HomeMy WebLinkAbout01052010 COMPARISON PRESENTATION Comparison of Virginia Beach to Other Regional Cities i BrcIE a~ , 21 FY 2010-11 Budget Preparation - November 17t" -Five Year Forecast Presentation - December 8t" -Presentation Summarizing Citizen Input from Town Hall Meetings - Today -Regional Comparison Briefing - March 23~d -City Managers Presentation of Budget & CIP to City Council - City Council Workshops -April 6t", 13t", 20t" and 27t" - Public Hearings -April 22"d and 27t" - May 4t" -Budget Reconciliation Workshop - May 11t" - FY10 Budget Adoption Expenditures By Category __ _ __ o.~; w :,~ , ~. a __ _, _ _ _ _ _. _~_ _ _ ~ ___~e . _ . ~~0 5a~ ~o ~fi ~~~ ~A ~a Source: 2008 Comparative Report of Local Government Revenues and Expenditures Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Local __ __ Revenue By Type _.__ ~~.~ Ch.r`eslor5ervice ^ MlscelWneousAevmue 80.@!t pewnpehom the Vu of stoney and Property ~ ~ • total SaMsapd Vsa Tas *~ +Conmmn tlt7hy Taaes ~.@ •: MesK Tax 1AA% a 8P@l Oeher laeai Toes d@% _ _ °" °«* ~#' ~ cs* 2~ 4`° ~1 Per!iaewland euainess Plvperty tPees fi b C ~°~ ~~ ~ ya ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ Q „~~' ~ ABcal Estate Taaes Source: 2008 Comparative Report of Local Government Revenues and Expenditures Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Current Selected Local Tax Rates and Fees for FY 2009-10 Source: Management Services •Hampton charges $18.42 for houses that recycle and $43.33 for those that do not •Newport News charges $18.63 fora 60 gallon container and $23.31 fora 90 gallon container Comparison of Municipal Taxes FY 2009-10 Virginia Beach Chesapeake Norfolk Portsmouth SuROIk Hampton Newport News Real Estate Tax 52,201.86 52,597.70 52,748.14 53,067.76 52,251.34 52,5]2.96 $2,721.40 Personal Property Tax 481.76 509.18 530.40 624.00 530.40 530.40 530.40 Electricity Utility Tax 36.00 45.00 45.00 40.80 36.00 36.00 36.96 Ges Utility Tex 36.00 22.56 18.00 36.00 36.00 28.80 18.12 Ve Telecommunications Tax 70.68 70.68 70.68 70.68 70.68 70.68 70.68 Water Utility Tax 36.00 None 67.50 84.00 None None None Restaurant Tax 251.48 251.48 275.43 275.43 275.43 275.43 275.43 Admissions Tax 25.89 25.69 25.69 25.89 25.69 25.69 19.27 Vehicle License Decal 50.00 46.00 52.00 50.00 40.00 56.00 52.00 Stormwater Utility Fee 80.67 82.20 98.28 78.00 62.88 55.20 65.40 Residential Refuse Fee None 36.00 324.12 384.00 None 221.00 279.76 Total Tex Impact 57,250.14 53,886.49 56,257.24 54,75.75 53.328.42 53,572.16 54,069.42 Source: Management Services Monthly Trash Collection Fee Economic Vitality Change in Housing Price in Hampton Roads and Competing Metro Areas from 2006 to 2008 io.oz s.~ ~.~ o.~ •~ ~e aaz oa o ~ ~Q~° Q`O 0a `d~•6 ~°a •a~ `' ae °a a -lO.OX ~I ~ ~~~ - ~ a F -15.0% -20.0% - _- -25.0% -30.0% Metropolitan Statistical Area Source: Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (National Association of Realtors) Inflation-Adjusted Department of Defense Spending in Hampton Roads __ __ $1$,000 _ ~., ,~ _...._~ ! ~ls,ooo Siz.ooo Ss<aoo sa,aoo So . _ s . ~ ..~,..~ 1993 1994 1495 1936 1447 194$ 1949 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 zoox 2cw$ Source: Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (Consolidated Federal Funds Report) Median Household Income Per Capita Income Ssoooo San,ooo S3o.0oa Sazszl Percent of Commercial Real Property 2008 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% S.0% 0.0% Vrginia Beach Chesapeake Norfolk Portsmouth Suffolk Source: Virginia Association of Assessing Officers Hampton Newport News ~~ 10 ~ ~ ~f~ ~ „~ 24.6% Percent of Exempt Real Property 2008 as.0% - - - 39.4% _ 40.0% 35.1% 35.0% --- --------- 30.0% ~ ---- 25.0% I 22.3% 20.0% 1 18`5% 15.0% ~~ 9.7% 9.3% _ 10.0% za% I S.OY ~ 0.0% Virginia Chesapeake Norfolk Portsmouth Suffolk Hampton Newport Beach News Source: Virginia Department of Taxation Unemployment Rate ~_ _ __ ~ 4.1176 . _ _ . __ _. ___ __e _ __~_ __ ~ ~~_~~~.~ _ $.076 ~ •2009 data is through the month of October '. VPrginia BeacA 7.096 ' - . - .Chesapeake ' &.0% . ~ . ~~ ..,., -Noriotk 5.076 ~ »~,~. ..~ ~ *.. ° ~ ... , s.. "'~, ~ ~„ ~~ -_. ,,: - -ae-Portsmouth ~ .~.,_ . ~ 9 "~" -. Suffolk ~,. _ _ --- Hampton Newport News 3 07s: - - 10.076 2003 2004 ZOOS 2006 2007 2008 2004 [atendarYear Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics -Local Area Unemployment Statistics Database 11 Taxable Sales ,_ __ __ __ ch i y~e,,...~.,v........... $3,000,Q00,000 - -t~»Roresrnouth --~-SvftolR $2,0OO.OEl0.000 ~,..,~ ~ ~. a„~.~-,^",. Hampton $2,OQO,tt00,OtM3 - -..,-,.~'.~...u..._ n..d _P.,> ~.,~ N2vspOrtNOws SO ZtMl3 2004 2005 2406 2007 2tt0$ Calendar Year _ _ Source: Virginia Department of Taxation Quality Education and lifelong Learning I! 12 library Expenditures Per Capita Sao.o6 $35.04 I $30.80 525.00 :55.00 56.E ~° z6o~ zo6a zoos tcro6 zooz zoos Fiscal Ytar Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Virginia Beacn -Nariolk w#-~fMrtsmouth ~«~--5ufh~ik fS,....Hamptan '... Newport Mews City Expenditures Per Pupil 5s.6oo _. ~~ . ~ _n _ ~ ~ . .. __ € 55,006 -~ Vitginla Beach 53.91 -*~-Cntsaptake $3,192 -•~ -NOrPotk r., ....._ ._..~....Suffouc Sz.OtX1 ....Hampton '-~~.~ .- ~. Naurport News 3083 2064 2005 2006 200T 206$ Sctraeii Year Source: Virginia Department of Education Superintendent's Annual Report 13 City Contribution as a Percent of Total School Operating Expenditures 4.09& ..... .. _ _ 2003 2004' 2005 2006 2Et07 200& SchoalYear Source: Virginia Department of Education Superintendent's Annual Report Safe Community 14 Szoo $103.00 593.64 : $77.57 $83.01 '; ,..~: Z~3 2004 2005 2Q06 i FiscatYear Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts cnesaaeske i .~-=Norfolk i Expenditures Per Capita Law Enforcement and Traffic Control w ', ! I~ 15 Fiscal Xear Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Violent Crime Rate Source: Crime in Vrginia Quality Physical Environment 16 ^~^ $600 30,000 25 000 $500 , 20 000 v m $400 , L O O e 15 000 ~ ~ . $300 , q d 0 c ~ 10 000 o c $200 , x $100 5,000 0 SO 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (Texas Transportation Institute) lane Miles of Road 0 ~' _ ~~- 2003 2004 2005 2006 2t)Q7 2008 Cakerrdsr Year Source: Virginia Department of Transportation I ~I 17 Hampton Roads Congestion and Congestion Costs Expenditures Per Lane Mile $60,000 -_-_~_._.~ - ------ ---___ $50,000 - ', Virginia Beach $40,000 ' -Chesapeake ~"~tYOrfolk $30,000 ', ---- -*p-porumouth ... ~~.f'-~ -~-Suffolk $20,000 _~`.`_, ~, -- ,a.e,,,~ _...~...,- .... .. -Nampwn ~ ~~~~~~~ -°,. ,~hAewCtl€f PIewR $,2.0,000 - $0 _ _ _ _,. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 fiscal Year Sources: Virginia Department of Transportation and Auditor of Public Accounts Expenditures Per Capita Solid Waste Collection $200.00 ~~ ._ -- ____~~ W_.. ~~~~~_, ~_,_ _.w~_ . . $160.00 $220.00 580.00 $40.00 VErglnia Bead+ ' Chesapeake .::,,»Norfolk --»+~-Portsmnn#h -~-•Suffolk $0,00 2003 2004 2~5 2006 2007 2009 :. Fiscal Year '. Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts 18 Family and Youth Opportunities -P+o~tfmOUth »> &ik95 _.. 7.4% 742% SuNdk 6.4% 6.5% °"N~FNm 4.Q% 0.0% 2C1Q5 2006 2Q07 Calendar veer Source: Census Bureau -American Community Survey - Newport News { j 2flU8 19 Poverty Rate -Individuals Expenditures Per Capita Public Health X70.00 ~ . ~~ _ ~ ._.__ ~_ . ~ ~. .~w._m~ ,$60.00 ~ `°~ ~ virginia$tdGh . ~ ~ '$SO.QO f ~~~ Chesapeake ~` ,s' ;$40.00 - ~ -Norfolk ' -FPortsmoutk~ " $30.00 _ -- -- ~...~..~~ » -Suffa(k ,...HamCtan .,.. <,, m .°` ° N w 't N S1O.O0 _ lWS ew( e ~ ,. $5.22 $5.39 $5.45 $5.76 $6.06 $6.35 1 ~.OQ _.. . zoa3 ztma zoos zac~5 2oa7 2Q68 i Ffscal Year Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Expenditures Per Capita Social Services i +'""~~ «~^^ V€ i € B h a .~3FM1.00 ,.~ ,"`- rt eac rg a - ;m .~~ a ~ e,.,..„ a Chesapeake „ v.. _~. Nwfnik s .,.,.e~ ~_ -~°-' / S~~XDK -~-POxtSrttOrlth / 5.74 ® ^°SuHo~ ~~4Q;(~$ ~ i. $94.84 Hampton Nev+part News ''. ~ 2003 2004 2005 2005 2007 240$ ~ I PisraJ Year I Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts 20 Expenditures Per Capita Mental Health and Mental Retardation Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Cultural and Recreational Opportunities 9 z, ____Newpurt.News 9o.nn aaco aooa zoos aa~ aa-r auoa ~ ` Fiscal Yrar !- - _~ r_ T __ ~ .___ _- -- --~-- Expenditures Per Capita Parks and Recreation $160.00 - --. ~~.~_------ --- --_---- x $140.00 ~- +rt~Vlrglnka8each $120.00 - ~,.. -..~. Chesapeake ~ _...~,..,. $98.21 $100.00 ~,• ~.... ~....-=-^-m° _ Norfolk $80.00 - --- -~-portsmotrth _„< ~ $60.00 $50.16 -+~-Suffolk $61.38 $52.67 $40.00 - - ,.Hampton _ Newport News $20.00 50.00 _ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ __- - _ _ 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Fiscal Year Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts $a.~a __ 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Fiuel Year Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts ~~ 22 Expenditures Per Capita Cultural Enrichment Quality Organization 23 Per Capita Expenditures as a Percentage of Personal Income 14,Q% _. ... w: _ _ .~._ .. ~ .. _ ' 12.09 0 ~ ~x °~. I0:0% - ~..-..- ~~, ~ ,.> ..... ~=„-.-_.~.--. ~-° - Va €n€a Beach ~~~•thesapeake I, 8.OY -- 7.1% ~ j i 6.0% - -+«-ROrtsm<wti~ I _ -~«-SuNolk ', 4.490 -_ - M4ampEOn I x.99" - I i NewFOrC News 0.09& __<__.m ... __ 2000 2001 . 2f)Ox 2093 2004 2005 20011 2Q07 fiscal Year _ ~ Source: Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts and US Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 Bond Rating Standard & Poor's A~ Virginia Beach Moody's Aa1 Standard & Poor's AA Chesapeake Moody's Aa2 Standard & Poor's AA Norfolk Moody's Al Standard & Poor's AA- Portsmouth Moody's Al Standard & Poor's AA Hampton Moody's Aa2 Standard & Poor's Aa Newport News Moody's Aa2 Source: Each City's 2008 CAFR Citizen Survey November 2009 • 91.4% are satisfied with City services overall • 94.0% are satisfied with the appearance of the City • 97.4% believe Virginia Beach is a good place to live • 94.2% believe Virginia Beach is a safe place to I ive ~ I '~~ 25 Conclusions • The Region is experiencing the impacts of the recession • Lowest cost provider in the region • Low overall tax rates compared to the region • Using standardized values, a family of four has a lower tax burden than the other cities Still lag behind other cities in fees and charges for service as proportion of total revenues • Citizens value the services the City provides