HomeMy WebLinkAbout02142012 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WORK PLANStorm Water ManagementStorm Water Management Work PlanWork Plan FY12 FY12 --FY17FY17 February 14, 2012 1 Information Briefing Overview Storm Water Management Functional • Components Storm Water Utility Funding • Flood Control Funding • Water Quality Funding • Operations and Maintenance Funding • Chesapeake Bay TMDL Update • 2 Storm Water Management Storm Water Management Functional ComponentsFunctional Components Flood Control • Water Quality • Operations & Maintenance • 3 Storm Water Fee per ERUStorm Water Fee per ERU ERU SWU Daily Daily Annual Rate Generated Rate Increase Annually FY11$0.241$87.96$21,058,267 7.5¢ FY12$0.316$115.34$27,611,704 FY135¢$0.366$133.59$31,980,644 FY145¢$0.416$151.84$36,349,585 ERU = the impervious area of a residence 4 FY 11 No of ERU’s = 239,394 FY12-FY14 Storm Water Requirements / Resourcing Funding Project/Program CostRequiredFY12FY13FY14Notes $3.22M $17M.5 ¢ Restores FY11 cut /Debt Serviced North Lake Holly (CIP 7-005) $12.7M$4.98M.8 ¢ Restores FY11 cut /Debt Serviced South Lake Holly (CIP 7-016) $50M$6.9M1.01.5 ¢¢ Restores FY11 cut / Debt Serviced Cape Henry Beach Drainage (CIP 7-151) $1.7M$.85M.9.9 ¢¢ Increases response to citizen requests Stand-up Off-RoadDitch Crew weekend crew with Sheriff’s Workforce $3M$.8M.9 ¢ Increases response to citizen requests for Stand-upPipe Structure Crew infrastructure restoration (Cave-in) $84M$3.25M2.01.01.0 ¢¢¢ Restores FY12 cut / Initiates a 100 year Lake Management (CIP 7-152) Maintenance Cycle (pond/lake/canaldredging) Begins to address Chesapeake TMDL $37M$7.25M1.551.351.55 ¢¢ Prevents FY12 cut / Initiates an 80 year Neighborhood Infrastructure Maintenance Cycle Rehabilitation (CIP 7-004) Partial Debt Serviced Prevents FY12 cut $8M$657K.35.55.95 ¢¢¢ StormwaterEnhancements Begins to address Chesapeake TMDL Sub-basin retrofits (CIP 7-183) Initiates a Maintenance, Repair and $3.0M$500K.30.2 ¢¢ Stormwater Pump Maintenance Replace Program & Repair (SWU-09) Initiates a Monitoring, Maintenance and $1.5M$250K.2 ¢ Beach Erosion Control & Repair Program Hurricane Protection (SWU-09) 5 TOTAL 7.555 ¢¢¢ Functional DistributionFunctional Distribution FY12 FY13 FY14 Total Flood Control1.3¢ 1.0¢1.5¢ 3.8¢ Water Quality.35¢ .55¢ .95¢ 1.85¢ Operations & 5.85¢ 3.45¢ 2.55¢ 11.85¢ Maintenance Total7.5¢ 5.0¢5.0¢ 17.5¢ 6 Functional DistributionFunctional Distribution FY12 FY13 FY14 Flood Control1.15M 2.04M3.36M Water Quality0.31M0.80M1.64M Operations & 5.18M8.23M10.49M Maintenance Total6.64M11.07M15.49M 7 What Did This Do For You?What Did This Do For You? •Reestablish Critical Flood Control Projects •Contributes to addressing TMDLs •Viable Ditch Management, BMP Management, Neighborhood Revitalization Program 8 Flood ControlFlood Control CIPCIP 9 10 11 Flood Control CIP ProjectsFlood Control CIP Projects With With FY12 FY12 ––FY17 FundingFY17 Funding FY 12FY 13FY 14FY 15FY 16FY 17 NumberTitleFundFundFundFundFundFund 7040Aragona Village -Interim225,000425,000 7036Baker Road Culvert & Ditch Improvements180,000 885,0002,212,5002,212,5002,212,5003,095,566 7151Cape Henry Beach Drainage (Partial) 7035Lawson Forest Drainage450,000 7039Level Green -Interim225,000450,000 Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure 7063Improvements50,00050,00050,00050,00058,06650,000 3,220,000 7005North Lake Holly Watershed00300,00000 7409Shore Drive Drainage Preliminary Design320,000 4,980,000 7016South Lake Holly Watershed775,000500,000200,00000 7038Thoroughgood Drainage -Interim200,000175,000200,000 9,400,0001,885,0002,962,5003,212,5003,145,5663,145,566 12 North and South Lake HollyNorth and South Lake Holly Scope IncludesScope Includes •Storm Water Drainage Improvements •Storm Water Quality Improvements •Shoreline Stabilization •Sanitary Sewer Improvements •Water Main Improvements •Sidewalk Improvements •Street Improvements 13 North Lake HollyNorth Lake Holly Watershed ImprovementsWatershed Improvements 220-acre Lakewood neighborhood •12,000 L.F. new storm drain pipe •Triple 5’ X 5’ box culvert across Norfolk Ave •2 water quality basins at north end of lake •3,800 L.F. shoreline improvement •4,000 L.F. new sanitary sewer pipe th •3,300 L.F. new shared-use path along Cypress Ave & 16St •13,500 L.F. street improvements 14 7-005 North Lake Holly Legend Completed Section I-A$ 1.43 M Section I-B$ 2.47 M Programmed Section II $5.29 M Const. 3/2012–3/2014 Section IV $2.08 M Const. 11/2013–12/2014 Section I-C $2.01 M Const. 11/2014–12/2016 Newly Funded Section III $ 3.79 M Const. 11/2014–12/2016 15 SOUTH LAKE HOLLY WATERSHEDSOUTH LAKE HOLLY WATERSHED PROJECT SUMMARYPROJECT SUMMARY Improvements for the 200 acre drainage area include: •16,100 L.F. of storm drain pipe •10 Underground Sediment Removal Chambers •3,000 L.F. of water mains •11,900 L.F. of sanitary sewer rehabilitation & replacement •6,500 L.F. of sidewalks along Carolina and Mediterranean Avenues connecting South Lake Holly to the oceanfront •17,500 L.F. of street improvements 16 7-016 South Lake Holly Legend Programmed * Section III $2.3 M Const. 9/2011 -8/2013 * Section II $3.91 M Const. 9/2013–8/2015 Section I $0.60 M Const. 11/2015 –5/2016 Newly Funded Section IV $5.93 M Const. 8/2015 –7/2017 17 7-151 Cape Henry Beach Drainage •Initial Funding Amount $10.6 M •Funding for Master Plan, Design, & Partial Construction •Improvements Will Be Phased CHESAPEAKE BAY 18 Storm Water QualityStorm Water Quality 19 20 2020 Water Quality CIP ProjectsWater Quality CIP Projects Within FY12 Within FY12 ––FY17 FundingFY17 Funding FY 12FY 13FY 14FY 15FY 16FY 17 NumberTitleFundFundFundFundFundFund 7406Elizabeth River TMDL Implementation Plan200,000200,000200,000200,000200,000200,000 7153Lynnhaven Watershed Restoration300,000300,000300,000304,500309,068309,068 7410Southern River TMDL Implementation Plan200,000200,000200,000200,000200,000200,000 1,494,3282,181,0782,744,8282,490,3282,552,6942,552,694 7183Storm Water Quality Enhancements 7027SWM Master Planning, Analysis, and Inventory150,000150,000150,000150,000150,000150,000 7159Water Quality Participation Projects100,000100,000100,000100,000100,000100,000 Total = 2,444,3283,131,0783,694,8283,444,8283,511,7623,511,762 21 77--183 Storm Water Quality Enhancements 183 Storm Water Quality Enhancements SubSub--Basin RetrofitsBasin Retrofits Three Steps • •Determine suitable improvements •Design improvements •Construct improvements Typical Improvements • •Water quality ponds •Bank stabilization •No discharge zones These efforts support water quality measures in watersheds throughout the City. 22 7-183 Storm Water Quality Enhancements Sub-Basin Retrofits Comprehensive Stormwater Quality Improvement Program, CIP 7-183 FY 09 - 10FY 10 - 11FY 11 - 12FY 12 - 13FY 13 - 14FY 14 - 15FY 15 - 16FY 16 - 17 Rudee/Owl West Neck Portion of Portion of Mill Dam Creek - Thalia Creek - WS Back Bay StudyCreek - WS 29: Creek - WS 10: Elizabeth River Elizabeth River WS 30B: Study04: StudyWatershed Study StudyStudyWatershed: StudyWatershed: Study Portion of Rudee/Owl Portion of Mill Dam Creek - Thalia Creek - West Neck Creek - Elizabeth River DesignCreek - WS 29: Elizabeth River WS 30B: DesignWS 04: DesignWS 10: DesignWatershed: DesignWatershed: Design Design Portion of Mill Dam Creek - Thalia Creek - Rudee/Owl Creek - West Neck Creek - Elizabeth River ConstructionWS 30B: WS 04: WS 29: WS 10: Watershed: ConstructionConstructionConstructionConstruction Construction 23 Storm WaterStorm Water Operations and Operations and Maintenance Maintenance 24 Storm Water Storm Water Operations and MaintenanceOperations and Maintenance Actual Fee Increase and Distribution • throughout Program Years Execution Plan • In House Crew Augmentation – Off Road Ditches • (Sheriff’s work force integration) Cave In Repairs • Annual Maintenance CIP – Neighborhood Infrastructure Rehabilatation • Lake BMP Management • Oceanfront StormwaterFacility Maintenance • Pump Station Maintenance • 25 FY12-FY14 Actual Fee Increase and Distribution Funding Project/Program CostRequiredFY12FY13FY14Notes $3.22M $17M.5 ¢ Restores FY11 cut /Debt Serviced North Lake Holly (CIP 7-005) $12.7M$4.98M.8 ¢ Restores FY11 cut /Debt Serviced South Lake Holly (CIP 7-016) $50M$6.9M1.01.5 ¢¢ Restores FY11 cut / Debt Serviced Cape Henry Beach Drainage (CIP 7-151) $1.7M$.85M.9.9 ¢¢ Increases response to citizen requests Stand-up Off-RoadDitch Crew weekend crew with Sheriff’s Workforce $3M$.8M.9 ¢ Increases response to citizen requests for Stand-upPipe Structure Crew infrastructure restoration (Cave-in) $84M$3.25M2.01.01.0 ¢¢¢ Restores FY12 cut / Initiates a 100 year Lake Management (CIP 7-152) Maintenance Cycle (pond/lake/canaldredging) Begins to address Chesapeake TMDL $37M$7.25M1.551.351.55 ¢¢ Prevents FY12 cut / Initiates an 80 year Neighborhood Infrastructure Maintenance Cycle Rehabilitation (CIP 7-004) Partial Debt Serviced Prevents FY12 cut $8M$657K.35.55.95 ¢¢¢ StormwaterEnhancements Begins to address Chesapeake TMDL Sub-basin retrofits (CIP 7-183) Initiates a Maintenance, Repair and $3.0M$500K.30.2 ¢¢ Stormwater Pump Maintenance Replace Program & Repair (SWU-09) Initiates a Monitoring, Maintenance and $1.5M$250K.2 ¢ Oceanfront Storm Water Repair Program FacilitiesMaintenance (SWU-09) TOTAL 7.555 ¢¢¢ 26 O & M Totals 5.85¢ 4¢ 3.5¢ $5.18M $3.54M $3.1M In House Crew AugmentationIn House Crew Augmentation Acquired New Equipment: • •Hydraulic Excavator •2 Tandem Dump Trucks •Single Axle Dump Truck •2 Crew Cab Dump Trucks •Backhoe/Trailer •2 Pickup Trucks •Passenger Van •Compressor Hired 12 New FTEs: • •Two Maintenance Supervisors •Establish Programs, Selecting Operators •10 Motor Equipment Operators Initiated Sheriff’s Workforce • •Seven weekend inmates per day •Started September 10, 2011 weekend shift work in 27 the Southgate outfall system In House Crew Augmentation In House Crew Augmentation Off Road DitchesOff Road Ditches FY12 ExecutionCapacity •237 miles of off road ditches •August-October inventoried –Sheriff’s Workforce & •FY 11 –1 existing ditch crew & contract support Maintenance Supervisor •FY 12 –1 additional crew •Vegetative Snag and Drag •FY 13 –1 additional crew •Crew average –7 miles/year •Hand Clearing •Crew average –10 miles/year •Outfall Stabilization (Augmented with sheriff's work force) •October •Contract support–7 miles/year –Stand up full crew with Equipment •Goal -8 year cycle •Work Underway/Completed includes: About 30 miles per year –Southgate Ditch, Cape Henry, Baillio Ditch 2 crews over 2 yrs –Cape Henry, Salem Canal FY 12 -0.9 ¢ 28 stnd –FY 12 1& 2quarter ditches FY 13 -0.9 ¢ FY12 Off FY12 Off Road Ditch Road Ditch PlanPlan 1st Quarter3rd Quarter Winston Salem Ave. Heritage Elementary 8:2: Round HillOceana 11: 4: 20:Upton DriveDalebrookDrive 6: Painter’s Lane AnsolLane 21: 7: West Neck IARecreation Drive 23: 15: 34:Horseshoe BendSalem Road 16: 35:Old DonationProsperity 18: 36:Production RoadHubble Drive 19: Rosemont RoadRed Mill Farm Park 37: 22: 38:Taylor Farms WestWest Neck II 24: 39:Taylor Farms EastBridlepathLane 25: CastletonWest Neck III 40: 26: 41:County PlaceWest Neck I 42: m4 2nd Quarter4th Quarter Cape Henry Stowe Road 1:27: Baillio Drive Mill Landing 3:28: London Bridge Stone Road 5:29: GeneralBooth BLVDAura Drive 9:30: VikingDrive Land of Promise 10:31: Salem Canal WestOld Carolina Road 12:32: LandstownCt. BlackwaterRoad 13:33: 29 Concert Drive 14: AmberlyRoad 17: Slide 29 m4 review and revise second quarter ditches with additional detail and on the following associated slide mgemende, 12/20/2011 FY12 Off Road Ditch PlanFY12 Off Road Ditch Plan FYCouncil FYCouncil DitchLFDitchLF 12District12District stnd 1Winston Salem Ave. 410 Beach 2AmberlyRoad4000 Kempsville strd 1Round Hill4700 Centerville3Heritage Elementary 2850 Bayside strd 1Upton Drive4400 Princess Anne 3Oceana1350 Beach strd 1Painter’s Lane 1330 Princess Anne 3Dalebrook Drive 500 Beach strd 1West Neck IA 1100 Princess Anne3Ansol Lane 2620 Rose Hall strd 1Horseshoe Bend880 Bayside3Recreation Drive6870 Princess Anne strd 1Old Donation1470 Lynnhaven3Salem Road 5090 Princess Anne strd 1Production Road300 Beach3Prosperity 1600 Beach strd 1Rosemont Road1840 Rose Hall3Hubble Drive6250 Princess Anne strd 1Taylor Farms West1620 Beach3Red Mill Farm Park 5100 Princess Anne strd 1Taylor Farms East2360 Beach3West Neck II1290 Princess Anne strd 1Castleton220 Princess Anne3Bridlepath Lane 1570 Princess Anne strd 1County Place 810 Princess Anne3West Neck III7900 Princess Anne ndrd West Neck I 2280 2Cape Henry 3250 Lynnhaven 3Princess Anne ndth 2Baillio Drive 7800 Lynnhaven 4Stowe Road 5270 Princess Anne ndth 2London Bridge 740 Beach 4Mill Landing 1580 Princess Anne ndth 2General Booth BLVD730 Princess Anne4Stone Road 2000 Princess Anne ndth 2Viking Drive7230 RoseHall4Aura Drvie 4440 Princess Anne ndth 2Salem Canal West2160 Centerville4Land of Promise 2110 Princess Anne ndth 2Landstown Court940 Rose Hall 4Old Carolina Road 5680 Princess Anne ndth 2Concert Drive8230 Princess Anne 4Blackwater Road 9200 Princess Anne 30 Total FY12 = 132,070 lf FY 13 Off Road Ditch Plan FY 13 Off Road Ditch Plan Ditch No.Ditch NameDitch No.Ditch Name 1Air Rail44Damascus Tl 3LC Nider45Sugar Maple Dr 4Bradford46Mimosa Ct 6Sammy47NS Weapons 7Sullivan48Piney Bark Dr 8De Laura49Old Dam Neck Rd 11Thunderbird50Highland Dr 12Kings Grant Rd51Princess Anne @ Nimmo 14Parliament53Winston Av 15Clearfield54North Landing @ West Neck 16Southern55SandbridgeRd 17Upperville56AtwoodtownRd 18Overland57SandbridgeRd 2 19Expressway58Shady Pines La 20Woodstock61Indian River Rd 21Gara62Princess Anne @ Indian River 22Churchill63Indian River Rd 1 23Daytona64Muddy Creek Rd 2 24Driftwood65West Neck Rd 26Northgate66Pleasant Ridge Ct 27Central67Dudley Ct 28Violet Bank70Head River Rd 30North Star Ct71Old Carolina Rd 32Clubhouse73Salmon’s Rd 1 33Taylor Farms74Fitztown1 35Beacons Reach Dr75Fitztown2 37Dam Neck Rd76MundenPt 41Barberry La77Indian Creek Rd 42Landstown Rd78Blackwater1 43Princess Anne Rd79Blackwater2 31 FY13 Off Road Ditch PlanFY13 Off Road Ditch Plan DitchLFCouncil DistrictDitchLFCouncil District Air Rail1300BAYSIDE Damascus Tl 600PRINCESS ANNE BAYSIDEPRINCESS ANNE LC Nider4500Sugar Maple Dr500 BAYSIDEPRINCESS ANNE Bradford500Mimosa Ct1200 Sammy1500BAYSIDENS Weapons8500PRINCESS ANNE BAYSIDE PRINCESS ANNE Sullivan2800Piney Bark Dr1300 De Laura2000BAYSIDE Old Dam Neck Rd20200PRINCESS ANNE LYNNHAVEN PRINCESS ANNE Thunderbird250Highland Dr2200 LYNNHAVEN PRINCESS ANNE Kings Grant Rd550Princess Anne @ Nimmo1100 KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Parliament700Winston Av1700 KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Clearfield200North Landing @ West Neck4900 Southern900KEMPSVILLE Sandbridge Rd500PRINCESS ANNE KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Upperville900Atwoodtown Rd700 Overland900KEMPSVILLE Sandbridge Rd 2800PRINCESS ANNE KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Expressway550Shady Pines La3400 KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Woodstock2100Indian River Rd200 Gara1300KEMPSVILLE Princess Anne @ Indian River200PRINCESS ANNE KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Churchill3800Indian River Rd 13600 Daytona1000ROSE HALL Muddy Creek Rd 2900PRINCESS ANNE ROSE HALL PRINCESS ANNE Driftwood3100West Neck Rd1300 ROSE HALL PRINCESS ANNE Northgate8500Pleasant Ridge Ct2500 Central550BEACH Dudley Ct750PRINCESS ANNE KEMPSVILLE PRINCESS ANNE Violet Bank300Head River Rd6500 North Star Ct500CENTERVILLE Old Carolina Rd5500PRINCESS ANNE BEACH PRINCESS ANNE Clubhouse2600Salmon’s Rd 14400 Taylor Farms2400BEACH Fitztown12800PRINCESS ANNE BEACH PRINCESS ANNE Beacons Reach Dr4800Fitztown 21700 PRINCESS ANNE PRINCESS ANNE Dam Neck Rd1200Munden Pt 600 Barberry La2200PRINCESS ANNE Indian Creek Rd7900PRINCESS ANNE PRINCESS ANNEPRINCESS ANNE Landstown Rd4500Blackwater 11600 Princess Anne Rd2100PRINCESS ANNEBlackwater21000PRINCESS ANNE 32 Total FY13 = 147,550 lf Off Road Ditch Off Road Ditch MaintenanceMaintenance PlanPlan 33 34 FY14 Off Road Ditch PlanFY14 Off Road Ditch Plan DitchLFCouncil DistrictZoneDitchLFCouncil DistrictZone SHORE DR800LYNNHAVENAMABLE LA2200LYNNHAVENA JADE ST2800LYNNHAVENAVICTOR RD2100BEACHA CAPE HENRY DR2000LYNNHAVENAFIRST COLONIAL RD900BEACHA BAYBERRY ST2400LYNNHAVENAAIR STATION DR1100BEACHA LYNNHAVEN DR700LYNNHAVENASOUTHERN BLVD6700BEACHA LYNN COVE LA900LYNNHAVENAPOTTERS RD 11000BEACHA TWIN COVE LA900LYNNHAVENAPOTTERS RD 2900BEACHA GREAT NECK MIDDLE SCHOOL2100LYNNHAVENABAY COLONY DR700LYNNHAVENA POORHOUSE COVE1100LYNNHAVENA33 1/2 ST1400LYNNHAVENA KLINE DR600LYNNHAVENA21ST ST2800BEACHA DARTFORD MEWS800LYNNHAVENA22ND ST1700BEACHA ROYAL OAK CLOSE1800LYNNHAVENA26TH ST900BEACHA HIGH GATE MEWS600LYNNHAVENAHOLLY RD1500BEACHA HARRIS RD700LYNNHAVENASTORM LAKE2500PRINCESS ANNEI SALISBURY GREEN1000LYNNHAVENAEASTBORNE2600PRINCESS ANNEI HERONS GATE1300LYNNHAVENAEASTBORNE 21100PRINCESS ANNEI LITTLE HAVEN RD1000LYNNHAVENAEASTBORNE 32400PRINCESS ANNEI BELDOVER LA1600LYNNHAVENAWARNER HALL DR1700PRINCESS ANNEI ALBERTHAS DR1500LYNNHAVENANIMMO PKWY2700PRINCESS ANNEI MAYFAIR CT1300LYNNHAVENATOWNFIELD LA1200PRINCESS ANNEI EDINBURGH DR1400LYNNHAVENAOLD DAM NECK RD19400PRINCESS ANNEI KINGS GRANT RD1400LYNNHAVENANIMMO PKWY 26100PRINCESS ANNEI CRANSTON LA2800LYNNHAVENAELSON GREEN AV10000PRINCESS ANNEI LEFFLER LA1100LYNNHAVENASAM MARCO RD1800PRINCESS ANNEI CANTERBURY LA1300LYNNHAVENAPRINCESS ANNE RD 13320PRINCESS ANNEI OLD DONATION PKWY1100LYNNHAVENAPRINCESS ANNE RD 21900PRINCESS ANNEI BRAGG CT2600LYNNHAVENAPRINCESS ANNE RD 32600PRINCESS ANNEI DUKE OF SUFFOLK1200LYNNHAVENAASHVILLE PARK1400PRINCESS ANNEI LONGLEAF RD8200LYNNHAVENASANDBRIDGE RD 6800PRINCESS ANNEI REAGAN AV2000LYNNHAVENAATWOODTOWN RD4000PRINCESS ANNEI LASKIN RD2500LYNNHAVENASANDBRIDGE RD 21200PRINCESS ANNEI FARMINGTON CT900LYNNHAVENAFIREFALL DR1200PRINCESS ANNEI WOLFSNARE RD2900LYNNHAVENA 35 Total FY14 = 153,120 lf 36 FY15 Off Road Ditch PlanFY15 Off Road Ditch Plan DitchLFCouncil DistrictZoneDitchLFCouncil DistrictZone WOODLAWN AV2300BAYSIDEBEXPRESSWAY2100KEMPSVILLEB STRATFORD RD E700BAYSIDEBSHORELINE1200KEMPSVILLEB WHIPPOUR WILL PT900LYNNHAVENBSMOKEY LAKE2200KEMPSVILLEB LYNNWOOD DR900LYNNHAVENBHILLRIDGE900KEMPSVILLEB COVERDALE LA900LYNNHAVENBPRINCESS ANNE RD 13100PRINCESS ANNEM SUFFOLK CIR600LYNNHAVENBPRINCESS ANNE RD 24200PRINCESS ANNEM ADRIAN 700LYNNHAVENBPRINCESS ANNE RD 34400PRINCESS ANNEM LITTLE NECK 1000LYNNHAVENBGUM BRIDGE RD 15100PRINCESS ANNEM JOHNSON 1000LYNNHAVENBGUM BRIDGE RD 23900PRINCESS ANNEM MAJESTIC 1100LYNNHAVENBPRINCESS ANNE RD 44900PRINCESS ANNEM BRENTWOOD 5000ROSEHALLBDUDLEY CT680PRINCESS ANNEM SEAVIEW 1000BAYSIDEBGUM BRIDGE RD 31850PRINCESS ANNEM CLYDE 4900BAYSIDEBCHARITY NECK RD5100PRINCESS ANNEM SWAINE 700BAYSIDEBNANNEYS CREEK CT650PRINCESS ANNEM BLACKTHORNE 800BAYSIDEBNANNEYS CREEK RD 12700PRINCESS ANNEM WISHART 1500BAYSIDEBNANNEYS CREEK RD 2650PRINCESS ANNEM N WITCHDUCK 900BAYSIDEBNANNEYS CREEK RD 31000PRINCESS ANNEM ALFRIENDS 1200BAYSIDEBNANNEYS CREEK RD 42150PRINCESS ANNEM BLACKFRIARS 1100BAYSIDEBMUDDY CREEK RD3000PRINCESS ANNEM BRINSON 2300BAYSIDEBMILL LANDING RD2100PRINCESS ANNEM WEICH 1000BAYSIDEBMORRIS NECK RD 13800PRINCESS ANNEM DE LAURA 2300BAYSIDEBMORRIS NECK RD 21000PRINCESS ANNEM GRAND LAKE 2200BAYSIDEBMORRIS NECK RD 34000PRINCESS ANNEM PACA 1600BAYSIDEBSTONE RD 11700PRINCESS ANNEM SUMMIT 800BAYSIDEBSTONE RD 2850PRINCESS ANNEM LANDFALL 1200BAYSIDEBRAY 13000PRINCESS ANNEM DAVIS 1200BAYSIDEBRAY 2650PRINCESS ANNEM EUCLID 3500BAYSIDEBSALMONS 17800PRINCESS ANNEM INDEPENDENCE 1300KEMPSVILLEBSALMONS 21000PRINCESS ANNEM GUM 7240LYNNHAVENBSALMONS 31700PRINCESS ANNEM CEDAR 1000LYNNHAVENBSALMONS R4500PRINCESS ANNEM ST MARTIN 800BAYSIDEBBACK BAY LANDING 14200PRINCESS ANNEM ONONDAGA900KEMPSVILLEBBACK BAY LANDING 24300PRINCESS ANNEM ALICIA1900KEMPSVILLEBBACK BAY LANDING 31800PRINCESS ANNEM KIOWA1200KEMPSVILLEBPUBLIC LANDING1700PRINCESS ANNEM BONNEY1600KEMPSVILLEB 37 Total FY15 = 153,120 lf 38 FY16 Off Road Ditch PlanFY16 Off Road Ditch Plan DitchLFCouncil DistrictZoneDitchLFCouncil DistrictZone CULLEN 1500BAYSIDECVAUGHAN TOWN1600PRINCESS ANNEN BRADFORD 3100BAYSIDECPUNGO BRIDGE CT700PRINCESS ANNEN JAKEMAN 1700BAYSIDECSTOWE2500PRINCESS ANNEN RYLANDS 1600BAYSIDECSTOWE 26500PRINCESS ANNEN BROMFIELD 2200BAYSIDECSTOWE 32300PRINCESS ANNEN PLEASURE HOUSE 2100BAYSIDECSTOWE 42600PRINCESS ANNEN VICTORY 2200BAYSIDECSTOWE 518200PRINCESS ANNEN POOL SIDE 2300BAYSIDECBLOSSOM HILL1300PRINCESS ANNEN HAYGOOD POINT 1600BAYSIDECSEMMIE2500PRINCESS ANNEN NORTHAMPTON 2100BAYSIDECBUZZARD1800PRINCESS ANNEN DIAMOND SPRINGS 1700BAYSIDECAURA DR7600PRINCESS ANNEN THURSTON 8700BAYSIDECAURA DR 24300PRINCESS ANNEN GRETNA 2300BAYSIDECPRINCESS ANNE 113600PRINCESS ANNEN LAWSON HALL 2700BAYSIDECFITZTOWN 14100PRINCESS ANNEN DEL PARK 3400BAYSIDECFITZTOWN 22400PRINCESS ANNEN SAMMY4100BAYSIDECFITZTOWN 35100PRINCESS ANNEN ROXBURY 11500KEMPSVILLECMUNDEN PT1200PRINCESS ANNEN SMITH 4700KEMPSVILLECCLIFTON 1500PRINCESS ANNEN AIR RAIL2500BAYSIDECLANDING2500PRINCESS ANNEN PRIDDY 2100BAYSIDECPOCAHONTAS1760PRINCESS ANNEN 39 Total FY16 = 148,160 lf 40 FY17 Off Road Ditch PlanFY17 Off Road Ditch Plan DitchLFCouncil DistrictZoneDitchLFCouncil DistrictZone ELAM1200KEMPSVILLEDSHERRY1600KEMPSVILLED COLISS800KEMPSVILLEDCHOCTAW2500KEMPSVILLED SEDGEFIELD3900KEMPSVILLEDCLINTON1800KEMPSVILLED CLEARFIELD1600KEMPSVILLEDLEGACY800CENTERVILLED SOUTHERN800KEMPSVILLEDADEL PHIL900CENTERVILLED GREENWICH300KEMPSVILLEDANDERSON5700CENTERVILLED PARLIAMENT1000KEMPSVILLEDSTRICKLAND2700CENTERVILLED ARROWHEAD1800KEMPSVILLEDTHOMPSON1000CENTERVILLED UPPERVILLE900KEMPSVILLEDWESTWARD800CENTERVILLED PONTIAC400KEMPSVILLEDCENTERVILLE5400CENTERVILLED IROQUOIS1600KEMPSVILLEDCANTERFORD1100CENTERVILLED OVERLAND1400KEMPSVILLEDCEDAR FOREST1800CENTERVILLED MAC1800KEMPSVILLEDEDENHAM970CENTERVILLED CHALLEDON360KEMPSVILLEDDEPAUL500CENTERVILLED SUSQUEHANNA1450KEMPSVILLEDINDIAN RIVER ROAD I7300PRINCESS ANNEL GAINSBOROUGH1125KEMPSVILLEDMUDDY CREEK ROAD I6400PRINCESS ANNEL NORMANDY2115KEMPSVILLEDASHVILLE PARK 3900PRINCESS ANNEL GARA7900KEMPSVILLEDMUDDY CREEK ROAD 222000PRINCESS ANNEL RANGER1100KEMPSVILLEDCHARITY NECK RD4900PRINCESS ANNEL STERLING1900KEMPSVILLEDWILLIAMS RIDGE CT2300PRINCESS ANNEL WOODSTOCK4000KEMPSVILLEDPLEASANT RIDGE CT2200PRINCESS ANNEL GAMMON1400KEMPSVILLEDPLEASANT RIDGE RD6300PRINCESS ANNEL MILITARY800KEMPSVILLEDDAWLEYRD3800PRINCESS ANNEL NORFLEET1900KEMPSVILLEDGUM BRIDGE RD6300PRINCESS ANNEL GLEN ARDEN1100KEMPSVILLEDCHARITY FARM CT2600PRINCESS ANNEL MACDONALD1000KEMPSVILLEDMUDDY CREEK RD 35200PRINCESS ANNEL NEPTUNE1800KEMPSVILLEDGUM BRIDGE RD END2900PRINCESS ANNEL TRESTMAN900KEMPSVILLEDPRINCESS ANNE RD3100PRINCESS ANNEL 41 Total FY17 = 153,120 lf In House Crew AugmentationIn House Crew Augmentation Cave In RepairCave In Repair •August-October –Maintenance Supervisor –Stand up full crew with equipment •Total of Five Cave in Crews –Right Sized to meet current annual cave in reports –Single crew repairs approximately 175 cave ins per year –Begin to address backlog •Backlog Attrition One Crew –Neighborhood Rehabilitation CIP FY 12 -0.9 ¢ –Funds available for contractual support 42 In House Crew Augmentation In House Crew Augmentation Cave In Repair Requirements/BacklogCave In Repair Requirements/Backlog •Average req’t= 970 repairs/yr •Cave In Repair Backlog -894 Service FYBacklog Requests •Current In House Crew Capability –5 crews 05-0698615 –175 cave ins per year 06-07954215 –875 cave in repairs per year 07-08856140 •Contract Support 08-09839219 –100 cave ins per year 09-101213728 •Capability = 975/yr –Total of 5 crews stops the large 10-11915894 increase in backlog 43 Annual Maintenance CIPAnnual Maintenance CIP (funding and execution)(funding and execution) CIPProject TitleFY12FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17 7-004 Storm Water Infrastructure $11,973,527$3,853,122$5,224,872$5,224,872$5,224,872$5,224,872 Rehabilitation 7-152 Lake $2,056,280$2,941,280$4,353,280$4,353,280$4,353,280$4,353,280 Management 7-411 Oceanfront Storm Water $177,000$177,000$177,000$177,000$177,000$177,000 Facilities Maintenance 7-412 Storm Water Pump Station $265,500$442,500$442,500$442,500$442,500$442,500 Modifications Totals $14,472,307$7,278,902$10,197,652$10,197,652$10,197,652$10,020,652 44 CIP 7CIP 7--004 Storm Water Infrastructure 004 Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation Rehabilitation (scope) (scope) Neighborhood Rehabilitation •Large, whole neighborhood aging infrastructure rehabilitation and repair Minor Neighborhood Rehabilitation •Small sections of neighborhoods with aging infrastructure and increased repair needs Cave-In Repairs (Contract) •Require special labor, materials and equipment for repairs •Slipline, pipe plugs, and divers in submerged systems 45 CIP 7CIP 7--004 Storm Water Infrastructure 004 Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation (scope)Rehabilitation (scope) •2200 miles of pipe Cycle Annual Miles/ Yr (Yrs)Cost •FY12 funding $1.49M 5044$16.3M •FY12 level cycle –550 years 6037$13.7 M 7032$11.8 M •Rehabilitation cycle goal 8028$10.3 M –Design life -50 years 9025$9.2 M –Target -100 years 10022$8.1 M –Requirement $8.1M 15015$5.8 M Fee increase supports 150 ? 5504$1.5 M year cycle 46 CIP 7CIP 7--004 Storm Water Infrastructure 004 Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation (funding) Rehabilitation (funding) Program Baseline Fee IncreaseBaseline plus YearLevelincrease * FY12$1,488,8001.55 ¢/ $1,371,750$2,860,550 FY13$1,488,8001.35 ¢ / $1,194,750$4,055,300 FY14$1,488,8001.55 ¢ / $1,371,750$5,427,050 FY15$1,488,800$5,427,050 FY16$1,488,800$5,427,050 FY17$1,488,800$5,427,050 47 * Does not include additional bond funding Neighborhood Rehabilitation PlanNeighborhood Rehabilitation Plan NEIGHBORHOODEST. / POPULATION FY 12 •Princess Anne Plaza1960’s/ 11,000 •Aragona1950’s / 9,000 •Green Run1970’s / 19,000 FY 13 •Glenwood1980’s / 10,000 •Ocean Lakes1980’s / 7,000 •Kings Grant 1960’s / 9,000 FY 14 •Windsor Woods1960’s / 5,000 •Indian Lakes 1970’s / 8,000 FY15 •Indian Lakes 1970’s / 8,000 •Salem Woods1980’s / 6,000 FY16 •Fairfield 1970’s/ 6,000 •Salem Lakes 1980’s/ 10,000 FY17 •Red Mill Farms 1980’s/ 19,000 •Lagomar1980’s/ 4,000 Out years •Magic Hollow 1970’s/ 10,000 •Malibu 1960’s/ 5,000 •Southgate 1980’s/ 3,000 •Foxfire 1990’s/ 5,000 48 •Courthouse Estates 1990’s/ 8,000 Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation (work plan)Storm Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation (work plan) ActivityCostFY12FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17 Princess Anne Plaza$4,500,000$1,000,000 Aragona$2,000,000$2,000,000 Green Run$4,000,000$2,000,000 Glenwood$2,000,000$2,000,000 Ocean Lakes$2,000,000$2,000,000 Kings Grant$2,000,000$2,000,000 Windsor Woods$2,000,000$2,000,000 Indian Lakes$2,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000 Salem Woods$2,000,000$2,000,000 Fairfield$2,000,000$2,000,000 Salem Lakes$1,000,000$1,000,000 RedmillFarms$2,000,000$2,000,000 Lagomar$1,000,000$1,000,000 MagicHollow$2,000,000 Malibu$1,000,000 Southgate$1,000,000 Foxfire$1,000,000 Courthouse Estates$2,000,000 Minor Neighborhood$6,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000 49 Cave-In Repairs$6,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000$1,000,000 Totals$47,500,000$7,000,000$8,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000 CIP 7CIP 7--152 Lake Management152 Lake Management (scope)(scope) Program Components: Green Run •Lake Dredging to restore StormwaterBMP functionality •Dam/SpillwayMaintenance Repairs (current Inventory –38) •DCRregulatory requirements for dam and spillway maintenance •WaterQuality Treatment Unit Maintenance •Outfall Systems maintenance and stabilizationrepairs •BMP Bank Mowing 50 CIP 7CIP 7--152 Lake Management152 Lake Management (funding)(funding) Program Baseline Fee IncreaseBaseline plus YearLevelincrease FY12$286,2802.0 ¢/ $1,770,000$2,056,280 FY13$286,2801.0 ¢ / $885,000$2,941,280 FY14$813,2801.0 ¢ / $885,000$4,353,280 FY15$813,280$4,353,280 FY16$813,280$4,353,280 FY17$813,280$4,353,280 CIP 7CIP 7--152 Lake Management 152 Lake Management (work plan)(work plan) ActivityCostFY12FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17 GreenRun Lake #1$1,500,000$1,180,000 BrigadoonLake 2$1,000,000$600,000$400,000 BrigadoonLake 3$500,000$500,000 BrigadoonLake 4$250,000$250,000 BrigadoonLake 5$200,000$200,000 BrigadoonLake 6$300,000$300,000 Cinnamon Ridge/Timberlake$1,500,000$1,016,000$484,000 GreenRun Lakes (2-4)$3,250,000$3,250,000 GreenRun Lake 5$500,000$345,000$155,000 Brookside Lake$500,000$500,000 WestLake Pembroke$6,000,000$3,423,000$2,577,000 $900,000$900,000 StratfordChase Lakes (1-3) LevelGreen Lake 1$500,000$500,000 LevelGreen Lake 2$250,000$100,000$150,000 ReedtownLake (Wishart)$750,000$750,000 RockCreek Lakes (1-3)$2,260,000$2,260,000 Kings Lake North $300,000$300,000 Lynnhaven WoodsLake 1$300,000$300,000 $300,000$300,000 Turtle Lake $300,000$293,000 WindsorPark Totals$16,650,000$1,780,000$2,666,000$4,079,000$4,078,000$4,077,000$4,353,000 Outfall Inspections (3 yr cycle)$177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $1,062,000Total$20,000$20,000$20,000$60,000 Pump Overhaul (3 year cycle)$22,000$22,000$22,000$22,000$22,000$22,00 $132,000 Stair Repairs$35,000$25,000$30,000$90,000 Pump Station Maintenance$60,000$65,000$55,000$35,000$35,000$250,000 Pipe Cleaning & Inspection$75,000 $30,000$90,000$55,000$30,000$55,000$335,00 Joint and$90,000$90,000$15,000$195,000 CIP 7CIP 7--411 Oceanfront Storm Water 411 Oceanfront Storm Water Facility Sustainment (scope)Facility Sustainment (scope) Project Focus: New project to perform sustainment of the Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project. Associated infrastructure includes: •Seawall/Boardwalk, concrete repairs to joints, stairs, railings •Ocean Outfalls underwater inspections and repairs thndstth •Stormwater Pump Stations (16, 42, 61, & 79) Scope of Work and Execution Plan: •Clean & inspect wet wells, including remove pumps & perform 3 year inspections th •Replace nonfunctioning sump pump at 16St. station thnd •Repair sluice gates at 16& 42St. stations th •Repair wet well entry at 16St. station th •Clean main trunk line from RudeeInlet to 16St. •Inspect submerged oceanfront outfalls by divers required by ACOE agreement •Utilize existing annual services contract 53 •Repair seawall cap joints CIP 7CIP 7--411 Oceanfront Storm Water 411 Oceanfront Storm Water Facility Sustainment (funding)Facility Sustainment (funding) Program Baseline Fee IncreaseBaseline YearLevelplus increase FY120.2 ¢ / $177,000$177,000 FY13$177,000 FY14$177,000 FY15$177,000 FY16$177,000 FY17$177,000 54 CIP 7CIP 7--411 Oceanfront Storm Water 411 Oceanfront Storm Water Facility Sustainment (work plan)Facility Sustainment (work plan) ActivityCostFY12FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17 Outfall Inspections (3 yr $15,000$90,000$90,000 $195,000 cycle) $55,000$30,000$55,000$90,000$30,000 $335,000 $75,000 Seawall Cap Repairs $35,000$35,000$55,000$65,000$60,000 $250,000 Pipe Cleaning & Inspection $30,000$25,000$35,000 $90,000 Pump Station Maintenance $22,000$22,000$22,000$22,000$22,000$22,000 $132,000 Stair Repairs $20,000$20,000$20,000 $60,000 Pump Overhaul (3 year cycle) $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $177,000 $1,062,000 Total 55 CIP 7CIP 7--412 Storm Water Pump Station412 Storm Water Pump Station Modifications (scope)Modifications (scope) Scope: Rehabilitation and major maintenance modifications to the City’s storm water pump stations. 10 Year Rehabilitation •Condition Assessments •Structural Inspection •Recommendations •Repairs •Major Rehabilitation Execution Plan: ?Utilize existing annual services contract ?Current rehabilitation needs: •Ventilation systems •Hatch & access ways •Pump maintenance •Check valve maintenance & replacements 56 Inventory Condition $442,500$442,500$442,500$442,500$442,500$265,500$2,478,000 Total$75,000$95,000$50,000$220,000 Pump Maintenance$150,000$150,000$150,000$150,000$160,000$30,000 $790,000 IntegrationSCADA Control System $65,000 $65,000 RehabilitationBeech St PS $87,500$62,500$150,000 Rehabilitation68th Street PS $65,000$65,000 Rehabilitation58th Street PS $70,000$80,000$150,000 RehabilitationPS Oceanview$122,500$117,500$240,000 RehabilitationFirst Landing PS $67,500$75,000$85,000$22,500$250,000 RehabilitationPark PS Ph2 Ocean$135,000$80,000$25,000$240,000 RehabilitationPark PS Ph1 Ocean$95,000$75,000$30,000$200,000 RehabilitationCape Story PS $108,000$108,000 Assessment CIP 7CIP 7--412 Storm Water Pump Station412 Storm Water Pump Station Modifications (funding)Modifications (funding) Program Baseline Fee IncreaseBaseline plus YearLevelincrease FY120.3 ¢ / $265,500$265,500 FY130.2 ¢ / $177,000 $442,500 FY14$442,500 FY15$442,500 FY16$442,500 FY17$442,500 57 CIP 7CIP 7--412 Storm Water Pump Station412 Storm Water Pump Station Modifications (work plan)Modifications (work plan) ActivityCostFY12FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17 $108,000 Inventory Condition Assessment$108,000 $30,000$75,000$95,000 Cape Story PS Rehabilitation$200,000 $25,000$80,000$135,000 OceanPark PS Ph1 Rehabilitation$240,000 $22,500$85,000$75,000$67,500 OceanPark PS Ph2 Rehabilitation$250,000 $117,500$122,500 First Landing PS Rehabilitation$240,000 $80,000$70,000 OceanviewPS Rehabilitation$150,000 $65,000 $65,000 58th Street PS Rehabilitation $62,500$87,500 68th Street PS Rehabilitation $150,000 $65,000 Beech St PS Rehabilitation $65,000 $30,000 $160,000$150,000$150,000$150,000$150,000 SCADA Control System Integration $790,000 $50,000$95,000$75,000 Pump Maintenance $220,000 Total $265,500$442,500$442,500$442,500$442,500$442,500 $2,478,000 58 Storm Water Storm Water Operations and Maintenance Operations and Maintenance SummarySummary •Execution Plan For Our Aging Storm Water Infrastructure –Addresses City ownership responsibilities –Focuses initiatives on citizen expectations –Proactively engages backlog of cave in failures through rehabilitation –Establishes a viable BMP Lake Management program –Addresses major rehabilitation requirement for storm water pump stations. –VPDESrequirements for MS4 maintenance and operation. –Brings a programmatic, long term and sustainable approach to aging storm water infrastructure asset management 59 Council DiscussionCouncil Discussion