7::{;}' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate Funds to Provide an Interest-Free Loan to the Virginia Musical Theatre MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: Started in 1991, Virginia Musical Theatre (VMT) is a 501 (c}(3) organization based in the City of Virginia Beach. VMT produced 62 separate shows at the Pavilion Theatre until it was demolished in 2005. Due to the demolition of the Pavilion Theatre, the Virginia Musical Theatre had to find a new home while the Sandler Center was under construction. During these two seasons (2005-2006 and 2006-2007), VMT presented their shows at the Contemporary Art Center's (CAG) theatre, which only seats 263. Since their potential seating capacity was reduced from 1,000 seats at the Pavilion Theatre to 263 seats at the CAC, VMT's earned income was dramatically decreased, thus creating a $75,000 roll-over deficit at the end of FY07. VMT was the single largest user of the Pavilion Theatre and the need to provide them, and the other local groups, a new home drove the development and construction of the Sandler Center. VMT's productions at the Sandler Center have been widely received by the community. During its first season at the Sandler Center, VMT played to over 19,000 theatergoers, averaging 72.4% capacity for each show. VMT is by far the Sandler Center's most prolific tenant. In its first season at the Sandler Center, VMT produced White Christmas, Miss Saigon, Titanic, and Smokey Joe's Cafe. Total expenses at the Sandler Center for the 2007-2008 season totaled $265,353. $70,773 is currently owed by VMT to the Sandler Center. VMT's operational and production costs are different from other Virginia Beach-based arts organizations. To mount Broadway-scale productions entail auditioning union actors from New York and providing airfare and housing for the cast and production team (30 approximately for every production); rental cars for local transportation; producing sets and scenery; and paying orchestra musicians, backstage crew and stage technicians. . Considerations: The Board of Directors has met numerous times over the past few months to review their financial situation. They have taken immediate steps to reduce FY09 expenses and the Board has increased their fundraising goal by 5% through additional sponsorships, annual giving campaign and three new fundraising events during the 2008-2009 season. Additional steps taken by VMT: - Reduced their budget for AIDA in October 2008 by $20,000 and will continue to reduce all upcoming production budgets by at least $20,000 to live within their means. - Renegotiating their actors' union contract for the flexibility to use more local actors in their productions, thus reducing costs. - Restructured their Board of Directors to provide more direct oversight of spending and finances. - Moved offices to utilize free rent. - Actively pursuing sponsorships and have implemented an annual giving fundraising campaign to donors and subscribers. In addition to these budget reductions and increased fundraising goals, there is an immediate need for funding to alleviate their debt and assist with cash flow. Due to the fact that VMT experienced financial hardships driven by the demolition of the Pavilion Theatre, compounded with the increased costs for producing larger-scale Broadway shows at the Sandler Center, the Board of Directors for VMT requested a loan from the City for $200,000. The City proposes to issue a Promissory Note to VMT in the amount of $200,000. Pursuant to the terms of the Promissory Note, the loan must be repaid by June 30, 2018. In the event that the annual payments required pursuant to this Note are not current and paid in full by VMT to the City by the dates set forth in the Promissory Note, VMT shall pay five percent (5%) interest to the City on the balance due, calculated from the date the Note is executed by VMT. VMT agrees to pledge its personal property as collateral to secure the Promissory Note. VMT agrees that the City shall have a first priority lien on VMT's ticket sale revenue, profits, assets, personal property, and trade fixtures. . Public Information: Information will be disseminated through the normal Council agenda process. . Recommendation: Approval of ordinance . Attachments: Ordinance; Promissory Note; Policy Report Submitting Department/Agency: Office of Cultural Affairs City Manage~ 'IL-:"Ct? trI""- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO PROVIDE AN INTEREST-FREE LOAN TO THE VIRGINIA MUSICAL THEATRE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA THAT: 1. $200,000 is hereby appropriated from the fund balance of the General Fund for an interest-free loan to the Virginia Musical Theatre '0 support operational and productions costs, contingent upon execution of the attached promissory note; and 2. This loan is to be repaid by the Virginia Musical Theatre over ten (10) years, pursuant to the terms of the attached promissory note. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of ,2008. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all members of the City Council. Approved as to Content: Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: ~-rl~ anag me t Services ). It- ~ City Attorn~'s Office CA 10906 R-2 November 13, 2008 . PROMISSORY NOTE VIRGINIA MUSICAL THEATRE, INC. Virginia Beach, Virginia U.S. $200,000 December 2, 2008 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the VIRGINIA MUSICAL THEATRE, INC. ("Musical Theatre"), a Virginia non-profit corporation having an address of 228 N. Lynnhaven Road, #114, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23452, promises to pay to the order of the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "City"), having an address of Finance Department, Municipal Center, Building One, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23456, the principal sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($200,000), without interest, from the date hereof until paid. A. Payments: Principal shall be payable as follows: 1. Continuing each year until paid in full, ten (10) installments of principal shall be due and payable. No interest shall accrue on the principal, except as provided in Section (A) (2). Such payments shall be: 1. $15,000 due on or before June 30, 2009; 2. $20,000 due on or before June 30, 2010; 3. $20,000 due on or before June 30,2011; 4. $20,000 due on or before June 30, 2012; 5. $20,000 due on or before June 30, 2013; 6. $21,000 due on or before June 30, 2014; 7. $21,000 due on or before June 30, 2015; 8. $21,000 due on or before June 30, 2016; 1 I I i 9. $21,000 due on or before June 30, 2017; 10. $21,000 due on or before June 30, 2018. 2. In the event that the annual payments required pursuant to this Note are not current and paid in full by Musical Theatre to the City by the dates set forth in Section A (1) (1-10), Musical Theatre shall pay five percent (5%) interest to the City on the balance due. If Musical Theatre is required to pay interest to the City, interest shall be calculated from the date that this Note is executed by Musical Theatre. 3. Musical Theatre hereby represents that no lender or lienor has an interest or lien on any of its Property (hereinafter defined). As such, Musical Theatre agrees that the City shall have a first priority lien on Musical Theatre's ticket sale revenue, profits, assets, personal property, and trade fixtures ("Property"). The City shall have the right to file a UCC Financing Statement on the same. 4. To effectuate Section A (3) above, the Musical Theatre agrees to pledge its personal property as collateral to secure this Note. The Musical Theatre shall provide a comprehensive list of all Property to the City Department of Finance within ten (10) days following the execution of this Note. The City shall have the right, at anytime during which money is owed under this Note, to audit Musical Theatre's Property and/or conduct an inspection of the same. 5. The Musical Theatre covenants and agrees to conduct fund raising efforts, suitable to the City, which will provide revenues sufficient to meet its obligations hereunder. The Musical Theatre also covenants to explore reducing its number of productions and/or changing its operating model to reduce costs and improve net revenues. 2 6. The Musical Theatre covenants to eliminate the debt that Musical Theatre currently owes to Global Spectum, L.P. by June 30, 2009, and thereafter to remain current on all debts arising from Musical Theatre's use of the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts at Virginia Beach. 7. The Musical Theatre covenants to provide the City with quarterly status reports on Musical Theatre's progress on fund raising and debt reduction. Quarterly status reports shall be due to the City on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year, beginning on January 1, 2009, and ending on April 1, 2018. 8. All payments on this Note shall be made by cashier's check, certified check or by wire transfer to the account designated by the City Department of Finance. B. Events of Default: The following are "Events of Default" hereunder: (a) the failure to payor perform any obligation, liability or indebtedness of the Musical Theatre to the City hereunder as and when due (whether upon demand, at maturity or by acceleration); (b) the commencement of a proceeding against the Musical Theatre for dissolution or liquidation that is not dismissed within ninety (90) days after the Musical Theatre shall have been duly served with notice of such matter; (c) the voluntary or involuntary termination or dissolution of the Musical Theatre; (d) a custodian, trustee, liquidator or receiver shall have been appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction for all or any of the property of the Musical Theatre that is material to its operations; (e) an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the filing of a petition for any adjustment of indebtedness, composition or extension, by the Musical Theatre; 3 (f) the entry of a final, non-appealable judgment against the Musical Theatre in an amount in excess of $200,000 that is not satisfied within thirty (30) days thereafter; (g) the seizure or forfeiture of, or the issuance of any final writ of possession or attachment, or any final turnover order for, property of the Musical Theatre without which it is unable to operate; or (h) the invalidation or failure of any covenant promised by Musical Theatre hereunder. C. Remedies UDon Default: Whenever an Event of Default shall have occurred under this Note and be continuing beyond any applicable cure period, (a) the City may, at its option, declare all sums payable hereunder immediately due and payable, in which case the entire unpaid balance of the Note and any accrued interest thereon shall become immediately due and payable and/or (b) the City may exercise any other remedy available to it under applicable law, including, but not limited to, exercising its rights with respect to its pre-existing lien on Musical Theatre's Property, which shall expressly include off-setting obligations hereunder from ticket sales and other proceeds of Musical Theatre, which may be executed by the City Treasurer's use of till tapping. D. Confession of Judament: Musical Theatre (i) waives homestead exemption, (ii) waives presentment, demand, protest and notice of every kind respecting this Note, (iii) agrees that the City, at any time or times, without notice to or the consent of Musical Theatre, may grant extensions of time, without limit as to the number or the aggregate period of such extensions, for the payment of any principal or interest due hereon, and (iv) to the extent not prohibited by law, waives the benefit of any defense, credit, entitlement, counterclaim, law, rule of law, advantage or protection as an obligor 4 hereunder or providing for his or her release or discharge from liability hereon, in whole or in part, on account of any facts or circumstances other than full and complete payment of all amounts due hereunder, including, but not limited to, any laws or regula- tions relating to (a) any implied duty of good faith or fair dealing under the Uniform Commercial Code or otherwise, (b) Sections 49-25 and 49-26 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, or other statute, law or ruling which would require that City proceed against or exhaust its remedies against Musical Theatre or security or requiring that City pursue any remedy whatsoever, (c) the compromise of any claim against or release of Musical Theatre or any security, (d) any right of subrogation, any right to enforce or claim the benefit of any right or remedy of City against Musical Theatre or security, any right as a third party beneficiary of any obligation or duty owed to City, (e) any prior, contemporaneous or subsequent oral representations or oral modifications made by any agent of City to Musical Theatre, (f) any claim of duress or undue influence, or (g) any statute giving any person the right to require (or providing for his or her discharge in the absence of) the institution of any suit hereon. In the event (i) of a default in the payment of any principal, interest, or late fee payable hereunder, (ii) of a default in the performance of or compliance with any of the provisions in this Note, (iii) Musical Theatre is or becomes insolvent or makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors, (iv) a petition is filed or any other proceeding is commenced under the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any state insolvency statute by or against Musical Theatre, (v) a receiver is appointed for Musical Theatre, (vi) of any default by Musical Theatre hereunder, in any such event, the entire balance of principal with all interest then accrued shall, at the option of the holder hereof, become 5 I I I . ...'"_."h _. ,~ immediately due and payable at which such time, City hereby appoints any attorney employed by the City of Virginia Beach, as his attorney-in-fact for the sole purpose of confessing judgment of and for all fees, including the City's reasonable attorney's fees, due and payable by Musical Theatre under this Note. Such confession shall be made in any court of competent jurisdiction in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and such confession may be made at any time Musical Theatre is in default of this Note, at the sole discretion of the City, without notice to Musical Theatre. E. Non-Waiver: The failure at any time of the City to exercise any of its options or any other rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver thereof, nor shall it be a bar to the exercise of any of its rights at a later date. All rights and remedies of the City shall be cumulative and may be pursued singly, successively or together, at the option of the City. The acceptance by the City of any partial payment shall not constitute a waiver of any default or of any of the City's rights under this Note. No wavier of any of its rights hereunder, and no modification or amendment of this Note, shall be deemed to be made by the City unless the same shall be in writing, duly signed on behalf of the City. Each such waiver shall apply only with respect to the specific instance involved, and shall in no way impair the rights of the City or the obligations of the Musical Theatre to the City in any other respect at any other time. F. Applicable Law. Venue and Jurisdiction: This Note and the rights and obligations of the Musical Theatre and the City hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Any litigation in connection with or to enforce this Note shall be conducted in the courts of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and any objection as to venue in any such court is hereby waived. 6 G. Partial Invalidity: The unenforceability or invalidation of any provision of this Note shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other provision herein, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Note to any person or circumstance shall not affect the enforceability or validity of such provision as it may apply to other persons or circumstances. H. Bindina Effect: This Note shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Musical Theatre and the City and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that no obligations of the Musical Theatre hereunder can be assigned without the prior written consent of the City. I. Audit: The City shall have the right to audit all books and records (in whatever form they may be kept, whether written, electronic, or other) kept by or under the control of the Musical Theatre, including, but not limited to those kept by the Musical Theatre, its employees, agents, assigns, successors and subcontractors. Musical Theatre shall maintain its books and records, together with such supporting or underlying documents and materials, for the duration of this Note and for at least three years following the termination of this Note. J. Preoayment: This Note may be prepaid in whole or in part without penalty. Any such prepayments shall be applied to principal. K. Authorization: The undersigned represents and warrants that he has full authority of Musical Theatre to sign on its behalf and to bind Musical Theatre to the obligations hereunder. L. Indemnity: Musical Theatre hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold the City harmless from and against any and all liability, costs, fees or expenses, arising directly 7 i I I or indirectly from Musical Theatre's execution of this Note or any obligation undertaken by them hereunder. WITNESS the following signature(s) and seal: VIRGINIA MUSICAL THEATRE, INC. By: ATTEST: 8 President Policy Re~ort . December 2, 2008 BACKGROUND . Virginia Musical Theatre (VMT) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit local arts organization, based in Virginia Beach. . VMT employs two full-time employees and has a 12-member Board, chaired by Margaret Eure. (Board list is attached) . It is the State of Virginia's only arts organization solely dedicated to the production of musical theatre as a uniquely American art form. · It is Virginia Beach's only professional performing arts organization. . It operates under agreements with all unions governing theatrical productions. Started in 1991, Virginia Musical Theatre (VMT) produced 62 productions at the Pavilion Theatre which was demolished in 2005. Due to the demolition of the Pavilion Theatre, the Virginia Musical Theatre had to find a new home while the Sandler Center was under construction. During these two seasons (2005-2006 and 2006-2007), VMT presented their shows at the Contemporary Art Center's (CAC) theatre, which only seats 263. Since their potential seating capacity was reduced from 1,000 seats (at Pavilion Theatre) to 263 seats at the CAC, their earned income was dramatically decreased, thus creating a $75,000 roll-over deficit at the end of FY07. VMT was the single largest user of the Pavilion Theatre and the need to provide them, and the other local groups, a new home drove the development and construction of the Sandler Center. VMT's productions at the Sandler Center have been widely received by the community. During its first season at the Center, VMT played to over 19,000 theatergoers, averaging 72.4% capacity for each show. VMT is by far the Sandler Center's most prolific tenant. In its first season at the Sandler Center, VMT produced White Christmas, Miss Saigon, Titanic, and Smokey Joe's Cafe. Total expenses at the Sandler Center to date totaled $290,049. Of this amount, $98,988 is currently owed to the Sandler Center (including FY09 expenses). $76,371 was generated in admission taxes. $38,679 was generated in facility fees. These amounts provide a total of $306,111 in monies returned to the City. In addition, surveys show that of those who attend performances, 86% visit the area restaurants and bars either before or after the productions. Given last season's attendance and an average tab of $38 per person, the restaurant industry received in excess of $600,000 in revenue, generating over $65,000 in meal taxes (figures provided by VMT). Virginia Musical Theatre's operational and production costs are different from other Virginia Beach- based arts organizations. To mount Broadway-scale productions entail auditioning union actors from New York and providing airfare and housing for the cast and production team (approximately 30 for every production), rental cars for local transportation, producing sets and scenery, paying orchestra musicians, backstage crew and stage technicians. For the cultural growth of the City and the prosperity of the Sandler Center, it is important that the Virginia Musical Theatre continues as one of the City's leading arts groups. 1 The VMT 2008-2009 Season performances include: Elton John's AIDA: October 24 - 26,2008 (total attendance: 3,127) Debbie Reynolds: December 5 - 7, 2008 Ballroom: February 6 - 8, 2009 Always.. .Patsy Cline: March 20 - 22, 2009 West Side Story: May 1 - 3, 2009 CONSIDERATIONS Due to the fact that VMT experienced financial hardships driven by the demolition of the Pavilion Theatre, compounded with the increased costs for producing larger-scale Broadway shows at the Sandler Center than in previous seasons, the Board of Directors for Virginia Musical Theatre has requested a loan from the City for $200,000 to help alleviate the debt and provide adequate cash flow for this season. The Board of Directors has met numerous times over the past few months to review the financial situation. The Board has taken immediate steps to reduce FY09 expenses and has increased its fundraising goal by 5% through additional sponsorships, an annual giving campaign and has also instituted three new fundraising events during the 2008-2009 season. Despite these budget reductions and increased fundraising goals, there is an immediate need for funding to alleviate their current debt and assist with cash flow. Financial Overview: FY08 Deficit: $171,536 to vendors (including Sandler Center) FY09 Revenues: $1,243,125.00 (includes requested $200,000 loan from City) Expenses: $1,204,563.48 Net Surplus: $38,561.52 (if $200,000 loan is provided by City) Board of Directors Actions Taken: · Board of Directors' reduced FY09 expenses and increased fundraising goal. According to the most recent budget (with the proposed $200,000 loan), VMT expects to have a surplus of $38,561.52 at the end of FY09. · Board of Directors has projected increased fund raising by 5% through additional sponsorships, annual giving campaign and the following three fundraising events during the 2008-2009 Season: Red Carpet Gala at Town Center City Club: October 18, 2008 Net Revenue: $15,000. Debbie Reynolds in concert at the Sandler Center: December 5-7, 2008 Estimated Net Revenue: $69,000 Silent Auction: May 1-3, 2009 Estimated Net Revenue: $10,000 · Reduced their budget for AIDA in October 2008 by $20,000 and will continue to reduce all upcoming production budgets by at least $20,000 to live within their means. · VMT has renegotiated the actors' union contract to reduce the number of union actors it must hire for productions, in return reducing production costs. · Sandler Center staff have reviewed each line item with VMT and explored ways to reduce costs such as: 2 OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS OF VIRGINIA MUSICAL THEATRE MARGARET EURE president President/Margaret l. Eure Consultants 1400 Haywick Terrace Chesapeake, VA 23322 204-4747/285-9426 cell / 204-4744 fax eurelady@cox.net JOHN LANGLOIS Board Member President & CEO/Tele-Video Productions, Inc. Pembroke 3 - Suite 144 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 499- 7202 john@televideoproductions.com MARK BATZEL, MSFS, AEP, CFBS First Vice President Partner/The Summit Group of Virginia 5041 Corporate Woods Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 499-8300 mbatzel@summitgroupva.com BARBARA LEWIS Soard Member PresidenVThe Town Center City Club 232 Center Drive #230 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 490-8317 / 961-4494 fax nikkiland60@vahoo,com DESIREE MITCHELL Secretary Adm inistrator/Marian Manor 429 W. Farmington Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23454 340-7466/456-5018 desiree@marian-manor.com MAC RAWLS Board Member Founding Exec. DirNirginia Museum Science Center 612 Thalia Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452 463-2423/647-3435 cell macrawls@cox.net NANCY CREECH Second Vice President 1068 Collection Creek Way Virginia Beach, VA 23454 498-0215/498-1355 fax nac@neptunefestival.com STEPHEN G. TEST Board Member PartnerlWilliams Mullen 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 1700 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 473-5324 / 358-5324 cell stest@williamsmullen.com ROSALYN AUGUST Secretary Owner/Diamond & Jewelry Exchange 4004 Atlantic Avenue #901 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 425-8699 / 285-0379 djexchange@aol.com EXECUTIVE ADVISORY BOARD FRANK BAlIEN, JR. Chairman/Landmark Communications J. MORGAN DAVIS PresidenVTowne Financial Group JOAN BRYAN Treasurer Senior V.P., Private BankingITowneBank 297 Constitution Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23462 473-2533/621-2121 cell ioan.brvan@townebank.net MICHAEL DUDLEY President & CEO/Ootima Health Plan LAWRENCE GOLDRICH Chairman/Larrymore Corp. NORMAN HOFFMANN Executive V.P. & CFO/Dominion Enterprises, Retired ROBIN HARVEY, CPA Board Member CPAlDesRoches & Co. Reflections II, Suite 200 200 Golden Oak Ct Virginia Beach, VA 23452 robin@desrochesoas.com THE HONORABLE MEYERA OBERNDORF Mayor/City of Virginia Beach STEPHEN TOBIAS Vice Chairman & COO/Norfolk Southem Corporation ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF JUDY JEWELL Soard Member Director of Operations/Dominion Enterprises 2853 Saville Garden Way Virginia Beach, VA 23453 351-8038 jgem @cox.net JEFF MEREDITH Executive Producing Director MARK HUDGINS Managing Director BRIAN MARSHALL Production Manager MARY BLAIR Administrative Assistant / Group Sales Leader 7 i I I II r '" VIRGINIA B&~CH (Iff" FRS: WI~Rf"'~; S".II'i l'H.~IR \1 Jr.\'" R.I\\!I , VI' r CI1\lR ArHllI/ :\\1flrR~L.\~ SrrRfrlRY BR\ 11 D \f.\R rtN T~r ~"" RER \Ir "nr~s: K. FDWI:<< BRflW' (iLE "N R, [J.W1S. JR. JI'I"IT'\ G. hlTII"'I (' IRI'IYN S. (j,\RRFlT rlll'ITT c. .")~fS Rnl" A. KIRWIN RIII'fRT N. \hunl DI P~R r"l 'JT ST ~F r: blll\ L SPRl.'lll DIRu rOR .\flr... \'D HI \1 \"1111" ell\t\"""'/)' November 14, 2008 OHI(~f n! Cl lTt R"t .\H.I,IRS 201 ""RAfT SrRH-. SH."'f1 FWOR V,".,"I~ BFA. fl. VA n-ltr2 ,757, .'!\5-~5~b , :5~ I -l~J-5-l50 FAX ".\ '.~ \~ \ H~l)\ (',1m .lrt.. Mayor and Members of City Council City of Virginia Beach 2401 Courthouse Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: The Virginia Beach Arts and Humanities Commission would like to take the opportunity to write in support of the Virginia Musical Theatre. In existence since 1991, the Virginia Musical Theatre is Virginia Beach's only professional performing arts organization and the single largest user of the Sandler Center. The organization makes an invaluable contribution to the City as a cultural resource but as a revenue generator. Virginia Musical Theatre returned $66,413 in admission taxes to the City last year as well as the restaurant tax revenue generated by its patrons. For the cultural growth of the City and the prosperity of the Sandler Center, it is important that the Virginia Musical Theatre continues as one of the City's leading arts groups. Due to the fact that Virginia Musical Theatre experienced financial hardships driven by the demolition of the Pavilion Theatre, compounded with the increased costs for producing larger-scale Broadway shows at the Sandler Center than in previous seasons, the Commission encourages the City to work out a favorable resolution to their financial hardship. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Members of the Virginia Beach Arts and Humanities Commission ", MCCCtRMICK& SCHMICK.S - SEAF()OD RESTAURANT November 24,2008 The City of Virginia Beach Virginl8 Beach. VA Honorable Ladles and Gentl.",en, At McCormick & Schmid<'s, \\8 are approaching our first year anniversary of operation in TO'Im Center, and lookinU forNard to an elCC ling, and energized Holiday Season. We rvmain potiltlve and cJptimldc during these difficult times, thut we have made a great choice in being a part of the Virginia ~ach community. M.ny things contribute to an all-round package of entertainm.nt, whidl include II variety of eholce8, whether, food. movies. late evening venues. shopping. and of course. theater, The :Sandler Cen.r is our crown jewel. Ewrydey. I am speeki'lg to QJt gueslI. some of !hose for the llrst time. others that are r&gulsr&, aaM juat for thole IpeciII occaIione. In 'm&r1wtIng' we call it.Grandmother R..-an;h' or jU8t plain old 'chit-<:h8l': . W1at brought you hunt? Whent are you going next? E.g. Movies, Funny Boll., Keeg."s, SsndIer. . What do you like ab:)ut Town Center? Safe, free parlcJng, tots to do, qUtJlity flVlints, gtP.at prtoN food and theater tickets compa18d to other CltteS. . \Nhere do you live? lO% out of state, 20% VifrJinls Beach, but 60% Hampton Ro.hl ilrea!!! . VVhy corne here? W. are centrally Iocillfldll/! (location, location, location) 00" Is .'If to meUll at Town Center, our friends, relatNes, business partners end associates or contacm. The different organiZatiOns who perform at the sandi.,. Center make this area what it is, and what it ie deslinecl to bec:ome...cnly because this gem Is still somewhat of a secret...but onc;e you have att8nded, you are "hooked" (sony about the pun, but we al8 'seafood') The feedback , receive is 10<'% positive... yet Town Center as a microcosm is still unknown to far too many; tlowever, this IS changi"g rapidly with every event. as more and more exp!or-. what is available. The Virginia Musical Theatet is an outstanding quality group, and after having lived In 22 difl'eront communities over the last 4(1 year.l, I can truly say that what they ofYer, is . great eX8lT'pfe of the erIergy, enthusiaSm and encouragement, !hat brought my family here in the first place. The entertainment they provide appeals to all. and they provide a value also, espec:ialy now. On behelf of my 6 managers ilnd 80 employees. the m8jOrity who make Vrglnia Beach their home, we encourlge you to continue to provide your support. both financial and logIStical, for the Virginia MUllcIII Theeter, Your investments wiN 1M terrlftc results in the y..rs to come. Hospitably Youre, Jim Rooney, General Manager Th~ Tuwn C~I1IC'- Ilf VirlZinia BC'll",h · :! II !v1urkC'1 SlIl.:l:l · Virginia 8l:ill:h. VA 2.'4t1~ · 17~71 Ml7.KfllCtI . ""\X 17 lj"f', ()~7 !U"1 "a ...... A6~~ 0t-i: LSL 3~~~3H~ '~OIsnw ~HI~~I^ w~ 6Z=60 a00Z-~Z-^OH I I II r .' November 24, ::008 ~ Honurablc Mc)'cra A. Oberndorf And the Virginia Bcach City Council City Hall 2401 Courthou:;c Dr" Suil\.: 281 Municipal Center, Bldg. I Virainla Beach VA 23456 Dcar Mayor Obemdorf and the Honorable Cit)' Council: Please accept this letter as one of support for the Virginia \-lusical rheatre and the work they are accomplishing for lhe good of Virginia Belich llnd allo( Ilampton Roads. As the Managins UircClor of Vir~inill Stage Compan) Clnd 1.1 profes~jonal theater manager for the past twenty-eiiht years, I can personal I)' attesllo thl.: immense value an organization like the Virginia Musical Theatn: brina'i to a community's quality of life - 3S well as their economic helllth. In thc lighl of Virginia Musical Theatre's highly entertaining stage productions it is easy to lose sight ofthc cumulativc economic impact a major arts orllanil3tion can bring to a City throu8h their patron's illdmi.sion taxes, restaurant and shopping spending and meal/bar taxe!;, the money paid hy the oraanization to a City-owned thealer lacility, the mane)' paid by the organizlltion to local businesses and salaric~ paid to it.. staff. who an; also citizens of Virginia BellCh. In the case of Virginia SWie (.,)mpany at the Wells Theatre. over the last three years alone we have gcnerated nearly $100,001) in Direct Fiscal Impact and over $5 million in Direct Ec:onomi, Impact for the City of Norfolk. And this does not take into account our Education and Outreach proHramli that reach over 40,000 students annually - over 30% of which are from Virainia Beach, It is .150 the case that allendan,;e and SUppol1 of the arts is a tJiscrctionary spendini activity. and whenevcr the public looses cor,fiden,,:!,: in lhl:ir economic siruation they will cut back on their spending for the arts. Thill is the.: time when Cit> leadership and foresight is most critical to help sustain the arts so that their contributions to the City'~ quality of lite continue and its future economic: c:ontribution~ to the City arc insured. I respectfully urge you and the City of Virginia Beach take the necessary steps to support the Virginia Musical Theatre t<I help sustain their operations through this unprecedented economic downturn. Sincerely. ~ Keith Stavll ;\1anaging Director Virginia Stage Company POBox 37'l0. Norfolk, Virginia 23514 . Phone (757) 62-:".6988 . Fax (737) 62R-5!J58. WW\\I,\'Rsl'I#ll'.CClm ~e'd e6~~ et>~ J..~J.. 3~~~3H~ '~~Isnw ~NI~~I^ W~ A~:~A A~~7_C7_Anu . February 21. 200M ,.V~~ VIRGINIA S'l AGE COMPANY AT Till:: WELLS THF.ATRE \..~ 2005-06.1006-07 and 2007-08 SEASONS ......-.. 11- CITY OF NORFOLK [CONOMIC IMPACT SUMMARY (lVOI': '"~ JIlt. ftHIr mont"J 0/ ,Ie,. ZOO 7-08 fb('u' Y'-'" tlnd jim" two Prodll'1lonJ II" nll"",/~/) Value of three yean waived rent at W<<:11a Theatre = 5127.260 Eiahtecn productions wilh a total of luur hundretl c:lc~cn puhlic perlormances plus a total oftifty-s~"l.:n special Studl.:nl Matinee l'erform.tnl.:cS Total paid adult attendancc Total comp adult attendance TOTAL WELLS THEATRE ADULT I\TTcNOANCE 123,775 20.080 143.H55 Dinct t'lltll'lmpaet for thl: City 01 Norfolk Admission Tax Parking Revenue - Company sta1f/artisb Parkinl Revenue - Palrons (divided by 2.5) Bar/Concession Commission pai.j to City TickctM.srer rebate paid to City FoodlHeveraac Sales Tax. paid ';0 City by VSC FoodIBevcraac Sales Tax - Plltrons* Retail Sales Tax - Patrons* Lodiina Tax - Company staff/aM ists Lodging Tax - Patl"Ol1s* Total Direct Fllcallmpac:t 123.775 57.542 $4.00 $1.757.908 5322.235 $17.781 5276,202 7.5% 1% 8% 8% Direct Ecunumic Itnpad for the City of Norfolk Restaurant Spending - I'atruns. Retail spend ins - Patrons'" Hotel spending - Company & Palrons" Company statT/artists/crew salaries & fees paid to Norfolk residents 145 Advertiainl expenditures to Nonolk companies Total Dlnet Economic Impad .NtJI,: From the 2003 H. Bloun: Hunter analysis for the Norfolk Commission on lhe Arts & Humanities. the average per patron spending by the patrons of the "Largc Audience" Orsaniutions intludinl Virginir Stase Company was: Food spending S 12.22 Retail spending 52.24 Lo(hzinsr soendimz S 1.92 ""'--I 86li:!Sa 0tooli: /..!Sa/.. 3~~~3H~ '~OIsnw ~NI~~I^ w~ 0li:=69 e99Z-!SaZ-^OH '. $131.260 $.48,616 5230.168 S 10.1 53 $5.271 $6,994 $131.843 53.222 $ t ,422 $22,096 5697 .tN, SI.7~7.908 5311.235 $2~13.Q83 52.542,703 $206,006 55,112,835 ,. '10" 2.. 08 02: 18t- _..2.!::!.'_~I~~L~.~.!!.d". Ga11eeM. J52.753-07"IU lit. I 'fo~embor 22. 20<lS To Viraiaia Snch City COWICit Fint of aU, 1 would like to thank you for )'our dedicated MrYicc: to our ~onderfW city. r have lived in Virginia Be&I:h all my life and have been "cry involved in the arts specifically with Virpnia Musical Theatre lWf the Uovemor's School fo, die AnI praducinto pcrformq, dil~tine and musi<:olly directing shows 81 the VirPnia Beedl Pavilion Tbeatre and now &t the Sandler Center. Vlraiuia Mwdcal Theatre hI.! provided a IP"Nt ~rvice to our conunW1i1y by producinH ~ muslea1 tbe8Irc. employing actors both locally aod &om N'c:w York. contribuq economically throulh adrnluiOfl taxes, J'e!taurants. car rental.!, cast housins; providfn. a uaillina at'our.ct UKI educational experience$ fur younl arti5ts both ~ aad OnsYF. In fut:, the Governor', School (or the .~ts has ra;tmical and perf'0IIIWIC:C ina.cmships with V.irainie.\{usicaJ '.beetre that afford studeots DD1JI"dMd oppomait1es to work with equity actors, fterfonn within a pro!ic:lIsiull8.l fralne work of sc:enic, Uahtlng. COINI'De ad !OUDd dcsiaflen aoO to work with pl"ofessional directors and choreographers rro.n New York. Thean is. subject widely SlUdicd in tchools and unh'ersities. and provides. model for thouaht in philOtophy, sociology, and euucation. Theatre is an illstincti\'C source of picaure and the Jl\NIU of explorotion. affinnation and persuuion: It provides a slaared expcrieDCe in which Pe1'llJDl1 md social c!dSlcooc can be dcfided and ~flned.. YClt. at the -.ra. time, ~rc il.dsc under ~ilt. In this time of re<:eJBJOIJ It is accounted as Ii labor-intensive industl)t, find lhelef.,~ cxpeuive and difficult to develop. Theadns, a~ wtll. III the IIU, relies on Inj~tioDS of publiC moDeY for its survi'\lal. especially in acoaomlc ttm. JUCb II tbege. 1 implore city counc:iJ 1'-. approve the loan which has *n proposed It! enable Viremia Musical Theme to navipte this difficult .oonomic time. VMT is . vital part of tho VirIInI- BacIa community IIld needs to be supponcd by ow clt)'. Tho)' have terVed dUa c:ommumty for J 7 yats IDd 1 totally support thia endeavor ad ask your serie"lI conllderatioo 01 this matter. We can not let VMT luccumb durinl this eecmomic crisi., i'hMk you for your sUJJI'ort IInd ...-vI" 10 our community. Sincerely, (!tp ChipOal ~I irc:le Virpma Beach. V A 234S~ 751-S1~124 '" ~/,L--,,-- t) se'd a6~S;: e..~ LSOL 3~~~3H~ '~JIsnw ~NI~~I^ w~ l&:69 e00Z-C~-^nu [ ARMADA HOfflER J /II 1 ~ II I I D T 1\ t I " I ~ovember 19. 1008 City Council Members City orVirginia Beach VIrginia Beach, VA 23456 RE: The Virllinia Musical Theatre To the Honorable Council Members of the Cily of Virginia Beach: We proudly supportlh&: VirBinia Musical I'healre and are pleased Ihatlht:y arc a resident company ",I the.; Sandler Center for the Perfol111ing Art~, here in Town Center. This professional theater group which makes its home in Vir~inia Beach hus brouHhttop 4ualit)' arts cntenaimnent to our cili/,tms and lholle.: in lht: surrounding communit)' tor many years. It helps 10 makl~ the Town Center a vibrant destination ilnd contributes 10 its SUCCtlSS. a goal which our cO:llpany shares wilh the City Council. The Sandler C&:nler for the Pcrfonnill~ AI1s is thejcwcl ill the City's crown orarls orHani"alions. It brinis together dance, theater. art and cUITenl events prog"GllIlI1irraf. ISII ofwhi<:h serve (0 enrich Ihl.: liv<.:s of our cItizens and make VirH;lIia Bca<<.:h a ~~)fnmuni(y ofchoice. We bc:lieve it is ill the best interest of tile City lhal the Sandler Center for the Perfonning Arts continue to succeed and that the Virgmia MUSical Theatre continue to he a pan of that success. (r(VL Anthony P. ~ero, President ~ 222 CUll II Park hllue, hire lilt Virgini, 8..c~. VA 11t1l Phil: 1757) 311.4000 fll' usn 523.0112 www lfIIudihtlfltr ca. 900d S6i:Si 0.i: LSL 3~~~3H~ ,~3Isnw ~NI~~I^ W~ ri::60 800Z-SiZ-^ON I I II , ~~":'\ ~~4..,. l...~..~~t ,Qf".".'~'%l (~! ,~" .'. ' \.~) .'.!::: . ;'t.~ ~~\~ . ~~. {\..~:,.~., ill "~~7-~~o-:.~:r ......;~..,...... """ "- CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ~ ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Virginia Compensation Board MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The Clerk of the Circuit Court receives funding for technology by assessing Court fees. The State Compensation Board requires the City to appropriate the funding for the Clerk's Office technology funds. The City is reimbursed from the State for purchases and/or ongoing system maintenance fees made for technology purposes. For FY 2008-09, the Clerk's Office has been approved for $430,314 in funding from the Technology Trust Fund. . Considerations: This appropriation will not require any matching funds from the City. The appropriation gives the Clerk's Office the ability to spend the funds with State revenue offsetting the appropriation. This funding will support their Case Management System, computer equipment and installation, annual software maintenance for the Case Management System, a software change order, scanner and annual software maintenance on the Land Records System. . Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Clerk of the Circuit Court City Manager~ l.'G3~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE 2 FUNDS FROM THE VIRGINIA COMPENSATION BOARD 3 4 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 6 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 7 8 1. That $430,314 in state reimbursements from the Virginia Compensation 9 Board is hereby accepted and appropriated to the Clerk of the Circuit Court's 10 FY 2008-09 Technology Trust Fund. 11 12 2. That state revenues are increased accordingly. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the ,2008. day Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: J)~~.~ Management Services APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFF NCY: CA 10938 R-2 November 19, 2008 I I II ~~fi~ ~'~~.~.~:"J ~"~"_. ...."" /;.:..r 'J .-.0 \9" ,,'.t:t . \1'.~ ~~\~' 'g~~ 'i,\........ Jt~:.>1 '{~~~;~Q.:;~.l ...................... CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The Citizen Corps Council (CCC) and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs were established in the summer of 2002 as part of the Homeland Security initiative. The local CCC is a committee supporting the CERT project, the Medical Reserve Corps and the Neighborhood Watch program. These projects utilize volunteers as their primary workforces and interact with various City departments. The CERT utilizes local volunteers to support community emergency preparedness efforts and provide basic emergency intervention. The use of CERT volunteers during Hurricane Isabel in September of 2003 was widely applauded as an effective extension of City services. CERT volunteers offer residents assistance to prepare for and deal with the effects of a disaster. The ongoing disasters created by Hurricane Katrina and Rita are visible examples of events that utilize extensive CERT resources. . Considerations: This grant is awarded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security via the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. This grant provides funding to continue the Virginia Beach CCC and CERT programs for a sixth year. The two focus areas of this grant in the sixth year of operation will be: 1. the maintenance of the CERT program, which includes training of an additional 100+ volunteers and maintaining the certification of the existing 500+ volunteers; and 2. continued development of the CCC including establishment of a Speaker's Bureau to keep the message of emergency preparedness alive in the public, and to raise awareness in the business community as well as develop partners and resources. . Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal council agenda process. . Attachments: Ordinance and Grant Award Documents Recommended Action: Approve ordinance. Submitting Department/Agency: Fire Department City Manager:~ k .OBl'i1L 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE 2 FUNDS FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF 3 HOMELAND SECURITY 4 5 6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 7 VIRGINIA: 8 9 1) Funds are hereby accepted from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security 10 via the Virginia Department of Emergency Management in the amount of 11 $47,900 with estimated federal revenues increased accordingly. 12 13 2) Appropriations to the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Fire Department 14 to cover costs associated with the Citizen Corps Council and Community 15 Emergency Response Team programs are hereby increased by $47,900. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the ,2008. day Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all member of the City Council. Approved as to Content Approved as to Legal Sufficiency Management Services ~-- ity ey's Office B0~ CL ~~ CA 10935 R-2 November 17, 2008 II MICHAEL M CLINE State Coordinator COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department (~fEmergenc.v l\fanagement 1 050~ Trade Cour. Richmond. Virginia 23236-3713 (604) 897-65CC (TOO) 674-2417 FAX (804\ 897-6506 JANET L. CLEMENTS Deputy Coordinator BRETT A. BURDICK Deputy Coordinator October 29,2008 " -'" ~ '. Mr. James K. Spore City Manager Virginia Beach City Municipal Center, Building I Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Dear Mr. Spore: Weare pleased to inform you that the Virginia Beach City has been awarded funds in the amount of $47,900.00 from the 2007 State Homeland Security Program Grant, (CFDA # 97.073) from the National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and administered by the Commonwealth for the Citizens Preparedness Project. A revised budget will be required equal to the award amount. A copy of the budget forms can be found at: http://www.vacmcnrcncy.com/(!rants/CCP2007iFY07CCPItemizedBudg.et.xls Included in this package of particular importance is the Certification of Compliance, and Special Conditions, for your signature. It certifies you have read and understand Federal and State terms and conditions associated with accepting the grant. These forms and any others listed on the Certification of Compliance not included with your initial grant application need to be sent in within 30 days. No requests for funds will be processed until all forms and the revised budget is received by VDEM. The Commonwealth will send grant funds to a sub-grantee on a reimbursement basis for allowable expenditures. To request funds, use the attached "Request for Funds" form. This form can also be found at: http://ww\v.vaemcr!l.cncv.comigrams/forms/RcqucstforFundsProicctExpenditurc 1\1 EW .xls. You are required to attach invoices that reflect your spending plan (revised budget). The end of the program period is June 30, 2010, for obligation purposes and September 30, 20 I 0, to complete expenditures and finalize the close out reporting process. During this program period, all subgrantees are required to submit quarterly progress reports. This form can be found at http://www.vaemen!cncv.com/grants/fomls/Progress Report.doc. "Working to Protect People. Prope"~I' ami Our Communitie.\'" Mr. Spore Page 2 October 29,2008 Grant recipients will be monitored periodically by VDEM and/or NPD to ensure that the program goals, objectives, timelines, budgets, and other related program criteria are being met. Monitoring will be accomplished through a combination of office-based and on-site monitoring visits. Monitoring will involve the review and analysis of the financial, programmatic and administrative as well as other issues relative to each program, and will identify areas where technical assistance and other support may be needed. Subgrantees may be required to submit a special progress report in addition to the quarterly reports if the Commonwealth deems necessary. This award is subject to all administrative and financial requirements, including the timely submission of all financial/programmatic r~ports and adhering to the Special Conditions. Should you not adhere to these requirements, you will be in violation ofthe terms of this agreement and the award will be subject to termination and reallocated. If you have any questions regarding this award, please contact the VDEM grant specialist for your region at (804) 897-6500. Sincerely, /1?~ ;11c~ Michael M. Cline c: The Honorable Robert P. Crouch, Jr., Assistant to the Governor for Commonwealth Preparedness The Honorable John Marshall, Secretary of Public Safety Ms. Janet Clements, Chief Deputy State Coordinator for Emergency Management Mr. Brett Burdick, Deputy State Coordinator for Administration Mrs. Susan Mongold, Grants Coordinator Ms. Cheryl Adkins, Grant Manager Attachments MMC/ms "Workinx to Protect People, Pmper~I' amI Our Communities" II October 29,2008 FISCAL YEAR 2007 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM GRANT SUB GRANT A WARD & CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Subgramee: Virginia Beach City Citizen Preparedness As the duly authorized representative of the above listed organization, I hereby accept the subgrant award and certify that I have read and understand the terms and conditions presented in the following documents: FY 2007 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM GRANT: http://www .oip.usdoj.gov/odp/docs/fv07 hS2P 2uidance.pdf Special Conditions Non-Supplanting Certification Grant Assurances Certification Regarding Lobbying VDEM Grant Application Print Name Print Title Signature Date SPECIAL CONDITIONS I. The recipient agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Office of Grants and Training. 2. The recipient agrees that federal funds under this award will be used to supplement, but not supplant, state or local funds for homeland security preparedness. 3. The recipients agrees that the use of funds under this grant will be in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidelines and must support the goals and objectives included in the State Homeland Security Strategy. 4. The recipient must submit a Quarterly Progress Report. Failure to provide this information may result in VDEM withholding grant funds from further obligation and expenditure. 5. The recipient agrees that all publications created with funding under this grant shall prominently contain the following statement: "This Document was prepared under a grant from the Office of Grants & Training (G&T), United States Department of Homeland Security. Points of view or opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of G&T or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security". 6. The recipient agrees that, when practicable, any equipment purchased with grant funding shall be prominently marked as follows: "Purchased with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security." 7, The recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluation efforts, or information or data collection requests, inc1uding, but limited to, the provision of any information required for the assessment or evaluation of any activities within this project. 8. Approval of this award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess of$450.00 per day. A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by G&T prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds. 9. Drawdown of Funds: Subrecipients may elect to drawdown funds up to 120 days prior to expenditure/disbursement. However, the Commonwealth strongly encourages recipients to drawdown funds as close to expenditure as possible to avoid accruing interest. Funds received by sub recipients must be placed in a interest-bearing account and are subject to the rules outlined in the Uniform Rule 6 CFR part 9, New Restrictions on Lobbying, and the Uniform Rule 28 CFR Part 70, Uniform Administrative Requirement for Grants and Agreements (Including Subawards) with Institutions ofIligher Education, Hospitals and other Non-profit Organizations, at http://www.!!poaccess.!!OV/Cfr'index.htllll. These guidelines state that sub recipients are required to promptly, but at least quarterly, remit interest earned on advances to: United States Department of Health and Human Services Division of Payments Management Services PO Box 6021 Rockville, MD 20852 Copies of all remittances must be sent to VDEM. Subrecipients may keep interest amounts up to $100 per year for administrative expenses for all federal grants combined. Subrecipients are subject to the interest requirements of the Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA) and its implementing regulations at 31 CFR Part 205. Interest under CMIA will accrue from the time federal funds are credited to the account until the time the funds are paid. Name Initials (Entity) ,. \... ~#r;I'~~'\ J~~",,-.. ;J ... ~~.; 'i:..~9 ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM " ~ ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate Funds from the U.S. Department of Justice to the FY 2008-09 Sheriff Special Revenue Fund MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is a federally funded program, under the direction of the U.S. Department of Justice/Homeland Security, that provides compensation to states and localities when a facility has held undocumented criminal aliens with at least one felony or two misdemeanor convictions, and who have been held for at least four consecutive days during the reporting period. The Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office applied for reimbursement for holding these inmates meeting the criteria, and has been notified the amount awarded is $48,427. . Considerations: When completing the process to accept the SCAAP award, the U.S. Department of Justice/Homeland Security requires the locality to identify how the funds will be spent. After the Sheriff's Office reviewed their list, it was determined to utilize the funds for the purchase of enhanced technology for inmate/offender management. . Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal agenda process. . Recommendations: It is requested City Council appropriate $48,427 to the Sheriff's Office FY 2008-09 budget and increase revenue from the Federal Government. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting DepartmentlAge~cy: Departme~t of Sheriff and Corrections City Manager:~\ ll, ~~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM 2 THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO THE FY 3 2008-09 SHERIFF SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 4 5 6 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 7 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 8 9 1. That $48,427 in revenue from the U.S. Department of Justice for the State 10 Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) is hereby appropriated in the FY 2008-09 11 Sheriff Special Revenue Fund. 12 13 2. That estimated revenue in the FY 2008-09 Sheriff Special Revenue Fund 14 is hereby increased accordingly. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ,2008. day Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: f:2 Q:V)Q. ~~ Management Services I ~~;6ffice CA 10936 R-2 November 19,2008 i I I II K. PLANNING 1. Petition of JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE for a Variance to g4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re a new single family dwelling at Hope Avenue and Beach Town Road. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 2. Application of5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, L.L.c. for a Conditional Use Permit for construction of a two-story building re motor vehicle sales and rental business at 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 3. Application of KAREN PARKER for a Conditional Use Permit re home Daycare in a residence at 5516 Gosling Court. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMMENDATION APPRO V AL 4. Application of COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. for a Conditional Use Permit re allow two (2) floors of a mix-used building at Town Center (currently under construction) to be used as a college at 4500 Main Street. DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 5. Application of RICHMOND 20 MHZ, LLC d/b/a NTELOS, for a Conditional Use Permit re communication tower at 4221 Pleasant Valley Road. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE REcOMMENDA TION APPROV AL 6. Application of 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC (Virginia Beach Christian Life Center) for a Modification of Conditions re expansion of the existing parking lot (approved by City Council on October 14,2003) at 1000 North Great Neck Road. DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 7. Application of JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC., t/a PEMBROKE SUZUKI for a Modification of Conditions re auto sales and service expansion, refurbishing and exterior painting ofthe existing building and signage (approved by City Council on July 13, 1999 and August 14,2001) at 4753 Virginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDA TION APPROV AL 8. Application of NEAL REED for a Modification of Conditions re construction of a convenience store at 798 Lynnhaven Parkway. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL 9. Applications of the City of Virginia Beach: a. Ordinance to AMEND the Comprehensive Plan and ADOPT/ADD the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an Appendix. RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL b. Ordinance to AMEND g211 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re certain temporary signs in all Zoning Districts. RECOMMENDATION APPROV AL c. Ordinance to AMEND g203 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re parking requirements in B-3 A (Pembroke Central Business Core District) and B-4C (Central Business Mixed Use District). RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL d. Ordinance to AMEND g4.1 of Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations, re DELETION of minimum right-of-way width and minimum paved width for minor Subdivision streets (deferred from November 25,2008) REcOMMENDA TION APPROV AL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Virginia Beach City Council will meet in the Chamber at City Hall, Municipal Center, 2401 Courthouse Drive, Tuesday, December 2, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. The following applications will be heard: PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT KAREN PARKER Application: Conditional Use Permit. daycare, 5516 Gosling Court (GPIN 1468613490). AICUZ is Less than 65. KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Application: Conditional Use Permit. auto sales and service, 4753 Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPIN 1477350086). AICUZ is less than 65. RICHMOND 20 MHZ, LlC D/B/A/ NTElOS Application: Conditional Use Permit. communication tower, 4221 Pleasant Valley Road (GPIN 1475047711). AICUZ is less than 65. 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, L.L.C. Application: Conditional Use Permit. motor vehicle sales, rental and service, 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPINs 1467858606; 1467858524). AICUZ is Less than 65. L YNNHAVEN DISTRICT COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Application: Conditional Use Permit. public or private college or university, 4500 Main Street (GPIN 1477548898). AICUZ is less than 65. 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD, L.L.C. App/ication: Modification of Conditions. approved by City Council on October 14, 2003 (Virginia Beach Christian Life Center) to allow expansion of the existing parking lot, 1000 N. Great Neck Road (GPINs 2408137769; 2408148059). AICUZ is 65-75 dB. BEACH DISTRICT NEAL REED Application: Modification of Conditions. approved by City Council on Jul~ 12, 1982, 798 lynnhaven Parkway (GPIN 1496447507). AICUZ is Greater than 75. JOYCE lEE CRUMBLE Application: Subdivision Variance, Hope Avenue and Beach Town Road (GPIN 2417549492). AICUZ is Greater than 75 and APZ 2. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH Ordinance to amend Section 211 of the City Zoning Ordinance by allowing certain temporary signs in all zoning districts. Ordinance to adopt the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an Appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. Ordinance to amend Section 203 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to parking requirements in the S-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Ruth Hodges Fraser, MMC City Clerk Copies of the proposed ordinances, resolutions and amendments are on file and ma} be examined in the Department of Planning or online at httD:llwww.vbl!ov.com/oc For information call 385-4621. If you are physically disabled or visually Impaired and need assistance at thi~ meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303. JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Relevant Information: · Beach District · The applicant is requesting a Subdivision Variance to allow use of an existing parcel for a single-family dwelling. · The parcel was created by deed in 1980, and is thus not a legal lot for the purposes of the Subdivision Ordinance. · The lot does not meet the required lot width for the R-7.5 Residential District. Thus, a Subdivision must be obtained before the lot can be recorded and built on. · AICUZ is Greater than 75 and APZ 2. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent Agenda II &E~;r~.~~ 1[1. +)'7.) (<..I '. >, \\.. jI L:<~.~~fI ~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Subdivision Variance, south side of Hope Avenue at its intersection with Beach Town Road. BEACH DISTRICT MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The subject lot is currently undeveloped. The applicant proposes to construct a single-family dwelling according to the regulations in the R-7.5 Residential Districts. The Development Services Center recently reviewed a Single-Family Site Plan for the lot. During the review, it was determined that the lot was not a legally created parcel. The parcel was first recorded in Deed Book 2088, Page 501 on February 2, 1981, being conveyed to Marcos Chapunoff by deed from the Commonwealth of Virginia on December 5, 1980. Prior to the Commonwealth of Virginia obtaining the property, the owner was unknown. The City of Virginia Beach Subdivision Ordinance was adopted on June 22,1970. Before that date, a subdivision by deed was permitted within the old Town of Virginia Beach limits (the old Beach Borough). When the State obtained the property and sold it to Mr. Capunoff, the lot should have been reviewed and recorded by plat under the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. Thus, the lot is not a legally recorded lot and a subdivision variance is necessary as the lot does not meet required lot width for the R-7.5 Residential District. . Considerations: The existing lot has an area of approximately 13,205 square feet and a lot width of 53.92 feet. The lot requires a subdivision variance to lot width, as 75 feet of lot width is required in the R-7.5 Residential District. Evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials, does provide evidence of a hardship justifying the granting of a variance to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Commonwealth of Virginia sold this property to Marcos Chapunoff, and the property was not properly recorded according to the requirements of the City of Virginia Beach Subdivision Ordinance. The insufficient lot width is the result of past actions of which the applicant and current owner of the lot had no control. The request for the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and the character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected, as the site has existed since 1980 without issue. The request is not general or recurring in nature as to make reasonably practicable the formulation of general regulation to JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Page 2 of 2 be adopted as an amendment to the ordinance. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of the subdivision request to lot width with the following condition. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because evidence of a hardship is demonstrated, the proposal will not adversely affect the surrounding area, and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following condition: The property shall be configured substantially as shown on the submitted plat entitled "Preliminary Subdivision of Property of Joyce Lee Crumble", dated April 4, 2008 by Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, LTD. Said Plat has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Virginia Beach Planning Department. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department CityManager:~![ . {:jj0fJ"l. 'i I II JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Faith Christie / Leslie Bonilla REQUEST: Subdivision Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: Property located on the cul-de-sac at the end of Hope Avenue GPIN: 24175414920000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH SITE SIZE: 13,205 square feet SUMMARY OF REQUEST The proposed lot, zoned R-7.5 Residential, was recently reviewed by the Development Services Center as a Single-Family Site Plan. During the review, it was determined that the lot was not a legally created parcel. The parcel was first recorded in Deed Book 2088, Page 501 on February 2, 1981, as being the same property conveyed to Marcos Chapunoff by deed from the Commonwealth of Virginia on December 5, 1980. Prior to the Commonwealth of Virginia obtaining the property, the owner was unknown. The City of Virginia Beach Subdivision Ordinance was adopted on June 22, 1970. Before that date, a subdivision by deed was permitted within the old Town of Virginia Beach limits (the old Beach Borough). When the State obtained the property and sold it to Mr. Capunoff, the lot should have been reviewed and recorded by plat under the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. Thus, the lot is not a legally recorded lot and a subdivision variance is necessary as the lot does not meet required lot width for the R-7.5 Residential District. Existing Lot: The existing lot is approximately 13,205 square feet of area and has a lot width of 53.92 feet. The lot requires a subdivision variance to lot width, as 75 feet of lot width is required in the R-7.5 Residential District. The lot is currently undeveloped. The applicant proposes to construct a single-family dwelling according to the regulations in the R-7.5 Residential Districts. JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 1 Item LolA Lot Width in feet 75 53.92* Lot Area in square feet 10,000 13,205 *Variance required LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Undevelpoed lot SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Hope Avenue and Beach Town Road intersection; . Single-family dwellings / R-7.5 Residential District · Multi-family dwellings / A-18 Apartment District . Norfolk Avenue South: East: West: · Undeveloped property / R-7.5 Residential District · Single-family dwellings / R-7.5 Residential District NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no known significant environmental or cultural features on the site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of Greater than 75 dB Ldn and Accident Potential Zone 2 (APZ 2) surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES WATER & SEWER: The site will be required to' connect to City water and sewer. Section 9.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance states: No variance shall be authorized by the Council unless it finds that: A. Strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. B. The authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and the character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected. C. The problem involved is not of so general or recurring a nature as to make reasonably practicable the formulation of general regulations to be adopted as an amendment to the ordinance. D. The hardship is created by the physical character of the property, including dimensions and topography, or by other extraordinary situation or condition of such property, or by JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 2 I I II the use or development of property immediately adjacent thereto. Personal or self- inflicted hardship shall not be considered as grounds for the issuance of a variance. E. The hardship is created by the requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located at the time the variance is authorized whenever such variance pertains to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance incorporated by reference in this ordinance. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan Map identifies this site as being within the Resort Area. It is the City's policy to continue making progress toward revitalizing resort residential areas and support land uses and physical improvements that reinforce neighborhood quality, stability and character. Evaluation: Staff's evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials, does provide evidence of a hardship justifying the granting of a variance to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Commonwealth of Virginia sold this property to Marcos Chapunoff, and the property was not properly recorded according to the requirements of the City of Virginia Beach Subdivision Ordinance. The lot does not meet the required lot width of 75 feet for the R-7.5 Residential District and therefore requires a subdivision variance. The problem is the result of past actions of which the applicant and current owner of the lot had no control. The request for the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and the character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected, as the site has existed since 1980. The request is not general or recurring in nature as to make reasonably practicable the formulation of general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the ordinance. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of the subdivision request to lot width with the following condition. CONDITIONS The property shall be configured substantially as shown on the submitted plat entitled "Preliminary Subdivision of Property of Joyce Lee Crumble", dated April 4, 2008 by Gallup Surveyors & Engineers. LTD. Said Plat has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Virginia Beach Planning Department. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 3 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 4 I! ,,-,,6 ~~ . o.o~Q ~~ ~~v' ~f(",~~ ~ " 8- ~~~~ LOT A 13,2001,' SQ. FT. ~N'-.l41l::5i=84:W NOW OR FOflIlERLY IoIEL\1N C. 1oI00RE. JR. 0.8. 2J33 p, 1 Dl5 CPIN: 24' 7-84-0472 PARCEL A OoB, 2758 p, 260(1'1." l) GI'Ilf: 2417-$4-8411 z !i 't.~ ... NOW OR FOR!!OIIL Y LETICIA /,tENA 11.8, .. P. 3t O,B. ..,73 p, 1505 GPlIl: 2417-54-M51 HOPE A VENUE (30' 8( 50' R/W) (Il." 1I6 P. ,) ~ .J.EaEtL -0- IRON PIN ($[T) -0- e_lE lolONlJIIENT (SET) -e- IRON PIN (FOUND) ...- CONCRETE 1l000Il(fjT (I'OUND) NOTE: SEE SHEET 2 fOR C€RTlFlC"1ION "NO MlDI1ION"L NOTES. ~ 2 d ~I !II!i :0< sl"1 - 01 q, ::tl ~ O' 30' r"'w-_- THE UNDERSIGNED CERllfY TH" T THE SUIlCI\1SlON "5 IT A THIS 1'1." T CONrtJRlIS TO THE IoPPUCMIl.E REOUl." TIONS R TO THE SU8ONlSlON Of LAIID AIlO IS ,l.CCOROINOLY.tPPfl( 8Y SUCH APPROVAl.. THE UNDERSIGNED 00 NOT eERllFY I COARECTNESS OF M BOUNDARY. STAEtT OR OTHER UNE: ON THIS I'\..I\T. APPROVED: D"TE: PLAIININO OIREC'IOR. CITY or IllR01N.... ."CH. WlOlNI"- Il.PPRO\'!D: 0" TE: DIRECTOR Of PUBLIC WORKS. CITY Of 'IIROINlA BE"CH, Wi ~ \~ ~~ ~,~:\. \.fi~~ t~ ~"rt. cr.,,~~ ~~ ~\ 60' '0' , PROPOSED SUBDIVISION JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 5 DATE 8-12-08 DESCRIPTION ACTION Conditional Use Permit Cellular Tele hone Antenna Granted ZONING HISTORY JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 6 , , "I z o I I ~ U I I ~ ~ ~ ~ u ;;>: z o I I ~ lE ~ ~ i::J ~ ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) N/A 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiari or affiliated business entitj relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) N/A g] Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) N/A 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiari or affiliated business entitj relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) N/A KI Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes SubdIVision Vanance ApplicatIon Pagel0ofl1 RevIsed. 7tll106 JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 7 II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use. including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) , "Parent-subsidiary relationship. means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship. means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship,t hat exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities.. See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled publiC hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. ~ (?1,-.t- t-' I~ Joyce lee Crumble Print Name /i,,-,- ~. /~ .I-~ Joyce lee Crumble Print Name t.L-- Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Subdivision Variance Application Page 11 of 11 Revised 7/11t06 ~ o I I ~ U I I ~ ~ ea ~ u > Z o I I f:.I':} ~ ~ c:Q ;:::> f:.I':} JOYCE LEE CRUMBLE Agenda Item 13 Page 8 ~ 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, LLC CUP - Motor Vehicle Sales & Rentals Relevant Information: · Kempsville District · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow development of the site for a 6,500 square foot, two-story building to operate a motor vehicles sales and rental business. · The applicant will construct a two-story building with a 3,250 square foot footprint at the southeast corner of the site. The first floor showroom and the second floor offices make up the proposed 6,500 square foot building. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent agenda " 1 101 ~~:'1 ;.:"~'" ...~~ r~/.l- . "~' 0.. "'l~' f": ' ,. 'l., ~U\ 's:, .~ . - <" .~J '~':" .Nt "{4,....~.~ ...~ \.~"'..;.::~"..,..., CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, L.L.C. Conditional Use Permit, motor vehicle sales, rental and service, 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard. KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow redevelopment of the site for a 6,500 square foot, two-story building to operate a motor vehicles sales and rental business. The site currently consists of a parking lot and deteriorating building of a former business. The site plan shows a two-story building with a 3,250 square foot footprint proposed at the southeast corner of the site. The first floor showroom and the second floor offices make up the proposed 6,500 square foot building. Twenty parking spaces are proposed within the new parking lot. There is an existing entrance along Virginia Beach Boulevard that will remain for ingress-egress. In addition, there are two (2) existing entrance points on Jersey Avenue that the site plan depicts as remaining open. The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being within the West Pembroke Area of Strategic Growth Area 4. The land use policies of this area recognize that "many of these properties have greater, long-term potential to be transformed from a land use pattern that is predominantly low intensity commercial and industrial to one that achieves a compatible mix of urban land uses and higher economic investment potential than exists today. Proposed uses within the West Pembroke Area should include a vertical mix of mid to high-rise residential uses and a variety of compatible, higher value non-residential uses including office, retail, publicly accessible, urban open space, entertainment, educational, institutional and other similar urban activities." . Considerations: This request is an upgrade to a vacant lot that has fallen in to disrepair for some time. The deteriorating building on the site is slated for removal and will be replaced with a building of quality, contemporary design. The unique shape of the lot requires the single building, with both the sales and service facilities, to be approximately 55 feet from Virginia Beach Boulevard and over 80 feet from the actual edge of pavement. There is sufficient parking to meet the ordinance 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, L.L.C. Page 2 of 3 requirements for the proposed uses. Staff believes the proposal will not negatively impact surrounding properties, and, therefore, recommends approval of the request subject to the conditions below. The proposed building elevation depicts a two-story building with gray exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS) as the prominent exterior material. Corrugated steel architectural accents and red EIFS accents add to the architectural interest of the design. The front elevation is proposed with one (1) entrance leading directly into the showroom. Both the front and west faGades consist of a predominance of glass to provide light and visibility into the showroom. A red fabric awning, matching the red EIFS accent, is proposed above the service door. The sales and repair facility is compatible with the surrounding uses and current character of this area, which includes other auto related business, warehouse uses, and recreational vehicle sales. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposal will redevelop a distressed property located on the city's main thoroughfare, the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. Right-of-way improvements along Jersey Avenue shall be constructed as deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works and the Department of Planning and shall include, but are not limited to, pavement widening, curb and gutter, drainage, and street lighting. 2. Where streetscape landscaping does not exist along Virginia Beach Boulevard, it shall be installed along northern edge of the proposed parking lot, as described in the Landscaping Guide, City of Virginia Beach, December 2002. The existing and proposed streetscape landscaping shall be depicted on the final site plan. 3. When the property is developed it shall be in substantial conformance with the plan entitled, "Conceptual Site Plan of Lots 7 & 8, Block 26, Parcel- A, Euclid Place," prepared by WPL, dated 08/29/08 which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 4. The building on the property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the elevation entitled, "Proposed Building, 5073 " I II 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD, L.L.C. Page 3 of 3 Virginia Beach Boulevard," dated 08/28/08, prepared by Daugherty & Associates Architecture" which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 5. There shall be no storage of tires, merchandise, or debris of any kind outside of the building. 6. There shall be no outside audio speakers for any purpose. 7. All vehicle repairs shall take place inside the building. 8. No outside storage of vehicles in a state of obvious disrepair shall be permitted. If vehicles in this condition require storage, then such vehicles shall be stored within the building. 9. Vehicles for sale shall be located within the area designated for display within the paved parking lot. No vehicles shall be displayed on raised platforms, earthen berms, or any other structure designed to display a vehicle higher than the elevation of the main parking lot. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manage~} k ,~1rV""l. 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEV ARC, L.L.C. Agenda Item 9 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Carolyn A.K. Smith REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales and rentals ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: South side of Virginia Beach Boulevard, east of Witchduck Road, 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard GPIN: 14678586060000 14678585240000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: KEMPSVILLE SITE SIZE: 0.512 acre SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow development of the site for a 6,500 square foot, two-story building to operate a motor vehicles sales and rental business. The site plan shows a two-story building with a 3,250 square foot footprint proposed at the southeast corner of the site. The first floor showroom and the second floor offices make up the proposed 6,500 square foot building. Twenty parking spaces are proposed within the new parking lot. There is an existing entrance along Virginia Beach Boulevard that will remain for ingress-egress. In addition, there are two (2) existing entrance points on Jersey Avenue that the site plan depicts as remaining open. The proposed building elevation depicts a two-story building with gray exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS) as the prominent exterior material. Corrugated steel architectural accents and red EIFS accents add to the architectural interest of the design. The front elevation is proposed with one (1) entrance leading directly into the showroom. Both the front and west faCfades consist of a predominance of glass to provide light and visibility into the showroom. A red fabric awning, matching the red EIFS accent, is proposed above the service door. 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 1 i i 1,1 LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped vacant site, house SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Virginia Beach Boulevard, retail I B-2 Community Business District . RV sales & storage I B-2 Community Business District . Vacant City property I B-2 Community Business District . Jersey Avenue, motor vehicle sales I B-2 Community Business District South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The site is within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. There does not appear to be any significant environmental or cultural features on the site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Virginia Beach Boulevard in the vicinity of this application is considered an eight-lane divided major urban arterial. The MTP recommends a divided facility within the existing 150-foot wide right-of-way section. Jersey Avenue in the vicinity of this application is considered a two-lane undivided local street. This roadway is not within the Master Transportation Plan. No CIP projects are slated to impact the roadways surrounding this property. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Virginia Beach 40,288 ADT 34,940 ADT (Level of Existing Zoning L -282 Boulevard Service "C") - 64,260 ADT ADT 1 (Level of Service "E") Proposed Land Use 3 - 243 ADT 1 Average Dally Trips 2 as defined by typical commercial uses 3 as defined by 7,300 square feet of motor vehicle sales and rentals WATER: City water does not front the property, but it may be extended for connection purposes provided hydraulic analysis supports the potential demand. There is an existing 20-inch and a 16-inch City water main along Virginia Beach Boulevard. SEWER: This site is currently connected to City sanitary sewer. Analysis of Pump Station # 357 and the 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 2 sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. There is an existing eight-inch City gravity sanitary sewer main along Jersey Avenue. There is an existing eight-inch gravity sanitary sewer main approximately 80 feet east of the site along Virginia Beach Boulevard. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being within the West Pembroke Area of Strategic Growth Area 4. The land use policies of this area recognize that "many of these properties have greater, long-term potential to be transformed from a land use pattern that is predominantly low intensity commercial and industrial to one that achieves a compatible mix of urban land uses and higher economic investment potential than exists today. Proposed uses within the West Pembroke Area should include a vertical mix of mid to high-rise residential uses and a variety of compatible, higher value non-residential uses including office, retail, publicly accessible, urban open space, entertainment, educational, institutional and other similar urban activities." Evaluation: The sales and repair facility is compatible with the surrounding uses and current character of this area, which includes other auto related business, warehouse uses, and recreational vehicle sales. Staff views this request as an upgrade to a vacant lot that has fallen in to disrepair for some time. The deteriorating building on the site is slated for removal and will be replaced with a building of quality, contemporary design. The unique shape of the lot requires the single building, with both the sales and service facilities, to be approximately 55 feet from Virginia Beach Boulevard and over 80 feet from the actual edge of pavement. There is sufficient parking to meet the ordinance requirements for the proposed uses. Staff believes the proposal will not negatively impact surrounding properties, and, therefore, recommends approval of the request subject to the conditions below. It should be noted that Traffic Engineering Staff have indicated that the proposed entrance on Virginia Beach Boulevard will need to be reconstructed in order to meet the current City of Virginia Beach Public Works Specifications and Standards. This will include 15-foot minimum curb line radii on both sides of the entrance and a 3D-foot long minimum entrance throat, measured from the right-of-way line to the first internal parking aisle or parking space. Right-of-way improvements will likely be required along Jersey Avenue. These improvements include, but are not limited to, pavement widening, curb & gutter, drainage, and street lighting. CONDITIONS 1. Right-of-way improvements along Jersey Avenue shall be constructed as deemed necessary by the Department of Public Works and the Department of Planning and shall include, but are not limited to, pavement widening, curb and gutter, drainage, and street lighting. 2. Where streetscape landscaping does not exist along Virginia Beach Boulevard, it shall be installed along northern edge of the proposed parking lot, as described in the Landscaping Guide, City of 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 3 ,I I II Virginia Beach, December 2002. The existing and proposed streetscape landscaping shall be depicted on the final site plan. 3. When the property is developed it shall be in substantial conformance with the plan entitled, "Conceptual Site Plan of Lots 7 & 8, Block 26, Parcel- A, Euclid Place," prepared by WPL, dated 08/29/08 which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 4. The building on the property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the elevation entitled, "Proposed Building, 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard," dated 08/28/08, prepared by Daugherty & Associates Architecture" which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 5. There shall be no storage of tires, merchandise, or debris of any kind outside of the building. 6. There shall be no outside audio speakers for any purpose. 7. All vehicle repairs shall take place inside the building. 8. No outside storage of vehicles in a state of obvious disrepair shall be permitted. If vehicles in this condition require storage, then such vehicles shall be stored within the building. 9. Vehicles for sale shall be located within the area designated for display within the paved parking lot. No vehicles shall be displayed on raised platforms, earthen berms, or any other structure designed to display a vehicle higher than the elevation of the main parking lot. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 4 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 5 1.1 LOT AREA 22.301 SQUARE FEET OR 0.512 ACRES ZONING' B2 BUILDING OATA: . 1ST FLOOR SHOWROOM 3.25050 SQUARE FEET. (3,25050 / 900 = 4 SPACES) . 2ND FLOOR OFFICE 3,250.50 SQUARE FFET (3,250.50 / 270 = 13 SPACES) PARKING DATA: . REQUIREO: 17 . PROVIDED 18 ~ ~ S ... \2 .;;:. 20' unuTY EASEMENT ~:: (INST NO 2007081500111.].]40) :s ~ REMO~ ~- il: ,," N ~ ). "'--. . . .'., ~!::lg . ., ,I DY~~t""'G ~ -:-'_ , ~ ~ I .. t~-flA~_t: . ."'!:::""-- '.' ..' ~Cl ' , ~ : ',>" ""/,---::> ,C "'" ~: '. . ::--.-// <:;-><.-,' 'IYR', , ... ..___./ .,/ f /",-- /.,,:...~, " ,e \2 _ . .. ,/.r ..) ~ ~/., ,: ''''''_ ,_ t ',....,' ..::::::.. E. '-'... / '~'. ")1'.,-- : .,....... ;,-'-CR,Y." ..... . ,/.! '. 0......., '--~\ l,lVR- ; ..... lJA?LE r~ '.~ ......J I /'\t"" ".-' ~ S,.R. .......... ,~ CL'Re '< / o::tt.. 0 f"-...... .: ~~,\, " \ \ / ? ~c9. l.. ~ \ "'- EXIS1IN~ ',_ \ / _,__~ . [.,~ ~ I \. ASP~Al, 'PROPOSED / "&>'. '.,'A EV ,.~~ \'" I , CRfitJN[) Llyn --.-/ ' ~ '~" . ", '--""" ',~ ENTRANCE SICN Y:'Ni '. ---. . '--......,' ...... '" .. ""y ~'!;.O;:;;:D""''''''" ", ~)/;: ~~~/ -----..... " ' , ,-,,'1 ~ (,;--- , , p:,Tj / L{j-l'a " ',/ ~ PARCEL 3-A, ( 7~ \ ' I \ ~ \ L.' \ ,r " \ Ii', \ I ' , \ .. PROPOSED', ! I \ CONCRETE: " , \ WALK, \ I ~ ~ !'to " O. . .., . ~ ~ 8 II) 49,50' ~ ~ m I ~ ~~ ~ctc( ). ~~. ~ I Qj ~ ~ REMOVE: i:x 2S" /-VA~L' PROPOSED )'......' REMO~ 2-STY " EX 6' BUILDING /1''\1<;[, ('].250,50 SO FT) ./ \ REMO~ EX SHR',Jc lIt>.ji / LOT-7 49.50' LOT-B EX 30' t.x 10" TRFl . EX PROPOSED SITE PLAN 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 6 PROPOSED BUILDING FRONT ELEVATION - FACING VBBLVD 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 7 II ^-" -''^'" -' -~ ,/>. >-- 1:.: =- ;1:;: :>+- "",.,,-' S\ "'. >- f \ ,~,. )..m PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 8 CUP - Motor Vehicle Sales & Rentals 1 08/12/08 CUP - motor vehicle sales Granted 2 OS/23/06 Street Closure Granted 3 03/14/00 CUP - motor vehicle sales Granted 09/28/99 CUP - auto service Granted 4 06/09/92 CUP - recreational vehicles sales & Granted service ZONING HISTORY 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 9 II II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard, L.L.C,: George Loizou, Sole Member 2 List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entitl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1 List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees. partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Lope B. & Mercy B. Pile, husband and wife 2 List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiar/ or affiliated business entltl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) X Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization , 2 & See next page for footnotes Conditional Use Permll Application Page9ofl0 ReVised 911 12004 z o I I ~ C :) I I ~ ,::L.c ~ f--t ~ ~ ,::L.c ~ CI':j ;:::> .~ Z o I I f--t I I I~ Z o c :) 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 10 z o I I 5 ~ ~ ~ 8: ~ ;:::J ~ <:> I . E--t . . Q Z <:> u .... "" DISCLOSURE STATEMENTl ~ ADDmONAl DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will pmvlde services with respect to the requested property use. Including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial servlces. accounting services and legal services: (Attach list tf necessary) Sykes, Bourdon, Ahern & Levy, P.C. WPL 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means MS relationship that exists when one corporation directly or Indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code S 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship. means "s relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one bw.lness entity has a controlling ownel'8hlp Interest In the other business entity, (II) a controlling owner In one entity 18 also a controlling owner In the other entity, or (Iii) there Is shared management Dr control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship Include that the same person or substantially the same person own Dr manage the two entitles; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise shere activities. resources or personnel on 8 regular basis; or there Is otherwise a close woridng relationship between the enttties." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code g 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the InforTll8tion contained hemin Is true end eccurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for publiC hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the 8ubject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the Inst ckage. 5073 Vi la 8 Boulevard, L.L.C. By: p1lcanf Big . , ~~'- J Propert:~~$~s,::ej~~ en ~i~renl ~n ~~Pll~nt) George Loizou, Member Print Name Lope B. Pile Mercy B. Pile Print Name Condlllonlll Use Pemlll AppHc:a1lon ~ 100110 R...-tled 1lI1r.!004 m-~ SOOISOD d BiN ..eJ~ IIldSO:SO 10-11-10 5073 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. Agenda Item 9 Page 11 II Item #9 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard, L.L.C. Conditional Use Permit 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard 274 Jersey Avenue District 2 Kempsville November 12,2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 9. An application of 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard, L.L.c. for a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales, rental and service on property located at 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard, District 2, Kempsville, with nine conditions. Eddie Bourdon: Mr. Vice Chair and Madam Chair. I'm Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attorney representing the applicant. All of the nine conditions recommended in the staff evaluation are acceptable to my client and appreciate being placed on the consent agenda at this time. Joseph Strange: Thank you Eddie. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Henry Livas to review this item. Henry Livas: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for development of the site for a 6,500 square foot, two-story building to operate a motor vehicle sales and rental business. The first floor showroom and the second floor office make up the proposed 6,500 square foot building. The proposed building elevation depicts a two-story building with gray exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS) as the prominent exterior material. The sales and repair facility is compatible with the surrounding uses and current character of this area, which includes numerous other auto related businesses. The deteriorating building on the site is slated for removal and will be replaced with a building of quality, contemporary design. There is sufficient parking to meet the requirements of the proposed uses. Therefore, we recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit and placed it on the consent agenda. Joseph Strange: Thank you Henry. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 9. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE Item #9 5073 Virginia Beach Boulevard, L.L.c. Page 2 KA TSIAS KNIGHT LIV AS REDMOND RUSSO STRANGE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 9. ABSENT KAREN PARKER Map~ M..p Not to Sc"l.. Karen Parker ~ 1:1/7;, ~ 'W R-7.5 ~~2B ~~ p ~ !::',\~'l"'~~" CJ' ~~ - 1l'L Q ~ ~~ B V~~~ .~ ~C ~ 0 ~!~~~~ ~~i~~~ '; o R- ('l '>i~/~~~ <t ~ ,,~ I:- 60 s 11/ ~ ~~~ ~~ IL:hi. ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 OJ, is 5 I~ ~ ~~~~ L4& ~~I~:r; V r;;:;,,) ~o~illI ~ 'I: """..... '" ~ ~"'-- "f::j !) J'j I ~,.; l.o../ 1IlI-'1 l./~ R"~ rIJ U ~ ~:t.-4! ~/J ~ ~ 1:> ~~ II: '1J.,lfY). ~ ~ "- ~ 0 "5 <l ~'gj/; ~ ~{~~ ~ ~~~ < 7 w~.. ' .~ ~~~~~I lC~l ,,\ ~ r;~f ~ ~ ~~uQ ~ ~~~~ k'~~~ '/. ~j%~/! ~ ~r"^, ~ ~"I. ~--'( ~:J.lil~~~ V %~ /, ~ Ih r ~2A~n '7t~ r~J....7"'~~ cUP - Home Occupation - Daycare 5516 Cosling Court Relevant Information: · Bayside District · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a home daycare at her residence. · The applicant has been licensed for a maximum capacity of twelve (12) children ranging in age from infants to twelve (12) years of age. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent agenda i 1 ~..,....~~ $~.\ ~# CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: KAREN PARKER Conditional Use Permit, daycare, 5516 Gosling Court (GPIN 1468613490). AICUZ is Less than 65. PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a home daycare at her residence. The home is a single-family dwelling with a fenced-in backyard for free-play and a converted garage for the children's daily indoor routines and activities. . Considerations: The applicant has been a state licensed daycare provider since 1999. The applicant is licensed for a maximum capacity of twelve (12) children ranging in age from infants to twelve (12) years of age. The hours for the home daycare are 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is currently one qualified assistant available. The proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for the Primary Residential Area. The Plan policies support low intensity uses and activities located in this area that fulfill a legitimate public need for the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant has been providing limited daycare without complaint from surrounding residents for nine years and under the regulations of the Virginia Department of Social Services to help ensure the safety of children cared for. This requested in-home child daycare use does not appear to impose any negative impacts on this neighborhood that would change or compromise its character and quality. The home and the outdoor area meet.the requirements of the Department of Social Services. The site is located oh a cul-de-sac, which lessens the potential for traffic disruptions that sometimes occur with child drop-off and pick-up when the home daycare is located on a through street. It is not anticipated that the home daycare on this site will adversely impact any surrounding properties, and, therefore, it is recommended for approval subject to the following conditions The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the applicant has been providing daycare for several years without complaint, the KAREN PARKER Page 2 of 2 applicant is licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services, and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The home daycare shall be limited to a total of twelve (12) children other than children living in the home. There shall be no more than five (5) children under the age of 2% in the home at one time, as required by the Department of Social Services. 2. A fence, to be maintained in good condition at all times, shall enclose the outdoor play area and the fence shall satisfy the requirement of the Department of Social Services. 3. No signs advertising the home daycare shall be permitted on the lot or any building on the lot at any time. 4. The applicant shall be licensed with the Commonwealth of Virginia. Failure to maintain said license in good standing shall result in revocation of this Use Permit. 5. The applicant shall receive a Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed use from the Building Official for the home daycare/residential use. 6. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Planning Department I Permits and Inspections Division. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager:~' k ,~Q('1 II KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Karen Prochilo REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for Home Occupation - Daycare ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located 5516 Gosling Court. GPIN: 1468613490000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 4 - SA YSIDE SITE SIZE: 5,001.99 square feet SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a home daycare at her residence. The applicant is a state licensed daycare provider since 1999. The applicant has been licensed for a maximum capacity of twelve (12) children ranging in age from infants to twelve (12) years of age. The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for a family daycare home to allow the applicant to care for twelve (12) children. The site is a single family dwelling with a fenced in backyard for free play and a converted garage for the children's daily indoor routines and activities. The hours for the home daycare are 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is currently one qualified assistant available. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Single family residential site SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: . Multi-family dwellings I A-12 Apartment District . Across Gosling Court are single-family dwellings I R-5S Residential District . Single-family dwellings I R-5S Residential District . Single-family dwellings I R-5S Residential District KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 1 NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The site is developed with a single-family dwelling, associated drive and residential landscaping. There are no known significant natural resources or cultural features associated with this site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Gosling Court in the vicinity of this application is considered a two-lane undivided local street. No Capital Improvement Program projects are slated for this area. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present I Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Gosling Court No existing traffic counts are Existing Land Use "L - 10 ADT available for this roadway. Proposed Land Use 3 - 54 ADT 5 AM Peak Hour Vehicles (entering) 5 PM Peak Hour Vehicles (entering) Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by single family residential 3 as defined by child care for 12 children WATER and SEWER: This site currently connects to City water and City sanitary sewer. POLICE: No Police Department comments at this time. FIRE: The applicant needs to seek approval from the Permits & Inspections Division of the Planning Department. No additional Fire Department comments at this time. SOCIAL SERVICES: The applicant has been licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services for nine (9) years for a capacity of twelve (12) children ages infants through 12 years. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request for a home daycare with the conditions below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: This site is part of the Primary Residential Area. The land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. The established type, size, KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 2 II and relationship of land use, both residential and non-residential, in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development. Evaluation: The proposal is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for the Primary Residential Area. The Plan policies support low intensity uses and activities located in this area that fulfill a legitimate public need for the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant has been providing limited daycare without complaint from surrounding residents for nine years and under the regulations of the Virginia Department of Social Services to help ensure the safety of children cared for. This requested in- home child daycare use does not appear to impose any negative impacts on this neighborhood that would change or compromise its character and quality. The home and the outdoor area meet the requirements of the Department of Social Services. The site is located on a cul-de-sac, which lessens the potential for traffic disruptions that sometimes occur with child drop-off and pick-up when the home daycare is located on a through street. It is not anticipated that the home daycare on this site will adversely impact any surrounding properties, and. therefore, it is recommended for approval subject to the following conditions CONDITIONS 1. The home daycare shall be limited to a total of twelve (12) children other than children living in the home. There shall be no more than five (5) children under the age of 2% in the home at one time, as required by the Department of Social Services. 2. A fence, to be maintained in good condition at all times, shall enclose the outdoor play area and the fence shall satisfy the requirement of the Department of Social Services. 3. No signs advertising the home daycare shall be permitted on the lot or any building on the lot at any time. 4. The applicant shall be licensed with the Commonwealth of Virginia. Failure to maintain said license in good standing shall result in revocation of this Use Permit. 5. The applicant shall receive a Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed use from the Building Official for the home daycarelresidential use. 6. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Planning Department / Permits and Inspections Division. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 3 ~ t',,~1 ,.. , ~r:! :'r!~ I :~"'~~,,,':'~. ~~~, "~x~~ t~,-i.:.}, ',>:, ' ''''-, "', f:j ,r" '!t... <b $, .- ~" lr "~ ~, R:;, ~' ~ , ... fA: AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 4 Ii I N/F I SUBDIVISION OF L YNBROOK LANDiNG, SECTION 3-A . 1 (M.B. 168. PG. 39) I I r ~O~_~1~__12 ~ ~S 62'50~::~:SE:O'16~' TREE (\\. . (TYP.) 7 w 6 fir-.. ~9.o303 .' 10 :ri>1t) It) 2.00' 20.2 . ~ ""l - rri QJ rri QJ l.J I 10.5' t ~I 01 P r-.. t'oj 2: 1l.J . 110 !l'l -g:- 5.7' ;... t'oj 2: r-.. 10 cO t'oj PROP-2ST-HOllSE (ON SLAB) Ff = 21.1 !O o 20.00' 0 8 228.76' TO rGOOSE CREEK- /. ROAD 19.2 19.4 f l I I I -~ - -GOSLING COURT- I I (50' R/W) I I \10,'1 1'1 ',. I ..' ~':I' 1 1.'\ I:' 'I ;! J'y ,:! J I 1.1 V. r..,.tIJ\~ (l'lll 1.1,'=L~ _ll --- " ] WAW/wcg SCALE: 1" = 20' 19 JUNE, 20003 00328o3_sitelot 7. dwg SHEET 1 OF J i f -f- I -. I SITE SURVEY KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 5 at I . _ ,,_ "",,,, 'K'V' ..."'..-. ""-,-, 'F-- -----"""""-;.';"'Mf>>>>>~",""""' . .. t, PHOTOGRAPH OF RESIDENCE KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 6 II Map D-6 Map Not to Scale Karen Parker ~~~ 1/1iJ~ ~R-1.5 ~~12" . ~ ~ ~OO.v ~)-"-.. is ~v............... ---,.~~ V\ / ~ C~ ~~ ~Jr:lJ~<V;~ ~ ~ ,~~ ~~ 0 · 16~~Qr-;~,. "~,~~/I( ~R-" ~ I .I'i~" ~ ~ ~f.. / o~~'.iJ: ~I 'i."/'- . K-~ v ~~~ n <o~ ~ ~ -0 .. R- ('l ~/~~~ ~<&..... ~ ~,~ '''''~~ re..O 5 LJ.' ~,.::,~ C1>r~ ~~~ r-., ~ " ~ r/:~, ~ ~f€j~=- -:-'/~fiij /1. '"' ~~~~. ~ '::::V 0 C!J ":l ~ l"l (L "'" " rr::, Y J" ...:. ~ tJ f'........ ~ 0~ 7j.pj, ~Q ~-,; ~ 1:: .;.... ~6? 0 B' In IV r1:. ~ ~ tJ [) I /.~ -0 """ ;. ,~ 'IIi ~f-r' m- IT .Fl< ".. /' ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 R~ f? ~.~ ;7f"-~ ~ ~J~/ 71, ~~ fjJ ~"- 5 I.J ~ 1/ ~'~~ ~~ ,,".5~~\/~ o ~l2.~ ~o ~~/i~ -/1,. ~~~~~~~~ "-.........0 9Sfl :/' ~ 0 >~~ ~~. ~ .J^'~~f:. ~A ~ _'W.. . ~A P J ~'i-A 7~1J~~ ~Vi -It ~I VL.~ /fL~ r~'1~~(5f:~~~~~~ ~ J 96 ~ 1/ ) {}) - . ~~rr~' 7" ~ r;li#F~ 7Yf./fl. ~ _c CUP - Home Occupation - Daycare 5516 Cosling Court 1 02/11/03 Sub-division Variance Granted 2 08/28/01 Conditional Rezonino from R-7.5 to R-5S Granted 3 04/13/87 Conditional Use Permit Granted 4 04/11/83 Conditional Rezonino from R-6 to A-1 Granted 5 07/06/81 Conditional Rezonino from R-6 to R-8 Granted ZONING HISTORY KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 7 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership. firm. business. or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members. trustees. partners. etc. below (Attach list jf necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entityl relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) ~ Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation. partnership. firm, business. or other unincorporated organization PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation. partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) , i\ f\'\ 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entityl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 2 & See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of th/city of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Condijional Use Pflfmit ApplicatIOn Page 9 of 10 RevIsed 7/312007 z o I I !;; t...:' I I .....::I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CI':J ;:::::J ~ o I I ~ I I c::::l Z o t...:' KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 8 II z <=> I I !:;3 U I I .....:r ~ ~ r-c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;::::> ~ R r-c I I ~ Z <=> u DISCLOSURE STATEMEN ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) , '\ '- I , "Parent-subsidiary relationshi p" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation," See State and Local Government Contlict of Interests Act. Va. Code 9 2.2-3101 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity. or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities, Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities. resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Contlict of Interests Act, Va, Code 9 2.2-3101 CERTIFICATION: I certify that the Information contained herein is true and accurate, I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing. I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Plannin ,to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. ~ ,u)D/t) K{}(lfl/-:tJrkftV Print Name I Print Name Property Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Conditional Use Permrt Application Page 100110 Revised 7/312007 KAREN PARKER Agenda Item 3 Page 9 COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 B-3 N GlNIA - RMCH BL YD. 019 Relevant Information: · Lynnhaven District · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of two floors of an existing building for a private college. · Anticipated enrollment will ultimately reach 516 students, and 42 staff will be employed. · The applicant does not anticipate more than 250 students and employees on-site at any given time. Adequate parking within Town Center is available for this use. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent Agenda II ~'^'~" .&~I'" .....7~, ~"...".. ..~, (I'''' if . \'~' 4"0 €., l~~ t\~ ::/ '1.::.... "'~!I ..;:,,"._~.:. ~:;';~':'.~-4-..l CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Conditional Use Permit, public or private college or university, 4500 Main Street. L YNNHAVEN DISTRICT MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of two floors of a mixed-use building as a college. The building is located within the Town Center development and is currently being constructed. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as being within the Strategic Growth Area 4. Mixed uses offering an efficient use of land resources, full use of urban services, detailed human-scale design and a compatible mix of uses are recommended for this area. For properties within Strategic Growth Areas, the Plan emphasizes".. .these areas are designated to absorb most of the city's future growth, both residential and non-residential and, as such, are planned for more intensive uses than most other areas of the city. Integrating, not separating, a diverse cluster of land uses result in a compact, yet compatible mix of uses. They include office, retail, service, hotel and where appropriate, residential uses," (page 57, Policy Document). . Considerations: The applicant proposes post-secondary and graduate educational or training programs consisting of associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees in culinary arts, industrial design, graphic arts, computer animation, and multimedia design. The hours of operation will be 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 11 :00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sundays. Anticipated enrollment will ultimately reach 516 students, and 42 staff will be employed. The applicant does not anticipate more than 250 students and employees on-site at any given time. Adequate parking within Town Center is available for this use. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area, which call for a full array of "urban services, [with a] detailed human- scale design and a compatible mix of uses." The addition of this educational facility to the Town Center area will complement surrounding existing and future uses, and will enhance the Town Center as a prominent activity center in the city and region. COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for Town Center, the proposal provides additional opportunities for citizens to continue lifelong learning, and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 with 1 abstention to approve this request. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manage~ l . ~~ II COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Agenda Item 11 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Faith Christie REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for a Public or Private College or University ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 4500 Main Street GPIN: 14775488980000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: LYNN HAVEN SITE SIZE: 38,463.48 square feet SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow two floors of a mixed-use building for a public or private college or university. The applicant proposes post-secondary and graduate educational or training programs consisting of associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees in culinary arts, industrial design, graphic arts, computer animation, and multimedia design. The hours of operation will be 7:00 a.m. _ 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 11 :00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Sundays. Anticipated enrollment will ultimately reach 516 students, and 42 staff will be employed. The applicant does not anticipate more than 250 students and employees on-site at any given time. Adequate parking within Town Center is available for this use. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: The site is Block 5 of the Town Center project. The block is opccupied by an office building, bank, hotel, and mixed-use building, which is currently under construction. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: . Virginia Beach Boulevard . Across the Boulevard is Pembroke Mall I B-3 Central Business District North: South: . Main Street COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 1 · Across Main Street is a surface parking lot I B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District East: . Constitution Drive · Across Constitution Drive are restaurants, retail, and movie theaters I B-3 Central Business District West: . Town Center Drive · Across Town Center Drive is Block 4 of the Town Center project - Armada Hoffler office building I B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no significant natural resources or cultural features associated with this site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of Less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Main Street in front of this application is a two-lane undivided local street. Constitution Drive adjacent to the site is a four-lane divided minor urban arterial. The Master Transportation Plan proposes a divided facility with bikeway within a 100-foot right-of-way. A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project is slated for this area. The Pembroke Area Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CIP 2-238) is ongoing and involves a transportation study for the Central Business District surrounding Town Center. This study will develop short-term, mid-term, and long-term alternatives for transportation needs in the area. As part of the short-term improvements, Constitution Drive Extended (CIP 2-208) is for the widening and new construction of a four-lane highway along Constitution Drive from the intersection of Columbus Street to Bonney Road. This project is currently under design and tentatively scheduled for construction starting February 2009. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Constitution Drive 6,793 ADT 22,800 ADT Existing Land Use :l - 426 ADT Proposed Land Use 3 - 1,228 ADT (88 AM Peak Hour; 31 PM Peak Hour) , Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by 38,716 square feet of office use 3as defined by college I university use with 516 students WATER and SEWER: The site is connected to City water and sewer. SCHOOLS: School population is not affected by the request. COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 2 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as being within the Strategic Growth Area 4. Mixed uses offering an efficient use of land resources, full use of urban services, detailed human-scale design and a compatible mix of uses are recommended for this area. For properties within Strategic Growth Areas, the Plan emphasizes "... these areas are designated to absorb most of the city's future growth, both residential and non-residential and, as such, are planned for more intensive uses than most other areas of the city. Integrating, not separating, a diverse cluster of land uses result in a compact, yet compatible mix of uses. They include office, retail, service, hotel and where appropriate, residential uses," (page 57, Policy Document). Evaluation: The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area, which call for a full array of "urban services, [with a] detailed human-scale design and a compatible mix of uses." The addition of this educational facility to the Town Center area will complement surrounding existing and future uses, and will enhance the Town Center as a prominent activity center in the city and region. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 3 , ,~ '" . " i ~.<t. .".. ,.'~~~.;';,:'Ij )\ .. ~\ '\ \;,.,;;;:< '1.. o \~,~.. .~' \, ' ,'~ " V\ ~~ r @ .:J"-'( . pO ,':,," old' . ~i 'J.f,- ...~. " tt, ~ ~,"': <'-;."". ,....~<' ,/",. \, ~ ;:tK """8' . \: ~~\ ' ~... \. ~'f, " __ i:~ , ,~:< .~ "".- AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION - - COLUMBUS ,OWER BLOCK frA2 Agenda \tem '\ '\ Page 4 II ----~1~1l1AlQ"'1.vooti1".." --- """"'=_, __...1 111llN;DN.o\tlOJ.U 13';Q"Mw,u...< tIlIClt'll: '1lVU1I.l'3':>WO 00j'~ [4=~ Silll~:JOM.L I AfVU .tLnW2 ~ :ifJ./. -L-....l~~ '<1 <Jj ';""S"'~:U. - ~~ -" ., :1 i~t :t sii il ~'f I .~S f~~ i'l' '. ~ 1\ , , 11 ~ '01' ~;, ...:.'!a 3 \Uii~ ~ ~f~S I J.;:"'~t, (/j~~~ I : l!'~ ! j~!i i i ~,h, , , , I ., , I I , , I , I I , , il_... j-_.__.._,---,-.~- --. -_._------------~-,_.--. .-.-- ""...... r.", ~ - ----I~---~ r1~,:r--'I; " II '-- --1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 5 PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 6 " I II 1 . 6/14/06 2. 3/11/03 9/24/02 3. 2/8/00 Conditional Use Permit Colle e Street Closure Conditional Use Permit Multi-famil dwellin s - 342 units Rezoning (B-3 Central Business to B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District) Street Closures 10/27/78; 12/15/75; 10/14/74; 7/22/74 Rezoning (B-3 Central Business to B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District A roved Approved A roved Approved A roved Approved 4. 10/10/00 ZONING HISTORY COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 7 z o I I ~ C ~ I I , , ~ ~ E--t ~ g: ~ ~ ;::::J ~ o I I E--t I I ~ Z o c :) DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, /partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) / ;' C9lumbus Tower Block 5-A2 Associates. LLC. I, Merob...r..' Colu'1lb"ll One, II C 8- BilUI...fje1d l1illociate.. One, l L C , Managers: louis S. Haddad, Anthony P. Nero and Gerald 5, Divaris 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entity2 / relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) / Armada Hoffler entities and numerous Town Center-related and other unrelated business entities are affiliated with the Applicant through its principals' Daniel A Hoffler, A Russell Kirk Louis S Haddad and Anthony P. Nero; and Divaris entities through its principal: Gerald S. Divaris 0 Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Conditional Use Permit Application Page 9 of 10 Revised 71312007 COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 8 I I II z o I I ~ U I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f:I:} ;:::> ~ o I I z o u DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) - / I /" Town Center Associates, L.L.C.;' Gilbane Building Co.; Burt, Hill; 'Armada/Hoffler Construction Company, IIOA Architects, faggel1 & frieden, r.c" CherT) Dekael1 & Ilolla"o, L.L.r. . 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va, Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate 1 understand that. upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of PI n in to phot ra h an.d view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. US 16~ 5 -A~ Asroc.;edesj L.t..C. I Anthony p, Nero Print Name..~~tK I,..OU.JS S. H(({ld""ol Print Name- ~~eY" Conditional Use Permit Application Page 10 of 10 RevIsed 7/312007 COLUMBUS TOWER BLOCK 5-A2 Agenda Item 11 Page 9 Item #11 Columbus Tower Block 5-A2 Associates, L.L.c. Conditional Use Permit 4500 Main Street District 5 Lynnhaven November 12,2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 11. An application of Columbus Tower Block 5-A2 . Associates, L.L.C. for a Conditional Use Permit for a public or private college or university on property located at 4500 Main Street, District 5, Lynnhaven, with no conditions. Mike Nichols: Good afternoon. My name is Mike Nichols. I represent the applicant. Obviously, since there are no conditions, we accept them. Joseph Strange: Thank you very much. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has Gene Crabtree to review this item. Eugene Crabtree: This is a new building that is going in at Town Center that sits right in front of Columbus One, behind the Hilton Garden Inn and across the street from the Planet Music store there, currently under construction. They propose to occupy two floors of this building as an institute of higher learning for doctorate degrees in culinary arts, industrial design, graphic arts, computer animation and multimedia design. They anticipate they may have 516 students enrolled with 42 staff, but not more than 250 people on-site any given time. Parking in Town Center is adequate to do this. This is in a site that is not restricted by the AIcUZ or noise zones surrounding NAS Oceana. It is a Strategic Growth Area, and it conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. In this area already, which include mixed uses such as retail, hotels, and appropriate residential uses. There are two institutes of higher learning in the area already that are operating and consequently since staffhad a favorable recommendation for this, we put it on the consent agenda. Joseph Strange: Thank you Gene. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 11. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. David Redmond: Madam Chairman? Janice Anderson: Yes. David Redmond: I should clarify that I will support all of the consent items with the exception of item 11, which I will abstain. I have a business conflict. Janice Anderson: Please note the abstention by Dave Redmond on item 11. i i Item #11 Columbus Tower Block 5-A2 Associates, L.L.C. Page 2 ANDERSON BERNAS CRABTREE HENLEY HORSLEY KA TSIAS KNIGHT LIVAS REDMOND RUSSO STRANGE AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 1 ABSENT 1 AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE ABSENT ADS Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-0, with the abstention so noted, the Board has approved item 11. RICHMOND 20 MHZ DBA NTELOS Map D-IO Mo ~ot to Scale Richmond 20MHZ dlb/a/NTELOS Relevant Information: · Centerville District · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communication tower. · Applicant proposes a 132 foot high, stealth, flagpole communications tower within the rear parking lot of an existing shopping center. · Antennas for up to three (3) carriers will be concealed within the flagpole. The ground equipment is proposed within a 20 foot by 40 foot fenced area behind the retail shops. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent agenda i Iii ~~.." .-t:'. ~t';:-'" .......~ ~, r,a-~t' ":t' (f\! . ... \~) (u . .5') C ~ j:j (~:.. ..-,.~.!t ~""~."""'~~,...Ji ~~.:r CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: RICHMOND 20 MHZ, LLC D/B/AI NTELOS, Conditional Use Permit, communication tower, 4221 Pleasant Valley Road. KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 132 foot high, stealth style (flagpole) communications tower within the rear parking lot of an existing shopping center. The antennas for up to three (3) carriers will be concealed within the flagpole. The ground equipment is proposed within a 20 foot by 40 foot fenced area behind the retail shops. . Considerations: The antennas for up to three (3) carriers will be concealed within the flagpole. It was the desire of the major tenant on the property that the tower be constructed for use as a flagpole. Staff was initially hesitant as a flag flying in the wind could possibly be disruptive to surrounding properties. The applicant was diligent in contacting property owners, and, as required by the Zoning Ordinance held a balloon test and conducted a public meeting at a nearby middle school. Over 60 residents and surrounding property owners were individually notified via mail; however, no opposition was expressed at either meeting. In addition, an FAA study was submitted indicating that the proposed tower will not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation. The primary objective for this tower is to improve service within business buildings and residential buildings and to increase network capacity in an area generally surrounding the Ferrell Parkway and Indian River Road intersection. There are no other communication towers within the applicant's search ring. The applicant is requesting as part of this Conditional Use Permit a modification to the screening and landscaping requirement, as the tower will be installed in an area that is currently pavement. Approximately four (4) parking spaces will be eliminated by locating the tower at the proposed location. There are sufficient parking spaces remaining, well in excess of what is required by Zoning Ordinance. In addition, a variance to the 50 foot setback is also requested as the tower's base will be approximately 43 feet from the property line, adjacent to the apartment buildings to the west. Both variance requests are acceptable, as the existing landscaping along the western property line serves as a good screen RICHMOND 20 MHZ, LLC D/B/A NTELOS Page 2 of 3 and will render the tower's base and equipment virtually unnoticeable by the adjacent apartment dwellers. Staff does recommend a condition that a minimum six (6) foot solid, privacy fence, without barbed wire, be installed surrounding the 800 square foot lease area. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposal meets the standards of the Zoning Ordinance for communications towers and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The communication tower shall be constructed as a stealth tower with internal antennas as substantially as shown on the site plans entitled, "Telecommunications Facility, Carriage Mill (NR-5433), 4221 Pleasant Valley Road," prepared by JMT, dated 06/22/08. This site plan has been exhibited to City Council and is on file with the Department of Planning. 2. The tower shall not exceed 132 feet in height (AGL). 3. As provided by Section 221 (i) of the City Zoning Ordinance, the setback requirement and the landscaping and screening requirements for the tower are modified to the minimum setback of 40 feet and screening shown on the plans referenced in Condition 1 above. 4. In the event interference with any City emergency communications facilities results from the use of this tower and antennas, the user(s) shall take all measures reasonably necessary to correct and eliminate the interference. If the interference cannot be eliminated within a reasonable time, the user shall immediately cease operation to the extent necessary to stop the interference. 5. As required by Section 232(i)(4) of the City Zoning Ordinance, should the antennas cease to be used for a period of more than one (1 ) year, the applicant shall remove the tower, antennas and related equipment from the property. 6. No signs indicating the location of this facility are allowed. 7. The lease area, as depicted on the survey entitled, "Telecommunications Facility, Carriage Mill (NR-5433), 4221 Pleasant Valley Road," prepared by JMT, dated 06/22/08, shall be surrounded by a solid fence, including the gate, with a minimum height of six (6) feet. Chain link or barbed wire II RICHMOND 20 MHZ, LLC D/B/A NTELOS Page 3 of 3 shall not be permitted. 8. A structural report stating that this design can indeed accommodate up to three (3) wireless carriers shall be submitted for review during the final site plan review process. Said report must be deemed acceptable prior to issuance of a building permit. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manage~ l \'ds~ RICHMOND 20MHZ, L.L.C. DBA NTELOS Agenda Item 6 November 12,2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Carolyn AK Smith REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for communication tower ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located at 4221 Pleasant Valley Road GPIN: 14750477110000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: CENTERVILLE SITE SIZE: 9.8 acres / 800 square feet of lease area SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 132 foot high, stealth, flagpole communications tower within the rear parking lot of an existing shopping center. The antennas for up to three (3) carriers will be concealed within the flagpole. The ground equipment is proposed within a 20 foot by 40 foot fenced area behind the retail shops. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION . Bridle Creek Boulevard, apartments / A-12 Apartment District . Lynnhaven Parkway, townhouses / A-12 Apartment District . Pleasant Valley Road, single-family dwellings / R-5D Residential District . Apartments / A-12 Apartment District EXISTING LAND USE: Shopping center SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: This site is within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. There are no significant environmental or cultural features on the site as it is developed as a shopping center and is almost entirely impervious RICHMOND 20 MHZ / NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 1 II AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The land use planning policies and principles established for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. The type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non- residential, in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development. Evaluation: The Conditional Use Permit to construct a 132-foot high, stealth, flagpole communications tower within the parking lot of an existing shopping center is recommended for approval. The antennas for up to three (3) carriers will be concealed within the flagpole. It was the desire of the major tenant on the property that the tower be constructed for use as a flagpole. Staff was initially hesitant as a flag flying in the wind could possibly be disruptive to surrounding properties. The applicant was diligent in contacting property owners and, as required by the Zoning Ordinance, held a balloon test and conducted a public meeting at a nearby middle school. Over 60 residents and surrounding property owners were individually notified via mail; however, no opposition was expressed at either meeting. In addition, an FAA study was submitted indicating that the proposed tower will not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation. The primary objective of siting this tower is to improve in-building service to business and residential buildings and to increase network capacity in an area generally surrounding the Ferrell Parkway and Indian River Road intersection. There are no other communication towers within the applicant's search ring. The applicant is requesting as part of this Conditional Use Permit a modification to the screening and landscaping requirement as the tower will be installed in an area that is currently pavement. Approximately, four (4) parking spaces will be eliminated by locating the tower at the proposed location. There are significant parking spaces remaining, well in excess of what is required by Zoning Ordinance. In addition, a variance to the 50 foot setback is also requested as the tower's base will be approximately 43 feet from the property line, adjacent to the apartment buildings to the west. Both variance requests are acceptable to Staff, as the existing landscaping along the western property line serves as a good screen and will render the tower's base and equipment virtually unnoticeable by the adjacent apartment dwellers. Staff does recommend a condition that a minimum six (6) foot solid, privacy fence, without barbed wire, be installed surrounding the 800 square foot lease area. RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 2 Information provided by the applicant indicates that the tower is almost 2 miles away from the nearest 200 foot wide buffer of a microwave path for an existing public safety communications site and is over 3 miles from the City's nearest emergency communication tower, both of which meet and surpass City standards. A non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) analysis and an RF Emissions Compliance Report were also submitted indicating that emissions do not exceed minimum ground level exposure at any point outside the facility and are within compliance with all regulatory agencies and standards. In addition, a structural report stating that this design can indeed accommodate up to three (3) wireless carriers was also submitted and accepted by City staff. Based on the discussion above, Staff recommends approval of the request, subject to the conditions below. CONDITIONS 1. The communication tower shall be constructed as a stealth tower with internal antennas as substantially as shown on the site plans entitled, "Telecommunications Facility, Carriage Mill (NR- 5433),4221 Pleasant Valley Road," prepared by JMT, dated 06/22/08. This site plan has been exhibited to City Council and is on file with the Department of Planning. 2. The tower shall not exceed 132 feet in height (AGL). 3. As provided by Section 221 (i) of the City Zoning Ordinance, the setback requirement and the landscaping and screening requirements for the tower are modified to the minimum setback of 40 feet and screening shown on the plans referenced in Condition 1 above. 4. In the event interference with any City emergency communications facilities results from the use of this tower and antennas, the user(s) shall take all measures reasonably necessary to correct and eliminate the interference. If the interference cannot be eliminated within a reasonable time, the user shall immediately cease operation to the extent necessary to stop the interference. 5. As required by Section 232(i)(4) of the City Zoning Ordinance, should the antennas cease to be used for a period of more than one (1) year, the applicant shall remove the tower, antennas and related equipment from the property. 6. No signs indicating the location of this faCility are allowed. 7. The lease area, as depicted on the survey entitled, "Telecommunications Facility, Carriage Mill (NR- 5433),4221 Pleasant Valley Road," prepared by JMT, dated 06/22/08, shall be surrounded by a solid fence, including the gate, with a minimum height of six (6) feet. Chain link or barbed wire shall not be permitted. 8. A structural report stating that this design can indeed accommodate up to three (3) wireless carriers shall be submitted for review during the final site plan review process. Said report must be deemed acceptable prior to issuance of a building permit. RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 3 NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 4 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION RICHMOND 20 MHZ! NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 5 '. ':J ; \ 1.1 I ii, l \.: \ \ \. 1 :~ j': \,:.\ ~i" <".!, i l r'LLI'JJ\~~.l';"'.-/ - ~..1~f<~::-<1 \, ...... ., 1\(.\\ ':. ~; \,i \\-' -. .- .; ;,' \ : ' \ \\ \ \- .. .. I L \' \ \ \ '~'\ \ '. /- I!i ~. 1--.-.\"...---- II. \ r' \' / ! _ ,i I - . '. ,.', -\~ ~_ ' 1.. \ '. 1 l- / ' !!z ! ' >- " :".'1" \"-. \ ~ ";. .. 1'\ \\\. ,., C~ , .. ! , .' I \:'- \. " ' .; " ! ".1' 11'\ \ ,~~ \ ,- ~I r::~ ~'\'. \\'~ ;~W-~\\I---'__' :; ;' L._''c. 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'l~ .~ ~t1~ 'It _\, ~ \a " ~t Ii h\t 1~ \. '-~.~\' . \---.~ ~:-\ r\ , \ \ I \ \ \ ~\ u \~ 6 l ~"",.. c\ ;\ 6" l\ '! __J\ -:::.:;:::..? --I 4'"\i: _ -t ,1 -'" ,,, -01 .. .. \ \ i l! l! \:. l' , \ , , -;, I \' ~\ i" I 'i ~ ill'i . _! i. 15 . ll'i \ l tl \ i ! \ \ lib t \h- \ ~ \..; \,,~ \ ~\I! ib \ t ! t I .,It I ,..l. .a'. ~ .. - · t.., l ~\' 'il' · ~ e ~ ' .. til'j \ \u 'in \ \ \ H\, \\\r~ \'" ~l\ 1 ~li ': \ ~ \ ~~ ~'ll1t ';' \1'. i ~~ \ i i i \\ ~ ;\,.ti \ hI! .. ~..j . 01 \... ~.. l. "it\ f.:i llll: \~I lIt, PROPOSEOSCREE~NG roC~MON020M~ZINiELC Agenda \terr pag4 Map D-IO Richmond 20MH2 d/b/a/NTELOS Ma~al:/, ~IG~ - ~~~,~~ ~(ti~w..~J~ v Oil r-::: _~'\ O!J '\l ~ ~'I~ <:; h~~ ~ l.i RQ;j ~ r- ~ ;!. :-~.-l\'~~ ~~""q 0_1_ ~d \--. '28.l~ -, t. ,~J\ \1............ Ar.M: ~: ~~ ""Yr ~~~o . a~l 4~tm~ ~~/~7DJ liiillii -- _ ~ ~ if=~ ~l! 1?18gUJD~_~~~'~J~~~ ~~~$~ ,F- n~c t' ~ el{.U\ ~. .,~~ ~ ~ ~)o ~ ~ Z .n! W .-:-~~ ~. .' ~t~~ 1J~r( ~..;r~ j ~ ~ d- :Ii it:= ~~\CJ ~, ~ ~ ~SeM: /-';~< ~ ~,~~, w.~ ~'b~ 8 ~ ~)~ " ~:.~ . >l~ ~p~4~Z~::-~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~V~<T.:~ 1\ .-.\..J'\.i\~ ~~ .. ~_____~~ .C111'll .J)~ 7':~oO\ ~<6'LX~\ ~'~k../ \ cUP for Communication Tower 1 01/14/97 CUP -church Granted 06/23/92 MOD - recreational facility Granted 11/26/91 CUP - recreational facility Granted 2 03/10/92 MOD - service station Granted 08/28/90 CUP -service station Granted 10/13/86 CUP -service station Granted ZONING HISTORY RICHMOND 20 MHZ / NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 9 I I I II I I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1, List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) S:: tf ~ett&J 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entiti relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Pleasant Valley Associates, LLC, a Virginia limited liability compan~; Sabrina Samantha Corp., a Florida corporation, Managing Member; Sam Spiegel, Presldent, -Simone <::;rip'JAL, .vir-I'> Prp<::inpnt 2 List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entiti relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) None. o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization, 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Conditional Use Permit Application Page 9 0110 Revised 7/312007 z <=> I I !< u I I ~ ~ ~ f-4 ~ g: ~ ~ ~ ~ <=> I . f-4 I I ~ Z <=> u RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 10 z o I I !< u I I ~ ~ ~ f--4 ~ g: ~ ~ ~ ~ o I I f--4 I I ~ Z o u ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT I ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Govemment Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in detennining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTlFICA nON: I certify that the information contained herein is true and acaJrate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph.BIld v~ the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. ~. ,.""-::'- . -- ./r}/ .<>'/ ./ " /<;,<~~-" / . >~/C~ Applicant's Signature J!4~ r: 6,La-- Print Name Sam Spiegel different than applicant) Print Name esident ha Corp., Managing Member Pleasant Valley Associates, LLC, a vi rg in i a 1i m it ed 1i a b i 1 i t Y compa n Y Conditional Use Pennit Application Page 10 of 10 Revised 7 I3/2007 RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 11 RICHMOND 20MHZ, l.l.C. Written Consent of Sol. Member In Lieu of Annual Meeting of Members June 1, 2007 The undersigned. being the sole member of RICHMOND 20M HZ, L.LC., a Virginia limited liability company (the .Company.), acting pursuant to Section 18.302 and 18-407 of the Delaware limited Liability Company Act, as amended, hereby adopts and approves the following resolution by written consent In lieu of an annual meeting of members, waiving all rights to notice thereof, whether statutory or otherwise: 1. ElectIon of Officers RESOLVED, that the following persons, whose names are set forth below, are hereby elected to the office set forth opposite their names, to serve In such office until the next annual meeting of the Board or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualifies: James S. Quarforth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Carl A. Rosberg President David A. Maccarelli ElCecutive Vice President Michael B. Moneymaker executive VICe President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary Senior VICe President Mary McDermott Robert L. McAvoy, Jr. Shirley J. Madison VIce President Assistant Secretary 2. RatJflcatlon: CounterDarta: Effective TIme RESOLVED. that each and all of the lawful acts of the officers of the Company carrying out and promoting the purposes, objects and Interests of the Company since the most recenf annual meeting of members of the Company be, and the same hereby are, approved. ratified and made the acts and deeds of the Company; and be It further RESOLVED, this Written Consent of Sole Member In Lieu of Annual Meeting of Members may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when taken together. shall be deemed for all purposes an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same Instrument; and be it further RESOLVED. that this Written Consent of Sole Member in Lieu of Annual Meeling of Members shall be effective as of the date first written above; and be it further RESOLVED, that Written Consent of Sole Member in Lieu of Annual Meeting of Members shall be placed with the minutes of the proceedings of the members of the Company. [Signatures appear on the following page.] DISCLOSURE STATEMENT RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, undersigned Sole Member has executed this Written Consent of Sole Manager in Lieu of Annual Meeting of Members as of the date first written above. VIRGINIA RSA 8 LLC By: NTELOS Communications Inc., lts Sole Member ,.,<<al- DISCLOSURE STATEMENT RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda item 6 Page 13 RICHMOND 20MHZ L.L.C. Written Consent of Sole Member In Lieu of Annual Meeting of Members June 1, 2007 The undersigned, being the sole member of RICHMOND 20MHZ LLC., a Virginia limited liability company (the "Comoanv"), acting pursuant to Section 18.302 and 18-407 of the Delaware Umlted LIability Company Act. as amended, hereby adopts and approves the following resolutions by written consent In lieu of an annual meeting of members, waiving all rights to notice thereof, whether statutory or otherwise: 1. Election of Manaaere RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby elected as managers of the Company, each to serve In such capaclty until the next annual meeting of members of the Company or until his or her successor is elected and qualifies: David R. Maccarelll Mary McDermott Michael B. Moneymaker James S. Quartorth Carl A. Rosberg 2. Ratlftcatlon: CoUm.'D8rt8: Effective Time RESOLVED, that each and all of the lawful resolUtions, acts and proceedings of the Board of Managers carrying out and promoting the purposes, objects and interest of the Company since the most recent annual meeting of the members of the Company be, and the same hereby are. approved. ralifled and made the acts and deeds of the Company; and be It further RESOLVED, that this Written Consent of Sole Member in Lieu of Annual Meeting of Members shall be effective as of the date first written above; and be It further RESOL VEO, that this Written Consent of Sole Member In LIeu of Annual Meeting of Members shall be placed with the minutes of the proceedings of the members of the Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. undersigned Sole Member of the Company has executed this Written Consent of Sole Member in lieu of Annual Meeting of Members as of the date first written above. VIRGINIA RSA 8 LLC By: NTELOS Communications Inc., ifs Sole Member aar ~es S. Quarforth ChtifSeeft>bE STATEMENT RICHMOND 20 MHZ I NTELOS Agenda Item 6 Page 14 Item #6 Richmond 20MHz, L.L.c. d/b/a NTelos Conditional Use Permit 4221 Pleasant Valley Road District 1 Centerville November 12, 2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 6. An application of Richmond 20 MHz, L.L.c., d/b/a Nte10s for a Conditional Use Permit for a communication tower on property at 4221 Pleasant Valley Road, District 2, centerville, with eight conditions. Glenn Hampton: Good afternoon. My name is Glenn Hampton. My business address is 501 Independence Parkway, Chesapeake. I'm here as an agent representing Nte10s. We have reviewed the staff report, and all the conditions are acceptable to them. Joseph Strange: Okay. Thank you. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chairman has asked Phil Russo to review this item. Philip Russo: This is applicant for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 132 foot high, stealth, flagpole communications tower at the rear of a parking lot in an existing shopping center on 4221 Pleasant Valley Road. The antenna will carry three (3) carriers and the antenna will be concealed within the flagpole. The primary objective of siting of this tower in the area is to improve the in-building services to business and residential buildings and to increase the network capacity in an area generally surrounding the Ferrell Parkway and Indian River Road intersections. There are no other communication towers within the applicant's search ring. Approximately four (4) parking spaces of the parking lot will be eliminated, however, there are significant parking spaces remaining, well in excess of what is required by the Zoning Ordinance. Based on the staff recommendation and approval of the request, the Commission recommended that this be placed on the consent agenda. Joseph Strange: Thank you Phil. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 6. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS ABSENT I I II Item #6 Richmond 20MHz, L.L.C. d/b/a NTe10s Page 2 KNIGHT AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 6. i I Ii I I - 39- Item V-K.4. PLANNING ITEM # 51801 (Continued) 5 The applIcant shall submit a photometric lzghtzngplan zndlcatzng the number and types of lzghtzng as part of the formal site plan submIssIOn for revIew by the PolIce Department to determzne consIstency wIth Crime PreventIOn through Environmental DesIgn (CPTED) prznclples and practIces All fixtures shall be of an appropriate heIght and desIgn so as to prevent any direct reflectIOn or glare towards adjacent uses and CIty streets Llghtzng should be directed down at the ground and not hOrizontally or up m the air 6 The recreatIOnal fields shall be gatedfrom sundown to sunrise There shall be no lzghtmg of the recreatIOnal fields There shall be no roadway mstalled along the edge of the recreatlOnalfields The recreatlOnalfields shall not be usedfor overflow parkmgfor any events assocIated with the church 7 The eXlstmg stormwater management faclilty shall be cleared of trash and debris durmg the Phase / constructIOn, and Category / screemng shall be znstalled on the top of bank, on the western sIde of the facllzty before a Certificate of Occupancy IS approved for the additIOn 8 The church shall Install trash receptacles throughout the parkmg lots There shall be one trash receptacle for every 3,500 square feet of parkzng area ThIs Ordznance shall be effectIve m accordance WIth SectIOn /07 (j) of the Zomng Ordmance Adopted by the CounCIl of the CIty ofVlrglma Beach, Vlrgmza, on the Fourteenth of October . Two Thousand Three Votmg 10-0 (By Consent) CounCIl Members Votzng Aye Harry E Dlezel, Margaret L Eure, VIce Mayor LOUIS R Jones, Reba S McClanan, RIchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf JIm Reeve, Peter W SchmIdt. Ron A VIllanueva and James L Wood CounCIL Members Votzng Nay None CounCIl Members Absent Rosemary W,lson October J 4. 2003 I I - 38- Item V-K.4. PLANNING ITEM # 51801 Upon motlOn by Vice Mayor Jones, seconded by Councilman Schmidt, City Council ADOPTED Ordinance upon applzcatlOn of VIRGINIA BEACH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER for a CondltlOnal Use Permit ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHURCH R0100331135 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordmance upon ApphcatlOn of Virginia Beach Chrzstzan Life Center for a CondltlOnal Use Permltfor a church on property located at the northeast intersectIOn of North Great Neck Road and Old DonatlOn Parkway (GPINS 2408135699,2408243047,2408232865) DISTRICT 5 -LYNNHAVEN The followmg conditIOns shall be required 1 The site shall be developed In accordance with the submltted plans titled "VIRGINIA BEACH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, Virginia Beach, Vlrglnza, ConditIOnal Use Permit Exhibit", prepared by Tymoff & Moss Architects and NDI, LLC Basgler and ASSOCiates DIVISIOn, dated May 6. 2003, and revised August 22, 2003 Said plans have been exhlbzted to the Vzrgmla Beach City Council and are onfile with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning The applicant shall Install a rzght-turn lane from Great Neck Road as part of the Phase 2 zmprovements 2 The proposed bUilding additions and renovatIOn of the eXlstmg sanctuary shall be constructed In accordance with the submitted plans titled "VIRGINIA BEACH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, Virginia Beach, Virginia, ExterIOr ElevatIOns ", prepared by Tymoff & Moss Architects, dated July 8, 2003 Said plan has been exhibited to the Vlrglma Beach City Council and IS on file with the Vlrglma Beach Department of Planning 3 The applicant shall Install connectmg Sidewalks from Old DonatIOn Parkway and Great Neck Road to the mam entrance of the bUilding and to the recreatIOnal fields The locatIOn of the Sidewalks shall be determined during detaded szte plan review of each phase of the project 4 The applicant shall submit a tree preservatIOn / restoratIOn plan with the development of Phase II RecreatIOnal Fields and Install Category IV landscaping, where needed, within the proposed twellty-foot buffer along the southern boundary of the site adjacent to the Michael's Glenn and Great Neck Pines reSidential nezghborhoods and the eastern boundary of the site adjacent to the Forest Park reSidential neighborhood and the City of Virginia Beach property October 14, 2003 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD 1000 N Great Neck Rd.. LLC ~\~~"~" . . ~ rlNC":!.~ ~ '. .\~ " \. '\ ~ .', ~\ \ ~~~, -~ ~'\~~ '\ \ .. ~~ ~ - '\l '\.1' \ '- '" 70- ~ i).~ \.)\~ "( ~ ~ t\' ~J ': ""I ~l':1~ \ ~g ..~ ctJ'y' .. i''''~ ~ m ~A I).~.a.~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ o~3! ~_"7"" ~ ...., ~ d .:::f'dQ) ,... ".J::..g 10.... I . - , "\ --~'8IE1"~ ~ ~<:.} '~ ~~O~ ~ QYJ~D ~~:,.~. '0 ~~~ro~.. .~ B~lI~irM; ,.., G;) ~ g'" "{J 'Ii~~ ~ 11 ~. ca c' v ~l~ ~~ ,= ~..... ~'l!!::JT -ln7' !::J I;iJ ...."1: . 8 ~:nn ." o~ ....M =-.L ~/C!!!J/(\'" B -iooL1 _I-I I....R~~ Map ]-5 1-1<1P Not to SCI!>le ~ ~ ~ o(f'f.. 'IJ ~ l.. ~ ~ o-II.~ RIO ~ @fdn ~.., ~~~ (~ :\\ ~~ }y .~ '\,.. ~ ~ ~ \.~ ~, _\.- '-), x..( ~ r] Modification of Conditions Relevant Information: · Lynnhaven District . The applicant requests a modification of the existing Conditional Use Permit for a church to allow for expansion of the parking lot. . The applicant acquired an additional parcel adjacent to Great Neck Road and desires to expand the parking lot on to this parcel. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval . Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent Agenda ,i i i i &~~~' >J'~~~~ ftJ.. . 'It ~~ ~5 \;":\.~.J if 'i.'i.~ll ~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD, L.L.C. Modification of Conditions. approved by City Council on October 14, 2003 (Virginia Beach Christian Life Center) to allow expansion of the existing parking lot,1000 N. Great Neck Road. L YNNHAVEN DISTRICT MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: A Conditional Use Permit permitting a church was approved by the City Council on October 14,2003. The Conditional Use Permit has eight (8) conditions. Condition 1 requires the site to be developed in accordance with the submitted plans. The applicant requests modification of Condition 1, as the applicant has acquired an additional parcel adjacent to Great Neck Road and desires to use that parcel for additional parking. The applicant has provided a revised site plan for the installation of additional parking. . Considerations: The Modification to the Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of parking in a newly acquired section of property in the northwest corner of the site will not have any negative impacts. The provision of additional parking spaces for this church will avoid any potential overflow of parking into the surrounding area. The revisions to the parking are shown on a revised site plan shown in the attached staff report. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the additional parking will reduce the potential for negative impacts on the surrounding area from overflow parking and there was no opposition to the proposal. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. All conditions with the exception of Number 1 attached to the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on October 14, 2003 remain in affect. 2. Condition Number 1 of the October 14,2003 Conditional Use Permit is deleted and replaced with the following: 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD, L.L.C. Page 2 of 2 The site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted plans titled "WAVE CHURCH; Great Neck Road; Virginia Beach, Virginia, SITE PLAN", prepared by Tymoff & Moss Architects, dated June 26, 2008. Said plans have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. The following exception to the plan shall apply: 3. The following shall be considered an additional condition of the October 14, 2003 Use Permit: Provide a reservation of 5 feet along N. Great Neck Road for the ultimate right-of-way of 120 feet, in accordance with the Master Transportation Plan amended 10/12/04. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends . approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manage. y \ ~~ I I II 1000 N. GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Karen Prochilo REQUEST: Modification of the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council on October 14, 2003 for a church. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 1000 North Great Neck Road. GPIN: 24081377690000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: LYNNHAVEN SITE SIZE: 21.513 acres 934,296 square feet SUMMARY OF REQUEST The Conditional Use Permit permitting a church was approved by the City Council on October 14, 2003. The Conditional Use Permit has eight (8) conditions (see below). Condition 1 requires the site to be developed in accordance with the submitted plans. The applicant requests modification of Condition1, as the applicant has acquired an additional parcel along Great Neck Road to be used for additional parking. The applicant has provided a revised site plan for the installation of additional parking. This application previously had included two additional requests relating to signs. One was for the replacement of the existing self -standing marquee sign located at the corner of Great Neck Road and Old Donation Parkway with a new self-standing electronic message type sign using light-emitting diode (LED) technology. The other request for a building mounted sign on the Phase II building nearing completion of its construction. Both of these items have been removed from this application and will be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Conditions of the 2003 Use Permit: 1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted plans titled "VIRGINIA BEACH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Conditional Use Permit Exhibit", prepared 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 1 by Tymoff & Moss Architects and NDI, LLC Basgier and Associates Division, dated August 22, 2003. Said plans have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. The applicant shall install a right-turn lane from Great Neck Road as part of the Phase 2 improvements. 2. The proposed building additions and renovation of the existing sanctuary shall be constructed in accordance with the submitted plans titled "VIRGINIA BEACH CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Exterior Elevations", prepared by Tymoff & Moss Architects, dated July 8, 2003. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. 3. The applicant shall install connecting sidewalks from Old Donation Parkway and Great Neck Road to the main entrance of the building and to the recreational fields. The location of the sidewalks shall be determined during detailed site plan review of each phase of the project. 4. The applicant shall submit a tree preservation I restoration plan with the development of Phase II Recreational Fields and install Category IV landscaping, where needed, within the proposed twenty-foot buffer along the southern boundary of the site adjacent to the Michaels's Glenn and Great Neck Pines residential neighborhoods and the eastern boundary of the site adjacent to the Forest Park residential neighborhood and the City of Virginia Beach property. 5. The applicant shall submit a photometric lighting plan indicating the number and types of lighting as part of the formal site plan submission for review by the Police Department to determine conSistency with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles and practices. All fixtures shall be of an appropriate height and design so as to prevent any direct reflection or glare towards adjacent uses and city streets. Lighting should be directed down at the ground and not horizontally or up in the air. 6. The recreational fields shall be gated from sundown to sunrise. There shall be no lighting of the recreational fields. There shall be no roadway installed along the edge of the recreational fields. The recreational fields shall not be used for overflow parking for any events associated with the church. 7. The existing stormwater management facility shall be cleared of trash and debris during the Phase I construction, and Category I screening shall be installed on top of the bank on the western side of the facility, before a Certificate of Occupancy is approved for the addition. 8. The church shall install trash receptacles throughout the parking lots. There shall be one trash receptacle for every 3,500 square feet of parking area. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Church and associated parking occupy the site. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Princess Anne Memorial Park (cemetery) / R-10 Residential District 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 2 I I II South: . Across Old Donation Parkway, single-family dwellings / R-10 Residential District . Single-family dwellings / R-10 Residential District . Across Great Neck Road, single-family dwellings / R-20 Residential District East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The majority of the site is impervious, as it is developed with a structure and parking lot. There are no known significant natural resources or cultural features on this site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of 65 to 70 dB Ldn and 70 to 75 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): N. Great Neck Road is a four-lane suburban arterial in the vicinity of this site. N. Great Neck has a variable right-of-way width, and the Master Transportation Plan shows a divided highway with a bikeway and an ultimate right-of- way width of 120 feet. There are currently no CIP projects scheduled for this segment of N. Great Neck Road. PW / ENG requests a dedication of 5 feet such that the ultimate R/W of 120 feet, in accordance with the Master Transportation Plan amended 10/12/04 is achieved. Old Donation Road is a four-lane collector in the vicinity of this site. Old Donation Road has a right-of-way width of 110 feet. This roadway is not included in the Master Transportation Plan. There are currently no CIP projects scheduled for this segment of Old Donation Road. The addition of the 61 parking spaces will have no additional impact on traffic. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Great Neck Road 32,755 ADT 1 30,600 ADT ; 1,600 Peak Existing Land Use"- 1 ,499 Peak Hour (Level of Service "D") 612 (weekdays) ADT Hour Capacity and 2,461 (Sundays) 32,800 ADT 1 ; 1,710 Peak Proposed Land Use 3 - Hour (Level of Service "E") No change. Old Donation 7,314 ADT 1 13,100 ADT 1; 680Peak Road 381 Peak Hour (Level of Service "C") Hour 20,700 ADT 1 ; 1,080 Peak Hour (Level of Service "D") Caoacitv , Average Dally Trips 2 as defined by existing church 3 as defined by existing church. Additional parking does not affect trips generated. 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 3 WATER: This site currently connects to City water. The existing 1-inch and 2-inch domestic meter (City ID #95028216 and 95040930) can be used or upgraded to accommodate the development. Also, the existing 6- inch detector check (City ID #95046245) can be used or upgraded to accommodate the development. SEWER: This site currently connects to City sanitary sewer. Analysis of Pump Station #228 and the sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Additional storm water management should be incorporated with the site expansion. Coordination of the storm water shall be during site plan review. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this requested modification with the conditions below. Evaluation: The Modification to the Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of parking in a newly acquired section of property in the northwest corner of the site will not have any negative impacts. The revisions to the parking are shown on a revised site plan submitted with the application. CONDITIONS 1. All conditions with the exception of Number 1 attached to the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on October 14, 2003 remain in affect. 2. Condition Number 1 of the October 14,2003 Conditional Use Permit is deleted and replaced with the following: The site shall be developed in accordance with the submitted plans titled "W AVE CHURCH; Great Neck Road; Virginia Beach, Virginia, SITE PLAN", prepared by Tymoff & Moss Architects, dated June 26, 2008. Said plans have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. The following exception to the plan shall apply: 3. The following shall be considered an additional condition of the October 14,2003 Use Permit: a. Provide a reservation of 5 feet along N. Great Neck Road for the ultimate right-of-way of 120 feet, in accordance with the Master Transportation Plan amended 10/12/04. 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 4 ,I I II NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 5 /l.ERI/l.L Of 511'E LOC/l.1'ION 1000 NORlr\ GREAl NECK ROAO, LLC Agenda \tero '\ 7 page E ,I I II flOOil9l'iL r'l""~'^ ':,)Qj~l'N .)]t1!5 Jl:f,'if)l)l00 ll'i '';,S lC 1<lV9t11l StiCICJJJNI )bfUJJJIH)c, SiJJl HJiJ't SSOW+~1NA1. WI~ ..,..)8...... o.':Il.J~lfJlf) H:)Hntr.> 3J\ YM ~ ~ ~: ... ~:; cC - m L <l: -' U. '" >- , ~ ..' m -- - i . 'I: i ' , ;. \.~ ---~~l'- _~.- ~__ 1 -- (--------~\... m f Proposed parking location PROPOSED SITE PLAN 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 7 M80A;!~fi-~cale 1000 N. Great Neck Rd., LLC ~, \, . ,-,\~ ,\,)f; .~~ ~ ~I~ ~1t. :\ ~~~ <'l ~ ~. ~~, ~ ~ \l""K.. ~ u ~ :x ,\\ ' ~ ... ~ 't ~ l\ \ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ t'., ~'v, '~~~~ ~~ ~)~ Nt w.\~ ~~\~,y ~ \_~ ~~,~U'" \.\7J\~~' ~~ 'ft!:'./-, ~ "..~.", ' ~ __ ~__ ~~ ~~ ~ ~\. ~,.~~ ~-.~ ~\ ~IJ'\J" 0. \ \\. '''-1 lk<\rJ ~~~~ 70- R dBJ2n ~.~ rIIIl' "'\. . .l.rr \-, <;:: .}, ~,.. _\ ~ N~' 1\, R' ~... ~L:7~ . ~"" ~ II ~.~ fpR"'~ ~~ N~ ~Q ". ~~ ~~lEl/. t\ \ ... ~~ ~ _ l(o~ ~ ~~ :\~-Rq, <I~ e?j~. ~ ~- r~..or,;n :i ~ G.iL"\",' _ l~~ """'ll~ ~ i~ wr(j~ 01(4).., !I'...'\.o ~ S:.~..J.' IfJ~B~I.~~~ rEJ~~~ . . I~" il'~~~ u ~ ca~lW\ti ~i ~ ~ · 'n""'~ __ . r;;] I- ~t..~ 8 ~~ni~~\~r51~ ,~~ "jC!!!lj(\'" t.-. ....=!,.. Q, I. I)!A" =,~~ _I.-.I I-.lr-:\\~~ Modification of Conditions 1 11/22/05 Conditional Use Permit (Communications Tower) Granted 10/14/03 Conditional Use Permit (Church Expansion) 12/05/95 Conditional Use Permit (Church Expansion) 07/13/93 Conditional Use Permit (Pre-school) OS/21/84 Conditional Use Permit (Church Expansion) 08/09/82 Conditional Use Permit (Church Expansion) 04/26/76 Conditional Use Permit (Church) 1a 05/15/78 Conditional Use Permit (Cemetery) Granted 2 09/14/93 Subdivision variance Granted 3 07/07/92 Conditional Use Permit (Pre-school) Granted ZONING HISTORY 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 8 z C> I I ~ c:~ I I ,,1 ea c.I':) z C> I I f--4 I I ~ C> c ~ J:.;J:..c C> Z C> I I ~ C--' I I J:.;J:..c I I ~ C> ~ ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ~ APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation. partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Please see attached 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entitl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Please see attached 0 Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entitl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 2 & See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? MOdification of Conditions Application Page 1001 11 Revised 7t3/07 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 9 ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Tymoff & Moss Architects Hourigan Construction Company Nnl R""gi..r An A""nd"t.." 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship. means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship. means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that. upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. . ~ .0:~ 4,.. Ap~;"oI.' 900'"ffi }, I~ ~. 6,..., t I1.Y LL-L ~ f~.4'" ..0. If/71z- ZJ~ Print Name " '5JyA/It J) it,,},. n r? Print Name 7- Property Owner s Signature Modification of Conditions Application Page 11 01 11 Revised 7t3t2007 z C=~ I I rod c ~ I I .~ =-- ea ~ z <=> I I f--4 I I ~ Z c:: -= ~ c: ~ ~ c:=~ z c::=~ I I ~ c:~ I I ~ I I ~ <=> ~ 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 10 Disclosure Statement 1. Applicant Name and officers: 1000 N. Great Neck Road, LLC. Managing Member: Wave Holdings, Inc. President: Stephen G. Kelly Vice President: Sharon B. Kelly SecretarylTreasurer: Josh Kicker 2. List all Businesses that have a narent-subsidiarv or affiliated business entity relationship with applicant: a. Wave Church, Inc. b. Wave Holdings, Inc. c. Seaboard Road, LLC. d. Wave Children's Learning Centers, LLC. e. Wave Leadership Institute, LLC. f. Wave Transportation, LLC. g. Wave Publishing, LLC. h. Wave Trademarks, LLC. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 1000 NORTH GREAT NECK ROAD, LLC Agenda Item 17 Page 11 1,1 - 38- Item JI-J.2. PUBUC HEARING ITEM # 45260 (Continued) PLANNING Votmg: 8-3 Council Members Voting Aye. Margaret L Eure, William W. Harrison. Jr. Barbara M. Henley, LouIS R Jones. Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, and A. M "Don" Weeks Council Members Votmg Nay. Lmwood O. Branch, III. Harold HelSchober and Vice Mayor William D Sessoms. Jr. CounCil Members Absent. None July 13. /999 - 37- Item V-J 2. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 45260 PLANNING BIlly Garnngton, 471 &uthside Road. represented the applicant Upon motion by CouncIlman Weeks, seconded by CounCilman Hamson, City CounCil ADOPTED, AS CONDITIONED, ADDING CONDITION #5. Ordinance upon Application of JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC, (PEMBROKE A UTO SALES) for a Conditional Use Pemll/ ORDINANCE UPON APPliCATION OF JOYNT ENTERPRISES. INC.. (PEMBROKE AUTO SALES) FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SALES (EXPANSION) R07992287 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon applicatIOn of Joynt Enterprises. Inc, (Pembroke Auto Sales) for a Conditional Use Permltfor Motor VehIcle Sales (Expansion) at the southeast corner ofVIT"glnla Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road (GPIN #1477-35-0086) Said parcel is located at 4753 VirginIa Beach Boulevard and contains 30,000 square feet more or less KEMPSVILLE - DISTRICT 2 The following conditions shall be required: 1. Foundation screening. in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance SectIOn SA, must be installed. The screening may be either in the form of landscape beds or planters If planters are utIlized. the plants must meet the same requirements as those In the landscape beds. 1. Two Crape Myrtles, five to sixfeet In height, shall be added to the landscape bed at the Northwest corner of/he site adjacent to the Intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road. 3. No outside speaker systems Will be permitted 4. The proposed addition Will be designed and built to match the exIsting bUIlding In color and materials 5. The "o"co"formi"gfreesta"di"g ifig" must be removedfrom the site or brought i"to co"forma"ce with the City Zo"i"g Ordi"a"ce. ThIS Ordinance shall be effective in accordance with Section 107 (f) of the Zomng Ordinance. Adopted by the CouncIl of the CIty of Virginia Beach. Virgin/a, on the Thirteenth of Julv. Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine July 13, 1999 II - 34- Item IV-K.J. PLANNING ITEM #48525 Upon motIOn by VIce Mayor Sessoms. seconded by CouncIlman Branch, CIty CouncIl MODIFIED CONDIT/ON NO.5, on the July 13. 1999 approved CondItIOnal Use PermIt for JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC., re a SIgn for motor vehIcle sales and servIce ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF JOYNT ENTERPRISES. INC, FOR MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONS PLACED ON THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITOF JUL Y 13, 1999 FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SALES AND SER VICE Ordinance upon applIcatIOn of Joynt EnterprIses, Inc. for ModificatIOn of CondItIOns placed on the CondItIOnal Use Penmt of July 13, 1999 for motor vehIcle sales and servIce at the southeast comer of VIrginIa Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road (GPIN #1477-35-0086) SaId parcel IS located at 4753 Vlrglma Beach Boulevard and contaIns 30.000 square feet DISTRICT 4 0 BA YSIDE The follOWing condItIOns shall be reqUIred 1 CondItIOns 1 through 4 of the Conditional Use Permit approved July 13. 1999, shall remain In effect for the sIte 2 Condition 5 IS modified as follows The exIsting freestanding sIgn IS to be removed The applIcant may Install afreestandlng sIgn that conforms to the submItted sIgn plan prepared by SIgnet SIgn Company. tItled PEMBROKE, and desIgned by Don GalVin The proposed freestanding SIgn shall not exceed a heIght of 15-feet and 75 square feet per face Voting 9-0 (By Consent) CounCIl Members Voting Aye Linwood 0 Branch, III. W,ll,am W Hamson, Jr ,Barbara M Henley. LouIS R Jones. Reba S McClanan, Robert C MandIgo. Jr. Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf. Nancy K Parker and Rosemary WIlson CounCIl Members Voting Nay None Council Members Abstaining V,ce Mayor WIllIam D Sessoms. Jr CounCIl Members Absent Margaret L Eure V,ce Mayor Sessoms ABSTAINED on Item K 3 (JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC.) and dISclosed he IS an officer m Wachovla Bank and the applIcant does busmess WIth the bank August 14,2001 JOYNT ENTERPRISES Joynt Enterprise, Inc. Va Pembroke Suzuki ~ B-3 !~ o '" VIR,(;INIA BE 4CH lJL m. -., ~ ~ o 1M Modification of Conditions Relevant Information: · Kempsville District · The applicant requests a Modification of a 1999 Conditional Use Permit to allow re-use of the site as a Suzuki dealership. · The applicant will renovate the fa~ade of the building and make improvements to the site. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent agenda i i 4~)-" .r.7~l" ..~. ~~1 ~.""~ "'t' <tJ ,. . ", W~ ~~\- :~~ /, .~ I" l...... ;-' ~.--. ,,~.J \'1.~.~; <t"'f v'....v~... CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI, Modification of a Conditional Use Permit, auto sales and service, 4753 Virginia Beach Boulevard (GPIN 1477350086). KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The Conditional Use Permit allowing motor vehicle sales and service was approved by the City Council on July 13, 1999 and was modified by the City Council on August 14, 2001. Condition 4 of the Use Permit requires the building addition be designed to match the existing building in regard to both colors and materials. Condition 5 requires the freestanding sign to adhere to the sign plan prepared by a specific sign company and designer. The applicant is opening a new motor vehicle franchise, and is requesting a modification to Conditions 4 and 5 because the building exterior and signage for the new franchise are different than what was previously approved. . Considerations: The applicant has obtained a new automobile franchise, Suzuki. This request to modify the Use Permit will allow building additions and refurbishing and painting of the exterior of building which will result in a more attractive building than currently exists on site. The proposed additions for a showroom and expanded parts / service area will be located over existing impervious area, thus not increasing the impervious area on the site. Based upon the City Zoning Ordinance, sufficient parking is provided to accommodate the new facility. The applicant will close the two vehicular entrances closest to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road (one on Virginia Beach Boulevard and one on Kellam Road). Additionally during staff's visit to the site it was noted that Condition 2 of the original use permit has not been met: Two Crape Myrtles, five to six feet in height, shall be added to the landscape bed at the Northwest corner of the site adjacent to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road. Staff is requiring additional landscaping along the rights-of-ways as part of this modification request. JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Page 2 of 3 Overall, the proposed changes enhance the appearance and function of the site, and are consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan for this area. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposal will enhance the appearance and function of the site and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. All conditions with the exception of Number 4 and Number 5 attached to the modified Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on August 14, 2001 remain in affect. 2. Condition Number 4 and Number 5 of the August 14, 2001 Conditional Use Permit are deleted and replaced with the following: 4. The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the submitted site plan entitled "Concept Plan; Pembroke Suzuki", prepared by Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, LTD., and dated September 2, 2008, with the exception of the proposed signage and additional street frontage landscaping. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Planning Department. 5. The proposed building modifications shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted elevations. Said elevations have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Planning Department. 6. Any existing or new freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 15 feet and 75 square feet per face. 7. The parking lot shall be striped in accordance with the approved plan. Vehicles shall be parked in the designated areas, and no vehicles shall be parked within any portion of the public right-of-way. Vehicles shall not be displayed on raised platforms. 8. The applicant shall provide to the Planning Department / Current Planning a plan for landscaping along the right-of-ways for review and approval. 9. No advertising banners, streamers, balloons, pennants or similar devices shall be permitted on any vehicles or the site. There shall be no signs in excess of four (4) square feet installed or displayed on the exterior or interior of the windows of the building. 10. The existing entrances to the site located closest to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road shall be closed. The II JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Page 3 of 3 applicant shall work with the Planning Department I Current Planning and Public Works I Traffic Engineering staffs to determine an adequate means of closure. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ~ \( .~n>i JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 November 12,2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Faith Christie I Leslie Bonilla REQUEST: Modification of the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council on July 13, 1999 and modified on August 14, 2001 for motor vehicle sales and service. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 4753 Virginia Beach Boulevard GPIN: 14773500860000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: KEMPSVILLE SITE SIZE: 42,352 square feet SUMMARY OF REQUEST The Conditional Use Permit allowing motor vehicle sales and service was approved by the City Council on July 13, 1999. The Conditional Use Permit has 5 conditions: 1. Foundation screening, in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance Section 5A, must be installed. The screening must be either in the form of landscape beds or planters. If planters are utilized, the plants must meet the same requirements as those in the landscape beds. 2. Two Crape Myrtles, five to six feet in height, shall be added to the landscape bed at the Northwest corner of the site adjacent to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road. 3. No outside speaker systems will be permitted. 4. The proposed addition will be designed and built to match the existing building in color and materials. 5. The nonconforming freestanding sign must be removed from the site or brought into conformance with the City Zoning Ordinance. JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 1 II The Conditional Use Permit was modified on August 14, 2001: 1. Conditions 1 through 4 of the conditional use permit approved July 13, 1999 shall remain in effect for the site. 2. Condition 5 is modified to the following: The existing freestanding sign is to be removed. The applicant may install a freestanding sign that conforms to the submitted sign plan prepared by Signet Sign Company, titled Pembroke, and design by Don Galvin. The proposed freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 15 feet and 75 square feet per face. Condition 4 requires the building addition be designed to match the existing building in regard to both colors and materials. Condition 5 requires the freestanding sign to adhere to the sign plan prepared by a specific sign company and designer. The applicant has a new motor vehicle franchise, and is requesting a modification to Conditions 4 and 5 because the building exterior and signage are different than what was previously approved. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING lAND USE: Pembroke Auto Sales SURROUNDING lAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Virginia Beach Boulevard . Across Virginia Beach Boulevard are office and retail buildings / B-3 Central Business District & B-4C Central Business Mix Use District . Vacant shopping center (formerly Builders Square and Gateway Computers) / B-3 Central Business District . Kellam Road . Across Kellam Road is a retail building / B-3 Central Business District South and East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no known significant natural resources or cultural features associated with this site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65 dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 2 IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Virginia Beach Boulevard in front of this application is an eight-lane divided major urban arterial. The Master Transportation Plan (MTP) proposes a divided facility within an existing 150-foot right-of-way section. Kellam Road next to this application is a two-lane undivided collector. This roadway is not in the Master Transportation Plan. No Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects are slated to impact the roadways surrounding this property. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Virginia Beach 40,288 ADT ' 56,240 ADT ' Existing Land Use ~ - Boulevard 183 ADT Proposed Land Use 3 - 243 ADT Kellam Road 3,719 ADT ' 9,900 ADT 11 AM Peak Hour Vehicles (entering) 8 PM Peak Hour Vehicles (entering) Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by 5,487 square feet of car sales 3 as defined by 7,300 square feet of car sales PUBLIC WORKS I TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: (1) Physically remove the two access points nearest the intersection. This department realizes that both of these entrances are currently gated off; however, these gates can be removed at any time for full functional use. To keep this from happening, the entrances must be completely removed. (2) The remaining two access points must be in accordance with the City of Virginia Beach Public Works Specification and Standards for dimensions and entrance type. It must be noted that the revised entrance dimensions will inherently give the applicant additional parking spaces, which appears to be needed for inventory vehicles. (3) Provide a 30-foot entrance throat length on the remaining two access points, measured from the right-of-way line to the first internal aisle way or parking space. Since both roadways are at their ultimate right-of-way width, the measurement may be taken from the edge of roadway. This modification, however, may require the remaining entrance on Kellam Road to be shifted further south to be away from the building and in line with a drive aisle. WATER and SEWER: The site is connected to City water and sewer. SCHOOLS: Schools populations are not affected by this request. JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 3 I i I; II EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this requested modification, as conditioned below. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan map identifies this site as being within Strategic Growth Area #4 (SGA#4), West Pembroke Sub-area. The West Pembroke Sub-area of the larger SGA #4 area comprises a mixture of older single story commercial and industrial-related businesses with outdoors storage, limited parking, and few sidewalks. Land use recommendations for this sub-area include a vertical mix of mid to high-rise residential uses, a variety of compatible higher value non-residential uses such as office, retail, open space, entertainment, educational and similar urban activities. The long-term land use pattern recommended for the West Pembroke Sub-area is one that transforms the current low-intensity land uses to one of a significantly higher intensity of compatible mixed urban land uses and greater economic investment potential. Evaluation: The applicant has obtained a new automobile franchise, Suzuki. This request is to allow building additions and refurbishing and painting of the exterior of building which will result in a more attractive building than currently exists on site. The proposed additions for a showroom and expanded parts / service area will be located over existing impervious area, thus not increasing the impervious area on the site. Based upon the City Zoning Ordinance, sufficient parking is provided to accommodate the new facility. During review of the proposal, Staff has looked at options to enhance traffic flow into and out of site. The applicant proposes to slightly increase building size and ultimately increase average daily trips to the site. Consistent with Traffic Engineering comments, the applicant will close the two entrances closest to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road (one on Virginia Beach Boulevard and one on Kellam Road). Additionally during staffs visit to the site it was noted that Condition 2 of the original use permit has not been met: Two Crape Myrtles, five to six feet in height, shall be added to the landscape bed at the Northwest corner of the site adjacent to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road. Staff will require additional landscaping along the rights-of-ways as part of this modification request. This request to modify the existing sign to accommodate the proposed use is in keeping with the intent of the original City Council approval. Staff notes that while the applicant is entitled to a freestanding sign not to exceed a height of 15 feet and 75 square feet per face (per a past court decision), the submitted site plan depicts a proposed 12-foot sign on the site. Staff will further discuss the sign issues with the applicant during detailed plan review. Overall, the proposed changes enhance the appearance and function of the site. Staff, therefore recommends approval of this application subject to the following conditions. JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 4 CONDITIONS 1. All conditions with the exception of Number 4 and Number 5 attached to the modified Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on August 14, 2001 remain in affect. 2. Condition Number 4 and Number 5 of the August 14, 2001 Conditional Use Permit are deleted and replaced with the following: 4. The site shall be developed in substantial conformance with the submitted site plan entitled "Concept Plan; Pembroke Suzuki", prepared by Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, LTD., and dated September 2,2008, with the exception of the proposed signage and additional street frontage landscaping. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Planning Department. 5. The proposed building modifications shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted elevations. Said elevations have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Planning Department. 6. Any existing or new freestanding signs shall not exceed a height of 15 feet and 75 square feet per face. 7. The parking lot shall be striped in accordance with the approved plan. Vehicles shall be parked in the designated areas, and no vehicles shall be parked within any portion of the public right-of-way. Vehicles shall not be displayed on raised platforms. 8. The applicant shall provide to the Planning Department / Current Planning a plan for landscaping along the right-of-ways for review and approval. 9. No advertising banners, streamers, balloons, pennants or similar devices shall be permitted on any vehicles or the site. There shall be no signs in excess of four (4) square feet installed or displayed on the exterior or interior of the windows of the building. 10. The existing entrances to the site located closest to the intersection of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Kellam Road shall be closed. The applicant shall work with the Planning Department / Current Planning and Public Works / Traffic Engineering staffs to determine an adequate means of closure. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 5 II ~"'l- ... liG:;,~:: ' '.,'" J>!-'" ",,~':;.~...., ...... " ; ; ~/ ,. ,A~ i ( ! IllS '<': ~ '" . -i ,\ I ., 1 >: "~"1l Lt0 Ci/It'-" , '1r~; ~l ~ ""~~:~')! . "." l" "$. "~...,, A' ' ,~,>>, f,-' . t' .~,~t '4; ',. .~~ ~ I: 1 " " ::' ., . l>,~ r 1t,I '''" t' -". -&' " ' rtl 1.~ ._ \" . ,(~ . '~ AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 6 .-t. ." .~ ," . 't Ii ~ 1!1'. !~JII; i13il' II~. :1 .,.,1 il!"" '"~'I'i! l'c','11 In.'2PUI~"1 III .d.hllhll i .g.s l · iftn z c{ ..J a.. I- a.. w u z o u 01 " 4 .. .. III .. t! :: t'I.....~ ~~...., I , ~ II: l ] "II - - I~ - I /1 !:. ': ' . \ f \ i I:: .~i .if t PROPOSED SITE PLAN JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 7 i i . J' "'. ,. __'_U'. . _ .1'':: 1'1' !f) "!a . _;t' (~ j' .-~. :'~''':::Ilii!l'...' ~~~: r;.~ .S. .: ::<;\=i:'~~~':-.: . ,"0,. .' ,;r{'Jf!j ~l~'; , '. '.' . .:V' " . .' . .' . ~\~ ~. . :~f':::~: .t i: .t.. " -: <i~: .~~. ~';: ~ .~ t1!~If ,,,_' . ~'h~ ~":'. 1: . :}.; :: '::~~': ~.,I.rr t: ..,;t~l: ~~~. . . '" .~:: . ,\~., .,~. lr.- '1... 1 '. :.. .. L"'l: . :.:.~. . ";,..';...;.' bid: . :.0:. . .,..: [ .. I .'J-. . ~ ...~. I I ,'I' : ~'>:~:).:. TT - r~:~_lc-rS~('.:-'~, ,~Li&,~I~~l . "" . I ~ .... 00 '0 ~ tJl' . -... .:.... - ....?/'-'. 7,': . , '~! .L- __. .::i 17____ ;.. ~.:. "'t? 41. [II' ~-;.irOMI:t!.. r,~.. .~~ l:I . ..~.';:.' 10 1?- f 'II ... .-4,,~ 4". . ..- .,.. ; ", . . . .' . ".i.;":. .~r:t.:~if,~.a . .0. .' l'~;' .,,~'. . I '. -14 ...r '_"n, .. .~~ 4', ..~ .. .__.~'!. -- --. --:!!! ..... , SITE PLAN APPROVED IN 2001 JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 8 ~-'I..~.........._' PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. T/A PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 9 > t PHOTOGRAPH OF EXISTING BUILDING JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 10 # DATE 1. 1-2-62 10-11-82 7-13-99 8-14-01 2. 9-9-85 3-28-06 3. 2-2-87 4. 1-27-86 5. 5-9-88 6 1-10-95 7. 9-27-05 8. 12-13-05 9. 4-8-97 10. 10-10-06 5-1 0-05 11 . 6-28-08 3-9-04 12. 2-8-00 DESCRIPTION Rezoning (R-S3 to C1) Conditional Use Permit (tune and lube) Conditional Use Permit (motor vehicle sales and service) Modification of Conditional Use Permit Conditional Use Permit (auto service) Rezonin B-2 to Conditional B-4C Conditional Use Permit auto sales Conditional Use Permit outdoor stora e Conditional Use Permit auto sales Conditional Use Permit indoor recreational facilit Conditional Use Permit auto repair ara e) Conditional Use Permit assen er transportation terminal Conditional Use Permit auto service in con.unction with convenience store Conditional Use Permit ( multi-family dwellings) Rezonin B-3 to B-3A Conditional Use Permit (multi-family dwellings) Rezonin B-3 to Conditional B-3A Rezonin B-3 to Conditional B-3A) 2A ACTION Approved Approved Approved A roved Approved A roved A roved Withdrawn A roved A roved A roved A roved A roved Approved A roved Approved A roved Ap roved ZONING HISTORY JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 11 II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members. trustees, ~~rtners~tc. ~elow: (Attach list if necessary) /7 b . ~~_'SLs ~S L-~' ~t\\ _ ~ . - , 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entity2 . r~~ I?;:;,:;ttach list if necessary). ._.__~.. -~- . '- ~~------- o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers. members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entit/ relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here jf the proper1y owner is NOT a corporation. partnership. firm. business. or other unincorporated organization -_.~-- -. --_.~---- 1 ~} & ' See next pacJe for footnotes JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 12 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services. real estate services. financial services, accounting services and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) /~'i>-__um u_ ~-=:~=-~-_~_ G~- ~~------_. ------- 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State an;J Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code 9 2,2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the sarne person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities: there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities," See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, V a. Code 9 2,2-3101, CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing. I am responsible for ( btaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing aCilford g to the instructions in this package. n. Jvi('it:~ _iJ~_lJ~JI_dL-() tfpMrLkO-)riJ__ Appl Cdllt S ~Igri'lture Print Ni'lme -. _ ---- ----.----.. - . ! Property Owne(s Signature (if rtltf8rent than applici'llltl Print Name JOYNT ENTERPRISES, INC. TIA PEMBROKE SUZUKI Agenda Item 4 Page 13 -68- Voting: 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, Nancy A. Creech~ Harold Heischober, Vice Mayor Barbara M. Henley, H. Jack Jennings, Jr., Mayor Louis R. Jones, Robert G. Jones, W. H. Kitchin, III, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., D.D.S., and Meyera E. Oberndorf Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Reba S. McClanan *COUNCILWOMAN CREECH VOICED A VERBAL "AYE" 7/12/82 -67- ITEM II-H.2.k ITEM 018469 Senator A. Joseph Canada represented the applicant Upon motion by Councilman Heischober. seconded by Councilwoman Oberndorf. City Council voted to uphold the recommendation of the Planning Commission and APPROVE the application of AMOCO OIL COMPANY for a Conditional Use Permit as per the following: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF AMOCO OIL COMPANY FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SELF-SERVICE GAS STATION R0782471 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Ordinance upon application of Amoco Oil Company for a Conditional Use Permit for a self-service gas station on certain property located on the South side of Lynnhaven Parkway beginning at a point 1126.56 feet East of Cherie Drive. running a distance of 134.18 feet along the South side of Lynnhaven Parkway. running a distance of 150.93 feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 170 feet along the Southern property line. running a distance of 122.82 feet along the Western property line and running around a curve a distance of 20 feet. Said parcel contains .546 acre. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Approval is subject to the following provisions in con- junction with the intended use of the land: 1. City water and sewer. 2. A 12-foot dedication along the frontage on Lynnhaven Parkway, 57 feet from the centerline of the original 90-foot right-of-way to accommodate a six-lane traffic pattern. This Ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. on the Twelfth day of July, 1982. 7/J7/A) NEAL REED Map H-8 Mo Not to SC.:lJe # # # Modification of Conditions Relevant Information: · Beach District · The applicant is requesting a modification to the conditional use permit, to allow renovation of the site and to construct a convenience store. · The original request for the conditional use permit did not include a convenience store nor was a convenience store depicted on the site plan submitted with the original request; therefore, the conditional use permit must be modified. · AICUZ is Greater than 75 and APZ 2. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0) · There was no opposition · Consent Agenda I I II II ~~" ,{)~~~ .... "'''7~, ~ ' ~. , [;.:. ...~"';.}~' (l:{ . 'l., u' 5:, ~'. ....,.. .) (';o, ~- Ii) ~'~/..:I ~. .. .4 ~'o~".,.,"" CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: NEAL REED Modification of Conditions, approved by City Council on July 12,1982,798 Lynnhaven Parkway. BEACH DISTRICT MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The Conditional Use Permit permitting a service station at this location was approved by the City Council on July 12,1982. The applicant is requesting a modification to the Use Permit, as he desires to renovate the site and construct a convenience store. The 1982 Use Permit did not include a convenience store nor was a convenience store depicted on the site plan submitted with the original request; therefore, the Use Permit must be modified. The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being within the Strategic Growth Area 9, West Oceana Area. All of this area is inside the AICUZ high noise zone. Low intensity industrial uses that conform to AICUZ provisions are suitable for the southern and eastern part of this Strategic Growth Area. . Considerations: The submitted preliminary site plan depicts a 24-foot by 1 DO-foot (24' x 100') canopy with four fueling stations, a 3D-foot by 80-foot (30' x 80') convenience store, 12 parking spaces, and required landscaping. The proposed canopy is situated 42 feet from Lynnhaven Parkway and 44 feet from Lishelle Place. The proposed convenience store is positioned 114 feet from Lynnhaven Parkway and 60 feet from Lishelle Place. The proposed convenience store is one-story in height. The roof will be charcoal grey or black architectural grade shingles. The exterior of the building will be reddish brown brick veneer. The building trim is white wood. White tapered columns support a pediment of white exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) providing architectural interest. The proposed canopy is of the same roofing shingles as the building and is supported by brick veneer columns. This area of the city is a mix of retail, office, and industrial uses. Continued maintenance and or renovation of conforming uses to keep pace with customer demands are desirable in all parts of the city. The applicant proposes to renovate the site, add landscaping to the site, and construct a higher quality building and canopy than currently exists. NEAL REED Page 2 of 3 The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposal redevelops to a higher quality level a site located on one of the city's primary thoroughfares, the proposal is consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan, and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The site shall be redeveloped in accordance with the submitted "Preliminary Site Plan of Convenience Store Addition, 798 Lynnhaven Parkway & Lishelle Place, Virginia Beach, Virginia", dated October 15, 2008, and prepared by Land Design and Development, Inc. Minor adjustments to the site layout due to the Lynnhaven Parkway CIP project may be approved by the Planning Director. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file on the Planning Department. 2. The proposed convenience store and canopy shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted floor plan and elevations entitled "Reed Enterprises Convenience Store, Lynnhaven Parkway & Lishelle Place, Virginia Beach, Virginia", dated September 9,2008, and prepared by Neil E. Bristow Architect. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file on the Planning Department. 3. The dumpster enclosure shall be enclosed with a solid brick wall to match the building and landscaping, in accordance with Section 245( e) of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. A Lighting Plan and/or Photometric Diagram Plan shall be submitted during detailed site plan review. Said plan shall include the location of all pole-mounted and building-mounted lighting fixtures, and the listing of lamp type, wattage, and type of fixture. Lighting shall overlap and be uniform throughout the parking area. All lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society of North America. The plan shall include provisions for implementing low-level security lighting for non-business hours. 5. Signage for the site shall be limited to: a. Traffic control signs; b. One monument-style freestanding sign, no more than eight (8) foot in height, set on a three (3) foot brick base to match the brick of the building; NEAL REED Page 3 of 3 c. Two building or canopy signs; d. No signage in excess of a total of four (4) square feet of the glass area of the building shall be permitted; e. There shall be no other signs, neon signs or neon accents installed on any wall area of the exterior of the building, windows and / or doors, canopy, light poles, or any other portion of the site. 6. Pedestrian walkway(s) to the convenience store shall be provided from any required sidewalks in the public rights of way in accordance with Section 246(d) of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. No outdoor vending machines and / or display of merchandise shall be allowed. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department CityManag~ iL ,~ REQUEST: A ,. NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing Map H-8 1"'1 I~"t':> 5.-~ ~ II/ f Staff Planner: Faith Christie Modification of the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council on July 12, 1982 for service station. Modification of Conditions ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 798 Lynnhaven Parkway GPIN: 14964475070000 COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH SITE SIZE: 23,785 square feet SUMMARY OF REQUEST The Conditional Use Permit permitting a service station at this location was approved by the City Council on July 12, 1982. The Conditional Use Permit has two conditions: 1. City sewer and water. 2. A 12 foot dedication along the frontage on Lynnhaven Parkway, 57 feet from the center line of the original 90 foot right of way to accommodate a six lane traffic pattern. The applicant is requesting a modification to the conditional use permit, because he desires to renovate the site and construct a convenience store. The original request for the conditional use permit did not include a convenience store nor was a convenience store depicted on the site plan submitted with the original request; therefore, the conditional use permit must be modified. The submitted preliminary site plan depicts a 24-foot by 1 DO-foot (24' x 100') canopy with four fueling stations, a 30-foot by 80-foot (30' x 80') convenience store, 12 parking spaces, and required landscaping. The proposed canopy is situated 42 feet from Lynnhaven Parkway and 44 feet from Lishelle Place. The proposed convenience store is positioned 114 feet from Lynnhaven Parkway and 60 feet from Lishelle Place. The proposed convenience store is one-story in height. The roof will be charcoal grey or black architectural grade shingles. The exterior of the building will be reddish brown brick veneer. The building NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 1 i I trim is white wood. White tapered columns support a pediment of white exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) providing architectural interest. The proposed canopy is of the same roofing shingles as the building and is supported by brick veneer columns. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Automobile gasoline station with a 145 square foot kiosk. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . . South: . . East: . West: . . Lynnhaven Parkway TGI Fridays restaurant I B-2 Community Business Lishelle Place Across Lishelle Place is Chucky Cheese I B-2 Community Business TGI Fridays restaurant I B-2 Community Business Lynnhaven Parkway and Lishelle Place Across Lynnhaven Parkway is Wendy's restaurant I B-2 Community Business NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no natural resources or cultural features associated with the site. The site is in an AICUZ of Greater than 75 dB Ldn and an Accident Potential Zone II surrounding NAS Oceana. The use is compatible with airfield operations. AICUZ: IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Holland Road in the vicinity of this application is a six-lane minor urban arterial. There is a roadway widening project for Lynnhaven Parkway currently under construction that will widen Lynnhaven Parkway to six lanes from Lishelle Place to Holland Road. This development falls within the project area. The frontage of the gas station site will be reconstructed sometime during the next three years as part of this roadway project. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Lynnhaven 31,176 ADT 42,100 ADT 1 Existing Land Use:.!- Parkway 1,348 ADT (110 P.M. peak hour trips) Proposed Land Use 3 - 2,840 ADT (232 P.M. oeak hour trips) NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 2 1 Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by eight (8) fueling stations 3 as defined by 2,400 square foot convenience store and eight (8) fueling stations WATER: The site has an existing 1-inch water meter which may be used or upgraded. There is a 16-inch City water main in Lynnhaven Parkway, and an eight-inch City water line in Lishelle Place. SEWER: The applicant shall provide an analysis of Pump Station #527 and the sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. There is an 8-inch City gravity sanitary sewer main in Lishelle Place. SCHOOLS: School populations are not affected by the request. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this requested modification, as conditioned below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being within the Strategic Growth Area 9, West Oceana Area. All of this area is inside the AICUZ high noise zone. Low intensity industrial uses that conform to AICUZ provisions are suitable for the southern and eastern part of this Strategic Growth Area. Evaluation: Staff recommends approval of the request to modify the conditional use permit approved by City Council on July 12, 1982. The site is located within Strategic Growth Area 9, West Oceana Area. The area is a mix of retail, office, and industrial uses. Continued maintenance and or renovation of conforming uses to keep pace with customer demands are desirable in all parts of the city. The applicant proposes to renovate the site and add a convenience store, new gasoline pump stations, and new canopy to the site. The proposed redevelopment adds landscaping to the site and a high quality building and canopy with regard to building materials. The conditions attached to the original Conditional Use Permit have been met and no longer apply. Staff recommends the conditions listed below for the renovation of the site and construction of the convenience store, gasoline pumps, and canopy. CONDITIONS 1. The site shall be redeveloped in accordance with the submitted "Preliminary Site Plan of Convenience Store Addition, 798 Lynnhaven Parkway & Lishelle Place, Virginia Beach, Virginia", dated October 15, 2008, and prepared by Land Design and Development, Inc. Minor adjustments to the site layout due to the Lynnhaven Parkway CIP project may be approved by the Planning Director. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file on the Planning Department. 2. The proposed convenience store and canopy shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted floor plan and elevations entitled "Reed Enterprises Convenience Store, Lynnhaven NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 3 Parkway & Lishelle Place, Virginia Beach, Virginia", dated September 9,2008, and prepared by Neil E. Bristow Architect. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file on the Planning Department. 3. The dumpster enclosure shall be enclosed with a solid brick wall to match the building and landscaping, in accordance with Section 245(e) of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. A Lighting Plan and/or Photometric Diagram Plan shall be submitted during detailed site plan review. Said plan shall include the location of all pole-mounted and building-mounted lighting fixtures, and the listing of lamp type. wattage, and type of fixture. Lighting shall overlap and be uniform throughout the parking area. AI/lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society of North America. The plan shall include provisions for implementing low-level security lighting for non-business hours. 5. Signage for the site shall be limited to: a. Traffic control signs; b. One monument-style freestanding sign, no more than eight (8) foot in height, set on a three (3) foot brick base to match the brick of the building; c. Two building or canopy signs; d. No signage in excess of a total of four (4) square feet of the glass area of the building shall be permitted; e. There shall be no other signs. neon signs or neon accents installed on any wall area of the exterior of the building, windows and I or doors, canopy, light poles, or any other portion of the site. 6. Pedestrian walkway(s) to the convenience store shall be provided from any required sidewalks in the public rights of way in accordance with Section 246(d) of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. No outdoor vending machines and / or display of merchandise shall be allowed. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 4 AERIAl. Of srtE 1.0CA110N NEf:\L REEO ~genda \tem ,~ pagel II ,>, ,> < ,~ 't: I I I ' __ -'t ~ ' PROPOSED SITE PLAN NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 6 I- I I I I I I . I ! I I I I I ! "'~-tS.t ri~.t ~ '~lt~ ~" *'^,. "' f:1 l03.l.1HO\:lV M01Sll:!\l '3 113'l '1 ~ ! ! } f l j l ~ . i 3 5 i I ~,- I I i i i I I I I .. S g '\ ~ S ~ SNOIHA3,:; Nnd ~~ I _ l'l'~'t-C''l''3a'r't~. l D'i"cl ,nU06nl AVM}Q<<4N3^~Nl1 <( 3~':IJ'S 3;~Olklo',~ SJSlOd~~~ i t"'---- - --,~ , , L_____,. 1 ) . , , ~ \....~ ~"! , , , , I .J r-"--" , \..._-'.. _... - if ..~ ;~ ,/ PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 7 I ' i I r I I II I! 'I ul~ I Ii .. i .{'~ I, . ,U D3lJH::l\JV M01Sl\!\l '3 113N ~ lJiI:ta-m~.,$J 'I'\hOU~}(rt:tl'iNt:;W<. 1NlI.''OfOI\''~ ~ v '" .. " ;0 ~ (") I <( ~ e: ~ Tll J~ ~'Lil -<! g. , ! '\ ~ L L-----J ~ I ",' I 0 " ~ " .. "" " ;0 ~ a PROPOSED CANOPY ELEVATION NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 8 A-Jap 11-8 oj l'...lodification of Conditions .____...__._~....m 1. 7/12/82 Conditional Use Pe 5/21/79 Rezoning (A-2 Apa --...-.-........... 2. 10/12/93 Conditional Use Pe ~-~.. .........-....... ..-..-........-..-..-.--1 Approved Approved ! Approved rmit (Service Station) rtment to_~=?mggl!lmunity Business) rD1it(~ilJgo Hall) ZONING HISTORY NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 9 z c:=~ I . [ . c'3 I . . , ,..... ~ CI::;j z c:: ~ I . r--c I . ~ z o c :) r"T' . o z o I I [ . ~ c ~ I I r"T' . I I ~ o ~ W'.' DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) ij';al Reed 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiari or affiliated business entit,! relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) X Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if properly owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entit'! relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Modification of Conaltions Application Page 100fl1 Revised 911/2004 NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 10 "'" II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT <~,.,~ II ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Land Design & Development, Inc Leonard Devine, Esquire Sykes, Bourdon, Ahern & Levy, P.C. Ron Morrison, William E, Wood & Associates 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va, Code 9 2.2-3101, 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va, Code 9 2,2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package, " . AP~::i2L-t~ Neal Reed Pnnt Name Property Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Print Name Modification of Conditions Application Page 11 of 11 Revised 9/1/2004 z c:~~ I . r t C~ I . . , r". ea ~ z C=~ I . r t I . ~ Z o c ~ r'T I C ~ z c:::=~ I . r t C~ I . r'T I I . ~ c:=~ ~ NEAL REED Agenda Item 12 Page 11 II Item #12 Neal Reed Modification of Conditions 798 Lynnhaven Parkway District 6 Beach November 12,2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next matter is agenda item 12. An application of Neal Reed for a Modification of Conditions for a request approved by City Council on July 12, 1982. The property is located at 798 Lynnhaven Parkway, District 6, Beach, with seven conditions. Eddie Bourdon: Thank you again. For the record I'm Eddie Bourdon representing the applicant. We agree with all seven conditions on this proposed redevelopment. We appreciate being on the consent agenda and appreciate the recognition of what Mr. Reed has done on some of the other sites that he has redeveloped and developed in the city. Joseph Strange: Thank you Eddie. Is there any opposition tot his matter being placed on the consent agenda? Ifnot, the Chair has asked Dave Redmond to review this item. David Redmond: Thank you Mr. Strange. The Conditional Use Permit permitting a service station at this location was originally approved by the City Council on July 12, 1982. The applicant is requesting a modification to the Conditional Use Permit because he desires to renovate the site and wnstruct a convenience store. The original request for the Conditional Use permit did not include a convenience store nor was a convenience depicted on the site plan submitted with the original request; therefore, the Conditional Use Permit must be modified. The submitted preliminary site plan depicts a 24-foot by 100-foot (24' x 100') canopy with four fueling stations, a 30-foot by 80-foot (30' x 80') convenience store, 12 parking spaces, and required landscaping. The Planning staff recommends approval of this application and the Commission is unaware of any opposition. Moreover, the staff and Commission believe this is an appropriate and welcome redevelopment at this site. The Commission therefore approves by consent. Joseph Strange: Thank you very much Dave. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 12. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE Item #12 Neal Reed Page 2 HORSLEY KATSIAS KNIGHT LIV AS REDMOND RUSSO STRANGE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 12. ABSENT II ,. &;.~~. .~. ~;l, ftJ c'_ -'. \t ~ . ~5 " . 'ij' ".., 'It .", ""...I ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM '"' \. ~ ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, An Ordinance to adopt the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an Appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: In December 2005, the City Council adopted an Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, Resort Area Design Guidelines, and a number of related documents to the City Zoning Ordinance. Concurrently, City Council directed staff to refine the content of those documents to further refine and express the vision for the Resort Area. . Considerations: In June 2007, the City Council appropriated funds to secure a consultant to assist staff, Resort Area stakeholders, and residents throughout the city in refining and expressing that vision and in ascertaining measures necessary to implement the vision. In October 2007, the City secured the services of Sasaki Associates. Since that time, work has been underway consisting of site and data analysis, urban design evaluation, and community planning and design charrettes involving more than 350 participants. From this work, a preferred vision for the Resort Area has been developed. The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan was presented to the public for review and comment on June 2, 2008. Suggestions from the public at that meeting were incorporated into the vision, and it was presented to the Planning Commission on September 10 and to the City Council on October 14. Due to the size of the document, copies of the plan are provided to the City Council under separate cover. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan provides a vision for the Resort Area developed through a collaborative process with property owners, residents, citizens, and City staff and the plan provides a series of strategic steps necessary to achieve the expressed vision. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a vote of 10-0 to recommend approval of the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan to the City Council. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - RESORT AREA PLAN Page 2 of 2 . Attachments: Staff Review Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH RESORT AREA STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN (RASAP) Agenda Item 15 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing REQUEST: An Ordinance to adopt the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an Appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT In December 2005, the City Council adopted an Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, Resort Area Design Guidelines, and a number of related documents to the City Zoning Ordinance. Concurrently, City Council directed staff to refine the content of those documents to further refine and express the vision for the Resort Area. In June 2007, the City Council appropriated funds to secure a consultant to assist staff, Resort Area stakeholders, and residents throughout the city in refining and expressing that vision and in ascertaining measures necessary to implement the vision. In October 2007, the City secured the services of Sasaki Associates. Since that time, work has been underway consisting of site and data analysis, urban design evaluation, and community planning and design charrettes involving more than 350 participants. From this work, a preferred vision for the Resort Area has been developed. The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan was presented to the public for review and comment on June 2, 2008. Suggestions from the public at that meeting were incorporated into the vision, and it was presented to the Planning Commission on September 10 and to the City Council on October 14. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached ordinance, which adopts the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. The plan provides a vision for the Oceanfront Resort Area established through a collaborative effort consisting of City staff, Sasaki Associates, and property owners and residents in the Resort Area and throughout the city. The plan also provides a list of recommended actions for implementation, which will be followed during the upcoming years. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE 2 PLAN BY INCORPORATING THE RESORT AREA 3 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN AS AN APPENDIX 4 5 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 6 practice so require; 7 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 9 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 10 11 That the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach be, and hereby is, 12 amended and reordained by the addition of that certain document entitled "Resort Area 13 Strategic Action Plan" as an Appendix. Such document is made a part hereof, having 14 been exhibited to City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. 15 16 COMMENT 17 18 The ordinance amends the Comprehensive Plan by incorporating tbe Resort Area Strategic 19 Action Plan, which provides general land use policy guidance regarding tbe oceanfront area. 20 21 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this 22 day of ,2008. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: fJJdtP4'!1{ 4J. City Attorney's Office APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CA 10909 R-1 October 30, 2008 i i Item #15 City of Virginia Beach An Ordinance to adopt the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan As an Appendix to the Comprehensive Plan November 12, 2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 15, the City of Virginia Beach. It an Ordinance to Adopt the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan as an Appendix to the Comprehensive Plan. Is there any opposition to this matte being placed on the consent agenda? If not, the Chair has asked Jack Whitney ifhe would review this item. Jack Whitney: Thank you Mr. Strange. This is the first in a series of plans that are being prepared for what we call our "Strategic Growth Areas" incorporated in the Comprehensive Plan. This particular plan has undergone a tremendous amount of public involvement for almost a year now. There have been design and planning charettes heavily attended by members ofthe public. It has been reviewed by just about every civic organization in that part of the City. It is also been briefed both to this Commission and the City Council. Again, we have received public comment which has been incorporated in to the plan. We ask your indulgence to consider approving this by consent. It will then become official city policy once it is acted upon by the City Council, and we would intend to then incorporate it into our Comprehensive Plan. Joseph Strange: Thank you Jack. Janice Anderson: It appears that we do have one person that would like to make a comment. Donald Horsley: We have one speaker. Henry Ryto. I don't know whether it is support or opposition? Are you in opposition? Henry Ryto: I just have some concerns to express about this plan at this point. I just wanted to for public record. Janice Anderson: Go ahead sir. Henry Ryto: Okay. My name is Henry Ryto. I served as a member of the Resort Advisory Commission since February 2004. Given that post, I had a front row seat for a bunch of what has been going on in the drafting of this plan. Yes. The Resort Area Strategic Action Plan is great in concept but for the laws that accomplish much for a resort area, achieve many of the city's goals without redevelopment authority. Part of what concerns me is a couple of the amendment changes have been made to the plan and how they happened. One of them earlier for inclusion for hotel redevelopment in the northern part of the beach area was later removed. If we're going to draw the type of conventions that the City has envisioned and the visitors, we're not going to do with our current hotel projects. That was at one point and was and one of the options where a plan that was later removed. Second there was an attempt to Item #15 City of Virginia Beach Page 2 redo Rudee Loop during the summer. There was a proposal to remove the hotel project there and put in an entertainment complex instead and that died on its own. And finally, there is the question about Ocean Center, which was slipped into the plan after all the public comment and the Charettes were over. Even as RAe commissioner, I found out about Ocean Center through the Virginian Pilot. I had no idea that was being put in. What I would like to is and especially since it is an ACUIZ 1, I would like to see the Navy sign off on this thing before we adopt this as formal City policy. I've talked with the Planning staff about this, but I would like to see specifically sign off on the Ocean Center because I wouldn't want to lose Ocean a over a resort area project. During the second Charette, I had raised the issue of potentially putting workforce housing for the resort workforce in the Colony property. I was told by Planning Department staff that at this time that at that time that it couldn't be done because of the BRAe ordinance. Now later, Ocean Center has been put in there with housing and condos, and the staff says it's okay. Now, one ofthe two times city staff had to be wrong. Speaking for my own personal concerns here this afternoon, my BRAe service has been a representative of this Council Civic Organizations, Virginia Beach Civic League Federation. The CCO meets on the second Wednesday and we are scheduled to meet tonight with a resolution pending which would cover many of these concerns. Once again, while this plan is good in concept, there have been a couple of changes in it which I just wonder whether or not we can still achieve our goals with them in there. And, I just wanted to have my peace before this entire thing passes through. Janice Anderson: Thank you sir. Mr. Whitney, if you would just like to respond to that? This is a plan for a vision for future development. It doesn't really require us to stay to a hard development or anything like that. It is just a vision. Jack Whitney: Yes ma'am. That is correct. It is a vision and a plan. There will be action items to come to implement any public or private development that accommodates it. The particular issue of hotels has been adequately, I believe addressed in the plan. Certainly the potential for a headquarters hotel that the Convention Center was recognized and worked into the plan. The development that the speaker was mentioning is in fact, private development. It's very conceptual. There have been no plans submitted which would be endorsed under your approval of the Resort Strategic Action Plan. There is a mobile home part, which you are all aware of on 17th Street. We have had numerous discussions with the property owners involved. The project is in the very formative stage at this point. Nothing has been submitted, which this plan would endorse. The plan does speak to the mixed-use development in that part of the Resort Area as being desirable. Obviously, we've worked very close with the Navy with respect to the impact under any AICUZ related districts, noise or accident potential zones. Anything that would be approved in a way of a private development would have to, of course, go through that review process with the Navy as a full partner. Janice Anderson: Thank you very much. Joseph Strange: Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 15. II Item #15 City of Virginia Beach Page 3 Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTIlliE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KA TSIAS KNIGHT AYE LIV AS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 15. II ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, An Ordinance to amend Section 211 of the City Zoning Ordinance by allowing certain temporary signs in all zoning districts. MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The amendments allow temporary signs giving notice of meetings or events of civic leagues or property owners' associations (POAs). The City Zoning Ordinance currently provides no specific regulation pertaining to such signs. . Considerations: The proposed amendment allows temporary signs for civic league or POA events to be located only on property owned by the civic league or POA. One (1 ) sign may be placed at each entrance to the neighborhood or subdivision represented by the civic league or POA and may remain for the period from 14 days prior to the meeting or event to 3 days after. Signs may not exceed 32 square feet in area and may be illuminated in accordance with the restrictions applicable to other signage. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the amendments provide guidance for a type of sign that currently lacks specific guidance and there was no opposition to the proposal. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a vote of 10-0 to recommend approval of the amendment to the City Council. . Attachments: Staff Review Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manage . l,~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO CZO SEC. 211 TEMPORARY SIGNS Agenda Item 14 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing REQUEST: An Ordinance to amend Section 211 of the City Zoning Ordinance by allowing certain temporary signs in all zoning districts. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT The amendments allow temporary signs giving notice of meetings or events of civic leagues or property owners' associations (POAs). Such signs may be located only on property owned by the civic league or POA. One (1) sign may be placed at each entrance to the neighborhood or subdivision represented by the civic league or POA and may remain for the period from 14 days prior to the meeting or event to 3 days after. Signs may not exceed 32 square feet in area and may be illuminated in accordance with the restrictions applicable to other signage. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this amendment, as it establishes reasonable regulations for a type of sign that is currently not regulated. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / TEM i i 1 REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER BILL DESTEPH 2 3 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 211 OF THE 4 CITY ZONING ORDINANCE BY ALLOWING CERTAIN 5 TEMPORARY SIGNS IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS 6 7 Section Amended: City Zoning Ordinance 9 211 8 9 10 WHEREAS the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 11 practice so requires: 12 13 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. 14 VIRGINIA: 15 16 That the City Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and reordained by the 17 amendment of Section 211, to read as follows: 18 19 20 Sec. 211. Signs permitted in all districts. 21 22 The following types of signs are exempted from all of the provisions of this 23 ordinance, except for illumination, construction, and safety regulations and the following 24 standards: 25 26 (a) Public signs. Signs of a noncommercial nature and in the interest of, 27 erected by or on the order of, a public officer in the performance of his public duty, such 28 as directional signs, regulatory signs, warning signs, and informational signs. 29 30 (b) Temporary signs. 31 32 (1) Temporary signs announcing any public, charitable, educational, 33 religious or other noncommercial event or function, located entirely 34 upon the property on which such event or function is held and set 35 back no less than seven (7) feet from the property line, and having 36 a maximum sign area of thirty-two (32) square feet. Such signs 37 shall be allowed no more than thirty (30) days prior to the event or 38 function and must be removed within seven (7) days after the event 39 or function. Such signs may be illuminated in accordance with the 40 restrictions set forth in section 213 hereof. If building-mounted, 41 such signs shall be flat wall signs and shall not project above the 42 roofline. If freestanding, the height of any such sign shall be no 43 more than twelve (12) feet above ground level. 44 45 (2) Temporary signs of a commercial nature announcing grand 46 openings or other special events or promotions, subject to the 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 limitations as to size, height and location set forth in subdivision (1) hereof. Such signs shall be displayed no more than three (3) times per year by any business or establishment, nor for any period in excess of seven (7) days. (3) Temporary signs displayed upon balloons, subject to the requirements of subdivisions (1) and (2) hereof, provided, however, that balloons displaying such signs may, if affixed to the roof of a building or structure, project no more than thirty (30) feet above the roofline or, if affixed to the ground, have a height not exceeding thirty (30) feet from ground level. Such signs shall not exceed seventy-five (75) square feet in surface area. (4) Temporary siQns QivinQ notice of civic leaQues' or property owners associations' meetinQs or events, provided that such siQns shall be located on property owned by the civic leaQue or property owners association holdinQ the meetinQ or event and shall be no Qreater than thirty-two (32) SQuare feet in area. No more than one (1) such siQn shall be permitted at each entrance to the neiQhborhood or subdivision represented by the civic league or property owners' association. Such signs shall be in place for no more than fourteen (14) days before the meetinQ or event of which the sign Qives notice or three (3) days after the meetinQ or event has been held. Such siQns may be illuminated in accordance with the restrictions set forth in Section 213. COMMENT The amendments allow temporary signs giving notice of meetings or events of civic leagues or property owners' associations (POAs). Such signs may be located only on property owned by the civic league or POA. One (1) sign may be placed at each entrance to the neighborhood or subdivision represented by the civic league or POA and may remain for the period from 14 days prior to the meeting or event to 3 days after. Signs may not exceed 32 square feet in area and may be illuminated in accordance with the restrictions applicable to other signage Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ,2008. day of APPROVED AS TO LEGALSUFFICIENCV- CA10527 I R-4 I August 12, 2008 2 II Item #14 City of Virginia Beach An Ordinance to Amend Section 211 of the City Zoning Ordinance by allowing certain temporary signs in all Zoning Districts November 12,2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 14, the City of Virginia Beach. An ordinance to amend Section 211 of the City's Zoning Ordinance by allowing certain temporary signs in all zoning districts. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Bill Macali to review this item. Bill Macali: Madame Chair, this item was requested by Counci1member DeSteph in an effort to get some certainty as to what type of signs can be posted for a civic meeting and events. It essentially allows one sign not exceeding 32 square feet to be placed for a period of 14 days prior to the event and three days after the event on each piece of property owned by the civic league or property association. It gives them some type of certainty to what can be posted and we feel that it does accomplish that. Joseph Strange: Okay. Thank you Bill. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 14. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KA TSIAS KNIGHT AYE LIV AS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 14. II t!J.~~"."~...~~, .,. .,.,. . ' '1.'- l:" s:5 \\"j/ ~.J, ~~:7 ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, An Ordinance to amend Section 203 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to parking requirements in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District. MEETING DATE: December 2,2008 . Background: The unique qualities of Town Center area as a mixed-use district have resulted in a parking situation where experience has indicated that the degree of parking being shared within the area is such that the parking being required by the existing Zoning Ordinance provisions is resulting in more parking than is needed. This is primarily due to the fact that there a variety of uses within the same compact area that utilize parking at various times of the day, providing opportunities to share parking spaces between different land uses. . Considerations: This amendment will allow the Planning Director to more accurately determine the required parking for uses within the B-3A zoning district through a parking analysis provided by a developer of property within the Town Center rather than the specific numerical requirements dictated by the Zoning Ordinance. Such an analysis will provide an accurate depiction of parking arrangements within the Town Center area and ensure that there is adequate parking to be shared among the various uses. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the amendment provides for the highest and most efficient use of parking spaces in the Town Center and there was no opposition to the proposal. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a vote of 10-0 to recommend approval of the amendment to the City Council. . Attachments: Staff Review Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - B-3A PARKING AMENDMENT Page 2 of 2 Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ~ \L, 0-e~ II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO CZO SECTION 203 - PARKING IN THE B-3A DISTRICT Agenda Item 16 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing REQUEST: An Ordinance to amend Section 203 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to parking requirements in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT This amendment will allow the Planning Director to more accurately determine the required parking for the B-3A zoning district through the use of a parking analysis rather than specific numerical requirements. This is needed because of the unique qualities of this mixed use development, where experience has indicated that the degree of parking being shared within the area is such that the parking being required by the existing ordinance provisions is resulting in more parking than is needed. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached ordinance amendment. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / B-3A PARKING Agenda Item 16 Page 1 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 203 OF THE CITY 2 ZONING ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO PARKING 3 REQUIREMENTS IN THE B-3A PEMBROKE CENTRAL 4 BUSINESS CORE DISTRICT AND THE B-4C CENTRAL 5 BUSINESS MIXED USE DISTRICT 6 7 WHEREAS the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 8 practice so requires: 9 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 11 VIRGINIA: 12 13 That the City Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and reordained by the 14 amendment of Section 203, pertaining to parking requirements in the B-3A and B-4C 15 zoning districts, to read as follows: 16 17 ARTICLE 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO 18 ALL DISTRICTS 19 20 A. REGULATIONS RELATING TO LOTS, YARDS, HEIGHTS, OFF-STREET 21 PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING 22 23 24 Sec. 203. Off-street parking requirements. 25 26 27 28 (g) Parking requirements in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core and 29 B-4C Central Business Mixed Use Districts. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of 30 this section, witRi.R the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District. parkinQ 31 requirements shall be determined in accordance with a parkin!:! analysis prepared by a 32 licensed professional en!:!ineer. Such analysis shall contain, at a minimum. the current 33 parkin!:! utilization. parkin!:! demands based upon current land uses. a determination of a 34 surplus or shorta!:!e of parkin!:!, and the impact of the proposed development. The 35 plannin!:! director shall determine the adequacy of the analysis. Within the aOO B-4C 36 Central Business Mixed Use District, there shall be provided for nonresidential uses, 37 except hotels and uses accessory to hotels, no fewer than three (3) spaces per one 38 thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area, and for residential uses no fewer than 39 one and seven-tenths (1.7) spaces per dwelling unit. Parking requirements for hotels 40 and uses accessory to hotels shall be as specified in subsection (a). 41 42 (h) Same; shared parking. Notwithstanding anything in this ordinance to the 43 contrary, required off-street parking for any use located on property within the B-3A 44 Pembroke Central Business Core District or B-4C Central Business Mixed Use District 45 may be made available for use by the general public as well as by the customers or 46 patrons of such use; provided. however, that in the B-4C Central Business Mixed Use 47 District, no parkin!:! space shall be used to satisfy the parkin!:! requirement of more than 48 one (1) establishment. The required number and dimensions of parking spaces shall be 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 as specified in this section, and no parking space shall be usod to s3tisfy the parking requirement of more than one (1) establishment. (i) Public parking in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core and B-4C Central Business Mixed Use Districts. Parking requirements for uses within the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District or B-4C Central Business Mixed Use District may be satisfied by anyone, or a combination of, the following: (1) On-site parking; (2) Off-site parking facilities, as set forth in section 901 of this ordinance; or (3) Public parking, if the Planning Director determines (i) that there is at least a sufficient number of public parking spaces located within the same development phase of the B 3^ District or B 4C District as the proposed use to meet public parking demands; (ii) that for uses in the B-4C Central Business Mixed Use District. such public parking spaces are not used to satisfy the parking requirements of any other use, and (iii) that the use of such public parking spaces to satisfy the parking requirements of the proposed use, either wholly or partially, is warranted in light of the following considerations: A. The extent to which the proposed use advances the goals and objectives of the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District or B-4C Central Business Mixed Use District, as the case may be, as stated in section 900 of the City Zoning Ordinance; B. The extent to which the proposed use conforms to the Urban Design Plan component of the Virginia Beach Central Business District Master Plan if such proposed use is within the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District or, if the proposed use is within the B-4C Central Business Mixed Use District, the extent to which it conforms to the Mixed Use Development Guidelines; and C. The amount of the projected tax revenue to be generated by the proposed use and improvements. COMMENT The amendments to Subsection (g) change the parking requirements in the B-3 A Pembroke Central Business Core District so as to base them upon a parking study that will be required for new uses. The parking study must contain, at a minimum, the items set forth in Lines 32-34, and the Planning Director is to review the study to determine its adequacy. The amendments to Subsection (h) specify that shared parking is not available in the B-4C Central Business Mixed Use District (Lines 46-48). 2 98 99 Subsection (i) is amended to provide that public parking spaces may not be used to satisfy 100 the parking requirements of uses in the B-4C District (Lines 63-64). 101 of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ,2008. day APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~i APP. ROVED AS TO LEGAW SU~FICIENC":: /if. ~ ' L{)~ . J City Attorney's Office CA 10888 R-8 November 4, 2008 3 II Item #16 City of Virginia Beach An Ordinance to amend Section 203 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to parking requirements in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District November 12,2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is agenda item 16. It's an Ordinance to amend Section 203 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to parking requirements in the B-3A Pembroke Central Business Core District. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chairman has asked Jack Whitney ifhe would review this item. Jack Whitney: This is an ordinance which would allow for a more detailed, thorough, and customized review of parking requirements in a certain part of the city, that being the Town Center area. It would require that new development prepare, at their expense, a parking study which would support the staff in determining the necessary parking requirements for that particular project. As opposed to the current system where it simply applies a general standard or "one size fits all" parking requirement, irrespective of the nature of the use and when it actually functions on the ground. We feel this would be a much more efficient use ofthe land area and parking in this part of the city, much more so than our previous parking requirements. And we would recommend the ordinance favorable for recommendation. Joseph Strange: Thank you very much Jack. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve . agenda item 16. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KA TSIAS KNIGHT AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: Bya vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 16. II -:~~#, &..s<"'o fl .1 \!, (u .;:, (" " (-;. ;;,) "'. "tiF f" -"J'Pt, _#~J \.~~~.:,-' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Minimum Right-of-Way and Minimum Paved Width for Minor Subdivision Streets MEETING DATE: December 2, 2008 . Background: An Ordinance to Amend Section 4.1 of Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations, Pertaining to the Deletion of the Minimum Right-of-Way Width and Minimum Paved Width for Minor Subdivision Streets. This item was deferred on November 25, 2008. Considerations: At its May 9, 2006 meeting, the Virginia Beach City Council established the Green Ribbon Committee and appointed members to the Committee to provide advice and assistance to the City Council in matters relating to water quality in the City's waterways. The first meeting of the Green Ribbon Committee was held on Nov. 9, 2006. The 30-member committee spent more than 600 hours developing recommendations for regulatory, procedural and operational changes that the City can consider to improve water quality. The Green Ribbon Committee Final Report was presented to the City Council on Nov. 20, 2007. Since November, the Committee has been working on measures directed at implementing recommendations of the Final Report. The Preliminary Draft of Green Ribbon Implementation Committee Recommendations was completed on May 19, 2008. The Implementation Committee delivered its Report to City Council on July 1, 2008 and presented the Green Ribbon Committee Implementation Report at the July 8, 2008 City Council Briefing. The proposed amendment is a component of Phase One of the Implementation Program. The amendment deletes the requirement for minimum right-of-way and pavement widths for minor subdivision streets (those that serve 10 or more residential lots of less than 7,500 square feet). The affect is to reduce the width of such streets from a right-of-way of 60 feet to 50 feet, with a corresponding reduction in pavement width from 36 feet to 30 feet. This amendment was CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Page 2 of 2 recommended by the Green Ribbon Committee as a means of reducing impervious cover. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0 to approve this amendment. . Attachments: Staff Review Ordinance Planning Commission Minutes Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager~ k-. C(3~ II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE I STREET WIDTH Agenda Item 22 November 12, 2008 Public Hearing REQUEST: An Ordinance to Amend Section 4.1 of Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations, Pertaining to the Deletion of the Minimum Right-of-Way Width and Minimum Paved Width for Minor Subdivision Streets. This item was deferred by the Planning Commission at the request of staff on August 13, 2008, to provide time for the Commission to receive a briefing on the recommendations of the Green Ribbon Committee Implementation Report. The item was deferred again on October 8, 2008. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT At its May 9, 2006 meeting, the Virginia Beach City Council established the Green Ribbon Committee and appointed members to the Committee to provide advice and assistance to the City Council in matters relating to water quality in the City's waterways. The first meeting of the Green Ribbon Committee was held on Nov. 9, 2006. The 30-member committee spent more than 600 hours developing recommendations for regulatory, procedural and operational changes that the City can consider to improve water quality. The Green Ribbon Committee Final Report was presented to the City Council on Nov. 20, 2007. Since November, the Committee has been working on measures directed at implementing recommendations of the Final Report. The Preliminary Draft of Green Ribbon Implementation Committee Recommendations was completed on May 19, 2008. The Implementation Committee delivered its Report to City Council on July 1, 2008 and presented the Green Ribbon Committee Implementation Report at the July 8, 2008 City Council Briefing. The proposed amendment is a component of Phase One of the Implementation Program. The amendment deletes the requirement for minimum right-of-way and pavement widths for minor subdivision streets (those that serve 10 or more residential lots of less than 7,500 square feet). The affect is to reduce the width of such streets from a right-of-way of 60 feet to 50 feet, with a corresponding reduction in pavement width from 36 feet to 30 feet. This amendment was recommended by the Green Ribbon Committee as a means of reducing impervious cover. As background regarding the evolution of street widths in Virginia Beach, the following is provided. In early 1988, Section 4.1 (m) of the Subdivision Regulations contained two subsections under "Minor" streets, i.e., "a) commercial or industrial uses" and "b) residential uses." The "residential uses" required a minimum right-of-way width of 50 feet and a paved section of 30 feet. ... .... .", . . .. " . ." CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH I STREET WIDTHS . - .... Agenda Itern.22 . R~Q~1 During the 1970s and 1980s, many subdivisions with small lots were created. Some of these subdivisions used the R-8 Residential zoning district with its 5000 square foot lots, 50-foot widths and the "zero lot line" or "reduced side yard setback" options. Others used the A-1 Apartment zoning district to create 40-foot wide townhouse lots with units attached by sheds to obtain higher density with a single-family appearance. Small single-family lots were also allowed in the A-1 district. The combination of 20-foot front yard setbacks, single wide driveways and the ability to use the garage for required parking soon developed into a safety issue in these neighborhoods. Since garages are seldom used for parking a vehicle and residents usually do not like moving the last vehicle in the driveway to allow the first vehicle to exit, parking on both sides of the street became the standard. On April 18, 1988, City Council adopted a completely revised City Zoning Ordinance. One of the many changes addressed residential parking. Section 505 restricted the use of garages and enclosed or covered parking spaces from being used to meet the residential off-street parking requirements. This change, coupled with the small front yard setbacks, forced these types of developments to either increase the front yard setbacks to 36 feet or provide double wide driveways, thereby relieving the streets from assuming a large amount of the burden of supplying parking for the dwellings. In most, if not all cases, the double wide driveway was provided; however, the ordinance continued to allow stacked parking for one and two family residential units. On September 6, 1988, City Council approved the first of two changes to the Subdivision Regulations to further address parking on the streets of subdivisions with small lots, Section 4.1{m) Minor streets (b) was expanded to allow lots of 7500 square feet or more or fewer than 10 lots of less than 7500 square feet on a cul-de-sac to develop on a 50-foot right-of-way and a 30-foot paved section. Subsection (c) was created to require 10 or more lots of less than 7500 square feet to develop on a 60-foot right-of-way and a 36-foot paved section. The other newly created Subsection (d) required townhouse lots to be platted on a 50-foot right-of-way and a 30-foot paved section. Section 4.1(m) Minor streets (b) was once again amended on June 11,1990. This amendment allowed the lots referenced in Subsection (c) [10 or more lots less than 7500 square feet] to have the option of using a 50-foot right-of-way with a 30-foot paved section if all of the required driveways are a minimum of 18 feet in width. RECOMMENDATION Approval of the amendments is recommended. ... - -.- .... . .. . . .. .. '" CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / STREETWlD1HS Agenda Itern::22 . R~Q~2 I I I, II Item #22 City of Virginia Beach An Ordinance to amend Section 4.1 of Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations pertaining to the deletion of the minimum Right-of-Way Width and Minimum Paved Width for Minor Subdivision Streets November 12,2008 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 22. An Ordinance to amend Section 4.1 of the Appendix B, Subdivision Regulations pertaining to the deletion of the Minimum Right-of- way Width and Minimum Paved Width for Minor Subdivision Streets. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? If not, the Chairman has asked Al Henley to review this item. Al Henley: Thank you. This section is concerning an amendment to the City Ordinance regarding subdivision regulations pertaining to the deletion of the minimum right-of-way width and a minimum paved width of minor subdivision streets. In 2006, City Council established a Green Ribbon Committee, which I had the honor of serving on, and appointed members of the committee to provide service and assistance to City Council in matters relating to water quality in the city's waterways. This amendment deletes the requirement for minimum right-of-way and pavement widths for minor subdivisions and the width for such streets or residential lots that are less than 7,500 square feet. The affect is to reduce a width of such street from the right-of-way from 60 feet to 50 feet with a corresponding reduction in pavement width from 36 feet to 30 feet. This amendment was recommended by the Green Ribbon Committee as a means of reducing impervious cover to improve water quality. As background regarding the evolution of street widths in Virginia Beach, Subdivision Regulations contained two subsections under "Minor" streets. They were commercial or industrial and residential uses. The residential uses require a minimum width of 50 feet and a paved section of 30 feet. This amendment allows ten or more lots less than 7,500 square feet to have an option of using the 50-foot right-of-way width and a 30-foot of paved section of street, and providing the driveways are a minimum width of 18 feet. Being that this is good for the environment, we have placed this on the consent agenda. Thank you. Joseph Strange: Thank you AI. Madam Chairman, I make a motion to approve agenda item 22. Janice Anderson: I have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE Item #22 City of Virginia Beach Page 2 HORSLEY KA TSIAS KNIGHT LIVAS REDMOND RUSSO STRANGE AYE ABSENT AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 10-0, the Board has approved item 22. Janice Anderson: Thank you very much. Thank you Mr. Strange for handling the consent agenda. For all of those who had a matter on the consent agenda, I thank you for coming today. I appreciate your appearance here. I I II II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 4.1 OF APPENDIX B (SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS), DELETING THE MINIMUM RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH AND MINIMUM PAVED WIDTH REQUIREMENTS FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION STREETS Section Amended: S 4.1 of Appendix B BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 4.1 of Appendix B of the City Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPENDIX B SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS DESIGN STANDARDS Sec. 4.1. Streets and alleys. (m) (1) Street right-of-way widths shall be as specified in officially adopted elements of the comprehensive plan relating to streets. Where not shown therein, pavement widths and right-of-way widths for public streets shall be in relation to the proposed density and/or the land use of the property adjacent to the roads and within the parcel sought to be subdivided, but in no case, be less than as follows: TABLE INSET: Minimum R/W Width (feet) b. Serving residential lots of 7,500 square feet or more, or fewer than 10 lots of less than 7,500 square feet on a cul-de-sac, or 10 lots or more of less than 7,500 square feet where adequate legal assurance has been provided that all required driveways on lots served by such street shall be at least 18 feet wide 50 Minimum Paved Width (face to face of curb) (feet) 30 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 G-: Serving 10 or more residontiallots of loss than 7 ,500 squ~lrO feet {h c. Serving townhouse lots in the R-2.5 zoning category w de 50 30 COMMENT This amendment deletes the requirement for minimum right-of-way and pavement widths for minor subdivision streets. This amendment was recommended by the Green Ribbon Committee as a means of reducing impervious cover. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ,2008. day CA10811 July 28, 2008 R-4 NCY: L. APPOINTMENTS COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD MIUT AR Y ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE P ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS I I II N. NEW BUSINESS o. ADJOURNMENT ********************************** PUBLIC COMMENTS Non-Agenda Items ********************************** Effective 1 January 2009: Virginia Beach City Council will hold Informal and Formal Sessions on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Workshops will be scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month per action taken 11.18.08. A Special Formal Session will be held Monday, January 5,2009 at 4:00 PM for the REORGANIZATION of City Council ********* If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 *********** Agenda 12/02/08 afb www.vbgov.com CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OFCOUNCU ACnONS V 0 1 DATE: November 25, 2008 M B L D C E L E D H C R A W PAGE: I S 1 E J L N U N I T E D N 0 A D H U L W AGENDA E Z Y L N N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE P E E E E A R 1 V 0 0 H L R Y S N F N A N D 1 BRIEFINGS: A GREEN RIBBON INITIATIVE Bany Frankenfield, Administrator - Parks and Rec B, URANIUM MINING IN VIRGINIA Tom Leahy, Director of Public Utilities JI/III/IV / V-E CERTIFICA TION OF CLOSED CERTIFIED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y SESSION F MINlJTES November 18. 2008 APPROVED 10-0 y Y y y Y Y y A Y Y y B S T A I N E D GIH PlJBLlC HEARINGS: I. AMENDMENT to ~30-59 of CITY 1 Speaker CODE re Erosion/Sediment Control 2. TIF CBD Northeast Tax 4 Speakers 3. EXCHANGE OF EXCESS CITY No Speakers PROPERTY Habitat for Humanity - 5069 Indian River Rd/2056 and 2058 Salem Rd 4. SALE OF EXCESS CITY NoS peakers PROPERTY Tailwind Development Group - Princess Anne Rd/S, Indepndnce Blvd 5, LEASE OF CITY PROPERTIES a. Kempsville Borough Boys No Speakers Baseball, Inc, - 952 Reon Dr b. FLS Corporation tla The Nesting Box No Speakers - Farmer's Market Spaces # I and #2 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OFCOUNCU ACnONS V 0 I DATE: November 25, 2008 M B L D C E L E D H C R A W PAGE: 2 S I E J L N U N I T E D N 0 A D H U L W AGENDA E Z Y L N N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE P E E E E A R I V 0 0 H L R Y S N F N A N D VJ -Ia Ord to AMEND City Code ~30-59 re DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Erosion/Sediment Control site stabilization 12/02/2008, BY CONSENT Ib Ord to AMEND City Code ~ 21-354/21- ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 359 re residential parking pennits CONSENT Ic Ord to AMEND City Code Chapter 5 - DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Animals and Fowls - ADDING ~ 5-20 re 12/0212008. BY prohibiting feeding wildlife on City CONSENT property 2 Ord to AUTHORIZEIMODlFY Beacon ADOPTED, 9-2 N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Exchange agreement/APPROPRIATE BY CONSENT funds/AUTHORIZE VBDA use EDlP funds 3 Res to AFFIRM authorization to pickup ADOPTED, 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y employee's contribution to VRS BY CONSENT 4 Ord to DECLARE City-owned land as ADOPTEDI 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y excess property at Princess Anne Rdl S, CONDITIONED. Indepndnce Blvd to Tailwind BY CONSENT Development Group/AUTHORIZE conveyance DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL 5 Ord to re Habitat for Humanity: ADOPTED, 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE BY CONSENT a. TRANSFER $231,000 re affordable housing b, DECLARE City-owned land as excess property at 5069 Indian River Rd/2056 and 2058 Salem Rd in exchange for Zurich Arch 6a Ord to AUTHORIZE lease of City-owned ADOPTED, 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y property to Kempsville Borough Boys BY CONSENT Baseball, Inc., at 952 Reon Dr DISTRICT I - CENTERVILLE 6b Ord to AUTHORIZE lease of City-owned ADOPTED, 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y property to FLS Corporation tla The BY CONSENT Nesting Box at Fanner's Market, Spaces # I and #2 DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMAR Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 I DATE: November 25, 2008 M B L D C E L E D H C R A W PAGE: 3 S I E J L N U N I T E D N 0 A D H U L W AGENDA E Z Y L N N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE P E E E E A R I V 0 0 H L R Y S N F N A N D K-] THOMAS E., SR./NANCY I. APPROVEDI 1]-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COGHILL, for closure of alley at 804 CONDlT]ONED, Surfs ide Ave BY CONSENT DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 2 ARGOLD DAM NECK, L.L.C. CoZ APPROVED AS 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y from R-IS/AG-I to Conditional R-7.S at PROFFERED Dam Neck Rd/Southcross Dr DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE 3 IMPRESSIVE FITNESS, LLC d/b/a APPROVED, 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ANYTIME FITNESS CUP re indoor BY CONSENT recreational facility at 5300 Kempsriver Dr DISTRICT I - CENTERVILLE 4 NKE ASSETS, LLC d/b/a LIGHTING APPROVED, ] 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VIRGINIA CUP re bulk storage at Suite BY CONSENT 110.596 Central Dr DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 5a CITY re 2181/2257 Landstown Rd: DEFERRED 1]-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE INDEFINITELY, L CoZ from AG-I to B-2 BY CONS~T 2. CUP re recreational facilities 5b Ord to AMEND *4.1 of DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Appendix B, Subdivision 12/02/2008, Regulations, re minimum r-o-w BY CONSENT width/minimum paved width for minor subdivision streets L HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Gary Fentress APPOINTED 9-1 Y Y Y N Y A Y Y Y Y Y Diane Horsley Three year lerm B Michael Newbill 01/01/09 - S Mac Rawls 12/31/11 T Judy Connors A I N Glenn Carwell APPOINTED E Vicki Harvey Two year lerm D Patrick McAtamhey 01/01/09 - Bernice Pope 12/31/10 Bill Gambrell APPOINTED Harriet Frenzel One year lerm Michael Little 01/01/09 - Henry Pearson 12/31/09 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OFCOUNCU ACnONS V 0 I DATE: November 25, 2008 M B L D C E L E D H C R A W PAGE: 4 S I E 1 L N U N I T E D N 0 A D H U L W AGENDA E Z Y L N N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE P E E E E A R I V 0 0 H L R Y S N F N A N D REVIEW AND ALLOCATION COMMIlTEE (COG) Frank J, "Skip" Scanlon APPOINTED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Ex-Officio Heallh Representative TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP REMOVED B Y C 0 N S E N S U S HOME COMMISSION FROM THE AGENDA NOT FUNDED BY THE COMMONWEALTH APPOINTMENTS RESCHEDULED B Y C 0 N S E N S U S COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD MILITARY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE P ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINIO ADJOURNMENT 7:01 PM Citv Council Sessions for December 2008 December 2 December 9 Briefing, Informal, Formal, including Planning Briefing, Informal, Formal, including Planning