HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 26, 1985 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 26, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One p p N WO WQf- W cr) N o ,s44 2 N ¢>- N W W f W 1-- Z W W Jo CC N L U = W Z Z Z Z U U W AGENDA < w W a e4'W W o c� m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a ", 1 BRIEFING: 1 . Master Street/ Highway Plan; 2. Green Line Study : Harland Bartholomew/Associates II/III III/G/1 PROCLAMATION : BEACON OF HOPE DAY Missing Children - August 31 , '85 III/I/1 REQUEST FOR WAIVER: Grayson Approved Waiver to 7-4 YYYYNYYNNYN Whitehurst, Jr./W. Levi Old, Jr. , allow modifications M.D. for COZ and CUP (Lynnhaven subject to Staff re- Borough) approved by City Council view October 15, 1984 - Modifications to the approved Development Plan III/J/1 M. T. Paine variance to Section Allowed Withdrawal 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 4.4(b) of Subdivision Ordinance By Consent to subdivide 2 .839-acres site into two lots on East side of Bray Road, South of Lynn Acres Road (Lynnhaven Borough) III/J/2 Salem Baptist Church - CUP:church Approved/Condition 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Education Building West side of By Consent Salem Road (Kempsville Borough) III/J/3 Maken, Inc. CUP/mini-warehouses : Approved/Condition 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Princess Anne Road at Intersec- By Consent tion with Parliament Drive (Kempsville Borough) III/J/4 Richard H. Kline - COZ from I-1 Approved/Condition 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY to B-2 - Southern Boulevard/ By Consent South Lynnhaven Road (Lynnhaven Borough) III/J/5 Off-Price Mall Associates II , Allowed Withdrawal 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY COZ from B-2 to A-2 - Village By Consent Drive/Laskin Road (Lynnhaven Borough) III/K/1 Ordinance closing portion of Approved/Condition 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 25th St, formerly "E" Street in petition of 24th Street Assoc. III/K/2 Capricorn Associates CUP:borrow Approved/Condition 11-0 YYYYYYYYYY pit - Princess Anne Road/Sand- bridge Road (Princess Anne Bor) III/K/3 Johnson, Inc . , t/a Henry Johnson Deferred to 9/9/85 9-0 AYAYYYY YYYY Tire Center CUP:sale/installation of tires and auto repairs - Lynnhaven Parkway, Holland Road (Princess Anne Borough) III/K/4 Watson & Taylor Company COZ from Denied 10-1 Y YYYYYYNYYY I-2 to B-2 - South Independence Boulevard/Baxter Road (Kempsville Borough) III/K/5 Freddie W./Bernette W. Gregory Approved/Condition t1-0 Y YYYYYYYYYY CUP:home for the elderly at 206 Pritchard Road (Lynnhaven Bor) , I ! � R SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 26, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two p p N (I) .- Z I `112 W to 0 S W W Q U CC .--y N V) Q (n W W L.4-1 N L . L+- = WZ ZZ Z VU W AGENDA a W W Q W o ITEM NO. SUBJECTMOTION TO/BY *-D '� o III/K/6 Lakeside Construction Corporation Approved/Condition 6-5 , Y Y' N Y N Y Y N N1Y N CUP/storage yard for equipment - I i South Military Highway, Dyer Place 1 j (Kempsville Borough) 1 I III/K/7 J & R Transmissions, t/a Mr. Denied 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIY; Y Transmission, CUP/automobile transmission repair service - Virginia Beach Blvd/Groveland Road (Lynnhaven Borough) III/K/8 Resolution to amend Comprehensive Adopted AS AMENDED 7-4 YNNYYYNYYNY Plan (Courthouse-Sandbridge Study Area) dated January 23, 1985, re Commercial Development in General Booth Boulevard area III/L/1 Ordinance authorizing the issuance Approved FIRST 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY of School Bonds in the maximum READING AS AMENDED amount of $13,300,000 for the purposes stated in Dr. Brickell 's letter of August 21, 1985, subject to approval of the voters III/M/1 Resolutions in Recognition Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY Lynnhaven Boys Baseball League All -Star Pony Team Tim Butler, Mike Cilento Brian Emerson, Chris Everett Louis Farano, Alan Forehand David Frost, Chris Kieran Pete Lamore, Jason McKenzie Sean McKenzie, Pat Ogle Jeff Rust, Jeff Sweet, Jeff Ware III/M/2 Ordinance to accept/appropriate Approved FIRST 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYY $200,000 from Virginia Health READING Department for maternal/child health care III/M/3 Ordinance to authorize temporary Adopted/Condition 10-o YYYYYYYYYAY encroachment:Mirror Lake Drive to Lake Placid Civic League III/M/4 Ordinance to authorize encroach- Adopted/Condition 11-I YYYYYYYYYYY ment/into r.o.w. of Lakewood Circle/Baltic Avenue to John A. Williamson, et al III/M/5 Bingo/Raffle Permit: Knights of Approved 10-I YYYYYYYYYAY Columbus #4632 Raffle Permit: Chimney Hill Swim Team III/M/6 Tax Refunds - $4,766.89 Approved 9-0 YY V * Y Y A Y Y Y l *Payr Ass`ain:d III/N/i APPOINTMENTS Rescheduled 1 I SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 26, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Three Lit p N v . i Z W W N U Q O wQ ct U �' r-�(n N Q (n w w W E-' Z W W ..J CL f/) W Ls- O w Z Z Z Z U U Lu AGENDA ¢ 1.1.1w CL LL) o c..) m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY °- p p m , I � i III/0 Great Neck Road Improvements City Manager stated Add-on future agenda items necessary III/P/1 DIRECT ELECTION OF MAYOR: Presentation by Irvin Douglas, President, Council of Civic Organizations Add-on Referred to Planning Commission Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY City' s application for COZ from R-7 to R-8 in area of 15/16th Streets/Mediterranean and Park Avenue III/Q/R Recess to Reconvene at 4 PM Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Tuesday, August 27, 1985, for the Second Reading of Referendum Ordinance for School Board * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * k * * x * * III/S Reconvene Session of August 26, 8-6 YYYYYYYAAAY 1985 III/T/U/V/1 . Ordinance authorizing the Adopted SECOND 8-0 YYYYYYYAAAY issuance of School Bonds of the READING City in the maximum amount of $13,300,000 for the purposes stated in Dr. Brickell 's letter of August 21 , 1985, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE QUALIFIED VOTERS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 2, 1985 (LABOR DAY) CANCELLED CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 23, 1985 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE ANNUAL CONFERENCE RESCHEDULED TO 7 00 PM SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 ill MEMORANDUM DATE: September 10, 1985 FROM: City Clerk's Office SUBJECT: Correction to Summary of Council Actions for August 26, 1985 City Council Meeting Under Item III/T/U/V/1 of the Summary of Council Actions for the August 26, 1985 City Council Meeting, the vote was shown as 8-3 adopting the Ordinance for the Issuance of School Bonds, subject to the approval of the voters. This was in error. The vote was 8-0 with Councilmen Robert Jones, Dr. McCoy and Vice-Mayor Reba McClanan shown as absent. Therefore, the vote should have been shown 8-0. RHS:smm