HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 24, 2009 AGENDA II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MA YOR WIWAM D. SESSOMS ,JR., At-Large VICE MA YOR LOUIS R. JONES. Bayside - District 4 GLENN R. DA VIS. Rose Hall - District 3 WIWAM R. DeSTEPH, At-Large HARRY E. DlEZEL, Kempsville - District 2 ROBERT M. DYER.. Centerville - District J BARBARA M. HENLEY, Princess Anne - District 7 JOHN E. UHRIN, Beach - District 6 RON A. VILLANUEVA. At-Large ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMES L. WOOD, Lynnhaven -District 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 24 February 2009 CITY MANAGER - JAMES K. SPORE CITY ATTORNEY - LESUE L. UUEY CITY ASSESSOR - JERALD BANAGAN CITY AUDITOR - LYNDON S. REMIAS CITY aERK - RUTH HODGES FRASER, MMC I. CITY COUNCIL'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room - A. VOLUNTEER RESOURCES - Annual Report Mary Russo, Director B. REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT - Annual Report Jerald Banagan, City Assessor II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. 2010 HEALTH CARE PLANNING Susie Walton, Deputy City Manager Kenneth Jeffries, Principal- Mercer B. INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENT Patricia Phillips, Director - Finance C. PLANNING ITEMS PENDING Jack Whitney, Director - Planning III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVIEW CITY HALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE:(757) 385-4303 FAX (757) 385-5669 E-MAIL: Ctycncl@vbgov.com 1:00PM V. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 4:30 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VI. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. INVOCATION: Reverend Kevin Milcarek Pastor, Back Bay Christian Assembly of God C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSION 2. SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION February 3, 2009 February 17, 2009 G. FORMAL SESSION AGENDA H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY - SPORTSPLEX 2181 and 2257 Landstown Road 2. POLLING PLACE CHANGE - Magic Hollow Precinct I. CONSENT AGENDA II J. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinances to AMEND the City Code a. ~ 1 0-1 re location of Magic Hollow Voting Precinct b. ~2-348 re destruction of paid personal property tax records c. Chapter 28 to ADD a new Article IV re regulations for the discharge of fats, oils, grease, and other substances into the public sewer system 2. Resolution to EXECUTE a Memorandum of Agreement with Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) re grease control devices 3. Resolution to APPOINT Mark D. Stiles as City Attorney, effective March 1,2009 4. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan and submit same to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) re Section 8 5. Resolution to REFER to the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation an amendment to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance re inclusion of swimming pool surface areas as impervious cover and to ESTABLISH uniform buffer mitigation standards 6. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $9,826 from the Francis Land House Trust Fund to the Museum Department's budget re support of Adam Thoroughgood House 7. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE an initiative grant of$416,754 from the Department of Homeland Security to the Police re Bomb Unit equipment 8. Ordinance to TRANSFER $128,650 from various sources to Communications and Information Technology (ComIT) re upgrades to the City's websites K. PLANNING 1. Application of ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH & ENLIGHTENMENT, INC. (A.R.E.), for an Expansion of a Nonconforming Use at 215 67th Street - DISTRICT 5- LYNNHAVEN APPLICANT REQUESTS DEFERRAL TO MARCH 10, 2009 2. Variance to ~4.4(b) ofthe Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements ofthe City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) for CHARLES H. DAWSON re lot width at 4300 Charity Neck Road - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMMENDA nON APPROVAL 3. Variance to S4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) for BRUCE & KELLIE HENLEY re a flag lot at Charity Neck and North Muddy Creek Roads - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 4. Applications of JOHN RODGER BURNS at 3477 Muddy Creek Road - DISTRICT 7 - PRIl\JCESS ANNE a. Jlariance to g4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re constructing a dwelling in the floodplain b. Floodplain Variance re construction fill and mitigation RECOMMENDA nON APPROVAL 5. Application of STEPHEN C. SWAIN for an Expansion ofa Nonconforming Use re additions to a two-story single family dwelling at 1107 Cedar Point Drive - DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN RECOMMENDA nON APPROVAL 6. Application ofWAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST for a Modification of Conditions Nos. 4. 6. and 10 to reduce parking spaces, enlarge and modernize the building, and, to provide more green space, (approved by City Council on May 14, 1990) at 657 Phoenix Drive - DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL RECOMMENDA nON APPROVAL 7. Application ofRE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES for a Conditional Use Perm!! re a church at 5249 Challedon Drive - DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 8. Applilcation of CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER for a Conditional Use Permit re a church at 1401 Lynnhaven Parkway, Unit 101 - DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 9. Application of CARLA L. GRAHAM for a Conditional Use Permit re a Cosmetology School at 5760 Princess Anne Road - DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 10. Application of RICHMOND 20MHZ, L.L.C. d/b/a N TELOS for a Conditional Use Permi! re a communication tower at 345 North Great Neck Road - DISTRICT 6 - BEACH RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL II III 11. Application of ATTOM DONUTS, INC. for a Conditional Use Permit re a drive-through window for an eating and drinking establishment at 501 Laskin Road - DISTRICT 6- BEACH STAFF RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DENIAL APPROVAL 12. Application of BURGER KING CORPORATION for a Conditional Use Permit re a drive- through window for an eating and drinking establishment at 524 Laskin Road - DISTRICT 6 -BEACH STAFF RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DENIAL APPROVAL 13. Application ofMETROTEC ASSOCIATES, INC. and ARVIND GOWDA for a Change of Zoning District Classification. from R-I0 Residential District to Conditional A-12 Apartment District on Shurney Lane - DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 14. Application ofPRlNCESSBORO COMPANY, INC. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-l Agricultural District to Conditional 0-2 Office and Conditional B-2 Community Business District re office and retail space at Princess Anne and Sandbridge Roads - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE DEFERRED BY CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION JANUARY 27, 2009 APPROVAL 15. REQUEST TO WITHDRAW AN APPLICATION of WELDEN FIELD OF VIRGINIA, L.L.C. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from 1-1 Light Industrial District, R- 5D Residential Duplex District and 0-2 Office District to Conditional R-7.5 Residential District with a PD-H2 Overlay at Regent University Drive and Jake Sears Road - DISTRICT 1 - CENTERVILLE RECOMMENDATION ALLOW WITHDRAWAL L. APPOINTMENTS HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION PLANNING COUNCIL M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS O. ADJOURNMENT Effective January 1, 2009: Virginia Beach City Council will hold Informal and Formal Sessions on the ~;econd and Fourth Tuesdays of each month. Workshops will be scheduled for the First and Third Tuesdays of each month per action taken November 18, 2008. ******************* PROPOSED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN FY 2010 BUDGET WORKSHOPS March 24 City Manager's Presentation of Budget and CIP to City Council Council Chamber - 6 p.m. April 7 April 14 April 21 April 16 April 28 May 5 May 12 \Vorkshop \Vorkshop VV orkshop F'ublic Hearing F'ublic Hearing Reconciliation Workshop Adoption Council Conference Room Council Conference Room Council Conference Room Green Run High School- 6 p.m. Council Chamber - 6 p.m. Council Conference Room Council Chamber - 6 p.m. ******** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 *********** Agenda 2124/09st www.vb~ov.com III I. CITY COUNCIL'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room - 1:00 PM A. VOLUNTEER RESOURCES - Annual Report Mary Russo, Director B. REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT - Annual Report J erald Banagan, City Assessor II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. 2010 HEALTH CARE PLANNING Susie Walton, Deputy City Manager Kenneth Jeffries, Principal - Mercer B. INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENT Patricia Phillips, Director - Finance c. PLANNING ITEMS PENDING Jack Whitney, Director - Planning III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVIEW , I III V. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room- A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. 4:30 PM B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION I III VI. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. INVOCATION: Reverend Kevin Milcarek Pastor, Back Bay Christian Assembly of God C, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSION 2. SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION February 3,2009 February 17,2009 G. FORMAL SESSION AGENDA II III H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY - SPORTSPLEX 2181 and 2257 Landstown Road 2. POLLING PLACE CHANGE - Magic Hollow Precinct II III PUBLIC HEARING CHANGING POLLING LOCATION CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH The City Council of Virginia Beach. Virginia at Its formal session on February 24, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. wil! consider an Or'dil1ance to make changes to the polling location for the 'vl;~gic Hollow Precinct. The Ordinance proposes that tt,e M,lgic Hollow Precinct jJolling place be mO\led from Roma Lodge #254 at 3097 t\1agic Hollow Boulevard to Virginia Beach Moose Family Center at 3133 Shipps Corner Road. After adoption by City Council. these changes will become effecti\le following approval by the United States Department of Justice, pursuant to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. as amended. dnd 'Nill be effective for the June 9, 2009 Primary Election. Descriptions and maps of the polling place change, as well as a copy of the aforesaid Ordinance. may be inspected In the Voter Registrar's Office, which is located at 2449 Princess Anne Road. Municipal Center, BLIIlding 14. Virgil"ia Beach, Virginia, 23456. . The Public Hearing will be conducted in the City Council Chamber of the Admil1lstr,ltion Building iBuildll1g #1) at the Municipal Center. If you are physically disabled or Visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OffiCE at 385-4303; Hearing impaired, call: TOD only 711 (TOO - Tp.iept~onic Device for the Deaf). Ruth Hodges Fraser, MMC City Clerk [leacon Fpb. 15 & 22. 2009 19845083 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINQ LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY Tile Virginia Beach City Council ,will hold a PUBUC HEARING on the proposed leasing of City-owned property on Tuesda" February 24, 200', at 8:00, p.m., in the Council Chamber of the City Hall Building (Building #1) at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center to obtain public comment on the City's proposal to lease of: .7.1 acres +j-, at 2181 and 2257 Landstown Road, ddjacent to the Sportsplex, to Sportsplex Commons, LLC I I . If yOU are physically disabled or visually Impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303; Hearl", Impaired, call 711 - The Virginia Relay. /\n)' questions concerning this matter should be directed to ; Rick Rowe, Department of Parks and Recreation, 22891 lynnhaven Parkway. \ 757) 3850400). Ruth Hodges Fraser, MMC City Clerk Beacon Feb. 8 & 15. 2009 19834707 II "I I. CONSENT AGENDA J. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinances to AMEND the City Code a. S 1 0-1 re location of Magic Hollow Voting Precinct b. ~2-348 re destruction of paid personal property tax records c. Chapter 28 to ADD a new Article IV re regulations for the discharge of fats, oils, grease, and other substances into the public sewer system 2. Resolution to EXECUTE a Memorandum of Agreement with Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) re grease control devices 3. Resolution to APPOINT Mark D. Stiles as City Attorney, effective March 1,2009 4. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan and submit same to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) re Section 8 5. Resolution to REFER to the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation an amendment to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance re inclusion of swimming pool surface areas as impervious ~over and to ESTABLISH uniform buffer mitigation standards 6. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $9,826 from the Francis Land House Trust Fund to the Museum Department's budget re support of Adam Thoroughgood House 7. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE an initiative grant of$416,754 from the Department of Homeland Security to the Police re Bomb Unit equipment 8. Ordinance to TRANSFER $128,650 from various sources to Communications and Information Techology (ComIT) re upgrades to the City's web sites I .' II II .1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ord inance to Amend and Reordain Section 10-1 of the City Code by Moving One Polling Location MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The Virginia Beach Electoral Board voted on February 3, 2009 to move one polling location. The necessary location change to the Magic Hollow Precinct was at the request of the Roma Lodge #254. . Considerations: This location meets requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This changes will become effective upon approval by the U.S. Department of Justice pursuant to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended beginning with the tentative June 9,2009 Party Primary Election. . Public Information: As required by Section 24.2-306 of the Code of Virginia notice of this proposed change was published in the newspaper once a week for two consecutive weeks. All voters in the precinct will receive new voter cards with the name and address of the new polling location. An advertisement will be placed in the newspaper prior to the tentative Party Primary Election to be held June 9, 2009 and/or General Election to be held on November 3, 2009. Public notice will also be provided through the normal Council agenda process. . Attachments: Map and summary depicting this change is attached. Recommended Action: Adoption Submitting DepartmentlA~enCY: Voter Regist~ LJiJ,L. . .~ City Manage~ l.~1IO\. M ~ SUMMARY ATTACHMENT: Map - Maaie: Hollow Precinct The Magic Hollow polling location currently located at Roma Lodge #254 will be moved to Virginia Beach Moose Family Center located at 3133 Shipps Corner Road. This move is at the request of the current polling location. ( II ~~~ ,{-l'k"~~;e~ f'<f.'I.... ......':lo'l rt:! $ -:--;- \~) ~~\~ .:~J "\~.: ./i/ ~~~~. ~-W'.:f' ~~~:~:., CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Add Section 9 2-348 to the City Code Pertaining to Destruction of Paid Tax Tickets MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The City Treasurer's Office recently requested that the City's Records Management office destroy thirty-five (35) boxes of paid personal property tax records from 1999, and four (4) boxes of paid personal property tax records from the period of 1995-2001. The Code of Virginia provides that City Council is required to authorize the City Treasurer to destroy records of paid personal property taxes that have been retained for at least five (5) years from the end of the fiscal year in which the tax was paid. Rather than seek Council approval each time the City Treasurer wishes to destroy paid personal property tax records, the City Treasurer has proposed to revise the City Code to authorize the destruction of paid personal property tax records that are more than five years old, in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Public Records Act ("Act"). . Considerations: This ordinance proposes to add a new provision to the City Code that requires that destruction of paid personal property "tax tickets" be in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The term "tax ticket," as used in the state code and the ordinance, refers to tax bills or records. Under the Act, records that are subject to an ongoing audit would be retained until the end of the audit or five years from the end of the fiscal year in which tax was paid, whichever is longer. No records of unpaid taxes will be destroyed. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: City Treasurer City Manager:~ t I~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ADD SECTION 9 2-348 2 TO THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO 3 DESTRUCTION OF PAID TAX TICKETS 4 5 Section Added: 92-348 6 7 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 8 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 9 10 That Sl3ction 9 2-348 of the City Code is hereby added and ordained to read as 11 follows: 12 13 Sec. 2-348. ~tecords Retention. 14 15 In accordance with the Code of Virainia & 58.1-3129 (At the city treasurer may 16 destroy all paid personal property tax tickets at any time after five (5) years from the end 17 of the fiscal year durina which taxes represented by such tickets were paid. provided 18 that such destruction shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Virainia Public 19 Records Act. 20 21 COMMENT 22 23 The term "tax ticket" refers to tax bills. The Virginia Public Records Act requires City 24 Council to authorize the City Treasurer to destroy records of paid personal property taxes that 25 have been retained for at least five (5) years from the end of the fiscal year in which the tax was 26 paid. No records of unpaid taxes will be destroyed. This section requires that destruction be in 27 accordance witb the provisions of the Virginia Public Records Act. Pursuant to that Act, records 28 that are subject to an ongoing audit would be retained until the end of the audit or five years from 29 the end of the fi!:cal year in which the tax was paid, which ever is longer. 30 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of ,2009. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: If- I~ ~ City Attorn~s Office CA 10983 R-2 January 29, 2009 II II IA'~ . ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 28 of the City Code by Adding a New Article IV, Entitled "Use of the Public Sewer System," and Establishing Regulations Pertaining to Discharges of Fats, Oils and Grease and Other Substances to the Public Sewer System MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The City Code Chapter 28 is silent with regard to Sewer Use, specifically the regulation of discharges, compliance with regulatory requirements, and the protection of the sanitary sewer collection system. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the City of Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads Sanitation. District, and surrounding localities have entered into a Regional Special Order by Consent (SOC). The primary goal of the SOC is to eliminate avoidable Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's). SSO's occur when the capacity of the sewer system is exceeded, a sewer blockage occurs, or there is a failure in the sewer system infrastructure. The most common cause of sewer blockages is from Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) from food preparation/cooking which is discharged into the sanitary sewer and coats the inside of the pipes. Over time, the FOG builds up and causes a blockage and ultimately an SSO. FOG also collects at the sewer pump stations causing equipment malfunctions. Because Virginia Beach owns and maintains the collection system and is responsible for SSOs from their system, it is essential that the City develop its own FOG program with legal authority to enforce adherence to current state code requirements for installation, maintenance, and record keeping of grease control devices and proper disposal of FOG. . Considerations: The proposed City Code revisions will allow the Department of Public Utilities to be consistent with Organizational Goals and City policy, to comply with regulatory requirements, to protect human health and the environment by identifying and minimizing prohibited discharges, including FOG, entering the sanitary sewer system. Benefits include: Reducing SSOs and related risk to public health and environment; reducing regulatory risk; saving ratepayers money by reducing Operation and Maintenance costs; and raise public awareness. . Public Information: This information was the subject of a Council Briefing on December 2, 2008. The Department of Public Utilities staff has held a series of stakeholder meetings for the past two and a half years with representatives from the Virginia Beach Restaurant Association, Virginia Beach Hotel-Motel Association, Virginia Beach City Schools, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, Virginia Beach Health Department, Virginia Beach Department of Planning/Permits & Inspections, Virginia Beach City Attorney's Office, Virginia Beach Department of Public Works, Commercial Pmperty Managers, Plumbers, and Grease Haulers. A FOG website has been developHd and placed on the City of Virginia Beach's Website to disseminate information to the public. . Recommendations: Modify Chapter 28 to include Article IV, Divisions I and " as follows: Division I - General Sewer Use- to establish policy to provide adequate regulation of wastewater discharges into the sanitary sewer system in order to comply with Federal and State mandates eliminating sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and to protect the wastewater facilities owned, operated, and maintained by the Department of Public Utilities; Division 2 - Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) - to establish policy and regulations to mitigate or prevent discharge of FOG into the sanitary sewer system. This will require Food Service Establishments to install, operate, and maintain a grease control device. . Attachments: Ordinance .( Recommended Action: Revise City Code -, m Submitting Dep'artmentlAgency: Department of Public Utilities "d City Manager~:~~"l\ \(. ~Illl\. b7TC II I' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 28 OF THE CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE IV, ENTITLED "USE OF THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM," AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO DISCHARGES OF FATS, OILS AND GREASE AND OTHER SUBSTANCES TO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM Sections Added: City Code Sections 28-64 through 28-82 9 Chapter 28. SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL 10 11 12 Article IV. Use of the Public Sewer System 13 14 Division 1. Sewer Use 15 16 Sec. 28-64. Purpose and intent. 17 18 (a) PUrDose. The purpose of this division is to prevent the introduction of 19 pollutants and wastes into the City's public sewer system that will interfere with the 20 operation of the system and with the wastewater system of the Hampton Roads 21 Sanitation District (the "District"), contaminate the receivino waters of the system. or 22 otherwise be incompatible with the system: to protect the wastewater facilities of the 23 City of Viroinia Beach and those of the District: and to ensure that the City and the users 24 of the public sewer system comply with federal and state mandates under the Clean 25 Water Act and all other applicable laws. rules and reoulations. 26 27 (b) The provisions of this division are intended to comply with provisions of 28 the Viroinia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Special Order by 29 Consent issued to the Cities of Viroinia Beach, Chesapeake. Hampton. Newport News. 30 Poauoson. Portsmouth. Suffolk and Williamsburo: the Counties of Gloucester. Isle of 31 Wioht and York: the Town of Smithfield: the Hampton Roads Sanitation District and the 32 James City Service Authority. effective September 26.2007. 33 34 COMMENT 35 36 The section sets forth the purposes of the Division. Those purposes are essentially twofold: 37 (1) to protect the City's and HRSD's wastewater systems and (2) to comply with the Regional 38 Consent Order between the Department of Environmental Quality and the various localities and 39 wastewater authorities in Hampton Roads. 40 41 Sec. 28-65. Clefinitions. 42 43 The followina words and terms used in this division shall have the followina 44 meaninas. unl,ess the context c1earlv indicates otherwise: 45 46 Day me!ans the 24-hour period beainnina at 12:01 a.m. 47 48 Director means the Director of Public Utilities or the authorized desianee of the 49 Director of Public Utilities 50 51 Public sewer system includes the pipelines or conduits. pumpina stations. force 52 mains. and all other construction. devices. and appliances appurtenant thereto. located 53 within the City of Virainia Beach and used for the conveyance of residential. commercial 54 or industrial SE~waae or wastewater or other wastes to the Hampton Roads Sanitation 55 District. 56 57 Reaional Consent Order or Special Order by Consent means the reaulatory order 58 between the Virainia Department of Environmental Quality and localities within the 59 Hampton Roads reaion. includina the City of Virainia Beach. effective September 26. 60 2007. 61 62 Storm sewer system means the system of roads. streets. catch basins. curbs. 63 autters. ditches. pipes. lakes. ponds. channels. storm drains and other facilities located 64 within the City of Virainia Beach that are desianed or used for collectina. storina or 65 conveyina stormwater or throuah which stormwater is collected. stored or conveyed. 66 67 User mHans any person who contributes. causes. or permits the contribution or 68 discharge of wastewater into the City's wastewater collection system within the City's 69 boundaries. includina any person who contributes such wastewater from mobile 70 sources. such as one who discharaes hauled wastewater. 71 72 Wastewater means a combination of liquid and water-carried wastes from the 73 sanitary conveniences of residences. commercial buildinas. industries. or institutions. 74 75 COMMENT 76 77 The section sets forth the definitions of terms used in the Division. 78 79 80 Sec. 28-66. Pr'ohibited discharaes. 81 82 No person shall discharae or cause to be discharaed into any portion. of the 83 public sewer s'Vstem. directly or indirectly. any wastes which may violate any law or 84 aovernmental reaulation or have an adverse or harmful effect on the public sewer 85 system. maintE!nance personnel. processes. or equipment. or which may otherwise 86 endanaer the public or create a nuisance. The followina discharaes are prohibited: 87 2 II II 88 (a) Any aasoline. benzene. naphtha. solvent. fuel oil or any liquid. solid. or 89 aas that may cause flammable or explosive conditions. includina. but not limited to. 90 waste streams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 1400 F (600 C) usinQ test 91 methods specified in Title 40. Part 261.21 of the Code of Federal Reaulations (40 CFR 92 Part 261.21) or any successor reaulation. 93 94 (b) Any toxic or poisonous solids. liquids or aases in such Quantities that. 95 alone or in combination with other wastewater constituents. may interfere with the 96 sewaae treatment process of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District or biosolids use or 97 disposal. cause acute worker or public health and safety problems. materially increase 98 the cost of treatment. or constitute a hazard to any beneficial stream use. includina 99 recreation. ascribed to the receivina waters of the effluent from the sewaae treatment 100 plant. 101 102 (c) Any waste havina a pH in violation of requirements as provided in Title 40. 103 Part 403 of the Code of Federal Reaulations (40 CFR Part 403) or any successor 104 reaulation or havina any detrimental characteristics that may cause iniury or damaae to 105 persons or property. 106 107 (d) Any solids or viscous substances that may cause obstruction to flow or be 108 detrimental to seweraae system operations. These obiectionable substances include. 109 but are not limited to. asphalt. dead animals. offal. ashes. sand. mud. straw. industrial 110 process shavinas. metals. Qlass. raas. feathers. tar. plastics. wood. whole blood. 111 paunch manure. bones. hair and fleshinas. entrails. paper dishes. paper cups. milk 112 containers. or other similar paper products. either whole or around. 113 114 (e) Any sianificant Quantities of unpolluted water such as rainwater. 115 stormwater. aroundwater. street drainaae. yard drainaae. water from yard fountains. 116 ponds or lawn sprays. 117 118 (f) Any water added for the purpose of dilutina wastes which would otherwise 119 exceed applicable limitations for any wastewater constituent. 120 121 (a) Any petroleum or mineral-based oils (non-saponifiable) and/or any animal 122 or veaetable based oils. fats. or areases which in excess concentrations would tend to 123 cause interference. pass-throuah. or adverse effects on the seweraae system. as 124 determined by HRSD. No visible free non-saponifiable oil shall be present in the 125 discharaed waste stream. 126 127 (h) Any wastes with excessively hiah chemical oxvaen demand (COD). 128 bioloaical oxvaen demand (BOD). or decomposable oraanic content or any sianificant 129 Quantities of wastewater with a COD to BOD ratio exceedina six to one (6:1). COD to 130 BOD ratio criteria are shown on Hampton Roads Sanitation District's list entitled 131 "Wastewater Discharae Authorization Criteria COD/BOD Ratio." as amended from time 132 to time. 133 3 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 (i) Any sianificantly odorous wastes or waste tendina to create odors. (j) Any waste containina dissolved sulfides in amounts which would be hazardous. cause damaae to the seweraae system. or create a public nuisance. (k) Any substance promotina or causina the promotion of toxic aases. (I) Any wastes that will increase the temperature of the treatment plant influent to areater than 1040 F (400 C). (m) Any wastes reQuirina the introduction of an excessive Quantity of chlorine or any other compound for sewaae treatment purposes. (n) Anv sianificant amounts of deionized water. distilled water. steam condensate. coolina water. or discharaes from heat pumps. (0) Any waste producina sianificant discoloration of wastewater or treatment plant influent. (p) Any waste containina substances that may precipitate. solidify. or become viscous attemperatures between 500 F (100 C) and 1000 F (380 C). (Q) Any sianificant Quantities of solid waste material that is not around sufficiently to pass throuah a 3/8 inch screen. (r) Any sianificant Quantity of blown-down or bleed water from coolina towers or other evaporative coolers. (s) Any Quantities of radioactive material wastes which are in violation of applicable local. State, and Federal reaulations. (t) Any sianificant auantities of inoraanic material. (u) Any discharae of any pollutant released at a flow rate andlor pollutant concentration that would result in interference. cause adverse effects or pass throuah at the treatment plant. (v) Any significant auantity of wastewater in which the Toxic Oraanics (TO) concentration €!xceeds 2.13 milligrams per liter (mall). or in which anyone toxic oraanic compound exct~eds 1.0 mall. or in which the BTEX (Benzene. Toluene. Ethylbenzene and Xylene) concentration exceeds 1.0 mall). 4 II II 176 COMMENT 177 178 The section specifies the types of discharges of waste into the City's sewer system that are 179 prohibited. These discharges are essentially the same as those prohibited by HRSD's Industrial 180 Wastewater Regulations. 181 182 Sec. 28-67. Discharaes of stormwater or surface water. 183 (a) No person shall connect roof. foundation. areaway. parkina lot. roadway. 184 or other surface runoff or aroundwater drains to any sewer connected to any portion of 185 the City's wastewater collection system unless such connection is authorized in writina. 186 for aood cause. bv the Director. 187 (b) All discharaes of stormwater. surface water. aroundwater. roof runoff. 188 subsurface drainaae. or other similar discharaes of storm water shall be made to 189 discharae to storm sewers or natural outlets desianed for such discharaes. except as 190 authorized under this section. No person shall construct or use any connection. drain. 191 or arranaement which will permit any such waters to enter the public sewer system. 192 COMMENT 193 194 The section prohibits connections of drains normally used for stormwater or surface water 195 drainage, such as roof, parking lot, etc. drains to the City's sewer system and requires such 196 drainage to be discharged into the stonnwater collection system. The Director of Public Utilities is, 197 however, authorized to permit stormwater drains to discharge to the City's sewer system under 198 certain circumstances. 199 200 201 Sec. 28-68. Damaae to the wastewater collection system. 202 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to willfullv damaae. obstruct. introduce 203 materials harmful to the collection system that would cause or contribute to sanitary 204 sewer overflows. or tamper with any part of the public sewer system. includina any 205 manholes. cleanouts. pluas. pipes. pumpina station. valves. apparatus. tools or fixtures. 206 No person other than authorized aaents or emplovees of the City. shall uncover any 207 public sewer lines. operate any public fire hydrant or operate any valves connected with 208 the public water and sanitary sewer systems without first obtainina express approval 209 from the Director of Public Utilities. unless such use is necessary for emeraencies. 210 (b) Anv person causina damaae to or obstruction of the public sewer system 211 shall be liable to the City for the cost of repairina such damaae or obstruction. 212 COMMENT 213 214 The section (1) prohibits willful damage to the public sewer system or the introduction of 215 materials into the system that would cause or contribute to sanitary sewer overflows; and (2) 216 renders any such person liable to the City for the cost of repair. 217 218 5 219 Sec. 28-69. Inspections. 220 221 (a) The Director shall have authority to make such lawful inspections durina 222 reasonable hours for the purpose of observina. measurina. samplina. testina or 223 reviewina records of the wastewater collection system installed in any buildina or 224 structure as may be necessary or appropriate. includina inspections performed for the 225 purpose of ensurina that discharae to the City's public sanitary sewer system from such 226 buildina or structure is not in violation of this Division. The owner or occupant of such 227 buildina or structure. or his or her desianee. shall be entitled to accompany the Director 228 durina such inspection. 229 230 COMMENT 231 232 The section authorizes lawful inspections by the Director of Public Utilities under the 233 circumstances slet forth in the section and allows the owner of occupant to accompany the Director 234 during such inspections. 235 236 Sec. 28-70. Violations and penalties. 237 (a) Any intentional or willful act or omission to act in violation of any of the 238 provisions of this Division shall be punishable by fine in an amount not to exceed One 239 Thousand Dol~$1 ,000.00) per violation. Each day that a continuina violation exists 240 shall constitute a separate offense. The court assessina such fines may. at its 241 discretion. order such fines to be paid into the treasury of the City for the purpose of 242 abatina. preventina or mitiaatina environmental pollution. 243 (b) Any person who. intentionally or otherwise. commits any of the acts 244 prohibited by this Division or who fails to perform any of the acts reauired by this 245 Division shall be liable to the City in an action at law for all costs of containment. 246 cleanup. abate!ment. removal and disposal of any substance unlawfully discharaed into 247 the wastewater collection system. as well as the costs of any damaaes or reaulatory 248 fines imposed upon the City. that are proximately caused by such violations. Such 249 costs shall be Gollectible by the City in accordance with the provisions of Sections 28-29 250 and 28-30. 251 (c) The City may brina leaal action to enioin the continuina violation of this 252 division, and the existence of any other remedy. at law or in eauity, shall be no defense 253 to any such action. 254 (d) The remedies set forth in this section shall be cumulative, not exclusive: 255 and it shall not be a defense to any action. civil or criminal. that one or more of the 256 remedies set forth herein has been souaht or aranted. 6 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 II II COMMENT The section sets forth the criminal penalties and civil remedies for violations of the Division. Intentional or willful violations are punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000. In addition, violators are liable to the City in an action at law for the costs of containment, cleanup, abatement, removal and disposal of any substance unlawfully discharged into the wastewater collection system and are subject to injunction by the City against continuing violations of the Division. The remedies are cumulative in nature, such that the City may pursue any or all of them. Sec. 28-71. Variances. The Director may authorize a variance from the provisions of Section 28-67 or 28-68 in any case in which a property owner or other person demonstrates that strict compliance with the provision from which a variance is souaht would cause undue hardship or extraordinary expense and the Director is satisfied that the authorization of the variance will not adversely affect the public sewer system. In such cases. the Director shall impose such reasonable conditions as will ensure, to the extent possible, that the variance does not adversely affect the public sewer system. COMMENT The section allows the Director of Public Utilities to grant variances in cases where strict compliance with the terms of the ordinance would cause extraordinary expense or hardship. In such cases, the Director must impose conditions designed to ensure that the variance will not adversely affect the public sewer system. Sec. 28-72. Severability. The provisions of this Division shall be severable, it beina the intention of the City Council that in the event one (1) or more of the provisions of this Division are adiudaed to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remainina provisions shall be unaffected by such adiudication. COMMENT The standard severability language is set forth in this section. It provides that the entire Division is not rendered invalid in the event one of its provisions is adjudged to be invalid or unenforceable. Division 2. Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Sec. 28-73. Purpose; findinas. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this Division is to aid in preventina the introduction and accumulation of fats. oils, and arease (FOG), which cause or tend to cause or contribute to sanitary sewer blockaaes and obstructions, into the municipal wastewater system. This Division reQuires that arease control devices be installed, 7 301 implemented. and maintained by food service establishments in accordance with the 302 provisions henaof. 303 (b) Findinas. The City Council hereby finds that: 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 !.1) Grease buildup in the public sewer system occurs when FOG from cooking is allowed to be introduced into the system. FOG washed down sinks and floor drains builds UP over time and eventually creates backups in the public sewer system which may result in sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). SSOs constitute significant public health hazards. expose the city to costly environmental penalties. and are prohibited under the federal Clean Water Act. In 2008. thirty-eight (38) SSOs within the City were caused by accumulations of FOG in the public sewer system. 313 314 315 316 317 318 ,G2) The accumulation of FOG in the public sewer system leads to increased costs for maintaining sewers and wastewater treatment plants and cleaning blockages out of public and private property. During 2008. the Department of Public Utilities responded to 3.105 sewer blockages caused by accumulations of FOG in the public sewer system. 319 320 321 322 Gn FOG from food service establishments is a maior source of FOG in the public sewer system. The use of properly sized. installed and maintained grease control devices in food service establishments. however. minimizes the introduction of FOG into the system. 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 ~~) The Special Order by Consent issued to the City of Virginia Beach and other localities and service providers within Hampton Roads. which became effective on September 26. 2007. reauires the City. among other things. to develop and submit to the Virainia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) a Maintenance. Operations and Manaaement (MOM) Plan that documents the MOM Plan elements used to manage the City's sewer system and minimize SSOs. 331 COMMENT 332 The section sets forth the purposes of the Division and recites the findings upon which the 333 provisions of th.~ Division are based. The essence of the findings is that FOG is a major 334 contributor to bh)ckages in the public sewer system, and that blockages are one of the causes of 335 sanitary sewer overflows, which are a public health hazard, prohibited by the Clean Water Act and 336 expensive to respond to. A key finding is that, while FOG from food service establishments is a 337 leading cause of sewer obstructions, properly sized, installed and maintained grease control devices 338 can minimize the discharge of FOG into the City's sewer system. 339 8 II II 340 Sec. 28-74. Applicability. 341 The provisions of this Division shall applv to all food service establishments. as 342 defined herein. within the City that are required under the Vircinia Uniform Statewide 343 Buildinc Code or applicable reculations of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District to 344 have crease control devices and to all crease haulers providina service to any such 345 food service establishment. 346 COMMENT 347 348 The section sets forth the establishments to which the Division applies by reference to the 349 Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC) and HRSD regulations, which allow HRSD to 350 require retrofitting of establishments otherwise grandfathered by the USBC. 351 352 353 Sec. 28-75. Definitions. 354 355 The followina words and terms used in this Division shall have the followina 356 meanincs. unless the context clearlv indicates otherwise: 357- 358 Brown qrease means floatable fats, oils. crease and settled solids produced 359 durinc food preparation that are recovered from arease control devices. 360 361 Buildinq Code Administrator means the City's Buildina Code Administrator or his 362 or her authorized desianee. The Buildinc Code Administrator is referred to .in the 363 Virainia Uniform Statewide Buildina Code as the Buildina Official. 364 365 Director means the City's Director of Public Utilities or his or her authorized 366 desianee. 367 368 Enforcement Response Plan means a system that sets forth the process and 369 procedures for enforcement of this section bv the City 370 371 Fats, oils. and qrease (FOG) means material. either liquid or solid. composed of 372 fats. oils or arease from animal or veaetable sources. Examples of FOG include. but 373 are not limited to. kitchen cookina crease. vecetable oil. bacon arease and orcanic polar 374 compounds derived from animal or plant sources that contain multiple carbon 375 triclvceride molecules. These substances are detectable and measurable usina 376 analytical test procedures established in the Title 40. Part 135 of the Code of Federal 377 Reaulations (40 CFR 136). as may be amended from time to time. 378 379 Food service establishment (FSE) means any commercial. institutional. or food 380 processina facility that discharaes kitchen or food preparation wastewaters and that is 381 required to have a crease control device under the Vircinia Uniform Buildinc Code or 382 applicable reculations of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District. 383 9 384 Grease control device means a device used to collect. contain. and remove food 385 waste and arease from the wastewater while allowina the remainina wastewater to be 386 discharaed to the City's wastewater collection system by aravity. Devices include 387 arease interceptors. arease traps. automatic arease removal devices or other devices 388 approved by the Director. 389 390 Grease hauler means a contractor who collects the contents of a arease 391 interceptor or trap and transports it to a recyclina or disposal facility. A arease hauler 392 may also provide other services related to arease interceptor maintenance for a Food 393 service establi~)hment. 394 395 Grease interceotor means a structure or device. usually located underaround and 396 outside of a Food service establishment. desianed to collect. contain and remove food 397 waste and arease from the wastewater while allowina the remainina wastewater to be 398 discharaed to the City's wastewater collection system byaravity. 399 400 Grease removal device means an active. automatic device that separates and 401 removes fats. oils and arease from effluent discharae and that cleans itself of 402 accumulated FOG at least once every twenty-four hours utilizina electromechanical 403 apparatus. 404 405 Grease trao means a device typically located indoors and under the sink. 406 desianed for sl3paratina and retainina arease prior to the wastewater exitina the trap 407 and enterina the wastewater collection system. Such devices are typically passive 408 (aravity fed) and compact with removable baffles. 409 410 Public Sj9Wer system includes the pipelines or conduits. pumpina stations. force 411 mains. and all ()ther construction. devices. and appliances appurtenant thereto. located 412 within the City of Virainia Beach and used for the conveyance of residential. commercial 413 or industrial sewaae or wastewater or other wastes to the Hampton Roads Sanitation 414 District. 415 416 Renderable FOG container means a closed. leak-proof container for the 417 collection and storaae of yellow arease. 418 419 Virqinia Uniform Statewide Buildina Code includes the model codes incorporated 420 by reference thl:!rein. includina. specifically. the International Plumbina Code. 421 422 Yellow orease means fats. oils. and arease used in food preparation that have 423 not been in contact or contaminated with other sources such as water. wastewater or 424 solid waste. An example of yellow arease is fryer oil. which can be recycled into 425 products such iBS animal feed. cosmetics and alternative fuel. Yellow arease is also 426 referred to as rE!nderable FOG. 427 428 COMMENT 429 430 The section sets forth the definitions of terms used in the ordinance. 10 II II 431 432 Sec. 28-76. ReQistration reauirements. 433 434 All food service establishments shall be required to reaister their arease control 435 devices. Reaistrations shall be on forms provided by the Director to ensure that such 436 devices are properly sized and maintained and to facilitate inspection in accordance 437 with the requirements established by the Director. 438 439 (a) Existina food service establishments shall reaister all arease control 440 devices within ninety (90) days after the effective date of this Division: 441 provided. New establishments shall reaister such devices when 442 reQuestina their water and sewer service. applyina for a business license. 443 or prior to obtainina a certificate of occupancy. whichever is later. 444 445 (b) All arease haulers servicina arease control devices for food service 446 establishments within the City shall be required to obtain a certification to 447 service arease control devices from the City or the Hampton Roads 448 Plannina District Commission no later than ninety (90) days after the 449 effective date of this Division. 450 451 c) All drease haulers shall obtain the required permits. certifications or 452 approvals from the facility in which waste will be disposed of. Grease 453 haulers discharaina to a Hampton Roads Sanitation District treatment 454 plant shall be approved throuah a Hampton Roads Sanitation District 455 Indirect Wastewater Discharae Permit. 456 457 d) At least one employee of a food service establishment shall have 458 completed a trainina proaram concernina the operation and maintenance 459 of arease control devices. provided by the City. no later than ninety (90) 460 days after the effective date of this Division. 461 462 COMMENT 463 464 The section requires that: (1) food service establishments register their grease control 465 devices with the City; (2) grease haulers servicing grease control devices for food service 466 establishments within the City obtain a certification to service grease control devices from the City 467 or the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission; (3) grease haulers obtain all necessary 468 approvals from the facility in which the waste they carry will be disposed of; and (4) at least one 469 employee of every food service establishment complete a training course on the operation and 470 maintenance of grease controls devices. 471 472 Sec. 28-77. DischarQe limits. 473 474 No person shall discharae or cause to be discharaed from any food service 475 establishment any wastewater with fats. oils. arease or other substances harmful or 476 hazardous to the public sewer system. the reaional sanitary sewer system. or sewaae 477 treatment plant or processes. as determined by Section 301 (d) of the Hampton Roads 1"1 478 Sanitation District's Industrial Wastewater Discharae Reaulations or any successor 479 reaulation. 480 481 COMMENT 482 483 The section prohibits the discharge of FOG or other substances that are harmful or 484 hazardous to ttte public sewer system, regional sewer system, or HRSD's treatment plant or 485 processes. 486 487 Sec. 28-78. Grease Control Devices. 488 (a) Ii~eauirements. All food service establishments shall have a arease 489 control device or devices meetina all applicable reQuirements of the Virainia Uniform 490 Statewide Suildino Code. as determined by the Suildina Code Administrator. Any 491 arease control device sized in accordance with the "Hampton Roads Reaional 492 Technical Stal1dards. Sizino of Grease Control Devices" shall be deemed to meet the 493 reQuirements of the section. 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 0) ~~) Q) f4) New establishments. Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2). food service establishments shall be reQuired to install. operate. and maintain a arease control device in compliance with the reQuirements of the Virainia Uniform Statewide Suildina Code. Grease control devices shall be installed and reaistered prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Existinq establishments. Food services establishments in operation as of the effective date of this Division may continue to operate and maintain their existina orease control devices. provided such orease control devices are in proper operatina condition and are not found to be contributina FOG in Quantities sufficient to cause line stoppaaes or to necessitate increased maintenance of the sanitary sewer system. An existina food service establishment shall install a new arease control device that complies with the reQuirements of the Uniform Statewide Suildino Code if its arease control device is determined by the Director not to be in proper operatina condition or if is found to be contributina FOG in Quantities sufficient to cause line stoppaaes or to necessitate increased maintenance of the sanitary sewer system. Renovations or expansions. Food service establishments that are renovated. or expanded shall. if reQuired by the Virainia Uniform Statewide Suildino Code. install new arease control devices meetino the reQuirements of such Code. Retrofittinq. Existing establishments lackino approved orease control devices by reason of havina been orandfathered from such reQuirement under the Viroinia Uniform Statewide Suildina Code 12 II II 523 524 525 526 shall. if reQuired by the Hampton Roads Sanitation District. install arease control devices in accordance with the reaulations of the District. Such arease control devices shall be reaistered within thirty (30) days of their installation. 527 (b) Installation. Grease control devices shall be installed by a plumber 528 licensed in the Commonwealth of Virainia. Every arease control device shall be 529 installed and connected so that it may be readily accessible for inspection. cleanina. 530 and removal of the intercepted food waste and arease at any time. 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 (c) Maintenance. Grease control devices shall be maintained as follows: (1) Grease control devices shall be properly maintained at all times. Maintenance shall include the complete removal of all contents. includina f10atina material. wastewater and settled solids. Decantina or discharaina of removed waste back into the arease interceptor or private sewer line or into any portion of the City's or HRSD's wastewater collection system is prohibited. (2) Grease interceptors shall be pumped out completely when the total accumulation of surface fats. oils and arease. includina f10atina solids and settled solids. reaches twenty-five percent (25%) of the overall liQuid volume. At no time shall a arease control device be cleaned less freQuently than once every three (3) months unless allowed by the Director for aood cause shown. Approval will be granted on a case-by-case basis upon submittal of a reQuest by the food service establishment documentina reasons for the proposed freQuency variance. The Director shall not approve any reQuest unless the applicant demonstrates that the freQuency variance will not result in the introduction of any areater Quantities of FOG into the public sewer system than would otherwise be introduced. (3) Grease traps and arease removal devices shall be opened. inspected and completely cleaned of food solids and fats. oils and grease a minimum of once per week. unless allowed by the Director for aood cause shown. Approval will be aranted on a case-by-case basis upon submittal of a reQuest by the food service establishment documentinQ reasons for the proposed freQuency variance. The Director shall not approve any reQuest unless the applicant demonstrates that the freQuency variance will not result in the introduction of any areater Quantities of FOG into the public sewer system than would otherwise be introduced. and in no event shall the content of food solids and fats. oils. and arease exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the overall liQuid depth of the device. (4) The Director of Public Utilities may establish a more freQuent cleanina schedule if the food service establishment is found to be 13 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 contributina FOG in auantities sufficient to cause line stoppaaes or to necessitate increased maintenance of the wastewater collection system. {5) Unless authorized by the Director, the use of additives includina. but not limited to. products that contain solvents. emulsifiers. surfactants. caustics. acids. enzymes or bacteria are prohibited for use as arease manaaement control: provided. however. that additives may be used to clean the FSE drain lines so lona as the usaae of such additives will not cause FOG to be discharaed from the arease control device to the sanitary sewer system. The use of additives shall not be substituted for the maintenance procedures reauired by this Section. The Director shall not approve the use of any additives unless he is satisfied that such use will have no adverse effects upon the public sewer system. 582 (d) LJVaste Disposal. Waste material from arease control devices shall be 583 disposed of as follows: 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 t1) Waste removed from a arease trap shall be disposed of in the solid waste disposal system or by a arease hauler certified by the Hampton Roads Plannina District Commission. Gn Waste removed from a arease interceptor shall be disposed of at a facility permitted to receive such wastes. No materials removed from interceptors shall be returned to any arease interceptor. private sewer line or into any portion of the City's or HRSD's wastewater collection system. ~I) Yellow arease shall be disposed of in a renderable FOG container in which contents will not be discharaed to the environment. Yellow arease shall not be poured or discharaed into the City's or HRSD's wastewater collection system. 598 (e) Inspection. The Director shall have the authority to make such lawful 599 inspections as are authorized by law durina reasonable hours for the purpose of 600 inspectina. observina. takina measurement. samplina. testina or reviewina the records 601 of the wastewater collection system and arease control devices installed in a food 602 service establishment to ensure that such food service establishment is compliance 603 with this Division. Operational chanaes. maintenance and repairs reauired by the 604 Director shall be implemented as noted in the written notice received by the food 605 service establishment. The owner or occupant of such food service establishment. or 606 his or her desiqnee. shall be entitled to accompany the Director durina such inspection. 607 (f) Rl9cordkeepina. Food service establishments shall maintain records 608 meetina the followina reauirements: 14 II II 609 (1) Food service establishments shall retain and make available for 610 inspection and copvinQ records of all c1eaninQ and maintenance for 611 the previous three (3) years for all Qrease control devices. 612 CleaninQ and maintenance records shall include. at a minimum. the 613 dates of cleaninQ/maintenance. the names and business addresses 614 of the company or person performinQ each cleaninQ/maintenance 615 and the volume of waste removed in each cleaninQ. Such records 616 shall be kept on site and shall be made available to the Director 617 upon reQuest. 618 619 (2) Food service establishments shall retain and make available for 620 inspection and copvinQ records of vellow Qrease disposal for the 621 previous three (3) years. Yellow Qrease disposalloQs shall include. 622 at a minimum. the dates of disposal. name and business address of 623 the company or person performinQ the disposal and the volume of 624 vellow arease removed in each c1eaninQ. Such records shall be 625 kept on site and shall be made available to the Director upon 626 reauest. 627 628 COMMENT 629 630 The section sets forth the following: (1) criteria for determining which FSEs are required to 631 have grease control devices; (2) installation requirements; (3) maintenance requirements; (4) 632 requirements for the disposal of waste from grease control devices; (5) inspection requirements; 633 and (6) recordkeeping requirements. 634 635 636 Sec. 28-79. Grease haulers. 637 (a) Anv person collectinQ, pumpinQ or haulinQ waste from Qrease control 638 devices within the City shall be certified under the ReQional Grease Hauler ProQram of 639 the Hampton Roads PlanninQ District Commission and shall be approved throuQh a 640 Hampton Roads Sanitation District Indirect Wastewater DischarQe Permit. 641 (b) Grease haulers shall notify the Director within twenty-four (24) hours of 642 any incident reQuired to be reported to the VirQinia Department of Environmental 643 Quality. 644 (c) Grease haulers shall retain and make available for inspection and copvina 645 bv the Director. for a period of at least three (3) years. all records related to Qrease 646 interceptor pumpinQ and waste disposal from businesses located in the City's 647 wastewater service area. The Director may reQuire additional record keepinQ and 648 reportinQ. as necessary. to ensure compliance with the terms of this Division. 1"5 649 COMMENT 650 The section sets forth the requirements applicable to grease haulers. These requirements 651 involve certification by Hampton Roads Planning District Commission and HRSD, notification to 652 the City of incidlents requiring reporting to the DEQ and maintenance of grease hauling records. 653 Sec. 28-80. Modification and repair. 654 (a) The Director may require existina food service establishments to modify or 655 repair any noncompliant arease control device and appurtenances within thirty (30) 656 calendar days of written notification by the Director. The Director may arant extensions 657 for aood caUSE! shown. 658 COMMENT 659 The section requires FSEs to repair noncompliant GCDs when required to do so by the 660 Director of Public Utilities. 661 662 Sec. 28-81. Violations and penalties. 663 (a) Any intentional or willful act or omission to act in violation of any of the 664 provisions of this Division shall be punishable by fine in an amount not to exceed One 665 . Thousand Dolli~1.000.00) per violation. Each day that a continuing violation exists 666 shall constitutE~ a separate offense. The court assessina such fines may. at its 667 discretion, ordm such fines to be paid into the treasury of the City for the purpose of 668 abatina, preventina or mitiaatina environmental pollution. 669 (b) Any person who. intentionally or otherwise, commits any of the acts 670 prohibited by this Division or who fails to perform any of the acts required by this 671 Division shall be liable to the City in an action at law for all costs of containment. 672 cleanup. abatement. removal and disposal of any substance unlawfully discharaed into 673 the wastewater collection system. as well as the costs of any damaaes or reaulatorv 674 fines imposed upon the City. that are proximately caused by such violations. Such 675 costs shall be collectible by the City in accordance with the provisions of Sections 28-29 676 and 28-30. 677 (c) In addition to any other remedy for the violation of this Division. the City 678 may brino leaal action to enioin the continuina violation of this Division. and the 679 existence of any other remedy. at law or in equity. shall be no defense to any such 680 action. 681 (d) The remedies set forth in this section are cumulative. not exclusive, and it 682 shall not be a defense to any action, civil or criminal. that one or more of the remedies 683 set forth herein has been souaht or aranted. 16 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 III COMMENT The section sets forth the criminal penalties and civil remedies for violations of the Division. Intentional or willful violations are punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000. In addition, violators are liable to the City in an action at law for the costs of containment, cleanup, abatement, removal and disposal of any substance unlawfully discharged into the wastewater collection system and are subject to injunction by the City against continuing violations of the Division. The remedies are cumulative in nature, such that the City may pursue any or all of them. Sec. 28-82. Severabilitv. The provisions of this Division shall be severable. it beinQ the intention of the City Council that in the event one (1) or more of the provisions of this Division are adiudQed to be invalid or unenforceable. the validity and enforceability of the remaininQ provisions shall be unaffected bv such adiudication. COMMENT The standard severability language is set forth in this section. It provides that the entire Division is not rendered invalid in the event one of its provisions is adjudged to be invalid or unenforceable. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this ,2009. day APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: W. (j)~ft( ~ ' City Attorney's Office J)h/aJlfl! Public Utilities CA11038 February 17, 2009 R-3 17 , I " I ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute, on Behalf of the City, a Memorandum of Agreement Between the Hampton Roads Sanitation District and the City of Virginia Beach Pertaining to Grease Control Devices MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: Virginia Beach wants to ensure that grandfathered Food Service Establishments do not contribute fats, oils and grease (FOG) to the public sanitary sewer system. FSEs established before the adoption of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code lacking grease control devices may be contributing FOG to the sanitary sewer system. Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) has the authority to enforce the retrofitting of grease control devices in food service establishments grandfathered under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. . Considerations: This agreement allows for HRSD to cooperate with the City of Virginia Beach to ensure that such establishments install grease control devices. . Public Information: This information was the subject of a Council Briefing on December 2,2008. The Department of Public Utilities staff has participated in a series of regional meetings with representatives from HRSD and the cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, and James City. A FOG website has been developed and placed on the City of Virginia Beach's Website to disseminate information to the public. . Alternatives: Authorize the Memorandum of Agreement or take no action. . Recommendations: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between HRSD and the City of Virginia Beach. . Attachments: Resolution and Summary of Material Terms Recommended Action: Approve MOA Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Public Utilities City Manager: ~l> t, ~\\'P't. tMa.V/Y) ~Jj 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE 2 CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE 3 CITY, A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE 4 HAMPTON ROADS SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE 5 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH PERTAINING TO GREASE 6 CONTROL DEVICES 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach has developed an ordinance implementing 10 affirmative measures to reduce the impact of discharges of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) 11 to the sanitary sewer collection system (the "FOG Ordinance"); and 12 13 WHEREAS, the FOG Ordinance requires, among other things, that food service 14 establishments must install grease control devices to the extent required by the Virginia 15 Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC); and 16 17 WHEREAS, the USBe grandfathers food service establishments that were 18 constructed before the date the requirement for the installation of grease control devices 19 was first incorporated into the USBC; and 20 21 WHEREAS, within the City of Virginia Beach there are food service 22 establishments. that were constructed prior to the adoption of the USBC provision 23 requiring the installation of grease control devices in such establishments; and 24 25 WHEREAS, food service establishments lacking grease control devices may be 26 contributing FOG to the sanitary sewer system; and 27 28 WHEREAS, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) has the independent 29 legal authority to require existing food service establishments that are grandfathered 30 from the aforesaid USBC requirements to retrofit such establishments with grease 31 control devices; and 32 33 WHEREAS, subject to the approval of the City Council, the terms of a 34 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Virginia Beach and HRSD have been 35 agreed upon, whereby HRSD has agreed to cooperate with the City in ensuring that 36 such establishments install proper grease control devices; and 37 38 WHEREAS, a Summary of Material Terms of such Memorandum of Agreement 39 is hereto attached and a copy is available for inspection at the Department of Public 40 Utilities; 41 42 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 43 OF VIRGINIA BEACH:e44 II III 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the aforesaid agreement on behalf of the City and to take such measures as are necessary or advisable to implement such agreement according to its terms. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the ,2009. day of Approved as to Content: Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: ~~i:~~~ I. City Attorney's Office CA11047 R-1 February 16, 2009 2 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT HAMPTON ROADS SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF MATERIAL TERMS PARTIES: All Hampton Roads localities, incl. City of Virginia Beach, and HRSD SUBJECT: Retrofitting of grease control devices in food service establishments (FSEs) grandfathered under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code PURPOSE: Ensure that grandfathered FSEs do not contribute fats, oils and grease (FOG) to the public sanitary sewer system CITY OBLIGATIONS: 1, Determine whether FSES without grease control devices are contributing FOG to the sanitary sewer system; 2, If City cannot achieve compliance by other means, request HRSD to inspect FSE and take measures to cause compliance; 3, Issue required building permits and conduct future inspections; 4. Notify HRSD of future enforcement actions taken by City HRSD OBLIGATIONS: 1. Perform inspection of FSE within reasonable time; 2. Take appropriate enforcement action; OTHER: Parties may withdraw from MOA at any time without further obligation III ~~~ ,(~I.". ~l}J ~<f'~ 1i' "..'\~) E -, \"', u . p:, (.~ /;') ~ ..:..~. <: J '-:'J",,1....; . fj 'l1,. ~#...~ "."~ l..(\:~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Appointing Mark D. Stiles to the Position of City Attorney and Setting His Compensation MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: Former City Attorney Leslie L. Lilley was recently appointed by the General Assembly to the position of circuit court judge, thereby creating a vacancy in the position of City Attorney. City Charter ~ 9.02 provides that City Council shall appoint the City Attorney, and City Code ~ 2-89 provides that City Council shall establish the City Attorney's compensation. . Considerations: The attached resolution appoints Mark D. Stiles as City Attorney and sets forth his annual compensation. The appointment will be effective on March 1, 2009. . Attachments: Resolution Requested by City Council 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARK D. STILES TO THE POSITION OF CITY ATTORNEY AND SETTING HIS COMPENSATION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That pursuant to 9 9.02 of the City Charter, Mark D. Stiles is hereby appointed to the position of City Attorney, effective March 1,2009. 2. That the salary of the City Attorney shall be $185,000. 3. That the City's contribution to the City Attorney's deferred compensation plan shall be $10,000 annually. 4. That the car allowance of the City Attorney shall remain at $10,000 annually. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of ,2009. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ;e~~r- City Attorney's Office CA11051 February 18, 2009 R-2 II III , CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Adopt the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation's Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan and to Authorize the City Manager to Submit a Copy of the Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation ("DHNP") has operated the federally-funded Housing Choice Voucher Program ("HCV Program"), formerly known as the Section 8 program, for many years. The HCV Program is operated according to an administrative plan developed by DHNP ("Plan") that details the various policies and procedures that are used to operate the HCV Program. . Considerations: DHNP is requesting that Council approve the Plan because 1) the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("Huon) requires the Plan to be authorized and adopted by City Council; and 2) DHNP has recently completed an extensive review and modification of the Plan. In order to fulfill HUD requirements and to ratify the revised Plan, DHNP is requesting that the Plan be adopted by Council and that the City Manager be authorized to submit the Plan to HUD. A summary of the Plan is attached hereto. . Public Information: Public information will be made available through the normal Council agenda process. . Alternatives: While alternatives to the specific content of the Plan are possible, the Plan contains the staff recommended options. Without an adopted Plan, the HCV Program will be in violation of HUD requirements. . Attachments: Ordinance, Summary of the Plan ~~ _.- Recommended Action: Adoption . ; vi Submitting DepartmentlAgency~ '. ~OUSing Preservation ~ \1 ~'" .1' Cily Manager: \J f-. '-1:5 ~ and Neighborhood II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation 9 ("DHNP") has operated the federally-funded Housing Choice Voucher Program ("HCV 1 0 Program"), formerly known as the Section 8 program, for many years; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION'S HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE PLAN TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the HCV Program is operated according to an administrative plan developed by DHNP ("Plan") that details the various policies and procedures that are used to operate the HCV Program; and WHEREAS, DHNP is requesting that Council approve the Plan because 1) the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") requires the Plan to be authorized and adopted by City Council; and 2) DHNP has recently completed an extensive review and modification of the Plan; and WHEREAS, in order to satisfy HUD requirements, and to ratify the revised Plan, DHNP is requesting that the Plan be adopted by Council and that the City Manager be authorized to submit the Plan to HUD; and WHEREAS, an executive summary of the Plan is attached hereto, and a copy of the full Plan is on file with the City Clerk. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: DHNP's Plan for the administration of the Housing Choice Voucher Program is hereby ratified and adopted by Council of the City of Virginia Beach, and the City Manager is hereby authorized to submit a copy of the Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ,2009. day APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: l lL. ~ "i..- City Attorney' Office EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIJEW The Department of Housing & Neighborhood Preservation consists of five distinct divisions. 1. Administrative Services Division: The staff in this division handle all internal City matters, including human resources, finance, contracts, compliance, information technology, and office management. 2. Code Enforcement Division: This division handles all Code Enforcement activities, including inspecting properties for housing violations, junk, overgrown grass, waste management violations, inoperable vehicles, and the Certificate of Compliance rental inspection program. In addition, through nuisance abatement activities, this division takes action to eliminate violations including graffiti. 3. Strategy. Policy & Resource Development Division: This division coordinates strategic lllnd program planning, resource development, grant acquisitions, policy development, research, analysis, and media and communication functions and initiatives. 4. Housing Development Division: This division provides all services related to home improvements including rehabilitation loans and grants of various types. In addition it is developing the workforce housing program, and coordinating the provision of programs and service:s to address homelessness. Additionally, the staff is responsible for receiving and reviewing requests for the funding or approval of projects to maintain or expand housing opportunities. 5. Rental Housing Division: This division provides the delivery of housing programs including; Federal rental assistance through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, SI~curity Deposit, Optional Relocation and Housing Counseling programs. The principal staff member of the Rental Housing Division is the Rental Housing Administrator, who works for the city, and reports directly to the Department Director. The Rental Housing Administrator is directly responsible for carrying out the policies established by the Director, City Manager and City Council and is delegated the responsibility for hiring, training and supervising the remainder of the division staff in order to mimage the day-to-day operations, and to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and directives for the programs managed.. In addition, the Rental Housing Administra1tor's duties include budgeting and financial planning for the division. II I' HCV PROGRAM AND ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN The City of Virginia Beach Department of Housing & Neighborhood Preservation (VBDHNP) operates the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) within the Rental Housing Division. The VBDHNP receives its funding for the HCV program from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The VBDHNP is not a federal department or agency. The Department of Housing & Neighborhood Preservation is a department within the City of Virginia Beach. The department operates housing programs for low-income families. The VBDHNP enters into an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD to administer the program requirements on behalf of HUD. The VBDHNP must ensure compliance with federal laws, regulations and notices and must establish policy and procedures to clarify federal requirements and to ensure consistency in program operation. Pursuant to 24 CFR 982.54 the VBDHNP must adopt a written administrative plan that establishes local policies for administration of the (HCV) program in accordance with HUD requirements. The administrative plan and any revisions of the plan must be formally adopted by the City Counsel. The administrative plan states VBDHNP policy on matters for which the VBDHNP has discretion to establish local policies. The plan must be in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements. CONTENTS OF THE PLAN Federal regulations at 24CFR 982.54 further stipulate the VBDHNP administrative plan must cover VBDHNP policies on the following subjects: . Selection and admission of applicants from the DHNP waiting list, including any DHNP admission preferences, procedures for removing applicant names from the waiting list, and procedures for closing and reopening the DHNP waiting list (Chapter 4) . Issuing or denying vouchers, including DHNP policy governing the voucher term and any extensions or suspensions of the voucher term. 'Suspension' means stopping the clock on the term of a family's voucher after the family submits a request for approval of the tenancy. If the DHNP decides to allow extensions or suspensions of the voucher term, the DHNP administrative plan must describe how the DHNP determines whether to grant extensions or suspensions, and how the DHNP determines the length of any extension or suspension (Chapter 8); . Any special rules for use of available funds when HUD provides funding to the DHNP for a special purpose (e.g., desegregation), including funding for specified families or a specified category of families (Chapter Chapter 4); . Occupancy policies, including definition of what group of persons may qualify as a 'family', definition of when a family is considered to be 'continuously assisted'; standards for denying admission or terminating assistance based on criminal activity or alcohol abuse in accordance with 982.553 (Chapters 5 and 15); . Encouraging participation by owners of suitable units located outside areas of low income or minority concentration (Chapter 1); . Assisbng a family that claims that illegal discrimination has prevented the family from leasing a suitable unit (Chapter 2); . Providing information about a family to prospective owners (Chapters 3 and 9); . Disapproval of owners (Chapter 13); . Subsidy standards (Chapter 5); . Family absence from the dwelling unit (Chapter 12) ; . How to determine who remains in the program if a family breaks up (Chapter 12); . Informal review procedures for applicants (Chapter 18); . Informal hearing procedures for participants (Chapter 18); . The process for establishing and revising voucher payment standards (Chapter 8); . The method of determining that rent to owner is a reasonable rent (initially and during the tenn of a HAP contract) (Chapter 11); . SpeciaJl policies concerning special housing types in the program (e.g., use of shared housing) (Chapter 4); . Policies concerning payment by a family to the DHNP of amounts the family owes the DHNP (Chapter 17); . Interim re-determinations of family income and composition (Chapter 12); . Restrictions, if any, on the number of moves by a participant family (Chapter 13); . Approval by the board of commissioners or other authorized officials to charge the administrative fee reserve (Chapter 1); . ProcedlLlfal guidelines and performance standards for conducting required housing quality standards inspections (Chapter 10); and . DHNP screening of applicants for family behavior or suitability for tenancy (Chapter 2) II " I ~~~.~.~ ~~~ m '\'. ,ft ~ ~" ~:Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Referring to the Planning Commission an Ordinance to Amend the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas Ordinance by including the Surface Area of Swimming Pools as Impervious Cover for Purposes of Calculating Stormwater Management Requirements and by Establishing Uniform Buffer Mitigation Standards for Consideration and Recommendation MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The ordinance referred to the Planning Commission by this resolution involves the inclusion of the surface area of swimming pools as impervious surfaces in calculating the stormwater management requirements of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance. The amendment also includes uniform buffer mitigation standards for development in the Resource Protection Area. . Considerations: This amendment will bring the Chesapeake Bay program into compliance with state regulations and will provide citizens with the methodology to determine the amount of buffer restoration that will be required for projects approved by the Bay Board. The buffer mitigation standards are in draft form and will be distributed and discussed with the relevant stakeholders prior to the Planning Commission voting on a recommendation. This resolution will refer the amendments to the Planning Commission for its comments and recommendation. . Attachments: Resolution, Ordinance Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Submitting Department/Agency: Planning City Manager~ 't ~~ 'I 1 A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE 2 PLANNING COMMISSION AN ORDINANCE 3 TO AMEND THE CHESAPEAKE BAY 4 PRESERVATION AREA ORDINANCE BY 5 INCLUDING THE SURFACE AREA OF 6 SWIMMING POOLS AS IMPERVIOUS 7 COVER FOR PURPOSES OF CALCULATING 8 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 9 REQUIREMENTS AND BY ESTABLISHING 10 UNIFORM BUFFER MITIGATION 11 STANDARDS FOR CONSIDERATION AND 12 RECOMMENDATION 13 14 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 15 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 16 17 That the above-entitled ordinance, a copy of which is attached, is hereby referred 18 to the Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. 19 20 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 21 day of ,2009. APPROV~D AS TO LEGAL SUFFICI~CY: o ) ~ /11, /Vlwi . City Attorney's Office CA11048 R-1 February 16, 2009 1 .AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CHESAPEAKE BAY 2 PRESERVATION AREA ORDINANCE BY INCLUDING THE 3 SURFACE AREA OF SWIMMING POOLS AS IMPERVIOUS 4 GOVER FOR PURPOSES OF CALCULATING 5 STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS AND BY 6 ESTABLISHING UNIFORM BUFFER MITIGATION 7 STANDARDS 8 9 Section Amended: Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area 10 Ordinance Section 106 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach originally adopted the Chesapeake Bay 14 Preservation Area Ordinance (the "Ordinance") on November 6, 1990; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the City's Ordinance has been one of the most successful 17 Chesapeake Bay Ordinances in the State in accomplishing the goals of protecting and 18 enhancing water quality of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries; and 19 20 WHEREAS, in developing and implementing its Ordinance, the City chose to 21 maximize wator quality protection by: (1) including highly erodible soils as components 22 of the Resource Protection Areas (RPA); notwithstanding the fact that the controlling 23 statutes and mgulations do not require the inclusion of highly erodible soils as an RPA 24 feature; (2) by declining to designate certain areas of the City as Intensely Developed 25 Areas (IDAs), in which development restrictions are substantially less stringent than in 26 RPAs; and (3) by designating all lands within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed not within 27 RPAs as Resource Management Areas (RMAs), thereby greatly expanding the land 28 area within the City that is subject to the Ordinance; and 29 30 WHEREAS, in September 2008, the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Board 31 found the City's Ordinance to be in compliance with the Chesapeake Bay Preservation 32 Area Designation And Management Regulations, except with respect to regulations that 33 require that thE~ surface area of swimming pools be considered as impervious surfaces; 34 and 35 36 WHEREAS, swimming pools intercept rainfall falling into them, thereby capturing 37 such rainfall and preventing it from running off into adjacent waterways, and as a result 38 are different from other impervious surfaces such as driveways and rooftops, which do 39 not capture rainfall; and 40 41 WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges that, under applicable state 42 regulations that are binding upon localities, swimming pools are impervious because 43 they "significantly impede or prevent the natural infiltration of water into the soil 44 underlying them," a process known as "groundwater recharge;" and 45 II 46 WHEREAS, the City Council fully appreciates the importance of groundwater 47 recharge to the natural environment, including the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, 48 to-wit: groundwater recharge provides a sustainable water supply to trees and shrubs 49 located within Chesapeake Bay buffer areas, thereby helping to improve drought 50 tolerance and promote healthy plant growth; allows for soils to filter out excessive 51 nutrients, pesticides and other pollutants through chemical bonding to soil particles, 52 thereby reducing nutrient loads to adjoining waterways; and helps to intercept excessive 53 nutrients, pesticides and other pollutants in the soil before they reach the groundwater 54 table and begin to flow toward waterways; and 55 56 WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council that the City's Ordinance be fully 57 consistent with all applicable requirements of law; and 58 59 WHEREAS, the City Council reaffirms that it was not its intention in originally 60 adopting the Ordinance, and that it is not its intention in adopting this amendment to the 61 Ordinance, to preclude all reasonable development, including swimming pools, within 62 RPA buffers, but to fully protect water quality through appropriate and effective 63 mitigation measures; and 64 65 WHEREAS, it is the further intention of the City Council to establish uniform and 66 effective buffer restoration standards to be applied where RPA areas are developed 67 with impervious surfaces, inCluding swimming pools and other impervious structures, so 68 that such development does not cause or contribute to a degradation of water quality; 69 70 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 71 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 72 That Section 106 of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance (City 73 Code Appendix F) is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: 74 75 76 77 Sec. 106. Performance standards. 78 79 80 81 (A) General performance standards for development and redevelopment. 82 Except as otherwise provided herein, the following standards shall apply to all 83 development and redevelopment in both Resource Protection Areas and Resource 84 Management Areas of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area: 85 86 87 2 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 (Q (8) For any development or redevelopment, stormwater runoff shall be controlled by the use of best management practices that achieve the following results: (d) Calculations involving the percentage of site area under impervious cover shall be based upon the lot area landward of mean low water and wetlands. Impervious cover shall Rat include the water surface area of a swimming pool. ~~uffer restoration standards. The following standards shall applv in cases III which buffer restoration is reQuired pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance as a result of development within a Resource Protection Area: ! 1) F or new impervious cover: (a) Buffer restoration of an area eQual to two (2) times the proposed impervious cover in the RP A shall be provided. rounded to the nearest whole number. except that there shall be no reQuirement for structures or additions to structures. such as second stOry additions. that do not increase the impervious footprint; (b) No credit shall be given for proposed impervious area in existing impervious areas that will be removed. Pool water surface. decks. pavers and gravel driveways will be considered impervious for this calculation: (c) The composition of the buffer will be per Appendix D. Table A of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. Chesapeake Bav Local Assistance "Riparian Buffers Modification & Mitigation Guidance Manual. 2003, Reprinted 2006" (the Guidance Manual); (d) In accordance with the Guidance Manual. in order for the buffer to function as intended. it should contain the full complement of vegetation that includes all trophic lavers: shade trees. understory trees. shrubs. and ground cover. whether the ground cover is veaetation, leaf litter, or mulch; (e) Salt and flood tolerant plant species should be planted below the 5-foot contour to ensure areater survival of the plantings; 3 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 II (2) II (f) Canopy trees should not be planted within fifteen (15') of the shoreline where there is a possibility of marsh shadina or interference with the intearity of shoreline structures; (a) Buffer restoration should be placed in the RPA, beainnina in the 50-foot seaward portion of the buffer: (h) Buffer restoration shall be placed in areas currently devoted to tu rf: (i) Where there is not sufficient area of existina turf to meet the buffer restoration area reauirements. a site evaluation may be necessary to determine the location and extent of veaetative supplementation to meet the reauirement; (j) All buffer trees. plants and aroundcover shall remain as shown on the approved site plan. Any loss of such material shall be replaced and thereafter maintained: (k) Where specific site conditions warrant. veaetation replacement rates as found in Appendix D of the Guidance Manual may be employed with staff approval: and (I) Deviations to the composition of the buffer as outlined in these criteria shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis and shall be subiect to a site evaluation to be undertaken by the applicant or his or her consultant. However. in no case shall deviations that compromise the auidance in subdivision (C) (1) (d) above be considered. For shoreline hardenina proiects and replacement of upland retainina walls: (a) Buffer restoration of an area fifteen feet (15') wide times the lenath of the shoreline hardenina structure or upland retainina wall shall be reauired. The buffer restoration should be placed in the 50-foot seaward portion of the buffer if practicable. but in any event within the Resource Protection Area; (b) If construction displaces buffer veaetation. all disturbed areas shall be restored per the Guidance Manual. Appendix D. 4 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this _ day of ,2009. CA-10855 February 13, :W09 R-1 APPROVED AS TO LEG /.j ( i l City Attorney's Office 5 II II , ~ ~ :$~I. ~.~' (t: · .. ....\., ~tl -- n~ ,.........~.. .~ ,\- /1 ~...~ ~.... CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM "" ~ ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate Funds from the Fund Balance of the Francis Land House Trust Fund to the Museum Department's FY 2008-09 Operating Budget MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: In October 1999, the City of Virginia Beach Department of Museums began operating the Adam Thoroughgood House. At that time, the Friends of the Francis Land House extended their support to the Adam Thoroughgood House and began to advertise that membership dues went to support both houses. The Friends of the Francis Land House collected dues for memberships, general donations and designated donations for both houses and deposited the funds to the Francis Land House Trust Fund. This process continued until June 2006. The Friends of the Adam Thoroughgood House were formed in January 2007. They request that the Friends of the Francis Land House provide them with those monies donated for the support of the Thoroughgood House including their share of general donations and membership dues collected from October 1999 through June 2006. That amount totals $9,825.97. . Considerations: The Friends of the Francis Land House Executive Committee has approved transferring funds in this amount to the Friends of the Adam Thoroughgood House as full and final payment of the share of monies collected for memberships and donations for the October 1999 through June 2006. The Francis Land House Trust Fund currently has a balance of about $49,377. . Public Information: Information will be disseminated through the normal Council agenda process. . Recommendations: Appropriate funds from the Francis Land House Trust Fund for the purpose described above. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval ~../1 4 Submitting Department/Agency: Museums f'1- Vff1L.- City Manager:~ t~ 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE 2 FUND BALANCE OF THE FRANCIS LAND HOUSE TRUST 3 IFUND TO THE MUSEUM DEPARTMENT'S FY 2008-09 4 OPERATING BUDGET 5 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 6 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 7 8 That SB,826 is hereby appropriated from the fund balance of the Francis Land 9 House Trust Fund to the Museum Department's FY 2008-09 operating budget for the 10 purposes of dlividing donations and membership dues between the Francis Land House 11 and the Adam Thoroughgood House. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all the members of City Council. of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 2009. day Approved as tl) C~ntent: Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: -8~CL ~ Management Services /~~ City A~y'S Offi<:e --- CA11042 R-2 February 12, 2009 II II ,"lA.~ ~rJ~~-~' ._ J. ~Lb ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Department of Homeland Security through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management to the Police Department MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The Department of Homeland Security through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management has awarded the Virginia Beach Police Department funding through the 2008 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI). This grant will be active from 8/1/2008 through 8/31/2011. The grant provides $416,754 of federal funding and has no match requirement. . Considerations: This funding will be used to purchase equipment needed by the Police Department that was not funded through the annual budget process. Specifically, the funding will provide equipment to be used by the Bomb Unit to enhance response capabilities and to detect and disrupt acts of terrorism. The City is not required to provide a match for this grant. . Public Information: Public information will be provided through the normal Council Agenda process. . Recommendations: It is recommended that Council accept and appropriate the grant award. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval of Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Police Department .! H In .4-mr City Manager:~ 't. I~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY THROUGH THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, The Department of Homeland Security through the Virginia Department of Emergency has authorized a 2009 Urban Area Security Initiative grant of $416,754 to the City of Virginia Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That $416,754 is hereby accepted from the Department of Homeland Security through the Virginia Department of Emergency and appropriated to the Police Department's FY 2008-09 Operating Budget. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the .' 2009. day of Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: u~.c.. Management Services Vd~;- CA11041 R-2 February 9, 20109 'I ~i;"~ f,l":il" .... ....~>I'.ib r~ "41" "'''~) l.f!'~:-"\"', ~e: ' ," l~~ .. i....,."" :." ,,,,~:;,-'';'', ' ilj "~~~".~'.:j; "";'::"~oJJ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Transfer Funds to the Multimedia Services FY 2008-09 Operating Budget MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The Department of Communications and Information Technology (ComIT) currently utilizes a Content Management System (CMS) to serve as the backbone for disseminating information via official city Websites. These websites are VBgov.com, virginiaaquarium.com, and yesvirginiabeach.com. The existing website application does not meet all requested contributing agency/department or website visitor needs. The upgrade will bring needed capability to these websites. . Considerations: The software upgrade and modules will add improvements and functionality. The improvements will include: Web 2.0 Tools - blogs, polls, RSS, ratings, and tagging; performance enhancements - quicker website launch times, personalized user experiences, and caching of content; developer tools reducing programming (code) requirements; web based content editing improving contributor experience (for departmental page masters); and improved work flow for entering and gaining approval of content. The software will be purchased from and configured by the current vendor, which ensures integration into the CMS and new software applications. Given the current economic conditions, the vendor is willing to reduce costs for the suite of software applications. The reduction is significantly below market value. The original base system software purchase (in 2002) cost over $260,000. The total cost for the software upgrade purchase (seven new applications) and prorated maintenance is $163,125, of which $34,475 is available, and $128,650 in additional funding is needed. . Public Information: Information will be disseminated through the regular Council agenda notification process. . Alternatives: An alternative is to continue operating the existing application. This would result in significant new Web developmental functionality delays, lengthy site visitation loading times, and the inability to deploy needed web tools. . Recommendations: The recommendation is to approve transfer of funds to the Multimedia Services FY 2008-09 Operating Budget. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting DepartmentlAgen~Communications and Information Technology % f:t City Manager~~ k . ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO THE MULTIMEDIA SERVICES FY 2008-09 OPERATING BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That $128,650 is transferred to the Multimedia Services FY 2008-09 Operating Budget to fund the Website Content Management Systems software upgrade in the following manner: (1) $30,000 from the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Department of Parks and Recreation; (2) $20,OQO from the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Department of Public Utilities; (3) $1S,000 from FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Department of Public Works; (4) $7,500 from the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Department of Plannin~l; (5) $7,500 from the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Department of Public Libraries.; (6) $10,000 from the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the City Manager's Office; and (7) $38,650 from the FY 2008-09 Operating Budget of the Department of Communications and Information Technology. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ,2009. day of APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: M~~~~I~ <1/ ~~d1nc- City A r ey's ice CA11039 R-3 February 13, 2009 II II K. PLANNING 1. Application of ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH & ENLIGHTENMENT, INC. (A.R.E.), for an Expansion ofa Nonconforming Use at 215 67th Street DISTRICT 5- L YNNHA VEN APPLICANT REQUESTS DEFERRAL TO MARCH 10,2009 2. Variance to ~4.4(b) ofthe Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements ofthe City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) for CHARLES H. DAWSON re lot width at 4300 Charity Neck Road - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 3. Variance to S4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements ofthe City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) for BRUCE & KELLIE HENLEY re a flag lot at Charity Neck and North Muddy Creek Roads - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 4. Applications of JOHN RODGER BURNS at 3477 Muddy Creek Road - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE a. Variance to ~4.4(b) ofthe Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re constructing a dwelling in the floodplain b. Floodplain Variance re construction fill and mitigation RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 5. Application of STEPHEN C. SWAIN for an Expansion of a Nonconforming Use re additions to a two-story single family dwelling at 1107 Cedar Point Drive - DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 6. Application of W AL-MART REAL EST ATE BUSINESS TRUST for a Modification of Conditions Nos. 4. 6. and 10 to reduce parking spaces, enlarge and modernize the building, and, to provide more green space, (approved by City Council on May 14, 1990) at 657 Phoenix Drive - DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 7. Application ofRE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES for a Conditional Use Permit re a church at 5249 Challedon Drive - DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 8. Application of CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER for a Conditional Use Permit re a church at 1401 Lynnhaven Parkway, Unit 101 - DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 9. Application of CARLA L. GRAHAM for a Conditional Use Permit re a Cosmetology School at 5760 Princess Anne Road - DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 10. Application of RICHMOND 20MHZ, L.L.C. d/b/a N TELOS for a Conditional Use Pennit re a communication tower at 345 North Great Neck Road - DISTRICT 6 - BEACH RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 11. Appilication of A TTOM DONUTS, INC. for a Conditional Use Permit re a drive-through window for an eating and drinking establishment at 501 Laskin Road - DISTRICT 6- BEACH STAFF RECOMMENDA nON PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA nON DENIAL APPROVAL 12. Application of BURGER KING CORPORATION for a Conditional Use Permit re a drive- through window for an eating and drinking establishment at 524 Laskin Road - DISTRICT 6 -BEACH STAFF RECOMMENDA nON PLAJ'mING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION DENIAL APPROVAL 13. Application ofMETROTEC ASSOCIATES, INC. and ARVIND GOWDA for a Change of Zoning District Classification. from R-l0 Residential District to Conditional A-12 Apartment District on Shumey Lane - DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 14. Application ofPRINCESSBORO COMPANY, INC. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-l Agricultural District to Conditional 0-2 Office and Conditional B-2 Community Business District re office and retail space at Princess Anne and Sandbridge Roads - DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE DEFERRED BY CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION JANUARY 27,2009 APPROVAL 15. REQUEST TO WITHDRAW AN APPLICATION of WELDEN FIELD OF VIRGINIA, L.L.C. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from 1-1 Light Industrial District, R- 5D Residential Duplex District and 0-2 Office District to Conditional R-7.5 Residential District with a PD-H2 Overlay at Regent University Drive and Jake Sears Road - DISTRICT 1 - CENTERVILLE RECOMMENDATION ALLOW WITHDRAWAL " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING \jirgi/1/3 lJeach City Council v,ill meet in the Chamber .It City Hall, Municipal Center, :>101 Courthouse Drive. Tuesday, February 24, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. Tht. !nllowing applications will be IleaI'd: L YNNHAVEN DISTRICT Stephen C. Swain Application: Expansion of a NonconformirJ1L1!1?g at 1107 Cedar POint Drive (GPIN 2418662628). Association for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) Application: E~p.<ill.sion .9..L<:! \1911confonnine: Use at 215 67th Street (GPINs 241q646299: 2419644281; 2419645012). KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT He-Birth International Ministries Application: Conditional Use Permit for a church at S249 ChaJledon Drive. !\ICUZ is Less than 65. Carla L. Graham Application: ~onrlitional Use Permit (cosmetology school) at 5760 Princess Anne Road. ,\ICUZ is Less than 65. ROSE HALL DISTRICT Well-Mart Real Estate Business Trust Application: Modification of Conditions :lpproved by City Council on May 14, 1990) at 657 Phoenix Drive. AICUZ is Greater t11iJn 75 and APZ-2. C,'escent Community Center Application: conditional Use Permit for a church at 1401 Lynnhaven Parkway. Unit 101. AICUZ is 65-"70. PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT Charles H. Dawson, Subdiviston Velrian~ 4300 Charity Neck Road. AICUZ is Less than 65. I)PJce & Kellie Henley AppliCation: ~ub_divi~ion Variance at Chanty Neck dnd Nort~, ,'-ruddy Creek Roads (GPIN 2412767181), AICUZ is Less than 65. John Rodger Burns Application: .subdiVision Variance and Floodplain Vwiance a 3477 Muddy Creek Road. !\JCUZ is Less than 65. BEACH DISTRICT l~ichmond 20mhz. L.L.C. Dj B/ A nTelos .'\pplication: Conditional Use Permit for a ,;ornmunication tower at 345 North Great ~Jf'ck Road. AICUZ is Greater than is ilnc ;\PZ-2. ;\ttOI11 Donuts, Inc. Application: ~pnditional Use Permit for an eating and drinking ,;stablishment with a drive-through window at 501 Laskin Road. AICUZ IS 70-75. This ,~em will be heard by Plannin/?, Commission on February 11. 2009. Burger King Corporation ;\pplication: Conditional1!?e Permit (drive-through faciiltles, at 524 Laskin Road. MCUZ is 70-75. This item will be heard by Planning Commission .J" February 11, 2009. BA YSIDE DISTRICT Metrolec ,\ssociates. Inc. /"nd Arvind Gowda Application: Cl~.9rge 1)1 Z9Dl~gJ)!J;tricj rlp5SiflCf?jlon from R-tO Residential District to ConditloNll A-12 Apartment District at :)nur'1~y Ldne IGPIN 1468444310). T/';e Compmhensive Plim: Pnma,y R'~sldentjaJ \n'i:l. Purpose: develop townhouses. ilJCUZ IS Less theln 65. CENTERVlllE DISTRICT 'Ar't1fmfip!d Of Virginia. L.L.C. /\pplication: .Br'-,-Q1Le..$1193!!:-rl'::iY'_:..o..~PJ)l!~;'ltI0J1-L9Lil ':jl..tl!"l!e of Zonl_lllL-Distflct Clil5Slfi~atlon froill 1-1 Ught Ir,justnal uistrlGt, H-'jD i/t:'3!cJ.:nt/al Duplex Distnct ,;nd 0-2 oJffice Di~trict to Condlt'ondl R-7 ,~) RA~,id'~ntial :)'c;l,':t 'Alth a PD-H2 0'ver!JY at Regent Unl'.Jer3lty Drive d'j,j J,ll<.e S"<1r" R')ijlj (GPI~js l'I:~::i5T1149: pal1 of 1455iiGG.W8). ,\11 1I'lerested citizens :Ire inv!tpd to attend. !'{'Jth Hodges Ffi1:,'~r, :.IMC e;1', Clerk II I' ~~ ';;4'~'" "':;+~b ~t~. . .l\\ \J.......L ~~.~Lf/ ~~~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND ENLIGHTENMENT (A.R.E.), Expansion of a Nonconformina Use, 215 67th Street. L YNNHAVEN DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant requests alterations to a nonconforming use, the Association for Research and Enlightenment. The Association was founded around 1928 in the present location of 67th Street, Atlantic Avenue, 68th Street, and Holly Road. A conditional use permit was approved to enlarge an existing non-profit private institution on July 10, 1961. A conditional use permit was approved for a non- profit institution library and related facilities building and parking area on September 10, 1973. Another conditional use permit was approved to expand a non-profit institution (health services and office) on October 17, 1983. With the adoption of the City Zoning Ordinance in April 1988 conditional non-profit uses were deleted from the residential districts. Thus the site is now nonconforming and requires approval from City Council for alterations. . Considerations: The applicant requests a deferral of this item to City Council's March 10, 2009 meeting to provide the applicant time to revise the plans in response to comments from City staff and the community. . Recommendations: Allow deferral to City Council's March 10 meeting. Recommended Action: Deferral to March 10. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Deparbnent ^ ~ \ City Manager~\ k . ~ll<>'l. I V' 'l A.R.E. Map 1.-3 M" Not to Sc"le p-, ~ ~ Z 0-\ ?> ~ p-, j FIRST IANfJlNG -">7 ATE fJARK \ 'T. Non-Conforming Use Relevant Information: · Lynnhaven District · The ,applicant requests alterations to a nonconforming use, the Association for Research and Enlightenment. · AIClJZ is 65 - 70. Recomm4~ndation : · Deferral to March 10 II II CHARLES H. DAWSON o Charles H. Dawson AG -02 Map L-18 Map Not to Sc"le ~ &: 005 G-l o GAG - 2 o cO -2 Subdivision Variance Relevant Information: · Princess Anne District . The subject parcel was created by a two (2) -lot subdivision plat in 1964 with the original subdivision by deed for this site in November 1953. · Future plans are for the property owner to relocate the existing dwelling to the rear of the property and then add on to the structure. That plan was submitted to the DSC and it was there that it was discovered that this lot was created illegally by deed some years ago. · In sum, this variance will allow this lot to be legally recorded. A variance is needed, as the lot frontage is 147 feet (ordinance requires 150 feet). Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. I " ,II II I' ~~"" ~':'~~~oO-, .....,.Z~b fl- ,,' '\) ~':\':'"""" J:} i.'~~ ~.,;'l.. ~"'''' ......"1 "~~y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CHARLES H. DAWSON, Subdivision Variance (lot width and area), 4300 Charity Neck Road. PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The property owner desires to relocate the existing dwelling on the parcel to the rear of the property and then add on to the structure. A plan was submitted to the Planning Department for that purpose, and it was discovered that this lot was created illegally by deed some years ago. The subject parcel was created as part of a two-lot subdivision in 1964, with the original subdivision by deed for this site in November 1953. The Princess Anne County Subdivision Ordinance was adopted September 28, 1953, two (2) months prior to the recording of the deed. Thus, even though there is a home on the property built in the 1940s, the lot is not considered legally recorded and a Subdivision Variance is necessary prior to any relocation of existing structures or new construction. . Considerations: The parcel is one acre in size and has only 147.27 feet of frontage along Charity Neck Road. The Zoning Ordinance requires 150 feet of lot width. In addition, after the required dedication along Princess Anne Road, the parcel will fall under one (1) acre to 42,922 square feet. A variance, therefore, to lot width and area are necessary. Staff's evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials. does provide evidence of a hardship justifying the granting of a variance to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The hardship involved does not appear to be general or recurring in nature. The 1953 Princess Anne County Zoning Ordinance indicated two types of lots in the Agricultural zoned areas. The A-U Agricultural Unrestricted requirements possessed no minimum lot size or width and the A-R Agricultural Restricted requirements possessed a minimum area of 10,000 square feet and a minimum width of 100 feet. During that time. lots of the size of the subject parcel were not considered unusual, and a few neighboring homes in the area are situated on lots close in size and configuration to the applicant's. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because though the lot was not legally created, it is consistent in size with other lots in the Charles H. Dawson Page 2 of 2 area croated during the same time period, the commission concluded a hardship existed, and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The property shall be substantially as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Pmperty of James B. Dawson et ai," dated 15 September 2008, prepared by Bonifant Land Surveys which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. 2. In the event of demolition of the existing dwelling and replacement with a new structure or the relocation of the existing dwelling to another portion of the site or any other land disturbing activities proposed on this site, not including landscaping with the exception of fill material, a site plan of any proposed improvements and/or renovations to the property shall be submitted to the Devl310pment Services Center (DSC) of the Planning Department for review. No building permits shall be issued until said plan has been approved by the DSC. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Plannin~1 Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Del)artmentlAgency: Planning Department City Manager: ~ It.. ~/Y>7i. II I' G-1 CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 January 14, 2009 Public Hearing Map 1-18 Mep Not. 'to Seele Charles H. Dawson AG~2 005 G-1 STAFF PLANNER: Carolyn A. K. Smith Subdivision Variance REQUEST: Subdivision Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. Variances to lot width and area are requested. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 4300 Charity Neck Road GPIN: 2410598630 ELECTION DISTRICT: PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: 43,658 square feet AICUZ: Less than 65 dB DNL Existing Lot: The existing lot is just over one (1) acre and apparently was created by deed in 1953 and was conveyed by deed again in 1964. There is a dwelling on the property that was constructed in 1940. The property has only 147.27 feet of frontage along Charity Neck Road. The Zoning Ordinance requires 150 feet of lot width, In addition, after the required dedication along the road, the parcel will fall under one (1) acre to 42,922 square feet. SUMMARY OF REQUEST Proposed Lots: It is the intent of the applicant to legally recognize the existing parcel that was originally platted by deed. 1tmn Parcel A Lot Width in feet 150 147* Lot Area in square feet 43,560 42,922* *Variance required CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 1 LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING Lj~ND USE: single-family dwelling SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: . Single-family dwelling I AG-2 Agricultural District . Single-family dwelling I AG-2 Agricultural District · Single-family dwelling, marsh I AG-2 Agricultural District . Charity Neck Road, single-family dwellings / AG-2 Agricultural District NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: This property is located in the Southern Watersheds Management Area. The residence, detached garage, and driveway are all located out of any environmentally sensitive area. Any new development on the property would be required to meet the regulations of the Floodplain Ordinance and have a finished floor elevation of at least one foot above the base flood elevation (BFE) of five feet (NA VD 1929). The City, in conjunction with FEMA, is in the process of updating the floodplain maps and the BFE is this area will be revised to four feet (NA VD 1988). All ground elevations depicted on the submitted site plan, with the exception of one, are all above the five foot contour. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER 1rRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Charity Neck Roac:l is considered a two-lane undivided local street. No CIPs are slated for this area. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Charity Neck No Data No Data Available Existing Land Use:.! - 10 Road Available ADT1 Proposed Land Use 3 - 10 ADT1 Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by one single-family dwelling 3 as defined by one single-family dwelling WATER & SE~ There is no City water or sewer service to this property. Health Department approval for wells and sep1tic is required. CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 2 II II Section 9.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance states: No variance shall be authorized by the Council unless it finds that: A. Strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. B. The authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and the character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected. C. The problem involved is not of so general or recurring a nature as to make reasonably practicable the formulation of general regulations to be adopted as an amendment to the ordinance. D. The hardship is created by the physical character of the property, including dimensions and topography, or by other extraordinary situation or condition of such property, or by the use or development of property immediately adjacent thereto. Personal or self- inflicted hardship shall not be considered as grounds for the issuance of a variance. E. The hardship is created by the requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located at the time the variance is authorized whenever such variance pertains to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance incorporated by reference in this ordinance. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request. Evaluation: Future plans are for the property owner to relocate the existing dwelling to the rear of the property and then add on to the structure. That plan was submitted to the DSC and it was there that it was discovered that this lot was created illegally by deed some years ago. The subject parcel was created by a two (2) - lot subdivision plat in 1964 with the original subdivision by deed for this site in November 1953. The Plat was part of a Deed of Bargain and Sale recorded on November 29, 1953, in Deed Book 346, Page 62. The Princess Anne County Subdivision Ordinance was adopted September 28, 1953, two (2) months prior to the recording of the deed. Thus, even though there is a home on the property built in the 1940s, the lot is not considered legally recorded and a Subdivision Variance is necessary. Staff's evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials, does provide evidence of a hardship justifying the granting of a variance to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The hardship involved does not appear to be general or recurring in nature. In addition, the Princess Anne County Zoning Ordinance indicated two types of lots in the Agricultural zoned areas. The A-U Agricultural Unrestricted requirements possessed no minimum lot size or width and the A-R Agricultural Restricted requirements possessed a minimum area of 10,000 square feet and a minimum width of 100 feet. During that time, lots of this size were not considered unusual and a few neighboring homes in the area are situated on lots close in size and configuration to the applicant's. Moreover, at one time, the lot was one acre in size; however, due to requirements by the City of Virginia Beach for roadway dedications, the size of the lot has decreased below one acre. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of this request subject to the conditions below. CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 3 CONDITIONS 1. The property shall be substantially as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Property of James B. Dawson et ai," dated 15 September 2008, prepared by Bonifant Land Surveys which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. 2. In th4~ event of demolition of the existing dwelling and replacement with a new structure or the relocation of the existing dwelling to another portion of the site or any other land disturbing activities proposed on this site, not including landscaping with the exception of fill material, a site plan of any proposed improvements and/or renovations to the property shall be submitted to the Development Servilces Center (DSC) of the Planning Department for review. No building permits shall be issued until said plan has been approved by the DSC. NOTE: Furtli,er conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submmed with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 4 II II AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 5 Charles H. Dawson Par< pI SA ,jol # 2002080 1 ~'O 1:1407 2410690831 'N J 419 680:l49 IE '221~937580 Charles H Dawson Parcel 5"\ dOL # 20)208013010407 2410690831 1 c! IHt~II'IOilli R:v\/ ch..'(111.. ;.:ttll,n r.1B '75 P Sf S 07 27'47" ( 132 89' ru 3 ~ .::, Q en o ro) ~ 0' ("") C "" --- (V-i ~- (!; < Robert E Braswell DH 1582 P 5~ 24 ~ (\ :'8 9428 "- ~ ..c, ...... C( v) If; 'nqrf.:'~~... Fqrt.~') Ea':i(~n'ftr Lib 840 P 480 "-:- T - - , o o U'l ":t - ? -' C '::J l.'l ~. C; m 0, 1'. co :.J) I.lI in ~ U'l ":t .:0 .:0 CI) PARCEL A 42 Cj2? ~, !ll (; ~ o C; Q U'l N 03 3555' W ~ DC Fredrick T Marsh D8 407~ P 951 241(\ 59 7468 5' hp'etly d{~ll'caled 10 Ilk City ,)1 Vuglflld Bf'al t1 V" ~ 7:.I!-,f U'l 14:' 27 10 I 11(j1 e~~ Ey' e<." E d'Spflipn' c)b 8')8 p 4YJ 'N 3 4U9 687 007 ' ,E 12 ;'15 628652 ' , N CT355,'S" W 14" 1)0 CHARITY NECK RD 140' R'W) : I~~: No /1)1)70801,1)101(17 DH '\.1" I; hi' 3209 17' to disk 147 - II Nanneys Creek Rd SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY OF JAMES B. DAWSON, ET AL /IIs1 No 200BO(j200()(J~,3e ',. VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA PROPOSED SUBDIVISION CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 6 II II Map L-18 Mop Not to Scola Charles H. Dawson AG~2 005 N ~ Q &: o [J CI 999 o GAG - 2 o 8 o o 999 9[!] 0 0 Subdivision Variance No Zoning History to Report ZONING HISTORY CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 7 z o .. ~ ~ U' . I ~ ~ ~ ~l U, ~1 ~i I Z: O 2 Ust all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entitY< I relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) i I : c.I':) . D t >- ------ ~ 4 i 0( Check here If the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. Q \ business, or other unincorporated organization. ~ ; 1 8. 2 See next page for footnotes p1 CI) DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ~ APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant IS a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners. etc below: (Attaclllist if necessary) 2 List all bUSinesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated bUSiness entity2 relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, bUSiness. or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section onty if property owner is different from applicant !f the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1 Ust the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees. partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) SUbdiVISion Variance Application Page lOot 11 ReVIsed 7/11/06 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 8 II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) \ "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation" See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act Va Code 3 2.2-3101, 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationshi p, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities, Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities," See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code S 22-3101 CERTIFICA TION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing. I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application I , -r;1,; A~> ;; - :/"'~b'/'~'--- Applicants Signature ..' Lt;~,~ .~7( -i. ~ _......._ .~ . j.-' ", ~ Print Name -"'r~..,. !,,,,,, -r ',,;~_~. __~ .-- _1.'~.".l\..."'I,u:;-- \ I f' 'F r-_/'F" \ Property Owners Signature (if different than applicant) ;:5ANP~14 r ])AW6~N Print Name SUbdIVISIon Variance Aoolication Page 11 of 11 RevIsed 7111/06 II z o .. I ~ u I" ,f I~ I~ '~ ~ U ~ ~ Z o I t CI':J > I t Q ~ ~. CId' DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CHARLES H. DAWSON Agenda Item 5 Page 9 Item #5 Charles H. Dawson Subdivision Variance 4300 Charity Neck Road District 7 Princess Anne January 14,2009 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next matter is agenda item 5. An application of Charles H. Dawson for a Subdivision Variance, Subdivision of Charles H. Dawson on property located at 4300 Charity Neck Road, District 7, Princess Anne with two conditions. Phil Bonifont: Good afternoon. My name is Phil Bonifont. I'm a land surveyor. I'm representing Mr. Dawson on this project. Joseph Strange: Are the conditions acceptable? Phil Bonifont: Yes they are. Joseph Strange: Thank you very much. ( Phil Bonifont: Thank you. Joseph Strange: ][s then: any upposition to tillS matter being placed 011 the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Al Henley to review this item. Al Henley: Thank you Joe. The Subdivision Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. Variances to lot width and area are requested. The address is 4300 Charity Neck Road. The existing lot is over one (1) acre and apparently was created by deed in 1953 and was conveyed by deed again in 1964. There is a dwelling on the property that was constructed in 1940. The property has only 147.27 feet of frontage along Charity Neck Road. The Zoning Ordinance requires 150 feet of lot width. In addition, after the required dedication along Ithe roadway of Charity Neck Road, the parcel will fall under one (1) acre to 42,922 square feet Future plans for the property owner is to relocate the existing dwelling to the rear of the property and then add on to the structure. Lots of this size were not considered unusual and a few neighboring homes in the area are situated on lots close in size in configuration to the applicant. Moreover, at one time, the lot was one acre in size, however, due to requirements by the City of Virginia Beach for roadway dedications, the size of the lot has decreased below one acre. Staff recommends approval of this application. Therefore, the Planning Commission has placed this item on the consent agenda with the two attached conditions. Thank you. II II Item #5 Charles H. Dawson Page 2 Joseph Strange: Thank you AI. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 5. Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY KA TSIAS AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-0, the Board has approved item 5 for consent. II II BRUCE & KELLIE HENLEY Relevant Information: · Princess Anne District . It is the intent of the applicant to subdivide 1.69 acres from the site, to create Lot 3-8, to be developed with a single-family dwelling. . A Subdivision Variance to lot width is required since, rather than 150 feet along Charity Neck Road, Lot 3-8 is proposed with only 25 feet at the right-of-way. . While there is additional property available along Charity Neck Road, none of it is above the floodplain and would not count towards lot width. . The proposed configuration leaves as much property as possible under cultivation. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. , II I! III ' ~~~~ ,J;).~~......~..s% rCf..... ":t' 0;'/ ~ .. ..-, (<::i - \'" ~~\~ ~~~ {~.;~.. .../.I} ~. ~..._..,...., "'" ..~ ~.::-...,..., CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: BRUCE & KELLlE HENLEY, Subdivision Variance (lot width), east side of Charity Neck Road, approximately 1500 feet south of North Muddy Creek Road (GPIN 2412767181). PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The existing lot is 21.75 acres and is currently a cultivated field. The lot width along the right-of-way is 399 feet. It is the intent of the applicant to subdivide 1.69 acres from the site, to create Lot 3-B, to be developed with a single-family dwelling on a lot above the 1 DO-year floodplain. . Considerations: The 1 DO-year floodplain within the Back Bay watershed is subject to special restrictions as stipulated in the Site Plan, Subdivision, and Zoning ordinances. In the Back Bay watershed, those areas cannot be counted toward the minimum lot area or lot width requirements for subdivision purposes. As it is the applicant's desire to keep as much property under cultivation as possible and to avoid the development within the floodplain, the proposed layout, with the new parcel located off of the roadway on a flag lot, was chosen over a layout that would include floodplain and reduce area for cultivation. A Subdivision Variance to lot width is required since, rather than 150 feet along Charity Neck Road, Lot 3-8 is a flag lot with only 25 feet at the right-of-way. While there is additional property available along Charity Neck Road, none of it is above the floodplain and would not count towards lot width. A Subdivision Variance is also required for the residual parcel, Lot 3-A, since, as noted above, the entire 374 feet of frontage for that lot is within the 1 DO-year floodplain. Again, while physically, Lot 3-A will have 374 feet along Charity Neck Road, technically, due to the floodplain, the lot width is zero. Staff concludes that the proposed lot configuration is the most appropriate, because while physically, the entire lot has almost 400 feet of frontage along Charity Neck Road, by creating a flag lot, it avoids the possibility of impact to the floodplain, but most importantly, it leaves as much property as possible under cultivation with the current property owner. Bruce and Kelli13 Henley Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because there was no opposition and the proposed lot configuration, while not meeting the requirements of the ordinances lot width, provides a lot outside the floodplain and preserves the maximum area possible for cultivation. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The property shall be divided substantially as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Lot 3," dated October 24, 2008, prepared by Digital Survey Services, L.L.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. 2. The width and surface material for the driveway serving Lots 3-A and 3-B shalll be subject to approval by the Fire Department and shall be depicted on the site plan and any other necessary documents as determined by the Dev4310pment Services Center of the Planning Department. 3. An ingress/egress easement providing use of the proposed ingress/egress for Lots 3-A and 3-B shall be shown on the final subdivision plat. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planningl Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended! Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. I\~ Submitting Del)artmentlAgency: Planning Department CItyManager: ~~ )L. "d&~ II III ' BRUCE AND KELLIE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 January 14,2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Carolyn A. K. Smith REQUEST: Subdivision Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. A variance to lot width is requested. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located on Charity Neck Road, south of N. Muddy Creek Road GPIN: 24127671810000 ELECTION DISTRICT: PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: 21.746 acres AICUZ: Less than 65 dB DNL SUMMARY OF REQUEST Existing Lot: The existing lot is 21.75 acres and is currently cultivated field. The lot width along the right-of-way is 399 feet. Section 200(c) of the Zoning Ordinance excludes floodplain areas subject to special restrictions from counting towards minimum lot area and lot width requirements. The actual area outside of the floodplain for the total existing parcel is 6.69 acres and the total lot width outside the floodplain is 25 feet. Proposed Lots: All newly created lots must meet minimum lot size and lot width requirements. In the agricultural districts, these requirements are 15 acres per dwelling for density with a one acre minimum lot size and 150 feet of lot width; however, Section 402(b) permits certain agricultural parcels, under specific conditions, to be subdivided into two (2) building sites by right with a minimum lot area of one (1) acre without meeting the 15 acre density requirement. This site does meet the requirements to take advantage of this provision. It is the intent of the applicant to subdivide 1.69 acres from the site, to create Lot 3-B, to be developed with a single-family dwelling, all of which is above the 1 OO-year floodplain. A Subdivision Variance to lot width is required since, rather than 150 feet along Charity Neck Road, Lot 3-B is proposed with only 25 feet at the right-of-way. While there is additional property available along Charity Neck Road, none of it is above the floodplain and would not count towards lot width. As it is the applicant's desire to keep as much property under cultivation as possible, the proposed layout was BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 1 chosen over a layout that would include floodplain in order to avoid the possibility of a Floodplain Variance, but most importantly, it leaves as much property as possible to remain under cultivation. A Subdivision Variance is also required for the residual parcel, Lot 3-A, as the entire 374 feet of frontage for that lot is within the 1 OO-year floodplain. Floodplains within the Back Bay watershed are subject to special restrictions as stipulated in the Site Plan, Subdivision and Zoning ordinances. In the Back Bay watershed, areas below the 100-year floodplain cannot be counted toward the minimum lot area or lot width requirements for subdivision purposes. Again, while physically, Lot 3-A will have 374 feet along Charity Neck Road, technically, due to the floodplain, the lot width is zero. J1em Lot 3-A Lot 3-8 Lot Width lin feet 150 0** 25* Lot Area in SQuare feet 43,560 217,538 73,563 .Variance required ..Variance required due to the entire 374 feet of frontage within the floodplain. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING L~.ND USE: Cultivated field and woods SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: . Cultivated field / AG-2 & AG -1 Agricultural Districts . Cultivated field / AG-2 & AG -1 Agricultural Districts . Marsh, woods / AG -1 Agricultural District · Charity Neck Road, cultivated field / AG-2 & AG -1 Agricultural Districts NATURAL RI:SOURCE AND CULTURAL F~EATURES: This property is located in the Southern Watersheds Management Area and within the Back Bay watershed. Much of the site is located within and/or below the 1 OO-year floodplain, a floodplain designated as "special significance." Floodplains within the Back Bay watershed are subject to special restrictions as stipulated in the Site Plan, Subdivision and Zoning ordinances. A portion of the property is also identified as wetlands. The residence and driveway (ingress/egress) are located out of the environmentally sensitive portion of the site. All development would be required to meet the regulations of the Southern Watersheds Management Area Ordinance. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Charity Neck Road is considered a two-lane undivided local street. No CIP projects are slated for this area. BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 2 II III ' TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Charity Neck No Data No Data Available Existing Land Use ;.( - Road Available 217 ADT1 3 Proposed Land Use - 210 ADT1 1 Average Dally Trips 2 as defined by 21.74 acres of agricultural uses (1 trip per 10 acres) 3as defined by one single-family dwelling (10 ADT) plus 20.05 acres of agricultural uses WATER & SEWER: There is no City water or sewer service to this property. Health Department approval for wells and septic systems will be required. Section 9.3 of the Subdivision Ordinance states: No variance shall be authorized by the Council unless it finds that: A. Strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. B. The authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, and the character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected. C. The problem involved is not of so general or recurring a nature as to make reasonably practicable the formulation of general regulations to be adopted as an amendment to the ordinance. D. The hardship is created by the physical character of the property, including dimensions and topography, or by other extraordinary situation or condition of such property, or by the use or development of property immediately adjacent thereto. Personal or self- inflicted hardship shall not be considered as grounds for the issuance of a variance. E. The hardship is created by the requirements of the zoning district in which the property is located at the time the variance is authorized whenever such variance pertains to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance incorporated by reference in this ordinance. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request. Evaluation: Section 402(b) of the City's Zoning Ordinance permits agricultural tracts over 15 acres, that existed prior to June 28, 1994, to be subdivided into a total of two (2) sites provided that all state and local development regulations are satisfied. As this lot was recorded in 1985, creating two (2) lots on this site is not at issue; the issue at question is whether a hardship is present justifying a variance to allow a flag lot and a second lot that, per the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, has no lot width, BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 3 In the Back Bay watershed, areas below the 100-year floodplain cannot be counted towards the minimum lot area or minimum lot width requirements for subdivision purposes. In the Agricultural districts, the Zoning Ordinance requires that these lots (based on Section 402 as described above) be one (1) acre in size and havle 150 feet of lot width. Both of the proposed lots meet the minimum lot size; however, both lots require a Subdivision Variance for lot width. Lot 3-A is proposed with 20.05 total acres, however, the area above the floodplain is 4.99 acres. The total lot width is counted as zero as the entire 374 feet along Charity Neck Road is within the floodplain and cannot be counted. Lot 3-B is proposed with 1.69 total acres, all of which is above the floodplain. Lot 3-B will have approximately 25 feet of lot width along Charity Neck Road, and, as such, both lots require a Subdivision Variance to lot width. The area of tlhe parcel outside the floodplain and thus suitable for development bisects the property and provides an appropriate area for the construction of a dwelling unit. The proposed subdivision of the existing 21.74 acre parcel into two (2) lots would be allowed by right, under a different configuration, if the property along the right-of-way were not below the 1 OO-year floodplain elevation. The proposed ingress- egress easement sets up access to both lots outside of the floodplain; so, no Floodplain Variance is anticipated in order to construct single-family dwellings on these lots. Staff's position is that the proposed configuration is the most appropriate, because while physically, the entire lot has almost 400 feet of frontage along Charity Neck Road, by creating a flag lot, it avoids the possibility of a Floodplain Variance, but most importantly, it leaves as much property as possible to remain under cultivation with the current property owner. In addition, two (2) lots would be allowed by right if the property were not below the 1 OO-year floodplain elevation. The 1 OO-year floodplain creates a significant eniCumbrance on this site. Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions. CONDITIONS 1. The property shall be divided substantially as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Lot 3," dated October 24,2008, prepared by Digital Survey Services, L.L.C., which has been exhibited to the Virgirlia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning, 2. The width and surface material for the driveway serving Lots 3-A and 3-B shall be subject to approval by tho Fire Department and shall be depicted on the site plan and any other necessary documents as determined by the Development Services Center of the Planning Department. 3. An in!~ress/egress easement providing use of the proposed ingress/egress for Lots 3-A and 3-B shall be shown on the final subdivision plat. NOTE: Furth'ar conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 4 II III AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 5 ,,,( ,t.. _, "-, ~,.::;'I> B.;i j"lc ~! IJ t {_a r1c Ell -", .--. >><: L " '11 f ~ "I, ," ~ .# 9 I~ I ~ ,~; '" ,,~,', ~,' --- lIWiIo ll':lJilI ~ .% t~ PROPOSED SUBDIVISION BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda It~!n 6 Page 6 II III ; \ \ ':t':t .n ~ M \ ~ ~.l ~'\ ~ ... ,... I w ..," ',1_ J \ " .~ .,) I , ! ~'\ . .~ \ , " " \ I ,\ ~ \ J J I 'J / I .; ..~\ .; ~5 rtllOf 1#;\ .-:A fl," ,," 'It' PROPOSED DWELLING LOCATION DETAIL BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 7 Kellie Henle MN c.t No Zoning History to Report ZONING HISTORY BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Itepl 6 Page 8 PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corPoration, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) ~ ~~---------------------------------------------------------------- " HENLEY FARM,LP - G WINSTON HENLEY & BARABRA HENLEY Z o I I ~ E: Q ~ 1&2S;;;;;-;xt~;g;to~fu;;ot~- ~ ~ II z o I I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ E3 III I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT I APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business enti'; . relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) m Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization, 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entityl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. Subdivision V Ilrianoe Application DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 9 ~ z o I I ~ fE Q ~ ~ ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT IDISCL.OSURESTATEMENT J ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services. and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) \ ~ITlAL SURVEY SERVICES LLC -----------_:..&....:_------------------------_. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------.-------------------------- -------------------------------- 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation.' See State and local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. F~lctors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the infonnation contained herein is true and accurate, I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 day:s prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application, ~:;~f1J U-----~--- Property Owner's Signatu ~ 1I1'~ J tkt\lt i3~_P!L~~___ Print Name -J C: ~_lL~Jt_U~J- Print Name Subdivislon Variar~ Application Page 11 01 11 Revised 7/11106 z o I I !:;; u :::3 =-- ~ ~ U BRUCE AND KELLlE HENLEY Agenda Item 6 Page 10 II III Item #6 Bruce & Kellie Henley Subdivision Variance East side of Charity Neck Road District 7 Princess Anne January 14,2009 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next matter is agenda item 6. An application of Bruce and Kellie Henley for a Subdivision Variance, Subdivision of Bruce and Kellie Henley on property located on the east side of Charity Neck Road, approximately 1500 feet south of North Muddy Creek Road, District 7, Princess Anne with three conditions. Bruce Henley: Good afternoon. I'm Bruce Henley. Joseph Strange: Hi Bruce. Are the conditions acceptable? Bruce Henley: Yes sir. Joseph Strange: Well thank you very much. Bruce Henley: Okay. Joseph Strange: Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Dave Redmond to review this item. David Redmond: Thank you Mr. Strange. The applicants Bruce and Kellie Henley are requesting a Subdivision Variance to create a lot for a new residential dwelling. The existing lot is 21.75 acres and is currently cultivated field. The Zoning Ordinance excludes floodplain areas subject to special restrictions from counting toward minimum lot area and lot width requirements. All newly created lots must meet minimum lot size and lot width requirements. In the agricultural districts, these requirements are 15 acres per dwelling. for density with a one acre minimum lot size and 150 feet oflot width, however, Section 402(b) of the Zoning Ordinance permits certain agricultural parcels, under specific conditions, to be subdivided into two (2) building sites by right with a minimum lot area of one (1) acre without meeting the 15 acre density requirement. This site meets the requirements to take advantage of this provision. The staffs position is that proposed configuration is the most appropriate because, while physically the entire lot has almost 400 feet of frontage on Charity Neck Road, by creating a flag lot, it avoids the possibility of a floodplain variance. But most importantly, it leaves as much property as possible to remain under cultivation with the current property owner. In addition, two lots would be allowed by-right if the property was not below the 100 year floodplain elevation. As a result, staff recommends approval of this application. The Commission concurs by consent. Thank you. i I \. Item #6 Bruce & Kellie Henley Page 2 Joseph Strange: Okay. Thank you very much Dave. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 6. Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY KA TSIAS AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 9-0, the Board has approved item 6 for consent. ~, II III JOHN RODGER BURNS AG-l I}. Subdivision Variance / flood Plain Variance Relevant Information: · Princess Anne District · It is the intent of the applicant to subdivide a 1.812 acre parcel from the larger 23.24 acre site to develop one (1) additional single-family dwelling. The proposed lot has no frontage on a public right-of-way due to the floodplain. Section 200(c) of the City Zoning ordinance excludes floodplain areas subject to special restrictions from counting towards minimum lot area and lot width requirements. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval. · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · There was opposition. II III ~..." ,{~.l'~~h' r~.r,.;:., ":t>' (,..~. ...- \'-1 (8i' m \\\~ /:J ~\".. ....f.!! "'.~ ...,.....~ ~. "......,...,'~-~ ......"'-... .. ..,.,.~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: JOHN RODGER BURNS, Subdivision Variance and Floodplain Variance, 3477 Muddy Creek Road. PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The existing lot is 23.24 acres and currently has one single-family dwelling surrounded by berry fields. It is the intent of the applicant to subdivide a 1.812- acre parcel from the larger 23.24 acre site to develop one (1) additional single- family dwelling. The proposed lot has no frontage on a public right-of-way due to the fact that floodplain subject to special restrictions is located along the roadway. Section 200(c) of the City Zoning ordinance excludes floodplain areas subject to special restrictions from counting towards minimum lot area and lot width requirements. Additionally, Section 5B.5 (b) and (c) of the Site Plan Ordinance note that new residential dwelling structures in the floodplain subject to special restrictions are not permitted and that filling within the floodplain subject to special restrictions is not permitted. The applicant, therefore, requests a variance to allow fill for the construction of a single-family dwelling. . Considerations: In the Back Bay watershed, areas below the 1 DO-year floodplain cannot be counted towards the minimum lot area or minimum lot width requirements for subdivision purposes. In the Agricultural districts, the Zoning Ordinance requires that these lots (based on Section 402 as described above) be one (1) acre in size and have 150 feet of lot width. Both the proposed new lot and the residual lot are greater than the minimum lot size required though Proposed Parcel 2-A does not have a full one acre outside the floodplain. Both lots require a Subdivision Variance for lot width. Additionally, Proposed Parcel 2-A requires a Floodplain Variance to allow the. construction of the dwelling in the floodplain subject to special restrictions. The applicant is providing a swale on the property outside the floodplain, which will mitigate the area within the 1 DO-year floodplain that will be filled for the dwelling foundation. The applicant's proposal indicates that with the floodplain mitigation, the flood storage volume has been increased by 0.2 cubic feet. This quantity of fill necessary is minimal. Staff concludes the fill will have no negative John Rodger Burns Page 2 of 2 impact on the function of the 1 DO-year floodplain. Additionally, an Authorized Onsite Soils Evaluator determined that the drainfield location was in the best soils on the site. In regard to the variance request for lot width and lot area, Staff concludes that a hardship does exist for this property, as virtually the entire site is located within the floodplain subject to special restrictions. There was opposition to the requests. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve the requests with the following condition: The property shall be divided substantially as shown on the plat entitled "Preliminary Subdivision Plat of Howard E. Stover & Virginia G. Stover" dated July 24,2008, prepared by Gallup Surveyors and Engineers, Ltd., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. f Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ~ l.~DI"t II REQUESTS: III JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Items 11 & 12 January 14, 2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Karen Prochilo Floodolain Variance to Section 5B.5 (b) and (c) of the Site Plan Ordinance: new residential dwelling structures in the floodplain subject to special restrictions are not permitted and filling within the floodplain subject to special restrictions is not permitted. A variance to allow fill for the dwelling is requested. Subdivision Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance that requires all newly created lots meet all the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance and to Section 4.4(d) of the Subdivision Ordinance: all newly created lots must have direct access to a public street. Section 200 (c) of the Zoning Ordinance excludes floodplain area subject to special restrictions from counting towards minimum lot area and lot width requirements and the Zoning Ordinance requires all newly created lots to adhere to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Variances to lot width and area are requested. ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 3477 Muddy Creek Road. GPIN: 2422047291 ELECTION DISTRICT: PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: Total acres: 23.24 acres Proposed Parcel 2-A: 1.812 acres AICUZ: Less than 65 dB DNL Existing Lot: The existing lot is 23.24 acres and currently has one single family dwelling surrounded by berry fields. SUMMARY OF REQUEST Proposed Lots: It is the intent of the applicant to subdivide a 1.812 acre parcel from the larger 23.24 acre site to develop one (1) additional single-family dwelling. The proposed lot has no frontage on a JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 1 pUblic right-of-way due to the floodplain. Section 200{c) of the City Zoning ordinance excludes floodplain areas subject to special restrictions from counting towards minimum lot area and lot width requirements. .I1em Lot 2-A Lot 2-8 Residual Lot Width in feet 150 feet 0* 0* Lot Area in square feet 43,560 SF 78,930.72 SF* 933,31.56 SF *Variance required LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Rural residential and berry farm SURROUNDIING LAND USE AND ZCINING: North: South: East: West: . Single-family dwelling / AG-1 & 2 Agricultural Districts . Single-family dwelling / AG-1 & 2 Agricultural Districts . Muddy Creek Road · Single-family dwelling / AG-1 & 2 Agricultural Districts . Cultivated fields NATURAL RIESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: This property is located within the Southern Watershed. A portion of the property is located within floodplain of special significance. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER "RANSPORTATION PLAN CMTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CCIP): Muddy Creek Road is a two-lane undivided collector. There are no plans in the current MTP for this road. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Muddy Creek 295 ADT 1 7,400 ADT 1 ; 490 peak Existing Land Use ""7 - Road 21 peak hour hour (Level of Service "cn) 10 ADT 12,000 ADT 1 ; 790 peak Proposed Land Use 3 - hour (Level of Service "Dn 20 ADT -Caoacitv) Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by one single-family dwelling 3 as defined by two single-family dwellings The installaticln of a 70 watt HPSV cobra-head flat lens streetlight along the portion of the property that fronts Muddy Creek Road may be required. WATER & SE:WER: There is no City water or sewer service to this property. Health Department approval for well and septic system is required. JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 2 11 III EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site to be within the "Rural Area". The area is characterized as low, flat land with wide floodplains and altered drainage. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this area as agricultural and rural with uses related to farming, forestry, rural residential and other rurally compatible uses. Evaluation: In the Back Bay watershed, areas below the 100-year floodplain cannot be counted towards the minimum lot area or minimum lot width requirements for subdivision purposes, In the Agricultural districts, the Zoning Ordinance requires that these lots (based on Section 402 as described above) be one (1) acre in size and have 150 feet of lot width. Both of the proposed lots are greater than the minimum lot size required though Proposed Parcel 2-A does not have a full acre outside the floodplain. Both lots require a Subdivision Variance for lot width. Additionally, Proposed Parcel 2-A requires a Floodplain Variance to allow the construction of the dwelling in the floodplain subject to special restrictions. The applicant is providing a swale on the property outside the floodplain, which will mitigate the area within the 100-year floodplain that will be filled for the dwelling foundation. The applicant's proposal indicates that with the floodplain mitigations the flood storage volume has been increased by 0.2 cubic feet. This quantity of fill necessary is minimal. Staff concludes will have no negative impact on the function of the 1 OO-year floodplain. Additionally, an Authorized Onsite Soils Evaluator determined that the drainfield location was in the best soils on the site. In regard to the variance request for lot width and lot area, Staff concludes that a hardship does exist for this property, as virtually the entire site is located within the floodplain subject to special restrictions. In sum, Staff recommends approval of these requests with the following condition. CONDITION The property shall be divided substantially as shown on the plat entitled "Preliminary Subdivision Plat of Howard E. Stover & Virginia G. Stover" dated July 24, 2008, prepared by Gallup Surveyors and Engineers, Ltd., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 3 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 4 11 III ....... . .. ~tltl'!':M"~" OIUoNaI I ..<<-~~(~~ \ . tL& ~411/1 .' \ ; II --....... .' .' ., 1 ..;ioo-'~w,- ~-,-_.., 2-8 RtEL .. flWf-= "'~, ... ~tl" ..,. li'Nlt; J.lJ.~ 1,)0. ""' I" r -- ... 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Subdivision Variance / Flood Plain Variance 08/10/1993 01/25/1994 Granted Granted Subdivision Variance Ex ansion of a Nonconformin ZONING HISTORY JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 7 z o I I ~ U I I ~ ~ ea ~ u ~ z o I I ~ ~ ~ c:Q ~ ~ fl DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 11 APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) rn Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) IX] Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Subdivision Variance Application Page 1001 11 Revised: 7/11106 JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 8 II "" . II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ~ ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, Ltd. Tidewater Soils & Design, LLC (Joel Demers, AOSE) , .Parent-subsidiary relationship. means 'a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship. means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that. upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package, The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and v' e site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. ~ bwws Print Name _Ic;t, Y\ R, Bu it1 'S: .;jIG Print Name Subdivision Variance Application Page 11 of 11 Revised 7/11106 III z o I I ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ Z o I I ~ E c::l = ;:::J ~ JOHN RODGER BURNS Agenda Item 11 &12 Page 9 Item # 11 & 12 John Rodger Burns Subdivision Varlance Floodplain Variance 3477 Muddy Cn::ek Road District 7 Princess Anne January 14, 2009 REGULAR Jay Bernas: The next item on the agenda is item 11 & 12, John Rodger Burns, an application of John Rodger Bums for a Subdivision Variance, and an application of John Rodger Bums for a Floodplain Variance on property located at 3477 Muddy Creek Road, District 7, Princess Anne with one condition. John Rodger Burns: John Rodger Burns. Good afternoon. Again, you already addressed the address, 3477 Muddy Creek Road. It is about 23 acre "you pick" blueberry farm. It has been there for approximately 30 years. I'm representing my father who owns the property. What were looking at doing is going through the subdivision process to go ahead and create a single-family residential structure there up front, on about 1.8 acre subdivision. It's here before you today to ask for your recommendation for approval of the floodplain variance and the subdivision variance. Janice Anderson: Are there any questions? Thank you. We'll bring you back up. John Rodger Bums: Thank you. Jay Bernas: We have one person signed up in opposition. Joyce Weaver. Joyce Weaver: Hello. Thank you for taking the time to hear me today. I hope I can say what I need to say in the allotted time that I have. Janice Anderson: State your name? Joyce Weaver: I'm Joyce Weaver. My family has lived on Muddy Creek Road for well over 40 something years. In 1987, my dad was retired and he built chairs out of his garage. They did an article for him in the Beacon. He was 75 years old at that time. He had a garage and he had power tools, and saws, and drill presses. Every kind of tool and electrical tool you could think of. In the 90s, Mr. Burns, the older Mr. Bums had the blueberry farm and they became to my parents to ask us they were opening up a fishing pond. And, then later on the road, they wanted to build a house but the land wouldn't perk. So, they got a crane and they dug a ditch all the around the perimeter of the property. And, we were told at that time that the runoff from that water would not affect us. The floodgates would be installed. Well, after the property was all drained out, we have a ditch beside our house and it has been there a very long time. And, that is where all the water runs off from the blueberry farm. When they II III Item #11 & 12 John Rodger Burns Page 2 dug the ditch around the perimeter, Charity Neck Road runs parallel to Muddy Creek Road. Now all year, we take in the water from the blueberry farm that is running offofMuddy Creek, we're also taking the water that comes from the farms from Winky and Barbara Henley that live on Charity Neck Road. We were told they were going to put in floodgates at that time. And, that would keep our land from flooding. That is going to slow down the flow of water that we having going by my house. On Muddy Creek Road we have the roads that flood all the time. I have pictures that were sent in, I guess. I don't know if you got a picture out of a booklet (Mr. Bum's letter) of my property. Well, on that booklet, it's got a front page of it. It shows a floodgate right here on the front page. Did you get this? Okay. If you look at this floodgate on here, the same day this picture was taken by Mr. Bums, Jr. I was with him, and I had my camera too. What you are not seeing on that picture is the floodgate is not located on this side of the ditch but on the other side of the ditch where the little tree is. The floodgates have not been used in years. There is a bush growing up in it. They have not slowed the runoff of that water. I have pictures if you would like to see and verify that page number one is incorrect. Now, I am in low land and the water table you cannot change. Water table on anybody's land is going to be even. My concern is what is the impact going to be if they are allowed to build that house? My front yard is flooded. The water is coming across the road. And the Burns' house, when you go back to the blueberry farm, the main driveway going back with the sign, there is not even a pipe in the road. They have a berm going back there. There is no way for that water coming off of that farm to go into any of the side ditches. There is a ditch that comes straight across the road from my property. And they have been complaining that the natural little ditch right next to the house at the front., they feel if I would dig that out that would resolve the problem. The only thing that is doing is slowing down the flow of water that is coming in my yard. That ditch goes back through Federal property and through the wildlife section. There is "No Trespassing" on that land. I am concerned about what the impact is going to be of more water runoff from the roof, from sidewalks, from the driveways, from the apron that the city make you put in on new construction, as well as sewer, the septic sewer system. It is going to put more water into that ground. It is going to create more runoff for this property. If you look on page 3, (handout from Mr. Bums) these are the ditches. These ditches, and if you go back and look at the ditches, all ofthem are angled down this way. The arrows pointing towards my house. The city ditches are running down to my house on this side further down, you have a pipe in the road that all that water comes in on me. A neighbor of mine, Mr. Davenport could not be here today but he did send a letter. Because in front of his house, when we have a rain, and I'm talking about 2 inches of rain, there is water that is across Muddy Creek Road. Further down on that road too, there is a house there directly in front of Horn Point Road, they do not have pipes in the road. That is another berm that is keeping the water from drainage in that area. My concern is the impact if I am this flooded, how much more additional water runoff and I going to have from the Bums' farm? Janice Anderson: Are there any questions of Ms. Weaver? Have you reported the drainage issue to the City Public Works? Joyce Weaver: I have talked with Public Works. They have come out there and drained the ditches. I also face another problem with the property. Located right behind me is the North Item #11 & 12 John Rodger Bums Page 3 Bay, and if we have a strong side west wind for five or six days, that is the alpha bay. You have North Bay, Back Bay. It goes all the way down to the Currituck Sound (that bodies the water). We have a lot wind and a long period of time. It is going to backwash in to my yard and floods it. So, the issue of trying to dig the ditch out beside me is just going to allow water to stand there even in dry periods. I'm concerned about the West Nile virus and the mosquito control. On the blueberry farm, like I said, they have a berm going back on the lane and they an~ able to have Public Works. We're happy to have it. They can go back there and they can spray their area. On my piece ofland beside the ditch by my house, I don't have a driveway where the city can actually come in and do any spraying. This is my concern, I am on low land. I do fight water. I spent the last three years doing construction. A lot I did myself. And, I just want to be able to live in my home. I want to be able to not have to wait for the water to go down to cut grass. I have to wait for different things now. A little rain, this sort of thing, and then again, the runoff from that water is my main concern. Janice Anderson: Okay. Thank you Ms. Weaver. Are there any questions? Thank you very much. Joyce Weaver: Thank you for listening. I was nervous. Janice Anderson: Mr. Burns? You can come back. Can you kind of address her? John Rodger Burns: Yes, most definitely. First of all, I would like to thank her for bringing this up. There arle concerns there and obviously it has been a concern of hers for some time. I don't know a lot of the details behind her property because I haven't been back there. There was a letter written from her. It explained some of these items. And, I don't want to reiterate what you have already received. But the packet I put together that addressed those items. Hopefully, they answered some of the questions some of the information that she is discussing. I am not an engineer. I just manage the berm and the city ditches and the way they are flowing, which direction they're flowing. That is not my specialty. I don't know. I do know that whtm it rains out there, a good three inch rain, we are five foot above sea level in certain areas of our farm, and I can't cut the fields for a while either. So, unfortunately that area of the city, a hundred acres are flowing to the direction to Back Bay. That water wants to go to Back Bay. The ditches are what they are. It is only going to run so fast or so slow to get to where it wants to go. She has been out there a lot longer than we have lived out there. She has been aware of these flooding issues living there. Unfortunately, just like the rest of the people that live out there, you have a choice. If it is wet all the time and you don't like to wait on the water to cut the grass then you have choices. You can live somewhere else. Not to suggest that anyone needs to move away from there. It is a beautiful part of the City. That is one of the reasons why I want to locate my family there. But my concern is that the facts are out there. What is going on? The misinformation about some of the devices that we put in the ditches and the way they operate. It is my understanding that there is someone from the city that is going to come out and look at this project. There are floodgates. There are water retention devices used for irrigation purposes, designed and engineered from the soil conservation people for that purpose. There are many farms that do drain down those ditches. I don't know what improvements can be done to benefit the community there to III Item #11 & 12 John Rodger Burns Page 4 draining better. But that is something that the City's engineers, they are experts, can decide. So, I'll be more than happy to answer any questions that I can about the property. I'm sorry. The last thing is I understand there are issues with the ongoing farm that is there. But as far as the property and the development of the single-family residential, I don't know how that is really impacting the overall scheme of water runoff through that area. So, I don't know my project is going to harm or add any more water flow through those hundred of acres that are running in that direction. Janice Anderson: You have contacted the City of Public Works? John Rodger Bums: I have not directly. I have talked with the staff planner and that is what I have been advised. Ms. Weaver and I did discuss the day after our last meeting what we could do. How can we improve for the community not just for her or me, but for the neighborhood? And there are issues of runoff over the road when it doesn't rain. And again, the pictures that you have there are, I mean they are subjective to who has taken them from whatever day. How much rain it rains? I don't know. It is what it is and what you see in the pictures. If it is something that the City needs to come down and look at, we are more than pleased to help to them. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Gene? Eugene Crabtree: John? John Rodger Burns: Yes sir. Eugene Crabtree: The farm also drains towards the back and the woods toward the back.. John Rodger Bums: Oh yes sir. Eugene Crabtree: And also, part of the farm also drains to the fish ponds. You got two fish ponds there and those two fish ponds, when you develop your section with the fish ponds, which we can see on this (map). You can see the two fish ponds right behind where he is going to put his stuff and knowing that the some of the water there not only drains to the ditches in front and drains down and all. Actually it drains a little bit east and west there and some of it does go north back towards Back Bay. But also, some of it drains back toward the wooded area on your dad's property there too. When you build your house, how much of the runoff of what you were going to build will probably maybe run back toward the fish pond instead of towards the road anyway? Do you know what the landscape is going to be there to develop the runoff and will any of it go back toward the fish pond? John Rodger Bums: There is a retaining ditch right there or a runoff ditch right here across the property (pointing to PowerPoint). As far as the ponds, they are approximately an acre each. This area here does drain to the ponds. There is a ditch here that the property does run too. There is standing water. Obviously after a large rain back in the area. Some of these fields you can't get to until it soaks into the property itself. As far as the amount of water that Item # 11 & 12 John Rodger Bums Page 5 is going to runoff from the construction, I don't know. I don't know how the direction is. I know that the highland is like this so the direction of the flow would be away from this. Eugene Crabtre(~: That one comer right there where you see some of the trees all along there, that is a little higher land right there anyway. John Rodger Bums: Yes sir. But it is not, to my understanding, but there more floodplain farther down and that is why the variance is needed. It is not completely together. Eugene Crabtree:: But that is a little bit higher than the rest of it. John Rodger Bums: Yes sir. And just for clarification purposes, Ms. Weaver's property is over here on this corner. The ditch that we are questioning is running this way through the right at the edge of the wood line, and most of the flooding that I see when it does rain is further down the road prior to Horn Point Road. It is away from where my proposed residential site sitting and those ditches on side of the road here, the one that runs this way, one that runs this way. When the water backs up it is running up and down Muddy Creek Road. It is not like it is flowing over the street right into her property. The berm ditches is actually right here on this edge. As far as how much impact that has on reducing the flow that is something that engineers is going to have to figure out. I do know that Back Bay, when we get those wind driven tides when they come in, they do back up the runoff not just to that ditch but that whole are down there. The restaurant down the road it backs up. All the ditches tend to back up from that issue. That is a separate flooding issue. That is not from necessarily the falling rain. That is from the wind driven tides. So there are multiple concerns there but that is something that has been there for years. It is not something that I think my project is going to impact the overall water shed off of that area. To me, it is a significant amount of water that is going to impact the ongoing issues that are there now prior to me even starting any kind of residential structure. Janice Anderson: Are there any other questions of Mr. Burns? Okay. Thank you. John Rodger Burns: Thank you very much. I appreciate your time. Janice Anderson: I'll open it up for discussion. AI. Al Henley: Just for the record, I've know Joyce Weaver and her family for probably over 40 years. And as most of you know that was part of my neighborhood on Horn Point Road. I will say that this area is subject to wind pact flooding. Always has been and always will be. And the tide elevation of the Back.Bay does stay higher now, and there has been many discussion on why that occurs and primarily it is because more prevailing southern winds then there has ewr been even when I was much younger. So that means that more flooding in these low lying areas is more prevalent now then they ever have. There are two head falls. One is down the private lane that you see immediately to the north on that line. It goes under the street right beside Ms. Weaver's house, and it drains out eventually to Back Bay. From that particular point at the back of her yard to the nearest point of entry toward North III Item # 11 & 12 John Rodger Burns Page 6 Bay Tributary is probably about close two miles. However, in the marshy area behind the wooded is a natural pond. All of the water from the farm land on Muddy Creek Road drains eventually through that same natural pond. There is another outfall if you look at the lower portion where the cluster of homes are, of course, you will see a large hedge to the back and it is an open ditch. If you can see that definition, that is a larger outfall. And there is another outfall farther down the road. So, there are really three outfalls to this same location body of water within in three-quarters of a mile. That drains quite a bit of agricultural land and developed land that you see there today. The problem with the drainage on that road, and that has increased dramatically through the years, and the reason why it has developed is because the City of Virginia Beach has not maintained the outfall. History, stepping back in time, the adjoining property owner's years ago used to join together and clean these ditches out because it would benefit everyone. That was in the Princess Anne County days. Virginia Beach took over after the State and that ceased. However today, in Public Works we have a Stormwater Management division and working closely with mosquito control. Stormwater Management cleans roadside ditches and lead ditches throughout the entire city and maintains the drainage. This particular area you can't get equipment in. The only way you can clean these ditches out is through hand labor, and that is sending individuals in with hand tools and primarily when you do that, that is mosquito control divisions. They do have the authority to gain permission signature from the adjoining property owners allowing them on to the property to clean these ditches out providing there is no existing drainage easement. I . don't think there is a drainage easement next to Ms. Weaver. So, if the City came in and they would had obtained permission from Ms. Weaver or the other property owners, they would come in with some labor forces and clean these ditches out. To my knowledge the last time that ditch was cleaned out on Horn Point Road, it drains behind Ms. Weaver was roughly 30 years ago. And they cleaned it out and it improved the drainage considerably. However, the ditch beside Ms. Weaver has not been cleaned out probably at least 30 or more years. So, in summation, if Public Works went in and properly investigated it, they would go in and clean this ditch. However, if I'm not mistaken Bill, there is a State statute stating that if for some reason, health reasons are threatened by the citizens of Virginia Beach, mosquito control would have their authority whether they obtained written permission or not from the property owners to go in and correct those conditions. And, you may want to check on that. But my knowledge that is way the law used to be. Whether it has changed or not, I don't know. It would be a great deal of improvement. It would improve a traffic safety problem at this particular time because the water does flood Muddy Creek Road, and it might become extremely dangerous when these ditches are blocked. So, just to give you for the record that is the history of the area. And, it is badly in need of cleaning out. And it is my understanding that Public Works has been alerted and they will make a thorough investigation to find out what is best for the City of Virginia Beach, and the citizens in that particular neighborhood. Thank you. Janice Anderson: Thank you very much. I \ Karen Prochilo: Just for the record, staff did contact Public Works. Public Works has been out there once. They plan on going back out there because they really need to assess the Item #11 & 12 John Rodger Burns Page 7 situation. And, they are going to provide a report which you should be getting shortly between Planning Commission and City Council. Janice Anderson: Okay. Thank you. The Council will have that when it comes to them. Karen Prochilo: Yes. Janice Anderson: Okay. Thank you. Are there any other comments? Kathy? Kathy Katsias: Karen, do you think this application is affected by the drainage? Karen Prochilo: I can't tell you as far as the drainage situation because we haven't been out there to see it when it was wet. But we weren't looking at the stormwater, not drainage because of the ditches. We were looking at the floodplain issue and the subdivision variance. And, our assessment is in the report. Kathy Katsias: Thank you. Janice Anderson: Go ahead Gene. Eugene Crabtree: Al and I mentioned this earlier at the informal meeting. We do not believe this parti,cular application is not going to have any bearing on that whatsoever. That the water and the: floodplain is one thing or another is there. They have been there all of his life. I've been going out to this property probably since the mid 80's off and on. It has been there ever since l've seen it. That one ditch is been there. It has never been cleaned out. You don't know what is going to happen if you clean it out but this application is not going to have no bearing to what happens one way or the other in the past or the future. Janice Anderson: Thank you. My comment would be similar. It does appear there is a drainage issue out there. I am happy to hear that Public Works is going to go out there and come back with some kind of assessment and try to fix it. I don't believe that this application is going to have any affect one way or the other. Unfortunately, there is a problem that they have out there and I would be supportive. Eugene Crabtree: I'll make a motion that we approve the application as submitted. Janice Anderson: A motion by Gene. Joseph Strange: I'll second it. Janice Anderson: A second by Joe Strange. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE Item #11 & 12 John Rodger Burns Page 8 BERNAS CRABTREE HENLEY HORSLEY KA TSIAS LIV AS REDMOND RUSSO STRANGE III AYE AYE AYE ABSENT AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-0, the Board has approved the application of John Rodger Burns. \ I \~ · o~ -r.~~ ~\D *\.\' \jJ~~ ED DAVENPORT 3462 MUDDY au;!K RO. . ~BEACH.Y/tr-~ ~ W~\ 1((~f\~~V\" <7\.,~c;i3 ~v\:c UJ I M?A-G<'\ df ~~ C6'---' ~\Acsfl~ ~~~ ... \SSV I tJ<S" ~\~ > '0'b~\~~~ ~/r-.-t <S \~ \~~C ~8J)'V0 ~€ ~. ( <,,\~N~ ~RA I~ A'D~f'V~ ~~ ,-\ovC2- -A<?S\<S~~ }/J ~7 ~~'? ~\ru ccl2-6cy / ~~l~." ' f f(J\, \~ \, \.,.....G ~}) If \i &Q \ II III 1 06/27/00 Non-Conforming Granted 2 12/21/81 Street Closure Granted ZONING HISTORY STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 9 II III ~ ~ --z~' ;e f7~~ ~. ~ .J ... -- ;.; \. -,jI ~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use on Property Located at 1107 Cedar Point Drive. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The applicant, Stephen C. Swain, desires to make additions and alterations to the existing two-story (two bedroom) single-family dwelling. The applicant's alterations are considered changes to an existing nonconforming use because there are currently two dwellings on the parcel (single-family house and guest house) and the City Zoning Ordinance does not permit two single-family dwellings on one lot in R-10 Residential District. . Considerations: There are two structures located on this site: (1) a two story single-family dwelling built in 1981 and (2) a 1 %-story cottage used as a pool/guest house. City staff could not confirm the actual date the pool/guest house was built, but based on architecture and related structures in the area, staff concludes the structure was built around the late 1940's to early 1950's. The two story single family dwelling is 3,220 square feet. This symmetrical dwelling was inspired by a Provincial style of architecture. The use of stucco with a cedar-shake flared mansard roof has somewhat of a French Eclectic feel. The applicant will continue to use similar materials and carry the same symmetrical design for the proposed addition. The proposed two-story addition will expand each floor by 750 square feet. The first floor will incorporate an expansion to the kitchen, a family room as well as a bedroom with bathroom. The second floor revisions will expand an existing bedroom, as well as add two additional rooms. The total expansion will be 1,500 square feet. This addition will not encroach into side yard setbacks. The proposed addition will extend 20 feet to the north leaving a side yard setback of 11'- 9". . Recommendations: The proposed enlargement is reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and should be as appropriate to the district as the existing non- conforming use. Approval of the request is recommended with the following conditions: 1. The additions to the single-family dwelling shall substantially adhere to the submitted architectural floor plans entitled "ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO THE SWAIN RESIDENCE 1107 Cedar Point Drive Virginia Beach First Floor Plan A-1 and Second Floor Plan A-2", dated July 07, 2008, and prepared by Folck West Architects. Said plan has been exhibited to the Stephen C. Swain Page 2 of 2 City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. Interior room layout may be modified; however, the addition may not extend beyond the footprint shown on the floor plans. 2. The additions to the single-family dwelling shall substantially adhere to the submitted elevation plans entitled "ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO THE SWAIN RESIDENCE 1107 Cedar Point Drive Virginia Beach Front & Rear Elevations A-4 and Side Elevations A-5", dated July 07, 2008, and prepared by Folck West Architects. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. . Attachrnents: Staff Review; Disclosure Statement; Resolution Recommende!d Action: Approval. \ Submitting D~partmentJAgenCY: Planning Department A ~\ City Manager: ~ .~bP't ~ . II III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ENLARGEMENT OF A NONCONFORMING USE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1107 CEDAR POINT DRIVE, BEACH DISTRICT WHEREAS, Stephen C. Swain (hereinafter the "Applicant") has made application to the City Council for authorization to enlarge a nonconforming use by making additions to and alterations of a single-family dwelling on a certain lot or parcel of land having the address of 1107 Cedar Point Drive, in the R-10 Zoning District; WHEREAS, the said use is nonconforming, as the parcel contains a single-family dwelling and guesthouse constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations prohibiting two such structures on the same lot; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 105 of the city Zoning Ordinance, the enlargement of a nonconforming use is unlawful in the absence of a resolution of the City council authorizing such action upon a finding that the proposed use, as enlarged, will be equally appropriate or more appropriate to the zoning district than is the existing use; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Council hereby finds that the proposed use, as enlarged, will be equally appropriate to the district as is the existing use. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the enlargement of the single-family dwelling, by additions and alterations is hereby authorized, upon the following conditions: 1. The additions to the single-family dwelling shall substantially adhere to the submitted architectural floor plans entitled "ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO THE SWAIN RESIDENCE 1107 Cedar Point Drive Virginia Beach First Floor Plan A-1 and Second Floor Plan A-2", dated July 07, 2008, and prepared by Folck West Architects. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. Interior room layout may be modified; however, the addition may not extend beyond the footprint shown on the floor plans. 2. The additions to the single-family dwelling shall substantially adhere to the submitted elevation plans entitled "ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO THE SWAIN RESIDENCE 1107 Cedar Point Drive Virginia Beach Front & Rear Elevations A-4 and Side Elevations A-5", dated July 07, 2008, and prepared by Folck West Architects. Said plan has been exhibited to the 47 48 49 50 51 of City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day ,2009. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APZ7!)ki~;~7Y City Att ney's 0 Ice II REQUEST: Alteration and Enlaraement of a Nonconformina Use III STEPHEN C. SWAIN Agenda Item February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting STAFF PLANNER: Karen Prochilo ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located at 1107 Cedar Point Drive. GPIN: 24186626280000 ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH SITE SIZE: 19,974 square feet AICUZ: 65 dB to 70 dB DNL Sub-Area 3 SUMMARY OF REQUEST There are two structures located on this site: (1) a two story single-family dwelling built in 1981 and (2) a 1 %-story cottage used as a pool/guest house. City staff could not confirm the actual date the pool/guest house was built, but based on architecture and related structures in the area, staff concludes the structure was built around the late 1940's to early 1950's. The applicant desires to make additions and alterations to the two-story (two bedroom) single-family dwelling. The applicant's alterations are considered changes to an existing nonconforming use because there are currently two dwellings on the parcel (single-family house and guest house) and the City Zoning Ordinance does not permit two single-family dwellings on one lot in R-10 Residential District. The two story single family dwelling is 3,220 square feet. This symmetrical dwelling was inspired by a Provincial style of architecture. The use of stucco with a cedar-shake flared mansard roof has somewhat STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 1 of a French Eclectic feel. The applicant will continue to use similar materials and carry the same symmetrical design for the proposed addition. The proposed two-story addition will expand each floor by 750 square feet. The first floor will incorporate an expansion to the kitchen, a family room as well as a bedroom with bathroom. The second floor revisions will expand an existing bedroom, as well as add two additional rooms. The total expansion will be 1,500 square feet. This addition will not encroach into side yard setbacks. The proposed addition will extend 20 feet to the north leaving a side yard setback of 11'- 9". LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Single-family dwelling, pool/guest house and pool occupy the site. The site has residential scale mature shrubs and trees. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: · Single-family dwelling / R-1 0 Residential District · Single-family dwelling / R-10 Residential District · Across Cedar Point Drive are single-family dwellings / R-10 Residential District · Single-family dwellings / R-30 Residential District West: NATURAL RE:SOURCE AND CULTURAL F:EATURES: There are no significant natural resources or cultural features associated with this site. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES No impacts to City Services. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommE~nds approval of this request subject to the conditions below. The proposed two-story addition will expand each floor by 750 square feet. The first floor will incorporate an expansion to the kitchen, a family room as well as a bedroom with bathroom. The second floor revisions will expand an existing bedroom, as well as add two additional rooms. The total expansion will be 1,500 square feet. This addition will not encroach into side yard setbacks. The proposed addition will extend twenty feet to the north leaving a side yard setback of 11'- 9". STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 2 II III Staff concludes that the proposed enlargement is reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and should be as appropriate to the district as the existing non-conforming use. Approval, therefore, is recommended with the following conditions. CONDITIONS 1. The additions to the single-family dwelling shall substantially adhere to the submitted architectural floor plans entitled "ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO THE SWAIN RESIDENCE 1107 Cedar Point Drive Virginia Beach First Floor Plan A-1 and Second Floor Plan A-2", dated July 07,2008, and prepared by Folck West Architects. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. Interior room layout may be modified; however, the addition may not extend beyond the footprint shown on the floor plans. 2. The additions to the single-family dwelling shall substantially adhere to the submitted elevation plans entitled "ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO THE SWAIN RESIDENCE 1107 Cedar Point Drive Virginia Beach Front & Rear Elevations A-4 and Side Elevations A-5,", dated July 07,2008, and prepared by Folck West Architects. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 3 - - STEPHEN C. SWAiN February 24,2009 City Council Meeting Page 4 II -.-..------, -.... '\. \. '\. " ' .,.\....,...,.. \,~ ..... ~ .~'.-,~.., - -",^-" , '~ "\'"""',""" "- -.-.11 ' , '}I ...... ~ . I . ..'.....______....___.._.._ ...~.: ::_......_____ ..___.._.__...1.......... ..::; f;. "J~"""'" , I I ! , 1 -' >; -~ I - -1 -.. --=-=--=,,7." ; L,___._ I i II~ !~ 1~1' , ,~:'",-Li '....~ II L-i ..1-.. r '".,"..,,,'~'''' . , '". r, '" , ,{ f: ~ ~ " < '. i t I ,,~ .:,:L f: H III 3 a. ~ II. ~~ t. dJ PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ADDITION STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 5 It q! ~ .. ~; II. Cl ~..~ t ;J;. PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR ADDITION STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Me~ing Page 6 \ \ ~ - j ; i i l , \ ~, \ , \ 1 \ "",\ \ , \ \, ~ (\ '~j \ ., , \ \\ ( , ,. , \ \ \ \ . ; . . \ :', \ \ , . ..._~ . . \ ..\ , \ , \, v'\ \\ \ \'\' ~~ ...\: -. t \ . J \' ;\ \\ \ '(r \ ("1' \ , ~C-. \ . , . \ . \ , \ , \\ '. \ {,OOO' \'. ,.,...."..i "i ,,,000. \'~ \ , , \ 1 t \ . \ ' fA \ \ ~~, i , ~ ~ ~ l ~ \ \ ~\,~;:A~ PROPOSEO fRON. 8< REAR E\.E\JA1\ON S'TEPHEN C. SWA\t- February 24, 2009 CitY Council Mee\in' page ; i . i i ", ,~ I I , I , I B , I , I I , ! - ..; . 1-, , I I , ~ B ~ . I ". ....1 025 I , ~ ~ ~ ~; z. 2It ~ , I , I , I in .1 . " 1 , ~ , i(F1 i I , 1 I 1 I !(,.._, 1 \ ...-., ~ l , j J , r PROPOSED SIDE ELEVATIONS STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Rage 8 II z o I I ~ U I I ......:1 P-4 ~ ~ cI') ;:::J t..:) z ~ o ~ Z o u . Z o Z III DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership. firm bUSiness, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following. 1. Ust the applicant name followed by the names of ail officers members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Stephen C. Swain I 2, List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) lXI Check here If the applicant IS NOT a corporation partnership, firm business or other unincorporated organization PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization, complete the following' 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers members, trustees, partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Stephen C. Swain 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entitl relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) t1l Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. r~ See next page for footnotes . Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an mterest in the subject land? Yes _, No X If yes, what lS the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? />,on.Coa!ormmg Use AppllCalion Page 8 of \1 Re\l'sOO 1!3iO? STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 10 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to thel requested property use, including but not limited to the prOViders of arcMectural services, real estate services, financial services accounting services, andlegai services (Attach list if necessary) P. Scott Folck, AlA, Folck West Architects 1369 Laskin Road, Suite 4 Vh:2:..inia Beach, VA 23451 , "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means '8 relalionship that exists when one corpo"ation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation," See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act Va Code S 2.2-31\>1 ;':'Affillated business entity relationship" means "a relationship. other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership intareHt in the other business entity, (iil a controlling owner in one entity is also a controHing owner in the other entity. or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be con sidered in determining the ex istence of an affiliated busintlSS entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the businHss entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities. I reSOUlces or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship I between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2.3101 CERTIFICA TION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled fer public heanng I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required SIgn on the sub,ec\ property at least :)<;1 days pnor to the scheduled publiC heanng according to the Instructions III this package The undersigned also consents to entry upon me subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and vIew the site for purposes of processing and evaiuaMg trus apphcatlofl ~~=~~~?_E' Swain Print Name ProperlyOWili(S'Slgnature (if different than app\ica;:;~ Pnnt Name NOf!~:{"lnf(mrHfig lbB ,A..ppHr'..,tHkJn PageSd R"V1Sild 7!J!fJ7 z o I C ~ U I I ~ ~ ~ .~ CI':J ;::.J t...::) Z ~ o ~ Z o u . Z o Z STEPHEN C. SWAIN February 24, 2009 City Council Meeting Page 11 III '. .9515 wLT:et/Pebruary 27, 1990 COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS PROFFERED TO CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS, made this 27th day of February, 1990 by and among ROBERT M. STEIN, EDWARD S. STEIN, ARTHUR H. STEIN, BARBARA S. FISCHER (formerly Barbara S. Feldman) and ROBERT M. STEIN, Fiduciary under the Last Will and Testament of Jack Stein, Deceased (collectively "Grantors"), and the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH ("City"), a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia: WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, the Grantors have initiated an amendment to the Zoning Map of the City, by petition of the Grantors addressed to the City, requesting a change in the classification of the Grantors' property from I-I Light Industrial District to B-2 Community Business District on certain property containing approximately twenty six and six-tenths (26.6) acres, more or less, located on the Northwest and Southwest corners of the intersection of Phoenix Drive and Sabre Street in the Lynnhaven Borough of the City, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property"': WHEREAS, the City's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes including light industrial and limited commercial purposes, through zoning and ot.her land development legislation; WHEREAS, the Grantors acknowledge that the two classifications concerned could be in conflict, but feel that under given circumstances such classifications can be compatible. In order to gain permission for the differing use on the Property, the Grantors recognize the need to protect the community from possible effects of the zoning change by accepting the imposition of certain reasonable conditions not generally applied to the B-2 District but which will govern the use of the Property in this case; WHEREAS, the Grantors have voluntarily proffered the following reasonable conditions in writing prior to the public hearing held by the City, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for the B-2 District by the City Zoning Ordinance ("CZO"). Grantors intend that these conditions relating to the physical development and operation of the Property be adopted as a part of the - 35 - Item V-J.l.c. PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ITEM I 32809 (Continued) Voting: 11-0 Council Members VotIng Aye: Albert W. Balko, John A. Baum, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, Barbara M. Henley, Reba S. McClanan, John O. Moss, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, John L. Perry and WIlliam D. Sess,:>ms, Jr. Council Members Vc,tlng Nay: None Council Members Absent: None May 14, 1990 II III - 34 - Item V-J.1.c. PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ITEM # 32809 Attorney Eric A. Hauser, 900 One Columbus Center, Phone: 473-5358, represented Wal Mart Stores and Parcel A. Mike Davis, represented Wal Mart Stores, which will occupy Parcel A and advised approximately 260 jobs will be provided. John M. Knibb, Vice President Development/Land Sales, Divaris Real Estate, Suite 602, One Columbus Center, Phone: 497-2113. Mr. Knibb displayed the landscaping plan for Parcel A. The building will be constructed of split-block masonry. Warren L. Tisdale, 1425 Bayberry Place, Chesapeake Phone: 628-556 (W), 424-9669 (H), represented Parcels Band C and the owners of the property LCDR M. R. Terrel, NAS Oceana, Phone: 433-2408, advised NAS Oceana and U.S. Navy has WITHDRAWN their OPPOSITION. The summary of major use restrictions and limitations contained in the agreement between the Stein Family and the Department of the Navy were distributed to City Council and are hereby made a part of the record. Upon motion by Councilman Balko, seconded by Vice Mayor Fentress, City Council ADOPTED an Ordinance upon application of ROBERT M. STEIN, EDWARD S. STEIN, ARTHUR H. STEIN and BARBARA S. FISCHER (PARCEL A Only) for a Conditional Zoning Classification. PARCELS Band C were referred back to the PLANNING COMMISSION. ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF ROBERT M. STEIN, EDWARD S. STEIN, ARTHUR H. STEIN AND BARBARA S. FISCHER FOR A CONDITIONAL ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM I-I TO B-2 Z05901283 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon application of Robert M. Stein, Edward S. Stein, Arthur H. Stein and Barbara S. Fischer for a Conditional Zoning Classification from I-I Light Industrial District to B-2 Community Business District on certain property located at the northwest intersection of Phoenix Drive and Sabre Road. The parcel contains 26.63 acres. More detailed information is available in the Department of Planning. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. The following condition shall be required: Agreement and deed restrictions, encompassing the twelve (12) proffers as presented to City Council on May 14, 1990, shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. This Ordinance shall be effective in accordance with Section 107 (f) of the Zoning Ordinance. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Fourteenth of May, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety. May 14, 1990 WALMART Wal-Mart Real Estate Business do ames A. Cole Es 657 Phoenix Drive Relevant Information: · Rose Hall District · The applicant requests a Modification of Proffers of a 1990 rezoning. · The 1990 rezoning was tied to a specific plan. The applicant desires to upgrade the existing building and parking lot; thus, modification of the 1990 proffers is necessary. · AICUZ is > 75 and APZ-2. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. II III ' ,{l~~~ ,C":-~'" ..~+.~ ~t..~. ,"'~~ \:.~ i;] ~~.... ~;/.. ..~~~:p' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, Modification of Conditions, previously approved by City Council on May 14,1990,657 Phoenix Drive. ROSE HALL DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The site was rezoned from 1-1 Industrial District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District by City Council on May 14, 1990. There are twelve proffers with that rezoning. The applicant desires to modify Proffers 4, 6, and 10 in order to reduce the number of parking spaces to what is required by the Zoning Ordinance, and to slightly enlarge and modernize the building and provide more green space than would otherwise be provided with a building expansion. . Considerations: The proposed modification updates the proffered site plan and elevations in accordance with the current proposal. The proposed expansion includes a 163,000 square foot retail space and garden center. The exterior of the store will be renovated consistent with Walmart's new style for this region and will include use of multi-colored tan pre-cast panels, split-face concrete masonry unit (CMU), weathered and smooth-face shingles, Trespa Meteon@ metal panel system, and exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS). Staff concluded that this request to modify proffers to allow the reduction of parking to the number required by the Zoning Ordinance and to clearly identify how the site will be redeveloped is acceptable. The original plans provided for parking far in excess of what the Zoning Ordinance requires. The proposed reduction in parking and the modification of building elevations and site plan is not a significant change from the originally approved proposal. Additional landscaping will also be provided to enhance the site and to act as a buffer to surrounding uses. Signage as shown on the submitted elevation appears to be more than what the Zoning Ordinance allows; however, all signs must be in accordance with the signage regulations. Staff will ensure the proposed signage meets those regulations during detailed site plan review. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the proposed modifications to the proffers are reasonable and will result in site and Wal-Mart ReallEstate Business Trust Page 2 of 2 buildin~1 improvements of a higher quality than what currently exists, and there was no opposition to the proposal. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review DisclosUlre Statement Plannin~J Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department ~~ City Manager~ v.. .~ , II III WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 January 14, 2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Leslie Bonilla REQUEST: Modification of Conditional Chanae of Zonina approved by the City Council on May 14, 1990 ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 657 Phoenix Drive GPIN: 1496387496 ELECTION DISTRICT: ROSE HALL SITE SIZE: 15.0 acres AICUZ: Greater than 75 dB DNL / APZ2 SUMMARY OF REQUEST The Rezoning from 1-1 Industrial District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District was approved by City Council on May 14, 1990. The Conditional Rezoning has twelve proffers, which are provided on the following page. The applicant desires to modify Proffer 6 in order to provide parking in accordance with Zoning Ordinance regulations. Currently, Proffer 6 requires more parking spaces than the ordinance requires. This proposed modification will allow the applicant to decrease required parking and provide more green space than would otherwise be provided with the proposed building expansion. The applicant has also requested modification of Proffer 4 and Proffer 10 to allow an upgrade to the site and building. The previous approval allowed a 123,000 square foot retail building and identified a future expansion. The proposed modification updates the proffered site plan and elevations in accordance with the current proposal. The proposed expansion includes a 163,000 square foot retail space and garden center. The exterior of the store will be renovated to include multi-colored tan pre-cast panels, split-face WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 1 concrete masonry unit (CMU) weathered and smooth-face shingles, trespa meteon panel system, and an exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS). The May 14,1990 proffers are provided below: 1. The Property shall not be resubdivided to contain less than 15.0 acres. This restriction shall not preV€int boundary line agreements or resubdivisions with adjacent property owners for the purposes of resolving dispute property lines or removing encroachments, provided that the PropHrty contains at least 15.0 acres and all other requirements of the City are satisfied. Any takinu by, or dedication to, any governmental body which results in the Property containing less than '15.0 acres shall not be considered a violation of this Proffer. 2. No more than one (1) Primary Structure, as hereafter defined, shall be constructed on the PropElrty; however, an ancillary building, to be used as a stockroom, may be constructed as a separate structure, provided that all other requirements of the City are satisfied. For the purposes of this paragraph a "Primary Structure" shall mean any building containing 500 square feet of floor area or more, but shall not include unenclosed structures ancillary to the Primary Structure, such as service station canopies, drive-through windows I aisles and the line (such facilities may have a small portion enclosed, not to exceed 50 square feet, for the use as an attendant or teller booth and similar uses). 3. Any buildings on the Property shall not exceed 30 feet in height above the ground building pad. This height limitation shall not be applicable to: chimneys and smoke stacks; cooling tanks and towers; flag poles; structures for housing elevators; HV AC equipment; antenna or other transmitting or receiving devices; ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain any building or other improvement on the Property; or other incidental projections. 4. Any buildings to be constructed on the Property shall be of masonry construction (including, but not lirnited to, split-stone masonry) and shall be co.nstructed in substantial compliance with the store rendering entitled "Proto 110 Front Elevation" and dated July 1, 1989, a copy of which has been contemporaneously delivered to the City with this declaration. 5. The Property shall be landscaped in a manner reasonably consistent with the landscaping of first- class commercial development in the City, such that the appearance of the Property does not detract from the appearance of the immediately surrounding properties. Ther€i shall be an open area fifteen (15) feet in width running along the northern lot line of the ProPEirty (the "Northern Landscaped Space") and an open area fifteen (15) feet in width along the eastern boundary of the one-hundred (100) foot drainage easement bisected by the western (rear) lot line of the Property as set forth on the Site Plan referenced in Proffer 10 below (the "Western Landscaped Space". (The Western and Northern Landscaped Spaces are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Landscaped Space".) The Landscaped Space shall be planted with the following plants, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Administrator of the City's Landscape Services Division, at the following locations running along the lot lines within the Landscaped Space: a. Wax myrtles - 3 to 4 feet tall at the time of planting, no more than 4 feet apart, measured from the center of each plant; b, Potamac Crapemyrtles - 8 to 10 feet tall at the time of planting, no more than 25 feet apart, measured from the center of each plant; c. Loblolly Pines - 6 to 8 feet tall at the time of planting, a total of no less than 6 planted at various locations, in groupings. WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 2 II III No structures, parking or driveways shall be located within the Landscaped Space except that: (i) driveways or walkways may be installed across the Landscaped Space; and (ii) all or a portion of the Western Landscaped Space may be developed as a stormwater maintenance system. The Landscaped Space shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of Category 4, of the Landscaping, Screening & Buffering Specifications and standards of the City. 6. Upon and after completion of the improvements on the Property, the Property shall contain at least 5.5 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of floor area in the Primary Structure and ancillary enclosed structures. 7. All dumpsters, trash receptacles, mechanical equipment and other facilities that are separate from the Primary Structure shall be suitably screened with fencing, or otherwise enclosed, so that such facilities are not visible from the Property or streets adjoining the Property. 8. Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC apparatus, equipment or fixture (other than lighting fixtures) located on the exterior of any building on the Property shall be screened, up to the height of such apparatus, equipment or fixture, in a manner architecturally compatible with the building and acceptable to the City. 9. All electrical, telephone and other utility lines servicing buildings or improvements on the Property shall be underground and shall not be exposed on the exterior of any buildings or improvements on the Property. 10. The improvements on the Property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the site plan entitled "Proposed Site Plan for a Department Store, Virginia beach, Virginia" dated February 23, 1990 by Freeland-Clinkscales & Associates (the "Site Plan") on record with the Planning Department of the City, Changes to the Site Plan as requested by the City in writing during site plan review, building permit review and/or construction of the improvements shall be allowed. 11. The Property shall be used exclusively as a retail department store, including a garden shop department. 12. Sabre Street, as shown on the Site Plan, shall be extended and improved to the eastern edge of the drainage easement on the western boundary of the Property and shall have sufficient width to accommodate the two lanes of vehicular traffic in each direction in accordance with state and local standards. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: 123,000 square foot discount store (Wal-Mart) SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: . Vacant land and office buildings /1-1 Industrial District . Across Sabre Street are vacant land, retail stores, and industrial office buildings /1-1 Industrial District . Across Phoenix Drive are retail stores 1 B-2 Community Business District . Office buildings 11-1 Industrial District West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no known significant natural resources or cultural features on the site. WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 3 IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Sabre Drive is a four-lane collector roadway along the south side of this site. Phoenix Drive in front of this request is a two- lane collector road. There are no CIP roadway projects planned for either of these roadways. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Volume Present Capacity Generated Traffic Sabre Drive No Counts 20,700 ADT Existing Land Use ~ - 6,890 Available ADT (622 PM peak hour Phoenix Drive No Counts 9,900 ADT trip-s) Available Proposed Land Use 3 - 9.131 ADT (824 PM peak hour trips) Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by 123,000 square foot free-standing discount store 3 as defined by 163,000 sauare foot free-standina discount store WATER: This site has an existing 2-inch water meter (ID # 95019854) which may be used or upgraded. There is a 12-inch City water line in Phoenix Drive. There is a 12-inch City water line in Sabre Street. SEWER: This site is connected to City sanitary sewer. A hydraulic analysis of Pump Station # 513 and the sanitary seWElr collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. There is an 8-inch City gravity sanitary sewer main in Phoenix Drive. There is a 10-inch City gravity sanitary sewer main in Sabre Street. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the submitted proffers. The proffers are provided below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this site to be within Strategic Growth Area 9 West Oceana Area of the City of Virginia Beach. Strategic Growth Areas are designated to absorb most of the city's future growth, both residential and non-residential and, as such, are planned for more intensive uses than most other areas of the City. The West Ocoana Area is generally bounded by London Bridge Road, Lynnhaven Creek and South Lynnhaven Road. It includes Lynnhaven mall, surrounding retail and office complexes and West Oceana Industrial Parle All of this area is inside the AICUZ high noise zone. The developable land west of Lynnhaven Parkway is appropriate for corporate office, retail and other comparable commercial use. WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 4 II III , Evaluation: This request to modify proffers to allow the reduction of required parking and to clearly identify how the site will be renewed is acceptable. The proposed reduction in parking and modification of building elevation and site plan is not a significant change from the originally approved proposal. Based on the City's Zoning Ordinance, adequate parking will be provided for the proposed expansion, Additional landscaping will also be provided to enhance the site and act as a buffer to surrounding uses. Signage as shown on the submitted elevation appears to be more than what the Zoning Ordinance allows; however, all signs on-site must be in accordance to the City's signage regulations. Proposed signage will be reviewed during detailed site plan review. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (9107(h)(1 )). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1: Proffer Number 4, contained in the Original Proffers, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "PROFFER 4. Any buildings to be constructed on the Property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the store rendering entitled "Walmart, Virginia Beach, Virginia # 1688" and dated September 25, 2008, a copy of which has been contemporaneously delivered to the City with this declaration; has been exhibited to the City Council; and is on record with the City Planning Department." PROFFER 2: Proffer Number 6, contained in the Original Proffers, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "PROFFER 6. Upon and after completion of the improvements on the Property, the off-street parking provided on the Property shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth under the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance, as modified by any variance obtained from the appropriate authority." PROFFER 3: Proffer Number 10, contained in the Original Proffers, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "PROFFER 10. The improvements on the Property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with that site plan entitled "Site Layout Plan, Wal-Mart Store # 1688-06,657 Phoenix Drive, GPIN 1496-38- 7496, District 3 - Rose Hall, Virginia Beach Virginia", prepared by Engineering Services, Inc., and dated October 30, 2008 (the "Site Plan"), which has been exhibited to the City Council, and is on record with the Planning Department of the City. Changes to the Site Plan as requested by the City in writing during site plan review, building permit review and/or construction of the improvements shall be allowed." PROFFER 4: All other covenants, restrictions and conditions proffered as part of the Original Proffers shall remain unchanged and are incorporated herein by reference. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable, as reducing the required number of parking for retail establishments over 80,000 square feet is in keeping with the City Zoning Ordinance in regards to retail design standards and parking regulations. The applicant has proffered a site plan that provides a WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 5 perimeter Ifmdscape buffer along Phoenix Drive that does not currently exist. The addition of the perimeter buffer, the reduction of required parking, and upgrades to the exterior of building will ensure the quality of the proposed building expansion. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated December 29,2008, and found it to be legally suffiGient and in acceptable legal form. NOTE: Furt/ler conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submltted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 6 II AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 7 {M/};. :)~.)"lr:d ;MfH~'1 J:~NID0d i:t ~l "'''''''...'''' ..'i.':>fI:>','.' ~ 1 _4.. ~. , <: H, I> l ~ 1 . ;;! ~ i I' . , : ~p l: I" r PI II I !; I. t 'i l~ . f! p~ . '<:: ft. ~, $ !: ;: ~ ik~ i!i :! '" 0( '" ... .- '" \:.t~ L: '" S- ~ PROPOSED SITE PLAN WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRtJST Agenda IteJ'n 2 Page 8 II ~ I , III , N - "- m .5 3 00' "" ~' * ~ '5: ; .~, v ;; .. -g ~ ;; PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 9 Modification of Proffers # DATE DESCRIPTION ACTION 1 5- '14-90 Zoning Change (1-1 to Conditional B-2) Granted 1-25-88 Conditional Use Permit (carwash) Granted 8-8-83 Zoning Change (1-1 to B-2) Withdrawn 2 8-25-92 Zoning Change (1-1 to Conditional B-2) Withdrawn 3 10,.12-87 Conditional Use Permit (hotel/motel) Granted 4 4-13-93 Vacation of a Portion of Variable Width Easement Granted 5 2-13-89 Conditional Use Permit (miniature golf) Granted 6 5-~~5-93 Zoning Change (1-1 to Conditional B-2) Granted 7 8-~~4-04 Zoning Change (1-1 to Conditional B-2) Granted 8 10..27 -98 Street Closure Granted ZONING HISTORY WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 10 II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation. partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members. trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust: Manaqinq Trustee - Eric S. Zorn: Statutory Trustee - Wilminqton Trust Company; Beneficiary - Wal-Mart Property Co.; Officers- Please see Attached List 2, List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity" relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Wal-Mart Property Co,; Wal-Mart Stores East, LP; WSE Manaqement, LLC; WSE Investment, LLC; Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc.; Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation. partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Same as applicant. 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entit! relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Same as applicant. o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. , 2 & See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes No X If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? N/A Modification of Conditions Apphcabon Page 100f 11 ReVised 7/3/07 III Z <:> I I !< t....' I I I , ~I ea ~ Z <:> I I F--t I I ~ Z <:> c ~ rT' I <:> Z <:> I I ~ <: c ~ I I rT' I I I ~ <:> ::;1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 11 z <=> I I r c r:;~ I . I , ,.... ~ CI':) z <=> I I r I I I Q Z <=> c:..;) r-r t <=> Z c:~~ I I I I c) I I r'" . I I Q <=> ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Troutman Sanders LLP - Leaal Services PB2 - Architectural Services Enaineerina Services, Inc. - Enaineerina Services 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code 9 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets: the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions In this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. Wal art Real Estate USlness Trust :- Ll f"11"'., "J.l ,C 'J~ rIP Prinl Name Same as applicant. Pwoenv Uwner'~ SI\!nalUre (If Jifkn:nl than aoo!i(;ml) Print Name Modification of Conditions Application Page 11 ot 11 Flevised 7/3/07 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 12 II III UNANIMOllS CONSENT TO ACfIOl'i BY THE SOLE MANAGING TRUSTEE OF W AL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST The und~gned, being the Sole Managing Trustee of Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust (the "Trust"); 8 Delaware statutory trust, pursuant to applicable provisions of the state of its foonation, the TnJ$t Agreement, and the Bylaws of the Trust hereby consents to and adopts in all respects the following resolutions: WHEREAS, the Company has recently completed its fiscal yt:ar ending January 31, 2007, and the Sole Managing Trustee desires to appoint officers for the ensuing year; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that effective immediately, the tollowing persons shall be elected to the offices set opposite their respective names and shall hold such offices until their successors shall be duly elected or their earlier resignation and removal, and any previous officer serving in any of the capacities listed below shall be deemed to have been removed without cause: I I I Eri4 S. Zorn President and Chief Executive Officer Linda M. Dillman Executive Vice President I . Chafles M. Holley, Jr. Executive Vice President and Treasurer M. Brett Biggs Senior Vice President and Assistant Treasurer J. Rbmm Bray Senior Vice President An~ony L. Fuller Senior Vice President I JOM P. Suarez Senior Vice President I StC'fen P. Whaley Senior Vice President and Controller Clake Babineaux-Fontenot Vice President I i Ami G. Bordelon Vice President Rici W. Brazile David L. Bullington H~ M. Eng I Thomas C. Gean Jeffiey 1. Gearhart Patrick J. Hamilton JenDifer May-Brust Carl R. Muller Bol:!by 1. Pinkleton i }(j~berly K. Saylors I Kelly D. Sears I Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President and Assistant StXTetary Vice President and Secretary Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 13 Tonia R. Smith Chafles Zinunennan Micpael J. Spivey Jolui E. Clarke Michael E. Gardner Shannon E. Letts I D~el M. Mallory Robert W. Stoker 1. Chris Callaway I George J. Bacso Fr~ces D. Coberly James A. Cole K. Elizabeth Crawford Geoffrey W. Edwards Donald R. Etheredge Nicholas S. Goodner Samuel A. Guess MarY Kendall Judith S. Kim Richard O. Kinnard Ad~le E. Lu~as Richard H. Martin Amber N, Murphy i Antonio M. Ocasio John T. Okwilbanego Brad T. Rogers J. Jeremy Snell M<<;edith A. Taylor Gre~ory L. Tesoro i Jo~ L. Thompson I Ka~y E. Tobey Mi~hael E. Tomlin Reginald Webb I Sonya L. Webster I Rmhona L. West I Vice President Vice President Vice President and Assistant Secretary Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Assistant Vice President Assistant St:\",etary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant S~.,.etary Assistant S~.,.etary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 14 II III Broce E. Wickline Amber Lee Williams Elizabeth A. Woodcock Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary FURTHER RESOLVED, that all acts and transactions of the officers listed above, which were taken ~r made in good faith and prior to the formal election of such officer that an: consistent with these resolutions are hereby ratified and approved, Dated this 9th day of March, 2007. If, Ap~rOV8 !':>qal terms only by ..~ WAl-M ,T. ro\L DEPT. Date: 3-(1 ';)7;01 Eric S. Zorn Sole Managing DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 15 DELEGATION OF SIGNATURE AUTHORITY J, Carl R. M.Uer, being a Vice Presideat of Wal-Mart Stores. Inc.; Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trost; WaI.Mart TRS. Ltc; WaJ-Mart Realty Compsny; WaJ-Mart Property Company; WaJ..Mart Stores Texas. LLC; Wal-Mart Stores East, LP; Wal-Mart Louisiana, u..C; WSE MlIJIII&IlIIIeot, u.c ("WSE"); WaJ- Matt Stores &at, lnc,~ Sam's Real S..... Business Trust; Sam's TRS, LLC; Sam's East, Inc.; Sam's West, Inc.; Sam's Property Company and Sam's PW, Inc. (coUectively, "ComplUly"). do hereby delegate to: Job E. Clarke Sh..Dota E. Leics I. Chril C.u.w.y Bria. E. Hooper Mldaael E. Gmt., authorhy to execute all instmnents requiring execution by the Company, in connection with the purchase, sale or loasiog of nlel estate or the CODStruc:rion rolated thereto, includiPg but not limited to all cootracts, checks or demands for money, notes, bonds or other obligations, and DIOrtja&C:S on behalf of the Company. Thia delegJd:iOD sIIall supersede and revoke any signature authority previously given tv those listed above. AIll&:ts ad banS8CliODS of individuals above. which were taken or made in aoad faith aDd prior to the formal dcJcpti<ln of authority to individual that are ~sjlltcDt with this delegation are hereby ratified and approved. :;ubscribcd and sworn before me this .J.1:day of IJItud .2008. / dj .' ,/ " I....,e :7~;;'-, <- ,. ..J JI10tary Public ,. My commission expires: AI..." . NOTARY NSE Public [Notary Seal] ~ R. H~ia\~rt-8nsa5 aenton~n E~1)\les 11~ My C()IfII1I ....,.,. .- - - ...... ......,... DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST Agenda Item 2 Page 16 III Item #2 Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust Modification of Conditions 657 Phoenix Drive District 3 Rose Hall January 14, 2009 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next matter is agenda item 2. An application ofWal~Mart Real Estate Business Trust for a Modification of Conditions previously approved by City Council on May 14, 1990 on property located at 657 Phoenix Drive, District 3, Rose Hall with four proffers. RJ. Nutter: Yes sir. Thank you Mr. Strange. Madame Chairperson, for the record, my name is RJ. Nutter and I'm attorney representing Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust. We appreciate being on the consent agenda. I would like to tell a little bit about this though. The owner of the adjacent property is represented by Mr. Bourdon. And they ask that we give them some elevations of the garden center, which is on the southern portion at this location right here (pointing to PowerPoint). And we told them that we would provide that to them between now and City Council. In addition to that, we told them that we would preserve a stand of trees that acts like a buffer today. It is right in here where we proposed some parking spaces (pointing to PowerPoint). And we will either relocate those parking spaces or seek a variance on the spaces because we are fine from a parking perspective. So, we've agreed to do that, and I wanted to put that on the record and let Mr. Bourdon know. He has no objection as to us remaining on the consent agenda. Thank you very much. Joseph Strange: Thank you R.J. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chairman has asked Gene Crabtree to review this item. Eugene Crabtree: Actually, RJ. has just about said everything that I could tell you as to why we put it on the consent agenda. The parking was one of the issues here. Wal-Mart wants to expand the store to increase the inside of the store and to opening up. I think into making it more of a super store than what it is now. The garden center will be improved. The elevations did not show the garden center as being covered, however, I understand that it is going to be covered and that the stand of shrubbery and landscaping along Sabre Road will be left standing and other parking spaces will probably be removed. By doing this, this will actually bring the garden center and that area aesthetically into line with the other garden centers as we required in the City of Virginia Beach by other stores and other retail outlets that have garden centers. The parking lot itself, there is enough parking there to last forever. If they filled up that entire parking lot, the store could not hold the people. There are enough parking spaces, so that is a non issue. And aesthetically the building is going to be improved and made to look better than what it does now. And due to these factors, we put it on the consent agenda. Item #2 Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust Page 2 Joseph Strange: Thank you Gene. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 2. Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY KA TSIAS AYE LIV AS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-0, the Board has approved item 2 for consent. II III CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No, DF-7293 FROM: DATE: February 9, 2009 LeSlie~e~ DEPT: City Attorney B. Kay Wilso __ DEPT: City Attorney TO: RE: Conditional Zoning Application; Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 24,2009. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated December 8,2008 and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW/bm Enclosure cc: Kathle~ssen Prepared by: Troutman Sanders LLP 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 2000 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 MODIFICATION OF COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS PROFFERED TO CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH THIS MODIFICATION OF COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS ~ROFFERED TO CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, made this J!J day of no( r i" j) ~b", r , 2002L, between W AL-MART REAL EST ATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware business trust ("Grantor") and the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("Grantee"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner of the real property described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), which Property is currently zoned Conditional B-2, and is subject to certain recorded covenants, restrictions, and conditions; and WHEREAS, in April of 1990, Grantor's predecessors in interest (Robert M. Stein; Edward S. Stein; Arthur H. Stein; Barbara S. Fischer; and Robert M. Stein (fiduciary under the Will and Testament of Jal:;k Stein, deceased) proffered certain covenants, restrictions, and conditions as part of a conditional rezoning, as set forth in the "Covenants, Restrictions and Conditions Proffered to City of Virginia Beach", dated April 3, 1990, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia (the "Clerk's Office") in Deed Book 2911 at page 654 (the "Original Proffers"); and WHER}:AS, Grantor desires to develop the Property in a manner that differs from the terms specified in the Original Proffers; and WHERl~AS, Grantor desires to amend and modify three (3) of the covenants, restrictions, and conditions set forth in the Original Proffers; and WHERl~AS, the conditions set forth in the Original Proffers may only be amended or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office and executed by the record owner of the Property, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing properly advertised pursuant to Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 (as amended), which said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with the amendment as conclusive evidence of such consent. GPIN: 1496-38-7496-0000 II Ii I NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor for itself, its successors, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or extraction from the Crrantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation and use of the Property, and hereby covenants and agrees that the terms of this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the said Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, its heirs, personal representatives, assigns, grantees and other successors in interest or title, namely: 1. Proffer Number 4, contained in the Original Proffers, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "PROFFER 4. Any buildings to be constructed on the Property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the store rendering entitled "Walmart, Virginia Beach, Virginia # 1688" and dated September 25, 2008, a copy of which has been contemporaneously delivered to the City with this declaration; has been exhibited to the City Council; and is on record with the City Planning Department." 2. Proffer Number 6, contained in the Original Proffers, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "PROFFER 6. Upon and after completion of the improvements on the Property, the off-street parking provided on the Property shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth under the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance, as modified by any variance obtained from the appropriate authority." 3. Proffer Number 10, contained in the Original Proffers, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "PROFFER 10. The improvements on the Property shall be constructed in substantial conformance with that site plan entitled "Site Layout Plan, Wal-Mart Store # 1688-06, 657 Phoenix Drive, GPIN 1496-38-7496, District 3 - Rose Hall, Virginia Beach Virginia", prepared by Engineering Services, Inc., and dated October 30, 2008 (the "Site Plan"), which has been exhibited to the City Council, and is on record with the Planning Department of the City. Changes to the Site Plan as requested by the City in writing during site plan review, building permit review and/or construction of the improvements shall be allowed." 4. All other covenants, restrictions and conditions proffered as part of the Original Proffers shall remain unchanged and are incorporated herein by reference. All references herein to zoning districts and to regulations applicable thereto refer to the City Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date the modification of proffered covenants, restrictions and conditions is approved by the Grantee. Page 2 The covenants, restrictions and conditions set forth above, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning on the Property covered by such conditions; provided, however, that such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment if the subsequent amendment is part of the comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised zoning ordinance, unless, notwithstanding the foregoing, these conditions are amended or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and ex(~cuted by the record owner of the subject Property at the time of recordation of such instrument; provided further that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee advertised pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia, SeC1L1.0n 15.2-2204, which said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent. The Grantor covenants and agrees that (1) the Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia shall be vested with all necessary authority on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions, including (i) the ordering in writing of the remedying of any noncompliance with such conditions, and (ii) the bringing of legal action or suit to ensure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages or other appropriate action, suit or proceedings; (2) the failure to meet all conditions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; (3) if aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator made pursuant to the provisions of the City Code, the Zoning Ordinance or this Agreement, the Grantor shall petition to the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) the Zoning Map show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Subject Property on the map and that the ordinance and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department and that they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and indexed in the name of the Grantor and Grantee. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Separate signature page to follow.] Page 3 II III W AL-MART REAL EST A TE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware business trust: By. km~\\e~ Title: \/1 (.;2/ p{'(),.,;,j,: 1\+ STATE/€OMMONV/EALW OF ...cfP(/COUNTY OF ~~/ Y\'\'OI\ (-\ r kL-. -ri. C-L, <'~ . to-wit: The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this ,'Y7 day of })Nf nIb 2008, by C' {' r \ mu 1\ (J r . on behalf ofWal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal this.ilL day otJ),e-,~,el:nhrf2008. ,4<'{(t/7:t, '1A; ,~ N ary blic (SEAL) My Commission Expires: t1....A KJI -.. I -. ----..." ; .-.-.-- KATHY TYER \ \NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF AR. KA. N SAS BENTON COUNTY My Commission Expires 10-19-2016 Commission # 1235!~OJL~___ __..~~"' .. 44UP~ Registration Number: Page 4 EXHIBIT A ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, lying situate and being in the Lynnhaven Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being known, numbered and designated as Parcel 7, as shown and designated on the plat entitled "SUBDIVISION & ROADWAY DEDICATION PLAT OF PARCEL 4, M.B. 160, PG. 31, D.B. 1944, PG. 449, D.B. 2717, PG. 1034, FOR ROBERT M. STEIN, ET AL, OCEANA WEST INDUSTRIAL PARK, L YNNHA VEN BOROUGH, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA" dated June 26, 1990, and last revised August 8, 1990, made by Langley and McDonald, P.C., which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 207, at page 79, reference to which plat is hereby made for a more particular description of the property conveyed hereby. AND BEING a portion of the same property conveyed to Wal-Mart Real Estate Trust deed from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. dated October 31, 1996, and recorded October 16, 1997, in Deed Book 3799, page 1191, among the land records of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. 371123 Page 5 " I RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES Relevant Information: · Kempsville District · Applicant requests use of an existing vacant office-warehouse building for a church. · Exterior of building will be upgraded and interior renovated to meet Building and Fire codes for this use. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. II III I , ..a;;<.z~.." r5"-~~'" ......~~', [,J' . \'ti1 (t:{ ,. \" (~ ~ i~ <,,~, "'- If) ~~ ~y .~~.. "" " CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ~ ITEM: RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES, Conditional Use Permit (church), 5249 Challedon Drive. KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24, 2009 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of the site for a church on property zoned B-2 Community Business District. The church proposes to occupy an existing 6,544 square foot office building on the property. The site is zoned B-2 Community Business District. . Considerations: The church plans to upgrade the exterior of the existing building, finished in Exterior Insulating Finish System (EIFS), and installing a new canvas awning above an enhanced relocated entrance. The proposed modifications to the building will provide this dated faCiade a much needed update. The applicant has been working with the Building Official's Office to ensure compliance with the all requirements of the building codes. Early discussions with the Building Official indicate that the improvements, both interior and exterior, bring this building toward compliance. A final determination will be made during the review of the construction plans, which are typically submitted after the Conditional Use Permit is approved. The application states that along with the church, a small office and other rooms for Bible study, outreach, and church support activities are planned within the building. The current application is for a 50-member church and there is more than enough parking on-site to accommodate this request, as the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance requires at least one (1) parking space for every five seats in the sanctuary. As this parking lot has only 15 parking spaces, seating would be limited to 75. As with most every church, the applicant has indicated the church's desire to grow past its current membership and beyond the 75 limit due to the number of parking spaces on this site. It is the church's plan that any overflow parking could utilize the adjacent property's parking lot. Staff has received letters from two (2) property owners in the cul-de-sac stating that up to 54 parking spaces are available for the church's use on Sundays. This addition of parking to 70 spaces total, allows the church to grow to the 200 seats in the sanctuary that is depicted on the provided interior plan. Staff is supportive of this parking arrangement to allow up to 200 seats in the sanctuary, as this option has Re-Birth International Ministries Page 2 of 2 been utilized by other churches in the past. A caveat to this, however, is that the final occupancy load will be set by the Fire Marshall and the Building Official's Office. This number for final occupancy will be determined during building plan review. The Plalnning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the use is compatible to the surrounding area, the applicant is upgrading the building to update its exterior appearance and bring the interior into compliance with current code requirements, and there was no opposition. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. Within one (1) year from the date of approval of this Conditional Use Permit, the Ghurch shall construct the improvements depicted on the artist's rendering entitled, "Exterior Renovation Concept: RE-Birth International Ministries," dated December 11, 2008, prepared by Barnes Design Group, P.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Dep.artment of Planning. 2. A CHrtificate of Occupancy shall be obtained from the Building Official's Office prior to occupancy. 3. Overflow parking may be accommodated on neighboring parcels subject to the written agreements provided with the Conditional Use Permit application and on file with the Planning Department. While said overflow parking provides the capability for the church to expand beyond the 75 attendees permitted by the number of on-site parking spaces, the ultimate maximum number of attendees shall be limited to the final occupancy load as determined by the Building Official. 4. Stre1etscape landscaping, as described in the Landscaping Guide, City of Virginia Beach, December 2002, shall be installed along Challedon Drive where deemed appropriate by City staff, to aid in screening vehicles from the right-of-way. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting De,)artmentlAgency: Planning Department CItyManage~S k I ~~ II CUP for ClllIrch REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for a church ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 5249 Challedon Drive III RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES Agenda Item 1 January 14, 2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Carolyn A. K. Smith GPIN: 14665827010000 ELECTION DISTRICT: KEMPSVILLE SITE SIZE: 13,750 square feet AICUZ: Less than 65 dB DNL SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of the site for a 50 member church on property zoned B-2 Community Business District. The church proposes to occupy an existing 6,544 square foot office building on the property. The application states that along with the church, a small office and other rooms for Bible study, outreach, and church support activities are planned within the building. The church plans to upgrade the exterior of the building by adding a new "bump out" addition, finished in Exterior Insulating Finish System (EIFS), and a new canvas awning above a relocated entrance. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION . Challedon Drive . Office I B-2 Community Business District . Elizabeth River . Single-family dwellings I R-10 Residential District EXISTING LAND USE: Office building SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 1 East: . Trinity Christian Fellowship Church (CUP, 2002) I B-2 Community Business District . Office I B-2 Community Business District West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The site is within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The rear of the property is adjacent to the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River and a small portion of the site is within the 100 year floodplain. As no new impervious surfaces are proposed, additional review by City staff is not required. There do not appear to be any significant cultural features on this site. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER 'TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Challedon Drive is a two-lane undivided collector. It is not designated on the Master Transportation Plan nor is any upgrade to this facility planned. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Challedon Drive No Data 9,900 ADT 1 (Level of Existing Land Use ~ - Available Service "D") 150 ADT Proposed Land Use 3 - Weekday 20 ADT Sunday 97 ADT Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by a 6,500 square foot office building 3 as defined by a 6,500 square foot church WATER: The~re is an eight-inch water main in Challedon Drive. This site has an existing meter that may be used. SEWER: The're is an eight-inch sanitary sewer main in Challedon Drive. This site is connected to City sewer. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as part of the Primary Residential Area. The land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. In a general sense, the established type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non- RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 2 II III residential, located in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development. Evaluation: The church proposes to occupy an existing 6,500 square foot, two-story building on the property. The church plans to upgrade the exterior of the building by adding a new EIFS "bump out" and a new canvas awning above the relocated entrance. The proposed modifications to the building will provide this dated fayade a much needed update. The applicant has been working with the Building Official's Office to ensure compliance with the all requirements of the building codes. It is always a concern when a building transitions to an assembly use that all required improvements related to fire safety and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations can be met. Early discussions with the Building Official indicate that the improvements, both interior and exterior, bring this building towards compliance. A final determination will be made during the review of the construction plans, which are typically submitted after the Conditional Use Permit is approved. The current application is for a 50-member church and there is more than enough parking on-site to accommodate this request, as the City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance requires at least one (1) parking space for every five seats in the sanctuary. As this parking lot has only 15 parking spaces, seating would be limited to 75. As with most every church, the applicant has indicated the church's desire to grow past its current membership and beyond the 75 limit due to the number of parking spaces on this site. It is the church's plan that any overflow parking could utilize the adjacent property's parking lot. Staff has received letters from two (2) property owners in the cul-de-sac stating that up to 54 parking spaces are available for the church's use on Sundays. This addition of parking to 70 spaces total, allows the church to grow to the 200 seats in the sanctuary that is depicted on the provided interior plan. Staff is supportive of this parking arrangement to allow up to 200 seats in the sanctuary, as this option has been utilized by other churches in the past, with, however, a caveat that the final occupancy load will be set by the Fire Marshall and the Building Official's Office. Staff recommends a condition that explicitly states that the overflow parking allows the church to grow beyond the current parking situation of 75 members, but that it will be the determination of the Building Official's Office as to the final occupancy load. This number for final occupancy will be determined during building plan review. Staff recommends approval of the request, subject to the conditions below. CONDITIONS 1. Within one (1) year from the date of approval of this Conditional Use Permit, the church shall construct the improvements depicted on the artist's rendering entitled, "Exterior Renovation Concept: RE-Birth International Ministries," dated December 11, 2008, prepared by Barnes Design Group, P.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning. 2. A Certificate of Occupancy shall be obtained from the Building Official's Office prior to occupancy. 3. Overflow parking may be accommodated on neighboring parcels subject to the written agreements provided with the Conditional Use Permit application and on file with the Planning Department. While said overflow parking provides the capability for the church to expand beyond the 75 attendees permitted by the number of on-site parking spaces, the ultimate maximum number of attendees shall be limited to the final occupancy load as determined by the Building Official. 4. Streetscape landscaping, as described in the Landscaping Guide, City of Virginia Beach, December 2002, shall be installed along Challedon Drive where deemed appropriate by City staff, to aid in RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 3 scrEiening vehicles tram the right-at-way. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Departmenf' for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 4 III AERIAL OF SITE LoeA TION RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 5 CI) QJ .- a.. ~ CI) .- c: .- ~ "i c: o ".P res ' I o E l! l~ ~ ~ /' )&$Jf ''', w ~ i "'" ~:;t :> .\ . , '\, - ..'\'~. .~.... . -, ~'-' " :, .f '" ~ 51 u if~~ ~ t ~Ui;!i ~: ~ ~lIil;f ~.i~ l.To /"- . " lIB ;. --~,~~>~:. lll~ I //~~ .~~..~\ ;',:. if ~~ / / '= ::1 ~!nl // --~ I I S ~! III i .~ ~~ \ II~: 0111111 I I \ kU! Ir-~--~-ffl ~ I I 'i; o~ "Ill No- ~~cO 1'= m!~ &16 S iD.. tl3 ~ ~z 2Jl ~!5 i I " 1: L ~, { PROPOSED SITE PLAN RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Itern 1 Page 6 \ \ t "6 0 r:. .: .: 0 4( 0 tA :> 0 J: -:;: Q) " S 0 .- ~ .., - "t:. -a :1< - r:. .., Ci ~ ., ... -C " ... t \ , . ;< '1 """ i ~ '" . ,. - .. ,- - , PROPOSEO EX1'ER10R fACAOE RE-B\R1H \N1ERNA1\ONAL Agenda \tem 1 page 1 1; u E: .: .: J~ en ::> . CIJ ;; 0 " .c .. ;; c:, .- ~ t J:: z t: - .., ii3 en ,) ;;; ..- - <( ~ >, cu c O:i: ,.' . -5 ~ W .- .- ~ t: ~ ,) .. DC: " :i :. -- > 1).'-'-- ~ ~-'-' ". ~ ;;3 t ~ '" ~ o t:i . 1 III ~ ~ . " ~ ~ z 5 ... '" o ~ a z o u :1 PROPOSED INTERIOR LAYOUT RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 8 II III T~SO~O Corpora:'tJ..o:n. 5250 Challedon Drive, Virginia'Beach, Virg'nia 23462 f':10nc (757) 516-8491 . ~To~o,cCorD cem . F-AX (757) 518-0589 -----~. . --..---.- De~ernr.p.i ~I ~:' '05 Mr R6'Jina!d ". Dobbs, Senior Pastor RE.5ir!'l 1.'1~':!;T'31Ional Ministries 524S C,,":(::,;:;I Drive Virglni;! Heach. VA 23462 ,Dear Mr Deoi)us; We an. p!e85ed 10 al!ow your membership to utilize our parking area during your o\IO~hip serV,Ct;', "t .' ~,; 5 Chailedon Drive We agree, good neighbors are a bleSSing anc should work together whenever possible. Please lell~S know if there is,anything else we can do to advance your success We trust your Ministry will ~EJ comfortable in your new location, Sinl.." ,',; ~ ' iJr./t(~,r' Denn;:, r c;'lt:'2rt PrE;S.c: '; -- ---. ~ .------..-...------- -. - - -- --- .-.- _._-~~ ,~ :~, ~l ':. f Hue T ION DESIGN-BUILD ENVIRON1,iENTAL Morohead C ,ty /:52-726-2532 Charleslon. SC 8~J-216-2616 LETTER FOR SHARED PARKING RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 9 /\.d\'wltage 'Heat lug and COO(illg, cIlle. 5253.;\ Ch~"~jcn Dri., V"glria BeJel" VA 2JH1.6J 18 757.'i99.9735 fax 757.....99.9734 r-.:: ~:3:~ Llr:.~"~e f'... 2'4C1B y'" :lUte :"I[C'fll"o! ~ V(~Q7..t91a'" f),:cemkr ". ':\-08 Reginald K. ['l,hbs, Senior Pastor RE-Rirt 1lr\t,!",-~tio:lal Ministries 5245 G~"I:.:J',l; Drive Virginia D~ch. V A 23462 MI' Dobbs, \V:: \\'('llid be happy to allow your congregation to use our parking spaces U: necessary dluing >')~i: services. SiTlcerel:' ~~/j -? ~/ j ,- .;;1-"-- Neil Zerb:: Presidel1~ LETTER FOR SHARED PARKING RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 10 II III 1 1 0/08/02 CUP (church Granted 2 02/13/03 CUP (church Granted ZONING HISTORY RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 11 !OISCLOSURESTATEMENT I APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members, trustees. partn\3rs. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) RE-BIRTI-IINTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. REGINALD K, DOBBS SENIOR PASTOR, ERICA DOBBS CO-PASTOR. TRUSTEES REGINALD K. DOBBS, ERICA DOBBS, AND JENITA MYERS 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entity'! relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Checll here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE CompletE! this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustelas, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) PHARELL WILLIAMS 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiaryl or affiliated business entity'! relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Conditional Use Pennit Application Page 9 of 10 Revised 7/312007 ~ I I 5 ::3 ~ F-t ~ 8: ~ ~ ~ o I I F-t I I ~ U DISCLOSURE STATEMENT RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 12 II ~ I . ~ u ~ f-c ~ 8: ~ CI"':) ~ ~ o , I H ~ z o u III J DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ij ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) I\/iSA' .J , VI- \ t ~ONE K~OVi~ l/' I .Parent-subsidiary relationship' means "s relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessIng more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and local Government Conflic:t of Interests Act, Va, Code ~ 2.2-3101. I "Afftllated business entity relationship. means "a relationship. other than parent- subsidiary relatlontthlp, that exists when (l) one bus/neM entity has a control&ng ownership interest In the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity Is also 8 controlHng owner In the other entity, or (Iii) there is shared management or control between the business entitles. Factors that should be considered In determining the elCistence of an affiliated bualnea.e entity relationship Include that the same person or substantially the eame person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or aSlels; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwiae share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there Is otherwise I close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code 5 2.2-3101. CERTIFICA nON: I certify thet the information contained herein Is true and accurate. I understand lhal. upon receipt of noliflc;ation (postctrd) th.t the epplieation has been scheduled lor public h~, responsible for obtaining and posting the reqUired sign on the sUbject property at =ea ~ days prior 0 the BCheduled pubHc hearing ICCOrding 10 the inslluctlons In this package. The Igned also nsenls to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of I Iannlng to ~~ purpoaes of processing and evaluating this appHcallon, REGINALD K. DOBBS Pri t Name L-J1/,' I{,'o.h^-, .I" Condlllonal Ue POlIIlit AppllClltion Page 10 of 10 Revised '71312001 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT RE-BIRTH INTERNATIONAL Agenda Item 1 Page 13 Item # 1 Re-Birth International Ministries Conditional Use Permit 5249 Challedon Drive District 2 Kempsville January 14,2009 CONSENT Janice Anderson: The next portion of our agenda is the consent agenda. That will be handled by our Vice Cha!lr, Joe Strange. Joseph Strange: Okay. Thank you. This afternoon we have seven (7) items on the consent agenda. The first matter is agenda item 1, Re-Birth International Ministries. An application for a Conditional Use Permit for a church on property located at 5249 Challedon Drive, District 2, Kempsville with four conditions. Janice Anderson: Is there a representative for Re-Birth? Pastor Dobbs please come forward. Thank you. Joseph Strange: Please state your name please. Pastor Reginald Dobbs: Reginald K. Dobbs. Joseph Strange: Are the conditions acceptable? Pastor Reginald Dobbs: Yes sir. They are. Joseph Strange: Thank you very much. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Henry Livas to review this item. Henry Livas: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of the site for a 50 member church on property zoned B-2 Community Business District. The church proposes to occupy an existing 6,544 square foot, two-story office building on the property. The applicant states that along with the church, a small office and other rooms for Bible study, outreach, ~md church support activities are planned within the building. The church will eventually like to expand to 200 members. The church has also submitted letters from adjacent property owners supporting that type of expansion. However, the following final occupancy load below will be determined by the Fire Marshall and the Building Official's Office. Since the:re were no objections we recommend approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit and have placed it on our consent agenda. Joseph Strange: Thank you Henry. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 1. " I Item # 1 Re-Birth International Ministries Page 2 Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY KA TSIAS AYE LIV AS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 9-0, the Board has approved item 1 for consent. II III CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER MaM:!.. ~-;'~a]e .crelscent Communitv Center ~~')~ ~ ~'\]K~~~~\. " ~~ ~:\ ~ ~ ~Ol~ ' ~. ~ ~ ~'lJ ~ l~~~ ~~, , \ ~~"')li..'lV ~~ ~T--l'" ~~~~ ~ S~ ~. · It ~~~~~>.: ~~ " ~~~. ~ ~f ~ rtln.>:. ~ _ ~ - ~ x l\"~"'~ _ U ",-""l r.>lI"11." ~ ~~,~ _ I.~ ,~ ~ ~~~ ' ~ '~:l ~r~ ~ _ \J ,I ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~ ,\ ~Y4( \~ ~ ~~\f~ -: ~ '\J~i~~\~~~~ ~\-~ tbJ · )~.f ~y;"" ~~ ~~>>\ ~ F ~ ~~ ~~i~~~\ cUP for Religous Use (church) Relevant Information: · Rose Hall District . Conditional Use Permit for a church within an existing office building. Building is located in a retail commercial strip center. . The hours for the church will be Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, the office will be open from 1 :00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. During the week, there will be between three and five volunteer church members in the office. . Building will be renovated to meet Building and Fire Code for this use. · AICUZ is 65-70 (Sub-Area 3). Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval . Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. II III ".~~.~~ ,0~~'" .....~;;., ,.0'-". \"to' ft:J - ..- ! 'i', ~~\~ :~,); t"ilo ~;.i .;.,..... .. '" /'" ~, .........-::..... ~~...."o-4-.4 .......~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER, Conditional Use Permit (church), 1401 Lynnhaven Parkway, Unit 101. ROSE HALL DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church within a portion of an existing commercial center. The commercial center consists of a retail strip and a separate office building. The proposed church will be located in one of the units of the office building. . Considerations: There will be one service on Sunday. The time for the service may vary. The maximum attendance for the service is twenty-five individuals. The hours for the church will be Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, the office will be open from 1 :00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. During the week, there will be between three and five volunteer church members in the office. This proposal for a church is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. The proposal to use this unit as a church is compatible with the other uses within the center, as well as with the adjacent neighborhood. There is adequate parking for the church and the other users within this commercial center. Church uses characteristically have a "non-rush hour" traffic pattern and are compatible with commercial and office land uses. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the use is compatible with the surrounding area and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all applicable City requirements for building codes, including fire safety and suppression, required for a change of use from commercial to a place of assembly prior to commencing church activities. This includes a Fire Inspection, a Fire Code Permit, and a Crescent Community Center Page 2 of 2 Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Official's Office. 2. The number of congregants at any time shall not exceed the occupancy number for the unit as established by the Fire Marshall. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department ;\ ~ City Manager: ~ ':I k. :ct3lNl-L ~ · - II REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for a church ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 1401 Lynnhaven Parkway III CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 January 14, 2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Karen Prochilo GPIN: 1485783134 ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: ROSE HALL Total site size: 3.797 acres 65 - 70 dB DNL Lease space: 2,062 square feet The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a church within a portion of an existing office-retail center. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The hours for the church will be Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, the office will be open from 1 :00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. During the week, there will be between three and five volunteer church members in the office. There will be one service on Sunday, The time for the service may vary. The maximum attendance for the service is twenty-five individuals. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION . Single-family dwellings / PD-H1 Planned Unit Development District . Across Lynnhaven Parkway, single-family dwellings / PD-H1 Planned Unit Development District . Within the center are retail spaces. EXISTING LAND USE: Commercial business and retail center SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 1 . Across Primrose Lane is a retail center / PD-H1 Planned Unit Development District West: . Multi-family dwellings / PD-H1 Planned Unit Development District NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no significant natural resources or cultural features on this property as it is almost entirely impervious. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Lynnhaven Parkway in the vicinity if this application is classified as a four lane major urban arterial. There are currently no planned improvements to this portion of Lynnhaven Parkway. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Lynnhaven 37,500 ADTT 27,300 ADT 1 (CAPACITY Existing Land Use" - 89 Parkway (2007) - Level of Service "D") - ADT 31,700 ADT 1 (Level of Proposed Land Use 3 - Service "E") 18 ADT weekday 73 ADT Sunday 1 Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by 2,OOOSI specialty retail 3 as defined by 2,000 SF church FIRE: Applicant must obtain a Certificate of Occupancy prior to utilizing this space as an assembly use. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a Primary Residential Area. The land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character. economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. In a general sense, the established type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non- residential. located in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development. Evaluation: This proposal for a church is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area, The proposal to use this unit as a church is compatible with the other uses within the center, as well CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 2 III as with the adjacent neighborhood. The facility has adequate parking. Church uses characteristically have a "non-rush hour" traffic pattern and are compatible with commercial and office land uses. CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall comply with all applicable City requirements for building codes, including fire safety and suppression, required for a change of use from commercial to a place of assembly prior to commencing church activities. This includes a Fire Inspection, a Fire Code Permit, and a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Official's Office. 2. The number of congregants at any time shall not exceed the occupancy number for the unit as established by the Fire Marshall. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 3 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 4 l"'J ~ '~ n d I PRIMRO~[ LN ~ .. -, ~ 1tHtH1 - - \>- /f't \~ ~ I!/ J \< ~~ \~ I mtm \i ~ --.J ~ i I I ,/'-~,~;. I XI:;~".:~~.I(h{", ',:;:>~;."f; .'. ',' I 7\:' 1 ~ <-~.~ /' / :52s 0.-" 0\,1\ o r. /' W.I ';, f-'- '; \ "ct / U; _I\l~ PROPOSED SITE PLAN CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 5 .........- ~ , -Ijl --'l<-- j, '! " bH:J bl bl blblblbl blblblbl -'r " " II .~ blblQQ o .. ~ .~:: rlrlQQ_ ;' =6= '0-0 -'r ii bl bl bl bl l' .1 "_'"" ~ [ il:ji -"'<- ! Ii '- '.......1....... .:* 14'-9" @ FLOOR PLAN AEI02 1/4" = 1'-0. t -~ a:'-" / ;.. C ElOS~ ADJAl:E1I' SPACES; '""' NOT IN ClJllRACT ---' to; --_.,_.~-- _'W""~"~"~_"'_~___C_'____"_ -.."."...-- ~ ----..-----,..--.- CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 6 III PHOTOGRAPHS OF LEASE SPACE CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 7 ~ tlf-s~.le Crescent Communitv Center ~~~.~\~~ ~~'i9~;'~/'~ M ~~.~~ ",.~,~~_o '~~" ~ '~I.~:6iIl ~!l1I '" '-.11= M~/'l~ ~ ~ " " ~ ... '-'- -~ ~. ~ ~ ,"" ..V';X - . '\. ,\:......).c-.;J\ ~ ''\,o'7!''''~ ~~~ \" \~~~~ ~) ... I~~~~'i~:~;'~~}~:.o"~~ II~'~\\ \ ~\. _ ' \""- )l ~ f,.~ ICot.. ~~. ~ I!~~_'t:. ~ .~ lJII . ~ ~C\"r, 0 ~ 1k ~ l<.J~ ~ ~'I tr::l 6.....~ ~ ^I. . ~~ ~ ~vc~/$I~ ~LJ .. ~ ~lC .>Jr ,\ _ ~ ~ " \'t,~~ ~\ (~ I.~/K ~~~~~~ ~~ L/\r1pj .<! .,..~ ~'\ ::x. J~ DB' l .Bl ..- _) " '\ \. .~:;:::::~~ ~... ,,~ \~Q~ ..-....... \ ~ M P"\:_ ~-/'~-AO f _ ~ '\ ~~~~/ "if/" ~ ~ ~ ~< 'rr::\ " \ f\ .~~ ,,", x-~ ~ J~ ~ ,"\1 2 ~:~~ 1811 ~ /J'l"~ ~ ~~\~,,\0.~~\ -l ~ ~. 'l ')j )\\. \. \'1. \~ ~:..o ~~. . .~~5(;> ~ "~ ~~h\,'~~~\ N11 ~ III 1_1l. A... ),~.:lI~ 'E;;I N " ~.i 1\", .... Itloo~Q.1 :')0 ~\~ I\. ~ ~ ~ I I'd .~ T' rr \\' 0 ~ vr.;..'\. ~ .... OJ\\ '\." I\.;;'; CUP for Refigous Use (church) 1 10/12/99 Modification to Green Run Land Use Plan (Group Home) Granted 2 08/12/97 Conditional Use Permit (Church) Granted mi/14/84 Modification to Green Run Land Use Plan (Car wash) Denied 10/11/82 Modification to Green Run Land Use Plan (Commercial site) Granted 3 0~)/23/95 Modification to Green Run Land Use Plan (Automobile service establishment) Granted ZONING HISTORY CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 8 l~i~b/L~~~ L~:LI IOI~bl:;;tl~~" ::'NUKt:. ::'HAl.;r, I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporaijpn. partnership, firm, business. or other unince: pcrated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, rustees, I'lArtn~rs, etc. be!"w: (Aff:i!t:h li.O:' if nI'!NIQ.Q~~~1 President: 5yed K Haider \/i,..a cafDciliDnt. Ihrahin'\ I:tfhaM Secretary: Mohamed Feyed 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidial)'l or affiliated business I' ,tity2 relationship vJith the opplicnnt: (,A.ffc:ch !!=t !f .~~~~~~~rl) None o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, bus ,ess, or other unincorporated orgCl:lizgticn. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only ~",p'!>rf}1 f)'N'l(H i.g differrmt from ~p!,fi!:g!,!t. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. complete the following: 1. List the property owner narnt: ioiiowt!o uy [he IId'lItll> ui tlii officers, ~rs, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) ~OOb~RD !Q.EY-\L iY LL(' (QW~H'-) :\ohn~. Wuodo...rA c;..- ) H.Q('l~ r WoorlrJ.aJ) Ar\.lh"'''' T w,)od~J. ",J., :!.lh.... T Wl1Cx:JC<.,-J r.- 2. list all businesses that nave a parent-suOSIOlaly" or anlllatea bUSinesS r ,tiV relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) None U Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, Irm, business. or other unincorporated organization. , & l! See next page for footnotes Does 1m omciai or empioyee UI ihe CilY UI Viryif,ii:l oedl.i I i IdVl:: an interest: the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes. what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their ir. erest? Co~dltIO~" U.e Permit AppHcaUOn PaQe 9 olIO R.;"'..d 71312007 III r'A~t. 10:::1:':;/ u~ z o ~ -'~ ~ ........ ....:4 ~ ~ F-t ~ .--. ~ ~ f"T'""! CI-:J ;::::J ~ ~ ,0 1-..- !~ ~ c:::a ...~ "r...... o c....J CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 9 1~i06i2aa8 23~27 z o ....... ~ U ~ ea E--t ~ g: ~ ;::J ~I o ....... E--t ....... ~ ~ U 75736863'34 sr'''IOKE SHACK PAGE c"';, G... DISCLOSURE !;i: ~ATI::M~~T JI "t . ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide se' 'ices with respect to the requested property u~c, :nc!ud~~g t:~~ ~ot 'kr.itc~ ~o the provid' rs of architccturn! I services. real estate services, financial services, accounting service' and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) ~ I ~ \ Woodard Realty, Mezan Accounting Services , 'Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists' ....en one corporation directfl! or indirectlv owns shares possesslnq more than 50 pe: :ent of the votinQ power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict f Interests Act, \/;:. Code 92.2.3101. 2 "Amllated buslncs::; entity relatJonship" maans "a rcl..tior.::-.i.., oIl". . than parent. subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a cont. IlIing ownership Interest in the other business entity. (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is Iso a controlling OW'It~1 ill ttle uih~t ~lItiiYI uf ,;iij tll.:ii: ;6, ~;.'Ol'::~ j","IGiiiawc.i'ilel.t ui ooiliiui L~' "~t!11 lhl:: lJu~ille~:. entities. Factors that should be cOnsidered in determining the existence 0' an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially I e same person own or manage the two entities: there lire ('.ommon or commingled funds l assets; the . . business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or other, ise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis: or there is otherwise a close w 'king relationship hf!lWllf!n thP. entitiro.!':." Rp-~ Statf! l'Inrt Il)cal (;n\IP.rnmp.nt Cnnflict (If lmeres' ; Act, Va. Code 9 2.2-3101. I i \; . I ~\J~I~ Wool>t'feo I . , 1: CERTIFICATION: I certify that the informatIOn contained herein IS true and a' ~rate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has b en scheduled for public hearing. I am responsible for oblaining and posting the required sign on thl: subject property at leasi 30 days prjor iLl .ill: scileUui~u puu;j... i,tidjj';!:I u.............~:I;~ ~v .i;ci iu:-i,uGiions iI' .his package. In~ undef!ligned elso connents to entry upon the subject propetty by employees of th' Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluati 1 this application. ~~ N~ ,:rea", vJodo....J Property Owner's Signature (if different than apflUeant) tJ. lip-I.! ,.To 1'\ N Print Name Cor .IO~11 u!U! Permit Appll~3tir.,r P_g@ 10011 C Rev'sed ?!3"O~7 CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 1 0 III Woodard Realty liC Celebrating 52 }'l!ar:s ~ 1956 - 2008 Woodard Management Inc. 2464 East little Creek Road Norfolk, VA 23518 757-583-4391 Telephone 757-583-8961 Facsimile WoodardllC@aol.com October 7, 2008 To whom it may concern: RE: Crescent Community Center Located at 1431 Lynnhaven Pkwy Unit 101/102 Primrose Office Bldg. . Virginia Beach, VA 23~3 The Crescent Community Center has our permission to use the whatever parking lot is needed at either the Primrose Office Building or the adjoining Primrose Shopping Center, both properties are owned by Woodard Realty LLC. Sincerely, K(M'1~ uJ~( Mary Joan Woodard Member, Woodard Realty LLC PARKING LETTER CRESCENT COMMUNITY CENTER Agenda Item 9 Page 11 Item #9 Crescent Community Center Conditional Use Permit 1401 L ynnhaven Parkway District 3 Rose Hall January 14,2009 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next matter is item 9. An application of Crescent Community Center for a Conditional Use Permit for a church on property located at 1401 Lynnhaven Parkway, District 3, Rose J-Iall with two conditions. Syed Haider: Good afternoon. Syed Haider. Joseph Strange: Would you state your name please? Syed Haider: Syed Haider. Joseph Strange: Are the conditions acceptable? Syed Haider: Yes sir. Joseph Strange: Okay. Thank you. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Gene Crabtree to review this item. Eugene Crabtree: This application is for a Conditional Use Permit in a community center for a church that will operate primarily one service a week on Sunday. It will be opened during the rest of the week. There was some concern about this creating noise but this happens to be in a noise zone from the Naval Air Station Oceana. From the planes, I don't think any church service will drown out the planes. The fact that this church is in a separate building from the shopping center itself, and is all to the side, so it is self contained, it has a very small congregation of only 25 people, the parking is adequate for that. So, therefore, we put it on the consent agenda. Joseph Strange: Thank you Gene. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 9. Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE i I III Item #9 Crescent Community Center Page 2 HENLEY HORSLEY KA TSIAS LIV AS REDMOND RUSSO STRANGE AYE ABSENT AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-0, the Board has approved item 9 for consent. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Thank you Joe for taking on the consent agenda. I want to thank everybody that had an application on the consent agenda for coming down today. Thank you very much. III CARLA GRAHAM Relevant Information: · Kempsville District · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for a cosmetology school. · The applicant proposes to educate students in classroom theory and practical experience in the art of hair styling and salon operation. · The applicant proposes three full-time and six part-time positions in the salon, and 12 students and two instructors on site. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. III &~~~ ,(.s<~~ ..... ...g,"~~ ~a-I 'oF (Ii- - \'~) (51 . '~~~, ~.\-' :,~ 1\, Ejf ~... ~~"i' ~~~y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CARLA L. GRAHAM, Conditional Use Permit (cosmetology school), 5760 Princess Anne Road. KEMPSVILLE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cosmetology school in a portion of the commercial building on the site. The applicant proposes to educate students in classroom theory and practical experience in the art of hair styling and salon operation. The submitted plat depicts the existing 3,426 square foot commercial building, a 2,167 square foot single-family dwelling, and a 450 square foot shed. An on-site inspection revealed 14 parking spaces existing on the site, and a single entrance to the site from Princess Anne Road. Tax records indicate all the buildings were built in 1966; however, staff suspects the buildings existed prior to that date as the zoning maps dated before 1966 depict the site as it exists today. . Considerations: The applicant currently operates a school at 835 Virginia Beach Boulevard. The applicant now desires to operate a second school in the western part of the city at the subject site. The applicant proposes three full-time and six part-time positions in the salon, and 12 students and two instructors on site. Hours of operation will be 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday. The operation will be closed Sunday and Monday. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site to be within the Strategic Growth Area 3 (Newtown SGA). Strategic Growth Areas are designated to absorb most of the City's future growth, and, as such, are planned for more intensive uses than most other areas of the city. Additionally, this site is located 1,000 feet to the east of the location of the proposed Newtown Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station. The LRT line currently under construction in Norfolk will terminate at this station. As this site is within the Newtown SGA, Staff views this use as one that will ultimately be replaced when market conditions change and this site becomes ripe for redevelopment. A detailed plan for the Newtown SGA will be prepared in 2009, and the applicant and the property owner are being encouraged to participate in its development. Carla Graham Page 2 of 2 The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the use is compatible to the surrounding area and there was no opposition to the proposal. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following condition: 1. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Department of Planning I Permits and Inspections Division and the Virginia Department of Health. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager~~ k . ~0Il<a. REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for a cosmetology school ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 5760 Princess Anne Road III CARLA GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 January 14,2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Faith Christie GPIN: 1467041217 ELECTION DISTRICT: KEMPSVILLE SITE SIZE: 48,300 square feet 1,746 square foot unit AICUZ: Less than 65 dB DNL SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cosmetology school in a portion of the commercial building on the site. The applicant proposes to educate students in classroom theory and practical experience in the art of hair styling and salon operation. The applicant currently operates a school at 835 Virginia Beach Boulevard, and 96 percent of her students who sit for the Virginia State Board of Barber and Cosmetology test obtain their trade license (see attached "Proposal Description"). The applicant proposes three full- time and six part-time positions in the salon, and 12 students and two instructors on site. Hours of operations will be 10:00 am to 6:00pm Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday. The operation will be closed Sunday and Monday. The submitted plat depicts the existing 3,426 square foot commercial building, a 2,167 square foot single- family dwelling, and a 450 square foot shed. An on-site inspection revealed 14 parking spaces existing on the site, and a single entrance to the site from Princess Anne Road. Tax records indicate all the buildings were built in 1966; however, staff suspects the buildings existed prior to that date as the zoning maps dated before 1966 depict the site as it exists today. CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 1 LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Currently, the commercial building houses a beauty salon and car detailing operation. A non-conforming single-family dwelling and shed are located behind the commercial building. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: . Offices / B-2 Community Business . Princess Anne Road . Across Princess Anne Road are retail and service uses / B-2 Community Business and 1-1 Light Industrial . Offices / B~2 Community Business . Offices f B-2 Community Business East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: Approximately two-third of the site is landscaped with grass, shrubs and trees. There are no significant natural resources or cultural features associated with the site. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Princess Anne Road in front of this request is a four-lane minor arterial roadway. Princess Anne Road currently has a variable width right-of-way; however, the Master Transportation Plan depicts a divided roadway with a bikeway and ultimate width of 100 feet. There are no CIP projects scheduled for this section of Princess Anne Road. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Princess Anne 28,812 ADT' 22,800 ADT 1 Existing Land Use L - 75 Road ADT Proposed Land Use 3 - 67 ADT (4 AM /7 PM peak hour) 1 Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by 1,746 square feet of retail space 3 as defined by 1,746 square feet of beauty salon / cosmetoloav school WATER and SEWER: The site is connected to City water and sewer. SCHOOLS: School populations are not affected by the request. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 2 III Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site to be within the Strategic Growth Area 3 (Newtown SGA). Strategic Growth Areas are designated to absorb most of the City's future growth, and, as such, are planned for more intensive uses than most other areas of the city. Additionally, this site is located 1,000 feet to the east of the location of the proposed Newtown Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station. The LRT line currently under construction in Norfolk will terminate at this station. As this site is within the Newtown SGA, Staff views this use as one that will ultimately be replaced when market conditions change and this site becomes ripe for redevelopment. A detailed plan for the Newtown SGA will be prepared in 2009, and the applicant and the property owner are encouraged to participate in its development. Evaluation: Staff finds the request for Conditional Use Permit for a cosmetology school acceptable subject to the condition listed below. CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Department of Planning I Permits and Inspections division and the Virginia Department of Health. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 3 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 4 III () () '-- Proposal Description: Another Level College of Cosmetology (ALCC) is a licensed school teaching students the skills necessary to make a living as a licensed cosmetologist (see attachment). Presently, the school is operational at 835 Virginia Beach Boulevard serving approximately 14 students. ALCC was established in October, 2005 and has operated with a Virginia Beach business license since that time. It is our request to establish a second location for the College at 5760 Princess Anne Rd. operated In conjunction with our existing beauty salon in the same location. The salon Is now open and presently provides a variety of services to customers Including: . Hair styling . Manicures . Pedicures . Facial services . Makeup artistry . Waxing services AlCC students complete 1500 hours of classroom theory and practical experience in order to obtain their diploma. Upon obtaining their diploma, they become eligible to take the Virginia State Board of Barber and Cosmetology test leading to a trade license. To date, 96% of students who have completed the curriculum have successfully gained this license. 100% of licensed former students have been successfully placed In cosmetology related jobs by ALCC. It Is our objective to continue this successful practice at our new location. The addition of this second location will enable us to better serve students living in the western part of Virginia Beach in addition to young adults from the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Chesapeake. In addition, Community Solutions, a licensed child placing agency located adjacent to the salon Is supporting this endeavor. Community Solutions provides treatment services to Hampton Roads' foster youth and has Identified several aging out (ages 18 - 21) clients who could benefit from the completion of a licensed cosmetology program. The combination of completing the cosmetology curriculum and working in the salon will , provide an opportunity to young adults at high risk of being unemployed upon emancipation from the foster care program. It is our goal In operating both the salon and college to employ three full time and six part time employees in this previously vacant storefront. As the owner-operator of ALCC I am requesting the granting of a Conditional Use Permit to provide the service listed above. Thank you for your consideration. CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 5 : .. -. ~~ ~ - -. . " ....- .~ .. CD .,1 .,. i ..-...:... ~t!~ I Ji \.V . .. t.' -- .. ~;-...--.... - ~~-:.. --~'. ,,,"- . \- ! . - ~ ! ; . t .- ~E~: . e .... i I = CUD "1 . i I . i ' ~:~t l.t riil;! ,!. . -II , . : I' ! " : i .s~... .r,., ..., ... ~ i'" . t. .!It ! ': .; r~ :.! . u . . E a !! i .. .. ! I ... \. -) ~ . 1 -~ -'l;m ......' ....... . . J.t I . .t ..~ i :.. t ~ . 'I .-"!!:'-~-=- .--- ----- .. i . i . I ...... t It .. j . ............ Pllllle~U .,,,., flO&D ~ -I __&~C.~ ..,.. ... SITE SURVEY CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 6 _c---------- --- - ----------~ \--- \ \ \ \ \~ \ \ -0 <:t If) \ t\1.,{) i~ ~' t\1 \ e,O' If)!<n ~, 'C"""\ -.. o ."! . ,- (') ('"l ~ ~ ,e,O' <:..s i<t' .:;. .... \t-\ If) <n 'C""" ~ ('"l Oi C\ ~ o o ~ ('"l N ~ 1_ ~--_.. $ "0 c!. Q) c .a f./) f./) Q) (j C .- \00- 0.. o c.o ~ BU\LO\NG fOO"{PR\N"{ cp..p.,LA L. Gp.,AH~ p..genda \tere pagl 1. 4/8/08 Conditional Use Permit Permanent Make-u 2. 10/28/97 Rezoning (1-1 Light Industrial to Conditional B-2 Communit Business 3. 12/12/!~5 Rezoning (1-1 Light Industrial to Conditional 1-2 Heavy Industrial A roved Approved Approved ZONING HISTORY CARLA l. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 8 I I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business. or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1, List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers. members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) ~1Jr/a. L. t9r,-h4Jn 2, List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) (Tl r Me Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation. partnership, firm. business. or other unincorporated organization. complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members. trustees. partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 1JaLNe.'\ S \ t(' (\') ((:-0 \' \-\ ,-:, h 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entityl relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) E;tCheck here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No L If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Conditional Use Permit Application Page 9 of 10 Revised 71312007 Ii I z o I I ~ u :::f J:L..t ~ E--t ~ ~ J:L..t ~ CI":) i:::J ~ o I I E--t I I Q Z o u DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CARLA l. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 9 z o I I E :::3 ~ ~ f-t I I 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship. means "a relationship that exists when one i corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation,. See State and Local Govemment Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Gode ~ 2.2-3101, 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship. means "a relationship, other than parent- ~ :subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership .-- . mterest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling ~ ,~ner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business ~ ~;tntities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person ~)Wn or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the ~ business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, ~ resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship ........, between the entities.. See State and Local Govemment Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ ~2.2-3101, <z CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. II understand that. upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for ~)Ublic hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at O ~st 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instnlctions in this package The iJndersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of I . Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application, H ~w ~1&.!~ cJrM~ ~ ,. .'1\. I .' .'\ ,,',. .., "., . ~ -- t. \.-,,' "-" 1 .-' ., \ 'j \ ~- ",. \ ' -. Z Property Owner's Si'gn~ture (if di~rent than applicant) Print Name o U I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ~ ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal :services: (Attach list if necessary) Conditional Use Perm" Application Page 10 of 10 Rellised 71312007 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CARLA L. GRAHAM Agenda Item 4 Page 10 III Item #4 Carla L. Graham Conditional Use Permit 5760 Princess Anne Road District 2 Kempsville January 14,2009 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next application is agenda item 4. An application of Carla L. Graham for a Conditional Use Permit for a cosmetology school on property located at 5760 Princess Anne Road, District 2, Kempsville with one condition. Carla Graham: Hello. Joseph Strange: How are you? Carla Graham: I'm fine. Joseph Strange: Your name please? Carla Graham: My name is Carla Graham. Joseph Strange: Okay Carla. Are all the conditions acceptable? Carla Graham: Yes sir. Joseph Strange: Alright. Thank you very much. Carla Graham: Thank you. Joseph Strange: Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Henry Livas to review this item. Henry Livas: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cosmetology school in a portion of the commercial building on the site. The applicant proposes three full time and six (6) part-time positions in the salon, and twelve (12) student and two (2) instructors on site. The site has a 3,426 square commercial building along with fourteen (14) parking spaces. Additionally, this site is located 1,000 feet east of the Norfolk Light Rail Transit Station. It's the last station on that system. Having received no complaints, we have recommended approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit and we have placed it on our consent agenda. Joseph Strange: Thank you Henry. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 4. Item #4 Carla L. Graham Page 2 Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY KA TSIAS AYE LIV AS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-0, the Board has approved item 4 for consent. " I RICHMOND 20 MHZ dba NTELOS Map 1-6 5 1 Richmond 20 MHZ d/b/a NTELOS "DO"O~:~ ~ ot U,~~ klJJ1 ~ r~ ~JI~ d'e/'....' j,.. d ~ ~ ~;.r~~ ,11 ~~ ,~ r!?~ ~ . ~"-1, -l -\) ,~ ~ ~.., .x..4 f? /~ ~v~ 'tI ~ 'l~ ~ ~~ ~ ---41'_~/ '.. ~ W " ~ ' - ~--' ,~'" '" ~.. . * 0' ~ ~ ~ ~"~ :J~I~ "\ :;.><~, · ~ ~ / 0 ~ - .,,~ ~~~ ~~~~~~.J - IlIr - ., <> ~ ---- m~~~ ~\U-{'~~? () :r~~, 2 ~ . IT, \ 'l '- ~ .... ' 8A.,...,. ~ (] . ~ .. I.l'-- '-) ", '-- ...."tLL ~ l!;f ~. ~ IV ~ a~lrL ~_~~ d ~~~ a1 '" ~ I M ~i~" c... \ ~ :l \t - -LJ I .. II::t ~ ~ ~\ ~ ~d~;~et?~~~alt!Ju rJ,.L~ ,;"" JJ _ J' 'illld f'tll..""':.o '~ ::::::--- ----- ~~..r1r:.n 2 ':; ~ ~ /~ - .. CUP for Communication Tower Relevant Information: · Beach District · Conditional Use Permit for a communications tower. . The proposed monopole tower will be 95 feet tall (including a lighting rod), and will hold antennas for three (3) separate wireless carriers. The antennas are mounted on the inside of pole rather than outside the pole. · AICUZ is > 75 and APZ-2. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · Consent Agenda. · No opposition. " I r ~~"'" &~~,... .....t~" fJl' ~, \\1 ~fji . "h~ c\~ :~,., ,\.;.- III ~.S~~~ ~~~. "" "- CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ~ ITEM: RICHMOND 20MHZ, L.L.C. D/B/A N TELOS, Conditional Use Permit, (communication tower), 345 North Great Neck Road. BEACH DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a wireless communications tower and related equipment on a vacant and unimproved site. The site is bordered on the east by a shopping center, on the south by an appliance repair shop, and to the north and east by Poyner Lane and residential. . Considerations: The proposed monopole tower will be 95 feet tall (including a lighting rod), and will hold antennas for three (3) separate wireless carriers. The antennas are mounted on the inside of pole rather than outside the pole. Ground-level equipment will be located to the north and west of the proposed pole. The entire lease area will be encompassed by a six-foot tall chain-link fence with an access gate. As required by Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the applicant submitted the required structural report indicating that the proposed tower is designed in accordance with the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA- 222G) standards and the American Society Civil Engineers (ASCE 7) for 115 mile per hour, 3-second wind speed. The applicant has also submitted a Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Report (NIER) indicating that there is no identified area accessible to the general public that exceeds the limits specified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the tower meets the criteria for tower location specified in Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance and there was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The tower shall be constructed substantially as shown on the site plans entitled "nTelos Telecommunications Facility; Chesopeian Colony (RMB- 5428)", prepared by Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, dated December 1, 2008. The plans have been exhibited to City Council and are on file with the Richmond 20MHZ, L.L.C. d/b/a Ntelos Page 2 of 2 Department of Planning. 2. The tower including antennas and lightning rod shall not exceed 95 feet in hei~Jht. 3. In the event interference with any City emergency communications facilities arises from the use of this tower, the user( s) shall take all measures reasonably necessary to correct and eliminate the interference. If the intelference cannot be eliminated within a reasonable time, the user shall immediately cease operation to the extent necessary to stop the interference. 4. Should the antennas cease to be used for a period of more than one (1) year, the applicant shall remove the antennas and their supporting tower and related equipment. 5. The Director of Planning may allow the installation of a type of antenna different from that shown on the plans described in Condition 1 if the Director determines that the proposed antenna type will (a) not result in any undue impact beyond the antenna type shown in the submitted plan in the plan described in Condition 1 and (b) meets all other relevant requirements of Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance. 6. The applicant shall install a solid wood privacy fence around the proposed telecommunication tower and/or ground equipment depicted on the final site plan, with final approval at the discretion of the Planning Director. No barbed wire shall be permitted. 7. No signs indicating the location of this facility are allowed. 8. Existing trees on-site shall remain undisturbed and protected. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager~ lL ' ~bfI\.. REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for communications tower ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 345 N. Great Neck Road GPIN: 1497959915 ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH III RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 January 14, 2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Leslie Bonilla SITE SIZE: 0.48 acres AICUZ: Greater than 75 dB DNL / APZ2 SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a wireless communications tower and related equipment on a vacant and unimproved site. The proposed monopole tower will be 95 feet tall (including a lighting rod), and will hold antennas for three (3) separate wireless carriers. The antennas are mounted on the inside of pole rather than outside the pole. The site is bordered on the east by a shopping center, on the south by an appliance repair shop, and to the north and east by Poyner Lane and residential. Additional space on the tower is available for two (2) future antenna collocation opportunities, with their ground-level equipment located to the north and west of the proposed pole. The entire lease area will be encompassed by a six-foot tall chain-link fence with an access gate. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped vacant site RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 1 SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Poyner Lane · Single-family homes! R-10 Residential District . Retail! B-2 Community Business District . Retail! B-2 Community Business District . Poyner Lane . Single-family homes! R-10 Residential District South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The majority of the site is a grass field. There is existing landscaping on- site including oak and bayberry trees. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Evaluation: The communications tower has been designed to accommodate up to three (3) antennas. As required by Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the applicant submitted the required structural report indicating that the proposed tower is designed in accordance with the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA - 222G) standards and the American Society Civil Engineers (ASCE 7) for 115 mile per hour, 3- second wind speed. The applicant has also submitted a Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Report (NlER) indicating that there is no identified area accessible to the general public that exceeds the limits specified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Section 232(b)(1) of the City Zoning Ordinance stipulates the minimum setback requirement from the base of the tower to any property line abutting a residential use or district must be equal to 110 percent of the height of the tower. This would require the residential property line to be 104.5 feet away from the tower. The closest residential property line appears to be approximately 120 feet from the tower. Section 232 811so specifies that no communication tower may be located closer to an existing residential structure than the distance equal to 125 percent of the total height of the tower and antennae. In this application, the provision would require that the tower should be at least 118.75 feet from any residential structures. The closest residential dwelling appears to be approximately 185 feet from the tower. Existing landscaping combined with proposed landscaping provides an adequate buffer between the proposed tower and existing residential community. It is staff's opinion that this proposal would provide a needed service to the community, is not intrusive to the visual aesthetics of the community, and meets the criteria for tower location specified in Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance. CONDITIONS 1. The tower shall be constructed substantially as shown on the site plans entitled "nTelos Telecommunications Facility; Chesopeian Colony (RMB-5428)", prepared by Johnson, Mirmiran & RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 2 II III Thompson, dated December 1, 2008. The plans have been exhibited to City Council and are on file with the Department of Planning. 2. The tower including antennas and lightning rod shall not exceed 95 feet in height. 3. In the event interference with any City emergency communications facilities arises from the use of this tower, the user(s) shall take all measures reasonably necessary to correct and eliminate the interference. If the interference cannot be eliminated within a reasonable time, the user shall immediately cease operation to the extent necessary to stop the interference. 4. Should the antennas cease to be used for a period of more than one (1) year, the applicant shall remove the antennas and their supporting tower and related equipment. 5. The Director of Planning may allow the installation of a type of antenna different from that shown on the plans described in Condition 1 if the Director determines that the proposed antenna type will (a) not result in any undue impact beyond the antenna type shown in the submitted plan in the plan described in Condition 1 and (b) meets all other relevant requirements of Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance. 6. The applicant shall install either a blaok vinyl ooated ohain link fenoe or a solid wood privacy fence around the proposed telecommunication tower and/or ground equipment depicted on the final site plan, with final approval at the discretion of the Planning Director. No barbed wire shall be permitted. 7. No signs. indicating the location of this facility are allowed. 8. Existing trees on-site shall remain undisturbed and protected. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 3 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda It~m 8 Page 4 \ \ .... ,.. " , , , , --.....----- , " ~. , >r' J ~~.< I ~~+ ! ~~-t~,. I I , I I , \ I \ \ \ \ , , , , , ... ... ... ... ... ... -- \ , , , ... ... ... " ... , , , , \ \ \ \ \ II I IlIi.Il6l' Iff II iDN!'1i;aZ E1fY.l5tX' I I I I I I I ...-..;ED '!1Jx':I1 J ';[$ffIJC/WO"D 2D Wl'lotl' ~ " , , , , , " , "'.... --------"""" sn:E~ ~fII.(J ~. O'~' ~ I' . (,0,.0- PROPOSEO S\lE P'-"~ RICl-lt.AONO ZOt.AI-IZ. LLC. 011311>- NiEL( I\.genda \te~ pag I~'I/CL TO TOP OF tAiHTNING ROO ~ RA{). COtTER OF FU!JL!!L__ ANT f ",,~ fI6f7 t ICl. J RA/). CfltTER OF .AI. NrELQ5 flH(HIJOHD ..2Q..M!1I.,U&J "Vliiff"ltAS 089' tltCU ~ RID. CENT!.R JJLUi!~-- NffENltAS Ore? IIIGLJ a. 1'1 ., o ... ~ & 0- .J d .i .... f1' GRQUt4(J llNf - ICE BRllx;[ . COO/PI/EN' PLATFORIJ PROPOSED TOWER ELEVATION RICHMOND 20MHZ. LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 6 II III .' · Federal Aviation AdOstration Air Traffic Airspace Branch, ASW -520 2601 Meacham Blvd. Fort Wortb, TX 76137-0520 CJ Aeronautical Study No. 2008-AEA-3199-0E Prior Study No. 2008-AEA-2150-0E Issued Date: 11113/2008 Chris Sahr NTELOS (CS) 415 Port Center Parkway Suite 95 Portsmouth, VA 23701 .. DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 D.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure: Location: Latitude: Longitude: Heights: Antenna Tower NR-5428 Virginia Beach, VA 36-50-36.88N NAD 83 76-02-58.29W 95 feet above ground level (AGL) 110 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure would have no substantial adverse effect on the safe and efficient utilization of the navigable airspace by aircraft or on the operation of air navigation facilities. Therefore, pursuant to the authority delegated to me, it is hereby determined that the structure would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s) is(are) met: It is required that FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, be completed and returned to this office any time the project is abandoned or: _X_ At least 10 days prior to start of construction (7460-2, Part I) _X_Within 5 days after the construction reaches its greatest height (7460-2, Part II) See attachment for additional condition(s) or information. Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking and/or lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70n460-1 K Change 2. The structure considered under this study lies in proximity to an airport and occupants may be subjected to noise from aircraft operating to and from the airport. Any height exceeding 95 feet above ground level (110 feet above mean sea level), will result in a substantial adverse effect and would warrant a Determination of Hazard to Air Navigation. This determination expires on 05/13/2010 unless: FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL LETTER RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 7 (u). extended, revisedQrminated by the issuing office. 0 (h) the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINA nON MUST BE POSTMARKED OR DELIVERED TO THIS OFFICE AT LEAST IS DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. This det(~rmination is subject to review if ~ interested party files a petition that is received by the FAA on or before December 13, 2008. In the event a petition for review is filed, it must contain a full statement of the basis upon which it is made and be submitted in triplicate to the Manager, Airspace and Rules Division - Room 423, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave., Washington, D.C. 20591. This dete:rmination becomes final on December 23, 2008 unless a petition is timely filed. In which case, this determination will not become final pending disposition of the petition. Interested parties will be notified of the grant of any review. For any questions regarding your petition, please contact Office of Airspace and Rules via telephom~ - 202-267-8783 - or facsimile 202-267-9328. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition II)f other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA. . Thisdetennination docs include temporary-construction equipment- such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than th~ studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. This aeronautical study considered and analyzed the impact on existing and proposed arrival, departure, and en route procedures for aircraft operating under both visual flight rules and instrument flight rules; the impact on all existing and planned public-use airports, military airports and aeronautical facilities; and the cumulative impact resulting from the studied structure when combined with the impact of other existing or proposed structures. The study disclosed that the described structure would have no substantial adverse effect on air navigation. An account of the study findings, aeronautical objections received by the FAA during the study (if any), and the basis for the FAA's decision in this matter can be found on the following page(s). A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission if the structure is subject to their licensing authority. Ifwe can be of further assistance, please contact Donna ONeill, at (816)329-2525. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2008-AEA-3199-0E. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL LETTER RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 8 II III # Date Action 1 8-26-65 Granted 8-26-65 Granted 2 7-13-93 Granted 3 12-14-93 Granted 4 5-8-89 Granted ZONING HISTORY RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 9 ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) ~~O.JP ~ MUz.. I LLC~ +~ ~ C,"",/.\.'t'~ ') 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entifi relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) .~ M. MLt:.~ 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsldiary1 or affiliated business entitf relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. l & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No .::t... If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Conditicmal Use Pennil Application Page 9 of'O Revised 3/11/08 ~ I I ~ U ~ ~ ~ E-t ~ 8: ~ ~ ;:::J ~ o I I H ~ ~ U RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 10 II z o I I ~ U I I ~ ~ ~ F-4 ~ ~ ~ r:I:} p ~ o I I F-4 I I ~ Z o u III DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Right Coast Consulting 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va Code ~ 2,2-3101 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling oWr'lership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101, CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that. upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package The undersigned also consents to entry upon the SUbject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photogr~h and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application /////~ AP~~n'iture t:~i!lla~ 1lr>JJlj r/I, M.r WeLc,o.J Pnnt Name Conditional Use Permit Application Page 100110 Revised 713/2007 RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 11 James S. Quarforth Garl A. Rosberg David R. Maccarelli Michael B. Moneymaker Mary McDermott Shirley J. Madison RL. McAvoy, Jr. NTELOS DISCLOSURE INFORMATION MAY 31,2007 RICHMOND 20MHz, LLC TRADING AS NTELOS Chairman and Chief Executive Officer President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President. Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary Senior Vice President Assistant Secretary Vice President RIGHT COAST CONSULTING INC. 207 23RD STREET VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23451 RIGHT COAST CONSULTING INC DISCLOSURE INFORMATION William E. Gambrell Owner Land Planner I Regulatory Consultant DISCLOSURE STATEMENT RICHMOND 20MHZ, LLC, D/B/A NTELOS Agenda Item 8 Page 12 II, II III Item #8 Richmond 20MHz, L.L.c. d/b/a N- Telos Conditional Use Permit 345 North Great Neck Road District 6 Beach January 14, 2009 CONSENT Joseph Strange: The next item is item 8. An application ofN-Telos for a Conditional Use Permit for a communication tower on property located at 345 North Great Neck Road, District 6, Beach with eight (8) conditions. Bill Gambrell: Mr. Strange. Thank you. Madame Chairman, Commissioners, my name is Bill Gambrell. I'm a local land planner and I represent the applicant. I have a couple of things for you today. First, I appreciate being on your consent agenda. Second, the conditions are absolutely acceptable, and third, Happy New Year. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Joseph Strange: Thank you very much. Is there any opposition to this matter being placed on the consent agenda? The Chair has asked Jay Bernas to review this item. Jay Bernas: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a wireless communications tower on a vacant and unimproved site. The proposed monopole tower will be 95 feet tall and hold antennas for three (3) separate wireless carriers. The antennas will be mounted on the inside of the pole rather than on the outside of the pole. In staffs opinion, they thought this was a needed service for the community. It is not intrusive to the visual aesthetics of the community and meets the criteria for the tower location specified in Section 232 of the City Zoning Ordinance. We did modify condition 6, which eliminated the option of the chain link fence. We've heard no opposition and therefore have placed this on the consent agenda for approval. Joseph Strange: Thank you Jay. Madame Chair, I will make a motion to approve agenda item 8. Janice Anderson: A motion by Joe Strange and a second by Gene Crabtree. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 1 \ ANDERSON BERNAS CRABTREE HENLEY HORSLEY AYE AYE AYE AYE ABSENT Item #8 Richmond 20MHz, L.L.C. d/b/a N- Telos Page 2 KATSIAS AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 9-0, the Board has approved item 8 for consent. \ II III ATTOM DONUTS Map M-6 Attom Donuts Inc Moo Not to Scola . . t 1> 0 \ \:]\.-...1 )) U-- AO ~~ \ \..-1-1 r . ~ ~ '~~3 _ ---~.JW. t~~~1 \ ()4.\ '1 ~. -1 ~-~~~ ~ ~-~ ~\ JiiT-3 J ,~ -, - --- --~" - ~CdB.t~ II 2 ~ ~G) ~ ~~ ~ ) "iI-{-::b ..\ ~ ~ -- " c::;- \)\c;t; 'T' 1......-::: - ~ & 1..fl t.'3(. ~~ ~ pO' ~ ~\ :1-c., - ~ 3 --- ~ . ~ .<''' =' I' r""D \l RJi-. 0' - - - = LrlS ~ ~ ~ R XI' ,b lot , ~~ - ~ ~ ~ \' \, t\9 ....l ~~s~ ~. 1 ~ ~L~~ r. rr;- ~~ - ~ I ;) ~ ~ I -- :l~'~ ~. ~ ~ r- .=- ~ !,..--- .......: ~ ~ 05 - n T'! ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~w. - I T..& ,~ ~~ -- - \~ ~c f ~. ~. Ufi, -~ ~~ \ ~~"rl .9 /~ ~ ~\ ~~ , ~ ~I~ U; --- ~ CUP for Eating & Drinking Establishment wi Drive- Thru Relevant Information: · Beach District . The applicant proposes to renovate the existing building for a drive- through restaurant. · AICUZ is 70-75. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended denial · Planning Commission recommends approval (6-3-1). · There was opposition. II III ~~~ tffl~~ V'~j ~~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: ATTOM DONUTS, INC., Conditional Use Permit (eating and drinking establishment with a drive-through window), 501 Laskin Road. AICUZ BEACH DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment (donut shop). Previous users of the site include a dry cleaner and restaurants with a drive-through facility. The Zoning Ordinance was amended in 2005 to require all drive-through facilities within the RT -3 Resort District to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Administrator determined this request for a restaurant with a drive- through facility is a change of use (dry cleaner to restaurant) and a Conditional Use Permit for the drive-through facility is required. . Considerations: The submitted site plan depicts the existing building, constructed in 1964, associated parking, the existing free-standing sign, landscaping, and pavers. The building is situated 51 feet from Laskin Road, 44 feet from Baltic Avenue, 23 feet from the rear of the site, and 43 feet from the western side of the site. Fifteen (15) parking spaces are depicted between the building and the right-of-ways and three spaces are depicted on the western side of the site. Currently there are three vehicular access points to the site, two on Laskin Road and one on Baltic Avenue. A drive-through lane begins on the western side of the building, winds around the rear of the building and along the eastern side of the building. The installation of brick pavers are proposed along Laskin Road, adjacent to the existing free-standing sign, and the corner of the site adjacent to the intersection of Laskin Road and Baltic Avenue. A proposed pedestrian / handicap access path will be installed from the intersection to the building. According to the submitted building elevation, the exterior will be finished with HardiePlank@siding and Dryvit@ (Exterior Insulation Finish System - EIFS). The roofing will consist of architectural grade shingles. The windows and doors will consist of aluminum storefront, and all the building trim will be vinyl. The proposed building colors will be cream, tan, and brown. Signage will be the standard Dunkin Donuts@ colors of orange and pink. Attorn Donuts Page 2 of 3 The proposal is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. One of the guiding principles of the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, adopted in 2005, is to create resort area gateways that are attractive, provide a sense of arrival, and direct visitors to places where they can park their cars and use other transportation methods. The Laskin Road Gateway, as defined in the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, is located along Laskin Road from Little Neck Creek to Pacific Avenue and along portions of Baltic Avenue, 29th Street, and 30th Street, and consists of a mix of commercial uses, most of which are small shops and restaurants. The Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District and the Resort Area Design Guidelines were adopted to provide guidance in the development and redevelopment of properties and infrastructure along Laskin Road, also known as 31st Stn~et. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor is to be urban in form, with the building mass located adjacent to the sidewallk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. This proposal to redevelop the site for a donut shop with a drive-through facility is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the area, the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, or the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan. Staff compared the submitted site development plans and building elevations to the criteria listed in the Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District, the design goals of the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, and the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations and the Oceanfront Resort Area Concept Plan, and finds the request does not meet the stated criteria and goals of the adopted ordinances and guidelines. The request is lacking in furthering exceptional quality development in the area and in enhancing pedestrian facilities and activities within this corridor. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor is to be urban in form, with the building mass located .adjacent to the sidewalk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. The applicant's proposal is not consistent with the plan. Staff cannot support this request and recommends denial of the application. There W.3S opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 6-3 with 1 abstention to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The Baltic Avenue and Laskin Road streetscapes shall be designed to reflect the street design of the recently completed Capitol Improvement Project CIP II III Attom Donuts Page 3 of 3 # 2-076 30th Street Laskin Road Gateway. This includes paving design, plantings, street lighting, and site furnishings. 2. The proposed drive-through window shall be re-Iocated to the western or southern side of the building. The applicant shall work with the City of Virginia Beach Public Works Department I Traffic Engineering to implement an adequate stacking area for the drive-through facility. 3. The northeast area of the site adjacent to both Laskin Road and Baltic Avenue shall be re-designed to eliminate the parking stalls along Laskin Road and incorporate low masonry seat walls, plaza development, seating, and plantings to create an urban-like architectural edge. 4. The existing free-standing sign and adjacent 'drive-through' sign shall be removed. The applicant may install only a monument sign, no more than eight (8) feet in height, and similar in design to the Farm Fresh supermarket sign west of the site. 5. A site plan depicting all the conditions listed above shall be submitted to the City of Virginia Beach Planning Department I Development Services Center for review and approval. 6. Improvements to the building shall substantially comply with the submitted elevations entitled "Preliminary Elevations Dunkin Donuts @ Laskin Road", dated November 3, 2008 and prepared by Warner and Associates Architects. Said elevations have been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. Modifications to the plans may be approved by the Planning Director to accommodate the re-Iocation of the drive-through facility. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends denial. Planning Commission recommends approval. ~ Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager:~\ \L . ~ REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through facility ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: 501 Laskin Road GPIN: 24189147690000 ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH SITE SIZE: .19,950 square feet AICUZ: 70 - 75 dB DNL #24 February 11, 2009 Public Hearing APPLICANT: A TTOM DONUTS PROPERTY OWNER: MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST STAFF PLANNER: Faith Christie APPLICATION HISTORY: The application was deferred on December 10. 2008 at the request of the applicant. The applicant met with the Resort Area Advisory Commission's Planning and Design Review Committee on December 3, 2008 to discuss redevelopment of the site. The Planning and Design Review Committee offered the following recommendations for site and building design that would complement the Laskin Road Gateway Corridor: 1. The Baltic Avenue and Laskin Road streetscapes should be re-designed to reflect the street design for the recently completed 30th street and 31 st from Atlantic to Pacific Avenues. This includes paving design, plantings, street lighting, and site furnishings. 2. The existing Bon Air cleaners sign should be demolished and replaced with a monolith sign conforming with the current sign ordinance and similar in nature to the Farm Fresh sign. 3, Consideration should be given to removing the parking stalls along Laskin Road and creating an urban architectural edge perhaps incorporating low masonry seat walls, plaza development. seating, and plantings. The PDRC will support any variance necessary for a reduction in parking in this area. 4. Consideration should be given to relating the building architecturally to Laskin Road with a possible extension of the building architecture with an on-site outdoor cafe, etc. 5. The primary year around traffic for this facility will enter from Baltic Avenue as traffic engineering most likely will not grant a left turn westbound from Laskin Road into this property as the curb cut is so close to the intersection. Only traffic traveling east bound on Laskin will use the north entrance. With this in mind. we would prefer to see the driveway window on the western side of the building out of the public view. The majority of the traffic entering from Baltic Avenue will have ample queuing to come around the north side of the building and queue up at the west side window. ATTOM DONUTS,INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRt1ST Agenda Item. 24 Page 1 ',t. <, '::' II III 6. The architecture of the building while in conformance with corporate standards does not reflect the architecture of the 31 Ocean redevelopment areas. Mansard roofs, large divided light windows, olive colored EFIS, and brown hardy plank are not in keeping with a resort style. A tour of the recently completed Hilton, Ocean Beach Club, Turtle Cay, Inlet Fitness, and several of the more recently completed or in progress oceanfront hotels may provide some guidance as to the contextual design elements. The applicant met with staff on December 22, 2008 to discuss the Planning and Design Review Committee's recommendations for redevelopment of the site. Modified site plans implementing some of the recommendations were submitted to staff on January 5,2009. Changes to the plans included: . The deletion of one (1) parking space along the Baltic Avenue frontage; . The addition of four (4) feet of concrete along the front of the building to be used for two tables and planters; . An increase in landscaping from 600 square feet to 1,137 square feet and the addition of a table and benches at the intersection of Laskin Road and Baltic Avenue; . Re-configuration of the parking and deletion of landscaping along Laskin Road. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow drive through facilities in conjunction with a donut shop. Previous users of the site include a dry cleaner and restaurant with a drive-through facility. The Zoning Ordinance was amended in 2005 to require all drive-through facilities within the RT -3 Resort District to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Administrator determined the request for a restaurant with a drive-through facility is a change of use and a Conditional Use Permit for the drive- through facility is required. The submitted site plan depicts the existing building, constructed in 1964, associated parking, the existing free-standing sign, landscaping, and pavers. The building is situated 51 feet from Laskin Road, 44 feet from Baltic Avenue, 23 feet from the rear of the site, and 43 feet from the western side of the site. Fifteen (15) parking spaces are depicted between the building and the rights-of-ways and three spaces are depicted on the western side of the site. Currently there are three vehicular access points to the site, two on Laskin Road and one on Baltic Avenue. A drive-through lane begins on the western side of the building, winds around the rear of the building and along the eastern side of the building. The installation of brick pavers are proposed along Laskin Road, adjacent to the existing free-standing sign, and the corner of the site adjacent to the intersection of Laskin Road and Baltic Avenue. A proposed pedestrian / handicap access path will be installed from the intersection to the building. According to the submitted building elevation, the exterior will be finished with HardiePlank'" siding and Dryvit@ (Exterior Insulation Finish System - EIFS). The roofing will consist of architectural grade shingles. The windows and doors will consist of aluminum storefront, and all the building trim will be vinyl. The proposed building colors will be cream, tan, and brown. Signage will be the standard Dunkin Donuts@ colors of orange and pink. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION -.'; ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL E;STATE TRU,ST Agenda Item 24 . Page 2 EXISTING LAND USE: A closed dry cleaning business SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Laskin Road · Across Laskin Road are retail and restaurant uses / RT-3 Resort Tourist (Laskin Road Gateway Overlay) · Parking area for Farm Fresh grocery store / RT-3 Resort Tourist (Laskin Road Gateway Overlay) . Baltic Avenue · Across Baltic Avenue is a gas station with automotive repair / RT-3 Resort Tourist (Laskin Road Gateway Overlay) · Farm Fresh grocery store / RT-3 Resort Tourist (Laskin Road Gateway Overlay) South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no known significant natural resources or cultural feature associated with the site. The site is entirely impervious. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Laskin Road is a four-lane urban arterial in front of this site. Laskin Road has a variable right-of-way width; the Master Transportation Plan depicts an undivided highway with an ultimate right-of-way width of 88-feet. Capital Improvement Program project (CIP) 2-143, Laskin Road Gateway Phase 1-A, is scheduled for this segment of Laskin Road. The 30% design plans indicate a future right-of-way width of 80 feet for this portion of Laskin Road. Baltic Avenu€i is a two-lane collector. Baltic Avenue has a variable right-of-way width. This roadway is not included in the Master Transportation Plan. There is currently no Capital Improvement Program project scheduled for this segment of Baltic Avenue. The entrance located off Laskin Road will require a physical deterrent to prevent left turns out of the site. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Laskin Road 29,515 ADT 27,300 ADT 1 Existing Land Use ~ - 750 ADT (11 AM /26 PM Peak Hour) Baltic Avenue No Counts 9,900 ADT 1 Proposed Land Use 3 - Available 893 ADT (53 AM / 12 PM Peak Hour) Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by 0.46 acres zoned RT -3 Resort 3 as defined by an 1,800 square foot donut shop with drive-through facilities WATER: This site is connected to City water. The existing 1-inch meter may be used or upgraded to accommodatE! the proposed development. ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 3 II III SEWER: This site is connected to City sanitary sewer. The applicant must provide an analysis of Pump Station # 003 and the sanitary sewer collection system to ensure future flows can be accommodated. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of this request. Comprehensive Plan: The proposal is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for this area. One of the guiding principles of the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, adopted in 2005, is to create resort area gateways that are attractive, provide a sense of arrival, and direct visitors to places where they can park their cars and use other transportation methods, Building upon this concept, Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District and the Resort Area Design Guidelines were adopted to provide guidance in the development and redevelopment of properties and infrastructure along Laskin Road, also known as 31st Street. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor is to be urban in form, with the building mass located adjacent to the sidewalk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. The Laskin Road Gateway, as defined in the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, is located along Laskin Road from Little Neck Creek to Pacific Avenue and along portions of Baltic Avenue, 29th Street, and 30th Street, and consists of a mix of commercial uses, most of which are small shops and restaurants. Tracts of undeveloped or underutilized land are located within the area, offering significant opportunities for the development of a major resort-based activity center. The Laskin Road Gateway should be improved so that it accomplishes the following three objectives. First, Laskin Road, 30th Street, and 31 st Street must be able to direct traffic entering from the west to parking garages where cars can be parked and individuals can easily transition to a pedestrian or transit mode. Second, the streetscapes on these roadways must afford safe, pleasant, and convenient pedestrian access between Baltic Avenue and the Boardwalk while also providing an enhanced shopping experience for those pedestrians through the use of interesting storefront displays, cafes, and similar activities. Finally, all improvements along this corridor must exhibit exceptional design quality, as expressed in the Resort Area Design Guidelines. To accomplish the first objective, the recommendations of the Resort Area Design Guidelines should be adhered to, particularly in regard to limiting vehicular access points along Laskin Road and 30th Street. Conveniently located parking facilities, integrated into the buildings, should replace all on-street and direct-access parking, such as those currently along Laskin Road east of Baltic Avenue. The second objective can be accomplished by widening the storefront sidewalks on both sides of Laskin Road east of Baltic Avenue and by improving 30th Street to match the improvements on Laskin Road. The third objective can be achieved by designing eye-catching landscaping and streetscape treatment along Laskin Road. Many of these recommendations are embodied in the design plans that have been developed for roadway and streetscape improvements to this area as part of the Laskin Road Gateway Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project 2-076. This CIP Project, combined with the already adopted amendments to the City Zoning Ordinance for the RT-3(LRG) Laskin Road Gateway and the accompanying Design Guidelines, puts all of the ingredients in place to move this area forward to being part of a First Class Resort. A TTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 4 Evaluation: Laskin Road serves many roles. It is a major east-west urban arterial road serving the east central area of the Resort and is also one of the four main entrance roads in the Resort. The portion of Laskin Road between Little Neck Creek I Beach Garden Park and Atlantic Avenue has served the role of "gateway" to what many visitors perceive to be "Virginia Beach." However, a second role of this stretch of Laskin Road is that of a 'Main Street' for the thousands of residents and workers in the northern area of the Oceanfront. The interplay of these two roles on this section of Laskin Road have resulted in a four-lane arterial highway serving both local and long-distance traffic constricted by a variety of land uses on each side, largely Gatering to the residents in the immediate area. Compounding these dual roles and the tension between them is the changing role of the Oceanfront Resort itself and its future. The growing prominence of the Oceanfront Resort Area as a highly desired tourist and convention destination is affecting and will continue to affect the role of Laskin Road and thus, its design and land use character. With the devolopment of a high-quality, prominent hotel anchoring the terminus of Laskin Road (which becomes 31st Street at that point), the role of this section of Laskin Road as not only a "gateway" but also as an opportunity for higher quality and more intensive development is significant, as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. The Zoning Ordinance specifies that in the evaluation of a development or redevelopment proposal within the Laskin Road Gateway, staff must use the following criteria found in Section 1521 (c) of the City Zoning Ordinance to evaluate the proposal: (c) Proposed conditional uses shall be evaluated for consistency with the following land use, transportation. and aesthetic provisions in order to further the legislative intent of the RT -3 District and the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and Oceanfront Resort Area Plan: (1) Any development or redevelopment in this area should contribute to creating an attractive wholesome family resort destination; (2) The use should be consistent with the resort area goal to promote a safe, day and night, year round resort destination; (3) The use and structure should complement resort activity centers and corridors and advance the area's public and private investments; (4) All development and other physical improvements, such as landscaping, signs, lighting, and other similar elements should strive to achieve a high level of design excellence and contribute to a quality image as expressed in the Oceanfront Resort Area Design Guidelines; (5) All transportation improvements should be designed to shift the dominant transportation mode in the area from vehicular to pedestrian and transit; and (6) The use should be appropriate for both local residents and visitors to the area. Additionally, the proposed project must adhere to the following design goals found in the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines: Desio" Goal: Provide interest at the street level and enhance the pedestrian experience. Align a building's front at the sidewalk (right-of-way) edge. Locate on-site parking to minimize visibility from the sidewalk. Parking should not be located so that it interrupts the storefront continuity along the sidewalk. Place on-site parking behind the buildings, either at-grade or within a parking structure. ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TROST Agenda Item 24 Page 5 II III Desian Goal: Clearly identify the primary entrance to a building and orient it to the street. Orient the primary entrances to the sidewalk and the primary pedestrian ways. Buildings located at the intersection of roadways should be designed with angled entrances at the corner. Recessed entries should be used in entrances at the corner. Use an awning, change in roofline, or other architectural feature to define the entrance. Special paving treatments may be used to define the entry. Desian Goal: Design outdoor spaces to enliven the sidewalk level and provide for private open space for shoppers, employees, and residents. The linear frontage of a commercial or mixed-use building should include pedestrian-oriented elements, such as . Transparent display windows, . Outdoor dining areas (cafes), . Public art or other public amenities such as fountains, benches. Staff concludes that the proposal to redevelop the site from its current status as an abandoned dry cleaner with a drive-through facility to a donut shop with a drive-through facility is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the area, the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, or the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan. Staff compared the submitted site development plans and building elevations to the criteria listed in the Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District, the design goals of the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, and the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations and the Oceanfront Resort Area Concept Plan, and finds the request does not meet the stated criteria and goals of the adopted ordinances and guidelines. The request is lacking in furthering exceptional quality development in the area and in enhancing pedestrian facilities and activities within this corridor. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor is to be urban in form, with the building mass located adjacent to the sidewalk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. The applicant's proposal is not consistent with the plan. The applicant proposes to redevelop the existing building and site, which is of a suburban design, into a donut shop with a drive-through facility following the same suburban model. While the donut shop is an acceptable use for this area and would complement the area, the submitted design is oriented to automobiles, lacking in pedestrian friendly concepts. As envisioned in both approved planning policy for this corridor and detailed planning currently under development, the vision for the Laskin Road Gateway is of pedestrian oriented uses, consisting of buildings positioned at the right-of-way line, wide sidewalks, cafes and seating areas, parking behind the buildings (or at the public parking facility at 30th Street). The existing site has parking between the building and right-of-ways and proposes a drive-through facility that will conflict with pedestrian movement on the site. The proposed drive-through facility is proposed on the eastern side of the building with access to the drive-through winding around three sides of the building. The pedestrian entrance to the building is not clearly defined and again will conflict with the drive-through facility. The result is a vehicular and pedestrian circulation pattern that is awkward, with a number of conflict points. The proposed redevelopment of the site does not depict any outdoor spaces for the users of the site. The proposed landscaping is not in keeping with the landscaping recently installed on 30th Street and proposed for the 31St Street gateway treatment. The existing free-standing sign overhangs the public right-of-way and exceeds the permitted height for free-standing signs in the City. The proposed renovation of the building does use quality materials such as HardiePlank™ siding and architectural grade shingles, but it still has the 'flavor' of a 1970's suburban style building. Staff cannot support this request and recommends denial of the application. ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 6 CONDITIONS These conditions were recommended by the Planning Commission February 11, 2009: 1. Thel Baltic Avenue and Laskin Road streetscapes shall be designed to reflect the street design of the recently completed Capitol Improvement Project CIP # 2-076 30th Street Laskin Road Gateway. This includes paving design, plantings, street lighting, and site furnishings. 2. The! proposed drive through window shall be re-Iocated to the western or southern side of the building. The applicant shall work with the City of Virginia Beach Public Works Department / Traffic Engineering to implement an adequate stacking area for the drive-through facility. 3. The northeast area of the site adjacent to both Laskin Road and Baltic Avenue shall be re- designed to eliminate the parking stalls along Laskin Road and incorporate low masonry seat walls, plaza development, seating, and plantings to create an urban architectural edge. 4. The existing free-standing sign and adjacent 'drive-through' sign shall be removed. The applicant may install a monument sign, no more than eight (8) feet in height, and similar in design to the Farm Fresh supermarket sign west of the site. 5. A site plan depicting all the conditions listed above shall be submitted to the City of Virginia Beach Planning Department / Development Services Center for review and approval. 6. Improvements to the building shall substantially comply with the submitted elevations entitled "Pre,liminary Elevations Dunkin Donuts @ Laskin Road", dated November 3,2008 and prepared by Warner and Associates Architects. Said elevations have been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. Modifications to the plans may be approved by the Planning Director to accommodate the re-Iocation of the drive-through facility. NOTE: Furttler conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 7 II III AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION ATTOM DONUTS, INC / MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 8 z <: -1 0.. ----~ f n n ~n l- ~ VI g a::: l-D~gOlO W ::::l <l '" 0.. z5?:i:e~ o u" WO:O~j-.n VlO i.;i"':i;>- ::::l.....~~~:;~ ~ Z"';:) -1 Z - G....z <: ::::l5i!!:.z::; Z Cl >0: 52 c ,... o Z o U ~ f, r" . i i ~ , ; , ~ BALTIC AVf ~-\l o <l o '" z ;< Vl ~ ! ! If i~ " .' Ii t PROPOSED SITE. PLAN ATTOM DONUTS, INC / MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRaST Agenda I tell: 24 Page 9 II -[ [ 11 I. L ] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IJ .L . Jj J 6i ~ ; ~ L III '" ~ o ~ "-::r.Q ,:~ ;;j~~ Q~ >,'J. ':;1'" Z<;:S --' .1:1 ~=" t;! =: lie ~ ~ a ~ " /, - " ~~ 'J'~ -.... . I' 'C:Ie, ,;! ~~ - - ~... I ~ ~ ':1 ~ '4 ~ ;.. 3 ~ " l)i.. ~ -<(: '. ! ~ ': t : ; .... ..J , g ~ I l: '"..1 u ~.> II) :: 1 -J; ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ IV . W. ~ '" :::; J: <1'> Z ~ to:' C ffi i ~ .... j t ~ ~ i ; PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Iterq 24 Page 10 Attorn Donuts. Inc. Map .M-6 Moo Not to Scale C ID\..-J '} ~ -~ ~ .\' ~ w _.~ ~ ;;.0- - 1~f"':ir"U~ .~ J -\UV~ - l~ T-3 j ~ ~ ~\ ~ 'n?7la....a t~'j 2\W~' RG) 1/ 1 ~ \ I ~~\ ~ IJ 't'-\1~ \\ H' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -.,.;II e ~1~~rf ~\ P\i'~oL~~ ~~~ ~. ~ \'L~~ (----'~ \. -=~..~.,.,., \ ~fS~N .b R ~) i~ .......-~/ ~ ~- '!f" \\ ~)j\~ ~\'.~ =-~.,.J k~L~~ ~.~I"T ~ 'J 1t.-...r1 ~~~ 1,...... -.- ~ '\ II .-J- ~sj{ !'~ ~ ~'~ U ~'~ W;-\Q'" ~:...a~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ r1 I ~, ~~':-l ~m\\.-- ~ ,. o~ RT-3 ~ ~n~; %\ % Y. ~It~l'" ~ L~. ---~ .:J~ e' '~iDrO ~ f-" ~ !....-- __\ftK(,) - Q l.-l ~ \( ll!I"'- , ~,... r .{}\ ::! ~ ~~ 7 ~~I~ ~~'R~l~ ~~ ~ l\ ~ n .~~\~ll~~ .~ \\ ~ ]NEM'II I ~ ~\ ~~~~ 1. 1/9/96 1/14/97 2. 1/9/96 3. 5/13/97 4. 5/28/02 3/27/01 5. 7/11/06 6. 5/9/00 7. 5/9/06 CUP for Eating & Drinking Establishment wi Drive- Thru Street Closure Street Closure Street Closure Rezonin A-12 A artment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist Conditional Use Permit (Commercial Parking Lot) Conditional Use Permit Commercial Parkin Lot Rezonin A-12 A artment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist Conditional Use Permit (Drive through facility for a financial institution Rezoning (A-12 & A-36 Apartment, RT-3 Resort Tourist to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist with the Laskin Road Gateway OverJa Approved Withdrawn A roved A roved Approved A roved A roved Approved Approved ZONING HISTORY ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 11 III II l I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership. finn, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, 'partners, etc. below: (Attach list If necessary) // John M.Cttta. Owner 2. List 811 businesses that have a parent-subsidlary1 or affiliated business entitf relationship with the applicant (Attach list if necessary) N/A o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnershiP. finn, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complet9lhis section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, finn, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach Iiat if 119C9SS8/Y) / V Brian Ward Murden, Trustee for Murden Real Estate Trust 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsldialY 1 or affiliated business entttf relationship with the appHcant (Attach IlsIlf necessary) MIA o Check here If the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership. firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. , & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No..L If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Con<III\ClMIUsI Permit AppblIon PIge , of 10 R8YIIId 71312007 III ~ I . 8 :=t ~ i if ~ ;:::J ~ CO R ~ u ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 12 ~ I I 8 S:! ~ i if ~ ~ ~ o I " H o u I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT I ADDmONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or wiN provide services with respect to the requested property use, Including but not limited to the providers of architectural ~servlces. real estate services. financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list If necessary) r) N/A .~ J\r-{ If lId ( l ( ,7 _ L_J_ \ L \ \- { . {,( . 1 .Par8nkubsidlary reIatIonahlp. mana "s I'8IationahIp that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares poue88lng more than SO percent of the voting power of another corporation.. See State and Local Government Conflct of Interests Act, Va. (:ode S 2.2-3101. 2 .Affiliated business entity reIatIonahlp. means .s relatlon8hlp, other than perent. wbaidtary relationship, that exists when (I) one busine88 entity has a controlling ownership Interest In the other buaInes8 entity, (U) . conb'Ollng owner In one entity 18 also 8 conlrollng (>>Wner in the other entity. or (Ii) there Ie shared management or control between the business tmlillea. Factors thai should be considered In determining the exIatence of an afll1la1ed bu8Inea entity nttationIhfp Include IIat the ..me person or IUbet8ntiaIIy the ..me person cwm or manage the two entIIles; there are common or commlngled fundi or a88818; the bueineIa entitles share the u.. of the ..me of'ftces or employees or 01herwlee share actlvlfle8, resources or personnel on 8 regular basis; or there Is otherwlae 8 doe. woridng .....tIonshlp between the entitlea. . See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. Code S 2.2-3101. C:ERTIFICA TION: I cerWy that the Infonnldlon conI8lned herein 18 true and accurste. I &I'ldnI8nd ht. upon receipt of noIItIc8tIon (poItl::anJ) that tha appIIcllllon he8 been ech8duIed for public '-lng, I am ,.polI.lble for obt8lnilIG BAd poetIng the reqLftd eign on the aubject property at .- 30 d&ya prlor to the llChecRjed pubic heertn" ecc:ordIng to the Instructions in this peckage. The LI1dnlgned 8180 corlI8fQ 10 upon the IWject property by employ", of the Depar1ment of F~ 10 Md the 81. for purpotel d pI'OCeI8Ing end evalu8tlng this apptlcetlon. V. (f/fA.Y)O.\ CondlUonal Uie Permit ApplIcation PIge 10 of 10 RnIIId 71312007 ATTOM DONUTS, INC I MURDEN REAL ESTATE TRUST Agenda Item 24 Page 13 II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Conditional Use Permit 501 Laskin Road District 6 Beach February 11,2009 REGULAR Janice Anderson: We'll go ahead and resume. Thanks for the waiting here a few more minutes. Donald Horsley: Qur next item is item 24, Attom Donuts, Inc. An application of Attom Donuts, Inc., for a Conditional Use Permit for eating and drinking establishment with a drive-through window on property located at 501 Laskin Road, District 6, Beach. C.J. Bodnar: Good afternoon Madame Chair and members of the Planning Commission. My name is C.J. Bodnar. I'm the engineering manager for Hoggard Eure Associates located at 901 Port Center Parkway, Suite 5, Portsmouth, Virginia. It is my pleasure to be here today on behalf of my client Attom Donuts, Inc., which is the franchisee for Dunkin Donuts on the south side of Hampton Roads, and on behalf of the property owner Murden Real Estate Trust. Mr. Murden is here also on behalf of their request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a drive-through on 501 Laskin Road. The site has in the past been a Rich's Restaurant, a Golden Skillet, a service station, and a Bon Air Cleaners, all of which and during that time period had drive-throughs. The last use, the Bon Air Cleaners, the drive- through closed about 15 months ago. Attom Donuts, Inc. has signed a lease with the property owner to renovate the existing building as a Dunkin Donuts facility. You have in your package copies of the proposed site plan with the proposed building elevation, and I have brought a large copy that is here just in case you need to see something a little larger. In addition, I have color boards from the architect that I can provide to you so you can see what the actual colors on the donut will be. Staff is recommending denial of the project based on the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, and Oceanfront Resort Area Plan. We have or feel that these documents are lacking in one aspect. They address only demolition or reconstruction or new construction. They do not address renovation of an existing facility. This is a key lacking element. In the financial climate of today, no one can expect someone who is leasing the property to invest millions of dollars to tear down an existing facility and build a new facility in order to meet a plan for which no financing exists. In addition, these guidelines do not account for facilities already in place, which in all likelihood will never be renovated or changed, facilities such as the Farm Fresh grocery store next door to our site. It is no oriented towards Laskin Road. Its parking is visible from the roadway, and it is not going to change. The Comprehensive Plan and Oceanfront Resort Plan have six goals. We feel that we meet all six of these goals. Goal 1 is any development or redevelopment in this area should contribute to creating an attractive and wholesome family resort area destination. Staffhas clearly stated in there in their staff report that they think Dunkin Donuts would be an asset to the Oceanfront experience. Goal Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 2 2, the use should be consistent with the Resort Area goal to permit a safe day and night, year round destination. Any restaurant facility wants to create a safe destination for their patrons, because if it is not safe, they patrons won't come back. Goal 3, the use of structures should compliment Resort Area activity centers and corridors and advance the area's public and private investments. Staffhas stated that we are using high quality materials in their staff report. Based on conversations with staff, they are comfortable with the design of the building, and as stated before, they feel that Dunkin Donuts would be an asset to the Oceanfront experience. And as we will discuss later, this is a substantial private investment in this area. Goa.l 4 states that all development and other physical improvements such as landscaping, signs, lightings, and other similar elements would strive to achieve a high level of design excellc~nce and contribute to a quality image as expressed in the Oceanfront Area Resort Design Guidelines. We've adjusted the site plan to provide the exact same right-of- way landscaping as is on the 30th Street Corridor that has recently been completed. And, also what is proposed for the 31 st Street Gateway treatment. We've also eliminated the existing non-conforming sign, although it would have been a great sign for donuts, and replaced it with a standard monument sign as permitted at the Oceanfront. Goal 5 says the use shall be appropriate for local residents and visitors to the area. Ray Eure, of our office, who apologizes for not being able to be here today, has discussed the project with the civic league, and they're all fi)r having a Dunkin Donuts at this location. The Garden Club of Virginia Beach has stated that they would love to have another place down at the Oceanfront where they could go to have informal meetings and get togethers. It is something that the residents are happy about the idea of it being there. Goal 6 is all transportation improvements shall be designed to shift the dominant transportation mode in the area from vehicular to pedestrian and transit. This is the sticking point regarding the application with staff. You have to understand as stated before all we're doing is renovating the existing building. We're not tearing down the: building or building a new building or anything of that nature. We're renovating the existing building. The entire site at this time is paved all the way to the right- of-way line. It's paved all the way up to the sidewalks adjacent to the roadway. We've revised the site to modify the parking to add landscape buffers as you can see on the site plan between the parking and the right-of-way. We've clearly defined the pedestrian access to the building and used nationally recognized identification methods for pedestrian crossings. We've added an outdoor cafe at the front of the building to enhance the pedestrian experience. Anal finally, we've add a table and seating area at the intersection of Baltic and Laskin to provide detail shown on the Laskin Road Gateway Corridor exhibits. As part of this plan, we have done everything that has been asked of us by the Planning staff and the Resort Advisory Committee with two exceptions. We're not going to tear down the existing building and move it closer to the street. And we have not switched the drive-through window to the other side of the building. I have addressed the issue of moving the building earlier. The moving of the drive-through window has not been done because (A) to move it to the other side of the building would put the menu board on the Baltic Avenue side of the building, and I think that would be detrimental to the appearance of the building and the corridor; and (B) the stacking ofthe drive-through lane would then wrap around the front of the building, which in our opinion would be a pedestrian hazard to people trying to access the front of the building. We've been asked by some of the people that Ray Eure and I have talked to and discussed the financial impacts on the project. The property is currently Iii II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 3 assessed with a land value of $924,700 and a value of the existing building of$85,100. Based on our discussions with various appraisal and assessment fields, the land value would be anticipated to increase $1,038,170 and the value of the building would increase $221,750. In addition, Dunkin Donuts anticipates a minimum of $20,000 a week in sales, with an average of $25,000 to $30,000 a week. Finally, Attom Donuts would be creating between 20 and 30 full-time and part-time positions at the restaurant. Finally, we would like you all too also consider the implications on the property owner if you recommend denial to City Council. In affect, you're telling the property owner he can't use the existing building in the form that it is right now. It is our understanding from conversations with the property owner that only interest in this site over the past few years have been from facilities that would require a drive-through. In addition, we've talked to real estate professionals. They said the building has no real use except for a facility that requires drive-through. In affect, you're stating that he cannot use his current property as it is currently sited. In closing, we've worked well with staff to try address all issues regarding this site. We've made numerous revisions to the plan to ensure that the design work ends in conjunction with the improvements currently shown on the 30th Street Corridor. While neither the owner nor Attom Donuts would like to remove the existing sign, we've done so. We have added not one but two seating areas to the site to provide multiple pedestrian access points to be able to sit and have a donut and a cup of coffee. We know that this development is something that the residents would like to see and would provide multiple benefits to the City of Virginia Beach. We thank you for your time and consideration in this matter, and ask that you recommend to City Council approval of this Use Permit. I'm available for any questions you may have. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Are there any questions of Mr. Bodnar? Go ahead. Joseph Strange: Do you know in a typical Dunkin Donuts establishment what percentage of the business is done through the drive-through. C.J. Bodnar: The national average is between 60 to 70 percent of the business is done through a drive-through as long as there is a drive-through. There are stores that don't have one, but the average, when you have a drive-through is 60 to 70 percent. Joseph Strange: Is there any information that is available that shows how it financially impacts the establishment ifit doesn't have a drive-through? C.J. Bodnar: I do not have any of that with me. Dunkin Donuts has not provided that to me. I am sure it is available. Janice Anderson: Go ahead Henry. Henry Livas: You do have some Dunkin Donuts in this area that don't have drive-throughs, or at least one. Is that correct? Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 4 C.J. Bodnar: Yes sir. There is one on Virginia Beach Boulevard between Great Neck and Lynnhaven that is almost 30 years old that doesn't have a drive-through. Henry Livas: Is that one profitable? C.J. Bodnar: That one is not owned by my client. So, I have no idea on that parcel. That is owned by a diffc~rent franchisee. Every franchise location that Mr. Motta has bought in this area, which includes one in Western Branch, the one on Shore Drive, the one that he is currently working on off First Colonial, all have drive-throughs. And it's Dunkin Donut's policy that any new store should have a drive-through. Janice Anderson: Are there any other questions? I have a few. The conditions that you have agreed to, and I guess there are no conditions printed out here. As far as the streetscape, you would agree to match the pavings that have been done in this corridor and on 31 st Street, the plantings and thc~ same street lighting? C.J. Bodnar: Y{~s ma'am. My landscape architect also Poodle Puff Ligustrum tree form ligustrums. He has already shown that on the plan along both Baltic Avenue and Laskin Road. We've provided the scored concrete. Originally, if you look at Laskin Road on our plan we had shown brick pavers to be installed thinking that would be an upgrade over concrete. We have gone back to show it is going to be the same scored concrete, in the same scored pattern that is on 30th Street. Janice Anderson: Okay. The Comprehensive Plan and the vision is a pedestrian corridor up and down Laskin Road. You have several parking spaces right on the front of your site plan on Laskin Road. I know you are putting seating there in the corner. Would you consider removing that parking and adding additional seating? C.J. Bodnar: What we've added so far to the plans, we've added a seat here. We have two benches, which would be the same type of benches that are installed on 30th Street. We've also added two tables here. And all the tables come with the option of having an umbrella for the table so you would have a place to get out of the sun and sit down and drink coffee on a hot summer day. Janice Anderson: I guess there was a recommendation from RAC, see where this parking is? Those four right there, about replacing that with additional seating, benches, something like that? Would that be a consideration? C.J. Bodnar: Actually the plan, Madame Chair, that RAC saw did not even have this on the plan. Janice Anderson: Right. I know you changed that. C.J. Bodnar: W<: actually had five parking spaces up here and preserving the existing sign, which actually sets somewhere right about in here. So, what we've done is taken down the II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 5 big frying pan handle sign, added the monument sign and reduced one of the parking spaces to open up the seating area right there on the corner. Janice Anderson: Okay. What I'm asking is would there be any impact to remove all those parking spaces, or do you think you would need those? That whole area be a seating area right up front. C.J. Bodnar: From an engineering standpoint, you want to keep these, because it clusters the front of the building. So, that would be my client's major concern, but if we had to lose two of them, I could probably convince him to lose two of the parking spaces. And to widen this out a little bit and pick up a little bit more green area. Janice Anderson: Okay. Let's see, the drive-through? I talked to Mr. Eure, and I definitely understand why you've got it over there on that side. Of course, I would prefer it on the other side because it backs up to Farm Fresh and is not as visible. You got it right there on Baltic Avenue and the drive-throughs are not envisioned in this area, so I don't want to put it out there on the side of the street. What about the rear of the building? Because actually, I think it would flow better. If you're coming from Laskin Road your menu sign could be right where the drive-through is now, and then you could pick up your drive-through at the end of the building and go straight out instead of doing a big circle. C.J. Bodnar: I would have to talk to the architect about that. If! remember correctly, and as Mr. Miller said earlier, I'm not an architect. Janice Anderson: I'm probably messing up the whole inside, kind of rearranging things. C.J. Bodnar: I'm not going to try to play one for you. But there is a freezer and cooler area that is always in the back of the building, and with the way this building is set up there is really no other way to move that freezer and cooler. You can't have the drive-through window being behind those two facilities. Janice Anderson: Ifwe could relocate it, like the Comprehensive Plan, they don't call for drive-through here. I don't have a problem with it because you're reusing this site and this building. I understand the restrictions that you have, but if we could make it less visible. C.J. Bodnar: The only difficulty on that Madame Chair is that if we put it here, you have to have six cars of stacking from this window to where the menu board is. Now the menu boards sits out on this corner. And this menu board is where it shows what the products that are available to order, and where the speaker would be. Janice Anderson: You don't think it would be okay if you had it on the side of the building? C.J. Bodnar: Unless I can get a waiver from City staff to allow me to have less than six cars of stacking at the window, which they have been reluctant to do on other projects that I'm working on. Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 6 Janice Anderson: Okay. Those are the only things that I have right now. Go ahead Joe. Joseph Strange: Since there is going to be more pedestrian traffic here than there would be at most places that you would have a Dunkin Donuts, what additional safety features have been put in there to protect the pedestrians from these cars coming in and out? Has any thought been given to that? C.J. Bodnar: Y~~s sir. We are planning on putting signage up showing the people driving the car where the pedestrian crossings are located at. As you can see on the plan, we've shown the pedestrian crossings. They are actually going to be stamped asphalt, and they will be red to match the bril~ks that will be put along the side of the building and along that pavilion, so it gives you that visual barrier that tells you as a driver, just as a crosswalk does when you're driving down the street. Hey, hold up a second. There is something going here. I need to slow down. Janice Anderson: Go ahead Ron. Ronald Ripley: I'm supportive of Jan. You have a denial recommendation by the staff. They're saying that this doesn't fit, and this Commission, there are some people on the Commission that are trying to work with you. How can we make this work so it does fit? She is trying to find some areas where you can put these cars where they would be less objectionable. You keep bringing up this reader board. Maybe we should see the reader board you're talking about because if that is such an objection, maybe we need to deal with that as well, because it is an issue. We want to see it. Why can't you put the drive-through on the other side: as RAC has recommended? C.J. Bodnar: That is difficult Mr. Ripley, and I'm going to try to use this thing. I will have as much luck as the doctor did earlier, probably. The problem is if you put the window right here, that is your drive-through window, you have to have your cars stacked coming around this way. So, they're coming around the front of the building. This is your pedestrian access coming into the site. So, now you got the cars parked in here to go through the drive-through where the people are going to be walking through. Ronald Ripley: Why can't you put it right where you're pointing to right now? You haven't renovated the building yet, have you? C.J. Bodnar: No sir. The only concern, and I understand that you all are trying to work with me. I appreciate: that very much. The only concern that I have with that is in order to put that window so that it is there, you would have to build out on the building. At that point we would have to put an addition on to the building, right in this location to move that window. There is an existing window here. And there is an existing window there. So, we were trying to reuse the existing window, so that we weren't putting any additions on to the building, to show that were doing construction. Ifwe show that we're doing construction then you end up in a situation of why can't you tear the building down? III II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 7 Ronald Ripley: I don't follow you. If you don't get it approved it won't matter any. C.J. Bodnar: I understand that sir. If we need to move the drive-through to this side of the building, I will get with the architect, and we will make it work. Ronald Ripley: I think that would help. It would help me in my decision. C.J. Bodnar: If that is going to make you all more comfortable with the plan, we will make it work. Janice Anderson: I'm not in your business, but I know a lot of times you can have a reader board right there, but that is not preferred, if you could do it on that side or the rear of the building. C.J. Bodnar: Maybe we can look to add something right here that will allow us to be able to put the reader board somewhere it is not as visible. Ronald Ripley: Jan, are you satisfied that he's met the other conditions RAC set forth. Janice Anderson: The public put him in the condition. I don't have written conditions. We don't have those. There are no conditions on here, but if we could print out conditions about the paving and go right down at RAC had approved, I would like that and any kind of approval. Ronald Ripley: Do you want a copy of those conditions here, or do you want staff to defer this and come back and add these conditions? I know that staff doesn't like to make recommendations when they're recommending denial. I don't want you to compromise your condition, but sometimes you say if were to be approved these conditions would need to be. Janice Anderson: Well, we haven't heard everybody yet. So, let's hear everybody, and then we'll talk about that. Are there any other questions of Mr. Bodnar? Thank you. Donald Horsley: Also in support is Brian Murden. Brian Murden: Madame Chairman and gentlemen of the Planning Commission, my name is Brian Murden. I appreciate you all listening to us today. This is a big important decision for my family especially. I like all of the things that you're asking here, and let me just give you a little history for myself. My dad bought this property years ago with my granddad, and we've gotten three ofthose corners on Laskin Road. We've been good tenants of the property over the period of time. My dad ran his gas station there probably up until the 60's, until he got sick. He was unable to perform his duties there anymore so that is when we leased it to a Rich's, the first fast food restaurant in the Virginia Beach area. Actually, the first burger joint, and from there it kind of kept going. Like you said from Golden Skillet to Bon Air Cleaners, and everyone of those had a drive-through. Now, I'm third generation family that has done business in Virginia Beach. If you count the old Princess Anne County, Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 8 my family has been here for several generations. I was born on 25th Street. I was raised 310 30th Street, and we still own that property. I own Beach Gallery, which is on Laskin. It was on 30th Street for the last 29 plus years. So, I'm very familiar with this area. And, it means lot to me to hav,e a good plan in place for this area. I appreciate what the city planners have done. I've seen the plans. I've been in Mr. Spore's office and talked to him. I mean, it is really a beautiful plan. I've heard you all mention that it is going to happen quickly. I think it is still a long term plan. And it is going to be implemented in stages, and we're not asking for a lot oftime" It is a fairly good lease. It is a nationally known chain. I think it will be good stewards to the property. In all honesty, actually, if you were all to deny this, it is going to be an empty piece of property throughout this next summer, minimal. And I don't know when it would be leased. I think this is a great opportunity for the City and for Dunkin Donuts and for my family. I've mentioned my family more than once because it is an income that we have depended on for years. It was on 10/20/07 the fire that Bon Air had put them out of business finally. And, basically we need the money to have a nice life and enjoy the city like everybody wants to enjoy it. I have plans for other properties in that same general facility. We need this to happen in order for me to work on another piece of property, actually two pieces of property. So, I just hope that you all don't confuse the long term goal of the city and have it interfere with our short term plan that we have because I think it would be beneficial to both parties. Are there any questions? Janice Anderson: Thank you Mr. Murden? Are there any questions of Mr. Murden? Go ahead Al Al Henley: Someone mentioned earlier if we defer this for 30 days, or whatever, to write some of these conditions that we've discussed, and Mr. Murden, if that occurred, would that put your contract in jeopardy? Brian Murden: Well, rent is supposed to start on March 1,2009. We ere suppose to go before City Cowlcil on 24th, I believe it is. I think, and just looking at these plans. This little section right heff~ and here (pointing to PowerPoint), those are actually raised up concrete sidewalks right now. And they won't be allowed to come up on the left side ofthe building, I think they could probably manage putting the drive-through in there without having this thing deferred again. To me, if they came in and had the sign up towards the front, and then the pick up window maybe back in the right hand corner, to me that would be feasible. I can't speak for Hoggard Eure as far as the architects, but Ray has been pretty good about working things out with what you all wanted, so I don't see why that would be an issue. I think he is pretty good about that. I really do. Janice Anderson: Are there any other questions? Joseph Strange: You're talking about putting the window in the back, right in that back corner right there? Brian Murden: Yes. II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 9 Joseph Strange: Yeah. I think that is a better idea. Brian Murden: Well just for the fact that you would flow right out onto Baltic Avenue. It would be easier. Joseph Strange: And you wouldn't have the stack up problem we're talking about. Brian Murden: I just want to see all those little green dots on one side today. Janice Anderson: He's been watching it. Go ahead Gene. Eugene Crabtree: Basically then what you would do would enclose that sidewalk someway so that you had a passageway that come from up front back there and your drive in window then would be back there. Brian Murden: They need the space for that I think that would. Eugene Crabtree: Just enclose the sidewalk and have a passageway back there and a window at the rear. Brian Murden: I don't think it would have to be roof line. It wouldn't have to be a bearing wall. I mean I'm not an architect, but I got some pretty good ideas. Eugene Crabtree: If you did that you could also make it aesthetically pleasant to look at, if you enclose that sidewalk and did that. Brian Murden: I would think so. For instance, the Wendy's over on 20th did something. They have the glass inside that looks nice. It's fast food but drive-through. It has been there for ages. Janice Anderson: Are there any other questions for Mr. Murden. Thank you very much. Brian Murden: I'm no relation to the other Mr. Murden. Eugene Crabtree: But are you related to the gentleman that owned the appliance store. Brian Murden: Yes I am. Thank you. He's a good man. Eugene Crabtree: I did business on a handshake with him. Brian Murden: That is the way we always did it. Thank you. Donald Horsley: Okay. We have Jack Pope in opposition. Item #24 Attom Donuts, [nc. Page 10 Jack Pope: Somehow I feel that the opposition is swimming up hill here. And I'm sorry to hear that because I've been waiting for three hours to give you some heartfelt comments about what I think ought to happen here, or what I would like to see happen. I'm Jack Pope. I live at 214 44th Street, so I'll speak to you as a resident of the area, and I'm also one ofthe managing partners in the Old Beach Development just around the corner, so I have a hundred million dollar investment down there too, that I feel that I need to speak for. As a resident on 44th Street, I have a lot of pride in the Beach, and I have a lot of, I think, understanding of how important the Beach is to the City of Virginia Beach. I'm a volunteer with the Virginia Beach Vision. I'm not speaking for them, but I wrote a little piece of paper for them a while back on this. The Beach, to the world, the Beach at Virginia Beach is Virginia Beach to the world. This is one of the five gateways into the Beach, by five or six east west gateways into the beach. And, I'm not very proud of what I see on, I don't mean to insult Mr. Murden or anybody else who is an owner on that street, but I'm not very proud of what I see there. One of my neighbors is Kerry Dougherty. She has written about how there is no blight at the Beach, but I've tried to get her into my car and take her down the street, and show her what I think is an embarrassment to us in some cases. Sometimes I'm there every day, and I'm embarrassed by some of the looks ofthe place. But from the owner's standpoint, and being an owner in the area, my concern is that this needs to be a gateway to the Beach, and that to me is something else. Now, from a developers standpoint, I was, five or six years ago, sold on the concept and very much. Janice Anderson: I'm going to give you more time. You've been here for three hours Mr. Pope. Jack Pope: I appreciate that. I've never been accused of simplifying anything, and so I apologize for the length of this presentation. But I will make it as short as I can, but from a developer's standpoint, I was sold by Jim Spore, Bob Scott, the four horsemen, the Apocalypse, the gang of four. I can't remember which one they would refer to as, to what they vision was for that area. And it was an urban village. An urban village is totally different than what we are talking about here, an urban village, as you all know, as well or better than I do, it's an edge along the street. It's a mixed use type of development. It's a lot ofliving on that street, a lot of people walking on that street. If you look at what's down there now, and spend anytime there, you will see that it is not a pedestrian friendly place. There have been a lot of people that have been sold on this concept of an urban development as a gateway to the Beach. I think we are going to see more of it on 19th Street. I think we're going to seem more of it on 1 ih Street. I think we're going to see it on Norfolk A venue. I think we ought to see it on 31 st Street. My feeling is that this ought to be a mixed use development that we could take pride in like Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg, which is an icon for that city. There have been others that have been sold on this commitment. I think you all know that PHR is planning a 60 million dollar development at the other end ofthe street from the property we are discussing, at Pacific and 31 st Street. And, that is going to be all about mixed use. It is all going to be about apartments, about four and five stories. It is all going to be about retail on the street. Hopefully, retaining some of those wonderful retailers, who are down there now, unique retailers, who are down there now. I see at least two other developers, that I'm aware of, who have designed their III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 11 programs between Arctic and Pacific to be parking, and putting it underneath the building, putting it behind the building, getting the cars off the street. And Farm Fresh, quite frankly, I give credit to. I spoke with Ron Dennis as he was getting that project together. It is at least an edge on Laskin Road. It begins to create that sense of edge. I do know how you can create an edge on many sides of the property. We're trying to dot that as we go along with our further fillings at Old Beach Village. But, at Farm Fresh, I think they done a rather lovely job of creating an entrance at that three sided site. I understand the reasons why people, and I've talked to some people about a drive-through and a Dunkin Donuts there. Now, I'm not opposed to donuts. You can take one look at me and see that I spent some time at a donut shop. But, we've got an ordinance that says that there aren't any drive-throughs east of Bird neck Road and south of 35th Street and north of Winston-Salem Road, down at the south end of Rudee Inlet. Frankly, I would love for this to be built somewhere north of 35th Street. That would be a lot closer to my house. And, I would be happy to have it between 35th and 44th Street. And at the same time, my friends who say that like to be able to drive in and grab a donut, we do have a bakery at Farm Fresh. We do have a bakery at Harris Teeter. We do have a bakery at Fresh Market. We do the Sugar Plum Bakery just up the street past Birdneck. So, I can find my donuts. I think it is time for us to take a long term view now, not a short term expedient view. The Beach doesn't necessarily have a reputation for a long term view, but I think that is unjustified frankly. Where would we be without some of the long term decision, that have been made such as, the initial annexing of Princess Anne County, might be taken into consideration, or, where would we be if we hadn't found a way to finance the widening of the boardwalk, the building of the seawall, the improvements including landscaping to the Boardwalk, all the changes on Atlantic A venue, and I think we would be suffering frankly. So, what I'm asking for now is on a total different level than what you have all been discussing about where to put a drive-in. Where to put a drive- through? Where to put the landscaping? Where the coffee is served? You know that kind of thing. This site can create an edge, and it doesn't have to be three-four stories tall. I agree that you have to work with what you've got but it can be built in terms of an edge and creating an edge on that street. I would like to see that happen. So, I would like to do the appropriate thing for the site in creating that edge, and at least giving this long term view a chance on that street rather than what might be considered by some short sighted. Thank you for all the time. Janice Anderson: Thank you Mr. Pope. Jack Pope: I appreciate it. Janice Anderson: Jay Bernas has a question. Jay Bernas: Actually, I don't have a question for Mr. Pope. I would like to ask staff a question prior to rebuttal. Janice Anderson: Okay. Jack Pope: Did you want me to sit down? Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 12 Janice Anderson: Yes. Jay Bernas: I think if it's appropriate to ask staff a question prior to rebuttal, that it is appropriate since staff is recommending denial that they give us the context. I know Jack has provided us with a couple of sheets of paper showing some renderings and what the blocks are going to look like, but I think it is appropriate for staff to kind of give us the big picture, talk about the RFP that was just recently awarded for 32nd Street, and talk about how the traffic is going to articulate. And give us the big picture view. And talk about the denial. Jack Whitney: I'll be happy to Mr. Bernas. I think we have some images that you had requested to see" some images that flowed from some of the plans and studies that have been developed for the area. This first one is from the Sasaki plan that was adopted by City Council just a few months ago. That shows the corridor and just some massing. We don't plan on painting all the buildings red. It does show relationships, and the new image and function of 31 st Street as it runs through there. That is a streetscape image of what 31 st Street could look like with wider sidewalks, more vitality on the sidewalks, outdoor cafes, landscaping, and a reduction in the dependence of the automobile through that corridor. This is a depiction of the plan, what we would call the "District," that would be formed between 30th Street and 32nd Street. You will see a roundabout creating iconic gateway, a sense of arrival. And, then through the middle of the district there would be the new image of 31 st Street, which would remove existing parking, narrow it in terms of a lane. Introduce again, the wider sidewalks, setbacks up closer to the street rather: than further back. Landscaping planters, again outdoor activity as you might see here. One thing about long term plans, or long term visions, is they tend to attract a lot of short term interest, whether you look at and develop a vision, That tends to stimulate investment in the short term. As was the case in Town Center, th!~ same case in Princess Anne Commons. We now have an adopted long term vision or visions for Burton Station. That is already started to attract interest. This particular area, the Laskin Road Gateway, is one of three primary districts that the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan calls for. Of the three, this one is a lot farther along in terms of actually happening. We've got Kimley Horn, a very fine, highly regarded transportation engineering and planning firm, engaged to do analysis of how this district with a reconfigured street network can function. That work is underway right now. As Mr. Pope represented, we've got private development, multiple million dollars, to make something happen that would stimulate new development in addition to that right along this corridor. These developers are planning to build to the vision. And, that is what is exciting. You hear them characterize this as long term, but when a vision is adopted and can be articulated to landowners and private developers and investors they get a lot more excited about it. They see how it's going to make their property more valuable. It's going to protect them. Their investment will he made in context with others around it. Everybody will set a new standard of quality, and we find that whenever we're doing these visions good things happen in fairly quick order, as opposed to areas to where we don't have as well articulated visions, we find that redevelopment, development, renovation whatever you call it happens at a much slower pace. We're focusing infrastructure investments that the city is going to make. We've engaged in the cooperation of a number of private developers who see the vision and want to build to it in this particular area of the Oceanfront. It's poised to quickly begin a renaissance. III II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 13 And the plans that have been done, whether it's the Comprehensive Plan or the Sasaki plan for this whole area, the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan, the Laskin Road Gateway Plan and others that are under development right now, are really going to make it happen a lot sooner than you might see in some of the other areas of the resort area. So, that's sort of the context Mr. Bernas. I hope these images give you a little bit of a feel for what's contemplated in that particular area and we think is all very exciting. I would have to say that I compliment Hoggard Eure and the property owners and Dunkin Donuts and their willingness to work a lot with the staff on site plan related enhancements to the property. And, additional ones they agreed to look into as result of input from the Planning Commission. And, we commend that. We really appreciate it. However, in the analysis and implementation of this vision, we just don't feel comfortable recommending in favor of a drive-through facility in the middle of this vision which would run contrary to what we are trying to do in terms of creating a more pedestrian friendly environment with less emphasis on the automobile, particularly on 31 st Street. Janice Anderson: Jay? Jay Bernas: Just correct me if I'm wrong? There is a bout 12 million dollars in the CIP approved by City Council for the 31 st and 32nd Street? Jack Whitney: I believe that is correct. Janice Anderson: Go ahead Henry. Henry Livas: I have another question. Would you say if we were to approve this that would mean these other business leaders you're talking about with the large projects wouldn't think they were serious our own visions? Jack Whitney: I have a hard time speculating on what their reaction might be to this. It is not a major piece of property. But it is a strategically located piece of property, and I think the legitimacy and the will to build to the plan might suffer a bit. Janice Anderson: Are there any other questions? Go ahead AI. Ai Henley: I don't have a question I have a comment. Many years ago there was a vision, and I guess it was part by the railroad company, that there was a piece of sandbar at the Oceanfront of Virginia and it would be named Virginia Beach. And that development corporation had great dreams, and they came to Virginia Beach and invested millions of dollars. Eventually the Princess Anne Motel and the Cavalier came, and then around 1929 we fell on some hard times. And that became an end to that. In kind of relates to what we're going through now. We're going through some economic times, trying times that is, and we're trying to eco living. We, meaning business investors, citizens and even Council. In those great dreams they had park avenues, they had parks, and waterways to travel. A great insight and there is nothing wrong about dreaming. I think we all need to have a dream to make reality come to throughout. I guess the point I'm trying to get at is that the applicant, Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 14 his forefathers, his grandfather and his father, also had a dream. They not only lived here but they invested wisely. They have made a decent living in Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach, as well as any neighborhood, and I see Virginia Beach, as the gentleman said earlier, the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. We all have blight. But I can tell you right now I am amazed and very pleased with the virtually millions and millions of dollars, taxpaying dollars that the City of Virginia Beach has invested in, not only on the Boardwalk, Pacific Avenue and other areas at the Oceanfront. I'm very happy with that. And hopefully Virginia Beach will be prosperous in the future, and we can now see all neighborhoods deal away with blight. I think anytime a City, municipality grows, you're going to have blight. And the reason for that is because everyone doesn't have the resources of the big time investors. We're going to be dealing with property owners that have been here for many generations. You're going to be dealing with new property owners that come in here for wise investment, hoping that their dreams will come true. We have a piece of property here. Some people may consider it a blight. And it is unoccupied. It may be outdated. But we have an opportunity here or at least the city does as well as the property owner to increase the value of that property dramatically. To increase the assessment on it so the city will eventually benefit. It provides additional employment where now none exists. It provides additional sales tax on that property where none exists. It is a large investment for that particular company to come in, and I think they did, in my opinion, a great job in trying best they can do to make it workable for the City of Virginia Beach even though the property already has some commitment on funds. You read the morning paper, those funds are being compromised just to let employees remain in their positions. They are asking the employees to take leave without pay. Once again, we're facing an economic trying time. This whole company and the world is at this particular time. I think the only thing that we're looking at, at least from my perspective is can this system really work? Can this one small little application really be the straw that breaks the camel back on all of the Oceanfront? I think not. That is my humble opinion. I'm going to be supporting this application and hopefully the applicant can come back, redraw the plan, go back and work with staff, and also to relocate the drive-through window in a more suitable location. I think they did a great job in trying to work with staff to meet the demands of the landscaping, and I think that is wonderful. Hopefully, some more seating out front can be accommodated. So, there is always a workable solution. And, I've always taken the position that I would do my best to try to see the applicant's position, walk in his shoes for a mile, which I have always done and sit back and say "is this really for the benefit of the city or is it just going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back." So, with that said and taking a little bit of time, and I apologize but I'm giving you my view points and my opinions and I will be supporting this application. Thank you. Janice Anderson: Thank you AI. Go ahead Jay? Jay Bernas: Is this discussion, or are we going to time for rebuttal? Janice Anderson: Do you want to come back up? I totally forgot. C.l. Bodnar: I don't have a huge amount to add. II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 15 Janice Anderson: Okay. C.J. Bodnar: I agree with Mr. Henley. I don't think this is going to be the straw that breaks your development at the Oceanfront's back. You're talking about one parcel. You're talking about one parcel that is going to have a drive-through, that the Resort Advisory Committee has already said that they recommended approval on it. And they are not going to make a recommendation for approval on any drive-through other than the two you are hearing today. They have already said that. I mean, we are not talking about millions of dollars for investment on this property, but we are talking about doing the best with what is available to do. Weare willing to go ahead and proffer that we will move the drive-through. We will get with staff, and get them new drawings before it goes to Council meeting to put conditions on that. We will remove two of the parking spaces at the front to create a larger green along the front for a seating area. We'll proffer those right now. The biggest thing for Mr. Murden's sake is that right now we're scheduled to go to Council on February 24th. If you all defer us for 30 days, he really doesn't have a valid lease at that point in time because he is supposed to start getting money on March 1 st. We really need to have a decision, and we'll do whatever conditions we need to do to make this happen today. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Are there any questions of Mr. Bodnar now? Thank you. I'll open it back up for discussion now. Gene? Eugene Crabtree: I got one clarification with Mr. Murden. Mr. Murden, if I understood right, you indicated that you did not look at this as a real long term project that was going to impede any of the future growth of Laskin Road. Did I understand you right? Brian Murden: As far as our lease goes? Eugene Crabtree: Yes sir, as far as your lease goes? If this goes through now you did not foresee this as something that was so long term that it would prevent the future growth of Laskin Road. Brian Murden: Well, in all honesty, I have been to quite a few events that show different plans that the City has had over the last five plus years on this whole project from 30th Street to Laskin. 32nd Street has just come into the picture recently as far as what I've seen. I mean I have seen Laskin Road from everything from a cobblestone street to trolley lanes, horse and buggy. It's been a horse and pony show at times because it has changed so often. I really like the view. I don't like it having my block on Laskin Road as a park, but that could always change, I'm sure, too. I cannot really see your average tourist walking from the Boardwalk. If I'm going on vacation, I'm going to stay on the Boardwalk. I'm not going to come five blocks into the city. Maybe if it was ever to this category, somebody might come into the 400 block. I just don't see them walking down to Farm Fresh very often. There is a handful that will. I don't think this is going to happen in a ten year period. I mean if Bruce Thompson does the deal over across from where Beach Gallery is, Old Roses, Colonial Stores, or Heritage and Rite-Aid, basically that doesn't start until next year, minimal. They say it is going to take a year to build. I'll believe it when I see it. That is going to take two Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 16 years probably, three years, I would think in the long run. And then they are going to have to go to another block. They still got a lot oflandowners to deal with, and they're talking about where I am on the other side of the little Isle of Capri. For all of you that have been out here for a while. And, to get down to where we are, I think our lease is going to be over and done with by the time you get that far, in all honesty. I know you say it is going to happen quickly. I saw 30th Street. I saw how quick that happened. We were told that you have to close in three months. Bon Air lost a lot of business because they closed Baltic forever, and then they closed 30th Street. I can't imagine how many months it was now. Luckily, I had a front entrance to my store so I was not affected as much as other people were. So, that is basically where I'm coming from. I don't think it is going to come that far down that quickly. I don't think our little parcel is going to affect, like they said, it is not going to break the camel's back by any means. They are going to a nice job. They are going to have a nice building. They are. a good franchise. I think it will do nothing but enhance the city. I'm sorry to hear what Mr. Pope said. He called me months ago saying what am I going to do, it's an eyesore after the fire. I said with insurance it takes time. It is a hard situation. If he wants to cut down places, that's fine. I'm not thrilled with his. I would like to see some big Leyland cypress trees between him and Harris Teeter, as far as not making it look so bad from the back of those apartments, because those are an eyesore. But everybody sees things differently. And, I think and that's the beauty of this world, everybody has their own opinions. I just hope you can see the merit in what I'm seeing today. Thank you. Janice Anderson: Thank you Mr. Murden. Go ahead Jay. Jay Bernas: Are we discussion? Janice Anderson: Yes. Jay Bernas: Personally, and I may be in the minority, I think we need to hold to the vision. I think, you got a developer, Jack Pope, he has invested a hundred million dollars in this area, and part of making this pedestrian friendly is that it is not about tourists anymore. It is going to be a year round destination, and part of that is building residential, and building that mixed use so you can create that pedestrian environment. I think the City has spent million of dollars developing these plans, 30th Street is already done. The garage is done. The Hilton is done. Old Beach Village is well underway that in my mind, this doesn't. I don't see this Dunkin Donuts matching with what the vision for this corridor is. They got the engineer on RFP to design this area. I just think from a Planning Commission standpoint, we need to show some leadership. Stick to the vision and go with the plan that we developed. We've got two applications in front of us. They're both proposing drive-throughs. They both not consistent with the plan, and in my mind, I think we need to stick with the vision that we have set forth, b{~cause I think it shows leadership from a Planning Commission standpoint, that we're into looking at this one little parcel. We're looking at the big picture. We're looking at the strategic growth areas holistically as opposed one little postage stamp at a time. I'm not in favor of it. I may be in the minority, but it is just that I feel pretty strongly about this that when we develop these visions and we spend all this money and time with II' II III Item #24 Attorn Donuts, Inc. Page 17 these strategic growth areas, but we're not willing to stand firm and implement the vision It is almost like a waste of time. What are we doing? Janice Anderson: Henry? Henry Livas: I agree with you Jay. We talk about waste oftime. All of us were on subcommittees and all that. We studied these things, and we come up with conclusions. We've come up with nice booklets. But now we are going to get to the point that we are not going to even follow them. These two projects that are coming up now, they violate the Comprehensive Plan, the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, and Resort Area Strategic Plan. That is a lot of things to be violating for us just to look at and pass it on it and not take it seriously. So, the bad thing about it is the timing on this because the Strategic Plan was just approved in 2008. So, we're at the beginning of not giving it chance. We should at least let some time expire before we start significantly deviating from it. So, I do not support it, either one! Janice Anderson: Go ahead Joe. Joseph Strange: Well, I have to agree with both of these speakers. I've looked this thing over. I've thought it over. I hate to mess with somebody else's money, and somebody else's business being a small business man myself. I think the City does have a vision, and I don't think this fits into the vision. I would hope that the vision the City has is successful. I think it is successful, I think that piece of property will be worth of money, and I think there are going to be a lot of customers walking into that place, spend lots on donuts, lots of coffee. I think it would probably be more successful than it would ever be with a drive-through window, but that is just my opinion. Of course, I have no way of really knowing that, but I think we all have to vote our conscience, and I hope the applicant would understand that. I surely don't mean him any harm, but I do have to vote my conscience, and I think going against the vision that the city has would be going against my conscience. Janice Anderson: Since it's going this way, I'll go next. I agree with the plan that you have. I've been with the resort plan for awhile. I'm excited about the plan, but I understand that plan is based on assembly of property, and you are not always going to get that. This is one lot here. A lot of times you can't get everything that you envision in a plan, but you're trying to get the best out of the plan that you can. They want to use the exiting building here. They're not tearing it down. They are not bringing it all the way up to the front where you are going to have parcels like this in the Oceanfront area. What I believe is this is probably the best because there is an investment on this property. It is going to look a heck of a lot better than it is now. We pick what we can to improve the area and have the plan go forward. The main thing is the streetscape, to keep that open, and that's one ofthe things that I've asked the applicant to go back and increase that, and remove most of that parking up front and make it a big seating area, to make it more of a plaza area. So, that it does fit into our plan. They've agreed to match all the paving and the lighting and the planting that has already gone on 31 sl Street, so that is matching it, too. I don't want it to sit out like sore thumb. It doesn't meet all the criteria of our plan, but I think it does a dam good job of fitting in. The other thing is the improvements to the building. The elevations, and I don't Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 18 have any real problem with that, and taking down that old Golden Skillet sign that wasn't originally there. They are going to take that down and put a new monument sign. With the drive-through, I do believe Dunkin Donuts would probably want this drive-through here. It is going to be one window drive-through, and they have agreed to place it in the back, to keep up to Farm Fresh, right next door to it. And, if they place it in the back with the menu board on the one side, I think you prevent any negativity with the drive-through there. I believe this is a good development. It is an improvement in this area, and I think you will get other improvements. I don't think it takes away. Like Jack Pope has done on the lofts in Beach Village there is beautiful. I don't think this takes away from it. I'm sure he should be welcoming improvements on this corner. I would be in favor of this application with those extra requirements. Donald Horsley Okay. It comes my time. I appreciate the vision too, but I'm going to have to side with what Madame Chairman is talking. I look at it from a small business man's point of view. These people are sitting here with this piece of property and they need to do something with it. If they can improve the property and make it amenable to what RAC has said they could support as possible. I'll even go one step further. I think you need to get rid of all four of them parking spaces out front. You do that and you may get my vote. But then help start that streetscape atmosphere that we got in these pictures here that everybody has seen. I think you can do that, it might help that alot in heading in that direction. And as Mr. Murden says it is probably going to take 10 years. His contract may be up by then and something more grandiose then what we have now may be there. But they are willing to work with us. It is going to be a big improvement on that piece of property. It will start generating some revenue for the owners, and the City also. I think right now, I'm going to have to support it especially if we can get rid of those other two parking spaces. I may be willing to support it with those conditions. Janice Anderson: Do you have anything? Philip Russo: Just real quickly. I always wrestle with property owner's right to do what to do with their property versus what the City's vision is. In this case, I feel that the property owner's rights here to develop this property is important, especially from what I gathered they have had some trouble finding the right development for this property, and it has been a while. To ask them to forsake that to make the city's vision, there is just too much of a question as to when all of this is going to take place. I'm also not sure in practice that it is going to be a bit of a problem when the City's plan is implemented as we think it will be. As Al mentioned, it is a drive-through. I don't think it is going to jeopardize the overall development of the project as much as everyone is concerned. So, I am going to support the application. Ronald Ripley: If the city or somebody owned all of this land you could easily develop it just like it shown. It is beautiful and that's a vision for us to work towards. And I agree with the vision. I think what's worked out. I've been to tons ofthese meetings and participated in them. It is just that, a vision. And because of that vision it elevates the discussion of quality and design guidelines and all the things that were talked about here today. I thought that plan, Iii II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 19 we wouldn't be addressing things like streetscapes and how that ties in with your overall plan. Because what you have is a lot of people, like Mr. Murden, has owned the property forever, and you got a lot of other people down there. There are a lot of little pieces that are a little big larger, in some cases, and a lot of little pieces. You can't go out and control these pieces of property. I mean, we don't have a housing authority suggesting anything like that all. If you got the ability to do that today maybe that would be something that would be different. But the color of my thinking, if that was the case, but in this case, I am like Don. If you can do that streets cape, pull the quality and design guidelines into play like has been represented here, and move the drive aisle over to the other side like we talked about. That is where I'm going. Eugene Crabtree: I just think that by the time we get to where we are really going to develop it for our vision, and to have the street the way we envisioned it in the future, I think it is going to be far enough down the pike that the donut shop may not even exist by that time anyway. I think it may be long gone by the time we get around to developing this corridor the way that we want it. I would like to see it, and I hope that it happens in my lifetime, but I don't think that it is going to be quite that quick. So, I'm going to support this application because I think it's the best thing for right now. Janice Anderson: Is there anybody else? Do I have a motion? Mr. Bodnar? You heard Mr. Horsley. He wants the other two. Donald Horsley: The way I look at it you show the intention that you are willing to go that extra mile to get the streetscape like the pictures that envision would be. That is the way I see that thing. C.J. Bodnar: Mr. Horsley, I will tell you that I'm fairly confident that I can convince my client to eliminate two of them. I can probably get him to eliminate three ofthem. I will do everything that I can to get him to eliminate al four of those parking spaces, but I can't guarantee you that without talking to him. Like I said, I will do everything in my powers to eliminate all of them, do the streetscape as all of you have asked. Ronald Ripley: What about we include that. Janice Anderson: Yes, as a condition. Ronald Ripley: He has to try to work that out at Council. Janice Anderson: That is what I was thinking. Thank you Ronald Ripley: I would be appreciative if the staff would come up with the conditions. I understand the recommendation. Have you done that Jack, in the past where you had conditions? Item #24 Attom Donuts, ][nc. Page 20 Jack Whitney: ][ think we have been taking very good notes today based on the discussion. We can have a draft ofthe conditions, as we understand your intent, and have them ready for Council. Janice Anderson: If you make a motion, I'll review what we've discussed. Donald Horsley: You can review, it staff will develop those conditions. Ronald Ripley: I really wasn't prepared to do the motion but I'll give it a shot. Janice Anderson: You can start and we'll add to it. Ronald Ripley: Okay. I'll make a motion that we approve the application that it be subject to the site plan that has been submitted, whatever date the site plan is. Janice Anderson: January 5,2009. Ronald Ripley: Subject to the modification of dedicating the parking along Laskin Road to additional streetscape design to the satisfaction of the staff. That the drive-through be reversed and located on the other side of the building with the location on the southeast comer. Eugene Crabtree:: Southwest. Ronald Ripley: Southwest? Janice Anderson: Just put located on the rear of the building. It could be on the rear corner but the rear. Just say rear. Ronald Ripley: That the sign be removed as proposed. Is there something else? Janice Anderson: That all the development along Baltic Avenue and Laskin Road would compliment the current streetscapes, the paving design, the plantings design, the lighting design, and the e:limination of the four parking spaces up front to get a plaza seating and plaza walk through development. I think that does it. See, you did better than you thought. Donald Horsley: I'll second it. Janice Anderson: We have a motion by Ron and a second Don Horsley. David Redmond: I will be abstaining. Thank you. AYE 6 NAY 3 ABSl ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE II III Item #24 Attom Donuts, Inc. Page 21 BERNAS NAY CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KA TSIAS ABSENT LIV AS NAY REDMOND ABS RIPLEY AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE NAY Ed Weeden: By a vote of6-3, with the abstention so noted, the application of Attom Donuts, Inc. have been approved with the modifications as stated. Janice Anderson: Thank you. II III BURGER KING Relevant Information: · Beach District · The applicant proposes to demolish the existing building and to construct a new drive-through restaurant. · AICUZ is 70-75. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended denial · Planning Commission recommends approval (6-3-1). · There was opposition. II III ,{#J1.~~>l~.. .~_~_'1% ~ -\f' (5: . - ~~'lY~ ~. I..... . .) -..\~-"'. lJ) 0:',: J' {;' 'i.. "'.41 \.~.:;;:.., CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: BURGER KING CORPORATION, Conditional Use Permit (eating and drinking establishment with drive-through facilities), 524 Laskin Road. BEACH DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: A Burger King restaurant with a drive-through currently occupies the site. The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow redevelopment of the site for a new Burger King restaurant with drive-through. The existing drive-through facility is nonconforming as it was constructed before the City Zoning Ordinance required a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. The Zoning Ordinance was amended in 2005 to require all drive-through facilities within the RT-3 Resort Tourist District to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. . Considerations: The site was developed in 1970 as a Carroll's Restaurant. The applicant proposes to completely renovate the existing site by demolishing the building and parking areas and building a new restaurant with drive-through facilities, new parking lot, and adding landscaping. The applicant proposes to make the improvements in two phases. The existing Burger King drive-through facility will remain in operation while the new restaurant is constructed. Once completed the existing drive-through will be demolished and the proposed parking and landscaping will be installed. One of the guiding principles of the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, adopted in 2005, is to create resort area gateways that are attractive, provide a sense of arrival, and direct visitors to places where they can park their cars and use other transportation methods. The Laskin Road Gateway, as defined in the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, is located along Laskin Road from Little Neck Creek to Pacific Avenue and along portions of Baltic Avenue, 29th Street, and 30th Street, and consists of a mix of commercial uses, most of which are small shops and restaurants. Tracts of undeveloped or underutilized land are located within the area, offering significant opportunities for the development of a major resort- based activity center. The Laskin Road Gateway is to be improved so that it accomplishes the following three objectives. First, Laskin Road, 30th Street, and 31st Street must be able to direct traffic entering from the west to parking garages where cars can be parked Burger King Page 2 of 3 and individuals can easily transition to a pedestrian or transit mode. Second, the streetscapes on these roadways must afford safe, pleasant, and convenient pedestrian access between Baltic Avenue and the Boardwalk while also providing an enhanced shopping experience for those pedestrians through the use of interesting storefront displays, cafes, and similar activities. Finally, all improvements along this corridor must exhibit exceptional design quality, as express'ed in the Resort Area Design Guidelines. The applicant's proposal to redevelop the site for a new restaurant with a drive- through facility is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the area, the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, or the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan. Staff compared the submitted site development plans and building elevations to the criteria listed in the Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District, the design goals of the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, and the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations and the Oceanfront Resort Area Concept Plan, and finds the request does not meet the stated criteria and goals of the adopted ordinances and guidelines. The request does little to further exceptional quality development in the area and to enhance pedestrian facilities and activities within this corridor. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor be urban in form, with the building mass located adjacent to the sidewalk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. The applicant's proposal is not consistent with RASAP. The applicant proposes to redev,elop the existing building and site, which is of a suburban design, into a restaurant with a drive-through facility following the same suburban model. While the restaurant is an acceptable use for this area and would complement the area, the submitted design is oriented to automobiles, lacking in pedestrian-friendly concept~). As envisioned in both approved planning policy for this corridor and detailed planning currently under development, the vision for the Laskin Road Gateway is of pedestrian oriented uses, consisting of buildings positioned at the right-of-way line, wide sidewalks, cafes and seating areas, and parking behind the buildings (or at the public parking facility at 30tll Street). . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 6-3 with 1 abstention to approve this request with the following conditions: 1, The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted site plan entitled "BURGER KING, 524 LASKIN ROAD, VIRGINIA BEAC, VIRGINIA", prepared by Hoggard-Eure Associates, P.C., and dated 10-XX-2008 except: a. The Laskin Road streetscape shall be re-designed to reflect the street design of the recently completed CIP # 2-076 30th II III Burger King Page 3 of 3 Street Laskin Road Gateway. This includes paving design, plantings, street lighting, and site furnishings. b. The western side of the proposed building may ultimately become the predominately viewed side when 32nd Street is connected to Laskin Road west of the property. The planting design for the western side of the property shall be enhanced to appropriately reduce the mass and scale to the western side of the building to the public. The applicant shall work with the Current Planning Division of the Planning Department to design an appropriate landscape plan for the western side of the site. c. The excess proposed parking over the minimum parking requirement shall be eliminated along the Laskin Road frontage. The groups of four (4) parking spaces along the eastern side and interior portion of the site and the eastern side of the building shall be eliminated and replaced with landscaping and site furnishings such as seating areas and benches. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. Modifications to the plan may be approved by the Planning Director to accommodate the items listed above. 2. The architecture of the building shall be re-designed reflecting the architectural elements of 31 Ocean (the Hilton Hotel at 31st Street and Oceanfront) and the Old Beach Village (lofts and condominiums at 30th Street and Baltic Avenue). 3. The existing free-standing sign shall be removed. The applicant may install a monument sign, no more than eight (8) feet in height, and similar in design to the Farm Fresh supermarket sign south of the site. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends denial. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department ~ k ' "'O<<1JI't. l\f City Manage . #25 February 11, 2009 Public Hearing APPLICANT I PROPERTY OWNER: BURGER KING STAFF PLANNER: Faith Christie REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities in conjunction with a restaurant ADDRESS IIDESCRIPTION: 524 Laskin Road GPIN: 2418911948 ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH SITE SIZE: 41,271 square feet AICUZ: 70-75 dB DNL APPLICATION HISTORY: The application was deferred on January 14, 2009 at the request of the applicant. The applicant met with the Resort Area Advisory Commission's Planning and Design Review Committee on December 3, 2008 to discuss redevelopment of the site. The Planning and Design Review Committee offered the following recommendations for site and building design that would complement the Laskin Road Gateway Corridor: 1. The Laskin Road streetscape should be re-designed to reflect recently completed street design for 30th Street and 31 st Street from Atlantic Avenue to Pacific Avenue. This includes paving design, proper sidewalk widths, plantings, street lighting, and site furnishings. 2. The planting design as proposed is more suburban and I or residential in nature and does not reflect the planting designs recently installed in the 31 Ocean redevelopment areas. The planting does not adequately screen the view of the parking from Laskin Road. A low continuous evergreen screening hedg4:l is a minimum condition. 3. Consideration should be given to removing the excessive parking stalls within the proposed parking lot thus creating more green space and a potential creation of an urban architectural edge incorporating low masonry walls, plaza development, seating, and plantings. 4. The architecture of the building while in conformance with corporate standards does not reflect the architecture of the resort redevelopment areas. Cultured stone and olive colored Exterior Finish Insulation System (EFIS) are not in keeping with the resort style. A tour of the recently completed Hilton, Ocean Beach Club, 17th Street Surf Shop, Turtle Cay, Inlet Fitness, and several of the more recently completed or in progress oceanfront hotels may provide some guidance as to the contextual design elements. We recommend that decorative block, quality brick, or EFIS with an accent color be used in lieu of cultured stone as a veneer. BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 1 III 5. It is important that the Burger King Corporation is made aware that the western elevation of the proposed building may ultimately become the predominately viewed side of the building when 32nd Street is connected to Laskin Road west of the property. With this in mind, the planting design for the western property line needs to be enhanced to appropriately reduce the mass and scale to the western elevation to the viewing public. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow re-development of the site for drive-through facilities in conjunction with a restaurant. The existing drive-through facility is nonconforming as it was constructed before the City Zoning Ordinance required a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities. As specified in the City Zoning Ordinance "a nonconformity may continue provided that it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the provisions set forth in this section. However, no nonconformity shall continue if it ceases for any reason for a period of more than two (2) years". The Zoning Ordinance was amended in 2005 to require all drive-through facilities within the RT-3 Resort Tourist District to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The ordinance also requires that the lot on which the use is located is at least 100 feet from any lot zoned Residential or Apartment; the lot to the rear of the site is zoned A-12 Apartment district. Section 221 (i) of the City Zoning Ordinance allows the City Council to approve a use permit with such deficiencies if it is determined that the deficiencies are offset by the proposal or by attached conditions that ensure the proposal is compatible to the surrounding area. The applicant proposes to completely renovate the existing site by demolishing the building and parking areas and building a new restaurant with drive-through facilities, new parking lot, and adding landscaping. The applicant proposes to make the improvements in two phases. The existing Burger King drive-through facility will remain in operation while the new restaurant is constructed. Once completed the existing drive- through will be demolished and the proposed parking and landscaping will be installed. The site was developed in 1970 as a Carroll's Restaurant. The existing restaurant is 75-feet from the existing Laskin Road right-of-way, and 62-feet from the right-of-way for proposed improvements to the roadway. The existing restaurant is 3,706 square feet, and there are 52 parking spaces on the site. The proposed restaurant will be 2,563 square feet and will have 40 parking spaces on the site. The submitted site plan depicts proposed landscaping in accordance with the Parking Lot and Foundation Landscaping requirements and the Landscape Screening and Buffering Specifications and Standards. While the site design is suburban in nature, the proposed building is more urban in design utilizing building material of brick, cultured stone, Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS), metal coping, and aluminum awnings. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Burger King restaurant with drive-through facilities and associated parking, SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North South · Townhomes / A-12 Apartment · Laskin Road · Across Laskin Road is Farm Fresh / RT-3 Resort Tourist (LRG) Laskin Road Gateway · Garden center / RT-3 Resort Tourist (LRG) Laskin Road Gateway East BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 2 West . Service Station / RT-3 Resort Tourist (LRG) Laskin Road Gateway NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: The site is mostly covered by building and asphalt, and is within the Resource Management Area of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area. There are no significant natural resources or cultural features associated with the site. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTPl I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Laskin Road is a four-lane urban arterial in front of this site. Laskin Road has a variable right-of-way width; the Master Transportation Plan depicts an undivided highway with an ultimate right-of-way width of 88-feet. Capital Improvement Program project (CIP) 2-143, Laskin Road Gateway Phase 1-A, is scheduled for this segment of Laskin Road, The 30% design plans indicate a future right-of-way width of 80 feet for this portion of Laskin Road. The proposed sidewalk easement along the frontage of the site is not acceptable. A right-of-way dedication will be required during detailed site plan review. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Laskin Road 29,515 ADT 1 27,300 ADT' Existing Land Use .t. - 1,836 ADT(196 AM / 129 PM) Proposed Land Use 3 - No ChanQe 1 Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by a fast-food restaurant with a drive-through 3 as defined bv a fast-food restaurant with a drive-through WATER: This site is connected to City water. The existing 1.5-inch meter may be used or upgraded to accommodatl9 the proposed development. SEWER: This site is connected to City sanitary sewer. The applicant must provide an analysis of Pump Station # 003 and the sanitary sewer collection system to ensure future flows can be accommodated Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of this request. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 3 II III One of the guiding principles of the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, adopted in 2005, is to create resort area gateways that are attractive, provide a sense of arrival, and direct visitors to places where they can park their cars and use other transportation methods. Building upon this concept, Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District, and the Resort Area Design Guidelines were adopted to provide guidance in the development and redevelopment of properties and infrastructure along Laskin Road, also known as 31st Street. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor is to be urban in form, with the building mass located adjacent to the sidewalk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. The Laskin Road Gateway, as defined in the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan, is located along Laskin Road from Little Neck Creek to Pacific Avenue and along portions of Baltic Avenue, 29th Street, and 30th Street, and consists of a mix of commercial uses, most of which are small shops and restaurants. Tracts of undeveloped or underutilized land are located within the area, offering significant opportunities for the development of a major resort-based activity center. The Laskin Road Gateway should be improved so that it accomplishes the following three objectives. First, Laskin Road, 30th Street, and 31 st Street must be able to direct traffic entering from the west to parking garages where cars can be parked and individuals can easily transition to a pedestrian or transit mode. Second, the streetscapes on these roadways must afford safe, pleasant, and convenient pedestrian access between Baltic Avenue and the Boardwalk while also providing an enhanced shopping experience for those pedestrians through the use of interesting storefront displays, cafes, and similar activities. Finally, all improvements along this corridor must exhibit exceptional design quality, as expressed in the Resort Area Design Guidelines. To accomplish the first objective, the recommendations of the Resort Area Design Guidelines should be adhered to, particularly in regard to limiting vehicular access points along Laskin Road and 30th Street. Conveniently located parking facilities, integrated into the buildings, should replace all on-street and direct-access parking, such as those currently along Laskin Road east of Baltic Avenue. The second objective can be accomplished by widening the storefront sidewalks on both sides of Laskin Road east of Baltic Avenue and by improving 30th Street to match the improvements on Laskin Road. The third objective can be achieved by designing eye-catching landscaping and streetscape treatment along Laskin Road. Many of these recommendations are embodied in the design plans that have been developed for roadway and streetscape improvements to this area as part of the Laskin Road Gateway Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project 2-076. This CIP Project, combined with the already adopted amendments to the City Zoning Ordinance for the RT-3(LRG) Laskin Road Gateway and the accompanying Design Guidelines, puts all of the ingredients in place to move this area forward to being part of a First Class Resort. Evaluation: Laskin Road serves many roles. It is a major east-west urban arterial road serving the east central area of the Resort and is also one of the four main entrance roads in the Resort. The portion of Laskin Road between Little Neck Creek / Beach Garden Park and Atlantic Avenue has served the role of "gateway" to what many visitors perceive to be "Virginia Beach." However, a second role of this stretch of Laskin Road is that of a 'Main Street' for the thousands of residents and workers in the northern area of the Oceanfront. The interplay of these two roles on this section of Laskin Road has resulted in a four-lane arterial highway serving both local and long-distance traffic constricted by a variety of land uses on each side, largely catering to the residents in the immediate area. Compounding these dual roles and the tension between them is the changing role of the Oceanfront Resort itself and its future. The growing prominence of the Oceanfront Resort Area as a highly desired tourist and convention destination is affecting and will continue to affect the role of Laskin Road and thus, its design and land use character. With the development of a high-quality, prominent hotel anchoring the terminus of Laskin Road (which BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 4 becomes 31 st Street at that point), the role of this section of Laskin Road as not only a "gateway" but also as an opportunity for higher quality and more intensive development is significant, as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. The Zoning Ordinance specifies that in the evaluation of a development or redevelopment proposal within the Laskin Road Gateway, staff must use the following criteria found in Section 1521 (c) of the City Zoning Ordinance to evaluate the proposal: (c) Proposed conditional uses shall be evaluated for consistency with the following land use, transportation. and aesthetic provisions in order to further the legislative intent of the RT -3 District and the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and Oceanfront Resort Area Plan: (1) Any development or redevelopment in this area should contribute to creating an attractive wholesome family resort destination; (2) The use should be consistent with the resort area goal to promote a safe, day and night, year round resort destination; (3) The use and structure should complement resort activity centers and corridors and advance the area's public and private investments; (4) All development and other physical improvements, such as landscaping, signs, lighting, and other similar elements should strive to achieve a high level of design excellence and contribute to a quality image as expressed in the Oceanfront Resort Area Design Guidelines; (5) All transportation improvements should be designed to shift the dominant transportation modE~ in the area from vehicular to pedestrian and transit; and (6) The use should be appropriate for both local residents and visitors to the area. Additionally, the proposed project must adhere to the following design goals found in the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines: Desiqn Goal: Provide interest at the street level and enhance the pedestrian experience. Align a building's front at the sidewalk (right-of-way) edge. Locate on-site parking to minimize visibility from the sidewalk. Parking should not be located so that it interrupts the storefront continuity alon~1 the sidewalk, Place on-site parking behind the buildings, either at-grade or within a parking structure. Desiqn Goal: Clearly identify the primary entrance to a building and orient it to the street. Orient the primary entrances to the sidewalk and the primary pedestrian ways. Buildings located at the intersection of roadways should be designed with angled entrances at the corner. Recessed entries should be used in entrances at the corner. Use an awning, change in roofline, or other archil:ectural feature to define the entrance. Special paving treatments may be used to define the entry .. DesiCln Goal: Design outdoor spaces to enliven the sidewalk level and provide for private open spacE! for shoppers, employees, and residents. The linear frontage of a commercial or mixed-use building should include pedestrian-oriented elements, such as . Transparent display windows, . Outdoor dining areas (cafes), . Public art or other public amenities such as fountains, benches. BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 5 III Staff concludes that the proposal to redevelop the site from its current status as restaurant with a nonconforming drive-through facility to a restaurant with a drive-through facility is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the area, the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, or the Oceanfront Resort Area Plan. Staff compared the submitted site development plans and building elevations to the criteria listed in the Laskin Road Gateway Overlay District, the design goals of the Laskin Road Gateway Design Guidelines, and the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations and the Oceanfront Resort Area Concept Plan, and finds the request does not meet the stated criteria and goals of the adopted ordinances and guidelines. The request is lacking in furthering exceptional quality development in the area and in enhancing pedestrian facilities and activities within this corridor. Moreover, in December 2008, the City Council adopted the Resort Area Strategic Action Plan (RASAP), which recommends that development within this corridor is to be urban in form, with the building mass located adjacent to the sidewalk and roadway and parking located within the block, behind the buildings. The applicant's proposal is not consistent with the plan. The applicant proposes to redevelop the existing building and site, which is of a suburban design, into a restaurant with a drive-through facility following the same suburban model. While the restaurant is an acceptable use for this area and would complement the area, the submitted design is oriented to automobiles, lacking in pedestrian friendly concepts. As envisioned in both approved planning policy for this corridor and detailed planning currently under development, the vision for the Laskin Road Gateway is of pedestrian oriented uses, consisting of buildings positioned at the right-of-way line, wide sidewalks, cafes and seating areas. and parking behind the buildings (or at the public parking facility at 30th Street). The proposed building is located at the maximum 20-foot setback from the right-of-way, and not positioned at the right-of-way line. The applicant proposes a five (5) foot sidewalk easement on the site and is not the wide sidewalk called for in the design guidelines or vision for the area. The proposed redevelopment of the site does not depict any outdoor spaces for the users of the site. The proposed parking will be located on the eastern side of the site, parallel to the building. The pedestrian entrance to the building is not clearly defined and does not face the right-of-way. The proposed landscaping is not in keeping with the landscaping recently installed on 30th Street and proposed for the 315t Street gateway treatment. The existing free-standing sign overhangs the public right-of-way and exceeds the permitted height for free-standing signs in the City. Staff cannot support this request and recommends denial of the application. CONDITIONS These conditions were recommended by the Planning Commission February 11, 2009: 1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted site plan entitled "BURGER KING, 524 LASKIN ROAD, VIRGINIA BEAC, VIRGINIA", prepared by Hoggard-Eure Associates, P.C., and dated 10-XX-2008 except: a. The Laskin Road streetscape shall be re-designed to reflect the street design of the recently completed CIP # 2-076 30th Street Laskin Road Gateway. This includes paving design, plantings, street lighting, and site furnishings. b. The western side of the proposed building may ultimately become the predominately viewed side when 32nd Street is connected to Laskin Road west of the property. The planting design for the western side of the property shalf be enhanced to appropriately reduce the mass and scale to the western side of the building to the public. The applicant shall work with the Current Planning Division of the Planning Department to design an appropriate landscape plan for the western side of the site. BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 6 c. The excess proposed parking over the minimum parking requirement shall be eliminated along the Laskin Road frontage. The groups of four (4) parking spaces along the eastern side and interior portion of the site and the eastern side of the building shall be eliminated and replaced with landscaping and site furnishings such as seating areas and benches. Said plan has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. Modifications to the plan may be approved by the Planning Director to accommodate the items listed above. 2. The architecture of the building shall be re-designed reflecting the architectural elements of 31 Ocean (the Hilton Hotel at 31st Street and Oceanfront) and the Old Beach Village (lofts and condominiums at 30th Street and Baltic Avenue). 3. The existing free-standing sign shall be removed. The applicant may install a monument sign, no more than eight (8) feet in height, and similar in design to the Farm Fresh supermarket sign south of the site. BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 7 II III AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Pag~ 8 I' % "'"'ll';\<', :~~, -\,,If:>'F ~ ,~.",~ ~i~ ~m~ ""*:;"'<"0 ~ "" .,...- mt ,~.. 'V- PROPOSED SITE PLAN BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Rage 9 II r ,;>', ~.,,_~...t:$:,~" """ ,~- ",,,w., ~.-__:;',_4'" -oJ:>"'- ~",Ii ~~''*' III .......... "~Wk ",> $~' ~ L l ;.. i;' , I I PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN BURGER KING Agenda Item.. 25 Page 10 RENDERING OF PROPOSED BUILDING BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 11 II' II ~::i ,:F:,." ~ ~ :~~:~, ~ ~ ~.:r , . ,~ ,{I 111 ""'" "':.:" j !.,' ;, - vrl "," ~ 5 ~,~ Jj.~ t>- "'Y ~ ~~~~ a:t:r:.......JJ III l' ~ , PROPOSED BUIDLlNG ELEVATIONS BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 12 ij.--.--..... ~llM~~~.a~~. _.--~,~.. ....._~. '-. ' ""'~ ~ .~.,~1:,,, ~~--;. HGt~l#.:.& ~OOt\ '"UJ, lII:l~~ "l.l '1llro! ;;,....~~C~; ,..~~~_ ::::'!~~7 rJ,;,X>J,..ni~4,.....~'Y"'...,\".,.--...Y J'v.lJ)1 IINDIIIIDWItI .L\'"ttt:~ " ~;;::;~ \' j "H! S~~'~l;: 4 :;: ~ ~ ......;-;~ I;; ~ '~~,I:~ ,,; 'I: ... ., l't ; ~ '\ '-r · ~, - ~ ! . , . I : ~J I <I: '1' 'h. ~ , '\ %i" , - .... .,,- H('\ > :' '~ ..:'f i 'I ) t~ .:>I." \ NU~ :' ,,: .1 L: -I.IL. .~. "..... ,._, ~ >> ' " _ i.'IH~'~...r n'~'" ...;' a~:: >.~,~~l , ~. * $...:- :... l .', ~ i t t. ~~ , I: J~ .~ . : }~' ~ ~ .. \ _I , i ...: <~ ~<t '$' }. .~, ',;(' ~ :,; -,' ~ .~ ,~ ,I . , ~ ~' !." 2' -II..". ~i Ii :U'l ~I ,,,. j"'" " t ~~ ~t ''!' fX 't~ ~ ::~;', ,d! f ' , "'1' 'I " \' t, , 1 .. 11 ~~ I :.::: ,~ ;" ~ ~ .. ,I'" * l y~ ~ : ,": '."..t; '; ; :' ~}. :S~ .I !. ~ r I .. ~, ". .. , ..."'!0Y-!~~__ ~ 1I.mlIlIlI": ":' --... ....._.~. I; I ;: i: .. ~~ ::' ?t I , . ;i I 1"'"" , '~-'--~n "',h ':.~: .... ~:<l f' r jl ! " I ,I ,. I l~ (!' ,."~":"""'''.'' I . f ,! . ~ _ J... ' '" +> ~ U't": ........""...~~ '*:.ri J... ;" 7..~ ' ~~ ~ "0 ~;' €,'~ l ~' :.~ ~ ' ~';f ~ . , ,:i,.""..,'~: ~ ;:. i. ~ --:~ __ ,; ~ !'~;f ;1; ".,....--, ('l ., .1 ., i1 1; ~ ~ I, " , .. 'I I \. ! .~ ~. .; t1 I .J 'j j I 'j i I j I [~ :J :1 ~ <, \ E ,- '-". 'rf': ill I -':lj::, , ~ 'b." , I.~( , . d'l i: ,I ~ ) t, '$:1 " l, " ! ~i , .~ i i , , -:< .. ., PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS .. " " I 1 ~; ;1 l ~ ~ ., ,\ ' ~ .- ":. i ': .,;' " . '" f-t; ,,! \' ; I . ~, f' <l ': 1 '. l! '~ ~,,11' ; ~ t~ I ,J ~. .~. 1 ,lit:: k~" ~t-A ~ , : !:' ~. , : 't ~~ . '. \:i;, I ., '1;;;~. ~' f. ~ , ',1: of' BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 13 Iii II III 1. 7/11/06 Rezoning (A-12 Apartment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Approved Tourist / LRG Laskin Road Gatewa 2. Conditional Use Permit Drive-throu h facilit Pend in 3. 1/9/96 Street Closure Approved 1/14/97 Street Closure Withdrawn 4. 5/13/97 Rezoning (A-12 Apartment to Conditional RT-3 Resort Approved Tourist / LRG Laskin Road Gatewa 5. 5/28/02 Conditional Use Permit (Commercial Parking Lot) Approved 3/27/01 Conditional Use Permit Commercial Parkin Lot A roved 6. 5/9/06 Rezoning (A-12 & A-36 Apartment, RT-3 Resort Tourist to Approved Conditional RT-3 Resort Tourist / LRG Laskin Road Gatewa 7. 9/17/90 Rezoning (R-40 Residential to A-12 Apartment) Approved 7/11/88 Rezonin R-40 Residential to A-12 A artment A roved 8. 6/13/95 Rezonin A-12 A artment to RT-3 Resort Tourist Ap roved ZONING HISTORY BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 14 ~DISiCLOSURESTATEMENT II APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) /' ~ Burqer Kinq Corporation, A Florida Corporation 2, List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) N/A o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) N/A 2. List all businesses that have a parcnt-subsidiary1 or affiliated business entitl r€~lationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) N/A CI Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 7see next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? -1i1 A COI\ditional Use Permit Application Page 7018 Revised 4,f2612007 z <=> I I ~ ~ :....:i ,-.. ea F--4 ~ ~~ ~ ;::::J ~ <=> I . H ~ z C~~ ~ ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 15 III z c ~ I I ~ ~ ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES ~ List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect ....-:s to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural ~ services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal t" I services: (Attach list if nec~ss.ry) · _ ~. :::'';D ~ ~~~~~~~~.c f--t \..0D:\~1 n ~(t,~~-\- ud.uJ oj ~SC-'C.A 0=\-6 \~ :::;:;:; , "P.rent-subsid;ary rel,'onship" me.ns"a relationship that exists when one = corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting r.....' power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. ....... Code ~ 2.2-3101, ~. ~ ~ ~ o I I f--t ~ o c ~ II III II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship' means "a relationship. other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity. or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities.' See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days plior to the scheduled pUblic healing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. }. A.. ~ .5 If" A-,..) Co. "").~ r)W Appfican(lil'Signature Print Name // 1/ S-~A~ c. ""'..... ~ ~...) Plint Name .~ Property Owner's Signature if different than applicant) Condrtional Use Perrnl! Application Page 8 ot8 Revised 4/2612007 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BURGER KING Agenda Ite~ 25 Page 16 1\ INVESTOR RELATIONS Management Team DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (continued) John W. Chidsey Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman John W. Chidsey has served as our Chief Executive Officer and a member of our board since April 2006. Mr, Chidsey became Executive Chairman of our board on July 1, 2008, From September 2005 until April 2006, he was our President and Chief Financial Officer and from June 2004 until September 2005, he was our President of North America. Mr. Chidsey joined us as Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative and Financial Officer in March 2004 and held that position until June 2004. From January 1996 to March 2003, Mr. Chidsey served in numerctus positions at Cendant Corporation, most recently as Chief Executive Officer of the Vehicle Services Division and the Financial Services Division. Anne Chwat General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Anne Chwat has :served as our General Counsel and Corporate Secretary since September 2004. From September 2000 to September 2004, Ms. Chwat served in various positions at BMG Music (now SonyBMG Music Entertainment) including as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. Gladys DeClouelt Senior Vice Pres,ident, North America Company Operations Gladys DeClouet has served as our Senior Vice President, North America Company Operations since July 2008. Ms. DeClouet was previously the Vicl9 president of operations for Jack in the Box. Prior to joining Jack in the Box, Ms. DeClouet worked for British Petroleum Inc., holding a number of positions of increasing responsibility in marketing, distribution, planning, finance and business development. Earlier in her career, she was an engineer with Conoeo Inc., working in offshore oil and gas exploration and production. Charles M. Fallon President, North America Chuck Fallon has served as President, North America since June 2006. From 1998 to 2006, Mr. Fatton served in various positions at Cendant Corporation, most recently as Executive Vice President for Cendant Corporation's Car Rental Group (Avis & Budget). Prior to joining Cendant, Mr, Fallon was a director in the investment banking division of Salomon Smith Barney from 1992 to 1998, Armando Jacomijno President, Latin America Armando Jacomino has served as our President, Latin America since November 2007. Mr. Jacomino has held several positions of increasing responsibility within Burger King Corporation's Latin America region. Most recently he served as Vice President Operations, Training from April 2006 to November 2007 and as Director Franchise Operations from June 2002 until 2006, Russell B. Klein President, Globall Marketing Strategy and Innovation Russell B. Klein hilS served as our Chief Marketing Officer since June 2003. From August 2002 to May 2003, Mr. Klein served as Chief Marketing Officer at 7-Eleven Inc. From January 1999 to July 2002, Mr. Klein served as a Principal at Whisper Capital. Julio A. Ramirez Executive Vice President, Global Operations BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 17 Iii II III DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (continued) Julio Ramirez has served as our Executive Vice President, Global Operations since September 2007. From January 2002 to September 2007, Mr. Ramirez served as our President, Latin America. Mr. Ramirez has \IIIOrked for Burger King Corporation for more than 20 years. During his tenure, Mr, Ramirez has held several positions within the United States and the Latin America region. From February 2000 to December 2001, Mr. Ramirez served as Senior Vice President of U.S. Franchise Operations & Development. Prior to that, Mr, Ramirez served as President, Latin America from 1997 until 2000. Raj Rawal Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Raj Rawal has served as our senior vice president and chief information officer since February 2005. Before joining Burger King Corporation, he was president ofAxya Corporation, a company that provided IT leadership to large corporations. Mr. Rawal has also held leadership positions with Cendant Car Rental Group, Trilegiant Corporation and General Electric, Peter Robinson President, EMEA Peter Robinson has served as vice president and president, EMEA since October 2006. In this capacity, Mr. Robinson oversees all of our business in EM EA. including operations, marketing and franchisee development. Before joining us, Mr. Robinson was president of Pillsbury USA and senior vice president of General Mills Inc. Mr. Robinson has also held leadership positions in the Frito-Lay Intemational Division of PepsiCo, Kraft General Foods and Procter & Gamble. Peter C. Smith Chief Human Resources Officer Peter C. Smith has served as our Chief Human Resources Officer since December 2003. From September 1998 to November 2003, Mr. Smith served as Senior Vice President of Human Resources at AutoNation Peter Tan President, Asia Pacific Peter Tan has served as our President, Asia Pacific since November 2005. From 2002 to 2005, Mr. Tan served as Corporate Senior Vice President and President of Greater China for McDonald's Corporation. Prior to that, from 1999 to 2003, Mr, Tan served as President, McDonald's China Development Company. Amy E. Wagner Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and Global Communications Amy Wagner has served as our Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and Global Communications since June 2007. Previously, she served as Senior Vice President, Investor Relations from April 2006 to June 2007. From February 1990 to April 2006, Ms. Wagner served in various corporate finance positions at Ryder System, Inc., including as Vice President, Risk Management and Insurance Operations from January 2003 to April 2006 and Group Director, Investor Relations from June 2001 to January 2003. Ben K. Wells Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Ben K. Wells has served as our Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since April 2006. From May 2005 to April 2006, Mr. Wells served as our Senior Vice President, Treasurer. From June 2002 to May 2005 he was a Principal and Managing Director at BK Wells & Co., a corporate treasury advisory firm in Houston, Texas. From June 1987 to June 2002, he was at Compaq Computer Corporation, most recently as Vice President, Corporate Treasurer. Before joining Compaq, Mr. Wells held various finance and treasury responsibilities over a 10-year period at British Petroleum, BURGER KING Agenda Item 25 Page 18 Item #25 Burger King Corporation Conditional Use Permit 524 Laskin Road District 6 Beach February 11, 2009 REGULAR Donald Horsley: The next item is item 25, Burger King Corporation. It's an application of Burger King Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit for drive-through facilities on property located on 524 Laskin Road, District 6, Beach. C.J. Bodnar: Good afternoon Madame Chair. I'm C.J. Bodnar with Hoggard Eure Associates. I'm here on behalf of my client, Burger King Corporation, in regards to a request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a drive-through at 524 Laskin Road. Burger King has been operating on this site with a drive-through since the 1970s. As the use predates the ordinance, the current drive-through facility is considered grandfathered providing the site does not use the drive-through for than two years or if a major renovation is planned for the site. As part of their corporation maintenance plans, Burger King is, on a national level, removing some of their current older facilities and replacing them with new stores. That is what they desire to do here on Laskin Road, and that would be considered a major renovation, and therefore we have to apply for a Use Permit under the ordinance requirements. V.i e've worked closely with the staff and the Resort Advisory Committee to address the issm:s. I know the elevation that you see here does not reflect it, but the cultured stone, which as the Resort Advisory Committee said was not very "beachy", is going to be replaced with brick that matches the brick that's at the drive through windows. We have done the right-of-way. We're fine with doing the right-of-way dedication on Laskin Road that has been requested by Traffic. We will make that dedication and provide it as a pedestrian-access easement. We've sited the building at the maximum, according to the ordinance, 20 foot off the proposed future right-a-way, which is being dedicated so we are meeting the requirements of zero to 20 foot setback, which is in accordance with the ordinance, and with the site plan and building elevations that we have provided, we believe we have adequately addressed all their issues except with the one we just dealt with the Dunkin Donuts on the Gateway saying to drop first. The Resort Advisory Committee did make a recommf:ndation to approve the plan. In addition we met with the civic league in the area. They are fine with the renovation occurring. They are happy with getting a new facility. The only other comment that I saw in the staff report was regarding the fact that restaurants are supposed to be more than 100 feet from an A-12 zoned piece of property, which the property in the rear was rezoned a few years ago. It belonged to Burger King. It was bought, subdivided off and then rezoned A-12 when those condos were built two years ago. Those condos, if you look at your Gateway Plan. According to your Gateway Plan they are getting torn down, those condos that were built just two years ago. Burger King is currently operating the drive-through. Should this Conditional Use Permit be denied, Burger King will continue to operate the existing facility in its current condition. It means you end III Item #25 B urger King Corporation Page 2 up with this building staying at the site. We feel that this is a win-win situation. You all don't have to acquire right-of-way for the Laskin Road improvements. We're going to dedicate that as frontage that is required with the Gateway Plan. You are going to get a brand new building that is in more in keeping with the architecture that is desired along the Gateway. Burger King, in exchange gets a new facility to help better serve their clients. We thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. I'm available for any questions that you have. Janice Anderson: Are there any questions for Mr. Bodnar? Mr. Bodnar, can you bring that site plan up please? C.J. Bodnar: Yes ma'am. Janice Anderson: The existing Burger King sign can that be removed and replaced? C.J. Bognar: The existing Burger King sign is going to be gone. We have a new monument sign shown, and it's accordance with the Laskin Road Corridor requirements. Janice Anderson: Okay. Our little site plan is so small, if we could also ask for improvements for the streetscape at more like a cafe. C.J. Bodnar: We've had that discussion with staff, and when you go to widen Laskin Road, you're going to end up ripping those improvements out. So, we have no problem. If you want us to widen the walk to an eight foot walk, which is what staffhas asked, we will put that in. But just to let you all know that it is all going to get ripped out when they do the future improvements. Janice Anderson: Okay. I would rather see the wider walk and more planting. C.J. Bodnar: And that is what we've tried to do. We've also got planting right here along the front here. We've bermed it up so that it is going to provide more of a screen, because our parking lot sits about two feet above the roadway. The top of the berm sits about 112 feet above our parking lot, and on top of that it's going to be planted with shrubs, with the trees, so you're going to have this 312 foot barrier between the road and the parking to help screen the view of the parking lot from the roadway. Janice Anderson: Is there any outdoor seating there at all? C.J. Bodnar: Not at this time. We don't have any showing on there. I'm not sure where to put it. Janice Anderson: I would like to see some kind of outdoor seating. If you could take a portion of the parking lot area, expand that area, the green space, wider sidewalk, and maybe put outdoor seating. Item #25 Burger King Corporation Page 3 C.J. Bodnar: If staff would be okay with this, we would even be willing to go ahead and put one there so it looks like what your future planning is for having the seating along the roadway. But that would require an encroachment into the right-of-way because we are dedicating that right-of-way to the City. Janice Anderson: Okay. I'll check with staff on that. Go ahead Ron. Ronald Ripley: Can you hold that up again please? C,J. Bodnar: Yes sir. Ronald Ripley: Faith, you said they had a surplus of parking. How many spaces? Faith Christie: They have a surplus of 12 spaces; so, they could get rid of those and put outdoor dining in. Ronald Ripley: So, if you brought it back. C,J. Bodnar: I'll bring this over to you sir. Ronald Ripley: I'll point here. I'll get back to it. If you brought it back maybe to here, wind that up, and then it will move that back. You've got room to create the streetscape that Planning calls for, I think. C.J. Bodnar: I will certainly run that by Burger King Corporation. And this is actually a corporate store. This is not owned by a franchisee. So, when they make the decision, that's the decision that is going to be kept. I can certainly make that call as soon as I walk out of here to see if I c~m do that. Ronald Ripley: How do I agree, you know to sit here and trying to redesign your site, but on the other hand it is a plan that is a division of a streetscape. I don't think it is getting there. I don't think. c.J. Bodner: I've got no problem talking with Burger King about adjusting that. I can't make that decision without talking to Burger King. Ronald Ripley: That would provide the area that you can use for your cafe. Janice Anderson: I'm glad that you picked that up. I didn't know they had the extra parking. Thank you. Ronald Ripley: Yeah. Faith looked it up for me. Janice Anderson: Okay. Great. Are there any other questions right now? Thank you. II' II III Item #25 B urger King Corporation Page 4 C.J. Bodnar: Thank you. Janice Anderson: No other speakers? I'll open it up for discussion again. Eugene Crabtree: Can we make a suggestion that Ron made? Can we make that a condition? Janice Anderson: Yes. Ronald Ripley: He would have to rezone? Eugene Crabtree: He says that he doesn't know whether he can get it sold yet or not, but we can still make it a condition can't we? Ronald Ripley: Sure. Janice Anderson: Yes. Eugene Crabtree: Okay. I think we should add that as a condition. Janice Anderson: I think so far as comments, comments are going to be the same as on the other one. Everybody is going to be about the same thing. It doesn't meet the plan totally. Does anybody want to make a motion for or against? Eugene Crabtree: I'll make a motion that we approve it with the added condition for the additional outside seating. Janice Anderson: Removal of some of the parking spaces. Eugene Crabtree: Removal of some of the parking spaces, add outside seating according to the landscaping is what I was trying to say, that it be satisfactory by the Planning Director. Janice Anderson: Yeah. Okay. We have a motion to approve with that extra condition by Gene Crabtree. Is there a second? Phil Russo: Second. Janice Anderson: A second by Phil Russo. David Redmond: Madame Chairman? To clarify again, I have to abstain on this due to a business conflict. Janice Anderson: Thank you Mr. Redmond. David Redmond: Thank you. Item #25 Burger King Corporation Page 5 Janice Anderson: Are we ready? AYE 6 NAY 3 ABSl ABSENT 1 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS NAY CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KA TSIAS ABSENT LIV AS NAY REDMOND ABS RIPLEY AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE NAY Ed Weeden: By a vote of6-3-1, the application of Burger King Corporation has been approved with a modification to the condition as stated. Janice Anderson: Thank you very much. Is there any further business? Meeting adjourned. II III Relevant Information: · Bayside District · The applicant proposes to rezone two existing R-10 properties to Conditional A-12 Apartment District for the development of up to 12 townhouses with a density of 6.70 units per acre. · Ingress/egress is proposed off of Shurney Lane only; no access is proposed from Diamond Springs Road. The proposed town homes will be served by a public right-of-way, yet to be named. · AICUZ is Less than 65. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval. · Planning Commission recommends approval (10-0). · There was opposition. Iii II III ~......:'\ ,C~~~''''IA'~.y~, rci'7~ '~'t-' (I'- t,. . - ~, (5t . J~ ~. -- :;( I';; ",--. lit l:~ ~"~~:J "'C:.. ...... ~~~."r~ -.....;.;............ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: METROTEC ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARVIND GOWDA, Chanae of Zonina District Classification (R-10 Residential District to Conditional A-12 Apartment District), western terminus of Shurney Lane. BAYSIDE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant proposes to rezone two existing parcels from R-10 Residential to Conditional A-12 Apartment District for the development of up to 12 townhouse units with a density of 6.70 units per acre. . Considerations: The applicant originally submitted to staff a layout that was deemed unacceptable, as the proposed right-of-way was immediately adjacent to an existing dwelling on Shurney Lane, and, as such, could have potentially created a hardship for future improvements to that property. The applicant worked diligently to redesign the layout, right-of-way location, etc., in an effort to be sensitive to the existing single-family dwellings to the south. The revised layout now places rear yards, as opposed to the proposed street, adjacent to the neighboring property. The townhomes will be no closer than 40 feet to the existing dwelling. The result is a much more acceptable situation for the occupants of the home to the south. Ingress/egress is proposed off of Shurney Lane only; no access is proposed from Diamond Springs Road. The proposed townhomes will be served by a public right-of-way, yet to be named. The proffered elevation depicts two (2) and three (3) story contemporary townhouses with a mix of exterior building materials of beige cement fiberboard siding and dark tan brick. Architectural features include faux balconies, transom windows over entryways and varying roof lines. Each unit will have either a double-car or a single-car garage. The Comprehensive Plan's policies recognize the need to preserve, protect, and enhance the overall character, economic value, and aesthetic quality of surrounding neighborhoods terms of site layout and architectural mass. The Plan has no specific density recommendations for this site; the general land use recommendations for the Primary Residential Area note that density for infill sites such as this one should be compatible with the surrounding area. When reviewing the densities for similar projects in the vicinity, this proposal is well Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 2 of 2 below densities approved in recent years. A review of the Zoning Map reveals a pervasiveness of A-12, A-18 and even A-36 properties in the surrounding area. This proposal as proffered is consistent with the recommendations of the Plan and will be a good neighbor for the single-family dwellings to the south and the senior liiving and townhouse communities to the east. A commercial shopping center adjoins the property to the north and Diamond Springs Road borders the site to the west. There was opposition to the request from an adjacent property owner. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0 to approve the request as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting DeJ>>artmentlAgency: Planning Department I City Manager: ~~ \L :~1lP\. III II III METROTEC ASSOCIATES, INC. & ARVIND GOWDA Agenda Item 13 January 14,2009 Public Hearing STAFF PLANNER: Carolyn AK Smith REQUEST: Conditional Chanae of Zonina (R-10 Residential District to Conditional A-12 Apartment District) ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: Property located on the east side of Diamond Springs Road, west of Shurney Lane GPIN: 14684443100000; 14684431280000 ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: BAYSIDE 1.79 acres 1.23 acres after right-of-way dedication AICUZ: Less than 65 dB DNL The applicant proposes to rezone two existing R-10 properties to Conditional A-12 Apartment District for the development of up to 12 townhouses with a density of 6.70 units per acre. SUMMARY OF REQUEST Ingress/egress is proposed off of Shurney Lane only; no access is proposed from Diamond Springs Road. The proposed townhomes will be served by a publiC right-of-way, yet to be named. The proffered contemporary elevation depicts two (2) and three (3) story townhouses with a mix of exterior building materials of beige cement fiberboard siding and dark tan brick. Architectural features include faux balconies, transom windows over entryways and varying roof lines. Each unit will have either a double car or a single car garage. LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped vacant site METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 1 SURROUNDING lAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: · Retail shops / B-2 Community Business District · Single-family home, vacant parcel / R-10 Residential District · Senior housing complex, quad dwelling units / B-2 Community Business District, A-12 Apartment District · Diamond Springs Road, townhomes / A-12 Apartment District West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL IFEATURES: The site is located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This site is primarily wooded. There do not appear to be any significant environmental or cultural features on the site. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Diamond Springs Road in the vicinity of this request is considered a four-lane divided, major, suburban arterial. The MTP proposes a divided facility with a bikeway within a 150 foot wide right-of-way. No CIP projects are slated for this roadway. Shurney Lane is a two-lane, undivided local street. No CIP projects are slated for this area. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Diamond Springs 21,069 ADT 1 28,200 ADT (Level of Existing Land Use '- 57 Road Service "CO) - 32,800 ADT ADT 1 (Level of Service "E") Proposed Land Use 3 - 70 ADT Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by R-10 property 3 as defined by 12 townhouses WATER: This site must connect to City water. There is an existing 12-inch City water main in Diamond Springs Road. SEWER: This site must connect to City sanitary sewer. Analysis of Pump Station #362 and the sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure future flows can be accommodated. There is an eight-inch gravity City sanitary sewer main and an eight-inch City sanitary force main in Shurney Lane. There is an existing 48-inch HRSD sanitary sewer force main in Diamond Springs Road and an 8-inch HRSD sanitary sewer force main crossing through the property to the north. METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 2 II III SCHOOLS: School Current Capacity Generation 1 Change 2 Enrollment Bayside Tri Campus 1322 1433 3 2 Elementarv Bavside Middle 1071 1129 1 1 Bavside High 1996 1885 2 1 " n generation represents the number of students that the development WIll add to the school 2 "change" represents the difference between generated students under the existing zoning and under the proposed zoning. The number can be positive (additional students) or negative (fewer students). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this request with the submitted proffers. The proffers are provided below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this site as within the Primary Residential Area. The land use planning policies and principles established for the Primary Residential Area focus strong on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. The type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non-residential, in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development. Evaluation: The change of zoning request from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional A-12 for the development of 12 multi-family, townhouse dwelling units is acceptable. The applicant's original layout presented to Staff was unacceptable, as the proposed right-of-way was immediately adjacent to an existing dwelling and, as such, could have potentially created a hardship for future improvements to that property. The applicant worked diligently to redesign the layout, right-of-way location, etc., in an effort to be sensitive to the several existing single-family dwellings to the south. The revised layout now places rear yards, as opposed to the proposed street, adjacent to the neighboring property. The town homes will be no closer than 40 feet to the existing dwelling. The result is a much more pleasant situation for the occupants of the home to the south. The Comprehensive Plan's policies recognize the need to preserve, protect, and enhance the overall character, economic value, and aesthetic quality of surrounding neighborhoods terms of site layout and architectural mass. The Plan has no specific density recommendations for this site; the general land use recommendations for the Primary Residential Area note that density for infill sites such as this one should be compatible with the surrounding area. When reviewing the densities for similar projects in the vicinity, this proposal is well below densities approved in recent years. A review of the Zoning Map reveals a pervasiveness of A-12, A-18 and even A-36 properties in the surrounding area, while the resulting density is 6.70 units to the acre. Staff's position is that this proposal as proffered is consistent with the recommendations of the Plan and will be a good neighbor for the single-family dwellings to the south and the senior living and townhouse communities to the east. A commercial shopping center adjoins the property to the north and Diamond Springs Road borders the site to the west. METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 3 The proffer agreement does require that the future owners of these properties participate in a mandatory homeowners' association that will be responsible for the maintenance of the public green spaces, fencing and the stormwater management facility. The plan proposes a privacy fence and 15 foot wide, planted buffer along the future right-of-way adjacent to the commercial property to the north. A variance for a portion of this fence along the proposed right-of-way will be required as it will exceed the maximum height requirement of four (4) feet. Staff is supportive of this variance as the fence in conjunction with the proffered landscaping will ultimately provide a natural, green screen along the property line at the rear of the shopping center. A six (6) foot privacy fence is also proffered to provide screening to the single-family dwelling off of Shurney Lane. Category IV landscaping will also be required to be installed along all property lines adjacent to residentially zoned property to the south. The proffers dictate a high level of certainty that the project will become a quality addition to this area. Superior quality building materials such as ceml:mt fiber board and brick are included in the proffered elevations. Staff's conclusion is that the proposal is consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to design, quality, and compatibility with surrounding uses; the site layout is proffered in a manner best suited for this type of development and the resulting density of 6.70 units to the acre is acceptable in this area. Based on these findings, approval of this application is recommended. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (~107(h)(1)). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1 : The property shall be developed substantially as shown on Exhibit "CO entitled "DIAMOND HILL ESTATES, PRELIMINARY PLAN, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA" (hereinafter "Site Plan"), dated October 10,2008, as prepared by Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, LTD. The Site Plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. PROFFER 2~: When the property is developed as proposed in the "DIAMOND HILL ESTATES TOWNHOUSE Elevation Plan," (hereinafter "Elevation Plan") the residential structures shall have the architectural design and utilize building materials substantially as depicted and designated on the Elevation. Exterior materials include Hardy Boards [cement fiber board, brand name Hardie Plank], Exposed Bricks, Architectural Shingles, and M&W Windows. The Elevation has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. PROFFER 3: The Property will be developed with no more than twelve (12) Townhouse units as depicted on the Site Plan. A Community Association shall be created to maintain the curb landscaping, areas surrounding the BMP Pond, and the privacy fences. PROFFER 4: When the Property is developed, it shall be landscaped substantially as depicted on the Site Plan which has METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 4 II III been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. PROFFER 5: Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City Agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable as they dictate the maximum density, quality exterior building materials, and layout of the units. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated August 19, 2008, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 5 AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 6 II III "' / # "e,"J f ~-... 4- ~~. ,. .j} ...6 j'~ ~ _ORRlIlIllIllY I'RllPUlIY ar _ L GelID< IUI. 41eo. P. 1740 U. 37. P. 48 ~~,,>-.\ .\.....:~'4>? ..~'iIo~ ..... .L .\~~~... <i't '" !:,'!:> "'OTES: TOTAL LOT NfEA:. 25.704 SQ. FT. (P\,,\T) 25.717 SQ. fT. OR 0.590 M: (CALCUlAlED) REFERENCi: ok IoIER\1lW1 SOURCE: INSTRUWENT 12OO509OllO144090 IT IS NOT WE IHlDIllON Of 1l1lS SUIi\f:Y TO SHOW AlL PH'/'SICAl IUPftOiDoIENTS ON THIS LOT. lHIS SUI>YEY !'ERRlRNEll WITHOllT lHF lI9IEF/T Of A TITlf SEARCH. THIS 0WEI..UIlG Af'I'9RS TO LIE \IfIlHlN FlOOD ZONE "X" UNSHADEll AS SHOWN ON COINUNTY PAHEl NO. 515531 0018 Eo ~TED: 12/05/96. KENNETH R. i:.'.RPENTER _LAND SURVO'OR. P.C. 5457 HAHSEWOHD PARKWAY . SUFFOLK. VIRGINIA 2"""5 . . PHONE: (757.)-405-3"53 FAX: (757}-"05-JJ6J 07-076 FIlE llRFT: S8Y (/CAD) BOUNDARY SURVEY {rIF LOT E SUllllIIIISlON Of I'ROI'ERlY SHOWN III D.B. 8104. P. 80 IIlRGIMIA !IE:IOl. _ seM.E: 1"-30' SEPrDIl1ER 10. 2007 FOR R . R INVESTMENT HOlDING. LLC SITE SURVEY METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 7 ~f"f. .\ -ll ~l i ;;.\ ~\.." __~ ~Wl\'~ ~ L,.l! ~-- --- ;:: ~ ~"... /-, (.t!/& ---~J-- ----'"':'$ &V-1) --- .~.:::: ..::::--- . 3/YV7 -.. ~ ::..--.~_--.- --- __ ~3", -- ~ __ ~f)HS .'.'1 ~-..... . ~ --L ~<",! =-f [/--7' ~ \ ------I ~\ t~ J....-....r----- ~ . ~:r. ~ \~\\~ o ~.~~.'\ .' \";\ -~- .J >0( u ~ ... ~ 6 :J: i o ... i \. .J." .., \'- ~~ J,i ~t \ ~ ~''l ~ 'it\\\\ a. ~'t /\.// / // ~ ~\ ~ ~... ~ ! .; ..'1 ~;) \1> , ~. l ~ 8- \ \ 1 ~l \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 1.\ i"".. 1I\~\.Ir>.~ -ia t -..; \., Ill. ~'l ~~! o~\P';! ~. 1~~ ~~S'li\&~~\l.~t ~~\~:'l~~\ltt.l\~;; i 5~ ll~" 'i~, II' /,// /// ....-- , , . , ",I) n,<-\~{f:> C.," PROPOSEO S\1E p\..A.N /--- ~ . .'~r _ f ,;~..- ME1R01EC I GOWO Agenda \tem ' pagE II III ';:s-. tl ~ '<) ..:::: (y"" -+ c ~ - "- 1()S,l.l) -......l .:lC '" 3 ---l2~-J<;;) ~Q{!i'~~ C Q;: <,-l 0;." c ~ ~ ~\2j ~ ~~~~ ~ ~- ~ ~~...t:;"~ ;;:rl.u~~ -+ <:2:. ~ .. II .. II .... ~ -,A".-' ~ ,"" 1 - - I (" f.j -2: .::s ~~ ~ ';..J ~ ,r '> -:- '.: ~ ~ -+ "' '- <::> :S \f c: ..0 v II) ... ~ '" ,- r ... .~ ~ -4- - C PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATION METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 9 1 02/26/08 Change of Zoning (B-2 to Conditional Granted A-36) CUP senior housina) 2 01/26/99 CUP home for the aaed) Granted 3 01/26/99 CRZ R-10 to Conditional B-i> Granted 4 06/14/05 CRZ R-10 to Conditional A-18) Granted 5 01/25/05 CRZ R-7.5 to Conditional A-12) Granted 6 03/11/03 CUP church) Granted ZONING HISTORY METROTEC / GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 10 II z o t-4 ~ U t-4 ~ ~ ~ C-' Z t-4 Z o N III DISCLOSURE STATEME ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) TOWNE BANK - FINANCIAL SERVICES GLOBAL REAL TV - JOHN WEST. REAL ESTATE SERVICES KELSEY LAW, PC. - LEGAL SERVICES FENTRESS ASSOC.- ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship. other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act. Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing. I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. \--\ e-+ ='lc,k,<,_ A~-r<'. l,^- ~C>(-i(~~ Applicant's Signature METROTEC ASSOCIATES, INC Print Name Property Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Print Name Rezoning Application Page 10 of 10 Revised 11111;06 METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 11 ~ DISCL.OSURE STATEMENT I] APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organizat~on, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) METROTEC ASSOCIATES, INC. RAM GOWDA. PRESIDENT and CO-APPLICANT ARVIND GOWDA 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiari or affiliated business entity'! relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) N/A o Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm. business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation. partnership. firm, business. or other unincorporated organization. complete the following: 1. List th.~ property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trusteEtS, partners. etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entiti relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Ch.:K:k here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership. firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No ~ If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Rezomng ApplIcation Page 9 of 10 Revised 1111 1/2006 z o t-4 ~ U t-4 ~ ~ ~ t-' Z t-4 Z o N METROTEC I GOWDA Agenda Item 13 Page 12 II III Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Change of Zoning Classification Western terminus of Shumey Lane District 4 Bayside January 14,2009 REGULAR Jay Bernas: The next item on the agenda is item 13, Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda. An application of Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-lO Residential District to Conditional A-12 Apartment District on property located at the western terminus of Shurney Lane, District 4, Bayside, with five proffers. Are you the applicant? Caroline Kelsey: Good afternoon. My name is Caroline Kelsey of Kelsey Law, P.C., and I represent Metrotec and Mr. Gowda. I wanted to introduce Mr. Gowda to you as well. Janice Anderson: Thank you for coming down. Ram Gowda: Thank you. Caroline Kelsey: I wanted to thank you for your time this afternoon regarding consideration of our proposal. We have an aerial shot available just right before the intersection of Wesleyan Drive and Diamonu Springs Road. If you look at the surrounding neighbors, we believe and we have worked very closely with Ms. Smith of the staff. She has been quite helpful. We've had a couple of revisions to our proposal. We really think this is a unique opportunity for Virginia Beach to get this part ofthe neighborhood cleaned up. Right now, I think some of you have been out there, if I'm not mistaken? There is a lot of trash there. It is overgrown with weeds. There is a thoroughfare, if you look at the development around it. We have condominiums, a good many of them across the street, and a lot of people will cross Diamond Springs. There is a shopping center here. And, we also have new construction, which is the senior housing living that is complete now. It is exactly quite pretty. They architecturally did a fine job on that development, and about 90 apartments for senior living have been built here. We have approximately somewhere around 100 condominiums across the street over here (pointing to PowerPoint). Where is the laser? Janice Anderson: I think the light is going out. Caroline Kelsey: Maybe Mr. Bourdon has used it. But here we go. We got condominiums here and we also have new condominiums that have been built, very tastefully done in this corridor. Right here adjacent or next to our proposed development we have a home and we got two. Is it two of the homes Mr. Gowda or three? Ram Gowda: Three. Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 2 Caroline Kelsey: Three. They have already been built, which is right here all the way down here at the end of Shurney Lane. Can go to the actual plan? Thank you so much. What we propose is that we've got a cul-de-sac, double cul-de-sac development here. We've got a 15 foot buffer of extensive landscaping, and we went to the informal this morning and I think there was a suggestion of a privacy fence. We do have a privacy fence, six foot going right here from this neighbor (pointing to PowerPoint) coming all the way down. And I think there was concern about not having the fence here. I have spoken with Mr. Gowda and he is agreeable and extending that fence there, all the way down Diamond Springs and all the way around where the commercial, the Food Lion is in the back. So, basically the community, the neighbors will have quite a bit of privacy with this fence that literally will wrap around the subdivision. It is quite an improvement. We've got 12 town homes that are going to be tastefully done. Vve've got the front elevation, if that can come up? With Hardie plank and brick mixed together with the garages for each one of these. If you look at that whole plan you can see they are separately placed in little pods here (pointing to PowerPoint) here, here, here and here. They are with a pod as well off of Diamond Springs Road. There will also be a Homeowners' Association to maintain and keep the beauty of the neighborhood up in the future so there isn't a maintenance problem there. We believe this subdivision is just a unique piece of property that we can do something very nice for the City of Virginia Beach. The housing price point is between $275,000 and $325.000. I happen to be managing broker for Wainwright Real Estate. We have over 700 agents that I manage, and their in-house counsel. I can tell you that price point is still moving in our community. Once you get above $400,000, it is just very hard to move $400,000 and up. So, he has made a price point with, and this is the existing right now. They are looking at how horrible it looks right now with the weeds and debris and everything but he has got a price point that is affordable and is still moving in our economy. And, as interest rates hopefully continue to stay low, they may even go lower after Pr,esident Obama comes in, and we have the rest of the stimulus package, we believe that it is going to be a very nice community for all. Now, I do understand that we do have one neighbor who was concerned with our project and he is here today. I hope I don't mispronounce your name. I will try not to. Mr. Chaghtai? Is that correct? Mr. Chaghtai may be speaking here today. But we think this privacy fence for him is actually going to improve his property because it will give quite a bit of privacy and it is going to be a nice wooden fence. Mr. Gowda and I don't think it is in the proffers but we can amend it. He is thinking of doing a wood fence, a nice tastefully done wood fence on the side of Diamond Springs Road, and on the side here that is open to the back of those units, and then do a plastic on the side of the Food Lion because it is just the Food Lion delivery entrance for their trucks. So, he is planning on doing a wood fence, and we think that would actually improve Mr. Chaghtai' s property. It is my understanding, and if I'm not mistaken, he is concerned about possibly having a problem selling his home. I have done some research and his home has been on and off the market. I looked it up in the system for over a year now since November 2007, and it is in that higher end price range, and we can certainly be sympathetic to him because that is just a tough price point right now. ( Janice Anderson: Why don't we hear from him and then you can readdress his concerns at that time. II III Item #13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 3 Caroline Kelsey: Okay. Thank you. Are there any questions, I would love to answer them. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Caroline Kelsey: Thank you ma'am. Jay Bernas: We have one person signed up in opposition. I hope I don't get his name wrong either. Mahboob Chaghtai. Mahboob Chaghtai: Not good but I'll help you. Good afternoon. My name is Mahboob Chaghtai, and good afternoon to the staff, as well. It is Mahboob Chaghtai. Jay Bernas: Okay. Mahboob Chaghtai: I am the first neighbor in that plat of five developments that were approved at the time. Just to begin with, I'm going to pass out a couple of things. The first is that I have a petition drawn that my son went out. I, unfortunately took a job in Maryland hoping that I would move my family, and as you mentioned, my house would be on the market for over a year, and it is not selling. Understanding the tough market, I knew that before going in. With this development it is not really going to help. So, I'm going to pass this out. It is a little drawing because my son took it over during the night time, and I'm going to pass this petition. Ed Weeden: Please speak into the microphone. Mahboob Chaghtai: I'm going to pass this original development plan that was put together and approved by City. Janice Anderson: Sir, is your home the one depicted in the site plan? Mahboob Chaghtai: My home is right here (pointing to PowerPoint). Janice Anderson: Right there. Mahboob Chaghtai: That was the first one that the house was supposed to be built and we got it built. I know the Planning Director doesn't know me or hasn't seem me at all but pretty much almost every other Emilee Jensen, Ray Odom, Charlie, and I think I've seen Mr. Bernas in there in the Planning Department. I was going there every, probably every other day because of the situation that I was in. Mr. Gowda was also aware of it. I was defrauded by this builder to build me a house for $300,000 and it ended up costing me over $400,000. And, he quit during the middle of the building process, and I had to complete it. I had no knowledge of building. I finished it thank God but it cost me a lot of money. I'm not opposing to Mr. Gowda building a single-family home. Because when I invested in that property, it was supposed to be a lot, that is a curbing right here behind my house that was originally part of this planning. It was supposed to be a single-family house. And his Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 4 property that he is proposing this multi-family home is also residential. And that is the one reason I put my dream house there. I've been here over 25 years, and allowed me to put a single-family residence there. I think it would be unfair for the City to approve the plan for a single-family home, and then allow Mr. Gowda to put up a multi-family home there which will definitely reduce my property value. That is my biggest concern. I can't sell it right now at this price but when a multi-family goes around my house that would really impact it. I have been through a lot. I would probably need a whole day to explain to you when I put this house together. My house was in the newspaper along with four others. This builder, Carl Lewis, Jr., who defrauded us, and we lost a lot of money, a lot oftime, my blood and my sweat is in those walls. And, I simply ask you guys to please don't approve this rezoning. I'll be happy ifhe could build a single-family home. I'll put the first brick there. As matter of fact, I'll help him build the walls. Janice Anderson: You know how to do it now don't you? Mahboob Chaghtai: Absolutely. I have no problem whatsoever. I simply ask you that I have put my heart and soul in that place. And, another thing that she mentioned is that right in front of my propl~rty, they are not condos. They are single-family homes. And we wanted to live in a single-family environment, and at some point if we wanted to sell it would sell and give us at least somewhat close to what we paid for it, if not the market value. But by doing that it is definitely going to hurt us. I've already lost over $80,000 in this year. And by you approving this rezoning, I gain to lose more. Not gain, I'm going to lose more. So, I ask your sympathy. Thank you. Janice Anderson: We are definitely sympathetic that you had problems when you built it. Are there any quc~stions for Mr. Chaghtai? Thank you sir. Mahboob Chaghtai: Thank you. One more thing! My wife wanted to be here but she has been ill for the last two days and she could not. I wish she was able to make it here. Janice Anderson: Thank you. I'll open it up. Dave. David Redmond: I made this point this morning. I just wanted to ask. I just have one concern and that is that way the site plan is developed and that over time and during the exposure, I think from a couple of different places principally from Diamond Springs Road to the back of those units, you have a pretty detailed and attractive depiction of front elevation but no rear elevation. Caroline Kelsey: I have those. David Redmond: You do? Caroline Kelsey: Yes sir. David Redmond: May I see it? II III Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 5 Caroline Kelsey: I have several copies. David Redmond: I am sure that the elevation. Caroline Kelsey: If you look at the rear elevation, we do on the portion of Diamond Springs Road, we have a mixture of brick and Hardie plank, and that is what you're looking at right now. What Mr. Gowda was considering for these four units, the rear right here they would just be the Hardie plank. But again, we would have that privacy wall that would literally wrap the community in the neighborhood. So, we would have the brick feature here and we would have the Hardie plank here and the wall going all the way around. And that is the rear elevation for the Diamond Springs side. Janice Anderson: So, all of the rear. So, this gentleman's property, he is going to face the rear. If he is going to have this back, he is going to face the rear of all of these properties? Correct? Ram Gowda: Yes ma'am. Caroline Kelsey: Right here is his house. Janice Anderson: Right. Caroline Kelsey: So, his is actually going to face the privacy fence. We have the privacy fence right here. Janice Anderson: Right. But past that, but through the rear, you're stating that it is all going to be Hardie plank? Caroline Kelsey: This portion here. Yes. Ram Gowda: We're going to save four or five mature trees. Caroline Kelsey: You can ask Mr. Gowda. Ram Gowda: I went before the civic league. Ed Weeden: For the record, state your name. Ram Gowda: My name is Ram Gowda and I'm the owner of the property. I went before the civic league to explain my project. And, they really liked the layout. And they wanted me to save three or four mature trees, which are on the side of the existing of Mr. Chaghtai and the back of McDonald's. So, I'm going to try my best to save those trees so that will give a good buffer to his house. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 6 Al Henley: You may be better to answer this question. Immediately north of this property were the existing apartments or condominiums immediately to the east is developed probably in the middle 80s. There is a large outfall that drains the complex. Is that outfall, and I was thinking, and this plan does not show you any easement. Ram Gowda: I know that when the owner of this apartments, they worked with this huge pipeline along this cutup line, and the line behind the Food Lion. Al Henley: So, it's immediately to the north of your property line? Ram Gowda: That is right. Al Henley: Okay. Ram Gowda: I might be connecting my BMP to that. Janice Anderson: Jay? Jay Bernas: The site plan specifically shows, I guess the tree that you're trying to preserve, but would consider adding additional landscaping where your property abuts his? Ram Gowda: Yes. But we already show landscaping here. You can see behind the cutoff line? Jay Bernas: That's fine. I'm thinking like here. Janice Anderson: Thank you sir. Ram Gowda: Can I go there and show by hand? Stephen White: Mr. Bernas? Ram Gowda: Thl;: landscaping behind the curb. I will put landscaping there too. Janice Anderson: Mr. Gowda, would come back to the microphone please so everyone can hear you. I'm son)'. Ram Gowda: Thank you. Like I said, we have landscaping here and also got landscaping here. And, most of the existing trees are in this area, so we're not going to do any landscaping there because we have a drainage ditch, and it is going out like this. We're not going to do any landscaping here. And, there is a huge tree, which I would say. There are some and all the backyards full of trees. That could be a buffer. And, like Ms. Kelsey said, here are single-family condominiums. They are not single-family units. They are condominiums. It comes all the way to the front of the existing house. There are 70 units. It's called Diamond Common. And, here is Wesleyan Apartments, 19 unit apartments. II III Item #13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 7 Janice Anderson: Thank you. Are there any further questions? Go ahead Dave. David Redmond: I just want to follow up on my point earlier. Thank you for enlightening us. I think this is near the staff as well. They did have a concern about this quite frankly. And that is particularly with those two units that are in the upper. They are going to be very visible from Diamond Springs Road. I guess most of those units are going to be visible from Diamond Springs Road. And, I was concerned that the rear elevation is too flat, too indistinct. It is not going to mark a fine presentation from the roadway. The front elevation looks terrific. I don't know the half will do that but ifthere is a way to add some architectural detail, little bits at the top or something, it will give it bit more distinction. What I don't want to see in this corridor, because it has a got little momentum to it, and I'm all for that. I'm very pleased with it. Some things that are preponderant in other parts of the city where you see these flat long walls that face out the roadway, it takes us 50 years until it falls down for us to deal with it again, I prefer that we get this right the first time. So, what I would like to do is ask you to work with the Planning staff to come up with a treatment, and I don't want to spend a ton of money, but to come up with some treatment that is a bit more distinctive that has a little bit more articulation to it, and is not quite so flat. Because that is what the rest of the world is going to see and that is the cul-de-sac. It is not only going to be visible to the people who live in that very, very small community but for the folks who live there, and lots of other people that come up and down Diamond Springs Road every day. I know the neck of these woods very, very well. I think it's going to be, not quite where we would want it to be. Can you help with that? Ram Gowda: We sure can, Caroline Kelsey: So, more of an architecture standpoint? To make sure that I understand on an architecture, so on the rear line? Ram Gowda: Around the windows we can have some window shutters. David Redmond: Something like that would be helpful so that it is not just a flat shear kind of rear wall. We don't want it to look too much like the back ofthe building. I mean granted, there is a commercial building there. I think we certainly want to make it to the north Food Lion. We certainly want to make something that's got a little bit of attractiveness to this corridor. We have made great strides to it. I commend you on it. I think we need to bone this up just a bit. Ram Gowda: We'll provide some drawings and make nice landscaping there in the back. David Redmond: Okay. Jack Whitney: Staff will be more than willing to work with the applicant on some refines on city architecture as well as any fencing and landscaping. Janice Anderson: Okay. Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 8 Ram Gowda: By the way, I'm a licensed engineer in the State of Virginia. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Caroline Kelsey: Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Jay Bernas, I think he has a question. Jay Bernas; Stephen was going to clarify something on landscaping. Stephen White: I just wanted to make sure that if you rezone this as an Apartment District adjacent to a Residential District, so it is going to need a Category IV buffer. Mr. Gowda was indicating there were some drainage issues being resolved. There will need to be a landscape buffer adjacent to that, and we will work out those issues at site plan review should you approve this and Council approve it. Janice Anderson: Are there any other questions of the applicant? Thank you. Caroline Kelsey: Thank you so much. Ram Gowda: Thank you. Janice Anderson: I'll open it up. Go ahead Dave. David Redmond: I think I made my point clear. We see this and obviously we saw some sort of this infill development. It is very common in Virginia Beach. I think this is a pretty good stab at doing it well. I do have that one concern. I have confidence that it will be adequately addressed so I would move approval. Janice Anderson: Are there any other comments? Do I have a second? Kathy Katsias: Second. Janice Anderson: I have a second by Kathy Katsias. The first motion was by Dave for approval. Mahboob Chaghtai: I need to say something. I understand that you are considering approving it. How can you guys do this? The original plan if somebody could bring that original triangle plan was supposed to be a residential plan for five houses. There is only one of my houses there, one of the builder, and one more, a neighbor, who couldn't be here today. That was supposed to be our neighborhood. People want to live in a neighborhood. I can't sell a house because it is not in a neighborhood, and now you're bringing in townhouses and apartment complexes? I'll definitely not sell my house. I understand it provides revenue to the city. It is a beautiful building. For God sake, you're killing me. And if Mr. Gowda's interested so much in putting up this property, buy my property and get II III Item # 13 Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda Page 9 me out of here. I've already lost money and here, I can't believe, my City of Virginia Beach there planning on approving this thing? Janice Anderson: Yes sir. Thank you for your comments you made. Mr. Chaghtai, if it is approved, the Commission believes that it is an appropriate rezoning and that it is allowed, just like any other applicant. It is zoned, right now R-lO, and they're going to another residential zoning that is higher density, which if it is passed by this Commission, they believe is a reasonable rezoning for this property. Thank you. Sir, we've already had discussion. I addressed your comments. Joe? Joseph Strange: I just want to remind him that we're just a recommending body. This will go to City Council and this is also something you can talk to them about. We're just recommending. We're not the final approval. Mahboob Chaghtai: I understand your recommending but it is killing me. There were three houses that were supposed to be for the neighborhood and now the apartment comes around. It's history. I'm going to go bankrupt. And the City is going to allow him to do that. The City is supposed to help me. Janice Anderson: Thank you. We're ready to vote. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABSO ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY KA TSIAS AYE LIV AS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE ABSENT 1 ABSENT Ed Weeden: By a vote of 9-0, the Board has approved the application of Metrotec Associates, Inc. and Arvind Gowda. Janice Anderson: Are there any further matters? Mr. Secretary? Joseph Strange: There is nothing further. Meeting is adjourned. )-- I.l.\ LW ~3 :r:.4- \J : ;: I , I I I . , ~ j : ~ , ; , : s::: ~ ~ / ~.....,- --- -.--.- --" 1.11 1\ <\, (:,L' \9 L\ \ :,111 " l'!lJ' " -::....::-:=-: /-~ )-' ' I D, ~ '~ . ,it .. ;;(~ ':ir~ 1 . I i I .1 i. :-..=.::..--:-:::~~. ---- ~'" i~~~ \ -,.! I'll: "-'[i l.r) 1; t--I,' -~l ~l !' Qj i 1 i I I , ! -'. ! i-.I: I i . I . ,r t ,~:l', I ,1:.\ ! [lr () II III. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No. DF-7081 FROM: DATE: February 9, 2009 LeS0i11eY~ DEPT: City Attorney B. Kay Wilso~ DEPT: City Attorney TO: RE: Conditional Zoning Application; Metrotec Associates, Inc. The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 24,2009. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated August 19, 2008 and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW/bm Enclosure cc: Ka~n Hassen PROFFER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 19th day of August, 2008, by and between METROTE,C ASSOCIATES, INC. and ARVIND GOWDA property owners herein collectively referred to as "GRANTORS," and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, herein referred to as "GRANTEE." RECITALS A. GRANTORS are the owners of certain parcels of real property located in the Shumey Lane of the Bayside Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the "Property," comprising a total of approximately two (2) acres, and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit "A" B. The GRANTORS have initiated a conditional amendment to the zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the GRANTEE to change the Zoning Classification of the Property from R-I0 Residential District to A-12 Apartment (Conditional) zoning. C. The GRANTEE'S policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation. D. The GRANTORS acknowledge that the competing and sometimes incompatible development of various types of uses conflict and that in order to permit different types of uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change that will be created by the GRANTORS' proposed rezoning, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to resolve the situation to which the GRANTORS' rezoning application gives nse. E. The GRANTORS desire to offer to the GRANTEE certain proffers as a part of the proposed development of the Property, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which has a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning. GPIN # 1468-44-4310-0000 GPIN # 1468-44-3128-0000 This Document Prepared by: Kelsey Law, P.C. 4098 Foxwood Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Page 1 of6 II III NOW, THEREFORE, and in consideration of the approval by the City of Virginia Beach, of the proffers, GRANTORS assign GRANTEE, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from GRANTEE or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit or subdivision approval, hereby make the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the GRANTORS, its successors, personal representatives, assigns, GRANTEE, and other successors in interest or title. The GRANTORS agree that in developing the Property they will meet and comply with the following proffers if accepted by the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: 1. The Property shall be developed substantially as shown on the site plan entitled "DIAMOND HILL TOWNHOMES, PRELIMINARY PLAN, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA," (hereinafter "Site Plan"), dated October 10, 2008 as prepared by Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, LTD. The Site Plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council, and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. 2. When the Property is developed as proposed in the "DIAMOND HILL TOWNHOMES Elevation Plan", (hereinafter "Elevation") the residential structures shall have the architectural design and utilize building materials substantially as depicted and designated on the Elevation. Exterior materials include Hardy Boards, Exposed Bricks, Architectural Shingles, and M&W Windows. The Elevation has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council, and is on file in the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. 3. The Property will be developed with no more than twelve (12) Townhouse units, as depicted on the Site Plan. A Community Association shall be created to maintain the curb landscaping, areas surrounding the BMP Pond, and the privacy fences. 4. When the Property is developed it shall be landscaped substantially as depicted on the Site Plan, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. 5. Further conditions may be required by the GRANTEE during detailed Site, Plan review, and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City Agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. All references to the A-12 (Conditional) requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia in force as of the date of approval of this agreement by the City Council, which by reference are hereby incorporated. Page 2 of6 The above conditions, having been proffered by the GRANTORS and allowed and accepted by the GRANTEE as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property, and specifically repeals such conditions. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed. The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that such instrument is consented to by the GRANTEE in writing. The writing is to be evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the GRANTEE, after a public hearing before the GRANTEE. The public hearing is to be advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void. The GRANTORS covenant and agree that: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, any non-compliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding. 2. The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute a cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; 3. If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, and pursuant to these provisions, the GRANTORS shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court. 4. The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property. The ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department. The ordinances and the conditions shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the GRANTORS and the GRANTEE. Page 3 of6 II III WITNESS THE HAND AND SEAL OF THE UNDERSIGNED. ~~JcL- METROTEC A OCIA TES, INC. by Ram L. Gowda, President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged, subscribed and executed before me this --L1!!.\Jay of August, 2008 by Ram L. Gowda, President, Metrotec Associates, Inc. My Commission Expires: --// ' ,.. I/u () n-Zi,tt41 ( f/J.y'l"l. Notary Public (j ",,,1111I "","" ..,,\\' ~,..E e. k1.",1. ..,,,, O:\,: ..........:'C:'~ }'~ ~ ~ .' ~ '. ~ ~ ~ ,...... ..."1 p(!~....~~ ! Cj / rS REG' ~.... ~ ~ 0 i Z 301"28 n; ~ E ~ i \ COMMISSION f ~ $ $ ,,'. EXPIRES : CJ ~ -~. . .. ~ 0.... 10/31/2011...~$'~ ~ .....~:.. ..,4:, ~ ~ ry~ ......... 0" ~~ ;""" <<;A L T'" \\\..... """11I11"\\'\ WITNESS THE HAND AND SEAL OF THE UNDERSIGNED. ~~ AAV A The foregoing instrument was acknowledged, subscribed and executed before me this 22 day of AM!-A. 2008 by Arvind GOW~ ~~~~r I ~n My Commission Expires: . ~ U9~ Notary Public My commission Expires March 14, 2012 Document Prepared By: Kelsey Law, P.c. 4098 Foxwood Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, V A 23462 Page4of6 WITNESS THE HAND AND SEAL OF THE UNDERSIGNED. ME~~ Ram L. Gowda, President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged, subscribed and executed before me this --1.1:!!.tJay of August, 2008 by Ram L. Gowda, President, Metrotec Associates, Inc. My Commission Expires: tb/L~~ !'- PJ~~l Notary Public (j \\ \ "II I II If 1IIIIl ,\" ..\t!: E "'1. " \",lOo . k... ~.... ", o~ .........:~jf ~. , .' '. '.ft r... ~ ~.... d~ p,:,..V::A"., ~ ~'''P "'.6 . 'I.', ~ ~ (j .' ~r v.... '. - ~ = :' 0 REG' y'" -: :0: ~ 301428 (\ :~= ~ 0 \ COMMISSION } ~ ~ ~ ~ '. EXPIRES .. "..:: ..~. .~.. ~ 0....10/31/2011....," $ ~ ~" ..' ... ~ ""'of. ~;;..........'o~ :l..$' """ o;.,q L T\'\ \\\'''' ""'11I IItIl\\\\\ WITNESS THE HAND AND SEAL OF THE UNDERSIGNED. ARVIND GOWDA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged, subscribed and executed before me this _ day IOf August, 2008 by Arvind Gowda. My Commission Expires: Notary Public Document Prepared By: Kelsey Law, P.C. 4098 Foxwood Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, V A 23462 Page 4 of6 II III Exhibit "A" Legal Description Parcel 1 ALL THAT certain piece, parcel or lot of land, lying situate and being in Bayside Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and known as Parcel C as shown on a plat designated "Survey of Clark Property, made for H.C. Moore" by P.L. Smith, P.S. dated June 7, 1959, which plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 37, at page 49, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a pin situated on the edge of the right of way of Breathwaite Road thence running South 78 degrees 29 minutes E. 408.9 feet to an old pin; thence running North 5 degrees 0 minutes W. 79 feet to a pin; thence running North 89 degrees 92 minutes E. 567.1 feet to a pin on the edge of the right of way of Breathwaite Road; thence along the edge of the right of way of said Road, North 18 degrees 18 minutes E. 170.15 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 2 ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and being known, numbered and designated as Lot E, as shown on that certain plat entitled. "SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY SHOWN IN DB 814 PG 80, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA", made by Beck Associates, P.C., Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia in Instrument Number 200509080144090. Page 6 of6 II II - 66- Item V-K.7. PLANNING ITEM # 58483 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Jones, seconded by Councilman Dyer, City Council DEFERRED TO FEBRUARY 24, 2009, Ordinance upon application of PRINCESSBORO COMPANY, INC for a Change of Zonin!! District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural District to Conditional 0-2 Office and Conditional B-2 Community Business District: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF PRINCESSBORO COMPANY, INC., FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION. AG-1 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO CONDITIONAL 0-2 OFFICE AND CONDITIONAL B-2 COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT. Ordinance upon application of PRINCESSBORO COMPANY, INC., for a Change ofZonin!! District Classification, AG-1 Agricultural District to Conditional 0-2 Office and Conditional B-2 Community Business District. On the East side of Princess Anne Road. approximately 600 feet South of Sandbridge Road (GPINs 2414213872; 2414315138 - part of). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE. Voting: 11-0 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye: Glenn R Davis, William R. "Bill" DeSteph, Harry E. Diezel, Robert M Dyer, Barbara M Henley, Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones, Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr., John E. Uhrin, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James L. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None January 27, 2009 PRINCESSBORO Conditional Zoning Change from AG-1 and AG-2 to B-2 Relevant Information: · Princess Anne District · The applicant proposes to rezone a portion of existing agriculturally zoned properties to 0-2 Office District and Conditional B-2 Community Business District for a mix use of office and retail. · The site is designed with the retail uses adjacent to the existing retail to the north and the lower intensity office uses closest to the future residential development to the south. These two uses are bisected by an internal loop road that connects Princess Anne Road with Sand bridge Road. · AICLJZ is 65 - 70. Evaluation and Recommendation: · Planning Staff recommended approval · Planning Commission recommends approval (9-1-1). II II &;.~m."~~b! ~ ': . .~~ \\1, I "'~ ~t .........1'1"": CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: PRINCESSBORO COMPANY, INC., Chanae of Zonina District Classification, AG-1 Agricultural District to Conditional 0-2 Office and Conditional B-2 Community Business District. East side of Princess Anne Road, approximately 600 feet south of Sandbridge Road. PRINCESS ANNE DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant proposes to rezone to Conditional 0-2 Office District and B-2 Community Business District 23.122 acres of a larger 46.728-acre parcel currently zoned AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. The parcels are between the existing retail center at the intersection of Princess Anne and Sand bridge Roads to the north and the future Munden Farms single-family residential development to the south. The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as part of the Transition Area. The Plan states that commercial developments within the Transition Area should be scaled to accommodate local neighborhood needs and incorporate pedestrian friendly design techniques. Further, franchise stores, restaurants and other establishments should not employ their standard trademark architecture, but should make reasonable adjustments to conform to the community's design characteristics. Commercial buildings should be generally oriented toward the front of the lot within a well landscaped green area while locating the parking and loading areas to the rear of the lot (pp. 148-149). This item was deferred by City Council on January 27 due to an issue with the proffers. . Considerations: The applicant proposes a business and office park for the site. The design has proposed retail uses located adjacent to the existing retail to the north and lower intensity office uses closest to the future residential development to the south. The office and retail areas are separated by an internal connector road that connects Princess Anne Road with Sandbridge Road. This roadway will tie into the future connection of the Munden Farms residential development as well as connect into the existing retail area with stub roads. The applicant's conceptual site layout does not show actual building placements Princessboro Company, Inc. Page 2 of 2 or parking areas of individual lots within the proposed development. The buildings and parking areas will be situated on the site to promote pedestrian moveml9nt from business to business instead of vehicular movement in the form of moving from one parking space to another to get from one business to another. Access between parking areas on separate lots through use of shared- access easements will be required. Open space areas are to be included as part of the dl9velopment, particularly in conjunction with an open space area on adjacent property. Specific site plans and architectural elevations were not provided for each propos€td site. Instead, photographs of prototypical architectural styles and signs have be!en provided to indicate the intended styles. These will serve as a 'pattern book' for the development. This proposed development is consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The development, located in close proximity to a proposed residential development (Munden Farms to the south) and one under construction (Sherwood Lakes to west), offers an opportunity to walk or ride a bicycle to these services in liell of driving. In sum, the proposal is well-integrated with sun"ounding existing and future land uses, providing a high-quality development that will serve as a desirable land use transition between the commercial uses to the north and the low-density residential development to the south. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 9-1 with 1 abstention to approve this request as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: r Ie ~1JiI'J.. /~ II PRINCESSBORO DEVLOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Item 14 December 10,2008 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Karen Prochilo III REQUEST: Chanae of Zonina District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional 0-2 Office District and Conditional B-2 Community Business District Conditional Zoning Change from AG-l and AG-l to B- 2 ADDRESS I DESCRIPTION: Property located behind the property at the southeast corner side of Princess Anne Road and Sand bridge Road. GPIN: 24142138720000 portion of 24143151380000 portion of COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: Total site: 46.728 acres Portion to be rezoned: 23,122 acres SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant proposes to rezone a portion of existing agriculturally zoned properties to 0-2 Office District and Conditional B-2 Community Business District for a mix use of office and retail. The parcels are between the retail center at the intersection of Princess Anne and Sandbridge Roads to the north and the future Munden Farms single-family residential development to the south. The site was designed with the retail uses adjacent to the existing retail to the north and the lower intensity office uses closest to the future residential development to the south. These two uses are bisected by an internal loop road that connects Princess Anne Road with Sand bridge Road. This roadway will also tie into a future connection of the Munden Farms residential development as well as connect into the existing retail to the north. Specific site plans and architectural elevations were not provided for each proposed site, but photographs of prototypical architectural styles and signs were provided to give the intent of the project. PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. lNC. -Agenda Itel1114 Pa~e 1 ''':- LAND USE AND ZONING INFORMATION EXISTING L~~ND USE: Undeveloped site in cultivation SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: . Retail center · Child care education center I B-2 Community Business District & AG-2 Agricultural District · Proposed single-family development I R-10 Residential District & P-1 Preservation District · Undeveloped farm land & single-family development under construction I AG-2 Agricultural District & R-20 Residential District · Across Princess Anne Road is undeveloped land I AG-2 Agricultural District South: East: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL F:EATURES: The majority of the site is farm field. There is a small cemetery with a 10- foot wide private ingress-egress easement from Princess Anne Road that will remain. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of 65 to 70dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. The proposed use is compatible within this AICUZ. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TfU~NSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Princess Anne Road and Sandbridge Road are currently two-lane minor suburban arterial roadways. The intersection of Princess Anne! Road/Sandbridge Road/Upton Drive is part of the Princess Anne Road Phase VII (CIP 2-195) roadway improvements project and is planned to be widened to provide additional capacity through the intersection. This project has been delayed due to funding issues and is now scheduled for construction in the 2013 -2015 time period. A buffer in accordance with the Master Transportation Plan should be provided. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Present Capacity Generated Traffic Volume Princess Anne 11,300 ADT I 13,600 ADT Level of Existing Land Use ~ - Road (2007) Service "C" 100 ADT 15,000 ADT 1 Level of Proposed Land Use 3 - Service "0" - Capacity 4,700 ADT Sand bridge Road 10,100 ADT 1 13,600 ADT 1 Level of Proposed Land Use 4 - (2007) Service "C" 7 ,824 ADT 15,000 ADT 1 Level of Service "0" - Caoacitv , Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by agricultural land (AG-1/AG-2) weekday 3 as defined by office and retail uses developer assumptions weekday 4as defined by office and retail uses city planning weekday PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda It art! 14 Pa~2 II III Traffic Engineering has reviewed the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) dated October 2008 for the Sand bridge Marketplace development and has the following comments: The TIS does not include the traffic impacts of the proposed Gateway office development that is proposed on the southeast side of the development. This office development will generate 565 weekday trips and will have its sole access point on the proposed loop road. Thus, the TIS must be revised to include the Gateway office development. The TIS includes an assumption that the square footage of retail and office space would be developed at a rate of 5,000 SF per acre. Traffic Engineering believes that this assumption is significantly lower than what can be developed per acre for the office land use. Based on City of Virginia Beach Planning Department Trip Generation worksheets, the 9.6 acres of proposed office parcels will generate four times the amount of office space included in the TIS. Based on the higher rate of development for the office land use, Traffic Engineering is estimating that the Sand bridge Marketplace will generate a total of 7,800 trips per day, compared to the 4,700 total trips per day included in the TIS. This difference is significant and must be addressed by the Developer's Engineer, The TIS does not include the effects of the proposed connection from the Sandbridge Marketplace development to the proposed Munden Farms subdivision. Some traffic distribution must be through the Sand bridge Marketplace loop road to and from Munden Farms. Minor technical comments regarding the traffic analysis presented in the TIS also need to be addressed and given to the Developer's Engineer. The Conclusions of the TIS for the Sand bridge Marketplace state that the intersection of Princess Anne Road/Sandbridge Road/Upton Drive is currently operating under capacity and the proposed development will not significantly affect the delay at the intersection. Thus no improvements were proposed for the intersection. Traffic Engineering concurs with that conclusion and feels that even with the additional office generated traffic that needs to be added to the TIS, this intersection will operate at acceptable levels of service during the peak hours. However, because of the magnitude of the trip generation difference for the office parcels, Traffic Engineering will reserve final opinion on the impacts of the Sandbridge Marketplace development on the intersection until after the TIS is revised. The TIS states that left turn lanes will be required at both the Sand bridge Road and Princess Anne Road intersections with the proposed loop road and that a right turn lane will be required only on Princess Anne Road. Traffic Engineering believes that a right turn lane will also be required at the Sand bridge Road intersection after the traffic volumes are increased in the revised TIS. Traffic Engineering concurs with the recommendation to provide left and right turn lanes on the loop road at both the Princess Anne Road and Sandbridge Road intersections. The TIS did not disucss the cross section for the loop road other than the lane configuration at the intersections with Princess Anne Road and Sand bridge Road. Traffic Engineering assumes that the Public Works typical section associated with a 60 RIW section will be provided, but the typical section of the loop road must be clearly included in the proffers for this development. Finally, the TIS concludes that while the intersection of the Sand bridge Marketplace loop road at Princess Anne Road will show an unacceptable level of service as an unsignalized intersection in 2013, a traffic signal is not warranted based on the trip generation presented in the TIS. Traffic Engineering will require that the traffic signal warrant analysis be revised to show increased trip generation from the office parcels and to PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. . n. Agenda Ite~ 14 Page 3 include the proposed Gateway office development which will contribute to the traffic at this proposed intersection. Given that a traffic signal could be warranted, Traffic Engineering will require the Developer to post a traffic signal bond to cover the entire cost of a traffic signal for this intersection ($175,000). WATER: City water does not front all the proposed parcels, but it may be extended for connection purposes provided hydraulic analysis supports the potential demand. Separately platted parcels must connect directly to City water. There is a 10-inch City water line in Princess Anne Road. There is a 10-inch City water main in Sandbridge Road. SEWER: City sanitary sewer is not available to the site (development) as proposed. Plans and bonds are required for construction extension of sanitary sewer system. Site is not within an existing pump station service area. Provide pump station analysis for potential receiving pump station. The Munden Farms (proposed residential to south) Master Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Plan (DSC File: K12-629) has not been approved. A 12-inch sanitary sewer force main may be available in the future with construction of Sherwood Lakes subdivision (DSC File: K13-634). City Sanitary sewer does not front this site. STORMWATIER: The existing BMP does not appear to be large enough to support the proposed development. Adequate stormwater will be shown on engineered plans for DSC review. FIRE: No Fire! Department comments at this time. VIRGINIA DOMINION POWER: A double circuit pole line runs parallel to the property along the east side of Princess Annl:! Road. Any relocation of that line would be at the owner's expense. Recommend,ation: Staff recomml:!nds approval of this request with 81 revision to the Trafic Impact Study as requested by Traffic Engineering, The proffers are provided below. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan states that commercial developments within the Transition Area should be scaled to accommodate local neighborhood needs and incorporate pedestrian friendly design techniques. Further, franchise stores, restaurants and other establishments should not employ their standard trademark architecture, but should make reasonable adjustments to conform to the community's design characteristics. Commercial buildings should be generally oriented toward the front of the lot within a well landscaped green area while locating the parking and loading areas to the rear of the lot (pp. 148-149). The Comprehensive Plan notes that direct access from Princess Anne Road to new development sites adjacent to thl:! road is discouraged (p. 153). Access should be coordinated with or provided from the secondary stn:!et system or by cross-parcel access ways whenever possible. Pedestrian pathways should be located witlhin a landscaped or natural area as described in the Existing Natural Features section (p. 154). PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Item 14 Page 4 II III Parking arrangements in the Transition Area should not be dominant in nature. Parking areas should be located toward the rear of the site while locating buildings toward the front. Landscaping for the parking area should be strategically located to provide visual relief, shading of the lot, green areas, and screening while insuring that lines-of-sight are maintained (p. 154). Evaluation: The applicant proposes a business and office park between the retail center at the intersection of Princess Anne and Sand bridge Roads to the north and the future Munden Farms single-family residential development to the south. The design has proposed retail uses adjacent to the existing retail and lower intensity office uses closest to the residential development. These two use areas are bisected by an internal loop road that connects Princess Anne Road with Sand bridge Road. This proposal will tie into the future connection of the Munden Farms residential development as well as connect into the existing retail with stub roads. The applicant's conceptual site layout does not show actual building placements or parking areas of individual lots within the proposed development. The buildings and parking areas will be situated on the site to promote pedestrian movement from business to business instead of vehicular movement in the form of moving from one parking space to another to get from one business to another. Access between parking areas on separate lots through use of shared-access easements will be required. Open space areas are to be included as part of the development, particularly in conjunction with an open space area on adjacent property. Specific site plans and architectural elevations were not provided for each proposed site, but photographs of prototypical architectural styles and signs have been provided to indicate the intended styles. Staff recommends approval of this request with revisions to the Traffic Impact Study per the City of Virginia Beach Public Works Traffic Engineering request. PROFFERS The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (~1 07(h)(1)). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER 1: When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "CONCEPT PLAN OF PRINCESSBORO DEVLOPMENT SANDBRIDGE" dated 10/08/08, prepared by Hoggard -Eure Associates, P.C., which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter referred to as the "Conceptual Site Plan"). PROFFER 2: When those portions of the Property zoned B-2 Commercial are developed they shall be in accordance with the restrictions and requirements of the B-2 zoning district as specified in Article 9 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia at the time of development. In addition to those standards which are mandatory, all development, except that which can only take place upon the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by Virginia Beach City Council shall also adhere to the following provisions of Article II, Subsection D "DESIGN, ETC. STANDARDS FOR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS AND SHOPPING CENTERS" of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Ite"l14 Page 5 A. Section 24S(all applicable subsections); B. Section 246(d)(S); C. Section 246(e)(1). PROFFER :3: When any of the Property is developed, the architectural features, building materials and the quality level of the buildings constructed shall be comparable to the quality levels depicted in the renderings entitled "BUILDING TYPES - PHOTOGRAPHS & RENDERINGS, SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE, October 2S, 2008" ("Commercial Rendering" and "Office Rendering"), which have been exhibited to the City Council and are on file in the Department of Planning. Deviations from the Renderings are anticipated and may be allowed provided that the quality levels are the same or higher than depicted in the rendering. The renderings are demonstrative of the quality intended by the Grantor. PROFFER ~I: When any of the Property is developed, all freestanding signage shall be no greater than six feet (6') in height, shall not be internally illuminated and shall be of substantially similar design and quality as those depicted on the pictorial renderings entitled "FREESTANDING SIGN OPTIONS "A", "B" and "C" SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE, October 2S, 2008" ("Freestanding Sign Rendering"), which have been exhibited to the City Council and are on file in the Department of Planning. PROFFER s: When any of the Property is developed, a ten foot (10') wide Category IV Landscaping Buffer will be provided and planted in accordance with the City's "Landscape Screening and Buffering Specifications and Standards" adjacent to the southern property line. PROFFER Ei: Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City Agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. STAFF COMMENTS: The proffers listed above are acceptable as they dictate the level of quality of the project. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated November 4,2008, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. NOTE: Furth,er conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department jror crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Ite~. 14 Page 6 II III AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Ite~. 14 Page 7 % ~ ~~ fd: '\ t.II; -~ PI g, "" ~- l>~ " ~ _ _-'~: ' ;;tt~ ; ;;) " ~i, \ ' ~ UI~ u, ~ ~ ,~~ w' ~ Irr ". '.' \i'~ _r~/\ > ! 0; ~-..,.., J.< t - .' ~ ~.--" 'ii,' _.' fP" d ,j R' :I: ;ll .~ \" , . \'. . .-~f", . > Gi)-, ~ II. i:1 \: CFS'- \,'.i _,,~\~, 'G II! f'ti. . II' r"'~.i~, ~.I' ~ ~tlt;>:'>".~=1- ,>mx,,~--~ .tI \ k ~~"\'Al II' ij ~ "rt,~'81~ I,~ . ~>>' k ~!. I I, V!~~ ~~" ~-lIi0\'#'#'~;~~~ " . ~~/n\!~ _\_, !t \ \ \ \ \ Illi \ \ ~ , J I ! i I /" . ~... " ' ,k:,. ........, /". {" ~ , "- : 'I "...."'~ ,. ,..Ii ',..............,. ( """-. I 'I > I I I ~,j :..' ~D ~,..cJr'3l}~ ]flQ\l:lBONVS lN3Nd013A30 Ol:lOBSS30N~d " ,...".1 ld3:lWOO Bm' ~ ~.' ~ ~ ~.~. .... - .i: ~ ... " ....., : t, wHU;: - I< PROPOSED SITE PLAN if ~'~ :~ 'f , !~i .1\ III I '...... ' ,'--~ . "\ \ \ I, > . \ \ \ \ \ \ PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Ite'l'l14 Pate 8 , f "t\'i\' C'f,~~ " Jj~, ' ...,.r ~~~p.O " C'I~~~) , ,t..: ,:,;; ~ ,\ " \ \ '> .::. 4" ~ ~ ,.1> >t ' , -~ ,.. " ,., ~r ~ ~;f~~ ,-."':" .. I ,/ " '-""., , " , ;"" ; , \ \ \..., " ,-,-"" ,....- ; " ' ., '" '" \. ~;;\~ ",.1;, ""~, · ~~e.l~ ~~},~>' 't~~r" l''t.~~, :,' >;:;:~,~~ .\"',;!~~ \, '-$..:..;~~', 'h..,,!<'" PROPOSEO S'1E Pv.~ lE~v.RGEO) PRINCEssaORO QE\lELOPMENT CO, INe Agenda \tern pagE ." ~ ",,~, '" "';t ," "'~,' ,,';;. ~';~\ ,-., _rrELc...~SJ:CIiQN.,s-a...~tUUI ~E\,.IfWQSE:JB8LL. -- ('- 1. r IYEJ.CAb...~H::.caJ..O,J:i A-A FOR 60'-_.BL't! SITE PLAN DETAILS PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Ite~! 14 Page 10 II III Building Types/Photographs & Renderings SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE October 25, 2008 Building Types/Photographs & Renderlnp SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE October 25, 2008 r The traditional elements of these office buildings are more residential in scale and design. PROTOTYPICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS TO BE USED PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Itentl14 Page 11 Building Types/Photographs & Renderings SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE October 25, 2008 The traditional design of this commercial building is complemElntary with most designs found in the area. 1'ypes/PhotOlTlPhs a Renderings SANDBRlDGE MARKETPLACE October 25, 2008 The simplE~ design of this building combines both the rural and more traditional styles found in the area. PROTOTYPICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS TO BE USED PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Item 14 Page 12 II III BuHdlng Types/Photographs & Renderinll5 SANDBRIOGf MARKETPLACE October 25.2008 The design elements of this building mimic rural characteristics. Building Types/Photographs & Renderings SANDBRlDGE MARKETPlACE October 25. 2008 PROTOTYPICAL DESIGN ELEMENTS rOBE USED PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Item 14 Page 13 FREESTANDING SIGN OPTIONS SANDBRlDGE Marketplace October 25, 2008 A FREESTANDING SIGN OPTIONS SANDBRIDGE Marketplace October 25. 2008 B PROTOTYPICAL SIGNS TO BE USED PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Item 14 Page 14 II III FREESTANDING SIGN OPTlONS SANDlIRIDGE Marketplace October 25, 2008 c PROTOTYPICAL SIGNS TO BE USED PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Item 14 Page 15 Conditional loning Change from AC-1 and AC-2 to B-2 1 06/13/06 Conditional Rezoning from AG-1/AG-2 to R- 20 w/ PDH2 Overlay Granted 2 03/28/06 Conditional Rezoning from AG-1/AG-2 to R- 10 & P-1 Granted 3 06/14/05 Conditional Use Permit (Child care education center) Granted 4 08/12/03 Conditional Rezoning from AG-1/AG-2 to R- 20 & P-1 Granted 5 12/11/01 Conditional Rezoning from B-2 to A-12 Granted 6 12/11/01 Conditional Use Permit (Gas station w/ convenience store) Granted 7 OS/25/99 Conditional Rezoning from AG-2 to B-2 Granted ZONING HISTORY PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO.I~C. Agenda Itern 14 Page 16 II III . DISCLOSURE STATEMENT . z o I I ~ U I I ~ r:Lc ~ c;.:, ~ z o N ga ~ o I I f--4 I I ~ Z o u APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. list the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members. trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Princessboro Development Company, Inc.: C. Michael Fisher, President; Elwood Parker, Vice President; David E. Kellam, Treasurer; Catherine F. Kellam, Secretary 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary 1 or affiliated business entitY relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) 0 Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. list the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. list all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entitY relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) o Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 1 & 2 See next page for footnotes Condrtional Rezoning Application Page 11 0112 Revised 9/112004 PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda IteM, 14 Page' 17 z o I I ~ U I I ~ =-- ea t.::) z I I Z o N ga ~ o I I f-t I I ~ Z o u 'Wi'!>' - DISCLOSURE STATEMENT II ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Sykes, Bourdon, Ahem & Levy, P.C. Hoggard/Eure Associates, P.C. 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. 2 "Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code ~ 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. Princessboro Deyelopme Company, Inc. By: C. Michael Fisher, President Applicant's Sign ure Print Name Property Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Print Name Conditional Rezoning Application Page 12 of 12 Revised 9/112004 PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Agenda Ite", 14 Page 18 II III Item #14 Princessboro Company, Inc. Change of Zoning District Classification East side of Princess Anne Road District 7 Princess Anne December 10, 2008 REGULAR Donald Horsley: The next item is item 14, Princessboro Company, Inc. An application ofPrincessboro Company, Inc. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-l Agricultural District to Conditional 0-2 Office District and B-2 Community Business District on property located on the east side of Princess Anne Road, approximately 600 feet south of Sandbridge Road, District 7, Princess Anne. Mr. Bourdon? You heard our comments this morning? Eddie Bourdon: Thank you Mr. Horsley. I did and I will do my loving best to be brief. The property, as you are all aware, is a portion of a larger piece of property that really has good sand under it. Some of us have been around along time. We tried to do a borrow pit a couple of years ago. It didn't fly too well. Anyway, the key here behind this existing shopping center, we're trying to create an appropriate transition, innovative transitional area, where the Sandbridge Road is the northern boundary. The Munden Farm property which will be developing in the near future is Transition Area, residential development with significant open space buffers between that property and ours. This doesn't show it particularly well (pointing to PowerPoint) but it is absolutely there. The key is that we're trying to do a mixed use transitional development. What we're definitely not trying to do is a strip center. I heard what you stated this morning but when you're dealing with a situation where you're doing a strip center, we would be able to give you elevations all day long but we're actually trying to do here is create something a little less intense, a little more attractive but when you're doing individual developments, there is no way we can give you exactly what every one of the buildings is going to look like. We've got the commercial adjacent to the existing commercial in the inner loop, if you will. One of the main points here is transportation connectivity both by vehicular and pedestrian. So, we got the loop road here going between Princess Anne Road and Sandbridge Road, and all of us in the course of doing these a long time recognize a lot of intersections, major intersections, which we had these opportunity to create this loop type of road. Here it is being created by this developer to create ideal connectivity, also to break the commercial to the less intense office followed by the open space, and then the low density residential. We've got a 50 foot buffer all along Princess Anne Road. There is no buffer on the existing shopping center. It is some basic landscaping. This will be a 50 foot buffer plus the additional right-of-way provided. As you recall, after the loop road on the Gateway Property, which is waiting for this to go to City Council, we got a 75 foot buffer, and then as we move over up to Munden, we're up to the full 1 00, so we're transitioning into a full buffer for the Transition Area that exists some where making that appropriate transition. The road will add sidewalks, cross-walks and all pedestrian connectivity. One of the things that we probably should have done and we will actually do, and I've talked to Mr. Eure, who's firm is the engineers on this, Item #14 Princessboro Company, Inc. Page 2 before City Council, we'll actually give a cross section ofthe roadway, and will colorize this so everyone can see what were talking about and how we got connectivity, sidewalks, the cross-walks, landscaping along the road. That is basically it. We agreed to the guidelines being mandatory. Not just guidelines, which we proffered, and we gave you some iideas as to what the buildings will look like. Obviously, staff has got to approve them when they come in. Again it's an individual site by site basis. We're fine with what Traffic Engineering has stated. I've clarified with them. One of the concerns that I had and it wasn't real clear this morning. Ifwe do generate the need, and we're confident that we don't but Ric and his Department (Public Works) are doing what exactly they should be doing to protect the City's interest. These office buildings that we anticipate given the light absorption of the time it is going take, we will be very happy to 5,000 square feet of office per acre on these office sites. It is not going to be a high rise large intense offices, it is not demand out there in this part of the city. So, we think what's in the Traffic Impact Study is actually accurate but were happy, and it is being revised to go forward at a higher amount. If a traffic light is warranted, we'll certainly put in our bonds but we would only be paying the portion of the light that serves this property. There will be another arm on the property to the west, which will probably happen is there will be another loop road on what is city property to connect over but if that were to happen over on this side of Princess Anne Road then the city or whoever developed that property would be responsible for the rest of the improvements to that light. That is what we had some concern about. So, we really don't have any concerns. All the conditions are fine with us. We will provide a little more detail, in terms of the street section might be helpful. These are hypothetical. There may be four. There may be two. We don't know. It is going to depend on demand. What we do know is that the style. It is 1the rural and colonial. We're trying to make this no back lit signs. The things that we proffered and shown, I think clearly demonstrate that it is going to be a high quality and less intense type of commercial then what is caddy corner over on the Red Mill Commons. And frankly, we have done this type of proffering before. In a number of cases, and one that came to mind is Town Square up between Independence Boulevard and Holland Road. It is very, very similar set of proffers on the commercial section of that development. All of that has yet to be developed the commercial section. We've done General Booth, and this a older development at General Booth and Ferrell Parkway, the development that Mr. Bowles was involved in, between the Recreation Center and General Booth. There are number of little office buildings in there. That was a similar type of proffered developed, Jim Arnold at Rosemont Road, his little office industrial park. That same type of proffering as well as Linda Chapell, Wayne McCleskey at Dam Neck and General Booth, similar types of proffers on his commercial that has yet to be developed. So, it is not unusual at all. The city does have control over the appearance of the development that we've given you architectural guidance but when you're doing individual stand alone buildings, as opposed to a strip center, you are not in a position to give you what they're exactly going to look like. So, this is definitely not unusual. You can certainly inquire with staff on that but I don't think anyone, I hope no one believes this will be anything but top quality, given what we have proffered and the control. We're basically seeding over in terms of the architectural elevations of each of the proposed developments when they come in on these parcels as they are divided up. II III Item #14 Princessboro Company, Inc. Page 3 There is no access to Princess Anne Road. No access to Sandbridge Road other than the loop road, which is again an amenity for the Sandbridge marketplace, which is what we will call this. Most importantly, it will assist very much in moving traffic through that intersection as the years go forward. Janice Anderson: Any questions for Mr. Bourdon? Thank you. Eddie Bourdon: Thank you. Janice Anderson: Do we have any other speakers? I'll open it up with discussion? Go ahead Jay. Jay Bernas: I understand that this is somewhat of a unique development and these out parcels and they don't know what is going to be coming so it is kind of difficult to show what exactly is going to be there. But, in my mind, there is too little here. I appreciate the applicant offering to provide additional cross sections of the roadway. I'll probably go to City Council but for me, looking at the site plan it is just enough information. Were requiring pedestrian friendly but I don't see sidewalks. I don't see any cross sections of the street way. I just think that we should be careful when we start to rezone agriculture property to either office or B-2 and that we have some control about the quality of the development that's going to occur. For me, looking at this plan it is not just enough information for me to even make any decision on. So, that is my biggest problem. It's not that I'm against it. I just don't have enough information to make a good valid quality decision that this is going to be fully developed based on what I have in front of me. Janice Anderson: Thank you Jay. Are there any other comments? Don? Donald Horsley: Jack, I guess this question is for you? With the information provided, staff is still comfortable that when the site plans come in and are reviewed, the quality and all that we have seen in some projects will be there. Jack Whitney: Yes sir. Mr. Bourdon is correct. It's more of a challenge when you have a commercial development which has free standing structures as opposed integrated shopping center type construction, which is a lot easier to development elevations and so forth for. What you've seen in the slides and I believe that Mr. Bourdon would agree that what's in the so to speak pattern book, a group of typical styles that may be included in the development. The developer and certainly the staff would agree that it's in the interest of the development and the community, that as the individual structures come in, that they be consistent in terms of quality, mass in scale, landscaping, allowing some variation to accommodate the needs and the type of tenant that is going in there. We will certainly work closely with the developer as it builds out to ensure the level of quality and more a rural vernacular type development, which is in keeping with the area, yet not typical that you might see elsewhere in the city. So, we are confident that through the pattern book and these examples we can achieve working with the developer and the site plans as they come in to get a consistent attractive looking product. Item #14 Princessboro Company, Inc. Page 4 Janice Anderson: Eddie, would you like to make a comment? Eddie Bourdon: We have spent a consumable amount of time working with your staff in the challenge that exists, with regard to that we don't want to see something like Kempsville Crossing. You want to do something that fits the area. We have a lot of elevations that are in your packets that are proffered that as Mr. Whitney has said" an architectural form book. This is not something that lacks a lot of information. It lacks certainty but it doesn't lack information. We are certain that it is going to look exactly like this or any of the other attractive, again, little less intense development. We certainly don't think it's appropriate this juncture that there is anything wrong with the center that is there on the northern section adjacent to this property but we don't want to duplicate that back to back. We want to transition to something that's a little more worldly compatible: as we move into the Transition Area. So, we have to have the approval and then bring in the retailers to buy. We're not going to do your typical whatever the retailer may be or whatever the restaurant maybe. We're not going to their typical prototype. We're going to have to do something that fits one of the types of rural compatible architectun~. That's what we're trying to make happen here as opposed to, and I don't want to degrade anything, but we're not just going to do a typical strip center. And the type of signage that we proffered is not anything like what you will see at any of the commercial areas of the city but other than maybe Pungo. Again, we're trying to create something that is consistent with what we're going to see in the Transition Area. So, the last thing that I think is lacking here is information. We just don't have certainty. And, that's the facts that we can't show is going to looking just like this or just like that. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Eddie Bourdon: I appreciate it. Janice Anderson: A question for Eddie? I'm sorry. Eugene Crabtree: I neglected to act before and Jay brought it up when he said he didn't see anything that referred to pedestrian. Is this limiting your signs and since you got stables there and you got a park, I am going to presume that this is going to be a pedestrian/bike and trails friendly community. Eddie Bourdon: On Princess Anne Road, we have the 50 foot Transition Area, a modified Transition Area because were moving in. And so, certainly it is there to bring the trail all the way through to the shopping center to our north. That's provided for. If there needs to be the portion of trail on that 50 feet, we certainly do that. On the loop road, there will be multi purpose on one side trail and there will be a sidewalk on the other. I would agree with Mr. Bernas it would be better if we had that cross section in here. We'll do that before it gets to City Council. But there will be a multi purpose trail on one side. There will be a sidewalk on the other. There will be crossings where the road crosses or loop road that goes into Munden Farm and goes north into the shopping II III Item #14 Princessboro Company, Inc. Page 5 center. So, there will be full cross walks there. Sense of place. Signage at the entrance for Sandbridge Market Place. Eugene Crabtree: I just want to clarify it for the record. Eddie Bourdon: Thank you. Janice Anderson: Thank you. Are there any other questions? How about comments? AI. Al Henley: Thank you Jan. Al Henley: I know it is difficult. We're always wanting more information and of course more information, and as the Commission we can make a decision. I will say that even though we lack some of the information today, and I know when Mr. Bourdon and his clients will be working pretty closely with staff. I will say that I have the highest confidence in staff that we can achieve what we want to achieve on this. I know their attorney Mr. Bourdon has reached the back as well in this area, so he knows what the community needs and what the community demands. I'm excited about the colonial architecture and we can talk about that as well as a colonial lighting. I think that would enhance this area that is going into the Transition Area, as well as with Munden Farm, and when that approach road ties into this, and they get pedestrian friendly with bike ways, as well as open landscaping. I think it will be really exciting to see this develop on that corner. If done right, and once again I have the highest confidence in staff because Mr. Bourdon, you know as well as I do you are going to be under a microscope as well as all of your clients, and your clients as well as all the residents go way back. So, I'm very confidence that it will go well of where the community demands of them. So, I'm excited that this is coming about. And, I look forward to its development. Janice Anderson: Thank you AI. Don. Donald Horsley: I kind of echo some of AI's comments. I guess I remember back when Mr. Bourdon, we did talk about a borrow pit here. I don't want to rekindle that conversation but I think everybody here is very in tune to what this area is going to be developed as Astro Park and the other developments that are occurring. The handicapped horse arena and all this is located at Heritage Park, I believe it is. The Equi-kids. That is what I was trying to say. I think all the connectivity, and Gene you probably don't want to ride a horse up to the office. I think we got an opportunity here, and sometimes when you try to tie somebody's hands too tight, they get drawn into things that may not be the best in the end. So, I think this gives a little bit of latitude and with the confidence that we have the staff and with the developer, I think we're heading in the right direction. And, when you're prepared, I'll make a motion. Janice Anderson: Okay. I'll take that as a motion. We have a motion by Don Horsley. Is there a second? Item #14 Princessboro Company, Inc. Page 6 Barry Knight: Second. Janice Anderson: A second by Barry Knight. Is there further discussion? I have to note my abstention to this one. The principals and the finn has an active matter with it and it doesn't involve this project at all but it's an active matter, so I will have to abstain. AYE 9 NAYl ABS 1 ABSENT 0 ANDERSON ABS BERNAS NAY CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KATSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE: AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of9-1-1, the application ofPrincessboro Company, Inc. has been approved. Eddie Bourdon: Thank you all very much. Have a happy holiday season. Janice And(~rson: Thank you. Mr. Secretary, is there anything further? Donald Horsley: No ma'am. Janice Andt:rson: Okay. Ifthere is nothing further from anyone, this meeting is adjourned. Happy holidays! II III Item #15 McRjers, L.L.c. Street Closure Northwest comer of Jefferson Boulevard and Windsor Crescent and a portion of Windsor Crescent to the north of Jefferson Boulevard District 4 Bayside December 10, 2008 DEFERRED Janice Anderson: The last item that I have noted is agenda item 15, that's the application of McRjers, L.L.C. They have requested a deferral. Is there any opposition to that matter being deferred? Joseph Strange: Chairman, I make a motion to approve deferring item 15. Janice Anderson: Thank you. We have a motion by Joe Strange and a second by Don Horsley. AYE 10 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 0 ANDERSON AYE BERNAS AYE CRABTREE AYE HENLEY AYE HORSLEY AYE KA TSIAS AYE KNIGHT AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RUSSO AYE STRANGE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 11-0, the board has deferred item 15. Janice Anderson: Thank you. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To Our File No. DF-7081 FROM: DATE: February 9,2009 Leslie ~~ DEPT: City Attorney B. Kay Wils . . DEPT: City Attorney TO: RE: Conditional Zoning Application; Princessboro Development, Inc. The above-referenced conditional zoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 24,2009. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated January 20,2009 and have determined it to be legally sufficient and in proper legal form. A copy of the agreement is attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further. BKW/bm Enclosure cc: Kathleen fsen II PREPARED BY. III PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., a Virginia corporation TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CTIY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 20th day of January, 2009, by and between PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., a Virginia corporation, Grantor; and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of two (2) contiguous parcels of property located in the Princess Anne District of the City of Virginia Beach, designated as Parcel 1 containing 13.393 acres and Parcel 2 containing 9.720 acres and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, said properties being hereinafter referred together as the "Property"; "and WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition addressed to the Grantee, so as to change the Zoning Classifications of the Property from AG-1 and AG-2 to Conditional B-2 Commercial District and Conditional 0-2 Office District; and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land for various purposes through zoning and other land development legislation; and WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competing and sometimes incompatible uses conflict and that in order to permit differing uses on and in the area of the Property and at the same time to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land similarly zoned are needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantor's rezoning application gives rise; and GPIN: 2414-21-3872 IIBSyn:s, ROURDON. 2414-31-5138 (Part of) m AHrnN & L[VY. P.c. 1 PREPARED BY: lIB SYU:S. ROURDON. m Allum & Lffi'. P.L WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarily proffered, in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for the B-2 and 0-2 Zoning Districts by the existing overall Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development, operation, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the Zoning Map relative and applicable to the Property, which have a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for itself, its successors, representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exa.ction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions which shall restrict and govern the physical development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, its successors and assigns, grantees, and other successors in interest or title: 1. When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibits entitled "CONCEPT PLAN OF PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT SANDBRIDGE" and "ENTRANCE AND STREETS CAPE EXHIBIT PROPOSED SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE FOR PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT", dated 01/07/09, prepared by Hoggard/Eure Associates, P.C., which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Conceptual Site Plan"). ~~. When those portions of the Property zoned B-2 Commercial are developed they shall be in accordance with the restrictions and requirements of the B-2 zoning district as specified in Article 9 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia at the time of development. In addition to those standards which are mandatory, all development, except that which can only take place upon the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by Virginia Beach City Council, shall also adhere to the following provisions of Article II, Subsection D "DESIGN, ETC. STANDARDS FOR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS AND SHOPPING CENTERS" of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: 2 II PREPARED BY: IlIB SYI(IS. DOVRDON. m AlIrnN & U:VY. P.C III A. B. C. Section 245 (all applicable subsections); Section 246(d)(5); Section 246(e)(1). 3. When any of the Property is developed, the architectural features, building materials and the quality level of the buildings constructed shall be comparable to the quality levels depicted in the renderings entitled "BUILDING 1YPES - PHOTOGRAPHS & RENDERINGS, SAND BRIDGE MARKETPLACE, October 25, 2008, ("Commercial Rendering" and "Office Rendering") which have been exhibited to the City Council and are on file in the Department of Planning. Deviations from the Renderings are anticipated and may be allowed provided the quality levels are the same or higher than depicted in the rendering. The renderings are demonstrative of the quality intended by the Grantor. 4. When any of the Property is developed, all the freestanding signage shall be no greater than six feet (6') in height, shall not be internally illuminated and shall be of substantially similar design and quality as those depicted on the pictorial renderings entitled "FREESTANDING SIGN OPTIONS "A", "B" and "c" SANDBRIDGE MARKETPLACE, October 25, 2008", ("Freestanding Sign Renderings") which have been exhibited to the City Council and are on file in the Department of Planning. 5. When the Property is developed, a ten foot (10') wide Category IV Landscape Buffer will be provided and planted in accordance with the City's "Landscape Screening and Buffering Specifications and Standards" adjacent to the southern property line. 6. Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City Codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City Code requirements. All references hereinabove to the AG-l, AG-2, B-2 and 0-2 Districts and to the requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of approval of this Agreement by City Council, which are by this reference incorporated herein. The above conditions, having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditions. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the Zoning Ordinance even if the subsequent amendment is 3 PREPARED BY: ~ SYl{[S. ROURDON. .. Allum & IIVY. p.c part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised Zoning Ordinance until specifically repealed. The conditions, however, may be repealed, amended, or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument, provided that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee which was advertised pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said instrument shall be void. The Grantor covenants and agrees that: (1) The Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions and restrictions, including the authority (a) to order, in writing, that any noncompliance with such conditions be remedied, and (b) to bring legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, suit, or proceeding; (2) The failure to meet all conditions and restrictions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator, made pursuant to these provisions, the Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) The Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property, and the ordinances and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department, and they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the Grantor and the Grantee. 4 II PREPARED BY: no SYKI;S. ROURDON. mil AlII;RN & L!;YY. P.c. WITNESS the following signature and seal: Grantor: III Princessboro Development Company, Inc., a Virginia corporation By: ~ ~....L >' fk;/.,o+ C. M'chael sher, President STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 26th day of January, 2009, by C. Michael Fisher, President of Princessboro Development Company, Inc., a Virginia corporation, Grantor. My Commission Expires: Notary Registration No.: A~4ikj Jj, Jp1 t(}d:h Notary Public August 31, 2010 192628 5 PREPARED BY: II SYKIS. ROURDON. AIIrnN & 1M. P.C EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1: ALL THAT certain lot, piece or parcel of land with any improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and being known, numbered and designated as Parcel D-1, as shown on that certain plat entitled, "SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL C-1-Y, PARCEL C-2 PROPERlY OF PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO., INC.", prepared by MSA, P.C., dated August 5, 2005, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, as Instrument # 20051229002079030. GPIN: 2414-21-3872 PARCEL 2: ALL THAT certain portion or a parcel of land with any improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being a 9.720 acre portion of that property known and designated as PARCEL D-2, on that certain plat entitled, "SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL C-1-Y, PARCEL C-2 PROPERlY OF PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO., INC.", prepared by MSA, P.C., dated August 5, 2005, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, as Instrument # 20051229002079030. Said portion of PARCEL D-2 is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Parcel D-2 as depicted on the plat entitled "SUBDrVISION OF PARCEL C-1-Y, PARCEL C-2 PROPERlY OF PRINCESSBORO DEVELOPMENT CO., INC.", dated August 5, 2005 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia as Instrument No. 200512~~9002079030, and from this POINT OF BEGINNING running along the shared boundary between PARCEL D-2 and PARCEL D-1 as depicted on the afore referenced plat North 400 29' 12" East, a distance of 741.25 feet to a point along the southern boundary of PARCEL D as depicted on the plat entitled "SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL C-1-Y , PARCEL C-2" as recorded in the afore referenced Clerk's Office as Instrument No. 2005122~9002075030; thence turning and running South 490 30' 48" East, a distance of 566.95 feet to a point; thence continuing in a southwesterly direction along the arc of a curve having a radius of 857.69 feet an arc distance of 37.01 feet to a point; thence continuing in a southwesterly direction along the arc of a curve having a radius of 172-42 feet an arc distance of 112-44 feet to a point; thence continuing in a southwesterly direction along the arc of a curve having a radius of 425.76 feet an arc distance of 9.58 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 070 26' 20" East, a distance of 173.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 200 39' 32" West, a distance of 311.40 feet to a point along the shared boundary between PARCEL D-2 as depicted on the afore referenced Subdivision of "PARCEL C-1-Y' and "PARCEL C-2" and property now or formerly owned by Munden & Associates, L.P.; thence turning and running along said shared boundary 6 II PREPARED BY, lIB SYJ(rs. DOURDON. m AlltRN & IIVY. P.C III North 630 22' 18" West, a distance of 774.61 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Zoning Parcel contains approximately 9.720 Acres. GPIN: 2414-31-5138 (Part of) ConditionaIRezone/PrincessboroDevelopment/Proffer5_ Clean Rev_l/2o/09 7 III WELDENFIELD OF VIRGINIA Relevant Information: · Applicant requests withdrawal of the application. II III r ._._~'O;>.~ '. ,I ~, >51 ....,..."" CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM '"" \.. ~ ITEM: Application of Weldenfield of Virginia, L.L.C. for a Chanae of Zonina District Classification from 1-1 Light Industrial District, R-5D Residential Duplex District and 0-2 Office District to Conditional R-7.5 Residential District with a PD- H2 Overlay on property located at the northwest intersection of Regent University Drive and Jake Sears Road. DISTRICT 1 - CENTERVILLE MEETING DATE: February 24,2009 . Background: The applicant proposes to rezone the existing 1-1 Light Industrial, R-5D Residential, and 0-2 Office Districts to Conditional R-7.5 Residential District with a PD-H2 Planned Unit Overlay for the purpose of developing the site with 69 single-family dwellings and 81 townhomes. This application was deferred for 120 days by the City Council on August 12, 2008. . Considerations: The applicant has requested that this item be withdrawn. . Recommendations: Allow withdrawal of the application. . Attachments: Letter from Applicant Location Map Recommended Action: Allow withdrawal. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager~~, ~~ f mm SYI([S, ROURDON, _ AII[RN & lM, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW TELEPHONE; 757-499-8971 FACSIMILE: 757-456-5445 January 16, 2009 JON M. AHERN R. EDWARD BOURDON, JR. JAMES T CROMWELL L, STEVEN EMMERT JACQUELINE A. FINK DAVID S. HOLLAND KATEY KORSLUND KIRK B, LEVY O. JACKSON MOORE, JR. JENNIFER D, ORAM-SMITH HOWARD R. SYKES. JR, PEMBROKE OFFICE PARK - BUIUlING ONE 281 INOEPENDENCE BOULEVARD FIFTH FLOOR VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 234'62-2989 Via Hand Delivery Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. Members of the Virginia Beach City Council c/o Ruth Hodges Fraser, City Clerk City Hall Building #1, Room 260 Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Re: Application of Weldenfield of Virginia, L.L.C. for Change of Zoning District Classification from 1-1 Light Industrial District, R-5D Residential District, and 0- 2 Office District to PDH-2 with an underlying R-7.5 on 46.2 Acres located at the northwest intersection of Regent University Drive, south of Midtowne Way, Centerville District, Virginia Beach, Virginia; GPIN #1455-57-1149 and 1455-66- 6408; Deferred by City Council at its pubic hearing on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 until its February 10, 2009 Dear Mr. Sessoms and Members of City Council: I am writing on behalf of Weldenfield of Virginia, L.L.C. to request that the above referenced Rezoning Application which was deferred for six (6) months by the Virginia Beach City Council at its public hearing on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 be WITHDRA \NN. . We want to thank you in advance for your anticipated courtesy and consideration in permitting this rezoning application to be withdrawn from consideration. Should any of you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. With kind regards, I am Very truly yours, R. Edward Bourdon, Jr. REBjr/arhm cc: Jack Whitney, Director, Department of Planning Faith Christie, Department of Planning Stephen J. White, Department of Planning B. Kay Wilson, Associate City Attorney Brian Rowe, Weldenfield of Virginia, L.L.C. Lowell W. Morse, Morse & AssociateS, Inc. ConditionaIRezone/WeldenfieldofVirginia/FenwyckForestjSessoms_Ltrl.16.09 " I L. APPOINTMENTS HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION PLANNING COUNCIL II III M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS III N. NEW BUSINESS O. ADJOURNMENT Effective January 1, 2009: Virginia Beach City Council will hold Informal and Formal Sessions on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month. Workshops will be scheduled for the First and Third Tuesdays of each month per action taken November 18, 2008. ******************* PROPOSED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN FY 2010 BUDGET WORKSHOPS March 24 City Manager's Presentation of Budget and CIP to City Council Council Chamber - 6 p.m. April 7 April 14 April 21 April 16 April 28 MayS May 12 Workshop Workshop Workshop Public Hearing Public Hearing Reconciliation Workshop Adoption Council Conference Room Council Conference Room Council Conference Room Green Run High School- 6 p.m. Council Chamber - 6 p.m. Council Conference Room Council Chamber - 6 p.m. ******** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 *********** Agenda 2/24/09s1 www.vbl!ov.com I[ II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V I DATE: 2/3/09 L D S L E D H E A W PAGE: I D S I E J S U N I A T E D N 0 S H U L W AGENDA V E Z Y L N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE I P E E E E M I V 0 0 S H L R Y S S N A N D VA CITY COUNCIL BRIEFINGS: HAMPTON RDS PARTNERSHIP E. Dana Dickens, President/CEO, UPDATE Hampton Roads Partnership B SPSA Michael 1. Barrett, SPSA II. CITY MANAGERS BRIEFING: A. OVERVIEW/STATUS OF PEMBROKE Burrell Saunders, AREA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AlA, Principal, CMS Architects Tom Pauls, Comprehensive Planning Coordinator IlIlN N / CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED CERTIFIED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VIIVIIIE SESSION VIIIF MINUTES InformallFormal Sessions 01/27/2009 APPROVED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y GIH/I11. Ordinances re SPORTSPLEX: a. AUTHORIZE Lease at 2181/2257 ADOPTED, BY 10-1 Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Landstown Road to VIRGINIA BEACH CONSENT FIELD HOUSE, LLC b. ACCEPT non-binding Term Sheets re ADOPTED, BY 9-1 Y Y Y Y N Y A Y Y Y Y management of SportsplexlUS Field CONSENT B Hockey S T A I N E D CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V I DATE: 2/3/09 L D S L E D H E A W PAGE: 2 D S I E J S U N I A T E D N 0 S H U L W AGENDA V E Z Y L N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE I P E E E E M I V 0 0 S H L R Y S S N A N D c. ACCEPT Ground Lease re retail center ADOPTED, BY 9-1 Y Y Y Y N Y A Y Y Y Y CONSENT B S T A I N E D 2. Resolution to APPOUolT William M. ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Macali Acting City Attorney, effective CONSENT February 16,2009. 3. Resolutions re VDOT Urban Maintenance: ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CONSENT a. ACCEPT additiolllal streets b. ACCEPT corrections/deletions re ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Road Inventory CONSENT 4. Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $70,000 from FEMA re Hurricane Omar CONSENT ADD ON Resolution recognizing City Attorney Les ADDED/ 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Lilley for 30 yrs dedicated ADOPTED service/congratulations on recent appt as VB Circuit Court Judgl: J/I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH: a. 2181/2257 LandstO'WI1 Road A APPROVED AS 9-1 Y Y Y Y N Y B Y Y Y Y DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE PROFFERED, S I. COZ from AG-I Conditional B-2 BY CONSENT T re sports enhanl:ement A I N E D 2. Conditional Use Pennit re APPROVED AS 10-1 Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y recreational facilities CONDITIONED, BY CONSENT K APPOINTMENTS: Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ARTS AND HUMANnIES Martha McClees COMMISSION Unexpired thru 6/30/12 II II CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCU ACnONS V I DATE: 2/3/09 L D S L E D H E A W PAGE: 3 D S I E J S U N I A T E D N 0 S H U L W AGENDA V E Z Y L N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE I P E E E E M I V 0 0 S H L R Y S S N A N D BIKEW A YSffRAILS ADVISORY Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMISSION Ross Vierra Unexpired thru 6/30/09 COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Diane Jones Unexpired thru 12/31/10 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMISSION Marianne Littel Unexpired thru 12/31/09 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 'Y Ronald L. Carter Unexpired thru 3/31/11 MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Derek Redmond Unexpired thru 5/31/10 PERSONNELL BOARD Reappointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Ruby Christian, William 1. Dale, George E. McGovern, Larry W. Shackelford - Alt, George N. Tzavaras - Alt 3 Yr Terms 3/1/09-2/29/12 WETLANDS BOARD Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Robert "Bob" Thornton Unexpired thru 9/30/12 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V I DATE: 2/3/09 L D S L E D H E A W PAGE: 4 D S I E J S U N I A T E D N 0 S H U L W AGENDA V E Z Y L N 0 R E S 0 ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE I P E E E E M I V 0 0 S H L R Y S S N A N D RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION Appointed 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Nancy Creech 3 Yr Term 2/1/09-12/31/12 Appointed Bryan Cuffee Unexpired thro 12/31/11 UMINP ADJOURNMENT 6:14PM PUBLIC COMMENTS 6:15-7:2Ipm "Open Dialogue" Peninsula Institute for Community Health 5 Speakers @ General Booth Boull:vard and Birdneck Road Cold Case Task Force re unsolved murders 13 Speakers - in City Mayor will meet with staff/report to citizens in 60 daYS Effective January 1, 2009: Virginia Beach City Council will hold Informal and Formal Sessions on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month. Workshops will be scheduled for the First and I!liJ:5l Tuesdays of each month PROPOSED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN FY 2010 BUDGET WORKSHOPS Febrlllary 9, 10 Workshop to Develop Program Priorities Economic Development - Conference Room - 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Marcll1 24 City Manager's Presentation of Budget and CIP to City Council Council Chamber - 6 p.m. April 7 April 14 AprilZl April 16 April :!8 May 5 May 12 Workshop Workshop Workshop Public Bearing Public Bearing Reconciliation Workshop Adoption Council Conference Room Council Conference Room Council Conference Room Green Run High School- 6 p.m. Council Chamber - 6 p.m. Council Conference Room Council Chamber - 6 p.m.