HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 14, 1985 SUMMARY c, SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 14, 1985 VOTE RECORD 1 Page One I , • w 0 Q Cl) Cl) J C�Z ce W W V) C7 < O W Q d' UQ' `Zri) N N W W MWH- ZWWJOd' AGENDA Cl) w w = wZ ZZZv(..) w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY < LU o m CC LLI ; rp w m CD I/II t1 a II/G/1 Alan P. Chapman - Subdivision Approved 8-0 A Y Y Y Y' Y Y t variance on west side of Maharis Road/south of Lord Felton Lane a (Bayside Borough) q i , II/G/2 Mary Josephine Lilley - cup: Approved - 5 yr/ 8-0 A Y YYYYY borrow pit - Oceana Blvd/Credle conditioned Road (Lynnhaven Borough) i II/G/3 Steven H. Davidson CUP: Single- Approved/conditioned8-0 A Y YYYYY family dwelling in AG-1 District - Princess Anne Road/Pungo Ferry Road (Pungo Borough) II/G/4 Southeastern Free Will Baptist Allowed Withdrawal 8-0 A . . Y YYYYY College CUP: temporary student dormitory at 267 Toy Avenue (Bayside Borough) 1 II/G/5 Timothy A./Stephanie S. Saunders Denied 7-0 A . . Y YYYYY CUP: home occupation (accounting ( 'He -y abstain-d► practice) at 4992 Ravenswood Rd (Kempsville Borough) II/G/6 JAMAR Associates COZ from 0-1 to Approved/conditione47-1 A • . 1 N Y Y Y Y Y B-3 - Bonney Road/Bendix Rd (Kempsville Borough) II/G/7 BROPA III COZ from 0-1 to B-3 - Approved/conditionec7-1 A . . , N Y Y Y Y Y Bonney Road/Bendix Road (Kempsville Borough) II/G/8 Gordon Rudolph COZ from R-6 to Defer pending .. A • • , 17 7 7 7 A 7 B-2 - Broad Street/Pennsylvania street closure Ave (Bayside Borough) II/G/9 Helen V. Standing COZ from B-2 Referred back to 8-0 AA . k YYYYYY to B-4 - North Birdneck Road/ Planning Commission Bluebird Dr (Lynnhaven Borough) for recommendation on amended applica- tion II/G/10 Flora N. White et al COZ from Denied 7-1 AA . YNYYYYY R-8 to B-2 - Indian River Rd/ Lake James Dr (Kempsville Bor) II/G/11 Dixon and Van, Inc/Irwin Hurwitz Denied 7-1 AA . i YNYYYYY COZ from R-8 to B-2 - Indian River Road/Ferry Point Road (Kempsville Borough) (Newlight Target Area) II/H/1 Ordinance to amend Sect 21-464 NO ACTION TAKEN of the Code pertaining to playing on streets (Skateboards) , 1 • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 14, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two 0 m N v J d' z d' W WQ CM C 7 d p p F- = W Z. . L W d cc L) I CMNdYZ fr1 W W x w z W JO ec AGENDA cr, v_ c, W ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o a CO L o� o II/H/2 Ordinance to amend Chapter 35, Adopted SECOND 6-2 1A A' A NY Y Y Y N Y Y Article V, of the Code by ADDING READING to recover Section 35-123 pertaining to cost over 5-yr Utility Tax for E-911 Telephone period @ 451t @ m0. System, as amended per customer II/I/1 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - Resolution approving is- suance: a. Behl Property Assoc. Adopted 7-0 Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $6,000,000 b. Windsong Apartment, L.P. Adopted 7-0 • A • Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $6,300,000 c. F. C. Associates Deferred to 7-0 Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $11,000,000 10/21/85 d. Pembroke Lake Apt. Associates Adopted 7-0 Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $12,000,000 e. The Jonathan Corporation Adopted 7-0 Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $5,000,000 f. RS, Inc. Adopted 7-0 A . Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $700,000 g. Carlton Arms Hotel Associates Adopted 7-0 A Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $5,000,000 h. L. M. Sandler & Sons Adopted 7-0 A • Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $500,000 i. George S. Hazzis Adopted 7-0 A Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $995,000 j . Shealy Hodges Corporation Adopted 7-0 A . Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $600,000 k. RARK Associates Adopted 7-0 A . Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y - $500,000 1. Cleveland Street, Inc. Adopted 7-0 A . Y Y * Y Y 'Y Y Y - $6,120,000 m. Aragona Boulevard, Inc. Adopted 7-0 A . Y Y * Y Y 'Y Y Y - $6,120,000 n. Virginia Beach General Adopted 7-0 AA . Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y Hospital ( Je n(n:s a.stain•di - $8,120,000 (to be issued by Henrico County) II/J/1 Resolution requesting Congress Adopted AS AMENDED 8-0 AA , YYYYYYYY of the United States to oppose repeal of tax exemption for state and local governmental bonds II/J/2 Resolution requesting Congress of Adopted 8-0 AA ' YYYYYYYY the United States oppose elimina- tion of deductability of state & local taxes from federal income taxes II/J/3 Ordinance to amend Section 21- Adopted 8-0 AA ' YYYYYYYY 233 of the Code pertaining to passing vehicles on the right side II/J/4 Ordinance to transfer $281,081 Adopted 8-0 AAA YYYYYYYY in water and sewer fund FY 1984- i I 1985 to match appropriations & expenditures • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : October 14, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Three w 0 N N J Z H lY 2 w Z. - Q O W Q CC C.J CSC + Cn v Q Z N WW E W1- Z W W J cc AGENDA Lr) w w = w z z z z v w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o m o� X o II/J/5 Ordinance to transfer $247,946 Adopted 8-0 ,A �AA Y Y Y Y Y YJY Y within the Jobs Bill Program/ Community Development Funds II/J/6 Ordinance to correct property Adopted 8-0 A A A Y Y Y Y Y Y1Y Y description for closure of a portion of Maynard Avenue adopted August 5, 1985 II/J/7 Raffle Permits: Catholic Approved 8-0 AAAYYYYYYYY Daughters of the Americas-Ct Stalla Maris #1881 Virginia Beach Festivals, Inc. Zeta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi II/K/1 Appointments Rescheduled II/L/M/1 Resolution to adopt parking lot Scheduled Public landscaping specifications/ Hearing & Resolu- . standards tion/Ordinances for 11/4/85 II/M/2 Ordinance to amend Ordinance Scheduled Public #486, Site Plan Ordinance by Hearing & Resolu- ADDING Section 5A pertaining to tion/Ordinances for parking lot landscaping 11/4/85 II/M/3 Ordinance to transfer $71,530 to Scheduled Public 8-0 fund two landscape inspections Hearing & Resolu- positions tion/Ordinances for 11/4/85 II/M/4 Municipal Center Master Plan Report of Con- sultant II/M/5 1986 Legislative Package Scheduled for 10/21/85 II/N/ ADJOURNMENT 5:50 PM RHS , I I