HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 21, 1985 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 21, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One W LL ci w W ( Cr) J H- c . L'32 Z. - .�Z E w < Q' Vd'U «-. NNcc›.- u.1Z v 'd ZW WJo cc AGENDA 1 (�- �+. w z F-. z z z v v w d O cr cc LU mUW= CD o C,U ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY 0 M I I BRIEFINGS: Master Street & High- way Plan - Analysis of Needs/ Alternative Concepts - Harland Bartholomew/Associates 1986 Legislative Package I/II II/F/2 PRESENTATION: Resolution in Recognition for cleanup after Hurricane Gloria II/G/H/1 Proposed increase in FY '85-86 PUBLIC HEARING Budget of $832,469 for installa- tion of the Enhanced 911 Emer- gency Telephone System II/H/2 1986 Legislative Proposals PUBLIC HEARING II/I/1 Ordinance closing/vacating/dis- FINAL Approval 9-0 YAYYYYY Y Y continuing portion of 22nd St/ 23rd St/A St/C St in petition of City (Virginia Beach Borough) II/1/2 Ordinance closing/vacating/dis- FINAL Approval 10-0 Y A 'f Y Y Y I I YYY continuing portion of Lee St/Old County Road in petition Runnymede Corporation (Virginia Beach Bor) 11/1/3 Ordinance closing/vacating/dis- FINAL Approval 10-C Y YYYYYYYYY continuing portion of Chinquapin Trail in petition of Atlantic Development Association (Lynnhaven Borough) II/1/4 Ordinance closing/vacating/dis- Deferred to 2/17/86 o Y A YYYYYYYYY continuing portion of Ego Drive o in petition of William & Helen Holz (Lynnhaven Borough) II/1/5 Carmine Pisapia COZ from R-8 to Deferred for Y A YYYYYYYYY B-2 - Holland Road/Shipp's Corner Planning Commission Rd (Princess Anne Borough) action on total ap- plication--all items back to Council together II/1/6 GSCR Associates CUP for mini- Approved/Condition 10-0 Y A YYYYYYYYY warehouses - General Booth Blvd/ Dam Neck Rd (Princess Anne Bor) II/1/7 Sandwich Island, Inc COZ from R-8 Deferred to 11/4/85 8-2 Y A YtY Y Y Y N N Y Y to B-2 - General Booth Blvd/ Prosperity Road (Princess Anne Bor) 1.1/1/8 Richard B. Kellam, Jr COZ from Approved as 9-1 Y AYYYYYYNYY AG-2 to B-2, - Princess Anne Rd/ Modified to B-1/ North Landing Road (Princess Anne Conditioned (Bor) V SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 21, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two eel w u_ Cl N CO NCa w w to 0 C7 w Q CC U CC U 0-+ N Q} AGENDA N w w f ` iI-cn z w -'o cc u_ v> u. = w - z c)c.) w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY o m _ 4� co 1 II/1/9 Thomas M. Ammons, Trustee COZ Approved/Conditioned 7-3 YAIYYNYYNY N from AG-1 to 0-1 AND from AG-2 to 0-1 - North Landing Rd/Courthouse Rd (Princess Anne Bor) II/I/10 Jerry O'Don Penix COZ from AG-2 Approved/Conditioned 8-2 YAYYNY ( Y to B-2 AND CUP/car wash - General Booth Approved 3 yrs as 7-3 Y A Y Y 1 Y Blvd/Eaglewood Dr (Princess Anne conditioned Borough) II/I/11 W. R. Malbon/T. M. Malbon/M. S. Denied 6-2 Y A Y Y 1 Y * A Y Malbon cup/borrow pit - Old Dam (*L. Joie; . .staii -•) Neck Rd/Dwyer Rd (Princess Anne ! Borough II/I/12 Branwick Associates variance to Denied 10'1 YAYY ? '1 Y Sec 4.4(b) of Subdivision Ordi- nance that all lots have direct access to a public street. Laskin Rd/Freemac Dr (Lynnhaven Bor) II/1/13 ESG Enterprises, Inc COZ from Deferred for Plan- of Y A Y Y Y Y b Y R-8 to B-2 - Holland Rd/North ning Commission ac- O Landstown Rd (Princess Anne Bor) tion on total appli- cation--all items back to Council to- gether II/1/14 Resolution directing Planning Adopted/scheduled 10-0 YAYY Y Y 1 Y I Commission to review amendment for Planning Com- to Article 4, Sections 402(c)/ mission 11/85//ex- 412(c) of the CZO pertaining to pedite back to City front yard setbacks Council II/J/1 Resolution approving the issuance Deferred Indefinite- _ ° YAYY YY . Y of Industrial Development Revenue ly o Bond: a. F.C. Associates - $11,000,000 II/K/ ADD ON Resolution In Recognition Adopted 10-0 YAYY Y Y . Y YY of City Departments for Cleanup of Hurricane Gloria II/K/1 8td4nenee Resolution to amend Adopted 10-0 Y A Y Y YYY YYYY Section 4.1 of Subdivision Ordi- nance pertaining to Master Bike- way Plan II/K/2 Ordinance to authorize acquisi- Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYY Y Y Y don of property in fee simple for Seatack Community Center SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 21, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Three ca W I— CC =W Z. ^ z N W W WI-- ZW W JO AGENDA v, u- W z z z z U U W Q W W Qc'LU WOO UU ca ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a m �'L � FD OI II/K/3 Ordinance to authorize acquisi- Adopted 10-d IYAYYYYYYYYY tion of easements of r-o-w for improvement of International Parkway Bridge over Canal No. Two II/K/4 Ordinance to transfer $164,733 to Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY establish Water/Sewer Projects for Bellwood Estates --Cost Parti- cipation Agreement with D. W. Bell, Incorporated II/K/5 Ordinance to transfer $55,855 Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY for purchase of a Disk Controller Unit in FY 1985-86 II/K/6 Ordinance to authorize encroach- ment into a portion of 20' City Alley to Crockett-Crosby Theatres II/K/7 Ordinance to authorize encroach- Denied 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY ment into a portion of r-o-w Division Street to James E. Padgett/Julia M. Padgett II/K/8 Ordinance appointing viewers in Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY petition of Associates of South Bay, Inc. for closure of a por- tion of Holly Ave (Lynnhaven Bor) II/K/9 Ordinance appointing viewers in Adopted 10-0 AYYYYYYYYY petition of Thomas J. Decker for closure of portion of Laskin Rd (Lynnhaven Bor) II/K/10 Central Virginia Ambulance Approved 9-0 , Y Y Y Y * Y Y YIY Service permit to operate 1*L. ores �b•t�iieu) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Vehicles II/L APPOINTMENTS Rescheduled II/M/1 Community Development Land Use Adopted 9-1 Y N Y Y Y -Y Y Plan Consultant Report: Target Neighborhoods ADD ON Discussion - Parking Lot Landscaping Ordinance ADD ON Discussion - Canal No. 2/Lynnhaven River Pollution ADD ON Discussion - School Board Referendum II/N/1 Proposed CIP Council Review Schedule: 10-0 S H DHL. tPFRS ED B . CIN ,Eh'S S 11/4 - 2:00 PM Initial Presentation/Overview :oun'i Cia .ber 11/7 - 7-10:00 PM Workshop :onf:r:4c • 'o.m 11/12 - 7:00 PM Public Hearing ?avi i. + 11/18 - 10:00 AM Workshop/Reconciliation 'o.m 11/18 - 2:00 PM (1) Public Hearing C a,b:r- (Revenue Sharing) (2) First Reading C aib:r- 11/25 - 7:00 PM Final Action 2nd Reading Coun' i C a b:r- SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 21, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Four 0 C) Ln N J • W W N Q o wI- S LI Z w w Z N W W La F- Z W LU Jo N Li Li LaJ Z Z Z U U W AGENDA < L,i LI ¢ Cw Uo UU ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o ''' '' zo 1 II/N ADD ON Request for City Administration Department Transportation ADD ON Public Hearing Policy for City Council's appointment of School Board Members II/0 Adjournment: 6:38 PM RHS/bc