HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 15, 2010 MINUTESCITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR WB./.IAM D. SL:SSOMS, JR., At-/.arge V/CE MAYOR 1,01 %IS R. JONF.:ti, Bayside -District a kITA SWh,'F,'T BEI /_ITTO, At-Large GLENN R. DAMS, Rare Hal! -District 3 WI/,LIAM R. DeSTEPH, At-Large FIARRY F.. DIEZEL, Kemprville -District 2 ROBERT M DYER„ Centerville -District 1 BARBARA MHEN/,EY, Princess Anne -District 7 JOHN E. UHRIN, Beach -District 6 ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMBS L. WOOD, l:ynnhaven -District 5 CITY COUNCIL APPOINTEES CITYMANAGER-./AMESK. SPORE CITY ATTORNEY - MARK D. S77LES CITY ASSESSOR - JERALD BANAGAN C'/TY AUDITOR - /.YNDON S. REMIAS CITY CLERK - RUTH HODGES FRASER, MMC CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA 15 JUNE 2010 I. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS -Conference Room - A. ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS Chief Bruce Edwards -Emergency Medical Services Gwen Cowart, Director -Communications and Information Technology 4:00 PM B. 31sT STREET DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT and DEED OF LEASE AMENDMENT Steve Herbert, Deputy City Manager C. CITY AND CITIZEN HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS Chief Steve Cover -Fire D. VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION Mark Schnaufer, Transportation Planning Coordinator -Planning CITY HALL BUILD/NG 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRG/NIA 23456-8005 PHONE: (757J 385-4303 FA,Y (757) 385-5669 E- MAIL: ctycncl@vbgov. com E. PLANNING ITEMS PENDING Jack Whitney, Director -Planning -1- MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia June 15, 2010 Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones, called to order the CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP in the City Council Conference Room, re ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS on Tuesday, June 1 S, 2010, at 4:00 P. M. Council Members Present: Rita Sweet Bellitto, Glenn R. Davis, , Harry E. Diezel, Robert M. Dyer, Barbara M. Henley, Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones, John E. Uhrin, Rosemary Wilson and James L. Wood Council Members Absent: Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. William R. "Bill " DeSteph [Economic Trip -Germany) [Attending Son's Graduation) ,June 15, 2010 -a- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS 4:00 P.M. Tom Green, Division Chief, Department of Emergency Medical Services, presented information re the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Project. Division Chief Green displayed samples of handwritten Ambulance Service Records. _:- _ _---~'"" Bedside Data Collection Information shared Patient from Hospital Improved Patient Data Life care Cycle QIand Training ~~~ ~~ www.VABEACHEMS.com Bedside Data Collection Present • Currently data is gathered by most anything we can write on • Data is often collected and documented retrospectively, up to an hour after the encounter • How much does the provider remember? • Are interventions properly recorded and timed? Bedside Data Collection with Emergency Medical Services (EMS) • Requires significant change management • Change management requires knowledge of what is in it for the provider • Real time data collection at the point of the patient encounter is reliable data • Reliable data is an absolute when involved in research and outcome-based medical care • Virginia Beach Emergency Medical Services (VBEMS) wants to know if the care we are providing is the best care available June 15, 2010 -3- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS (Continued) Outcome Information Shared • Currently EMS delivers the patient and, for the most part, is not involved in the outcome • A unique partnership with Sentara Health Systems and VBEMS will allow sharing a patient's course of treatment and outcome via a technology tunnel • Accuracy ojfield data in the pre-hospital setting is vital to research and system analysis • Total system involvement is a priority and the E911 system is the real first responder...they must be let in QI Using Outcomes • Training is the cornerstone of VBEMS and EMS partners (E911, Fire, Police) • Case studies by way of outcome based data drives training • Check boxes do not tell how to provide better medical care, they give providers false impressions • The standard for the delivery of Nitroglycerine to patients with chest pains is 92%, VBEMS is 95%...so what? Improved Patient Outcomes • When training is visual, we believe healthcare providers can visualize their encounter • They are armed with a higher level of understanding • Providers are armed with a heightened "index of suspicion" because they have experienced the outcome of a current patient presentation • Field operations can be changed based on solid data • Medical protocols are influenced by solid research Why do we need an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) System • Improve Pre-hospital patient care • Better-trained providers • Consistency in care • Better patient outcomes • Better record keeping and data management • Outcome based focus • System-wide review and inclusion • State compliance /NEMSIS Data Set Current Paper Process and Issues • Inhibits CQI and training • Limited information collected • No fielded data for reporting • Legibility • No reconciliation to know if reports are missing June 15, 2010 -4- CITY MANAGER `SBRIEFINGS ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS (Continued) Division Chief Green displayed the paper files. www.VABEACHEMS.com Tune 15, 2010 ~.~.. --° _.. F -S- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS (Continued) Current Paper Process and Issues Current Paper White Copy to EMS Admin _ ~ Pink Copy left .with Patient ..,~.. Gold Copy to .. ~ Pharmacy a Process & Issues Manual Data Entry Vr inia PPCR Filing E N T A R A.. Cdbinet5 YA BEACN~ EMS www. VAB EAC HEMS.com EMS Field Reporting Technical Components Field Data Collection (Serial Cables) y -- _ _..__._ _._ APPtianca: Cardiac Monitor Fisid Bridge & Cardiac interface Wireless Mobile Router '~-s~?~, 1~' EMS ~jysio Control \ "~~.. (Varizon Air Card) LifeN at Physio Firewall Santora Hosoitals S entara Firewall ~ . ~. o __-_-_'-- +` _ _ _ ~ _ _.._ . _'.. -'"' _ i .. ~.... ~ Hospital Viewer ~ ~. ~ I i ~ I \ \ \ } ImaaeTrand ~ \ ImagaTrend Firewall ~ ~. I i I \ \_ 1 ~ City F' i Servico Bridge ~~ & Field Bridge ~'~ '` `~- City Partner Firewall Tiburon CAD/2DD0 fVPN) C(}>) ~ ,yj Verizon Wireless ,Jude 15, 2010 Incident Gates -6- CITY MA NAGER`SBRIEFINGS ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS (Continued) ~. .,~ __.. Tiburon CAD Integration using Red Alert Server 1 I Field Data Collection Device I Hos ital Receivin P g Image Trend Server _, (pre Register Patient) ,Iu»e 15, 2010 ~ ~ www.VABEACHEMS.com - 7- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS (Continued) ,Iui~e 1.5„ 2010 -8- CITY MANAGER`S BRIEFINGS 31 S' STREET DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT and DEED OF LEASE AMENDMENT 4:48 P.M. Steve Herbert, Deputy City Manager, presented information re 31~StreetDevelopmentAgreementandDeed of Lease Amendment. Laskin Road Gateway Beach Centre Laskin Gateway Phase 3 31n g('r~a.x~s€~d l~istrtra f~lan~~ ~ - - -"~~' '~i':...~~~t.': '.°~' ~'~7~!' ' « Garage-.,_. v~ ~ •. ~ .Y'15.~,r.~a~ r _ ~ t ~-~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ r ;'~ - ~ ~~ ~.~.~. wn M.~il-M NfMI+++ YM~IM ~+~N wfA «r ~--~ ~~~ iK MMa-MMN}I~ Mme-}M'' M ~ M h .` - ~~ ~~~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~,~ sti - ,.. ~"`~+...~ _ ~ rs .. ~ ~ f Redetr~l~~nent « "~: -.$lgck_.~. r :-. ,.Block b" 3~.~.;Hlhan: n • w ,JUlle 1 J; ~Ol (7 -9- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS 31 s' STREET DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT and DEED OF LEASE AMENDMENT (Continued) Property Ownership (tai ~5~, :_ p 1 '. ~~ 'i 1 V _ ~ R~mada 45,501 ~ ~~ ~~i~~~JJ ~y 1 ~ ~~ ~'~ ~~`'~ ~ ./"1 ' `til `1,,--~~ ~ '4~ ~, ,~~ ~ i `~ ~ ~~ , t t Bank of menu ~ ~y `~ g, -~ ~ ~~ ' ~ 3'I, 05F ~ `".,~~ ive o - °- O ~sn~N FD ~ ~ ~ ~/' Proposed Hotel Description • 120 -1 SO rooms, based on FAA Regulations and/or Applicable Law (primarily zoning • Extension of Hilton Hotel or 3-Star, National Franchise complimentary to the 31S` Street Hilton • 6, 500 square foot ground level retail • 7, 500 square foot meeting space • $30, 000, 000 Developer investment Lease Amendment Requests • Additional 60 spaces leased through an amendment to the existing Virginia Beach Development Authority (VBDA) Lease • Extend existing term of 380 space parking lease to be concurrent with the new 60 space parking lease (65 years) • Extend the term of the ground lease for the land under the hotel to be concurrent with the new parking lease Pedestrian Bridge Walkway Request • Term Sheet does NOT approve a pedestrian bridge walkway • Request only if new hotel is an expansion of the Hilton Hotel • All costs for a pedestrian bridge walkway by the developer ,Juilc 15, 2010 -10- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS 31St STREET DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT and DEED OF LEASE AMENDMENT (Continued) • Net New Fiscal Impact (local tax revenue): $1- to $1.5-Million at stabilization • Room Nights: 43, 800 a year at stabilization. • New Jobs: 1 SO 31 Sr Street Garage Numbers • 974 Spaces (380 Hotel, 531 Public, 63 Retail). • Hilton Hotel Leases 380 spaces. • Hilton Hotel requires 290 spaces (+90 available). • Gold Key/Professional Hospitality Resources (GK/PHR) requests a lease of additional 60 spaces for new hotel. • 31 S' Garage is at peak use approximately 28 days a year; loss of 60 spaces will increase peak days to 35 days a year (+7). Proposed 31St Street Garage Lease • Market Rate: $840 a space per year with 10% escalator compounded every 5 years • Term: 65-Year Term through an Amendment to the existing VBDA lease • Lease Termination: If GK/PHR assembles Block D, VBDA, with City consent, can terminate lease for 60 spaces in 31'" Garage City Option to Lease 90 Parking Spaces From Gold Key • Location: GK/PHR will provide the City an option to lease 90 parking spaces at the GK/PHR parking garage located at 34`" Street or at one that may be developed at a GK/PHR project within the Laskin Road Corridor • Term: Two (2) years from approval of the Certificate of Occupancy for the new hotel. (The total time before option execution is approximately S-8 years from now) • Lease Rate equal to 31 S` Street Garage rate: The total lease rate for 90 parking spaces will be equal to the total lease rate for the 60 parking spaces in the City's 31 S` Street Garage. Lease of 90 Parking Spaces from GK/PHR • 20-Year Initial Term: City's initial term is 20 years with additional/optional five year extensions up to and not to exceed 65 years (concurrent with 60 space lease at 31 S` Street Garage) • Management: GK/PHR will manage the 90 parking spaces in the 34th Street Garage or other location, provide accounting and allow for oversight of collected revenue. Spaces to be in second, third and fourth levels • Revenue and Rates: City receives all revenues from the 90 spaces, less a management fee not to exceed 5%. All spaces will be clearly designated and advertised for public use at the municipal rates ,June 15, 2010 -11- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS 31 s` STREET DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT and DEED OF LEASE AMENDMENT (Continued) Opportunities and Benefits • Supports $30-Million private hotel development • Generates in excess of $I-Million a year in new tax revenue to the City • Creates 43,000 new room nights a year and 1 SO new jobs • Spreads out parking along the oceanfront diluting congestion in the 31S` Street/AtlanticAvmue area • Provides an increase of public parking at municipal rates (with option agreement) • Continues Laskin Road Gateway Project • No cost participation from the City Timeline • Briefing to VBDA on June 1 S, 2010 • Public Briefing to City Council June 1 S, 2010 • Consideration of Term Sheet by City Council June 22, 2010 • Consideration of Term Sheet (if approved by Council) by VBDA prior to July 1 S, 2010 ,Jw~e 15, 2010 -12- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS CITY AND CITIZEN HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS S: 00 P.M. Fire Chief Steve Cover detailed information re Hurricane Preparedness. Preparedness Messages Individual Responsibility Self-sufficiency Evacuation Realities Sheltering Options Government's Roles and Capabilities. Command and Control Command encompassing Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Administration, Incident Command System: Command Staff and General Staff Joint Information System (JIS) Current Reality Desired Outcome Decentralization Plan Update Multi-media Format Stronger JIS Integration Incident Command System (JCS) Regional Coordination Public Information Current Reality Desired Outcome News Releases Social Media Twitter/Facebook VBTV Message Board VBgov. com Preparedness Brochures Outreach Activities Internal Member Communications ,Jule 15, 2010 -13- CITY MANAGER`S BRIEFINGS CITYAND CITIZENHURRICANE PREPAREDNESS (Continued) Warning Protective Actions Current Reality Desired Outcome Media Social Media Emergency Alert System Texting WebEOC VBalert Threat Driven Decisions are wind, and tornadoes and flood Key Decisions Evacuation Current Reality Local Responsibility Planning Sheltering Desired Outcome Refuge Identification Concept of Operations CLEARANCE TIMES Slnw Recnnn.ce/Fleavv Traffic/Hinh Tnurict f)ccunnnev Category U.S. Route 58 and U.S. Route 460 I-64 I-64 Reversal 1 7.5 10.7 NA 2 22. S 24.7 16. S 3 37.6 37.2 23.8 4 60.8 62.7 39.6 4HF.7.TF.R 1)F.iLfANI) Category Population A ected Shelter Demand Shelter Capacity Surplus/Deficit 1 59,31 S 2, 975 18, 000 +1 S, 043 2 128,183 8,048 18,000 + 9,952 3 204,462 16,094 18,000 + 1,096 4 385,575 41,672 3,500 - 38,172 Evacuation Current Reality Reactive Basis Category 4 Storm - 60 Hours Category 3 Storm - 38 Hours I-64 Reversal Plan Bowers Hill Bottleneck State Coordination Desired Outcome Proactive Evacuation Decisions Community Cooperation Transportation Options ,June 15, 2010 -14- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS CITYAND CITIZEN HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS Traffic Control Current Reality Desired Outcome State/VDOT Plan Target Populations Bowers Hill Bottleneck Local Integration Lane Reversal Intelligent Traffic Routes SS/460 Reversal Self-Sufficiency: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, State Informed Sheltering In-Place Current Reality Desired Outcome Viable Option Vulnerability Analysis Supporting Critical Facilities Public Education Institutional Support Catastrophic Contingencies Emergency Sheltering Current Reality Desired Outcome 20+ Shelters Feeding Capabilities Security Basic Medical City/School Staffing Category 3-S Storm Shelter Deficit Human Services Current Reality Additional Shelters Additional Staffing Catastrophic Contingencies Desired Outcome Shelter Management Staff Expansion Emergency Food Stamps Alternate Sheltering Group Homes Individual Assistance Sound Sheltering System Special Needs Populations (SNP) Current Reality Accessibility Regional Initiative Registry Planning Population Identification Support Group Focus Desired Outcome Program Updates Operational Registry Triage SNP ,Iul~e 15, 2010 -IS- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS CITYAND CITIZENHURRICANEPREPAREDNESS Commodities Distribution Current Reality Exercises Public Health Partnering Site Planning Transportation Current Reality School Bus Discussion Draft (MOU) Memorandum of Understanding Bus Contract Planning Emergency Services Desired Outcome Continue Exercises Staff Training Equipment Identification Desired Outcome Staging Areas State Bus Contract Support Facilities Department of Emergency Medical Services, City of Virginia Beach Fire Department and Police Department Current Reality Desired Outcome Staffing Limitations Area Command Good Working Relationship Continuity Planning Unified Command Pre-Disaster Support ICS WebEOC Utilization Area Command Infrastructure Current Reality Desired Outcome Operational Capabilities Intelligent Traffic Debris Management Commodities Exercise Regional Contracts Emergency Power Contingency Planning Energy Assurance Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Program Emergency Power fu»e 15, 2010 -16- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS CITYAND CITIZEN HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS Emergency Communications Current Reality 800 System Conversion Overlay Regional InterOperability Network (ORION) System Radio Cache Satellite Phones Mobile Computers GIS Support Emergency Planning Current Reality Preparedness Committee State Planning Regional Planning Planning Efforts Partner Collaboration Exercise Program Regional Collaboration Volunteerism Mitigation Desired Outcome Regional Interoperability Communication Incident Action Plan (IAP) Non-Emergency Services Web-based information Desired Outcome Expanded Planning LEPC Revitalization Citizen Corps Council (CCC) Reorganization Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) 2010 Atlantic Basis Seacanal Hurricane Fnreca.c> Forecast Parameter and 1950-2000 Climatolo In Parentheses Issue Date December 9, 2009 Issue Date Aril 7, 2010 Issue Date June 2, 2010 Named Storms S 9.6 I1-6 1 S 18 Named Storm Da s NSD 491.1 SI-75 75 90 Hurricanes H 5.9 6-8 8 10 Hurrricane Da s HD 24. S 24-39 35 40 Ma'or Hurricanes H 2.3 3-S 4 S Ma'or Hurricane Da s MHD S.0 6-12 10 13 Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) 96.1 100-162 l50 185 Net Tropical Cyclone Activity (NTC) 100% 108-172 I60 195 Commonwealth of Virginia -Hurricane Evacuation Timeline Chart is hereby made a part of the record. ,Jule 15, 2010 -17- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY 5:26 P.M. Mark Schnaufer, Transportation Planning Coordinator, presented information re the Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study: ^ On going activities ^ Mode (BRT/LRT) Examination ^ Purpose and Need Statement ^ Station Areas ^ Multi-use Trail Coordination ^ Feeder Bus Network ^ New activities ^ Alignments East of Birdneck Road ^ Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility ^ Grade Separations ^ Coordination with NAS Oceana -~ s ~~ ~~, ~= ~~ ~_ ~ ,R .:; , '__ ~_ ~( ~ ~~~ A ~ x ` -~ ; --.~~ yRj'" Ytr Bain k~~! #xtaa~oa Sl~6T awe ~ a«n f Identification of Station Areas ^ Developed criteria including: ^ Operational considerations ^ Development potential ^ Consistency with local plans ^ Examined a large list of potential sites ^ 2000 FEIS Station Areas ^ Other logical station locations ^ Held station area workshops in December ,June 15, 2010 - , ~-~~~~ti_.~~ _ ._ -18- ~,.~ \~ V'~ ~s x ,, \ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~- ~~ ~" ~ 4~r~~aia Beach f ~ ~ .>~~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~' t ~- ~~~~ 1 ~ ~ ="= ~~ 1~ J~ ~. '~-- ~,'' H~~ ~rginiaBeachTransitfutensinnStudysuv~+e,~m~io<~nE~+~ra~~wi~~smre~u Areas are consistent with Strategic Growth Area Plans. Station Areas: Project Next Steps ^ Identify station sites (parcel locations) (Summer/Fall 2010) ^ Work through conceptual engineering issues ^ Site constraints (Summer/Fall 2010) ^ Develop conceptual site /architectural plans (Winter 2010/Spring 2011) ^ Coordination with NAS Oceana (on-QOingl f~R~" Yutirio 8+.sth batlit ~i tbASsll! Sias ta~c,n a~; ~,tc ta,.~.~eti vim,.,, ,Jude 15, 2010 CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINL4 BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) -19- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) East of Birdneck Alternatives: Guiding Principles ~~ << .~ ,~ _._, i ~~ ~ "'°~.:r y, ~ `• ~~ ~('~ ~{'h ~f~ Extmw~ SI+WhM4YkA7i ~1~1i~.'~i,{~M~PCI~~[IOt.F.JMAMId LTp91~M1 fit; o+~k " :: ... ' l ~ ~ ~~ - ,,, ~ - -_ - - - _- x r ,~ '~ry11 _ 1 . ~~ ~ ~ qq~~:,~k f P ~~ - , .,, - i t wsf'. k t ~ ~ n ~, S ~ ~ ' , ._ . ~ 4 ,~ 1 4 ~ ., S l1 '. xr~' r ~ ~~tftY ` t g- ~ ~ fiA `, i.. ~/ 4 ~~. ? n ~ •. ~ ...:_ - y '~~. ~ ,. A.1 ~ ~ ai., r ., ~ .,. m ,«~„.. - i , roa ~ s ~ _~'~r~., ..~ ~ ~ ~ , . s ~ ~ ~ ,t ~=.I } ..~~ .. u w~zl ~ ~' ~ ~ , „1, f ° k ~' t + ; ~ ,v.t s y ~J~ rtt,~„~ ~ r Nf'-4, e .' ,..~~ ,,~'. , ~-~ ~ _7 $ ~~'" '~t~i ~R1d! 1ti~t E-t10 ~t~tj+~wtiw~+~+ynrs~,a: ~Jt+~tr?a sA,..~+~1 Jul~c 15, 2010 ^ Serve the Convention Center ^ Connect to the "Dome" site at 19'" Street ^ Minimize environmental and community impacts and costs -ao- CITY MANAGER`S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) East End of Birdneck Options: Project Next Steps ^ Determine preliminary capitals costs of each alternative (Summer/Fall 2010) ^ Develop additional conceptual engineering for each alternative (Summer/Fall 2010) ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, .. ~ ~} ~~~ ~y ~ ~rnia Aexh ~ z I ..... ~, 1 ~~ +~ ~ ~ j~ -,.~-~~ 4 '. ifs} . ; x- t t ~" !'~l~i B#3th ~t~ ~t ~ratrx~ ~Wn.a:"ri~Wsr!WkrsrMt 1~ !+aaw`et Preferred Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility Location Conditions Adequate Storage for Light Rail Vehicles Additional vehicle maintenance functions Easy access from NS ROW Not restricted by Oceana APZ Property owned by City of Virginia Beach Any Navy easement on property will require interpretation by NAVFAC Access to site is across Navv aroperty June 1.5, 2010 ~~. iWrmMis 9tiCY kytlEid Cft4~RStRR Study w'..,.u.«a+,wh+...,,~....c.~ s.a t~«r.,.Y..rwa t=,~ +cw.,r -21 - CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) VSMF (Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility) Next Steps: ^ Continue conceptual engineering and operational analysis (Summer/Fa112010) ^ Examine bus fleet maintenance and property requirements (Summer/Fa112010) ^ Examine potential impacts to surrounding community (Spring 2011) ^ Coordinate with Oceana on air easements and other issues (on-going) ~'. Yu~ru &rach ir~tf Ern SCt~b'J .~ ~ ~,~ t,~ ~ \ ~ Mfr ~ : ` ~v ~. - ~, ~ , ! ~,~ l ~ ~. '' ~«n,..,.:.,..w, ~ f ~ ~ - -~~ r ~~ ~-~-~ ~~' ful~e 15, 2010 ~_, -22- `' ~ ~ ~ _. f - -.y i ~ ~l ~e~ ~.. % C~ t`- - ~" ~ - ,, - - ..~~ ~ ~~ ~ _, i~ '\ ~i _.. ( ,.~ ~~ ~~ O~ ~~. 0 } ,. ~; ~,~~- n~i ~ irk Ertl SiudT .•,'.:.• ~•n ts: r.,~ ~ Grade Separation: Project Next Steps ^ Grade crossing conceptual engineering at each intersection (Spring 2011) ^ Perform micro-simulations of key grade crossings (Spring 2011) Multi-Use Trail Coordination ^ Project consultant completed conceptual feasibility for Multi-Use Trail within Norfolk Southern right-of-way, based on criteria below: ^ Where there is at least 55' feet between the distribution poles and transmission towers, or ^ Where both the distribution poles and transmission towers are on one side of the ROW, or ^ Where there are either no transmission towers or no distribution poles or ^ No Dominion Virginia Power facilities ^ Only short disconnected segments are possible in ROW based on criteria Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Conditions ^ Verifccation of available segments within ROW (right-of-way) will be provided as engineering and design for the transit project advances (Spring 2012 at earliest) ^ City Parks and Recreation Department examining other adjacent ROW that may be available for a continuous trail ^ City to develop Multi-Use Trail Plan in conjunction with the engineering and design phase of the Transit project to identify trail location and cost ^ Multi-Use Trail cost will not be a component of the Transit project cost ^ City will pursue other funding options for trail (i.e. CMAQ and RSTP Transportation regional funds) ,June 15, 2010 CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) -23- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) NAS Oceana Coordination ^ Stations ^ VSMF (Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility) ^ Grade Separations ^ Easements ^ Electrical Catenary Poles ~~'~- Y1t~ru6ir~s~tf~txaaStnd~r+u~r~w.:s}fit#w.e•~nv+~+*~r+~.~.w NAS Oceana Next Steps ^ City, Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) project team and Navy in continued discussions and coordination ^ Coordination with Rear Admiral Boensel, Commander, Navy Region Mid- Atlantic ^ Document agreements between all parties throughout process Key Capital Cost Methodology Assumptions ^ Five grade separations ^ Architecturally enhanced station features at Convention Center, Dome, Independence ^ Park and Rides (planning-level estimates of 250 cars each) at Witchduck, Independence, Thalia/Lynnshores, Lynnhaven, London Bridge and Birdneck ^ Elevated Independence station ^ Different levels of contingency will be applied East and West of Birdneck ,Jwlc 15, 2010 NAS Oceana Coordination Issues -24- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINL4 BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) Up-coming deliverables ^ Final Definition of Alternatives (Fall 2010) ^ East of Birdneck Alternatives Study ^ Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility Study ^ Grade Separation Assessment ^ Capital Cost Methodology Report ^ Preliminary Cost Estimate (Late 2010) ^ Preliminary Ridership Forecasts (Late 2010) Public Involvement ^ Community Advisory Committee Meeting ^ Economic Development Conference Room ^ June 24, 2010, 6:OOpm to 8:OOpm ^ Public Meeting/Open House ^ Westin ^ June 30, 2010, 6:OOpm to 8:OOpm ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS/SUPPLEMENTAL DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMElYT ~; `Important City decision point H~jr ~~+ ~gich tniq~t ~teas~a StteQp ae.,.c,~ arrt~ ~,~,~ _~ ,June 15, 201 D ~~ -zs- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFINGS VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) •Requires action/approval from FTA to enter next phase of project. ~,~" ~'D~ d~it.~t ~[~ EttE~dlAI ~t~4p ~IAr~ru,.~ AAa4~.'YvW~w '~ Grll. t,~w~a a~+ ~+..aa Jur~c 1,5, 2010 ~~ } - ~~ . - - _ . - , ~~u a~ -ems -- _ ~~ -26- CITY MANAGER `SBRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS -Pending 5:58 P.M. Jack Whitney, Director -Planning, gave a brief synopsis of the Planning Items pending for the July 6, 2010 and July 13, 2010 City Council Sessions: July 6, 2010 Nimmo United Methodist Church Appeal (Certificate ofAppropriateness) Nimmo United Methodist Church is appealing to the City Council the decision of the Director of Planning to not grant the church a Certificate of Appropriateness for a free-standing electronic display sign. Section 1303 (c)(2) of the City Zoning Ordinance provides for appeals to the City Council of any decision of the Director of Planning in denying a Certificate of Appropriateness. Newtown SGA Plan Amendments An Ordinance to amend the Comprehensive plan by adopting the Newtown Strategic Growth Area Master Plan, April 2010 (Final Draft Date) General Booth Storage Conditional Use Permit Modification Beach District The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing Conditional Use Permit in order to relocate the business office for the facility from the interior of the site to the front of the site. The additions will conform to the existing buildings with regard to colors and building materials, adding visual interest to the front of the complex. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was opposition. ,Jude 1. ; 2010 -27- CITY MA NAGER`SBRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS -Pending Scott Labiak Conditional Use Permit Beach District The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a skateboard ramp for personal use in the front yard of the parcel (there is no useable rear yard). The applicant has met with adjacent property owners, explaining the need for the Conditional Use Permit and the desire to upgrade the ramp as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Signatures of support from the residents were submitted with the application. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was opposition. City of Virginia Beach (on behalf of Operation Smile) Conditional Change of Zoning Rose Hall District Rezoning from R-SD Residential Duplex District and 1-2 Heavy Industrial District to I-1 Light Industrial District to allow the development of the site for a volunteer organization dedicated to the care and treatment of children with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities. The exterior of the building will blend with those in the adjacent educational campus and will be developed utilizing LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) criteria. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was no opposition. Consent Agenda Juf~e 15, 2010 -28- CITY MANAGER `SBRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS -Pending Real Estate Trust for Parcels B and E Conditional Use Permit Community Pier Lynnhaven District Conditional Use Permit to allow for the replacement of anon-commecial pier that is shared by nine property owners. The pier is located on a 4, 580 square foot lot in the Princess Anne Hills Park neighborhood. The plat for the neighborhoods, recorded in 1961, contains a note that permits use ofParcels B and E for lots 13, 14, 1 S, 1, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 for "boating and recreational purposes only. " This request for a community boat dock is limited to Parcel B only. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was no opposition. Consent Agenda Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. Conditional Use Permit Residential Kennel Lynnhaven District Conditional Use Permit to allow a residential kennel on the property. The Zoning Ordinance requires a Use Permit if more than four (4) dogs over six (6) months of age are kept on a lot. The applicant currently has seven (7) dogs on the proprety. These dogs are family pets. The dogs live within the residence on the site which is temperature-controlled with both air conditioning and heating No complaints have been registered with either the Police Department or Animal Control. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was no opposition Consent Agenda ,jul~e 15, 2010 -29- CITY MA NAGER`SBRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS -Pending Kemp Enterprises, Inc. Conditional Change of Zoning Kempsville District Rezoning of the existing A-24 Apartment District to A-24 Apartment District with a PDH2 overlay. Applicant proposes a single family condominium development of 63 units at a density of 10.5 dwelling units per acre. Proposed exterior building materials are brick, rough stone veneer and beaded vinyl siding. The units are planned to be between 1,850 square feet and 2,400 square feet and no higher than 38.6 feet in height. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was no opposition. July 13, 2010 Cataldo Industries III, LLC Conditional Change of Zoning Lynnhaven District Rezoning from R-7.5 Residential District to O-1 Office District in order to develop the site with an 8, 000 square foot Child Care Center (Preschool and Daycare facility with up to 134 children) and an 8, 600 square foot office building. The applicant has proffered the site layout, building design, traffic management measures and signage. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (8-I) There was no opposition. JurJe 15, 2010 -30- CITY MANAGER `SBRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS -Pending July 13, 2010 Kroger Limited Partnership I Conditional Use Permit Lynnhaven District The applicant requests a Use Permit for the purpose of replacing 49 parking spaces on the western side of the site with a 24' x 145' canopy, ftve fueling stations and an 8 x 14' kiosk for employees The canopy and kiosk will be constructed with materials to match the existing building. Hours of operation will be 6: 00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M., seven days a week. Applicant will landscape the fueling facility area and upgrade the landscaping in other areas of the site. Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was no opposition. Consent Agenda Clare L. Friedberg Street Closure Beach District The applicant requests the closure of a portion of Loretta Lane west of Miller Lane. The applicant intends to incorporate the closed area into the surrounding property, which will allow the applicant to develop the property with only minimal negative impact to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area (CBPA). The applicant will move through the CBPA review process upon the approval of the closure of this right-of--way (applicant cannot apply until he owns the total site, including the rights- of-way requested for closure). Evaluation and Recommendation Planning Staff recommends approval Planning Commission recommends approval (9-0) There was no opposition. Consent Agenda .Tune 15, 2010 -31 - CITY MANAGER `SBRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS -Pending City Zoning Ordinance and Landscape Guide Amendments for Parking City Zoning Ordinance Amendments required by 2010 General Assembly Actions: - Definition of family - Civil Penalties - Family health care structure The Workshop ADJOURNED at 6:05 P.M. ,Ju~lc IS, 2010