HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 4, 1985 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 4, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One U- D d Lc( v, J Z W W N CD c[ O W Q C U Ce 1-4 N N Z Q fn W W W F--4/) Z iU W ¢( AGENDA v) U = Wz z zc,c, W < W W < O W O O () CD ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY n- + o o m c� �- � WORKSHOP: II 1986 Legislative Package I/II/F PRESENTATION: ADD ON Life Saver Award to Fireman D. L. Krohn by Woodmen of the World Insurance Society II/H/1 PUBLIC HEARING: Site Plan Ordinance Amendment: Add Section 5A: Parking Lot Landscaping II/I/1 Request of Virginia Beach Federal Scheduled for 8-2 YYYYNYYYAYN Savings/Loan Association for 11/25/85 (7 PM) Waiver of a Condition imposed upon a change of zoning (Lynnhaven Bor) approved by City Council March 17, 1980. II/J/1 Garland E. Bennett, Jr. COZ from Allowed Withdrawal 10-0 YYYYYYYYAYY R-6 to 0-1 Lot 30/Block 42/ Section Nine/Part Two, Aragona Village at 4909 Haygood Rd. (Bayside Bor). II/J/2 David K. Hillquist COZ from B-5 Allowed Withdrawal 10-0 YYYYYYYYAYY to H-2 at 400/424 Atlantic Ave./ 205 4th St. (Virginia Beach Bor) . II/J/3 Donald E. Rellins, Jr./Sue Ann Allowed Withdrawal 10-0 YYYYYYYYAYY Rellins/Gary and Rebecca Pechtimaldjian/Noubar Pech/ Dorothy Pech COZ from R-8 to A-3 at 508/510/512/514 23rd St. (Virginia Beach Bor). II/K/1 R. L. Weaver CUP; Burton Approved/Conditioned 9-0 YYYYYAYYAYY Substation-Norfolk Southern Railroad r-o-w/Baker Rd. (Bayside Bor). II/K/2 Exxon Corporation CUP: auto Approved/Conditionedl0-0 YYYYYYYYAYY service station-Newtown Rd./Baker Rd,/ (Bayside Bor). II/K/3 Hop-In Food Stores, Inc. CUP: gas Approved/Conditionedl0-0 YYYYYYYYAYY pumps/car wash at Newtown Rd./ Baker Rd. (Bayside Bor). II/K/4 C. E. Basnight, Jr. COZ from R-7 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYAYY to A-1-16th St./Baltic Ave. (Virginia Beach Bor) . � I II/K/5 Sandra G./Donald G. Pratt COZ Allowed Withdrawal 9-I YYYYIYIYIAAY from R-3 to B-2 - General Booth Blvd./Princess Anne Rd. (Princess Anne Bor). II/K/6 Site Development Associates COZ Allowed Withdrawal 9-$ YYYYYYYYAAY from R-3 to B-2 - General Booth Blvd./Princess Anne Rd. (Princess Anne Bor). SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 4, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two Cn N IW- xW z. Z Qj W QC� CY �-+ V) N w w CWF'- ZW W JOCY AGENDA e- Wz zzz (..,L, �, qW qw Wo civ a� ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o o co - -- '� '� x oI II/K/7 Ronald L./Holly Hall COZ - General Allowed Withdrawal 10-0 Y' Y� Y Y� Y� Y Y Y, A Y, Y Booth Blvd./Princess Anne Rd. ! j (Princess Anne Bor): From AG-1 to B-2 on 2.195 acres; From AG-2 to B-2 on 1.577 acres; From R-3 to B-2 on 8.025 acres; AND, From R-3 to B-2 on 3.25 acres. Referred back to 9-0 YAYYYYYYAYY Planning Commission January docket/ expedite to City Council II/K/8 City of Virginia Beach COZ from Approved area two 9-0 YAYYYMAYY R-7 to R-8 on all parcels now blocks west of zoned R-7 between 15th/16th St. Cypress Ave. AND and between Mediterranean Ave./ REMAIN R-7 one block Parks Ave. and between 15th/16th east of Cypress Ave. St. beginning at the western boundary of Parks Ave. and running westerly a distance of 400 ft. more or less, Lakewood (Virginia Beach Bor). II/K/9 Ordinance to amend Ordinance Adopted 6-4 YYNNYNNYAYY Number 486, Site Plan Ordinance by ADDING Section 5A pertaining to parking lot landscaping. AND, Resolution to adopt parking lot landscaping specifications and standards. AND, Ordinance to transfer $71,530 to fund two Landscape Inspection Positions. II/K/10 Ordinance to amend Article 2/ Adopted 8-2 Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y A YIN Sect. 203 of the CZO pertaining to off-street parking requirements II/L/1 Resolution approving issuance of Adopted 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y1Y IDR Bond: F.C. Associates - $11,000,000 II/L/2 Resolution to adopt the 1986 Legislative Package: All State-wide issues except Adopted 9-0 YAYYYYYYAYY "B" (Highway Construction and Except "B" Maintenance Funding). Item "B" as it relates to $500- Approved 8-1 Y A Y Y Y N Y Y A Y ,Y Million Bond Issue/2c a gallon gas tax. Item "B" as it relates to Local Approved 7-2 YAYYYNYYAYN Option Tax on Gasoline. .up to 4c a gallon. Item "B" as it relates to Approved 8-1 YAYYIYNYILAYIY developers participating in off-site road improvements. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 4, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Three O Q N N J O Z HW W V) O Q O 4J Q d' U a' � V) V) Q›- V) V) W W W F-' Z.-JJ W J O O AGENDA V) w w = wz zz z vv w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o o < C w o All City-related issues except Adopted 9-OI 1 Y A' Y Y Y Y Y Y AIY' Y A,B,E,O which are charter Except A,B,E,O I , II changes and subject to Public AND Hearings AND except "C" (Water Except "C" Policy). "A" subject to Public Hearing Approved 6-3 YAYYNNYYAYN 11/18/85 re "General Obligation Bonding Authority". "B", "E", "0" subject to Public Approved "B", "E", 9-0 YAYYYYYYAYY Hearing 11/18/85, re "Fire "0" Protection Ordinance", "Amortization of Non-Conforming Signs" and "Special Tax District". Item "C" from Legislative Deleted 9-0 YAYYYYYYAYY Proposals. Constitutional Amendment to giv= Endorsed 8-0 YAYYYYYYAAY Local Option to Commissioner of Revenue to pro-rate exemption o personal property tax for elder and handicapped persons AND to authorize the Staff to include this Item under "State- Wide" issues of the 1986 Legislative Proposals. Public Hearing re Tax Exempt Scheduled for 9-0 YAYYYYYYAYY Status for Beth Shalom Housing 7 PM on 11/25/85 Corporation, The Russell House, Zion Place, Inc. t/a Luther Manor. II/M/1 Ordinance authorizing an addendum Adopted 6-1 AAYYAYNAYY to the existing Engineering Agreement between the City and C E MaGuire for the continuation of financial/engineering services related to the Lake Gaston Projec . II/N/2 Ordinance to accept/appropriate Approved 8-0 AYYYAYYAYY $42,000 for expansion of Communit FIRST READING Diversion Incentive Program. II/N/3 Ordinance to accept/appropriate Approved 8-0 AYYYAYYAYY $832,469 for installation of the FIRST READING Enchanced 911 Emergency Telephone System. II/N/4 Ordinance to authorize temporary Adopted 8-0 i A Y, Y Y A Y Y A Y Y encroachment into portion of the r-o-w of Carolina Ave. to Robert J. McNeil/Deborah K. McNeil. II/N/5 Request for 90-Day Extension for Approved 8-0 dAYIYAIYAYY Compliance: Ordinance closing, portion of Silverleaf Dr. in petition of City. II/N/6 Ordinance closing, portion of FINAL AEPROVAL 8-0 t A Y I Y A Y Y ABY Y Branksome Dr. in petition of I Holland Office Park/R.G. Moore Building Corp. { Ii SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : November 4, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Four w 0 Q N) W O ¢ O o f- = w 2 ^ z 2 W W EWE- ZLU W JO = AGENDA Cl) L . LL wz zz z vv w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY m 14 o� `' o I i II/N/7 Ordinance closing, portion of FINAL APPROVAL 8-01 i HY AIY Y Y A Y Y A Y Y Old Princess Anne Rd. in petition 1 of City. II/N/8 Tax Refunds - $4,321.93 Adopted 8-0 YAYYYAYYAYY II/0 Appointments Rescheduled II/P Public Hearings re School Board Scheduled: 7-2 YAYYNYYYAYN ADD ON Appointments 7 PM 11/25/85 2 PM 12/2/85 II/Q/1 Interim Financial Statements - July 1, 1985, through September 30, 1985. II/Q/2 CANCEL/RESCHEDULE City Council 12/23/85 City 7-2 YAYYNYYYAYN Meetings during Christmas Holidays Council Meeting CANCELLED II/R Adjournment: 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION NOVEMBER 11, 1985 (VETERANS DAY) CANCELLED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE DATE EVENT LOCATION Tuesday, lovember 12 Public Hearing Pavilion 7:00 PM Monday, Nivember 18 Workshop/Reconciliation Conference R..m 10:00 AM NOON Monday, November 18 1. Public Hearing Council Chamfers 2:00 PM (Revenue Sharing) 2. First Reading Monday, Nivember 25 Final Action Council Chamfers 7:00 PM By Second Reading 1 1 1 . 1