HomeMy WebLinkAbout09252012 PATTERN BOOK9/25/2012 Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation b~ Andrew Friedman, Director, Housing and Neighborhood Preservation ~- _ "~ ~ , Sharon Prescott, Housing Development Administrator - - _ . Olin L. Walden, Housing Development Coordinator, Project Manager 9/25/2012 Preservation Subcommittee Report • Goals To develop tools that promote ~ incentives for the voluntary improvement of housing in ~ ~- ' Virginia Beach that preserve and enhance quality housing and neighborhood character To develop city process that addresses neighborhood preservation and improvement on an ongoing, sustainable basis Excerpts from City of VGyu~iu Bcuch Housing pnd Neiyhborhoixl Prcceruntion Pkm ,August 2noN (Reui~ed X/a6~u8) Purpose of Pattern Book • To be a resource ("tool") for the preservation, renewal and enhancement of homes and neighborhoods in Virginia Beach ' • To provide design recommendations _. f '~, for modifications to preserve, renew and enhance homes and ~'~ neighborhoods • To develop a resource website geared toward anyone interested in housing and neighborhoods located in Virginia Beach 2 9/25/2012 Pattern Book Context and Background • Overall neighborhood preservation efforts - ongoing and pro-active code enforcement; home repair programs; in addition, many activities of our city government are fundamental to and contribute directly to the maintenance or enhancement of neighborhoods including policing, waste management, storm water, parks, landscaping, etc. • We have over i3o,ooo non-apartment units in the city. • Growth is slow compared to what we have here already. 139,801 housing units in total, excluding units in multifamily buildings total 3 9/25/2012 Age of Housing Stock (2010) As of 2oio 40% 35 % 30% ``5 % 20 i5% io% 5% o% Over 4g % of housing is 3o years of age or older 20.0 Age of Housing Stock (2040) As of 2040 30.0 % 26 % Over 79% of housing is 30 25.0% _ __ Years of age or older 20.0% + - -- ---- i6 15.0 % ', 6% 5.0% i%_ o.o% 0-9 io-i9 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 ~0-79 80-89 90 Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Years Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old or Older 4 0-9 Years io-i9 20-2g Old Years Years Old Old 9/25/2012 Housing Facts • Housing stock is aging • The vast majority of property improvements will be done by individual owners • Houses are most families' largest investment • The value of my house is affected by how my neighbor maintains their house • Residential property taxes represent over 85 % of total property taxes Proactive Initiative • Therefore, to protect both individual wealth and our community's financial capability, it is critical to provide low-cost tools and voluntary ways that the city can assist residents to maintain, upgrade and modernize their homes • The Pattern Book is one of those ways 5 9/25/2012 Our Approach Used existing department personnel (with other assignments) supplemented with interns as production staff Since we created it, we can continue to enhance it in-house over time • Web-based and easily updated 6 9/25/2012 7 9/25/2012 T.~B~E OF CQNTENTS Wak ., tte ticy of JVgi-.ra 3eacC aatten Soak > CCmm :yio~ ~,c,og W[ey€T HEC PN5srvntW!tMV'US f:CtA23 afltl NMI„tMYRaoG3 ,s `w"+n8uk'w I('agk Cam }g Im;roetaFl2P esaksman igu-~atowj ;a Vfhdt ix p,`.F~:ertNmt3 erd Nei~htxpttardf? g C9bNa!anverai 2? OGt 1tola ;ial ~y aw_a+PR£mkr Nnme}end NaSnp.;chtgC.t tiMP Gte7 - ' Gea-gien( o~nwl ;~.. weo.Er:lactlc ... ~. ~+vf/e 2 &JOU2 the Pattern 3a0* 1~ Rai}M Rdrtch da A'hat 1S a Pat:rtrn 9y3ak2 .. fiarxh xp a..errv Anaic Dewei~y¢ment i2 Shetl Y.;Pv N ._ ea^.-x^Ee3E ;1 SCItI .a#Fo~+cb $g ..s t ,a.__~ d_.•d ,:.,fir - ,. ~~. L"apte~ <~ -ann-:n knprcwa.+e!~C E9 Gha p^er §: Spe^_u;ry ~ y,~n ---^.dfi EM3ICK JUatit HOn.:IfaDravNP21i} 5: Green c„'.„^,2e . °sa RePt}: atii Mairy#endrre fit ,-.et6y'XiCie~ry . ~,.,e 4kdlrtertanck t'haCk4rt fiS Ghflel P}potiny @af~"-Y^:; aenWSte fi7 nddptroe oef~gR kc u~h¢ndt Erving K[e.YtG@tV _ar tV $elatta W±lt[aLS9! dd ~rC Autf.^ti2iPn -., -a ArexwaTWn Gwi~^ },; '.. yE,r.sas 9Ytast @2 ARWndMet ...,,_t~sJ StruK~xes 95 Appx'ttlh F &efaurtt} aad Re44zd EYnks _.. >•..Ct-v[P} Y5 pfeyendtY &'. ti#ifSdry >,,,.scaw 7ranftoisratm:u ~ Canf;n~ron Terms .. a :~srgr, ^~? ... Att^~_tti&Cdl Reat~Fb ll; 122 t23 iYx i:•b 8 CHAPTER I: ~NELGOME HOME WeN_omc(4 LTr 2t Stig»sa $eaci~c2~t..-~R.xk , w*ws., zr. n-.cr>'•a.io.,.~a~.-+~esaron s -~~s.m Trza-xt x..,.. ~4:=ruc,:rr H..~~n«s ana t~grtr...hc~.-., Welxome to the tity of Virginia 8ea<h Partsrn @aak k to C Imegsa€ co th< vwccet; .»d vRaKtp n£ ar*V Gty u e Mxmxa .t- ~lvhhoA,ewdz in+xhlr~ ~.u tititensStre. f,;iv, t}~ut 9flMa high goallty f afe zed to a[trad and retafa lyv~trt'kmt, ftAr oGFxutsrnt+e>. and a ;1_;=-ek ~:kforre - factors ssinish foster postMe P~acth an8 rgantraiz Awnetn'c iar alt:exidsmx ut=}+~n +nrgEnla (fEVCh .v a refatlveP{ Y~~ng city, rtNny u{'rcy ncnac~ and n-lghixxFaodx ara n ring thr: hNftanmry mark. in order fer ix Ek at1+ t4 nntiraue hei:=g a ftt+x[wru`{y fm c CJetune rx rturlt I:gFr + :.Ilectiuety naPt»rt naighfwr-^nadt tlxat are Aei=iabk - Gixa; ^, Slt2n'i ~ a sfIXN df ironnP1 that f=t a rarietq ,af li#artytes ar=d aPix.M to Pe?Gle x aE! sEagq; of life. l=-riastand+ng zhr impprtnnt *de that neSgE+bnrhoM: P3aM -in . +ilng a hegh 9uaiity of ai+'n Jleglofa fieach.:lty Cwr^ol ha> devgraced reuilal{~atimr W ;+tigl*}wnc~odf ay a key PucritY, and him a giao to {ue;•*rve. rpr+?w, and pnhana homts a-., {F}t-ar[nari9s :nrouFh~i Yitgi~+ia 6_aa N. its; Pastern &.tnk pro.-ur; 9/25/2012 9 9/25/2012 CHAPTER 3: HO1~IE STYLES Common HouueK Style & Massing v ~~ ~~ '~_ r b ~: .ate ~~~~' _~ ~;~ " w5. ar<Mt¢ctural5ryla: 3l'fd A .. s , IAent7ty~ny featwrS= NOtF: NOt ail featu+vn mry ezAvt _ ___ O hd f,tt~r .z ; __ _ ~ _ ~, an • io tth d ar of ani~ l sy'room atf M h ..::shape _. • LcnneY,':rg eacrns w4note: na,,ha s G"~c:e^i fbar pbfi ..--',. ' [ivm.;ri wbne;s, shekxt„a 1~ eat; ...1 #ii( ~~ :~ ~"`~ ~Ty f ~ ~~ I l {'- ~l a*~.. =a~~Ta-: 10 9/25/2012 Arch~toctural Style ' -. ~ - ~ ~ - . ~~°~m+ taassing andCOmgositbn:8tJN6Ai944i C44g CORJ tr>rt r:+th exk ;a ~akn~rr .'~'I,x. piv~~sc 4Ra~5MA.Y {kUh`uAiCWI e nn, j>a`;d ~las:.auea a a<k s, claF!r 'J, h1~£ k, zmx ,r 6i,:,, oc [t a:ei pl. b^{pkS 't .n nedt Kh d~ n . StuccG, arasembnaPOn r ~ W.fro d il roe`. Port g d. f, usu~IY S-0 • a+c / 9 pa a ~ :+a 4 .. 2 rp wish s a . ~ ' _ -xalC { 'xz- iu Y .~a. e : aol is is th rra!I . a+e,`y dvde+s be:reec a~ M ed s. es a: gaMe _ r frgxnd cfesod; eco! hac a vrid¢ eave warhang ~~.° etwse zh .Ra=ad nereamtne aor=xv pom-xz a s~ t.G imntat edges tnz actt.at rafrer eMs are evfnskd. or false- rafiter _. and thou with :,nee- ~ T Rndt ate added .t.imtrz cu; ink daCUauvE ShalaRSi~ t.Da u, aamndcd *oa+s mt - neti^+zs n, ene ane- uw M a-sa n a .. ~ ae .rro. sc acd a~n K p ;wastary. oq t. n.ev a~f CU,er detaasc craftsman daa. and w. ,dons sFm.tar zn :hoae ~d are^at t havo added,ua.wxM.h n vesnatu(xt µairia houses; gabby; ~-rmars arp cnn ::~,h u n<arsimon Y ex~xd rafxa «;nck a.rd bras' ~ wai2 dadeXng K w T • Ssas Sa xd roan, yF<y~*es roaf; t z suh_ype'.s • h ped :od 5hiltgl _ _E , hrick~MfrEt! bFnc°x, artd z[utc~. c€a,~dnaxd and are varzd hui tnC ^5ozi im+kar 2a Ssnpta pra~rlo may be used a endary :n8vencex such a F~dw is s parnacw~tr nnuuc, 4w~v., ^a..t exnoud tln~.se*ing, Av14s hxlus:radt•, ur Qricnca3 rxd twins are al<c aaT a gaaad roe`- ~at;e=s aryl o ~ tYaxal r somasmks seen c^ahsm n de.attx (ongiatihie Housing Stylxc: further tktailsv F`., ---- __.,_...____ x<h «xf maEwrtr. cceumnx iar ;L~pp.. ttng the Fer<?• iM(5 2r@ [and rV in dProi yts 1 '!sari ~ spptre4 ._.. __ ___ ~ '~~ sport mor .4i re peers x~d ps, I - lus:ea.t _.. ; piteuwta [~rdgne~ ~ . s, ar ksaSus2radRS freq{aendi ceR=n ~, c;ai' at gross d a~uf an the (nllawing p~gr+yms w+ll Fins illuxtr; t' at altemat Aesignx of th ti y Inw style Tree 1 , do not deF R all o! thw designs that ""` ^"` "`"' an p tse !U 6 gI tyt Ad riDl (- Ad.-g p t C~onl ~ .....~ r~ , a r '~_. ~ , ~ . b aedt da _~ IMrrrte de trtat - . -.. ..-. -»-- W.....-.v._...- '-~. ~ J s .r .. ~:.,a.en ,~„ate ~_ ; .'.^¢te 11 9/25/2012 Architectural Stvle, ~ ". . _ i C tJ 6 BUJ O. C,1PE Ci7U.1LfiEi2.A~'7`~ UkSICV' 7 ---- _.~. a ,,. -..~.._. .. ,,yam w ..... Architectural Style: 3~St.~~,._~.t~;i ti u?E CuJ aFe'o:1 ai'erns~ ]e.>~gn ?. ;I;a<•sazion depict: anG an d ^,al%-:tgry ~atx COd an :raurlspxc with:rde~yab4ea rrvtn nd shed rgaf 5t sarmrr, I CAPE COD aLTER.C?.?E DESIGti 2 12 9/25/2012 at~nne<rutet stye: =al^:3ai^,k+:i aKS nni.. e¢ grz is t .~c~ I t c attsma s-„,a .. eF any .. CR_4F7SitV~ iLTER~ \TE D£SIGA t a b dp-~ch CHANTER 4: KOItl~ CI11~?I'C7LE'ITI['II~ Smart Choisas about Hama Improvements 61 Ham¢RePair and Maintenance fr2 Home Mamtanassce Chxk Un FS Before Yau R¢novata fi7 How to 3ekrt a Cantrartor fr3 Home Rerwvation Guide 6E VPCrades BY Wrt S< Detxhad Structures 4S Qitwr Structures 9fi landscape Tnnsfotma<ions 99 Home Rehabilitation ProFam: 201 '.. ~' TT~TT m 1.2.E 13 9/25/2012 Before You Renovate S_areng a new iw-nx. 1mDn'~vemw+; C*o}ctt un 6e very ezaheg for r.~. ... s. W hMhar y re preparing tx ynur iuxt DroJact nr a:e a veKP an o the proeti; tRere .are ^,esr ~:epz !n lease In miM az you 6eg;>` ro p:an. cram :; 'ixapa+g m h aor,,e add'nions the folbyci 8 tip> rAii help yc~r neat projttcl run as sr, rooth[y as posstbk. 1} Farraliris¢ yovrulf with your proprrty lin¢s aM applig6le nine and buJd;na reevixions i he nndng and ,tae of ycwr tut has a aajur in p t ~r• t}rq {:in 1 € projecs that an err.}[etad ar ywr D=operty i tt s,~1, x3 th¢ sire o1 your ccimgloted prolt~'t x tM o ~< o butte, a .xixd mu:ture, fer e*srEpk, m~,t comply vd;h appLabb xn dog cal+, and ardmam'as'i o er te; Y yr prole t to be a(~csvta4iq, phta+n a copy rt YFe, 4and 3uri¢y ifiat wa; taken i+qn yoy pwcMSed the homre_ Y:It the Zont~ .YdrNr.'/,trat3on web page fi3t':i.'(..`..~_?,urm~ i'er_r.,nt('1e~.+'l-r_t3~annirreJxoninY! V ..°[c!+ _ wx } to Y tl dW mgrs atus t ring rr-guiatian5. 2p Gat so krww yew neishborhoad Nrderimrs. Manx 3wt rwt ail, *~:idao:ial w e :h. at M dgs:gn gWdelines, rich a n. 7.: , .. egtiry . mf unity. 5.:.;h ~ idviinr>g ok xi nh. ,N ,, ui a'd .oriel scuts ;hat can he seal, wsat tlp«:.: of nsatertais ai aibwabie, the to'at Improvement project tan oq, at wcdl ax other f.xtwz Some projects n»y xvm [ e atweoval trnm ynur lxa7 tsornmwncr's as3rxiatlon (fiCMf.G rtsult iyaur HQA bardboofeMmake tuts. Study nx:ntruct :sn r>,xts in ym,r nelghberhood {style, color a... c , and d W;s ya.r praje<S along simile Ilrt¢s. 3) Iut it on paper. Whether thry a e flax plain, sketcher. n pMtograph: of amflar ftni,h ~ proirtrtsr having visual rcrfxr.,n>e; to= yo en8 h.dp you real yv CYten[t.rmx, tis t tlat ,uitrvith prnfg75lrn.il nr o !+e5 swear eiv±- n r~sging thq. type of prnjevt ywr are plars~ a. Thew iraiivla?ualx tar. ~ w.d.; valuah7e ?eedbaek acd svggkstknsneo a} ippiy (dr and secure a permit from tM rty_ FA.e <ity o4 Vhginu Lt,uh rgqu+rrs M;i'ding pnrmhs fur a variety of a~n;truuion; rd p :mq tee p lad: gbY nt 7{rn tadt -«e t ~reA ,stint eD7 trtt, aftd, i` ;taliaton:. L'!tit tha Reparrman_ nt parsnmg vr¢b page t!1 ri'E_i3, }_vr , d.parc. I~_!'n3.1 'rrnt; ~SLr1S.7.LE.,.l Ed'.x ,dentialJ.xnxF to hod autnw ahnvt a. ntitti tg ptoee.~. 5} Prapxe Your rite. M wre to Sat:C ail necgsary safety prraauNCmS t;ainra you begin ynur prnfeet tF yewr prggcz irevMvgs dlgg<ng ar hrii7aing n xvsad lines. mntxt tM Yirgynfa UCi€iq Pxotectjpn iesvire [toil frca, 33IXtSSS-7pA4} v[xtt their w~gbsite {http:J~xu_.co 1aLrut-ust} to dateynane if a k sate to begin your prrrygct.:f yo, _ undgrta4inc a prgett that irrwives derrplliicn, F.irp xardpus erial: cope t 1 e e that Yotu being t;esrec no kiln t asl)estat, lealh, aseC Py"; or other hazardous matcrlal; a~<t to dwtgrm:ne'xhat trees C` permits may ba rrqu:red. [t ywsr prajttt mvoMe: major ;eruetural features liim a idundaaan, framing or na. nry. Fir. .huciural engine@t tb s'on2,:ct an InXptetior oS yq:e prap.rty aridlor .i` .s Va- pi ns, Uzing tfiz apprnacls wile ensure that you are adagitatefq prgparM and bksng the n.r?„ y 5) Ge cress! Plan to iriiorDaratq g+qen W:iid~ng techniques and qea Home Renavatbn Guidt friq+xlty materiak into your home improyeuwnt project. to tocv^.e tM Impact an the kny~rgnrtnnt. R+q tpilOwmg Ltfs%rn3tiOn lmfndlrttK fhe' feddHi t0 Alt aSiar?r;tcrtt O( b:+.u< home renoradons that can M undertaken to improve the How to Select a COMraetor safety, dwabificy, and appearance of a ?wine, The magm bxEUded • tyre onty li;gnsad contractors. `*'il hatP to Mwslua ;he svggaxad e¢novatipnz and Eamiliadxa rug • CMk .,.,rirv.:ha manyeomrwwn[s of atx+me. < ntrac.d . Incense n Y!?`^^',„dpor...tatw va,yt w [R04j M 8511. The eenoyatwm uxiudcd th guide are lined uv a spec. Pc c.drtr • t,e th reEerun „review paA ,wrk tMt +s smi4r to the Hug should help prevent cmn , renovu~on eantlicts i -s gui2a ~rork you will have done. advises Yov to mmpiote c+nigriot projects before :ntenor projects, • Get at least tluaa Ada. Hovrever, ewtry home rxr-ovation Is unpue. The homeavmer ;`*ou:' • GaY d wr;vng eantraet moth <OSS and don't steer anything omit ,.otnplate protects in thx order that he.t frt> hf..rlrvr Sit:=ails x., g ~ . r>a cort~,btek remierrtand ttra. c«ms, and nit. • P y7r)~do • RPd th 'z t p: i:my eq urgd permits ereMA } 7~F ~' ~~ e ~ .sshaukl be the wryt inn your mnmattl- t * a :. x~. • [Ion : let PaymerHS gaf ahead of wort. Keep raved n, S:rymgnts. .. „„ t w e y- ~ • 0 t ~ lee final paym rretet i 'ch ;rtapertion is apprcved a, d ytw re satafi wkh th evt1. ~,_ °~ • D.. pay ,h, •, . "~" • k+n p a rob f,!e of all p.>perx rcdafirg to your proJga. '"'" ~ °~'~ 'gig ~#; "`~ eef re y h emod i de y M rk! T nd out 7 „r. inl-. na.uva vi,it fh 3, _tr&: i' _ _ b::te. ~, e R'°_ . ,. n,i 14 9/25/2012 CHAPTER 5: S}~tci<~Iry Desi~ta ~~ten Bnddx~ A0.3 Entf~y EifitieaY Fgtl cnaa aaon~w, us aa+prmc oesigo for onrve~<,~ r,~, ns a<re>x~neiey of No+Ht AUhm~.rtio~~ kLQ 15 9/25/2012 a:,~,a: a-'.n: -:~k , _h^-t<-.I4 tle,~nad to nRPx'za1¢andwnaekkutM nP s 4 cea - f,Egflt of t~terp •ti, ex A n ontl@t satf y -a ryas wnli as c,f-r, rt e. cr x,fl pr try ~nxta;.a.a ntbaira t~ i ~ __ ,,: ar; ,. ~ .. r, , r r. ~ .. __ 1t >, 1' Ac.pss+lge BaHRtpba and 5!+t+weri Ausznbl¢bah Ds are batR:vez.^,M Ca'16¢~,M by ProE.~.. n~.:^:m±.-:; ttWb~#iv IIe ;!rp ltSablNi_A beiht b a'. tR matE e ..e_z ¢} ~, ;; - . pe<ye bY:te atl4rtaexr 9, n..aex:~ r { q,.N„ ~ ch. g t e •- ..i_ ,,..s, van rrn,ros a ar e-; 1 ~ , n~ ~ _ ~ ~~ n.xaJL~erv4eeacs,Amlt.:s~atLptf;assLars ( ,. stCr al acperrec,RSRZs Rain 6arcMS and pawn Gsrdanz htSR,~X~L.41>c.P.TjL:_ ¢.m-2td9S(.SERpaGSTi<..~84.R CSC uo uk+rsL+entat-cAnrLomxru~ipaeesL~s!.aka-y~ca~e: c3.in•harte~,asR= ~ . ~ -~ ~ 1-~,...... ~,. ~ ,'~ -~-` f 3 ¢m b.en?In•w aya~FOa!,`,: v mensleu,ecfrs¢alsp¢e-mare-. g.aen(paygz(ht mwate •bnr¢,t¢pgon;azpx t t^*e L t ~ ,~~ +- ~R#--v -5'S'~ 91~'° ~~,:e,~tr ~,. e,.FarEd,~,x hcso;lLrmw.Ykaax,czm(resadsntttsmars+recr_ RrAARfkdn~f(R~SRF(Rtox trrtg-Y9Y;-RLR-¢rtX,asp; Htstcric Rer~tlva ricn'an Rtitl€ dt;R;1LGSr.:se~.(EC'<a%n r„^s1.9sa=rt^+~att(s??!-ttufe: xu¢;aax/t - a f- ~et>?msLRaaRaLh!nR is snav~iipn- $ere~_a,rl 9csd r'nd Ta. Raf;¢f Prr,~ra z httplL>MUa!n+abto~zamLeax>Grnmates(AsuzctmartttlceaL t~:e: rt:as3ts!L~heF~,fa5'p~..dY_»L4zLzeAi4.C:QES k) 9~- aLe[ psp. t}nnhtlvArt R Nrrv Attu;,/_(vaflet h. h_yenr~xatna!¢cptzl Ef"abeEh Rnar Rrcject http~[jw,ww;h;gh¢th.y~q ri(r,vp.5sarz(d¢fauh,RSR~ 16 I 9/25/2012 p~ ~~ ~ ~ 17 9/25/2012 Next Steps • Incorporate your suggestions as possible • Conduct outreach, education and marketing to create awareness of the Pattern book • Identify through research and feedback additional improvements that can be made • Maintain and enhance the Pattern Book on an ongoing basis ~. Comments and questions Thank you for your attention and participation. Contact: Olin L. Walden, Housing Development Coordinator Pattern Book Project Manager Phone: (757) 385-5760 E-Mail: owalden@vbgov.com 18