HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 30, 2010 SPECIAL SESSIONCITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR fdr/LL,'AA4 D. SESSOMS, JR., Al-Large VICE MAYOR LOUIS l2..IONES, Bay.cir(e -District -I lU'l'A SWEGT BELL/"/ f0, A(-Large GL ENN R. DA h/S, Rose Hall - Di.cn ict 3 WILLIAM R. DeSTEPH, At-Large HARRY E. D/EZEL, Kempcville -Districl 2 ROHERT M. DYER, Ccntcrrille -Districl / BARBARA M. I IENLE'Y, Prince,c.c Anne - Uisn-ict 7 .IOHN E. UHR;N, Beach -District <, ROS6MAR}' Gi'!/.SON, At-Large JAti16SL. N~OOD, Lytvthaven -District S CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION CITY /TALL BUIL.GI,'JG ~anl couRTllousc DIIrnE~ VIRGINIA GEACH, VIRGINIA 2395ci-800 PHONE: (757) 38.i-430 FA,Y (757) 38>-.SGGJ E- MAIL: Ct~~cncl@»bgov cony CIl'YMANAG[~R-JAMES K. SI'ORL CITYATTOIWEY- AIARKSTILES CITY ASSESSOR - JERAI,D BANAGAN C/TYAUD/TOR- L}NDONS. REMIAS CITY CLF,RK -RUTH HODGES ERASER, MMC 3 0 MARCH 2 010 - Ci Council Conference Room - 4:00 PM I. SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION ry A. CALL TO ORDER -Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. 1. READING OF THE MAYOR'S CALL FOR FORMAL SESSION B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. PROPOSED FY 2010-2011 OPERATING BUDGET and CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM James K. Spore, City Manager Catheryn Whitesell, Director -Management Services D. COMPENSATION/BENEFITS Fagan Stackhouse, Director -Human Resources E. STATE BUDGET IMPACTS Catheryn Whitesell, Director -Management Services 5:30 PNI II. REVIEW OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA - Council Chamber - 6:00 :PNI III. LED SIGN ORDINANCE Ordinance to AMEND ~ 111 and ADD §217 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re requirements for monument and electronic display signs (LED) (deferred February 9, March 9 and March 23, 2010). IV. ADJOURNMENT i ,~~ct ro4 '%~''~ ~l``~,~v CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Amend Section 111 and Add New Section 217 to the City Zoning Ordinance, Defining Monument Signs and Electronic Display Signs and Establishing Requirements for Such Signs MEETING DATE: March 30, 2010 ^ Background: This item was deferred by the City Council on February 9 to provide a subcommittee of the City Council time to meet and review the proposed ordinance in light of various issues expressed by City Council members during the Informal Council Session on February 9. The City of Virginia Beach currently has no regulations specific to signs that utilize these technologies. The Zoning Ordinance is silent on the use of electronic display elements as part of a sign. As a result, electronic display elements, as part of a sign or as an entire sign face, have made a steady advance across the city when new signs have been installed. As noted above, with the increased sophistication of digital sign technology, the slowly decreasing costs, and the plethora of advertising alternatives electronic display signs offer, such signs are becoming, if not are, the standard for signage. The City Council heard comments from the public regarding the proposed ordinance at their March 23, 2010 meeting. The item was then deferred to the March 30 meeting. ^ Considerations: The attached comparison table summarizes the two most recent alternative ordinances developed by the City Council subcommittee. The following provides the chronology of the development of the amendments: • August 25, 2009 -City Council refers ordinance to the Planning Commission • September to November 2009 -Planning Cornrnission holds public workshops and meetings • January 13, 2010 -Planning Commission recornrnends more restrictive "Alternate Ordinance" to City Council • February 9, 2010 -City Council defers ordinance for briefing • February 16, 2010 -City Council briefing; subcommittee formed City of Virginia Beach -Electronic Display Signs Amendment Page 2 of 2 • February 19, 2010 -First subcommittee meeting • February 26, 2010 -Second subcommittee meeting • March 9, 2010 -Briefing to City Council on City Council subcommittee version. • March 19, 2010 -Revised version of the ordinance developed by the City Council subcommittee is distributed. • March 23, 2010 -Public hearing to receive comments. There is opposition. ^ Recommendations: Approval of the ordinance developed by the City Council subcommittee, as distributed on March 19, 2010. ^ Attachments: Comparison Table `City Council Subcommittee' Ordinances Recommended Action: Approval Submitting DepartmentlAgency: Planning Department City Manager: ~~` 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ~ THE CITY ZON NG 10RD NAN DD 2 NEW SECTION 217 T 3 DEFINING MONUMENESTABL SHING REQU REMEONTS 4 DISPLAY SIGNS AND 5 FOR SUCH SIGNS 6 7 Section Amended: City Zoning Ordinance Section 11 8 9 Section Added: City Zoning Ordinance Sections 21 10 WHEREAS, signs that are capabl attract ands ho d the attenfion ofcmot rists and 11 (electronic display signs) are designed to reater distances 12 other passers-by and are generally brighter and more visible from g 13 than ordinary signs; and 14 15 WHEREAS, while such signs are capable of providing a greater amount o 16 information than ordinary signs by virtue of their visibility and changeability, and 17 therefore serve a valuable purpose to cons c esi ns~ they rhave the dpotential~ if left 18 such information and to the owners of su 9 earance 19 unregulated, to unreasonably distract motorists and to adversely affect the app 20 of the City; and 21 earance, 22 WHEREAS, the City Council deems traffic safety and community app 23 including the economic benefits accruing to t nm In al nterestsl deserv ng oftprotect on~ 24 visitors and businesses, to be important gover 25 and 26 27 WHEREAS, the City Council finds That rotect and tadvance the intere~stpslan traffic 28 provided by this Ordinance will substantia y p 29 safety and community appearance of the City, its residents and its businesses by 30 limiting the number, size, height, location brightness, frequency of message changes 31 and other characteristics of such signs, a 32 33 WHEREAS, it is not the purpose oeSh disl layedu onl Isucdhopig 9 thn Ormanner 34 to regulate the content of the messag p 35 inconsistent with the protections afforded by the a°mannel~ n whi h t elregulations set 36 Commonwealth of Virginia, but rather to dare°narrowly tailored to serve the aforesaid 37 forth herein (1) are content-neutral; (2) 3g governmental interests and (3) allow ample alternative means of communication; 39 40 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT 41 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 42 That Section 111 of the City Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and 43 ertainin to electronic display signs, is hereby 44 reordained, and a new Section 217, p 9 45 added, to read as follows: 46 47 Sec. 111. Definitions. 48 For the purpose of this ordinance, words usedu~et the plural and the plural) the 49 the future; words used in the singular number inc the word "shall" is ender shall be applicable to all genders; 50 singular; the use of any g 51 mandatory; the word "may" is permissive; the word ,~lae donncncldudes aln ind vidual, 52 described as being above mean sea level; and the word p 53 a partnership, association, or corporation. 54 55 In addition, the following terms shall be defined as herein indicate 56 •••• 57 Sin electronic dis la A si n contains er illuhminatiotn devi~ess or aDserie bof 58 o tics li ht bulbs lasma dis la screens or oth 5g vertical or horizontal slats or c tinders that are ca ht o~colors d sala edt b t such s hnt 60 are used to chan e the messa es intensit of li 61 The term shall not include si ns on which li hts ° les of notuless than dee 15 seconds g2 onl the tem erature or time of da in alternatin c 63 or onl~~ ;r^+^r vehicle fuel prices disglayed continuously. 64 rimaril by internal structural 65 Sign, monument. A freestanding sign supported p Y 66 framework or integrated into landscaping or of tesevendt Sf vet(75) percent of the total 67 support poles, and the base of which is at leas Y 68 width of the sign. Monument si ns have the followin additional characteristics: 69 70 a The width of the base does net 1x food be I ondheither outs dehedoe of the 71 structure and does not extend more than •n 72 face of the sign; 73 ,Pen eighteen (18) inchp~ and four (4) feet 74 (b= height of the base is bet~r 75 and 76 77 c The maximum hei ht of the si n as measured from round level oes nc 78 exceed eight (8) feet. 79 80 81 2 COMMENT 82 83 The amendments in Lines 33-39 defineemeerature/signs that do not alternate cycles more $4 excluded from the definition are ordinary time/t p asoline rices. The 85 frequently than every five se section refin tithe d finitionsof thetermn monlument sign.p 86 remaining amendments to th 87 88 •••• 89 90 91 ARTICLE 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABL 92 TO ALL DISTRICTS 93 94 •••• 95 96 B. SIGN REGULATIONS 97 98 •••• 99 100 Sec 217 Electronic display signs• 101 102 a Electronic dis la si ns shall confPoa~ [3 Article 21and a I a is I cable sian 103 a licable eneral si n re ulations sit forth 104 re ulations of the district in which an electronic dis la si n is located. 105 b Electronic dis la si ns shall be allowed: 106 107 108 1 In the B-1A B-2 B-3 and B-4 Business Distric s• 109 110 2 In con'unction with hotels in the RT-1 Resort Tourist Distric 111 112 3 In con•unction with schools or other ublic uses in an zonin 113 district' rovided that electreai o d's With the a In rovaluof tthe C th 114 public parks shall b~ allow 115 Council 116 117 4 In the B-3A PembrokeDCe DistricBtuw•th the aoreoDastorf the Cit t CouBnciC 118 Central business Mixed 119 120 5 B conditional use ermit in con unction with reli ious uses locate 121 in a Residential or A artment District' and 122 123 6 In the PDH-1 Planned Unit Develo ment District b modification c 124 the land use plan. 125 3 126 c No electronic dis la si n shalrnent is allowed to have Ia freestandin ssi n 127 establishment unless such use or establish under a licable district si n re ulations and nota ~ n sthe srovlisbons lof subd vis on 12i 129 Historic and Cultural District. In addition notwit s 10 of subsection d no electronic dis la si n withiDnHrlvPlanned Unit Develonment 130 131 Residential or A artment District or an onion of istrict other than a commercial area shall be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 132 ~ 133 p_:00 a.m. 134 135 d Electronic dis la si ns shall conform to the followin re uirements: 136 137 1 No more than one such si n shall be ermitted on an zonin o ' 138 No such si n shall exceed a height of eight (8) feet; 139 (2 140 141 3 The area encom assed otal areaeof the aln face or thirt ttwo 32 142 three fourths (314) of the t s uare feet er face whichevedre s~ dth.on all sides e u valent to 143 144 anel shall have a minimum bor ten er cent 10% of the total widtdh Inf deteern ni ~nlthe' area of the 145 Such border shall not be include 146 147 si n' 148 149 4 Such si ns shall be monumhat int the I B 3A rPembrokeh Central 150 111 rovided however t 1 Business Core District and B I ow an nestabBshment to have one 15 152 District the Cit Council ma a 3 wall-mounted 1 electronic dis la sin in lieu of a buildin 15 154 identification sign; 155 156 5 No such si n shall adven isbuoinelsscortservice that isflocated onr a 157 ublic to an establishm 158 se crate site from the zonin lot on which the si n is located' 159 160 6 The electronic dis la elements or anh matter othe thadnltext a d a 161 ictures other ra hic sin le to o without back round ,on for a'os n Thermit reduired bd 1 ~2 shall be shown on the a licati 163 164 Secti-°n 210.1 ' 165 66 7 The ixel itch of the electroni smallera' ortion of such si ns sha 1 be nineteen (19) millimeters or 167 168 4 169 8 All electronic dis la s shaulences shalltl beoaccom ola hedtbe means 170 (1) hour and Chan e se 171 of instantaneous re- ixelntall~minatioonlllof elements olfnthe disaa 172 other t e of Intermltte 173 shall be prohibited; g Audio s Bakers on or electronicall connected to such si ns shal 174 175 not be permitted; 176 177 8 10 Such si ns shall not exceed ware meter from sulnase to sunset 17 179 thousand 5 000 candelas er s 0 or five hundred 500 candelasrom then s nefaceeate max mum 1i 181 and sunrise as measured bri htness and shall be e ui ede ucin the I tluminartion tonthe 182 183 device ca able of automatlcal 184 re wired sunset-to-sunrise levedle Written cert'i ication from t e si I nn 185 ermit the a licant shall Nr~v 186 manufacturer that the II ht Intelevel.has been factor re set not to 187 exceed the maximum Intensity 188 189 11 The electrical service lines rovidin ower to such si ns shall e 190 underaround_ 191 192 COMMENT 193 194 195 The amendments allow electronichoolsaand other public ulsesn with the excepton of pubh c 196 conjunction with certain uses, such as sc 197 parks. In other places, such as public ed with a City1Council approa l.idential and Apartmen 1 g$ Districts, electronic display signs are allow 199 p y g in addition to the 200 The amendments also provide that electeneral si naregulat onsuco~ntained in Part B of 201 provisions of this section, conform to the City's g licable sign regulations of the district in 202 Article Z of the City Zoning Ordinance and to the app 203 which the sign is located. In particular, the °ved bathe district regulat ons applicable to thelsite~gn 204 is permitted only if a freestanding sign is allo Y 205 206 In addition, there are a number of requirements specific to electronic display signs t a 207 address the special characteristics of such nd lluminatione In add'i ion,the ordinance proh bits 208 frequency of message changes, wiring, sound a eneral ublic to an 209 electronic display signs from va evthat isgocat dronta separatets te~from theesign. Thipprovision is 210 establishment, business or s 211 consistent with the City's prohibition of billboards. 212 213 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on t e 214 day of , 2010. 5 215 Approved as to Content: R-19 March 17, 2010 Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: 7 ,~ , +r h . ~~. ~~lLl ~ ~~ City Attorney's Office CA10718 L U ~` i L ~ ~ U s ~~ ~ 3 ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ t ,_, C a~ , L .~ O ~ W W "" ~ W N Q ~ ~ Q ~ ~ N O ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ •V N Ch ~ O ~ U ~~ ~ ~ ~ ° N c n • U ~ ~ ~ ~.N ~- O to O U ~ f/~ (~ ~ O U ~ ~ L 1 • ~ ~ Q ~ O ~ ~ ~ O Q ~ L Q-. U Q W > W ^~' ~ ~ W `V \ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ QO Q~ ~ ^ 7 1 S ~ O •_ ~ ~ L O N V I ~ ~~ (~ (~ ,~--~ O U O L O ~~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ "(~ O "~ L D OL O _ . 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Q N - F- c o •~ U ~ ~ a ~ L c+7 ~ N (6 ~ O ~ ~ N m ~ , . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V N CCf d' ~ ~i (6 ~ ~ O O LS S2 ,a? m ~ m ~~ •~ o~ O ~' Z N~ Q o ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ '~ a' o u i ~ ~~ o o U ° ' ~ o ~ o LU t O ~ ~ U .Q ~ 2i U ~= ~ fA ~ c U • ~ o o ~ U F- `~ a~ _ ~ ~•o ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 3 U ~ o ~ ~ O ~ O. .Q cn }' • ~ O _ O ~ ~ c ~ ~ .~ Q.. .U ~ '~ c O am O ~ O ~ Q O -~ N ~ S"' '~ ~ •+••' U y .. M (~ m Cn -~ ~ ~" ~ LJ..1 ~ (6 ~ U ~ +.J • ~ L- U ~ ~ , O 7 +- a~i ~ 3 N ~ ~ ~ 0 2U~ o ~Q a Q~ ~. O v-+ Q1 Q~ 3 a~ .~ a~ U C ~_ 0 W Q W Q 0 0 Q W Q L L O Gc C r O ~ cn X a~ ~ Qom L (~ (0 ~ i ~ ~ ~- ti t v L C~ G i+ .~ V .U U U d a~ O V f/) .U 0 U U w Q a 3 T n I c ~ I w ~_ Q~ CB c O 'i a~ O 3 yam.., Q) Q~ U C N ~_ ll Z C ~ (0 U ,~ O ~ O_ ~_ y.. ~ O V C CO `F'- ~ ~ O »-~ N (~6 L. / n V J m w Q a~ L L Q N ~ ~ U ~ O ~ O ~ ~ U ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ O ~ Q~ L N VJ W Q a~ c Q~ .Q C O '~ tB .Q .~ ~_ "~ U Q w W lQln Q v/ L N ~_ Q~ ~ ~ U .~ ~ Q '.~ ~ ~ C '~ (6 ~- ~_ .~ Q Q- X w ~G~~1IA BFAc ~ti4 ~,~r s ~, ,. '''L~ ~ ~'" - x.~ _ ..: -~~~ ~c ~ 3; rT ~~. _~F •OUk Nit ~~ .~ City of tTirgina g~a-ch `~~~~OY.CUIiI PLANNING DEPARTMENT/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CENTER (DSC) PHCNE (757) 385-8277 FAX (757)385-5789 TDD 711 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: March 17, 2010 TO: James K. Spore, City Manager ' e Plannin Director FROM: W. Jack Whitn y, 9 MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING 2, ROOM 191 2405 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 234569040 SUBJECT: Electronic Display Signs, Proposed Amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance, Size I am writing in response to Councilman DeSteph's request that staff provide clear information regarding the size of an electronic display sign that will be allowed with the new compromise amendment (labeled R-19 or revision 19) by Councilwoman Wilson and Councilman Davis. In this version, 75% of the permitted sign area for a freestanding sign can be electronic display with a maximum of 32 square feet. A summary table follows: Use < 100' Frontage 100' to 200' Over 200' Frontage Fronta e Business uses in No freestanding Maximum 32 sq. ft. Maximum 75 sq. ft. B-3 B-2 the B-1A sign allowed freestanding sign freestanding sign , , and B-4 Districts allowed Maximum 24 sq. ft. allowed Maximum 32 sq. ft. can be electronic can be electronic display display Hotels in the RT-1 No freestanding Maximum 32 sq. ft. Maximum 75 sq. ft. District sign allowed freestanding sign freestanding sign allowed allowed Maximum 24 sq. ft. Maximum 32 sq. ft. can be electronic can be electronic display display Use < 100' Frontage 100' to 200' Over 200' Frontage Frontage Schools, public and Maximum 24 sq. ft. Maximum 24 sq. ft. Maximum 24 sq. ft. private in all zoning freestanding sign freestanding sign freestanding sign districts allowed allowed allowed Maximum 18 sq. ft. Maximum 18 sq. ft. Maximum 18 sq. ft. can be electronic can be electronic can be electronic display display display Public parks As approved by City As approved by City As approved by City Council Council Council Religious Uses in One freestanding One freestanding One freestanding Residential Districts sign per entrance sign per entrance sign per entrance with a maximum of with a maximum of with a maximum of 24 sq. ft. 24 sq. ft. 24 sq. ft. Maximum 18 sq. ft. Maximum 18 sq. ft. Maximum 18 sq. ft. can be electronic can be electronic can be electronic display display display Or as approved by Or as approved by Or as approved by City Council with the City Council with the City Council with the CUP CUP CUP In the PDH-1 As approved by City As approved by City As approved by City District Council Council Council