Virginia Beach
Sustainability Efforts
Clay Bernick
Department of Planning
Environmental Management Center
November 17, 2009
Sustainability –What is It?
“development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
-United Nations World Commission on Environment &
Development, 1987
“meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs”
-Bruntland Commission (1983) World Commission on Environment
& Development
Virginia Beach’s Advantages
Multiple renewable energy resource opportunities (e.g. Wind,
Unique, strategically critical geographic location
Strong military and maritime industry in region
Favorable climate
Exemplary natural resources
Strong agricultural base
Naturally attractive location and connectedness to the environment
Strong educational base with tremendous further potential
Related City Activities
Mayor’s Alternative Energy Task Force
Green Ribbon Committee
Joint Energy Committee
Clean Waters Task Force
Economic Vitality Team Green Jobs Work
Blue Ribbon Committee
Virginia Beach Examples of
For Promoting Sustainability
Council Directives to Date
Council resolved on September 23, 2008 to develop a Sustainable
Virginia Beach Initiative to be known as “Go Green Virginia Beach” to:
Meet or exceed applicable state or federal regulatory requirements
and provide for periodic compliance reviews of City-owned operations
and properties;
Maintain an Environmental Emergency Response Plan to effectively
address potential incidents;
Create a Sustainability Plan for the City of Virginia Beach to be
presented to City Council by March 31, 2010. The Plan will establish
1, 5, and 10 year sustainability targets as well as define initiatives
designed to reach the targets set out in the Plan; and
Establish a Sustainability Advisory Team, in order to oversee and
coordinate these efforts within the City organization and with the
community, and to promote, implement, oversee, recommend, and
track sustainable practices and activities.
City Actions to Date
Climate Protection Agreement –November 2005
City Council Endorsement of Initial Sustainability Efforts -
September 2008
VML Go Green Virginia 2008 -
September 2008
Green Meeting Industry Council Platinum Member –
September 2009
AIA SDAT Grant –
September 2009
VML Go Green Virginia 2009 -
October 2009
Virginia Green Program –
Climate Protection Agreement
Cities’ Commitments Under the Agreement:
Strive to meet or beat the Kyoto Protocol targets in their own
communities, through actions ranging from anti-sprawl land-use
policies to urban forest restoration projects to public information
Urge their state governments, and the federal government, to
enact policies and programs to meet or beat the greenhouse gas
emission reduction target suggested for the United States in the
Kyoto Protocol
Strive for 7% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990
levels by 2012
Urge the U.S. Congress to pass the bipartisan greenhouse gas
reduction legislation, which would establish a national emission
trading system
VML GO Green Virginia
An initiative of the VML to encourage local governments to reduce
energy usage and promote sustainability
Named Certified Green Government in 2008
Named Silver Award Certified Green Government in 2009 with 20
percent improvement on City score
Topics addressed: Government Policy Adoption; Energy Efficiency;
Green Building; Waste Management; Vehicles; Land Use/
Transportation; Water/ Air Quality; Employee Incentives; Education/
Community Participation; Schools; Innovation
Virginia Green
Virginia Green is the statewide program that works to reduce the
environmental impacts of Virginia’s tourism industry.It is a
partnership between the Virginia Tourism Corporation and the
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.The program awards
Virginia Green Certification to tourism-related business such as
hotels, restaurants and attractions taking voluntary actions to reduce
harmful impacts on the environment.
City Achievements to Date:
First VA certified Convention Facility
First VA certified Destination
32 VA certified Hotels
20 VA certified restaurants
13 VA certified events
4 VA certified attractions
AIA and SDAT Program
May 2009 Advance Team Site Visit
September 2009 Full Team Site Visit
Public Meetings and Input
Initial SDAT Recommendations & Draft Report
Other AIA Selected Communities for 2009
Beatrice, Nebraska
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Cleveland, Ohio
Eagle River Valley, Colorado
Hilo, Hawaii
Indianapolis, Indiana
Los Angeles, California
Orange, Massachusetts
Port Angeles, Washington
Past selected communities include Detroit, Fort Worth, New
Orleans, Tampa, Albany, Tucson, Syracuse, Oklahoma City
AIA & SDAT Program Steering
Councilwoman Rosemary Steve Herbert (Deputy City
Councilman Bob DyerCynthia Whitbred-Spanoulis
(Economic Development)
Nicole Davilli (Hampton Roads
AIA)Clay Bernick (Planning)
Karen Forget (Lynnhaven Ross Brockwell (Public Works)
River NOW)
Initial SDAT Recommendations
Urban Design -walkability & connectivity; articulate neighborhoods;
establish connections; centers along transit boulevard; mixed use
development at beach; open space; phased implementation
Agriculture –neighborhood markets; preserving farm(er)s/watermen;
connecting to the “country” best practices; local food system
Transportation & Complete Streets -provide viable choices to shift a
proportion of SOV to alternate modes (light rail, bus rapid transit,
bicycle and pedestrian systems); complete streets
Green Economy -Increase Communication; Grow the Energy
Efficiency Sector; Pursue Renewable Energy Investments; Prepare
Your Workforce; Leverage Growth Along Light Rail to Create
Initial SDAT Recommendations
Virginia Beach sustainability is:
NOT simply a series of actions
A comprehensive lens of how we look at EVERY city action
Community engagement
Lower energy use & higher renewables
Viable multimodal transportation options
Mixed use walkable redevelopment
Farms AND the farm economy
Healthy natural systems
Ready for sea level rise
Green Economic Development
Next Steps
Completion of AIA SDAT Team Process
Completion of First Sustainability Report by SAT
Formal Council Establishment of City Sustainability Program
(Physical Location in City Organization, Staffing, Budget,
Relationship to Quality Organization/Management Leadership
Team/Strategic Issue Teams)
Add as Item on City Council Pending Items List
Designate Council Liaisons
Focus Public Information and Education Efforts
Revise City Procurement Policy
Develop Energy Strategy
Designation of Department and Program Staff Contacts
Why Sustainability?
Save City Money
Convention Center as Model
Study Potential for Reorganization to Better Utilize Limited City Resources
Aggressively Pursue Grants and Other Funding Sources
Better Sustain Natural Environment
Green Infrastructure, Urban Forestry Management Plan, TMDL Implementation
Plan Development
Agricultural Strategy
Oyster Heritage Restoration Strategy and Seafood Industry
Better Sustain Built Environment
Energy Efficiency Retrofits
Building Lifecycle Costs
Gray Infrastructure Maintenance
Attract Sustainable Economic Development
Alternative Energy Development –Offshore Wind, Biodiesel
Expanded Research Partnerships with ODU, NSU, TCC and Others
Workforce Training and Development for Green Jobs
What can a Sustainability Strategy help
Virginia Beach do in the Longer Term?
Workforce development, retention and attraction of young
Bolstered tourism and increased recognition; defined local niche
Improved infrastructure
Optimized operational and maintenance costs
Increased City revenues
Attraction of general businesses insisting on “green” locales and
recruitment of green industry
Increased opportunities for potential investment
Diversification and enrichment of our local economy
Community for a Lifetime
… and A Community for Lifetimes to