HomeMy WebLinkAbout06152010 VB TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDYr 6/15/2010 Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study Alternative Analysis/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (AA/SDEIS) Virginia Beach City Council Briefing June 15, 2010 General Study Update 2. Station Locations 3. Alignments East of Birdneck Road a. Vehicle Storage Maintenance Facility s. Grade Separation Analysis s. Multi-Use Trail Coordination ~. NAS Oceana Coordination s. Capital Cost Methodology and Assumptions ~. Public Involvement io. Project Schedule YI~g1013 B82Ch ~f80Slt LilP.11S1011 StUAJI Akernatives Analysis/SuDDlemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement 6/15/2010 • On-going activities • Mode (BRT/LRT) Examination • Purpose and Need Statement • Station Areas • Multi-use Trail Coordination • Feeder Bus Network • New activities • Alignments East of Birdneck Road Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility Grade Separations Coordination with NAS Oceana ~~~"" ~Ifg1012 B@8Ch TE2USI~ El{t@OSI011$tUdyAltenativesMalysis/SupplwrientalOrakEmironmentallmpadStahmem Z 6/15/20 ~] I l fix; • Developed criteria including: • Operational considerations • Development potential • Consistency with local plans • Examined a large list of potential sites • 2000 FEIS Station Areas • Other logical station locations • Held station area workshops in December enfal Impact SUMnenl \\ i d ~n •,~ 1 - l r Virginia [each 5, _._ '`\ ~ - ~• ~ _. ~~ ` i aj.~ Vir>nnia Beach Transit Extension Study sopplemaotal open E~~~~~,me~ral Impact sw~emem 6/15/2010 ~,:: ~ ~ ` `\ ~ ~ 1 n i 'f _ ~ ~ r Virl,inia Beach ,;~;~. • Identify station sites (parcel locations) (Summer/Fall 2010) • Work through conceptual engineering issues • Site constraints (Summer/Fall 2010) • Develop conceptual site /architectural plans (winter 2010/Spring 2011) • Coordination with NAS Oceana (on-going) BOaCh TfaOSit E1(tCOS100 StOdy AAernatives Analysis~SuppkmenW Oraft Environmental Impact Statement < 4 :~~ ~T y ~,~: ;~teme~t :~ Serve the Convention Center Connect to the "Dome" site at 19th Street Minimize environmental and community impacts and costs \-`- ~~" `~ ~~~~~r: . ,~~~, ~ ~-:' ~~s Impact Statement 6/15/2010 I 6/15/2010 _. , ,,~ ~~ , i ~. a ~ t ~j :i ~ ~ x' a1 ja~ . _ ~ s' :/ - H~~j' Yf$11118 BEBCh Tf2R51~ EXfBI1SI0fl St11AJ Alternatives Analysis/SupplertienWl Draft Environmental impact statement • Determine preliminary capitals costs of each alternative (Summer/Fall 2010) • Develop additional conceptual engineering for each alternative (Summer/Fall 2010) Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study u~r~an~e aneryeivSundeme~ta~ o~~n rm~ra~ui im~aa s~~~~ 6/15/2010 6/15/2010 • Adequate Storage for Light Rail Vehicles • Additional vehicle maintenance functions • Easy access from NS ROW • Not restricted by Oceana APZ • Property owned by City of Virginia Beach Any Navy easement on property will require interpretation by NAVFAC Access to site is across Navy property VlEgllll2 BBBCh TE2051t fXT011S1011$hldy Alterwtivas Analysis/Supplemental Drak Ernironmental Impact Statement g 6/15/2010 • Continue conceptual engineering and operational analysis (Summer/Fall 2010) • Examine bus fleet maintenance and property requirements (Summer/Fall 2010) • Examine potential impacts to surrounding community (Spring 2011) Coordinate with Oceana on air easements and other issues (on-going) Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study a~ternacrves a~ays~us~pPie~orni o~~n Envirunmenta~ ~m~a sUhmem 6/15/2010 10 6/15/2010 V ~~~' _~ .,. Grade crossing conceptual engineering at each intersection (Spring 2011) • Perform micro-simulations of key grade crossings (Spring 2011) Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study u~rnae~s a~ab~sls~nniemenrai o~~nE~~o~~i im~aa s~~~~ 21 • Project consultant completed conceptual feasibility for Multi-Use Trail within Norfolk Southern Right of Way based on criteria below: • Where there is at least 55' feet between the distribution poles and transmission towers, or • Where both the distribution poles and transmission towers are on one side of the ROW, or • Where there are either no transmission towers or no distribution poles or • No Dominion Virginia Power facilities Only short disconnected segments are possible in ROW based on criteria 6/15/2010 Verification of available segments within ROW will be provided as engineering and design for the transit project advances (Spring 2012 at earliest) City Parks and Recreation Dpt examining other adjacent ROW that may be available for a continuous trail • City to develop Multi-Use trail plan in conjunction with the engineering and design phase of the transit project to identify trail location and cost R Multi-Use Trail cost will not be a component of the transit project cost City will pursue other funding options for trail (i.e. CMAQ and RSTP regional funds) ~IE$1012 B@2Ch Tf20Slt FJIt@0$1011 $tUAy Alterretives Analysis/SupplerrienW Graft Emnrommerrtal Impact Statement Draft Environmental Impact Statement 12 ~, ,, , , ~ . , ~~.~-~- ~ ~.- - -~!, ~ ~e b --~ --ti . o ~'~' ~~ ~ aPZ1, a~° '~ e 6 ,~'~ _ i _ ~ ~ ,tom i • - ..~ a ! Clear Zone ~ ,~:~'~ . `~? ~ ~ „ ~ Clear Zone ±~ ~yy' a r 5 ri7 ~4 ~ ~Ris J ~ ~ e~ ~lF.~ ~~ A C ` ., ~. t 6/15/2010 6/15/2010 ~5 ~~ City, HRT and project team, and Navy in continued discussions and coordination • Coordination with Rear Admiral Boensel, Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic u Document agreements between all parties throughout process s~n~~m •; • Five grade separations • Architecturally enhanced station features at Convention Center, Dome, Independence • Park and Rides (planning-level estimates of 250 cars each) at Witchduck, Independence, Thalia/Lynnshores, Lynnhaven, London Bridge and Birdneck • Elevated Independence station • Different levels of contingency will be applied East and West of Birdneck 14 9~ -" r Final Definition of Alternatives (Fall 2010) • East of Birdneck Alternatives Study • Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility Study • Grade Separation Assessment • Capital Cost Methodology Report Preliminary Cost Estimate (Late 2010) • Preliminary Ridership Forecasts (Late 2010) ~~' YIrg1012 BB2Ch Tr80S11 EIItEIISiOU StUdY Alternatives Analysis/SupplemerDal Draft Emironmemal Impact Statemem Community Advisory Committee Meeting • Economic Development Conference Room June 24, 2010, 6:OOpm to 8:OOpm Public Meeting/Open House Westin June 30, 2010, 6:OOpm to B:OOpm 6/15/2010 15 6/15/2010 b: Dec. April- May June-July 2010 2011 2011 'Important City decision point ~If$1018 662Ci1 Tf20S11 fX1BIISIOfI $tUdy Alternatives Analysis/Supplemental Drak Ernironmenul Impact Statement 16 6/15/2010 17