HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 12, 1985 SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 12, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page One p (n N J Z w W N (D ¢ O w ¢ � �N cW(I:113 ¢ z N W W E W F- Z W J E f� AGENDA LL. L1. = WZ ZZ Z V W ¢ w w ¢ w w o v m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a p p m C—)+`` '' r"D i I/II i I I II/F/G Presentation - Little Miss Virginia Beach - Kimberly Davidson Lewis II/H/1 Ordinance closing portion of Adopted by Consent 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY 22nd Street: petition of City of Virginia Beach (Virginia Beach "Bor) II/H/2 Ordinance closing portion of Adopted, subject to10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY Chinquapin Trail: petition of 2 conditions/ Atlantic Develoment Associates compliance in 180 (Lynnhaven Bar) days II/H/3 William J. Jonak, Jr. , Beggars Approved by Consentl0-0 YYYYYYYYYAY Bridge Gunning Club, Inc. , CUP hunting/fishing lodge, Muddy Creek Road, at Pleasant Ridge Road (Pungo Bor) II/H/4 Nannette J. Goldberg, Katherine Approved as Amendedl0-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A •Y P. and David R. Frieden, CUP boarding stable/riding school, 3485 Head River Road, Olackwater Bor) II/I/1 Amurcon Corp. of Va. CUP home for Approved/condition-l.0-0 YYYYYYYYYAY the elderly, Rosemont Road, edjcorrect lot Holland Road (Kempsville Bor) size II/I/2 Billy W. and William E. Chaplain Approved/condition-l0-8 YYYYYYYYYAY COZ from R-7 to A-4: 13th ed Street, Courtright Avenue (Virginia Beach Bor) II/I/3 E. Christopher Worrell: COZ Approved/condition-40-• YYYYYYYYAY from H-2 to B-5 ed/Amended AND, CUP increase in density from 80 units per acre, additional height to 100 feet on Lots 16, 18, 20, Block 41, at 206-208 20th Street AND, CUP increase in density from 80 units per acre to 120 units, increase in height from 75 feet to 100 feet on Lots 11, 13, 15, one-half of Lot 17, Block 41, at 203 19th Street (Virginia Beach Bor) II/I/4 Koger Properties, Inc. COZ from Denied 9-0 4 YYYYYY * Y A Y 0-1 to H-1 4.55 acres at Va. ,aobert Jones, Beach Toll Road, Newtown Road No Vote (Bayside Bor) II/I/5 Clifton Chalk COZ from R-6 to Denied 9-0 AYYYYYYAYAY B-2, Witchduck Road, Aragona Blvd. (Bayside Bor) I - SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 12, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Two I Lt,. Q N V) J Z d' F- d' S W Z. ¢ O W NW L J U W AGENDA v) �- w = w w ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a m CC,� M II/I/6 Andrew Meredith Subdivision VAR Denied 9-0 (I Y Yt Y Y Y Y A Yj Y at the southeastern extremity of 1 � Caspian Ave. (Kempsville Bor) I 1 II/I/7 Resolution to amend Comprehensive Deferred to 8/26/85 :-C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y A Y Plan re: commercial development, General Booth Blvd. area II/J/1 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds a. Electronic Systems, Inc. Approved 9-1 YYYYYNYYYAY $900,000 b. Pembroke Plaza Associates Approved 9-1 YYYYYNYYYAY $2,250,000 c. Northmall Hotel Associates Deferred 1i-t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y $10,000,000 d. Aragona Village Shopping Approved 9-1 YYYYNYYYAY Center $1,540,000 e. RBM Associates $1,000,000 Approved 9-1 YYYYYNYYYAY f. Reader Farm Associates Deferred :-O YYYY *IY Y, A Y A Y $25,000,000 ( e 1-y a sc.ain:d g. Lighthouse Hotel Associates Approved 9-1 YYYYYNYYYAY $10,000,000 h. Maximus Associates Two Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $1,620,000 i. Edward Fisher & Frank Approved 9-1 YYYYNYYYAY Guthrie $1,280.00 J. Basgier Properties $6,000,000 Approved 9-1 YYYYNYIYAY k. Barnett-Range Corp. , Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $20,000,000 1. Intersoluble Marketing Ltd. Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $3,000,000 m. Gordon Paper Company Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $1,500,000 n. Images International, Inc. Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $3,000,000 o. Gul USA $1,500,000 Approved 9-• YYYYYYAYAY p. L.M. Sandler & Sons, Inc. Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $1,025,000 q. BMRI Harbor Court Associates Approved 9-0 YYYYYYAYAY $3,850,000 r. Dr. Robert W. Waddell - Approved 9- YYYYNYYYAY Reissue $2,000,000 Add on - Resolution support- Adopted 10-• Y YYYYYYYA Y ing CONRAIL'S purchase of Norfolk Southern Corp. Add on - Resolution request- Adopted 10-0 Y YYYYYYYA Y ing ongressional Legisla- tion to: (1) exempt state/ local employees from over- time provisions of FLSA (2) exempt "volunteer" services (3) eliminate retro-active application to state/local governments II/K/1 Ordinance to amend Section 5-5.1 Deferred for re- 1*-C i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y of the City Code/dog killing drafting domestic animals II/L/1 Resolution authorizing charge- Adopted 10-0 d Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y off of uncollectible accounts/ remove $94,807.21 from City's records I 1 • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 12, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Three • Li Wp Q N " - d' Z w Ln L7 Q O 1-- SLu Z Z Q W w F-Q U a' W WZ LaJ W J AGENDA Le) u_ tL w z z z z c. LU ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a. o LU mco c_)u C-)LUCO I II/L/2 Ordinance to amend Sections 12-3 Deferred l9-.; Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y YIA Y (a), 12-8 (a) , 12-25, 12-41, 12- 42, 12-43, 12-44, 12-45, 12-46, and 12-49 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, pertaining to Fire Prevention and Protection II/L/3 Ordinance to accept and appro- Approved upon X10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY priate a $1,200 grant from the FIRST READING Virginia Division of Motor • Vehicles for funding a safety belt awareness program II/L/4 Ordinance to transfer $250 to Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY the Police Chief's Division for reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by a City employee in the performance of his duties II/L/5 Ordinance to authorize an Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY encroachment into a portion of r/w known as an unnamed 15 foot • alley at Croatan Beach to Albert Jensen II/L/6 Ordinance to authorize an Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY encroachment into a portion of r/w at 26th Street to William Hugh Kitchin, III II/L/7 Raffle Permits: Women's Club of Adopted 10-1 YYYYYYYYAY Chesapeake, Inc/YF-41 Officers Wive's Club II/L/8 Tax refunds $3,714.68 Adopted 10-I YYYYYYYYAY II/L/9 License refunds $823.34 Adopted 10-• YYYYYYYYAY II/ Appointments: WETLANDS BOARD Approved 10-• 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Add-on Reappointed: Nancy Lowe, 5 year term 9/18/85 - 9/30/90 II/ Confirmed Reappointment: Add-on 2 year term: 9/1/85-8/31/87 Lorraine M. Caldwell By Mayor Billy A. Franklin By Mayor John L. Perry By Circuit Court Michael R. Rucker By Circuit Court II/M Back Bay Study Commission City Council will Management Plan review/schedule Recommendation-- by Consensus II/N Interim Financial Statements Add-on thru June 30, 1985 WHITE HOUSE Conference 1986 (2nd Conference Virginia Beach Citizen Elected: Nancy A. Creech and Van H. Cunningham SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 12, 1985 VOTE RECORD Page Four ir- Q Cn S W W = u F- Z N W J cc AGENDA a o c m z o ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY ; I I II/N 11:00 A.M. August 19, 1985 Joint I Add-on City Council/School Board •meeting 1 II/0 Adjournment 6:35 PM RHS • I 1