HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 19, 2010 MINUTESCITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR WILLIAM D. SESSOMS, JR., At-Large VICE MAYOR LOUIS R. JONES, Bayside - District 4 R17A SWEET BELLlTTO, At-Large GI.ENN R. DAVIS, Rose Hall - District 3 WILL/AM R. DeSTEPH, AbLarge HARRY E. D/EZEL, Kempsvifle - District 2 ROBERT M. DYER„ Centerville - District l BARBARA M. HENLEY, Prince.rs Anne - Di.rtrict 7 JOHN F. UHRIN, Beach - District 6 ROSEMARY W/LSO.N, At-Large JAMF.'S L. WOOD, Lynnhaven -District S CITY COUNCIL APPOINTEES ClTY MANAGER - JAMES K. SPORE CITY ATTORNEY - MARK D. STILES C/TY ASSESSOR - JERALD BANAGAN ClTY AUDITOR - LYNDON S. REM/AS CITY C[.F_RK - RUTH HODGF.S FRASER, MMC CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA 19 October 2010 C/TYHALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE V/RG/NIA BEACH, VIRGIN/A 23456-8005 PHONE.•(757) 385-4303 FAX (757J 385-5669 E- MA/L: ctycncl@vbgov.com I. CITY COUNCIL'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room - 4:00 PM A. TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY Jayne Whitney, Senior Vice President for Development, Hampton Roads Transit B. AQUARIUM and OWL CREEK DISTRICT PLAN Ned Williams, Chair - Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Board II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. PLANNING ITEMS PENDING Jack Whitney, Director - Planning -2- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY 4:00 P.M. Jayne Whitney, Senior Uice President for Development, Hampton Roads Transit Authority was introduced to provide the status update. Study Update • Environmental/New Starts Processes • Public Involvement Efforts • On going technical work: • Detailed description of BRT/LRT alternatives • Conceptual Engineering • Cost Estimates • Feeder Bus System Planning • Ridership Forecasting • Navy Coordination • Project Next Steps Na~ October~ 1.9, 2010 -3- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING TRANSIT EXTENSIONSTUDY (Contin ued) Public Involvement • Public Meetings (3) - September 9 and 10, 2009: Initial Public Meetings - December 2 and 9, 2009: Station Area Workshops - June 30, 2010: 120 in attendance • Comments: Multi-use trail, serving disabled via transit and Norfolk Naval Station /O[d Dominion University • Community Advisory Meetings (2) • Presentations (through October 20I0) - 9 community groups/ S Civic Leagues Monthly E-Newsletters; Almost 20,000 hits to Webpage Conceptual Engineering and Cost Estimates • Design at conceptual level (3-S%) • Capital Cost will be Year of Expenditure 2018 • Components under evaluation • Station Areas/Park and Ride • Vehicle Storage Maintenance Facility (T~SMF) • Elevated Crossings/7'rack/Guideway Systems • East of Birdneck alternatives • Operating Costs will include supportive feeder bus service October 1.9, 2010 -4- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (Continued) Mrs. Whitney displayed maps indicating Station Areas for Evaluation and Areas are Consistent with Strategic Growth Area Plans. October-1.9, 2010 -S- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING TRANSIT EXTENSIONSTUDY (Continued) Station Areas/Park and Ride Stations - Platforms, canopies, passenger amenities - Scale/level of design to match The Tide - Elevated Station (1) - Identifying specific sites that rninimize impacts to existing business Park and Ride - Witchduck, Independence, ThaliA/Lynnshores, Lynnhaven, Great Neck/London Bridge, Birdneck - 250 parking spaces Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility • Primary elements: - 100,000 square foot maintenance building for up to 22 vehicles - Storage tracks, specialized equipment, parking • On-site facilities for feeder bus system and replacing trolley base • Coordinated maintenance and repair with Norfolk Vehicle Storage Maintenance Facility (I~SMF) Elevated Crossings/Track Structure • Elevated Crossings - Locations by traffic volume: Independence, London Bridge Road, Witchduck, Rosemont, Lynnhaven Parkway • Track Structure - Type of Track: Einbedded, Ballasted, Direct Fixation • Systems - Overhead electrica[ system, train control system, fare vending October 1.9, 2010 Mrs. Whitney advised the above general area is within the Oceana area and HRT is working closely with the Navy to assure most appropriate and compatible area. -6- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING TRANSIT EXTENSIONSTUDY (Continued) Feeder Bus System • Developing new bus routes to compliment new fixed guideway • Developing costs to operate expanded system Feeder Bus Routes H VBTES Build Alternatives ~~ i' ~~'~ ; ,_ .~~. ~,. ~,~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~, e ~~~~~~ f ~~~ 5 ~ _ak, r ~rl"°~ -,4~.,~. ~~oe ~ 31' ~ ~.. Lynnhavno Stanon ~ Raute: 20, 34 ~' •= ~„e~~ nc,~k ~~ "_"'•.-ccmm~.~r:~, •,~ ~.- ~ Great NeclUlor~on Brhlue Stapon ~ . ~„aw '. _ Roate.34 4 S n g , ~ ~ `°". ~ ~* , ° ~ ~.»..•_.. - ~-«~a«y.~.rei . ~30d id OII .. Roure:35 . . ~ ,: . -._,w,... . , i~ . ~ : , ~ _ y . ~ . __.-.~~ . ~ .~ ~ ..:... :.- ~. ~~ ~ ~~. Blr~netkRaatlStatlon Ranes:NOne "'~ ~t . ,' , ,..>. 'f . , ''~~ .~. ~.~„»¢~xera ~r,~y,k. . .. ~ CnnventlonCenterSt~LOn `~. ; ..' " . ~ . ' . Roufes.NOne '~ ~., ~ ~ ~`~ ~ ocexntront Shtlon , ~ i ~ ~ . ; ~ ~ . tes70,20,19,.33,VBWavg30&3t Rou, , . ~, ... .. . .. . ...... ~;~ . . . . O~tober 1.9, 2010 - 7- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING TRANSIT EXTENSIONSTUDY (Continued) East of Birdneck Alternatives e as «aa~;.. g~ ~ ~ ( F, ¢ 1t+gz7pY? 44+~Rt?S t~~ ~~ ~ ~""'"w c ~ .:~ A+' al,~ ~ ~ f ^~,~ i~a~, ~'. . ~ ~~h~'*~ a ~ ~^ ~ ~ i ~ ~. ~. .~ ;~A r ~ a9 ~~- . ar~ .. ~,..,, . .. 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Mrs. Whitney advised HRT would be refining the routes to make sure of an acceptable travel time for the customers riding on the bus to get to the train station as HRTworks through the refinement offrequency levels (when does service start in the morning and how long does it run at night). The Tide's Service Structure will be matched. Councilman DeSteph advised there will be different scenarios and different costs associated with those scenarios based on the ridership anticipated. Mrs. Whitney advised, in the Virginia Beach section, a specific ridership forecast shall be examined. Mrs. Whitney advised Council Lady Bellitto, the DRAFT EIS, when submitted to the Federal Transportation Authoriry, will be a DRAFT document for FTA 's review; however, technically, it is a public document once forwarded to FTA. Prior to this submission, HRT will be coming to the City Council and the public so they will be aware of the content of the document. FTA will take approximately two (2) months to review. lt will be suhmitted to FTA in the Summer; however, there will be public outreach early in the year. October 1,9, 2010 -9- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING AQUARIUM and OWL CREEKDISTRICT PLAN 4:20 P.M. Ned Williams, Chair - Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Board, advised the Aquarium is very successful and the Board Members are proud. The Aquarium is well recognized in the State of the Region report. As you all know, the Aquarium is primarily recognized for the building. Many individuals do not recognize this is also a research facility and is situated in a tremendous habitat area on the waterfront. ~ Ji .: ~~. -~-L-- PARK I ~. ,ri , ~, 7. .. .' ~!.... . ~ ~ ~--"r , -~~.,------ ~ ~ CGAM~.PPENOLETGN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GAM.NECK .. ~~~ ..~ ~ ~ . ... ~ October 19, 2010 -10- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING AQUARIUM and OWL CREEK DISTRICT PLAN (Continued) Over the last two (2) years, meetings have been conducted with more than thirry (30) groups and o~cials have talked to more than two hundred (200) individuals gathering information re framing this question and structuring. Lynn Clements, Director - The Aquarium and Marine Science Center, has been a partner in all the presentations. As often comes about during these processes, new opportunities came up that we did not recognize such as the properry north, the Marshview property. The Ciry has the great skill of negotiating the delivery of this properry from the Navy to the Ciry to be utilized for recreational parkpurposes. The Aquarium and Marine Science Center have become partners with the Department of Parks and Recreation. Brian Solis, Planning, Design and Development Administrator, Department of Parks and Recreation, has been a good partner in taking this project forward. Generally the area bounded by "blue ", which is the City's bike path (8 %z miles), is the area being reviewed. Desired Outcome for an Aquarium District A place that is nationally recognized as a"center of excellence"for programs having to do with the coastal and marine environment ......... • Education • Research & Technology • Recreation • Entertainment • Economic opportunities • Exhibits Apuarium District Concept • Aquarium District that involves collaborative use of the land surrounding the Virginia Aquarium. • Encourage development that shares a common therree with the Virginia Aquarium • Aquariurr~ District will involve multiple venues related to the marine and inshore environment 1. Recreation and Entertainment provide a"several day" visit opportunity 2. Aquarium Facilities for exhibits and activities 3. Education Pro~rams & Facilities - Children's Environmental Activity Center - Early Childhood Developrrient Center with a environmental theme - High School Honors Summer resident program - Marine Research Partnership with higher education institutions 4. Shoreline Habitat area provides environmental conservation learning opportunities 20-MILLION individuals live in our Watershed area and these are considered part of the client base. We will always be connected with Washington; D.C. Light Rail will provide greater connectiviry. The Aquarium Owl Creek District Plan is actually a connected piece of the Resort Strategic Growth Area that has been established and will be the next step toward implementing the programs. O~tober 19, 2010 -11- CITY COUNCIL `S BRIEFING AQUARIUM and OWL CREEK DISTRICT PLAN (Continued) Mr. Williams advised the selection of the Consulting Team: EDSA, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Team Lead) Planning Cambridge ~Associates, Cambridge, Massachusetts Architect ConsultEcon, Cambridge Massachusetts Economic Consultant Kerr Environmental, Virginia Beach Environmental Assessment Kimley Horn, Virginia Beach Engineering and Environmental Menditto Mann Enterprises, Miami, Florida WPL, Virginia Beach Assessment Consultant for Research Foundations structure and support Landscape Design October~ 19, 2010 -12- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS PENDING 4:45 P.M. Jack Whitney, Director - Planning, gave a briefsynopsis of the Planning Items pending for the November 9, and November 23, 2010, City Council Sessions: November 9, 2010 Mark Cooke (NON) Non-conforming use Beach District The applicant is requesting a change for a non-conforming use. Property has two (2) detached single family dwellings on it. This applicant wishes to replace the existing residence on the western end of the property with a new dwelling. The proposed dwelling will include a 3rd floor. Evaluation and Recommendation This proposal for a change to a Non-Conforming Use is not heard by Planning Commission. Planning Commission has not completed the staffreport at the time ofthis presentation CVB - Environmental Education Center Ordinance to AMEND Sections 111 and 301 of the CZO defining the term "Environmental Educational Center ", allowing the use as a Conditional Use in the P-1 Preservation District and adding a new Section 233.1.1. establishing standards pertaining to such use. Pontiac Arms Apartments, Inc. (MOD) Modification ofa Conditional Use Permit Beach District The applicant is requesting a Modification of a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on March 10, 2009. The request is to allow an interim use of the site for an outdoor gallery promoting local artists and their work. The site is currently used as a commercial parking lot. The market will consist of stations distributed around the perimeter of the site providing for 12 vendors. Operation will be Saturday and Sunday from 9: 00 a. m. until 5: 00 p. m. September through May. Octobel~ 1.9, 2010 -13- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS PENDING (Continued) Evaluation and Recommendation This Planning Staff recommended approval with conditions Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0) There was no opposition. WellinQton Farm, LLC Modification of a Conditional Use Permit Princess Anne District The application is requesting a Modiftcation of a Conditional Use Permit for boarding and training horses approved by City Council on December I1, 2007. The applicant proposes to modify Condition 3 which limits the fundraising events on the site to no more than six (6) times a year. The replacement condition will read: "The Properry shall not be used for events which would include public assembly. " The applicant proposes to eliminate Condition 4 which relates to parking for events Evaluation and Recomrreendation This Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0) There was no opposition. The following three applications are related to one another. They have been heard by Planning Commission in conjunction with each other. The request is to build a memory center as an addition to the existing assisted living faciliry (Kings Grant House) and associated parking on what is currently a portion of the adjacent SaintAidan's Episcopal Church property. Commonwealth VirQinia Beach, LLC Change of Zoning Lynnhaven District The applicant proposes to rezone the existing B-2 to O-2 and incorporate this properry into the O-2 site (Kings Grant House) to the West. The applicant desires to construct and operate a two-story memory center as part of the Kings Grant House. The Memory Center will have 18 rooms, employ 12 people and operate 24-hours a day October 19, 2010 -14- CITY MANAGER`S BRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS PENDING (Continued) Inte~rated LivinQ Communities of VB, LLC aka Kin~s Grant House Conditional Use Permit Lynnhaven District The applicant is requesting to modify the Conditional Use Permit for a nursing home (Kings Grant House) to expand this facility for a Memory Center. This proposal will provide 25 Memory Center beds and SO assisted living beds. The proposed addition shall be similar in design to the Kings Grant House with an exterior of hardi plank siding and brick St. Aidian's Eniscopal Church Conditional Use Permit Lynnhaven District The applicant is reguesting to mod~ the Conditional Use Permit for a religious use (Saint Aidan's Episcopal Church) to allow construction ofa parking lot on the Southwest side ofthe church properry. The proposed parking lot will beneftt both the church and nursing homefaciliry byproviding additional parking since the uses generally operate on d~erent schedules. Evaluation and Recommendation This Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0) There was no opposition. November 23, 2010 Point to Point Conditional Use Permit Bayside District The application requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow motor vehicle rental from a suite in an existing retail strip center. The motor vehicle rental business and a packaging business are currently operating in the suite. Hours ofoperation for both businesses are Monday through Friday, 7: OOA.M. to 7: 00 P.M. and Saturdayfrom 7: OOA.M. to 4: 00 P.M. No more than three trucks and three trailers will be rented at any given time All motor vehicles and trailers will be stored within designated parking spaces located on the West side of the building along the western properry line. October-1.9, 2010 -IS- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS PENDING (Continued) Evaluation and Recommendation This Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0) There was no opposition. C& C Development Co., Inc. Conditional Zoning Beach District The applicant proposes to rezone the existing in-fill properry zoned A-12 to Conditional R-SS for the purpose of developing a single family dwelling. The subject lot is a non-conforming lot which was platted before the establishment of the City's or County's Zoning Ordinance. Single family dwellings were allowed within A-12 Districts until 1988. A single family dwelling is directly across the Street. Today under A-12 zoning, duplex structures are the least dense residential allowed use on the lot, which given the lot size, would not be reasonable. Evaluation and Recommendation This Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0) There was no opposition. Christopher Sca~lione. Conditional Use Permit Beach District The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow an existing pier to create a non-commercial pier/boat dock that is not located on the same parcel as the dwelling unit. The applicant who lives across the unimproved right-of-way from where the pier/boat dock will be constructed is the owner of both properties. The applicant proposes to construct a fixed pier 8 feet wide by 10 feet long with a ramp extending 16 feet to a floating dock 8 feet wide by 30 feet long. Access would be from the existing pier located beside the Cypress Avenue right-of-way for which the applicant has an encroachment agreement. The proposed pier, ramp and floating dock has been submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies and is awaiting approval of a Joint Permit Application (JPA) Octobel~ 19, 2010 -16- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS PENDING (Continued) Evaluation and Recommendation This Planning Staff recommended approval Planning Commission recommended approval (9-0) There was no opposition. Mark c~ Christine Zappernick Street Closure Centerville District The applicant requests a closure of an unimproved, unnamed right-of-way between Lot 13 (936 Richland Drive) and Lot 14 (940 Richland Drive) The applicant intends to incorporate the northern `half of this unimproved right-of-way into their residential property at 936 Richland Drive in order to construct improvements in compliance with setbacks. The properry owners of Lot 14 (940 Richland Drive) have an option to purchase the southern `half of the unimproved right-of-way to be closed. The applicants of Lot 13 indicate they intend to extend the fence to include any newly acquired properry. The applicants also have indicated that there have been disruptive teenagers using this right-of-way and closing this property may reduce the current disruptions. Evaluation and Recommendation This Planning Staff recommended denial Planning Commission recommended approval (8-0-1) There was no opposition. New CinQUlar Wireless PCS, LLC Conditional Use Permit Lynnhaven District On September 8, 2010, the School Board approved a lease agreement beriveen the Board and the application for the development of a communications tower within the First Colonial High School Property. The applicant is now requesting the Conditional Use Permit for a communications tower. The applicant intends to replace an existing stadium light pole within a 127 foot galvanized steel communications tower. The existing stadium lights will be relocated to the proposed tower along with a four foot-by four foot osprey nest perch at the top. Evaluation and Recommendation This applicant requested the application to be expedited from the November Planning Commission. Planning Staff has not completed the staff report for the November Planning Commission at the time of this presentation. October 1.9, 2010 -17- CITY MANAGER `S BRIEFING PLANNING ITEMS PENDING (Continued) Tire Express Conditional Use Permit Rose Hall District The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow tire sales and installation at a site that was once an auto glass repair business. Hours of operation are 9: 00 A.M. to 7: 00 P.M. Monday through Saturday, Sunday hours will be from 11: 00 A.M. until 7: 00 P.M. Evaluation and Recommendation This applicant requested the application to be expedited from the November Planning Commission. Planning Staff has not completed the staff report for the November Planning Commission at the time of this presentation. Chunma Tae Kwon Do Conditional Use Permit Princess Anne District The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow a martial arts facility within a 5,880 square foot unit of an existing retail center. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9: 00 A.M. to 9: 00 P.M. and Saturday from 9: 00 A.M. to 5: 00 P. M. No more than one class is taught at a time with up to twenty (20) students in a class. Students are ages 4 years old and older. Tae Kwon Do is the only form of martial arts taught at this faciliry. Evaluation and Recommendation This applicant requested the application to be expedited from the November Planning Commission. Planning Staff has not completed the staff report for the November Planning Commission at the time of this presentation. The WORKSHOPADJOURNED at 5:03 P.M. October 1.9, 2010