HomeMy WebLinkAbout06072011 VA AQUARIUM & OWLS CREEK AREA PLAN PRESENTATIONVirginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia project team INTRODUCTION MENDITTO+mann Enterprises, inc. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia what is this master plan study? it is not… –about taking land rights. –a study looking at a district but rather an area. –about redistricting or rezoning the area. –just about the aquarium. –about changing the name of any Community in the area. it is… ?a 10 month multi-step master plan process. ?about including stakeholders and residents in the process. ?about the heritage and culture of the area. ?about including the communities in the watershed of Owls Creek. ?intended to envision enhancements and preservation for the area. ?a guide for implementation of future opportunities. ?about gathering your goals and objectives for the next 25 years. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia purpose of the study Thepurposeofthestudyistocomposeacommunityandtourismbased MasterPlanprovidingallrelevantinformationnecessarytocreatean uniquedestinationintegratinglanduseandtransit. TheconceivedMasterPlanisintendedtoencouragedevelopmentor redevelopmentofregionalsignificancebypreservingexistingcommunity, facilitatingamixoflanduses,encouragingtransportationconnectivity, enhancingthecharacter,providingincentivesforqualitydevelopment andgivingdefinitiontotheAquarium&OwlsCreekArea. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia consensus building Establish VisionCommunity Team BuildingStakeholders Goals and ObjectivesCity of Virginia Beach FeasibilityVirginia Aquarium Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia placemaking & branding Differentiation ? Sustainability ? • Environmental • Cultural / Social • Economic Improving Location ? Maturity of Markets ? Visionary Development ? Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia project site Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Project Site : +/-1,200 acres Land Uses: Aquarium, Entertainment, Residential, Navy, Commercial, Light Industrial, Parks, Fisherman's Wharf, Marshes NORFOLK AVE. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia local heritage historical progression • Pre-colonial era • Owls creek & Rudee Inlet • War of 1812 • Deadrise Fishing • First Resort Hotel • Tourism & Princess Anne Hotel • Life Saving Station • Surfing in Virginia Beach • Seatack elementary • Ice House Restaurant • Neighborhoods • Military / Naval Bases Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia planning approach PLANNING Create a that contributes to the sustainable framework ? success of the Community. Place the most importance on as the key collaboration ? to sustaining the future growth of Virginia Beach. Introduce principles that protect the “smart growth” ? Community, improve transportation connectivity and enhance the aesthetic character. The design team will utilize input & expectations from ? stakeholders & community members to develop the of the project. vision Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia design process purpose As site planners, we approach design thinking in Just as important as what we produce is three phases: how we produce it. A fundamental part of a successful design depends on the Inventory: information we gather. the collection of raw data and information Analysis: organizing the data into information that is useful Design: creating solutions that adhere to intended goals = public input Public Workshop #2 Public Workshop #3 Public Workshop #1 Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia guiding principles “Capitalizeontheessenceofthe“Creek”bypreservingitsfuturethrough conservation,progressiveplanning,education,andenvironmentalstewardship thatenhancesthelocalcommunitiesservingasalegacyforfuturegenerations.” Preserveandensurethesecurity,tranquility,characterand sanctityofthecommunitieswithinthearea. Promotethesocial,environmentaleducationalandhistorically significantattributesofOwlsCreek. Integrateresearch,marineconservationandrecreationalong withthemanyfacetsofcultureandnaturefoundinthedistrictto createanunparallellocationtovisit,live,work,learn,andplay. FacilitatetheconnectionsbetweentheBeachandtheCreekto provideincentiveforqualitydevelopmentandeconomicreturn. Formulateaconceptthatenhancesthevisionforalternative modesoftransitincludingaccessbylandandwater. Maximizereturnoninvestmentfortheareaandensure economic,socialandenvironmentalsustainability. Enhanceexistingfacilitiesthroughrestorationandexpansionto createcontinuousexpectationofnewimprovements. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia focus areas 1.Recreation 2.Research and Technology 3.Education 4.Entertainment 5.Economic Development Opportunities 6.Exhibits Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia RSMAS -Field Education sustainable development strategies 1.Site Selection 2.Solar & Wind Orientation 3.Local Materials & Vegetation 4.Rainwater Runoff Reduction 5.Transportation Systems 6.Building Operations 7.Solar Thermal & Photovoltaic 8.Gray Water 9.Environmental Education 10.Indoor / Outdoor Spaces Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia RSMAS -Field Education existing reports information Resort Area Strategic Plan • Virginia Beach Outdoors Plan • Bike & Trails Plan • Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan • AICUZ Program Procedures • Hampton Roads Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) • Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia RSMAS -Field Education site inventory workshop diagrams CULTURAL FACTORS •land use/zoning •land ownership •neighborhoods/districts •existing transportation •military influence ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS •climatic impacts •natural systems •wetlands/watersheds Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia environmental inventory / assessment natural resources assessment Topograhpy • Watersheds • Soil Suitability • Wetlands • FEMA Floodplains • flora & fauna Mammals • Reptiles • Raptors • Waterbirds • Fish • Invertebrates • Insects • Trees • Shrubs • Grasses • Vines • Wildflowers • Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia infrastructure inventory / assessment utility assessment plan Water distribution • Sanitary • roadway inventory General Booth Boulevard • Pacific Avenue • Atlantic Avenue • Birdneck Road • Norfolk Avenue • Virginia Beach Boulevard (Route 58) • Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia site inventory detailed site inventory Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia site analysis cultural influences opportunities •Established Community •History •Potential mix of land uses •Proximity to beach •Preservation of natural area •Research and Recreation constraints •Development restrictions •Limited water access •Lack of alternate transit •Lack of retail/commercial PRIMARY ROAD SECONDARY ROAD BIKE/PED. PATH Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia site analysis environmental influences opportunities •Water front property •Potential for water taxi •Educational outreach •Natural amenity constraints •Lack of green connections •Limited draught for boating •Expense of dredging •Minimal launch points GREEN NETWORK TIDAL MARSH NON TIDAL FORESTED HAMMOCKS Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia site analysis SWOT analysis Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia site analysis Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia INTERVIEWS stakeholder interviews and WORKSHOPS attendees Aquarium Representatives • City of Virginia Beach Representatives • Community Members • Design Team • objective These interviews brought out the point of views from key individuals linked to the project. They gave the design team and the clients a unique insight into what the users and owners value about the area and what they would like to see it become in the future. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia children’s workshop attendees Aquarium Representatives • City of Virginia Beach Representatives • Children (ages 4-12) • Design Team • objective The objective of this workshop and interactive session was to gain insight into the likes and dislikes of the primary user . group of the Aquarium -the children and their parents Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia public workshop #1 attendees Aquarium Representatives • Parks & Recreation Representatives • Community Members • Design Team • objective The workshop was a creativity “brainstorming” session for the communitywith two brainstorming exercises to help the attendees express their ideas more clearly. First there was an interactive discussion focused around a questionnaire that was handed out. Secondly, there was a creative brainstorming session involving a word relationship / prioritization activity and a follow-up discussion. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia public workshop #2 attendees Aquarium Representatives • Parks & Recreation Representatives • Community Members • Design Team • objective The objective of this workshop and interactive session was to gain insight into the likes and dislikes of the of the residents that live around the aquarium. Comments •Keep residential •Keep all commercial on the south end of study area •Provide trail connections •Do not have organized sports at Marshview •Provide connection to the Ocean front •Enhance retail •In favor of renovating water park •Provide additional parking •Provide botanical gardens •Provide interpretive signage and nature center •Preserve tree buffer 200’ around Owls creek lane R&D •Need observation tower in Marshview •Do not want sky lift to be visible from residential areas. Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia interactive discussions discussion topics •Culture •Community •Environment •Transportation •Activities •Entertainment •Education •Research •Recreation Owensboro Waterfront Esplanade Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia creative design session creative solutions ideas recreation preservation future stewardship entertainment Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia goals and expectations “Thegoalistocreateanationally-recognizedcenterofexcellence(“placemaking”) forprograms/activitiesrelatedtothecoastalmarineenvironmentthroughaprocess thatwillbecomeanationalmodelforlandusedevelopment.“ Task goals •Listen to your ideas •Collect data •Learn about the community aspirations for the area •Develop a remarkable vision Expectations •Dream Big •Broaden our perceptions •Believe in the possibilities •Prioritize our initiatives •Focus on the implementation comments… Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia case studies Monterey Bay Aquarium Monterey, California Navy Pier Chicago, Illinois Emerald Necklace Parks Boston, Massachusetts Chicago Park System Chicago, Illinois Riverwalk San Antonio, Texas Pikes Place Market Seattle, Washington Central Park New York, New York City Walk Universal Studios Orlando, Florida Historic City Market Charleston, South Carolina Faneuil Hall Boston, Massachusetts Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia key concepts VISIONING “Natural Network” “Personal / Local / Global Stories” “Technology Integration “Create a Destination” Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia vision diagram Master Plan Diagram NORFOLK AVE. LEGEND residential green space fisherman’s wharf recreation research & technology education entertainment economic development exhibits Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia conceptual design landuse comparison Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia conceptual design preferred conceptual master plan Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia development opportunities •Residential areas largely built out –Highest values closest to ocean and with waterfront access •Activate large undeveloped parcels –New city park creates amenity for resident and potential tourist destination –opportunity to link to Aquarium and regional trail network –use creek as teaching tool and transportation link –Some may remain undeveloped due to ownership (i.e. Navy. City) and constraints due to location near Oceana (i.e. noise, accident zone) •Tap development potential of amusement parcels by mixing uses and enhance as a full day destination •Create additional value through existing activity at Aquarium –Extend tourist visitor stay in area and attract new regional residents –Build marine research cluster and attract university / private investment in marine sciences and maritime infrastructure –Potential for new exhibit building •Develop shared parking and traffic management plan Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia funding opportunities Attract new funding sources •New marine research partnerships •Joint funding strategies •Private Philanthropy •Other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) •Government Funding (Federal, State) Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia looking forward… Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia conceptual design marina enhancements Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia conceptual design research center Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia conceptual design amusement area Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia conceptual design aquarium exhibit building Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia discussion, comments, suggestions… Virginia Aquarium & Owls Creek Area Plan Virginia Beach, Virginia