HomeMy WebLinkAbout10182011 PROJECT UPDATES PRESENTATIONSProject Updates:Project Updates: Nimmo VNimmo V Laskin GatewayLaskin Gateway Briefing to City Council October 18, 2011 DCM Dave Hansen 1 Highway Construction Costs IncreaseHighway Construction Costs Increase Variance 2 Nimmo Parkway Phase V Nimmo Parkway Phase V Current Project Funding State$ 3,705,475 Federal$ 12,024,333 City ATD$ 42,151,119 City FY13$ 5,907,097 $ 63,788,024 Total Project Cost ROW$ 4,678,400 PUA$ 3,108,620 Construction$ 54,620,000 Construction Bid Opening: September 28th $ 62,407,020 Construction cost of $54.6M includes: $44.8M base ? bid, $4.5M CEI costs by VDOT, $4.5M contingency, $820K for street lighting and landscaping Approximately $1.4M as yet uncommitted ? PUA bid opening at the end of October ? 3 Recommendation for Funding TransferRecommendation for Funding Transfer Execution of City/State Agreement requires that all the project ? funds be availablebefore the award can be made. Nimmo Phase V has $5.9M in the FY13 CIP but needs it ? programmed into FY12 in order to execute agreement. Centerville Turnpike Interim Improvements has $10.9M ? appropriated in FY12 but does not need all funds this year because construction is scheduled for early FY14. Recommend transferring $5.9M from Centerville to Nimmo in ? FY12 & returning the $5.9M to Centerville in the FY13 CIP. Nimmo construction contract awarded in FY12 ? Centerville schedule remains unaffected (Adv in July 3013) ? 4 March 1, 2011 Budget Brief to City Council Laskin Road Gateway - CIP 2-143 Component of the Resort Area SGA Plan • Improvements along segments of Laskin Road, 32Street, Holly Road, nd • and Arctic Avenue City managed project • Phases 1 and 2 complete • Phase 3 under construction, scheduled for completion December 2011 • Phase 4 at 60% • design, const start scheduled for late 2011 Total Project Cost: $33.2M 5 Phase IPhase I Original Actual CostsVariance Budget ExpendedProjectedTotal 2000Design$ 378,749$660,146$ 0$ 660,146($ 281,397) 3000Site Acquisition$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0 4000Private Utility $ 660,000$ 281,326$ 0$ 281,326$ 378,674 Adjustments 5000Construction$ 2,677,900$ 8,719,349$ 0$ 8,719,349($ 6,041,449) Subtotal$ 9,660,820$ 0$ 9,660,820($ 5,944,171) 9000Contingency$ 120,000$ 120,000 Total$ 3,836,649($ 5,824,171) 6 C I P 2-143 Phase I Phase I ––Underground UtilitiesUnderground Utilities Utility Ductbank New Sanitary Sewer & Stormdrain Groundwater Treatment 8 Road Reconstruction Phase IIPhase II Original Actual CostsVariance Budget ExpendedProjectedTotal 2000Design$ 141,992$200,424$ 0$ 200,424($ 58,432) 3000Site Acquisition$ 0$ 35,500$ 0$ 35,500($ 35,500) 4000Private Utility $ 0$ 2,129$ 0$ 2,129($ 2,129) Adjustments 5000Construction$ 400,000$ 514,419$ 0$ 514,419($ 114,419) Subtotal$ 752,472$ 0$ 752,472($ 210,480) 9000Contingency$ 60,000$ 60,000 Total$ 601,992($ 150,480) 9 Phase II Phase II ––Traffic Improvements to Holly Road & 32Traffic Improvements to Holly Road & 32StreetStreet ndnd New Traffic New Traffic Signal at 32 nd Signal at 32 nd Street and Street and Pacific Ave. Holly Rd Add Dual Left Turn Lanes Signal Pole Foundation Construction Widening of Holly Road/Add Dual Lefts on Laskin Rd 10 Phase IIIPhase III Original Actual CostsVariance Budget ExpendedProjectedTotal 2000Design$ 768,166$1,141,083$ 0$ 1,141,083($ 372,917) 3000Site Acquisition$ 0$ 1,832,514$ 0$ 1,832,514($ 1,832,514) 4000Private Utility $ 700,000$ 599,543$ 0$ 599,543$ 100,457 Adjustments 5000Construction$ 5,140,000$ 3,828,499$ 0$ 3,828,499$1,311,501 Subtotal$ 7,401,639$ 0$ 7,401,639($ 793,473) 9000Contingency$ 500,000$ 500,000 Total$ 7,108,166($ 293,473) 11 Phase III Phase III ––Laskin Road StreetscapeLaskin Road Streetscape Add Wide, Decorative Removal of Angled ParkingPlacement of Structural Soil to Sidewalks and Trees Enhance Tree and Shrub Growth Add LED Pedestrian and Street Four New Brick Paver Underground Utilities/Acquire 12 Lighting IntersectionsUtility Easements Phase IV Phase IV ––Modern Roundabout ConstructionModern Roundabout Construction 13 Phase IV TimelinePhase IV Timeline 15 July design complete ? 17 July advertised Phase IV ? 25 July final engineer’s construction estimate ? 15 Sept bid opening ? 28 Sept received final design costs ? 3 Oct rec’d final Dominion Power relocation costs ? 3 Oct completed Roadway Program review ? 6 Oct briefed City Manager ? 18 Oct workshop briefing to City Council ? 25 Oct public hearing & transfer ordinance vote ? Phase IVPhase IV Original Actual CostsVariance Budget ExpendedProjectedTotal 2000Design$ 611,093$818,830$ 521,416$ 1,340,246($ 729,153) 3000Site Acquisition$ 7,250,000$ 6,591,792$ 1,200,000$ 7,791,792($ 541,792) 4000Private Utility $ 950,000$ 332,596$ 500,000$ 832,596$ 117,404 Adjustments 5000Construction$ 7,550,000$ 1,377,382$ 9,800,000$ 11,177,382($ 3,627,382) Subtotal$ 9,120,600$ 12,021,416$ 21,142,016($ 4,780,923) 9000Contingency$ 508,450$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000($491,550) Total$ 16,869,543$ 9,120,600$ 13,021,416$ 22,142,016($ 5,272,473) 15 Phase III & IV Scope IncreasePhase III & IV Scope Increase Papa John's Acquisition $1.4M ? Pinewood Bridge $1.2M ? Extended Box Culvert $1.2M ? Park and Bulkhead$1.0M ? Laskin Road East $2.3M ? Private Utility Relocation$0.5M ? Original($ 11,540,597)$ 39,956,947$ 28,416,350Total$ 22,142,016$ 16,869,5434*Phase($ 293,473)Phase 3($ 150,480)752,472$$ 601,992Phase 2Phase 1VarianceActual CostsBudget Laskin Gateway Funding SummaryLaskin Gateway Funding Summary Amount Original EngineerEstimate$ 28,416,350 TotalCurrent Appropriations$ 33,200,000 Current Funds Available (as of 10/03/2011)$ 6,264,469 Current Cost to Complete Project$ 13,021,416 Projected Costs to Complete Project$39,956,947 FundingNeeded to Award Phase 4$ 6,756,947 17 CIP #$763,989.33Holland Road Phase VI158-2$701,000Parkway Phase IXLynnhaven157-2Not Available$2,141,669.28Road Phase I156-2State and Fed $$$6,782,118.53Road Extended Phase IIElbow152-2Fed $$$386,845.30.Anne Rd Intersection Salem Rd/Princess150-2$1,500,000$3,202,005.66Road Phase IIBirdneck149-2State and Fed $$$12,915,790.02DriveWesleyan145-2Not Available$6,691,869.11A-Road Gateway Phase I143-2Not Available$245,612.89IV/London Bridge Rd Phase IIIGreat Neck Rd Phase137-2TBD$41,975,324.09A-Parkway Phase VNimmo121-2Not Available$159,584.41IIIShore Drive Phase117-2Not Available$33,218.17Shore Drive Intersections Project115-2Not AvailableSeaboard Road 107-2$10,956$10,956Parkway and GreenbeltSoutheastern089-2Not Available$167,346.37Diamond Springs Road Bridge Replacement083-2$54,068.08$54,068.08Road Gateway076-2Not Available$396,312.70Great Neck Ramps264-I074-2$6,666.70Buckner Road Extended073-2$2,300,000$3,308,369.27.ImprBeach Blvd Int. First Colonial Rd/Virginia072-2Not Available$171,893.79ExtendedBaker Road071-2$9,892.36A-Road Extended Phase IIElbow065-2Not Available$137,319.58Traffic Signal Rehabilitation052-2Not Available$13,922,702.53.ImprRd/Kempsville Rd Intersection Princess Anne048-2State $$$2,319,229.47Computerized Traffic Signal System Upgrade039-2Not Available$21,336.33Avalon Avenue035-2Not Available$163,173.91Street Reconstruction031-2State $$$22,006,672.05Witchduck Road Phase II025-2Not Available$589,189.38Rural Road Improvements021-2$2,349,114.63$2,849,114.63Major Intersection Improvements018-2Not Available$161,998.62Shipps Corner Road Bridge Replacement007-2 to be ReleasedPossible Funds Funds AvailableProject Name Fed $$$780,453.52Witchduck Road Phase I931-2$251.262.44$25 .262.44Various Cost Participation837-2Not Available$373,101.85Shore Drive Interim Safety Improvements731-2Not Available$30,518.94West Neck Road (TAN)502-2Not Available$10,044,550Turnpike Interim ImprovementsCenterville409-2Not Available$4,268,510.70St CrossoverGreenwich Rd/Cleveland401-2Not Available$6,600,272.78Princess Anne Road Phase IV305-2TBD$20,000,029Way Acquisition-of-Souther RightNorfolk301-2Not Available$1,370,330.64Improvements Phase IIITraffic Safety300-2State $$$130,793.67Traffic Safety Improvement Phase II285-2$286,766.15$286,766.15Wetlands Mitigation Banking268-2Not Available$722,884.18Major Bridge Rehabilitation263-2Not Available$521,560.53ParkwayLynnhaven Parkway/Volvo257-2$$Fed$27,540.29Indian River Road Phase VII256-2$6,246.10$6,246.10Seconda y Street Improvements211-2$200,000$271,838.48Constitution Drive208-2Not Available$516,189.07Princess Anne Road Phase VII195-2$6,342,558.60Improvement ProgramCongestion Relief/Safety190-2TBD$14,334.57 ay-of-Norfolk Southern Right186-2$10,054,305.97Highway Safety Improvement Program178-2$33,116.71Safety Improvements177-2Not Available$248,484.01Network AnalysisTransportation176-2State $$$41,580,160.20Bridge ReplacementLesner168-2State $$$1,612,584.82Lynnhaven Parkway Phase XI167-2Fed $$$19,060.66Pacific Avenue Bike and Pedestrian Safety166-2State $$$370,711.82Laskin Road Phase II165-2Fed $$$11,606.20SafetyShore Drive Bike and Pedestrian163-2Not Available$600,228.89Traffic Signal Retiming161-2Not Available$58,321.17ImprovementsCity Wide Street Lighting160-2 to be ReleasedPossible Funds Funds AvailableProject Name Roadways Program Funding ReviewRoadways Program Funding Review Please see the handout Lists projects in the Roadways Program ? Displays funds available for each project ? Target available funding of $6.757M for reprogramming ? Red ? Not Available/Committed ? Yellow ? State and/or Federal Funds ? Green ? Available ? Blue ? To Be Determined (TBD) ? 18 Funding Options for Funding Options for Laskin Gateway Phase 4Laskin Gateway Phase 4 Reduce scope of Phase IV: ? Bulkhead: $900K of the $1M park renovation. ? Road Revitalization East of Roundabout : $1.8M of $2.3M ? Not fund or defer funding ? Staff recommendation = Transfer “Funds Available” ? from Roadways Program to Phase IV. Requires: Lynnhaven Pkwy/International Pkwy Project –DEFERRED ? First Colonial Rd/Virginia Beach Blvd Project –DEFERRED ? Various Cost Participation CIP –COMMITS All ? 19 Fully Funded Laskin Gateway Scope Design$ 3.34M (8.4%) Site Acquisition$ 9.66M (24.1%) Private Utility Adjustment $ 1.72M(4.3%) Construction $24.24M (60.7%) Contingency $ 1.0M (2.5%) $39.96M Duct bank$ 5,575,670 Water/Sewer$4,110,849 Stormwater$3,017,018 Roadway$ 10,188,577 Streetscape/Lighting$1,347,534 SummarySummary Request City Council approval to schedule public hearings and bring forth transfer ordinances on October 25for: th Transfer of $5.9M to Nimmo Parkway Phase V from ? Centerville Turnpike Interim Improvements This swaps funding between the two projects so that Nimmo ? can be awarded in FY12 and Centerville can be awarded in FY13 Centerville project funding to be restored in FY13 budget ? This keeps both projects on schedule ? Neither project is underfunded ? Transfer of $6.67M to Laskin Gateway from the ? recommended roadway programs and projects funds available as presented/amended in workshop 21 Council Discussion