HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 28, 1985 SUMMARY • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 28, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One m d V) (./) Z d' W I-221 (P) 2 ¢ o W Q cc Uce fn fn N W W WF-' ZLL! 1..1.1 J c AGENDA ¢ ,- w w o CO ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o o m c) r � I WORKSHOP: 1986 Legislative Package I/II/F PROCLAMATIONS: Hospice Month-November 1985 II/I/1 Ordinance for discontinuance/ Approved/Conditioned 10-) Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y YIY Y closure/abandonment of the eastern 180 days portion of S. Kentuck Ave. in petition of DeFord, Ltd. (Kempsville Bor). II/1/2 Ordinance for discontinuance/ Approved/Conditioned 10-1 YYYYYYAYYYY closure/abandonment of portion of 180 days Old Providence Rd. in petition of providence Mennonite Church (Kempsville Bor). II/1/3 Ordinance for the discontinuance/ Approved/Conditioned 10-1 YYYYYYAYYYY closure/abandonment of portion of 180 days Old Norfolk-Virginia Beach Rd. in petition of Maureen M. Mottolese (Lynnhaven Bor). 11/I/4 Quality Investments, COZ from Approved/Conditioned 10-1 YYYYYYAYYYY A-4 to B-4: 15th St./Arctic Ave. (Virginia Beach Bor). 11/I/5 Horizon Investment Co. COZ: Approved/Conditioned 6-3 Y * Y Y N Y A Y N Y N S. Lynnhaven Rd./Silina Dr. r-ech Absta=n•d (Lynnhaven Bor): From B-1 to A-2 9.54-acre AND, From B-2 to A-2 33,976.8-square foot II/1/6 Robert A./Marie T. Smith COZ from Approved/Conditionec6-3 YYYNYAYNAN R-8 to 0-1: Morrison Ave./Ansol La. (Lynnhaven Bor). II/1/7 James R./Olive G. Browning COZ Approved/Conditioner. 9-1 YYYYYAYYAY for a marina: Laskin Rd./Holly Rd. (Virginia Beach Bor). 11/1/8 Ordinance to amend Article 1, Deferred for Staff 9-1 i Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y Section 111 of CZO pertaining to Review/Redraft definition of family. II/1/9 Ordinance to amend Article 2, Deferred to 11/4/85 8-1 YYYYYAYYAY Section 203 of CZO pertaining to off-street parking requirements. II/J Resolution to adopt the 1986 Rescheduled Legislative Package. II/J Resolution to General Assembly Adopted 9-0 Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y ADD ON for permanent Ban on Uranium Mining/Milling. II/K Ordinance to amend Section 23-47 Adopted 8-1 YYYYAYNAY of the Code pertaining to loud/ disturbing/unnecessary noise. � I SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 28, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two m Q to (Ai' Z d' W W V) G!3 < O Wd �-' r-+N N Z V) W W W I--" Z w W J O AGENDA Cf, LL U = Wz zzzc,c, W ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o o m cam.) o� CO",`X' II/L Resolution In Recognition: Adopted 9-0 ! YIYY YY Y A Y YAY ADD ON Thersea Northrop II/L/1 Ordinance to transfer $75,751 for Adopted 9-0 Y k Y Y Y Y A YIYIA Y for Lynnhaven Parkway/Rosemont Cre:c" ,bstainei Forest Cost Participation Agreement with R. G. Moore Building Corp. II/L/2 Ordinance appointing Viewers in Adopted 9-0 YYYYYYAYYAY petition of David Hillquist for closure of a portion of an alley between 4th and 5th Streets. II/L/3 Ordinance appointing Viewers in Adopted 9-0 YYYYYYAYYAY petition of Gordon Rudolph for closure of a portion of Pennsylvania Ave. II/L/4 Raffle Permits: Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYYAY Joy Fund Charity Bowl Princess Anne High School ROTC II/L/5 Tax Refunds: $542.84 Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYYAY II/M Appointments Rescheduled II/N Request of Beth Sholom/Russell Pending Report of ADD ON House/Zion Place for tax exempt City Manager status Resolution to General By Concensus Assembly II/0/1 Open Air Cafe Regulations VBRAAC will proceed to establish franchise criteria By Concensus II/P Adjournment: 10:58 PM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE DATE EVENT LOCATION Thursday November 7 Workshop Conference Room 7:00-10: 1OPM Tuesday, November 12 Public Hearing Pavilion 7:00PM Monday, 'ovember 18 Workshop/Reconciliation Conference Room 10:OOAM-h'oon Monday, oovember 18 1. Public Hearing Council Chambers 2:00PM (Revenue Sharing) 2. First Reading Council Chambers Monday, oovember 25 Final Action By Council Chambers 7:00PM Second Reading RHS I