Second Year Update FY 2009-10
Communications and Information
Technology CIP Section
Dave Hansen, Deputy City Manager
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Types of Projects Funded for FY 2009-10
Funding Highlights
3. 086 EMS –Field Reporting Implementation
Funds -$450K
3.094 Police TelestaffModule Implementation
Funds -$540K
3.142 Continues Communications and IT
Infrastructure Replacement Funding -$2.7M
3.340 Telecommunications Infrastructure
Replacement Funding -$250K
Changes from Original FY 2010
3.119 Cable Access Funds -Reflect Final Amount
Shifted from Special Revenue Fund to CIP -$313K
3.052 IT Service Continuity -Additional Funding
Augmented by $391K
3.280 Human Resources / Payroll System –Phase 2
Implementation -$300K
3.124 COPS Interoperable Communications
Technology Grant Phase II –No change in total
funding; FY09 and FY10 appropriations shifted to
reflect early receipt of matching funds