HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 14, 2014 AGENDACITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR WlLLlAM D. SESSOMS, JR., At Large V/CE MAYOR LOUIS R. JONES, Bavside - Dish-ict 4 ROBERT M. DYER, Centervi[le - Dish•ict 1 BARBARA M. HENLEY, Pi-incess Aime District 7 SHANNON DS KANE, Rose Hall - Disti-ict 3 BRAD MART/N, P.E.. At Lnrge JOHND.MOSS, At Lnrge AMELlA ROSS-HAMMOND, Kentpsvil[e - Distric! 2 JOHN E. UHRIN, Bench - Dish•ict 6 ROSEMARY WILSON, At Large JAMES L. WOOD, Lvnnhaven -Distric! 5 CITY COUNCIL APPOINTEES CITY MANAGER - JAMES K. SPORE CITYATTORNEY - MARK D. STILES C/TY ASSESSOR - JERALD D. BANAGAN CITYAUDITOR - LYNDON S. REMIAS C/TY CLERK - R UTH HODGES FRASER, MMC CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 14 January 2014 CITYHALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9005 PHONE: (757) 385-4303 FAX (75 7) 385-5669 E- MAIL: Crycncl@vbgov.com 1. CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING - Conference Room - 2:30 PM A. VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (VBTES) - Hilltop Alignment William Harrell, President and CEO - Hampton Roads Transit II. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. COMPARATIVE INDICATORS FOR OTHER HAMPTON ROADS CITIES David Bradley, Administrator - Management Services B. HARBOUR PO1NT NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING - SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT David L. Hansen, Deputy City Manager III. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS V. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVIEW VI. TIME CAPSULE CEREMONY/RECEPTION - Lobby, Building 1- 4:30 PM VII. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 5:30 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. ROLL CALL OF THE CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VIII. FORMAL SESSION - City Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. INVOCATION: Reverend Jeremy Jenkins Pastor Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS 2. SPECIAL SESSION G. FORMAL SESSION AGENDA 1. CONSENT AGENDA H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. EXCESS CITY-OWNED PROPERTY 118 West Lane 2. SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT Harbour Point Neighbarhood Dredging Project (SSD) 3. GAP FINANCING FOR CAVALIER ASSOCIATES 1. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. CENTRAL BUSINESS CORE DISTRICT ZONING ORDINANCE J. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS December 10, 2013 December 17, 2013 1. Ordinance to DECLARE parcel at 118 West Lane to be in EXCESS of the City's needs and AUTHORIZE the City Manager to SELL same to Darrell and Jessica Shay Edwards. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 2. Resolution to DIRECT the City Attorney to file a petition for a Writ of Special Election on November 4, 2014 Resolution to UPDATE the City Council Policy re "Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development" 4. Ordinances re Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District: a. AMEND the City Code to CREATE Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District (SSD) and LEVY additional taxes on real property within the Special Service District b. CREATE Capital project to APPROPRIATE and TRANSFER funds re engineering and design work Ordinances to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE funds from the U.S. Deparhnent of Homeland Security to the Fire Department: a. $22,000 to purchase equipment for the Hazardous Materials Team b. $25,000 to purchase technical search equipment for the Heavy Tactical Rescue Team 6. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $33,727 from the Oyster Heritage Trust Fund to the FY 2013-14 Operating Budget of Planning and Community Development to increase the oyster habitat in the Lynnhaven River watershed, conduct annual sanctuary reefs oyster survey and continue the Oyster Shell Recycling program K. PLANNING 1. Applications for Nonconforming Uses: a. BARBARA T. GRANT re an enlargement to replace an existing structure at 308 45th Street DISTRICT 6 - BEACH b. WAYNE BEAGLE re an enlargement to add dormers to the roof at 103 Ash Avenue DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN c. ERIK HOMES, LLC re reconstruction and enlargement of existing structures: (1) 215 51 St Street - two new single-family dwellings (2) 316 34th Street - three new townhouses fronting on 34th Street DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 2. Application of CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL for a Modification of a Conditional Use Permit (approved May 23, 2000 and modified on December 14, 2012) to allow an increase in the height of the lighting for Field No. 1 at 1320 Mill Dam Road DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN 3. Applications of OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, LLC, DISTRICT 6 - BEACH: a. Change of Zoning from Conditional I-1 Industrial to P-1 Preservation at South Birdneck and Bells Road b. Conditional Use Permit re outdoor recreational and amusement facilities at 717 and 801 General Booth Boulevard 4. Applications of the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH to: a. ALLOW Antique Shops within buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register as a Conditional Use in the AGl and AG2 Agricultural Districts b. AMEND Section 111 (`Definitions') of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re dwellings c. AMEND Section 201 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re yards to allow existing structures located in a required yard to be raised for flood protection d. AMEND the Comprehensive Plan re the Urban Forest Management Plan providing for policy guidance, goals and objectives to protect and enhance the Urban Forest and REVISING the Policy Document. L. APPOINTMENTS CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PERSONNEL BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION SOUTHEASTERN PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY TRANSITION AREA/ITA TRAFFIC AREA CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (VBCDC) M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS 0. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC COMMENT Non-Agenda Items Each Speaker will be allowed 3 minutes and each subject is limited to 3 Speakers ***************************** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 *********?*****************?**** L CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING - Conference Room - 2:30 PM A. VIRGINIA BEACH TRANSIT EXTENSION STUDY (VBTES) - Hilltop Alignment William Harrell, President and CEO - Hampton Roads Transit IL CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. COMPARATIVE 1NDICATORS FOR OTHER HAMPTON ROADS CITIES David Bradley, Administrator - Management Services B. HARBOUR POINT NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING - SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT David L. Hansen, Deputy City Manager III. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS I V. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REVIEW VI. TIME CAPSULE CEREMONY/RECEPTION - Lobby, Building 1- 4:30 PM VII. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 5:30 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. ROLL CALL OF THE CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VIIL FORMAL SESSION - City Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. B. INVOCATION: Reverend Jeremy Jenkins Pastor Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS December 10, 2013 2. SPECIAL SESSION December 17, 2013 G. FORMAL SESSION AGENDA 1. CONSENT AGENDA H. PUBLIC HEARINGS EXCESS CITY-0WNED PROPERTY 118 West Lane 2. SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Project (SSD) 3. GAP FINANCING FOR CAVALIER ASSOCIATES `VyW1A?6y1?H'l L ? r s; :?..•a ,?? ??YW SALF OF IXCESS CfTY PROPERTY The Virginia Beach City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the disposition and sale of city-owned property, Tuesday, January 14, 2014, at 6:00 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the City Hall Building (Building #1) at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The property is located at 118 West Lane (GPIN: 2407-94-4649). The purpose of this Hearing will be to obtain public input to determine whether this property should be declared "Excess of the City's needs". .. If you are physlcalty disabled or vfsualty Impalred and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 386 4303; Hearing impalred, call 1-800- 828-1120 (Virginia Relay -Telephone Device for the Deaf). Any questions concerning this matter should be directed to the Office of Real Estate, Building #2, Room 392, at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center. The Real Estate Office telephone number is"(757) 385- 4161. Ruth Hodges Fraser, MMC City Clerk BeaconJanuary 5,2014 23882019 `?'?HIA B? ?it ?, ?'-'?'?• ?i,?) I'C S'' ? ? a$r PUBUC HEARING: AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A SPECIALSERVICE DISTRICT FOR THE HARBOUR POINT NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING PROJECT As required by Code of Virginia § 15.2-2400, the City Council of Virginia Beach, Virginia will hold a Public Hearing on an ordinance to create a Special Service District for the Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Project. The Public Hearing will be held on January ?14, 2014 at 6pm in the City Council Chamber. The Chamber is located on the second floor of Ciry Hall, at 2401 Courthouse Drive. All persons are encouraged to attend and speak about this proposed Special Service District. A copy of the proposed ordinance, including a map of the district boundary may be inspected at the Office of the City Clerk. If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385- 4303: Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 711 (TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf). Ruth Hodges Fraser, MMC City Clerk Beacon Dec 22 & 29, 2013, & Jan5,2014 23886320 I. PUBLIC COMMENT CENTRAL BUSINESS CORE DISTRICT ZONING ORDINANCE J. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS Ordinance to DECLARE parcel at 118 West Lane to be in EXCESS of the City's needs and AUTHORIZE the City Manager to SELL same to Darrell and Jessica Shay Edwards. DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 2. Resolution to DIRECT the City Attorney to file a petition for a Writ of Special Electiori on November 4, 2014 Resolution to UPDATE the City Council Policy re "Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development" 4. Ordinances re Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District: a. AMEND the City Code to CREATE Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District (SSD) and LEVY additional taxes on real property within the Special Service District b. CREATE Capital project to APPROPRIATE and TRANSFER funds re engineering and design work Ordinances to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE funds from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to the Fire Department: a. $22,000 to purchase equipment for the Hazardous Materials Team b. $25,000 to purchase technical search equipment for the Heavy Tactical Rescue Team 6. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $33,727 from the Oyster Heritage Trust Fund to the FY 2013-14 Operating Budget of Planning and Community Development to increase the oyster habitat in the Lynnhaven River watershed, conduct annual sanctuary reefs oyster survey and continue the Oyster Shell Recycling program o §, s2 ?€ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDAITEM . ITEM: An Ordinance declaring the property located at 118 West Lane (GPIN 2407-94- 4649) to be in excess of the City's needs and authorizing the City Manager to sell the property to Darrell Edwards and Jessica Shay Edwards. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: As part of the APZ-1 Use and Acquisition Plan, the City of Virginia Beach acquired 118 West Lane (the "Property") on October 24, 2012 for $210,000. At the time of acquisition, the Property was improved with a developed duplex, which has been demolished. The Property is 9,514 sq. ft. Darrell and Jessica Shay Edwards (the "Buyers"), own adjacent properties at 1552, 1556 and 1562 New York Avenue. The Buyers propose to purchase the Property for $9,514 ($1/SF) and resubdivide it with their adjacent properties to create one residential lot. ¦ Considerations: The Property will be sold with a deed restriction that prevents any new dwelling units from being constructed. The APZ-1 Disposition Committee reviewed the Property and determined that it should be sold to the adjoining property owner. The sale would enhance the neighborhood and reduce density. The Buyers' offer of $1 per square foot is consistent with previous City properties sold as excess in the APZ-1 area that were not building sites. If the City retains the Property, the City must pay to maintain the lot, an estimated annual cost of $630. ¦ Public Information: Advertisement for public hearing as required by Section 15.2-1800 Code of Virginia and advertisement of City Council Agenda. ¦ Alternatives: Retain ownership of the Property. ¦ Recommendations: Approve the request and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to convey the Property subject to the terms and conditions in the attached Summary of Terms and such other terms, conditions or modifications as may be acceptable to the City Manager and in a form deemed satisfactory to the City Attorney. ¦ Revenue restrictions: The City funded the acquisition of the Property through the partnership with the Commonwealth of Virginia. The proceeds from the sale of the Property in the amount of $9,514 will be received and fifty percent (50%) of the amount will be appropriated to CIP #9-060, Oceana and Interfacility Traffic Area Conformity and Acquisition, and fifty percent (50%) will be deposited for future payment by the City Manager to refund the Commonwealth's portion in accordance with the grant agreement. A manual encumbrance will be established to ensure that the $4,757 retained by the City will be available for BRAC program acquisitions in future years per the agreement with the Commonwealth. ¦ Attachments: Ordinance, Summary of Terms and Location Map Recommended Action: Approval of the ordinance Submitting DepartmentlAgency: Public Works Fd? ?n f1 k,? ??,v City Manager: w : _ _... ?•. r..._ - z J ? W ? Q ' ? xs z- 0 Li - z ? N C M ca ? J ? N X ? O co CL r ? Q ! ? I ? NO BIRDNE C?K R?D ?S ? Vpbig .?" \y.. _ a o ? J v L PNPB ? . Q ul 0 GE a Z ? ? N W (A V L ? 3 ? 4) w Q ? v Y 'N N L Y` ? J 0 ,A VJ ? r w 0 W ? ? ? O Q ? 3: Z ? 0 Q N ? Z J , LJJZH ? OOUW? a o w Q 3: N U a -, 00 Z, O o ? UO ? o U x W ? ------------ ? L ? - ? w N? 1S?M ? \ L •? _ d ? N i ? ? - 2 o 1 N o ? ? ? ? ? r :3 O Lo U L r d N n ? • d a ? ? CL 0. Q ? O O N p y w a a ? Q._ m N o Z N = W = U U a Q a F-? ? ? d a ? J L oa c" Z ,_ (2) a 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Further, that revenue from the sale of the Property in the amount of $9,514 shall be received and fifty (50) percent of this amount shall be appropriated to CIP #9-060, Oceana Interfacility Traffic Area Conformity & Acquisition, and fifty (50) percent shall be deposited for future payment by the City Manager to refund the Commonwealth's portion in accordance with the grant agreement. A manual encumbrance will be established to ensure that the $4,757 retained by the City will be available for BRAC program acquisitions in future years per the agreement with the Commonwealth. This ordinance shall be effective from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. CA12558 R-1 12/4/13 \\vbgov. com\dfs 1 \application s\citylawprod\cycom32\wpdocs\d005\p017\00064355.doc APPROVED AS TO CONTENT ?&M * C . oyaJs/, ublic Works APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Q 13 1 Management Services APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY C' y f?orneY'Soffic4J EXHIBIT "A" GPIN 2407-94-4649 (118 West Lane) All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, known, numbered and designated as Lot 13, and the western one- half of Lot 14, in Block 6, plat of "Survey of Block 6 Oceana Gardens," which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 21, at page 3. RESERVING UNTO THE CITY the City in and to any and all private roads and other rights egress adjacent to appurtenant the above-described property. all right, title and interest of easements, rights of way, of access, ingress and/or to or in any way benefiting IT BEING the same property conveyed to the City of Virginia Beach from James R. Gerling and Jane D. Gerling, by deed dated October 19, 2012, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia as Instrument Number 20121024001234910. EXHIBIT "B" SUMMARY OF TERMS SALE OF EXCESS PROPERTY LOCATED AT 118 WEST LANE Seller: City of Virginia Beach Buyers: Darrell Edwards and Jessica Shay Edwards, husband and wife Property: 9,514 sq. ft. of property generally known as 118 West Lane (GPIN: 2407-94-4649). Legal Description: See Exhibit "A" to Ordinance Sale Price: $9,514 CONDITIONS OF SALE: • Property is purchased "As is, Where is." • Buyers have been advised of APZ-1 restrictions for use. • Buyers may use the Property for accessory structures, or Buyers may otherwise utilize the Property for construction in conjunction with their adjacent property upon resubdivision to remove interior lot lines; however, Buyers may not add any new dwelling units. • Seller shall resubdivide the Property to vacate interior lot lines. • Seller will record deed restrictions permanently preventing new dwelling units prior to or simultaneoWS with conveyance. • Seller will reserve any fee in the streets and any easements necessary for public purposes. i o??'? `'??vw fe CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution to Direct the City Attorney to File a Petition for a Writ of Special Election MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: Former Councilmember Glenn Davis was elected in November 2012 to serve as a member of City Council (Rose Hall District) for a term the ends on December 31, 2016. Mr. Davis has submitted a letter of resignation effective December 31, 2013. In January, he begins service as a delegate in the General Assembly. When a vacancy requires a special election, state law requires the local governing body to petition its circuit court for a writ of special election within 15 days of the occurrence of a vacancy. Provided the court is satisfied with the petition, the writ of special election will provide for an election on November 4, 2014. The person elected at the November 4, 2014 special election will take office upon the certification of the vote and the person so elected qualifying, for a term ending December 31, 2016. ¦ Considerations: If City Council adopts the resolution, the City Attorney's Office will file the petition on January 15, 2014, in compliance with the statutory requirements. No writ is needed for the at-large seat vacated by former Councilmember DeSteph because he was elected to a term that ends December 31, 2014, and thus an election for that seat is already scheduled for November 2014. ¦ Public Information: Public information will be provided through the normal Council agenda process. ¦ Attachment: Resolution Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: City Attorney City Manager. k ? 7??n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A RESOLUTION TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE A PETITION FOR A WRIT OF SPECIAL ELECTION WHEREAS, Glenn Davis, City Council Member for the Rose Hall District, was elected for a term that ends December 31, 2016; WHEREAS, Mr. Davis submitted his resignation from the City Council effective December 31, 2013; WHEREAS, Code of Virginia § 24.2-226 requires that within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of resignation, the governing body shall petition its circuit court for a Writ of Special Election to fill the remaining portion of the Council Member's term; and WHEREAS, the next general election following the resignation by Mr. Davis is November 4, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Council directs the City Attorney to file a Petition for a Writ of Special Election in the Circuit Court for the purpose of filling the vacancy in the office of City Council Member Rose Hall District for a term ending December 31, 2016. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, this day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ti ; City-atf& y' , ffice CA12860 R-2 December 19, 2013 1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDAITEM ITEM: A Resolution to Adopt an Update to the City Council Policy, "Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development" MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The original policy, "Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development," was adopted by City Council in 2001. The City has benefitted from various investment partnerships over the years. Such partnerships provide opportunities to further City Council goals. The attached update to the policy seeks to focus on the City's Strategic Growth Area and Special Economic Growth Areas. ¦ Considerations: The attached resolution provides for the adoption of the updated policy. As provided in the policy, City Council will have the opportunity to review individual projects as such projects proceed through the process set forth in the policy. ¦ Public Information: This update was the subject of a City Council briefing on December 10, 2013. Public information will be provided through the normal Council agenda process. ¦ Attachments: Resolution; Policy Report; Exhibit A, "Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development" Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Strategic Growth Area Office and Finan City Manager. ? . 1 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT AN UPDATE TO THE 2 CITY COUNCIL POLICY, "GUIDELINES FOR 3 EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS 4 FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT" 5 6 WHEREAS, the original policy, "Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment 7 Partnerships for Economic Development," was adopted by City Council in 2001; and 8 g WHEREAS, the City has spent several years developing unique plans that will 10 shape the future of the City with various focus areas such as the City's eight Strategic 11 Growth Areas (SGA's) and four Special Economic Growth Areas (SEGA's); and 12 13 WHEREAS, this update is necessary to align the investment partnership policy 14 with the goals of the SGA's and SEGA's; 15 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 17 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 18 19 1. That City Council hereby adopts an update to the policy "Guidelines for 20 Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development," a copy of which is 21 attached hereto as Exhibit A; and 22 23 2. That the City Manager and staff are hereby directed to use the process outlined 24 in the policy when evaluating potential investment partnerships. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT 9XL a-, Strategic owth Area Offi e Department of Finance APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: C i><Vn 6?e?ffice CA12862 / R-1 / December 13, 2013 Exhibit A Title: Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development Index Number: Date of Adoption: March 13, 2001 Date of Revision: Jan. 2014 Page 1 of 4 1.0 Purpose and Need On March 13, 2001, City Council originally adopted this policy. The City of Virginia Beach has spent the last several years developing unique development plans that will shape the future of each of the City's eight Strategic Growth Areas (SGA's) and four Special Economic Growth Areas (SEGA's). This revision seeks to update the 2001 policy by focusing upon those partnerships that are consistent with the SGA's and SEGA's. 2.0 Policy Statement City Council may consider investment partnerships that meet the desirability and feasibility criteria set forth in this policy. Accordingly, staff is directed to follow the process described in Section 5.0 to review and evaluate potential partnerships. 3.0 Criteria: Desirable and Feasible Proiect A desirable project will have many, but not necessarily all, of the following characteristics: 3.1 Compliance with City Council goals. City Council has identified a diverse local economy and living choices as key for the City's future. Investment partnerships should be based upon the project's ability to meet Council's goals. Other City Council goals and objectives may be identified in the SGA Plans, the Comprehensive Plan and the Envision 2040 Plan. 3.2 The project is located within a SGA or SEGA. 3.3 The private sector investment is a minimum of $30 million and acts as a building block for future beneficial development. City Council Policy Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development Page 2 3.4 The project aligns with SGA/SEGA design principles. 3.5 Proximity to light rail stations. Most SGAs are within %2 mile of proposed light rail stations, and proximity to such stations should encourage successful development. 3.6 Historical financial and construction development integrity. A partner should have the financial capacity and experience that suggests the ability to complete the project. 3.7 Generates jobs and supports target industry development. The Economic Development Department has identified professional, scientific, technical, information, high perFormance manufacturing, and headquarter and regional businesses as targeted industries. 3.8 Projects support pedestrian and bicycle connectivity. Walkable streets and bicycle amenities support the SGA goal of walkable, safe, and connected communities. 3.9 Offers housing stock variety. If housing is included in the project, the City has a goal of providing high-quality and affordable housing to a diverse range of households. The project must also be financially feasible for the City and the private partner: 3.10 Fiscal, economic, and/or social benefits will be greater because of a public investment partnership based on a due diligence evaluation. 3.11 A fair and reasonable return (fiscal, economic, and/or social) is provided to both the private and public sector partners. 3.12 The project will not proceed, or will not proceed at a desired quality level, "but/for" a public sector investment partnership. 3.13 Partner is willing to enter into a Development Agreement that allocates responsibilities and risk. City Council Policy Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development Page 3 4.0 Investment Partnership Incentives Investment partnerships may take a variety of forms and require the mixing and matching of incentives. The following is a list of typical incentives that may be considered in these partnerships. 4.1 Annual revenue and/or fee incentive grants 4.2 Density bonuses 4.3 Establishment of a special service district (SSD) 4.4 Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP) grants 4.5 Land swaps, grants, and transfers 4.6 Lease of City-owned or Development Authority-owned property 4.7 Assisted Plan Review 4.8 Public infrastructure, parking, and amenities 4.9 Sustainability and/or rehabilitation tax relief 4.10 Other incentives that may be available or considered for the partnerships 5.0 Definitions 5.1 Investment partnerships are agreements between the City or the Development Authority, and a private entity, usually a developer. To leverage large scale development, generate public benefit, or increase tax revenues, the City makes a partnership with a developer enabling SGA and SEGA plan compliance, maximizing development potential, and accomplishing a project otherwise not achievable. City Council Policy Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development Page 4 5.2 Strategic Growth Areas, as defined in the 2009 Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan, are designed to concentrate growth in a strategic and sustainable way, developing centers of employment, living, commerce, shopping, and arts and culture. The SGAs, almost all of which are located along the City's primary transportation corridor, emphasize a `smarter' type of growth. 5.3 Special Economic Growth Areas, as defined in the 2009 Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan, are four predominantly nonresidential areas, located adjacent to NAS Oceana and in the InterFacility Traffic Area targeting land uses compatible with the military. 6.0 P rocess 6.1 The private partner makes a formal request of the City to engage in an investment partnership. In response to this request or application, the City Manager, Deputy City Manager(s), the City Attorney, the Director of Finance, and the Directors of Economic Development, Planning, Finance and Management Services, SGA Office as needed, have a preliminary meeting (or a series of ineetings) with the prospective partner. The purpose of this meeting and review is to determine if the project is a desirable project. 6.2 If the project meets the desirability characteristics, then the prospective partner may be directed to submit, additional information to enable the City to evaluate, among other things, the qualifications of the developer and the significance of the economic and fiscal impacts. 6.3 The City Manager will brief City Council and request the appointment of Council liaisons for the project. 6.4 The City Manager (or the City Manager designee) will assign a Project Manager. If not previously completed, the City will complete a study of the economic, fiscal and social impacts of the project, including, without limitation, the number of jobs, type of jobs, salaries paid, as well as economic, community, and other impacts. City Council Policy Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnerships for Economic Development Page 5 6.5 A Term Sheet may be developed, in concert with the City Attorney, and presented to City Council for concurrence. 6.6 The Project Manager will undertake stakeholder input that is appropriate based upon the size and scope of the project. 6.7 A Development Agreement is prepared with the developer/partner. Any such agreement is prepared under the direction and supervision of the City Attorney. 6.8 The Development Agreement is brought before the City Council and/or Development Authority for formal approval. Approved as to Content: Approved as to Content: Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: Reviewed by: p?,Vooj Director of Finance ? tRU,-1 '?711A fA JL, Date 1 - R - IQ- Date i_ "Lrc I?{ Date e uty City Manager Date Reviewed by: , j A 4. $ vbl Ci Manager Da e APPROVED BY CITY COUNGL: Mayor Date City Attorney POL.ICY REP't)RT STRATEGIC GR4WTH AREAS AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC GRC}WTN AREAS fNVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP INCENTIVES iNTRaoucrIoN fln March 13, 2009, City Council adopEecf a City Cauncil Policy entitled "Guidelines for Evaluatien af lnvestrrient Partnerships for Ecanamia Development" identifying criteria and guidelines for evatuating publicfprivate and pubfic/pub(ic partRerships. Since 2001, the City has entered into a number of ir?vestment parknerships tha# have contributed ta the City's econornic vitality. The City of Virginia Beach has spent severai years developing unique development plans that wiil shape the future of each of the City's eight Strafeg#c Growth Areas (SGA's) and four Speciai Economic Growth Areas (SEGA's). With a focus specafic to SGA and SEGA pattnerships, fhis cepart's purpose is to serve as a basis for #he proposed rev`rsions attached here#o as Attachment 9. CHARACTERISTICS C?F AN tNVESTMEtdT PARTNERSNtP This palicy report reiterates and refines incentive guidaEines far making investmenf partnership eligibifity decisians. Any project brought to the attention af Cfty Council wi(1 passess the following basic characteristics: • The stnacture af the partnership wiit be fegalEy saund and have fnancial integrity Th8 project wi![ aduance one or rnore City Council goais The project would not proceeed, ar would not proceed at a desired quality tevel (e.g. high density), "butffor" the participation of the City. The fiaitowing are examples of partnership prajects and the incentives provided: . Cavatier Hotel Renovation: Annual incen#ive revenue grant and EDIP • 25th Street Parking Garage: Annual incentive revenue grant, long term lease, and iand transfer ? 31 Ucean (L.askin Road Ga#eway): Fulfy funded public utiiity and roadway infrastructure CIP a 31st Street Mixed Use Development: Land lease and parking irvfrastructure CIP • Sportsplex Fieidhouse: Annual incentive revenue grant and long-teffn land Iease e Lynnhaven Ma11 Renovafion. Tax increment financing (TIF) for parking infrastructure upgrade • Sporfspfex: Pub(ic amenity infrastructure cost sharing GIP o Town Center Projec#: TEF for parkirtg garages and SSt3 for services and adjaaent streetscapes • 17th S#reet Park Devefopment: Gonditional use permit granted in exchange for public amenity use an private praperty m 9th Sfreet Parking Garage: Long-terrn parking (ease wri#h option to purchase ? Virgirtia Beach Amphitheater. Pub(ic amenity infrastruc#ure cost sharing CIP Poticy Report -- investmenf Partnership Incentives December 2, 2013 DEFIN1T14NS AND Ft3CUS AREAS Investrnent partnershlps are agreements between the Cfty (or the Development Authority) and a private enfity, usually a developer, that may have ane or mare of the following aftributes: addresses a specific gaal of City Councit; increase the Ctys ta7t base; further SGA and SEGA pian campl9ance; maximize growth or development potentiai; accamplish a project that would othenuise nat be achievable. Strategic GrrnnrEh Areas (SGA), as defined in the 2009 Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan, are designed to concenfrate growth in a s#rategic and sustainable way, developing centers of employment, living, commerce, shopping, and arts and culture. The SGAs, almost all of which are located alang fhe City's primary transportation corridor, provide the City with an opportunity ia reshape portions af the City irr a way that ernphasizes a`srnarter type of grow#h. SGAs recognize the imparEance of preserving and respec#mg existing neighbarhoods, especiaEly those locafed adjacent to or in the SGAs. Specia! Econamia Growth Areas (SEGA), as defneci in the 2009 Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan, are four predaminantly nonresidential areas, lacated adjacent to NAS 4ceana and in the Interfacility Traffic Area (ITA) targeting land uses compatible with the military. SGA and SEGA Map 2 Palicy Report - Investment Partnership lncentives Decernber 2, 2013 INVESTiVtENT PARTNERSHIP 1NCENTlVES As dernonstrated by the list of exis#ing ar completed investment partnerships, a successful partnership may take a varsety of forms and require the mixing and matching of incentives. 7he follawing is a list af typical incentives. A description of each may be faund in Appendix A: « Annual revenue andtor fee incentive gcants • Density bonusss • Establishment o# a special service district {55D} • Economlc Development lncentiva Program (EQtP) gaants ' • l.and swaps, grants, and transfers + Lease of City-owneef or D+avelapment Au#hoeity-owned prapeetY • Assisted Ptan Review • Public infrastructure, parking, and amenities p Sustainabili#y andlor rehabilitation tax rsliaf tNVES'TIYCEIdT PARTNERSWIP GIJIDELINES A desirabfe project will have many, but nat necessarily all, of the following characteristies. . Campltance with Grty Cauncil goals. City Councii has identifred a diverse {vcal econamy and living chaices as key fQr the City's fiuture. Investmertt partnerships should be based upon the project's abili#y ta meet Councif's goals. Other City Council goais and objectives may be identified in the SGA Plans, the Cornprehensive P{an and the Envision 2040 Pian. • The prnject is foca#ed within a S#rategic Growth Area or Special Econornic Growth Area • The private sectar investsnnent is a rninimum of $30 rnillion and acts as a burilding btack for future beneficial cleveiopment. • The project aligns with SGAtSEGA d+asign principles, s Proxirnify ta iight rail stations. Nfost SGAs are within 'h mile af proposed iight rail statians, and proximity to such s#ations should encourage successful development. b Historical finarac'ral and canstructian develapmen# integrity. A partner should have the financial capacity and experience that suggests #he ab'rliry to complete the project. ?Generat$s jabs and supporCs target industry 8evelopmenk The Ecanomic DeveEopment [7epartmen# has ideritified professional, scientific, technical, information, high performance manufacfuring, and headquarter and regional businesses as targeted industries. ? Projects support pede.strian and btcycle connectivtty. Walkable streets and bicycle amenities support the SGA goaf af walkable, safe, and connected communities. ? Qffers hausing stock var'rety. If housing is inGluded in the project, the City has a goal of providing high-quafity and affordabte hausing ta a diverse range of households. The projec# must alsn be financially feasible €or the City and the prirrate partner. o iFisca[, ecQnomic, andtor soc6al benefits wilf be greater because of a public investmsnt partnership based on a due di(igence evaluation (see Appendix B) • A fair and reasonabie return is provided to both the private and public sector partners • Ttre project witl not proceed, or will not proceed at a desired quality levei, °bra#/for" a public sectar investment partnership e Partner is wiliing #a enter in#o a Uevelopment Agreement ta aIlQCate respansibilities and risk. 3 Policy Report - lnvestment Partnership Incentives December 2, 2013 PRt3JECT REVIE1M PROCESS In general terms, the ptoject review process has the foliowing eighi steps: 1. The prnrate partner makes a formal request of the City to engage in an investment partnership. !n respanse to this reques# or application, the City Manager, Deputy City Manager(s), the Gity Attamey, and the Directars of Econamic Deveiopment, PIannPng, Finance and Management Services, and the SGA {)ffrce, as ne+aded, have a preliminary meeting (or a seriss of ineetings) with the prospective partner. The purpose af this meefing and review is to determine if the project is a desirable project. 2. [f the praject meets the desirability characteristics, #hen the prospective partner may be directed ta submit addi#ional infarmation to enabEe the City tcs evaluate, among other things, the qualificatians o# the developer arYd the economic and fiscai impacts. 3. The City Manager w11 brief City Counci[ and request the appaintment afi Councii iiaisons far the project. 4. The Ci#y Manager {or the City Manager designee} witl assign a Project Manager. If not prewiacasiy compieted, the Project Manager wili undertake and complete a study af the ecxanomic, fiscal and sociai impacts of the project, including, without limi#ation, the number af jobs, h'Pe of jabs, salaries paid, as wel( as econQrnic, community and other impacts. 5. A 7erm Sheet may be deveioped, in concert with the City Attorney, and presented to Ciiy Council for aoncuRence. 6. The F'rojecf Manager will undertake stakeholder inptat that is appropdate based upon the size and scope of the project. 7. A pevelflpment Agreement is prepared with the deveiaperlpartner. Any such agreemant is prepared under the direction and supervision of the Ci#y Attarney. 8. The Devefopment Agreement is brought before the City Council andlor Deveioprnerit Authority for farmal approval. PQLtCY REVIEW AND IVIODIFICATI4MS The intraductiart nf light rail could becc>me a catalyst and incentive for future development and coufd possibly reduce or eliminate investrnent partnership participation. While the timeframe for lighf rail or other transit proJects is uncertain, the completian of such could fundamental(y changs developrnent patterns. Therefare, these guidelines should be reviewed at regular intervals for pofentia( madifications or fermination. RECC?MNiENLtATIC?N Staff recornmends the adoption of this policy as an amendment ta the existing "Guidelines for Evalua#ion of Investrnen# Partnerships for Econamic [7eveiopment." The revised draft policy is attached for review (Attachmeri# '#). 4 Poticy Report - Investment Partnership lncentives Decernber 2, 2013 Prepared By: * ?- d ,2?x Director of S#rate ic Growth 4ffice C?ate 1???-13 Directar of Finance Date Reviewed for Lega{ Sufficiency: W"- ?'J. 4?? 12 ~& - 13 Gity Attomey Date Approved By: J City anager Date 5 Po(icy Report - Investment Partnership Incentives December 2, 2013 APPENDIX A - INGENTIVE DESCRIPTIONS • Incentive Grant(s): incentive grants are a direct cantribution of funds for a specified number of years. The amount of the grant should bear some relationship to a portian of the direct City revenue generated by the project. For example, reai estate, admissions, sales (local portion only), or other locality coHected taxes couid be granted back to the developer until a financial threshold is met. Because of state law restrictions, the granting af funds related solely to economic development may only be provided by the Development Authority. The Economic Development Incentive Program (ED1P) is a specific grant program that is discussed in further detail below. • Density Bonuses: In accordance with SGA/SEGA plans, developments requesting greater density may ba authorized ta exceed density limits in certain circumstances One example of such a density bonus is the Workforce Housing Zoning Ordinance in Appendix A, Article 21, 5ection 2100 af the City Code. • Special Service Districts: When a Special Service District {SSD} is established (Virginia Code §§15.2-2400, ef seq.), additional #axes are levied against the district's real property. SSD funds may be used for certain statutorify pravided facifities and activities such as increased garbage removal and disposal and public parking. + Economic Develapment Incentive Program (EDtP) Grants: EDiPs are one time, reimbursement grants designed to stimulate economic grouvkh and competitively pasition localities by promoting business development. In Virginia Beach, the Development Au#hority administers the program with annual support from City col(ected cigarette taxes. It is designed fo fiexibly aid with the cost of new business relocations and expansians within the City. In refurn, new and expanding businesses generate additional direct, indirect, and induced tax revenues. fncentive qualification is dependent upon new jab creat€on, capital investment, compatibility with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and overall ecanomic development strategy. • Land Swaps, Grants and Transfers: City-owned property may be sold, subdivided, made subjeet ta a condominium regime, swapped, or otherwise leveraged to make a project feasible. • Lease Agreemen#s: The City may lease its reak property, for a period of less than forty years, when there is a public benefit to such lease. • Assisted Plan Review (APR): Assisted Pian Review is a service established for projects within the SGAs and SEGAs meeting City Council approved criteria. The APR Seevice will shepherd developers thraugh the permitting process to aid development. + Public tnfrastructure, Parking and Amenities: Where public works are needed, the City may keverage its Capital Improvement Program. Capital projects can be designated to finance structured public parking, public amenities, new roadways, stormwater infrastructure, or enhanced public utilities. • Sustainabifity and Rehabititation Tax Relie# Prograrns: The City has aciap#ed a lower tax rate for certain energy-efficient properties. The City alsa has a partial real estate tax exemption program for substantially rehabilitated, renovated, or replaced commercial or industrial structures. The exemption is applied to the increase in assessed value as calculated by the City Rea( Estate Assessor resu[ting fram rehabilitation. 6 Policy Report -- lnvestment Partnership Incentives December 2, 2013 AFPEMDtX B- DUE DILIGEMCE EVALUATION In order far the Cify to determine fhe significance of the economic, fiscat, and social impacts of an investment partnership, the foilQwing is a summaey of information that may be needed: . Projecf description, casfs, project tim"rng, economic impact, and planned financing methatfs. Conceptual descriptions measure usage and aesthetic desirability; cast estima#es heip determine capital investments and devefopment to pubfic investment ratios; project time tables aide in #he coardinatian of other po#ential projects and iderrtifies anticipated tax revenue changes; econamic impact studies measure warkforce activity and potentiai synergistic benefits; and financing methods indicate anticipated creditworthiness. o A resume from the develaper(s) indicating development experience, financial basis, and othec disclosures (e.g. bankruptcies and tax itens). Undersfanding the partnees financial posi#ion may assist in de#ermining the partner's ability to exeGUte the proposed proJect. * Feasihitity Analysis of the Project: Thls set of reports shauld form the basis for a pro-forma evaluation. The key points incfude estimates of reuenues, costs, and cash flows. For verifcation and credibElity, the City shouEd conduct an independent review of any studies provided by the psrtner. Further, the City should have access to the developer's bank (or financial institution) appraisals, epplicafiorts, and studies reiated ta the project: - Evaluation a# feasibilityldemand studies - Financial analyses - Detai(ed prajec# cost estimates - Resumes a# cantractors, engineers - Description of major fenants, including letters Q# intenk far commercial space - ainect and indirect fiscal and economia impacts - Appraisal of Eand - AbsQrption analysis • D@SCPIptiGt'! O$ OW11B.'i'ship StCUCEtIt'e - Principal resumes {ex}aerience and autcome) - Developer financial statemenfs • aources and Qescriptian of Financial CommitmenfslUses of Funds for fihe Project - Description of the nature and terms of the obligations for a[t applicable eguity, lender frnancing (construc#ion-refated or permanent), govemmental financing, or other #inancing - Infarmation indicating when project funds would be used • Pro farma Incame and Expense SchaduleslCash F1ow. - Ten year annual based prcr farmas with assumptinns (vacancy rates and debt service) - Prct formas witl illustrate effect with and without pubfic assistance . Internal Ra#e of Return Anatysis - Equity analysis assuming a 5- and 10-year holding period. - Equity ana(yses witi demanstrate effect wiEh and without pub4ic assis#ance • tdemfafy IR+afaults and L.itigatian - List of any pending or threatened material litigation or administraiive proceedings against the applicant and principa( participants - Lis# of any material defaults for existing financing by the applicant and principafs - List of any #ax, assessment, fee, or other simitar debt payment defau(ts - List of any bankruptcy praceedings by fihe appiicarrt or principa4s 7 C, i71 Y.i [ ? . .i? CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM .' ITEMS: (1) An Ordinance to Amend the City Code of the City to Create the Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District, and to Levy Additional Taxes on Real Property within the Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District (2) An Ordinance to Create Capital Project #8-504, "Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging" and to Transfer Funds to CIP #8-504 MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: In the FY 2011-12 Budget Process, the City Council adopted a policy for neighborhood dredging. The policy provides the purpose and the need unuerlying the establishment of various special service districts. Benefits expected through the establishment of a neighborhood dredging special service district include the preservation of navigable waterways, the enhancement and improvement of storm water capacity and water quality, the protection of public recreation areas, and the protection of property within each service district. As provided by the policy, the City may partner with neighborhoods wherein at least 80% of the affected property owners provide signed petitions asking for the establishment of a special service district. As part of this agreement, the City will pay for the dredging of the City spur channel, and the Special Service District will pay for the neighborhood channel dredging. The City, through its Department of Public Works, has received signed petitions from a sufficient number of the affected property owners in the Harbour Point Area to meet the 80% threshold. The Harbour Point Area Dredging Special Service District ("Service District") will serve 46 properties. The first dredging is pianned in FY 2015-16, with the second and third dredging cycles expected to occur in FY 2022-23 and FY 2029-30, respectively. The City staff has provided the enumerated special service district levy based on the FY 2012-13 assessed values of the properties within the Service District. The staff will re- calculate the estimated project costs at least every four years. After the completion of the third dredging cycle and the payment of any outstanding costs associated with the dredging, the Service District will dissolve, and the properties will no longer be subject to the additiorial levy. ¦ Considerations: State law permits the City to establish a special service district for the purpose of providing additional services, including dredging creeks and rivers to maintain existing uses. A neighborhood dredging project is a partnership between the City, the neighborhood, and the property owners. For the Harbour Point Area, the City's obligation for the spur channel is an estimated $21,362 for the initial dredging in FY2015-16. The neighborhood channel dredging that is provided by the Service District is an estimated $89,333, with $30,851 expected in cumulative real estate taxes Neighborhood Dredging SSD Page 2 of 2 generated through year 3. Property owners have the option of providing individual contributions to pay the costs associated with property access channel dredging; however, these costs are not reflected in the project at this time. The Service District is not anticipated to generate ample funding through the levy to complete the first neighborhood channel dredging in FY 2015-16 as planned; therefore, the City will provide an estimated $58,482 in additional funding beyond the City's contribution for the spur channel in order to initiate the first dredging, with the Service District repaying the City's General Fund in future years. Using the FY2012-13 assessed values, the additional levy on the 46 properties is 7.9 cents per $100 of assessed value. This levy will provide the funding for the neighborhood channel dredging. The effective date of the Service District will be July 1, 2014. A second ordinance is attached. This ordinance establishes Capital Project 8-504, "Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging," to capture the costs associated with the Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Project. A total of $21,473 is provided to the project in FY 2013-14 design and a total of $95,269 is provided by City and SSD sources to initiate the first dredging in FY2015-16. Funding Sources FY 2013- 14 FY 2014- 15 FY 2015- 16 Cumulative Total Real Estate Tax Revenue from SSD 0 15,425 15,425 30,851 City Upfront Payment of Neighborhood Dredging* 14,352 14,352 14,352 43,056 City Spur Channel Dredging Obligation 7,121 7,121 7,121 21,362 21,473 36,898 36,898 95,269 *to be reimbursed by SSD revenues in future years ¦ Public Information: This item has been advertised for three successive weeks in the Beacon as is required by Virginia Code § 15.2-2400. Additionally, public information will be provided through the normal Council agenda process. ¦ Recommendations: Approvaf of the two attached ordinances. ¦ Attachments: Ordinances (2), Map, Property List Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Public Works ?k City Manage . V- , ?, 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE TO CREATE 2 THE HARBOUR POINT NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING 3 SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT AND TO LEVY ADDITIONAL 4 TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE HARBOUR 5 POINT NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING SPECIAL SERVICE g DISTRICT 7 g SECTION ADDED: 35.3-11 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach has received signed petitions from at least 11 80% of the residents of the Harbour Point Dredging Area waterfront property owners; 12 and 13 14 WHEREAS, the petitions provide the signers commit to the imposition of special 15 service district ("SSD") taxes and other contributions as set forth in further detail herein; 16 and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Harbour Point Area Dredging Project ("Project") includes three 19 (3) cycles of dredging; and 20 21 WHEREAS, although the SSD taxes will begin July 1, 2014, the first dredging is 22 planned for FY 2015-16, the second is planned for FY2022-23, and the third is planned 23 for FY 2029-30; and 24 25 WHEREAS, the Project is a partnership addressing related dredging activities: 26 the community channel dredging, which is supported by City contributions to the Special 27 Service District; the neighborhood channel dredging, which is supported by the levy of 28 Special Service District taxes; and the access channels, which are supported by 29 individual contributions to the Special Service District; and 30 31 WHEREAS, the rate established by this Ordinance is based on the FY2012-13 32 real estate assessed value of the subject properties; and 33 34 WHEREAS, City staff will re-calculate the estimated Project costs at a minimum 35 of every four (4) years; and 36 37 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach believes that 38 undertaking the Project is in the best interest of the public and is a reasonable exercise 39 of the City's authority to promote general welfare, including commerce and industry of 40 the City and the inhabitants thereof. 41 42 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 43 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 44 45 1. That the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is hereby amended and 46 reordained as follows: 47 48 Section 35 3 11 Creation of the Harbour Point Area Dredqinq Special Services 49 District. 50 a. There is herebv created the Harbour Point Area Dredqinq Special Service District 51 for the purposes set forth in this chapter and those set forth in Code of Virqinia, 52 section 15.2-2403. 53 b. The boundaries of the Harbour Point Area Dredqinq Special Service District shall 54 be described in detail by the map attached to this ordinance. 55 c. The Harbour Point Area Dredginq Special Service District shall dissolve on July 56 1 2030, if not sooner. 57 58 2. There shall be levied and collected taxes for the special purpose of providing 59 neighborhood dredging on all real estate within and pursuant to the Harbour Point Area 60 Dredging Special Service District at the rate of 7.9 cents ($0.079) on each one hundred 61 dollars ($100) of assessed value thereof. This real estate tax rate shall be in addition to 62 the real estate tax rate set forth by the General Real Estate Tax Levy adopted by City 63 Council. Any deferral of such levies for elderly or disabled persons shall be subject to § 64 35.3-5.1. As set forth in Code of Virginia § 15.2-2403(6), written consent is required to 65 apply this tax rate to the full assessed value of properties subject to special use value 66 assessment. The real estate tax rate imposed herein shall be applied on the basis of 67 one hundred percentum (100%) of the fair market value of such real property except for 68 public service real property, which shall be on the basis as provided in Code of Virginia 69 § 58.1-2604. 70 71 3. The City Manager or designee is hereby authorized to enter into contracts and to 72 perform other actions consistent with this ordinance. 73 74 4. Paragraphs 1 and 3 shall be effective immediately. 75 76 5. Paragraph 2 shall be effective July 1, 2014. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council APPROVED AS TO CONTENT ? Management Services APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: kdks? Pu ic APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ? C D4's ice CA12820 R-2 January 2, 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CAPITAL PROJECT #8-504, "HARBOUR POINT NEIGHBORHOOD DREDGING," TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS AND TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO CIP #8-504 WHEREAS, by separate ordinance the City Council established the Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging Special Service District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, THAT: 1. Capital Improvement Project #8-504, "Harbour Point Neighborhood Dredging" is hereby created in the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Program; and 2. $21,473 is hereby transferred from the General Fund Reserve for Contingencies to Capital Project #8-504 for engineering and design work. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of .2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ( 1 1 Management Services APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Pub ic E s APP 1,i AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ? ? ce C' ce CA12821 R-1 December 26, 2013 O O 1D w O G> M ? LL O Yf O ? ? .? ? N ? O N O N ? - L L ? a ? Q •_ ? .? Z ? ++ ? •0 _ a? L ? ? Q ? L ? t Attachment B Neighborhood Dredging for Harbour Point Oecember 2013 Number GPIN Address 1 2427-10-2915-0000 528 Fishermans Bend 2 2427-10-3808-0000 532 Fishermans Bend 3 2427-10-3882-0000 536 Fishermans Bend 4 2427-10-4768-0000 540 Fishermans Bend 5 2427-10-5721-0000 529 Harbour Point 6 2427-10-4518-0000 500 Lighthouse Point 7 2427-10-3633-0000 504 Lighthouse Point g 2427-10-2659-0000 508 Lighthouse Point 9 2427-10-1764-0000 512 Lighthouse Point 10 2427-00-9960-0000 516 Lighthouse Point 2427-10-0831-0000 11 2427-00-9743-0000 517 Lighthouse Point 12 2427-10-0622-0000 513 Lighthouse Point 13 2427-10-1517-0000 509 Lighthouse Point 14 2427-10-1592-0000 505 Lighthouse Point 2427-10-1444-0000 15 2427-10-2496-0000 501 Lighthouse Point 16 2427-10-1312-0000 565 HarbourPoint 17 2427-10-0450-0000 (Lot O nly) 18 2427-00-9430-0000 (Lot Only) 19 2427-00-8468-0000 (Lot Only) 20 2427-00-8530-0000 (LOt Only) 21 2427-00-7557-0000 (Lot Only) 22 2427-11-8157-0000 509 Harbour Point 23 2427-11-7065-0000 500 Fishermans Bend 24 2427-11-6194-0000 504 Fisherm ans Bend 25 2427-11-6253-0000 508 Fishermans Bend 26 2427-11-8487-7370 401 Harbour Point Ste. 305 (Boat Slip 1) 27 2427-11-8487-6540 411 Harbour Point Ste. 301 (Boat Siip 2) 28 2427-11-8487-6502 409 Harbour Point Ste. 202 (Boat Slip 3) 29 2427-11-8487-7050 413 Harbour Point Ste. 304 (Boat Slip 4) 30 2427-11-8487-6900 419 Harbour Point Ste. 204 (Boat Slip 5) 31 2427-11-8487-7440 403 Harbour Point Ste. 104 (Boat Slip 6) 32 2427-11-8487-6530 411 Harbour Point Ste. 201 (Boat Slip 7) 33 2427-11-8487-7520 403 Harbour Point Ste. 306 (Boat Slip S) 34 2427-11-8487-6750 417 Harbour Point Ste. 104 (Boat Slip 9) 35 2427-11-8487-6910 419 Harbour Point Ste. 304 (Boat Slip 10) 36 2427-11-8487-6890 419 Harbour Point Ste. 104 (Boat Slip 11) 37 2427-11-8487-6560 411 Harbour Point Ste. 202 (Boat Slip 12) 38 2427-11-8487-6860 419 Harbour Point Ste. 103 (Boat Slip 13) 39 2427-11-8487-6880 419 Harbour Point Ste. 303 (Boat Slip 14) 40 2427-11-8487-6570 411 Harbour Point Ste. 302 (Boat Slip 15) 41 2427-11-8487-7110 415 Harbour Point Ste. 104 (Boat Slip 16) 42 2427-11-8487-7350 401 Harbour Point Ste. 105 (Boat Slip 17) 43 2427-11-8487-6493 409 Harbour Point Ste. 103 (Boat Slip 18) 44 2427-11 8487-6770 417 Harbour Point Ste. 304 (Boat Slip 19) 45 2427-11-8487-7300 401 Harbour Point Ste. 203 (Boat Slip 20) 46 2427-11-8487-6730 417 Harbour Point Ste. 203 (Boat Slip 21) 45 2427-11-8487-7300 401 Harbour Point Ste. 203 (Boat Slip 20) 46 2427-11-8487-6730 417 Harbour Point Ste. 203 (Boat Slip 21) > CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security Hazardous Materials Team Equipment MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The City was notified that the Virginia Department of Emergency Management would be providing a grant of $22,000 in federal pass-through funding for Haz-Mat Team Equipment. The Virginia Beach Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Team is a member of the Southside Regional Haz-Mat Team along with the cities of Portsmouth, NorFolk, and Chesapeake. The funding will allow the Haz Mat Team to maintain its operational readiness for the response to and identification of unknown substances. ¦ Considerations: This grant is awarded by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management with funding originating from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's National Preparedness Directorate, FY 2013 State Homeland Security Grant (CFDA 97.067). There is no local match required for this program. The end of the program period is April 30, 2015, for obligation purposes, and May 30, 2015, to complete expenditures and finalize the close out reporting process. ¦ Public Information: Public information will be coordinated through the normal Council agenda process. ¦ Recommendation: Adopt the attached budget amendment. ¦ Attachment:Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Fire Department City Manager: ?_ ??? 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND 2 APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE U. S. 3 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FOR 4 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TEAM EQUIPMENT 5 6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 7 VIRGINIA: 8 9 That $22,000 from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security is hereby 10 accepted and appropriated, with federal revenue increased accordingly, to the FY 2013- 11 14 Operating Budget of the Fire Department to purchase equipment for the Hazardous 12 Materials Team. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ? APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Management Services ? CA12858 R-1 December 5, 2013 rti? ?zy -?r t? °?'?• ?- LL'? .??CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM . ITEM: An Ordinance to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security for the Virginia Beach Fire Department's Heavy Tactical Rescue Team MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The City was notified that the Virginia Department of Emergency Management would be providing federal pass-through funding for localities for heavy tactical rescue team equipment, training and exercise. The Virginia Beach Fire Department is the lead agency for the Tidewater Regional Technical Rescue Team, which is one of the seven Regional State and Urban Search and Rescue Teams. The funding will allow the Fire Department's Heavy Tactical Rescue Team to purchase technical search equipment, which will increase its response capability. ¦ Considerations: This grant is awarded by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management with funding originating from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's National Preparedness Directorate, FY 2013 State Homeland Security Grant (CFDA 97.067). There is no local match required for this program. The end of the program period is April 30, 2015, for obligation purposes, and May 30, 2015, to complete expenditures and finalize the close out reporting process. ¦ Public Information: Public information will be coordinated through the normal Council agenda process. ¦ Recommendation: Adopt the attached budget amendment. ¦ Attachment:Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Fire Department (51>_ ? City Manage • V . ? 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND 2 APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE U. S. 3 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FOR 4 THE VIRGINIA BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT'S 5 HEAVY TACTICAL RESCUE TEAM 6 7 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 8 ViRGINIA: 9 10 That $25,000 from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security is hereby 11 accepted and appropriated, with federal revenue increased accordingly, to the FY 2013- 12 14 Operating Budget of the Fire Department to purchase technical search equipment for 13 the Heavy Tactical Rescue Team. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Budget and Management Services CA12859 R-1 December 5, 2013 ' ??JIA 6r? 5 4 ^T) !C ?' 4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM _ ITEM: An Ordinance to Appropriate Funds from the Oyster Heritage Trust Fund MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The City of Virginia Beach has established an Oyster Heritage Trust Fund for the purpose of collecting donations to be used for the restoration of oyster habitat and oysters in the Lynnhaven River watershed. To date, the Oyster Heritage Trust has received $647,980 from private donations to support this goal. In conjunction with the Trust Fund, the Department of Planning and Community Development has developed an Oyster Heritage Plan with the assistance of various agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA, Lynnhaven River NOW, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. A total of $569,405 has been expended to date from the Trust Fund to develop and implement the plan, which has resulted in the identification of multiple sites in the Lynnhaven River watershed for construction and seeding of oyster reefs. These efforts began in the summer of 2002 and over 60 acres of oyster habitat have been constructed to date. The Lynnhaven River NOW community watershed organization has developed a model oyster shell recycling program in partnership with the City - the first of its kind in the Commonwealth - and has initiated efforts to undertake an annual survey of oyster populations on sanctuary reefs in the Lynnhaven River. The Lynnhaven Oyster Restoration Project was awarded a Presidential Coastal America Award in 2009 as an exemplary successful national habitat restoration project model and has been recognized as the second largest oyster restoration effort in the world. This item would appropriate funds from the Trust Fund to continue restoration efforts. ¦ Considerations: City staff has been working to develop a cost-sharing arrangement with the Army Corps of Engineers, Lynnhaven River NOW, and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission as part of the Oyster Heritage Plan. The completion of previous oyster reef projects has established a sound model for continued future oyster reef restoration efforts in the Lynnhaven watershed and has helped reestablish a viable commercial oyster industry in the Lynnhaven. The ongoing Oyster Heritage Plan implementation strategy represents a significant effort by the City to continue to address restoration of the environmental quality of the Lynnhaven River watershed and shows local commitment to achieving Virginia and federal government objectives towards restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. This proposed oyster heritage project links directly to a major step forward on continuing this integrated strategy, which has been developed for environmental restoration of the Lynnhaven, by working to prioritize efforts at restoration within those areas of the watershed that exhibit the least severe water quality problems. As a result of recent research, the Lynnhaven watershed has been recognized as a prime spot for oyster restoration for the entire Chesapeake Bay because it is a trap estuary with high salinity, had historically high populations of native oysters, and has considerably higher oyster recruitment today than many other sites in the Chesapeake Bay. The current project consists of: (1) continuation of an oyster shell education and recycling program; and (2) initiating an annual survey of oyster populations on sanctuary reefs in the Lynnhaven. The shell recycling project has proven to be quite successful in recovering oyster shell for construction and maintenance of oyster reef habitat. The reef survey project will enable accurate evaluation of the success of oyster restoration efforts on sanctuary reefs and help target limited resources for future restoration efforts. The total cost to the City for participation in this project is $33,727. ¦ Public Information: Public information will be provided through the normal City Council Agenda process. ¦ Recommendations: It is recommended that Council appropriate $33,727 from the Oyster Heritage Trust Fund to the FY 2013-14 Operating Budget of the Department of Planning and Community Development to increase oyster habitat in the Lynnhaven River watershed, conduct the annual sanctuary reefs oyster survey, and continue the Oyster Shell Recycling Program. ¦ Attachments: Ordinance; Lynnhaven River NOW Oyster Shell Reclamation Project 2013 Report Recommended Action: Approval of Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Planning and Community Development City Manage . ? ` 1 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE 2 OYSTER HERITAGE TRUST FUND 3 4 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 5 VIRGINIA: 6 7 That $33,727 is hereby appropriated, with estimated revenue increased accordingly, 8 from the fund balance of the Oyster Heritage Trust Fund to the FY 2013-14 Operating 9 Budget of the Department of Planning and Community Development to increase oyster 10 habitat in the Lynnhaven River watershed, conduct the annual sanctuary reefs oyster 11 survey, and continue the Oyster Shell Recycling Program. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of .2014. Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of all of the members of City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ? Budget and Management Ser ces Cif?,? CA12873 R-1 December 31, 2013 lynnhaven R'nrer NOW Oyster Shell Redamativn Project 2013 Report UNNHAVENRiverNOW R , g ,-.., Lynnhaven River NOW (LRNow) has administered the Save Oyster Shell project for the City of Virginia Beach since 2008. Each year, we have successfully grown the program collecting from more restaurants, public drop off sites, and events. This past year, January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013, the program grew even more. With the funding for this project, LRNow collected oyster shelis and clam shells from restaurants, oyster roast events and public drop off sites throughout the c'ity. We employ a driver who picks up from each regular location at least four times per week. In addition, we work with commun'ity organizations including civic leagues, other non-proflt organizations, and churches, to provide containers for the shells before their event and pick up the shells after the event. We also pick up shell from four public drop-off sites throughout the city: LRNow office in the Bayside area; Whole Foods in Hilltop; Virginia Beach Aquarium on General Booth Boulevard, and the Landfill on lake Sears Road. Between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013, we have collected 2,675 bushels of shell. We are averaging between 200 and 250 bushels of shelis per month. Each year of the project, these numbers have increased. We set a new monthly record of 308 bushels in July, 2013. All shells will be used to rebuild oyster reefs in the Lynnhaven River. This program also keeps this valuable resource out of our solid waste. We currently have twenty active restaurants enrolled in the program and four public drop-off locations. In addition, we worked with various commun'ity organizations to collect shells from sixteen public oyster roast events during the past year. LRNow provides all necessary equipment to the restaurants and events: oyster baskets, galvanized buckets for the tables, shell cans for outdoor storage, 5 gallon buckets for the kitchens, children's menus, posters and menu stickers. We continue to improve our outreach efforts. The Save Oyster Shell program is publicized on our website, through our electronic newsletters and our print newsletters. We provide the participating restaurants with posters to display in the restaurant and developed, in 2013, a new sticker for their menus. In addition, in 2013, we began tracking not only daily bushel totals, but also totals for each individual restaurant. We are now providing the participating restaurants with quarterly statements documenting their shell contribution. And we were featured on Joe's Jobs on WVEC news and on the WVEC website in 2013. A breakdown of the expenses for January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 follows: (I am basing estimated expenses for December, 2013, on actual November, 2013 expenses and will make adjustments as needed in 2014) Drivers and mileage $16,614.46 Supplies and Equipment $ 2,850.00 Administration, Advertising and Insurance $13,262.00 TOTAL $ 32,726.46 ? Recycled A ?a FsC .. 1608 Pleasure Houae Rood, Suite Io8, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 www.lynnhavenrivernow.org 757•962- 5398 We intend to continue this project through 2014 with the understanding that we will be reimbursed at the end of the year for expenses equivalent to the 2013 expenses. We are excited about upcoming oyster restoration projects that will utilize this shell. Shell for oyster restoration work is a rapidly declining commodity. This program provides us with the opportunity to collect shell that can go into restoration work, not in our landfill, as well as educate the public on the value of oyster habitat In addition, it is an important component of the new Lynnhaven Aquacuhure Center opening next year. Thank you for supporting this important program. K. PLANNING 1. Applications for Nonconforming Uses: a. BARBARA T. GRANT re an enlargement to replace an existing structure at 308 45th Street DISTRICT 6 - BEACH b. WAI'NE BEAGLE re an enlargement to add dormers to the roof at 103 Ash Avenue DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN c. ERIK HOMES, LLC re reconstruction and enlargement of existing structures: (1) 215 51 St Street - two new single-family dwellings (2) 316 34th Street - three new townhouses fronting on 34th Street DISTRICT 6 - BEACH 2. Application of CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL for a Modification of a Conditional Use Permit (approved May 23, 2000 and modified on December 14, 2012) to allow an increase in the height of the lighting for Field No. 1 at 1320 Mill Dam Road DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN 3. Applications of OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, LLC, DISTRICT 6 - BEACH: a. Change of Zoning from Conditional I-1 Industrial to P-1 Preservation at South Birdneck and Bells Road b. Conditional Use Permit re outdoor recreational and amusement facilities at 717 and 801 General Booth Boulevard 4. Applications of the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH to: a. ALLOW Antique Shops within buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register as a Conditional Use in the AG-1 and AG2 Agricultural Districts b. AMEND Section 111 (`Definitions') of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re dwellings AMEND Section 201 of the City Zoning Ordinance (CZO) re yards to allow existing structures located in a required yard to be raised for flood protection d. AMEND the Comprehensive Plan re the Urban Forest Management Plan providing for policy guidance, goals and objectives to protect and enhance the Urban Forest and REVISING the Policy Document. u CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing the Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use on Property Located at 308 45t" Street and Owned by BARBARA T. GRANT. (GPIN 2418867918). BEACH DISTRICT MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The subject site is zoned R-7.5 Residential and is situated on the southeast corner of 45th Street and the Cavalier Walk. The site is occupied by a two-story single-family dwelling and a garage apartment, both of which were constructed sometime in the 1950s as permitted uses. Garage apartments were deleted from the Zoning Ordinance as a permitted use in 1985. When that use was deleted from the Zoning Ordinance, the two dwellings on the lot became nonconforming, as the R-7.5 Residential District permits only one single-family dwelling on a lot. Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." ¦ Considerations: The applicant proposes to expand the single-family dwelling by constructing a new sunroom in place of the existing 21' x 12.5' first-floor sunroom, located on the south side of the house, and constructing a new second-floor living space above the sunroom within the same footprint. The proposed exterior building materials consist of brick, cedar shake shingles, composition fiberboard trim, fiberglass half-columns (framing the exterior corners of the sunroom), double- hung windows, and fiberglass asphalt roof shingles. The materials match those found on the existing house. The proposed construction will result in an increase of 262.5 square feet of floor area. As noted above, since the current use of the site is nonconforming, the proposed expansion of the second-floor of the house cannot occur without authorization of the City Council as provided for by Section 105. ¦ Recommendations: Staff finds that the proposed addition is minor in its scope, but will result in a high-quality enhancement to the house that is compatible with regard to exterior BARBARA GRANT Page 2 of 2 materials and architectural style. In sum, staff concludes that the proposed enlargement is reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and will maintain the use as being as appropriate to the district as the existing non-conforming use. The request, therefore, is acceptable with the conditions below. The proposed addition shall be substantially as shown on the submitted elevation and detail drawings, entitled "Grant Residence Renovation and Addition, 308 45th Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia," Sheets A3 and A4, prepared by Reich Design Associates, and dated 5/13/13. Said plans have been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 2. All required permits for the proposed renovation and addition shall be obtained from the Planning Department / Permit and Inspections Division. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review and Disclosure Statement Resolution Location Map Recommended Action: Approval. Submitting DepartmentlAgency: Planning Department City Manager: ?" ' ?? BEACX January 14, 1014 City Council Hearing APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER: BARBARA T. GRANT Expansion of Non-conrormlng use REQUEST: Enlarqement of a Nonconforminq Use ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 308 45'" Street STAFF PLANNER: Stephen J. White GPIN: ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: 24188679180000 BEACH 10,434.30 square 65 - 70 d6 DNL (Sub feet Area 1) BACKGROUND / DETAILS OF PROPOSAL The subject site is zoned R-7.5 Residential and is situated on the southeast corner of 45th Street and the Cavalier Walk. The site is occupied by a two-story single-family dwelling and a garage apartment, both of which were constructed sometime in the 1950s as permitted uses. Garage apartments were deleted from the Zoning Ordinance as a permitted use in 1985. When that use was deleted from the Zoning Ordinance, the finro dwellings on the lot became nonconforming, as the R-7.5 Residential District permits only one single-family dwelling on a lot. Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." The applicant proposes to expand the single-family dwelling by constructing a new sunroom in place of the existing 21' x 12.5' first-floor sunroom, located on the south side of the house, and constructing a new second-floor living space above the sunroom within the same footprint. The proposed exterior building BARBARA T. GRANT JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 1 materials consist of brick, cedar shake shingles, composition fiberboard trim, fiberglass half-columns (framing the exterior corners of the sunroom), double-hung windows, and fiberglass asphalt roof shingles. The materials match those found on the existing house. The proposed construction will result in an increase of 262.5 square feet of floor area. As noted above, since the current use of the site is nonconforming, the proposed expansion of the second-floor of the house cannot occur without authorization of the City Council as provided for by Section 105. LAND USE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXISTING LAND USE: Single-family dwelling and garage apartment. SURROUNDING LAND North: . 45t" Street USE AND ZONING: . Single-family Dwellings / R-7.5 Residential District South: . Alley • Single-family Dwellings / R-7.5 Residential District East: . Duplex Dwelling / R-7.5 Residential District West: • Cavalier Walk • Single-family home with Garage Apartment / R-7.5 Residential District IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES There will be no additional impact on City services as a result of the proposed expansion than the current service impact. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION The existing single-family dwelling and garage apartment constitute nonconforming uses, as the lot is zoned R-7.5 Residential, which allows only one single-family dwelling per lot. Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." Accordingly, the applicant's proposal to construct a 262.5 square foot addition above an existing sunroom space cannot proceed without the approval of City Council. BARBARA T. GRANT JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 2 Staff finds that the proposed addition is minor in its scope, but will result in a high-quality enhancement to the house that is compatible with regard to exterior materials and architectural style. In sum, staff concludes that the proposed enlargement is reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and will maintain the use as being as appropriate to the district as the existing non-conforming use. The request, therefore, is acceptable with the conditions below. CONDITIONS 1. The proposed addition shall be substantially as shown on the submitted elevation and detail drawings, entitled "Grant Residence Renovation and Addition, 308 45th Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia," Sheets A3 and A4, prepared by Reich Design Associates, and dated 5/13/13. Said plans have been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 2. All required permits for the proposed renovation and addition shall be obtained from the Planning Department / Permit and Inspections Division. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site p/an submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning / Development Services Center and Department of Planning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this application are valid or any structures may be occupied. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. BARBARA T. GRANT JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 3 r O ? V d ^ r o y> ?`',?v a v m 4.. ? AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA ; JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARWI Page I T OUR NpT'..?.?. ??? PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON APPEARS TO FALL INSIDE ZONE: X AS SHOWN ON THE F.E.M.A. OD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 9EACH, COMMUNITY PANEL #515531-0126 F. i SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT AND MAY NOT SHOW ' AND/OR ALL EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS THAT MAY AFFECT SAID PROPERTY AS SHOWN. 1: 2418-86-7918 COVERAGE: 2835.5 S.F (27.2%) AREA: 10,434.3 S.F. IED: R-7.5 0 J 1.85' Vl ZO, ALLLY ITFMLt P?E1F'N1 ? 204.60'(P) S 76'11'58" 75.00' GRA'rtl 75. ' ciN( Jq ??- - C Jvc wu 5,-, ~ pw(F; . ARBCR 65.8. i STOtY j u BRIqC U \ ,, • ' ? ! 0.7' BIOCK WAL.L -? ? RESIDENCE N r . REMODEL EXISIING { 45.8 ; 1?1s?t F[L?O?O?R{ ADD FULL 6.0' BLOG L .( nd rLIM( 0.5' FENCE a - ?•,? S ? ?? .?-'-- I, : ? U 2r't NP(13q) N27.7 EASIERN 1/2 ? •1 STORY ? OF 6? NN1t -'I 7E 78 ^ ? 0 .0' 2. - I D? M.B. 8 P. 12 M.B. 8 P. 12 ?N N N.?;I GPIN:2418-86-6963 GPIN:2418-86-7985 N ? nN 2 STaRY 0 c o'ERQC t FRAI/E - -- eiocx. . ? ?? .PRAO..h.... ? 0.5' FENCE 04.2' 1 STORf p? ? ? t, • ? ?--- ? 15.o' - ; ?o ¢ ? m = 1 - ^ A=75 29' Plu(f) -20' . 45th STREET (y?. R? GRAVEL ?VM?V.T P?y?y?MT PHYSICAL SURVEY LOT 77A PAVERS( t yp. ) PHYSICAL SURVEY OF SUBJECT LOT BARBARA T. GRAN JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN, Page QF i OUR t< i ?Vr?6 "` SUBMITTED BUILDING ELEVATION DRAWING (SHEET A3) REFERENCED BY CONDITION #1 JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN M-- ? ,L. ?F OU? NP(\ON . ? I -- j ? i ' Il ? ? ' ?--- i ?--- - i I ----D-- ?- - - --- ? ? ? . ?--`-? ? I f ?`' ? ? ' ?? ? ? i I i 0 > ? ? ? ?!. ? i SUBMITTED BUILDING DETAILS DRAWING (SHEET A4) REFERENCED BY CONDITION #1 JANUARY 14, 2014 C COUNCIL HEARIN, Page 0 Lti F vUR .. 6 ? u ? J ? a. ?y BEACH '_Vlap L-5 Barbara T. Grant m a} ? i \ ? ? \ \ \ ? \X? X a r s =C \ \ r . ;\ _ \ \ ? \ \ ? \ \ \ ? \ -5?. _ \\ \ ? ~ Y \. ' ? \\ ? \ \ . • Zoning wilh ConditionsiProlfers, Open Space Promolion Fxpansron or roon-conrorming vse ZONING HISTORY # DATE REQUEST AC TION 1 06/11/2002 Chan e to a Nonconformin Use A roved 2 01/09/2007 Chan e to a Nonconformin Use A roved JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN, Page L??F GUR NwO_L APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the appiicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, comp(ete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity2 refationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) 0¦ Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organiiation, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach lisf if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) E Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. & See next page for footnofes Qoes an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes No X If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BARBARA T. GRANT JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 9 ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach fist if necessary) Reich Design Associates, PLC Gallup Surveyors & Engineers, Ltd. Sykes, Bourdon, Ahern & Levy, P.C. Steve Paland, Contractor '"Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Locat Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. 2"Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlting ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control beiween the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person ar substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: 1 certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. 1 understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public h ing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least da prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The und signed !so consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the DepaRment of Pla ning to p otograph and view the site fp;jawposes of processing and evaluating this application. Signature Barbara T. Grant Print Name Property Owners Signature (if different than applicant) Print IVame DISCLOSURE STATEMENT BARBARA T. GRANT JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 10 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 2 ENLARGEMENT OF A NONCONFORMING USE 3 ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 308 45T" STREET 4 5 WHEREAS, Barbara Grant (hereinafter the "Applicant") has made application to 6 the City Council for authorization to enlarge a nonconforming use located at 308 45t" 7 Street in the R-7.5 Residential Zoning District by enlarging the single-family dwelling on 8 the parcel; and 9 10 WHEREAS, there are a single-family dwelling and a garage apartment located 11 on the parcel, which is not currently allowed in the R-7.5 Zoning District, however, the 12 two (2) dwellings were built prior to the adoption of the applicable zoning regulations 13 and are therefore nonconforming; and 14 15 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the 16 enlargement of a nonconforming use is unlawful in the absence of a resolution of the 17 City Council authorizing such action upon a finding that the proposed use, as enlarged, 18 will be equally appropriate or more appropriate to the zoning district than is the existing 19 use; 20 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 22 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 23 24 That the City Council hereby finds that the proposed use, as enlarged, will be 25 equally appropriate to the district as is the existing nonconforming use under the 26 conditions of approval set forth hereinbelow. 27 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 29 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 30 31 That the enlargement of the nonconforming use is hereby authorized, upon the 32 following conditions: 33 34 1. The proposed addition shall be substantially as shown on the submitted elevation 35 and detail drawings, entitled "Grant Residence Renovation and Addition, 308 45tn 36 Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia," Sheets A3 and A4, prepared by Reich Design 37 Associates, and dated 5/13/13. Said plans have been exhibited to the City of 38 Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 39 40 2. All required permits for the proposed renovation and addition shall be obtained 41 from the Planning Department / Permit and Inspections Division. 42 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Planning D partment CA12847 R-1 December 17, 2013 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: mmftj, (i)IIAIM City Attorney's Office 4ti? f, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing the Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use on Property Located at 103 Ash Avenue and Owned by Wayne Beagle. LYNNHAVEN DISTRICT MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The subject site is currently occupied by a six-unit apartment building, which was constructed in 1950, predating the adoption of the first zoning ordinance. The property is zoned R-5D Residential, which does not permit multi-family dwelling units. Accordingly, the existing use of the parcel for a six-unit apartment building is a nonconforming use, as provided for by Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance. Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." The roof of the existing building is in need of repair and replacement. The applicant requests that, while in the process or repairing the roof, he be allowed to add dormers to the roof for the purpose of improving the appearance of the building. Due to the nonconforming status of the use, however, its enlargement of by the addition of the dormers to the structure requires City Council's approval. ¦ Considerations: The proposed work to the structure includes replacing existing roof shingles, replacing a portion of an existing metal roof, and removing and replacing roof sheathing as necessary. The work will also include the addition of three gable dormers on both the east and west sides of the building. The submitted elevation drawing shows a dormer located at the centerline of the roof, with dormers evenly spaced to each side of the central dormer. The proposed dormers are being added only to improve the appearance of the building. The interior livable floor area will not increase as a result of the addition of the dormers. WAYNE BEAGLE Page 2 of 2 ¦ Recommendations: Staff concludes that the proposed enlargement through the proposed dormer additions are reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and will be as appropriate to the district as is the existing non-conforming use. The request, therefore, is acceptable with the conditions below. 1. The proposed dormers shall be located as shown on the submitted elevation drawing, prepared by the applicant, Wayne Beagle. Said elevation drawing has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 2. All required permits for the proposed renovations and additions shall be obtained from the Planning Department/ Permit and Inspections Division. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review and Disclosure Statement Resolution Location Map Recommended Action: Approval. Submitting DepartmentlAgency: Planning Department City Manager: ?_ ? `- ? wayne iseagie A1.i lo S B3- - _? . . : - ? .. ... . W ...+........ . r = RSp ? RbD- I R5D ? . : -R18 r ? -- , r., . sous?+EM -- ARua R,4D ? R5D RbD A12 ? R5D t- .rw cww.'m.vw?.... q.. s- n.amw- non-wnro-g use January 14, 2014 City Council Hearing APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER: WAYNE BEAGLE STAFF PLANNER: Kevin Kemp REQUEST: Enlaraement of a Nonconformina Use ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 103 Ash Avenue GPIN: ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: 14779451230000 LYNNHAVEN 15,000 square feet Less than 65 d6 DNL BACKGROUND / DETAILS OF PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a minor enlargement of a nonconforming use in order to repair and make improvements to the roof of an existing six-unit apartment building. The building was constructed in 1950, predating the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. The property is zoned R-5D Residential, which does not permit multi-family dwelling units. Accordingly, the existing use of the parcel for a six-unit apartment building is a nonconforming use, as provided for by Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance. Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." The proposed modifications to the structure include replacing existing roof shingles, replacing a portion of an existing metal roof, and removing and replacing roof sheathing as necessary. The applicant also wishes to add three gable dormers on both the east and west sides of the building. The submitted elevation drawing shows a dormer located at the centerline of the roof, with dormers evenly spaced to WAYNE BEAGLE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 1 each side of the central dormer. The proposed dormers are being added only to improve the appearance of the building. The interior livable floor area will not increase as a result of the addition of the dormers. LAND USE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXISTING LAND USE: Multi-family dwelling with six units. SURROUNDING LAND North: . Duplex dwelling / R-5D Residential District USE AND ZONING: South: . Southern Boulevard • Single-family homes / R-5D Residential District East: . Ash Avenue • Apartment Buildings / A-18 Apartment District West: . Single-family homes / R-5D Residential District NATURAL RESOURCE AND The majority of the site is developed with a multi-family dwelling and CULTURAL FEATURES: paved parking area. There do not appear to be any natural resource or cultural features associated with the site. The site is located in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES There will be no impact to City services beyond the current impacts from the existing dwelling as a result of this proposal. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION The site contains a one-story, six-unit apartment building. The property has continually been used in this capacity since the construction of the building in 1950, before the adoption of a zoning ordinance. The property is zoned R-5D Residential, which does not permit multi-family dwelling units. The existing six-unit apartment building, therefore, constitutes a nonconforming use (Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance). Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow then to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing WAYNE BEAGLE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 2 nonconforming use." Accordingly, the addition of six dormers on the east and west sides of the roof cannot proceed without the approval of City Council. The proposed dormers will not add any living space to the building and will not extend outside of the footprint of the existing structure. The proposed enlargement is reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and will maintain the use as being as appropriate to the district as the existing non-conforming use. The request, therefore, is acceptable with the conditions below. CONDITIONS 1. The proposed dormers shall be located as shown on the submitted elevation drawing, prepared by the applicant, Wayne Beagle. Said elevation drawing has been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 2. All required permits for the proposed renovations and additions shall be obtained from the Planning Department/ Permit and Inspections Division. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site p/an submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicab/e City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of P/anning / Development Services Center and Department of P/anning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this application are valid or any structures may be occupied. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. WAYNE BEAGLE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 3 m AERIALPHOTOGRAPH SHOWING LOCATION OF SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA WAYNE BEAGL JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN ?---- ?i cF 0UR ?I ? ?MGQgN14 - ' o1U ? N ? ' ---------------- }?? ----r--- ? ?z. , ?jq? 0,71 3aAQ! ?. ? ON = ? ? s??? O 4 ?. . ?? :..... ? ? ? --- -o --?------- - ^-- ;:?:. it '?cq h ---- 4 ? --- ' ----+ --r??r- -- -zx?,e-- ?, s; O ? O . m .zt•t? ?'?7 ` C J ? --- ---' - ^ ---? R(z --- ^?m O ? e - ?' ? ?ZOaY ? O .?r•« ? ri . "? -4 .n?z 4 ? " rs• .S6"6l ?T . SOUTHERN BOULEVARD SUBMITTED SURVEY OF SITE WAYNE BEAGL JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN Page N: .. F URNP<? I 1-1 o -11 , ? Z . ? q' ? J v ? `}. Q • +`? `'s ? • y :S .?' ? ? ?? ;? 1-- ? ?. v •J • ? ' ? ? Z? w ,17 a . . , ?, x .. . i . . ?, ? . ` .? ? . ... . . ? ,.,/• A ^{ .. . _ ?i ? C1? : ` ?p .. .. . . • !I , ?N :?•,,?1?.f`--?..?f w .c ? -? h \? SUBMITTED SECTION DRAWING SHOWING PROPOSED DORMER FRAMING JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARWI Page I ? y ? V `Q _s) ._ . ? . _. . . . ; ? ' i? ? ?,.r '••?•? . - ?C ,'t4 - .. . . _. . _ . . _ . - '? k •?---_ ^?.? " , ,. -?, ? ? - - - . .. . 1 .'? l ? - , ,_ ? ? - - ? . . -- ??' ? ? . . _ . . 1-• ? - ? ? ? . . _ .. ; .,. . ? . . . . ' ?` ._ 4L r --- - --- ._c:::==- - -- .. ? G - --- -- . -; ? ? ? ? ` . _ . .. . _ Z ? ?ci SUBMITTED DRAWING SHOWING FRAMING DETAIL OF PROPOSED DORMER JANUARY 14, 2014 C COUNCIL HEARIN Page ..?-a? oU:R.?_.ry0."" ?i \ L c ? i - - --- ? e s v ?' ? ? ` , a ? r .y? _ . . 1 _? . .._..:._ .. _'_'.'_."._.. . . . . . ? ...,?-_ . ? -- , ? ? ki . ? . _ } . c: . i---? - - - - - Q -? ?.? ? -- - -- -? - r--- ?- . - _ _ - - ? _" , . _ SUB ITTED ELEVATION DRAWING SHOWING DORMER PLACEMENT JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN Page I'?I ? GF OUR NP1?l;"? er I LYNNHAVEN Nh?F-7 Wayne Beagle Ma t tc Scat - - - -?- _ -- _ ?_ ? ,--- ,--- - - ?- ? :- ? C? _ - - -7 r 1 .? ? ?' -- ' -?- : t`? `-' -ff ? ,. 1J ? L? _- j - - - Ai10M ,- - - - W __, -- ... _.. Q 7? Z '. W 1$ ?--_` ? . . ., ` _ .. ( , u ? ". , • -_ J O Ap Q --_ , _- .L?- R5Q -? - SDIITWr-RN BLVD -?- ? ?-- Q --; _ _ , W ? ' I - olF , , ? L tb R50 ? .: . n ? -- "'? `-_: '- • Zoning wiih CondirionsiPro//ers, Open Space Aromotion Non-Conforming Use ZONING HISTORY # DATE REQUEST ACTION 1 04/29/1997 Conditional Use Permit Nursin Home A roved 2 08/27/1984 Conditional Use Permit Beaut Salon A roved 3 10/10/1983 Chan e of Zonin B-2 to A-2 A roved 4 05/17/1982 Subdivision Variance A roved 5 08/12/1968 Conditional Use Permit Denied JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARIN, Page III ? ` F OUR NPS * ?( Y? APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, fnn, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) r 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) 1416 /A- [B''Gh-eck here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this secfion on/y rf property owner is different from applicanf. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach lisf if necessary) h/ A 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. & See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes No If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAYNE BEAGLE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 10 ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services:,(Attac list if necessary) . , ?i F? fi r-? ) v r » '"Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. 2"Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is othervvise a close working retationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 22-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for pubiic hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The undersigned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. Applicant's Signature /t,f A. Property Owner's Signature (' different than applicant) Print Name 1 1 1 1 ' ? I 1 1 ? \ ? / ? ? / ? ! ! ? ? / ? DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WAYNE BEAGLE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 11 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 2 ENLARGEMENT OF A NONCONFORMING USE 3 ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 103 ASH 4 AVENUE 5 6 WHEREAS, Wayne Beagle (hereinafter the "Applicant") has made application to 7 the City Council for authorization to enlarge a nonconforming use located at 103 Ash 8 Avenue in the R-5D Residential Zoning District by enlarging the multi-family dwelling on 9 the parcel; and 10 11 WHEREAS, there is located on the parcel a multi-family dwelling, which is not 12 currently allowed in the R-5D Zoning District, however, the multi-family dwelling was 13 built prior to the adoption of the applicable zoning regulations and is therefore 14 nonconforming; and 15 16 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the 17 enlargement of a nonconforming use is unlawful in the absence of a resolution of the 18 City Council authorizing such action upon a finding that the proposed use, as enlarged, 19 will be equally appropriate or more appropriate to the zoning district than is the existing 20 use; 21 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 23 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 24 25 That the City Council hereby finds that the proposed use, as enlarged, will be 26 equally appropriate to the district as is the existing nonconforming use under the 27 conditions of approval set forth hereinbelow. 28 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 30 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 31 32 That the enlargement of the nonconforming use is hereby authorized, upon the 33 following conditions: 34 35 1. The proposed dormers shall be located as shown on the submitted elevation 36 drawing, prepared by the applicant, Wayne Beagle. Said elevation drawing has 37 been exhibited to the City of Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the 38 Planning Department. 39 40 2. All required permits for the proposed renovations and additions shall be obtained 41 from the Planning Department/ Permit and Inspections Division. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: A) (jima /1) krtmz. City Attorney's Office CA12857 R-1 December 17, 2013 4•?E°? a a...;,1`f.t CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing the Reconstruction and Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use Located at 215 51St Street and Owned by Erik Homes LLC. BEACH DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The subject site is zoned R-5R Residential and is currently occupied by a 1'/2- story house situated 23 feet from the front lot line at 51st Street and a 2-story garage apartment situated in the northwest corner of the lot, 9 feet from the rear (north) lot line and 4.92 feet from the side (west) lot line. The existing structures were built in 1940, when there was no zoning ordinance in Princess Anne County or the Town of Virginia Beach. The current City Zoning Ordinance does not permit more than one single-family or duplex dwelling to be built on one lot within the R-5R Resort Residential District. Accordingly, the two single-family dwellings on one lot are nonconforming uses, as provided for by Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance. Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance regulates nonconforming uses and structures. Section 105(b) states that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." ¦ Considerations: The applicant requests permission to demolish the two existing single-family dwellings located on the subject lot, followed by the construction of two new single-family dwellings. The attached staff report provides details pertaining to the differences between the dimensional attributes of the existing and proposed structures as well as the architectural design of the proposed townhouses. The Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this portion of the Suburban Area emphasize the use of "Best Management Practices" for stormwater control, porous materials for driveways and walkways in an effort to achieve a net reduction of impervious coverage, and attractive and high quality materials that ERIK HOMES - 51St STREET Page2of3 are capable of withstanding severe weather events. The proposed use and development of this site meets all of these recommendations with the exception of stormwater management. While the total impervious surFace will be increasing by 17 percent, the applicant has agreed to preserve 5 of the existing 12 trees on site. Of the 7 trees that will be removed, 5 trees are of unknown species and are covered in vines, and 2 of the trees are located either in the proposed building footprint or driveway area. The applicant proposes to install over 1,824 square feet of permeable pavers, as well as plant 15 Tuscan cypress trees and pampas grass to assist in the absorption and filtering of stormwater. ¦ Recommendations: Staff concludes that the proposed reconstruction and enlargement of the existing nonconforming use is reasonable and will be as appropriate to the zoning district as is the existing nonconforming use. The request, therefore, is acceptable as submitted, subject to the conditions below. 1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted conceptual site plan entitled "215 51 St Street Conceptual Site Plan," dated December 10, 2013, and prepared by Land Planning Solutions. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 2. The proposed dwelling shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted building elevations. Said elevations have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 3. Exterior building materials shall substantially conform to the submitted document entitled, "STANDARDS 51St Street Villas." Said building materials primarily consist of masonry, stucco finish, mahogany trim, pervious cobblestone, pervious pavers, operable shutters, cedar fencing, and `lifetime-grade' architectural shingles. 4. Trees on the site shall be persevered substantially in accordance to the submitted plan entitled "Tree Preservation Plan," dated 12-13- 2013. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 5. The minimum width of the driveway shall be 12 feet, as measured at the property line. ERIK HOMES - 51St STREET Page 3 of 3 ¦ Attachments: Staff Review and Resolution Location Map Disclosure Statement Recommended Action: Approval. Submitting DepartmentlAgency: Planning Department . City Manage . k BEACH v_;1, u.,..,?? r r r t,-4 i,i tn 11V111VJ5 i..?.?.. f ? x k~ ? k.. v ,125 , ( f ,. I ^4 I`? 11 ??-: p' „Tf? ? . Non-Conlorming Usi REQUEST: Reconstruction and Enlarqement of a Nonconforminq Use ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 215 51st Street January 14, 2014 City Council Hearing APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER: ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. 51St STREET STAFF PLANNER: Kristine Gay GPIN: ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: 24188900200000 BEACH 7,420 square feet 65 -70 d6 DNL Sub Area 3 BACKGROUND / DETAILS OF PROPOSAL The applicant requests permission to demolish the two existing single-family dwellings located on the subject lot, followed by the construction of two new single-family dwellings. The existing dwellings were built in 1940, when there was no zoning ordinance in Princess Anne County or the Town of Virginia Beach. The current City Zoning Ordinance does not permit more than one single-family or duplex dwelling to be built on one lot within the R-5R Resort Residential District. Accordingly, the two single-family dwellings on one lot are nonconforming uses, as provided for by Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance. The existing dwellings on the lot consist of a 1%z-story house situated 23 feet from the front lot line at 51St Street and a 2-story garage apartment situated in the northwest corner of the lot, 9 feet from the rear (north) lot line and 4.92 feet from the side (west) lot line. Both structures are accessed via a shared driveway along the east lot line. The finro dwellings have the following dimensional attributes: ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51St STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 1 The two proposed dwellings will be 2'/z-story single-family houses. The dwelling located nearest to 51S` Street (Dwelling A - `Main House') will have a footprint of 35 feet x 38 feet. The dwelling located nearest to the rear lot line (Dwelling B-`Cottage') will have a footprint of 35 feet x 35 feet. The facades of the proposed dwellings will be as shown in the elevations submitted with this application, which are included at the end of this report. Dwellings will be placed on the lot as shown by the submitted conceptual site plan, which is included at the end of this report. The dimensional attributes of the proposed dwellings are provided in the table below. LAND USE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXISTING LAND USE: The site is occupied by a single-family dwelling and a garage apartment, constructed in 1940. The site is zoned R-5R Residential Resort. SURROUNDING LAND North: . Single-family dwelling / R-5R Residential District USE AND ZONING: South: • 51St Street Duplex dwelling / R-5R Residential District East: . Single-family dwelling / R-5R Residential District West: . Duplex dwelling / R-5R Residential District ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51St STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 2 The applicant has proposed the use of permeable pavers for the shared driveway, which will extend along the west lot line. Cobble-stone will partially edge the driveway and dwellings. Each dwelling unit will have one outdoor dedicated parking space and one garage dedicated parking space. There are currently 12 trees located on this site, many of which are mature hollies and pines. The applicant has proposed to preserve 1 holly, 3 pines, and 1 tree (unidentified species). NATURAL RESOURCE AND There are no known significant cultural features associated with this CULTURAL FEATURES: site. There are 12 trees are located on this site, including mature hollies and pines. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The subject site is located in Suburban Focus Area 7- North Beach. Recommendations for this area include the use of porous materials as well as attractive and high-quality weather-resistant materials. Parcel consolidation and density stabilization are also recommended. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Access to this site is proposed from 515' Street. 51s' Street is a finro-lane local street with a forty-foot (40') right-of-way width. This roadway is not included in the City's Master Transportation Plan, and there are currently no CIP projects scheduled for either street. PUBLIC WORKS/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: The maximum width of the driveway along 515t Street must be 12 feet, measured at the property line. A five-foot (6) right-of-way dedication is requested along 51St Street adjacent to the full width of the property. Such dedication will provide for a future 50-foot minimum right-of-way width in accordance with the City of Virginia Beach Public Works Standards. TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Volume present Capacity Generated Traffic 51S Street No counts 91900 ADT Existing Land Use - 20 ADT available Proposed Land Use 3- 20 ADT ADT' Average Daily Trips Z as defined by 2 single-family dwellings 3 as defined b 2 sin le-famil dwellin s EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION The proposed demolition of the existing single-family dwelling and garage apartment and subsequent construction of two single-family dwellings is consistent with the land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Suburban Focus Area 7- North Beach. The type of redevelopment proposed for the site is consistent with the goal of "density stability" of the north Beach Suburban Focus Area, in that the construction of single-family homes is preferable to the construction of duplex dwelling, which is permitted ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51St STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 3 by-right without any subdivision of the lot. The North End Civic League supports the request, and a letter to that affect is in the file. The redevelopment as proposed also supports the broader Suburban Area goal of neighborhood preservation, given that the proposed single-family homes would be more in keeping with the character of the neighborhood than would a duplex. The applicant has also revised the proposed footprints and elevations to provide a smaller rear unit with architectural treatment that will help distinguish it from the principal dwelling located nearest to 51S' Street. While the total impervious surface will be increasing by 17 percent, the applicant has agreed to preserve 5 of the existing 12 trees on site. Of the 7 trees that will be removed, 5 trees are of unknown species and are covered in vines, and 2 of the trees are located either in the proposed building footprint or driveway area. The applicant proposes to install over 1,824 square feet of permeable pavers, as well as plant 15 Tuscan cypress trees and pampas grass to assist in the absorption and filtering of stormwater. In sum, staff concludes that the proposed reconstruction and enlargement of a nonconforming use is reasonable, will have a minimal impact, and will be as appropriate to the district as is the existing non- conforming use. The request, therefore, is acceptable with the conditions below. CONDITIONS 1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted conceptual site plan entitled "215 51St Street Conceptual Site Plan," dated December 10, 2013, and prepared by Land Planning Solutions. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 2. The proposed dwelling shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted building elevations. Said elevations have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 3. Exterior building materials shall substantially conform to the submitted document entitled, "STANDARDS 51St Street Villas." Said building materials primarily consist of masonry, stucco finish, mahogany trim, pervious cobblestone, pervious pavers, operable shutters, cedar fencing, and `lifetime-grade' architectural shingles. 4. Trees on the site shall be persevered substantially in accordance to the submitted plan entitled "Tree Preservation Plan," dated 12-13-2013. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 5. The minimum width of the driveway shall be 12 feet, as measured at the property line. ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51St STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 4 NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning / Development Services Center and Department of P/anning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this application are valid or any structures may be occupied. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51St STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 5 . .. , R .y ;r?va'-. . ? - ? ,?"??? AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING LOCATION OF SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51" STREE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARWI paf1P S OUR Npt\Q ? 1H6 IS TO CERIIFY 1KAT OX JlI11E 11, 2I13, WE SUlVEYFO THE PROPERiY Sf10MN ON TitlS FUT i41D 11NT THE PROPER7Y IJNES OF RECORD IS SXOYIN M1: IMP BOOK tt. PAGE 93 M10 THE WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS PRE AS SHOYM ON 1}NS PiAT. THE BUYDNCS SAND WIiNN THE SYD PROPENIY lJHES ND THERE ME NO ENCRWGHNENIS OF OTNER BUIIDNIGS ON THE PROPEHfY. E%CEPf AS ? SHOWN. WPL WAD By RIC . ARNER ? LOT-10 I LOT-9 Lic. . 2904 (N.B. 7, PG. 150) ? (M.B. 7, PG. 150) l 061 1112013 lk. 9 0 n' wooo FEnce +e' srLrt rwL ? e? oN R 7z' waoo SUR I (?ucE c?ce) .e' svLrt wuL ? o.i' c?nr+ R ? h aN - - - - - - ' N 7T36'1 o.s' ? R ' S9.20' pro?N ?; • . -------- 4.92' 22.2+' IB" SPtff WUL FENCE ?c R HeanNC, v?runTwc, u+o aowFt+ ao? 0.1, c AIR-CONDIIIONINC UNR 2-SfORY FRiWE ? H.t' ABBREVIATION& u noan+ ?? s souni 14 E EAST w PRWEST OPE2IY LINE ?C C?? PATIO ? PC. PACE ? 2nd STORY PORCH Y.B. WP BOOK N LOT E CIF C144N LNI( FENCE OUTDOOR StiOWER CONCREfE STOOP I HFATMlC, VENTIU7ING, AND 18" SPL1T RNL fENCE AIt-CWWIIIONING UNtf ? 0.1' ClE1R e 8.01' 9.84' 11.8' lOT-D (M.B. t? G. 93) 3 ?tK? 4i (M.B. 12, PG. 93) ? 31.91' 9.21' • ;n h 2 #215 - ? 1Y? -STORY FRAHE 41.64' CONCNEIE STOOP GRAVEL 184.9T TO CONCRETE ORNEWAY ? HOILLY ROAD WIIKWAY 5 74'09' W 59.T 51st STI9EET (40" R/W) (MAP BDOK 12, PAG£ 93) Ftooo IFqRuiqn: THE vaoadm sNOwr, Hmm eavvas ro v,vL. wmuH cwou zaw xVow wwoo ro eE alrsoc a n[ = NMNL pWICE Rppp). A$ $Hp11N ON F.E.YA'S Fl.000 INSURiWCE RATE IMP (F.I.R.Y.) FOR THE CI1Y OF VIRqN1A BFACH, NRQNIA, COWIMIY PAIEL N0. 515531 OOfiJi M7EU WY 4. 2009. WPL IS NOT A PMtt IN DEIERWNMIG 1HE RF.WIRE4EN75 FOR F.000 u15URWCE ON THE PROPEfitt SHOWN HfREON. TIi6 $URYEt' DOES NOT IWtY iFNT iM5 PROPEKIY M1LL OR W0.1 NOi 9E SU&IECT TD fLOWING, FOR FURIHER INFORMAiION, CONTACi THE LOfJi C044UNRY FLOOD OFFICNL 1W5 StAiYEY WAS PERFOFIEO N7iH0Uf THE BO/EfR OF A tIRF REPORT AND WY NOT SHOW ANY/Pll FASEMENlS Oli RESiRiCiIbNS 1HAT WY lffECi SND PROPERIV AS SVIOMM. i145 PU7 OOES NOT INiEND TO REPR6EN1 A SU80M90N OF VND. PHYSICA n SURVBY IAT-E; BLOCK 14 xe-suentvlstox or Lors ewcx u UBER1dEER PLAT RBCORDSD IN MAP BOOK 12, PAGE 23, W THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Ci'fY OF VIRGITIIA BEACH, VlAGINLA ? "^ba^ VIIiGINIA BEACH. VIRGllQIA EXCLUSIVELY For i' = ao' ERRC HOMES. LLC rurre 12, zois fJ6/eht YRB/wrp CITY OR VmRiu BBACB. VlltCINu F.H. ]O1B PC.99 PLT: U-8 & IB JN: 213-0251 P ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51" : JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HI Rks s OUR'" NPT"' +?L s w _ 215 51 st Street Conceptual Site Plan , Vrginu 8exh, Yxginia December 10, 2013 I SITE DATA: ?am?.vwo :soe,saao ' evr?a znwooxooooo o..aeaW em.?z o w... z+ssisrs'?.?,nc?weeicn o?en w ? ucuz?.. ama o..qo..... aa.e.?rooww.. nooo.a? a?=r+i+iwr W.InC?. ri1t .., I WGrYP?o.46 H% . Ya Yeq?NUe Surl?o?. !0% ? Mn?uaa>?a?e" a5% I q i I i y {a ----- ? ----- ? - - - ,; --?-- ' 'i "'- _"'_'- ----- _•_.. ==4 aw.? n°m. eeon ""'__- "__'_"...____--...'"?__.? ? tf•4?:?i ?? PLAN REFERENCED BY CONDITION # 1 ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51" STRF JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARI Pac ?F. GUR -' `.: ? . r'? ?D.- A ? o nI x .? i 22A ? ?. ? ? N ? ? ' , _ •? I ? Y '?c ?4 . 71 , 9? . ' J , L ar s ?? I ie.s ri € $/ $ I , i i ? B ? Nr • a` ? ! ` ? ? ? ? y ? d 1 -_ t N Vm• q? I aq;? 9L--- N.r '?e ° I ° .e• =mnN NZ? - ss'ne'xe•w - - - - .? - ? - _ o ?1, 10 suurr.R, scwca ui[nu?? . (m'?wEU caw a-v ?r.aaos> . MOT i1El? KA?iv) ? ? .S ?• ? i - ' so- ' sxn (ru0 ro ,i s . illE MIORMI' iGC 160 ya] 7.5 .0 ?17o .E.i 160 1)5 I)5 '1.5,l?/ 1?J'? ? al ?bs a ?ra ? e y,N •'?••SW__._?-_p•yM--- ?Q._eS?ry__-_ .. 17.3 ?T3 ?_ , >> - \? ?aCE?iROM?bTV1EC(FDS) e u` q Y?iER ?IC ' .?.• .. ? l. ._ ..:. ... TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 12-13-2013 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN REFERENCED BY CONDITION # 4 ERIK HOME JANUARY 14, 2014 CI x ,f-Page 9 ? OF pu-R' NPt?p FRC)\'f 1 t V Il' h6?1 \ H(1U1[ il ? fS"MET ???Y? 4 . . . . . ?.} . ' . . .. ? CONCEPTUAL RENDERING OF BUILDING REFERENCED BY CONDITION #2 / RONT UNIT ? i F - . ME? .wf-?y,?J?' fl[''`SP? ts ,_ S.1TFde6? ii^_: dA!".., .lhX ,?!..!'?('? ?Y .?e..? D`i. .. 'Te4??/`??.l.v : S'r . ? . ? `.. -.. ..? . : r ..S . . CONCEPTUAL RENDERING OF BUILDING REFERENCED BY CONDITION #2 / REAR UNIT ERIK HOM JANUARY 14, 2014 C Page 1 C 9 AR'y. oF PHOTOGRAPH DEPICTING REPRESENTATIVE DESIGN FEATURS OF HOUSE PROPOSED BY CONDITION #2 ERIK HOMI JANUARY 14, 2014 C Y COUNCIL HEARW, Page 1 4l? 9?? ? e! .?: .. . .,_? ? - _ ?sZZ=wlz Lr ?i ??u ?. - - • ; *R5s ?%a S Y =a S £? ?YS4 "•;a.5` ajS3:.S??}6 '. `•?, i.? ??i S Y .,alt? i p yp?a W?Sa ;4 j y ' i# ??si ?`. ?.. i??s":' =t? '"• : ? ' . ?a W W£:'?e:?C ? s ? _" y3:? ge ¢ -: ?:.- ??:'x•i ... 4?. ? ?? 3 ? ? ?SS i• FTFS SZ =? y3?$ 5?( N; ? (n o Z ? ja W W O Tg?`'; ??1 r{{r ?.'p ' ° i t t , r µi i i ? ? i I ? H - ? I I = \ . V/ r fll ?? ? ..,1 I I ? ?i W y ti:, ? I r • ? ?. r ? , 3 _ (A -•'-; '---!-, r-----? i?E? W Ln ? BUILDING ELEVATIONS REFERENCED BY CONDITION #2 ?:11A' BEA?"'`i. Ax ERIK HOME JANUARY 14, 2014 C ?.-.... . ., . .., . ..__ COUNCIL HEARINi Page 1 oF OUR ? ' C:f?l K I IO,'I CS $T ANDAR DS 51° Stmet Vilbs M{bsprrY / Stutto FINsh w/ Mahqany Trim Nandmade - Ske Desllped ptclrn C+binedy 14rviaus CobbkROne / Pawr divewa/ Di(qKAen levN Molona PacksOe Side Load Garap RecLimed Wood - 5" Sand Finbh f bas Fully UndscaPed / Sodded yards Indoor/outdoa qtdxn spaa Wakinp &terior Slwtters GranAte Kitdhen CouMMOPs Mosonry Fantin` with Cadar Recessed Gn Lishdrog in 16tchen and Baths l,ane 61" Tall Windows anC kench Doon 6raNte or Tile IGtchen Bscksoashes SdW Mahopny Exteria Wood Doors Jetted Jauurl v+ith Marble Surtound Ukdme Mchitecnral Shhde w/ Meql Stone ard Porcelain Tik Bath Roors / Showers 2ip Wall ProtecUve Exterlar SAeathirig Daubk Bowl Marble Vaniry n Master w/ full mirta Extariot Uvhe Spate wiM Gas Freplaa Tub / 7{k wrtourid in al secaday bstfit Tusan Cadar trees w/ preserved maNe uaes Protatdve Undertayment 9YStam bY ScNuter iN7ERlOR ENFRGY tiA'J-, N ii? AN'.> M!;CM1F^vl.ti :EALURES 3 bodroan. 3 Oatti 2300 sf 2akd GAS Heat snd Coolfrr Recblmad 5' Sanded Wood vyl TravMine Stone Fiaors Retirculadrig Water Meater - on demndl 10' CNlirtgs down Spray Fosm Extertor Wals -Grcen Approved 3 plett Gown MdArg, Chair Rai4 S' Baseboud RedNmed Wood Flooring- Grdfna brrts Che( qtchen with oenhal isiaM Ratad Enerp Efficient Mwbtlan /4Nlqued FiirdvAre / Fkturcs Erigineered Lumber Framirig 3 CAats IMeria Wall PaiM w/ Kgh Gbu Trim PaM 2ip Nhll & Fba Protettive Sheathng CAT 6 Gbk w/ CeMnli:ed Smart Bax SusWrobk ForesM INtiative Nlaternls CiUrg Fans all bedrooms and hmiM raon+ wAFZ ^%.u i': > Rysed panel Mterior doort 2-10 Bullder's Wamty- Bonded Inwnnte Ca Smoke / MonoxMe/ SKrilY -wl?ad to pAones Erik Homas WanrnryCovente SuroudSoundinFamiyroanandMasterBedroom c0?.:r.!,jNirr r,rntr;uv;rFs Mterior lighting Fxwrc Packne Walc to Beach - Gald Cust of Stnets Racessed CAn lightirt tNaulftout Neighbahood. Saie EnviorimeM Quality Buik Hpne with 10yNr VYartaMy pM ?( IJK ?dM?riNwdMt?AttoCMRiM??pitKip??nOtM7?Ib60ir.totnUOrin?nVWil.vAlwu[nnbt?. MIaWr?6ont?tlrtRCt11 O?0ltwO aoprncy u na vwrrntoed F,un cat apbro e"YOe sAOwn N moOeY a a? ?uw?+l?om. MrNuM Mma m?YdNr f?ae W meOM a han ? eMr Oip?Jnt%qenMAaaideias 1]/14 Fnk Fiomes, LLC 109 Ho1v Ciewat Yt}w Bem. Y,%ma:;IS I ^S!_ `_6{9i W W W.C?Ik11PltICiOD[h STANDARDS UTILIZED BY BUILDER FOR HOMES (REFERENCED BY CONDITION #3) ERIK HOMI JANUARY 14, 2014 C Page 1 9 ` S ?h?r?F `OURNA" -d \OItI'!1 VIlt(:1\IA 131•::'H ('l??l(' l_H::?(:l N: LOVIVG REVIE\1' C'OM411TTEE %I F. N1O klemtnvs ofthc City of Virginia Reach PlanningCommisSion Memt+ers of Ciry Council : City of V irginia Beach pecembcr 13, 21113 Re: lpplication of E:ril. Homr.. I.LC for v C'hange in Van-C'onformih •rt ?I; -; l.t Street, GPI\ \o:2418-89-00?il•U000 The Narth Virginia Beach Civic l..eague's (NV I3CL) Zoning Review Committee (ZRC) has reviewed the merits of this application and otlen the following response: The applicant mrt with the NVBCL ZRC as well as representacives ot the 5 1 * Street area. The proposed pmJect was warmly rc5cceived aS an exoellent example ol' thescale and macc of rcsidential redevelopment that the ZRC and adjacent residents de.irc for their neightxirhood. The projc*ct sitt plan shawx appropriatr pasitioningoPthe two dwellings a. %?ell as nia:l)° de.signed ? '-`1 story structures in keeping with the adjncent residences. We applaud the design upproach and detail thut the developer hus tal:en with this radevelopment and their willingness to work with the Narth End community. Memben of thr \orth Virginiu Bcuch Chtir Leugue's 7,oning RevieN Committee: Billy Almond 209 - 70th Street Fd Rahn:lav 108 - 551" Street W illy Fluharh, ±0 ', - 49'" Street Man• Lee Harris 216 55`h Street Dave & Mickey Jcs[er 200 - 63rd Street Duff Kliewer 205 771h Street BunmKo??ner ?I l- 77h Stnx.?t Jo Anne Moore 300 - SS6 Street Ran Pemon 63(}4 Oocaan Fmnt Martin V4'aranch I 1 I- 66th Street Nolli Wachtmeister 209 43rd Street. Cierrie Wem 217 - 75tn StR;et John Wilson 444 GoodsPeed Road Holh Jenison 303 - 53ni Stro:t LETTER SUBMITTED BY CIVIC LEAGUE ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51" STREE JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARINPage 1 fs, 3UR N?'' ..,L BEACH L-4 J.:dl li1 11Vlia%.ti7' ??t-+??• • Zon(ng wtih CondlBoroiPro/fers, Open Space Promwlon Non-Conforming Use 7n1UlAlr. HICTORY # DREQUE ST ACTIN 1 3 Alteration to a nonconformin Use A roved 1A • BE,q-'`?i. " 3?ri?clr. ERIK HOM JAN UARY 14, 2014 C Page 1 ? 9 Z L ??? APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the appiicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) Erik Homes, LLC: Erik Zimmercnan, Member; Argent Development Corporation of Virginia, Member. Lawrence N. Smith, CFO; Frank H. McNeal, Jr., CO-CAO; Horace P. McNeal, Jr., Chairman; Thornton w. McNeal, EVP; Willis E. Watson, Treasurer 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiiiated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) ? Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complefe this section only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, tnastees, partners, etc. below: (Atfach list if necessary) 2. List afl businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entityZ relationship with the applicant: (Aftach lisf if necessary) El Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. & See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes No X If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51st STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CIN COUNCIL HEARING Page 16 ADDtTIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or wiil pravide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial seniices, accounting seroices, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) WPL lPS Sykes, Bourdon, Ahem & Levy, P.C. '"Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation.° See State and Locat Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Cade § 2.2-3101. 2"Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Faetors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the finro entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is othen+vise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, t am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instrudions in this package. The undersigned also conseMs to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to photograph and view the site for purposes of processing and evaluating this application. ? Property Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Print Name Erik Zimmerman, Member Print Name DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. / 51St STREET JANUARY 14, 2014 CITY COUNCIL HEARING Page 17 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 2 RECONSTRUCTION AND ENLARGEMENT OF A 3 NONCONFORMING USE ON PROPERTY 4 LOCATED AT 215 51ST STREET 5 6 WHEREAS, Erik Homes, LLC (hereinafter the "Applicant") has made application 7 to the City Council for authorization for the reconstruction and enlargement of a 8 nonconforming use located at 215 51t" Street in the R-5R Residential Zoning District by 9 demolishing, reconstructing and enlarging the single-family dwellings on the parcel; and 10 11 WHEREAS, there are located on the parcel two (2) single-family dweilings, 12 which are not allowed in the R-5R District, however, the single-family dwellings were 13 built prior to the adoption of the applicable zoning regulations and are therefore 14 nonconforming; and 15 16 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the 17 reconstruction and enlargement of a nonconforming use is unlawful in the absence of a 18 resolution of the City Council authorizing such action upon a finding that the proposed 19 use, as reconstructed and enlarged, will be equally appropriate or more appropriate to 20 the zoning district than is the existing use; 21 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 23 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 24 25 That the City Council hereby finds that the proposed use, as reconstructed and 26 enlarged, will be equally appropriate to the district as is the existing nonconforming use 27 under the conditions of approval set forth hereinbelow. 28 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 30 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 31 32 That the reconstruction and enlargement of the nonconforming use is hereby 33 authorized, upon the following conditions: 34 35 1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted 36 conceptual site plan entitled "215 51St Street Conceptual Site Plan," dated 37 December 10, 2013, and prepared by Land Planning Solutions. Said plan 38 has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the 39 Planning Department. 40 41 2. The proposed dwelling shall be constructed substantially in accordance 42 with the submitted building elevations. Said elevations have been 43 exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning 44 Department. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3. Exterior building materials shall substantially conform to the submitted document entitled, "STANDARDS 51St Street Villas." Said building materials primarily consist of masonry, stucco finish, mahogany trim, pervious cobblestone, pervious pavers, operable shutters, cedar fencing, and `lifetime-grade' architectural shingles. 4. Trees on the site shall be persevered substantially in accordance to the submitted plan entitled "Tree Preservation Plan," dated 12-13-2013. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 5. The minimum width of the driveway shall be 12 feet, as measured at the property line. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: a?" - Planning epartment City Attorney's Office CA12864 R-1 December 18, 2013 2 r `? ?a7 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution Authorizing the Reconstruction and Enlargement of a Nonconforming Use Located at 316 34th Street and Owned by ERIK HOMES, LLC. BEACH DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The subject site is zoned A-12 Apartment, is 75 feet by 140 feet (0.241 acre), and is currently occupied by an existing two-story, three-unit multifamily residential structure. The existing structure was built in 1940, when there was no zoning ordinance in Princess Anne County or the Town of Virginia Beach. The maximum allowable residential density for the A-12 District is 12 dwelling units per acre of land. The subject site is 0.241 acre, which would allow for a maximum of two units on the site. Accordingly, the existing use of the site for three dwelling units does not conform to the existing zoning of the site, and the use is nonconforming. Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance regulates nonconforming uses and structures. Section 105(b) states that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." ¦ Considerations: The applicant proposes the demolition of the existing two-story, three-unit structure. The demolition will be followed by the construction of three townhouses fronting on 34th Street, as well as associated two-car garages fronting on 33?a /z Street. The attached staff report provides details pertaining to the differences between the dimensional attributes of the existing and proposed structures as well as the architectural design of the proposed townhouses. The Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this portion of the Suburban Area emphasize the use of "Best Management Practices" for stormwater control, porous materials for driveways and waikways in an effort to achieve a net reduction of impervious coverage, and attractive and high quality materials that ERIK HOMES - 34th STREET Page 2 of 3 are capable of withstanding severe weather events. The proposed use and development of this site meets all of these recommendations with the exception of stormwater management. The proposed development incorporates concrete sidewalks and driveways that account for 12 percent of the total impervious area. Additionally, the applicant has proposed a 5-foot side yard setback as opposed to the 10-foot setback required for townhouses in the A-12 Apartment District. The additional footprint area that encroaches into this setback accounts for 4 percent of the total impervious area. Overall, the proposed development results in an increase in total impervious cover from the current 41 percent to the proposed 56 percent. To address this issue, staff recommends the use of porous materials for the proposed sidewalks and driveways as well as the incorporation of bioretention beds within the side yards (or as determined appropriate by Development Services Center during site plan review). This recommendation will reduce the total impervious cover from the proposed 56 percent to 43 percent, which results in only a 2 percent increase from the existing nonconforming use. ¦ Recommendations: Staff concludes that the proposed reconstruction and enlargement of the existing nonconforming use is reasonable and will be as appropriate to the zoning district as is the existing nonconforming use. Staff, however, is recommending several conditions to minimize the potential stormwater impacts on this site. The request, therefore, is acceptable as submitted, subject to the conditions below. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted conceptual site plan titled "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT," dated August 23, 2013, and prepared by WPL, with the exception that all proposed concrete areas shall be constructed of a permeable paving material. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. 2. The proposed structures shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted building elevations. Said elevations have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 3. Landscaping of the site shall be substantially as shown on the submitted conceptual site plan entitled "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT," dated August 23, 2013, and prepared by WPL. All landscaping shall be approved by the City Landscape Architect and Development Services Center. 4. Exterior materials shall substantially conform to the submitted document entitled, "STANDARDS Old Beach Cottages at 34th Street," and shall ERIK HOMES - 34th STREET Page 3 of 3 primarily consist of cedar shake siding, stucco skirt, operable exterior shutters, 40-year architectural shingles, and cedar fencing. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review and Disclosure Statement Resolution Location Map Recommended Action: Approval. Submitting Department/Agency: City Manager: ? Planning Department "?&41' BEACH Me .?-s 4 , - - A12 gr OR - pR '° 02 ? ?2?? R20 al? PR I ? ?4 Aq2 ., e ?EES ? 5 A12 OR A2?t 1e . A12 'OR } R20 A Z *24 st?? ` , 12 r A12* ` 1i OR • z?,y »:m ca"-vMfr.., op... sw- vm?? REQUEST: Reconstruction and Enlarqement of a Nonconforminq Use ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 316 34"Street January 14, 2014 City Council Hearing APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER: ERIK HOMES, L.L.C. STAFF PLANNER: Kristine Gay GPIN: ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: 24189269940000 BEACH 10,500 square feet 70-75 dB DNL BACKGROUND / DETAILS OF PROPOSAL The applicant proposes the demolition of an existing finro-story, three-unit multifamily residential structure located on the subject site, followed by the construction of three townhouses fronting on 34th Street, as well as associated two-car garages fronting on 33rd 'h Street. The existing structure was built in 1940, when there was no zoning ordinance in Princess Anne County or the Town of Virginia Beach. The subject site is zoned A-12 Apartment District, which allows for 12 units to each acre of land. The subject site is 0.241 acre, which would allow for a maximum of two units on the site. Accordingly, the existing use of the site for three dwelling units does not conform to the existing zoning of the site. As provided for by Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance, therefore, the existing use of the site is nonconforming. Section 105(b) notes that it is the intent of the Zoning Ordinance to allow nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to allow them to become enlarged, expanded, extended, or relocated "except upon a resolution of the City Council authorizing such conversion, based upon its finding that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than is the existing nonconforming use." non-wnromrmg use ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 1 The total width of the front fagade will be 65 feet and will be equally divided into three 21.67-foot wide townhouses. The primary access for each unit will be on the front fagade. Each unit will have an 8-foot deep porch, second-floor balcony, and third-floor balcony. Each unit will also have a two-car garage, which will front on 33rd %2 Street to the south. Each detached garage will be 18.33 feet in width and will be 20 feet in depth. Exterior materials for the townhouses will include fiber-cement siding and treated manufactured wood siding. LAND USE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXISTING LAND USE: Three-unit multifamily dwelling SURROUNDING LAND North: . Single-family dwellings / A-24 & A-12 Apartment Districts USE AND ZONING: South: . Multifamily dwellings / A-24 & A-12 Apartment Districts East: . Multifamily dwellings / A-18 Apartment District West: . Single-family dwellings / A-24 Apartment District NATURAL RESOURCE AND There are no known significant natural resource or cultural features CULTURAL FEATURES: on this lot. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being in the Suburban Area. The site is, however, located near Suburban Focus Area 7/ North Beach Area. Recommendations for that area include the use of porous surface materials as well as attractive and high quality weather-resistant building materials. The Plan also recommends parcel consolidation and density stabilization for the area. ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 2 The existing structure has the following dimensional attributes: The proposed development will have the following dimensional attributes: EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION The applicant's proposal to demolish an existing three-unit multifamily structure and to construct in its place three townhouses is consistent with the land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan for the Suburban Area. The Plan recommends density stabilization; the use of "Best Management Practices" for stormwater control; porous materials for driveways and walkways in an effort to achieve a net reduction of impervious coverage; and attractive and high quality materials which are capable of withstanding severe weather events. The proposed use and development of this site meets all of these recommendations with the exception of stormwater management. The proposed development incorporates concrete sidewalks and driveways that account for 12 percent of the total impervious area. Additionally, the applicant has proposed a 5-foot side yard setback as opposed to the 10-foot setback required for townhouses in the A-12 Apartment District. The additional footprint area that encroaches into this setback accounts for 4 percent of the total impervious area. Overall, the proposed development results in an increase in total impervious cover from the current 41 percent to the proposed 56 percent. To address this issue, staff recommends the use of porous materials for the proposed sidewalks and driveways as well as the incorporation of bioretention beds within the side yards (or as determined appropriate by Development Services Center during site plan review). This recommendation will reduce the total impervious cover from the proposed 56 percent to 43 percent, which results in only a 2 percent increase from the existing nonconforming use. Subject to the conditions below, staff recommends approval of this request. CONDITIONS 1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted conceptual site plan titled "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT," dated August 23, 2013, and prepared by WPL, with the exception that all proposed concrete areas shall be constructed of a permeable paving material. Said pian has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 3 Staff concludes that the proposed reconstruction and enlargement of the existing nonconforming use is reasonable and will be as appropriate to the zoning district as is the existing nonconforming use. Staff has, however, recommended several conditions to minimize the proposed impact on this site, particularly regarding the staff-supported dimensional attributes listed above. Planning Department. 2. The proposed structures shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the submitted building elevations. Said elevations have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning Department. 3. Landscaping of the site shall be substantially as shown on the submitted conceptual site plan entitled "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT," dated August 23, 2013, and prepared by WPL. All landscaping shall be approved by the City Landscape Architect and Development Services Center. 4. Exterior materials shall substantially conform to the submitted document entitled, "STANDARDS Old Beach Cottages at 34th Street," and shall primarily consist of cedar shake siding, stucco skirt, operable exterior shutters, 40-year architectural shingles, and cedar fencing. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site p/an review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning / Development Services Center and Department of Planning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this application are valid or any structures may be occupied. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 4 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING LOCATION OF SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA J Af - .. `. ? +- ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 5 F OUR NAS?G .J( i UN/T A UNIr B I UNJT C e PROPOS£D ( ? 3-STORY FRRM£ I ' TOWNHOAIES ( 'rcLM: i' _ N NEwn `.?.???, . .. . . . . 7°ROMSEO ? PROPOSED . . ? PROPOSED. g '1?74C - 0OrV01?£7r COMYCR£E •. ?-'' pRrvfwAr ? ORrv£wA r i DRii-fWA r 4w . ? . .- ? . .?. . ? _ . .?.'. . 25" S 82'45' w 75 JJtk Sn.=rr L? ErikHomes I PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 6 ? Ap- ??? 3?µ "" tiG' PJAI;f, R,,,,, ,F_wAy - STREET 9"? (AL4+ NGOX 3. Y.:N! 1. YAG: ?Jlj fi7Fne7 CtM X'AY7t L CY.FB f p?7C1P AMD Rl:OrATED d t0 I d .(SNi{L `lilK ?_ lAfN ? L L L i (6? Y Q y? xwew[- [ Aw'w r tJ 8?'4S" E /S' 8 g _ _ `rrxrosm I =a+r'enc - ; , h M4KIW Y ?' ? Q fCNCN b Pq?CM ! d H7KM v . 500' Jl.QI' 11.6)' 2I.67' I UNf/ A UA4T B IuwT C b PROPOSED I $ J-SIORY f fRAA/ I 70w.OwCS ? ' - _ s.1V' Nr ;48. S. P'. 1. P. 151) lpi 16-A PT.fi.F ?(at. 200J061000H9456i (PM: 2418-97-6937 LOT.II o GRIt 7118 99 7y87 o : ? ' AVOR?SCD h 2 _ -'"? :'. LrinCRf7F ?? iwe?'w?r I c'a`axvc ' . ? 107 ?e.u• Ia.u• re..u• ram UN? A UN1T B UNIf L g PROPGS_lD 0: rACHEO :.?RAvCS R :o.ao• >,?f? M"1`GS[J. 'I*T'.?lJS.?."i. ?l?Ff,?SL'D. 8 T.'.v. ?Y :1 "•',•.M' ?'f /! : . CQNC%'Ctl. J S' z 91'45' W 75' JfA' TO l.RCTK' AYEMi/E 34th %? S TREET ^- 7C' PUH:/C MGH/OF --WAY - (NU.= - so' uxt) (A14P t3ppK 5. P,tR1 2 PAG: 151) N^. S!W.ED 3y 3ffE DATA y? pp I '-'N ZC± fl 6iS4 i 7(hR'. ' M+.? + `J-!. ':._C( :M. :.2a1 CYU. ? .?sy*7.1-Vi 13-A `.I \:L:N0.\I Ml :.e:: SC f jl6i; l NER; ll\?e,C uU ?tJ i: ' (IOR) (mC IJ,•. . 2904 . . .?„r? ?: .?. .• C rvew?* ,? .'c 31e sa r ;m) Vii, w rOW yy? StiRN -H '.r :!.zar? w?va7 s COKCEPTUAi. SM pI11N ffiHMT PART O! ID? 17 t?0'P-18: HLOt.'[-107 ? r?L ? ? H =W? n ; ?v O S. VART 2. ?aLR I51. Oi 7H[ Ci2?t'S O?/IC[ %wT R?[D IY YA? NOOI ?r OI TQ CRCCiT COt'RT Oi TH[ C'":Y 0r CIkL[Mu HG[H. tRfIX4 BUCH VE 0OU VMGnft scau: ?' . xo' 4 L . ERK hIOME8. LLC aoi? Wni. cm or VvxLYU auca. vowmv F.D. 1014 P. w rIwr:L- In AccM xa. zoia iN:zi?-osez PROPOSED SITE PLAN THIS 6 i0 CER167 7FIAi ON JWE 11. 2071. M'E SURJEYED THE PROPERIY 9qWN ON M2 PUT w+o nuT n+c awawnv uv4cs a armRD As sFawH w: wv eaa s. wxr s, wce 151 u» LTH 0 7HE y?µLS p( 711E BWppC$ NE A5 51q?h! ON MIS PIAT. THE B?MDMI4S SfNN MRNN 1MIE SYD ? PROPERfY LJES MID 7NEIR ARE NO F.NCRdCHYENIS OF OTHEfl BURLMGS ON THE PROPERI'!, ? IXCFPi /5 SHOWN. ABBHEVWTK*&- WPL SCIED UY RIC RNEI N tqrtrH s soum Lic. . 2904 e ?sr WEST ? 06/13/2013 R rr rovcan iwe v?yC Y " SUR ' $??T - is M ? ? w. i ?) r cie cwN? Er+ce AMP enas LOT 1t k ? -ODMCIM ro?x i ?ua+r 1 aY swr ra in?E y 42' 911f ML iEMCE ? O.A' NSiE C wr Mnc t ?p 41is 4c wm rva 0.N' MS?E C ? fm ?i 016 o.u' xMc e $ 2 - Sfqt1 ? 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SISS710115 M1ID WY 4. 2009' WP. 6 NOT A POFIY w OEfERYMrMC THE REIXkREYEMS FOP FLOOD WSIIWNLE ON THE PROPERIY SfpNN HEREON. h15 SURYfY OOES IqT IMPLY TINT TN5 PROPEHII' M0.L dR WNL NOi BE SU&IECT TO fIODDINC, FOP FINtrVER NFOR1MilON. CONf/Cf lfE LOCk COYMIMIY iL000 OFFiCW- 7F6 S'JRYEY W/S PFRiDRYED IYliNOUf THE BENEFlf CF A 11i1E PFMMiI MO MAY NOT JIDW ANY/NL FASEYENR OR RESntlCTYY15 TlMT IM'! /dFECT SND PROPEM AS SHdYN. 7H5 PIAT OOES NOT NfFND 10 REPflESEM A SiADM90N OF LWD. PHYSICAL SURVEY PART OF LOT 17 ?PIAT-18; BIACK-107 LINHO P VIRGINIA BEA ? IAPYENT CO. 1im AWICSNT PEOPzwm PWT RSCORDED IN 11AP BOOC_ S. P1ftT 2. PAG6 151_ IN TH8 CIEHEIS OFF[CH SITE SURVEY ERIK HOMf January 14, 2014 City Council S NS LLC e8 1S 430£Shc tr I I r ? ? J ,? _ j ? ? ? ? I?. ( II I I' I ? II III ; e S F? s 71 I I i ? ?_- 1 ?? ???? I ? ? E- ? '= ? I ^ r"- .• , a Tr ? f ? I ! II ?? ? "? _ "_ S ?f fr I.. { ?.t FT!? - ? I I . p , " ? j ? ul ? + !P '"? ? I ELEVATIONS u- ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 9 ?.-. . N? S ARCHITECTURAL RENDERING AND PHOTO SAMPLE ERIK HOMES, LLC ' January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 10 ILT1-I STREET CONCEPTUAI, EI,E?"ION 7vj F.R11K owaearn toaayes ot3r' sarer 316 34' STREFT Cedar Shake w/ StucCO SIdR Deadkd 2 ar Gmage w/ Nley Aaas 2" and 3" Fba Exlerior Oedcs wN undscaved / sodaed varos wbNdrp Exteria SMrtters 8' peep PorcAes large 6' HigA Windows PriWte Reir Sodded Yard 10 Year Ardwtatwal Roof ShiKksw/ SuNeK 2ip YVaI Protetlive Exteria SAe+RNnt 6' Cedar low maintenmte Fencing INTF R; [i? 3 bedroom, 3 bath.180Rf Iktlaimed S' Sanded W ood F baing 5mooth Ory Vval waik snd ceilfts 3 Piece Crow^ Molding, Chai Rai. 5" BaseboaM Eric Momes level2 Grpets in Bedrooms and LoR Gas Frepliae w/ Marble and Ntood Mantd 3 Coats InleAOr Wyl PsIM w/ fNgh Gloss Trim Paint UT 6 GDIe w/ tentralixd Smrt Bmc Ceifng Fans yl bedroans and hmiN room Ibisrd panel inteda doas Smok! / Monoxid! /SecurkY - wirod b plWilts 5urtound So und in family roan and Masta Bedroom Retessld Un lighting tMoughout H Nandmade - Site Oesipned Kitchen CabinehY Stainless SOeel Appiante Pxbge Red2imed Wood-5" Sand Fnish FlDOrs Stankss Kittlwn Double Bowl 5ink w/ prbage dkDosal Granite KitchentouMertops Reaued Gn Ughting in KkdKn and Bahs Gnd1e a Tie KitclKn BackspasAes letted Haui with Marble SurtawA Porcebin fle Bath Fbors and ShoMrers Double Bowl Marble Varwty in MWer w/ full mirca TuD/ Tik wrround n al semnJary WRRs I.N!f??iY'.. Y -,..:t.ANKk1Sf!7ilUP,FS ZWIld GAS 1edt dfld COOiK Re-tirculxing Wxer Heater -on demaWl Sprsy Foam Exteia Walls - Grcen Approved Redaimed Wood Fiooring-Catofea bams Ryled Envgy EfAcient Insuhtion Englneered Wrnber Framing Zip Wal Exteria MWectNe SheatNrog Sustainable Forestry lnitiltNe Materifk 2-10 &nkfers Warranty-Bonded Insunnae to. Erik Hanes Warnnty COVlrop COM^.?U`itvnM1".ir+i!atiFti Walkto Bexh Walk to Oining / Shopping / EMeraYwmM Qwity Buit Mome with 10year Warranty BW I MMwrw?vNtMe?/?ttoc?rwN?.M?KamO??b+?0?i?u0wOw.bvr?AQawwYMKwAoutno0e? NdIw01Onsiftseea1'fcaa0band acarnY ??ql Nr+Mwd. lNaaOtt aMO?i urY M tAawe nwoMia ou iwbwan. I?M?rI Ua?w n?Y O?M ka? Ib iw0?ka trow wA? dM M?MR wa141d mndwoni 1]/N thl Hmau, LLC 109 Ndly (?t Viy"Bw* Yes" s4SI 't3'-1~b198 N'NN'.Q1kA0lOG.f00m STANDARDS ?iA- ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Paae 11 4p #L 'n P ?F OUR NAt'. N BEACH T T All, ? -; A 12* `, 1 _ ? ?? ? - hrix tiOmeS, L.L.?.. , , , -,, 0 R , _ ...? _ ? - n c ? - . G ? ? S-?FtEE? t?? ? t'? A ir1 oning wJth CondJtionsiProffers, Open Space Pmmotfon rvon-c.omormrng vs ZONING HISTORY # DATE REQUEST ACTION 1 01/14/1997 Enlar ement of nonconformit A roved 2 11/12/2013 Enlar ement of nonconformit A roved ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 12 ?'d?q 3. .6?? . _ r ? ? I?y ? ? ? ? ? ? ?O ? O V ? O ? ? ? V DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list Nnecessary) Erik Homx, LLC: Erik Zmmerman, Mambar; N9enl DevebPmsnt Corporation of V'rcginia, Member. Lewronce N. Srrvth, CFO; Frank M. McNed, Jr., CO-CAO; Florece P. McNeW, Jr., Chairtnan; Thomron W. MdJeal, EVP; Wdlis E. Watson, 7reasurer 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entw relationship with the applicant: (Attsch list if necessary) ? Check here if the applicant is NOt a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section oNy if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name folbwed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) ? Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. 8 See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes _ No x If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? Non-Conforming Use Appliea8on Page 8 of 9 Reviud 7/1@013 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 13 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architeotural services, real estate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) WPL LPS Sykes, Bourdon, Ahem & Levy, P.C. '°Parent-subsidiary relationship' means "a relationship that exists when one corporation direcUy or indirecdy owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the voting power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. Z"Affiliated business eMity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a conUolling ownership interest in the other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entiry, or (iii) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Fadors that shoutd be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship indude that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or comminglQd funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or othervvise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is othervvise a close working relationship beNNeen the entities.° See State and Local Govemment Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. 1 understand that, upon rsceipt of notification (posicard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearirig, l am roaponsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the schaduled public hearing accord'mg to the instructions in this package. The undersi9ned afso oonseMs to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Departrnent of Planning to phatograph and view the site fa purposes of processing and evaluating Mis application. ? A ' nY Signature Property Owners Signature (rf diffetent than applicant) Erik Zimmerman, Member PriM Name Print Name ? 0 1?1 ? ? ? ? O ? ? O V ? O ? ? ? ? V Non-Confortning Use Applicatbn Page 9 of 9 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ERIK HOMES, LLC January 14, 2014 City Council Meeting Page 14 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE 2 RECONSTRUCTION AND ENLARGEMENT OF A 3 NONCONFORMING USE ON PROPERTY 4 LOCATED AT 316 34T" STREET 5 6 WHEREAS, Erik Homes, LLC (hereinafter the "Applicant") has made application 7 to the City Council for authorization for the enlargement and reconstruction of a 8 nonconforming use located at 316 34t" Street in the A-12 Apartment Zoning District by 9 demolishing, reconstructing and enlarging the multi-family dwelling on the parcel; and 10 11 WHEREAS, there is located on the parcel a multi-family dwelling that includes 12 three (3) units. The maximum density for the parcel would only allow two (2) units, so 13 the current use is not allowed in the A-12 District. However, the multi-family dwelling 14 was built prior to the adoption of the applicable zoning regulations and is therefore 15 nonconforming; and 16 17 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 105 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the 18 reconstruction and enlargement of a nonconforming use is unlawful in the absence of a 19 resolution of the City Council authorizing such action upon a finding that the proposed 20 use, as reconstructed and enlarged, will be equally appropriate or more appropriate to 21 the zoning district than is the existing use; 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 24 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 25 26 That the City Council hereby finds that the proposed use, as reconstructed and 27 enlarged, will be equally appropriate to the district as is the existing nonconforming use 28 under the conditions of approval set forth hereinbelow. 29 30 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 31 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 32 33 That the reconstruction and enlargement of the nonconforming use is hereby 34 authorized, upon the following conditions: 35 36 1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the submitted 37 conceptual site plan titled "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT," dated 38 August 23, 2013, and prepared by WPL, with the exception that all 39 proposed concrete areas shall be constructed of a permeable paving 40 material. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council 41 and is on file in the Planning Department. 42 43 2. The proposed structures shall be constructed substantially in accordance 44 with the submitted building elevations. Said elevations have been 45 exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file in the Planning 46 Department. 47 48 3. Landscaping of the site shail be substantially as shown on the submitted 49 conceptual site plan entitled "CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT," dated 50 August 23, 2013, and prepared by WPL. All landscaping shall be 51 approved by the City Landscape Architect and Development Services 52 Center. 53 54 4. Exterior materials shall substantially conform to the submitted document 55 entitled, "STANDARDS Old Beach Cottages at 34th Street," and shall 56 primarily consist of cedar shake siding, stucco skirt, operable exterior 57 shutters, 40-year architectural shingles, and cedar fencing. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 11XIAOt A ci City Attorney's Office 2 CA12847 R-1 December 18, 2013 y O ?m ..., a c 0 V 4. 0 Z ? a _ Z Z ? c 0 w ? U ? ... 'b ? C O M ? ? ? a d ? ? a ? C d oa ? ? w Q ? u 3 C C N rSV?' N"' "?syCH t CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL (Applicant / Owner), Modification of a Conditional Use Permit (approved 5/23/00 and modified on 12/14/12). 1320 Mill Dam Road (GPIN 2408584284). LYNNHAVEN DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The applicant is requesting a modification to the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council on May 23, 2000, and as modified in 2001 and 2012. The Use Permit was most recently modified on December 4, 2012 for the purpose of revising Condition 1 of the Use Permit, which requires the development of the school and site to be in substantial adherence to the submitted site master plan. The purpose of the modification approved in December 2012 was to (1) add lighting to Field 1 and (2) add bleachers and a decorative entry feature along the western side of the Field 1. Field 1 is located on the west side of the property, adjacent to the Mill Dam Road parking lot. The lighting approved in 2012 consisted of four light poles of 50 feet in height located at the corners of Field 1 and one light pole of 50 feet in height located at the midline on the eastern side of the field. The applicant's current request is to further modify Condition 1 for the purpose of increasing the height of the lighting for the field from the currently approved 50 feet to 70 feet. ¦ Considerations: During the purchase and installation of the lighting approved in December 2012, the contractor recommended to the applicant that, based on the intended use of Field 1, and the availability of a new lighting fixture that would improve lighting spread on the field without increasing light spillover, one of the five lighting poles approved in 2012 could be deleted by increasing the height of the four remaining light poles to 70 feet. Field 1 is the field located closest to Mill Dam Road, is the primary field for athletic events, and includes the recently installed new bleachers. The distance from the closest lighting fixture to the eastern property line of the subject property is 650 feet. As conditioned in 2012, the lighting will not be used on Sundays, none of the athletic events requiring illumination will begin any later than 7:30 PM, and lighting will be extinguished within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the game. Cape Henry Collegiate Page 2 of 3 There was no opposition to the request. ¦ Recommendations: The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda, passing a motion by a recorded vote of 10-0, to recommend approval of this request to the City Council with the following conditions: 1. All conditions with the exception of Number 1 attached to the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on May 23, 2000, and as modified July 10, 2001 and December 4, 2012 remain in effect. 2. Condition Number 1 of the May 23, 2000 Conditional Use Permit is deleted and replaced with the following: a. Existing Field 1 as identified on the submitted "AMENDED MASTER PLAN CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL", dated October 29, 2013, and prepared by Tymoff+Moss Architects, may be lit for evening athletic events. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. b. There shall be no more than 4 light poles as depicted on the plan. The poles shall not exceed 70 feet in height. If determined by the Zoning Administrator to be necessary, the lights mounted on all the poles on the eastern side of the field shall be shielded so as not to allow glare to spill over to the residential homes located along the eastern property line. c. A new Lighting Plan and/or Photometric Diagram Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review prior to installation of any lighting for the fields. Said plan shall include the location of all pole mounted and the listing of lamp type, wattage, and type of fixture. Lighting shall overlap and be uniform throughout the field area. All lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society of North America. d. There shall be no amplified speaker system for the field. e. Athletic events shall start no later than 7:30 p.m. The lights shall be turned off no later than 30 minutes after the completion of the event. The lights shall not be used on Sundays. f. The applicant may install the 7-foor high wall and 16-foot high entry elements, as well as bleachers on the western side of Existing Field 1. The additions shall substantially adhere to the submitted rendering prepared by Tymoff+Moss Architects. Said rendering has been exhibited Cape Henry Collegiate Page 3 of 3 to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review and Disclosure Statements Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manage . \Z_ , ? 8 January 8, 2014 Public Hearing APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER: CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. STAFF PLANNER: Stephen J. White REQUEST: Modification of a Conditional Use Permit for a private school - approved by the City Council on June 21, 1971 and modified on August 27, 1971, October 15, 1987, June 14, 1998, May 23, 2000, July 10, 2001, and December 4, 2012 (specific request is to increase the height of the light poles allowed by the 2012 Modification for Field 1 from 50 feet to 70 feet) ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 1320 Mill Dam Road GPIN: ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: 24085842840000 LYNNHAVEN 30 acres 65-70 dB DNL SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a modification to the Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council on May 23, 2000, and as modified in 2001 and 2012. The Use Permit was most recently modified on December 4, 2012 for the purpose of revising Condition 1. The master plan for the facility is the subject of Condition 1, and the purpose of the 2012 modification was to (1) add lighting to the Field 1 and (2) add bleachers and a decorative entry feature along the western side of the field. The applicant's current request is to further modify Condition 1 for the purpose of increasing the height of the lighting for Field 1 from the currently approved 50 feet to 70 feet. During the purchase and installation of the lighting approved in December 2012, the contractor recommended to the applicant that, based on the intended use of Field 1, and the availability of a new lighting fixture that would improve lighting spread on the field without increasing light spillover, one of the five lighting poles approved in 2012 could be deleted by increasing the height of pole and the attached lighting fixtures to 70 feet. Field 1 is the field located closest to Mill Dam Road, is the primary field for athletic events, and includes the recently installed new bleachers. The distance from the closest lighting fixture to the eastern property line of the subject property is 650 feet. As conditioned in 2012, the lighting will not be used on Sundays, CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. Agenda Item 8 Page none of the athletic events requiring illumination will begin any later than 7:30 PM, and lighting will be extinguished within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the game. LAND USE AND PLAN INFORMATION EXISTING LAND USE: The site is zoned R-15 and R-20 Residential Districts and is occupied by an private school. SURROUNDING LAND North: . Woodhouse Road USE AND ZONING: . Across Woodhouse Road are single-family homes / R-20 Residential District. South: . First Colonial High School / R-15 Residential District. East: . Immediately to the east is property zoned R-20 and R-40 Residential District. Single-family homes are located East of the subject site. West: . Mill Dam Road • Across Mill Dam Road is a single-family subdivision / R-10 Residential District. NATURAL RESOURCE AND The site is nearly level with large areas covered with impervious CULTURAL FEATURES: materials. There are no significant natural resources or cultural features on the subject site. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Suburban Area CITY SERVICES City Services are not affected by the request. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this requested modification, as conditioned below. Photometric studies indicate that the additional 20 feet in height will result in no change in the spillover lighting level at the eastern property line adjacent to the residential community than the level original calculated. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of the request subject to the conditions listed below. CONDITIONS All conditions with the exception of Number 1 attached to the Conditional Use Permit granted by the City Council on May 23, 2000, and as modified July 10, 2001 and December 4, 2012 remain in effect. CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. Agenda Item 8 Page 2 2. Condition Number 1 of the May 23, 2000 Conditional Use Permit is deleted and replaced with the following: a. Existing Field 1 as identified on the submitted "AMENDED MASTER PLAN CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL", dated October 29, 2013, and prepared by Tymoff+Moss Architects, may be lit for evening athletic events. Said plan has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. b. There shall be no more than 4 light poles as depicted on the plan. The poles shall not exceed 70 feet in height. If determined by the Zoning Administrator to be necessary, the lights mounted on all the poles on the eastern side of the field shall be shielded so as not to allow glare to spill over to the residential homes located along the eastern property line. c. A new Lighting Plan and/or Photometric Diagram Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review prior to installation of any lighting for the fields. Said plan shall include the location of all pole mounted and the listing of lamp type, wattage, and type of fixture. Lighting shall overlap and be uniform throughout the field area. All lighting on the site shall be consistent with those standards recommended by the Illumination Engineering Society of North America. d. There shall be no amplified speaker system for the field. e. Athletic events shall start no later than 7:30 p.m. The lights shall be turned off no later than 30 minutes after the completion of the event. The lights shall not be used on Sundays. f. The applicant may install the 7-foor high wall and 16-foot high entry elements, as well as bleachers on the western side of Existing Field 1. The additions shall substantially adhere to the submitted rendering prepared by Tymoff+Moss Architects. Said rendering has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Planning Department. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicab/e City Ordinances and Standards. Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site p/an review to meet all applicab/e City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of P/anning / Development Services Center and Department of Planning / Permits and /nspections Division, and the issuance of a Certiricate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this Use Permit are valid. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, tNC. Agenda Item 8 Page 3 ;? " - ?? . y IL 40 7 ..? ? ? AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. Agenda Item 8 ? Page 4 ? i . - = i -•- : ?.? ? ?, F t r. ^m,,,?„•,,. '",s IOOHOS 31V193110? AFlN3H ° 51"J311HJ?"SSOW+ddpy?/u 3dt/3 Nt/ldli3lSt/Wa3ON3WV R a tcc ?? ?_ ?e ?y? q y ?t gy4 g8? ? 8Y ??" ?v 5:5 ,9,? _ ?$ ------- ----------- --- -- ------------- i """"'_"'r"' O ? 1 u I i ???? ? ? w -------------------------- F 4 ' I I ? LJ ' 1 j LJ I J ?_ i--__--________-____-____'? 6p O + l___--_-_____-_-________ _? : ; ------ , ? ? + ----- i p v b??^ ? ?? ., _ 0 ? Cau.LLM ? : DQ PROPOSED SITE PLAN CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE ? v Page 5 ? oF ? ; o?s RENDERING OF NEW ENTRY FEATURE AND BLEACHERS (previously approved Condition [fJ ) , CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE iCHOOL, INC. , Agenda Item 8 ? Page 6 ? i;f? ZONING HISTORY # DATE REQUEST ACTION 1 12/04/2012 Modification of Conditions (Athletic Field Approved 07/10/2001 Lighting) Approved 05/23/2000 Modification of Conditions (Additions) Approved 07/14/1988 Modification of Conditions (Additions) Approved 10/05/1987 Modification of Conditions (Additions) Approved 08/27/1971 Modification of Conditions (Additions) Approved 06/21/1971 Modification of Conditions Approved Conditional Use Permit (Private School 2 11/23/2010 Conditional Use Permit (Communication Tower) Approved 06/08/1999 Conditional Use Permit (Communication Tower A proved i I, CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. Agenda Item 8 j ? Page 7 ?. ? ? APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Atfach list if necessary) Cape Henry Collegiate School (See attached list of 2013-2014 Officers and Trustees) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant: (Atfach lisf if necessary) ? Check here if the applicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete fhis secfion only if property owner is different from applicant. If the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach list if necessary) 2. List all businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated business entiiy2 relationship with the applicant: (Attach list if necessary) ? Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. & See next page for footnotes Does an official or employee of the City of Virginia Beach have an interest in the subject land? Yes No x If yes, what is the name of the official or employee and the nature of their interest? DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. Agenda Item 8 Page 8 ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List all known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not limited to the providers of architectural services, real sstate services, financial services, accounting services, and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) Tymoff and Moss Architects NDI/Basgier and Associates McKenzie Construc#ion Corporation Williams Mullen '"Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "a relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the vating power of another corporation." See State and Local Government Confllct of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101, ?"Affiliated business entity relationship" means "a relationship, other than parent- subsidiary relationship, that exists when (i) one business entity has a controlling ownership interest in the other business entlty, (li) a controlling owner in one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entiry, or (iii) there is shared management or control beiween the business entities. Factors that should be considered in determining the existence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entitfes; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. CERTIFICATION: I certffy that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the appHcation has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing according to the instructions in this package. The underslgned also consents to entry upon the subject property by employees of the Department of Planning to plr ograph nd view the sft r purposes of processing and evaluating thls appllcation. CAP HE Y C CHOOL By ' John P. Lewis e., i?fln+' . inn ? Print Name Property Owner's Signature (if different than applicant) Print Name Modlfication of Condltlons Application Page 9 of 9 Revlsed 7I1/2013 r ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? * ? ? / DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, INC. Agenda Item 8 Page 9 CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2013 - 2014 BOARD OFFICERS Chair Mr. Michael R. Gianascoli `89 Vice-Chair Vice-Chair Mrs. Sybil W. Seth Mr. Ronald M. Kramer Treasurer Mrs. Cheryl L. Xystros Head of School/President Dr. John P. Lewis Mr. Thomas H. Atherton III Mr. B. Franklin Bradley Mr. David C. Burton Mrs. Carolyn A. Castleberry Mc Scot N. Creech Mr. W. Trent Dudley `88 Mr. Dennis M, Ellmer FOUNDERS AND TRUSTEES EMERITI Mr. W. Cecil Carpenter* Mr. John P. Edmondson* Mr. Andrew S. Fine Mr. L. Renshaw Fortier Mrs. Dow S. Grones* Mr. Benjamin Huger, II Mrs. Grace Olin Jordan" Mr. Bernard W. McCray, Jr, Mr. James R. McKenry Mr. Arthur Peregoft'* Mr. George G. Phillips,lr. Mr. James P. Sadler* Mc William J. Vaughan* Mrs. Anne Dickson Jordan Waldrop ["deceased] Rev. 10-31-13 5ecretarv The Honorable Pamela E. Hutchens TRUSTEES Mr. John C. Fagan Mr. James P. Karides Mr. Kelly L. Law `83 Mr. Craig L. Mytelka Mr. Christakis J. Paphites Mr. Lee S. Peregoff `77 Mr. lames H. Sparks EX-OFFICIO TRUSTEE Mr. Colin M. Kelly `01, President, 2013-I5 Alumni Association Board of Directors HEADMASTERS EMERITI Dr. W. Hugh Moomaw* Mr. Daniel P. Richardson DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CAPE HENRY COLLEGIATE SCHOOL,INC. Agenda Item 8 Page 10 ? a? •1?,?; ? ? OC ? j ? A\ ? rV ? -? .v Z ? ? C O .., v O ? ? 4 m ? ? ? ? oa ? ? ? ? C O iy ? C O u ? .? c .? ? rSe?,.x?U +?•'?,yhz ???'\ ? ?.....?? Ssl C?1y??? :? ?L? CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, LLC (Applicant) / CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH (Owner). (a) Conditional Use Permit for outdoor recreational and amusement facilities (aerial ropes course), 717 & 801 General Booth Boulevard (GPIN 2416758858; 2416987653; 2416678078). BEACH DISTRICT. (b) Chanae of Zoninq, Conditional I-1 Industrial to P-1 Preservation. Located on the northeast side of South Birdneck Road approximately 800 feet south of Bells Road (GPIN 2416678078). BEACH DISTRICT. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Outdoor Recreation to allow use and development of the site for an outdoor aerial adventure ropes course. In both the P-1 Preservation and I-1 Industrial Zoning Districts, an outdoor recreational use [such as the type proposed] is a conditional use. In conjunction with the aforementioned Conditional Use Permit, the City of Virginia Beach requests a rezoning of parcels currently zoned I-1 Light Industrial to P-1 Preservation. The City-owned property, currently zoned I-1, is accessed from Birdneck Road and wraps around the northern side of Ocean Breeze Waterpark. The I-1 zoning of the property is the result of a rezoning by the previous owner, who proposed development of the site for office-warehouse type uses. The applicant requesting the Conditional Use Permit, Outdoor Ventures Group, LLC, designs, builds and operates Aerial Forest Parks and has been in business since 2008. For the subject site, they have proposed four main components that will be developed in two phases. On October 8, 2013, the City Council adopted an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Agreement between the City and the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Foundation for the purpose of allowing the construction of this aerial adventure course. The course, however, cannot be constructed without approval of this Conditional Use Permit. ¦ Considerations: Phase I consists of The Aerial Forest Park and The Labyrinth. The Aerial Forest Park inctudes 12 aerial routes that begin at a centrally located elevated platForm. Routes will include about 160 elements and obstacles and will be marked Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beach, LLC Page2of3 according to the level of difficulty (ages 5 and up). The Labyrinth is a separate climbing area that is smaller and much more compact than the Aerial Forest Park, and its use is reserved for children between 5 and 9 years of age. The Labyrinth can accommodate up to 24 guests at one time. With the exception of two to four zip-lines that will traverse over Owls Creek, Phase I construction will take place between Owls Creek and General Booth Boulevard and extend north from the existing Marsh Pavilion, a distance of approximately 1,000 feet. Phase II consists of "The Adrenalin Tower on Thrill Hill" and "The Owls Creek Canopy Path." The Adrenalin Tower will consist of dual racing zip-lines spanning Owls Creek, a Giant Swing, and a 60-foot free fall called the Powerfan. The Powerfan is an engineered machine that allows an individual to jump and land safely from a height of 60 feet, while being safely held by a full-harness. There are no bungee cords or parachute devices used. Safety equipment for the Powerfan typically fits individuals 9 years of age and older. The Giant Swing harnesses together multiple individuals into a large swing device, which is pulled back and up to a height of approximately 40 feet through a winch system. Upon release, participants will experience 2 G's of force as they swing over the landscape. Phase II is located on the west side of Owls Creek. Implementation of Phase II is contingent on a pedestrian bridge being built across Owls Creek. Further details regarding the project, such as the techniques used for construction of facilities through the trees and the measures taken to ensure the safety of the participants, are provided in the attached staff report. In 2011, City Council adopted the Virginia Aquarium and Owls Creek Area Master Plan, which by reference, is part of the Comprehensive Plan. As specific recommendations for this area include an array of outdoor recreational, educational, and sustainable uses, the request to rezone the northwestern portion of the subject site to P-1 Preservation is consistent with the vision for this area as provided by the Master Plan. There was no opposition to the request. ¦ Recommendations: The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda, passing a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0, to recommend approval of this request to the City Council with the following conditions: 1. Development of the subject site shall substantially conform to the submitted conceptual site plan titled, "The Adventure Park at the Virginia Aquarium," dated October 1, 2013. Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beach, LLC Page 3 of 3 2. The applicant shall submit all necessary plans and obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Planning Department / Permit and Inspections Division, Health Department, and Fire Department. 3. Approval for the use of any and all shared services or amenities, including but not limited to parking, restrooms, and/or vehicular access, from facilities located on adjacent parcels shall be demonstrated by written agreements. Said written agreements shall be signed by the adjacent property owner(s) and the applicant, and shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to operation. 4. Any portable bathroom facilities shall be screened by a rigid wooden structure or landscaping. Said portable bathrooms shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. 5. Hours of operation shall coincide with the hours of operation of the existing uses at the Marsh Pavilion and Aquarium. 6. There shall be a minimum of one individual that is First Aid and CPR certified at the site during all activities. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review and Disclosure Statements Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Departme City Manager: ? ? , ?`Z BEACH Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beacb, L.L.C. ?--?' >75-dB ,&1n . .?. , ? _ R10 1 ? 2 ZorNny Chanpe CUP P1 ?t A,2 ? ?.._ ,. UP ? ;? -l ,l,PO g2 P bvrn.+? B L d ? - E.m.,n.?, aaw l I r ? ? 1 • o ti?., z«e.o.r.co.we?.n,erb.. wa sr... r?a+o. CW - RecreaBonal Facility Zoniny diange hom Ft fo P• 1 4 December 11, 2013 Public Hearing APPLICANT: OUTDOOR VENTURES VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH STAFF PLANNER: Kristine Gay REQUEST: (a) Conditional Use Permit (Outdoor Recreation) (b) ChanQe of Zoninq (Conditional I-1 Light Industrial to P-1 Preservation) ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 717 & 801 General Booth Boulevard GPIN: ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: AICUZ: 2416758858 BEACH 38.6 Acres I Rezoning Area Greater than 75 dB 2416987653 42.6 Acres I Project Area DNL 2416678078 BACKGROUND / DETAILS OF PROPOSAL The applicant, Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beach, LLC, requests a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Outdoor Recreation to allow use and development of the site for an outdoor aerial adventure ropes course. In both the P-1 Preservation and I-1 Industrial Zoning Districts, outdoor recreational use [such as the type proposed] is a conditional use. In conjunction with the aforementioned Conditional Use Permit, the City of Virginia Beach requests a rezoning of parcels currently zoned I-1 Light Industrial to P-1 OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 1 Preservation. The map at the beginning of this report shows the area proposed for rezoning hatched in blue and the area proposed for the Conditional Use Permit hatched in red. The existing I-1 zoning is the result of a rezoning application by the previous owner, who proposed development of the site for office- warehouse type uses. The subject site consists of two parcels, both of which are owned by the City of Virginia Beach. Currently on the site is the Marsh Pavilion of the Virginia Beach Aquarium. The northwestern parcel fronts on Birdneck Road and is currently zoned Conditional I-1 Industrial and P-1 Preservation. Located at the adjoining lot line of the subject parcels are Owls Creek and tidal wetlands. To the east, a pedestrian path along General Booth Boulevard connects the Marsh Pavilion to the main Aquarium building and the main parking lot. The applicant requesting the Conditional Use Permit, Outdoor Ventures Group, LLC, designs, builds and operates Aerial Forest Parks and has been in business since 2008. For the subject site, they have proposed four main components which are organized into two phases of construction. Phase I consists of The Aerial Forest Park and The Labyrinth. The Aerial Forest Park includes 12 aerial routes that begin at a centrally located elevated platform. Routes will include about 160 elements and obstacles and will be marked according to the level of difficulty (ages 5 and up). Elements, and the course in its entirety, are primarily made of wood, rope, and cables. The Labyrinth is a separate climbing area which is smaller and much more contained than the Aerial Forest Park and is reserved for children between 5 and 9 years old. The Labyrinth can accommodate up to 24 guests at one time. With the exception of two to four zip-lines that will traverse over Owls Creek, Phase I construction will take place between Owls Creek and General Booth Boulevard and extend north from the existing Marsh Pavilion, a distance of approximately 1,000 feet. Phase II consists of "The Adrenalin Tower on Thrill Hill" and "The Owls Creek Canopy Path." The Adrenalin Tower will consist of dual racing zip-lines spanning Owls Creek, a Giant Swing, and a 60-foot free fall called the Powerfan. The Powerfan is an engineered machine that allows you to jump and land safely from 60 feet in the air, while being safely held by a full-harness. There are no bungee cords or parachute devices used. Safety equipment for the PowerFan typically fits individuals 9 years of age and older. The Giant Swing harnesses multiple individuals into a large swing device, which is then pulled back and up to about 40 feet in the air by a winch system. Upon the release participants will experience 2 G's of force as they swing over the landscape. Phase II is located on the west side of Owls Creek. Implementation of Phase II is contingent on a pedestrian bridge being built across Owls Creek, indicated as Item 13 on the submitted conceptual site plan. After parking on site at the existing parking lots, guests will start their adventure by purchasing tickets inside the Marsh Pavilion. Then, at small structures to the immediate north of the Marsh Pavilion, guests will be fitted with harnesses and protective gear. Guests will then proceed to a briefing station to learn how to use the safety gear that will continuously lock onto safety cables along the routes. Once guests demonstrate the ability to use the climbing gear, they will walk to the main tree platform where all climbing begins. The methods used to construct the facilities are extremely sensitive to the existing natural environment. No heavy construction equipment is used; builders use ropes to secure themselves to trees, and materials are hauled up for installation using only ropes and pulleys. The primary materials are pressure- treated wood, rope, and cable. The safety cables and platforms are attached to trees by wrapping cables around wooden blocks that protect each tree's ability to grow. As trees get larger, the cables can easily be loosened. In the end, if the aerial routes and platforms were to be removed, it would be extremely difficult to detect their prior existence. OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 2 LAND USE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXISTING LAND USE: The site is currently undeveloped The majority of this site is heavily wooded; there is an open sloping lawn area adjacent to the parking lot of the parcel to the south. SURROUNDING LAND North: . Vacant wooded area / R-10 Residential District USE AND ZONING: South: . Waterpark / B-2 Community Business District . A-12 Apartment District East: • General Booth Boulevard • Camp Pendleton / P-1 Preservation District West: . Birdneck Road • Undeveloped land / R-10 Residential District NATURAL RESOURCE AND The site is within the Owls Creek watershed. Minor portions of the CULTURAL FEATURES: site have been identified as being located within the 100-year floodplain. Tidal wetlands have also been identified on the site. Any development involving these sensitive areas is subject to review and approval by the Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Virginia Beach Wetlands Board. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Suburban Area The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as being located within Suburban Focus Area 4. More specifically, the subject parcels are located within the Entertainment and Education Center Areas of the Virginia Aquarium and Owls Creek Area Master Plan, adopted by reference as part of the Comprehensive Plan on December 6, 2011. For this area, the master plan includes expansion space for existing attractions, creates new indoor and outdoor attractions, and introduces retail, restaurant, and entertainment space to comprise a mixed-use leisure and entertainment destination. Specific recommendations for this area include an outdoor adventure park geared toward the adrenalin seeking visitors with a zip line and high ropes course (p. 3-17).This area has great potential to be a national example of sustainable growth and economic development geared towards environmental preservation. IMPACT ON CITY SERVICES MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): Access to this site is from General Booth Boulevard. In the vicinity of this application, General Booth Boulevard is a 4-lane major suburban arterial with a variable (120' to 150') right-of-way width. The City's Master Transportation Plan shows an ultimate 6-lane roadway with a right-of-way width of 165 feet for this portion of General Booth Boulevard. No roadway CIP projects are currently planned for this portion of road. OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 3 TRAFFIC: Street Name Present Volume present Capacity Generated Traffic General Booth 21,400 ADT 32,500 ADT (Level of Unable to Determine Boulevard Service "C") - 37,100 due to the mix of ADT' (Level of Service uses on the site Average Daily Trips WATER: This site is currently connected to the City water system. The existing 3-inch meter (City ID #73589962) and the existing 5/8-inch fire meter (City ID #95019289) can be used or upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. SEWER: This site is currently connected to City sanitary sewer. Analysis of Pump Station #143 and the sanitary sewer collection system is required to ensure any future flows can be accommodated. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION The applicant, Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beach, LLC, requests a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Outdoor Recreation to allow use and development of the site for an outdoor aerial adventure ropes course, which will be operated in conjunction with the existing use on the site. The proposed use of an outdoor aerial adventure ropes course is an appropriate and complimentary recreational use at this location. Operation of the proposed use will work in conjunction with the existing use by sharing resources such as staff, bathroom facilities, parking, and other interior and exterior site amenities. Said shared amenities have been addressed in the Condition 2 below. The proposed development of the site has been broken down into two phases. Construction of Phase II, which is on the northwestern parcel, is contingent on the City of Virginia Beach constructing a pedestrian bridge, as shown on the conceptual site plan. This pedestrian bridge will also double as service and emergency access to the northwestern parcel. Currently, there is an existing service path leading from General Booth Boulevard into the Phase I area. While Owls Creek is a sensitive natural environment, the construction techniques outlined by Outdoor Ventures, are extremely minimal and sensitive to the existing natural environment. In 2011, City Council adopted the Virginia Aquarium and Owls Creek Area Master Plan, which by reference, is part of the Comprehensive Plan. As specific recommendations for this area include an array of outdoor recreational, educational, and sustainable uses, the request to rezone the northwestern portion of the subject site to P-1 Preservation is consistent with the vision for this area as provided by the Master Plan. For the reasons summarized above, staff recommends approval of this application with the conditions below. OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 4 CONDITIONS 1. Development of the subject site shall substantially conform to the submitted conceptual site plan titled, "The Adventure Park at the Virginia Aquarium," dated October 1, 2013. 2. The applicant shall submit all necessary plans and obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Planning Department / Permit and Inspections Division, Health Department, and Fire Department. 3. Approval for the use of any and all shared services or amenities, including but not limited to parking, restrooms, and/or vehicular access, from facilities located on adjacent parcels shall be demonstrated by written agreements. Said written agreements shall be signed by the adjacent property owner(s) and the applicant, and shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to operation. 4. Any portable bathroom facilities shall be screened by a rigid wooden structure or landscaping. Said portable bathrooms shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. 5. Hours of operation shall coincide with the hours of operation of the existing uses at the Marsh Pavilion and Aquarium. 6. There shall be a minimum of one individual that is First Aid and CPR certified at the site during all activities. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning / Development Services Center and Department of Planning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this Use Permit are valid. The applicanf is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site. OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 5 .; . ? AERIAL OF SITE LOCATION OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 6 ?, ? a i ? T ? y •t ¢ r, E W ? 2 W 51 Q U ? ? a ? 0 ? ?• t ._ ¢ i y> >; F ? Z ( a ' O ?L '•, U ti- ? a ? ? a? Q? z W? a W i s a: i Q > > N E ' z .0 o Z j t Q m J : o= ? , PROPOSED SITE PLAN OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 7 Examples of Elements OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 9 ? - :.. ,- ? A Giant Swing a OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 10 1 r LVIVIIVt7 nIJ 1 VKT # DATE REQUEST ACTION 1 09/09/2008 Modification of Conditions A roved 06/23/1986 Conditional Use Permit Outdoor Recreation A roved 04/23/1990 Modification of Conditions A roved 02/26/1990 Modification of Conditions A roved 06/11/1991 Modification of Conditions A roved 11/26/1991 Modification of Conditions A roved 04/14/1992 Modification of Conditions A roved 02/11/2003 Conditional Use Permit Indoor Recreation A roved 2 01/27/2004 Conditional Rezonin R-10, A-12, B-2 to I-1 A roved 01/27/2004 Modification of Conditions A roved 3 04/27/2004 Conditional Rezonin R-10, A-12 to I-1 A roved 04/27/2004 Modification of Conditions A roved 4 10/26/2004 Modification of Conditions A roved 5 10/26/2004 Conditional Use Permit Bulk Stora e Yard A roved 6 06/14/2011 Conditional Use Permit Recreational Facility) A roved 06/14/2011 Conditional Rezonin P-1 to B-2 A roved 7 10/25/2011 Conditional Rezonin A-12 to B-2 A roved OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 11 ? APPUCAKT DISCI.OSURE It %e appiicart is s, oa"rabbn. partraerahip, firm, be,sirreis. or other unincvrptyraicd orflanixaUrc, camplele Me #olbvAng: 1- Uct the pppirsnt nsme lodlowred #ry ttw rams ai sl, otfims, metnbers, truskeea. partrom, ntc. bektu,r: (Attath ksi ff nwassgry) ' OAdaar Ver,tuuraa =VkVrtFs BencN llG. Csubdnor #+entira Group "ti?ngs, tJ-c Dahman r4nerm, Ralph £etvappl. John F0ne!F.Werdy 7ornpiehrie, KeFm GcrewK 2. LLisst eq businesse3 thst havic e parent-tt.0skiiaryj ur aftfated bustnen errtity2 tel8tlpn6hip ?srith the aWtant; (AElach fsf O'ne-csss,af?') Oettdmr Ven9.ue t3trup Hddngs, LLG DChec* here Ir re appvcant is Nt7Te coWration, partrvershsp, frm, buvness., or aV)er unir?oorporatsd orgaNzaUan. AR[3PWt7Y OWhIfR DtSGLOSURE CompOete tlris ssctinn or?fy f properly 4wner is Merar,t tum appUcanl. If the psomriy owner is a[orpont+on, partner5hlp, Arm, bUStnCSS. ar oftr ;:n:ncflrpora1erd 4rpanltation, oompiete the follcmiing: A. l.ir-t the proMrty rnxrer name fatlovred by ee tmmes af ell n3ticers, rr?ernbes, ii-ugites. panner5. et[ belGw: (Aftactr k31 #r*msiRr)) _ _, _ ..?.... _...__ _ 2, List at busneases th8t tav+e a partnt-subsidtery? or 8tfill8ted busfr?ssr, entity, relatlaftst?o witli t,e SWIcar?i: (Attad? fisr,lrrecessary) [3 Chack htrt itttir prdpt€ty owT*t is NC1Ta ccrp(YatiDn, pat#t'Setthip, frn, busA1eB8. Or otE?ier uniRCvporeted a:is?i?abon. & S? ntrl prtg? ksr fts?r??lra Loc & q n cffical or employec ot the Cityr of 4''irpInia Be8t:!a havE ari ir,iertsi in the sub;ecl land7 Yes , . _ tdD " If yes, vAN =nt :3 ;Jv riz-vt.e. cf 3hc oficid or Ern;.oyee ."orid Mc nctve c1 #heii Irtleteal? Ftu,7E^.'ty'C±?,'-ris Gity d! %rir@fr.y. E'ten Cf'i DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA'BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 12 ADC3177QNAL Df$GL,t7SLRE.S liiit eN km+wrN conbaturs wWslnesset thsl Frave or will prgylCfe genriceN with respeo to ft mquesed proPwtY use, wxluthng taL1 nat qmftd to It,c prayides of amhjjeeuml ve#'*kes1 maI [4bt8te serY1C1ls, ftwrrMl lia1`v;Ces, accounwg wrvom, -gtod IagaJ oervices. (Aftch lisl if fieenury) Wl*. -Lrnd bw^ww. Umfta" Ar&40= Wa 00 Aretmm W'Pt = Land SLrrrweyas. Landscpe Awh1+Bcts anLi Wi Ettffinam KhnOey Hdm & Aswe. - Errwirunm$ntat artd Structural Servkes . 43utdwr VenEums - V1rginia Bee?.#t. LLC - Gerwml Canfrft-Ulg ?"PaTrrt•subMlAry releb&whW mews "a reletiamttp MW embo wtm ow oNpunWofl **Yiy or Indft" ow(w ehm*& possming r?vra than 60 pyrmwnl 4l ft vabvtg pow& o/ anather carpxrvbC?h ' S'oe St1Me Br7d Ltaeal Gmmrrenlt CprTiic10t tnWaqt; Ati, V"a : odo § 22-3 t0l. "AftabId bUsinem erft n9r3tlangft' tnearse "2 teW10nahi0, nOw ihen pmm4- Bt+bWW,#Y retabonWitp, dM laciak when (1) 0?is buelness ac?liy tties a a e inRet4ad fn the s? bu?r? e?t y ? py? dtf+ (4) e cawd" awher in one trility is aIlo a conmwV ownw ln Ote eMw *ttity, vor (41) ittsre is ahaflad rnmugertm" or va*al bvwem fhc twinesp or?1Oes. FtithRe ttat ehouTd po amdm?ed in dstemrm*V tv mdal,er= cf an aWoobd auorwss enoty m*iorsnlp k?ck,de thM tne senm o*? or aubftntialyr +tia game P&W, s»wn w menWe the tft entltle% b!t? ?e awmKV# ar cnmr?tKglad itmds rw asseft; ltte bLWnem erviltiee atnsne Nm ttse at the sernit oWcas ut r,oyees or olhuvAse ail`iAre ectMtio*, moutmeB or penc+ww or iR reg4iir bamie; or them i6 adw%4m sdme wa fidng telAtans4 belwaetr thea bnh`ties." 54w SO* ar+c Lncoi Gdv43?wment t'.orAim aF Inietees A4 1/* Gade 1 22-31Q1. CERT{F1CA'TiC7N; j avft tut me #psmrsiiw cargw,*d harairr ta av+a ard momrabe. 1 UtNa8fd811d ifw, U,ZtFt rF06IPC i11f fibdkmWn 0001caM) q't6t ft aWimMr IlYt Deicaschwllesi ior Pubk- hOMng. 1 am rqepptrei6de torabltiInRrya Llqtd Pastft !he ftouimd sq, oR cihe sut?'g?,y ?rmwT+,l+ ?i IPga13D g,aYe PrAetri fher sci!wduAa9 p4lbfe fiamnn styaldlr1Q k 1hli +elitrWtiof•x In ltik par.hwLt, PIe urrrdttipr*ed rio rmpnrrks 1o efty „pon tne #;bjed prvg" by enVIqyms or uer DqpWmtnc of Plarmina tD chologB9h tha rmw ?lV s,iB RaT PLffP3r*4 V woCe3xng Qnd eVtkwNrv 1f516 apf1j;9p0ij. r ? r ? ? ..4 Rnnl R'?aa Ark %04 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 13 DISCL4SURE STATEMENT APPLlCANT OISCLt}SUItE If the applicant is a oDrporaUon, parWpership, tirm, lusiness, or olher uniricorporated vrganization, oompbte the foNawing. 1. List tii* appliCant narr?e follovMed by the names of ali o#Ficers, mmb$rs, bustees, partners, eic, belaw: (Altachlist N necessary) City of Vrginis BeaW 2. List ail busir?esses Ihat have a parent-subsidlaryi ar a#filiated businiess entiv r+elationehip wilh the applicarrt: (tl#tach Ns# If necosser}') V\l Checlc here If the appiicant is 1WOT a corporation, parmership, firm, buslness, or other uninwrporated organlzaUan. PRf3PERTY OWNER CIISCLOSUFtE Comalete fhis section w?!j+ if p'apwtY owner is different from applicant. ff the property owner is a wrporati4n. partnership, firm, business, or$ther unlnoarpnrated organization, oamplete the fflllowing: 1. l,ist the pmper4y owner rame folbw+ed by the names of all offfoers, members, trustees. Partners, eRc. below: (Attech fist i/ necessery) 2. Lisi aA businesees that have a parent-subsidiarj+' ar affiliated business enw ratationship with the applcanC (Aflach W ff rrecessary') F? Chreck here if the pra,perty owner is N07a cDqporation, f,rartnershJp, firm, buskroess, Or Othef unhltXxpqr,at2d pfgaNZafnan, $ See nexl page Ftx fvylnt?bes Does an officlal or em foyee of City of Virgir? Beach have an interest In the svbjsdl land? Yes Mo If yes, what Is the narrre af the afficial of employee and the nature ot their interost? ciky-awned PmPartY Rata+irVApplicUWn F'e.X 9 0! e4 FLroisec 11W26+1 C) ? ? ? ? ? a ? 0 0=4 C) N a LMM. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 14 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 9 DISCLt.1SURE STATEMENT ADOITIONAL OISCLOSURES LIst ail knawn coritradors of cusinsassB that have or w+lt providr servicn wiith respect to the requesbed property use, indudop but nut Ifmned 6n fhe Protidsrs d arcl,ftedural aeraiaes, real sstata servloes, finandal scrvrces, atnounting serwees, and kga1 serviaes; (A11ach ilst $neceasary) ,"ParerA-suEsmdrary rataFionahip' mbarsa "a t+alelionsh,p ihai exis19 when bre cctpnrition dimctly or tndfractty dwr,s aheres po9asssing mare Men bt} percant of ihe voNnp powee of enot/?er corparabon " SQe State 3nd LbGal Govemtftn! Ctirrdlid of inte+rea4s Att, Va. i:nde § 7 2•3101 "Athfefed busaneas c:ntfty r81abonship' rneanS "a tetaGonsnip ait?tlt tna!'I Pwenf- subsidietry relatinnahip, drai exiata when Ci) orne Ixiaanass en3iccy hog a eoaitrolling ownerghtp inCereet is+ Ine ot?vr businesa enWy, (ii) a c4rrtrolling owner en ane erzilKy is aksa a mMrolling owner In the oUitw s", or (W) mem Is Shand rmnagem+ant ar wntrai tetwson ttw tweinesa untibas Farators thed 6hould be aangiosred in determining tr++e exiaterwe a1 an affiiieted 6usineee erMiiy refatlonsnlp mclude ihet the same Cecsm ar substantiMy the serpe (jer&an cw+n ot man8ge IM two anttti": thate ar? ctvnmon or commingloci tunds or aaseSs: thes buaWrress ai+1ill" stare the uee of tha same dFficea of ernpwyeos of otfief*se share acIN+lies, resouroea or pemonnel nn o ragular hasis; ar lr+s*e ie nMervriee a dosa vwdrking reWonghla between Ehe eMebes ' See 5tate and Lvcal Gavemmenl Canfltct ut fntereats Fict. Va. Cdde § a.z-31o,. CERTIFiCAT10N; i cmdN Ihat tne intarmsbon onntained tsratn Is pue Pnd aocureW. I urtdwstand thel- spon reeeipt of nd1ikecrvn (pasicanq) fte Iht eppliqtion heg p}on wheduletl 10 puhlic heering, I sm rt?wwm%fte tor obtefnlRg atiil paAng tlhe requlred sign oh 1tre auDlect propwty al IoeBt 30 tleys pNnP hi Itrm scSledUl9d pUbte hwarinp aGCarD+g to KiE ir+spvCUon6 In tltf8 pwclcWe fhe u++a"gnarf vso conaents ro;pnIryr upari tne aubllad vroper?y by r.mpdvyaee c11ne [lepvirtrmnt af P+amirq Do photvWo w,yt'4+ew the aile for pwspose:g nf prviceseing sn4 evaluaM+y 1hlr, eppilra`uan A4ichael J. K81Ybr1, P$R D+reqwr A+"? Nym Jarres K. SqnrE. City Manager Pflnl Name Her Ong >.:Xiimtmn %npr $tlot I a F"M1 +i ? 1-2t1i, DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OUTDOOR VENTURES - VIRGINIA BEACH, L.L.C. Agenda Item 4 Page 15 Item #4 Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beach, L.L.C. (a) Conditional Use Permit 717 & 801 General Booth Boulevard (b) Change of Zoning Northeast side of South Birdneck Road District 6 Beach December 11, 2013 CONSENT An application of Outdoor Ventures - Virginia Beach , L.L.C. for (a) Conditional Use Permit (Outdoor Recreation); and (b) Change of Zoning (Conditional I-1 Light Industrial to P-1 Preservation) on property located at 717 & 801 General Booth Boulevard, District 6, Beach. GPIN: 2416758858; 2416987653; 2416678078. CONDITIONS 1. Development of the subject site shall substantially conform to the submitted conceptual site plan titled, "The Adventure Park at the Virginia Aquarium," dated October 1, 2013. 2. The appticant shall submit all necessary plans and obtain all necessary permits and inspections from the Planning Department / Permit and Inspections Division, Health Department, and Fire Department. 3. Approval for the use of any and all shared services or amenities, including but not limited to parking, restrooms, and/or vehicular access, from facilities located on adjacent parcels shall be demonstrated by written agreements. Said written agreements shall be signed by the adjacent property owner(s) and the applicant, and shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to operation. 4. Any portable bathroom facilities shall be screened by a rigid wooden structure or landscaping. Said portable bathrooms shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. 5. Hours of operation shall coincide with the hours of operation of the existing uses at the Marsh Pavilion and Aquarium. 6. There shall be a minimum of one individual that is First Aid and CPR certified at the site during all activities. 7. The hours of operation shall be no earlier than 7:00 am and no later than 12:00 midnight, and shall coordinate with the hours of operation of the existing uses at the Marsh Pavilion and Aquarium. Item #4 Outdoor Ventures -Virginia Beach, L.L.C. Page 2 AYE 9 NAY 0 BERNAS AYE FELTON AYE H EN LEY AYE HODGSON AYE HORSLEY AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RI PLEY AYE RUCINSKI AYE RUSSO THORNTON By a vote of 9-0, the Commission approved item 4 by consent. ABS 0 ABSENT 2 ABSENT ABSENT Cynthia Spanoulis appeared before the Commission. -,. ?u ro ; ,:` J? CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDAITEM ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - An Ordinance to Allow Antique Shops within Buildings Listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register as a Conditional Use in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The amendments will allow antique shops as a Conditional Use within buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. Section 111 of the City Zoning Ordinance defines an `antique shop' as follows: A retail store, not exceeding three thousand (3,000) square feet, where manmade articles at least one hundred (100) years old are offered for sale and cover at least fifty (50) percent of the display floor area. ¦ Considerations: The proposed amendment responds to a recent request for such use by owners of a historic home in the southern portion of the City. Museums, art galleries, animal hospitals, borrow pits, child care centers, country inns, indoor recreation facilities and the retail sale of garden supplies are all Conditional Uses in the Agricultural Districts. An antique shop, as defined, will be very similar to an art gallery use and should have less impact than other allowed conditional uses. The amendment has been reviewed by the Agricultural Advisory Committee and recommended for approval. It will provide an additional opportunity in the rural area for buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register to be preserved. Each proposal can be assessed individually through the conditional use permit process. Staff recommends approval of the amendment. There was no opposition to the request. ¦ Recommendations: The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda, passing a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0, to recommend approval of this request to the City Council. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review Ordinance City of Virginia Beach - Antique Shops Page2of2 Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ? ? ?, 14 December 12, 2013 Public Hearing CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE / ANTIQUE SHOPS IN AG REQUEST: An Ordinance to Allow Antique Shops within Buildings Listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register as a Conditional Use in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT The amendments will allow antique shops as a Conditional Use within buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. Section 111 of the City Zoning Ordinance defines an 'antique shop' as follows: A retail store, not exceeding three thousand (3,000) square feet, where manmade articles at least one hundred (100) years old are offered for sale and cover at least fifty (50) percent of the display floor area. RECOMMENDATION The proposed amendment responds to a recent request for such use by owners of a historic home in the southern portion of the City. Museums, art galleries, animal hospitals, borrow pits, child care centers, country inns, indoor recreation facilities and the retail sale of garden supplies are all conditional uses in the Agricultural Districts. An antique shop, as defined, will be very similar to an art gallery use and should have less impact than other allowed conditional uses. The amendment was reviewed by the Agricultural Advisory Committee and recommended for approval. It will provide an additional opportunity in the rural area for buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register to be preserved. Each proposal can be assessed individually through the conditional use permit process. Staff recommends approval of the amendment. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH f Antique Shops in AG-1 & AG-2 Districts Agenda IteM 14 Page 1 Item #14 City of Virginia Beach - Antique Shops in Agricultural Districts December 11, 2013 CONSENT SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT The amendments will allow antique shops as a Conditional Use within buildings listed on the Virginia Beach Historical Register in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. Section 111 of the City Zoning Ordinance defines an 'antique shop' as follows: A retail store, not exceeding three thousand (3,000) square feet, where manmade articles at least one hundred (100) years old are offered for sale and cover at least fifty (50) percent of the display floor area. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT 2 BERNAS AYE FELTON AYE HENLEY AYE HODGSON AYE HORSLEY AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RIPLEY AYE RUCINSKI AYE RUSSO ABSENT THORNTON ABSENT By a vote of 9-0, the Commission approved item 14 by consent. Karen Lasley appeared before the Commission. 1 AN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW ANTIQUE SHOPS 2 WITHIN BUILDINGS LISTED ON THE VIRGINIA 3 BEACH HISTORICAL REGISTER AS A 4 CONDITIONAL USE IN THE AG-1 AND AG-2 5 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS 6 7 Section Amended: City Zoning Ordinance Section 8 401 9 10 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 11 practice so require; 12 13 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIGINIA BEACH, 14 VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA: 15 16 That Section 401 of the City Code is hereby amended and reordained to read as 17 follows: 18 19 20 ARTICLE 4. AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS 21 22 .... 23 24 Sec. 401. Use regulations. 25 26 (a) Principal and conditional uses. The following chart lists those uses 27 permitted within the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. Those uses and structures in 28 the respective agricultural districts shall be permitted as either principal uses indicated 29 by a"P" or as conditional uses indicated by a"C." Uses and structures indicated by an 30 "X" shall be prohibited in the respective districts. No uses or structures other than as 31 specified shall be permitted. 32 33 Use AG-1 AG-2 34 35 .... 36 37 Antique shops except as provided 38 below X X 39 40 Antique shops within buildinqs listed 41 on the Virqinia Beach Historical Reqister C C 42 43 .... 44 45 46 47 48 COMMENT 49 50 The amendments allow antique shops within buildings listed on the Virginia Beach 51 Historical Register as a conditional use in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. Section 111 of 52 the City Zoning Ordinance defines the use as follows: 53 54 Antique shop. A retail store, not exceeding three thousand (3,000) square feet, where manmade 55 articles at least one hundred (100) years old are offered for sale and cover at least fifty (50) percent 56 of the display floor area. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the day of .2014. APP CA-12830 R-1 October 28, 2013 CONTENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENC : . City Attorney's Office 2 e S`.' nens: Si 4 ? 'i CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - An Ordinance to Amend Section 111 (`Definitions') of the City Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to the Definition of a Dwelling. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: The proposed amendment will revise the current definition of a dwelling: A room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family, and containing a single kitchen. This has been the definition of a dwelling unit since the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance in 1973. At that time, the definition was appropriate and helped prevent single-family dwellings from being converted to illegal duplexes. Currently, since the definition of a dwelling states that a dwelling can have only 'a single kitchen,' and the definition of a`kitchen' states that only one stove is allowed per dwelling unit, dwellings can have only one stove. This definition has proven to be increasingly problematic. First, with regard to preventing illegal dwelling units, the nature of a`kitchen' has evolved during the past 40 years, and there are now 'kitchens' that have no stoves. For example, many today are willing to have a housekeeping unit with just a refrigerator and a microwave oven. Second, some owners of very large homes desire to have a second kitchen in a remote part of the home for convenience. Elaborate outdoor kitchens have also become popular. Virginia Beach has become more diverse and some religions require certain foods to be prepared separate from other foods, which is resulting in requests for two kitchens within one dwelling unit. Also, the increasing trend of working at home has resulted in some specific home occupations that rely on special types of stoves and ovens such as a specialized oven for baking various food items for sale elsewhere, a second stove or oven for use in preparing 'gourmet' meals and a specialized oven for creating various forms of art. Consistent with these trends, staff has received an increasing number of requests for a second stove or oven, but has been forced to deny such requests based on the definition of a dwelling and its corresponding connection to the definition of a kitchen. A recent request by a homeowner in the Centerville District led the District Councilperson to request staff evaluate the existing definition of a dwelling unit. City of Virginia Beach - Definition of a Dwelling Unit Page2of2 ¦ Considerations: Research by staff pertaining to the definition of dwelling units in various zoning ordinances locally and across the nation found that very few include the 'kitchen provision' contained in the City Zoning Ordinance. The vast majority of the definitions mirror the definition of a dwelling unit provided by the International Building Code (IBC): A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. This definition provides a comprehensive description of the commonly understood characteristics of a dwelling. Staff, therefore, has drafted a definition of a dwelling that is more consistent with the IBC definition. Staff has, however, retained the description of a'single unit' as "a room or rooms connected together" since such a description provides a means of ensuring that one dwelling unit is not divided into two units without the requisite permits in districts where such division is not allowed. Retaining the reference to a"family," helps reinforce that a dwelling unit can only be occupied by a family, as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance. Staff's recommended definition is as follows: A room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family and including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance updates the definition of a dwelling unit such that it responds to current market trends and lifestyles. The definition will also provide greater consistency throughout the City's development ordinances due to the use of a common definition found in both zoning regulations and building regulations. There was no opposition to the request. ¦ Recommendations: The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda, passing a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0, to recommend approval of this request to the City Council. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Ordinance Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ? . r 13 December 12, 2013 Public Hearing CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE / DEFINITION OF A DWELLING REQUEST: An Ordinance to Amend Section 111 (`Definitions') of the City Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to the Definition of a Dwelling. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT The proposed amendment revises the current definition of a dwelling: A room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family, and containing a single kitchen. This definition has existed as part of the zoning regulations since the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance in 1973. In 1973, the definition was appropriate and helped prevent single family dwellings from functioning as illegal duplexes. In combination with the definition of a"kitchen," which states that only one stove is now allowed per dwelling unit, today dwelling units are permitted to have only one stove. This definition has proven to be increasingly problematic and it no longer prevents multiple units within one home. For example, today many are willing to have a housekeeping unit with just a refrigerator and a microwave oven. In addition, some owners of very large homes desire to have a second kitchen in a remote part of the home for convenience. Elaborate outdoor kitchens have also become popular. Virginia Beach has become more diverse and some religions require certain foods to be prepared separately resulting in requests for two kitchens within one dwelling unit. The increasing trend of working at home has resulted in some specific home occupations that rely on special types of stoves and ovens such as a specialized oven for baking various food items for sale elsewhere, a second stove or oven for use in preparing 'gourmeY meals and a specialized oven for creating various forms of art. Consistent with these trends, staff has received an increasing number of requests for a second stove or oven, but has been forced to deny such requests based on the definition of a dwelling and its corresponding connection to the definition of a kitchen. A recent request by a homeowner in the Centerville District led the District Councilperson to request staff evaluate the existing definition of a dwelling unit. Research by staff pertaining to the definition of dwelling units in various zoning ordinances locally and across the nation found that very few include the `kitchen provision' contained in the City Zoning CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / Defnition. of ?.Dwelling Unit Agenda Itero 13 Page 1 Ordinance. The vast majority of the definitions mirror the definition of a dwelling unit provided by the International Building Code (IBC): A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. This definition provides a comprehensive description of the commonly understood characteristics of a dwelling. Staff, therefore, has drafted a definition of a dwelling that is more consistent with the IBC definition. Staff has, however, retained the description of a`single unit' as "a room or rooms connected together" since such a description provides a means of ensuring that one dwelling unit is not divided into two units without the requisite permits in districts where such division is not allowed. Retaining the reference to a "family," helps reinforce that a dwelling unit can only be occupied by a family, as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance. Staff's recommended definition is as follows: A room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family and including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. RECOMMENDATION The proposed definition updates the definition of a dwelling unit such that it responds to current market trends and lifestyles. The definition will also provide greater consistency throughout the City's development ordinances due to the use of a common definition found in both zoning regulations and building regulations. Staff recommends approval. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / Definition of a Dwelling Unit Agenda Itern 13 Page 2 Item #13 City of Virginia Beach - Definition of Dwelling An Ordinance to amend Section 111 (definitions) of the City Zoning Ordinance Pertaining to the Definition of Dwelling December 11, 2013 CONSENT SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT The proposed amendment revises the current definition of a dwelling: A room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family, and containing a single kitchen. This definition has existed as part of the zoning regulations since the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance in 1973. In 1973, the definition was appropriate and helped prevent single family dwellings from functioning as illegal duplexes. In combination with the definition of a"kitchen," which states that only one stove is now allowed per dwelling unit, today dwelling units are permitted to have only one stove. This definition has proven to be increasingly problematic and it no longer prevents multiple units within one home. For example, today many are willing to have a housekeeping unit with just a refrigerator and a microwave oven. In addition, some owners of very large homes desire to have a second kitchen in a remote part of the home for convenience. Elaborate outdoor kitchens have also become popular. Virginia Beach has become more diverse and some religions require certain foods to be prepared separately resulting in requests for two kitchens within one dwelling unit. The increasing trend of working at home has resulted in some specific home occupations that rely on speciai types of stoves and ovens such as a specialized oven for baking various food items for sale elsewhere, a second stove or oven for use in preparing 'gourmet' meals and a specialized oven for creating various forms of art. Consistent with these trends, staff has received an increasing number of requests for a second stove or oven, but has been forced to deny such requests based on the definition of a dwelling and its corresponding connection to the definition of a kitchen. A recent request by a homeowner in the Centerville District led the District Councilperson to request staff evaluate the existing definition of a dwelling unit. Research by staff pertaining to the definition of dwelling units in various zoning ordinances localiy and across the nation found that very few include the 'kitchen provision' contained in the City Zoning Ordinance. The vast majority of the definitions mirror the definition of a dwelling unit provided by the International Building Code (IBC): Item #13 City of Virginia Beach - Definition of Dwelling Page 2 A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. This definition provides a comprehensive description of the commonly understood characteristics of a dwelling. Staff, therefore, has drafted a definition of a dwelling that is more consistent with the IBC definition. Staff has, however, retained the description of a'single unit' as "a room or rooms connected together" since such a description provides a means of ensuring that one dwelling unit is not divided into two units without the requisite permits in districts where such division is not allowed. Retaining the reference to a"family," helps reinforce that a dwelling unit can only be occupied by a family, as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance. Staff's recommended definition is as follows: A room or rooms connected together, constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family and including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT 2 BERNAS AYE FELTON AYE H E N LEY AYE HODGSON AYE HORSLEY AYE LI VAS AYE REDMOND AYE RIPLEY AYE RUCINSKI AYE RUSSO ABSENT THORNTON ABSENT By a vote of 9-0, the Commission approved item 13 by consent. Karen Lasley appeared before the Commission. 1 REQUESTED BY COUNCILMEMBER ROBERT M. DYER 2 3 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 111 4 (DEFINITIONS) OF THE CITY ZONING 5 ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE 6 DEFINITION OF "DWELLING UNIT" 7 8 Section Amended: City Zoning Ordinance § 111 9 10 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 11 practice so require; 12 13 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 14 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 15 16 That Section 111 of the City Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and 17 reordained to read as follows: 18 19 Sec. 111. Definitions. 20 21 For the purpose of this ordinance, words used in the present tense shall include the 22 future; words used in the singular number include the plural and the plural the singular; 23 the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders; the word "shall" is mandatory; 24 the word "may" is permissive; the word "land" includes only the area described as being 25 above mean sea level; and the word "person" includes an individual, a partnership, 26 association, or corporation. 27 28 In addition, the following terms shall be defined as herein indicated; provided that in 29 the event a term defined in this section is defined differently in the regulations of any 30 form-based district, the latter definition shall control if the property to which the definition 31 applies is located in the form-based district: 32 33 .... 34 35 Dwelling unit. A"dwelling unit" is a room or rooms connected together, 36 constituting an independent housekeeping unit for a family; and rnntr+ininn a s;.,nlo 37 kitsben includinq permanent provisions for livinq sleeping eatinq cookinq and 38 sanitation. 39 40 .... 41 42 43 COMMENT 44 45 The present definition of a"dwelling unit" does not allow a single-family dwelling to have 46 two kitchens. This amendment will allow two kitchens if the dwelling is still being used as a single- 47 family unit. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: .. ?. ? ? Planning epa ment City Attorney s O ice CA12823 R-4 January 8, 2014 2 NU'? y ?l "O? . f y ?? ? :weeR ! CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - An Ordinance to Amend Section 201 of the City Zoning Ordinance (Yards) to allow existing structures located in a required yard to be raised for flood protection. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: Currently, a property owner with a nonconforming residential structure that is legally located within a side, rear, or front yard and is also within a Special Flood Hazard Area cannot increase the height of the structure. To do so requires approval of a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). ¦ Considerations: This amendment allows nonconforming residential structures which are legally located in side, rear, or front yard setbacks to be raised for flood protection (without requiring a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals), as long as it is in the same structural footprint and is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. This should make the raising of such structures easier for the owner of the property. The amendment is a result of discussion that occurred during the recent amendments to various development ordinances pertaining to floodplains. There was no opposition to the request. ¦ Recommendations: The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda, passing a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0, to recommend approval of this request to the City Council. ¦ Attachments: Staff Review Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Ordinance Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Departmen City Manager: ? V :?j ty;'-, Item #16 City of Virginia Beach - Section 201 (Floodplains) An Ordinance to amend Section 201 of the City Zoning Ordinance (Yards) to allow existing structures located in a required yard to be raised for fiood protection December 11, 2013 CONSENT SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT This amendment allows nonconforming residential structures which are legally located in side, rear, or front yard setbacks to be raised for flood protection (without requiring a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals), as long as it is in the same structural footprint and is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area. This should make the raising of such structures easier for the owner of the property. AYE 9 NAY 0 ABS 0 ABSENT 2 BERNAS AYE FELTON AYE HENLEY AYE HODGSON AYE HORSLEY AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RIPLEY AYE RUCINSKI AYE RUS50 ABSENT THORNTON ABSENT By a vote of 9-0, the Commission approved item 16 by consent. Karen Lasiey appeared before the Commission. 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 201 2 OF THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE 3 (YARDS) TO ALLOW EXISTING 4 STRUCTURES LOCATED IN A REQUIRED 5 YARD TO BE RAISED FOR FLOOD 6 PROTECTION IN A SPECIAL FLOOD 7 HAZARD AREA 8 9 Section Amended: City Zoning Ordinance § 201 10 11 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 12 practice so require; 13 14 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA 15 BEACH, VIRGINIA: 16 17 That Section 201 of the City Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended and 18 reordained to read as follows: 19 Sec. 201. Yards. 20 (a) Genera/. All required yards shall be unobstructed by any structure or other 21 improvement which exceeds sixteen (16) inches in height as measured from ground 22 elevation; provided, however, the following improvements may be located in a yard: 23 .... 24 (10) Existinq nonconforminq residential structures located in a Special 25 Flood Hazard Area as defined in Section 1.3 of the Floodplain 26 Ordinance which are raised for flood protection, mav extend into 27 required vards provided that the structure remains within the same 28 footprint as the oriqinal structure. 29 30 COMMENT 31 This amendment allows nonconforming residential structures which are legally located in 32 side, rear or front yard setbacks to be raised for flood protection, as long as it is in the same 33 footprint, and is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, without requiring a BZA variance. This 34 should make the raising of such structures easier for the homeowner. 35 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2014. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: / ,• l ? ' ?? ?,? , Plannin Department City Attorney s Office CA12842/R-1/November 18, 2013 ? aNU ejk1 r: r> ?•..`iy?.? CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH - An Ordinance to Amend the Comprehensive Plan by Adopting the Urban Forest Management Plan Providing for Policy Guidance, Goals and Objectives to Protect and Enhance the Urban Forest and Revising the Policy Document. MEETING DATE: January 14, 2014 ¦ Background: This proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan will adopt by reference the Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP), which will result in the UFMP being part of the Comprehensive Plan. ¦ Considerations: In early 2012, the City began an internal and external planning process to develop a plan for managing the city's `urban forest.' Early in the process, representatives from each department that affects the city's urban forest met monthly for six months. During those meetings the state of the city's urban forest, the benefits it provides, interdepartmental coordination, and goals/objectives for this plan were all discussed. External stakeholders were involved through two public meetings, in spring of 2013, one for the northern watersheds and one for the southern watersheds. Feedback was obtained through questionnaires provided at the meeting and posted on the city's Virtual Town Hall. Presentations with requests for feedback were also made to many civic groups, such as the Parks and Recreation Commission, Envision Virginia Beach 2040 Implementation Committee, Virginia Beach Beautification Commission and Clean Waters Task Force. Together, these discussions and feedback form the basis of this plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide analysis, evaluation, and strategies to ensure the numerous benefits of the urban forest are understood and that trees are viewed as an effective way to meet many environmental and social challenges communities face. The Plan provides a broad range of actions that will sustain a healthy and vibrant urban forest in Virginia Beach. This plan looks over a 20-year horizon and recommends specific steps the city can take to protect and enhance the cherished environment that trees help create. The Urban Forest Management Plan includes a goal to increase city- wide canopy from 36% to 45% over the next 20 years. There was no opposition to the request. ¦ Recommendations: The Planning Commission placed this item on the Consent Agenda, passing a motion by a recorded vote of 9-0, to recommend approval of this request to the City Council. City of Virginia Beach - Urban Forest Management Plan Page2of2 ¦ Attachments: Staff Review Minutes of Planning Commission Hearing Urban Forest Management Plan (separate cover) Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency City Manager. k : Planning Departme All ?mt 17 December 12, 2013 Public Hearing CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN / URBAN FOREST PLAN REQUEST: An Ordinance to Amend the Comprehensive Plan by Adopting the Urban Forest Management Plan Providing for Policy Guidance, Goals and Objectives to Protect and Enhance the Urban Forest and Revising the Policy Document. SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT In early 2012, the City began an internal and external planning process to develop a plan for managing the city's `urban forest.' Early in the process, representatives from each department that affects the city's urban forest met monthly for six months. During those meetings the state of the city's urban forest, the benefits it provides, interdepartmental coordination, and goals/objectives for this plan were all discussed. External stakeholders were involved through two public meetings, in spring of 2013, one for the northern watersheds and one for the southern watersheds. Feedback was obtained through questionnaires provided at the meeting and posted on the city's Virtual Town Hall. Presentations with requests for feedback were also made to many civic groups, such as the Parks and Recreation Commission, Envision Virginia Beach 2040 Implementation Committee, Virginia Beach Beautification Commission and Clean Waters Task Force. Together, these discussions and feedback form the basis of this plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide analysis, evaluation, and strategies to ensure the numerous benefits of the urban forest are understood and that trees are viewed as an effective way to meet many environmental and social challenges communities face. This ordinance amends the Comprehensive Plan by adoption of the Urban Forest Management Plan. The current provisions of the Plan pertaining to Urban Forestry are revised to reflect the adoption and relevant provisions of the Urban Forest Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION The Urban Forest Management Plan is a result of extensive community participation. The Plan provides a broad range of actions that will sustain a healthy and vibrant urban forest in Virginia Beach. This plan looks over a 20-year horizon and recommends specific steps the city can take to protect and enhance the cherished environment that trees help create. The Urban Forest Management Plan includes a goal to increase city-wide canopy from 36% to 45% over the next twenty years. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH / iJrban Forest Management Plan Agenda Ite,rm 17 Page 1 Item #17 City of Virginia Beach - Comprehensive Amendment (Urban Forest Management Plan) An Ordinance to amend the Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Urban Forest Management Plan providing for Policy Guidance, Goals and Objectives to Protect and Enhance the Urban Forest and Revising Policy Document December 11, 2013 CONSENT SUMMARY OF AMENDMENT In eariy 2012, the City began an internal and external planning process to develop a plan for managing the city's 'urban forest.' Early in the process, representatives from each department that affects the city's urban forest met monthly for six months. During those meetings the state of the city's urban forest, the benefits it provides, interdepartmental coordination, and goals/objectives for this plan were all discussed. External stakeholders were involved through two public meetings, in spring of 2013, one for the northern watersheds and one for the southern watersheds. Feedback was obtained through questionnaires provided at the meeting and posted on the city's Virtual Town Hall. Presentations with requests for feedback were also made to many civic groups, such as the Parks and Recreation Commission, Envision Virginia Beach 2040 Implementation Committee, Virginia Beach Beautification Commission and Clean Waters Task Force. Together, these discussions and feedback form the basis of this plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide analysis, evaluation, and strategies to ensure the numerous benefits of the urban forest are understood and that trees are viewed as an effective way to meet many environmental and social challenges communities face. This ordinance amends the Comprehensive Plan by adoption of the Urban Forest Management Plan. The current provisions of the Plan pertaining to Urban Forestry are revised to reflect the adoption and relevant provisions of the Urban Forest Management Plan. AYE 9 NAY 0 BERNAS AYE FELTON AYE HENLEY AYE HODGSON AYE HORSLEY AYE LIVAS AYE REDMOND AYE RI PLEY AYE RUCINSKI AYE RUSSO THORNTON ABS 0 ABSENT 2 ABSENT ABSENT Item #17 City of Virginia Beach - Comprehensive Amendment (Urban Forest Management Plan) Page 2 By a vote of 9-0, the Commission approved item 17 by consent. Susan French appeared before the Commission. 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE 2 PLAN BY ADOPTING THE URBAN FOREST 3 MANAGEMENT PLAN PROVIDING FOR POLICY 4 GUIDANCE, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES TO PROTECT 5 AND ENHANCE THE URBAN FOREST AND REVISING 6 THE POLICY DOCUMENT 7 8 WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning 9 practice so require; 10 11 WHEREAS, the Urban Forest Management Plan has been developed with 12 extensive input from the community and all stakeholders; 13 14 WHEREAS, there are several revisions that are necessary to bring the adopted 15 Comprehensive Plan into conformity with the Urban Forest Management Plan; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the Urban Forest Management Plan, and the attached revisions to 18 the Policy Document should be adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan. 19 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 21 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 22 23 That the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Virginia Beach be, and hereby is, 24 amended and reordained by: 25 26 1. The adoption of the Urban Forest Management Plan. Such document is 27 made a part hereof, having been exhibited to the City Council and is on file in the 28 Department of Planning; and 29 30 2 The revision of the Policy Document, pertaining to the Urban Forest 31 Management Plan as shown on the attached document entitled "Revisions to 2009 32 Comprehensive Plan Policy Document, Chapter 7: Environmental Stewardship, City of 33 Virginia Beach Urban Forest Management Plan." Such document is made a part 34 hereof, having been exhibited to the City Council and is on file in the Department of 35 Planning. 36 37 COMMENT 38 39 The ordinance amends the Comprehensive Plan by the adoption of the Urban Forest 40 Management Plan and the revisions to the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to urban forests to 41 reflect the adoption and relevant provisions of the Urban Forest Management Plan. 42 43 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this 44 day of 12014. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ?. ? ity A torney's Office CA12838 R-2 January 8, 2014 2 DRAFT Revisions to 2009 Comprehensive Plan Policy Document Chapter 7: Environmental Stewardship City of Virginia Beach Urban Forest Management Plan (Pages 7-8 and 7-9, Policy Document: Text to be deleted is shown as stFikethrough• Text to be added is shown as underlined) URBAN FORESTRY Virqinia Beach's urban forest touches the lives of its citizens everv dav. It consists of all trees in the Citv on both public and private lands The CitV's trees are cherished bv residents for promotinq stronq neiqhborhoods and a qood qualitv of life The urban forest provides numerous benefits to the Citv and its residents includinq cleaner air and water, cooler temperatures alld @IlePqy SBVItIQS. Wlth pt'Oqef manaqement these benefits increase everv vear as trees continue to qrow and thrive. Virainia Beach's urban forest is a vital component of the City's infrastructure. The Citv's Urban Forest Manaaement Plan available in the online document librarv at www,vbqov.com/Planning, provides policv quidance qoals and obiectives for urban forest manaqement in Virqinia Beach The plan delivers a vision of a stronq urban forest that thrives throuqh mutuallv beneficial partnerships and effective resource commitment The plan's basis is that our urban forest fosters economic vitality, sustainable development stronq neiqhborhoods clean air and water, and maintains the Citv's physical beautv Its overarchinq mission is to enhance the Virqinia Beach urban forest throuah education communitv involvement proactive manaqement and responsible stewardship. RECOMMENDATIONS The Plan is structured around a sustainable arboriculture model that includes assessina and understandinq the veqetative resource proactivelv manaqinq it and partnerinq with residents, business owners developers and non-profit orqanizations to protect and enhance the Citv's urban forest. The Urban Forest Manaqement Plan is a livina workina document to which a comprehensive review and update is recommended every five years. Plan Obiectives: . ? ? Enhance policies that guide development requirements for landscape practices on proposed projects. ? . ? Protect, maintain and increase the number of existing healthy trees found in the City. ? , ? Promote cyclical neiqhborhood tree care and maintenance ? Focus on tree plantinqs and preservation on public properties Inteqrated Pest Manaqement proqram to improve tree health Educate citizens in research-based urban forestrv practices Increase citvwide urban tree canopy cover to 45% over 20 years L. APPOINTMENTS CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PERSONNEL BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION SOUTHEASTERN PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY TRANSITION AREA/ITA TRAFFIC AREA CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (VBCDC) '? M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS 0. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC COMMENT Non-Agenda Items Each Speaker will be allowed 3 minutes and each subject is limited to 3 Speakers ***************************** If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 385-4303 ******************************** CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS R O S DATE: 12/10/2013 PAGE: 1 S- D H S AGENDA E H A E W ITEM # SUB7ECT MOTION VOTE D S E J M S U I A T D N O M M S H L W V E Y L N O O O R S O I P E E E S N M I O O S H R Y S S D S N N D I CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. COMPREHENSNE ANNUAL Patti Phillips, FINANCIAL REPORT Director - Finance B. CENTRAL BUSINESS CORE Ashby Moss, DISTRICT ZONING Planning Evaluarion Coordinator - Planniug C. STRATEGIC GROWTH AREA Bazry Frankenfield, INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP SGA Director D. VIRGINIA TOURISM GAP Barry Frankenfield, FINANCING PROPOSAL - SGA Director Cavalier Associates II/III CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS/ AGENDA REVIEW JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFING HEALTH CARE NNNI-E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED CERTIFIED 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1' A Y 1' SESSION F MINUTES - December 3, 2013 APPROVED 9-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y B S T A I N E D G/H PRESENTATIONS: 1. 2013 " Holiday Lights" Student Bobby Melatti - Design Competition Beach Events Kattileen Viloria - Salem High School 2. American Public Works Assoc. Plulip A. Davenport, National Accreditation Award Director - Public Works 3. Resolution - 50dAuniversary of the City TY OF VIRGINIA BEACH MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS R O S 2/10/2013 PAGE: 2 S- D H S L[AGENDA E H A E W SUBJEC T MOTION VOTE D S E J M S U I A T D N O M M S H L W V E Y L N O O O R S O I P E E E S N M I O O S H R Y S S D S N N D I PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Property Tax Exemption - The Victors No Speakers 2. School Revenue for Operations No Speakers ADDED: J-1 Ordiuazice to DESIGNATE "The ADOPTED 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Victors" as being EXEMPT &om local property taacation 2 Resolution to SUPPORT a"fust day ADOPTED 9-1 Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y inlroducdon" for General Assembly Bills that create local fiscal impacts 3 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a second ADOPTED 7-3 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y A N Y modification to the Term Sheet between the City/YMCA of South Hampton Roads to REMOVE the requirement for covering the pooUEXTEND the start date of construction to June 1, 2014 4 Ordinance to DECLARE City-owned ADOPTED, BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y property at Princess Anne Road/South CONSENT Independence Boulevard as EXCESS/AUTHORIZE conveyance to Smith/Packett Med-Com, LLC 5 Ordinance to EXTEND the date for ADOPTED, BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y compliance re closing a portion of CONSENT Woodland Street for Columbus Station Associates, LLC 6 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE ADOPTED, BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y }' $2,910,000 to the Development Authority CONSENT provide a loan to Vanguard Landing re mixed use facility for persons with intellectual disabilities DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE 7 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a ADOPTED, BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y encroachment into a portion of City- CONSENT owned property for Ocean Sands Owners Assoc. balconies at 2207 Atlantic Avenue DISTRICT 6 - BEACH CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUVMARY OF CDUNCIL ACTIONS R O S DATE: 12/10/2013 PAGE: 3 S- D H S AGENDA E H A E W ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE D S E J M S U I A T D N O M M S H L W V E Y L N O O O R S O I P E E E S N M I O O S H R Y S S D S N N D 8 Resolution to AMEND/RE-ADOPT the ADOPTED, AS 9-1 Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y A Y Y 2012 City/School Revenue Sharing AMENDED, BY Formula Policy CONSENT 9 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE ADOPTED, BY 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y $18,831,522 in School Reversion Funds: CONSENT a. $2>655,978 for Elementazy instructionaliniriatives/Equity Affairs/bus/high mileage vehicle replacement/laptops/iPads/ conversion of the old Kellam High School to the Princess Anne Middle School. b. $175,544 for athleric equipment c. $16,000,000 re anricipated operating budget shortfalUemergency expenditures/fiscal emergencies K-1 CAH HOLDINGS, LLC/I.C REALTY, APPROVED/ 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A I' Y LLC for a CUP re indoor autocar wash at CONDTI'IONED BY 3565 Holland Road CONSENT DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL 2 TIDEWATER NFL FLAG, LLC, W. APPROVED/ 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y HEYWOOD FRALIN/KAREN H. for a CONDITIONED BY CUP re outdoor recreation at Shore Drive CONSENT and First Court Road DISTRICT 4 - BAYSIDE 3 NVR, INC./MUNDEN LAND, LLC DEFERRED TO 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y S' Modification of Proffer No. 7 on a 1/28/14 Condirional COZ (2006) at 2076 Princess Anne Road DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE 4 Applications of CAVALIER APPROVED 9-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A A Y Y ASSOCIATES: B DISTRICT 6 - BEACH S T a. C/O/Z from RT-1 and R-7.5 to OR re A a residential community I N b. Special Exce?fion for Alternative E Comnliance to (OR) Form-Based D Code. c. Variance to Section 41/4.4(d) re streets/alleys/lots at 4010 Holly Road/4200 Pacific Avenue CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS R O S DATE: 12/10/2013 PAGE: 4 S" D H S AGENDA E H A E W ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE D S E J M S U I A T D N O M M S H L W V E Y L N O O O R S O I P E E E S N M I O O S H R Y S S D S N N D 5 HOME ASSOC OF VA, INC. for a COZ DEFERRED 10-0 Y Y Y Y 1' Y I' Y A I' Y from AG-1 to Conditional R-15 at 1864 INDEFINITELY, Indian River Road BY CONSENT DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE L APPOINTMENTS RESCHEDULED g Y C O N S E N S U S HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION TRANSITION AREA/TI'A TRAFFIC AREA ADVISORY COMMITTEE PLANNING COMMISSION Appointed: 4 year 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y 1' Y A Y Y terms 0 1/0 1/2014 - 12/31/2017 Dee Oliver Michael A. Inman M/N/O ADJOURNMENT 8:22 PM 2013 CITYHOLIDAYS Christmas Eve (halj=da,y) - Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Day - Wednesday, December 25 2014 CITY COUNCIL RETREAT Economic Development Conference Room 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Monday, January and Tuesdav. Januarv 7". 2014