HomeMy WebLinkAbout06172014CITi'OF I%RGIA'1.1 BE.ICH SU,lL1L-1R}'OF COU,VClL rfCTlONS R O S DATE: 06/l i/?Old PAGE: I S. H S AGENDA H \1 A E \1' ITED1=~ SUBIECT MOTION VOTE E J A M S U I D \ O K R Af \I S H L \V }' L \ A T O O O R S O E E E N I S N Sf I O O R }' S E ~ S D S ~ ~ D I. CIl'1' COUN'CIL'S BRIF,FI\G HISTORIC PRESERVATION Bernice Pope, Chair CO~1AfISSION -Annual Repon IUIIVI\'/}'/ CER"fIFICA'1'10\OF CLOSED CERTIFIED II-0 Y }' Y }' }' }' }' Y }' Y Y -E sessloN F. X11\IiTES APPROVED 10-0 Y Y Y }' }' }' Y 1' 1' 1' A B June 3, ?014 S T A \' E D G. FORN:U, SFSSIO~AGE\DA I. CONSENT AGENDA H. t1A }'OR'S I'RESESTAIION I. SENIOR ESSA}': Challenses O( Joanna Tan Youth And Goali For The Furore ?. RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION \fan~ F:av Horoszeseski 3. PROCLASIATION -Parks and \lichael Kah'on - Recrearion Month Director d. GENERAL ASSE\1BLY Deleeam Ron RESOLUTION Villanueva In hlumorium of Tom 11'ilson Deleeate Glenn Davis C?}'OF b%RGL\'l.l BE.ICH SUa1.IL1 R 3' OF COUwC/L .ICT/O:\'S R O S D:\TE: 06/1 i/?Old PAGE: ? g. H S AGENDA H \1 A E U' ITEU ~ SUBJECT MOTION VOTE E 1 A SI S U I D ~ O K R SI M S H L \\' 1' L \ A T O O O R S O E E E \ I S N M I O O R Y S E \ S D S \~ \ D VI Ordinances to .\>IE~D the Citc Code: ADOPTED, BI' 11-0 1' }' Y }' }' y }' }' }' }' }' CONSENT a. „?-Jig/?-361 re studcm members/annual reports (ar Human Rights Commission b. Resolmion to GRASP exemption ro Cin~ Code §7-i9.1 to allo~r ?IARRLIS >ICGLiIRE re moped on Atlantic Ace durin_e Resort season c. ~J-I re definition of SPECI:\L Henley Disclosed E1'ESI'S (or AQritou rsim activities 2 Ordinance to:\>IEND ~i of the :\KP ADOPTED, B}' II-0 1' }' Y }' }' }' }' }' Y }' }' Ordinance to allo~c:\_ritourism CONSENT Henley Disclosed 1. Ordinance to :\UT11OR1lE Second ADOPTED, BY 11-0 }' }' }' }' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y >lodifitation to Totrn Center Phase }' CONSENT Development Agreement re the parking eameclreteil J Ordinance to 4:\EMPT ReaVPersonal DEFERRED FOR 10-0 }' Y }' }' A }' }' }' }' }' }' Propem~ taxes in behal(o(>lilitan' T11'O (?) \1`EEKS B Asia Lion >I useum $ T A I e D i Ordinances to :\U'1'IIORIlE ADOPTED, 6Y II-0 Y }' Y }' Y }' Y }' Y }' Y encroachments imo portions of Citc- CONSENT oened propem~: a. .IOA\ R. D:\YIS on North Ba_c at i61 Back Bar Crescent DISTRICT 7- PRINCESS ANNE b. RREA 6ERS II CO\DO}II\Ili\I :\SSOC re buildin_eMVAC at Red Tide Road DISTRICT i - LY\NHA\'EN C/T}' OF V/RGI,\'/A BE4CH Sb:1/,1/.-1 R ]' OF COU,\'C/L .-I CT/OT'S R O S DATE: 06/I i/?014 P.-\GE: i S- H S .\GENDA H M A E \\' ITE\1 ~ SUBJECT \fOT10N VOTE E J A J1 S U I D N O K R M V1 S H L 1V }' L ~ A T O O O R S O E E E \ 1 S ~ M I O O R Y S E \ S D S N N D 6 Ordinances to AUT'fIORI%E ADOPTED, B}' II-0 }' }' }' Y }' }' Y }' }' Y Y rncroachments into portions of Cip'- CONSENT owned propene knotcn as Bass Inlet-East in Sandbridee Shores: DISTRICT 7- PRINCESS ANNE a. D:\\'ID 1../BO\\IE A. >IERRI-I-1' at ?SOJ Sandpiper Road b. DF:BOR:111 >1. COHSE LLO a[ 101 Tuna Lane i Ordinance to :\PPOIN'1' Viewers to ADOPTED, B}' I I-0 }' Y Y Y Y }' 1' }' Y Y Y a+sess street closure proposals CONSENT 3 Ordinances re City:\ppoin tee r\DOPTED, BY Compensation for F}'?014-U: CONSENT a. Cin~Jtanaxr 10-I }' }' }' }' }' N }' }' }' }' }' b. Cin'r\ttomee 11-0 Y Y Y }' }' }' Y }' Y 1' Y c Cin~Clcrk 11-0 1' Y }' }' }' }' Y Y Y Y Y d. City Real Esmte Assessor 10-I }' Y Y }' }' ~ }' }• }• Y }' e. Cin~Audimr II-0 Y }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' 1' }' 9 Ordinance ro'IRANSFF;R Si66. L? ADOPTED, BY I I-0 Y }' }' 1' Y Y Y 1' Y }' }' within the Sheril4~s Bod~et re inmate CONSENT medical contract 10 Ordinance to ADOPTED. Bl' I1-0 Y 1' }' }' }' Y }' Y }' 1' }' :\CCF; 1'l'/:1PPROPRI:\TEa56.000 CONSENT donation from Virginia Beach Little League re ADA complia nee in Ocean Lakes Communin~ Park (DISTRICT 7- PRINCESS ANNE) 1-I CAR V:\\:UiTO SUPERSTORES. APPRO\'ED/ II-0 }' }' Y }' }' Y }' }' 1' Y }' INC. Modification of Conditions CUP CONDITIONED, (approved March ?i. ?OOi) re car smraee B1' CONSENT at 1301/3789 Bonner Road DISTRICT i - L}'NNHA\'EN ~ \11CIIA f:L D. SI FF:NIGF;ORGE APPROVED/ 10-0 Y Y }' 1' A Y }' }' Y }' }' STR F. Ef CORP CUP re indoor Self- CONDITIONED. B Storaee aI 1441 Virginia Beach Boulevard 131' COHSE\? S DISTRICT ~ - L}'NNHA\'EN T A \' E D i 11:\\I I''I'ON RO:\DS S:\NITATIO\ APPRO\'ED/ I I-0 }' }' }' }' }' }' \' Y T }' }' DISTRICT CUP rea Communication RE\'ISED -Power at 133? Shore Dri. e CONDITIO\$, B}' DISTRICT 4-D.\}'SIDE COHSE\T C/T}'OF I'/RG/,\'/.J BF.I Q/ SUAIdIAR J' OF COUT'C/L .a CTIOA'S R O S DATE: 06/17/?013 PAGE' 3 $- H S AGENDA H Sf .~} E \1' ITEM' SUBJECT AIOTION VOTE E 1 A hl S U I U N O K R \i \t S Fi L N' 1' L \ A T O O O R S O E E E \ I S \ \I I O O R }' S E ~ S D S ~ ~ D 3 ROBER'I'.IEFFEIt 1'MOREA IJ CUP rc APPROVED/ II-0 }' Y }' }' }' }' }' Y Y Y }' firearm sides/repair a1 I305 Ships CONDITIONED, Landine 6}' CONSENT DISTRICT I -CENTER\9LLE i Shil El"1'E CI}'II: XOEI. CUP re APPROVED/ II-0 }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' y Dacearr at 1931 Glen \'iese Coun CONDITIONED, DISTRICT I-CENTERVILLE B1'CONSENT 6 RODXE}'1'RICE/:\FGE:\N :\SSOC DENIED. B1' II-0 }' }' y y y }' y }' }' }' y CUP re trucUtra filer rentals a[ 3P_OB CONSENT Prineris Anne Road DISTRICT 2 - ICE\IPS\'ILLE 7 >IID-:YI~1.:\~7lC CODDIERCIAL APPRO\'ED/ 11-0 }' 1' Y }' }' }' }' \~ }' }' }' PROPER"TICS/336 CEDAR RO:AD. CONDITIONED. LLC CUP re fuel sales/com'enienre 6}' CONSENT store at7?0 Independence Boulevard DISTRICT 3 - Br\}'SIDE 3 L:}R:x h; "fhiC6Eltl1'llE fl:U'GOOD APPROVED/ II-0 1' }' }' Y Y Y }' 1" }' }' }' RF.:\CII. LLC/PIIILIP RICIL\RDSON CONDITIONED. CUP re fuel sales/ com'enience store a[ DT COHSE\T 3903 Hareood Road DISTRICT 3 - BA}'SIDE 9 FI\'f; >IILF S'I'REl'CIf :\SSOC DEFERFU 11-0 Y }' }' }' 1' }' }' }' }' }' }' Conditional CO7 Gom AG-I/AG-? to INDEFINITELY. Conditional PD-H? m?S00 to?900 B}' CONSENT Princesi .\nne Road (Deferred April S, X0131 DISTRICT i -PRNCESS ANNE 10 VR 1'ROFESSIO~"":\L B:\S}; B:\LL. APPRO\'ED AS II-0 }' }' Y Y }' }' }' }' }' }' }' LLC/Cite in Princess Anne Commons: PROFFERED/ DISTRICT i -PRNCESS ANNE CONDITIONED, a. Conditional COZ (ram B-?/AG-I to B}' CONSENT Conditional B ? a CUP re Baseball Stadimn b. CUP rc a RasebalbSo(tball 'fou ntament Complex veer of laacr,v/A Rs.3ca SUJIJ/.-IRYOF COUA'CIL ACT/O.~'S R O S DATE: 06/1 i/?013 PAGE: ~ g- H S AGENDA H J1 A E N' ITE31? SUBJECT" MOTION VOTE E J A i\I S U I D N O K R h-1 ,bt S H L lY Y L \ A T O O O R S O E E E \ I S ~ :V I O O R 1' S E N S D S ~ N D II S:\NDBRIIJGE'I'ON'ING. APPROVED AS II-0 1' Y }• y Y }' }' Y }' }' y INC/EDDIh: LEE COOPER/LINU:}:1. PROFFERED(=1 :\CI:ISS at Princess :\nne Lane/ Princess DELETED) Anne Road: CONDITIONED DISTRICT i-PRINCESS A\NE (~1 REVISED) o. Conditional COZ Gom AG-? Io Conditional B-2 b. CUP re tos.in~ sen'ice/stora~3e card I? Nh;\\'CIXGli L.4R WIRELESS PCS. DEFERRED II-0 Y }' }' }' }' }' }' }' Y }' }' LLC/Cl'I'Rh:SS POINT INDEFINITELY, EN'1'ERI'RISES. INC. at 330 Club B}'CONSENT Head Road: DISTRICT 3 - B.U'SIDE a. Conditional COZ from Conditional PD-H? to Conditional P-1 b. CUPrcacommuniration tower 13 6EJIPDEL. 1NC./SIIURNE}' L:\NE APPRO\'ED/ 11_p Y }' Y }' }' Y }' }' Y }' }' COZ from Conditional PD-HZ to P-Ire B}' CONSEM open space (or a condo at SS I Shurney lane. DISTRICT 3 - BA}'SIDE N CITY: a. :UIh;ND ::1303/1303 o(CZO re DEFERRED II-0 }' }' Y }' 1' }' }' }' }' Y }' Disrretionan'Development INDEFWITEL}'. :\pplications in Oceanfrom Resort BY CONSENT b. :1 V FNII ¢300/i01 of CZO re ADOPTED B}' I I-0 Y }' }' }' }' }' }' }' Y }' }' Purpose of Aericulmral CONSENT Disvicu/Permitted (HENCE}' U>cs/A~ritourism/Sales/ ItFI'E:\L DISCLOSED) ?31 re Ridin;, :\caJemies/llorses far Ilire or Ifoa rJin~ c. :\>Ih:ND CZO re Oceanfront ADOPTED B}' I1-0 }' }' }' }' }' Y }' }' Y }~ }' Resort Ilei~ht }lap at 1609/1701 CONSENT Atlantic Avenue. d. Street Clo.u re re portion o((ormer ADOPTED By I I-0 Y 1' Y }' 1' Y }' Y }' Y }' Oakntrars Crescem relocated CONSENT Prioress .1nne Road e. Street Closure re r-o-e'ofOaAntears ADOPTED B}' Il-0 }' }' }' }' }' 1' }' }' }' }' Y Cresccm CONSENT C/Ti' OF IgRG/:}'/.1 BEJCH SD~,HJlgR }' OF COUA'C7L ACT/OA'S R O S DATE: 06/17/201) PAGE: 6 g- H S AGENDA H S1 A F, 1V ITEAI> SUBJECT ~IOTIO~ VOTE E 1 A ~I S U I D \ O R R \i \I S H L \\' 1' L ~ A T O O O R S O E E E \ I S ~ SI I O O R }' S E ~ S D S ~ N D L :\PI'OI~T>IE~'FS RESCHEDULED g }' C O N S E N 5 U S HUALW RIGFITS COST\IISSIO~ \\'ETLA\'DS BOARD DE\'ELOP\1ENT AUTHORI7}' Reappointed J 1'r. 'T'erm I I-0 1' }' Y }' }' Y }' }' }' }' }' 9/I/N-8/31/18 Limvood O. Branch. III Uorathr \\'ood HE:\LTH SHRVICES AD\'ISORI' :\ppoimed - BOARD Unexpired Term+ II-0 }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' y }' }' 3}'rs. Thru 3/31/18 Ilal \\'. 13reedlos'e 1\\'ESTIGATIVE REVIE\\' PA\EL Keappointed 3-}'r. Term I I-0 }' }' 1' }' }' }' Y }' }' }' }' 9/1/11 - R/31/li \'onc E. Abraja no Brian P. Desxan PARES:\\D RECREATIO\ Keappoimed CO\1~11551O~ 3-Yr. Term 11-0 Y }' }' Y }' 1' }' }' }' }' }' ~/vIJ-xD1n i Joan Darin (Printtss :Anne) Sharon Felton (:\t-Carve) \lichael Fentress IAo-Lar~e) PUBLIC LIBRAR}' BOARD Keappointed - 3-}'r. Term I I-0 }' }' }' }' }' Y }' }' }' Y }' 9/1/11-SDI/1 i .loseph \\'. IIooJ Chen'I Savage Gur h:. l'os'er RE\'IER`A\D ALLOCATIO\ Keappointed COUAIITTF,E-COG 3-Pr. Term il-0 }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' }' y }' 9/I/IJ- R/31/l i Kichard .\. Ala~han 'I'ern'.Ienkins 20)0 VISIO~'I~O ACTIOR Appoinmd-\o COAI~tU~IT}'COALITION Term II-0 }' }' }' }' }' }' }' y }' y }' Michael Culiipher \I. Benjamin Dacenporl IiE\10\'ED Donald II. Ilorseh' and :\ndresx Fine \IL~/O :\U.IOIiK\\4:A'T 7:5J P\f C/TI' OF 17RG/,\'LI 8£ACl/ SUAl:1l,-1 R )' OF COUT'C/L .-1CT/O.~'S R O S DATE: 0611 i/201J PAGE: 7 S. rl S AGENDA H DI A E \\' rrEAl = SUDIECT MOTION VOTE E ) A ~I S U I D N O K R M M S H L \\' 1' 1. N A T O O O R 5 O E E E N I S N \I 1 O O R 1' S E N S D S N N D ?ola c/rr//oL/D,a }s /ndepenr/enc•e Dqr - Frirlgr, Jah• 4 Lahur Dat -,1/onrlgr. Sep/en+her l IQvcraus Dar - Tuccdal'. +\`orcu+hcr ! 1 l~hanks;/ring Dqr and Dqr after TlumksgiviuR - 'l~huccdar, r\Sn•en+her 3i aurl Friday, :\'oycnnc~•r 38 Chrisnnns Ere (half-rlar) - II'cdnesrluy. Decenrher 34 Chri.cnnas Drn' - Thttrvdul•, Ucc•enrher 1 i CIT}' COU:\'C!L aIEET/r\'GS RESC//ED UL F_D EFFECT/VE: JUr\'E 1, ?0/4 F/RST/I1/IRD TUESDrI }S: BR/EF/:\'G//A'FOR:}IAUFOR:IL4L SESS/O:\'S F/HST TUES24 35: OPEA' C/T/%EA' D/rI LOGUE SE CO:\'D/FOUKTH TUF_SD,I }'S: 11'ORtiSI/OPS-4:00-6:00 R}f C/T}'COUA'C/L RE/BEAT Economic Development Ojfrce Su/re 700 45?5 :}/ain Streer (Corner of Columbus & r1 /nin Streets) Town Center