HomeMy WebLinkAbout04202010 BUILDINGS PRESENTATIONFY 11 Buildings Capital Improvement Program April 20, 2010 FY 11 Funding Type of Building Project Expansion & Site Acquisition, New Facility, Replacement $1,436,000 , 51.950.000 . Fire Appai $2,858,3 21% FY 11 Total: $13.77 Million Maintenance, Rehabilitation, & Replacement of Buildings, $7,530,387, 55% Strategy for the FY11 Buildings CIP - Focus on MRR (Maint, Rehab, & Renewal): Maintain efficiencies and Leverage Fund Balance - Continue to develop strategies for resourcing City's Top 13 Facility Replacements City Council Commitment T916: Ldainlai7iag C'tsr lnlraSTNCtur3 Index NurnM?r #d5C1E ~'BFi~, ' Cka:a at Mc~tlon *~7rg9 f7RYe c! Rewsbn: Pam P ~+ 2 i ~, - ,, 4~ 3.4~ Pr[v:EWLore ~s a A~^nr:nry, ish RBI ~y L~ ~,~'°'°- v~~ _ t 3.1 SYi11 wtii continuE ds pfa~nEd inha.S9~u~ureint^unlen• and asaesarn~rq~:rzkil d p9mplclc and au'::urare in~nlpn/ar1M1 _ 'f ~ J 7 7 ~f~q 7~'/~~'y j ~ assesgrnent of llta 4i.y 3 f rer u~,rse ~ a°nplckc The inv~n'Gry anz-i F139r;S9f i@fN will he mainrane6l'Iir&Y[ar au ~~f ~~~ ~1~ V ~Ol,{.11~~~ 1 0.1~~~ T. iu'x3in3 rnquir@mcen ~idBnLlle:' 3.2 The Inky kA@nffger9hall, r. d~ 9rllraal hudgrt do=drnen[, rnpmv?he. Yttnunk M1719 C£igs resource~6eing:.'ppgd?o cairaskaakure rn.+.anlena+CR ;d'b r[p~r.. and its 2lafionship m repl9Gemenk plant vaFue. 3.3 The C+ty Manardxr shelf, in crxkcan +mh rauional eNcrt@, pUrsaaa IfldrBaBed rsaourc®a far irrfrastru~'a:s mamtersanre a+?p rte` NI.h drrphesie trn incr89423 r. 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Ft. Sq Ft FY 08/09 FY-09/10 FY-10/11 Building Estimated Replacement Structure Value Onl 745,711,498 760,930,100 776,148,702 Industry Standard 2% 14,914,229 15,212,514 15,516,764 Recommended Annual TO Maintenance 4% 29,828,458 30,425,027 31,033,528 Replacement Value FUNDING SOURCES FY 08/09 FY-09/10 FY 10/11 Buildin Maintenance Bud et 8,242,917 8,325,346 8,408,600 Convention Center Bud et 236,637 241,170 243,582 Buildin Maintenance CIP's 5,529,255 5,907,471 619,807 Total 14,008,809 14,473,987 9,271,988 1.9% 1.9% 1.2% of of of Replacement Replacement Replacement Value Value Value 5ub# Project Description - 3367 Facility Rehab/ Replace Amount Encumbered project Phase 101 17th Street Stage-Electrical Up-grade 40,000 Construction 09o nnual Roof Warranties 100,000 Bid 113 Bldg 1 & 11 -Renovation/System Replacement study 86,476 Design 06~ Bldg 1 City Hall Elevators 400,000 Construction 105 Bldg 1 City Hall Roof Replacement 450,000 Design 103 Bldg 1 City Hall Windows 203,730 Construction 044 Bldg 11 -Public Safety Electrical Upgrades and Generator Replacement 647,000 Construction 104 Building 2 -Operations - Window Replacement 457,111 Bid og6 Carpet Replace,Bldg 11,19,21,Highways & Pendleton, Art Ctr 67,300 Construction 092 Central Library Elevator Replacement 325,000 Construction 064 Central Library Windows 160,000 Construction 093 City Garage Heavy Duty Electrical Upgrades 215,000 Construction Sub# Project Description - 3367 Facility Rehab/Replace Amount Encumbered project Phase 108 Contemporary Art Center Fire Alarm System Upgrades 170,000 Design 097 Contemporary Art Center Specialty Track Lighting 65,000 Construction 056 Contemporary Art Center Windows 925,000 Construction 109 Correction Center Gutter repairs 450,000 Construction 095 Ferry Farm House Renovations 95,000 Construction 066 Highways Upgrade electrical system and Generator Replace 375,000 Construction 05~ udicial Center Escalator Upgrades 400,000 Construction 102 udicial Center-Mansard Roof- Metal Panels 1,400,000 Design 106 udicial Center-Waterproofing -Below grade 800,000 Study/Design 112 Painting EXTERIOR-24th st stage ,Coast Guard Sta Dewitt Cottage Art Center Windows, Adam Thoroughgood House Waste Mgt Holland Rd. & 22nd st 145,000 Construction 045 Sewer Lift Station Replacements 175,000 Construction 078 arious Brick Repairs Bldg 20, #1 & #2, PA Rec , Mun Ctr 150,000 Construction 111 a Marine Science Museum Skylights Repair Replace 80,000 Design TOTAL CURRENT FUNDING ENCUMBERED -3367 BUILDING g,381,617 REHAB PROJECTS BOTTOM LINE BALANCE IN 3367 BUILDING REHAB CIP $262,173 ub Project Description 3366 -HVAC Amount Encumbered project Phase 33 Central Heat Plant Cooling Tower And Chiller 1,180,000 Construction 3z LETA HVAC system replacement 370,000 Design 44 Replace HVAC in Visitor Info Ctr 30,000 Bid 3o Human Services Cooling Tower 500,000 Construction 46 Contemporary Art Center Boiler Replacement 69,000 Design TOTAL CURRENT FUNDING ENCUMBERED FOR 3366 HVAC PROJECTS 2,149,000 BOTTOM LINE BALANCE IN 3366 HVAC 612,133 Top 13 Facility Replacements Created May 2007 Page 27 of FY 11 Executive Summary 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 Replace Animal Care and Adoption Center and I<-9 Unit Replace Parks and Recreation City-wide Programs Office (currently located on Lynnhaven Parkway) Relocate Resort Maintenance Compound away from 14th Street Replace Fire/Large Vehicle Repair Shop at Leroy Drive Replace Euclid Yard Buildings Relocate EMS Administration Building and Treasurer's Beach Branch Replace Thalia Fire Station Replace Police Special Operations/Evidence Storage/Forensics Complex at Leroy Drive Replace Parks and Recreation Landscape Services/Parks Construction Facilities (currently requires future funding planned to come from swapping the City owned property for a new building Not funded -financing strategy is to swap City owned property for a building and equipment shelters Funded for construction Not funded EMS portion complete -Treasurer's not funded Funded for construction ~ • Funded for construction Not funded -funding for construction planned to come from swapping the City owned property iocatea on ~ynnnaven rari<way~ for a new building 10 Replace Chesapeake Beach Fire and Rescue Funded for construction Station 11 Replace Police Fourth Precinct Funded for design 12 Replace Public Works/Highways Modular Buildings Not funded at Dam Neck 13 Replace Blackwater Fire and Rescue Station Funded for design Top 13 Facility Replacement Priority List Animal Shelter CONSTRUCTION COSTS • Armada Hoffler Proposal: • Other Project Cost/Contingencies: Total Project Cost: • Project funds available (CIP 3-054): $ 2,000,000 • Construction Funds Needed: ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS $11,061,000 750,000 $11,811,000 $ 9,811,000 Current New Total Personnel $430,000 $435,000 $865,000 FTEs 11 10 21 Utilities/ $ 60,000 $220,000 $280,000 Maintenance Health Services $195,000 $380,000 $575,000 Other Operating 130 000 210 000 340 000 Total $815,000 $1,245,000 $2,060,000 10 Thalia Fire Station Mixed Use Development • Exploring Opportunities with Private Sector Partners in the Pembroke SGA • Opportunity to reserve City owned Columbus St. property (post office)for transit oriented development (Pembroke Plan calls for Station within walking distance) • Leveraging City Fire Station Project to "jump start" next phase of Pembroke Plan • Keeping the Fire Station Project in alignment with desired outcomes of the Pembroke Strategic Growth Area Plan (Form and Density) • Potential to develop affordable/workforce housing, retail, and office space in conjunction with the Fire Station Project t ~ ~~ ~ ~~1~~r~~~ ATD $5.5M ACQ $1.5M AVAIL $4.OM Top 13 Facility Replacements Created May 2007 Page 27 of FY 11 Executive Summary 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 Replace Animal Care and Adoption Center and I<-9 Unit Replace Parks and Recreation City-wide Programs Office (currently located on Lynnhaven Parkway) Relocate Resort Maintenance Compound away from 14th Street Replace Fire/Large Vehicle Repair Shop at Leroy Drive Replace Euclid Yard Buildings Relocate EMS Administration Building and Treasurer's Beach Branch Replace Thalia Fire Station Replace Police Special Operations/Evidence Storage/Forensics Complex at Leroy Drive Replace Parks and Recreation Landscape Services/Parks Construction Facilities (currently requires future funding planned to come from swapping the City owned property for a new building Not funded -financing strategy is to swap City owned property for a building and equipment shelters Funded for construction Not funded EMS portion complete -Treasurer's not funded Funded for construction ~ • Funded for construction Not funded -funding for construction planned to come from swapping the City owned property iocatea on ~ynnnaven rari<way~ for a new building 10 Replace Chesapeake Beach Fire and Rescue Funded for construction Station 11 Replace Police Fourth Precinct Funded for design 12 Replace Public Works/Highways Modular Buildings Not funded at Dam Neck 13 Replace Blackwater Fire and Rescue Station Funded for design Top 13 Facility Replacement Priority List Highlighted Building Projects - Top 13 Projects funded • #4 -Large Apparatus Repair Shop (#3-125) $1.8M • #8 -Design to Replace Police Special Operations/Forensics/Evidence (#3-125) $335K • #10 -Design to Replace Chesapeake Beach Fire & Rescue Station (#3-244) $755K - Maintenance, Rehab & Renewal projects funded • Heritage Buildings (3.103) $75K • Various Building HVAC Maint, Rehab & Renewal (3.366) $200K • Various Building Rehabilitation and Renewal (3.367) $419,807 Highlighted Building Projects - State Funded & Joint Projects • Fire Training Center Improvement (3.133) $400K • TCC-City Joint Use Library (3.175) $850K • TCC Expansion/ Operation Smile (3.262) $700K - Equipment & Site Acquisition • Various Site Acquisition (3.368) $1,436,000 • Fire Apparatus (3.371) $2,858,361 -City Services • Lighthouse Multi-Service Center (3.503) $3,946,000 TCC-City Joint Use Library: $850K • Joint Project w/ TCC Approximately 17% City of total $40+M project • 120,000 Square foot facility • Design being finalized • Sept 2010 Construction • Open Sept 2012 Fire Equipment: $2.8M Tiller truck for the Town Center Fire and EMS station: $1.318M Foam pumper: $500K TeleSquirt: $700K Large Equipment Shop: $1.8M - Design Build: 10,800sf - City currently uses 2,520sf garage but requires large vehicle maint work to be performed outside - New shop will facilitate efficient maint on large equip, provide adequate parts storage, & reference/a d m i n a rea - Frees up space which can be reassigned for smaller vehicles and equip Police Complex: Leroy Road $335K • Modernizes & Combines 3 Public Safety functions - Special Operations - Forensics - Property & Evidence • 32, 000 sq ft • Vehicle Processing • Enhanced DNA Storage • Frees up space in Building 11 Chesapeake Beach Fire/EMS Station $755K -Current station • Building 50+yearsold • undersized for equip • Challenging living situation - New Facility • Meet needs of equip • Provide adequate living, training, meetings spaces •Better accessibility for response times ~~.~ I~ ~~ _ - _ - . ~~ AD]ACENT PR~ PkR'T ~~ Y' , I 6tIP ' e~ , ouwnsr[a e: ~ ............................4........ i:: ... ~...... ~ ~ 0 5 Z 50 Y ~^ ~~~" w ~ _ ' i 1" = 3A' 0" ~ + ~ ~'~ ~ u , o ~ APPARATHS RAYS ~ urEn , a ~ z ~ 3 $ I ' ~ OFFICE f LIVING " w ~° QUARTERS kj / I ~ 1 e~«o,~G s~~eK ~~o=fA~~ R~FFER «reE BsL ~~E ~. ,~E~R ER~~ .: es~ r .r f• , 4 ; ~ . ~ ~. varzx`nc k J ~ • SHORE RRNE - US RGUTE fig prchdects C P RELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL SITE LAYOUT £NES"PE^KEREACR"RES~AI.°" Light House Center Replacement $3.94M -Current Facilit y • Inadequate storage space for winter shelter bedding and mats. • Inadequate space for teaching life skills, job training • One small area serving as waiting, reception, winter shelter triage spot for clients. • Limited to serve only the single homeless, homeless families seek services in other areas throughout the city. -New Facilit v • Ability to increase number of services and providers to deliver services to homeless • Ability to serve homeless families in addition to the single homeless • Allow for a centralized intake process/system that will provide a better system for services, reporting and planning u~,T~~u w I a.~r,~srz~oaa-ro T----------_ 1 ~_ m -°-~._ I Lk~"~5545k4C~0 Strategy for the FY11 Buildings CIP - Focus on MRR (Maint, Rehab, & Renewal): Maintain efficiencies and Leverage fund balance - Continue to develop strategies for resourcing City's Top 13 Facility Replacements